#Poor Ellery
thebisexualteen · 9 months
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So I made some sh-t about Arielle's bf
His name is Ellery
None of Arielle's siblings knew Arielle was dating til she got a literal bracelet(They got suspicious of the bracelet and Camy told Crescent bout it and now she has to introduce her bf to the family)
I feel like before Camy told Crescent, Camillo asked who she got it from(Aka who gifted it to her) and she didn't want to say but hey they gotta know someday so she told them
I'm sure Ellery will make it out alive right😀
Marie looking at Ellery like: How dare u
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capn-twitchery · 1 month
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congrats to twitch for becoming Spicy and Indiscreet
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lawesculape · 4 months
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Ever since I discovered the Legend of Drizzt books, I've been obsessed! And, of course, I've also read The Sellswords trilogy, and I love Jartemis. It didn't take me long to draw them.
The first picture is a scene from The Promise of The Witch King that made me laugh (when Artemis is busy being depressed and Jarlaxle joins him right after sleeping with Ellery to asks him personnal questions like nothing happened.)
And the second is a spoiler for the end of the trilogy, with their last dialog. It broke my heart but it was such a good conclusion for Artemis. (Poor Jarlaxle didn't see that coming)
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little-watcher · 3 months
Laertes runs as fast as he freaking can. He runs into a couple walls, trips over himself more than once, and keeps appearing and disappearing at random moments in the hopes of landing somewhere close. When he finally reaches the room Ellery is in, he almost skids past them. She doesn't care. She just needs to get to her brother.
She looks like shit. He's covered in crudely done stitching from head to toe, especially on the left leg and around their face. It's painful just to look at, let alone the places where the poor threading doesn't quite cover a freezing inky blackness hiding behind their skin.
When she finally sees him, her first instinct is to clutch them as tight as they can before checking every inch of them for something that might hurt and finding a way to make it better. He second instinct is that that might actually be painful for him, actually, do they better not.
he rasps brokenly, eyes fearful as he sees his mess of a sibling.
“o h my go ds, wh at happe ned? ar e yo u okay? d o yo u- do you w ant a hug?”
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leonawriter · 4 months
Poor Shinichi he just wanted his detective friends to be friends too. He’s seeing a friend be rude to an other one because Heiji was in guard/attack dog mode for him . And it just gets worse from there.
Yeah D:
Like... I wonder if he even sees this happening, having had all his various experiences, and he's just a bit. "O-oh. Oh..."
Because looking at his expressions?
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He's playing up the "little kid" vibe here, but he's not unhappy.
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I could read this as "Can't we just get along? Can we? We have SO much in common."
And honestly, Shinichi would have a lot to talk about with Hakuba! They're both huge Holmes dorks!
Compared to how Hattori got Holmes facts wrong when he went to a Holmes Otaku retreat to find Shinichi there, and garnered the ire of many present when he said Ellery Queen was his favourite detective over Holmes.
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Here he is being kind of "what the fresh hell is going on. How do I react to this. Hattori you absolute walnut."
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By the end, he's just watching on in... well. I'm sure this couldn't have been comfortable for him? And then Hakuba cedes his position to him and I'm sure Shinichi'd have to know that's an odd thing for a 16-17 year old detective with pride to do.
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If anything, this seems to be the only time he reacts to Hakuba with anything other than "can we stop fighting and let me make friends" and it's because Hakuba seems to be treating him like the little kid he appears to be, and- something to do with calling Shinichi "Mister." I don't know if that's a translation thing or not, though.
But yeah, Shinichi just... he sure was along for the ride here. :c
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elleryhart · 3 months
sorry to say it but i do think with different financial circumstances ellery would have been a rich person with an inadvisable pet. fortunately they are poor and forced to learn about them instead, and so do not have an inadvisable pet
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elias-magnussy · 2 months
Jonah-Elias Eyelord Bouchard McGee, please stop trying to Know the poor thing. I’m afraid you’ll accidentally break them and their fabric skin is going to flop in a sad but dramatic way.
- Cassiopeia (@vapor-web) [PS. I’ve only changed my name twice, and it was flopping from my real name to a chosen one, then back. At least my name counter doesn’t go into the double digits like a certain someone.]
Strangers are a lot more annoying resistant to merely being Known than that, in my experience. And what else am I supposed to do?? She's holding Ellery and a bunch of irrelevant people hostage!
I've only had nine names it's not even double digits.
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Mom I know- I know you don’t really have any relation to Ellery but/ but is there anything you can do to help him? I’m afraid- I’m afraid. He’s- he’s not doing well. Andromeda is going to burn his hive and I don’t know what to do.
Oh- Oh, dear, that sounds...why on earth would Andromeda do such a thing?
Anyways, I'm sorry, darling, but I doubt there's really much I can do to assist the poor lad. I suppose I could try to talk to Andromeda, but again, I'm not sure that'd be of any help. I'm sorry your brother's going through that, and I really do hope he'll be fine.
God, I-...I'm sorry, I really am rather useless on this specific issue. And in general.
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tiredassmage · 5 months
what type of villain are you?
your honor, i do love a good uquiz diagnosing the diseases and problems of my fictional characters and also i might be slightly procrastinating a final paper. saw this one from @sasslett and simply could not resist :3 quiz link! for those who'd like.
swtor edition first!
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tyr deckard - then let me be evil
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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alucren ellery - the betrayer
You like to do things up close and personal. As personal as you can get. You are an excellent actor, and you do adore putting on a smile knowing your worst enemy, the one you hate the most, doesn't suspect a thing when they tell you their deepest secrets. Your only motivation is revenge, and revenge you shall get. Perhaps you loved them once, long ago, but any fondness for your target you once felt has long since warped and twisted into perverse obsession, laced with malice and venom and seething hatred. Good or evil does not matter to you. All that matters is they get what they deserve.
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leo ashold - the coward
You didn't have another choice, honest! Have these people SEEN what the heroes are up against? It'd end you in an instant, whether that be a lovecraftian abomination with a hold on your soul, a rampaging monster that's destroying more than a hurricane and an earthquake could in one fell swoop, a shadow organization that has tabs on everyone you love and will end them in an instant, or just a particularly grumpy boss that might yell at you if you don't fall in with his excessively tyrannical methods, you can't go risking your neck for the poor saps that think they can stop it. No way, you're staying on the bad guy side, where it's SAFE.
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rhyst delavast - for the greater good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
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savosta - no moral compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
Sleepy Girl
I am obsessed with my friend's OCs at the minute so take some platonic fluff between my OC Marsh and @bloglophop's Mila!
Content/Warnings: Marsh & Mila, sibling-like relationship, sleepover, exhaustion, mention of bad family relationships, discussion of poor mental health/injuries, angst, fluff
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Mila was a woman who often worked herself down to the damn bone. Rarely took a break, was always working so hard for the sake of her image, safety, and a family that didn’t fucking deserve it. It drove Marsh insane. He was no stranger to working hard, no fool to believe that anyone could take it easy when they worked with such big players the way Mila did - it was just that she had nothing to show for it that bothered him. She set zero boundaries, and had no concept of when she had reached her limit.
So, when she arrived on the Sun Serpent, swaying on her feet with a letter from home for Nimue, Marsh scooped her up into his arms no matter how much she yelled and hit his back. “You’re exhausted, kit, it’s time for bed.” It was midday, but that didn’t matter to Marsh. He was absolutely sure she hadn’t slept in at least a day if not longer, and there was no way he’d let her go without getting at least five hours of sleep, absolute minimum. Mila’s protests slowly faded away, too tired to argue, and Marsh was wearing a particularly soft sweater that day, so he was quite comfortable.
By the time Marsh reached his bed, Mila had fallen asleep on his shoulder. The next time he saw Law, Marsh was giving the doctor a piece of his mind - he seriously needed to talk to her about doing things like this. If he knew, that was, but surely there was no way he didn’t. Slowly, gently, Marsh set her down in his bed, pulled off her shoes and the warmers she wore on her legs, setting the shoes down under the bed and the warmers he folded and set on top of his dresser. Then came her skirt, leaving her shorts on underneath because he was no pervert, and then her sweater, both of which he also folded and set aside. He ummed and ahhed for a minute over whether to take off her bra because he was aware how uncomfortable the things could be, then settled on removing it without removing her shirt, again because he’s not a fucking pervert. He removed her hat last, setting that on the top of the pile of her clothes, and then brushed all her hair from her face. The fact that she’d remained asleep through the entire process was a testament to how tired she was, and the fact that he was exactly right - it was nap time. He tucked her gently into bed and kissed her forehead before slipping away to let her rest.
Gwen and Nimue fussed on the deck, not quite reassured by Marsh that she really was okay, but he promised they could both see her once she was awake - nobody was to disturb her and he was firm on that. Corwin stood from his seat beside Atley at the map table on deck, and made direct eye contact with Marsh for a very long minute. Marsh did not stand down. “Leave the girl be.” Corwin confirmed, and that was conversation over.
Marsh sat with Calder and Lance to discuss her being there - the entire crew knew Mila by now, but Marsh had undermined Calder’s authority by simply deciding she would stay. The meeting was a short ten minutes, but they decided Mila was always welcome aboard the Sun Serpent, and so there was no issue with her resting on board. They all sat together for dinner, and Ellery set aside a portion of cold food for Mila in case she woke.
She didn’t. Mila arrived at roughly midday, and didn’t wake until morning the next day. Marsh was concerned for a short while that something was wrong, but Gwen had assured him that she was just resting, catching up on sleep she was missing, and her body was allowing her to rest because she felt safe. Gwen also healed all of her minor wounds, and a fractured wrist that Marsh would be very sternly discussing with her when she woke up.
By the time Mila did wake, Marsh was sitting in the bed beside her, her head in his lap while he read a book. She woke slowly, blinking awake confused and disoriented. But, when she processed who was above her, a broad smile broke out over her face.
“Good morning, sleepy kit.” Marsh greeted, slipping a bookmark into his book and setting it aside to focus on his friend in his lap.
“How long have I been asleep?” She asked, voice still rough from sleep, a soft yawn escaping her. “Just short of twenty hours.” Marsh replied, a small smirk on his face. Mila startled and went to sit up, but a hand on her shoulder prevented her.
“Slow down, baby hare. It’s fine. Nobody minds, and you definitely needed that sleep.” Marsh assured her gently, carding his fingers through her hair to keep her calm. “Who undressed me?” She asked, relaxing under his ministrations. “I did. Just down to what was appropriate, I wanted you to be comfortable.” He replied, and she just nodded, settling in his lap. There was a brief silence where they simply lay there, comfortable in bed and together, before Mila spoke. “Read to me for a while?” And Marsh couldn’t deny her.
They emerged from the room an hour and a half later, Mila wearing her safety shorts and one of Marsh’s shirts like a dress, only to be immediately swarmed by Nimue. She lifted up Mila and chatted away to her, and Mila let it happen, happy to be lifted up onto the fish woman’s shoulders while she fussed like the mother hen she was. Marsh headed through to the kitchen to find Ellery and collect a late breakfast, giving his friend a quick side hug as thanks, then narrowly avoided being hit with his cane like a professional. He deposited the two plates on the table where Nimue had sat herself and Mila, and seamlessly inserted himself into their conversation. “You know you’re always welcome here, sugardrop, but you really do need to be taking better care of yourself, we all worry about you.” Nimue worried, and Mila just pushed her breakfast around her plate, a little embarrassed about passing out like she had. “Speaking of worrying about you - Gwen had to repair a fractured wrist.” Marsh commented easily, which only made Nimue begin a new tirade. Marsh and Mila made eye contact, which if he were a lesser man would’ve made Marsh crumble. Instead, he stuck out his tongue at her and continued eating his breakfast. 
“Okay momma, we got it.” Marsh said eventually, reaching out a hand to rest on Nimue’s shoulder, finally giving Mila a break. Satisfied that she’d gotten her point across, Nimue reached around and pulled Mila close for a hug. “It’s always wonderful to see you. Maybe next time it’ll be in better health.” She said, then left Marsh and Mila alone to enjoy their breakfast. A long, slightly tense silence followed. They both knew what conversation was coming next, but neither was quite ready to have it.
“You passed out.” Marsh said eventually, having pushed his plate away, a mug of coffee keeping his hands warm. “I know.” “Out of exhaustion.” “I know.” “How many days was it since you last slept?” There was a brief pause in which Mila’s face tinted pink. “Two.” She admitted in a whisper. “Kit,” Marsh said, turning to her with a concerned expression, “that’s not healthy.” “Yeah. I know.” Mila said, a little more harsh this time. He wasn’t telling her anything new. Another pause followed. “I worry about you. A lot.” Marsh said softly, reaching out to take Mila’s hand in his.
“I know. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. Never be sorry that people care about you, kit. That’s our job, we’re your friends. Your family.” He assured her. Marsh set down his mug and scooped Mila up into his arms, pressing her close against his chest, allowing her to sit comfortably in his lap. “I don’t want anyone to worry about me.” “That’s my job. You’re like a little sister to me, Mila, and I’ve never had that before. I’d burn down the world around us before I let anyone hurt you. I worry so much. Mostly, because you remind me of me.” Mila stiffened slightly at the word sister, and Marsh figured they could circle back to that. “What do you mean?” “I used to do this. Staying awake for days on end, not eating right, not drinking enough water. Couldn’t sleep for.. A lot of reasons, even after I got away from Chester. It’s so hard sometimes - but you have people who love you Mila, people who will do anything to keep you safe. You are safe.” Marsh said, speaking mostly into her hair, keeping her close both to comfort her and himself. “I didn’t know that. You always kind of.. Seem like you have it together.” “I didn’t always. Still don’t, not really. Every day is a day we can choose to get better. It’s not always easy, but you have to make that choice sometimes. Choose to do better for yourself, and for the people around you.” He whispered, carding his fingers through her hair once again. If his shirt became a little damp just where Mila’s head was resting, neither of them acknowledged it out loud.
“You really see me like a sister?” She asked in a whisper, voice thick with tears she was trying to hold back, not daring to look up at Marsh, hoping she could avoid showing just how emotional her words had made him. “Yeah. If that’s alright with you. I know you have a lot of brothers already, and I have some.. Strong opinions about them, but I hope you’ll let me look after you the way they should’ve.” He told her, gently pushing Mila to sit back so he could wipe at her face with his sleeves, brushing away snot and tears. “Yeah. I.. I’d like that.” She agreed, giving Marsh a watery smile, and the two just laughed, unable to do anything else. “I’ve got you, Mila Box. Me, and Law, and the rest of this crew. You always have a safe place with us.” Marsh promised, hooking his pinkie finger with hers.
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Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable
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clara-von-closen · 3 months
I’m ah- I think it would do Ellery some good to talk to you. He.. he has a habit of writing off his problems or spiraling and making them feel too big.
He.. cares about you. A lot. And I think maybe talking to you would do him some good. Please consider speaking to him..?
- Love your comet, Orion
...I have noticed that about him. Poor owlet.
If you think it will help, I will of course speak to him some. It rather doesn't do to pin one's wellbeing on Jonah, in any case, unless you are miraculously in some position of power over him, which Ellery... very much is not.
I do hope you're doing well yourself, Orion?
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void-botanist · 9 months
Happy STS! If your characters went out to karaoke, which song would they belt out at the top of their lungs?
Finally getting to this one! My mind remains full of Elbas Island so if we pretended that they know Earth music:
Milo: the idea of him doing Barbie Girl with Binna, where he is Barbie and Binna is Ken is just too funny to not be the answer.
Nidilaenn: Major Tom (Coming Home).
Ellery: Poor Unfortunate Souls. He wants to be dramatic about it and he wants you to understand how dramatic he's being about it.
Patience: Hollaback Girl. You know Mel is singing backup.
Mel: Last Dance by Donna Summer.
Tirias: she literally cannot sing so she would either put on a song everyone knows (All Star) and let them sing it while she hams it up or announce that this is a rendition of John Cage's 4'33". These two things get different responses from the audience but they are functionally the same thing.
Ysa: Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks.
Rae: Any Way You Want It by Journey.
Madge: Sucker by Jonas Brothers.
Rigo: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa.
Haskell: no, I don't do karaoke, no...well, I guess... Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Lacey: the most heartfelt rendition of Mary Had A Little Lamb you've ever heard.
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pompoison · 2 years
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Little Death Chapter 2: Page 1-10✨🪦
Poor Ellery deserves so much better *gives him SO MUCH WORSE*
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I don’t like Ellery. First of all, what kind of name is “Ellery”, and second of all, what kind of fucking psychopath puts a book into a backpack without any protection for the poor thing
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audaciiaearchive · 2 years
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46ten · 2 years
Flirtatious Hamilton...
Friday dined at the British Minister’s - Mrs Champlin the Only Lady. Last week Mrs Church dined at Listons & Binghams from the same house, yet the Rhode Island beauty was not invited. You [Sally, Otis’s daughter for whom he was recording these journal entries] may be assured you experience more attention here, than any other lady has met with since Congress sat in this city. Kit took occasion to tell me that Hamilton (who cast some liquorish looks at his cara sposa, the day we were at Breck’s) appears to him very trifling in his conversation with ladies and that his wife said she did not like him at all. He was evidently satisfied with this intimation. Went with Mrs Liston to the drawing room in the evening and led her in. Both rooms were crowded and I missed none of my acquaintance with Mrs Bingham, who burst the gown she had prepared for the occasion Saturday. p143 The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis
Friday is the 27th of December, 1799. Mrs. Champlin is the wife of Christopher (Kit) G. Champlin, then U.S. Representative from Rhode Island. The full name of Mrs. Champlin, the Rhode Island beauty, who told her husband to his pleasure that she did not like Hamilton at all(!) was Martha Redwood Ellery. 
I included that last sentence because it’s pretty amusing about Anne Willing Bingham
And although this letter to EH is dated to the prior year, it definitely includes some great Angelica phrases: 
You will hear with pleasure my dear Eliza that our Kitty is much better.  She is going to a Ball this Evening, her dancing been too much praised that I fear she will give more disappointment than pleasure.... Tomorrow we dine with Mrs. Bingham and Viscount Importance; Madame de Tilly is quite a la franchise, rouge and short petticoats—poor young creature she has been the victim to a negligence education.
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