#Political stuff
galactic-rhea · 2 months
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I feel is my responsability to share this. As a "little" huh heads up.
Most of us are recurring to VPNs and the like, and it's true people are disappearing. On top of that, there have been instances of usamericans literally tagging venezuelan authorities when they see a venezuelan trying to share info about the protests and the situation. I wish i was lying.
Anyways, I just feel the need to share awareness somehow.
Update: Twitter and other webpages have been blocked and can only be accessed with VPNs. There's even more concerns about people arrested being taken to El Helicoide. If people really doubt venezuelans, I'm begging you to do your own research about El Helicoide and La Tumba (If you aren't sensitive)
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dioptasesystem · 2 months
Among other things, obviously.
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anartificialsatellite · 7 months
Bitchy take incoming: "I'm against the existence of any state" and "actually I believe in dismantling all states" are essentially useless positions that add almost nothing to any political discussion except to allow the speaker to deflect certain types of criticism and project an image of being committed ideologically while dealing in unserious hypotheticals.
I like everyone I follow but some of you are pretty silly sometimes. You can feel this way if you want to and maybe on some large theoretical level it's reasonable but when speaking of actual policy and political action it is worse than useless to say "Actually I don't think any state should exist."
They do, and that's simply not changing.
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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meatreincarnate · 10 months
Just because 1. I kind of got into this with someone last night and they blocked me and 2. I see this all the time on this app
White women need to stop having the unprompted attitude of "my white privilege doesn't save me from misogyny and even men of color oppress me" when:
1. No one has said your whiteness makes you invincible to oppression, and you're either being willfully ignorant or stupid in regards to intersectionality, which isn't surprising because when do you ever listen to women of color
2. I find it hard to feel bad for you when you have a history of pointing to black men and sentencing them to death at the hands of your white daddies, soz.
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Being a catholic centrist is weird sometimes. To conservatives I'm a bleeding heart socialist, to leftists I'm a reactionary misogynist christofascist
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wonderlandleighleigh · 11 months
I've been seeing quite a few "Please keep the world clean" signs featuring a star of David.
Please remember that hating Jewish people will not free Palestinians.
Hate rarely frees anybody.
The Jewish diaspora has no control over Israel's corrupt right-wing government. We have no control. We watch in horror just as you do as they commit atrocities.
We should not have to defend our right to exist because it's currently trendy to be antisemitic and gentiles want to earn imaginary points for what they feel is wokeness.
Free Palestine.
And stop hating Jewish people.
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lilasboudoir · 3 months
France is very close to have a fascist as prime minister.
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Art by Léo Chérel
How so?
- Last month, we had the european parliament elections. The far right scored a crazy amount of seats. In France, the far right had the best score.
- So the pyroman that some people refer to as our president decided to dissolve our national assembly and run new elections right after the results.
- He gave the other political party not even a month to run a campain which is very anti-democratic. He hoped with so few time, the leftist wouldn't have time to unionize.
- Well, jokes on him because unionize they did. It's called the NFP for "Nouveau Front Populaire" as "New Popular Front". It's a reference to a party of 1936 created by Leon Blum, a famous socialist in France.
- But our medias are runned by crazy biollionaires like Bolloré who wants nothing more than to make the far right win. So there is a huge propaganda on our TV and radio about how the NFP is dangerous. I mean, they even argue than to protect the jews, the far right is better than the left (the far right party in France was made by some ex-Waffen-SS but never mind) and people believe it! A lot of people think NFP is antisemitic and the reason is: because they defended Palestine and called out the genocide that is actually going on (so it would mean that they're against Israel and so, against the jews. Yeah, I know). This is the level of misinformation our main medias are in.
- If the far right win this elections, the president will name a far right prime minister, because it is a tradition in France. And because Emmanuel Macron isn't the barrier against the far right that he claims to be.
Now, how are you affected by this even if you're not french?
The RN (our far right party) is pro-Israel and don't condone them for the genocide they're perpetrating. In fact, they see it as legitimate defence and they will give money and weapons to Israel so they can keep going with their atrocities.
They are close to Vladimir Poutine (do I have to say more in this context with the war going on in Ukraine?)
They plan to desobey european laws. If the Europe try to interfere too much, they will certainly plan for a Frexit.
France is a member of a lot of international organisations in which they have a lot of power. Do I have to elaborate how devastating that would be?
If you're worried for disabled people, black people, LGBTQIA+ people, women, poor people accross the world know that they will suffer a lot more if the RN gain power.
The RN don't give a flying fuck about ecology.
How can you help?
Spread the word.
If you know french people, talk to them, tell them to go vote for NFP.
If they're not convinced, tell them to watch this videos :
How to recognize a fascist
How the RN is going to screw french economy
How the RN program is unrealistic and dangerous
How our medias are corrupted by the rich to make us think the far right is a viable option with the help of the Atlas Network
Tell them to read and/or listen to independent professional medias like Mediapart, Blast, Reporterre or Basta! and to support them if they can. Those medias did a lot of work to call out corrupted politicians. They don't have an agenda, they just want to inform. They're not owned by billionaires and so, can give informations as they see fit without any risk of professional threats from their boss. They are the most reliable sources of information in France and yet, too few people get informations from them.
Tell them to go unionize in syndicates, or to engage in a party or in an association because we need to fight now and after the elections and we can't stay alone in those fights. And while you're at it, do so as well because I'm sure you will need to fight in your own country. Times are tought for everyone. - Thank you very much for your attention and for your help.
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The largest uncommitted delegation is rn in Minnesota. I know some of you who follow this blog are from the Midwest. I hope you’re having these conversations with your family members. Fun fact: 53% of white women voted for Donald Trump in 2016. In 2020? 55%. That is THE NUMBER WENT UP!!! Those states are important battleground areas. Your vote MATTERS SO MUCH. If you like the 1975’s music, I hope you’re channeling that into real life action rn.
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porcelain-rob0t · 9 months
ive gotten a bunch of followers lately bc of certain posts and i have a much bigger following than i am used to. i try not to post a lot about current politics bc this website is a shitshow when it comes to talking about politics with nuance, so i will make my points clear and in a dialectical way. multiple truths do and have to exist at once and acknowledging that is essential to understanding anything.
i do not support the Israeli government, i hate Netanyahu and i want him dead
you should learn what "zionism" means before you decide it means "Jews i dont like"
you should fact check everything and examine why is is being posted the way it is. there is motive behind every post, examine that.
you are not immune to propaganda
the Palestinian people deserve safety and to live without oppression
call out antisemitism and islamophobia whenever you see it
listen to Jewish people and Muslims when they call out bigotry without getting defensive
listen to people when they talk about their own experiences without getting defensive in general
only people who experience the oppression can define it, if you are not in that group you cannot define it for them
check your sources
learn what dogwhistles are and call them out when you see them
dont take everything in bad faith if its not warranted
its really weird to interrogate random Jewish people who are not affiliated with Israel in anyway what their opinions on zionism is
dont be racist, dont be antisemitic, dont be islamophobic, its literally not hard
dont be a jerk
doomscrolling doesn't help. being sad isnt activism.
the world is so full of negativity, uplift others in your political activism. uplift oppressed groups instead of wasting all your energy on hating the oppressors. share their art, give money to charities, offer kindness in a world that wont do the same
be decent to each other
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royaltrashkin · 9 months
A lot of you fantasize about violent revolution the way gun humpers fantasize about taking out a bunch of Bad Guys With Guns. You talk big but you just want people to die at your hands and convince yourself it's righteous yet you cannot even tell your boss no, talk on the phone, or click back on a fanfic you don't like, the fuck you think you'll be doing in a violent uprising war zone hellscape except die? Stfu
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galactic-rhea · 1 month
Another little update about Venezuela is that Twitter/X was blocked/banned and also Pinterest (for some reason I'm unable to wrap my mind around)
Yet there's still people outside that don't believe what's happening, actual venezuelans tell them, they don't believe it, news cover it? They also don't believe it. Other govts talk about it? They also don't believe it, geez
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dioptasesystem · 2 months
I can't believe it. We are THE gun nation. How does someone from HERE miss that?
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anartificialsatellite · 9 months
While "people don't say this about other marginalized groups" is generally not useful, as many people do say those things and more, I also don't think it's unfair to acknowledge that there are plenty of people on this website and in other generally progressive spaces who do try to watch themselves and do profess to be concerned about offending others and looking for their own unconscious biases who have outright and openly decided that they are not going to listen to Jewish people about anything, and further are not even going to pretend to do so, and in fact believe that this is the progressive position to hold.
I don't think it's dismissive of other kinds of bigotry for Jewish people to see the disconnect with people in their own political circles and point it out.
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troythecatfish · 10 months
America would be NOTHING without black people.
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
My political stance:
We should have to choose between the greater of two goods, not the lesser of two evils.
Having said that, Anarchy.
This is relevant because all the characters I write keep falling into government positions. I hate the (people in the US) government. Why do all my MCs end up in positions of power???
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