#Psychic faculties
blueheartbookclub · 8 months
"Unveiling the Unseen: A Profound Exploration of 'Clairvoyance and Occult Powers' by Swami Panchadasi"
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Title: "Unveiling the Unseen: A Profound Exploration of 'Clairvoyance and Occult Powers' by Swami Panchadasi"
Swami Panchadasi's (A.K.A. Atkinson, William Walker) "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" beckons readers into the enigmatic realms of extrasensory perception and mystical abilities. As I delved into the pages of this esoteric work, I found myself immersed in a fascinating journey through the intricacies of clairvoyance, the third eye, and the untapped potentials of the human mind. The title alone promises a profound exploration of occult powers, and Swami Panchadasi does not disappoint.
At the heart of the book lies an in-depth exploration of clairvoyance, the ability to perceive beyond the limitations of the physical senses. Swami Panchadasi, drawing upon his deep knowledge of Eastern mysticism, unveils the secrets of developing and harnessing this psychic faculty. His teachings guide readers through the nuances of opening the third eye, awakening dormant powers, and tapping into the unseen forces that permeate our existence.
One of the notable strengths of Panchadasi's work is its accessibility. Despite delving into intricate metaphysical concepts, the author presents the material in a manner that is comprehensible to both novices and seasoned practitioners. The step-by-step instructions and practical exercises provided serve as a roadmap for individuals seeking to cultivate their latent psychic abilities.
The book also delves into various occult powers beyond clairvoyance, offering insights into telepathy, psychometry, and the manipulation of vital life forces. Panchadasi's approach is not merely theoretical; he provides practical exercises and guidance, inviting readers to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual development.
What sets "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" apart is its blend of Eastern mysticism and Western occultism. Swami Panchadasi draws from a diverse range of spiritual traditions, creating a synthesis that resonates with a broad audience. The inclusion of anecdotes, case studies, and historical references adds depth to the narrative, illustrating the universality of these mystical experiences.
While the subject matter may challenge conventional beliefs, Panchadasi approaches it with a sense of reverence and responsibility. The emphasis on ethical considerations and the cautionary advice regarding the use of occult powers underscore the author's commitment to guiding readers toward a balanced and mindful exploration of these mystical realms.
In conclusion, "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" by Swami Panchadasi is a captivating exploration of the unseen dimensions of human potential. Whether one approaches it with skepticism or an open mind, the book offers a thought-provoking journey into the realms of the mystical and the metaphysical. Panchadasi's lucid prose, coupled with practical exercises, makes this work an invaluable resource for those curious about unlocking the hidden potentials of the mind and delving into the mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the material world.
Swami Panchadasi's (A.K.A. Atkinson, William Walker) "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" is available in Amazon in paperback 14.99$ and hardcover 22.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 324
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 8 months
"Unveiling the Unseen: A Profound Exploration of 'Clairvoyance and Occult Powers' by Swami Panchadasi"
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Title: "Unveiling the Unseen: A Profound Exploration of 'Clairvoyance and Occult Powers' by Swami Panchadasi"
Swami Panchadasi's (A.K.A. Atkinson, William Walker) "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" beckons readers into the enigmatic realms of extrasensory perception and mystical abilities. As I delved into the pages of this esoteric work, I found myself immersed in a fascinating journey through the intricacies of clairvoyance, the third eye, and the untapped potentials of the human mind. The title alone promises a profound exploration of occult powers, and Swami Panchadasi does not disappoint.
At the heart of the book lies an in-depth exploration of clairvoyance, the ability to perceive beyond the limitations of the physical senses. Swami Panchadasi, drawing upon his deep knowledge of Eastern mysticism, unveils the secrets of developing and harnessing this psychic faculty. His teachings guide readers through the nuances of opening the third eye, awakening dormant powers, and tapping into the unseen forces that permeate our existence.
One of the notable strengths of Panchadasi's work is its accessibility. Despite delving into intricate metaphysical concepts, the author presents the material in a manner that is comprehensible to both novices and seasoned practitioners. The step-by-step instructions and practical exercises provided serve as a roadmap for individuals seeking to cultivate their latent psychic abilities.
The book also delves into various occult powers beyond clairvoyance, offering insights into telepathy, psychometry, and the manipulation of vital life forces. Panchadasi's approach is not merely theoretical; he provides practical exercises and guidance, inviting readers to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual development.
What sets "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" apart is its blend of Eastern mysticism and Western occultism. Swami Panchadasi draws from a diverse range of spiritual traditions, creating a synthesis that resonates with a broad audience. The inclusion of anecdotes, case studies, and historical references adds depth to the narrative, illustrating the universality of these mystical experiences.
While the subject matter may challenge conventional beliefs, Panchadasi approaches it with a sense of reverence and responsibility. The emphasis on ethical considerations and the cautionary advice regarding the use of occult powers underscore the author's commitment to guiding readers toward a balanced and mindful exploration of these mystical realms.
In conclusion, "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" by Swami Panchadasi is a captivating exploration of the unseen dimensions of human potential. Whether one approaches it with skepticism or an open mind, the book offers a thought-provoking journey into the realms of the mystical and the metaphysical. Panchadasi's lucid prose, coupled with practical exercises, makes this work an invaluable resource for those curious about unlocking the hidden potentials of the mind and delving into the mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the material world.
Swami Panchadasi's (A.K.A. Atkinson, William Walker) "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" is available in Amazon in paperback 14.99$ and hardcover 22.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 324
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
0 notes
magickkate · 4 months
🪞🔮 A Beginner’s Guide: The Practice of Scrying 🔮🪞
I got some messages that asked me to explain a bit more about scrying, and I wanted to make a separate post to clarify this method of divination from my main post on commonly used divination methods. So, let's dive in!
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Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective surface or medium to receive insights, visions, or messages from the spiritual realm. It's a practice that has been used by various cultures and civilizations throughout history, dating back to ancient times.
1. Cultural and Historical Significance: Scrying has been practiced by cultures around the world for thousands of years. It has roots in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China, where it was used for divination, spiritual guidance, and accessing hidden knowledge.
2. Psychic Abilities: Some practitioners believe that scrying can help enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (seeing visions), clairaudience (hearing messages), and clairsentience (feeling energies). By quieting the mind and opening oneself to the messages of the spiritual realm, practitioners may strengthen their intuitive faculties.
3. Modern Applications: While scrying has ancient origins, it continues to be practiced today by witches, psychics, and spiritual seekers around the world. Modern practitioners may incorporate scrying into their magical or spiritual practices, using it as a tool for guidance, insight, and personal growth.
Here are some key aspects of the practice of scrying:
⦿ Tools: Scrying can be performed using a variety of tools, including: -> Crystal balls: Smooth, polished spheres made of crystal or glass. -> Black mirrors: Mirrors with a dark, reflective surface, often made of obsidian or other black stones. -> Bowls of water: Still water in a dark-colored or reflective bowl.- Flame: Gazing into the flame of a candle or fire. ⦿ Preparation: Before scrying, it's important to prepare yourself and your space. This may involve cleansing and consecrating your scrying tool, setting a sacred space for your practice, and quieting your mind through meditation or relaxation techniques. ⦿ Technique: To scry, you fix your gaze on the surface of the scrying tool while allowing your mind to relax and enter a receptive state. You may begin to see images, symbols, or visions appear in the reflective surface. It's important to maintain a soft focus and an open mind, allowing the messages to come through naturally. ⦿ Interpretation: After a scrying session, it's helpful to journal your experiences and interpretations. Pay attention to any symbols, images, or feelings that came up during the session and reflect on their significance. Trust your intuition and the guidance you receive from the spiritual realm. ⦿ Types of Scrying: While the most common form of scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface, there are other variations of the practice as well. This includes water scrying (gazing into bodies of water), fire scrying (gazing into flames), and even scrying using smoke or clouds. ⦿ Uses: Scrying can be used for various purposes, including divination, receiving guidance or insights, connecting with spirit guides or ancestors, and accessing subconscious or hidden knowledge. It can also be used as a tool for personal and spiritual growth, meditation, and self-reflection.
4. Ethical Considerations: Like any form of divination, it's important for practitioners to approach scrying with respect, integrity, and ethical awareness. Practitioners should be mindful of the potential impact of their readings on themselves and others and strive to use their abilities responsibly and ethically.
5. Experimentation and Exploration: Scrying is a deeply personal practice, and there is no one "right" way to do it. Practitioners are encouraged to experiment with different scrying tools, techniques, and environments to find what works best for them. Trusting one's intuition and inner guidance is key to successful scrying.
Overall, scrying is a versatile and powerful practice that allows practitioners to tap into their intuition, connect with the spiritual realm, and gain valuable insights and guidance. It’s a deeply personal and intuitive practice that can be adapted and customized to suit individual preferences and needs.
Regular practice, combined with an open mind and heart, can lead to deeper insights, clearer visions, and a stronger intuitive connection with the spiritual realm. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced practitioners, studying relevant literature, and participating in supportive communities can offer valuable support and encouragement on the scrying journey.
This is not a tool I regularly use, simply because of my headaches. Either it’s the mundane tapping into your head saying, “Hey, knock it off, you don’t need to do this.” or it’s the magical side saying “Hey, you have better places to put your time and energy. this is not one of them.” So if you are interested in this practice by all means utilize it to the best of your ability, but if you can’t seem to focus or get really bad headaches all the time, this may not be the BEST practice for you. It is an option, though! just be careful, witchlings!
Remember to approach scrying with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and reverence for the mysteries of the universe. Trust in your own intuition and the guidance you receive, and allow the magic of scrying to unfold in its own time. With dedication and perseverance, the practice of scrying can become a profound and transformative tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
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Learn more: How to Scry Candle Wax in Water Tarot, Pendulums, Scrying, and More! Ways to Improve Psychic Gifts + Removing Mental Blockages Using A Witch's Mirror: Scrying, Automatic Writing, Spirit Work
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girls--complex · 4 months
i think that you are very wise
I am clever and imaginative which means that I come across as astute but also that it is very easy for my mind to convince itself that shit which is categorically stupid to believe is actually true. I am very young and small. I love to speculate on things that I do not understand. I am trying to trust my deepest and most inward Knowing over the wacky and elaborate Rube Goldberg machine that is my psychic epistemologickal faculties. I am a dark jester and I must be taken with a grain of salt at any cost. Let's do our best together
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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They accomplished the Thus Come One’s Ten Powers, his fearlessnesses, his courage, and his self-mastery, and with a lion’s roar, they profoundly entered the great ocean of limitless eloquence. —Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter 39, Entering the Dharma Realm
The Buddha’s Ten Wisdom Powers from the Avatamsaka Sutra:
1.The wisdom power that knows what is the case and what is not the case. In the context of fulfilling his vows to wake others up, with this power the bodhisattva cuts through to the heart of each different situation, so that no matter what happens to any particular sentient being, the bodhisattva immediately knows factually what is up, without delusion, personal prejudice, or alternative facts. With this power the bodhisattva knows immediately whether or not this person can be saved now or perhaps later, and by whom.
2.The wisdom power that knows karmic retribution in the three periods of time. The things that happen in our lives, both happy and miserable, result from prior causes. The bodhisattva, face to face with each individual’s sliding scale of karmic rewards, knows clearly, without mistake, the karmic web that caused the situation and the results of those causes, present and future. With this knowledge, they can respond skillfully to the individual’s needs and can know to what degree they can get involved in a person’s ledger of karmic deeds and misdeeds.
3.The wisdom power that knows the dhyanas, the samadhis, and the liberations. This power suggests how states of meditation latent in the human mind contribute to a bodhisattva’s ability to teach.
4.The wisdom power that knows the quality of an individual’s sense faculties. The bodhisattva is better able to teach living beings when they know clearly how an individual perceives principles; further, they understand the five faculties inherent in each living being: faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. How keen are their faculties? How will they respond to certain teachings, be they devotional, physical, intellectual, or emotional?
5.The wisdom power that knows the variety of sentient beings’ understandings. A bodhisattva will teach more effectively if they know clearly what their student understands. It helps to know their likes and dislikes, their language and logical skills, etc.
6.The wisdom power that knows the variety of living beings’ realms. Knowing how somebody has incarnated over their lifetimes, the dharma realms they have passed through, a bodhisattva has a better chance of teaching them. Devas who have fallen back to the human realm have an attitude toward blessings that is different from that of a being from the animal realm that has only recently gained a human body.
7.The wisdom power that knows where all paths lead. The bodhisattva knows exactly where a sentient being’s every action, word, and thought in cultivation will take them. This knowledge is beneficial when mentoring someone. Which dharma-gateway will take them most efficiently from their current state to where they need to go next? This power is forward-looking.
8.The wisdom power that knows the unobstructed function of the deva’s/celestial eye. This wisdom power is shared with the Six Psychic Powers and the Five Spiritual Eyes; it allows the Bodhisattva to see in real time what happens in the heavens and the hells and what the current dynamic conditions are in the present, on the fly.
9.The wisdom power that knows past lives without errors. This power faces backwards, allowing the bodhisattva to pinpoint where living beings have been amid the six destinies and where their tendencies lie. It reveals the situations before this life and where a being might fit in the future.
10.The wisdom power that knows how to end bad habits forever. Energy that gets grooved in by repetitive habits is as resistant to change as water running along a riverbed. The bodhisattva, with this wisdom power, knows how to effect genuine personal transformations toward wholesome habits, and how to keep this particular sentient being securely on the path to nirvana.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color:  Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur that’s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of one’s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra “I trust my body’s ability to heal itself”
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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astroloverblog · 2 years
Your Planets in your partner’s 12th House
Your Ascendant in your partner’s 12th house - this indicates a strong karmic link between the two of you based on past life associations. It can also indicate a psychic-telepathic or intuitive-empathic link.
Your Sun in partner’s your 12th house - You can help your partner to be more outgoing and realize their true potential. You may sir up negative emotions from their past. Your partner’s intuitive perception can give you insights to a more effective means of self-expression. There can be mutual interest in the occult. There is a strong possibility that the two of you have a karmic relationship to work out with each other.
Your Moon in your partner’s 12th house - this combination makes for a very strong emotional and intuitive link. You both will be intensely aware of the subconscious needs and emotional state of the other. This makes for sympathetic understanding between you two, and empathy & compassion. You two may even share a psychic linkage that influences each others thoughts and ideas. This usually indicates a karmic connection between the two people. That means that most likely, you have been together before, and in some way been tested and failed. You are having another chance now to correct this mistakes from your memories to help them understand the situation today, and they in turn can awaken you to deeper levels of your intuitive awareness.
Your Mercury in your partner’s 12th house - You can help them gain insight into the mechanism and habit patterns of their subconscious mind. You can stimulate each other‘s creative imagination. There can be mutual interest in subjects such as art, music, psychology, mysticism, and approaches to religion. They can bring out your intuitive perceptions, which in turn, can help them, to understand and make practical use of their imagination and intuitive insights. You both tend to stimulate the other‘s interest in the areas of psychic awareness.
Your Venus in your partner‘s 12th house - this position indicates a close psychic and emotional link between the two of you creating a psychic awareness of each other‘s moods & feelings. You will both be sympathetic and compassionate toward the other.
Your Mars in your partner‘s 12th house - may indicate group involvement in secret or behind-the-scenes activities. You like to stir up their subconscious mind, in a way that they may learn from the results.
Your Jupiter in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates a mutual interest in meditation, spirituality, and development of intuitive powers. You will be able to share everything with each other, no matter how sensitive the subject. You can help them understand and overcome their subconscious emotional hang-ups.
Your Saturn in your partner‘s 12th house - the two of you will have serious interactions involving psychic and occult pursuits, or psychological investigation of the subconscious mind. You can help them to exercise discipline in understanding and overcoming conditional behaviours, stemming from painful memories in the past. They can help you gain intuitive insight into professional matters.
Your Uranus in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates mutual interest in mystical, intuitive, and occult activities. You can put them in touch with their neurotic and habitual patterns that are unproductive for them, by introducing new concepts and alternative ideas into their thinking. You will both be concerned with reincarnation, past lives, and your individual and combined spiritual quest for this lifecycle.
Your Neptune in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates that you both are very involved with each other‘s subconscious minds and intuitive faculties. You both have strong mutual interest in psychology and probing the deeper level of human consciousness.
Your Pluto in your partner’s 12th house - this arrangement indicates a mutual interest in investigating and regenerating the unconscious mind involving in-depth psychology, spirituality, parapsychology, and reincarnation. You may want to help them understand and reform their subconscious tendencies that interfere with their growth. You may consider some of their ideas as being a dream world and try to get them to deal with reality as you see it.
Your Chiron in your partner‘s 12th house - As a child your partner suffered psychological pain from their intense sensitivity to others, and mystical experience in their childhood that may have scared him, or left them feeling uneasy about their self. They are deeply intuitive and sensitive to their environment, and as child they may have been overloaded with the emotions and thoughts of others. They may have been forced to deny or bury their talents in their unconscious, because of their family, cultural, or environment, You can help them to safety bring out those abilities in their life now, and use their gifts for the intended purposes in their life. Through your help and acceptance, they will be able to heal themselves and apply their talents to helping others.
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dailyadventureprompts · 10 months
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Born from waters tainted by the arcane, the species known as mindleeches are a mostly innocuous pest that mostly trouble the dreams of apprentice wizards. Sometimes however, the psychic energies they feed upon can link the squirming beasts together in a nightmarish mass compelled to devour and terrorize to sustain it's makeshift consciousness.
You can feel it before you see it, a whisper of sensation in the corner of your mind that tells you that something is touching you slowly rises into a wave of discomfort and writhing fear. This is how the Mass hunts, questing out with its wordless telepathy for anything capable of response, something it can track down and feed upon until it is comatose and exsanguinated. Life for the mindleech mass is short and unplesant, like a fire it exists in a state of constant consumption, growing each time it is fed but needing to feed more and more as it grows. The creature is either then destroyed or the limit is hit and it devours its own consciousness, collapsing back into a pile of egoless animals.
In their natural state, mindleeches and their ability to sense and drain magic can be quite helpful, as they're often used to treat arcane maladies much the same way their mundane cousins can treat poor circulation. A jar of the lil buggers can likewise be used as a quick fix for detecting magical auras.
Adventure Hooks:
When sent to the swap to gather some leeches as a favour for the local healer, the party have no way of knowing that a dark artifact has been dropped into the local waters, imbuing the creepy crawlies with a malign sapience. After they defeat the beast, the artifact will come spilling out on a tide of wiggling wormbodies, leaving them to decide what to do with it.
A hazing prank between students at the local magic college went too far and one of the apprentices ended up drowned in the sewers during a storm. Before they died their body ended up swept into a nest of thought leeches, who absorbed the student's fear and resentment and began to swarm. Now the Mass hunts students and faculty through the pipes and drains of the school, leaving the sort of bloodless bodies behind that may have the party thinking they're hunting a vampire.
Though it was once a place of beauty and arcane might, the elven enclave of Xor'Izil is today nothing more than a boggy ruin. None alive today remember its downfall, save for the colony of mindleeches that now dwell in its flooded foundations. Bred for a now forgotten war, the leeches burst free from their containment and in a single day and night devoured the inhabitants of the elven city, granting it a stockpile of psychic energy that has sustained the Mass through centuries. Now in possession of the semi-digested consciousnesses of a coterie of elven warmages, the Mindleech Mass seeks to evolve itself into a sustainable, and even more dangerous form: A Worm-that-walks. In order to do so it'll need a suitable vessel to devour and then possess, say a powerful mage allied to the party.
Mindleech Mass belongs to Magic the gathering,
Art by Kev Walker
Initial stats Stats by the mtgtodnd converter
Formatting thanks to the Griffglyph monster maker
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etirabys · 2 years
I recently took a personality test designed by some people who are trying to find the elementary components of worldview and have boiled it down to three major axes: how safe, interesting, and alive the world is. I scored lower than the vast majority of Americans on the last one – it was the only axis of the three in which I'm a significant outlier – because I strongly disagreed with statements like "when things happen around me, I tend to assume they have something to do with me", "the universe needs me / I have a purpose in it", "everything happens for a reason", "the universe sends me messages".
At time of composing this post, I'm on a flight to Hawaii to see my religious family, and to pass time I'm reading Stephen King's The Dead Zone, which is about a psychic dude. As I was reading, the personality test, my family, and the book came into conceptual sygyzy. I have some faculty for understanding the worldview that the universe is alive and boiling with purpose, albeit one that's fundamentally not meant for human comprehension or analysis – Stephen King writes about worlds that run on this high-aliveness logic (possibly more than any other author I've read) and I'm mildly obsessed with his books.
(I just think he's neat, okay? He’s so weird and so normal at the same time!)
I surely must have whatever wiring the rest of humanity has, because when I open a King book, the acceptance of the supernatural premises comes easily. But it had never occurred to me before that the gears that are engaging when I open a King book are maybe the same ones that are turning all the time for my mom. That amazes me and slightly creeps me out, and no doubt it would amaze and creep out my mom if she grokked how I see the world.
Of the three worldview axes, this strikes me as the eeriest.
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bouncingbluebeast · 13 days
Writing Plump Professor McCoy is a fun dance
Cuz there are two major ways I can write him, both with their benefits:
The Be(a)st Dad Professor Ever: Hank is excited about teaching, about performing and learning and encouraging his students. Even "problem students" come out of his classes better because he knows what it's like to be "too good" for the material. He genuinely cares about challenging them to grow and thrive. He is a wholesome dorky dad that knows how to help his students.
Accidentally Sexy Teacher: Hank doesn't date students. Period. That does not, however, preclude him from being viewed as desirable by faculty or non-students. Have you seen him in a suit and sweatervest?
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(Credit to CrispyPorkBoi)
Man flexes while writing on the whiteboard and a student's pencil snaps. Reaching over to help with a problem? That ass is framed - enmeshed - immortalized in the contours of his slacks.
Grabbing a snack from the teacher's lounge? He'll unconsciously sway his hips while he decides what he wants and humming to himself.
Patting his belly while deep in thought throughout the day.
Adjusting his glasses and giving that damned fanged smile.
Logan fumbling with a demonstration in Physical Education/Athletics because Hank walks by.
Kurt Wagner spending time after taking confessions/counseling to just...breathe so that he doesn't lose his mind about Hank's button popping off at lunch and hitting Scott in the face.
Jean just massaging her temples as an entire faculty of bombshells are bombarded with ambient psychic libido. Cuz what's she gonna do: ask everyone to be less smoking hot in regular clothes?
Hank is the coziest handsome fella and it drives everyone crazy how cuddly he is without even trying.
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thesightstoshowyou · 5 months
The Collector’s Pet Cricket
- A Sight’s OC -
In the darkness I make my music for myself alone,
I sing for the joy of singing.
The fire in my heart is from you.
[excerpts of The Prayer of the Cricket by John Hall Wheelock]
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Nickname: Cricket - Bestowed by Asa Emory
Age when taken by the Collector: 25
Current Age: 31
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: Long (falling to her mid-back), straight, chocolatey-brown
Eye color: Left eye is brown, right eye is green
Height: 5’6
Weight: 135lbs
Other notable features: Cluster of freckles across her nose, graceful, and the many, many scars inflicted by Asa
Personality: Reserved, submissive, analytical, intuitive, anxious
Likes: Asa, ballet, reading (mostly high fantasy and adventure), cooking, coffee, pastries, naps
Dislikes: Asa, small spaces, crowds, misbehaving, loud people, pineapple
“Canon” fics featuring Cricket as Reader (the Cricket-verse, if you will):
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader, Ribbon and Lace, Wings, Nightmare, Home, Permission, Timing is Everything, Gift Exchange, Correction, Bug Chocolate, Cold Night, Ice & Handcuffs, Thigh Riding, Bath Time, Omorashi, Late to Dinner, Pie, Choking, Forbidden BJ, Late Night Snack, Two and Five, What’s a Pet Without their Master?, Ripples, Sick Day, Does She Know?, Thunderstorm, Sketch, Office Visit, Wound Care
Cricket’s life before Asa is no longer relevant. All of it now belongs to the Collector. However, one small insight I offer is this:
At the end of Failure, the person that caused the crash upstairs was Cricket.
The experiment began as any of the Collector’s tests did: While working with his insects.
Asa spent the morning studying a tarantula infected with Ophiocordyceps unilateralis—cordyceps to the layman. The arachnid stumbled this way and that, controlled totally by the fungus. As Asa observed, his thoughts wandered to those failed subjects stumbling around in the basement of the hotel, drugged out of their minds, uncontrollable, wild like rabid animals.
Could the opposite be accomplished? Could a person be conditioned to follow his orders, and his alone? Could they be trained to be as well behaved and responsive as his dogs?
His thoughts shifted once again to the depatterning and psychic driving experiments performed by MKUltra scientists in the 50s and 60s, as unsuccessful as they were. The framework was already there to create the perfect, mind-wiped puppet. All Asa had to do was expand on it.
Perhaps they just hadn’t pushed hard enough. Burdened by bureaucracy and paperwork, of course they couldn’t accomplish their goals. They did not possess his freedom and foresight.
“Dr. Emory?”
Masking his annoyance at the interruption, Asa glanced up from the tarantula to meet the inquiring gaze of the office secretary. Her glasses looked as though they were about to slip off her face by how precariously they perched at the tip of her nose. In her hands was a clipboard and a pen.
“Shall I mark you down as attending the faculty Christmas party?”
Asa would rather set himself on fire than attend another one of those parties.
“Yes, thank you,” he replied curtly, half-turning back to the enclosure.
“No plus one again?” There was something in her voice, something bordering on the edge of pity. Asa looked back at her again, more ice in his gaze and tone.
“Very well. Thank you for your time.” Her low heels clicked on the marble floor as she retreated. Asa’s brows furrowed as he slowly twisted back to the terrarium.
Every other faculty member bought a spouse or partner with them to events. He was always the only one without a “plus one.” This never bothered him, of course. He had neither the time nor the patience to deal with the trivialities of romance.
But, it appeared to bother others. Did it make him seem suspicious, Asa wondered? Did it draw too much attention?
Asa leaned over the desk, his fingers splayed out. Tap, tap, tap went his scarred pointer finger. Thoughts, ideas, and solutions fell into place.
Perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone.
Months pass. Too many months. Too many failures.
The human spirit was proving difficult to break.
Still, he had faith in his abilities and procedures. The only way to go was forward. The three current hopefuls were showing promise, the heterochromatic one in particular. She was docile and pliant. It appeared misbehavior was not in her programming.
The keys on his belt jingled as he stalked down the hall. First, he would check the cameras. Then he would attend to the “pets.”
Room one was as he left it, except the subject’s blue trunk had tipped over. That would have hurt, considering the state of her arm. Dumb little thing.
Room two was quiet. Asa wasn’t sure if the trunk had even moved an inch since his last visit. He was mildly concerned its occupant had expired, but he wouldn’t know until he looked inside.
Room three…. The trunk was open. Empty. Asa’s eyes widened a fraction and darted around the room, but quickly came to a stop on the girl’s sleeping form.
She’d escaped her case, but hadn’t tried to escape the room? The door lock would have been easy enough to break. Interesting. And what was she wearing—
The Collector couldn’t stop the grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth. Very, very interesting indeed.
Finally, a breakthrough.
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roetrolls · 3 months
Warnings: Um. Gore. Lol. Mainly the bone breaky type.
Mad Dash
This isn’t the first time Archie has woken up tied to a chair. He can feel his faculties returning, but his eyelids are slow on the uptake. Fighting the exhaustion in his limbs, the purpleblood rolls his shoulders and lets his head lull back, taking a deep breath as he tries to force his eyes open.
He’s remarkably calm for the situation, but then, he’s never been one to panic. He’s still waking up when a hand roots itself in his hair and holds his head in place, a blade coming to rest against his throat. That’ll perk a guy up.
“No funny business, got it? I see your eyes start glowing, you’re dead.” His assailant gives his head a jerk and Archie grunts in response.
“Fuck... Be gentle. M’tired.” He squints in the light of the room, grimacing slightly. Before him stands a goldblood, his god-awful haircut only slightly less notable than the pitch black pools where his eyes should be. “Hell d’you want?”
"I'll ask the questions," Somnia grits, his voice lending far more gravity to the situation than it frankly deserves. "What were you doing in my sister's room?"
"Your sister?" Archie slurs, brows inching together in confusion as he racks his foggy brain for context. It washes over him slowly, more a trickle than a pour, and he chews each word thoroughly as it leaves his mouth. "That's right. I'uz lookin' for your sister."
Somnia's empty eyes narrow. "Funny. I remember telling you not to do that."
"And I 'member tellin' you I'd do it anyways," he bites back, evidently more irritated by the rejection than he'd realized. Really though, what kind of brother turns away help when his sibling is in trouble?
The memory is coming into focus now, though not as sharply as he'd like. Weaver had finished Marrie's arm, right? Then it was back to his hunt for the missing godling.
He'd teleported without checking the destination. After half a week spent battering his powers against the strange psychic block that seemed to be blanketing her, Archie wasn't going to risk waiting when a clear vision of Nymira finally appeared before him.
And then he woke up here, lashed in this asshole's kitchen with a knife against his jugular.
What happened in the interim?
He doubts he'll get any answers from Somnia. Even without pupils, Archie can tell the goldblood is glaring daggers at him. Nothing but drama, these guys.
He can feel Somnia's tension plainly, carried through his hands and straight into the blade that threatens him, but the purpleblood is shockingly nonplussed. In fact, Archie is about as relaxed as Somnia is stiff, a fact that only loosens him further.
"First time?" He croons.
"Look, we can take it slow if y'need to. Your first time holdin' a guy at knifepoint, I mean... It oughta be special."
Somnia stares at him, doing little to hide his disdain, and Archie offers a salacious grin in response.
"S'matter, baby? Not feelin' it?"
He wrinkles his nose, though he has little time to rebuke the taunt before another voice joins the fray. Dressed down more than Archie has ever seen him and looking exceedingly fed up with the commotion, Cylion steps from one of the adjoining bedrooms into the kitchen.
“Don’t answer him,” the winged troll grunts as he passes to the sink. “He’s just being annoying.”
“Plenty enough to go around.”
Cylion rolls his eyes and turns his back on them, Somnia’s interrogation now accompanied by the quiet clinking of dishes and steady pulse of water from the faucet. 
“Do you have to do that now?” Somnia huffs, angling his head towards Cylion.
“You put him in the kitchen. I’m going to use my kitchen.”
Archie studies Somnia with an intensity typically reserved for admiring his father’s craftsmanship, trying to assess where exactly those tarry eyes are pointed. Is he looking at Cylion or at him?  Could he get away with using his powers right now?
“Sounds like y’want me outta your hair,” Archie offers cheekily, watching for a shift in Somnia’s focus. What does that look like? “How ‘bout we pick this back up some other time?”
Cylion tosses a sneer over his shoulder. 
“Couldja least call off Ringo here? This whole hostage game seems a bit excessive.”
“Does it? You’re not exactly predictable.” He turns his attention back to the sink and shrugs. “For all we know, you were behind Nymira’s abduction in the first place.”
“Man, c’mon.”
“It happened outside your church, didn’t it?”
“You think I’m in league with Persep fuckin’ Lycaon? I ain’t that kind of crazy.”
Cylion’s wings twitch slightly, though he neglects to respond. Archie sighs, glancing between the brothers as he speaks.
“Look, I see the play. I get it. You got no clue what you’re gonna do with me, right? But your hands’re tied. You warned me once n’ I still came back. Can’t let your threat be empty, so now you gotta play warden.”
Both Somnia and Cylion seem to stall, the latter raising his head as if to listen for something and the former’s grip becoming less incensed. 
“Let’s just skip to the part where you tell me to fuck off n’ stay there, yeah?”
As if to punctuate––or perhaps mock––his mild attempts at diplomacy, a thud spills into the room from outside, soon accompanied by a quiet shuffling by the door. Archie realizes then, all too late, that he is not the one giving them pause.
Favion must crouch to enter the kitchen.
Once he is past the threshold, the hulking goldblood straightens his shoulders and grinds his jaw, eyes locking onto Archie as if he is something to be consumed. The clown shifts against his bindings as Favion lumbers closer, his sons watching on with shocked faces and bated breath.
Despite the danger he knows Favion to pose, Archie greets the man with a glib smile. “Aw, shucks, a petting zoo? You didn’t tell me this was a party!”
One massive, clawed hand stretches forward to grab Archie by the chin, fingers pressing into his jaw with frightening strength. When he opens his mouth to fire off another taunt, Favion’s hold grows tighter, sending a flash of white-hot pain searing through his skull.
He grits his teeth, bracing against the mounting pressure of Favion’s crushing grip. Then something crunches, audible to Archie from the inside out, and the taste of blood floods his mouth. 
Archie grunts, a lipless noise set somewhere between pain and surprise, breath rattling as he tongues the bone fragment now sticking through his inner cheek. Favion rumbles his pleasure, jaw clattering in a crude mimicry of the break.
“No jibes this time,” he gravels, tugging Archie from the chair by his shattered mandible. 
The transition is less than gentle. The violent motion sends a mouthful of blood washing back towards Archie’s throat, and the purpleblood suddenly finds himself choking on it as Favion begins to drag him from the room.
With a sputtering cough, he flings his roped-up hands towards the monster’s wrist, scrabbling to dig his nails into flesh in hopes of alleviating at least some of the pressure on his broken jaw. He gurgles around the blood still seeking entry into his lungs, heart pounding more from adrenaline than fear.
Favion carries on unbothered, tugging Archie to the door in slow, lumbering steps. Cylion and Somnia, on the other hand, appear absolutely horrified, both pale in the face and looking more than a little sick. He still can’t tell where exactly those eyes are looking, but Archie is almost certain Somnia meets his gaze before he is unceremoniously pulled from their view.
He doubts either of them will get much sleep.
Archie is no stranger to pain. Hell, he sometimes goes looking for it––getting his ass kicked might as well be one of his favorite pastimes.
This, though… 
He can’t exactly call this fun.
A brutal pop echoes through Favion’s dungeon of an abode, one more in the long list of sickening sounds to come from Archie’s body tonight. The pain in his jaw has ebbed somewhat at least, fading into background noise amongst the litany of other injuries he’s incurred. Favion holds him to the wall with a hand against his throat, at this point doing more to keep him standing than his own legs, and Archie wheezes softly around the blood that’s made a game of encroaching on his lungs.
The lack of air has made him lightheaded––too much so to focus––but he’s fairly certain he has not suffered any loss of consciousness while Favion has had his fun. None of his injuries seem a mystery to him, at least.
The one he’s just acquired is a freshly mangled arm, bones snapped at the elbow and shoulder wrenched from its socket. It’s a miracle the thing is still attached at all. Favion releases the limb to fall limply to his side, and Archie brays at the sudden motion. 
This is a bit much, even for him.
Even without the man’s nullifying psionics in the way, Archie doubts he’d be able to activate his powers in this state. He can barely picture where he is, let alone imagine where he wants to go.
Being unable to see his family doesn’t strike them from his thoughts, however.
Sorry, pops. I think I really fucked up this time.
A wet cough paints Favion’s wrist purple. The other hand aims above Archie’s line of sight, and soon even his inner monologue is silenced by the excruciating pressure that blossoms through his skull. He barely has time to guess what the man is doing before a snap fills the air, sharp and crisp, and Favion draws both arms back to admire the bloodied horn within his claws.
Archie slumps to the floor, groaning as his battered body folds in on itself. 
Looming over him and shrouded in darkness, Favion works his jaw until it forms a smile, the hunger in his eyes finally replaced with cool satisfaction. He ponders his prize a few moments longer, then shifts his gaze back to Archie, voice low.
“Run home, little Roatus.”
Archie’s eyes widen. He wastes no time in staggering to his feet and limping towards the stairs, breathing heavily as a trickle of blood begins to blot out the vision in his left eye. He clutches his shoulder and braces his back against the wall, practically floundering up the steps as Favion calls after him once more.
“Run home.”
There is no moonlight on the street. 
A thick blanket of clouds stamps out both moons, and Archie is left with only the soft glow of the streetlamps to guide him back.
Does he know his way?
Has he ever needed to?
When has Archie walked anywhere?
He teleports. He teleports ten, fifteen, twenty feet at a time, flashing forward only as far as his unmarred eye can see and stumbling into each leap like he expects to collapse. Blood pounds in his ears, faster than he’s ever felt it.
He can feel his breath picking up as his surroundings become more and more familiar. 
I need you, dad.
He sees it. Just a few blocks away, standing regal and proud, Archie finally sees the church. A guttural cry rips itself from his throat, and he blips onwards in a rapid succession of bursts to fling himself up the steps to his home.
There, standing at the threshold to the House of Restoration, Archie grips the ornate handle and, for the first time in his life, stumbles through the door.
The next minute is a blur. Someone screams. Another races down the corridor shouting for the Restorer. Archie barely acknowledges the whirlwind around him as he blunders on, mind dazed and body beaten. 
Then Ailzea is in front of him, collecting Archie mid-collapse with worried hands and a hurriedness that marks yet another first for the night. 
A million apologies rush to Archie’s tongue, all of them dying on his broken lips.
Ailzea shushes him, cupping his battered face and smoothing his bloodied hair. Then, with a fervent kiss upon his forehead, Archie’s father snaps his neck.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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They accomplished the Thus Come One’s Ten Powers, his fearlessnesses, his courage, and his self-mastery, and with a lion’s roar, they profoundly entered the great ocean of limitless eloquence. —Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter 39, Entering the Dharma Realm
Bodhisattva Mystic Eye Talon Abraxas The Buddha’s Ten Wisdom Powers from the Avatamsaka Sutra:
1.The wisdom power that knows what is the case and what is not the case. In the context of fulfilling his vows to wake others up, with this power the bodhisattva cuts through to the heart of each different situation, so that no matter what happens to any particular sentient being, the bodhisattva immediately knows factually what is up, without delusion, personal prejudice, or alternative facts. With this power the bodhisattva knows immediately whether or not this person can be saved now or perhaps later, and by whom.
2.The wisdom power that knows karmic retribution in the three periods of time. The things that happen in our lives, both happy and miserable, result from prior causes. The bodhisattva, face to face with each individual’s sliding scale of karmic rewards, knows clearly, without mistake, the karmic web that caused the situation and the results of those causes, present and future. With this knowledge, they can respond skillfully to the individual’s needs and can know to what degree they can get involved in a person’s ledger of karmic deeds and misdeeds.
3.The wisdom power that knows the dhyanas, the samadhis, and the liberations. This power suggests how states of meditation latent in the human mind contribute to a bodhisattva’s ability to teach.
4.The wisdom power that knows the quality of an individual’s sense faculties. The bodhisattva is better able to teach living beings when they know clearly how an individual perceives principles; further, they understand the five faculties inherent in each living being: faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. How keen are their faculties? How will they respond to certain teachings, be they devotional, physical, intellectual, or emotional?
5.The wisdom power that knows the variety of sentient beings’ understandings. A bodhisattva will teach more effectively if they know clearly what their student understands. It helps to know their likes and dislikes, their language and logical skills, etc.
6.The wisdom power that knows the variety of living beings’ realms. Knowing how somebody has incarnated over their lifetimes, the dharma realms they have passed through, a bodhisattva has a better chance of teaching them. Devas who have fallen back to the human realm have an attitude toward blessings that is different from that of a being from the animal realm that has only recently gained a human body.
7.The wisdom power that knows where all paths lead. The bodhisattva knows exactly where a sentient being’s every action, word, and thought in cultivation will take them. This knowledge is beneficial when mentoring someone. Which dharma-gateway will take them most efficiently from their current state to where they need to go next? This power is forward-looking.
8.The wisdom power that knows the unobstructed function of the deva’s/celestial eye. This wisdom power is shared with the Six Psychic Powers and the Five Spiritual Eyes; it allows the Bodhisattva to see in real time what happens in the heavens and the hells and what the current dynamic conditions are in the present, on the fly.
9.The wisdom power that knows past lives without errors. This power faces backwards, allowing the bodhisattva to pinpoint where living beings have been amid the six destinies and where their tendencies lie. It reveals the situations before this life and where a being might fit in the future.
10.The wisdom power that knows how to end bad habits forever. Energy that gets grooved in by repetitive habits is as resistant to change as water running along a riverbed. The bodhisattva, with this wisdom power, knows how to effect genuine personal transformations toward wholesome habits, and how to keep this particular sentient being securely on the path to nirvana.
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volivolition · 11 days
Your tags in my notes give me life every time 🙏🙏thank you so much!
I would love to hear your thoughts on what might happen to Esprit post-RCM!! And yeah poor electrochem... I think it was meant for the little daily dopamine highs of life, the good food and new experiences and cute cats, but it's been hijacked by addiction into something best ignored :((
!! YESS omg of course, you make such good art AND writing i have gotta pay my respects!! hgkjh delighted to see your DE fanworks always :3 <33
!! HELL YES I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE, and its so cool to have that echem mention because it's a really good parallel: YES!! Electrochemistry is made to take care of general mesolimbic system reports and for lil everyday happy dopamine moments, little treats and smiles from kim hkjhg but it gets fucked up by addiction because HOLY SHIT life is AWFUL and DEPRESSING and surely drugs and alcohol will save us!! :')
AND SIMILARLY!! i think Esprit De Corps (literally Group Spirit or team spirit) is originally meant to be a skill of Community and Belonging, but gets fucked up by the RCM!! more under cut because this is LONG hgkjh
in my headcanons, Esprit is the youngest skill to form, but it wasn't as late as the RCM. Originally, I think that Esprit was made for the kinship Harry felt for the The Fifteenth Indotribe. Harry and seven other kids, running together as a group of friends causing trouble, this was Harry's first sense of belonging somewhere. Pretty low level and not as psychically linked, just happy to feel connected to people. When the indotribe eventually fell apart, Esprit was left fractured and dormant for a while as Harry drifted from having a sense of community. Esprit for real, at this point in time, Esprit is a ghost of a fury, low level and barely tangible.
(The thing holding them together was their attachment to the other skills, because at least they're still part of a group that way, even if Harry wasn't. Friends with Empathy, a part of the psyches, one of the 24 skills. If Esprit lacked those bonds with the other furies, its likely they would have faded entirely.)
Then Harry became a gym teacher, and Esprit returns as Esprit L'école (School Spirit :3) which helps him communicate with school staff, faculty and students. And Harry cares about this new community dearly. Deeply tender at heart, Harry loves the kids in his classes and finds camaraderie with his coworkers and wants the best for this school. Not just the best gym teacher, he's one of the best teachers in general. He puts his everything into this school, and Esprit L'école thrives in this new environment for several years.
Then they meet Dora, and shit gets fucked!! Dora convinces Harry to join the RCM, and Esprit fractures further. Unlike the Fifteenth Indotribe or the Grand Couron High School, this isn't something he finds community in. I mean, they think they do at first. The RCM is meant to help the community, right? Surely working here will bolster Esprit? But y'know how it goes, RCM culture is harsh and immoral and corrupted at its heart, for the scarce good they can do, there is so, so much bad for the community and god Esprit is hurting.
...but this is for Dora, and trying to put a bandage on a dying relationship, so Esprit De Corps forces it. Forces themselves to lean hard into the kinship with cops and to fit into police culture and conform to RCM standards, forces himself to be The Cop Skill. All of the skills at this point are going into overdrive as well, Volition tries to focus on hard work in hopes that it will pay off in the long run, Empathy tries to make himself smaller so he's not in the way, Echem is RUNNING OUT OF DOPAMINE and oh hey, this speed shit makes us a better cop, I'll take it!! dear god, the RCM is fucking over ALL THE SKILLS, everyone is struggling at this point.
And Dora leaves. Harry suffers, and so do the skills, and trying to distract from it, they just launch themselves HARDER into the RCM shit. nothing else to live for, to do, throw all reluctance to the wind, work yourself to the brink of death. 18 total years of service, 216 cases, above 90% of officers in the entire RCM, a Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor. Renowned and accomplished; this is not the community Esprit De Corps loves, but it is the one he's entrenched in, and nothing, not even amnesia, can detach him from this.
Until they quit.
honestly ive seen like! a few fics where harry quits the RCM, and always thought, "oh hey nice acab :] ...HEY WAIT WHAT'S ESPRIT DOING." so i made a fic, because a LOT of my fics are focused on the skills side of things. the humans are no longer my priority, i am a skills lover and my fucking god i gotta make my own food around here [gestures at several in-progress pasta bakes and cake batters and salad ingredients because EVERYTHING IS WIPS]
there was a first concept that was just like "DOES ESPRIT JUST DISAPPEAR???" which would have been TRAGIC and i could've made a whole cool thing about it but im alrEADY WORKING ON SEVERAL MULTI-CHAPTERS HKJHG and that's not how skills work in my canon <3
so my fic is a oneshot called "Who Are You, If Not..." because when you've made your whole life one thing and that thing gets taken away from you, who do you become? and its not very plot heavy, it's just a late-night conversation between the psyche skills.
here's a snippet from while i was working on the coding hkgjh
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(since i write a lot of skills, i have this style where i put all skill actions in the [check] color and leave dialogue in white, which is a little restrictive to work with but i like how it turns out <33)
to lose a group you attached yourself to, even if they were bad for you, even if everything about it sucked. but you keep checking in, you keep instinctively going back because at least it was something. ough... i think it's scary for them, yknow? he's losing touch with what he based his existence around, and he knows its for the better, but it's... complicated hkjgh
ANYWAY THOSE ARE MY ESPRIT THOUGHTS HKJHG <33 thank you for reading if you did!! i LOVE the concept of esprit being more than just the cop skill, he's the skill of community to me!! hkjhg yay :]
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chuuyrr · 2 years
I can’t wait for my heart to be broken again 😂 How about scarlet witch! teenager fushiguro! reader repeating Gojo’s history. Having a best friend whose also a special grade sorcerer who meant a lot to her only to got down the same path Geto went down. Just imagine how heartbroken Gojo would be for her 😭
do you get deja vu? — scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader repeating adoptive dad! gojo satoru's history
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for jujutsu kaisen (gojo's past arc), fluff to angst, mentions of scarlet witch's powers
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen x reader
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: as you became a jujutsu tech sorcerer, you eventually found someone who's a special grade just like you and you two became best friends despite a rocky start. however, history repeats itself for the strongest ones.
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growing up under the care of gojo satoru, whom you deemed your father, you had always admired him and wished to be like him. however, becoming as powerful as him after mastering the blessing—no, curse you'd been bestowed with, your chaos magic, made you realize what gojo felt like with the limitless technique and six eyes, and it was loneliness.
unlike your older brother megumi and his friends, you are frequently summoned for much more dangerous and complicated jujutsu-related missions that necessitate your near god-like abilities, and you had only yourself. you had no friends, no teammates like megumi who had yuuji and nobara.
gojo wasn't always available to help you or anyone else because he had his own matters with jujutsu tech. the other jujutsu sorcerer students were unable to join you because they do not compare to you.
you were the strongest, and you were finally using your abilities to help and save people, as well as exorcise curses, but you were still lonely. it didn't fill the black hole inside your chest.
and then he showed up when you least expected it. maybe fate, or whatever god there is, had finally heard your prayers.
you walked down the campus grounds, past the tori gates, as you slipped on and adjusted your black fingerless gloves. you were summoned yet again. you sighed to yourself as you entered one of the faculty rooms where prinicipal yaga and gojo were.
"yaga-sensei, dad," you greeted both of them with a smile as you stepped inside the room.
"[name]," yaga nodded his head curtly at you with a small smile painting his lips.
"kikufuku! you're just in time!" gojo exclaimed, walking up to you to embrace you, "i know you've just finished your classes, but this is urgent."
you nodded, thinking it was another special grade mission to complete when you felt something so intense—a special grade cursed energy in the atmosphere. your eyes widened with a red glow emanating from your eyes instantly. you snapped your head towards the door that had slid open and lifted your hands, fingers already brimming with red psionics.
you held your breath. it was a young man your age. he had long dark yet messy hair tied in a half-up, half-do hairstyle, grey eyes, lashes resembling megumi and gojo, and a mole just below his lips. your gaze softened as you realized he was wearing the jujutsu tech uniform, which was nearly identical to yuuta's except for another dark-blue jacket that was oversized and hung over his shoulders.
"[name], this is hatsuki shinya. starting today, you'll be working together with him."
things quickly escalated. they introduced you to him after introducing him to you, and you two were given a mission as simple as that. so there you were in the car with him, being escorted by ijichi to the location of the mission.
"well, this is the place," you said as you entered the abandoned building, shinya trailing behind you, "the people should still be alive."
"how can you tell? are you a psychic, fushiguro?" snorted shinya, biting back a grin.
"i'm much more than a psychic, hatsuki" you retorted, rolling your eyes at his remark before lifting your hand and gently twisting it, allowing your red psionics to emanate from your fingertips as you provided light in the darkness, "and for your information, i can sense people. i'm sensitive to auras and energies of all kinds."
"huh, so you turn red too," shinya whistled, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of your red psionics.
"what do you mean by that?" you raised a brow.
"you'll see, fushiguro," shinya shrugged his shoulders, winking at you.
"whatever, hatsuki," you sighed deeply.
as you and shinya got to the bottom of the mission, you discovered how this idiot can be pretty arrogant, blunt, and confident in his fighting, so much so that he nearly thrashed the building with his technique as you two faced the special grade curse and the other curses that were inside the abandoned building that had already morphed due to the curse's innate domain, and truth be told, he does turn red like you too in a way. his technique allowed him to defy gravity.
you two ended up arguing about it because you and shinya were never going to get the people out of here alive at this rate, and he kept getting in your way in some way. you already despised him and were about to complain to gojo about shinya when you were injured as a result of a miscalculation.
as you found the people who were trapped inside the building, you and shinya were playing offense and defense against the special grade curse. you were so intent on protecting the people, who were already nearly drained from the curse that had been feeding off their energy, that you were caught off guard, but to your surprise, shinya saved you right on cue before you could be harmed further.
you were already hurling and coughing blood as a sharp tendril pierced you while you shielded the people behind you with your red psionics.
"hatsuki.." you muttered in disbelief, your glowing red eyes widening as shinya arrived with the speed of a demon and immediately used his own technique to paralyze the curse by increasing its mass and density with his touch.
"idiot! think about your life too, will ya'?!" scolded shinya, sprinting towards you to help you in sitting up as you clutched the large gash inflicted on you, "shit, you're bleeding too.."
"i-i'm fine, hatsuki," you managed to speak, coughing up blood as you painfully clutched your open wound with your hands, "t-their lives are more important than mine."
"that's not fucking true! they're not even jujutsu sorcerers, and you're the one bleeding!" shinya exclaimed, grabbing your shoulder and pressing his hand against your wound.
"i said i'm fine.. it's okay hatsuki," you shook your head, twitching your fingers, using your red psionics to patch and sow yourself at a molecular level.
"y-you can do that?" shinya's eyes widened in amazement before he smirked, "hmph, you're just full of surprises, [name]."
your eyes widened next, "you called me [name]."
"don't sweat it," shinya said as he helped you get back on your feet, "we still have a curse to exorcise."
you sighed, only to yelp and stroke your forehead when he flicked his fingers across your forehead and bumped it with his palm, "hey! what the hell?!"
shinya muttered, clearing his throat, "i'm killing you if you die, [name]," as he patted your head, your eyes widened and a faint blush spread across your cheek.
"no one can get rid of me that easily, shinya," you eventually smirked as you patted his shoulder, "and besides, those people may not be jujutsu sorcerers, but that doesn't make their lives any less valuable when compared to ours."
shinya's hard gaze softened as he considered your words, and even more so when you addressed him by his first name rather than his surname, as he did to you.
as you two faced the special grade curse, your [color] eyes glowed red with power as a similar red glow surrounded his body, with his eyes turning red like yours as well. with both of your abilities combined, you two exorcised the curse, including the lower grade ones, and rescued the people and had them brought to a hospital.
it didn't take long for you to become acquainted with shinya after that. indeed, you two instantly clicked mission after mission. you also learned about his cursed technique, solemnity. his technique enables him to control gravity and create black holes that absorb everything.
you also discovered that, despite his cockiness and arrogance, this idiot had a soft side. even if you and shinya frequently argued because of your opposing beliefs and ideals in life, there was always this unspoken trust between the two of you that you and shinya are capable of leaving each other's life in the other's hands without a second thought or doubt.
and you didn't feel so lonely with shinya as your partner and best friend. you weren't just the strongest one by yourself, you now also shared that title with him. but he was still a bit of a jerk.
"oi, idiot, watch where you're going!" scoffed shinya, grabbing you by the back of your jacket as you nearly tripped upon entering the room.
"shut up!" you retorted, only to have shinya flick and bump your forehead with his fingers and palm, causing you to yelp with him laughing at your reaction, "hey!"
gojo was about to intervene in your and your best friend's bickering when shinya brushed your forehead with his hand, only to pat your head with you and him laughing together this time.
he felt a wave of déjà vu wash over him for a brief moment. gojo had witnessed a similar scene before. your current relationship with this special grade sorcerer brought back memories of him being second year here at jujutsu tech.
"satoru, how are [name] and shinya doing together?" yaga trotted towards gojo, standing right beside him as the two of you practiced your abilities against each other in the grounds after you and shinya returned from a mission.
"kikufuku's doing just fine with hatsuki," gojo explained, "their partnership had significantly improved, but those two still bicker from time to time. in fact, kikufuku's gotten closer with that.. that boy," gojo's cheeks puffed up after.
you and shinya almost always do everything together since then. shinya came over frequently at home because he doesn't have a family and dorm life at jujutsu tech can be pretty boring. you and shinya would eat food, watch shows, go on missions and late night talks and walks, look out for each other, fight each other, and repeat, and as gojo would have it, you were the sun and shinya was the moon.
but there was one thing: history repeats itself in such a clever disguise that we don't notice the resemblance until the damage is done. the tragedy comes first, followed by the fall.
as you faced shinya, who no longer resembled your best friend or partner, tears filled the brim of your glowing red eyes. you remembering his hair being always tied down but he had let it fall loose on his shoulders right now, as he faced you with red glowing eyes you recognize.
"shin.. please.. i'll fix this, we'll fix this.." your lips trembled as tears rolled down your face.
"fix this? then bring mahiru back for me, [name]," shinya's eyes hardened into a glare, his body now glowing red menacingly as your surroundings began to tremble and shake from his solemnity, "you're the scarlet witch, aren't you? if you truly are my friend, you'd do it. necromancy should be a piece of cake for you!"
you and shinya had been tasked with guarding and escorting mahiru. in fact, mahiru resembled an uncle or a father figure to him in some ways. he was, however, killed by the same non-jujutsu sorcerers who had previously attempted to harm you and steal your chaos magic.
you've always known about shinya's dislike for non-jujutsu sorcerers, but with everything that happened, his dislike turned into complete hatred, and he couldn't take it lightly any longer.
"that's not how it works, and i can't bring back someone whose soul has already left this world, shinya!" you exclaimed, fists clenched, shaking your head, "please just listen to me, shin! i promise i'll protect you from the higher-ups!"
"no, you listen to me fushiguro [name]!" raged shinya, "you and i both know that mahiru wouldn't have died if it hadn't been for those non-jujutsu sorcerers. those fucking monkeys killed him, and they were the same ones who tried to steal your powers. yet here you are, still insisting on saving and protecting everyone! of all people, you would choose to side with them!"
as a pin drop silence filled the icy cold atmosphere, the two of you stared at each other.
"you changed my life from the moment we met, fushiguro [name], and i'm grateful,"
shinya trotted towards you, just enough for him to cup your face in his larger hands, which were now cold and no longer warm to the touch as he spoke to you calmly this time.
"but i have already made up my mind."
as shinya caught your tear with his thumb, he pulled away from you and turned his back on you, as you stood there, frozen as a statue, struggling to lift your hands and use your chaos magic to stop him, but your heart and mind were in conflict, rendering you powerless.
"kill me if you have to, [nickname], i won't stop you; in fact, i want to see you try,"
shinya gave you one last look, smiling with his eyes closed, before his expression changed to something dreadful and grimmer. just like that, shinya had slipped through your fingers.
you returned to jujutsu tech, a complete mess as you made your way to your adoptive father, gojo. gojo rushed up to you, embracing you and frantically asking you questions as you sobbed, your emotions amplifying your chaos magic and causing a tremor to shake the entire area.
"kikufuku? kikufuku! what's the matter? hey, now, it's okay." gojo cupped your face, "[name]?"
"i couldn't stop shinya.. i-i just couldn't hurt him.." you said as you looked up at gojo, the whimpers and sniffles combined with your sad expression breaking his heart to pieces.
"i-i'm so sorry.. i know the higher-ups will b-blame me for not stopping him, b-but i really tried.. d-dad.." gojo's eyes widened as you continued to cry your heart and eyes out.
"kikufuku, it's okay.. shh.." gojo shook his head and hushed your crying as he drew you back into his embrace, rubbing shapes on your back and holding you tightly as he remembered the same heartbreak scene from his youth, "shh.."
"he was my best friend.."
you truly resembled your father in the end, not only as the strongest, but also by losing your best friend in the same way he did. he had seen this scene before, and he didn't like the ending.
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[ author's notes ! one order of heartbreak coming right up !! tysm for requesting. tbh i found myself getting sad (and simping for shinya lmao) while writing this. also, the way i managed to create a character in a short span of time ??? just damn. i freaking surprised myself with that too. but yeah, anyway, i hope you liked it, anon ;) happy crying !! ]
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olrastrology · 29 days
Also known as lunar water, moon water has been exposed to the moon's light, often during a full moon or a new moon phase. This practice is common in various spiritual and mystical traditions, where the moon is revered for its cyclical and transformative energies. Here’s an in-depth look at the spiritual properties commonly attributed to moon water:
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**1. *Cleansing and Purification:*
Moon water is believed to possess cleansing properties. The moonlight, especially during a full moon, is thought to purify the water, removing negative energies and imbuing it with a sense of renewal and clarity. This makes moon water popular for spiritual cleansing rituals and for purifying spaces and objects.
**2. *Enhancement of Intuition and Psychic Abilities:*
The moon is often associated with intuition, dreams, and psychic abilities. Moon water is believed to enhance these faculties, making it a valuable tool for those looking to develop their intuitive skills, enhance dream work, or engage in psychic practices.
**3. *Manifestation and Intention Setting:*
Moon water is frequently used in manifestation rituals, particularly during the full moon, which is seen as a time of fruition and abundance. The water is thought to absorb the lunar energy associated with completion and manifestation, making it a powerful medium for setting and amplifying intentions and goals.
**4. *Emotional Balance and Healing:*
The moon’s energy is connected to emotional depth and healing. Moon water is often used to promote emotional balance, calm, and healing. It can be applied in self-care routines or rituals aimed at soothing emotional turmoil and fostering inner peace.
**5. *Connection to Feminine Energy and Cycles:*
The moon is closely linked to feminine energy and the natural cycles of life, including menstrual cycles. Moon water is sometimes used to honor and connect with these cycles, supporting fertility rituals or aligning personal practices with the feminine aspects of creation and renewal.
**6. *Support for Reflection and Inner Work:*
The moon is a symbol of reflection and introspection. Moon water is thought to support personal reflection and inner work, helping individuals to access deeper layers of their subconscious and gain insights into their personal journey.
**7. *Spiritual and Ritual Use:*
In various spiritual traditions, moon water is used in rituals and ceremonies to invoke lunar deities, seek guidance, or enhance spiritual practices. The moon’s energy is considered to bless and amplify the effectiveness of these rituals.
**8. *Alignment with Lunar Phases:*
The phase of the moon during which the water is exposed can influence its properties:
Full Moon Water: Often used for manifestation, completion, and abundance. It is seen as a potent time for setting powerful intentions and achieving goals.
New Moon Water: Typically used for new beginnings, setting intentions, and initiating new projects. It is associated with potential and renewal.
Waning Moon Water: Used for letting go, releasing negative energies, and closing chapters.
Waxing Moon Water: Associated with growth, attraction, and building energy.
How to Create Moon Water:
Choose a Clean Container: Use a glass or crystal container to hold the water, as these materials are thought to best retain the lunar energy.
Fill with Purified Water: Use clean, filtered water to ensure purity.
Expose to Moonlight: Place the container in a location where it will be exposed to moonlight, preferably overnight during the desired moon phase.
Set Intentions (Optional): Some practitioners set specific intentions or affirmations while the water is exposed to the moon to enhance its spiritual properties.
Store and Use: After exposure, the water can be stored in a clean container. It can be used for drinking, rituals, spiritual practices, or in personal care routines.
As with any spiritual practice, individual experiences with moon water may vary. It’s important to ensure the water and container are clean to avoid contamination. Also, the use of moon water should complement, not replace, conventional medical or psychological care.
In summary, moon water is valued for its potential to harness the subtle, transformative energies of the moon. Whether used for emotional healing, spiritual practices, or manifestation, it embodies the reflective and nurturing qualities associated with lunar energy.
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