#Posts I will regret making
I think it is foolish to assume that it's possible to "get rid of oppression" without coming into direct conflict with religious interests. Most e.g. homophobia (at the legislative moreso than the interpersonal level, but still significant there too) is coming directly from people who thinks there is a magic sky dad who says it's evil to be gay. Christian fundies are not bigoted shitbags as a way of coping with misery, they believe that certain types of misery (that aren't necessarily happening to them) are actively good. They act like gay rights are oppression against them because gay rights do undermine the evangelical social project.
At a certain point, "yes, your culture is awful, and to make the world a better place we must strip it of all influence and halt the practice of all but the shallowest trappings because it's a self-perpetuating abuse engine if left unchecked" is a bullet you sometimes need to bite. Not every culture or subculture is a self-perpetuating abuse engine, of course, and you have to be a lot more judicious when you're actually bringing the hammer down on people because random irrational haters will try to paint innocents as guilty. But it's stupid to pretend that if abuse is happening at the "layer" of religion or culture it's suddenly okay because it's not strictly speaking being done by an institution or individual.
I also think that responding to "i think people will leave religions voluntarily, given the option and if the world is a less cruel place" with "how dare you want to destroy my religion" is sort of tipping your hand that you either want to hard-prevent people from leaving your religion, or don't want the world to be a less cruel place, either of which would, if accurate about your religion, be pretty good evidence that it's a self-perpetuating abuse engine.
You might say that's ridiculous, every religion ever would want to prevent apostasy even at the cost of members' wellbeing, in which case congratulations on making the case for the inherent abusiveness of religion.
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
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tfw you realize that guy you’ve hated because he reflects everything you feel you can’t be is actually kind of cute and oh fuck maybe all that hatred was a cover up for something else
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firedragon1321 · 3 months
Feminization this bimbofication that where the fuck is my shonenboyification? I mean this in a completely non-sexual way. I just...want to see more idiot dumb dumb boys. In general. As OCs or canon character alts.
Why don't I live in the mirror universe where every character on earth has an alt of my favorite trope? Where is the "Princess Peach but if she was Ash Ketchum" art? I am fucking going to explode.
"Make it yourself-" no I'm a coward.
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butcharondir · 2 years
this is a salt post this is a mean post if you don't want to see a salty mean post don't click here
soo i rewatched the battle of the five armies with some friends last night and. my god. like I'm not even someone who is Mad about the hobbit movies like whatever they're fine, they're bad but they're fine. but people out here like, "why didn't they let pEtEr JaCkSon do the rings of power" my dudes. my friends. PJ was given the opportunity to produce original middle EArth content and it was. so fucking basement tier do you understand. like PLEASE there are things to enjoy about the hobbit films but,,, uhhhh ,,, most of the original concepts and characters are nOTTTT on that list. literally the laketowners make waldreg look like theeeee most complex evil henchman in the world,,, like there is nAKED homophobia in the script, the fact that there are STILL people out here thinking its a reasonable position to say "only JACKSOn understood the true, progressive, queer (?!?!?!?!) spirit of tolkien's work" IM SORRY BUT YOU ARE SO FUCKInG STUPID if Jackson had been tapped to make a second age story it would have absolutely abysmal it would have been an unmitigated disaster it would have made me weep blood
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raskies456 · 2 years
progressives will really be like “oh yeah we’re not antisemitic unlike those evil money grubbing capitalists controlling the government and all those academics that spit on the common man and tell lies from their ivory towers. also if you point out antisemitism on the left I’m gonna assume you are mad that someone said israel was bad because obviously if you’re Jewish you support israel. Also what else could you be talking about? I haven’t personally seen any antisemitism on the left so obviously it doesn’t exist, and if someone did say something antisemitic it’s bc they’re actually a sock puppet and not a real leftist. Also you used the word goy so nothing you say is valid btw”
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freakbleeds · 2 years
I love being told to calm my tits. Like, babe, they’re barely there, that’s as calm as it’s gonna get. They’re Kansas. My chest is as smooth and unbroken the brain of a GOP senator. There is nothing to calm. 
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Okay so I've actually decided to bite the bullet and start reading Homestuck
I'm 300 or so pages in, still wondering where the trolls, the complicated lore and other weird obsucre supposed references are going to show up
But so far, I'm actually liking this. It's kind of funny.
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lunarlegend · 2 years
y'know, one thing i don't see get talked about much in regards to asexuality is how it feels to never be 'sexually motivated' by anything
and not just when it comes to advertisements using 'sexy' models to try and sell you stuff, but like. in general
sex as a favor, sex as a bribe, sex in exchange for whatever
casual sex, 'friends with benefits' situations, even simple flirting
it all looks a whole lot different from the perspective of someone who's immune to manipulation via sex appeal, who has virtually no understanding as to why sex would motivate someone to cheat on their partner, etc. etc.
sex is worthless to me
i mean, it's useful as a story element in fiction, but it genuinely perplexes me that sex is such a driving force behind so many aspects of irl society & of people's individual lives, for better or for worse
and that it's so deeply ingrained into how the average person views the world & various situations, because the average person feels sexual attraction, whereas i do not
i think the barrier between aces & allos is actually even deeper than it seems on the surface at times, because it's more than just the grating expectation that everyone must want to 'settle down' and have kids, it's also the fact that the majority of the world is sort of 'in' on a joke that aces will never truly be a part of
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ok, not going to make another rapcourse post after this one, here's the summation of my thoughts on it:
every one of these posts that i have seen starts yelling at their targets calling them, in a word, pussies, because the rap they mention liking happens to not be about Macho Shit, or acting like the opportunity to listen to rap that's not about Macho Shit was something that poster was oh-so-generously giving to others. you are not beating the toxic masculinity allegations.
they are accurately rounding you off to their dad trying to get them to man up. you keep using "you like soft things instead of rough things" as an insult in itself. you aren't fucking fooling me or anyone.
if you are trying to get someone to engage with some kind of cultural or artistic experience, it might help to state something that is actually good about it. so fucking what if it's part of someone's culture - what do you get out of it? practices don't pop up out of nowhere and instantly and automatically have uncritical adherents. rap had to be invented, and it became more popular because people saw something in it - what did they see? what is here that is worthwhile?
like i'm ngl so much of this reads like "you whites with your ~opinions~... black people are mindless drones that like whatever The Culture tells them to like and that's good enough for them." fortunately i am not stupid or racist enough to actually believe this and can tell you're leaving the actual merits of rap unsaid, but i can't tell if this is supposed to be like a maneuvering thing where you get really mad at people for pointing out the obvious implications of your words as if they were the ones to originate the idea or if you're just really fucking bad at persuasion and theory of mind.
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project-icarus · 1 year
do you think scrat and the nut ever explored each other's bodies
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firedragon1321 · 3 months
All y'all are like "I want to see that man abused and covered in blood" and only I am like "I want to see that man covered in his abuser's blood". I can admit this to strangers on the Internet and I think that makes me very brave.
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retquits · 1 year
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local hylian literally too shy to revisit zora's domain
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cozymochi · 5 months
Leona 8. A party outfit
From this ASK MEME (not accepting new ones)
yknow, aside from taking two months to follow up on this, I nearly lost this file entirely and all the backups thanks to a technical problem, so you (whoever u are) can imagine how livid i would be if it didn’t recover
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let’s pretend i knew what i was doing
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 6 months
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Fazbear Entertainment did not program him to deal with that
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shsl-leader · 2 years
"you're manic" youre just mad they nerfed you and not me. i am going to kill god with my bare hands
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tsnbrainrot · 2 years
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10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
+ Letterboxd Reviews
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