#Poseidon headcannon
r-u-living · 2 months
All of the Demigods in camp-half blood have some sort of useless power.
Zeus: Can (kinda) predict where lighting will strike
Poseidon: Always get the best waves when surfing
Hades: Don't feel sick looking at pictures of dead bodies
Demeter: Make a BANGING fruit salad
Apollo: His kids can -and will- stare at the sun (just to freak their dad out)
Hermes: Can always bond with middle children (even if not middle child themselves)
Athena: Never get papercuts
Ares: Can always get people angry enough to fight. (Only if it's a topic their passionate about)
Aphrodite: Never get frizzy hair.
Hephaestus: Always screw, screws the right way first time
Dionysius: People always seem to forget the time around them.
Hestia: Can cook food perfectly on a raw fire
(Minor Gods)
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kaos-incarnate · 20 days
I really hope that they add more of the pantheon into season 2. I feel like they can’t not though. There’s no other way to go forward imo. I just really wanna see the sibling dynamics between Dionysus and the others. He has such punk-ass-little-brother-that-still-hasn’t-escaped-the-shitty-family-dynamic energy. But I can also definitely see Hermes absolutely UNLOADING all the hot goss about Prometheus and Charon’s long distance relationship onto Dionysus while they do lines off of Poseidon’s trident that Hermes may or may not have stolen. Well, that and Hermes being just SO PROUD of his bro for successfully stealing Zeus’ watch
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drowsy-opposums · 7 months
Something I made a while ago..
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Uhh so anyways-
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rins1cle · 1 year
Random Poseidon headcannons I thought about while re-watching Poseidon's and Sasaki's fight.
(Editor note: This is mixed crack, platonically and romantically 💀)
- He would probably eat a mannequin than show emotion tbh
- Probably smells like pool chlorine and fish shit
- Dude would have the nastiest breath known to the solar system like think of Shrek when he farts in the water. I feel bad for humanity fighters ngl.
- His hair probably smells like a dead bay.
- Man would give you a 'fuck you' note and call it a confession
- Beware of kissing this man, he probably would bite your lips off mid make-out.
- Let's be real if you some how managed to get him to simp for you, good luck congrats you managed to read through the impossible quiz that his his courting scheme🤩.
- Dude would give you gifts at the most random occurrence and or advice like the most out of pocket advice (less on the gifts for platonically).
- If you somehow managed to be besties with this man he would defo let you ramble about random shit.
- I feel like he's the type to buy a shit ton of aquatic plushies and memorize them all by name.
- Y'all would study together (aka Poseidon just berating you for not knowing smth).
- You could off handedly mention smth about what you like or a hyper fixation, expect smth related to that to be at your door with in an hour. He would deny buying it even up on his deathbed.
Øff topic but like I just realized Poseidon gives like the upmost toxic tsundere known to exist bro.
- he hate sit when you eat fish or any seafood infront of him and will sulk for the next century about it.
- Is the type to react like "FUCKFUCKCUKCUCJSHITHSIT-" when he realizes he's in love with someone.
- Would send you a facebook 'Good Morning' image.
- If you compliment anything about him, expect it to amplified by 100x the next time you see him.
- If your getting something from a cabinet or smth similar, he would do the thing where he covers part of the cabinet with his hand to save your head from impact. The moment you ask him about it he would just olay it off as gentlemanliness. (this man has no gentlemanliness bffr). Would laugh at anyone else if they hit their head on smth and call them pathetic.
- Coffee addict and workaholic.
- If you ever wanted this man to hang out with you, you would need to physically drag him out of his office.
- I have a gut feeling he has like either a 12+ step skincare routine or he used a 13 in 2 and calls it a day 💀.
- Imo, this man is a 9/10 for looks but a 2.5/for personality, dude has the same amount of personality as my right big toe.
- Big family man.
- He would totally buy you expensive jewelry no matter what you say about the price.
-Would break your wrist if you try to pay for the bill.
- Is embarrassed about his partheon.
Alr my brain has no more juice-
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readysetimready · 4 months
Hera and Poseidon ride horses together every Wednesday. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
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ollieneedstherapy · 1 year
Greek gods as people
Athena: would sit next to you on a late night buses and would wake you up when she thought it was your stop
Artemis: the woman who runs a motorcycle gang but if you get to know her she’s super sweet Ares: he was the popular boy who tried to be nice to everyone that was actually really dorky and loved to dance
Apollo: the man sitting on the sidewalk playing a guitar who loves when people sing along
Aphrodite: she would be the barista who remember you by your order along and always spelt your name right
Dionysus: he would sit next to you outside of a party to make sure you were okay and still having fun by yourself
Demeter:was the kind woman who gave you advice on how to get the prettiest flowers in your garden,only second to hers
Hades: would always say hi to you when you saw each other at the dog park
Hephaestus: would walk up to you at school and just hand you small trinkets if he considers you a friend
Hera: the nice girl who would walk to make sure got home safe,even if it meant walking a extra mile or two (2)
Hermes: sat next to you in class and would sneak you candies when the teacher wasn’t looking just to piss her off
Hestia: the kind woman who lived next door who would bring you sweets and bread
Poseidon: helped teach you how to fish when your father walked away to help your brothers
Zeus: the man you caugh on to the creepy guy following you around late at night than beat him up after making sure you were alright
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griffinborn · 1 year
There have been many legendary heroes and many stories have been written about them. In these stories of the birth of the heroes is more of a side-note vanishing amongst the epic tales of their adventures. A god's misdeed, a parent's sacrifice or tragedy and on to the slaying of the monsters.
What most people don't realize that not all heroes are born in tragedy, some are products of love. Epic love.
This tale of love between the Ruler of the Seas and the woman he called a Queen among Mortals, is deep and tragic enough to brought tears to Aphrodite's eyes. A love that borne the most powerful Demigod of modern times.
A fresh out of high school Sally Jackson meets a Dumbass on a beach, who worms her way into her heart.
But first into her apartment.
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dearqueerheart · 2 years
wait wait wait
so percy jackson poseidon is like a huge stereotypical beach guy right.
you CANNOT tell me that man doesn’t listen to jimmy buffet. he owns all his records. hell he might have fucked jimmy buffet. who knows.
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ do u think u could write a percy x daughter of psyche reader headcannons, maybe one where shes super emotional bc psyches the goddess of the soul and stuff 🤍🤍 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of psyche
pairing percy jackson x psyche!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . delicate (taylor swift)
“Y/N, can you help with something?” Piper said as she barged in your cabin
Being Psyche’s only child, you got pretty lonely watching everyone else interact with their siblings. Luckily, the Aphrodite cabin decided to ‘adopt’ you, seeing as you had your emotional intuition in common
That’s how you became good friends with Piper, and how you ended up in this position: being dragged out of the comfort of your cabin and all the way to the beach
Proudly presenting you to the boy you recognised to be Percy, son of Poseidon, Piper said, “Y/N's a daughter of Psyche, she can help!”
You looked at Piper, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I can help with what?” 
Percy answered for her, “this hippocampus is in pain and won’t tell me anything. I inspected it for cuts or anything like that, but she looks fine!” You didn’t need to hear him to tell he was exhausted. His aura had spots of dark red signifying his tiredness
You gave Percy a smile, channelling all of calmness in yourself as you said, “it’ll be okay, I’ll take a look.” You were glad to see it work - the red spots lessening. Using your voice to influence people’s emotions was something you were still working with Piper on 
As soon as you got near the hippocampus, you knew what was up. Once you got it to relax, you told them, “she’s not hurt, she’s pregnant.”
After that day, you started hanging out with Percy more. Well, if you called ‘doing occasional checkups on Sweetie the hippocampus’ hanging out. 
The two of you, along with Will Solace from Apollo, guided the hippocampus through her pregnancy. You read her emotions and Will administered the necessary medical support
Percy was just there because he’s a child of Poseidon and the hippocampi really wanted their lord to be there, as they believed it’d bless the child
When Sweetie finally gave birth, you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. You really enjoyed spending time with Percy, and now you didn’t have an excuse to
Could you just ask him to hang out? Sure, he’d probably agree. But you wouldn’t do that. Stuff like this is really delicate to you, and needs to be treated with utmost care
Luckily, he did the asking for you
“Y/N!” Percy yelled. It had been a day since Sweetie gave birth, what could Percy possibly need from you?
You turned, “is Sweetie okay?” Ever since that day at the beach, you’d grown really attached to the hippocampus, and would hate to hear that something had gone wong
Much to your relief, Percy said, “Sweetie’s fine, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have even known she was pregnant. Do you wanna get ice cream with me later today? My treat.”
Your smile widened and warmth flooded your heart, “sure, Percy, I’d love that.”
The ice cream broke the ice between you and Percy, and soon enough you were laughing as if you’d been friends your whole lives. For someone who isn’t a child of Psyche or Aphrodite, Percy was pretty good with people
Your issue is that he’s too good. When he’d shoot you one of his handsome grins, or gently pull you into his chest as you’re about to bump into someone, or check you for scrapes after a game of capture the flag, you couldn’t help but fall in love 
However, he was so oblivious. Every time you read his aura, you were disappointed at the lack of pink in it. How could he still see you as a friend? 
Confused, you decided to consult the Aphrodite cabin
Another night, another sleepover at the Aphrodite cabin. From the perfume samples to the face masks, you loved it all
Clapping her hands, Piper sat on the floor next to you, completing the circle. Instantly, all of her siblings stopped talking, “we have something to discuss. Y/N, if you will.”
“So, I like Percy–” you heard squeals from all directions. Piper shushed them, “continue.”
“I like Percy, but I don’t think he likes me back. He does things for me - things that I associate with romance - but every time I read his aura, there’s nothing,” you sighed
The circle was silent as the Aphrodite kids thought of solutions to your issue. After a minute, a girl piped up, “have you done anything to show that you like him?” 
“Oh yeah, I gave him one of my chocolates yesterday.” Instantly, you felt judged, “I don’t do that for anyone,” you added
The girl next to you turned and placed her hands on your shoulders, “that’s the issue, Y/N. Sure, to you that's the epitome of romance, but it's a little too subtle for most people, babe. You’ve got to really show him you like him! If you do, then he’ll start thinking of you romantically, y’know?”
By the morning, you made your decision. You’d show Percy that you liked him
Meanwhile, Percy scarfed down yet another potion, grimacing at the taste
You see, Percy liked you too. But he was smart. He knew you’d be able to tell immediately if he liked you, since his aura would give his feelings away. So, what’d he do? He begged asked the Hecate cabin for a potion that’ll hide his aura
Considering you hadn’t said anything about it so far, he thought it worked
He felt bad lying to you, but he couldn’t have you knowing, not yet. Percy wanted to plan the perfect confession, and he couldn’t do that with your powers at play
With his aura concealed, Percy left his cabin. He was going to head to breakfast when he found you sitting at the steps of Cabin 3
"What’re you doing here?” Percy said, startling you. You were too nervous to knock on his door, so you opted to wait for him to leave his cabin instead
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Percy, there’s this movie I really wanted to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to see it… together?” You took his hand and looked down at your feet, too scared to check his aura
“Sure! Do you wanna come to mine or should I go to yours?” Percy replied, blushing. If this didn’t scream the fact that you liked him, he didn’t know what did
You looked up. His aura was the same - yellow, meaning friendship. You felt yourself tear up and ran, hoping he didn’t get suspicious
He did, of course. Percy chased after you until you got tired and he could finally catch up, “what’s wrong, Y/N?”
You snapped. You were getting sick of all of this, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Percy! I’ve been trying to figure you out for weeks! You always do romantic things for me but your aura’s still yellow, and it hurts, Percy, so I’d really appreciate it if you stopped leading me on!”
Percy felt like such an idiot. He explained that he did like you and the yellow aura was just because of the potion he got from the Hecate kids
Since you still had some doubts, he dragged you to the Hecate cabin and asked them to give him a potion that’d reverse the effects of the first one
As soon as he downed that one, his aura turned bright pink
True love
You started dating soon after. That night, you watched the romance movie you’d picked out and Percy held you as you cried about how cute the couple is
You can’t hide your emotions from Percy. Just because he can’t read auras, doesn’t mean he can’t tell when his favourite girl’s feeling down!
Whenever someone even thinks to tease you for being sensitive and emotional, Percy immediately gives them a lecture, telling them he’s sorry they don't have half your emotional complexity
He’s always asking you to read his aura, since he's very curious. It barely changes when he’s around you, almost always mostly pink 
You still tell him though and he gets this super proud look on his face and it’s really cute 
You’re really glad you have Percy because now you have someone to rant to about all the media you consume and how it makes you feel. Sometimes he spaces out because your voice is so soothing, but he makes up for it
You two are PDA central. Percy also has lots of feelings, so you always have to be touching in some way
You told him your mom's sacred animal is the butterfly once and now whenever he sees one he instantly thinks of you
“Oh my Gods Y/N is watching over me!” “Percy that’s a moth” 
Every day Percy thanks Piper and her mother for letting you guys cross paths, because your path and his are forever intertwined now
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livlaughloveluke · 6 months
underwater moments w/ Poseidon!reader x Luke
ᡣ𐭩 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻
daughter of poseidon! reader x luke castellan 🪸
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IN WHICH.. you’re dating the famous hermes boy 💘
warnings! this fic contains- no betrayal luke 🥳 // percy is a lil bro // fem reader // not all of these are underwater moments
🎧- saturn by sza
sneaking out for starlit swims !!
you and luke spend your nights secretly swimming under the dark waters of camp half-blood, while the moon grazes the surface and turns the black depths glittery. you and him try to remain quiet, but how could you resist laughter when he almost accidentally drowned, twice?!
the famous underwater kisses <3
with little privacy at the kid-filled camp, you and luke rarely found moments alone. all you had time for were sneaky, quick kisses in between planned activities. as a child of poseidon, you found a way to solve this intimate problem—underwater kisses. creating an air bubble under the lake allowed for a moment with no curious glances—at least from most. (the fishies and a certain pesky brother often interrupt)
going pearl diving!
luke likes to sunbathe in the gleaming sun, resting on the docks while you splash around in the blue lake. you dive down deep, searching for the prettiest pearls underwater and placing him on the wood surface next to him. this could go on for hours, you entertained by the adventure and luke just happy to be in your presence. the next day, luke graciously gifted you a gorgeous necklace made with the pearls you excavated.
surfing and paddle boarding 🏄‍♀️
while the calm waters don’t offer many waves, every once in a while you like to manipulate the liquid so you can surf. not to mention, you love to instruct luke, too. he’s not the best, but he’s willing to give anything a try. (if we’re being honest, he hates it. he hates constantly falling off the board and sharply coming into contact with the water, but he’d do anything if it meant you were happy.)
in contrast, he loves to paddle board with you. it’s more gentle, and he can actually talk to you while in the water.
the olive theory! (but with cherries)
definitelyyyy the type of guy to pretend he doesn’t like cherries just because he knows you love them more. every morning at breakfast, he slides you his small fruit cup with only the cherries remaining, and you eat it up every time. unbeknownst to you, he’s only doing this to see you smile. he loves the way your lips curl up into a smile when you eat them, the juices staining your lips with a shade of red. he would give up anything to see you smile like that. 
carrying a waterproof digital camera around 📸
he loves loves LOVES to take photos of you! whether your swimming in the lake or picking strawberries in the fields, he’s by your side with the camera directed towards you. he’s the number one candid picture taker! and when you ask why, he usually presents you with some dumb excuse or pickup line to conceal the fact that he’s totally whipped for you. 
“ew, stoppp! i look so bad right now! why do you like taking so many photos anyway?”
“dunno. you’re the subject of all my dreams, sweetheart.”
late night beach bonfires
singing, laughing, and cuddling by the warmth of a campfire with all your friends is a weekly occurrence for you and luke. it feels like you’re both just normal teens, living life with no fear of monsters attacking or angry greek gods. plus, he makes BOMB s’mores. 
CHAOTIC game nights with percy 
attempting to play charades with your little brother, but overall he just gets mad and rage quits because you couldn’t guess the word. oh, and we can’t forget the craziest uno nights. you and percy arguing over the rules while luke just stands awkwardly in the corner.
“you can’t place a draw two on a draw four! it doesn’t work that way!”
“yes you can!! suck it up and draw your six cards!”
“uh, guys…? 🧍‍♂️”
the annual cabin decoration contest ! (yes, i made this up)
when that time rolls around, you and percy are DETERMINED to have the best cabin. you hang up seashells, scatter around the prettiest dried coral on shelves, and buy fairy lights for a cozy atmosphere. luke watches from afar as you and percy playfully argue whether a lana del rey poster would “fit the theme.” to be fair, it was a tunnel under OCEAN blvd poster.
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deadghosy · 3 months
Mattheo with a Percy Jackson! Reader headcannons
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Makes you do some shit with water most of the time.
“Yo, y/n can you put water in my cup?” And it could be at a restaurant or just at home as he pushes his glass towards you. You narrowed you eyes before water came down rushing at mattheo. Mattheo is then soaked with a smile. His brown curly hair drenched covering his eyes. “Thanks.” “No problem Matt.”
The two of you just doing chaotic ass shit to the point you two has be separated in class 😭
A funny little headcannon I have in my mind is that Mattheo definitely opens his mouth so you can move water into it. He definitely did this either sober or high at least.
Imagine just you trying to make mattheo drink water as he is drunk as hell and you just splash him with a random wave of sink water
Headcannon on Mattheo making dumb ass water jokes at you
“Are you h20? Cause I wanna drink you up.”
“…are you fuckin high?”
Imagine mattheo on a hot day asking you to make the common room a fucking big ass pool.
“You’re the heir of the god of seas…can’t you just make a big wave of water come?” “And you want me to flood the damn common room with water?” “…yess..”
Imagine you two just messing with other Slytherins for fun. Always doing shit for in as the heir of Poseidon
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“You see Theodore?” Mattheo says pointing at the Italian Slytherin who was relaxing by the lake
“Yeah?” You said confused.
“Push his ass into the water…” you looked at mattheo as if he was crazy. But you then chuckled nodding as a body of water dragged Theodore into the black lake. Immediately Nott came out of the water cursing, you and mattheo couldn’t hold im the laughs. That’s when Theodore spotted you two. The tall Slytherin strutted over to where you and mattheo hid.
“SHIT MATTHEO RUN!” You yelled running as mattheo followed your lead. “TORNA QUI, YOU PUSSIES!” Theodore yelled in an angry tone. His native language slipping out. (Come back here)
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cxptain-capsicle · 7 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | II
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn flashbacks, established relationship present day, Gods being terrible parents
A/N: If you are new around here I love taking suggestions and incorporating your guy's ideas and headcannons in my series so feel free to leave thoughts in my inbox!
Series Masterlist Taglist
“So all of the major 12 gods have their own cabin where their children live. Children from one cabin can’t go into another god's cabin.” Luke explained as he walked you down the aisle of houses. “This one is ours.”
“Ours?” You raised your eyebrow questionably.
“All the new arrivals stay here, in the Hermes cabin.” Luke gestured towards a cabin that was much larger than all of the others. It wasn’t nearly as elegant as the ones around it but it felt warm and welcoming. It looked like a simple log cabin with a large front porch held by tall log columns. On the front of the house was a large green banner with a Greek symbol in the center. Over the door a semi-circle stained glass window that reminded you of the ones in the Big House. The cabin looked a little run down but that wasn’t shocking considering the amount of kids running around inside. Walking inside felt like entering a circus tent. There was yelling, laughing, singing, kids running around, hanging upside down from bunk beds. Even with the chaos it still felt cozy. The inside was dimly lantern lit, the walls were paneled with dark wood, in the center was a large fire pit that made the whole room feel like a warm hug. You followed Luke further into the cabin as several heads turned to look at the new arrival.  
“Here,” Luke said as he led you to a bed and dropped the few things that you had on the bed. “This one was mine, now it’s yours.” 
“You’re giving me your bed?” 
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugged. “I’ll move to the top bunk, it’ll be nice to have a change.” He was humble. He was willing to give you one of the only things that was his and he didn’t want any praise for it.
“Thank you.” You meant it, and you didn’t know what else to say.
“Everyone!” Chiron announced as he trotted into the cabin doors. “Your attention, please. This is Percy Jackson. I trust you will see to whatever he needs.” Everyone stared at the sandy-haired boy awkwardly. Everyone in the Hermes cabin was used to this by now. New kid comes in, new kid gets claimed, new kid leaves, and the cycle continues. Within seconds everyone went back to their conversations although many of those conversations now included the word: Minotaur.
You and Luke glanced at each other unsure if you should say anything to the boy. 
“He shouldn’t be alone.” You whispered to him. “Grover said the Minotaur killed his mom.” 
You followed Luke as he made his way to the boy, who sat up quickly when we approached.
“Look, if you want to give me a hard time, just do it tomorrow.” He said before either Luke or you could get a word out. “I can't do any more today.” 
“Heard what happened to you on the hill.” Luke said slowly, arms crossed over his chest. “And I just... wanted to say I'm really sorry.” 
“I know what you're going through.” You chimed in. “Believe me, I really do.”
“I'm Luke.” He reached out to shake the boy's hand.
“Percy.” He hesitantly grabbed Luke’s hand.
“Y/n.” You couldn’t help but smile at him. He reminded you so much of yourself when you first came to camp so many years ago.
“Rise and shine!” Luke’s voice boomed above you. You groaned and turned away from him in an attempt at protest.
“Five more minutes.” Luke chuckled at your words but he didn’t take it for an answer.
“C’mon.” He ripped the blanket off of the bed. “First day at camp, gotta make it count.”
“Luke!” You shouted, the cold air shocking your body. “Do you make it a habit to torture the new campers?” You groaned as you rolled out of bed and began to put your shoes on. Luke was already geared up and ready to go, twitching with excitement.
“Only the ones who make it easy.” He smirked. 
“Screw you.” You reached to grab your pillow and threw it at his face. It caught him by surprise causing him to stumble back, making both of you laugh.
“Maybe you’re an Ares kid?” He faked injury dramatically. “We’ll find out today.”
“What?” That piqued your interest. Ever since you arrived at camp yesterday you couldn’t stop thinking about getting claimed.
“We’re gonna figure out what you’re good at. Maybe that’ll help us figure out who your parent is.” Luke explained.
“Where do we start?” You stood up with excitement.
The two of you made your way to the mess hall, it was much more crowded this morning than it was the previous day. Each of the tables were nearly full with kids chatting over breakfast. 
“So what’s your story?” You asked Luke as you sat down with your breakfast.
“What do you mean?” He chuckled slightly.
“Your story.” You repeated. “How’d you get here?”
“Well,” He sighed. “I’ve been here for 3 summers.” He pulled at the necklace around his neck with three colored beads strung on the brown cord. “I came here with Annabeth, an Athena kid.”
He gestured over to a girl a few years younger than you sitting at the Athena table. “And Thalia, she uh- she didn’t make it.”
“Oh,” Your voice trailed off. “I’m sorry Luke.” 
“Thalia died getting us to camp safely.” He continued. “She died a hero.” An uncomfortable silence fell over the table. “Then I got here, got claimed by Hermes.” Even mentioning his father seemed to send chills down his back.
“What happens if I don’t get claimed?” The thought had crossed your mind more than a few times.
“Well,” Luke shifted in his seat. “It doesn’t happen too often but, you’d stay in the Hermes cabin. That’s where all the unclaimed kids stay.”
“Well if that’s the case, I’ll need to move beds because you snored above me all night.” You teased.
“Oh no way I’ll just follow you wherever you go.” He said as he took a big bite of his breakfast. “So who are we looking for, a mom or a dad?”
“I’m not sure.” You said through a bit of toast. “I was left at a firehouse as a baby so I have no idea who my mortal parent is either.”
“So where did you live?” Luke leaned onto his elbow on the table in interest.
“Foster families, group homes, things like that.” You explained. “Until monsters would trash them and I’d get blamed for it and get moved.”
“Well, we can’t rule out any god but we’ll start out with the olympians. We’ve got a lot of work to do,”
After breakfast Luke led you all around camp. He took you to Arts and Crafts and sat you down at an empty sheet of canvas and easel with a bowl of miscellaneous fruit in front of it. Luke went around to the front of  the easel and knocked the bowl onto the floor.
“I have a better subject for your painting.” He stood in front of you, placed his hands on his hips and looked to the side triumphantly. The pose of a hero. You laughed at him and did your best to capture him on the canvas. You tried to take your time but Luke quickly started complaining that his arms were hurting and urged you to hurry. The top half of the painting was pretty good, you could tell it was Luke, you even captured his smug smirk which made you smile. As you went down the painting got more rushed and sloppy but you blamed Luke for that.
“Tada.” You said enthusiastically as you took the canvas off the easel and turned it around to show him. He came up quickly to grab it.
“You didn’t fully capture my good looks, but other than that it’s pretty good.” He shrugged and you laughed and smacked his shoulder with a paintbrush. “So maybe an Apollo kid.” He took the canvas from you and rolled it up, saving it for later in his bag.
Luke continued to lead you around camp trying everything he could think of. He took you to the forge and quickly decided you were likely not a Hephaestus kid after you struggled to even make a dent in the hot metal. He took you to the archery range and despite never holding a bow before, you weren’t too bad. Artemis could be a maybe. He took you to a little training obstacle course by the arena designed to test speed and agility. You did your best but got hit by multiple bags of sand that were built to resemble flying harpies. So Hermes is a no. “Well, we’re definitely not siblings.” Luke laughed as you got hit by a sandbag that toppled you over. For whatever reason that felt very relieving to you. He took you to the strawberry fields where you propagated a few berries. Possibly Demeter. Finally Luke wanted to test your swordsmanship. You were excited for this. Only being here a day and a half you had already heard of Luke’s skills with a sword. Having been on the run from monsters basically your whole life you had gotten pretty good at fighting,
“We’ll get some swords and go to the woods to practice.” Luke told you on the way to the armory.
“Why are we going to the woods?” You questioned.
“So I don’t embarrass you in front of everyone when I beat you.” He smiled widely.
“I hate you-” You laughed but were cut off by someone yelling from up the hill.
“New girl!” Another girl shouted. As you kept walking closer she became easier to see. She was dressed in full greek armor and wore a helmet with a bright red crest. When she took off the helmet her dark curly hair slipped out and gave you a better look at her face.
“Her name is Y/n,” You swore Luke was scowling. “Play nice.”
“Am I not allowed to meet the girl we almost died trying to find?” She faked offense. 
“You were in the cave.” You remembered. “You thought I was dead.” 
“You looked dead.” She shrugged. “So what are you two doing out here?”“Y/n’s gonna try her hand at some combat.” Luke explained.
“Perfect.” Clarisse said menacingly. She grabbed a chestplate off the rack and held it out to you. “I’ll take the first round.”
“Clarisse, I don’t think-” Luke started but you cut him off.
“Let’s do it.” You eagerly took the chestplate and a sword off of the wall. Something about Clarisse invigorated you. Luke looked at you wearily but figured he was quick enough to stop Clarisse before she killed you. You and Clarisse were stationed about 6 feet away from each other, you armed with a sword and her with a spear. Before you even realized you’d begun she stormed forward, her spear pointed towards you. You took a step to the side to avoid being impaled and she quickly redirected the tip of her spear to follow you but you went under the head of the spear with your sword blade, sending the tip of her spear towards the sky. You took a swipe at her with your sword but she quickly deflected. While you were recovering from your failed attack she slashed the head of her spear down. You stepped back to avoid the spear hitting your face but the tip of the spearhead tore into your shoulder causing you to whine in pain.
“Y/n!” Luke cried out and he began to run to your side but you held out your hand telling him to stop. Your face flushed hot with anger. You weren’t mad at Clarisse, it was a fight and people get hurt. You had always been easy to set off especially in competition. 
“It’s just a cut,” You stared Clarisse down. “Let’s keep going.”
“I like this girl.” She laughed before rushing forward again with a giddy smile before taking a stab at you. You took one hand off of your sword and grabbed the shaft of the spear as tightly as you could. She pulled and pulled but couldn’t get the spear free from your grasp. You picked your foot up and landed a hard kick in her stomach sending both of you flying backwards. Despite your best efforts you lost grip on your sword but went down with the spear. You both stumbled to your feet and when you did were both met with a blade under your chins. You with her spear and her with your sword. A draw. She laughed and lowered the sword and you did the same.
“Good to know we didn’t risk our lives for someone completely useless.” You thought that was a compliment coming from Clarisse.
“Let me see your arm.” Luke panicked as he rushed over to you. He grabbed your arm and began examining the cut on your shoulder. The cloth of your Camp Half-Blood was torn and the gash was bleeding much more than you had realized. “Let’s get you to the big house.”
The entire walk to the big house Luke muttered under his breath how it was so stupid to fight Clarisse and it wasn’t until after a few of the Apollo kids treated your wound he admitted that he was impressed. Saying that of course you still couldn’t compare to his sword skills.
I would love to hear feedback! &lt;3
Taglist: @fudosl @lenasvoid
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
Hi, I just read your two Jason fics and I love them. Could you write a daughter of Poseidon x Jason and maybe Percy being a overprotective brother. Thanks. Love you
⛧° jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs °⛧
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⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader, platonic!percy jackson x reader
a/n: guys, i reached 100 likes with just two posts omg you're amazing!!! so, i kinda got a few other requests waiting, but they’re TOO good to make just headcannons or to be poorly written, so they’ll take a little while longer to be posted. nothing much, tho (i hope). enjoy!
Protective is an understatement.
Percy is literally the most protective brother ever, even if you're just one year younger than him.
He feels as if he's job to protect you from everything and everyone that could possibly think about hurting you.
So when you started hanging out more with him and his friends, he couldn't have made it more clear to all of them that you were completely and totally off limits.
But did this silly little rule stop Jason to date you?
Of course it did!
My baby is just too obedient and such a rule follower... poor boy
Anyways, you had to make the first move.
Even with that, he was pretty hesitant to do anything such as holding hands in public.
In reality, he wasn't afraid of Percy, he just didn't want the other boy to get mad with him.
So, one day, you called both Percy and Jason to have a very serious conversation in the Poseidon cabin.
Percy was, as usual, completely clueless about anything, so he just babbled with Jason.
Who, by the way, was a complete mess of blushing and stuttering.
You obviously thought it as endearing, cause it really was.
"You're probably wondering why i called you here today." you said, a wicked smile on your face.
Percy was hugged with his plushie (you had matching shark plushies, Dory and Nemo) while Jason wanted to dig a hole in the floor and never come back from it.
"What's up, sis? If it's something to do with missing chocolate, i have nothing to do with it." The dark haired boy said, smiling.
Little did he knew that smile was gonna fade in three seconds.
"Me and Jason, we're dating." You said, quickly.
Percy's face fell.
"W-what?" He asked, his eyes darkening.
"We're dating. Like, boyfriend and girlfriend."
"So... you're dating Jason. Not Leo?" Percy asked.
"No, why would i date Leo-" You were cut off by a grateful sigh coming from your brother's mouth.
"Thanks the gods. As long as it's not Leo, i can handle it."
Jason turned to him for the first time, as if he wasn't even believing the words he just heard.
"Just... break her heart and i'll break your neck." Percy said with a threatening smile and patted Jason's back, leaving the cabin.
Alright, enough of the Jackson drama, back to Blond Superman.
He's the literal sweetest person alive.
He👏🏼learnt👏🏼 how 👏🏼to 👏🏼swim👏🏼 for👏🏼 ya
Bro's whipped
And he took Percy's words as his life rules
He made his best to make you happy whenever you're with him
Like, literally anytime
Once you cried next to him cause a fish didn't talk to you (it was a plastic fish, but you were on ur period, okay?)
He literally took you to the beach so you could chat and gossip with the real fishes
And you were so happy he nearly melt at that sight
That's when he knew he had fell in love with you
Romantic dates EVERY WEEK
He bribes the Demeter kids to give him your favorite flowers every once in a while
He always keeps some sort of physical touch, doesn't matter if he's holding your waist, your hands, touching pinkies
You got the point
He's just too madly in love
For him, you're the most beatiful, unique, hot, perfect, powerful, hot, smart, hot, strong, HAVE I MENTIONED HOT, person in the whole world
Literally, he would kiss your feet if you asked him to
He's glad you don't, actually
He stopped eating anything that comes from the marine animals after you got together.
Like, absolutely anything
Oh, and i've mentioned this on a previous hc, but he literally pays for absolutely ✨everything✨
Like, honey, don't even come near your wallet
Oh, and he buys you lots of gifts constantly
From plushies to books to makeup to sketch books in case you like drawing
And he's totally a languages guy
And with your ADHD and dyslexia, he helps you a lot
And you help him with maths.
Of course, he always has a nickname for you.
"Hey, mermaid?"
"I love you."
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aryxchse · 6 months
No cause now I need more. Like I don't know headcannons or something about how they got together and how their parents reacted.
Something- anything please I am begging😭
percy jackson x daughter of amphitrite! reader headcanons.
a / n : feeding my inner self ship here LMAO and also this is literally headcanons that made up from my ass, so idk if amphitrite would have a cabin, because they didn't make one even for her honor sooo.. yeah
warnings : cursing, fighting, blood mention, injury mention, basically just two waterbenders in love
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- it was all camp half blood's fault
- you didn't had a cabin of your own, but they thought you staying in the poseidon cabin was the best decision
- well it was.. until percy got claimed
- you both had to share the same cabin, and he wasn't the best at keeping it clean
- all those years, getting a 10 from the cabin check, you got 5 because of him
- and it made you furious
- but, a nice girl you are, instead of breaking his heart, you warned him
- "next time we get a 5 from the cabin check, i will break your surfboard into pieces 😊"
- "yes ma'am 🫡" no ofc he didn't said that
- but he thought that as he nervously shake his head
- well, he didn't really had a time to clean his cabin, so the promise was forgotton
- and you learned to pick up after his back
- it was a beautiful afternoon when annabeth barged into your cabin
- "percy's in a fight and we can't stop him."
- these are the questions that you should've asked when she said that : what's that have to do with me? what am i even gonna do? why are you coming to me? what the fu-
- but what you did instead : run to percy
- alright, i guess you two have a bond now
- "alright seaweed brain, get your ass back up," you said as you yanked grabbed him by the arm and pushing him aside
- he tried to run to the boy he was beating back again, but you just pushed him by his chest and slowly lead him to your cabin
- "dude what the hell is going on with you?" you asked as you both enter. he was panting, sitting on his bed and holding his head. "percy? i asked you a question."
- "he was saying something shitty about you, and i couldn't just stand there and listen him. okay?" he said, not facing you.
- oh
- ooohhhhhh
- 😏
- "why though?" you sat next to him on the bed, too suprised to even get mad at him
- "you always got my back in cabin check so, i got your back outside, i guess." he simply shrugged
- alright mr in love
- and with that, you both got really close
- this was your breaking point in 'awkward energy'
- surfing competitions where it's just you two racing? check
- married dolphin and shark plushies? check
- going to an aquarium? double check
- the animals were once your enemy back then because of your mother, was your friends now
- same as percy
- and when you both started dating, percy realised how relaxed he was around you
- like when he was little, he would listen to ocean sounds to calm himself down after a stressful day
- and you have the same affect on him
- later he learned that children of amphitrite have that affect on children of poseidon and that's why annabeth bringed you that day
- talking of the parents
- the meeting was the most hilarious thing happened to you both
- because they already knew
- "ohh lord perseus and princess y/n"
- "ohh they're kissing"
- and suprisingly gossip spreads around ocean VERY FAST
- you both got a call from atlantic or smth to get there fast
- they weren't angry or anything, poseidon loved you and weirdly your mom loved percy
- they were just.. suprised
- "what type of history shit is going on here-"
- you understand where percy got his humor from now
- alright moving on to real parent SALLY MF JACKSON!!
- you think you being her ex's wife's daughter will make her hate you?
- well yeah, but sally jackson is the definition of angel
- and she doesn't care about your godly side as long as you're making percy happy by just being in his life
- so as you can say, you guys are already besties
- moving on again to u and percy
- underwater kisses duh
- silly blue shirts about fishes
- watching ariel, moana, lost fish nemo and dory and all of the sea shit together
- and recreating the musical scenes
- you having a signature pegasus friend like him
- and him having a dolphin one like you
- you guys just rule the lake atp
- living in the same cabin is the best thing ever happened to percy
- because he get to cuddle you EVERY NIGHT without having to worry about getting caught
- and tyson? basically your children
- seashell jewelry gifts from percy
- always wearing blue together
- also eating blue food
- this fic is really long rn but you both are yue and sokka tbh
- give yue one more chance!!
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bomber-grl · 11 months
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Last updated: July•14•2024
Fem!Reader/masc!reader will be specified, otherwise it’s all gender neutral
Hiro Hamada
Hiro Hamada relationship hc
Hiro + easily flustered reader
Hiro Hamada + Artist reader
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro Hamada + tall reader ❤︎
Hiro Affection Headcanons
Hiro Hamada x ADHD! Reader
Hiro x musically talented! Reader
Hiro x cosplayer! Reader ʚ♡ɞ
Hiro Hamada x low self esteem! Reader
Hiro Hamada x depressed! Reader
Hiro x Reader who can travel through time ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro x drop dead gorgeous!reader
Hiro Hamada x Reader w superhuman regeneration
“You’re part of bh6?”
Hiro Hamada x Reader w total Blindness
Hiro x “Bimbo”!Reader ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro x reader w mommy/daddy issues
Hiro x Reader w extreme/unique haircuts!
Hiro Hamada x Teasing!Reader ʚ♡ɞ
Getting Kidnapped and Hiro having to deal with it
“Don’t listen to him!”
There’s this river in Egypt-
Hiro Hamada x Reader with a terrible brother
Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne relationship head-canons ♡
[jealousy head-canons]
What being best friends with Damian Wayne would be like
Date night
A winter night with Damian Wayne
Justice league conference
Just friends..? (M!reader)
Secret Identities ♡
New years kiss
“Wanna get married?”
Feeling the waves
Damian Wayne x Flirty!Reader (M!Reader)
Damian x Fem!Crossdresser!Reader ❤︎(M!Reader)
Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy dating hc ❤︎₊ ⊹
Percy Jackson
Cuddle/Sleep Headcanons 💤🌙
Percy Jackson
General Percy Jackson dating hc⋆°🌊
Percy Jackson x Child of Apollo ☀️
Grover Underwood
General grover dating headcanons ⋆°🌱
Nico DiAngelo
Nico Di Angelo fluff alphabet
General Nico Di Angelo dating hc ☠︎︎
Enemies to lovers with Nico Di Angelo
Encounters with Circe and Lamia
Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hypnos ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Hecate ☾
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Persephone
Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hades💀
Nico Di Angelo x Son of the fates ♾️
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Nemesis 🥀
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Nyx
Nico Di Angelo x Opposite! Child of Zeus⚡️
Leo Valdez
Leo Valdez relationship hc♡
Leo’s the type of guy to…
Leo Valdez x Latina/o reader
Leo Valdez x Child of Apollo ✶ ₊ ⊹
Leo Valdez x Child of Hypnos ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Leo Valdez x Child of Dionysus 🍇 ₊˚⊹
Leo Valdez x Child of Hecate ☾
Leo Valdez x Child of Poseidon 🌊🐚
Leo Valdez x Child of Athena 𓅓
Leo Valdez x Child of Zeus ⚡️
Obey Me
Levi relationship hc !! :)) <3
Last Legacy
Felix Iskander Escellun
A Night To Remember
Sage Lesath
Playing with sages hair hc
The Arcana
Muriel dating headcanons♡
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Sal Fisher Affection hc ! ₊˚⊹
FNAF: movie
Mike Schmidt
Mike Schmidt relationship headcannons !
Mike Schmidt jealousy headcanons !
Our life
Cove Holden
Cove Holden x Artist!Reader
Mob Psycho 100
Shigeo Kageyama/Mob
General Mob dating hc
Mob x popular! Reader 🛸
Gravity Falls
The twins x Older sister!reader
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines relationship hc! ↟
Dipper Pines x Vampire reader 🩸
Dipper Pines x Actor Reader ⭐️
Dipper x drop dead gorgeous!reader
Saiki K
Shun Kaidou
Shun Kaidou Dating hc! ❤︎₊ ⊹
Shun Kaidou Fluff Alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Shun Kaidou x Reader who appears to be cold but is actually soft ❤︎₊ ⊹
Shun Kaidou x Famous Artist! Reader
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi, it's me again. How are you? I hope your day is great 😊 I am back to ask another request 🤭😅 Sorry if I ask too much this week 🙇‍♀️
Anyway, this time is about ror Poseidon (wanted to do Beel, but I am scared you already had enough with many Beel story 🤣🤣).
It was isekai-ed reader (kinda or sort off) like the reader is a witch and had read RoR, her favorite is Beelzebub. She hope she can went to RoR universe at least wanted to hug her bias once. But what she get is... she got asthraled (forgot the word. It was like your soul or ghost someshort of spiritual come to another place but you are kinda invisible and cannot be harmed since you are ghost and all.) instead you fall down to Poseidon lap.
Ror Poseidon of course angered and threw trident at you, only for it to just flew through you and you are unharmed. Unfortunately for both of you, you seems stuck with him because you try to get away or him get away it always end with you being dragged by force to him. He is very annoyed by not only because you are human but also because you insistent on wanting to meet Beelzebub. You both banter daily and all.
He grow fond of you, and deep down scared if you will suddenly move back or meet Beelzebub as he know your love for the flies (lowkey he though you are in love with the devil and not love him as a fans). And the day came where Poseidon cross with Beelzebub and he find himself so jealous at how you fawning over Beelzebub resulted in his very first argument with you and you huff and the reader having enough just kiss him... only to find herself go through him. Come the fluffy live between you two. The reader love teasing Poseidon who act as if he is not affected on outside but when it was only two of them, he is a big cuddler and softy.
Can you please made headcannon and story about it? It was up to you if it going to be after or before Ragnarok. Thank you so much. Have nice days and wonderful days 😘❤❤❤
Hi hun💕 thank you for this, it's so cute 😭 seeing a jelly Poseidon is actually funny to think abt ngl
Poseidon mini story+mini headcanons
Poseidon × isekai-ed!witch!reader
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You find yourself scrolling through your phone, reading the newest chapters of record of Ragnarok, your all time favourite manga. Or maybe just something you read to pass the time, whatever. You fawned and giggled over your favourite character, specifically, Beelzebub. Poor baby, you wanted to give him a hug and kiss his face all over, since he didn't deserve any of this.
You so wanted to go there, but that was impossible. Your worlds were completely different, and he was fictional. He wasn't real. Or so you thought.
When you went to bed that night, your final thoughts being your bias, you suddenly open your eyes again, this time, the surroundings were different. It was all so colorful, like you were being sucked into a portal that led to someplace else.
"is this a dream?" You mumbled, before suddenly, you dropped, letting out a little squeak, looking up. Then...you saw the face of an angered god, who was just as surprised as you. But more pissed tho.
You landed on the lap of the tyrant of the sea, Poseidon. Great, just your luck. What the hell and how the hell did you end up on his lap? You couldn't even process when he took his trident.
You floated away, letting out little panicked sounds, as he got up, throwing it at you, only for it to pas through you, as you looked at him wide eyed. "Mortal, who do you think you are to commit such an act towards a god?"
When he heard your explanation, he let out a "tch" deciding to stop, before ordering you to leave, which you gladly did so. Well, that didn't go so well for you. With a magnetic force, your body was brought back to Poseidon, who looked at you like you just called him a bitch and slapped him in the face.
"I told you to leave."
"if you can see, I am struggling to!"
You recall reading a book about things like these, and you then start to connect the dots, coming to a conclusion that your soul had been transported to a completely different world, while your physical body was back in the other.
You and Poseidon tried to part ways, but no matter what you did, you kept being forced back to him. As mucha s he wanted to believe that you were faking it, you really looked like your were upset and struggling badly. So now he was just stuck with you.
At first, he found you annoying, the way you'd just float around while he walked, his movements always being watched by the little ghost on his ass, man this was a pain. You were a pathetic human, and your whines to meet Beelzebub were so irritating. But all that was passed him. It slowly came to him that he grew fond of you, he found himself entertained by watching you float around stupidly, and just be on his back all day, begging him to go near an ice cream truck so you could eat something tasty.
But when those thoughts came over him, another thought presented itself. What if you broke free from him, and set out to find Beelzebub? That, that really wasn't a nice thought. But the day came where by absolute luck, he walks passed Beelzebub, and he immediately looked behind him to find you squealing and fawning over the lord of the flies.
Poseidon had many fan girls, so why couldn't you have just been one of them? Before you could get near Beelzebub, Poseidon immediately distanced himself from the god, forcing you with him, making you pout and whine.
That was his last straw.
You were his now. So why do you look at other guys like that? It's obvious that you were sent to him for a reason. That resulted in an argument between the both of you. Before you finally had enough and decided to kiss him. You didn't know why, but your body acted on its own, what's worse is that you passed through him, as he stared at you with wide eyes, slowly calming himself. Before telling you to touch him.
You were confused, and still embarrassed, before you touched him, his body slowly turning spirit like, just like you. He had read about it before, and knew exactly what he was dealing with. And now that he knew the side effects, and everything else, he went over and kissed you, kissing you with so much passion. Knowing that nobody could see both of you. And from there, you both started a relationship.
The effects wore off, and he became a touchable and physical being once more. Looking at you, and then softly speaking. "You're mine now. Understand? That's an order."
Your heart beemed, you knew you loved beelzebub..but this exchange with Poseidon had completely altered your way of thinking.
He's not so bad after all...
________ random mini headcanons._____
- bro still does his best to make sure Beelzebub ain't anywhere close to you. Like literally he hates it when he even thinks about Beelzebub and you having an interaction. Nobody stealing his bae.
- he's cold and all, but when y'all are together, he's so needy.
- even if ur a ghost, you will either be floating round him, or be on his lap.
- sometimes, his brother's find him talking to himself, unaware that you were chatting with him. They fr thought he had an imaginary best friend.
- jealousy issues frfr
- when you told him about how you thought there could be a chance where you'll eventually be transported back to your world— mans was pissed. He would do so much to avoid that from happening, ordering servants to find anything about things like these, just to avoid it from happening.
- yes I mean everyone.
- he couldn't afford to lose you. Not when you are one of the very, VERY few people he had took a liking to. So anyone that posed as a threat shall be demolished.
- he hates how your eyes dart immediately to anyone who looked even the slightest bit of nice. Like he's literally over here wtf.
- I jus know that whenever you're hungry, he'd order his servant or smth to get him the most randomest shit like your favourite food, ice cream, or whatever you liked.
- people who serve it to him are dumbfounded when they see that Poseidon, THE Poseidon, is requesting...a dessert???
- only for him to stare at it with the most uninterested resting bitch face known to man. Until the food suddenly dissappears out of the blue without the god moving an inch. But they can't question it tho.
- and yo ass is just munching on the food, happily floating around and thanking him.
- his servants or anyone for that matter would be even more surprised when he started ordering them to buy stuff like clothes, jewelry, and all....
- was their god keeping a secret mistress??? But then again...they cannot ask. Or their heads would be served on a platter.
- he's a good boyfriend and hubby, y'all's marriage would come in so randomly after he just states in in a meeting with the other gods. Explaining everything and then dropping a "we're getting married in a few days"
- dang. Oh well, didn't matter. He was just happy that he was gonna seal the deal with you. All his, and he'd make sure you'd become immortal too, just like him.
@17kurodaayumu this was fun!
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