#Professional Social Network
alumnialliances · 9 months
Maximize Success: Join Top Professional Social Network for Network Marketing Professionals and Exclusive Community Benefits!
Unleashing the Power of Elite Networking
Alumni Alliances stands out in the digital era as a groundbreaking professional social network, tailored for alumni from U.S. colleges and universities. This platform isn't just about connecting individuals; it's a carefully vetted community with over a million members, primarily high-ranking professionals like Presidents, VPs, and CEOs. As a distinguished network marketing professional hub, Alumni Alliances offers its members an exclusive opportunity to forge meaningful connections with peers at the top of their fields. 
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Reset From A Toxic Work Environment
Give yourself ample time to reset and indulge in basic self-care. Get a full night's sleep every night, eat a balanced & nutritious diet (most of the time) with meals you enjoy, incorporate daily movement & a consistent exercise routine into your week, read books, listen to music and podcasts that inspire you, hang out with loved ones/people who energize you, indulge in beauty routines/"spa" days and movies/TV shows you love
Once you feel recharged/not burned out anymore, take a step back and reflect on what your values are, your interests, desired lifestyle/workplace environment that best suits your personality and work style. Consider what you want out of your next opportunity instead of letting hiring managers decide for you once your interviewing processes begin. Remember, a job at a company should feel like a mutual fit. Decide to work as an employee, not a corporate slave.
Reassess and decide on your future workplace boundaries ahead of time. Once you're more emotionally distant from your current toxic work environment, allow yourself to act as a neutral observer of the interpersonal dynamics that played out while you were working in your (soon-to-be previous) toxic work environment. Consider any warning signs/red flags you might've ignored early on or certain ways you allowed yourself to be a pushover/people-pleaser to keep the peace while getting to know your co-workers. Looking back, how would you have handled these situations if you had the clarity and self-confidence you have now? Use your answer to this question as a roadmap to decide how you can show up as your best self before/while working in your next role.
Determine ways you can forge workplace connections early on in your next role. Embrace the "new job, new you" mentality here and decide how you want to show up as a sociable co-worker from your first week onward. Greet your team in the morning, engage in some small talk over a break to get to know each other better – try to find mutual interest/express interest in what they're saying, make it a priority to schedule one-on-ones with all team members/close collaborators within your company over the first month, invite co-workers to get coffee/lunch with you a couple of days per week, etc.
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divinekangaroo · 6 months
Was contemplating the whole ‘Tommy has no friends except Alfie’ thing/thought (it’s my own internal running joke too) but it can't really be true?
Tommy appears to have this huge social network, groups of people he’s still in touch with from the war, including internationally, and including in the officer class; these supposed very reliable contacts in Ireland which I can only assume ties back to the family connections to Ireland and maybe some visit across in his past; the huge respect (and edge of fear) network in Small Heath extending broader into Birmingham; seemingly a very *useful* social-climbing networking he's developed to be able to get the mayor and various politicians to the Grace Shelby charity opening in S3, a society networking which he maintains and builds upon all the way through to Tommy being able to invite actual upper crust society to a ballet at his house (and people attend!)
I mean, there's a level of reserve (rank/war respect) or transactional basis (professional tit for tat society networks), but he also had more friend style connections with say Barney, Freddie (even if it’s soured by the time we see it) and Danny (again, changed by Danny’s own PTSD into that Sergeant-Major thing, but lots of hints it wasn't always like that).
I’ve imagined Tommy puts a significant effort into his social (and society) networking as he does into his business - staying in touch, staying useful, even to the point of using Arthur (or let's imagine his secretaries, his ministerial aides, Polly; picking the right 'hand' who can maintain that relationship for him) to ensure letters and communications keep happening so people remain aware of him, and he stays alive in people’s minds at any possible level of class. He'd have to be maintaining that network like a garden.
The party for Lizzie also didn’t seem like a first time thing for them so I also imagine he hosts quite a lot of social affairs to remain current and connected, which becomes vitally imperative in a different way as a politician compared to a businessman.
But I think that default inner joke, Tommy has no friends and is isolated, is sometimes the claustrophobia of the actual seasons/scenes we see, which are so zoomed into him, into the family, into the worst, that I sometimes double think myself. Just...there’s no way he’s as successful as he is without pouring buckets of effort into society. Admittedly, maybe hardly any of these networking connections are deep connections in the odd way Alfie became one, or Ben Younger could have been one, but Tommy would be talking and meeting and greeting and hosting and writing letters allllllll the time
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followfire · 6 months
Random complaint but I'm working on my animation portfolio and some time ago I got to speak with someone in charge of recruitement, who was here to give advice on how to present a portfolio and all that, and I asked her if Youtube was okay as a platform to host my demo reel so that I can then send it to recruiting studios. And she said that Vimeo is more commonly used, Vimeo is more professional. So I said okay then, I'll put all my stuff on Vimeo and I can look professional B) Only to realize that... Vimeo is a lot more limiting than Youtube? You can only post 3 videos per month and have a limited total of videos... Unless... you pay for more :) And I don't see anything that Vimeo would have that Youtube doesn't?
I don't understand, is Vimeo more professional because it's more onerous? Is that what is implied here? Can't we all collectively agree that the free platform, accessible for everyone and with a better visibility to boot could be used professionally?
Anyway, I wanted to post more than three videos, so Youtube it is.
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mybridgeme · 8 months
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Tired of the same old routine on Facebook and LinkedIn? We've got something fresh and dynamic for you! 🌟 Introducing myBridge.me, the next-gen social networking platform that's set to revolutionize the way you connect, network, and share.
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me3dia · 2 years
I would like to dropkick you from my professional network on LinkedIn
I keep an eye on LinkedIn these days because work. Unfortunately, several of my contacts appear to use it as their main social platform and are chronic posters of marketing guru BS.
The latest awful trend?
Sentence fragments.
Questionable punctuation
very little...
But so much
✅ buzzwords
✅ drama
✅ hustlebro
✅ business emoji
As an example, a friend’s post today, which went live at 4 am!, is 262 words over 104 lines.
I assume this trend is intended to game LinkedIn’s algorithm and also make readers interested in expanding the truncated post. Meanwhile, to humans (this one at least) it comes off as extremely inauthentic and irritating to read. I’m looking at it on a laptop and it’s several screens long; it’s probably even worse on a phone.
All it makes me want to do is mute the person.
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racewinner · 2 years
i have to go to a n 🤢 a net 🤢🤢 a networking event 🤢🤢🤢
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
let’s play a game called “Do I actually want to move back home or did I just forget to take my antidepressants last night?” more at 8.
#blurgleshutthefuckup#personal#I just….#idk if I’m happy in San Antonio#like I am#I love the freedom#and I love being in a new place#and I love my job#but socially I’m not fullfilled#and I’ve been working on it by going to church group and the gym and trying to get out of the house more#but I feel like living with mt brother puts me in this sort of weird limbo#bc I like doing stuff with him like going to eat and shopping and church etc#but most of the time he’s the catalyst for that#and it’s like. I don’t think I’m ever fully motivated to go out and do things on my own#bc he’s sort of a safety net#and that’s kind of how I operate socially#meanwhile back in the valley where I’m from#I have family and friends and a professional network because that’s where I went to school and student taught#so it’s. easy.#and like I wouldn’t HAVE to live with my parents. it’s significantly cheaper.#I would never have to schedule out time to see family or plan to make events like my nephews birthday party#or my baby sisters kinder graduation#and I legit don’t have any friends in San Antonio. like I’ve lived there for three years and idk what the fuck is wrong with me that#I haven’t been able to make a single non work friend#it makes me feel defective bc I’ve never had such a hard time making friends#and like I said bc my brother is there I feel like I’m not motivated or forced to go out on my own ya feel?????#I don’t know if any of this makes sense#PEOPLE WITH MORE LIFE EXPERIENCE THAN ME FEEL FREE TO CHIME IN#ADVICE FUCKIN WELCOME
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varunrajkalse · 2 years
How Students Can Earn Money By Freelancing
How Students Can Earn Money By Freelancing While Studying As a student, it can be tough to make ends meet while juggling classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities. But what if there was a way for you to earn money while still keeping up with your studies? Freelancing is a great option for students who want to make some extra cash on the side. In this article, we’ll discuss how students…
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hi! do you have any tips for not being awkward in conversations? i have to meet a lot of new people at work and i feel like it’s hard for me to have conversations without awkward pauses or in group situations it hard for me to contribute. i feel more like a listener but i’m not sure if this will be bad for me since networking is very important at my company
Hi love! Here are some of my suggestions:
Consider that the other person might (probably!) feels as awkward as you do. With this knowledge in mind, shift your headspace from "I feel awkward in this conversation" to "How would I make myself feel comfortable if I were the other person in this conversation?" This way, you will appear more relaxed rather than forcing conversation/avoiding silence.
Speak slowly – this conveys confidence in yourself and thoughtfulness behind your words.
Dive deeper into what your conversation partner is saying. Paraphrase their insights back to them to show that you're listening. Feel free to share a related ancedote (without one-upping) to relate to their sentiments, then ask a follow-up question that either allows them to expand on their story or share an opinion on the general topic (can be great for understanding potential business partner's industry/world view to see if you're professional compatible).
In group settings, use follow-up questions as an opportunity for unity and dynamic discourse: Leverage someone's commentary/anecdote with a follow-up question that serves as a primer for a group discussion (e.g. "Do you all prefer X or Y?," Does anyone else have a recommendation for (more) X?," "What's everyone's plans for/favorite X?").
If possible, study the event and guest list for the event you're attending beforehand. Prepare some discussion topics, insights, personal stories, and questions in advance. Have these conversation starters and pointers ready in the back of your mind Not having to think and respond on the fly can alleviate some of your anxiety.
Hope this helps xx
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fishylife · 2 years
Got invited to a work dinner ToT what do
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Turning Casual Encounters into Collaborative Partnerships: The Networking Mastery
Understanding the Power of First Impressions Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt the atmosphere change? Or perhaps you’ve noticed how people’s perceptions of you can alter the dynamics of a conversation? These instances highlight one of the most significant aspects of human interaction: first impressions. In a world where we are constantly meeting new people, understanding the…
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gpstudios · 2 months
International Update Your Bio Day: Refresh, Reflect, and Rebrand Yourself
Celebrate International Update Your Bio Day by refreshing your online presence. Take a few moments to reflect on your current self, showcase your achievements, and update your bio to keep it relevant and engaging. #PersonalBranding
In our fast-paced digital world, it’s easy to overlook the small details that make up our online presence. One of those often-overlooked details is our bio—the short, yet powerful description that tells the world who we are. Whether it’s on social media, your personal website, LinkedIn, or any other platform, your bio is a reflection of your personal brand and an introduction to anyone who comes…
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andypiper · 2 months
What's up with LinkedIn?
Celebrating (?) 18 years of my life... on LinkedIn? #100DaysToOffload #Blaugust2024
Hey LinkedIn – U OK, hon? Today, I received an exciting (?!) message. Apparently, it’s 18 years since I created my account on LinkedIn. The message came with the usual hints that some other users might have looked at my profile, and the companies or industries they were from; as well as a bunch of metrics about how many new connections I’ve made this year, how often my posts have been viewed…
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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theeaglestech · 2 months
4 Proven Ways to Earn Like a Pro Online
In this AI era, you must have to follow these four steps along with your professional skills to earn like a pro. Here’s a complete guide to walk you through how to establish an online profile, attract clients, and grow your career. Step 1: Make Your Social Media Platforms ProfessionalStep 2: Share Your Work RegularlyStep 3: Be a Part of the Appropriate Community and NetworkStep 4: Create a…
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