#Port Kent
coolthingsguyslike · 4 months
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tomoleary · 1 year
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Rockwell Kent “Home Port” (1931) two studies and final woodblock print
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spiaem · 2 years
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sleepy tim? no. kon can’t stay up past 10:00pm. he starts begging tim to go to bed at 9:30 sharp
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coachbeards · 1 year
honestly, i'm CONSTANTLY thinking of the port vale match that happened off screen during season 2.
beard was high...and nobody really noticed. sure, roy got the idea something must've been off but. he still didn't check in on beard. ted didn't notice. nate didn't notice. who knows if the boys even noticed. and given how beard revealed this to the diamond dogs, you can tell it's been weighing on him -- and it's something he blames himself for.
HE drank from the wrong pot. and "it won't happen again."
even though...it was jane who left out laced tea, that presumably she didn't tell beard about. because drinking from the wrong pot when one of them is laced and the other isn't...isn't exactly a whoopsy daisy mistake. he must've not even known until he'd already drank the tea. i bet he must've been really stressed out. because you can't exactly speed up a shrooms trip, or "get sober." so he just had to attend the match...and try desperately to do his job while high. and NOBODY NOTICED!!! he was right there! and yeah. his job performance must've been affected in some way, because roy DID pick it up. he pinpointed it was the port vale match. he just never checked in on beard. and he didn't tell anyone about it, not until he felt like he had to confess to get the weight off his chest. hm.
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filmap · 1 year
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Cassandra’s Dream Woody Allen. 2007
Port Port Werburgh, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9TW, UK See in map
See in imdb
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lampostscene · 7 months
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Port Lympne June 2023
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Earlier this month, and given the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, the dock workers in Barcelona (Catalonia) declared that they won't allow ships with weapons in the Barcelona port. Barcelona's port is the 5th busiest container port in the Mediterranean.
It's not the first time that the Barcelona dock workers have refused to serve ships that carry war material, but this time they have created a more stable way to proceed. The union representative has said that they will "act automatically when we detect the presence of a ship with war load".
This was their statement, which I translate to English below:
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We, the dock workers of Barcelona's port, from our free and independent organization (OEPB), want to reiterate our most absolute rejection of any form of violence.
As a workers' collective, it is our duty and commitment to respect and vehemently defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights that seem to have been forgotten by the same countries that signed the Carta Magna and which nowadays are being violated in Ukraine, Israel or the Palestinian territory, among other places in the world.
This is why we have decided in assembly to not allow in our port the activity of any ships that carry war material, with the only purpose of protecting the civilian population, wherever they are from. No cause justifies killing civilians.
We demand an immediate ceasefire and to proceed searching for peaceful resolutions of the different conflicts. We also ask the UN to stop its complicity by inaction or negligence of its functions, and [the UN] to take back the spirits and motive for which it was founded:
• Keeping the peace and safety around the world
• Protecting human rights
• Distributing humanitarian help
• Supporting sustainable development and climate action
• Defending international law.
Barcelona, November 6th 2023
Dock workers in Belgium, Italy and the USA have already blocked ships that were suspicious of carrying weapons for Israel, and activists in other places like Kent (England) have blocked factories that make weapons.
Does your workplace contribute to killing civilians and genocide? How does your city, town or area contribute to sending military equipment to Israel? Do your buying habits send money to support the displacement or killing of Palestinian people?
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There are many changes that need to be done to stop contributing and to leave Israel alone and unable to continue its massacres.
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Blockading factories is probably one of the most effective thing people in the UK (and elsewhere in the Western world) can do to support Palestine right now.
Donations that will actually reach the ground are also good.
I'm not saying marches and other actions aren't worthwhile- I do think they are. If a senior UK politician called for a ceasefire, that would be something. And obviously if we could persuade the UK government to ban the export of arms and military parts to Israel, that would be huge.
But in the meantime, if we can stop arms from being built, if we can slow down the Israeli war machine at all, that may save lives.
And the more people who turn up to these actions, the better- this makes them safer and more effective.
Also, for transport workers, especially in ports, if we can stop this stuff leaving the country, that is incredibly valuable too.
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jimpluff · 2 months
Now, for some REAL kaiju comic news
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Serialized in Monthly Young Magazine since summer 2023, Daikaiju Gaea-tima follows a young woman whose port hometown was attacked by a kaiju when she was a child. The creature wreaked havoc and then disappeared as mysteriously as it had surfaced, leaving behind a strange, sea-life nourishing black substance in the water that led to the town thriving as it rebuilt. Ten years later, the heroine is approached by a man who knows her for her kaiju sofubi figures sold in the town. And... dun dun dun... yes, Gaea-tima coincidentally reappears, changed somehow, and with a seeming connection to the protagonist sculptor.
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This series only has around a dozen chapters right now, and TBH I haven't read them all yet (trying to savor!), but already it seems to be a treat for kaiju nuts. Gaea-tima is clearly a Pacific Rim-inspired kaiju, and with the inclusion of the kaiju sofubi element, it's a series clearly rooted in modern kaiju fandom fixations.
So, I highly recommend it! There are ways to read it online, but I also hope that--if it ever gets official translations--you'll support the author KENT.
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
Question for all the people making their own MCD rewrite: do you include normal Minecraft mobs in your rewrite? If you do, do the guards have a protocol for dealing with them?
I imagine that the two guard academies (one in O'khasis for the people West of the Sacred Forest, one in Bright Port for the people East) have different protocols and policies because of the different threats but normal Minecraft mobs are pretty universal across Ru'aun. O'khasis is definitely more brutal about it though.
I'm using some of the NPCs from early canon to fill in the village a bit because I feel like there should be more than the five people who live there in Rebirth, and I like to sprinkle in some random little scenes from canon. There's a scene in S1E1 or E2 where some guards get cornered by a small horde of zombies and in Drop of Sunlight one of the guards gets bitten hard enough to break the skin on the hand or wrist and Garroth, having been trained in O'khasis and acting almost entirely on instinct, hacks the hand off. So sorry, Kent.
What do they do with the bodies of the mobs? It's likely widely accepted that you burn zombies so they don't infect anyone or poison the land as they decompose, but the villages and city-states would probably also burn the bodies of other mobs if it's safe to do so.
But in smaller or more run-down villages like Phoenix Drop, Meteli, and the Neapolitan villages I imagine they have more of a 'waste not, want not' mentality about mobs. Skeletons are used for bone meal fertilizer, creeper blood is used for welding and engineering, and people just straight up eat giant spiders, spider is a swamp delicacy, but the fangs and cave spider venom are also harvested for various other uses. People just try not to mess with endermen, but they're not as much of an issue on the coast since they hate water.
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noneatnonedotcom · 1 month
The life and time of Nickolous Arc knight of Pitton
a continuation of Jaune's family line, this is a little bit before the reign of Uther Pendragon. Last time we left off Great Grandpa Arc was killed in the night of long knives by the treacherous saxions and Vortigern. his son Nickolous was knighted and inherited the manor at Pitton he married very well and won himself the daughter of a duke in 464.
Year 465 Vortigern, with his Saxons, marches back and forth across Britain, extracting tribute and plunder. Many more Britons flee the land. Nickolous, a young knight, remains in his lands, tends to his manor, and waits with his lord. Vortigern takes refuge in Gomeret, attempting to build a fortress. The youthful Merlin makes his appearance and begins his career here.
Years 466–467 Aurelius Ambrosius, son of the former King Constantin and brother of Constans, lands in Hampshire with an army from Brittany. He carries a great banner with a red dragon upon it. All across the land, discontented nobles muster their armies and join him. Vortigern seeks to escape, but his Saxon allies go back home to Kent, and many other allies desert him. After besieging a portion of Vortigern’s army at Carlion, Aurelius Ambrosius marches through the entire island, accepting the submission of those loyal to Vortigern.
Nickolous fought and died gloriously in this battle earning himself 1000 glory leaving behind a widow and a three-year-old son. (oof tough luck but at least he went out well.) his son Roland Arc would live through the following events without the protection and care of a father. Year 468
Aurelius Ambrosius and his army pursue Vortigern and besiege him in his new castle on Mount Snowdon. A battle ensues, at which Vortigern is killed and his army scattered. Aurelius Ambrosius summons the High Council, and they elect him High King. He takes the title of Pendragon (“high dragon” or “head dragon”), derived from his great battle banner.
Years 469–472 Many Saxons come over from the Continent and settle in Kent under their king, Hengest. High King Aurelius Ambrosius maintains an unsteady peace with the Saxons, Irish, and Picts, despite their raiding. His younger brother, Uther, makes a name for himself as a great warrior in countering these raids and leading picked warriors on raids into enemy territory.
Year 473 The Saxons, confident of victory, march into the Thames Valley. King Aurelius Ambrosius raises an army to resist, but loses the battle in a major Saxon victory
Year 477 Another Saxon king, Ælle, lands in southern Britain with a large army and takes over the area. Many of the peasants flee, but others are captured and enslaved. Ælle renames the land South Saxony, or Sussex. Aurelius Ambrosius marches with his army to oppose the foe, who is reinforced at the last moment by the Saxons from Kent. Ambrosius is lucky to escape with his army. The Saxons remain.
Years 478–479 For years, Aurelius Ambrosius has been building a fleet of ships in the ports of his western lands. In this year, he musters his army and sets sail, sweeping around the southern coast, where he destroys the fleets of the Saxons in Britain. Then he sails to the Continent, destroying all the hostile shipping as he goes. The British army lands in Frisia, doing great damage to the Saxons there, and winning a battle against the barbarians. The Saxons in Britain begin vicious raiding in retaliation.
Year 480 An army of Saxons sails up the Port River into Salisbury. While planning for the battle, Aurelius Ambrosius is poisoned by a false doctor. Despite his illness, Ambrosius marches with Uther against the enemy, whom they meet at Menevia. Ambrosius confronts the foe while Uther takes his army around to the Saxons’ rear and cuts them off from their ships, attacking them with great vigor. It is a great victory for the British, but Ambrosius is killed in the fighting.
Years 481–483 The Saxons are relatively quiet during this time, with small bands raiding here and there but no armies marching. It is reported that many of their women and children have now settled in their lands.
Year 484 Another wave of Saxons arrives by boat and settles in the land of Deira. Aided by the Saxons in Britain and some rebellious northern Britons, they attack in the land of Malahaut. Their army defeats the northern defenders, then lays siege to the city of Eburacum. King Uther raises his army and hastens northward to join the battle. However, King Uther, anxious to relieve the sorry inhabitants of Eburacum, is drawn into a trap and fights a desperate battle, from which he barely escapes with great loss.
Year 485 King Uther suffers heavy losses and raises many troops to make up for it. He orders all squires who are ready to muster at Windsor Castle to be knighted.
Roland Arc is knighted and entitled to Pitton in this year. having grown up without a father he is anxious to prove the family name. his family's naturally loveable trait goes a long way to getting him a good wife, one he meets at the feast for his knighting ceremony. due to the glory inherited from his father Roland starts with a glory of 1255 he meets Lady Juniper a woman beautiful beyond measure and through the feast courts her and flirts with her, their whirlwind romance is the stuff of legends and wins Roland even greater glory just through his actions at the feast to woo her. Lady Juniper was the beautiful heiress of a knight Named Hector (on a scale of 1-20 her appearance is a 28, she rolled very well) . a wealthy Vassle knight to the Earl of Salisbury who died in the battle of Eburacum last year. from his marriage, he gains two new manors and six librum (the gold coinage at the time) the new manors are Ford and Long Hedge, the three manors all fall along the road from Sarum to Camalot. Ford and Long Hedge are on the road's south and north sides along a river, respectively. this combination of manors gives the Arc family almost absolute command over trade tariffs moving between the two cities making them very rich. Roland gains 300 glory not just for the marriage but a further 10 glory every year for the beauty of his wife being known far and wide and 80 glory for the feast in which he wooed her and a further 100 glory for the wooing itself which became the standard for all love stories in the Earldom moving forward. still, not all was well within the realm for though love had found a champion in Roland and Juniper, war would take its due. Uther called forth the newly minted knights and did battle with the saxions all summer. in the battle Roland rode in the second line of knights to the right flank against the Saxon host acquitting himself well on the first charge, and on the second as well. A third time, he wheeled about and crashed into the host! the fourth he crashed through the line shattering the axemen and finding himself behind the enemy center! (rolled a crit on his lance skill) seeking out the enemy leader he found the king surrounded by his guards. only one stepped forth to oppose him and so did the duel commence between the two as the battle raged around them! dismounting and leaving behind his lance Roland did draw his sword and recklessly attacked! He cleaved through the enemy's axe and cut the dog in Twain! (modified crit from reckless attack) but another stepped forth to oppose him! the two matched each other trading blows that their chainmail only barely stopped.
throwing aside all thought of safety Roland recklessly attacked once more and the enemy did slip on the blood of his companion Roland claimed another as he lay on the mud! the enemy chief and his remaining protectors stepped forth rushing the knight, he called upon his passions for strength. his love of his wife told him to make it home, his loyalty to his liege told him to win glory and his hatred of the Saxons told him to cut the monsters down. it was hard fought, but Roland knew that he could only survive by being more clever than the enemy who outnumbered him. time and time again sword and shield met axe as Roland danced around his three enemies seeking an opening, but none would present itself. the sounds of battle began to fade as without the leadership of their chief the Saxons grew fearful and routed.
as the chief turned to run, though, Roland found his moment and surged forth, striking true against the king though failing to finish the job, the chief did forever more have the mark of Roland's blade across his eye.
though Roland was felled in the next moment as the guards of the war chief did strike his back, his armor absorbed the worst of the blows and the Cyrmic host did come to save their champion. roland would spend the next year in the care of his beloved wife, healing from his battle. he would be known as Roland the King Scar from hence forth. the first of his many daughters would be born that year though and a fear would take root in Roland, a fear that he would leave his family orphaned and alone without him. he would hold back from seeking glory from henceforth though he would serve honorably for King Uther. from the battle itself, Roland won a further 50 glory for his actions on the flank. 200 from the dead guards of the war chief, and a fantastic 500 from the scar he left on the Chief. 2495 glory in his first year as a knight is nothing to sneeze at, and while he would never again do such fantastic feats of martial prowess and his love of his wife would prevent him from earning more acclaim for his family's lovable nature the glory he would win from simply being a loyal knight would gain him the status of a renowned knight throughout the land. he would stir up controversy when he would try to prevent his own son from squireing some years later for fear that his beloved son might perish but such things are for the next story. levels for knights
Glory Quality of Knight 1–999 Squire 1,000–1,499 Unproven Knight 1,500–2,999 Respected Knight 3,000–3,999 Notable Knight 4,000–7,999 Renowned Knight 8,000–15,999 Famous Knight 16,000–31,999 Extraordinary Knight 32,000+ Legendary Knight (there was a lot of consistent glory won by Roland but in small amounts, his desire to protect and care for his family meant that he would never again take up such a key role willing to let others take the risk to gain greater glory, though as a knight he would fight many more times he just opted out of chances to do the extraordinary. he'd still manage to get up to 4000 glory by the time of jaune's birth and ironically send him to act as a page in the same manor Arthur would be squireing ending up with jaune becoming squire to a king) @howlingday you mind giving me your thoughts on Roland? I was trying to go for a character that jaune would be comparing himself to all his life but who actually wishes he was less well known and who after the death of his own father wants only to be a good dad to his children (though he tends to let his fear get the better of him) @weatherman667 would you mind letting me know how I did with the prose for the later half of the story? I was trying to mimic Le Mort De Arthur and I'm not sure how I did. @thatorigamiguy check it lol.
@heliosthegriffin more king arthur shit what you think?
also for everyone. if you got ideas on what the rwby characters would be doing in this au let me know. Arthur will be Artoria from fate btw although no one will know. at least not for a good long while
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aimeedaisies · 6 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in March 2024
01/03 In Dubai Princess Anne; 🇦🇪
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, visited Dubai Ports World in Port of Jebel Ali. 🚢
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion at Dubai Ports World Pavilion. 👩‍💼🛳️
Opened Donnelly Lines British Forces Headquarters at Al Minhad Airbase. 🛫
Called upon HH Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum (wife of the Vice President and PM of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai). 👑
Attended a Royal British Legion Reception on board the QUEEN ELIZABETH II floating hotel. 🍾
As President of the Royal Yachting Association, visited Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. 🛥️
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, this attended a Dinner at the One and Only Royal Mirage Hotel. 🍽️
02/03 Departed Dubai International Airport and returned to Heathrow Airport 🇦🇪✈️🇬🇧
04/03 As Guardian of the Chaffinch Trust, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. 🤝
As Guardian of Give Them A Sporting Chance, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. ⚽️
unofficial Along with the Duke of Kent (President of the RNLI), Sir Tim (Vice President of the RNLI) attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI at Westminster Abbey. 🛟
05/03 As Patron of Livability, visited New Court Place, to mark its 180th Anniversary. 🦼
Opened First Garden Cities Homes' Sheltered Housing Scheme at John Coxall Court in Letchworth Garden City. 🏡
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HMP/Young Offenders Institute Aylesbury. 🔗👮
06/03 On behalf of the King, held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
07/03 As President, attended the 32nd National Equine Forum at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 🐴
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy. ⛪️🎖️
08/03 As Chancellor of the University of London, visited King’s College London’s Portable MRI Project at the Denmark Hill Campus. 🩻
As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Women’s Day Luncheon at Bluebird on Kings Road. 👭💪
10/03 Attended the Global Fraud Summit at the Guildhall in London. 💻👾
11/03 Attended the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey alongside The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and The Duke of Kent. 🌎🌍🌏
Attended a Commonwealth Day Reception at Westminster Abbey. 🌍🥂
With Sir Tim As Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended the Annual City Food and Drink Lecture at Guildhall. 🍽️🍾
12/03 With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon on board Hebridean Princess to mark its 60th Anniversary in Greenock. 🥪
With Sir Tim Visited Peel Ports Group Limited Greenock Ocean Terminal. 🛳️
13/03 unofficial Attended Style Wednesday at Cheltenham Festival. 👒
14/03 unofficial Attended St. Patrick’s Thursday at Cheltenham Festival. ☘️
15/03 With Sir Tim Attended Gold Cup Friday at Cheltenham Festival. 🏆
16/03 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, attended the Six Nations Rugby Match between Scotland and Ireland at Aviva Stadium in Dublin. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🏉
18/03 As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Financial Review Annual Awards Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.🏅
19/03 As Patron of Sense, opened Sense Hub Loughborough.🦻👨‍🦯
On behalf of The King, with the Duchess of Edinburgh, held a Reception for Korean War Veterans at Buckingham Palace. 🪖
As Patron of the Butler Trust, held the Annual Awards Ceremony at St James’s Palace. 🏆
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, attended a Presidential Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall. 🐟🍽️
20/03 Held a morning and an afternoon investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
21/03 As President of the Benenden Society and Founders’ Patron of Benenden School, attended the Centenary Service in Canterbury Cathedral. ⛪️👩‍🦰
Attended the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and Choir Presentation Concert at Spencer House. 🎻🎼
22/03 Opened the new North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Headquarters Accommodation at the Officers’ Mess in Imjin Barracks. 🌊
Visited the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre and Ministry of Defence Medal Office at Innsworth House in Imjin Barracks. ⛑️🎖️
As Patron of Stroud Hospital League of Friends, visited Stroud Maternity Unit. 🏥👶
25/03 Visited MacRebur Limited. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛣️
Visited the Lockerbie Air Disaster Memorial at Lockerbie Garden of Remembrance. 🌹👼🏻
As President of the Scotch Chef’s Club, opened Browns Food Group’s new facilities at Kelloholm Industrial Estate. 🐄
As Royal Patron of Friends of TS Queen Mary, attended a Reception at the Hilton Glasgow. ⛴️🥂
26/03 Opened the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre at Scotland's Rural College in Inverness. 🩺🐑
As Chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, attended the Integrated Land Use Conference. 🚜🧑‍🌾
As Royal Patron of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, visited the Saving Wildcats Project at Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig. 🐯🦁
As Patron and Honorary Member of the Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow, attended a Dinner at the Trades Hall of Glasgow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿📜
Unofficial Sir Tim, as Chair of Trustees, attended the opening of the Adani Green Energy Gallery at the Science Museum 🌍🍃💚
31/03 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended the Easter Mattins service held at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle ⛪️🐣
Total official engagements for Anne in March: 49
2024 total so far: 134
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in March: 6
2024 total so far: 29
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
Word Game Wednesday:
Note: I'm very sure I've posted some of this one before, so to make up for it I'm just posting it in a bigger chunk :D
Someone’s hand was on the crown of his head. It was a nice hand, warm. It moved softly, brushing his fringe back from his forehead so the owner could examine Jamie’s face. “Amigo?” Dani. Something hot seized at the core of him, and Jamie struggled to keep his face blank. To keep his eyes closed and keep Dani from realizing he was awake, because if he did then he’d stop and- Fuck, he missed Dani. “I think he is waking. Jamie, can you hear me?” A new hand joined Dani’s. This one cooler to the touch, with gentle knuckles that tested the temperature of Jamie’s skin, and now the burning feeling was building behind his eyes, because as badly as he didn’t want to get up, who was he to disappoint Sam Obisanya? “Yeah, I’m fine." His voice didn't come out right; all gruff and clogged, sounded like he was putting on his best Roy Kent impression. “Must’ve dozed off for a moment, but don’t worry I didn’t lose any time. We can keep going—“ Sam’s hand on his chest stopped him from getting up. “We are in the treatment room.” What? Jamie tried to open his eyes, only to squeeze them shut with a sharp gasp. “Hold on. I will get you something,” Sam said softly. He left, and Dani hovered closer, murmuring quietly in Spanish -- Jamie knew enough of them now to know they were curse words. Bit of a secret between them, that.
Fuck, he missed Dani. He reached up, trying to find some bit of Dani to hold onto - wrist or arm or even a hip - anything that would afford him a grip and keep him nearby, where Jamie needed him. Familiar and calloused, Dani's caught his hand of his own freewill. His thumb rubbed circles over the back of his knuckles. “Shhhh. Shhhh. It’s alright, amigo.” Was Jamie making a noise? “Here we are,” Sam’s voice returned, and that was all the warning that he had before a cold towel was laid across his forehead. Jamie groaned. A tear leaked out of the corner of his eye, dripping into his hair. He couldn’t be bothered to wipe it away. He hadn't realised how much it was hurt until a little relief made it worse. “Fuck. Do I have a concussion?” “No,” the dual answer came quickly, without hesitation.
"Then what?"
"You passed out from low blood sugar, you twit."
Jamie jumped. He hadn't even noticed Roy was in the room. He tried to open his eyes, only to turn away when the light stabbed him for his efforts. Sam readjusted the towel on his head, and Jamie tried to bat him away -- not because he didn't want him there, but because he needed to sit up, needed to get back out there, couldn't stay down when Roy expected him at training-
A sharp pinch caught him in the crook of his elbow. He hissed, inspecting the spot where the IV port was plugged into his arm until the feel of the needle under his skin made him queasy and he had to look away.
Sam made that tick noise he did with his teeth when he was disappointed. It made Jamie want to crawl under a blanket. He didn't even have a blanket. Dani gently maneuvered him until he was lying back down. The damp towel hadn't even budged from his head.
"You also have a bump on your temple," Sam explained gently.
"And a fever," Roy growled.
"You should have told us you were sick." Great, now even Dani sounded like he was frowning.
Outnumbered, Jamie fought through the throbbing pain behind his eyes to argue his case: “But we have Leeds tomorrow.”
"Jamie," sighed Sam. "They are at the bottom of the table."
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beebslolz · 8 months
Bruce Wayne’s financial history (minus the Batman expenses)
For example, in The New Batman Adventures episode 10, Bruce Wayne goes to an auction with Tim Drake. He ends up buying a rare magical artifact for his friend for one million dollars. Or another time like in Gotham the TV series season 4 episode 3, Bruce buys a knife for Two Million dollars. This also does not include any of his Batman expenses. Only Bruce Wayne’s purchases. Because I know the Bat-cave, the Bat-mobile, the Bat-computer, the Bat-suit, the bat-gadgets, etc, blah, blah, blah, all had to have costed a pretty penny. It would take forever to track down all of his expenses.
”How many companies does Bruce Wayne own?”
He owns six companies, not including any co-companies. He owns:
Wayne Enterprises (along with other Wayne companies)
Bruce Wayne has many companies under the Wayne name. Such as:
Wayne Biotech
Wayne Industries
Wayne Aerospace
Wayne Shipping
Wayne Foundation
Wayne Medical
Wayne Steel
Wayne Botanical
Wayne foods
Wayne Corp
Wayne Automotive
Wayne Pharmaceuticals
The Daily Planet
Yes, Batman actually gives Superman his salary. Bruce bought the ownership over the Daily Planet. Why? I dunno. He just did.
A Disco Club
In the Gotham TV show season 4 episode 7, Bruce Wayne has bought a disco club when they refused him entry.
A Hotel
Bruce bought a hotel in the movie Batman Begins because the two women Bruce was with wanted to swim in the pool but the manager asked them to leave so Bruce bought the hotel to change its rules.
A Bank
In The Justice League 2017 movie, Bruce bought a bank to pay off Clark’s debt.
Clark Kent : "Thank you, Bruce" is not enough for what you did.
Bruce Wayne : I just undid a mistake, that's all.
Clark Kent : How did you get the house back from the bank?
Bruce Wayne : I bought the bank.
A Record company
In the 1970’s Batman comic issue (Batman #222) Bruce Wayne invests in a record label known as Eden Records.
“How rich is Bruce Wayne?”
This is a tricky question. The thing is, there isn’t really a set-in-stone answer. It depends on the comic, the writer, etc. but from what I have found, Bruce Wayne’s net worth is $80 billion dollars in Batman #93 (2018). Wayne Enterprises is estimated to be worth at around $31.3 billion dollars, and I’ll have to assume the rest is from his other smaller companies and or his investments that have been proven to be profitable and successful.
“How did Bruce Wayne get so rich?”
He was rich even before he was even born. His wealth comes from his long line of family. When Bruce’s great, great, great grandfather bought property back when Gotham was more of a small town and less of a busy city. This real estate fortune grew rapidly overtime and was passed onto Bruce’s great grandfather, Alan Wayne. Alan was the one who developed the railroads as well as the shipping ports and chemical plants in Gotham city. And this all happened during the Industrial Revolution. Bruce’s grandfather, Patrick Wayne, then inherited the companies that Alan had built. Patrick then created the Wayne Corporation, AKA Waynecorp after the Great Depression and the company expanded into technology. They then supplied the American army with aircraft’s and ships during the pacific war. Then this company was passed onto Bruce’s father, Thomas Wayne, who built Gotham’s monorail, and then Bruce eventually inherited it himself.
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Crewel Fact Sheet
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Name: Divus Crewel Role: Science/Alchemy Teacher (also homeroom teacher for class 1A) Age: 32 years old Height: 183cm (taller than Trey, same height as Vil and Idia, shorter than Leona/Crowley) Homeland: Queendom of Roses (from the same location: Trey, Riddle, Ace, Deuce) Hobby: Classic Cars Favorite food: Raisin butter
(Voted 18th-most-popular-character (tied with Grim) on the jpn server in a combination of seven different character-ranking surveys held throughout 2021)
Crewel’s first name, Divus, is Latin for “God” (according to the official fan book), making his name the reverse of that of the character upon which he was based (Cruella de Vil). 
Crewel has said that he dyes his hair white; it is naturally black. He owns a red classic car that he adores, and enjoys shopping for vintage clothes, as well. He often plays chess with Trein and says that their skills are evenly matched. 
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Idia has mentioned in-game that Crewel likes dogs very much, and Crewel refers to all the students as “puppies”, often saying “good boy” and “bad boy” to praise or scold. He can be strict, and once assigned Epel (what was intended to be) an impossible task as punishment for a mistake that Epel made in class. 
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Trein describes him as “hard-headed” and they seem to often be at odds with one another, while Sam describes him as being “a young hot-shot” despite how Sam, himself, is the younger of the two. 
Crewel’s background is in the apparel industry and he designed outfits for the students in Fairy Gala, Fairy Gala IF and for Port Fest. He has said that fashion design is a hobby of his. He is very strict about clothing and posture, which he has in common with Vil. 
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Floyd refers to him as "Ishidai-sensei”, for “striped beakfish". 
He says that he enjoys raisin butter paired with “adult beverages”. He uses a cologne of his own creation.
He is an NRC alumnus, and has said that he is still in contact with two friends (whom he refers to as “minions”) from his student days.
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When the live-action “Cruella” movie was released in Japan in April of 2021, there was a 30-second TV promotion narrated by Crewel’s voice actor, Ito Kent.
More seiyuu information here
Additional Fact Sheets ・Riddle Rosehearts ・Trey Clover・Cater Diamond ・Ace Trappola・Deuce Spade ・Leona Kingscholar ・Ruggie Bucchi ・Jack Howl ・Azul Ashengrotto・Floyd Leech・Jade Leech ・Kalim Al-Asim・Jamil Viper ・Vil Schoenheit・Rook Hunt ・Epel Felmier ・Idia Shroud・Ortho Shroud ・Malleus Draconia ・Silver・Sebek Zigvolt・Lilia Vanrouge ・Sam・Crewel・Trein・Vargas・Crowley
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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"The original "Uncle Tom",
Rev. Josiah Henson and wife; Dresden ,Canada (c1907)
Josiah Henson (June 15, 1789 – May 5, 1883) was an author, abolitionist, and minister. Born into slavery in Charles County, Maryland, he escaped to Upper Canada (now Ontario) in 1830, and founded a settlement and laborer's school for other fugitive slaves at Dawn, near Dresden in Kent County. Henson's autobiography, The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada, as Narrated by Himself (1849), is widely believed to have inspired the character of the fugitive slave, George Harris, in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), who returned to Kentucky for his wife and escaped across the Ohio River, eventually to Canada. Following the success of Stowe's novel, Henson issued an expanded version of his memoir in 1858, Truth Stranger Than Fiction. Father Henson's Story of His Own Life (published Boston: John P. Jewett & Company, 1858). Interest in his life continued, and nearly two decades later, his life story was updated and published as Uncle Tom's Story of His Life: An Autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson (1876).
Josiah Henson was born on a farm near Port Tobacco in Charles County, Maryland. When he was a boy, his father was punished for standing up to a slave owner, receiving one hundred lashes and having his right ear nailed to the whipping-post, and then cut off. His father was later sold to someone in Alabama. Following his family's master's death, young Josiah was separated from his mother, brothers, and sisters.His mother pleaded with her new owner Isaac Riley, Riley agreed to buy back Henson so she could at least have her youngest child with her; on condition he would work in the fields. Riley would not regret his decision, for Henson rose in his owners' esteem, and was eventually entrusted as the supervisor of his master's farm, located in Montgomery County, Maryland (in what is now North Bethesda). In 1825, Mr. Riley fell onto economic hardship and was sued by a brother in law. Desperate, he begged Henson (with tears in his eyes) to promise to help him. Duty bound, Henson agreed. Mr. R then told him that he needed to take his 18 slaves to his brother in Kentucky by foot. They arrived in Daviess County Kentucky in the middle of April 1825 at the plantation of Mr. Amos Riley. In September 1828 Henson returned to Maryland in an attempt to buy his freedom from Issac Riley.
He tried to buy his freedom by giving his master $350 which he had saved up, and a note promising a further $100. Originally Henson only needed to pay the extra $100 by note, Mr. Riley however, added an extra zero to the paper and changed the fee to $1000. Cheated of his money, Henson returned to Kentucky and then escaped to Kent County, U.C., in 1830, after learning he might be sold again. There he founded a settlement and laborer's school for other fugitive slaves at Dawn, Upper Canada. Henson crossed into Upper Canada via the Niagara River, with his wife Nancy and their four children. Upper Canada had become a refuge for slaves from the United States after 1793, when Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe passed "An Act to prevent further introduction of Slaves, and to limit the Term of Contracts for Servitude within this Province". The legislation did not immediately end slavery in the colony, but it did prevent the importation of slaves, meaning that any U.S. slave who set foot in what would eventually become Ontario, was free. By the time Henson arrived, others had already made Upper Canada home, including African Loyalists from the American Revolution, and refugees from the War of 1812.
Henson first worked farms near Fort Erie, then Waterloo, moving with friends to Colchester by 1834 to set up a African settlement on rented land. Through contacts and financial assistance there, he was able to purchase 200 acres (0.81 km2) in Dawn Township, in next-door Kent County, to realize his vision of a self-sufficient community. The Dawn Settlement eventually prospered, reaching a population of 500 at its height, and exporting black walnut lumber to the United States and Britain. Henson purchased an additional 200 acres (0.81 km2) next to the Settlement, where his family lived. Henson also became an active Methodist preacher, and spoke as an abolitionist on routes between Tennessee and Ontario. He also served in the Canadian army as a military officer, having led a African militia unit in the Rebellion of 1837. Though many residents of the Dawn Settlement returned to the United States after slavery was abolished there, Henson and his wife continued to live in Dawn for the rest of their lives. Henson died at the age of 93 in Dresden, on May 5, 1883.
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