#RWBY: 10 Years Later
satoshi-mochida · 5 months
RWBY Volume 9 Beyond- 'RWBY: 10 Years Later'.
2+ hours of the CRWBY and others talking about the show, with some updates about going forward.
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zexapher · 5 months
Could watch this a hundred times, and probably will. From the Head of Licensing and Consumer Products, Geoff Yetter, RWBY's found partners and is in talks with them now. They expect to keep the creative team on. More news in the coming weeks.
I was so happy to hear this during the 10 Years Later stream. We're getting some real confidence for the show continuing now, keep it up! Greenlight Volume 10!
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I hope those cosplayers who did those whiterose making out gifs like 10 years ago are happy now
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anthurak · 2 years
Ten years ago today, I was sitting in my college dorm-room, watching the credits roll on Red vs. Blue Season 10. I was mulling over the season, having a bit of mixed feelings about the whole thing.
But then the credits finished, and this came on...
Like everyone else, I had no real idea what exactly this thing was. What I did know, was that it was AWESOME, and whatever this thing was, I was going to love it.
Ten years later, and I can say with absolute certainty that I was not wrong in the slightest.
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strqyr · 2 years
okay but how easy would it be for summer to walk around vale in her cloak? would anyone really recognize her as someone who's supposed to be dead?
she's going to walk into from dust till dawn to restock on dust and that's just how they're going to reveal she's still alive. volume 1 chapter 1 style.
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izlaniusliddel · 1 year
WHAT?!?! And furthermore, HUH?!
What the fuck just happened?! No, seriously, What the fuck just happened?!
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pheonixblack200 · 1 year
Tumblr media
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iamafanofcartoons · 5 months
RWBY Might be Saved!! And CRWBY will still be Involved!!! #rwby | RWBY:10 Years Later Stream Moment
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officialah · 1 year
Achievement Hunter is changing and we're taking you with us
As you may have noticed, Achievement Hunter has gone through a number of changes this year. We’ve grown a bit smaller as our cast has moved on to work on exciting new ventures, including Inside Gaming and VTubing. Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of Dogbark, a new content group featuring Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Trevor Collins, and Joe Lee. 
Rooster Teeth is at its best when employees have been given the opportunity to pursue new creative passions. Fifteen years ago, this meant giving Geoff the ability to create Achievement Hunter. And today, this means letting the Achievement Hunter cast move on to new creative projects.
Over the last few years, this has allowed our cast to put time into creating F**kface, ANMA, Red Web, Face Jam, and more. More recently, Jack and BK have put their efforts into streaming at Inside Gaming, Lindsay has begun exploring Vtubing as Ruby, and Ky is producing multiple projects, including some of those listed above.
With all of our new focuses, this means we will not be actively creating content for the Achievement Hunter channel. Let’s Play will also look a little bit different moving forward, but we can assure you that it’s not going anywhere, and it’s in great hands.
But why Dogbark, and not just new shows under the Achievement Hunter banner? At this point in our creative careers, we have grown as both people and as entertainers. Much like how early Achievement Hunter evolved from video game guides to Let’s Plays, we’re looking to take Dogbark in a bold new direction that is more heavily focused on improv and sketch comedy. It’s new. It’s fun. It’s weird. And it’s such a departure from what Achievement Hunter has been that we feel Dogbark is truly its own thing.
We’re very excited to share these projects with all of you, and we really do hope you’ll enjoy all the new content we have in store. Through the years, we’ve reached heights we never thought possible–from Haunter to the Hardcore series, from RTX Panels to AH Live Tours. Whether you joined us back in 2008 or 2023, we couldn’t have done this without you. We have been met with so much support as we’ve grown and changed over the years, and we can’t thank you enough for that.
We know this news might be shocking and saddening for you. It’s bittersweet. On one hand, we’re saying “See you later” to a truly indescribable brand. On the other, we’re getting to pursue new passions, explore, test ourselves as creators, and that’s an incredibly exciting experience. It’s hard to do the same thing for our whole lives, and we shouldn’t have to. But, just because we’re not a part of AH anymore doesn’t mean that we didn’t appreciate the time spent there, or with you.
It’s okay to be sad; it’s okay to take time to process. After, when you’re ready, come join us over at Inside Gaming, F**kface, RWBY’s Twitch, Dogbark, Red Web, Face Jam, ANMA, and So…Alright. We’ll be waiting for you.
To watch our full video on this, check out this link: https://youtu.be/YVgACDwlgq0 To learn more about our future projects, check out the links below. 
Dogbark - www.youtube.com/@dogbarkshow || /www.instagram.com/dogbarkshow/
F**kface - www.youtube.com/@fckfacepod || twitter.com/FuckFacePod
Inside Gaming -www.twitch.tv/roosterteeth || www.youtube.com/@insidegaming
RWBY Twitch - www.twitch.tv/rwby_vt
We’ve anticipated your questions and have created an FAQ below that will hopefully provide answers.
Where are [insert the AH person you are looking for] going?
Honestly, nowhere. They’re still here at Rooster Teeth, but are jumping into new exciting opportunities that bring them joy and passion.Geoff and Gavin are focusing on F**kface, Jack and BK are streaming over with Inside Gaming, Lindsay is launching a RWBY Vtubing Twitch, and Ky is producing these projects. Michael, Trevor, Alfredo, and Joe are excited to announce their new project, Dogbark, which launches 10/2.
Does this mean AH content is going away?
Nope. It’ll exist in perpetuity online. Both on Rooster Teeth Site and Apps as well as the AH YouTube channel.
Will AH ever return?
Think of it like your favorite band going on hiatus. We don’t want to close the door completely and turn off all the lights. There’s always the chance that One Direction will come back.
Is Let’s Play content and channel going away?
Also nope! But stay tuned, you might recognize who will start showing up (and reshowing up) there.
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astraskylark · 2 years
Summary of RT post on RWBY
So V9 will have 10 episodes and they’ll air with no season break
It releases on Saturdays at 9:30AM CT
The finale will air on April 22nd
The writers already have an overview of V10 but it still hasn’t been greenlit
New episodes of RWBY will be available on CR immediately and will available on the RT site a year later (woah)
Pirating the show is still bad and will affect CRWBY and RWBY itself.
Guidelines regarding RWBY vids on youtube are still unclear
CR will become the defacto home of RWBY. No more RWBY eps on Youtube
We will have RWBY panels at RTX and more merch
They really need fan support to prove RWBY’S viability to continue and be profitable to their partners
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chittychittyyangyang · 5 months
In case anyone else missed it, RWBY: 10 Years Later is finally up on the RT site.
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elmothedictator · 11 months
Engineer!Jaune (Based on my ask to @howlingday) Ruby: YOU WHAT?!
Jaune: Yeah, just like my Uncle Dell Conagher-Arc said: “Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer — that means I solve problems. Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems.”
Jaune: Yeah? So did my uncle
Ruby: JAUNE!!!
Jaune: What?! It’s the only way to make sure Nora or you fires my Plasma guns!!!
Ruby: But you didn’t need to cut your own arm!!!
Yang: I heard screaming, what’s wrong?
Blake: Yang, honey, please don’t scream *Sees Jaune’s arm* What happened to your arm
Ruby: I’M NOT!!!
Weiss: WOULD ALL OF YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?! PLEASE STOP SCREAMING!!! *Spots Jaune’s arm* What happened to your arm?
Blake: He cut it himself
Jaune: I did.
Weiss: ….
*Knocks on the door*
Jaune: Who is it? *Opens the door and sees Uncle Dell*
Ruby: Who is it Jaune?
Jaune: *Excited* It’s my uncle! Uncle Dell? What’s up!!!
Uncle Dell: Hey kid, heard you cut your own arm. Is it true?
Jaune:*In a slight Texan accent* I did
Uncle Dell: As i expected from a 10Y/O kid who obtained 11 PhDs
RWBY: He’s what?!
Uncle Dell: Yup, he sure did. *Speaks back to Jaune* Hey kid, who’s these fine ladies? Is one of them is your girlfriend?
Jaune: *Still in the same accent* No uncle, all of them are girlfriends and girlfriends. And one of them is in a polyamorous relationship. *Points to Ruby* That’s Ruby *Points to Weiss* Her girlfriend Weiss *Points to Blake and Yang* The emo one (Blake: HEY!) is Blake and the Yellow one is Yang. They’re the one whose on a polyamorous relationship.
Uncle Dell: With who?
Pyrrha: *In the door* Blake! Yang! Can you help me with my groceries please? *Sees Jaune* Jaune!!! *Proceed to run at full speed to hug Jaune*
Jaune: Whoa! *falls into his own back
Pyrrha: We’ve missed you so much!!!*Felt something metallic*… What happened to your arm Jaune?
Yang: *Helping Pyrrha with the groceries* He cut his own arm
Pyrrha: HE’S WHAT?!
Yang: That’s not even the most shocking part, he also got 11 PhDs.
Pyrrha: *Staring at Jaune and Dell talking to each other and seeing him gives an Australium to Jaune*…. No wonder he’s always the top in every class except combat.
*After helping the girls with the groceries, maybe around 5-10 minutes*
Jaune: Welp, We’ll talk later Uncle Dell, we’re going to have a cookout and those groceries won’t lift by themselves.
Uncle Dell: Yeah, we’ll talk later about the sentry improvements. Got a call from work. Y’know, the usual RED and BLU stuff.
Jaune: No problem uncle, how about we meet at our usual bar?
Uncle Dell: Sure thing bud, say the time and date and i’m on my way. With the rest of the crew ofcourse.
Jaune: Heavy still pissed at me for beating him in an arm wrestling huh?
Uncle Dell: I mean, you’d rarely sees a 15 Y/O kid beating a 6’5 400 Pounds man with Aura in arm wrestling contests. *Chuckle* Well i gotta go *Gets in his 1966 Chevy Pickup*
Jaune: Sure Uncle Dell. Be sure to not be dead
Uncle Dell: The machine’ll revive me kiddo *Dabs Jaune perfectly* Bye kid. *Drives off*
Jaune: *Chuckles* Bye uncle Dell! *Waves his metallic arm*
The girls: *Speaking together in a dark tone* You got some explaining to do. Jaune~.
Jaune: Oh… shit….
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ultrashadowkai · 1 year
RWBY is the longest running show I’ve ever actively kept up with without ever dropping it and picking it back up later. 
I got into RWBY because in 2012 YouTube recommended me a newly released video of awesome fight choreography set to even more awesome music (the quickest way to get me into any show is to have an amazing soundtrack) with heavy fairy tale influences (I’m a sucker for fairy tale adaptations). 
It’s been just about 11 years since then and 10 since the first episode aired.
Normally I would’ve grown tired of a story dragging on for so long and just resign myself to poking my head in every so often to see what’s been happening in my absence, and yet here I am. 
Part of it is because of how long the show’s been going for. Who knows, maybe I would’ve stuck around for just as long on some other tv shows I like if they didn’t all end in around 3 or 4 seasons.
But I think the other part -- the more important part -- is because the story it’s trying to tell.
The story of RWBY takes place in a crapsack world where negative emotions attract killer monsters that seemingly respawn endlessly. There was a literal global civil war over whether or not people should have their emotions controlled by the government because of this. There’s an angry immortal woman who’s hellbent on destroying humanity to stick it to the world’s jerkass gods who nuked the first go-around of humanity and abandoned this current one. And on top of all that, the world still has a whole slew of prejudice and abuse. 
The show never shies away from these facts. But it never lets itself get consumed by them either, and that’s the important part.
Bad shit happens every second of every day in the real world. RWBY says that the Grimm, the creatures that’ll use your anger and your sorrow and your despair to try and kill you, are endless in the world, but so is beauty, so are friends, so is love, so is hope.
RWBY says that you aren’t a burden because you didn’t do everything perfectly, because you didn’t fix every single problem you come across. 
RWBY says that you always have time to love and be loved.
RWBY says that you are enough. That patience and kindness is enough to help change the world for the better. That you touch every life you come in contact with, for better or for worse.
RWBY says that’s never foolish to hope. The world won’t get better in a single day but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it to try.
And that’s why I’ve stayed so long. Some people need those stories where the world’s crap and it’s never gonna get any better. I need a story where the world is crap, where things get worse but they also get better. I need a story that’ll kick my pessimistic ass and remind me over and over again that hope is never pointless. 
So long as RWBY keeps telling that story, I’m never dropping it.
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notmaplemable · 10 months
Opinion on DragonSlayer?
Ah, Dragonslayer. Definitely has one of the better ship names in the RWBY fandom. Also I'm just going to you DS from now on because I'm tired.
Values and personality wise, I think they work well together. With Yang pushing Jaune out of his comfort zone, and being there for him when he falls down. And Jaune being there for Yang when she's feeling vulnerable and needs some support. They both have a way of keeping each other going in tough times. They're both very family oriented. Plus they can probably bond over being an older sibling, and maybe having some parental troubles depending on how you write the Arcs.
And yeah, the comparisons between Jaune and Taiyang are obvious.
Though personally I break DS down into two eras. Beacon era DS and post Beacon DS.
During their time at Beacon, I don't really see them getting together. I can absolutely see Jaune having a thing for Yang. You could even convince me that Yang has feelings for him as well, but I still don't really think she would. And even if she did I don't see her really perusing that relationship.
Mostly because I don't really think Yang would be perusing a romantic relationship during their first year at Beacon. She's looking for Raven. Trying to balance getting a bit a freedom and still taking care of Ruby while still giving her enough space to grow on her own a little bit. Not to mention just making sure Ruby doesn't get herself hurt. While also making sure Blake doesn't run off and do anything crazy again.
You don't have much time for relationships when your the team mom.
And if she was going to get into a romantic relationship, it would be with someone like Sun, Blake, Ren, or Pyrrha. Simply because Jaune hasn't really had a chance to show off the traits that would make them work well together to her, and she wouldn't value those traits as much as she would later on. She would just views Jaune as Ruby's friend and the guy who threw up on her boots.
But that doesn't mean that it can't happen, but you would need to force them together often and in ways where Jaune could show those positive traits of his. I've read fics that have done that. Or you could do an AU where they're partners, childhood friends, etc.
Now post fall DS is where it's at.
They've both had opportunities to mature over V4 and 5. Yang would certainly appreciate Jaune keeping Ruby safe when she couldn't. And I think would start to see more of Jaune's good traits, while certainly relating to a few of his problems in those volumes. Certainly the anger and charging in problems.
So I think that spark would be lit there, probably soon after they deal with all the Haven stuff. With some awkward flirting before they get to Argus. Once Jaune gets a little bit of closure with Pyrrha, then I'd think they would have a talk and try to figure something out there. With Saphron listening in of course.
So yeah.
DS has a lot to like about it. Jaune and Yang work well together and are both very family focused. While also having a good few areas of contrast to not make it feel like it's two versions of the same character dating. It just needs a little time to mature to really reach to peak of it's potential.
7/10 at Beacon.
9/10 after Beacon.
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aurawra21 · 11 months
i stopped actively watching rwby after v2 and jokingly said the only way i'll actually start watching again is if they made bmblb canon and so here i am 10 years later caught up and watched all the dc movies
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oceandirtcountry · 3 months
I think there’s some lore for my crossover AU I need to get out because it’s getting confusing even for myself:
The Ninja (Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja): The First Ninja, aka Finja, was a well respected warrior who hailed from Norrisville, a small town on the outskirts of Vale. Finja single-handedly held off hordes off Grimm on his own, and bested the Sorcerer, who was turning people into Grimm (by stanking them, since Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, so with enough negative emotions and a push from the gas, you can become a Grimm too! This’ll be important later.)
He kept Vale safe for years, especially during Ozpin’s lack of showing due to his depression. Eventually, after Ozpin gave his power to the Maidens, Ozpin also imparted some of his Semblance onto Finja, allowing him to pass on his learnings and his abilities to the next generation until a Ninja became powerful enough to stop Salem.
He fought alongside Ozpin in the Great War and was the catalyst for victory, and ended up dying of old age.
Randy Cunningham is the most recent to iteration of the Ninja, and Ozpin has found that the combined abilities of the Ninjas who came before him could very well be enough to stop Salem, but he needs a push. With the Sorcerer’s return and new threats, Randy needs all the help he can get.
The Omnitrix, Ascalon, and Map of Infinity (Ben 10):
Azmuth created the Ascalon as a show of his genius. However, after misuse, he brought great destruction to his galaxy, and looked to use it for good. He brought it to the backwater planet known as Earth during the Great War, and it was the reason why Ozpin was able to slay the Dagon and stop Salem from winning.
However, unhappy that it simply brought peace to one planet and would not bring his lover back, he left the Ascalon on earth for Ozpin to guard. The Ascalon then became The Relic of Destruction.
He then went on to create the Omnitrix, with the same backstory as the original series, with it being meant for Grandpa Max. It was found by ten year old Ben Tennyson, who was at first hesitant to touch it, but used it as a last resort when he was cornered by Grimm in a forest, starting a forest fire with Heatblast.
The map of infinity was hidden by Professor Paradox in an attempt to keep the forge of creation away from anyone who wished to abuse its power. The map can only be found once a question is asked to the Relic of Knowledge, an all-knowing genie who can answer any three questions once every hundred years.
Ben, Yang, Kevin and Gwen eventually race against Aggregor to find the map pieces, and team up shortly with Weiss and Randy to obtain the relic before going their separate ways once again, and meeting up much later with everyone in the big showdown.
The Nanite event (Generator Rex): As if Vacuo didn’t have it bad enough, the nanite experimentation facility was on a remote island near Vacuo. When attempting to cure a sick Rex Salazar, his parents accidentally unleashed a devastating nanite explosion. However, the nanites were contained by Atlas troops with powerful magnets and force fields, sealing the island off and labelling it “The Bug Jar.”
A young Rex eventually bursts out of the jar and wreaks havoc on Vacuo with his awakened Evo form, even turning many Grimm into hyper charged EVOs. He’s then found by Six and brought into the Providence wing of the Atlas military, specialised to deal with Earthly threats too dangerous for the normal military, to be trained with his abilities to cure EVOs, in a building on the very edge of the Bug Jar.
Rex hates his life there, and he enrols into beacon academy to become a Huntsman.
Summer Rose, the greatest Huntress that ever lived (RWBY): In an attempt to stop Salem, Summer storms Salem’s castle with a little help from Raven and a time-hopping Ben Tennyson, who’s trying to track down Maltruant in the Time War.
The trio are on the cusp of succeeding, but Salem reveals her secret weapon: an alliance with the Sorcerer.
Ben goes Clockwork as Maltruant tackles him into the time stream once again, leaving Summer to fend for herself, which is a huge mistake. She ends up losing quite horribly to the combined forces, and is kept alive for experiments on how to turn humans into Grimm.
Summer eventually becomes The Hound, a hyper-intelligent Grimm capable of tearing apart armies. With the abilities of Ghostfreak and Pesky Dust, plus Ruby’s silver eyes, Ben and Ruby manage to pull Summer out of the Hound and give Ruby her mom back.
Oh wait Invincible
I think I’ll just call it the CookieCross AU, since the fic I made is called cookies.
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