#Wolffe: lmao sucks to suck
sixtysixproblems · 6 months
so i saw some sort of clickbaity article when the ahsoka show was still coming out about how baylan was going to be revealed to be plo koon's former padawan, and this has been canon to me ever since. like it just works so well. also, the wolf motif.......my dudes I came up with the most cursed friendship (crackship) as a result of this, send help
Wolffe hates him instantly because of some miscomunication I haven't decided, meanwhile Baylan can sense it and is like "this guy's fascinating...anyways--" (proceeds not to think about him at all or resolve the situation in the slightest)
Baylan, internally: oh it's that strange commander again. alright (starts zoning off about the Mortis gods)
Wolffe, internally: I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad, I can't fucking kill him-
Plo, who can sense both of these:
they do become friends though (eventually) and tease Plo about Ahsoka. Plo's glad his son-figures close friends are finally getting along, but at what cost?
Baylan: We have both been replaced. Forsaken
Wolffe: *nods morosely*
Baylan: You as his favorite Commander, and me as his favorite Padawan.
Wolffe: Betrayal.
Plo: I'm not even training Soka...
ALTERNATELY, if they met in some post-order-66 AU
Baylan: ...You're Commander Wolffe, correct?
Wolffe: *only vaguely recognizes his face, has no idea who he actually is* and what about me
Baylan: *ignites lightsaber* and you were General Koon's commander who carried out order 66, also correct?
Wolffe: *finally connecting the dots on who this guy is* oh fuck me
Plo, entering after the fight started: NO, BAYLAN, PUT HIM DOWN (pulls out spraybottle)
Wolffe: (stares at toddler Shin) what is that. is it possessed
Baylan: * head tilt * I believe I'm going to try and kill you again
Plo: *distracted* I HAVE A ✨GRANDCHILD✨???
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modern au blyla brainrot
text bc the pic sucks:
Wolffe: Bly's got a girlfriend~
Bly: Wolffe, give that back!
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oh-three · 3 months
There's the Teth trailer shot.
Ahhh, Mr. Assassin's looking a bit worse for wear.
Ayyy, escape route!
Lmaooo, Rex relying on Echo for backup, as if our guy's not booked on getting Gregor. Really does have a full schedule, doesn't he?
Glad to see that Wolffe's still in there. And being his usual self.
Ooh, the assassin's got no comms.
LMAO, the assassin just fucking jumped down there, like, "hey, I'm not letting you finish what I was told to do."
Rex, your flashlight 😭
They're gonna get shot down, aren't they.
"Don't worry, she only bites half of the time." 🤣
Yepppppp, and there's that. Saw that one coming. No way it was that easy.
Me trying to decide if it's Rex or the Batch that has a habit of crashing, or whether it's just them being together:
Wolffe really does hate the assassin right about now. Which, fair, he's literally doing things the exact opposite of them. That would be annoying for anybody.
"You're as bad as Hunter." / "Oh, I'm much worse." LMAO. Cross is in full dad mode and fully aware of it, and now he's turned it into a whole thing. I love him. These boys can't not compete about anything.
Howzer reluctantly admitting that this Crosshair is different from the Crosshair that he blames for getting his squad killed. 👏
"The operative's gone rogue." Saw that coming, too. I want to say it's further confirmation toward it being Tech, but that voice was definitely a modulated reg's.
Wolffe, your team sucks.
Nemeccccc 😭
"I'll draw his fire. Get to the rendezvous." Brainwashed sniper vs malfunctioning sniper 😬
Oh, thank god, he survived that. We're still short a couple of Cross trailer shots.
Howzer saving Cross from going over the second waterfall and actually drowning (holy fuck, a drowning attempt in Star Wars) despite his reservations toward him. 😭
"Wolffe?" / "Rex?" Ayyy, mutual shock.
Wolffe just putting his blasters away and going, "I thought you were dead." 😭
"As your brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing." 😭
Ayyy, Wolffe telling the men to stand down because he can see the truth in Rex's words, and he can't keep going forward without at least looking into it.
"But, sir, they're traitors." / "Perhaps. But they're clones. We owe them that." The way they all just accept to respect their fellow clones despite the sides of the newfound war they're in 😭
"Rex, you can't win this fight. The Empire is too strong." 😭
Dark-toned Omega theme.
Fuckkk, I want to watch another episode. Is it next week yet.
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mediumtires · 1 year
I'm still not over this. How in the world Christian is sharing this and expect us to be okay ? HOW??
I'm also living for Fed to be there as their chaperon 😂 he cannot let these menaces free or chaos will prevail.
It got me thinking now, is Fred going to tease the hell out of Toto at each TP meetings now?
i would like to formally apologise i don’t understand how no one else is losing their mind about this? i am so about to lose my mind?
you’re telling me christian horner and toto wolff shared a flight to melbourne (loooooong flight from the uk) and christian just causally drops that bomb on us like it’s something they do all the time?
i swear the most compelling thing about them is that THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. all the yelling and the one upping and the creating fake scenarios for netflix, the comments, the quotes they feed the press, the mind games, "i don't have to kiss his arse" etc etc etc but at the end of the day they’ve been around the paddock together for over a decade. in 2014/15/16/17/18 they hung around each other ALL THE TIME.
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and then 2021 happened and gLoVeS wErE oFf but even after that— may i remind everyone of preseason testing 2022?
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this was literally only A FEW WEEKS after that commission meeting where masi got fired relocated. weeks after toto wore a black turtleneck like he’d just buried the w12. and they were acting like giggling schoolgirls twirling their hair and having a laff? are you joking? are you telling me these two whiny conceited big headed team bosses can just forgive and forget?
YES AND ITS BECAUSE THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. toto probably acknowledged what happened in ad wasn’t christian’s fault and christian’s crush on toto is big enough that he could move past merc protesting max's win and getting his bestie michael fired relocated.
and now you’re telling me they’re sharing flights. sure sure. probably because they’re really environmentally conscious. maybe even an accidental booking on a commercial flight. two personal assistants going “whoopsie didn’t check the passenger list sorry”. three if you count in fred but he and toto probably booked that flight together. surely they weren’t plane pooling a private chartered flight. cough cough surely not. these three old rich men (billionaire toto wolff) would totally sit first class on a commercial flight, 17 hours among commoners, before one of the hardest races of the season, one of them with a broken back, one of them blind, and one of them with a tummy ache. these three very rich men would totally suck it up and bite the bullet to make sure their carbon footprints stay as low as possible.
HELL no i don’t believe it for a second. they plane pooled. BECAUSE THEYRE FRIENDS.
christian is the longest serving tp along with franz tost but toto has been around since 2011ish when he first started at williams. they've known each other for A LONG TIME. no other team principals have been around as consistently and continuously as these two. sure some of the current tps have been around the paddock in other roles. and yet with the exception of toto and fred, none of them are "friends".
i am convinced they started hanging out. they must have because they were the two youngest tps around and everyone else was boring (except for maurizio my beloved). they build a rapport. some kind of undefinable bond, not friends, not colleagues, rivals maybe, but there's respect. even if christian won't ever admit to it ever. maybe they don't go to dinner together but I'm convinced they text occasionally, anything between "happy birthday" and "fuck you for buying out my engineer i actually needed that one". also. christian is ceo of a top level performing technology business (lmao) and if there's one thing toto knows it's management and finance. like I cannot imagine they have never had conversations about that. they're both passionate about racing. sure they probably have like hugeeee differences in opinions about certain things but it's because they're both willing to do whatever it takes for their team to win. they must respect that in the other. (their opinions are probably not even that different if we think about it. probably scarily similar actually. this is the problem, they are very much two sides of the same coin. they want their team to win and they’re willing to do pretty much anything to get there. they look at each other and don’t like what they see because they’re literally mirror images.) (THEYRE TOO SIMILAR)
IN CONCLUSION. they like each other. they may not be friends by common definition but THEY ARE SOMETHING. they share flights I rest my case.
(also yes obviously fred makes fun of them all the time it’s how he’s coded)
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devilsainz · 9 months
First, Thank you @watercolor-hearts for tagging me! when i saw it i knew it wouldnt be an easy task (mostly because i love to talk a lot lmao) but i liked the concept and felt that it would be interesting way to dive more into the ships i am fond of.
Pairing/Shippy list!
Here are the rules:
1. List your top seven ships.
2. Put them all in order for your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favourite.
3. Name the fandom.
4. Put a picture of the guys in question.
7. Ziam (Zayn/Liam Payne) (One Direction)
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weird way to start this list, since its not f1 related, and i very much believe it's a dead ship now. But honestly they deserve this honorable mention for being the first ship i adopted, and i didnt even care about One Direction or their music around that time (in fact i cant remember even how i stumbled upon this ship lmao). These two together just had so much chemistry for me, either on stage, interviews, or anything really. also they were my introduction to this whole idea of "ship" (Larry was the absolute more popular one obviously, but it was Ziam that really SUCKED me in like a vacuum cleaner). Unfortunately, Liam's distasteful comments last year bursted my bubble about them (even though he has explained this year he wasn't in a good place, and i personally think they are okay with each other, even though still distant), but i still like to watch their compilation videos on youtube sometimes, it's quite bittersweet :')
6. Martian (Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber) (Formula 1)
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honestly i feel i just dont put these two higher because they feel somewhat new to me, like i need to dive into them more. I just think its such a fun ship in the sense that it has a looot of things going on at the same time, their very public rivalry and the famous multi 21, mark's angry face at that one press conference, it could be so so angsty but they just make me laugh (also, the making love on track quote is now burned into my brain so in no way they could be out of this list).
5. Christian horner/Toto wolff (Formula 1)
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okay okay this is the part yall realize im actually crazy. but... they DO have chemistry when they are interacting, even in their non-amicable moments, and i do love myself some good enemies to lovers. Obviously it helps that i think they both are very actrattive, sexy middle aged men that have hunger for victory and i believe they hold so much respect and admiration for each other, considering they are the two most sucessfull TP's at this point. Also, HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.
4. Versainz (Max Verstappen/Carlos Sainz) (Formula 1)
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(i wanted to find that ONE gif where he lifts carlos a little so bad but this one will do) Oh, this one really rocketed fast into my favorites. I just think they are just so wholesome. I always feel Max is warmer towards a certain number of drivers, and Carlos is one of them. And i dont even ship them in a ... kind of way, even tho it makes sense in my head the narrative that both were each others "first's" before going into bigger ships. Its just that it feels so special that both debuted together as teammates and, both took different trajectories in the way their career planned out, but theres still a genuine connection between them, at least in my view.
3. Maxiel (Max Verstappen/Daniel Ricciardo) (Formula 1)
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I know its weird because i dont really post about them. But this falls into the same category as versainz for me, except that here there's a kind of dynamic that it makes me go "hmm... interesting". I always like to see max smiling and being happy because this boy went thru so much in his childhood, and oh how Daniel knows how to bring this side of Max. If Max can be warmer to certain drivers, for Daniel he has a whole SOFT SPOT, and i think that's very endearing. IMO, Daniel feels like the person that changed him in deeper ways we know, that one person that was indirectly a "life teacher" to him maybe, and thats special to me.
2. Brocedes (Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg) (Formula 1)
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Oh, the ANGSTY in this one. yes, this one deserves the ANGSTY in all caps because to me that's them. Oh to have lived through their divorce must have been heartbreaking but what a freaking cinematic ship this one is. I just can't ignore it. How it feels to me that Nico is the one who wears his heart on his sleeve, while Lewis has that chilling Capricorn control over his emotions is so. just so. And the fact that Nico's legacy is forever entangled in Lewis' name. If a movie screenwriter would come up with this, i'd think it would be overdramatic, but no, theyre actually this unhinged.
Charlos (Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz) (Formula 1)
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how do i even start talking about these two idiots? Okay, so obviously i think they're both very attractive and that definetely helped me to ship them lmao. But thats kind of reductive, because these two have sooo much chemistry in my opinion, even before their ferrari days, there was so much potential waiting to bloom, and it did. I love their banter, their competitiveness, how they can get childlike around each other sometimes. How they are so physical, how they make each other laugh (let me not talk about their gazes to each other or i will not end this today). I love how Carlos doesn't hide he wants to compete with Charles (which brings him unnecessary hate sadly), and how both respect each other in this stance. There's a bit of angsty underneath this soft/fluffy surface too (more from Carlos' perspective imo - but lets not forget Charles and Silverstone 2022 too - this is my charlos angsty origin story), but they still find their way, and that kind of compels me even more into them. I just think theres so many layers, multitudes, in the way we can create, write and read about them. Absolute favorites.
Tagging @schumiatspa and @sainzjpeg 😊
obviously, feel free to ignore if you dont want to play, no hard feelings around here ❤, and also 7 ships are quite a work! if you're not tagged but want to make your list, feel free to do it and consider yourself tagged by me 😘
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thefluxqueen · 2 years
HIIII :) here to ask about the abyss tell me about it please please please love this sort of thing :3
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HAIIII welcome :) to preface this im normal i swear. anyway The Abyss is what i like ta call my Horrible Horrible Maze, i made it w/ the goal of making the worst possible experience in minecraft to torment my friends ^_^
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I enjoy putting people in situations and studying them :D 
On that note! everyone who runs the abyss (24 people at current count) I time and write a couple notes on them! the abyss is honestly half maze half personality test LMAO. at current moment the quickest time goes to @ghostpajamas with a baffling 03:24 (wild that he got out so quick, i win tho cause i haunt his dreams), and longest goes to the beloved @rendogdomesticated with 1:35:54 <3 special shout out ta my dearest @theoctagon tho wolff ur insane i love u. guy goes inta the abyss for fun and has like 10 pages and counting of insane person phsyical notes tryna map it out (hes reported that hes gone through the first one 60 times and the 2nd one 5 jesus chriiiistttt). the abyss is fond of Pilot :) also if wolff is the favourite than @potionofinstantdamage is the Least favourite, rude ass set the place on fire when he got stuck in there :( oof ouchie
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Highlights from my notes include @quack-city running backwards and upon me asking Why, simply replied “what if there’s slenderman :(‘ ... cant argue w/ that! he also hadda stop mid run so we decided its funnier if he’s just stuck in there forever. @newtbeetle was in there for like an hour and would NOT shut up about Paul Dano the whole time which was a time (love u beebs. ur isnane). my two test runners are @kishdoodles and @officialgleamstar and they had about the same time but like Opposite reactions it was very funny, kish treated it like they were a streamer n kept a like constant chatter, and travvy was like DEAD silent the whole time n Intensely focused akjewkjr tbh outta all 24 runners trav’s been prob the most like, methotical bout it? LIKE I SAID personality test. i Love studying people. 
In regards to its origins I came up w/ the idea back in like feb/march ish of this year and from start to finish it took me like 2 weeks ish i was on the Grind. u dont understnad how much black concrete this thing took. hell on earth,,, darkwoods has an economy/shopping district and i bought out like All the sand/gravel available akjwekjr the rest i hadda gather myself n God gravel sucks. also ive killed So Many Squids. the 2nd abyss was much easier ta gather supplies for cause i could ask for help w/ supplies n i kept the first one a Complete secret minus my test runners (i hadda bitch at SOMEONE while makin it or i wouldve died i think. speakin of the first abyss has a death count of 13 and the 2nd one has like, 5 or somefin? rlly shouldve writen that down akjwerjk those are Entirely me dying in the process of buildin them btw. its not a true Spain Build unless its mildly dangerous <3) The 2nd one also made me learn redstone, notably i specifically studied Tango’s decked out process vids from s7, tho i really only stole like two aspects of it n i couldnt even get one ta work properly LMAO
The second abyss took me like, wayy longer ta make, bout two months ish (i finished it like mid july). not necessarily in actual like, time spent building but cause in the process of makin it i had Two month long events i was in (Voiceteam in may and Art fight in july) so that distracted me a bit wkwnekeneie Im a bit more secretive bout the second abyss in general since not That many people have actually ran it compared ta the first n theres actually like, Things that can be spoiled in there <3 i like seein peep’s initial reactions its much more satisfying.
This didnt happen w/ everyone but i think a like, Core part of running the abyss is getting emotionally attached ta weird things. i wouldve said just torches until a few days ago when Tac (onea the rat server mods) ran it and claimed the stack of pumpkin pies i gave her as family. But Prior Ta That several people have had very intense emotions bout the redstone torches, whether love or hate or both, key example ft dog: 
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Also not everyone ive mentioned on this post is in darkwoods! ive got a server i world editted the abyss inta so non-server members can run it for fun and profit (more data for me) :) on that note ive been slowly infecting the rat gang server cause my friend’s in there alot n another friend of mine’s a mod so peeps in there’ve been runnin it lately :) shout out ta TalonMC for lettin me subject him ta the Horrors literally our first conversation, onea my more fun first impressions i’d say
In regards to lore the abyss is a parasitic entity that infects anyone who gets stuck in there n slowly compells them ta go build their own lmao. note that ive only called the second abyss the Second one and not Abyss 2, because its technically just The Abyss as well cause theres many of them i just made it second wowjdkenejd (a real example of this is Wolff gettin obsessed w/ the abyss n then goin n buildin his own build called the Tower :) very excited bout that) The Abyss has a weird like fucked up warlock bond w/ my goddess oc The Overseer :D Her design’s vaugely based off my irl friend @hotcollectionoftubs cause her creation The Hole on a creative world her n some other friends of mine are on was onea the main insperations for certain aspects of the abyss’ lore :D mainly the teal in the colour palette and the whole ‘the [hole/abyss] provides’ thing. 
(my reference images for her and 3rd pic's art i commissioned from the Lovely @opuntie):
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my darkwoods chara, Snake, is a whole nother bag entirely (basic gist is they’re a dimension traveler not by choice and darkwoods is the 3rd world theyve been in, their deal’s worth a whole post of its own lmao) i built the first abyss entirely unrelated ta my chara just as like, fun weird build ta torment my friends w/o yaknow? but then as i was buildin the 2nd one i was like hmmmmmm. alotta things could make sense if i made this one built by Snake. so their retirement arc on darkwoods turned inta even MORE trauma! wahoo! poor guy deserves a break,,, (he will not be getting one). 
(pre abyss + post abyss. i gotta properly draw pre-darkwoods Snake at some point but this dudes changed Alot ill say that lmao. both crops from bigger pieces on my art blog @fluxydrawings)
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Anyway thats basically it! ive got more details and things locked in my brain ill probably remember in like 2 days after postin this so theres a chance ill reblog this w/ extra shit later lmao, sides that tho the abyss is my babygirl n thank yall for showin interest ^_^
Memes n shit to end us off:
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katsotherworld · 6 months
Hi I just started reading Crave by Tracy Wolff and came across your old post about how you visualized the MC so I made it in Picrew. Pls tell me if it sucks lmao. I haven’t even finished the second chapter yet 😂
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I hope you enjoy the books, it took reading the 2nd one for me to really get into it, but this does look like how I imagined Grace!!
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russilton · 1 month
Alright I don’t think anyone wants to read all these answers from me but I’ve never been one to shy from divulging internet data so let’s go.
Thank you for the tag @wigglesforonce
Who is your favourite driver?
Gewis Hamussel. I love Lewis and George equally and I’ve stood by this for 3 years and I won’t stop now. If I’m forced to pick one for a form I’ll pick Lewis because I loved him first and longer, but otherwise I refuse to choose.
Do you have other favourite drivers?
I will die for Mercedes Reserve/Junior Frederik Vesti. He’s just such a great little dude, cheerful, calm, confident, I LIKE this small (tall) man. Doesn’t hurt he’s a fantastic driver.
Doriane Pin is also a new favourite. Go go pocket rocket!
I also have a confessed love for Jack Doohan, he’s very gender. I suffer a fondness for Yuki, Zhou and sometimes Esteban and Oscar. I also am quite fond of the McLaren and Penske FE drivers (a deep hate for mclaren makes this very conflicting. I am aware.)
Who is your least favourite driver?
Oooof, now it’s easier to list drivers I like than drivers I hate cause it’s a long list, but the crown really has to go to Max Verstappen, with a supporting role for Fernando Alonso. Most drivers I don’t like fall into one of two characters - shitty on track, and shitty off track. For example, I don’t really have a good reason to beef with Roman Stanek as far as I know, but he fucked my f2 drivers enough on track he is now my mortal enemy. On the other side, Lando Norris is a perfectly serviceable driver. But he’s also a cunt. So fuck him. Most driver fall into both on some level, or confirmation bias reinforces it, but Max and Fernando embody both and I could probably give a TED talk about why they damage the sport for the future. Also they’re *deeply* racist. So fuck them.
Do you root for drivers of do you root for teams as well?
Drivers. I’ll root for the team in the case that constructors points will mean good things for my drivers, but I hate the idea of being a corporate fan. Businesses aren’t your friends. I’ll often use merc as a catch all, because both its drivers are my favourites, so it’s easier to speak about the team as a whole. But if both boys left and they dropped Fred and Dori, I’d drop merc like a hot rock.
If you like teams, who do you root for?
I WILL admit a fondness for certain Mercedes engineers like Bono, Shov, James, etc. The love and passion shown in the debriefs and BTS videos- but I don’t really count that as supporting the team so much as the players? It’s complicated, I just think Toto Wolff and Merc upper management fucking suck. Call that what you will. I like James Vowles and the roll he’s been taking at Williams is impressive, but I can’t really say I support Williams when I’m neutral on the drivers. I’ll generally warn against supporting bosses because it’ll always bite you… but I’m a hypocrite and James come back to Merc pls.
How long have you been into F1?
This will be my fifth season watching now. My first race was Austria 2020
What got you into F1?
My dad has been a life long f1 fan, from the 70’s to now, so I grew up with it always being around, but it wasn’t until I was back home from uni during the pandemic that I sat down to watch with him, because he was finally willing to explain it to me. I also came across f1 memes on Reddit and it got me hooked. I didn’t join F1blr until 22 though, when I discovered rpf content organically.
I’ve been a hamilton fan from day one, he’s a sort of home town hero, and I remember being in the room and my dad’s cheering when he won the first championship. Runs in the family
Do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
Be fuckin wild if I didn’t, considering I write it lmao.
How do you view new fans?
I say this as the strongest compliment I can— I have no fuckin idea how you guys survive being here given the shit show of the last couple years- but I’m always excited to welcome new people to the Gewis side of things.
I also end up frequently as the guy going “how can you support x given their shitty history ” only to learn someone is like a couple months in and understandably has no idea about that yet, leading to an accidental crash course on the current grids fuck ups. I’m very sorry to those people, it will happen again.
Are your friends and family into f1 as well?
Here and there, my dad is probably the most passionate of them and its my favourite when we can watch together but my mom will ask what’s going on, and my larger family are fans but in the very… het sense of it. We would struggle to watch together. As for friends, my poor long suffering partner let me drag her into it (go follow @thatsmemate ), and most of my friends are from f1blr, so of course they are.
Some of my old ex stevetony friends I still keep touch with don’t watch, but ask me every now and then what’s been going on in the f1 world, because they are deeply sweet.
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Always. Always, always, always. I am generally a nervous guy in new places and conversations, but once settled I’ll chat your ear off.
I do often need other people to reach out to me first, I can’t often tell when someone wants to speak, so I wait for them to speak first, and when chatting I get forgetful and can struggle to remember to reply when busy. Some people find that a turn off, and that’s fair enough.
What I’m saying is if I don’t reach out first or reply slow. Don’t assume I hate you, I just struggle to juggle all my tasks these days. Disability is a bitch.
Wow, over sharing, I said you’d get it
Not tagging anyone bc I haven’t been paying attention so I don’t know who’s been tagged and who hasn’t, and I don’t want to embarrass myself. If you want to join in, I’m your tag.
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vro0m · 1 year
vro0m’s rewatch - 151/310
2015 Chinese GP
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I only have the race again. I'm sorry about that, it's going to be an issue all season. I'm trying to get that person from f1fullraces to reupload the 2015 season on their website because it seems the whole thing was there at some point but all the links are dead, for the whole season :( unfortunately they're not answering me. I've reached out by DM first in August 2022 and they didn't answer and I tried again not long ago and I also answered to some of their tweets because they answered other people there but no response. Kinda sucks. Anyway as always I'll check what I can find on YouTube and dailymotion after watching the race but it would be much easier if they answered.
Lewis is on pole again! Nico says Ferrari is a threat, they have race pace. Simon says Nico was pretty upset he didn't get pole. Johnny says it was his best performance this season so far so he was grumpy indeed. In the drivers' parade, though, he says he's feeling good. Saturday was frustrating but still there's everything to play for. He can't talk about strategies because there's so many possibilities. Of course it would mean a lot winning here as that's where he first won and he needs to gain back points over Lewis and Sebastian. 
They talked with Bernie about Red Bull complaining about Merc's performance and even threatening to pull out of the sport. He says he spoke with Mateschitz a few days prior and he didn't mention any of that to his face. The journalist asks what Bernie thinks he wants, reg changes to bring Merc "back to the park"? Bernie says Mateschitz would be happy like most people if all the engines were more or less the same. "It's supposed to be a drivers' championship not a team, you know, constructors championship." Erm… that's. Both exist, Bernie, that's the point? Wtf is he saying. The journalist asks if that'd mean going back to a non hybrid engine or with less than a hybrid element. "So long as they're all the same," Bernie says. As the journalist starts another question he adds "It's the drivers' championship eh? Not the engineers' championship". OLD MAN THOSE ARE THE SAME THINGS. THEY ONLY HAVE ONE CAR. YOU CAN'T SEPARATE THE TWO CHAMPIONSHIPS. The journalist asks what about Toto Wolff because Bernie said he's partly to blame for killing F1 potentially (LMAO WHAT), so what does Toto feel about that? "He's waiting for the funeral." That's the most absurd interview I've ever heard. What an asshole. Apparently Niki said who cares if Mateschitz, Honda and Renault pull out of the sport, we'll provide everybody with Merc engines. Red-capped king.
Simon says they know Nico has been "effectively in Lewis Hamilton's pocket" and that senior management, particularly Niki, has said he needs to sort himself out. Hill thinks it's because they know they're under threat from Ferrari rather than Niki wanting him to challenge Lewis so they need Nico to be right on Lewis' tail the danger being of course that Nico still very much wants to win the championship and they might fight where Ferrari seems to have a good arrangement and there's no animosity between their drivers. (I mean sure but only one of them is competitive right now, so…) 
Lewis drivers' parade interview. They talk about how much support he has here, he points out to some banners in the crowd. She asks what's key to be successful on this track. He's not willing to talk. He hums. He says he doesn't know, you need to attack and drive your heart out, "I guess". She pushes a bit more asking what they need to do to make it more comfortable for themselves and keep the Ferraris behind. He doesn't answer, he makes her turn around to show her something in the crowd. She says "it's a marriage proposal". Lewis exclaims "Yeah it's crazy!" Rachel says she thinks the fan wants an answer. Lewis says he didn't see that one. He gets back to topic. You need to look after your tyres and they need to try and do a better job than Ferrari. "Attack at the start and get away well?" – "That's always the plan, but it's gonna be hard as always, but I hope that it's the outcome that I hope for." 
There's a Red Bull segment, for some reason Keanu Reeves is interviewing them? I'm confused lol. 
Time for the race! 
Oh and it's not the usual broadcast on top of it? Oh no wait… it's not in English. Yeah. I don't know what language that is. Ffs. 
Okay I've found the race in English but I think this season is gonna be a struggle. 
So Lewis is on pole again. Nico is starting right beside him. Then it's Seb and Massa, Valtteri and Raikkonen, Daniel and Grosjean, Nasr and Ericsson, and this time we do have 20 cars on the grid, for the first time this season. 
It's very, very hot. Hotter than in the FPs and quali. So there's a bit of a question mark on the tyres. 
Oh there's Sewis drama. Ted says Lewis feels like Seb blocked him on his practice starts at some point earlier. He says Lewis got agitated because of that but he's now calm. 
Formation lap 
Everybody except Kvyat and Sainz are on softs. 
Lewis is pointing towards Nico a lot. Brundle finds that extreme. Crofty thinks it might serve right into Seb's hand. 
And they're racing! 
Lewis gets a good start and is indeed ahead of both Nico and Seb. Valtteri overtakes Massa, he's very close to Seb. Raikkonen overtakes Massa as well. He attacks Valtteri and he's ahead! Sainz spins on his own. No damage. Nico sets the fastest lap. And again. But he's still 1 second behind. Kvyat has been told to not fight Daniel as they are on different strategies but he doesn't let him through. Then he does and Daniel locks up, and that's Kvyat back ahead. He does end up in front but that took much longer than it should have. 
10 laps in. Verstappen overtakes Ericsson for P10 and almost crashes into him in the process in what is described as a "REALLY aggressive move". Yeah, jesus. We have an overview replay and Ericsson comes down the straight, ready to take the corner, and Max moves himself right on his path, between him and the apex. They really should have crashed and it's unbelievable they didn't. Ericsson had to slow down so much to avoid him he basically stopped on track. It's just always been his style, hasn't it? I'll put my car there and if you don't wanna crash into it then move. Anyway. P9 is Nasr, P8 is Maldonado, P7 Grosjean, P6 Valtteri, P5 Massa, P4 Raikkonen, P3 Seb, P2 Nico and Lewis is of course still in the lead. Hulkenberg just lost the gearbox and DNFs on the side of the track. Yellow flags. Nico is still only 1.2 behind Lewis, and Seb is only 3.6 seconds down on him which is impressive. We're in for a good fight this season, I like it. Also Raikkonen is only 1.4 behind his team-mate so it's not just Seb, Ferrari is indeed doing well. Maldonado pits. The problem is that the medium is really not performing great, and the Mercedes are already under pressure. These pit stops might get messy. Seb is called in, they're going for the undercut. Weirdly both Mercedes stay out even though the radio comm was very early. Seb is indeed in. They're giving him another set of softs. Bono tells Lewis the gap to Nico is 2.5 and asks him what he thinks about going for another set of soft tyres for a longer second stint. Lewis says these tyres are lasting well. And so he comes in and gets out on another set of softs. He's out in P3, at the moment, behind Nico and Raikkonen who haven't pitted yet. Nico is called in and they're putting him on softs as well. Raikkonen also comes in. Lewis is back in the lead, Nico is still P2 but it puts Seb definitely closer to him. Ooooh and there's Kvyat, out on the gravel, in a cloud of thick white smoke. His engine has blown off. Horner is seen on the pit wall shaking his head. That's not gonna help the whole RBR-Renault drama. Nico's engineer : "So Nico gap to Lewis in front 2.6." Nico talks over him : "OK Tony, need to reduce the communication, please, I can see Lewis, I know what I have to do for now." Mmh. He's not enjoying it. 
Lap 20. It's another Max overtake, on Nasr this time, also less risky. The garage, again, erupts in applause. Brundle says "we've got a mega star on our hands in the making here… Young Max Verstappen. They told us to look out for him and here he is." Indeed. LMAO wait. I can't believe what I've just heard. Nico : "Lewis is driving very slowly so get him to speed up." Uh my man. Your job is to overtake him or did you decide to play second fiddle all of a sudden? If you're unhappy with Lewis' pace, overtake him. What the absolute fuck. Brundle says he's suggesting Lewis is gonna back him into the Ferraris but again. If you're not happy with that, get in the lead. Ah, it's so stupid. A little bit later we hear his engineer say "Copy that" in answer to something we didn't hear and again Nico is talking over him : "If I go closer I destroy my tyres like in the first stint, that's the problem." Lewis is told to pick the pace up a little bit, 43.7, when he was doing 43.9. That made me forget completely to give you the standings so let's do it now. The top 4 is obvious. In fifth we have Massa, then Valtteri, Maldonado and Grosjean, Verstappen and Nasr. Sainz just lost his gearbox, that's another Redbull car out? No he's going again. Okay. Back to the situation at hand, Nico is 2 seconds behind Lewis and Seb 1.6 behind him, Raikkonen 3.4 further. Oh but wait. Nico loses 0.2, and Seb gains 0.1. Crofty says Lewis is backing off Nico into the Ferraris again but Brundle points out Lewis is doing the times he's been asked to do. A bit later Lewis is extending the gap again and we hear a message from earlier in which Bono sets him a minimum target of 43.3, "otherwise we may have to stop Nico first". Oh are we threatening now? I don't like this vibe. Remember Belgium 2014 and my endless rant about Lewis needing to feel like people have his back? That's the complete opposite of that. As Crofty and Brundle now discuss, they ARE indeed threatening him to give the preferential strategy and undercut to Nico. Absolutely fuck this shit. Seb is asked if he can go faster than this which is such a funny question. He says not much. He is gaining on Nico though. Nico is complaining of his front left. 
Lap 30. Lewis. Nico +2.9. Seb +2.1. Raikkonen +4.3. Is that far enough for Nico now? Ffs. It's pissing me off, this thing, I swear. Here we go again. Seb is told to push and box. They're trying the undercut again. Ted says they've put him on the mediums as they have to and that Bono has told Lewis he's doing well and to stick to the plan and it'll turn out good. It better. Nico is called in. Lewis sets the fastest lap. It's the same result as last time. Seb is still behind Nico but much closer and on hotter tyres. 1.6. Lewis is called in. Of course he's also out on the mediums and it's a very good 2.5 stop. He's still way ahead of Nico. Lewis complains that his seat is getting hot. 
It's lap 40.The commentators are again busy praising Verstappen. He is indeed obviously doing a good job. And he overtakes Perez for P8, Perez fights back but it's not enough. That's Nico 4.7 behind Lewis, Seb 8.1 behind him, and Raikkonen 2.7 behind him. Then it's still Massa, Valtteri, Grosjean as Maldonado has spun, Verstappen as we just said overtook Perez for P8, behind him is now Nasr though, as Perez gets overtaken again. Nothing much is happening at the front anymore but at the back Jenson and Maldonado just made contact. Light damage. They both keep going. 
It's lap 50, we're almost done. Rosberg is 5 seconds down on Lewis, the Ferraris have completely dropped the pace! Seb is 12 seconds behind Nico! Then it's still Raikkonen, Massa, Valtteri, Grosjean, Verstappen, Nasr and it's Daniel in P10. Maldonado retires. And that's Verstappen stopped in the pit straight. Engine blown up. That's your second Red Bull car out. Safety car. There's just a couple of laps to go so things are probably gonna end just like this then. Ted says the car is now "lightly on fire" which is a fun concept. The marshals are trying to push it away but it's not moving. Brundle is explaining where the clutch release is like they can hear him. Here they go, they found it, but then they smashed the front wing into the gate. And again. Lmao. It's a struggle. And again, and again. Last lap. The safety car is still out. Lewis asks if they're gonna end under safety car and Bono says affirm, it looks like it. The fans cheer on the marshals as they finally made it inside the pit lane. As the commentators remind us of the Michael Schumacher clause aka you can't immediately start overtaking once the safety car comes in, Bono confirms to Lewis there won't be any overtaking. 
And it's the end of the race! 
Lewis wins ahead of Nico and Seb.
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Ted asks Niki if the team truly needed the 1-2 and he says he definitely needed it because he was a bit depressed. He laughs. Ted asks if he knows what was going on in the middle stint when Lewis wasn't fast enough. Was he protecting his tyres? Niki says he has to talk to him but he thinks he did a good job. He heard there was some discussion going on, he heard it, "but I have to find out first from him what the problem was if there was one."
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He's not hiding his hair anymore.
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The guy who conducts the interviews asks Lewis what happened during the second half of the race. Lewis first starts by congratulating the team on their great work, "smooth weekend", and says it was really just about controlling the gap to Nico and saving the tyres for when he needed them. He says he had loads left in his tyres at the end and was looking forward to using them but then the safety car came out. He thanks the fans for their support. The guy asks about the safety car. Lewis says the safety car wasn't helpful to anyone because it's anticlimactic "but you know naturally as long as no one was injured and all the cars go back safely that's all that matters." As soon as we move on to Nico, Lewis moves to Seb.
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Then the last question to Lewis comes. I don't understand what he's being asked. The guy is rambling a lot. In the end he says it's better to be good than lucky but he is going to need luck. Lewis says of course. But the team as he said has done a great job. He says he's massively proud and happy they could get the job done. And that's it. 
On Wikipedia, it is said that Nico then accused Lewis of slowing down on purpose. Lewis said in answer to questions about the radio messages asking him to pick up the pace : "I wasn't controlling his (Nico's) race, I was controlling my own race." Nico then said "It's just now interesting to hear from you, Lewis, that you were just thinking about yourself with the pace in front and necessarily that was compromising my race." Niki backed Lewis up saying of course they're all selfish "what do you think these guys are here to do? I call them egocentric bastards. That is the only way to win and the only way to win the championship, they are all the same." 
Which. I mean. Nico. Just drive better and stfu, your team-mate isn't here to drive for you, except if there's more at stake for the team or he's out of the WDC running anyway. 
Ooooh I've found the press conference let's see.
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So yeah Lewis starts by saying that. He's very serious. Very closed off. He's happy, they thought the race would be a lot closer. He says he was just looking after his own car and he had no real threat from Nico throughout the race. He says the funner laps were the ones before the pit stops. He says it was a much smoother weekend than the last race and it made a real difference to the balance of the car. He's really happy, he says.
The camera pans out and Nico looks like he's dead inside.
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The journalist asks Nico to talk about his race, he started second and finished second but he sounded at times like he was under unnecessary pressure maybe? That's when Nico says it's interesting to hear what Lewis had to say. "Because driving slower than maybe necessary in the beginning of the stints meant that Sebastian was very close to me and that opened up the opportunity for Sebastian to try that early pit stop, to try and jump me." Lewis is just staring into the void.
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"And then I had to cover him so erm… first of all I was unnecessarily close to Sebastian as a result and also it cost me a lot of race time as a result." Lewis is staring at the back of his head with a bastard smile.
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Seb looks like me when my parents fight at the dinner table. "Because I had to cover him and then my tyres died at the end of the race cause my stint was just so much longer. So I'm unhappy about that, of course today and um other than that not much to say." The journalist asks Lewis if he'd like to respond. He chuckles silently.
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"Not really." Then he chuckles for real. "My job is not to… to… it's not my job to look after Nico's race. My job's to (inhales) to manage the car and bring the car home (inaudible) at the end and as fast as possible. And that's what I did. I didn't do anything intentionally to… to slow any of the cars up, I just was focused on myself. If Nico wanted to get by he could've tried but… he didn't."
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Okay so I think it's safe to say Lewis has the upper mental hand so far. Also Nico is really acting very entitled there so yeah. Pisses me off ngl. I wouldn't expect him to do that for Lewis if it was the other way around so. Yeah. Shut up and drive like Rihanna said. 
Once they get to Seb he has a stupid grin on his face like "... Yeah" you can tell that being in the midst of the domestic disputes is not comfortable lol. Anyway he says he wasn't worried about Raikkonen catching up to him at the end because he was in control. He says he thinks it's similar, him and Kimi, Nico and Lewis… he tried to be very aggressive and put pressure on Nico, which made the last stint very long so naturally in the end his tyres were gone. 
Let's see what the post race broadcasts had for us. 
Toto says a 1-2 is all they hoped for after a difficult race in Malaysia. Simon says even though Ferrari seemed to be able to match them on pace on the softs as soon as the medium went on they seemed to switch them on better than them. Toto said they were worried for a bit but they managed to go longer than them and Lewis did some impressive laps at the end of his stint. Their pace was good on both tyres and that's why they deserved to win. He does admit Ferrari developed impressively over winter and they have to take them seriously. 
They play for him Lewis' radio comm complaining about Seb's move from before the race. So here's what actually happened because LMAO Lewis what are you complaining about. The cars are lined up to leave the pitlane to get to the grid and Lewis decides to overtake them because why not I guess. So he pulls up to Seb's level, who just got the green light to go, and then complains that Seb's in his way like he didn't put himself right there. Actually Toto couldn't hear it because he doesn't have an earpiece so that's stupid. Simon sums it up for him : he said the Ferrari is dangerous and got in the way. Toto says everybody's tense before a race and Lewis judged it as dangerous. He shrugs. That's all. Then they show him the start, where Lewis was angled towards Nico on the grid. Hill adds that it's the most extreme such angle he's seen but it worked for him as he got a good start. They ask him if he has a problem with that. Toto says no, as long as the rules don't have a problem with that. He says he's not even sure he did it on purpose, they'd need to look at him getting to the grid. Hill says the second stint with Lewis backing up Nico must have been stressful for him, "certainly Nico was a bit concerned." Toto says of course that they race each other as well. In that situation he thinks Lewis needed to manage his tyres because they didn't know how long they needed to go and it became a problem for Nico and it was certainly not optimal for him but if you're the lead car you need to do what you need to do. So they'll analyse it. 
They're really LOVING Max, they're already calling him a future champion and it's his third race. You have to say it's clear he has the stuff when you look at it. 
Ted reports what happened between Nico and Lewis during the press conference. Apparently after what I already wrote down, Lewis said managing your tyres during a stint is like starting with 100£ and you need to get to 0 at the end and Seb laughed and joked asking if he still had a bit of money, and Nico, still fuming, said that he had a lot of money left at the end of the stint and that's the problem. Hill says Fangio famously said the goal is to win at the slowest possible speed. The others nod. He adds you should be proud of Lewis because he did exactly what he needed to, while Nico has shown twice his frustration this weekend by finding someone else to blame. Ted says he's with Lewis (he calls him Lewis) on this (and that's also what I said during the race) : if Rosberg (he calls him Rosberg) was so aggrieved why didn't he speed up? Although he then says Nico did say on radio that if he did he got in Lewis dirty air so that would have made him even more vulnerable by damaging his tyres. 
Lewis is being interviewed by Craig who asks what was the key to staying in control of the race. Lewis says it's bright so he's keeping his shades on. He says he got the balance absolutely perfect, he couldn't have changed anything to make it better. His engineers did a fantastic job, he's grateful. It was a much stronger race than the last. Lewis says the Ferraris were closer but not quite in firing range, the key here is to make the tyres last as long as you can to make the last stint as short as possible.
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Of course Craig brings up the controversy. He asks where the balance lies between him securing the win and the team securing the 1-2. Lewis is still not convinced it was an issue. It gets spicy, I'll post the snippet because it's amazingly shady. "I'm not quite sure… I'm not really quite sure how I compromised his– he was 4.4… 4.5… 5 seconds behind so he was never close. Therefore I was having no impact on his race whatsoever.”
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“If he wanted to get closer and… and if he was right up my tail and then I was going the pace I was going, perhaps they could say something but I wasn't, I was just, I was on my own. If they wanted to pit him early they could have pit– or, or… Before me or after he– they could have easily done that because I had life left in my tyre to keep going." Craig asks if it surprised him he had the option to pit first. "Erm no. It wasn't a problem as I said because I had– (stutters a bit) I was really happy with what I did with my tyres I was ready to go when I– you know you always try and keep a little bit in your pocket so you can keep pushing and I said I was supposed to go to the lap 11 and I think I went to 15 or 14 or s– no I was supposed to go to lap 12 or something like that but I went to 14 in the first and then eked out more in the second so uh… Ultimately there should be no problem in the team we got a 1-2 so… I'm actually really excited to see what the interview– meeting will be like when we go back.” (He grins and looks over his shoulder where Nico, in the background, looking the other way, is also giving an interview. Then he pauses and smiles)
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“Cause uh… (He turns around and look straight at Nico’s back then turns back, tilts his head to the side with the grinnest of grins.)
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“He's pretty uh…" He chuckles. Craig says he's a competitor, he's probably upset, he wanted to win because he didn't have the start that he did or even Sebastian did. Lewis gets serious again. "No, no, of course. I mean I'm not– that's not my, what I'm– we're both competitors, both fierce competitors, but ultimately today and this weekend we had a fair shot at getting the win, you know? And uh we did ev– we both did everything we could to bring the car back as fast as possible so… I don't think either of us are at fault." He has a hint of a smile again.
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The journalists are SIPPING THE TEA. They're loving every drop of it. And they're fully defending Lewis, because it's not his responsibility to take care of Nico. 
Let's hear from Nico then. (Spoiler : 🙂) 
Craig : "I know you're frustrated Nico, did you feel your race was compromised with the way Lewis drove in that second stint in particular?" 
Nico : "No I didn't FEEL, it's a fact that my race was compromised and this is a scenario we went through in details before the race that uh for the individual in front to make sure that you know, for his, his, himself, best possible race you back that guy who's in second into uh Sebastian Vettel. That was the best race for the guy in the front but not good for the team (bro you have a 1-2 the team literally can't ask for better than that) because it puts the guy in second into an unnecessary risky position uhm… Did Lewis do it on purpose or not I don't know. I can't answer that. He said in the press conference that he was just thinking about himself, that's an interesting indication, interesting statement. Uh… That's it and yeah of course I'm frustrated as a result because my race was compromised and in the end my stint was too long in the last one you know cause I had to cover Sebastian cause he tried to attack me with an early pit stop and so my tyres just died in the end of the race."
Craig is very brave and asks "is it not up to you though to go faster?" saying Lewis said he didn't take him on. Nico says the problem is they have the same car, as soon as he tries to take him on, he'll make sure he has a gap to him on the long straight so he can't get by. (My god, my god, listen, Lewis had his moments of bad faith but like. Did Lewis not overtake him plenty of times in the same car last year? And now Nico says he can't do it because they're in the same car? Shit excuse. IT’S MOTOR RACING ffs) And after 1-2 laps his tyres will be badly damaged, which is exactly what Seb was saying in the press conference when he said he was trying to overtake him because he was quicker but he couldn't get in the DRS zone and all he did was destroy his tyres. He says he learnt that in the first stint trying to stay really close to Lewis. It doesn't work. 
Craig says Nico is suggesting this is a strategy in the championship battle between the two of them. Nico reacts but Craig is not done. Won't Lewis be happy to see his reaction, him being upset about what he did? Nico says he didn't suggest that, he's just stating facts, "it's impossible to know from the outside what went on." He hums. "Other facts are that of course once we pitted his pace was a lot quicker or looking a lot stronger overall, you know, so that's another fact which suggests that it would have been good for the team if he would have sped up earlier on a little bit more." 
Last question, when will they discuss it, does it need to be sorted out? "It needs to be discussed of course, yes, we will do it now."
Somehow they decided to interview Lewis AGAIN. But Lewis is taking a photo with a baby (look at her saying bye 🥺)
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and then signing something for a fan. They walk followed by a few of them as they talk. Brundle asks him if he thinks it might be a bit tense in Mercedes' hospitality. He says "uh I don't… I don't think so…" with the high pitched voice he uses when he knows he's in delicate territory. "I don't know why." Still high pitched. "We won! And we came one and two so…" Brundle says it was a walk in the park for him really. "I was enjoying myself," he says. They exchange a knowing look. They had a very good setup "so today was just… so fine in the way you drive," he mimics it with his hands.
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"It was just kind of… It's funny cause my driver that's driving me this weekend, a Mercedes driver, he drives like this." He pretends he's steering a wheel by holding it between his thumbs and index fingers. “With two fingers on the steering wheel," he laughs. Brundle asks if he tried that today. "I tried the same!"
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Brundle says he came past them this morning at a million miles an hour coming to the track. He says he was holding on for dear life in the car. He laughs. But then he stops joking. Today was about being smooth and not sliding and not killing the front tyres. Brundle asks if he meant to have such an angle on the starting line. Lewis says he didn't. He meant to point a little bit but he found himself facing the wall and was worried about it but it's not like you can reverse and park again. But ultimately it didn't get in the way of his start. Brundle sums up the whole issue at hand : Nico says he could have been jumped by the Ferraris with the undercut but Lewis' opinion is that's Nico's problem and not his, his problem being his own race. "Uh I think so yeah… and erm… at the end of the day he didn't so…" He shrugs.
Then they ask Toto AGAIN. Really quick : did Lewis do anything wrong? Toto says you need to be careful pointing fingers half an hour after the race. It was a difficult situation because he did have to manage the tyres and it did put Nico in trouble. They need to look at whether the race result for the team was ever at risk, what was the radio comm always proper and followed, and they need to do it carefully, internally, and make sure it's not escalating. Craig asks if Lewis' pace after Nico pitted doesn't answer that question about the race result, the answer being no. Toto says it needs to be analysed with all the data but the cars had the pace, Lewis had the pace, he was the quickest out there and made the tyres last longer so he thinks the order is right. Oooh Craig asks if Lewis' first responsibility was to win the race or to guarantee Mercedes a 1-2. Toto says the second one, because there's 1500 people working for that result, and equally he's a racing driver and he needs to look after himself and you need to balance it out all the time. "You can drive your race and you can race your team-mate hard, but never bringing it to a point where you risk the team result." Craig asks if Nico is just hurting because he hasn't had the same start Lewis and Seb have had this season. Can't Lewis be happy to see Nico angry with the result? "This is a rivalry and it was always a rivalry and it's gonna be very intense in the future. I think you need to expect these kinds of discussions and controversies, it needs to be contained and managed well without an escalation. Sometimes escalation helps and you can stop it then, but today I don't think there wasn't many reasons to say that mistakes were done."
13 notes · View notes
mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Whumptober Day 22: Pick Your Poison
Prompt: Withdrawal
Summary: Stimpack usage out in the field was useful for keeping troopers going no matter how tired, hungry or stressed they might be. The problem was that sometimes campaigns lasted months on end...
[Withdrawal is a bitch and I doubt the stims used in the battlefield aren't addictive. This is also not the first time I've written a chatlog type fic but I'll doubt it'll be my last... I have elected to borrow a few medics for this so shoutout to @lost-on-kamino @ermakeys @purgetrooperfox @kkrazy256 and @gaeasun . I assigned your ocs some silly chat-handles for my own entertainment.]
The private medic comm channel was full on chaotic that day. Not that it wasn't generally chaos most other days, but this time it was for more than just info dumping or even venting one's frustrations over medical limitations or mishaps.
The 104th were back from a two month long campaign, and the on duty medics were besides themselves with worry.
All of the vode had come back severely addicted to the stimpacks.
Stimpack usage out in the field was useful for keeping troopers going no matter how tired, hungry or stressed they might be. The problem was that sometimes campaigns lasted months on end, which meant troopers who were regularly using stims to keep functioning, tended to become dependent on them even outside of battle.
Going through heavy drug withdrawal was not an easy process.
The symptoms made the vode volatile and somewhat unpredictable, and having an entire battalion going through it at the same time was beyond hellish.
The bouts of insomnia and irritability, mood swings, instances of depression and anxiety, full body aches and pains, constant cravings, fatigue and hallucinations, and the nausea spells came in waves. There was no resting for the medics.
But at least they had the medic comm channel to rely on.
---HyenaDon't has connected to The Hospital Clubhouse---
HyenaDon't: One of the vode I'm currently treating has gotten to the later stages of withdrawal.
HyenaDon't: His hallucinations are so bad he needs to be restrained.
HyenaDon't: Problem. He's allergic to the materials of the restraining straps.
RemRemRemRem: What are the straps made of? Leather? Polyester?
CMOric: Have you tried sedation?
HonHonHonCroissant: Have you tried sedating the vod?
HonHonHonCroissant: You owe me a drink.
HyenaDon't: I think they're polyester but I'm not sure...
RemRemRemRem: Swap out the straps for something else. If not just sedate and hope for the best.
HyenaDon't: Aite. We also have another vod that keeps vomiting.
HyenaDon't: None of the nausea medication is working.
PhylumPorifera: Are they on methadone or buprenorphine? A lot of the vode have weird reactions to buprenorphine.
HyenaDon't: He is. I'll swap the medication.
JackOfAllTrades: Besides the obvious how's everything going your side?
GoodnightMoon: Probably not great. We've had our fair-share of vode coming off stims after riots, raids and galas. Always sucks.
Twitch'ika: Oof...
HyenaDon't: Oh no yeah it's bad. We're down an entire battalion :(
KixxyCatDoll: :O
PitchlessWhisper: Just reminds me we're off to Umbara soon. Not gonna be a quick one either...
HyenaDon't: Join me in my misery Blue Boys :')
CMOric: We'd rather not.
JackOfAllTrades: :|
Optimist: Least your men are all intact. Withdrawal's a bitch but they'll live.
NotAThief: Way to set the mood Hopeless.
Optimist: Am I wrong?
MotherHen: Well no but that kind of killed the mood...
HonHonHonCroissant: What mood? We were already talking about allergies and hallucinations...
HyenaDon't: Gotta go, one of the boys just broke off into a sprint and my CMO is gonna have my shebs if I don't keep things in check.
MotherHen: Oh? Who's doing a runner?
HyenaDon't: .... Commander Wolffe...
GoodnightMoon: Isn't that one of Fox's ori'vode?
RemRemRemRem: Send holos. I need something to lure Fox in for a checkup.
HyenaDon't: Lmao will do.
Twitch'ika: Are we allowed to blackmail our superior officers into checkups?
JackOfAllTrades: When they're as stubborn as a CC?
JackOfAllTrades: Yes.
Twitch'ika: :O
PhylumPorifera: You're corrupting him...
JackOfAllTrades: Nah, just opening up new horizons for the kih'vod :)
PhylumPorifera: You're corrupting him!!!
Twitch'ika: I have seen the light.
PhylumPorifera: Twitch no!
KixxyCatDoll: No...
CMOric: We lost another one boys :(
Optimist: Alas they grow up too fast.
MotherHen: We shall miss your innocence Twitch
NotAThief: Lol what innocence? Twitch is a little fiend.
RemRemRemRem: Someone who smiles that much has got to have a dark side to them...
-HyenaDon't sent I_wasnt_decanted_for_this.png-
KixxyCatDoll: Where are his clothes????
Optimist: Ah.
PhylumPorifera: MY EYES
Twitch'ika: How did he get up there?
GoodnightMoon: :O
CMOric: :O
HonHonHonCroissant: :O
MotherHen: :/
NotAThief: Oh I didn't need to see that.
RemRemRemRem: Uh, guess it runs in the batch.
PitchlessWhisper: What the kark does that mean?!
RemRemRemRem: Wouldn't you like to know.
HyenaDon't: I'm going to have to get him down somehow.
HyenaDon't: Force help me...
JackOfAllTrades: Lmao good luck!
---HyenaDon't has disconnected from The Hospital Clubhouse--- Yeah the medic comm channel helped cope with the horrors of having to deal with several hundreds of men going through different stages of withdrawal. It still didn't save the medics from having to deal with the shenanigans that came out of it, however.
Now how Hyena was going to get Commander Wolffe safely down from the rafters, he did not know...
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staciass · 7 months
I’m currently reading These Hollow Vows By Lexi Ryan, I’m 15 Chapters in so far and it’s actually getting interesting so I will update when I’ve had chance to read some more but here are my early thoughts;
- So the first few chapters actually felt a bit sort of early “A Court Of Thorns & Roses” I can see where people get the ACOTAR feel from and kinda agree to a point.
- The “Cinderella” feel is kinda cleverly done I think. For me it’s not too OTT but it’s there and you know it is but I kinda like it and I like Bree.
- Although I like Bree she can be kinda dumb (Like a lot of Paranormal Romance heroines seem to be!) she doesn’t put things together fast enough but meh I can let it go because Bree is kinda cool and more like a normal person to me than an over-the-top loser who’s had the shitest life ever and everything sucks but also not over-the-top so badass that she’s mean and harsh wihh the everyone because she don’t need no body lmao!! Basically I like Bree. The Ronan/Bash thing is okay but …
- Also I almost forgot but I kinda got “Crave” by Tracy Wolff vibes with the dude that keeps asking to cut off her hair lmao just me?
- You just know that secretly her sister is safe and chilling out with the mum lmao. I bet the fae dude doesn’t even have her!?
- I’m liking Ronan a bit more as time goes on but Finn … is this gonna turn into a Rhysand situation? Hmmm … I just don’t know yet!
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vesubia-jugorum · 2 years
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Another portrait of Wolffe. I actually wanted to paint it to redeem the one I posted here last year (I've looked at it yesterday and it sucks lmao), but I don't have much time. Sorry for the low quality pic
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hi!! Can I please get wolffe with 1 and 4 smut please!!!! Thank you!!!!! 🥰
Playing Around
😏 heck yeah you can- but I apologize if it’s bad. It’s nearly 1am, I’ve never written anything for Wolffe before and I started writing another story halfway through the smut??? So if you get lost, I really do apologize. I think I fixed it though. I had to reread it a good three times lmao.
A small PSA to the others who requested, I see em all and I will get to them when I can. I start a job on Thursday so stories may be a teensy bit delayed from my posting at least once a day ordeal!
Wolffe x Reader: “It’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave,” and “your hair is so soft...”
Warnings: Sexual content, language, female receiving, protected sex because it is frowned upon using kids as distractions during war.
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You sat at the bar with Wolffe and his brothers. 79’s was slowly starting to get more crowded. You wouldn’t really mind if the moment Wolffe walked off someone hadn’t stole his spot at the bar next to you and began hitting on you. “What’s a pretty gal like yourself doing in a joint like this?” He wasn’t a clone, but even if he was one. You still wouldn’t be amused.
You were a Jedi. Trained by General Plo Koon himself. Which was how you were so close with Wolffe— yet it still took everything in you not to knock the guy next to you off the bar stool and walk out. “I’m here with some friends.” You told him, truthfully. The man snorted, and you frowned. “Where are they then?” You motioned your head to Boost and Sinker, catching a glimpse of Wolffe heading back your way. Eyes locked on the intruder in his seat.
“And him,” you spoke. Pointing off towards the commander with a small smile and a wave. The guy turned. Flashing a glare to Wolffe then looking back to you with a dopey smile. “Well, doll, if you want to hang out with a real man..” you glared. You couldn’t stand random people giving you pet names. “I’m just over there,” he pointed to a table with a few other guys. Who all looked away when you looked over.
Wolffe finally made his way over and stood next to you. Practically towering over the man. Eyes still locked on him with a look that could kill. “Is he bothering you, Cyar’ika?” He asked, then glancing to you. Gaze softening for a second. Before hardening once he looked back to the other. “Who’s this, your boyfriend?” The guy snorted, and you grabbed your drink, taking a sip to try and calm yourself down. “I’m whatever she wants me to be, now get out of my seat.” Wolffe growled, and you glanced over to him. Brows a bit raised. Smirking behind your glass and the man cowered away.
Wolffe sat next to you with a sigh, and you leaned over. Pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Wolffy.” You teased. You were the only one that was really allowed to call him that without him getting pissy. “Anything for you, general.” You snickered, watching as his face heated up a bit. It wasn’t the first time you’d kissed his cheek before, but he always acted so nervous. Even if he knew you just meant it in a friendly manor, or so he thought.
“Wolffe, don’t call me General when we aren’t on the field. I don’t like it when you call me that. Makes things feel, too formal.” You told him, and he nodded. Sighing, and glancing over to you with a small smile. “Yes, y/n.” “Better.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, watching him with a grin. Wolffe looking back to you with furrowed brows. “What?” “So you’re my boyfriend, hm?” You giggled as you watched his eyes narrow on you, then widen in realization. “I was just trying to get him to leave, I didn’t mean-“ you interrupted him by raising your fingers to his lips. “Wolffe, it’s fine.” You spoke with a small smile. “I really do appreciate it, if it weren’t for you they’d probably be waiting for me outside for when I left.” Wolffe looked back to the men at the table. Then moved his attention back to you. “Well..” he started in, “if it’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave?” He spoke, and you were the one to shyly look away now. “I’d appreciate that.”
You had to remind yourself throughout the night that you two weren’t actually on a date. You were just being friends. You’ve known one another since General Plo got Wolffe in his Battalion. It was nothing new for the two of you to hang out outside of work, but you wished it was more than just in a friendly manor.
You sighed, the guys had left a while ago, yet you still felt on edge. Turning to Wolffe, you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Since he was talking to one of his brothers. You could tell he was frustrated by the way his shoulders tensed when you touched him. He quickly relaxed though once he realized it was you. “I think I’m gunna head,” you spoke, and he turned around fully to face you. “Oh okay, you want me to walk with you back to your quarters?” He asked, and you nodded. “If you could, please?” He smiled, you were one of the few that were able to make him smile by just offering softly spoken words. “Plus since you’re my date, it’s the right thing to do.” You shot the tease at him. Snickering at his signature eye roll.
You jumped from the stool, landing on your feet. The two of you, well mainly yourself. Said your goodbyes to the others left in the cantina. Then off the two of you went. Wolffe holding the door open for you, and following you out.
The two of you walked down the street a ways until you could find a cab to wave down. Climbing in and heading back for the hanger. The ride wasn’t really too long, though it was quiet. You were thinking of what you could say to him. What you could do to maybe tell him that you wanted to go on a real date sometime, but before you could. The cab was stopped and you had reached your destination. Wolffe paying the fee and the two of you climbing out and heading back for your quarters,.
You walked the halls in silence, as usual. Though you really didn’t hate it. You weren’t too fond of silence when you had so much to say all at once. “Thank you again, for tonight.” You spoke the first thing that came to mind. Once the two of you reached the door to your room. He gave you a bit of a grunt, and nodded. “ ‘f course.” He spoke, hands resting at his side. You reaching over and grabbed his one hand. Both of you watching your movement closely. “I mean it.” You spoke, the two of you catching one another’s gaze. “For a fake date, I enjoyed every second of it.”
Wolffe was practically staring into your soul at this point. You squeezing his hand, and then relaxing your fingers in attempt to let go. Thinking you upset him, but he had a firm grip on your hand. You weren’t complaining though. “I enjoyed it too,” he murmured and you bit your lip. Glancing to the side, then back to the commander. “Did you wanna come inside?” You nearly whispered, and he nodded slowly. You opening the door to your room. Then pulling the male in behind you.
He paused for a moment, and so did you. You both back in the same position you were in in the hallway. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, and your breath caught in your throat. “Yes,” you said, nodding your head along with your words. Freezing up when his calloused hand reached up to cup your face and stroke your cheek with his thumb. Leaning down to press his lips against yours.
You had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. You’d dropped hints, kissed his cheek, hugged him, held his hand, everything that you thought he would notice. Since he wasn’t the best with understanding flirting. It flew over his head half the time anyways.
He pulled back after a moment. His fingers moving to trace your jaw. Whimpering a bit and your eyes fluttered open. Just in time to see a switch flip in his eyes. He pressed you up against the wall. Kissing you again, though this time it was rougher than the last. You yelping into it when your back pressed against the surface. Arms moving to wrap around his neck. Moaning into his mouth when he shoved a leg in between yours and up against your warmth.
He took this to his advantage, shoving his tongue into your mouth and the two of you battled for victory. Though it was stupid of you to even try. He was winning from the beginning, and soon his tongue was roaming every inch of your mouth.
You brought your legs up to wrap around his waist. Hands moving to undo his upper armor and he helped you out. His top half now left in his blacks. As his armor fell to the floor with a clank. Now it was your turn. Wolffe pulling the little armor you wore off, and the two of you were ripping each other’s shirts off like that was your jobs.
His mouth traveled to your neck in nearly an instant. While your hands roamed his exposed chest.. Moaning when he sucked and bit down on your skin. Thankful he was leaving most of the bigger marks where you could cover them. You’d have a lot to explain to the council if they found out you were sleeping with the commander you were occasionally the general of. When Plo needed the help or was off doing something else.
You ran your fingers through his hair. Tugging a bit when he moved down to your breast. One hand squeezing while his mouth sucked. Making you squirm, especially when his mouth swapped over to the other and your ignored one was left with cooling saliva.
It wasn’t long before he was peeling you from the wall and slamming his lips back against yours while walking you to your bed. He placed you down, parting from you for a second so he could remove the rest of his armor. Which he did effortlessly. You doing the same, slipping your pants off as he did as well. The two of you left in nothing but your underwear now. Eyeing one another like you were starving and each other’s bodies were the only thing that could feed you both.
He climbed back over top of you. Eyes roaming your skin, then moving back to your face with a lust filled gave. Though he had a look of admiration as well. “We can stop, whenever you want,” he assured you, and you nodded. You knew he wouldn’t force you into anything you didn’t want, but the words were still so sweet to you. Reaching up to hold his face with your hands, and pull him down for a short kiss. Pulling back and he was chasing your lips for more. “I can assure you I’ve wanted this for longer than I’d like to admit.” You spoke, and he smirked. “Good to know I’m not alone.” He nearly growled. Beginning to trail kisses down your body once more.
You were squirming so bad. Needing some sort of friction and attention. Basically shaking as he licking and bit your skin. Panting like a dog in heat when he moved to your thighs. Now pinching along your sensitive skin. “Wolffe, Kriff, please,” you mewled. The commander smirking as he moved his fingers to lightly trace over your underwear. “Please what?” You were going to get him back for this, but right now you couldn’t think clearly. “Please touch me,” you huffed, and he listened.
He pulled your panties down your thighs, bringing his face even closer to your entrance. Arching your back when he blew against you. You were already so sensitive and you needed some form of release. Wolffe moving his fingers to rub against your folds and then up to your clit. Flicking his tongue out to imitate the same movement his finger did. Which had you unwinding. Hands moving to tangle in his short locks while your legs wrapped around his head.
He continued licking you and sucking, like you were all he wanted to eat. Fingers pushing in and out in an upbeat tempo. Your body beginning to shake as your climax started nearing, “oh Kriff, Wolffe.” You gasped, and he could tell you were close just from the shake of your voice. Pulling back and you let out a whimper. Looking up to him with a pout, and he grinned as he kneeled between your legs. “I’m not done yet,” he assured. The gruffness of his voice making you shudder.
He pulled his boxers off, and readjusted himself between you. You eyeing him for a moment, and watching as he held something between his fingers. Then slipped it over his dick. You weren’t sure how he was keeping a condom hidden, but you weren’t about to ask. You were just thankful he wasn’t about to unintentionally knock you up.
“Did you have this idea all along, or were you planning on taking someone else home.” He chuckled at that. Leaning down to kiss your cheek and press the head of himself against your entrance, making you squirm again. “I’ve had this idea for a while, but never had the chance to act upon it til now.” He murmured against your skin. Kissing your temple, then down your face to your lips as he pressed inside you. Your arms and legs moving to wrap around his body.
He was a lot to take in all at once, thankful he moved in slowly. Thankful for the kisses and sweet nothings he used to help distract you. Once you were finally ready though, you moved your hips up a bit. Nearly melting at the feeling of pleasure that coursed your body. Wolffe obviously feeling the same by the grunt and the way his nose scrunched.
His one hand held onto your hip while the other was pressed beside your head on the bed. Rocking his hips while your finger tips pressed into his back. Eyes locked on one another. Giving him a nod and he picked up the pace. The sound of skin on skin and your guys’ short and ecstatic breath filling the room. Both your eyes falling shut as your both neared the end. “Kriff-“ Wolffe grunted, and you leaned up to burry your face in the crook of his neck while his thrusts quickened. Getting sloppier and more uneven as he chased his orgasm and pushed you to your own.
You let out a small cry, muffled by the skin of his neck as you reached your limit. Your walls clenching around him was enough for him to topple over as well, letting out a cry of his own. Riding out his orgasm with a few more sloppy thrusts, before pulling out of you and rolling off of you with a groan. The two of you laying on your backs panting. Trying to live out your highs. Once Wolffe was down from his he moved to remove the condom, tying it and tossing it in the bin next to the bed. Then climbing back next to you in bed.
He lied on his side, facing you. Unsure if he should touch you or not. Both your chests still heaving and sweat was beading on your forehead still. “You just gunna.. stare at me?” You asked, turning your head to look at him, smiling tiredly as a small lop sided smile crept onto his own face. “Wasn’t sure what else to do,” “you can hold me, for a start.” You didn’t have to tell him twice.
His arms reaching out and pulling you close to his body. You pulling the covers over the both of you, since the cold was slowly staring to creep up on you. Humming a bit when his hands repay through your hair. “Your hair is so soft,” he muttered. Making you smile, kissing a few of his scars on his chest while you cured up next to him. “Maybe I’ll let you use my conditioner in the morning,” and you did. He loved it, too. Because each time he caught a whiff of the shampoo and conditioner out on the field, all he could think of was you. Which was enough to keep the commander fighting, for you.
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semperama · 2 years
DTS Season 4, Ep 3
I'm going to attempt to type my notes while eating tacos. We'll see how this goes.
I'm just realizing again how little I remember about the beginning part of the season. For some reason I thought Max was winning at the beginning and then Lewis closed the gap, but I guess my memory sucks.
Susie Wolff's accent is fascinating.
I do actually love the way they built up the drama of Max's qualifying lap getting ruined by Charles's crash. I know sometimes they take the drama too far, but sometimes they are spot on.
Poor Charles, but honestly, I feel like he took that so much better than most drivers would. He really is quite even-keel.
Watching Valtteri follow Max and knowing what's coming, lol.
I mean, the stuck tire thing is bad, but also...it's hilarious. I'm sorry. It's still just SO funny.
I am so tired of shots of Horner and Geri walking around their idyllic countryside home and chatting. How much footage of races are they cutting to show us this absolute bullshit?
Cut to a montage of Max absolutely killing it. Okay, I'm beginning to remember now. This is why I'll never be a good sports fan. People can remember obscure statistics from like ten seasons ago, and I can't even remember what happened last year.
Oh no, it's Silverstone. I'm worried about how they're going to portray this.
Was Susie featured as a talking head in previous seasons? I don't remember seeing her this much before.
love 2 see random fans cheering for danny <33
Lewis's anxiety about COVID. D:
Part of me just wants to stop it before they get to the crash, lmao. It's like a horror movie when you know there's about to be a jump scare.
Is Lewis ruthless or is Lewis a gentle little lamb? The world may never know.
Fuuuuccccccckkk. Don't like to see it in slow motion! Don't like it one bit!
I respect the fact that Max doesn't want to participate in this show, but it's a little awkward when it leads to moments of Lewis doing a voiceover of how he's watching his dreams of the championship slip away during his 10 second penalty, while Max is out of the race. Which is. Kinda silly.
I'm torn. On the one hand, sexy af to see Lewis come back. But on the other hand, this is the problem I had with Silverstone watching it in real time. It's kind of lame to act like the triumphant Comeback Kid when you overcome a penalty you got for crashing your biggest rival out of the race. SHRUG EMOJI.
That said, they did actually capture more of the nuance of the situation than I thought they would in the episode, so that's a good thing.
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princessofmerc · 3 years
Lmao George is such a whiny bitch with no talent. Only reason he could've gotten that Merc contract is bc he sucked Toto Wolff's dick. Even if he gets in the Mercedes Max is gonna dominate him
Listen, anon i am very emotionally drained from today.
Enjoy Max doing well as long as you can.
But imagine thinking a guy who jumped GP2 because he was too scared of the competition and who's only 'dominating' Lewis and Merc rn because he's in the better car (and because of whom? because of Alexander Albon) is so much better than a guy who won GP3 and F2 in his rookie season and who dragged his car into the midfield despite it being a backmarker by his and the team's merit.
Is Max a good driver? Sure. Do I want to see him win? No.
Is this response bitchy? I guess, but you came into my askbox with nonsense and hate and a bitchy take so what did you expect
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books-and-cookies · 4 years
i’m back on my bullshit
* so in an effort to pretend that this world isn’t going to shit, I’m reading Crave by Tracy Wolff, because 2020 is the year of Vampires Are Back, Baby™ and I intend to fully take advantage of that - hiss hiss motherfuckers
* anyway, this is apparently very heavily inspired by Twilight and oh my god, there’s a boarding school. Listen here, boarding schools make for WONDERFUL plot additions in books, even if the books are garbage. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules.
* I’m wondering if the vampires in this book are traditional ones, or I’m about to be served a portion of “omg, look how cOOL mmmmmyyyyy vamPIRES ARE”
* “I can’t imagine that this cold, foreign place will ever feel familiar to me” – lmao wait for the eye candy, brooding, overprotective vampire to show up
* the boarding school that is actually a goddamn castle is my favourite character in this book.
* aaahhhh this reads like peak 2013 YA bless us all
* GUYS LOOK AT THISSSSS IM CACKLINGGGGGG: “Skyscraper cheekbones. Full red lips. A jaw so sharp it could cut stone. Smooth, alabaster skin. And his eyes…a bottomless obsidian that see everything and show nothing, surrounded by the longest, most obscene lashes I’ve ever seen” – this description makes me so happy I swear to baby jesus; may we never outgrow early 2010s YA pls and thank you
* “that smirk says he knows exactly what kind of effect he’s having on me”; “the black jeans and T-shirt he’s wearing only emphasize his flat stomach and hard, well-defined biceps” – bless bless blessssss, bicePS AND ABS oh my pls stop before i lose myself and faint
* “obnoxious smirk or not—this boy is sexy af. A little wicked, a lot wild, and all dangerous” – please engrave this on my headstone thanks
* this entire book is quotable, I fucking swear
* oh he “hates” her and wants her to leave the school – I fucking…. *chef’s kiss*
* “instead, we stand there, frozen. Devasted. Connected in a way I can feel but can’t comprehend by our very separate horrors.” – girl, you met him like five minutes ago sdugAISgfisdgf guys this book is killing me and I’m 40 pages in what is thisssssssss
* oh my fuuuuuuuuuuckkkk: “But somehow the scar only emphasizes the danger, turning him from just another pretty boy with angelic looks into someone a million times more compelling. A fallen angel with a bad-boy vibe for miles…and a million stories to back that vibe up.” – going into a coma, pls don’t revive
* “this boy who frustrates and terrifies and excites me all at the same time” – you’ve literally known each other on this earth for less time that I need to finish eating a croissant shdgkaSgdkjSgdkSAG bury me with this book
* this school is full of brooding, muscly guys and I’m like hoW OLD ARE YOU ALL SUPPOSED TO BE LMAOOOOOO
* “I can’t help but wonder why the guy with ice in his veins makes my skin tingle and the one literally lending me his warmth leaves me cold” – twilight and Jacob are rolling in their graves
* everything in this book is dripping with cheese and clichés and tropes and I’m just squealing in joy because READING TRASH IS GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL
* so… 2 guys attack her at night literally out of the blue, there’s no explanation, while she’s out of bed lmao and Jaxon (omg I forgot to mention that THIS IS HIS NAME; dudebroooo who) sweeps in to save her and dispatch Brooding Justice™ and I’m just living FOR THIS BOOK
* oBsIdIaN gAzE
* “Then brings his thumb to his lips and—holding my gaze with his own—sticks his thumb in his mouth and slowly sucks off the blood. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen” – I am deceaaaaased hoy fuck
* tropes so far: beautiful girl who thinks she’s plain, brooding hot hero that pretends he’s Bad For Her™, hero likes to cock his eyebrow and smirk, girl gets attacked in some way and he swoops in to save her, tragic backstories, what is communication, supeRNATURAL things
* there are all sorts of references to dragons, that make me think dragons will be part of the supernatural array of creatures that we are bound to meet in this book, but with like a Cool Twist™, like people that shapeshift as them or they spit out alcohol instead of fire or fuck knows what other fuckery
* fuck me, I think this is a school for different types of creatures, like vampires, werewolves, fairies, dragons. If this turns out to be true i shall feel shooketh; also, I’m wondering what our darling ingenue will turn out to be. Something super special and unique, probably, because snowflakeeeee
* what is with these books always taking the time to describe the clothes the characters are wearing – bitch I don’t know what a Gucci sweater looks like, do I look rich to you
* so much shady shit is happening around this girl and she’s more oblivious than a baby chicken
* to be continued – may I just add that this book is like 500 pages long and my only questions is why, pray tell, the fuck
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