#Pryo is just Pyro
cat-attack1701 · 1 year
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TF2 Gem AU: Offense Classes! (Just a little bit of fun because I love designing things like this. I blame @honestcactusblog for infecting me with the idea!) 
Offense ~~ Defense ~~ Support
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semothekat · 8 months
Ok guys heres how i order my teams:
Basically, before i over explain this, my normal team is sayu, amber, xingqiu, beidou. The order basically revolves around that.
anemo always first, if none pyro second, if neither bows are first
(Bows are always prioritized before swords/big sword)
(Assuming there is 1 anemo/ pyro) (if there is dendro then dendro goes next) then hydro/cryo goes next, hydro usually first however, if there is a bow user then bow goes before the other even if cryo
Electro last
So this is how the spots usually are:
1st spot: (if there is anemo) - anemo (if two then put bow first) (if no anemo but has pyro) - pyro (if two then put bow first) (if no anemo but 2 pyro bows) - amber first. Then yoimiya (if no anemo/pyro) bow person. (Dendro then cryo)
(Usually anemo/pyro/bow)
2nd spot (assume 1st spot is taken): (If 2 anemo) - put whichever leftover anemo (if pyro) - pyro. (If 2 pyro put bow first) (if 2 pyro bows) - amber first. Again. (no pyro) - any bow (dendro the cryo)
(Usually pyro/bow)
3rd spot (assume first 2 spots are taken): (if leftover pyro) - pyro (if no pyro but dendro) - dendro (if no pyro/dendro) hydro/cryo (if 2 put bow first but if both sword put hydro first)
(Usually 2nd pyro/hydro/cryo)
4th spot (assume all others are taken):
(If any leftovers from above) - the left over (if none) - electro
(Usually cryo/electro)
I dont use any spear/catalyst people or geo. Also i only use one dendro/hydro/electro person (but that may change idk)
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therantingsage · 1 year
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Super old oc time!! Current Sage as an entity technically has no use for assassination, but these guys still exist and remain, in case the need ever returns. They're her cool secret task force, technically.
When I was a kid, I had this cringe thing where all of them except Pryomania had a crush on Jelly and were competing for her attention in a really healthy way (not even saying that ironically). But love triangles with the girl trapped in the middle are boring to me now, so now they are a cool polycule, though once again not including Pryomania. Murder polycule and Pryomania, who is also there platonically.
Individuals and info under the cut.
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Jelly is an ordinary rabbit, considered especially cute by her partners and most others. She has a pair of invisible claw weapons, and she combines them with her unassuming and disarming appearance to deadly effect. Personality-wise, she is slightly mischievous, and her adorable attitude that she uses on duty is not an act, she genuinely is just happy a lot of the time.
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X is the last surviving member of his species. Ink creatures were known to be particularly deadly and dangerous, and were thus targeted and nearly wiped out during the Era of War. X was born to the previous last member of the species, who died soon after. In a post-war world, his particular powerset has few outlets, so he was recruited by The Sage as protection (for him and for others both). The dark teal bulbs on his body can emit inky spores, which in addition to being toxic, grow entrapping vines that grow faster when broken.
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Aestheno-Snakes come in two varieties; the wired and the non-wired. Wired Aestheno-Snakes can manipulate solids of any density as if they were clay using the wires attached to their bodies, and use them to fashion false limbs they can control with their minds. Sleon is a non-wired Aestheno-Snake, which are far, far rarer. Non-wireds are actually much more powerful; they can only control one kind of solid that is determined at birth...but they turn anything they touch into that solid, midas style (including living things, thus his role as a Moon Assassin). Sleon's solid is a putty-like substance. It can be smelted into an indestructible ceramic material, and The Sage makes extensive use of this fact. She's also put a spell on him and the other Moon Assassins that renders them immune to his material conversion. His helmet is made from the putty-ceramic, but the serrated blade on his tail is natural.
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Pang is calm and chill, but was not in their childhood. Their lightbulb-like tail is not characteristic of Sky Deer, leading to Rudolf-adjacent treatment by their peers. Unfortunately, the tail gathers feelings of stress and agitation inside them and manifests them externally as powerful bolts of lightning that target the nearest living creature. If you're sensing a theme here, yes, it is incredibly deadly. Exiled from their home, they eventually were taken in by The Sage and given therapy to help control their emotions and powers. When not on duty, they wear a cap on their tail made from Sleon's ceramic, preventing any accidents.
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Pryomania, being the only one here not part of the polycule, is a bit of an odd one out. Fire Lights are a subspecies of Light Creatures, a subset that is rare and dangerous. Their fiery forms are untethered, so they must confine themselves in a vessel of their choosing. He'd been living in a vase before The Sage found him. She commissioned the ball he now uses, allowing him to both roll around in it and fly, as it is very light. He is mute, as are most Fire Lights, but he has figured out how to use his body to blow-torch words onto surfaces in order to communicate with the others.
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transgender-scout · 10 months
my holiday bonus kicked in today for work and im torn between saving that money to go towards stuff for the house, or finding somewhere to buy the ugly scout plushie
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mugs-n-cans · 4 months
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Oh, sweet! Hey pally, ya mind if me and Pyro join ya?
[Pyro happily walks over and starts playing in the sandbox].
We LOVE just playin’ around I mean there aren’t many sandboxes at base, ya know? Sorry if Pryo sets it on fire or somethin’. Just uh…don’t make her mad, yeah? Like don’t…talk badly about fire or unicorns…trust me—it will not freakin’ end well.
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a-green-rose · 3 months
.. what.. is pyro?..
"I'm telling.. that mans NOT a wizard! We've never seen his familiar, he has a literal fire tail, and he just.. shouldn't have those abilities... "
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Hiii, I'm finally back with something!
I imagine his fire tail becomes more beast like when he's mad, making him more dangerous when he's annoyed, and yes, pryo isn't who he seems, But Meldir Galdorion never seemed to mind that
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sardonic-the-writer · 10 months
You van now marry me because I am interested in your tf2 headcanons
Tell me more please
so happy someone asked for this. giving your forhead a big fat smooch. also, i would habe included tracker in these, but i feel like that would have been a bit self pretentious
• good artist. has drawn tom jones fanart before
• knows a little bit of french; his mom made him learn. also knows a few french songs because of this
• bisexual but battles with it a lot
• really appreciates his teammates and conciders all of them—except for maybe spy—to be his best friends
• terrified of medical procedures and terrible at hiding it
• brightest blue eyes you've ever seen
• wears underwear with the pattern of the american flag on them
• doesn't know it's not normal to have gay thoughts. literally would kiss a man sloppy style and then not understand why everyones looking at him. probably straight, but makes exceptions
• has had his hands cut off at least five times before. it's getting concerning at this point
• uses asl with their team and teaches those who don't know. they'll still use muffled sounds to communicate though
• has no gender actually. not trans, not cis, but a secret third thing
• aroace! latches so strongly onto platonic relationships though its actually insane
• attends bonfires with enigneer sometimes
• has a pair of onsie pajamas that they wear over their suit to bed at night
• is definitely in love with medic, no doubts to be had
• has a PHD in russian literature! a very smart fella, he just has trouble speaking his mind in english
• gay. so so gay. mlm all day
• the only merc to regularly check out books from teuforts library sans soldier. although he doesn't really check out books, he just yells at the librarian for not carrying sun tzu's the art of war
• sings little songs to sasha in russian
• has scars all over his chest from an accident with a grenade he had as a kid
• sends lots of post cards and souvenirs to his mom when he's on the job. he really loves her
• actually used to style his hair in dreads when he was a little bit younger, but just doesn't have time to do much with his hair anymore
• so casually bisexual; especially considering it's the sixties and seventies. takes interest in both men and women
• best friends with both his and the other teams soldier!
• his camper is such a mess all of the time. only ever cleans if he knows someone's going to be visiting, and even then there's a few stray piss bottles laying around
• plays poker & other card games with scout all the time. when they can't bet money, they'll end up using other things to play, like bullets or stray snacks
• thinks he likes both men and women. tries not to dwell on it too much since he gets anxious about it, but at the end of the day can't deny that he finds men attractive as well
• has a mug that says world's number one best sniper that miss pauling got him
• shortest mercenary r.i.p
• parental figure to pyro
• one of the only good cooks at the base. often ends up making dinner for everyone even if it's someone else's turn to cook that night
• has a prosthetic arm that he built from scratch & spends a lot of his time adding to/upgrading
• probably straight, but the biggest ally you'd ever meet
• genderfluid. has a few lady disguises he's had to use before, and is just as comfortable in them as any other one of his disguises. definitely had gay sex with scouts mom before
• reverts to straight french when he gets irritated or upset
• heavily bisexual and very open about it with any of his partners. a man/womanizer
• the only merc with a sense of fashion to be frank. have you seen everyone else. soldier thinks being naked and covered in honey is the epitome of fashion for fucks sake
• probably knows more about the medical field than any other doctor at the time. is actively dropping some medical talk & procedures that won't even be invented until a few decades later. he's fun like that
• owns one pair of regular clothes. everything else is lab coats and black pants. maybe a turtleneck or two if you're lucky
• super mega über gay for heavy. see what i did there
• also, i'd like to headcanon that he needs glasses because he's nearsighted of all things. it makes performing surgery hard without them
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razorblade180 · 2 months
So what is your opinion of the Natlan characters so far? I always got the vibe that you liked pyro characters a lot so do you think this region will have any other cool ones besides the Archon? (I can't remember how her name is spelt)
A bag of mixed feelings. They look really fun though. Kinda weird though that the war nation looks the happiest.
My thoughts on pyro is that I’m intrigued on how they could add more to a pretty big roster. They have to fold eventually and just make a proper off field pyro applicator. The day that happens is the day every cryo dps laughs victoriously.
I also wonder what happens to Bennett and Xiangling. Before Fontaine, I would’ve said their days are numbered, but Fontaine didn’t murder Xingqui. They didn’t even add any 4 star hydro characters. There’s still only three in the game! If anything, Fontaine killed Ayato so I could see a Natlan Pryo character permanently removing one or two favorite pyro options from tier lists.
If they make another pyro bow user then I’m going to cry because I can’t imagine them not Yoimiya or Lyney unless they’re pyro Yelan. Honestly what I want to know most about is Pyro Traveler.
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
(holds mic out) Can we have an insight with regards to your naming schemes and how you come up with them? Your collection of names are quite unique, cohesive, and impressive for me!
A lot of tears and vocal stims (only half joking) but yes!! I am one of those readers/writers who adores names “fantasy” names. I will die on the hill that “Overlord Zurkuth” is better than “Overlord Dan”
I’ll going to using my countries Ivaenia, Saevi, Vultis, and Zenier as the examples for this first bit.
So for my name schemes in regards to POTO, a lot of them derive from a the simular letters/sounds. I had in mind that I wanted them to all be variations of the same “language.” A lot like how Latin is. For POTO the language isn’t real (yet) but I wanted it to be believable. As it’s pretty obvious with the country names, a lot of ‘ae’ ‘v’ ‘i”. That’s the kinda back bone of the fictional language, which I then gave their own little spins to. Giving them their own different, but same feel to them. It also helped flesh out the language even more, giving it a lot of S’s and Z’s— which more on that later. As for how I got to the final names, I went through a lot of Generators and found even more sounds I liked. I also looked up different languages and listen to the sounds of their words through google translate. Another big help is dissecting real life words, much like I did with the generator. Even better if they have meanings that a line with said culture. The city Pyros in POTO is ripped straight from pyromaniac. The most associated character with Pryos is Zemorri, who is associated with fire and dragons. Now that I have an even better base of my language, I moved on to Character names.
For this part, I’m going to use Zrato/Irayo, Zaentriaean, Iveaenian, and Oscai names.
So back to my mention of S’s and Z’s. In my little fictional Latin, I decided that S and Z were once the same letter, but as the people who spoke the language moved around the Nite Region, they became two separate sounds and letters. A very weird bit of lore, but it helps tie it all together in my opinion. The Z tends to be used in Vultis the majority of the time, and S everywhere else. Vultis takes a lot of inspiration from ancient middle east, think Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians. So I based their language off of modern day Arabic and Farsi, with a hint of Hindi as Vultis is a very large country (an empire if we’re being real here) and so I wanted different regions to have different vibes. So mixing all of that together, there’s so much to pull from, along with my fictional Latin to help guide me. There’s so much that goes into a Zrato/Irayo name because of how much I pull from, so I’ll go over the more notable names. Obviously, we have Zemorri, which have the “Ze” we see a lot. “Morri” actually came from Momemto Mori because it fit his character arc well. From Zemorri, I got Zevetta, which is a bit more melodic than most of the Zrato/Irayo names, but I ended up giving her region of Vultis more melodic names, so it works in my mind. I also got Xenari, Nazari both following similar melodic vibes. Ivemaar, “i” and “v” fit within the scheme, and “maar” come from the Farsi influence (also apparently means snake.) There’s a few odd ones that I got just some combining random sounds until I got something I liked, that being Qhuirex and Rhiari.
So Zaentriaean names tend to have the typical elf feel. I decided they would favor the “ae” sound, and pretty much ran with that. I did draw inspiration of Valerian names from ASOIAF, because they’re so pretty. As for how I come up with them, I will literally sit and combine all sorts of mashed up words until I think it sounds pretty.
So I actually already had Sciosa as a name from a long ago scrapped wip when I was in middle school, so how I thought of it I couldn’t say. But it did give me some great material for Ivaenian names. I was able to play around with the S and Ci of it, which got me Cyren, Cyn. I love the way “il” sounds and looks, so I combined it with is ‘os’ from Sciosa, and I already had two names with y. So “Ilyos” was born. Ryon is literally just Ryan but I didn’t want to just name him Ryan, and A’s are more Zaentiraeal than Ivaenia, so I swapped the a for o, which is littered through out Ivaenia names. Ivaenia still has some of the Zaentiraeal feel to it, and so some of their names to have “ae.” My thought process is those closest to the kings off dawn king to have more names influenced by the kings of dawn. The further removed, ei. A commoner, or nobility that lives to the north and thus closer to Zenier, the more Zaentriaean their names will be. The Kings of Dawn are often thought of as gods living amoung mortals, and with the common practice of not naming your kid too closely to a god’s name, I can see commoner’s erring onto the side of caution, while nobility who is around the chaotic family, feel like they are on the same playing field. (I have mentioned Nelia and Nae’lia in a previous post but that is the only exception to the practice)
Oscai names! So this one is actually the most straight foward. They’re all Latin, or Latin-esque names. I throw in a few C’s S’s V’s and so on from the other names, but they all derive from Latin.
Okay! I hope this was helpful, I tried to explain my thought process behind it all. It’s really just a bunch of sounds and me sitting at my desk talking gibberish to myself until something sticks. There’s also a lot of world building and lore behind it all which I think plays a big part. But my best advice is find languages, fictional or real, and dissect them into sounds you like. Okay I’m actually done now. I need food.
Good luck!
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Quality Time [TF2 x Reader](1)
Offense!! I will be coming out with the others soon :3
but here's this for now
Takes you to practice sports with him.
Most likely baseball.
He’s the kinda guy that’ll say “I’ll race ya” knowing damn well it’s only to show off
For the most part though, it’s just him getting some practice in with some exceptional teasing at how “bad” you are with this game.
Afterwards you’ll both get ice cream and sit on the swings at the park.
It’s surprisingly peaceful, and the both of you watch the sunset in the distance. He’s not talking much for once, and it’s just a tranquil moment.
… until he says he’ll race you home
A museum day, perhaps.
Taking a walk around to tour monuments always makes him happy
He’s surprisingly calm for the most part
 Except when some non-specific statue is in place, and Soldier is making a scene with his proud speech and tears rolling down his face.
You were escorted by security and had to sit outside
Although there was a hotdog stand right around the corner
So the both of you sat on a nearby bench eating a hotdog dinner, until it was time to come back to the base
There was a carnival in town, one of those cheap ones with the rides that we’re on the brink of falling apart
You and Pyro went on as many rides possible, even the scarier ones
Pyro would not let you chicken, but was still scared during some of them and was practically clinging onto you the whole time.
At some point the both of you went to get loaded up on treats, you've gotten quite a lot to the point where you had to take turns on the rides. One person rode the attraction, the other held the treats…But it was getting boring and you both agreed to just eat all of them right then and there.
The next roller coaster did not end well and your supposed iron stomach betrayed you…
It was time to go home but you both had a great time.
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Luxiem as Genshin Impact vision holders
Note: I will try to make it based on their personality rather than their color but it's still possible to have the same color as the vision, ill just focus more on the personality. This is just my opinion but I'd love to know what you think
If you saw this on the Genshin Impact tag I'm very sorry, but it's mostly related to Vtubers rather than a Genshin character.
Masterlist | BIO
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- Now I really do think Pyro is fitting for Vox.
- Of course despite the whole Red and Hot Demon theme he's going for. I feel pyro fits him for his passion.
- He's a Demon king who lost his people hundreds of years ago, and now has returned to regain his power and new followers (Us the Kindred ❤️)
- He's a strong and powerful demon, but at times he gets so passionate with the things he loves and you often forget he's actually a big softie with how forward and how big his ego is.
- He has the vibe of protection that is similar to characters like Diluc.
- Seems so tough on the outside but actually has a lot of love in his heart.
I really think Pyro is the best vision, a close second is Geo
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- Another one with a vision similar to his color. I think Ike would have a Hydro vision.
- It's mostly for how he's always so calm and level headed.
- He thinks before he acts (unlike some of the other members, I jest)
- His energy is very much like waves and how you just feel so comforted as the water drifts past your legs ever so slightly.
- While Ike can be both chaotic and not, the soft and sweet energy are his most notable feature in my opinion.
Hydro is my best guess, other than that maybe Pryo
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- Now I would say Geo, but I actually think of Anemo.
- Yes we know Anemo characters tend to have sad backstories (I mean the rest of the visions pretty much have too)
- But it's mostly cause Luca is so carefree and spontaneous
- I'm torn between both Geo and Anemo honestly (Hah my two favourite elements)
- Geo for how strong and how caring he is, like a shield. But Anemo for how carefree he is like how Anemo have control of the wind
- I'm so sorry Luca and Lucubs but I can't think of anything else, I'd love to add more tho
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- Now this might be an odd choice but it's just my opinion but Cryo
- It might just be me but I see Cryo as cunning, and slick
- Have you seen this man play fps games?? He's really cool and he's a clever man.
- I also feel like a lot of times he acts very cool and salm, while at times he can be a handful when he's with his members. I do think he is the least one to have a chaotic element like Electro or Pyro.
- He's a kind man and I don't see him get angry as much (to be fair I am not too familiar with Shu, I'm basing it of on streams and clips I have seen)
- Other than Cyro I think he'd fit with Hydro too
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- Now I think Mysta was the more difficult for me. But I think Mysta would be electro, now I hear that it's often seen as a weaker element. But it's very powerful with the right elemental reaction such as Pyro.
- Now I'm not saying it's cause Mysta is this or that, but I think Mysta is much more happier when he's with close friends.
- I'm an introvert just like him, I get uncomfortable when I'm with others, but when I'm with people who im close with it changes. And I feel as though its the same thing for Mysta.
- I think Mysta is the most happy and comfortable when he's with his genmates or friends like Mika or Shoto. While he claims that he's not good with people and is introverted, if you watch any collab he has with people he trusts its a different case. Similarly with the Electro element
- Yes it's a good element, but it's much more stronger with others.
-Another element I'm thinking of is Dendro (similar reasons)
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I'm so sorry if there was any confusion, I had a bit of a struggle with some of the members (this is what I get for not being able to watch all of their stream) but that's all from me, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading!
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gachagon · 1 year
Hey gachagon! If bluelock characters were in genshin what vision do you think they would have?
Oh my gosh I've been hoping for someone to ask this of me because its not like I haven't thought about this for ages or anything T_T But here's a list really quickly!
Isagi: Anemo bow (4 star) I think Isagi's always thinking about how best to move "freely" on the field or whatever, which is why I think he'd be another short anemo boy. If he had a kit I think it would definitely be focused more on EM sort of like Kazuha.
Bachira: Anemo Polearm (5 star) He's also very free spirited and his whole arc was about learning to play alone and by himself without having to rely on others in a game, or to play beside someone else. If he had a kit, I think it'd be an ER based one because of his dribbling.
Chigiri: Pyro Polearm (5 star because he's my favorite <3) In the first arc he was kinda sad and mopey and would avoid people, which isn't really like Pyro characters at all. But after his arc he actually is pretty friendly and open, and he's the more extroverted one out of Kunigiri if we're being honest, so I think Pryo does suit him. Chigiri is also very passionate about soccer to the point where he joined Blue Lock to find a reason to quit, and couldn't find it. If he had a kit it would definitely be based around something really niche and technical like reverse melt lol
Kunigami: Hydro Claymore (5 star) (Hydro is controversial but HEAR ME OUT-) He has a unique sense of justice but also wants to strive to help other people. And like a lot of hydro characters, I think he also suffers a lot from his own self confidence and self worth, as in I think he's a person who has worked really hard to feel as if he belongs and he's worked hard to uphold this "Hero image". After the Wild Card route though I can see him working hard on trying to be best "replacement" he can. I think he would function like Eula and be a physical character who uses their Hydro to boost their Phys stats.
Rin: Electro Sword (5 star) Electro characters are all about being outcasts but also subsequently leaders, so I think Rin fits perfectly for Electro. I think he'd be a really selfish DPS like Cyno that needs a shit ton of supports to actually drive. People would use him if they want to be sweaty in abyss.
Sae: Dendro Sword (5 star) Dendro characters are all about having this drive to continue learning about something and studying something they're passionate about, so I definitely think that Sae fits this considering he does care to find more people who make soccer interesting for himself. He went on what was essentially a study abroad trip for him, and made a name for himself while learning all about soccer. And when he came back he just tried to tell his brother all about the "good news" lol. He'd be a Hyperbloom focused dendro character like Kaveh, would have low scalings for Aggravate purely so you can't use him with Rin that well (just like in the manga!)
Nagi: Geo Catalyst (4 star) Geo characters are incredibly determined and have a pretty straight forward attitude. When they have a goal in sight they don't give up on it, and I think that fits Nagi perfectly. Sure he's lazy, but I can't see him ever giving up Soccer because it's something he genuinely does care about, and it makes the person he's with happy as well. Also when I think of Geo i think of kits that make being a DPS easy as hell. I think he'd be a broken support like Gorou.
Reo: Pyro Sword (5 star) Reo's whole thing is striving for things he wants, so that's why I think he'd be a pyro character. In most manga panels before the breakup, he's smiling and happy and literally dragging and carrying Nagi everywhere he can T_T The man went into a full on depressive episode because he thought his "soccer partner" chose someone else over him and gave up wanting to play soccer with him forever. I think he'd a full on Pyro DPS like Diluc.
Barou: Electro Claymore (5 star) Electro characters are all outcasts in my eyes, and I definitely think Barou fits that description given how he's practically pushed everyone away to be on top. He imagined himself as a nobody in a lame apartment after having to even THINK about passing to Isagi during one game, the guys got issues with not being number 1 T_T. I think he'd be a full on Aggravate character, but you could also use him in other places.
ahhhhhh here's all the ones I could think of for now because like this post is already so long and full of my ramblings about them lol
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im a bit of a complainy mood. I've already aired multiple grievances to friends but kinda wanted to consolidate my thoughts
Natlan is still disappointing. I had a feeling i wouldn't like it from the teasers and I'm still not really into it spoilers for the natlan archon quest and various things abt the nation below the cut
I will preface this by saying I really enjoyed the archon story in and of itself. It was pretty solid, my main gripe being that there is ZERO buildup to the capitano fight and I think even a little would've been better cause its an AWESOME fight, but literally just some fatui run into the arena and are like grrr we're gonna fight you, cutscene, then capitano runs off and we don't see him again for the rest of the quest. Traveler isn't even there to see it.
But everything else just. Not it chief.
Most of the other nations, you look at them and you go 'yeah that looks like the nation of x element' Liyue has big huge mountains and weird landforms, Inazuma's got storms and a variety of just, zappy stuff in the elements. heck its even got electro seelies. Sumeru's got a rainforest. Its also got the desert tbf but it's interesting for lore and story and added conflict between the people of the rainforest and the desert. Fontaine is far from my favorite nation but I look at it and go 'yeah, this looks like the nation of hydro'
the exception being Mondstadt, which, aside from the windmills, doesn't really have a strong sense of 'this is the nation of anemo' but I'm willing to give it a pass since its the starter nation. Natlan I'm not, cause we've seen how good the enviroment design can be. and its not bad
it just doesn't feel like pyro. There's a few places, like you can go underground and find some lava. There's a big volcano on the horizon but. Otherwise it doesn't feel like it's got a lot to do with fire at all. It kinda feels in a lot of places just like an expansion to the sumeru desert.
Another thing is with the tribes. These do not feel like tribes of pyro. They are all of different elements. There is the little water tribe with their hot springs and the little earth tribe with their gems and the dendro tribe up in the trees. We already got whole nations dedicated to these elements. Why does the Pyro nation have to revisit them in miniature versions?
It feels like it's lacking identity.
And I think that comes from Hoyo deciding it wanted to have a 'tribal' nation and deciding to pick and chose from cultures across the world, rather than just one area. Mondstadt is based on Germany, Liyue- China, Inzauma- China, Sumeru I believe is intended to be Middle Eastern? So, not a specific country but still an area that is connected at least by proximity.
Natlan is?? Supposed to be from what? Australia, South America, and Africa? I haven't done any research on this but I think that's right. and I think that was a bad idea. These cultures are all separated by huge distances, topography, environments, ect ect. I think the developers should have picked one and just stuck to it. I originally thought it was going to JUST be South American based cultures since some of those had a big focus on sun worship and yknow, sun imagery for the pryo nation made sense? Also like, Tierra del Fuego??
Another gripe is the character designs. One, the characters don't really look like they're coheisve and from the same nation. Again the tribes dividing and yeah that makes sense but I think it was a bad choice. If you put all the Fontaine characters together, they'd look like they belonged together. Group all the desert characters from Sumeru and all the rainforest charactesr and you can tell they're each from their respective areas for the most part.
Chasca and Kinich don't look like they come from the same country. Or Iansan and Kachina. I don't think this was a good choice.
ANother thing, though I admit this one's a little more nitpicky, is the apparent use of like, more modern tech in Natlan?
Like we already had fontaine that was supposed to be the most advanced because of the indemntium or whatever it was called, produced by the oratrice thingy. Why then does Kinich look like he came out of a mario brother game and Maiuvika look like she's part of a biker gang? I know you can excuse some things being that 'well visions give you extra powers and stuff and you don't necesarily need tech!"
but it doesn't fit. This hodgepodge 'tribal asethetic' was already bad enough, not trying to ground itself, but this is a fantasy game and even the fontaine and khaenri'anh technology looks fairly fantastic and not super immersion breaking. Why in the leaks does Xiolen have like a dj-disco board?? ofc its a leak so it might not be real, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised!
And that brings me to the gameplay of natlan characters. Imagine if you will, if Wanderer could only fly in Sumeru. or if Yelan could only do her super cool running thing in Liyue or if Zhongli only summoned a pillar in Liyue. If Furina could only walk on water in Fontaine. It'd suck right? Where's the fun in that? Ok. then why are Natlan characters nerfed outside of Natlan? Oh there's the canon explination of the phogostin or whatever. But the devs had to add that in specifically. They didn't have to do that. Why shouldn't Mualani be able to swim on her funny shark as long in Sumeru as she can in Natlan? Why cant Kinich have two swings in Mondstadt aND Natlan? Why did these charactesr get nerfed so hard that you can only use them in one place? The saurians make them redundant anyway. but you can only use saurians in Natlan, why not let people use the characters they pulled for. outside of natlan. I especially feel like this will suck for newer players who are just starting. Imagine you're still in inazuma or liqyue and you get this cool new character, but you can only effectily use them in one place, while the entire rest of the world you still have to explore, they just aren't as good?
I don't know, but I don't like it. It just feels like. nerfing the fun. You're only allowed to have fun with these characters in a certain place.
Tbh i don't really like the idea of the phologistim (i can't be bothered to look it up so it's gonna be spelled wrong every time), Fontaine had the pnuema and ousia specific only to the nation's characters and while I didn't really like it a lot, it didn't impact the gameplay a ton. You can still use Nuevilette just fine yknow. But I don't like the nation specific gimmicks a ton and it just started with fontaine and got worse with natlan. I hope it goes away and isn't applicable in the next nations.
also. again this is a nitpick but in general just kinda disappointed with the saurians. what little we knew made it sound like they were equal to humans, but mostly they just seem to be slightly more intelligent animals and not all that. important? I haven't played through all the world quests, so its more just my first impression. im pretty sure Kachina says they're more than pets and they're actual companions, but aside from Ajaw we don't actually SEE that much companionship going on aside from the saurians just kinda hanging out and standing next to people.
Idk we're still in the early parts of the nation so stuff might improve later on and ofc this is all just, my own impressions and opinions. If you love natlan and are enjoying it then I am genuinely happy! I'm glad you're having fun. Why are you reading this. Don't listen to me. Go play the game and enjoy it.
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Any genshin headcannons or thoughts you'd like to share? :)
SDFSDFAWSFSDFSD okay so I had to sit down and think about this for all of like 5 minutes before a lightbulb went off in my head and i was like Yes. ASFSDFSDSDF Okay so prepare for the ARCHON RAMBLE (aka me creating headcanons specifically to torture Zhongli)
Okay so like, the Archons are immortal, right? Okay but we also know they're not Invulnerable. Many MANY archons have died at this point. we Know Zhongli is the only remaining original, and that's all well and good. But its fun to think about why that's physically possible. So i came up with my own system??? Kinda??? Its not very refined cause its mostly me throwing sticky hands at a wall and seeing what sticks but i have fun with it SDFSDFASFSDFSDFSDFSDF Part one of the headcanon has to do with the idea of Energy. Okay. So like. Everybody and their dog headcanons that Vision users have a certain level of energy usage they can hit before its like... they're out of energy/tired/in pain so on and so forth. So and Archon has that same threshold, its just a lot further out. On top of that, an Archon WITH A GNOSIS probably lasts a lot longer. But there's a point, regardless, where and Archon will run out of energy and then be in trouble. When we headcanon this for vision users there's usually some kind of adverse effect. And I headcanon the same for Archons. Things like, getting shaky, exhausted, physically weak, those kinds of things. Like they have terrible low blood sugar or something SDFSDFASFSDFSDFSDFSDFS They also become incapable of using their powers, because essentially they're trying to pull from a well that is dry. So essentially an Archon runs on a battery, and they can dry that battery up if they push themselves hard enough. There's some fun stuff to play with here that i've completely made up for Whumps convenience AHAHAHAAHAHA like for example. the smaller the physical mass of an Archon, they less energy they take up to "power the body" Now to be clear, if they run out of energy they are still very much physically there (although it'd be fun to play with a concept where that wasn't true) Its just that they're very physically weak/can't shapeshift/can't "use their vision" essentially. But like a battery, say Venti needs a decent sized battery to run human Venti. If he turns into a wisp his battery need becomes much smaller. Now by default an Archon has more than enough energy to run themselves no matter what form they're in, Form to battery ratio only becomes an issue if they're struggling with an energy low/leakage. Like Venti Might turn into a wisp if he's running out of power, because that moves him from nearly passing out to be okay dokay again. This is fun for all sorts of reasons AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA Another funky headcanon I have in correlation with this is energy sharing. So like, Every vision user has the same energy an archon has, just much much smaller. And much like an Archon, they contain an excess (more than they need on average) to "run the ship". Except in a vision user's case, they're battery isn't running anything unless they're using their vision. This means that in a pinch, a vision user can pass their Vision Battery Energy to an Archon to help them out. Now the fun part is, any Archon can take any kind of Vision to recharge their battery. Zhongli can take vision energy from Childe, Diluc, Tighnari, Jean, or Itto. It doesn't matter the element. As long as Zhongli has more Natural energy of Geo left, he will slowly convert their mismatch element to his own. However. An Archon is more or less compatible with different Elements. Like Zhongli is 100% compatible with Geo. Itto could give him a Geo energy boost and its probably like getting an instantaneous energy boost. However, he is nearly 100% Incompatible with Pryo. Now Zhongli can take Pyro for recharge.. he can do that. it is just very. very. Painful. But in a pinch, sometimes the pain is better than being vulnerable. The lack of compatibility also means that an Archon takes longer to convert the incorrect element to the element of their abilities. ON TOP OF THAT If an Archon runs out of their Natural element... but they still contain an element that's not theirs... Yeah Their Body Does Not Like That. And this is all like, Archon 101 to Zhongli, but its highly likely some of the younger Archons Do Not Know xD (Zhongli probably mostly knows through trial and error on top of that SDFSDFASFSDFSDFS Celestia did not give them a manual) Other Immortal/elementally sensitive beings (Yaksha and Adepti for Example) have the ability to tap into/sense this energy. Its something they have the innate ability to do, but it takes training to do it really? Or at least in a way that's not dangerous/wild. For example Madame Ping could easily check Zhongli's energy flow/Pulse just by putting her fingers where a normal human pulse will be. They can also use things like channeling crystals to more easily/thoroughly check another person's energy flow. A vision user could probably learn to do this too, and there might be a few who do know how. But due to the fact that Archon's aren't frequently chummy with vision users (at least up to this point) its not common knowledge and most Allogenes have no idea that this is a thing. A lot of Immortals/Supernatural beings probably don't realize Allogenes can help too because they often don't know themselves lol xD Crystals of certain kinds can also be used to convert elemental energy before transferring it, that way they skip the whole like, Conversion process. Only Adepti/supernatural being healers usually know how to do this or do it in the first place. There used to be more and it was much more common knowledge Pre-Archon war. But so many different beings perished during that time, so there are a lot fewer who know its even a thing in the first place. Zhongli's been kicked around enough that probably all the Adepti know how to do it xD Transfer of energy is pretty much always only done in an emergency. An Archon or other elemental/supernatural being will replenish their energy naturally through rest and managing their health and not blowing through their remaining reserves. Even if they reach flat zero, it will start to re-accumulate as long as they take care of themselves. ASFSDDSFASFSDFSDSDFSDFSD ANYWHO THAT WAS SUCH A LONG RAMBLE. I've had a lot of fun playing around/coming up with this system as i kick around Genshin in my head like a football SDFSDFSDF so it was nice to put it into words finally :D thank you for the ask anon!! <3
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mugs-n-cans · 4 months
If we're still suggesting songs then BOY DO I HAVE SOME!!!
These are some of my favorite songs but listen to whatever ones you want I ain't forcing you
Scout: We listen to every single freakin’ song ya guys send! Most of this stuff we’ve never even heard of so even if we hate it it’s still fun to try out!
Sniper: Reckon I prefer the first two. The second two sound like somethin’ Pryo might like, though.
Scout: Hey, that’s exactly what I was frickin’ thinkin’! That loud, incomprehensible crap is the kinda stuff Pyro loves!
Sniper: Doesn’t Unicorn on Ketamine just bloody scream Pyro? [He chuckles].
(tumblr is glitching when i try to add songs using the song feature so i am just linking them regularly!)
Cop Car - Mitski
Townie - Mitski
Gangrena - Unicorn on Ketamine
Dance With The Wolves - Angerfist
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enddaysengine · 2 years
The Devil (Chronicles of Darkness, Alchemist)
He says the song’s about him. He insists he is the Devil, incarnated as human, using the alchemical arts to unlock his true powers. To mortals, he appears as a man in his 60s, with stringy grey hair and an ever-present fiddle, but all in all, rather unremarkable. Only Prometheans see the broken horns rising from his crown, the faint crimson hue to his skin, and the cloven hooves. Only they smell the brimstone on his breath as he sings and dances.
He goes by a million pseudonyms and assumes names all over North America but answers to only one: the Devil. Even though he doesn’t look like much, he is rich as sin and enjoys seeing what makes people tick. When he has the Pyros to spare, he uses it to “free” people from their inhibitions, so they do what they want instead of what they think is “good.” He firmly believes that a person’s flaws make them human and that trying to paper over them makes people lesser - a point of view he espouses to any Promethean he meets, whether they are interested in hearing it or not.
The Devil’s tools bewilder other alchemists. All he works with are a dozen Pyros-infused oils and his fiddle. He carefully mixes the oleaginous substances as he treats the fiddle’s strings. Once it is ready, he activates the Pyros through song. The few colleagues he keeps insist it has something to do with the vibrational frequencies resonating with the Divine Fire. The Devil just shrugs them off. What is music if not magic?
Rumours “Be careful; he’s not just an alchemist! He’s some strange hybrid of ghouls and fae-touched.”
This rumour is incorrect but gets at an essential truth about the Devil. Alchemy is his great love, and he will happily chatter at a throng for hours if they catch him in the right mood. But he doesn’t use alchemy exclusively. He knows he’s done for if an angry Titan catches him off guard. He scrounges every bit of occult lore, teaching himself Ceremonies and Open Rites. He summons angels, demons, ghosts, and spirits, binding them to his will. The Devil never puts all his eggs in one basket and always has a backup plan in case things go belly up.
“The Devil bound an angel in his basement, and now the God-Machine is hunting him down.”
The Devil has interfered enough times the God-Machine is on the lookout for him, although it won’t go out of its way without a solid lead. The Devil’s more significant problem is that the Lucifuge is hunting him down and is willing to go to considerably more trouble to kill him. As to what’s in his basement - he’s not telling.
“You can’t trust the Devil. He lies and will say whatever it takes to get you to agree to his bargains. The second he can get away with breaking his end, he will.”
The Devil is probably one of the safer alchemists for the Created. When he comes after a Promethean’s Pyros or Vitrol, he’s upfront about his actions. He always wagers them against something the Promethean wants: information, an introduction to important people, or an Anathor. If the Promethean wins, they get their desire. If they lose, they have to give up the resources they wagered. Despite the rumours (which amuse him endlessly), the Devil is a man of his word and will go out of his way to ensure he upholds his end of the bargain. He only tries to take Pyros or Virtol from Prometheans with violence or deception if they break their end of the deal first.
Virtue: Reliable Vice: Indulgent Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Presence 4, Manipulation 4, Composure 4 Skills: Academics 2, Occult 5 (demons), Politics 3, Science 2; Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Drive 3, Larceny 2, Stealth 4; Empath 2, Expression 4 (fiddling), Intimidation 3 (curses), Persuasion 4, Socialize 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 Merits: Resources 5, Perfect Recall Health: 7 Magnitude: 2 Distillations: Indulgence (all), Temptation (all) Dread Powers: Jump Scare, Know Soul, Scurry 5 Pryos/per turn: 6/2 Willpower: 7 Integrity: 4 Size: 5 Speed: 10 Defence: 4 Initiative: +8
Disfigurements: Much like Prometheans, the Devil possesses Disfigurements that shine through when he uses Pyros, which trigger Disquiet. The Devil may avoid flaring Disfigurements on any Distillation by taking the Callous Condition.
Occultist Extraordinaire: The Devil knows as many Ceremonies, Open Rituals, and mortal magics as the Storyteller desires. He also achieves an exceptional success on Occult rolls with three successes.
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