#Poems Dramatic and Lyrical
uwmspeccoll · 9 months
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Publishers' Binding Thursday
Today's Publishers' Binding Thursday book was found while simply browsing our stacks—and what a find it is! This is Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical by English poet, coin enthusiast, and botanist John Leicester Warren, Lord de Tabley (1835-1895). It was published in London by Elkin Mathews (1851-1921) and John Lane (1854-1925) at the Sign of the Bodley Head and in New York by Macmillan and Company in 1893. The book features five engravings by British artist, illustrator, and printer Charles Ricketts (1866-1931) and the bookplate of John Leicester Warren designed by Scottish artist William Bell Scott (1811-1890). Warren had an interest in bookplates and became an authority on them.
The binding was designed by Charles Ricketts, possibly with help from someone with the initials H.L.S. (or those initials in another order). Ricketts's initials and those of the mysterious H.L.S. are stamped in gold in opposite corners of the covers—C.R. in the top left and H.L.S. in the bottom right. The cover features in the upper righthand corner an angel inside of a golden heart holding a lyre made from wings and a heart. Surrounding this is a pattern of repeated rose petals, which to us look a bit like teeth or hot air balloons. The book cloth is a leafy green color that on our copy has either been glued unevenly or has become rumpled with time.
View more Publishers' Binding Thursday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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daydrinking75 · 1 month
the innocence in me has died
and i feel guilty all the time
i think too much
but thats alright
you tell me why dont you just lie
i know its true
all roads lead back to you
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delicatetaysversion · 2 years
put in the tags the first english songs you listened to and how old were you at that time
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tudorreads · 1 year
All I wanna do is write pretty stories, live in a cottage with goats and ducks, a mysterious poet from the valleys. But nooo you have to study for 10 years and a set of another additional years then repeat the life cycle like a moth and you won’t even have pretty butterfly wings- I just wanna be away from this capitalist hell hole. Just… wanna… write *dramatically faints outta breath*
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
Poetic Genres
Whereas a poetic "form" defines the way a poem arranges sounds, rhythms, or its appearance on the page, a poetic "genre" is something like the poem's style. Many poetic genres have a long history, and new poems almost always seek to explore a new aspect of the traditional style and thus to redefine the genre in some way. The following list is a selection of the major genres of poetry.
allegory A narrative with two levels of meaning, one stated and one unstated.
aubade A song or poem greeting the sunrise, traditionally a lover's lament that the night's passion must come to an end.
ballad Broadly speaking, the ballad is a genre of folk poetry, usually an orally transmitted narrative song. The term "ballad" applies to several other kinds of poetry, including the English ballad stanza, which is a form often associated with the genre.
blason A Renaissance genre characterized by a short catalogue-style description, often of the female body.
cento A poem composed entirely of lines from other poems.
dirge A funeral song.
dramatic monologue This might be called a "closet soliloquy": a long poem spoken by a character who often unwittingly reveals his or her hidden desires and actions over the course of the poem. The "I" of the dramatic monologue is very distinct from the "I" of the poet's persona. Robert Browning was a master of this genre.
eclogue A short pastoral poem; Virgil's eclogues are one of the first examples of this genre.
ekphrasis Originally a description of any kind, "ekphrasis" is now almost exclusively applied to the poetic description of a work of art.
elegy This genre can be difficult to define, as there are specific types of elegiac poem as well as a general elegiac mood, but almost all elegies mourn, and seek consolation for, a loss of some kind: the most common form of elegy is a lyric commemorating the death of a loved one. Greek elegiac meter, which is one source of what we know as the elegy today, is not normally associated with loss and mourning.
epic A long narrative poem that catalogues and celebrates heroic or historic deeds and events, usually focusing on a single heroic individual.
epigram A brief and pithy aphoristic observation, often satirical.
epitaph A tombstone inscription. Several famous poems end with the poet writing his own. (See, for example, Thomas Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" or W.B. Yeats's "Under Ben Bulben.")
epithalamion A song or poem that celebrates a wedding.
fable A brief tale about talking animals or objects, usually having a moral or pedagogical point, which is sometimes explicitly stated at the end. Aesop and la Fontaine are perhaps the most famous fable-writers.
georgic The agricultural cousin of pastoral, a georgic is a poem that celebrates rustic labor.
hymn A song of praise.
invective A personal, often abusive, denunciation.
lament An expression of grief.
light verse Poetry that is mostly for fun: this can mean anything from nonsense verse to folk songs, but typically there is a comical element to light verse.
lyric This genre encompasses a large portion of the world's poetry; in general, lyrics are fairly brief poems that emphasize musical qualities.
masque Courtly drama characterized by elaborate costumes and dances, as well as audience participation.
occasional verse Poetry written with reference to a particular event.
ode A long, serious meditation on an elevated subject, an ode can take one of three forms.
paean A song of joy or triumph.
palinode A recantation or retraction, usually of an earlier poem.
panegyric Poem or song in praise of a particular individual or object.
parody A comic imitation.
pastoral Originally a poem that depicted an idealized singing competition between shepherds, "pastoral" has come to denote almost anything to do with a rural setting, although it also refers to several specific categories of the genre. Associated genres of varying synonymity are idyll, bucolic, eclogue, and georgic.
psalm A sacred song.
riddle A puzzling question that relies on allegory or wordplay for its answer. Riddles are often short, and often include an answer to the question posed, albeit an unsatisfying one. The riddle of the Sphinx, which Oedipus solved, is a particularly famous example: "what walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday, and three in the afternoon?"
romance An adventure tale, usually set in a mythical or remote locale. Verse forms of the romance include the  Spanish ballad and  medieval or chivalric romance.
satire Ridicule of some kind, usually passing moral judgment.
tragedy This genre originated in ancient Greek verse drama and received extended treatment in Aristotle's Poetics, which made the downfall of the main character one of the criteria for tragedy. The genre has since expanded to include almost anything pertaining to a downfall.
verse epistle A letter written in verse, usually taking as its subject either a philosophical or a romantic question.
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 3 months
Hello Benny! How are you doing? Did you sleep well? Be sure to have a snack if you haven’t already!
I saw in your masterlist that you are writing for Honkai Star Rail, and so I had one request - What do you think about Argenti with the Knight of Beauty! Reader? There is so little content with Argenti (especially with m!reader), and I love it so much love it!😭💞
In any case, ignore if you don't like it! I apologize for any mistakes
-🌾 anon
Argenti - Knight of Beauty Male Reader, General Fluff
Hey 🌾wheat anon, I know it's been a super long time and you've probably already forgotten this ask, but I finally got around to doing it. You didn't really give me any details of what you wanted besides the character, so I just went with what I felt was best; so, I based the reader off of Rook Hunt a little bit. I ended up having to do some serious Argenti research since I don't play Honkai Star Rail, so I hope this is at least a little accurate. The lyrics quoted in this one are from the song “Dandelions” by Ruth B.. —Benny🐰                                                                                                               
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❝'𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕴'𝖒 𝖎𝖓 𝖆 𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘; 𝖂𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖓 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖉 𝖇𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊~❞
. . .
💐  You and Argenti travel together as a duo, spreading the word of the ethereal beauty of your missing Aeon, Idrila. The rose knight had met you during a visit to far off planet with little to no population; it would seem that you had been stranded on the planet after going there yourself. Argenti didn't recognize you, so he assumed that you didn't belong to Honorclad to which he learned that you belonged to a smaller group called Sonnetheld.
💐  You both were interested in each other's different expressions and ways to appreciate and worship beauty. Argenti would always find himself relaxing when you recited your eloquent and vivid poems; your voice and the way you pronounced your words always filled his mind with bliss. While you, despite him being downright awful at it, found yourself appreciating whenever he tried his hand at playing the ocarina to pass the time between travels to another location.
💐  The two of you spend a lot of time alone together, so it's pretty much a given that you do just about everything together as well; eating, sleeping, sparring, bathing, etc. You and Argenti trust each other with your lives and your deepest darkest secrets. Where one of you goes the other isn't far behind.
💐  A favored bonding activity of yours is doing each other's hair. Washing it, moisturizing it, brushing or combing it, curling, braiding, twisting. Argenti has long and gorgeous hair that can be put into many different styles, though your favorite has to be very eccentric and dramatic updos that require many different pins and clips to hold it into place. The rose knight enjoys threading all kinds of flowers into the braids that he's weaved into your hair; turning your skull into a lovely boutonniere of vibrant blooms.
💐  Another activity that you and Argenti take part in is writing songs together, with your poems as the lyrics and the redhead's Aeon awful ocarina playing as the melody. You've both made songs dedicated to each other separately and came together to complete them and hear the finished product. Unlike his woodwind skills, Argenti has a beautiful singing voice, so you often make him read poems about himself and watch him flush in gratitude.
. . .
❝'𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕴'𝖒 𝖎𝖓 𝖆 𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘; 𝖂𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖓 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖉 𝖇𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊~❞
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All the fling posse song snippets are out !!!
👀 The Fling Posse snippets are all out now!! :D Ramuda sounds so happy I cry TwT
Hey! Any thoughts on the Fling Posse solo previews? Love hearing your opinions on the trailers and getting some neat tidbits of insight into the lyrics/motifs.
Thanks for the messages! Let's go check 'em out.
One and Only
(8 seconds in) Ramuda's saying "Let's go" too
(41 seconds in) Ahh!
(48 seconds in) Jesus, Shirai is really pushing his range in this one
(50 seconds in) Self love for Ramuda, hell yeah. Good on him
(End of video) Not a lot to say; I feel like this one was pretty straight-forward. It's Ramuda embracing his personal identity as a unique human being-- LOVE to see it-- which is the culmination of his arc through the series so far. The music itself didn't capture me. I might warm up to it later like I usually do, but Shirai's singing on its own isn't usually my cup of tea. Which is chill; I hope other people like it. The wordplay on "clap your hands (te wo tataite); I want to celebrate [being alive] (tataeteitai)" was neat.
(Title note) I'm intrigued that the title is in kana instead of kanji, giving it a simple and almost "honest" feel in its simplicity. It's been a hot sec since I've seen Gentarou use that word in writing but iirc he usually uses kanji for it.
(5 seconds in) Loving this piano.
(15 seconds in) A boku-using Gentarou? Bruh.
(35 seconds in) Ohhh I see the point of the kana. The title is the same as a famous Shuntarou Tanikawa poem narrated by a little boy (hence the lack of kanji). Since the song lyrics reference it, here's a quick 'n dirty TL of the poem: Lies I think I'll always tell lies. My mother doesn't, but she's done so before. I think that because I know lying is painful. Even if the things I say are lies, the lying feeling is the truth. There are some truths that can only be told in lies. Even dogs--if they could talk, I think they'd tell lies as well. Even when I tell lies, even when my lies get caught, I don't apologize. I never tell lies just to get out of trouble. (*) Even if no one knows that, I know that, and so here I am, living with my lies. Until I just can't bear to lie any longer, I know I'll lie again and again and all the while long for the truth. (*) Literally, "resolve [the trouble] with apologies" which is why the narrator says he doesn't apologize Anyway, the "Even when I tell lies..." verse sans "and so..." is the opening of this song. Gentarou stops at "Even if no one knows that" and sighs in his second repetition of the verse.
(end of song) Wait, the whole thing is just verses of this poem? This is really cool and artistic (I dig it) but wow, what a choice! Saitou Souma's performance is incredible, and the background music is cool. I don't know how well this would go on a playlist, but I am here for it! ...I'm also wondering what the rights acquisition must have been like. This poem isn't in the JPN public domain yet, right? Hahaha.
God in the Dice
(title note) Fwiw I usually say Dice has "spirits" in his dice; calling them gods is just as valid. That seems to be what this is referring to.
(15 seconds in) Man I love Nozuyama's rapping chops. He delivers every time
(23 seconds in) Going to take this "I don't care" and make it a reaction image. Can't adequately express how much the phrase "Thog don't care" gets me through the day; this is right up there with that
(29 seconds in) It's very, very funny that Gentarou always teases Dice about his lack of vocab when you compare these two songs back to back. Hahaha.
(50 seconds in) Call back to Scramble Gamble with a more positive outlook. I can fuck with that.
(end of song) This one seems very similar to Ramuda's in terms of message (once again, I'm inappropriately amused at the notion of Ramuda and Dice living it up in the booth like "Love yourself...! Respect yourself! Love yourse--" and then it cuts to Gentarou who's got a piano and a Dramatic Poetry Reading and Angst. Well, that's Gentarou's way of loving himself, I suppose) and on the one hand, I am very happy for Dice deciding to live his life his own way, even if it goes against societal values... but I don't know how I feel about indulging in a gambling addiction as a way to explore that. You know? Maybe I'm just going "You don't have to follow societal expectations, but you should follow MY expectations, dammit!" Hahaha. Well....... Do what you gotta do, homie.... I'm reminded of how very 20 Dice is. Very, very 20 y.o. leaving a bad home life. Do what you gotta do....
Well, that's Fling Posse! Very much their usual Fling Posse selves.
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forestdeath1 · 7 months
January 23, 1977
James lies with his eyes closed on the dusty bed in the Shrieking Shack, his nose buried in Sirius's waist. His left hand casually rests on his friend's thigh. Sirius, leaning against the headboard, is flipping through the pages of some yellowed book, faintly illuminated by the dying light of sunset seeping through the cracks of the old windows.
"What's that you're reading?" James mumbles sleepily into his friend's shirt.
"Some muggle poetry. Lily gave it to me," Sirius responds.
"Why does Lily give you books?" James lifts his head slightly.
"Because, unlike you, I'm not a toerag. I can actually talk to her without making a fool of myself, you know?"
"Oh, shut it," James exhales, lightly hitting Sirius's book with his hand before rolling onto his back. "She likes me."
"Of course, she does," Sirius agrees, without looking up from his book. "Everyone does."
"Right," James pretends not to hear the irony in Sirius's voice. Or maybe he genuinely doesn't.
"Muggles can write beautifully, did you know?" Sirius asks a few minutes later.
"Nah," James answers lazily, yawning and stretching. Today he had to get up even earlier than usual – Stone had set a penalty training for their team for "improper conduct on the field."
"Listen to this," Sirius starts reading, sliding his left hand into James's hair.
Sirius twirls a lock of James's hair around his finger while his voice fills the room with the dramas of human lives, clothed in rhymed lines. James looks at the log ceiling, studying the patterns of darkened grooves and scratches, listening. 
Sirius has a beautiful voice. He even makes poetry sound interesting. Poetry? Since when did James care about poetry? But with Sirius, even poetry seems fascinating.
Well, it's not like he's genuinely into poetry, but he likes how Sirius reads them – like he's the hero of these stories, not just a bystander.  If any of them has a refined soul, it's definitely Sirius, though he'd never admit it. 
This boy has a knack for finding the hidden poetry in the prose of life – something James has always lacked. Sirius – a lyrical child of the night. Daunting, dark, and dangerous, but only to those who haven't yet learned to understand it, who haven't seen that he is a reflection of the most dazzling white light.
"Do you like it?" Sirius asks after a while.
"Yeah," James whispers, turning back towards Sirius and pressing his face against his side, slipping his hand under the shirt to rest it on Sirius's chest. "Write me a poem," James looks up, smiling slightly.
Sirius laughs softly and clears his throat dramatically.
"Oh, James the Magnificent, greatest of the great, brightest of the bright..." he begins theatrically, extending his hand in a caricature of a gesture.
"And who's making a fool of themselves now?" James sighs, suppressing a chuckle, and lowers his head back to Sirius's waist. Sirius flicks him on the head in response.
They lie like that for a while. James hears the rustle of turning pages and the howling of the winter wind. He feels the warmth of Sirius's body under his palm. They're always warm, both of them. Moony often jokes that they can use them instead of warming charms for their dorm.
"Actually, I found a poem here," Sirius suddenly says, "just needs a little tweaking..."
"Tell me."
Sirius pauses for a moment, then flips through the pages and stops at the right one. James raises his gaze to him, looking up – Sirius has always dubbed this particular expression as 'the deer look'.
Sirius thoughtfully shifts his gaze from the book to James, smiles with one corner of his mouth, ruffles James's hair, and, returning his grey eyes to the book, quietly says:
"He is my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I think this love will last forever: am I not wrong?"
"What did you change?"
"Just the last line. It's originally about loss. 'I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.' But I like my version better. You?"
"Me too," James lifts himself on his elbows, presses against Sirius's ear, and whispers, "I think this love will last forever," then kisses him, moving lower down his neck and deeper, sliding his hand under the shirt. "You are not wrong."
October 31, 1981
He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Funeral Blues by W. H. Auden
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While I agree with most of your posts
I think bringing up grammar in song writing is just kinda weird
Like as long as a song isn't as egregiously grammatically incorrect as 'I'll do what I should have did' (thank you deacon blue) it just isn't a relevant criticism?
Even the song writer you respect most probably doesn't write their songs like an essay they can lose marks for. And that's a good thing! Songs would be a lot worse if writers were worrying about these things
It's just such a bizarre thing to bring up- and unfortunately it kinda makes your other points look less valid because it comes across as weird and petty and like you'll drag Swift for anything (Plus obsessions with 'correct' grammar is just rooted in abliesm, classism and racism- so yeah not a good look)
Plus bringing up your literature degree... like you never studied poetry? Which famously plays with grammar and sentence structure? Like that's inherent to the genre and while very little of TTPD is poetic, lyrics are still most similar to poems then they are to essays or journal articles
Sorry you just really hit a nerve here cos it's just such a ridiculous thing to bring up.
Okay, yes people don't write songs like essay's. However, they often still use determinable grammar rules in art.  
You are keying into the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar rules. 
The prescriptive rules are ones that you are most likely to find first listed in dictionaries or textbooks. Descriptive grammar rules contend with the dialectal differences and slang. In either case, rules and stipulations or exceptions are noted in various linguistic analysis of the demographic's dialect. Both subgroups of grammar are consistently evolving as the use of the English language changes over time.  
Before I move on, I just want to say that I am well-aware of the deep history surrounding the debates on proper grammar. These debates, of course stem, from sociohistorical issues surrounding class, race, and ableist attitudes. You are correct. However, the academic conversation on grammar and linguistics has advanced dramatically into the subdivision of grammar-practices with respect to dialectal and cultural differences. I judge Taylor Swift's grammar as similar to my own, since she claims to be from my “neck of the woods.” Thus, I feel it is entirely appropriate for me to throw metaphorical tomatoes at her.  
 In the juncture of this difference on prescriptive and descriptive, I want to make that point that people who utilize the difference well often take prescriptive rules and bend them to fit their specific thematic point, thus the lyric forms to its set of descriptive grammar rules. These artists do it with such finesse and precision, unlike Taylor Swift, that it’s nearly awe-inspiring.  
For instance, Kendrick Lamar uses many AAVE typical syntactical structures to make his music personalized art. He won a Pulitzer for it. Take, as an example, the intro to his song “Humble” in which he writes, “Nobody pray for me / It been that day for me” (2017). This is not grammatically correct according to the prescriptive grammar rules laid out in the 1940’s. However, linguistic scholars do not operate on so strict a pendulum anymore. Notice, too, that Lamar is not actually breaking any grammatical rules, only playing with the purpose and form of his syntax, when we take into account the dialectical intention with which he uses “it been” as a poignant use of the past participle form of the verb “to be.” Thus, the simple sentence of “it is” changes into the “it been” as a subjective call first to his cultural dialect and to the thematic gesture of the song. As the phrase “it been” leaves out the helping verb “have” which would put the phrase into present progressive tense should it be present; however, it’s noticeable absence as a stiff detraction from prescriptive grammar rules, focuses Lamar’s thematic point on moving the audience to mediate on the past as it intrudes on the present time. His use of language discrepancy between prescriptive and descriptive rules focuses recognition on his dialectal culture and on his main thematic point as it hinges on making sure to notice where you’ve been in life in order to stay humble and live with authenticity. He is a masterclass on descriptive grammar being used in such a beautifully artistic way that I am damn near in tears for his music.  
Okay, moving onto to your point about poetry not being grammatically correct. You are quite wrong here, because poetry "plays" with syntax but it does not throw the rules out. Much like the example I laid out above, poetry does the same thing wherein it plays with prescriptive grammar in a thoughtful way that often ties into the moral or theme of the work. Poetry centers on a different form of syntactical methodology... yes, you are right. However, the emphasis is still on the necessity of understanding grammar structures like poetic feet, meter, rhyme scheme (etc). It's not a free-for-all. The best poets of the last 6 centuries have been some with the most linguistically precise sentence structure that I've ever read. I can give you examples, but if I do that this answer will become a million words long.  
I am, however, sorry to have struck a nerve or come-off like a know-it-all. I was only expressing my frustration that Taylor Swift is apparently one of the biggest artists in the world and she doesn't even bother to ask a friend if the meaning of her phrases gets lost in excessively languishing grammatical structures. For instance, in her song “Chloe or Sam or Marcus or Whatever” she is stacking so many phrases hinging on coordinating conjunctions that the meaning of the phrase itself loses any poignant message. She writes:
Named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus And I just watched it happen As the decade would play us for fools And you saw my bones out with somebody new Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school And you just watched it happen (Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus).
In this stanza alone there are 6 coordinating conjunctions stacked together, interspersed with additional prepositional phrases and 2 extra relative clauses. It is the most egregious run-on sentence I have ever seen published before. I've seen better, cleaner prose in the work I've graded from High School freshmen. Not only could she have said it in less words, but the way she is writing it makes it drag on and on. The meaning gets lost, and any emotional impact is shut down because people get lost in the wordiness.
It’s a failure on her part, and it’s clear how just writing a run on sentence with no meaning is so much different than the way that someone like Lamar is masterfully arranging language to fit his purpose.  It's offensive that she gets to make a million-billion dollars off so little effort. 
Sorry, I wrote you an essay, but I am so incredibly passionate about writing. Also, I’ve been listening to Lamar a lot today because of his recent diss track, and it just reminded about how much of a lyrical genius he is. Sorry, I detoured into a rant about how cool he is too. And I need people to understand that I am not critiquing Swift because I need to dunk on someone in order to bolster my own sense of self-worth. I just want better mainstream art, and I want people to have better, stronger art with which to engage.  
I did not mean to hurt your feelings.  You are quite right that obsession with "proper" grammar is bullshit; however, I am not looking for some old fashioned "proper" nonsense. I want people to write like Lamar, with intelligence and passion while he bends the notions of grammar, not like Taylor Swift with obvious run-on obfuscated and stupid phrases.
edit: Also, good writers do actually worry about grammar. It has to do with illocutionary forces behind the phrases. The best among us knows the language inside and out, and that is why they are the best writers.
Edit 2: Also, I've been thinking about this, but what do you think literary and poetry critics do? You say it's bizarre to critique Taylor Swift’s poor grasp of the English language? Of course, I'm critiquing that... she's the one who calls herself a writer. I don't go around checking everyone's grammar, but if you call yourself a "good" writer and a poet, obviously expect people to analyze the words on the page.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
HOT 100 HCs: Emily Prentiss
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Friends. Colleagues. I am starting a new thing (but not ending any old things, don't worry babes). I'm calling it HOT 100 Headcanons. Basically, I've created playlists for characters that include all the songs that they love and/or have shaped them in some way. I take cues from the canon characters (for example, canon Emily was a rocker in high school, so her playlist includes quite a bit of rock).
I don't know if anyone else will enjoy this or care about it and, frankly, I don't care. I really enjoyed making it, and I really do believe it's doing deep dives like this that help you really get to know a character (or your HC of them, anyway). Enjoy, if you're into that kind of thing!
HOT 100 HCs: Emily Prentiss
Note(s): When I think of the Criminal Minds characters, I always think of them as being Elite Team-age in the present. If Paget Brewster’s age roughly equals Emily’s, then Emily joined the BAU when she was 36/37. If we move the Elite Team timeline up so it starts in 2024, she’d have been born in 1987. That’s the date I work from when calculating these Hot 100 Lists.
(Also, the first parentheses is the date the song was released. The second is the age Emily was when it was released.)
Nat King Cole, “Nature Boy” (March 29, 1948) (N/A)
Emily’s grandfather didn’t have tapes or CDs at his chalet in the French Alps, but he did have a turntable, and Nat King Cole was one of his favorites to spin. Now it always reminds Emily of him. She still likes to spin Nat King Cole and dance with you in the living room.
2. Édith Piaf, “Milord” (May 8, 1949) (N/A)
Another record straight from her grandfather’s house. They listened to a lot of Édith Piaf, but this was her favorite as a little girl. She thought it was funny, and it helped her learn how to do uvular trills, since French wasn’t her first language.
3. Juliette Gréco, “Sur les quais du vieux Paris” (October 1951) (N/A)
Little Emily didn’t get to go to Paris much, mostly just as a stopover on the way to her grandfather’s. But whenever her grandfather brought her back to her mom, he’d take her around Paris for a day, and she always thought it was the most magical place in the world.
4. Georges Brassens, “Je Me Suis Fait Tout Petit” (February 2, 1956) (N/A)
Her grandfather played classical-style guitar and loved the work of Georges Brassens. He often played it and sang for Emily. Georges Brassens was a significantly better singer than her grandfather was, but sometimes Emily wishes she had a recording of her grandfather instead of Brassens. Nevertheless, listening to it still reminds her of sitting with him on the hillsides while he played.
5. Léo Ferré, “L’affiche rouge” (February 1961) (N/A)
Another favorite of Emily’s grandfather. He was a star of French chanson, a folk music tradition driven heavily by lyrics, almost like poetry put to music. Her grandfather would sometimes read her the poems first and then play her the songs afterward.
6. Marie Laforêt, “Marie douceur, Marie colère” (1966) (N/A)
One of Emily’s first favorite rock songs. She heard this version long before she even knew who Mick Jagger was and, to this day, she could defend in a dissertation-length essay why Marie Laforêt’s lyrics are better than the original.
7. Jacqueline Taieb, “Le cœur au bout des doigts” (1967) (N/A)
A dancing-in-the-living-room standby for Emily at her grandfather’s.
8. Patty Pravo, “La bambola” (May 1968) (N/A)
Emily didn’t discover this one until she lived in Italy, but it’s a perfect sad song, great for dramatically belting in your room or in the car. Which is exactly what she did for months after the asshole of a boy who knocked her up dropped her and she had to go through the abortion process almost alone.
9. Maxime Le Forestier, “San Francisco” (1971) (N/A)
One of the “newest” records her grandfather owned. He only conceded to buying it because Maxime Le Forestier covered so much of Georges Brassens’ work. He ended up loving it. Emily’s first instinct is still to pronounce “San Francisco” like Le Forestier does in this song.
10. Meat Loaf, “I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” (October 21, 1977) (N/A)
Inexplicably, Meat Loaf is one of the only English-speaking artists that Emily’s grandfather liked.
11. Lio, “Le Banana Split” (November 1979) (N/A)
Her grandfather hated this song so much, but she loved it, so he bought it for her anyway. Teeny baby Emily could not get enough of the word “banana,” in any language.
12. Grover Washington, Jr., “Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers)” (1980) (N/A)
Emily’s mom loves Bill Withers. One of Emily’s best memories of childhood is dancing to this song with her mom. Now her favorite memory is dancing to it with you at your wedding.
13. Yazoo, “Only You” (August 16, 1982) (N/A)
A regular on Emily’s mom’s boom box when Emily was young.
14. Metallica, “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (July 27, 1984) (N/A)
Discovered during *Emily's teen rock era.*
15. Madonna, “Into the Groove” (July 15, 1985) (N/A)
Emily’s mom is a big Madonna fan, so there was a lot of Madonna in little Emily’s house.
16. Siouxsie and the Banshees, “Cities in Dust” (April 21, 1986) (N/A)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
17. Berlin, “Take My Breath Away” (May 13, 1986) (N/A)
Top Gun was Emily’s mom’s favorite movie for a solid decade of her childhood, so Emily was very familiar with the music. This song was her favorite.
18. Alannah Myles, “Black Velvet” (March 14, 1989) (1)
Emily will tell you that she remembers being young and trying on her mom’s makeup in front of the mirror to this song.
19. Metallica, “Enter Sandman” (August 12, 1991) (3)
Discovered during *Emily's teen rock era.*
20. Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (September 26, 1991) (3)
Didn’t discover Nirvana until her teen years, but Nevermind remains one of her favorite albums of all time.
21. Lara Fabian, “Je Suis Malade” (1994) (6)
Tiny little Emily heard this in a café in Paris with her mom and begged her mom to buy it on vinyl so she could bring it to her grandfather’s. Her mom obliged, mostly to shut her up, and Emily spent all summer listening to it. It was the first song that ever gave her chills. She still knows every word, still loves to belt it in the car, and still swears up and down that Lara Fabian’s version is better than Celine Dion’s.
22. Tori Amos, “Cornflake Girl” (January 31, 1994) (6)
Emily’s mom went through a real Tori Amos phase. Little Emily genuinely thought this song was about cereal and asked her mom to play it over and over again.
23. Beck, “Loser” (March 1, 1994) (6)
Little Emily loved the slide guitar and that the song said “loser,” which her mom did not let her call anyone.
24. Bush, “Comedown” (December 6, 1994) (7)
Emily was late to discover a lot of ‘90s and 2000s rock because it was hard to access non-mainstream American music abroad, but when iTunes came around when she was 13 or 14, she spent an ungodly amount of her mom’s money buying songs and albums, including this one.
25. Collective Soul, “December” (March 15, 1995) (7)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
26. April March, “Le Temps de l’amour” (October 20, 1995) (8)
Another favorite from her French summers. A sneak peak of later punk rock Emily.
27. April March, “Chick Habit” (October 20, 1995) (8)
Emily lords it over every gay she knows that she knew this song from the original album and not from But I’m a Cheerleader. But she does love But I’m a Cheerleader… This was her favorite CD for a solid year or more.
28. The Smashing Pumpkins, “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” (October 23, 1995) (8)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
29. OMC, “How Bizarre” (January 1, 1996) (8)
A favorite track on Emily’s favorite CD, Now That’s What I Call Music! 3.
30. Backstreet Boys, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” (May 6, 1996) (8)
All the kids knew this one, in any country Emily visited or lived in.
31. Khaled, “Aïcha” (November 1996) (9)
Emily’s mom was the U.S. ambassador to Oman for a few years during Emily’s childhood. Emily learned Arabic quickly and tried very hard, as she did in all the places she lived, to fit in seamlessly with the people around her. So, of course, the songs she sang and danced to with her friends were the ones popular in Oman at the time.
32. Third Eye Blind, “Jumper” (April 8, 1997)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
33. Rachid Taha, “Ya Rayah” (August 5, 1997) (9)
Another favorite of Emily and her friends during her time in Oman. They even had a little choreographed dance they did all together.
34. Will Smith, “Miami” (October 3, 1997) (9)
Tiny Emily genuinely thought she was the baddest little bitch in the world for knowing all these lyrics, despite having never been to Miami or a club or anything.
35. Britney Spears, “...Baby One More Time” (January 12, 1999) (9)
Honestly, what ‘90s kid didn’t have a formative moment with a Britney Spears song?
36. Buena Vista Social Club, “Chan Chan” (September 16, 1997) (9)
Emily was an adult when she discovered Buena Vista Social Club, but they’re one of her very favorites on vinyl now. She started listening to them while she learned Spanish in college.
37. Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” (October 4, 1997) (9)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
38. Hakim, “Wala Wahed” (1998) (10)
Emily’s mom was transferred to Cairo in 1998, where Emily had to start over again–but thankfully not with a completely new language. She really liked sha’bi music, and her best friend’s dad played drums in a jeel band.
39. Less Than Jake, “All My Best Friends Are Metalheads” (January 1, 1998) (11)
One of Emily’s earlier alt finds. She loved it.
40. Cher, “Believe” (October 19, 1998) (11)
Another favorite of Emily’s mom’s. On repeat in little Emily’s kitchen in Cairo.
41. Alaa Zalzali, “Akli Tar” (1999) (11)
Emily was obsessed with this song and the whole album because it combined two languages she knew and loved: Arabic and French.
42. Crazy Town, “Butterfly” (November 4, 1999) (12)
Emily loved this song so much, and she jokes that looking back it should have been a huge flag that she was gay.
43. A Perfect Circle, “Judith” (January 1, 2000) (12)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
44. Anastacia, “I’m Outta Love” (February 29, 2000) (12)
Even Emily’s hard little rock heart still loved a pop anthem.
45. Pascale Machaalani, “Nour El Chams” (June 25, 2000) (12)
All the girls in Cairo wanted to be Pascale Machaalani. Think of her as the Beyoncé of Emily’s preteen years.
46. Rage Against The Machine, “Renegades” (December 5, 2000) (13)
One of the first rock songs Emily discovered and fell in love with. She still knows all the words.
47. Staind, “Outside” (May 22, 2001) (13)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
48. System of a Down, “Toxicity” (September 4, 2001) (13)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
49. Noir Désir, “La vent nous portera” (September 11, 2001) (13)
Even when she lived in the Middle East, Emily still spent summers with her grandfather in France. As always, he’d let her have a day in Paris when she flew in, and she always visited a music store to buy all the new French alt albums she could find.
50. Hoobastank, “Crawling In The Dark” (November 20, 2001) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
51. Saliva, “Always” (January 1, 2002) (14)
Emily’s mom considered sending her to therapy because she listened to this song so much.
52. Seether, “Driven Under” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
53. Seether, “Fine Again” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
54. Sum 41, “The Hell Song” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
55. Mango, “La rondine” (July 9, 2002) (14)
Wildly popular while Emily lived in Italy. Think of him as the Peter Gabriel of Italian music.
56. Chevelle, “The Red” (October 8, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
57. Audioslave, “Cochise” (November 17, 2002) (15)
Italy Emily was baby rocker Emily, but she wasn’t very external about it because the Catholic church was not a fan.
58. Evanescence, “Bring Me To Life” (March 4, 2003) (15)
Another song that was on repeat for Emily post-abortion. Sweet baby Emily was so depressed and honestly really needed to go to therapy. She wouldn’t say she likes the song now, exactly, but it brings her back to a specific time and place that were very formative for her.
59. Linkin Park, “Lying from You” (March 25, 2003) (15)
A classic teenager Linkin Park moment.
60. The Darkness, “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” (July 7, 2003) (15)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
61. Three Days Grace, “I Hate Everything About You” (July 22, 2003) (15)
Emily will tell you that this song is what she felt like most of the time in Italy, trying really hard to fit in, trying to like boys, really liking girls, all-in-all having a terrible time.
62. Jet, “Are You Gonna Be My Girl” (September 15, 2003) (15)
Emily jokes that this one also should have been a dead giveaway that she liked girls.
63. Keane, “Somewhere Only We Know” (May 10, 2004) (16)
She will never admit it, but this song still makes her cry.
64. Seether, “Remedy” (January 1, 2005) (17)
Emily is a little embarrassed about liking Seether so much, but she really does.
65. Negrita, “Rotolando Verso Sud” (January 21, 2005) (17)
A favorite of Emily’s after she and her mom moved back to the States in 2004. She felt very out of place, which makes sense considering she’d grown up across several countries. She found a lot of comfort in listening to music in her other languages, since she didn’t really get to hear it spoken anymore.
66. Negramaro, “Estate” (February 7, 2005) (17)
By this point, Emily's deep in her rebellious rocker phase. Because it’s Emily, her dramatic rocker music is in several languages, though.
67. System of a Down, “Lonely Day” (November 22, 2005) (18)
Technically not a teenager anymore, an adult. But now her music taste is pretty solidly set on rock (with some variations here and there).
68. Rihanna, “SOS” (April 10, 2006) (18)
Not usually a big pop fan, but she has a huge soft spot for Rihanna. Particularly this song because she says that’s how obsessive she is about you. It always makes you laugh.
69. AFI, “Prelude 12/21” (June 6, 2006) (18)
She’s a drama queen, she just won’t admit it.
70. My Chemical Romance, “Teenagers” (19)
*Emily’s adult rock era*
71. Fall Out Boy, “Thnks fr th Mmrs” (January 1, 2007) (19)
Yes, even Emily likes listening to Fall Out Boy sometimes.
72. Avril Lavigne, “Girlfriend” (April 17, 2007) (19)
Okay, but who doesn’t love Avril Lavigne?
73. Linkin Park, “Given Up” (May 14, 2007) (19)
Adult Emily still loves Linkin Park. It’s nostalgic now.
74. Vampire Weekend, “A-Punk” (January 29, 2008) (20)
*Emily’s adult rock era* (but make it less dramatic and depressing than usual)
75. Max Gazzè, “Il Solito Sesso” (February 29, 2008) (20)
Sure, she’s in college, but she still loves Italian music and keeps up with her friends from Italy. Plus, she’s starting to accept that she likes girls, and the girls love it when she speaks Italian.
76. Katy Perry, “I Kissed a Girl” (June 17, 2008) (20)
Loves this song for very obvious reasons. Plus, when this came out there wasn’t really much queer girl music and Emily was in her feral, fresh-out-of-the-closet baby lesbian era.
77. Halestorm, “Mz. Hyde” (April 9, 2012) (24)
Oof. Big ol’ crush on Lzzy Hale.
78. Superheaven, “Youngest Daughter” (April 5, 2013) (25)
Once a rocker, always a rocker.
79. Indila, “Tourner Dans Le Vide” (February 24, 2014) (26)
Emily is a huge fan of Indila because her music sounds like a combination of French and Arabic, and it reminds of her childhood.
80. Highly Suspect, “Lydia” (July 17, 2015) (27)
Big fan of Highly Suspect.
81. K. Flay, “Blood In The Cut” (April 17, 2017) (29)
Hearkening back to her dramatic-ass punk-rock youth.
82. Polo & Pan, “Cœur croisé” (May 19, 2017) (29)
Emily loves Polo & Pan. They’re her go-to for international air travel. Something about their music just feels like whimsy and adventure to her.
83. Pomme, “Ceux qui rêvent” (October 6, 2017) (29)
Emily is a dramatic French woman at heart, and you love her for it.
84. Beck, “Dreams” (October 13, 2017) (30)
Beck? Of course she loves Beck. She’s loved Beck since “Loser” came out when she was six.
85. Death Cab for Cutie, “Northern Lights” (August 17, 2018) (30)
For when she’s in her feels.
86. Muse, “Pressure (feat. UCLA Bruin Marching Band)” (November 9, 2018) (31)
It’s Muse. Duh.
87. Alice Merton, “Roots” (January 29, 2019) (31)
Loves this because (a) it’s a fun song and (b) she really relates to the lyrics.
88. Vanille, “Suivre le soleil” (June 7, 2019) (31)
Her go-to for when you’re driving on vacation in the French Riviera. Coincidentally, you don’t know that she’s ever been more attractive driving a convertible with a sun hat on blaring French music that she knows all the words too while treating you to a vacation on the Mediterranean Sea.
89. The Black Keys, “Go” (June 28, 2019) (31)
The Black Keys lean a little blues-rock for Emily usually, but their music is just so damn catchy. Plus, you love them, and that makes her love them.
90. Harry Styles, “Watermelon Sugar” (December 13, 2019)
Loves this song for one reason and one reason only: she heard it was about eating a girl out. She hasn’t heard Billie Eilish’s “LUNCH” yet and, honestly, you’re afraid to show her.
91. The Strokes, “Why Are Sundays So Depressing” (April 10, 2020)
She loves The Strokes. And, also, she thinks Sundays are depressing because she knows she’ll have to leave you and go back to work the next day.
92. cleopatrick, “THE DRAKE” (March 11, 2021) (33)
A current fave. Plus she likes that their Spotify artist description is just “guitar band.” She thinks that’s hilarious.
93. Halestorm, “Back From The Dead” (August 18, 2021) (33)
Emily is, through and through, a Lzzy Hale girl. She was 21 when their first album came out and had a massive crush on Lzzy.  Didn’t know if she wanted to be her or be with her. Lowkey still doesn’t know. You tease her about it relentlessly.
94. Muse, “Will Of The People” (June 1, 2022) (34)
Muse, because duh.
95. Madelline, “dopamine - Version Française” (May 12, 2023) (35)
Still a sucker for French pop all these years later.
96. KennyHoopla, “YOU NEEDED A HIT//” (May 19, 2023) (35)
KennyHoopla brings her straight back to her 2000s rock roots, and she’s obsessed.
97. Mother Mother, “To My Heart” (September 15, 2023) (35)
A new discovery for Emily, but she’s really into them right now.
98. Mammothor, “Inside Out” (December 15, 2023) (36)
*Emily’s adult rock era*
99. St. Vincent, “Broken Man” (February 29, 2024) (36)
Emily loves St. Vincent. She’s not much of a concert person, but you did take her to see St. Vincent for her birthday once and she was over the moon.
100. Doña Manteca, “Tengo una Debilidad” (May 10, 2024) (36)
You found them on TikTok before their album came out and sent it to her. She pre-ordered their album on vinyl, and it’s her favorite thing to dance with you to right now.
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catboygretzky · 1 year
how people interact with sports fandom/react when they find out what sports fandom is actually like is sooooo funny to me like?
i'm sorry if you thought sports fans were only cishet dude bros giving their unasked for opinions instead of mostly women and/or queer folk treating these sports men like members of a popular boyband, including but definitely not limited to: making kpop style fancams, creating dramatic edits with sad lyric/poem overlays, and referring to them as "babygirl" and "wife"
i won't even touch on the rpf/shipping part of it*, even though when people figure out sports fans write about these Sports Men being in love with and/or fucking each other is extra EXTRA funny
it's just so entertaining to me, is all
*actually i just looked up the most popular sports rpf fandoms and YEAH HOCKEY FANDOM LOOK AT US GO
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chromietriestowrite · 4 months
Wildflower | KNJ
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Pairing : Namjoon x gn!reader
Genre : fluff, slice of life, husband!namjoon, non-idol!au
Summary : On a beautiful Sunday morning, you and your husband pick out flowers to make crowns.
Word count : 2.6k
a/n : fluffy comfort drabble. Namjoon is adorable. This is my first BTS fic. English is not my first language. Enjoy !
You woke up to the feeling of the sun warming up your skin. Your eyes fluttered open as you welcomed the morning light seeping through the white curtains. You smiled listening to the soft breaths of the man behind you, holding you delicately, an arm draped over you, hand resting on your lower stomach. 
  You turned to face your sleeping husband, moving quietly so as to not wake him and took the time to admire him. How his soft obsidian hair fell over his closed eyes, long eyelashes delicately kissing his cheeks. How the sun shined on his tan skin. With fondness, your eyes traced the line of his long charming nose, stopping at its cute little button. Your eyes followed down to his soft supple lips, waiting to be kissed. 
  As he slept, his breathing even, you could see a small smile crawling its way on his face, which made his adorable dimples appear. It warmed your heart, the love you had for him beaming out of you as you watched him sleep peacefully.
  You finally got up, put on your favourite fluffy pyjamas and headed to the small kitchen. 
  Your cottage was a simple one, made of one main room separated to your bedroom by a sheer snow-white chiffon curtain you had embellished with embroidered flowers. The living room held three cotton white walls decorated by bookshelves and various craft items you had created over the years. 
  Your absolute favourite space was the book nook you had installed under large windows. Adorned by fairy lights, homemade scented candles and a beautiful terrarium your beloved had made. A soft mattress and fluffy pillows made it the perfect space for you to escape to your latest fantasy novel, or work on your crochet projects while your husband was deep in a literary book or writing poems and lyrics, letting his brain flow naturally.
  A light blue accent wall painted with white clouds and a bright moon was the home of a piano and music equipment for your husband to write and compose. Oftentimes, you would find him lost in his work, focused eyes, teeth biting his inner lip as he typed away, breath heavy. You loved those moments when you got to be with him while you both worked on your own projects, enjoying the peaceful domesticity. 
  Waking out of your contemplation, you found your way to the kitchen to prepare a special Sunday breakfast. Just as you were finishing up, you heard a yawn, followed by featherlike footsteps coming in your direction. You turned to see Namjoon approaching you, hair tousled from sleep, eyes half opened, a sloppy grin on his face, dimples greeting you lovingly. You grinned as he came up to engulf you in a big hug, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. You could smell his flowery scent, relaxing instantly in his arms.
  'Good morning my love.’
  'Good morning Yeobo.' you could feel the smile on his lips as he answered you. 'Smells good, I'm so hungry' he said, his stomach growling in agreement.
  'I know, I made crepes!' you said excitedly. Namjoon beamed at that. His hands came to cradle your face 'Do you have any idea how much I love you ?' he asked dramatically. You giggled as he closed the distance between you and kissed you softly. 
  After a delicious breakfast spent in light conversation and loving touches, you both went to get ready for the day. It was warm and sunny outside, spring gifting you with a delicate weather for your day off. Which meant, you got to put on your favourite spring outfit. 
  Namjoon came out of the bedroom wearing a simple white tee tucked in loose egg white linen pants.
He had put on the light ivory jacket you had knitted for him. He looked stunning. Of course, he always did, but there was something about seeing him in comfortable light clothes, balancing his obsidian hair and caramel skin that made him look angelic.
  'You look so beautiful my love' you whispered, circling your arms around his shoulders bringing him close to you. He looked at you lovingly, caressing your nose gently with his, you could feel his breath on your lips. You closed your eyes, feeling at home in his arms as he closed the distance and kissed you deeply. You melted into the kiss, your hands coming to softly weave in his hair while his hands pressed on the small of your back bringing you impossibly close. Breaking the kiss when you ran out of breath, you were greeted with a wide gummy smile and you took the opportunity to kiss both his dimples.
  'Are you ready?' he asked, wiggling his eyebrows to which you nodded excitedly.
  You had a little tradition for the first Sunday of each month. No matter what, you would always spend it together and pick a new activity to try. 
You would pick an activity to do together. It could be anything but it had to be something that you wouldn't usually do. Last month, you painted flower pots and filled them with each other's birth flowers. They now stood proudly right by the entrance of your cottage. 
  You hadn't planned it that way, but after a few months of doing this, you realised that you always chose activities where you made something to gift the other. Thanks to that beautiful tradition, you now had so many tributes to the love you shared displayed in your cosy home. You absolutely adored looking at them and in a way, you loved all the empty spaces tool. They represented Sundays to be had and love to be shared. The empty spaces were your future and you couldn’t wait to fill them.
  Namjoon had a bright smile this morning leading you outside, a wicker basket in hand. You both walked peacefully to the meadow, holding hands, chatting lightly. The sun was bright, enveloping you in its warm embrace. It was a beautiful morning.
  When you got to the meadow, you set off to pick out flowers. Your husband, in all his romanticism, proposed that you would make flower crowns for each other. You absolutely loved wildflowers and was so excited to spend your morning picking them for your lover. 
  You had started by picking out clematis, Namjoon's birth flower. You then chose flowers in different shades of blue, his favourite colour. You mainly pick forget-me-nots, the very symbol of true love, representing perfectly the aura you wanted to give his crown.
  When you were satisfied with the different flowers you had picked out you sat down on the grass, enjoying the sun, watching your elegant husband walking around focused, stopping here and there to pick a flower. When he was done, he came to sit next to you, bumping your shoulder, a big smile plastered on his face.
  'You are so beautiful Yeobo. All perfect, surrounded by flowers almost as pretty as you are. I'm so lucky to have you'
  You smiled bashfully, cheeks heating up. 
  'I think I'm the lucky one, my love. I've never been as happy as I have been since I met you.' 
  'Maybe it's not luck at all,' he said dreamily, taking your hand in his. 'Maybe we’re just meant to be' 
  'I like that idea' you replied, squeezing his hand. 
  You stayed lying on the grass for a little while, enjoying the sun, making each other laugh, exchanging tender kisses. 
  As you got up to go back, you noticed Namjoon had mostly picked purple flowers, your favourite colour along with a few small sunflowers, his favourite flower. Your heart grew and a beaming smile appeared on your face. 
  When you got back home, you went to prepare two glasses of iced tea, while Namjoon got the supplies ready. He layed out some craft wires, a hot glue gun, some pearls, ribbons and a very large amount of glitter. 
  He had put on soft music and turned on fairy lights, creating an ethereal atmosphere as you both got to work quietly. You stayed focused, your crowns hidden from the other's view. 
   You carefully mapped out how you wanted the crown to look. Alternating between large clematis and smaller forget-me-nots. You covered a few bluebells with glitter and put them all around the crown. Attached some ribbons to the ends of the crown to make a cute bow. You were very thorough when you handled the flowers, watchful not to damage them. You put as much love as you had into the making of this crown and you were very proud of the result. 
You couldn’t see what Namjoon was doing, but you would sometimes sneak a glance and find him completely enthralled by what was between his hands. You could see the dedication to what he was doing. His focused state making him slouch slightly, while his brows furrowed and a cute pout appeared on his heart shaped lips. You knew he was determined to make this the most beautiful crown he could while also focusing on not ruining his meticulous work with his clumsiness.  
  You cleaned the table when you were both satisfied with your work, then proceeded to go outside, sitting on the bench swing by the cherry tree at the back of your garden. 
   You sat legs folded, facing each other, your fists levelled to decide who would be sharing their work first. Much to your delight, your scissors beat Namjoon’s paper. You smiled knowing you would be the first to show your creation. You carefully picked up the crown you had hid behind you on the bench and presented it to your lover. 
  He beamed when he saw the mix of bright blue flowers, perfectly arranged together and a few clematis here and there embellishing your work of art. A light blush came on his cheeks as he let you delicately place it on his head. He grabbed one of your hands, brought it to his lips to place a tender kiss there.
  'I love it, thank you so much Yeobo. This is the most beautiful flower crown.'
  'A perfect match for the most beautiful human' you answered proudly.
  You kissed him quickly before sitting back with a huge smile plastered on your face. 'Now my turn!' you said excitedly. You absolutely adored flower crowns, having so many different ones matching varying outfits for different occasions. You knew this was the reason why Namjoon chose this activity and you were so grateful for it. Not only was it incredibly romantic, but it also meant one of your many crowns would have been handmade by the person you loved most in this world. You didn’t need to see it to know it was already your favourite one.
  Seeing you so eager made your husband chuckle. He would do anything to see you so happy and he would bask in your happiness for as long as you would let him. Which would be forever if he had his way. He made you close your eyes which you did happily, waiting impatiently for the moment he would let you see his work. You giggled when he took advantage of your closed eyes to kiss your nose. He then whispered for you to open. 
  You gasped seeing the flower crown. You were breathtaken. Namjoon had positioned the flowers in the cutest way, each one complementing the next to perfection. You had tears in your eyes seeing the small sunflowers tangled with -your favourite flower-. The crown was beautiful and you told him as much. 
   He leaned in to put it on your head and you took advantage of that new position to kiss him deeply. He melted instantly into the kiss, cradling your face with one hand while the other came to bring you closer until you were straddling him. Separating when you were out of breath, you stared lovingly into his eyes while your fingers came to lightly trace the soft features of his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, humming softly. You whispered praises to him, thanking him for the crown. 
You sat back admiring your beautiful husband and took his hands in yours. ‘I love you more than anything’. He knew that of course, but you would never stop reminding him. And he would never stop saying it back to you, for the rest of your lives.
a/n : Thank you for reading, i hope you liked it! Don't hesitate to give me some feedback.
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sunshines-child · 2 months
istg I should’ve been a theatre kid I’m dramatic and I act really well. Also I can up with quotes, monologues, poems, song lyrics, smack talk, diss tracks, etc. on whim, usually in under a minute
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joesalw · 5 months
i find it so interesting that other than swifties who like her and matty as a couple, no one else is talking about how taylor admits that she thought about matty while she was still with joe. i know she's a songwriter and i wouldn't mind if she said that in only one song - in that case i would've thought it was just her dramatic self creating a whole song/story from one moment like she did with enchanted or speak now. but she says that in a few songs ("swirled you into all of my poems", "they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly", "as the men masqueraded i hoped you'd return", "you said you were gonna grow up then you were gonna come find me", the song loml).
i read a post about how they first saw eachother again at some event in february 2020 and after that she started writing songs like the 1, cardigan, august, question, etc. that people think could be about him and like, how is that fair to joe? surely these thoughts that she was having created problems in their relationship...? it's crazy to blame the break up on only joe when she was, apparently as early as 2020, thinking about someone she dated in 2014.
but maybe i'm overthinking these lyrics and the taylor/matty shippers are getting into my head lol
I've seen swifties saying that it was okay for her to emotionally cheat on joe because he was depressed and boring the shit out of her
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seeminglyranch87 · 5 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
April 2024 - Part 2
April 19 - Taylor Swift's 11th Studio album is released; The Tortured Poets Department (x)
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2am - The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology. 15 more songs released!!! A double album!
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8pm - Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) music video premiers on YouTube (x)
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Taylor reads some of the poem in the epilogue on the album... (x)
Taylor shares video on YouTube shorts (x) and IG with some cute footage of Travis, Benji, Singapore & more
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People give a summary of album themes in particular Taylor's fateful situationship with Matty Healy (x)
It becomes evident that Taylor has released the first songs about her relationship with Travis on The Tortured Poets Department (including The Anthology) Are there others?
The Alchemy (x)(x)
So High School
But Daddy I Love Him (final verse)
A source tells Entertainment Tonight (x)
[Travis Kelce] couldn't be more supportive and is pumped for Taylor. He knows how much this means to her and thinks she's extremely talented. Taylor and Travis admire each other's creative processes and work ethic. They cheer each other on, respect each other's opinions, and are open and communicative.
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Uproxx reviews TTPD (x)
It’s a chronicle of a specific period of time, one that she needed to explore to be able to move on (having a “squirle”-loving goofball waiting for her at home helped). As she wrote on social media when the album came out, “This writer is of the firm belief that our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page. Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it.” She’s finally clean. The Tortured Poets Department isn’t the album people thought it would be. It’s rawer. It’s funnier. It’s more poetic and unapologetically dramatic. Most of all, it’s another classic from the preeminent songwriter of her generation.
April 20 - TTPD lyric videos released on Youtube with a sweet reference to Travis and Taylor in So High School (x) - note the letters TK & TS
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April 23 - Chiefs quoting Taylor's lyrics from The Alchemy on IG (x)
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Travis & Taylor snapped out for dinner at Mateo Ristorante, West Hollywood, California
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Deuxmoi celebrity gossip receives blind suggesting Travis attended an appointment with jeweller Lorraine Schwartz.
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April 24 - Donna Kelce reveals that Taylor & Travis joined Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper for a getaway in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California (x) dates not confirmed but presumed to be over the album release weekend.
A source tells ET (x) that Kelce is among Taylor's biggest champions. 
"Travis is so supportive of the entire album and loves that he is a part of Taylor's story. He is a Swiftie through and through, and is very proud of her."
Republic Records celebrates Taylor's achievements with TTPD (x)
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Go to next update -> April part 3
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doodle-pops · 2 years
House of Feanor | Proposing to Their S/O
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Request: Hi, I loved the proposal headcanon for the lords of Gondolin, can you do the same for the Feanorians, please? - Anon
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Feanor is an extravagant and grandiose person, but when it comes to affairs of the heart, I do believe he becomes soft and tender. As much as he wishes to make a magnificent proposal, he’s humble.
He would either take you back to the place you both meet or where you had your first date or someplace where you both had a memorable moment.
Keeping his calm and cool, he would already have your ring made if not weeks, then months ago, resting in his pocket. He’s not going to be overly dressed, something simple since you’ve seen and expressed how much you adore his rough attire from the forges.
No need for overly romantic and grandiose speech, he keeps it simple and gets straight to the point.
Would keep you engaged in a regular conversation, arms linked, laughing and smiling before he stops at his destination and simply informs you that he wishes to make your relationship deep and advance.
He gets down on one knee, reveals a ring that matches you, and asks you to marry him in the humblest and most delicate voice ever. Feanor at first would have insecurities about whether you wish to be with him due to his behaviour not being pleasant, but seeing how adamant you were at his side all his life would bring tears to his eyes when you say yes.
Oh boy, Mr Best Speech has quite the classic and romantic speech lined up for you the moment he decided to make the great step in developing your relationship. Unfortunately, he just can’t decide on the best location and way to host the proposal.
He’s torn between a romantic dinner, an evening walk, a trip to the beach or something a bit more ostentatious. Not one for dramatic performances, Maedhros would choose to propose over a regular date.
He had to be shaken by his brother to remember that it was not about the setting but the moment (guess which brother). Maedhros would be a tad bit nervous and fumble around with his words during your regular talk.
Attempting to drift the conversation into relationships it would seem strange of him to be talking about relationships so much within five minutes. It would prompt you to inquire if he’s alright, which urges him to give up at that point and fumbles around with the ring in his hands under the table.
He’d place the box on the table, loving how you’d gasp and look at him with teary eyes. It’s what motivates him to propose with ease as he gets out of his seat and on his knees before you.
Holding your hands with a little boyish look, Maedhros would start his speech and then drop it halfway, asking you to marry him plain and straightforwardly while making a little jab at his brother.
His response to you agreeing would be him attempting to withhold his tears as he bends his head into your lap repeatedly saying thank you and I love you.
Mr Romantic and Artistic is the second smoothest person to propose after his father, and you can thank his assertiveness and ability for doing public performances for boosting his bravery.
A song or a poem has been in preparation for months or even years ago and will be performed on a picnic under the stars on what starts off as a regular date. Maglor plays his harp and hums tune after tune while you feed him snacks and indulge in a few.
The two of you will be making eyes at each other the entire time as he dedicates every song to you; most of them would be about things he loves about you and gradually increase in meaning as the night progresses.
He’d stop before he performed his proposal song to pop champagne and made a small toss to the years or months you have both been together, thanking you for loving him through his best and worst.
Sharing a small kiss, that’s when he informs you of the last song he had written for you a long time ago and it was crucial that you paid close attention to the lyrics.
Singing his heart out about wanting to spend eternity with you and forever and always, Maglor would probably be cut-off midway by you diving onto him shouting yes a million times.
It’s described by him as the most spectacular moment in his life since birth. So many kisses and I love you along with you mean the world to me are exchanged as you both are wrapped up and rolling around the grass.
He would gain much assistance from his brother, Curufin, who would have to write out in explicit detail (step-by-step) what to do because his brother’s idea was a bit too unromantic (in his eyes).
Being a Feanorian, he isn’t going to take the situation jokingly and instead dedicate himself to rehearsing the blueprint step-by-step. Talks to himself in the mirror, to Curufin and to Huan who gets tired at some point.
I’m gonna be honest here, Huan is going to be the one to assist Celegorm with his proposal because even if he didn’t like Curufin’s idea, it was still too grandiose. Being the brilliant creature he is, Huan would quickly snatch the ring that Curufin made and take it to you.
He would even explain the entire situation to you about what Tyelko was attempting to do and let you in on the ostentatious idea they came up with (give his treats, he’s a good boy).
For days you would be wearing the ring on your finger and being oblivious, Celegorm wouldn’t notice it. You would be the one to approach him while teasing him about wanting to marry you and waving the ring around your hand.
Turned out, you ended up proposing to Celegorm while he was busy attempting to figure out how and when Huan stole the ring. He doesn’t know if to be relieved that he didn’t have to propose or feel betrayed by Huan.
Nerdanel is assisting him all the way because she’s the only person who gave him a simple and directive approach that made him comfortable. It was he who added the expense to the proposal.
Simple and to the point, a dinner on the anniversary of your courtship and a walk right after to cool off. There, he would be quick and ask you his dying question and give you the ring. That’s the routine he would be repeating to himself all the way till dinner.
I can see him playing this off cool and falling into the natural flow of things since you’ve expressed that being with him brings you joy and happiness and you would love to spend the rest of your life with him, so Caranthir wouldn’t be cold sweating.
The conversation will flow smoothly, the both of you chatting your hearts away merrily and dining until it’s time for a walk. So far, everything was going well, you had already received a few gifts and compliments and all that was left to do was propose.
Cara might suffer from not being sure how to drift the conversation over to marriage. He’ll fumble and stutter a bit with his words which would lead him to pause and take a deep breath, counting to three and reaching for your hand.
It’s then you’d question him if he’s okay and he’ll accidentally let it slip that he’s trying to propose. “You’re going to propose to me?” “Hmm, yes.” Pulls the ring box out and shows you the ring he got for you while softly whispering marry me, please?
It is so casually said and done, you still tear up as you say yes and hug the life out of him.
He attempts to take a page out of his father’s book when proposing to you and goes with a less ostentatious method, though the idea of not being extravagant tortures him.
Curufin might be the only one who proposes using the luxuries of life that he was born into. He’d use a ballroom or build some overly fancy area just for the proposal after spending weeks in the forges crafting your ring.
It’s simply in his nature to go all the way and be professional about an important milestone in his life. It should be memorable and special; thus, he’s going to be consulting his father for every ounce of information to make it perfect.
Cue his brother assisting him and you’ll see Maglor as the musician and Amrod and Amras as the waiters. Huan is somewhere there being a guard and keeping Celegorm from crashing. Maedhros and Caranthir are the chiefs.
He’s not even phased the slightest by his brothers being around, all that matters is that he gets his words out and before the night is over, you’re both engaged. Nothing much about his behaviour would change other than he’s going to be extra silent.
Just silently observing you talking and smiling at your words while repeating his words in his head, Curufin will wait for his cue from Maglor when the music switches and make his move.
His words are direct and far from flowery, it made Maglor mess up his chords as they spilt past his lips, but either way, you did say yes and accept his manly proposal. Curufin being himself would act a bit smug that he knew the proposal would go smoothly and ignore the cracking in his voice when he proposed.
His proposal would be adorable, and it involves Huan. Don’t worry, you’re not going to be pranked or anything close since it’s an important milestone in his life.
After consulting with his brothers, preferably Maedhros and Maglor, Amrod would turn to bribe Huan to assist him and with ease, he would (Huan needs to be paid). Both of them would spend weeks rehearsing how to present you with the ring and the timing. This is the one time Huan isn’t annoyed and is excited to participate.
It would be a typical day between you and Amrod, chatting and enjoying your quality time alone at home. Making random jokes at each other and his brothers when Huan would come bounding in the yard overly excited.
While greeting Huan, you’d miss the anxious look on Amrod’s face hoping that you spot the ring around Huan’s neck instead of cuddling him which takes forever before you notice.
Huan would also forget that he had to show you the ring and end up basking in the affections you were giving him which would cause Amrod to grow frustrated and shout at Huan that he messed up. “Hey, you were supposed to give them the ring!”
That gains your attention and prompts you to question Amrod on his statement which was how you got Amrod to get up and pry the ring off Huan’s neck, shooing him away and then getting on his knee.
The proposal between you both was more funny than sentimental, but it was something you couldn’t forget. Amrod grumbles about how Huan messed up the one job he had and you laugh, telling him to not blame Huan.
He would propose through a date after reading a story about how two persons lived blissful life. It would get Amras's head spinning with ideas on how to propose during the date.
Your date with Amras would be a lunch date somewhere private, like the gardens or by a lake on a picnic. The ring would be resting on the top of the cupcakes you two would eat after lunch. He was praying you didn’t eat the ring.
He will be quiet and nervous about the entire ordeal, fumbling around and zoning out because his thoughts are exceptionally far away. His nerves would be eating him because he wants to get the proposal over with and done, but he’s afraid of messing up.
Amras would grow quiet and ask you unsurely if you wanted to snack on some sweets with the most nervous look on his face with his hands already in the basket gripping the cupcakes.
“Amras are you alright?” “Yes, cupcakes?” you would throw the question at him only to get that response with him shoving a cupcake in your hand. You hadn’t even noticed the ring because your focus was on him, however, when you lifted the dessert to meet your mouth, you noticed it.
Amras's quiet voice will ring out, “Will you marry me?” while he stares at you expectantly. It’s a cute sight seeing how nervous he was about the entire ordeal when you would definitely say yes.
He had everything prepared, ring, location, outfit and music. The only thing that wasn’t prepared was his speech which he spent weeks rehearsing. While forging, on dates with you, while writing reports (he accidentally wrote a few lines in letters to his Lords) and even in his dreams.
His hands and mouth were always moving in sync with each other as he acted out the scene. You’ve walked in on him before but during the parts that didn’t give away the idea of the speech. Either way, he got heart attacks.
Tyelpё would be so nervous the entire time, using all the free time he had to rehearse and get his speech down to perfection because he’s a Feanorian and nothing is ever done half-heartedly.
Your proposal with Tyelpё would not go accordingly to his plan because he would be rehearsing as usual and cue you standing outside his room after hearing voices and wanting to know who he was speaking to because you knew the space was empty.
Standing outside, you would hear everything clearly and understand why he was so skittish over the last few weeks and the previous conversation you walked in on.
You would wait for his entire speech to end before walking in and answering his proposal with a yes which nearly made him faint because that was not how it was supposed to go.
The pure excitement on your face would make him forget that you walked in on him and would turn into delight at the realization of your response. Lots of hugging and kissing with joyous tears at your acceptance. He still wants to give you the dinner though.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @starborne0661 @floraroselaughter @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @hoshinokurasa
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