#Promises Series
seidenbros · 2 years
Holy Diver
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary: Staying at Rick's boathouse with Eddie, you try to pass the time, get something to eat and talk until you finally get word from the others, who'll be on their way to you with new supplies. Only that Jason and his guys beats them to it. Eddie manages to escape leaving you behind, which is not easy after what you'd seen happen to Patrick. At least the other ones find you again and you manage to track down Eddie, only to end up with him in the Upside Down after everything seems to go wrong.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Word count: 7722
Warning/Tags: angst, a bit of fluff & domesticity, canon-divergence (because y/n is part of season 4 now), hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence mentioned, scared and hurt Eddie, fear and panic, call it a fix-it-fic in the end (let me know if I missed anything)
Author’s note: Okay, we're right in the middle of season 4 now, and I think I went a little too much into detail, but couldn't help it. The words just flowed out. So I hope you'll enjoy this part, and if you have any suggestions, stuff I can improve, let me know. 💚
On AO3
Part 1: Promises | Part 2: Should I Stay or Should I Go | Part 3: Rainbow in the Dark | Part 4: Holy Diver | Part 5 - Bat out of Hell | Don't You (Forget About Me)
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You were awake just a moment before Eddie, and he was still sleeping peacefully. None of you had woken up during the night, which just went to show how tired both of you had been. When he eventually woke, he wrapped his arm around you a little tighter, not wanting to let go.
“Mornin’,” he rasped against your stomach before he raised his head a little bit. He was caught in the moment, eyes fixed on you, soaking up the smile on your lips that he’d missed all these years. He might have seen it when you’d first stood in front of him again, but then he’d blown the whole thing by getting angry. Angry at you, at himself, angry at the world.Before he’d been able to meet with you again, all of… this had happened. 
“You’re real…” he said more to himself than to you, because he had to reassure himself. Therefore, he stopped hugging you close to him, let his fingers run over your sides, your hips, your thighs, back up to your face. His thumb brushed over your bottom lip. A sigh of relief left his own lips, but he needed to ask you something. “Please, tell me everything else was a dream!” He knew that it wasn’t, but he still had that last scrap of hope that he’d dreamed about all of it, that it was just some nightmare, that Chrissy was fine.
“I’m sorry Eddie, but I can’t tell you that…” As much as you wanted to, there was no point in lying to him. After all, you were holed up here because they were looking for him. Eddie's head dropped to your stomach again. Gentle fingers found their way into his hair, to the nape of his neck to hopefully calm him with your touches, and it worked. You felt the tension in his body ease, but only for a moment.
When you heard a car door, both of you jumped. You wanted to tell Eddie to hide beneath the blankets again, but he was already up, looking through the window to see who was out there. You’d just been able to crawl out of the boat when the door burst open. Clutching a hand to your heart, back against the wall, you saw the same four people from yesterday, who were holding up bags. You wanted to kiss them as much as you wanted to slap them for being so careless and scaring both you and Eddie.
“Next time, make yourself known before you barge in!” Your heart was still hammering in your chest, while Eddie looked a lot calmer than you. “I was this close to throwing whatever I could get my hands on at you.”
“Were we… interrupting something?” Robin looked from the boat to you, the hint of a smile on her lips, but you shook your head.
“Ne, we just woke up a moment ago. Just didn’t expect you this soon.”
While Eddie finally got some food - because he hadn’t eaten anything ever since he’d run away from his trailer - you sat down to talk to Robin. 
“How is he?” she asked quietly, nodding in Eddie’s direction. Your eyes landed on him as well for a moment, but then you focused on Robin again.
“He managed to sleep last night, so that’s good. Apart from that…” You shook your head. No need to say it out loud. All of you knew what had happened, how was he supposed to be feeling?
“And what about you?”
“Well…” You took a deep breath, glanced at Eddie who was stuffing his mouth with cereal. “I’m just glad I’m here, you know? Five years apart because of stupif coincidences, and I choose the worst time to come back into his life. Still…”
“It’s the time when he needs you the most.” Robin took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. You’d thought about it, whether all this might not have happened, if you hadn’t come here, had come sooner, but in the end, you had no way of knowing, and no amount of worrying, thinking about it, would change a thing.
Your attention was drawn towards Dustin when he spoke up. You’d thought so much that they were looking for him, convinced that Eddie had killed Chrissy. It was the easy way out, blame the one everyone called freak, even though it was hardly possible for Eddie to mutilate Chrissy like that. But they needed someone to make responsible for that, and that was Eddie. Soon the whole town would know, if Dustin and the others had already found out about it.
“Hunt the freak, right?” You heard Eddie say, and it broke your heart. You’d never considered him a freak, he just had interests that were different from most people here in Hawkins. In NYC, it was a completely different matter. Yes, there were still those that called people like Eddie freaks or looked at them like they were aliens, but there were more people like him, a bigger group.
When Dustin talked about finding and killing Vecna, you stepped up to Eddie, wanting to give him some support. In theory, Dustin was right, of course, but the reality was that it wasn’t easy. It wasn’t like you could snap your fingers and find Vecna dead in front of you.
“That’s all, Dustin… That’s all.” Eddie balled his fists out of frustration, but you were there to take his hands in yours, be a calm presence to him, even though your mind was reeling. The others had been through this before, they’d made it out alive again. Still, all of it sounded absolutely crazy, especially the things about the girl with superpowers, but you trusted them, you believed them, and as it seemed, Eddie did too. The problem was, that you needed a good plan, and fast. Especially when all of a sudden, you heard sirens outside.
Eddie went to hide immediately, but thankfully, they just drove by. All that still left you with a racing heart out of fear. The amount of police cars told you, though, that something must have happened, so the others decided to investigate, leaving you and Eddie behind, because you still didn’t want to leave him alone. Nobody should be alone in a situation like this. You promised to stay in contact via walkie talkie.
At one point, you peered out, making sure nobody was there, so that you could sneak into the main house. The others had done a good job with the supplies, but you needed some proper food - or as proper as was possible in your situation. Especially because you weren’t able to get any of the others on the walkie talkie, which only increased your worries. Yes, you’d said that you would try to communicate as little as possible, but no communication at all was freaking you out a bit. Still, you tried to keep as calm as possible, because it was enough that Eddie was freaking out.
“Coast is clear,” you said as you poked your head into the boathouse again, getting Eddie to come along with you. Both of you needed to use the bathroom as well as some food. You looked around and found something you could throw together. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but it would at least fill your stomachs a little bit, and that was all that mattered right now.
While you were busy on the stove, warming up your meal, Eddie tried to reach Dustin, but there was no response. Up until now, he’d been pacing around, but then he stopped right behind you, wrapped one arm around your middle, and spread his fingers over your stomach.
“They’re really freaking me out. I don’t know what’s going on.” He leaned his forehead against the back of yours, breathing in deeply. His eyes were closed for a moment, when he allowed himself to enjoy being so close to you. He’d done the same last night, blending out everything that had been going on, focusing on you instead, and that had helped him fall asleep. You’d always had that effect on him. In your arms, close to you, that was where he was at home and at peace. The last couple of years had been rough, and the drugs had helped him forget about you, or at least push you aside so that he could lead a happy life without you, but seeing you now, having you in his arms, it was better than any high he could have gotten from his drugs.
“I’m sure they’ll get in touch soon.” You wanted to convince both of you, because you were rather close to running all the way to Dustin to see if they were alright.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Eddie admitted, brushing his nose against the nape of your neck, making you shiver involuntarily.
“So am I,” you admitted breathlessly, feeling something in the air between you shift. Eddie hugged you a little tighter, before he put his hands on your waist to turn you around, so that you were facing him. The spoon with which you’d been cooking was still in your hand, and you held on for dear life as his left hand came up to cup your cheek. You’d been close last night, you’d cuddled for hours in your sleep, but this was still different. The intensity in his eyes was something only reserved for you, but he’d never told you that. Still, you remembered that look.
“Hey, it’s Nancy!” A voice came from the walkie talkie.
“Fucking finally!” you said, breaking the moment between you, because as much as you wanted to see where this was going, as much as you wished to feel his lips on yours after all these years, this was way more important.
“Wheeler! Hey!” While Eddie talked to Nancy, you managed to finish… cooking, if you could call it that. It was a drop in the ocean, but if the others got here with some more food, you’d be able to manage.
Eddie’s eyes were still on you, his mind racing from what had nearly happened, what he’d wanted to happen, even though it probably wasn’t the right time. There was still a lot of catching up left for you two to do. He didn’t even know whether you were in a relationship right now, but judging by the way you’d looked at him, had reacted to him, he really didn’t think that you were. Still: Wrong place, wrong time.
When Eddie asked for a six pack, you had to smile to yourself. Yes, wrong time for that, but then again… you completely understood him there.
“She hung up on me!” The look of disbelief on Eddie’s face nearly made you chuckle, but that was probably not an appropriate situation, but he just looked like a lost puppy.
“They’ll get here as soon as possible,” you reassured him, handed him a plate now that you were finished with cooking. “It’s not a lot, but it will do for now.”
“Thanks, darling.” He leaned down to kiss your cheek, that immediately turned red, and you didn’t even know why. Maybe because he’d called you darling. You didn’t question it, and instead took your own plate and started eating up. You’d certainly need the energy.
After you’d finished, you walked out of the house all by yourself to take a look around again, but there was nobody to be found. You hurried Eddie along because even though you hadn’t seen anyone, you didn’t want to risk being caught. As soon as the police got their hands on him, he’d be locked up, and they’d make sure that he didn’t get out. You just knew it.
Maybe, the wisest idea would have been to take Eddie away from here, pack him in your car and drive away. You could take him to NYC with you, to your apartment until the whole situation had dissolved, but… you couldn’t leave the others alone, and Eddie never would have left with you. So you were stuck here.
Once in the boathouse again, Eddie managed to relax a little bit, and so did you. The others were probably already on their way here, bringing you more supplies, so you just had to lay low.
“Talk to me,” Eddie said out of the blue, but you’d realised it as well. The silence was deafening, and while you were cautious, listening to what was going on outside so that you’d notice once someone arrived here, you could still talk.
“Well, what do you want to know?” You gathered the blankets out of the boat and folded them up, put them aside. Who knew whether you’d need them tonight again?
“Are you happy?” The worry in his voice, in his eyes made you look away from him again. You’d never been really happy without him. Sure, you’d talked yourself into believing you were, but Eddie had always been missing.
“I tried to be happy…” You started, leaning against the wall, as you crossed your arms over your chest, leaving some distance between Eddie and you. “I should be. I got into Juilliard, I have my own apartment, I even make money with music…” Eddie’s eyes widened in surprise, his lips curled up into a smile. You’d done it! You’d really gotten into Juilliard, and he was proud of you.
“They let you make your kind of music, or…?”
“Yeah, that was the most surprising thing. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go, but it was my taste in music that made them ask me to come.” That still blew your mind, and you were more than happy about that opportunity, but you knew that your own music wasn’t as good as it could be because something was missing. Eddie…
“But you’re not happy?” He frowned in confusion. It sounded great! Making money with music even though you were still enrolled? 
“Not really…” You wet your lips with your tongue, trying to find the right words. You should have been happy, you had everything, except for the one person who made your life complete, no matter if he’d been your friend or your lover. “You were missing. I tried to be happy without you, but in the end… My songs are not the same without your help.”
That last sentence told Eddie more than everything else you’d just said, because it had been the same for him. He’d been able to push the thought, the memory of you aside, have fun with other girls, but when it came to writing music… Nothing sounded as good as the things you’d written together.
“What about you?” You cut off his train of thought, not really wanting to focus too much on you, on your feelings for him, that had never gone away, and were now back stronger than ever. “They told me about the drugs.”
“Of course they did…” Eddie rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. It wasn’t like he’d tried to hide that from you, and it wasn’t exactly something he was extremely proud of, but that was his life. “When you left… I wasn’t able to concentrate on school, because we always studied together.”
Yes, you fondly remembered the way Eddie used to touch you when it had been really hard for him to concentrate. A hand on your thigh, your hand in his, or his head in your lap with your fingers in his hair, which had turned out to be the best way to get that stuff into his head. You’d thought that he’d be able to make it without you, but he hadn’t.
“I didn’t want to blame you for that last week, y/n.” Eddie looked back up at you, regret shining in his eyes. “It was all just… a little much.” And he’d missed you so much it hurt. By now, you knew that he’d thought you’d found someone else shortly after you’d left, and it made his reaction a little more understandable for you.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” While you’d been able to prepare yourself for that meeting, seeing him right in front of you, all grown up, had still caught you off-guard.
“With the drugs, I was able to get you off my mind.” Not that he’d ever wanted to forget what you’d had, but he’d had to blend out the pain, the longing for someone who hadn’t been in his life anymore.
“Eddie I…” Your words died on your lips when you heard a car outside. Hoping that it was you delivery service, you snuck up to the window to get a look at who was there, but it wasn’t anyone you knew. They were all dressed in black, probably younger than you.
“Who are they?” you asked Eddie who’d come up next to you.
“Shit!” He wanted to punch a wall, vanish into thin air, but he couldn’t run right now, not with them out there. They’d see him, it was still not dark enough outside. “Jason is… was Chrissy’s boyfriend.”
“Oh no.”
That wasn’t good, not at all. Eddie pretty much dove for the walkie talkie, trying to reach the others.
“Hey, Dustin? It’s me, Eddie… You remember me, right?”
You stayed hidden in the shadows, still looking outside. They were roaming through the house, so you were still safe for now, but it was only a matter of time until they found you. You looked towards Eddie, but he didn’t get an answer from anyone. Meanwhile, you were trying to come up with a plan, though for now, you really had to stay here, hoping that they’d just leave, when they didn’t find anyone.
They took their time looking around the house, so it was already getting dark, when you turned towards Eddie.
“When they come this way, I’ll go talk to them.”
“Like hell!”
“Eddie, listen, it’s the best chance we have. I can distract them so you can get out and into the woods.”
“I’m not leaving you with them. Nu-uh, not gonna happen, princess.”
“Still so stubborn, huh?”
“Just like you.”
“Yeah, and remember who usually won our discussions.”
You raised your eyebrow at him, crossed your arms beneath your breasts. There was no way you’d let him win this argument, not when his life was in danger. The police might want to take him into custody and question him, but these idiots out there wanted this life, you were sure of that.
When you saw them leave the house and head for the boathouse, you cast one last look at Eddie, before you left him. The only problem was, that he couldn’t get out of the boathouse without them seeing him, only if he took the boat out and crossed the lake. You hadn’t really thought about that.
“Who are you?” one of them asked as soon as they saw you.
“I should ask you that! What are you doing in Rick’s house? You have no right to be here.” You didn’t think that they’d attack you, but still, fear pricked at the back of your neck.
“We’re looking for someone. Your turn!” That must have been Jason, the leader of this pack. You were able to detect a hint of sadness in his look, but it was overpowered by rage.
“I’m taking care of Rick’s house while he’s not here.” Eddie had told you that he was serving time right now, so your story sounded plausible.
“Never seen you around.”
“Well, because I don’t live here anymore. I live in New York, but I came here to do him that favour.” You held your ground, crossed your arms again. “And now, I’d like you to leave.”
“Not gonna happen.” Jason pushed you aside to get to the boathouse. You tried to grab hold of his jacket, but missed, and he was so fast that you were only able to follow close behind. Relief washed over you when you saw that the boat was missing, that Eddie had gotten out, but after that, everything turned to shit. Because you weren’t the only one noticing that the boat was amiss.
They walked past you again to get outside, and immediately saw Eddie out on the lake. You tried to think of something to do, but they were so set on getting him, that there was nothing that would distract them at all. You tried to hold them back, but they just pushed you aside again.
“Hey freak!” Jason’s voice echoed through the darkness, getting Eddie’s attention. Your eyes met for a moment, but then Eddie tried to start the engine - which of course didn’t work. At least, he had the oars in the boat that you’d put back in before, so that he could try to get away.
“Leave him alone!” You yelled at the boys, still trying to get them away from the water, but Jason pushed you so hard that you stumbled and fell, hitting your head somewhere. The pain blinded you for a moment, but you tried your best to focus, got up again in a desperate attempt to help Eddie, ignoring your own pain.
Both guys went after him, trying to catch up and when they were nearly there, the other one stopped. Jason talked to him, but he didn’t react. What the hell was going on now?
His body dipped under the water, before it suddenly flew up into the air, levitating a few metres above the water. You stumbled backwards, not really sure what was going on. You couldn’t really see what was happening, because it was too dark, but you heard it. The snapping of bones Eddie had described when he’d talked about Chrissy. These sounds made your stomach churn, your vision blur, and you fell to your knees, not able to stand this situation. This was what Eddie had seen up close, and now it was happening again. The sound of snapping bones would haunt you, you already knew that.
“GO!” You yelled towards Eddie, who was obviously worried about you, but there was no way you'd let him come back. Jason still wanted to take Eddie down, and the police would probably get here soon enough, so he had to leave. Eddie hesitated, but then he swam to the other side of the lake.
“Listen, they were trespassing and I just wanted them to get the hell away.” You were seated in front of two policemen, who were both questioning you in Rick’s house
“And you were here because…?” One of them asked, writing something down in his notebook. They already had your name, your address, because there was no reason for you to lie about that.
“I already told you, I’m staying at Rick’s house, keeping everything in check until he gets out. I needed a little break from my family, so that was the perfect arrangement.”
“And what happened on the lake.”
“That guy, Jason I think, was completely out of his mind, shoved me aside…” You showed them the cut on your temple, which hadn’t been taken care of at all so far. “And jumped in the water.” And then you told them what you saw happen to Patrick. It sounded like something out of a movie, but Jason and you were telling the same story.
“Alright… We’ve got everything we need so far. Just stay in town.”
“I’m not planning on leaving town, just heading out to clear my head a little.” Not really because you were looking out for Rick’s house and his belongings, but because of Eddie and everything else that was going on.
Outside, you were greeted by onlookers and media vans. Shit… You really didn’t need any of them to see you, so you tried your best to sneak past them only to bump into someone, who was apparently trying to sneak in.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, trying to walk past them, but strong hands grabbed your upper arms to make you look up.
“Thank God, you’re okay!”
“Steve?” Relief washed over you and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him, holding on tight. It was so good to see him, to see the others, because over his shoulder, you could see Max, Robin and Dustin - and two others. Tears welled up in your eyes and you closed them tight.
“Come one, we’ll get you away from here.” He was sure that Eddie was nowhere here or he’d be glued to your side, so Steve wrapped one arm around you to guide you back to the car - your car.
Once you were on your way, the tears subsided, and you filled them in on what had happened the night before. You were still shaken up by the whole ordeal, and Robin took your hand to show you support. You weren’t alone in this one, you were here with them, but Eddie was God knew where all by himself.
They told you what they’d found out as well - and what was happening with Max. This was all so unbelievable, but you’d seen it with your own eyes, and now you had found a way to keep Vecna at bay when it came to Max at least. Everything else… was still to be found out. It sounded so easy, find a portal and kick Vecna’s ass, but it wasn’t easy at all, that much was clear.
You weren’t even far from the house, when you heard Eddie’s voice over the walkie talkie. Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing him, because that meant that he was safe, that he was somewhere where he could reach out to you. Everyone was silent, Nancy parked at the side of the road, because you needed to find out where Eddie was first, before you could do anything.
“I’m pretty goddamn far from okay,” you heard him say, your heart dropping immediately. You knew that he wouldn’t be fine, but the tone of his voice, the desperation made you nearly lose it. He’d been through enough as a kid, and now this. At least now you knew where he was so that you could get going.
“How is y/n?” he asked, making Dustin look up at you, handing you the walkie talkie.
“I’m here.” Your voice cracked, you couldn’t help it, tears nearly welling up again, but you got a grip, focused on his voice instead. “I’m okay, don’t worry.” Well, you were pretty goddamn far from okay as well, but you didn’t want him to worry about you. It was bad enough as it was.
“It’s good to hear your voice…”
“Yours as well… Hold tight, Eds, we’re on our way.”
“Okay…” he hesitated for a moment, still holding the button to speak, but then he dropped it, not getting the words out.
It took you some time to get to Skull Rock, especially because Dustin always insisted that you were going in the wrong direction, because his compass pointed you in a different one than Steve was going. Then again Steve said that he knew the way by heart, and in the end: he was right, and you found yourself at Skull Rock. You hadn’t been able to pay attention to the conversations happening around you, because your mind was preoccupied, but once you were there, you looked around trying to find Eddie.
“You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead.” Steve looked down at Dustin, satisfied with himself, until Eddie jumped down in front of them.
“I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
Your heart felt with relief once you saw him, and you couldn’t hold back your feelings. You pretty much flung yourself into his arms, holding on tight immediately. His arms wrapped around you, and you heard him breathe a sigh of relief.
“You’re alright,” he whispered into your ear, burying his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling you, because for a moment he’d thought he’d never see or hold you again. The others gave you a moment, before Dustin went in for a hug as well. You had to smile, because it was so obvious how much Dustin adored Eddie - and Steve as well, both of them some kind of big brother figure for him.
While you’d told them what you’d witnessed, it was now Eddie’s turn to tell them. Not that there was a lot they hadn’t already heard, but his insight mattered as well.
“So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran.” The chuckle that followed his words was bitter.
“You had no other choice. And I sent you away, alright?” He shouldn’t feel guilty about that, because he couldn’t have protected you from anything or anyone, and it had been safer this way. At least he’d gotten out of there.
Nancy figured out that the time Patrick was killed was the time they had their kind of run-in with Vecna. Now you knew how he attacked, where he attacked from, but there was still the problem with getting into the Upside Down to be able to face Vecna. Killing him with a bullet, chopping his head off, all good ideas, but therefore you’d have to be right in front of him.
Dustin suddenly yelled: “Boom!” You damn near jumped, because his voice echoed through the forest. “Bada… bada… boom! I was right! Skull Rock was North!”
“Do you really want to discuss this? Right now?” You shook your head at him, because they were more important things to talk about in your opinion, but when he talked to Lucas about the compass, aber the electromagnetic fields, his reaction, his words made a lot more sense. They’d found a portal like this before, so that meant that there was another gate close by. A good thing, right? The needle pointed in the direction of the gate, so Dustin started walking that way.
“Where are you going?” Steve intervened, telling Dustin once again that Eddie was still a wanted man, that they couldn’t just go for a hike in the woods like this.
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Dustin’s attention was on Eddie now, waiting for a response. You knew that it was the only chance you had at saving both Max and Eddie, but it wasn’t your call to make.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But uh, the Shire… The Shire is burning.” Eddie got up from where he was squatting down. “So Mordor it is.”
You never thought you’d find yourself in a situation like this, where Mordor was the path you’d choose, but right now, you didn’t have another choice, and you’d rather walk with Eddie into Mordor than stay behind and see the Shire burning to the ground.
“What is Mordor?” you heard Steve ask, which really made you smile to yourself.
“Looks like I’ll have to lend you a book once we’re done here, so you can find out,” you said with a chuckle, before you walked past him to get to Eddie. It was better if Steve found out once all of this was over instead of right now.
You followed Dustin for a good while, not really knowing where you were, but at one point, you reached Lover’s Lake again. Dustin nearly stepped into the water, but Eddie grabbed him to pull him back.
The dark lake stretched out in front of you, and you felt a wave of nausea hit you. The memories from last night were still too vivid in your head, and you needed a moment to collect yourself. Eddie’s hand on your elbow made you nearly jump.
“It’s alright, it’s just me,” he said with a soft smile, letting his hand drop from your elbow to your waist to pull you close for a moment. His lips met your temple, close to where you’d been hurt the night before. “I’ve got you, alright?”
You slowly nodded, before you took his hand, walked up to the others with him again. With Eddie by your side, you felt a lot more at ease, you felt safe.
They had experience with these kinds of things - not that you were envious of them for living through something so gruesome - so they were pretty sure that there had to be a gate in Lover’s Lake, but there was only one way to find out. Eddie pointed out the boat he’d hidden not far away from here.
The only question was who would go on the lake and who’d stay behind, because there was no way all of you would fit in the boat, let alone stay above water. While you were pretty much glued to Eddie, not letting go of his hand, you were one of the first people in the boat. The end of the story was that only Dustin, Max and Lucas stayed behind, because they had to watch out for Max. Maybe, one of you should have stayed behind as well, but you weren’t thinking straight right now. If you weren’t holding Eddie’s hand, you’d be biting your nails right now.
Eyes on the compass, you commandeered the boat across the water until Dustin’s compass went absolutely nuts. Dustin confirmed that you must be really close to the gate.
“What are you doing?” Nancy’s eyes landed on Steve as he took off his shoes and socks. 
“Somebody’s gotta go down there and check this thing out.”
“Oh hell no!” You looked at him as if the compass wasn’t the only thing going nuts right now. Was he serious? Apparently he was, and you had to admit that he was right, that this was the only way to find out. Still, you had a bad feeling about this. Steve was right, he was the one with the most experience, and none of you were eager to go down there and check it out.
Eddie wrapped the flashlight in a plastic bag and handed it to Steve. It was already dark here, so it would be pitch black once he was under water. The four of you still had at least a little light from the moon.
With a heavy heart, you watched Steve jump into the water, and then you waited, keeping an eye on the clock. Seconds felt like hours right now, and he didn’t come back up. When he finally did, you breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s down there,” he said, told you that it was pretty big. You’d found your gate into the Upside Down, to Vecna, now you just had to come up with a good plan to defeat him. All these thoughts were wiped from your head, when Steve was suddenly pulled under water again. What the hell was going on?
While Nancy got up, Eddie tried to stop her, asking her if she really wanted to go in there. She only told them to wait there and jumped in after Steve. You felt your heart plummet, shaking your head, hoping that this was not really happening… but it did. And it wasn’t only Nancy, because Robin sat on the edge of the boat as well.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, the fear in his voice all to present. “She said wait!”
“Yeah, I heard her.” And Robin was gone as well. None of them came back up, though, Neither Steve, nor Nancy or Robin.
“Goddamn it! Son of a bitch!” Eddie yelled for all the world to hear. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”
There was no way you’d leave them here alone. Not a chance. And while Eddie was freaking out, you got up as well. After what you’d experienced last night, you were scared of this lake, but there were three people down there, who wanted to do everything to save Eddie and Max, and you weren’t gonna let them die down there.
“What are you…” Eddie tried to ask, but when you held out your hand for him, he took it.
“Together, alright?”
One look in your eyes and Eddie nodded. Without wasting another moment, the two of you jumped in after the others, at first not really sure where you were going, but then you saw it. The red glow at the bottom of the lake drew you in, and you knew that this was where you needed to go. With Eddie’s hand still in yours, because you needed the contact to make it through this, you swam towards the gate and pretty much tumbled out on the other side.
Before you’d even had a chance to look around, you heard Steve’s screams. It was dark and terrifying, but you had to find Steve. Nancy led the way, and what you saw when you got to him nearly made you run in the other direction, but you stayed, reached for one of the oars that was lying around, and tried to get these bats away from Steve. It was pure madness, unlike anything you’d ever seen or experienced, and you weren’t exactly keen on repeating anything like that, but you were here now. While Nancy and Robin tried to get the bat that was strangling Steve off his neck, Eddie and you tried to fend the others off. It was a bit like baseball but with bigger targets that moved everywhere.
It was a complete medd, Nancy got attacked as well, but somehow… by some miracle you managed to kill two of them, scare the others away. Your heart was racing from the adrenaline and while Nancy looked after Steve, you looked towards Eddie.
“Jesus H. Christ!” he yelled, throwing the oar to the ground. It was too much, not only for you, but for him as well, and you really didn’t know how the other three were managing. Steve at least looked like absolute shit. You had no idea how he was still standing. The bats had bitten whole chunks out of him, the ligature marks around his neck all too visible, and he was spitting out blood.
You should get back as soon as possible, meet with the others and definitely get Steve patched up, but when you turned towards the gate, the fucking bats came back - and they were standing guard around the gate so that you couldn’t go back home. It would have worked, if it had only been the ones around the gate, but there was a while swarm of bats coming your way.
“The woods!”Nancy said right before she started running. Well, you didn’t really have a choice, did you? So you ran after her, grabbing Eddie’s hand along the way to pull him along. You had no idea, how far you’d been running, but you made it to Skull Rock, hid beneath it to maybe come up with a plan. The bats were flying over the trees in one direction until you didn’t hear or see any of them anymore.
But Steve was still not in a really stable condition, at least in your opinion. He needed medical attention, but he wouldn’t get that here, so Nancy did the best she could, tore some fabric from her shirt and wrapped it around Steve to put pressure on the wounds and hopefully stop the bleeding.
“You stay here,” Eddie said, raising your hand to his lips to brush a kiss across your knuckles, before he let go of it and climbed up on the rock. You couldn’t even protest, he was too fast for you.
“So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” he called out once he’d taken a look around. It was so dark, the sky lit up in red, all of it just terrifying.
Nancy told him that his assumption was right, which didn’t really manage to calm you down, quite the opposite. What they said about the vines, all of it being a hive mind as well. You took a deep breath, trying to focus on what was happening right now, what needed to be done and how you would be able to find a way home.
Robin had a good point, and that got your attention. If everything was still here, you could definitely get guns from the police, maybe not grenades, but at least something to protect yourselves with. The police station wasn’t your destination, though, because Nancy had guns and her house was closer. A big surprise for you, but you weren’t one to question that. After what you’d seen in the last twenty-four hours, you already understood why she had them.
After Eddie had given Steve his vest with the words for your modesty, dude, you were shaking up by what seemed like an earthquake, loud noises in the distance, screeches that chilled you to the bone. You clung onto Eddie, while you were lying on the floor until the shaking stopped. Yes, it was definitely time to get on your way.
You led the way with Robin and Nancy, trying to clear your head a little bit, while Eddie walked with Steve. They had a bit to talk, because Steve wanted to thank Eddie for what he’d done earlier, and because Eddie had to tell him that he hadn’t believed Steve Harrington to be a good guy, and yes he’d even gotten a little jealous because Dustin had talked about him all the time. In addition, the way Steve had handled the bats had been quite impressive.
Eddie wouldn’t have jumped in the lake if it hadn’t been for Nancy and Robin - and you of course. He didn’t consider himself brave at all, but the three of you had been an inspiration in a way. Especially Nancy, and so Eddie told Steve what he’d observed, gave him a little nudge.
“What about you and y/n?” Steve asked, trying to deflect the attention from himself. “What’s your story?”
“Oh boy,” Eddie started, taking a deep breath. His eyes were on you, looking out for you, but he answered Harrington, because maybe, it was good to talk about it, even though he didn’t know what you were right now. “We were neighbours… ten years ago. And my parents weren’t exactly… the caring kind, you know?” He glanced at Steve, before he diverted his attention to you again. “Y/N found me outside in the rain and took me home with her. I mean, we’d talked before, but that was the day our friendship really started. She became my best friend, her Mum got CPS involved and I moved in with my uncle.”
Steve followed his words, and while he’d known that Eddie lived with his uncle, he hadn’t known the reasons for that until now. He’d assumed that Eddie had maybe lost his parents, but being taken away from them because they hadn’t cared about him was actually worse. Not that Steve couldn’t relate, because the relationship with his parents wasn’t the best either, but he still lived with them. Not for very much longer hopefully.
“We were best friends for five years and then I finally had the courage to ask her out on a real date… Was real romat´ntic and shit.” The memory still made Eddie smile. He could still see the way your whole face had lit up upon seeing the garden decked out in fairy lights because you loved them so much. He wondered if that was still the case. “Only problem was that her family moved to NYC shortly after that.”
“Yeah…” Eddie nodded, smiling to himself because of Steve’s reaction. “We made a promise to each other. We were too young to get married, so we said that we’d do that one day.” Eddie held up his hand, pointing at the ring. “I even got us rings. Pretty silly maybe, but… I never wanted to lose her.” Steve nodded, showing Eddie that he was listening. Yes, he had questions, but he didn’t want to stop Eddie from telling your story. “After she moved, the contact stopped. We only found out now that she left me a letter with her new address, which I never got.”
“And yet, you’re still wearing the ring.” Steve’s observation made Eddie chuckle. Yeah, Harrington had picked up on that immediately, of course he had. “What about y/n?”
“Still wearing hers…” Just thinking about it warmed Eddie’s heart, because it meant something, right?
“That definitely means something.” Steve played right into Eddie’s thoughts with his words. “And she came back here to see you.” That’s what Dustin had told him at least, so he assumed it to be right. “It’s pretty obvious that she still has feelings for you, man.”
“You think?” That got Eddie’s attention, because he got his hopes up. No matter what, he wanted you in his life again, because he’d missed you as a person first and foremost, but calling you his… Yeah, that would be perfection.
“Yeah… The relief on her face when she heard your voice on the walkie talkie? She was so worried about you, Munson, she nearly broke down when she knew that you were okay.” Steve smiled at Eddie, giving his shoulder a little shove. “And the way she looks at you all the time.. You realise she's pretty much clung to you ever since you reunited, right?” Eddie nodded at his words. Up until now, you’d been holding hands or whatever else to not lose the other one. “So, what about you?”
“Me?” Eddie asked, casting a quick glance at Steve, when the ground beneath all of you started to shake again. He kept his balance, but it wasn’t easy. Once the shaking ceased again, he looked back at Steve. “Never stopped loving her.” Even after he’d seen you with that other guy, his heart had still been beating for you.
They guys caught up with you, but before they were in hearing distance, Steve pulled Eddie towards himself again. “Then you should let her know.”
Easier said than done, but he was planning on it. Once this whole shitshow was over, he’d tell you.
You had no idea how far you’d walked or what kind of way you’d taken, and you would never find the way back to the gate, but you were here: The Wheeler house.
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Tag-List: @tellhound @spideyanakin-interacts @hardysbitch @angelzone @neverending-dreamm @bellamy-barnes @mygreygreenery @hanahisawizard @bambi-laufeyson @lonely-kermit @beepisbeep @haylaansmi @snapefiction @snekssss @jssmth5 @give-em-hellfire @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @violetpenguinkris
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series, or Eddie stuff in general 💚
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dear-sophie · 10 months
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Promises: August
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rogueshadeaux · 2 months
“I hate the script, the vault dwellers sound so cheesy—“ my Brother in Steel you realize that’s the point, right? They were bred to act like the physical embodiment of an HR e-mail. Did you not catch the memo that Vault-Tec put out regarding their experiment facilities?
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mo-mode · 5 months
Show Creators: makes every other scene so dark you can barely see
Also Show Creators:
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birrdies · 2 months
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carry yourself through the frozen desert, empty your thoughts into the well of pressure (x)
finally tried my hand at some 3L desert duo designs (ft. matching back scars) !!
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isjasz · 5 months
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Part 1- The Orphanage
IT BEGINS WOOOOOOOO this was meant to inform ppl of the lore in tpn for the sake of the au then it got out of hand helpme
Designs | Part 1 | Part 2 (End)
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cheekinpermission · 3 months
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He'll pick up Epel at 2:30.
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | You're here! | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6
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sunydays · 10 months
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@somerandomdudelmao I has a gift! I went the more dream/memory route of the chapter (which I could not finish in TIME) the poem
But yeah, have some sadness.
Master Post
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sophfandoms53 · 4 months
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I cannot wait for Shadow to beat his ass and make him question absolutely everything😭
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ohdeargodnoo · 7 months
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ik i have exams next week and i should be studying but,,,,robot cool,,,,brother sad,,,,,,new art tablet,,,,,,,can you blame me?
also idk how exactly the robot was hooked up in his little room, but i kind of wanted it to resemble Raphbot with all his wires and plugs during the whole "battery thing"
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seidenbros · 2 years
Don't You (Forget About Me)
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary: “We need to see the Munson boy,” one of them said to the nurse at the desk. “You can’t. He’s in surgery.” “He has to be taken into custody as soon as he gets out. He’s a murderer.” “No, he’s not!” You yelled, pain giving way to rage, because it was easier to concentrate on that, because they were responsible for this whole situation as well. If they had stopped Jason and his friends from going on a hunt, you might not have ended up here like this. --- You manage to get out of the Upside Down, rushing Eddie to the hospital in hopes that they can help him, that they can save him. Through all of this, you're happy to have Steve by your side. Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader Word count: 3918 Warning/Tags: major angst, canon-divergence (because y/n is part of season 4 now), canon-typical violence,,blood and injuries, fear and panic, call it a fix-it-fic in the end, angst with happy ending (let me know if I missed anything) Author’s note: This was an emotional rollercoaster for me and I'd wanted to make it longer, send them home, but after writing all this, I need to take a break and come back for the last chapter again to give them the ending they deserve.💚
On AO3
Part 1: Promises | Part 2: Should I Stay or Should I Go | Part 3: Rainbow in the Dark | Part 4: Holy Diver | Part 5: Bat out of Hell | Part 6: Don't You (Forget About Me)
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You had no idea what happened next, everything was a blur. You heard the others around you, because Steve, Nancy and Robin had come back to you, needing to get back through the gate again. Their voices seemed so far away, like you were hearing them through cotton. The weight on your chest was pressing down, making it harder and harder for you to breathe, while your heart was racing, making your head spin.
“We have to hurry,” you could hear Steve say as he hoisted Eddie’s body up, his head leaving your lap, which made you look up at them through blurry eyes. You managed to wipe the tears away, but new ones were coming straight away.
“We need to leave,” Nancy’s soft voice was in her ear while she tried to help you up. Robin was taking care of Dustin, who was hobbling along, clinging onto her. “Come on, Eddie needs you.”
“What?” That made you snap to attention, your heart nearly giving out.
“He’s got a pulse. A very weak one, but it’s there. We need to hurry up.”
It still felt like you were in a dream, your body just working, doing what the others told you to do, because you were still in shock. At least your body wasn’t giving in, because you had a goal: Get Eddie out of here and get him to the hospital as quickly as possible.
Steve drove the caravan again, ignoring everything that was happening outside, which was a lot, but you didn’t even see it. Your eyes were focused on Eddie splayed out in front of you. The torn shirt and pants, the blood that was pretty much everywhere… Your hand on his wrist to keep checking for his pulse. You had no idea what the others were talking about, had no clue how much time had passed until someone appeared in front of you, some people from the hospital who were carrying Eddie outside and onto a stretcher to take him into the hospital as quickly as possible.
You were still in a trance-like state when Nancy took your hand, making you jump in the process.
“Sorry,” she apologised immediately. “They’re taking him into surgery. And we need to get you checked out as well.”
“I’m fine.” You shook your head and got up, swallowing past the lump in your throat. “This… it’s not my blood.” Apart from being in shock, you were fine, no harm done to your body as far as you could tell. “Dustin-”
“Dustin is already taken care of and so is Steve.” Before, there hadn’t been time for Steve to get his injuries checked out, but it was necessary to change his bandages professionally now.
“Okay… Okay.” You felt the tears well up again, but tried your best to keep them down, bottom lip still quivering, and the tears broke loose, when Nancy pulled you into a hug. You clung to her, arms wrapped tightly around her body, while you shook in her arms.
“It’s alright… He’ll make it.” Nancy firmly believed in it, because Eddie was a fighter. Dustin had told them why Eddie had gone back, why he’d cut the ties between the worlds, and she understood him. That didn’t mean that she thought that his behaviour had been a good idea. “Come on, let’s get some fresh air!”
You followed Nancy outside, only to be met with the next calamity when Erica stood in front of you, eyes puffy from crying. When you asked her what happened, she was barely able to speak, but she filled you in.
“Let’s get you inside. You’re freezing, Erica.” Nancy hugged her to her side, took your hand in hers and walked back into the building with you. Lucas was already waiting there in silence. They’d taken care of his injuries that he’d gotten from Jason, and when Erica sat next to him, he quietly wrapped his arm around her, pulling her to his side.
You heard the commotion behind you and turned around, only to see the same stupid asshole officers enter that had questioned you at Rick’s house, and you knew why they were here.
“We need to see the Munson boy,” one of them said to the nurse at the desk.
“You can’t. He’s in surgery.”
“He has to be taken into custody as soon as he gets out. He’s a murderer.”
“No, he’s not!” You yelled, pain giving way to rage, because it was easier to concentrate on that, because they were responsible for this whole situation as well. If they had stopped Jason and his friends from going on a hunt, you might not have ended up here like this.
“Excuse me?”
“She’s right.” Lucas was by your side, swallowing hard, because it was difficult for him to speak. “Max was attacked and Eddie was nowhere in sight. You know who was there? Jason!” Jason, who had been torn in half. Jason who was responsible for Max’s injuries, because he’d attacked Lucas and had destroyed Max’s walkman, the one thing that could have saved her from Vecna. “Jason attacked me and Max.” Lucas pointed at his injuries, his lower lip wobbling from all the anger. That receded a little when he felt Erica take his hand.
“It’s true, I was there. Jason behaved like a maniac, so you better do your job and investigate that.” You nearly smiled at her words, because she was always so bold. Her words took the officers by surprise as well, and they retreated when Lucas and Erica’s parents arrived, taking their kids into their arms, glad that they were here, that they were in one piece.
Nancy’s parents and Dustin’s Mum arrived as well, followed by Robin’s Mother. Only Steve and you were left, but your great aunt wasn’t even home at the moment, and apart from her, there wasn’t really any family left in the area. As for Steve…
“They won’t come,” he told you without you having to ask. “And it’s better this way.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’d only tell me off for getting hurt and looking like this. They care more about what other people think than how I feel.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.”
“It’s alright. I’m used to it.”
But he shouldn’t be. Family should be there for you, but in this case, the people gathered here were Steve’s family. Dustin, Robin, Nancy, Eddie… you. Everyone. And he’d rather watch out for his found family than have his parents show up and make a scene.
“How are you feeling?” he asked you, making you press your lips together. It was hard to keep something from him, when he looked at you with such genuine concern.
“I… I don’t know.” The tears welled up again, replacing the words, because they showed Steve exactly what was going on with you. So, he wrapped his arms around you and just held you, allowing you to sob in his arms for as long as you needed it - which turned out to be until your legs nearly gave in from exhaustion. Steve led you to the chairs in the hall, a bit away from the others and sat you down.
“Close your eyes a little, get some rest, okay?” He wrapped his arm around you again, pulling you to his side so that you could use his shoulder as a pillow. “I’ll watch over you and wake you up as soon as we get news.”
“Okay…” Your voice was rough from crying so much, but you did as you were told, closed your eyes, and even managed to get some sleep.
You managed to fall asleep, not really surprising considering what had happened, how much you’d cried. At one point, Steve gently woke you up, shaking your shoulder to get you to open your eyes.
“Y/N, the doctor’s here,” Steve said quietly, making you snap to attention immediately.
“I can’t tell you anything if you’re not family, I’m sorry!” Eddie’s only family was uncle Wayne, and you didn’t know whether anyone had been able to get a hold of him yet. They probably hadn’t because otherwise, he’d be here.
“I…” you spoke up, trying to get up from where you were sitting, and Steve helped you, his hand on your elbow. You twisted the ring around your finger, remembering the vow you’d given each other years ago, the thing you’d always held onto in a way, even though you’d been miles apart, hadn’t even talked to each other. But being back here now, in Eddie’s presence, you knew that you needed him in your life to be happy, that you’d always needed him, but had just tried to push this away in order to go on with your life.”I’m his fiancee.” You held your hand up with the ring that matched Eddie’s. “His uncle is not here yet, and I don’t know if anybody’s reached him yet.
The doctor hesitated for a moment, but when he felt all eyes on him, he sighed.
“He’s out of surgery now, but he’s in intensive care. He’s lost a lot of blood, but he’s strong. It depends on how the next twenty-four hours go.”
“Can I… Can I see him?” You stepped forward, letting go of Steve’s hand that you’d been holding.
“Five minutes, okay? He needs his rest, and so do you.”
You knew that he was right, and you knew that you should probably go home and get changed, take a shower, but right now, you didn’t want to leave the hospital even for a second.
And so you nodded, before you followed the doctor. Your heart lodged in your throat when you saw Eddie. There were a couple of machines hooked up to him, monitoring him, and you didn’t know what else they were doing. It didn’t matter as long as they kept him alive. Carefully, you walked up to the bed, looked him over. His body wasn’t covered in blood anymore, but therefore, he had bandages everywhere. You didn’t know what was worse, but at least he was breathing, he was safe here, where nobody would hurt him anymore.
At first, you weren’t sure whether you were allowed to touch him, but then you just did it, put your hand on top of his, relieved when you found it warm when you’d expected it to be cold somehow. He didn’t stir, though, he lay there almost lifeless, but you could see his chest rising and falling steadily which was a good sign.
“Don’t you dare die on me, Eddie,” you whispered, running your thumb over the back of his hand. “There’s still something you want to tell me, remember?” You had an idea what it was after he’d told Dustin that he loved him, but you hadn’t wanted to hear it back there, and now you clung onto this, to Eddie’s stubbornness, that he would pull through just to tell you what you hadn’t allowed him to say.
“I’m really sorry, but your five minutes are up. As soon as he’s out of intensive care, you can stay as long as you want, alright?”
Slowly, you nodded. It was giving you a little bit of hope, but your feet were still heavy as you walked back to the others.
“I want to see my boy!” You heard him even before you saw him, and Wayne’s voice already made you feel a sort of relief that you couldn’t describe.
“Uncle Wayne,” you mumbled, drawing his attention to you, and you did your best to keep the tears at bay.
“Y/N!” Two long strides and he wrapped you in his arms, held you close for a moment, before he held you at arm’s length to examine you. “What-”
“It’s not my blood,” you quickly said, because you didn’t want him to worry about you as well. The relief in his eyes only lasted for a moment. “It’s Eddie’s… but he’s… he’s okay I guess.” You couldn’t tell him that he was alright, because that would have been a lie. “He needs rest and he’s in intensive care. But he’s breathing, and they’re looking out for him.”
“They let you in his room?” It was curiosity that made him ask that, because normally, only family was allowed in these situations.
“Yeah I… kinda told him that we’re engaged.” A bashful little smile appeared on your lips when you said that, and it made Wayne mirror you, if only for a brief moment.
“Well, it’s not really a lie.” He smoothed down your hair before he kissed your forehead. “I mean, Eddie never forgot about you, Never took that ring off. And he never really had someone else in his life.”
“What?” Surprised, you looked at him, your heart leaping in your chest.
“Don’t look so surprised! You were and you are his first love, his best friend. Sure, there have been girls, but never anything serious. ‘Cause he always missed you.”
“I… missed him, too.” You bit down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from crying again.
“And you’re here now. Just don’t waste the opportunity you two have now.”
“I’m not planning on it.”
“Good… And now get home and get some rest. You certainly need it.”
“Uncle Wayne, I-”
“You know damn well that Eddie will rip my head off if he finds out that I didn’t look out for you.”
“Yeah… yeah you’re right.”
“Take the Harrington boy with you, alright? I’ll stay here and you come back after you got some sleep.”
“Alright…” You gave him a small smile before you turned around and walked over to Steve. “Come on, let’s go!”
“Where?” He looked up at you, visibly confused.
“To my great aunt’s house. I don’t want you to go home to your parents, and I can’t sleep alone at the moment. And Wayne told me to take you along with me.”
That made Steve smile, and he followed you out of the hospital. You used the caravan to get to your car that Steve had used after you’d given him the keys. Neither of you wanted to be seen in the caravan anymore, and it was easier to get around with your car.
Once in your aunt’s house - or rather your guest house - you took turns taking a shower. While Steve was showering, you put his clothes along with yours in the washing machine, gave him some of your clothes to wear, because you’d packed everything, including some old men’s shirts and boxers that you used to sleep in now and then, because they were comfortable.
You worked around each other in quiet, lay in the bed together, because you led Steve there. It was big enough and comfortable, and you both needed some sleep - and you knew that you wouldn’t fall asleep with someone there. You felt safe in Steve’s presence, and it took you a little time, but then you managed to fall asleep. Both of you.
The next day, you went back to the hospital as soon as you could, met up with Wayne, who told you that nothing had changed. Steve and you swapped places with him, sent him home to get some rest, get some food. His home right now was with Dustin and his Mum, because of the state the trailer was in now.
The hours passed, your new friends came to keep you company. None of you wanted to be alone, and some went in to see Max - who wasn’t in intensive care, but strictly monitored - and some stayed with you. Until the doctor came and told you that Eddie had been moved to a different room, that his vitals were looking better, that he didn’t need to stay in intensive care anymore.
Two people were allowed at the same time as long as you didn’t cause a ruckus inside. It was clear that you and Steve were going in together. Dustin was staying with Lucas and the others would wait out here, happy about the outcome and that you were able to go and see him.
He still looked the same way as he’d done last night, minus one of the monitors if you weren’t mistaken. Steve moved one chair next to the bed so that you could sit down, and you both stayed there in silence for some time.
“We talked about you.. On the way to Nancy’s house.”
“You did?” you asked quietly, looking up at Steve, before you turned back to Eddie and took his hand in yours.
“Mhm,” Steve nodded, placing his hand on your shoulder. “Did he tell you?”
“He wanted to tell me… something.” You couldn’t be sure whether it was what Steve was referring to or not. “But I shushed him, told him to tell me when we made it out of there.”
“He will come around and tell you. He’s a stubborn bastard.” Steve squeezed your shoulder lightly, making you smile. Yeah, he was right…
The next couple of days were pretty much like this. You hardly went home, only to get some sleep - together with Steve who insisted on taking you home to make sure that you actually got some sleep and enough food. He’d made you his personal responsibility, because Eddie wasn’t here to look out for you.
Meanwhile, you’d gotten to know the others as well, the ones you’d heard about. El, Will, Jonathan as well as that new guy Argyle, who at least managed to make you smile with his whole… being. Still, most of your time was spent by Eddie’s side holding his hand, talking to him. By now, there was no machine helping him to breathe anymore, and some of the others were gone as well. Now, you were just waiting for him to wake up.
“Do you remember the summer of 1980?” you asked, looking down on your hand that was holding his. Slowly, a smile crept on your lips when you remembered that summer. “We snuck out in the middle of the night and my parents didn’t notice. Thank God! We practically ran to the playground, our footsteps echoing in the quiet night, and we even thought someone was following us.” You had to chuckle at the memory. Eddie had stolen a cigarette from his uncle, because you both had been curious, had wanted to try it, but nobody was allowed to find out. You would have gotten grounded, and Eddie would have had to explain himself to uncle Wayne. It had felt so incredibly illegal that you had been scared of someone following you. “And then we sat down on the swingset. It wasn’t as dark as I thought it would be, because of the clear night sky and the full moon. God that was my first and last cigarette. I felt so sick afterwards and nearly puked on your shoes.” But Eddie… Eddie had coughed, but he’d liked it, and by now, he always had cigarettes with him.
You felt his hand twitch beneath yours, your eyes darting to his face, but he didn’t open his eyes. You watched him for a moment, before you closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
“You spent the night in my house and when we snuck back in, you pushed over a vase as graceful as you were. I was pretty sure my Mum would run down the stairs and give us a lecture.”
“But we got away.” Eddie’s voice was raw and deep, but it made every fibre in your body fill with joy, even though you weren’t sure whether you’d heard right. Could have been your imagination with everything going on. But when you looked up and found his eyes looking down at you, the hint of a smile on his lips, you knew that this was real, that he was awake, that he was talking to you.
“Eds…” you managed to whisper before the tears took over and ran down your cheeks, his hand squeezing yours tight.
“C’mere princess,” he mumbled, reaching for you with his other arm. He didn’t care that it would hurt, didn’t care about anything but you, and he needed you as close as possible.
You didn’t hesitate, got up on the bed and hugged him - as far as that was possible. Eddie closed his eyes, breathing you in, while his hands landed on your back, slowly roaming over it, down your sides, over your hips, to the small of your back. He needed to make sure that you were okay, that you were unharmed.
“I’m okay,” you mumbled against his neck, your tears leaving a wet patch on his pillow, dripping onto his neck as well, but neither of you cared.
“Thank God.” He held you close to his body, eyes closed, because he needed this, needed you, and he wouldn’t let go for as long as he could. But you pulled back slightly so that you could look into his eyes. Eddie lifted one hand to brush the tears away.
“I thought… I thought I’d lost you!” you hiccuped, pushing his hair from his face, examining him. There were small cuts and bruises in his face as well, and a big bandaid on the side of his neck and jaw.
“Too stubborn to die.” He smiled up at you, cupping your cheek with his hand. “Still have to tell you something. Someone didn’t want to let me speak.”
“Don’t apologise, okay?” Eddie put his thumb on your lips to keep you quiet. “It wasn’t the right moment to tell you this, and maybe right now isn’t either.”
“Eds…” you whispered against his thumb, raising your hand to put it on top of his.
“No, I need to say it or I’m gonna burst.” He took a deep breath, eyes full of adoration when he looked back into your eyes. “I love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you. You’ve always been the only one for me, the one who holds my heart, the-”
Your lips on his silenced him. Your hands were splayed out on his chest, your heart beating so fast in your chest that you thought it would give out any moment. Five years… it had taken you five years to kiss him again, and you wouldn’t let him go. At all. Not anymore.
His thumb brushed your cheek, his other hand on your side, while he savoured every second of this kiss. It was a gentle touch of lips that conveyed so much love that everyone in the hospital must have felt it. You pulled back just a fraction.
“And I love you, Eddie. Always have, always will.” His lips were on yours again without hesitation, but this time with a hunger you hadn’t felt in any kiss in years. It left you breathless.
“Good to see you awake, Munson,” Steve’s voice made you pull back, burying your head against Eddie’s shoulder.
“Good to see you, too, Harrington.”
“I’ll give you five more minutes, alright? But then you need to see a doctor and let the other ones know.” Steve couldn’t stop the grin from appearing on his lips as relief washed over him. Eddie was awake, that was all that mattered - and he’d finally told you what he’d wanted to tell you in the Upside Down.
“Appreciate it, man.”And you did as well. But now, you knew that you had all the time in the world to make up for the time that you’d missed. Because Eddie was awake, Because Eddie was alive.
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Tag-List: @violetpenguinkris @tellhound @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @spideyanakin-interacts @hardysbitch @angelzone @neverending-dreamm @bellamy-barnes @mygreygreenery @hanahisawizard @bambi-munson @lonely-kermit @beepisbeep @haylaansmi @snapefiction @snekssss @jssmth5 @give-em-hellfire @sadbitchfangirl @ravenclawkimmi @lacrymosa-24 @ruinedbythehobbit @megumimind @samlealea @hacker-ghost @kirsteng42 @princesseddie 
Let me know (send me a message) if you want to be on one of my tag-lists. I have one for the Promises Series, Eddie x Reader, Steddie and Steve x Reader 💚
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