#Ratchet fluff
hx4x4enthusiast · 9 months
Cybertronians meet the bloody Mary
Words: 2090
Optimus Prime x gender-neutral reader x Ratchet
Notice: This is a comfort fic for people with a uterus, suffering through their menstrual cycle. Meaning blood, function and structure of the uterus will be mentioned/explained.
I use Bloody Mary a lot in this fic not cause I am ashamed of having a period but more so because I found it funny to give it a name. Also not everyone’s period goes the same way so your period experience may differ from person to person.
This was a request from @theemoteam5994, that I was more than happy to write.
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It was a pretty standard Friday evening I was sitting on the couch next to Miko reading a new book, I just got. Ratchet was working on the control panels recalibrating the ground bridge, Optimus stood at his control panel writing the report of the last mission for agent Fowler meanwhile Bulkhead repaired the lob ball. Jack had work, Raphael was out of country visiting family, which led Bumblebee and Arcee to drive patrol today. Resulting in Miko and me to hanging out alone. Which was fine it was a nice to not do anything for once.
Unexpected I started to feel something damp my pants, or to be precise my underwear. Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Mentally counting the days back since the last time, it happened and concluding that it had been indeed a month now, a defeated sigh escaped my lips. Which in turn made Miko turned to me in confusion.
“Whoa you good, what’s with the defeated sigh you sound like me when we are about to write a test.”
“Miko please just shut up and let me suffer in silence and desperation.”
“Yeesh since when are you so grumpy.”
“Since the high and mighty royal majesty, the bloody Mary decided to show up.”
“Ah Dave decided to visit.”
That caused me to raise a brow at Miko, to which she gave me a smile.
“Dave? Do I want to know.”
“You know that one sound “God, fucking damnit Dave, there goes the last shit I ever gave.”
“Omg, that’s genius.”
“Yes, it’s hilarious when you’re having period pain and just scream fucking Dave.”
“Oh man, Miko you’re a genius. By the way do you have tampons or a pad? I forgot my period bag.”
“Oh, shit did you just get it?”
“Yeah, and I would like to not have to explain to gigantic alien why my pants are red and what the menstrual cycle is.”
“Haha, understandable, I really wouldn’t want to explain what’s going on down there to Bulky.”
Giggling to each other, I’m forced to double over as a sharp pain shoot through my lower abdomen, causing a hiss of pain to escape me.
“Man, is your period always like that? It looks really painful. I mean my crams hurt to, but they are at least somewhat manageable.”
“Unfortunately, yes the problem with these I have to physically double over and can’t ignore them like the others.”
“That sucks. How about you go put on a pad or tampon or both and I call June if she can bring painkillers for you..”
“Oh my god Miko you’re a saint thanks.”
“No prob. The bag is in my front pocket underneath my slash monkey cd.”
Gratefully I go over to her bag as Miko makes her way to the medbay to find June. Finding the small cotton bag I take it out, zip Mikos bag back up and move hurriedly to the washrooms. Oh my god there is nothing more uncomfortable than sitting in a puddle of your own blood.
Coming back into the main hangar I moved towards the designated “human area” as Ratchet so lovingly nicknamed it. Miko was the first to notice my return and waved, as I climbed the stairs up. She intercepted me as I reached the stairs, I wordlessly gave her the little bag back, before she bend over and started whispering.
“Hey I called June and she said she bring some Aspirins and a few heating pads.”
“God I love that women, and you, bless you.”
“Yeah try to remember that the next time I go through the ground bridge.”
“Different issue Miko.”
“Ugh, well whatever, June said she bring the supplies when she picks up Jack after his shift.”
“Why does Nurse Darby have to bring painkillers and heating pads, and would you be so kind as to tell me why you didn’t think to inform me that you are unwell.”
Simultaneous Miko and I froze up as the very distinct sarcastic and very much unamused voice of the resident medic, rang from behind us. Turning around we were confronted with a very pissed of looking Ratchet.
“Ok you look like you can handle this right well my part is done, HEY BULKY LET’S GO DUNE BASHING.”
Miko didn’t hesitate to leave me alone and run up to the railing jumping onto her guardians servo as he immediately transformed around her and proceeded to race out of the base. Sharing his charges unwillingness to become a target of Ratchets anger. Left alone under Ratchets piercing gaze, I do my best to avoid eye contact.
“So, are you inclined to tell me now why you didn’t think it necessary to come to me for medical attention.”
“Oh uhm it’s really not that big of a deal.”
“If I didn’t treat every one that said “oh, that’s not that big of a deal” this entire team would be dead by now. So unless you miraculously became doctor you com to me with any kind of medical issue. Did I make myself clear?”
“Ratchet, it’s really none of your concern, I am fine.”
Quiet. It was deadly quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Ah shit, I fucked up, I fucked up big time. I did the one thing you don’t do, ever. I broke the one rule on the base, crossed the one line even Optimus doesn’t cross. Don’t backtalk Ratchet when it’s about medical decision. Well it was a good life.
“Oh it’s none of my concern is it? My how interesting would you care to elaborate on why that is?”
“I...I I am sorry Ratchet, I didn’t mean it like th-ughnn.”
A sharp pain went trough my lower abdomen forcing me to hug myself as I doubled over. As the pain subsided and I was able to stand upright again, a green light beam went over my body. Looking up I was met with the sight of a very concerned Ratchet and an equally worried Optimus. When did he come over here, weird? I was ripped out of my train of thoughts as a sharp exhale escaped Ratchets vents.
“Because it is?”
Apparently, that was not the right or more like best thing to say. I could already see the oncoming triage, Ratchet was going to put me through. Just as he prepared to chew me out and preach his speech on taking proper care of oneself, a big servo landed on his shoulder plate. Optimus gently pulled Ratchet back before coming closer, bending down to my level.
“We are worried about you. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed about.”
“Hmpf, especially if you lose essential organic fluids.”
“Ah, shit that’s not it’s, aww geez uh scrap how do I explain it.”
“While we both would appreciate an explanation, please don’t feel cornered or forced to please us. Though I do have to ask you to use a different manner of speech.”
“Huh, oh yeah sorry about that big guy. Just give me a minute”
Seeing Optimus giving a nod and even Ratchet, though begrudgingly, give me some space, I take a deep breath. Ok first me being a nervous wreck is not going to help anyone. So deep breaths, everything is fine. It’s not like you are going to have to explain how and what the menstrual cycle is, to gigantic aliens. Man, I sometimes hate my life so much. Letting out a deep sigh I turn around I make my way to the two bots.
“Ok, so first of all, I am ok, I will not bleed out or am sick with a terminal disease. What’s happening to me is a natural process that happens every month for more or less than a week depending on the person. Every person with a uterus goes through this with some exceptions. Yes, that includes June and Miko as well.”
Optimus and Ratchets frames slightly relax, tough confusion is still visible on their faceplates. Well, more on Ratchets than Optimus, though the leader frame is less rigid than before.
“But you are bleeding, isn’t the leaking of blood indication of an injury, do you mean it is natural for humans to injure their uterus every month?”
“What no we aren’t injured.”
“Perhaps it would help us understand better, if you were to explain on how this “menstrual cycle works.”
“OH, uhm sure. First of all the uterus is one of the reproductive organ’s humans have to reproduce. Each month, blood and tissue build up in the uterus to prepare for a fertilized egg in case a woman becomes pregnant. Important humans give live birth to their young not like other animals in eggs. Eggs is simply what we call the cell. If the egg isn't fertilized, that lining leaves the body through the vagina and that is what is called the period.”
Trough the explanation my eyes had driven away from the bots not wanting to see their faces of disgust.
“But then what is the menstrual cylcle? And that still doesn’t understand why you were in pain.”
Confused I look back up at Ratchet as he looked at me expectantly. Switching my point of view to Optimus he carries a similar expression though way more subtle than Ratchets.
“You, you aren’t disgusted?”
“Why would we I mean, its obvious a bit strange due to our different biologys. But so is your entire race.”
“As you explained, your period is a natural occurrence, there is no fault in that.”
“Oh ok.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah there are a lot of names for the period, like menstrual cycle, strawberry week.”
“I thank you for the explanation but there is still concern on your earlier episode of pain.”
“Oh yeah uhm, so basically to flush everything out, the uterus contracts itself which can lead to pain. How much pain someone experience is different for everyone. And well mine is sometimes so bad I double over.”
Both bots fall into back into silence, exchanging glances like they were silently communicating. Feeling slightly Causing me to shuffle my feet on the ground. Until Ratchets open servo comes up to me, an invitation to step into it. Confused I look at both Ratchet and Optimus. Sensing my confusion Ratchet responds.
“It is unreasonable to let someone alone when they are in pain, so get on.”
“What, no I am fine, I have dealt with this for the past 6 years on my own.”
“You should be resting.”
“No, I still have things to do I don’t need to rest.”
“Please do understand that we are just worried.”
Damn you Optimus, for making me feel bad about refusing help. Reluctantly I carefully climb onto Ratchets servo. Letting out a satisfied hum, he lifts me up to his chest, curling his digits gently around me. Carefully moving across the base, we go through a corridor I haven’t been in yet, only to land in front of a humongous door trough which Ratchet and Optimus can walk without any problems. Ratchet crosses the room and gently lays me down on the gigantic bed. Before turning around and walking around the bed to the other side before laying down himself.
Meanwhile, Optimus was closing a drawer, holding something I couldn’t make out and moved to join us. He deposited the content of his servo onto the berth near Ratchet. Before I could ask what and why they brought those things, my feet yet again left the ground.
Warmth surrounded me and weirdly a lot of red. Wiggling around I finally found the end of the blanket and looked up, only to be met, with two pairs of kind optics looking down at me.
“What’s all that?”
“We researched that warmth and comfort in the form of affection, food and a comforting environment prove, helpful when dealing with period pains.”
“Wait, you guys searched the internet to help me? Aww that’s so sweet.”
“Hmpf, well we can’t leave you alone in this time of you err, month.”
A smile starts forming, I snuggle back into the blankets happy about being so well cared for. My eyes are starting to feel heavy as a yawn escapes me, exhausted from the day’s events, I don’t fight the sleepiness taking over my body. Safe, warm, and protected by the two gentle guardians on each side of me.
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justalazywritter · 1 year
Their Love language
Transformers x reader
Characters: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet and Hot Rod.
Optimus is more on reassurance and act of service. I can see he woul let you snuggle to him but act of service is his more live language. You're gonna do something? *Click* He would do it. As long as he can he would do it. He was not possessive but protective. Was not a fan of PDA but if you feel like neddy then he would gladly kisses you in private.
Bumblebee is the baby of them all. His main love language is physical touch. So if you're touch starve he was your personal teddy bear. If you command cuddle he would gladly be the big spoon and always want to held you to keep you safe just to be sure.
Rachet would be the type that have the love language of Quality time. He was a doctor and most like to spend time in lab. So you're most likely to be in his lab and spend time with him there. And second is words of affirmation. If you have anxiety or just being nervous on something his words would calm you and assure you that everything will be alright.
Hot Rod would be the type to spend time with you. You wanna stargaze? You got it. Watching movies or series that interest you? You got it too! Did I also mention that he's a good listener? If you're a novelist or a more likely to be a reader he's more than happy to hear about the book your reading. He swear he could listen to your voice for the whole day.
Feel free to like and share:)
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bots-and-cons · 3 days
Hello there!
Could I request a Ratchet x fem!Human!Reader (mid 20s), where he's sort of like her guardian (and perhaps there's unspoken, relucant feelings between the two) where she ends up in a sort of sketchy situation at a party, and he shows up to rescue her.
It's all the more touching because he still has reservations about humans, but he uses his holoform to go inside and get her, and then drives her back to base.
Hope you have a good day!
A/N: I wanted to do a scenario for this, which is why it took so long, but I hope you like it
“Call me if you need me to come get you” Ratchet said.
“I will, but I’m sure I’ll get home on my own” you assured him as you left, waving him goodbye from the front seat.
Bee dropped you off at the party before going on patrol, and you met up with a couple of your friends. The music was good, and so was most of the company. There were always some idiots around, but you luckily didn’t run into too many of those. You were dancing and drinking with your friends, just having a good time.
You were always very careful with your drinks, never taking one from someone you didn’t know and never, ever leaving your drink unwatched. Even with the precautions you took, someone managed to slip something into your drink. You started feeling a bit odd, and at first you just figured you’d had too much to drink, but soon it became apparent that something was wrong.
You were starting to feel woozy and unsteady, and on top of that your friends were nowhere to be seen. You poured the rest of your drink into the closest houseplant’s pot and started trying to make your way outside. Even though you were bumping into people, no one really seemed to notice what a bad state you were in.
You got outside and managed to get your phone out of your pocket. You dialed Ratchet, and managed to mumble something about needing him to come get you.
When you called Ratchet, he was sure you were going to tell him something like: “It’s cold outside, can you take me home?” so when he heard your slurred words and the fear in your voice, he was surprised.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked, sounding much more frantic than he meant to.
“I-I think sssome-somehone spiked myh drink” you slurred.
“Stay put, I’ll come get you” Ratchet said, already leaving the base.
He didn’t give a second thought to any of the speed limit signs he sped past on the way to get you. He tried to keep calm, but he was aware of the implications of what you being spiked meant, someone wanted to do you harm.
You were standing outside, leaning on the wall of the house, feeling increasingly worse, when two guys came up to you, trying to hit on you. You didn’t want any of what they were clearly offering, so you started stumbling back inside, hoping to find some safety with your friends. They were nowhere to be seen, and the two guys were still following you. You decided you would lock yourself in the bathroom to get away from these jackasses.
Ratchet almost jumped out in his holoform before he had even stopped, and hurried to the front door of the house where the party was being held. He started calling out your name, but the music was too loud, and he was quite sure that even if you were able to answer, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him. He didn’t know if he could search the whole house with so many people there, not efficiently anyway.
“Damn it” Ratchet muttered.
Then he had an idea. Luckily, the house was on the corner of an intersection, so he drove to the side of the house and blared his sirens as loud as possible, hoping the people inside would mistake it for a police siren. Thank Primus they did. He could hear some people yelling “it’s the cops!” before people started running in all directions away from the house. He jogged back to the house and went inside to look for you. You had no reason to run away from the cops since you were of age, so you could drink whatever you wanted in peace.
Ratchet checked the downstairs first, but there was no sign of you. He then moved upstairs and started going through the rooms, no sign of you there either. He was starting to get increasingly worried. When he came back downstairs, he noticed a room he hadn’t checked yet, it was a bathroom, and it was locked.
“(Name)? Are you in there?” he asked as he knocked.
“Ratchhh?” came a barely coherent response.
“Can you open the door?” Ratchet asked, thinking he might have to kick it down, which would not be ideal.
He could hear movement and the lock clicked and he pulled the door open. You almost fell face first on the floor of the hallway, but Ratchet managed to catch you just in time.
“Oh sweetspark” he muttered as you clung to his shirt. “Can you walk?”
“No…” you mumbled.
Ratchet picked you up with very little effort and started carrying you out of the house. He wasn’t sure if he should take you to a hospital, or to just let you sleep it off. He could feel the remaining party guests’ eyes on him as he carried you out of the house, but he couldn’t care less.
You felt like absolutely crap. You were so out of it, you could barely even stand, but when Ratchet picked you up, you felt a little bit less like crap. You felt safe in his arms, and you were too out of it to feel embarrassed about him holding you or about the way you clung to his shirt. You registered him carrying you out of the house, mostly because of the cool air that made you shiver and snuggle even closer to his chest in search of warmth. The cold air helped you sober up a little bit, and you felt more awake.
Ratchet wasn’t thinking about anything but helping you. No matter how much you held onto him, he was just trying to take care of you, nothing more, right? He decided to take you to the base and look after you himself.
You didn’t pass out, even though you definitely felt like you might a couple of times. By some miracle you didn’t throw up either and when you finally found yourself on the base’s couch, you just wanted to go to sleep.
“Thankhs, I love you” you muttered as you laid down on the couch.
Ratchet didn’t say anything, he just placed a blanket over you and watched you curl up under it. He didn’t register your words right away, so he realized what you’d said with a bit of a time lag. A soft smile came across his face as he looked at your sleeping form on the couch. You probably wouldn’t remember what you’d said when you woke up, but it still meant the world to him. Maybe someday he’d have the courage to say it back.
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errolluck · 1 month
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Some panel sketches from a TFP comic I'm working on that I find funny and wanted to share
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Soundwave Soulmate Prompt? You can see what your soulmate draw on their skin
Sorry this was super long lol!
TFP Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU
Soundwave had thought for a long time that he would be forever alone. He’d watch as everyone else got small little marks on their plating that would fade in a matter of hours, while he had none. 
He believed that some just never got soulmates- him included. So when after millions of years a small doodle appeared on his plating, he was shocked. He quickly made his way to his berthroom so no one else could see. 
Once there he inspected the mark. It was a very-well drawn image of the Autobot’s insignia. He quickly felt irritation pull at his spark. Was his soulmate an Autobot? He hesitated for a moment before drawing a Decepticon symbol on his arm.
You were sitting in the Autobot’s base when you felt an odd sensation on your skin. You looked down to see a Decepticon symbol on your arm. It looked like someone had scratched your arm to make the symbol.
 You yelped in fear and held your arm out like it was burned. Ratchet’s eyes quickly fell to you, being the only other in the base.
“What’s wrong?” 
“The-there’s a thing on my arm.” He walked over and gently turned your arm over.
“You shouldn’t be drawing this on your arm.” He scowled.
“I-I didn’t! It just- just appeared there!” 
Ratchet’s eyes immediately furrowed. While humans didn’t have the concept of sparkmates, Cybertronians certainly did. The fact a human could be affected stumped him. 
“Did you draw anything on yourself?” He asked. You pointed dumbly to the Autobot symbol you had drawn on yourself a few minutes ago. His frown only deepened, realizing that your sparkmate must have been a Decepticon.
“What? What’s wrong?” You pleaded in fear. The other Autobots returned to the main hangar as you loudly interrogated Ratchet.
“I fear that you have a Sparkmate- which I didn’t know was possible for a human.” 
“A what?” You demanded.
“A sparkmate?” Optimus questioned. “How is that possible?” 
“I’ve never heard about this before.” Arcee commented. 
“It must be a Decepticon, look at the markings!”
All of the bots began talking about it as you grew more panicked. You yelled out unintentionally. “SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!” 
All eyes fell on you with guilty looks. Optimus gently placed a few digits on your shoulder. “It appears you have a… sparkmate. It is what you humans would refer to as a ‘soulmate’. A sparkmate, however, is someone you are actually bound to- not just someone you feel an emotional pull to. Anything you draw on your skin will show up on your sparkmate. Before you, there has never been a recorded case of an organic and a Cybertronian being bonded before”
You sat dumbfounded. You looked at your skin where the Decepticon symbol was fading. “So, this is like. I don’t know. This is a Decepticon? That I’m bound to?” 
Optimus nodded solemnly. “I think it may be best for you to refrain from drawing on yourself. We have no clue who you’re bonded to- and it may put you in danger. Many Decepticons have killed their sparkmates to prove their loyalty to Megatron.”
The fear on your face was obvious. When you went home, you could feel nothing but fear. What if they caught you? What if they killed you?
You were about to go to sleep when the odd sensation returned. On the inside of your hand, large letters appeared. They were foreign to you, being Cybertronian. 
You tried to resist the urge to write something back, but you ended up putting a question mark on your wrist.
Soundwave had realized you were a human when the question mark arrived. He had always wondered why he didn’t have a sparkmate- and now he knew. He had no idea how to feel about it, either. So he went to the one person he could always confide in- Megatron.
“They’re human?” Megatron thought. Soundwave thought Megatron would laugh, but he instead seemed thoughtful. “I didn’t know something like that was possible. If you wish to collect them, I will not stop you.” Megatron patted his oldest friend on the shoulder who only tilted their head.
Megatron noticed their confusion. “This will not leave this room, understand?” Soundwave nodded his head. “I had a sparkmate. It was before the war when I met him in the mines.” Megatron’s face pulled into one of sadness- something he’d only seen once on his leader’s face. “We had spent a few million years together when they became one with the Allspark. Energon deficiency. The senators refused to give us the energon we needed to survive- only enough to keep us running. We tried to save him, but there was nothing anyone could do.” Megatron grabbed his shoulder once again and looked at him in his faceplate. “Your sparkmate is destined to be with you. Don’t let them slip through your digits- human or not. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
Soundwave was shocked by the advice given to him by the warlord. He trusted his advice nonetheless, and began searching for you. He drew on his arm plating, a simple question.
You were at base again when you felt it. You looked down to your wrist to see a name written in English- Soundwave. Your face went pale when you realized just who your sparkmate was. You read all about him and the atrocities he’d committed. You felt your head grow light as you began to sway. 
Bulkhead called out to you when he noticed you walking weirdly. You looked up at him with glossed over eyes and he just barely managed to catch you with a servo before you collapsed.
“Ratchet!” He yelled. Ratchet and the others immediately ran over. As Ratchet looked you over, he noticed the writing on your wrist. His face contorted in fear. 
“What is it, old friend?” Optimus’ deep voice sounded from beside the medic.
Ratchet almost couldn’t get his words out. “Their sparkmate is… Soundwave.”
Concerned looks flashed on everyone’s faces. They knew just how brutal he could be- he was a gladiator before the war after all. “We must have surveillance on them at all times. If Soundwave is contacting them through their bond, it cannot be good.”
When you woke up, they explained everything. You couldn’t help the fear you felt at the idea of someone so terrifying trying to contact you. However, the messages left were oddly… sweet. He would often ask how your day was, or what your favorite color was. When you were at home you would write on yourself- and this went on for months.
You actually began to enjoy talking with the silent mech- just as much as Soundwave. He was actually really funny, but also awkward. He often talked about his son, Laserbeak (and whatever Laserbeak got into that day). 
One day Soundwave asked you the question you’d been expecting for a while. “When can we meet?” 
You bit your lip as you thought of it. You weren’t even sure if you should meet him. Despite everything in your brain telling you not to- that he was just leading you on or he was going to hurt you- you wrote back. “Tonight.”
You went out back to avoid being seen by Bulkhead. You looked back at his vehicle mode from the small hill you climbed up in guilt. You looked back over the hill, and made your decision. 
You walked for a few miles. Your legs felt as if they were on fire. You plopped down onto the ground when you heard it- a quiet whooshing sound. You turned around to see an odd looking jet coming your way.
A Decepticon transformed midway and flipped to the ground, landing on his two pedes. You looked at him, and made eye-visor contact. He was beautiful- from his frame to his purple glowing biolights. He, too, thought you were beautiful.
You both took a step towards each other. Before you could say anything, he scooped you up. You both only looked at each other as he held you close to his visor- and it just clicked. It felt right to be in his hand. 
Before you could stop yourself, you spoke. “I love you, Soundwave.”
Soundwave pressed his faceplate against yours, signaling his love for you too. With that he whisked you away back to the Nemesis. For now, you’d keep your new-found relationship secret from the Autobots- but that would only last for so long.
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aggro-cucco · 1 year
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Whatever the legal driving age is in Haven City, only Sly surpasses it.
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Hello! I would like to request a TFP Ratchet's or Knockout's reaction on their female human reader that wanted to try and drink energon and now she has her insides glowing like very strong blue color and feels very guilty about it. Like her heart glows blue her intestines, lungs etc.😭❤️
Just a dumb lil idea. If you don't like it you don't have to write anything. Feel free <3
TFP Ratchet + TFP Knockout's reaction to their human s/o wanting to try energon
hi!!! thanks for requesting! ❤️ this was fun to write heheh, word of advice to you friend, don't drink energon!!! it does not taste as good as it looks!!! hope this is satisfactory!
Warnings: Emetophobia, small mention of needles
Word count: 1772
TFP Ratchet
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You were perched on Ratchet’s shoulder, watching your significant other as he works on the main computer. He seems so concentrated that you were sure he forgot you were there with him, but you were reassured when every now and then he would glance his optics to you, making sure you weren’t going to slide off him. Ratchet sighs as he picks up the jar of energon sitting off to the side, holding it up to his dermas and takes a swig. For some reason you were intrigued by the glowing blue liquid, wondering what it might taste like, or if it tasted like anything.
“Ratchet, what does energon taste like?” You ask him, watching as he wipes the remaining drops of energon on his dermas off with his arm. He perks up, a questioning look on his faceplates.
“It is most certainly something that you humans cannot digest.” Ratchet says as he places the jar back to where it was on the console, he looks back to you, “But if you insist, it tastes rather sweet. Like what you would call ‘honey’, but not as thick. It was engineered that way to make it more palatable.”
You nod, looking back to the jar. You jump out of your skin when you hear the commlink on the computer going off, but Ratchet reaches a servo to your thighs, stabilising you.
“Ratchet, we require immediate medical attention. Bring your med kit.”
“I’m on my way.” Ratchet answers. He gently picks you up from his shoulder, giving you a quick kiss to your lips as he always does when he is called to duty, “Stay here, I’ll be back soon enough.”
“Alright…” You sigh as he places you down on the catwalk, watching as he opens a ground bridge to Optimus’s coordinates. You’re now left on your own in the base. You look back to the seemingly innocent jar of energon still sitting on the console.
“One little taste can’t hurt, right?”
You were totally wrong, so very wrong. In fact, you were sure that Ratchet would kill you when he sees that your whole entire body is glowing a bright blue colour. You had no idea what the effects of energon were on human body, but now you know, and you regret tipping over the jar and scooping the liquid into your mouth. Also, Ratchet is a total liar, it did not taste like honey.
You panic as you hear the sound of pedes coming through the still open ground bridge. You watch as Ratchet and the rest of team prime enter the base. Ratchets optics are blown wide as he sees your body now glowing, he runs over to you and gently scoops you up in his servo.
“(Y/n)!” Ratchets scans his optics over you, “What’s happened to you?”
You say nothing, shoulders hunched over with arms wrapped around your stomach. Ratchet is extremely concerned, but he shifts his eyes over to the console, energon spilled everywhere. Ratchet gasps as he put two and two together and narrows his optics on you.
“What part of ‘humans cannot digest’ did you not understand, (Y/n)?!” Ratchet is the one panicking now. He rushes you over to the med-bay, sitting you on one of the gurneys he managed to get for human casualties. He pulls out his scanner and runs a diagnostic over your entire body, you groan as he does so, feeling extremely nauseous now. He orders you to stick out your tongue, gasping as he sees it also glowing a bright blue.
“By the all spark,” Ratchet breathes. The others had congregated around the med-bay, also concerned with your current predicament, “Your whole entire body is glowing blue with energon, even your own heart.”
You sit up suddenly, leaning over the gurney and throwing up the glowing contents of your stomach on the concrete floor. The other members of team prime cringed as you did so, but Ratchet kneeled next to you, rubbing your back softly.
“Ratchet…” You groan, spitting out the remaining drops of energon still sitting in your mouth, “I’m sorry… I was just curious… I didn’t think it would be that bad.”
“(Y/n), I told you.” Ratchet rubs his optics with his free servo, “Energon is toxic when exposed to humans in large quantities, you’re lucky to be alive right now. Fortunately, it seems that you have just… expelled most if not all the energon remaining in your stomach.”
You look up at him with glowing iris’s, “Does that mean I’ll be ok?”
Ratchet hums as he nods his helm, still heavily concerned for his human conjunx, “Hopefully, but you are not leaving this med bay nor leaving my sight until the rest of the energon wears off.”
You give him a half laugh, body still shaking from being nauseous, “Hah, not the best date night I’ve had in mind.”
Ratchet rolls his optics, scoffing, but then gives you a playful smile and leans down to kiss your head, “There will be no more ‘date nights’ for you if you ever try to drink energon again.”
TFP Knockout
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Life can get pretty exciting being the so called ‘human pet’ of Knockout, the nickname being given to you by the other Decepticons. You didn’t mind though as Knockout was prepared to turn them into his next experiment if they ever decide to put their servos on you, just another benefit of being his conjunx.
One downside, however, is your exposure to tons and tons of substances on the Decepticon war ship that are toxic to your squishy body. Knockout tries his best to keep them out of your reach so you don’t accidentally come into contact with them, but there’s one that he can’t hide that is in constant use on the Nemesis.
Energon, as they call it. To you it looks like it could be candy, or a blue raspberry cocktail. But Knockout strongly advised you not to touch it for good reasons, it will probably kill you.
But here you are, in Knockout’s medical unit, purposely going against his orders. You managed to drag one of the large energon cubes over onto his large desk, attempting to pry it open. With much difficulty, the lid popped giving you access to a motherload of energon at your fingertips. You were lucky that Knockout was out on battlefield duty, or he would absolutely flip is shit.
Hesitantly, you cup some of the energon into your hands and bring it up to your lips. It feels like little shocks of electricity on your skin and tongue as it glides down your throat. You shiver as you swallow, definitely not a cocktail. The rest of the energon falls from your hands onto the desk as you feel yourself become queasy, your body’s attempt to advise you on what you just did was a terrible idea. You dropped to the floor as you become unconscious.
“Tsk, those Autobots.” Knockout clicks his glossa as he returns to the Nemesis, scratches on his red frame leaking with energon, “That was the last time they will get the opportunity to ruin my paint job.”
He rushes through the long corridors of the ship, eager to return to his beloved human and to get some energon into him. He had never thought that he would ever be romantically invested in a human, but after he captured you for interfering with Decepticon affairs, you had grown on him. It was a surprise to him when one day you confessed to him, and even more of a surprise when he accepted you as his human conjunx.
He arrives to his medical unit, optics glancing around for any spare energon cubes. He successfully finds one, but its open. He quirks his optical ridges, “That’s weird, I never left that there.”
Knockout walks up to the cube and picks it up, he shrugs his frame and downs the whole thing. But does a spit-take when he sees you unconscious on the table, skin glowing a bright blue. His red optics wide as drops the empty cube from his servos, shattering on the floor.
“(Y/n)?!” Knockout exclaims, scooping you up in his servos, “Sweetspark?”
He sighs in relief when he hears a groan escape from you, knowing that you’re not dead. You squint your eyes and place a hand on your throbbing head, but you gasp as you noticed your entire arm is glowing blue, “Knockout?”
“You drank energon, didn’t you?” Knockout narrows his optics on your body, scanning you with his optics looking for any signs of internal damage. He notices that your intestines are glowing bright blue, confirming his suspicions, “I told you specifically not to touch it! That stuff is highly poisonous for you little squishy’s!”
You groan, flopping onto your back in his servo, “I’m sorry, OK? I couldn’t help myself.”
“For Primus sake, it’s a wonder how you humans manage to survive at all.” Knockout rolls his optics, he places you back onto the table, “You’re lucky that I love you enough to have already made a cure for this.”
Knockout pulls out a syringe from one of his storage compartments under the desk, it’s filled with a black liquid. Your glowing eyes shoot open as you realise that he might jab you.
“Calm down, babe.” He shakes his helm, softly chuckling at your reaction, “There’s nothing sharp attached to it, it’s a mixture of ingredients designed to absorb and neutralise any toxic substances in your stomach. Learned it from you humans, activated charcoal.”
“You want me to drink that?” You questioned him, weakly lifting your head from the table. Knockout rolls his optics again for what feels like the hundredth time that day.
“You drank the energon,” Knockout scoops you up, pressing the tube of liquid to your lips, “What makes you think you can’t drink this?”
You try not to gag as he forces the liquid down your throat, but you drink all of it, trusting him. You shutter at the taste, somehow it was even worse than the energon, “There, happy? I drank your stupid charcoal.”
Knockout nods his helm in satisfaction, “Good, let this be a reminder to never drink energon again, hm?”
You nod your head in agreement, giving him a weak thumbs up, “Don’t have to worry about that ever again, Doc.”
Knockout huffs, then gives you a gentle kiss on your head, “Although, it is rather amusing that the energon makes your whole body turn blue.”
“I may have to conduct some experimenting on you later.” He continues, giving you a wink.
“Don’t even think about it!”
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astrohive · 9 months
Just because I feel like this fandom needs some predaking fluff:
Tfp predaking x human reader where predaking for some reason has to seek refuge of just stay with the autobots for a little while and due to some accident while ratchet was working on holoform technology he accidentally becomes tiny in the size of a kitten. The reader has the tendency to categorize every lifeform to dog and not dog and loves cuddling,petting predaking even when he was huge.
His reaction when one day he gets all dirty and the reader decides to give him princess treatment,in their lap filled with warm towels, nice music or movie ,gently brushing every scale and polishing him while lovingly petting him and kissing his head.
Predaking is 100% held like a cat in a villains lap in one of those movies just because the reader likes the dramatic effect(they also stole a spinning chair from agent fowler's office)
If its cold outside he is definitely used as a replacement for an electric blanket.
The reader has such a great bond with predaking to the point where one day when they cant find a torch for a big project they just grab predaking like a flame trower and they go like "Eh,this will do".(Or using him for anything cooking related)
One day the reader was rambling to predaking about how school makes them depressed and anxious and how teachers make them feel awful about themeselves.Next day at school they open their bag and find predaking inside.The reader calls ratchet bcs they dont know what to do who also panicks bcs they have been trying so hard to keep a low profile only to be exposed like this.Eventually he will come by himself to pick him up but by then you have to keep a fat cat sized metal alien dragon from trying to burn half of your teachers to the ground for making you depressed.(the reader is anxious the whole time but deep down they have a warm feeling bcs someone is caring for them)
Predaking has been secretly messing with Ratchet's work so he will stay tiny.Ratchet just catches one day a cat sized predaking munching all his equipment and just hunting him with a wrench through the base to keep him away being like "Bad predaking,I needed that!!!"
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Hi there! I absolutely love reading your head cannons abt bumblebees relationship with Optimus it’s too cute!!! So I was wondering if you could write abt what happened after bumblebee lost his voice box? Because as much as I like teeth rotting fluff I like souls crushing angst even more
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Bumblebee was raised during war, there was no avoiding it. He was meant to be a solider the moment Optimus took him under his wing. It was the way of things, no matter how much the Prime wished it were not. As such when Bumblebee completed his training with acclaim from all of his teachers and requested to be transferred to the front lines, there was little Optimus could do.
Optimus: Bumblebee, the front lines are nothing like Autobot territory. Dangerous and high ranking Decepticons are far more common. You could be killed.
Bumblebee: I understand, but I still want to go. You and all the other Autobots have put your lives on the line for the sake of our freedom. It is only right I do the same.
The fear for his ward was ever present, but Bumblebee excelled on the battlefield. The information he collected and the kills he made were crucial to the success of many a mission. While he was still very young and new to the art of war, he was a natural forged warrior. Optimus hated that his sparkling had to fight, but he was proud, and with time, the fear eased. Jazz was assigned to look over Bumblebee, and in turn Optimus trusted that all would be well. Bumblebee was wise for his age and knew better than to throw his life into harms way without reason.
Optimus should have known better than to think his sparkling would not take after him.
It was a gloomy cycle at Tyger Pax. Optimus was with his unit far to the north, fending off a wave of Decepticon ground troops even as he desperately attempted to move back inland to face his foe before serious damage could be done. But no matter how much he struggled, it seemed as though every force on Cybertron was standing in his way. As such he was unable to move with any swiftness and merely slaughter with wrath known only to deities when he sensed Bumblebee all but shatter.
By the time he arrived at the scene, Bumblebee had already been carted off to base for emergency surgery and Megatron was nowhere to be seen. Optimus could not even exact vengeance on the behalf of his sparkling as he was given a report of what exactly happened and promptly hurried back to Autobot headquarters so that he could be there for his sparkling if and when Bumblebee got out of surgery. Whatever the case Optimus would be there for his sparkling, be it in life or in death. That was his promise, one that he lamented due to his failure to protect that which he held dear while he paced out in the waiting room.
Thankfully, Bumblebee was stabilized, but the loss of his voice was devastating to him. There was no time for Optimus to begrudge his failures as he held his sparkling close, singing to him and wiping away a river of coolant leaking from his optics. Bumblebee could not cry, he could not scream, he could not speak nor could he sing. Bumblebee was silent, and somehow holding his sobbing sparkling and not even being able to hear his cries hurt more than seeing the scars that adored Bee's neck. Many a long cycle was spent with Optimus remaining right by his dear ward's side as Bumblebee thrashed in his recharge cycles, silently screaming as a foe long gone once again took away his vocalizer. All Optimus could do in those instances was cradle his singular charge as if he were still small and hum a gentle tune, reminding Bee that he was there.
After Bumblebee was released from the medical ward, things were not much better for him. His faux vocalizer hurt him every time he used it. The vibrations and the sound made Bumblebee's wounds ache and often he found it unsettling to hear himself speak in binary tone. The constant trips to Ratchet to have his vocalizer adjusted were also frightening, so much so that Optimus had to be there each time to hold his servo as Ratchet poked and prodded, trying to make the faux vocalizer as comfortable as possible. Bumblebee often could not go a whole recharge cycle without his Sire there with him, a fact that brought him no end of shame. Optimus for his part could only suffer in silence, cursing himself for his failures as he held his dear one to his chest, doing his best to soothe wounds he could not heal.
Teaching Bumblebee to use sign language was one of the most spark wrenching experiences for many reasons. However it was largely due to the fact that Bumblebee often grew angry with himself and Optimus could do little to help. Trying to teach him made Bumblebee feel weak, and usually that emotion led Bee to lash out. At least once a deca-cycle, Bee would tell Optimus through his vocalizer or through writing to frag off and stop treating him like a sparkling. It hurt, it burned even, but Optimus was persistent and his efforts always led his ward to return to him in the end with an apology. One small blessing that came from Bee's situation was the time Optimus was able to gain with him. Bumblebee only tolerated Optimus and Ratchet touching his faux vocalizer and his scarred face. As such, when he really wanted comfort, only Optimus or Ratchet were allowed to run their digits over his scars and whisper sweet nothings.
For Optimus is became habit to go somewhere private after a mission and touch every scar on his sparkling's face, a reminder of failure, but also a declaration of adoration. To Bumblebee, such a touch reminded him that he was safe, that digits that hurt so many others would never so much as scratch him. To Optimus it was a memorial of his failures, but also a chance to lessen the ache with careful attention and love. Many nightmares, many long cycles of painful emotional outbursts, and plenty of quiet moments alone in the dark took their toll. With time, Bumblebee learned to use his faux vocalizer and no longer came to Optimus as often in terror of that which could stalk the night. With time, Optimus no longer feared his sparkling would be taken from him at every moment, nor did he continually lament his failure as a Sire.
They healed, they moved on, but scars lingered. Sometimes Bee still came to Optimus in the dead of night, his optics wide and pleading. In those instances he stayed with his Sire as he recharged, regardless of who might be watching. Sometimes Bee needed to be reminded of his worth, and those were the times when Optimus touched his scarred face and uttered all kinds of gentle affirmations. Sometimes... Bumblebee did not want to speak and hear his binary voice. On those cycles, Optimus was always there to work him through the motions, helping him through every task until he could at last rest and be comforted.
The scars lingered, but it was not the end. They were there to comfort and care for one another, even without words.
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kairukitsuneo · 7 months
If the requests are still open I request ratchet getting a hug from Wheelkack and Drift (or one of them) he is best wife and deserves the love
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Ratchet really deserves all the loves 😭😭😭💔💕💕💕 Drift will be there to hold Ratchet when he's upset 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Thank you for your support! 🙏🙇💕
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hx4x4enthusiast · 3 months
Papa Prime Headcanons 2
After a tough mission or when Bumblebee gets backlashes from particular disturbing events of the war, Optimus will tell him old stories. And he extend his ERM field to further comfort Bee and only leaves once Bee is in full power down. That is also one of the few moments that Optimus fully relaxes and let's his emotions out.
Whenever Arcee starts to pull back from everyone and her past regrets come back Optimus spaars with her or just silently drives next to her on patrol. He just let's her vent without giving advice if she doesn't ask for it.
After Smokescreens arrival he and Optimus had a long talk about Alpha Trion and Cybertron in its war days. At the end Smokescreen broke down and Optimus hugged him and wrapped him up in his ERM field until he calmed down again.
Knockout and Optimus once got trapped in a mine collaps due to stray blaster fire. Instead of facing of against each other, Optimus witnessed Knockout curled to a ball in a corner hyperventilating. He slowly got closer and gently extended his ERM field to calm Knockout down. He talked to him in hushed tones until they where freed. Knockout never forgot that day and after he joined the autobots he thanked Optimus, who just regarded him with the same gentle smile he held all those years ago on that same day.
Optimus has in his cabin a photo of the entire team that miko took, raf edited and jack printed out to robot size. It is his most treasured possession and his good luck charm. So whenever he feels unsure or doubt he touches his chassis to remind himself who he is fighting for. The team doesn't know that and think he touches his chassis because the matrix lies there.
June once witnessed Optimus reprimanding the children for putting themselves in danger yet again. As she leaned back she commented more to herself. "He is such a dad." To which Ratchet answered. "Oh you have no idea". The entire team except for the children and Optimus himself realized that, Optimus sees the children as his own sparklings. And noone is gonna mentioned it. Mostly because there is an ongoing betting pool for when Optimus is going to realize that his sire protocols are running.
~Hi apparently you all liked the first part I made of this so here is another one. Do let me know if you want more of this, Scenarios, Headcanons with the kids, the bots both just TFP or other contuienies.~
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stinger-shot · 8 months
🧡TFP Ratchet SFW alphabet🧡
TFP Ratchet SFW alphabet.(This is my first time doing this, don't judge)
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A = Affection (How affectionate they are)
- Ratchet doesn't really show affection alot, the only things you'll get in public are a small peck on the cheek or a normal kiss. (Maybe even a small nuzzle?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
- Ratchet would be less grumpy with you and a little bit more open, not alot just a little..
C = Cuddles
- After a loooong and stressful day, expect some Cuddles, which is alot... even if he doesn't cuddle after a long day you'll still get some in berth.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- Well if Cybertronians needed to eat, he'd be Gordon Ramsey, so your getting 5 star meals every night babyyyyy~
- Ratchets a clean freak, even though his work space can get messy he always needs to clean it up afterwards.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- If you broke up with him first, he'd respect your wishes and wish you luck and give you a hug even though he would be upset.
- If he broke up with you first.. let's just say, he ain't talkn after-
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment?)
- Terrified but up for it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Oh he's very gentle, he wouldn't hurt you in the slightest, even emotionally he tries his best not to hurt your feelings. Even if he is grumpy-
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it?)
- He likes especially after a stressful moment or day.
- He likes them often unless it interrupts his work.
I = I love you (How do they say I love you?)
- "I love you y/n... you've made me the happiest mech in the world."
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get?)
- Oh he gets very jealous-
- If he does get jealous he just scoffs alot and holds his tounge and goes into a mood about it.
K = Kisses
- If your upset he'll give you a few pecks and maybe some butterfly kisses.
- If its just a normal kiss, just a nice passionate kiss on the lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- It depends, if the kids being a brat he'll ignore them.
- but if the kids a sweetheart he'll maybe have a conversation.
M = Morning- SLEEPY CUDDLES!!!
N = Night
- He reads books before sleeping, makes him feel tired enough to go sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
- He's not open about himself, unless he's very very VERY upset about somthing.
- Or that one time he did dru- I MEAN- synth-N
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- I think you know
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
- He remembers everything but does slip up once and a while.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- First kiss or the first time he saw you.
S = Security (How protective are they?)
- He's very protective of you, but not that protective.
- Like if you got a paper cut he'd just shrug and walk away. (Not in a rude way tho)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- Remember he cook like Gordon Ramsey *wink wink*
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- His grumpiness.
- Feel free to glare at him everytime he scoffs!!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- He doesn't care really, he's old, he doesn't care about that stuff anymore.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- Yeah, pretty mutch..
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- He's tried pepto bismol once.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
- honestly I don't know
- if your annoying ig? Just try not piss him off-
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- He has a whole routine..
- he goes for a shower, reads a book, gets cuddley with you, then he's asleep.
- He snores and sleep talks in his sleep somtimes, so yea-
(This was my first time at this so yea! Hope you enjoyed!)
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could i have some romantic tfa ratchet and optimus x gender neutral reader hcs? just,,, cute couple things they do in their downtime and affection hcs. thank you <3
G/N Reader they could be a Cybertronian or Human.
-When he is bored or tired he would see you walked into his medic room as you greet him with a kiss
-You and him were the opposite couple
-He would complain about something that humans cultures do while you laugh it off
-He would like to hold you close to him like in a protective way
-You would cuddle this old man (bot) for an hour when he is depressed
-You are a therapist you would comfort him or give him advice to heal his depression and traumas.He been through wars when he is a young bot.
-He secretly likes to dance so you always dance with him holding him in his servos and back strut.
-He adores you when you talk about your interest he will stare at you instead of listening
-Kissing his kissable looking lips are smooth and soft like you can't even resist his lips!
-You would stare at him smiling as you would be squeal when he smiled so cute.
-He have traumas so you would always walk up to him and hug him
-He is scared of spiders he would run up to you and hide behind you
-He loves to make Sentinel jealous when he is with you. He would smirked at him that his Ex-Bestie is forever single.
-He stammers when you kiss him or make a poetic words you said to him.
-You would love to fight the Decepticons with him. He would be worried or protective when you attacked the Decepticons.
-He would hold you when you need to be picked up or protect from debris or Decepticon
-Infodumps and make heroic lines everytimes that he even likes being a hero you would spaced out staring at him in admiration for hours
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bots-and-cons · 1 month
Hello there. This isn't my first time requesting, but it is my first time requesting to you. I read your rules carefully, if I somehow still managed to get it wrong, let me know. There is human baby that is very affectionate. They are always excited to see the Autobots and always giving them a kiss on the cheek or hugging them everytime their feeling down (Platonic). Ratchet and Arcee, please and thank you.
A/N: I wrote this with the reader having a baby/toddler, that they bring to the base occasionally, so the reader is the parent in this case. I didn’t really know how else to write this. There's also this post, this post, and this post about a similar topic
•When you first brought your baby to the base they were just a few weeks old, so they’ve basically been around the autobots since they were very, very young
•Arcee ended up being the baby’s favorite autobot, and she became very attached to the baby too
•It’s not like you can leave the baby alone with the bots for like the first year, at least not for longer periods of time
•A big part of that is that the autobots are all so big, and might have a hard time holding and handling the baby
•Arcee is smaller than any of the others so she has an easier time handling small creatures, such as a baby or a toddler
•Arcee thinks it’s very interesting to watch your kid grow, and she also finds it very hopeful, like how a creature as weak and fragile such as a baby, can grow into someone so resilient and strong as you
•The kid comes to think of Arcee as a part of the family, and she’s their favorite babysitter
•You’re good friends with Arcee as well, so you spend a lot of time together, and your kid of course is there too
•The kid loves to hug Arcee and be held by her, and Arcee loves holding them and keeping them safe
•Ratchet isn’t exactly ecstatic about a baby at the base, because he feels like a baby might disturb his work
•As if that doesn’t happen with the team and the kids too, but surely a baby would be too much
•But when he meets your baby for the first time, it’s an absolutely awe-inspiring moment
•Ratchet has never seen a real baby before, and they’re so tiny and fragile and… adorable?
•Sure the baby sometimes makes some unwanted noise, but in general, they’re a pretty calm and happy baby
•Ratchet looks after your baby when you’re busy with work/studies, so you can work freely
•You’re still at the base when you work, and he comes get you when he doesn’t know what to do with the baby or when they need something
•Ratchet grows very attached to the baby, and he does his absolute best to keep them safe and happy
•In a weird way, the baby also does the same for Ratchet, they give him hope about a better tomorrow
•Ratchet is like family to you and your kid, and you all take care of each other, the baby too, even if it’s more on an emotional level with them
•Sometimes Ratchet just holds the baby while he works, because he wants to be absolutely sure they’re safe
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Transformers Prime/TFP Autobots as sparklings💕
A/N: Welp, I was bored. GIFs do not belong to me, the credits go to the original creators (Some were found on google). My work was kinda inspired by @naida-nikarai and lastly, I hope they don't seem OOC😭.
Link to Decepticon Version;
Warnings: Light injuries and Fluff.
Optimus Prime: An adorable obedient little angel, he's a very sweet and kind sparkling for his age. He gets really happy when he receives any type of affection from you, you can even see his optics light up. In return, he willingly helps you, if you are in dire need of assistance. Optimus can be a playful sparkling as well, so when you have free time, you both would play games together and have fun, you two would end up sleeping together, tried yet, happy from the time you both had together.
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Ultra Magnus: Now despite his age, he's a very quiet and stern sparkling. Who tends to isolate himself from other sparklings. But when it comes to you, he's curious about what you do. So please be a good example to him. Just like Optimus, He feels warm whenever you show him affection, even if he's not expressing it freely. Ultra Magnus will show it through his actions, by asking you that if you need any help he's there, just like Prime.
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Ratchet: He's a sparkling who is mostly the type to want things to be his way, if others disagree he'll start a tantrum or scream at them rudely. Not only that, Ratchet can be stubborn sparkling when he's doing something and he needs your help or assistance, for sure he will hide that he needs your guidance. But Ratchet would let out small huffs when he sees you having injuries on you. Warning you to be more careful when he gently helps you apply medicine.
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Bulkhead: A big crybaby, just because he looks tough, Bulkhead is sensitive and shy. He's a sparkling who wants to make new friends but is too scared to talk, so he goes back to you, needing comfort and reassurance. Please don't be harsh and strict towards him. He can't help but be joyful when you give him any type of affection, especially if you guys cuddle together. Give him a small smooch he'll cling onto you more, being more than happy.
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Arcee: A very silent and distant sparkling. To the point that you won't know what's going on in her mind, what she wants, etc. Though she can be a handful to deal with when Arcee is angry, she tends to scream and be disrespectful. Be patient with her alright? Give her time to just let herself be alone and talk to her when she feels better and calm. When she receives affection and care from you, Arcee becomes shy. You can even see a small tint of blue Energon on her face when you do so.
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Wheeljack: He's a troublemaker, so make sure to watch him properly for Wheeljack to be safe. He's going to be caught by you, doing silly and reckless shenanigans he's not supposed to do. More importantly, hide away any materials that can cause potential threats. For sure he'll try to do something funny that will hurt him by accident. It's hard to put him into stasis, Wheeljack's a sparkling that's energetic and bold, and mostly he has a liking to staying up late at night. He doesn't mind affection or hugs from you, but he'll get annoyed if you smother him though.
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Bumblebee: Is a sparkling that is talkative. He'll express himself by happily letting out buzzes and beeps. He is curious and sparkling as well about the world around him. Just like Bulkhead he can be sensitive, he'll cry out in fear if there is something that he finds scary. So please comfort him and calm him down, let him know that you're there for him no matter what. Bumblebee's the type to adore and love you, he sees you as somebody he wants to be so, expect the young sparkling to look up to you a lot. He loves affection, like Bulkhead he enjoys most of it especially if it's cuddles.
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Smokescreen: Oh my Primus, he's going to be a Responsibility to deal with. Smokescreen is a very energetic and hyper sparkling that you can get tired and exhausted from him. Like Wheeljack, he can be a troublemaker too. So be sure that he does not do something risky. But he does cry if you don't listen or pay attention to him, which is something that he needs. You can calm him down by swaying him in your arms securely while singing a sweet lullaby. Slowly he'll begin to fall asleep in your arms, due to you being so gentle and kind.
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Cliffjumper: Such a friendly and playful sparkling. When he sees other sparklings he'll talk to them as if they are already his friends. And it would attract others to play with him. Because of how sweet and extraverted he is. Though he's not the best when it comes to listening to you, when his attention is on you, it can be short. But he tries hard. He's a tough one so you don't see him cry often. You only see him cry is when you leave him to fall into stasis. He wants you to snuggle him to sleep. It makes him feel protected and safe and he enjoys the feeling of himself being taller than you.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hello! I saw you were taking requests and I was wondering if you could write a fic or a small prompt in T.F.P. where the human!reader is new to the team and is very outgoing and flirty but shy around her curhses and she becomes friends with her teammates as an agent herself? Maybe O.P. becomes smitten after a while with her? Hmmm? And everyone just notices and teases them about being a couple when they aren't, but they're both in denial and drunk shenanigans ensue with the reader being drunk and flirty towards him and teasing him? ^^ You can always add anything new of course! I got this idea when reading fluff and the song "Moves Like Jagger" kind of reminded me of the potential dynamic? Especially, the- "Take me by the tongue And I'll know you Kiss til you're drunk And I'll show you"
TFP Optimus Prime X Flirty! Reader
Mentions of Drinking Alcohol! 
Hope this is okay lol
Fowler had brought you into the fold simply out of desperation- the poor man just wanted to take a vacation and all of the paperwork prevented him from doing so. He knew that while you weren’t always professional, you were the best damn agent they had.
When you were introduced to the bots, the first thing you said to Optimus was “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” while winking.
Agent Fowler immediately face palmed. 
You became quick friends with pretty much all of the bots. Arcee because of your war stories, Bulkhead because you always had time for his ‘stupid’ questions, Ratchet because of your aptitude for Cybertronian medicine, and Bumblebee because you were just generally friendly. Optimus was hard to make friends with at first because of his reserved personality, but you both discovered your shared love for reading.  
You and Optimus often read books at the same time and talked about them- like a book club, but just for the two of you. For someone who takes almost nothing seriously, you are very intelligent. He sees why you are one of the best agents.
While they all became friends quickly, that didn’t mean they supported your flirting. You would often flirt to ease an awkward silence, or lighten the dark mood that so often sets on the base. 
There was a great victory against the Decepticons- a mine was taken right from under their noses which led to a lot being added to their reserves. Some of the energon was of a higher concentration- to which you learned was called high grade. 
Optimus noticed that the morale in the base was low, despite getting a great win against their foes. This led you to suggest a party. So a party he had. All of the kids were sent home early, and you drove with Bumblebee to pick up vodka and some mini-shot bottle shots. 
Once you got back to the base, you all began the party. Somehow, you managed to get the normally serious Prime to have a drinking challenge with you. So there you were: chugging down straight vodka while Optimus chugged an energon cube. The other bots (with Ratchet being the loudest somehow) began cheering. You beat Optimus much to everyone’s surprise. They didn’t think a small thing like you could beat them in any drinking game.
Once the excitement of the drinking game calmed down, everyone but you and Optimus went to bed. 
You both sat across from each other talking about your pasts. What you did before you came to be at the base and all that.
“You used to be an archivist? Like a librarian?” A grin pulled onto your face. "Can I get a reference number?” Optimus blinked a confused look. “So I can, y’know, check you out?” You slurred.
A loud bark of a laugh came from the Prime. “Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d never be a free person.”
You nearly spit up your vodka with laughter. “Didn’t know you could flirt, Op!"
An uncharacteristic smirk came across his face as he made his way over to you. He leaned down near your ear, and whispered “There’s a lot I can do.” 
You couldn't help the huge blush that covered your face as you suddenly got shy. "Better cool it before I have to kiss you!" You tried to maintain your cool persona, but when he leaned in and grabbed your chin you just melted into a flustered mess.
In the morning, Ratchet had the worst hangover. He grumbled as he made his way into the medbay, only to freeze. There you and Optimus were. Optimus was laying up against the wall at an angle while you laid on his chest snoring away. 
Ratchet couldn’t help the small smile that wormed onto his face as he left the room, shutting the lights off behind him.
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