#Red Lantern Razer
melodystone57 · 9 months
Chapter 3: Razers Edge
Razer sat in the holding cell in silence, repeatedly watching the recent planet he helped destroy. Kilowog wanted to interagate him first and honestly, I didn't have it in me to object. We all walked over to the cell but Hal and I stayed behind.
"You like looking at that stuff, Poozer? You proud of what you did?" Razer didn't even acknowledge him. It was like talking to a wall.
"How many of you Red Lanterns are out there? And why are you hunting Green Lanterns?" Getting the same response as before, Kilowog walked into the cell, grabbed Razer by his shirt, and pushed him into the wall behind them.
" Answer me!"
"Easy there, Kilowog! This thing's a rental, remember?" Hal intervened pushing Razer back down to his spot, to pull Kilowog away into another room entirely. I stayed behind to try and reason with Razer.
" The Red Lanterns abandoned you, Razer. They left you for dead." I walked into the cell and sat next to him," I think that calls for a little payback, don't you? Help us, please. I know there's good in you. Tell us what you know. " Looking deep into his eyes, I could see that he was confused and lost, but most of all hurt.
"I do hate the Red Lanterns for what they've made me. But that doesn't mean I stopped hating Green Lanterns. It just means I have more people to hate." He said looking away from me and back at the projection. I understood that he wouldn't help us in the way we hoped. Standing up from my seat I walked over towards the control panel and turned on the barrier field to the cell. Looking back I sighed in disappointment, I wanted to help him but there wasn't much I could do. I continued walking to the cockpit and into the meeting between the guardians and the rest of the crew.
"Hal Jordan stole the Interceptor. And you wish to reward him by giving him command of it?" Apa exclaimed looking at Ganthet as if he grew three heads.
"Appa, we have no choice. They are our only line of defense on the Frontier. Besides, at that distance, there's very little we can do to punish Jordan, anyway."
"All in favor of letting Hal Jordan and the rest of his crew operate the interceptor?" 13 out of 25 raised their hands. "All those opposed?" 12 other hands raised as the 13 went down.
"Then, we are of one mind. The crew of the Interceptor is tasked with gathering intelligence on the Red Lantern threat and taking reasonable action to slow their advance." Ganthet Annoced.
"We may be of one mind, but only on the protest. Now. What is the status of the Red Lantern's ring?" Apa asked
" Safe. In a stasis box." I replied walking to my seat in front of the Navigation panel.
"Yeah, the ring doesn't take that much room. Unfortunately, Razer does. What do you suggest we do with him?" Hal questioned looking at Razer and then back at Apa.
" Even you know your duty, Hal Jordan. He must be imprisoned."
"Fools!" was said loudly within the science cell. Someone wasn't happy with the new arrangement or procedure.
" For what I have done, they should execute me." Razer spat out violently.
"I do not understand your desire for self-destruction. If one regrets one's actions, one should find a way to make restitution." Aya tried to reason looking at him through an artificial orb that was stationed at the door.
" I'm not about to debate this with a computer!"
" Any orders?" I asked, looking at Hal.
"Yeah, find me a prison. It's not like we can just drop Razer off on a handy Lantern science. Frontier Lanterns use privatized penitentiaries."
" I can compile all the detailed places" Aya tried but was interrupted by Hal
"That won't be necessary, Aya. Just something nearby."
"But nothing too nice," said Kilowog with a scowl on his face. This was not gonna be an easy ride.
"Wow, she took you at your word about the "nothing too nice" thing," I said walking out of the interceptor first and taking a look at my surroundings. The walls were made up of a solid brown rock. But looked to have had holes drilled into it manually. There were giant cobwebs littered everywhere. The room itself was cold and repulsive.
"It ain't that bad" Kilowog defended himself
" Are you kidding? This place gives me the creeps. It's like fear radiates from the walls. It's a dark, dank, repulsive hall full of...." Hal trailed on walking forwards but not truly paying attention/
Looking straight at the corridor in front of us, I noticed three black masses coming towards us. It didn't take long to see 8 legs moving in synchronized movement.
"Spiders!" I yelled out backing away a little.
" I was gonna say "rats", but Oh" he stopped and looked where I was looking and saw that I was correct. Three giant black spiders with spears were coming towards us.
"Well, well Green Lanterns! It's been a long time since we hosted a prisoner for our esteemed colleagues in justice." The middle one announced, walking towards Hal. the more he walked towards us the more is scotched closer to Kilowog.
"I take it you're the warden?" Hal Asked.
"I am Myglom. I operate this prison on behalf of the Spider Guild. Aah, it appears you have something for me. " He looked towards the Razer in the shackles that Kilowog conjured.
"This piece of work is Razer. We have documented evidence of his crimes against sentient beings"
"Oh, I'm quite confident he's guilty. No one has ever escaped from this facility. I'm very proud of that But I'm even more proud of our rehabilitation program. You'll find that nearly 100% of our former guests never returned to a life of crime." He praised looking at me, deep in my eyes.
"Well, I'm sold! Myglom, we hereby officially remand custody of Razer to your care." He pulled Razer towards the guards. Letting the shackles disappear the spiders on the side of Myglom grabbed him and took him towards his new cell. Razer looked back and straight towards me. I was filled with regret not because I had to do this. But because I wasn't able to help him and get him to talk.
"That's one Red Lantern down, more where that came from," Kilowog said as he walked back onto the ship.
Once we left the prison we all went to the cockpit to start our search for a new red lantern.
" I don't know about you, but I'm gonna sleep a whole lot easier knowing that guy ain't on board. Now we can get back to nailing those Red'" A flash of black moved across the window fast in front of Kilowog. "Lanterns. Did you see that?"
"What? Out the window? In space?" Hal replied looking at him confused and going back to his task.
"There! Right there! Right, where?" Kilowog got up so face his chair fell and rushed to where the black thing was looking for it again. "I am not crazy! I saw something there!"
" What is up with you?" I asked Kilowog concerned when the black mass fell on the window scaring all of us.
We all rushed out of the ship towards the window looking for the mass.
"Fan out. Our hitchhiker's hiding somewhere." I ordered. I flew towards the engine and used my ring as a scanner for any foreign objects. He flew past me towards Kilowog following it I bumped into Kilowog and Hal bumped into me shortly after.
"Will you stay out of my way?" Kilowog yelled looking between Hal and I.
"We're going about this all wrong! Whatever it is, it's intelligent. It's watching us and staying one step ahead." I yelled out.
"Why are you yelling at me?"
"To cause a distraction, so we can do this!" both me and Hal grabbed the thing only for it to wrap itself around Hal's arm. Both Kilowog and I tried pulling it off, but it just screamed in pain. Giving up on that plan I created a box around his arm trapping it in there, but making sure Hal could get his arm out. Once it was secure I took a good look at it and noticed it looked like a purple starfish. I had one eye and one long tooth hanging out. I brought it inside and set it in the science cell that once housed Razer.
"OK, squid, start talking. Kilowog here loves seafood and has a big appetite." Hal Started looking straight at our prisoner.
"What?" Kilowog said looking at Hal and then at me for an explanation
"It's an old interrogation method from Earth. Good cop, hungry cop." I started kneeling on the floor to get a better look at the starfish.
"Goggan will not go back! Cannot go back! Destroy me, but do not take me back to the grim rock! To live all days like my worst!" the prisoner yelled out.
"Great ugly and nuts!" Kilowog deadpanned
"You escaped from the Spider Guild's prison," I asked standing back up.
"Yes with this!" He pointed to his tooth, "Goggan tunneled twelve years! Me sane, sane! Goggan rid the airshaft. Then you! Still sane"
"You shouldn't have bothered, nut job! Cause you're just going right back to prison, where you belong!" Kilowg exclaimed stepping closer to Goggan mencingly.
"No Please, no! Mercy! Not back to Nightmare Rock! Goggan lives his pain there. Torture Goggan is a child there, and old. The worst of fates! Again and again" Both me and Hal looked at each other in understanding and towards Kilowog.
"What? The escaped con would say anything to stay out of prison!" Kilowog Defended with his arms crossed.
"And if he's telling the truth?" I asked putting one hand on my hip and cocking it to the side,
"Razer's worse than a criminal. If the spiders wanna torture him, let 'em!"
"It's our job, our duty to serve and protect. Even if they're criminals." I responded staring dead into his eyes with my white ones.
"Intriguing! The criminals must be punished. Surely prisoners deserve their fate." Aya asked after overhearing our conversation.
"They deserve justice, which sometimes involves punishment. But not torture." I replied as I kept staring at Kilowog.
"Look We've got to take this back, anyway, so We'll have a look around" Hal interrupted making me look at him in agreement.
"OK." Kilowog gave up "But even if there is something wrong with the prison, it's not like Myglom's gonna let us see it! They'll clean up their act as soon as they see us coming!" that's when I finally understood what Hal meant.
"That's why they're not going to see us coming," I said smirking.
"Please, don't say it"
"We're going to break into prison." Hal finished before I could. We walked back into the cock pit and started our route back to "Nightmare Rock". Once we landed in a secluded and hidden spot, we all walked to the elevator that leads to the ramp.
" It's worse than death! Infinity upon infinity You mustn't go!" Goggan tried to warn us.
"Don't worry, Goggan, just taking a quick look around. Dinner's in two hours. If we're not back, start without us, because we're probably dead." Hal joked back at him. He looked towards me.
" Rory it might be best to stay here and guard Goggan."
" But you'll need my help more."
" And you afraid of Spiders." I paused in thought and realized I wasn't much help with my fear. I complied and stayed with Goggan.
"They're dead by now. We must leave, leave before we're found!" Goggan exclaimed as he paced in his cell
"No, there is not, they are perfectly fine. We will continue to wait." I responded
" The one said he'd be back before dinner, two hours ago! Dinner time has passed. Dead!"
" There is a high probability that Hal was attempting to be humorous," I said getting up from my seat and walking towards the cell.
"If they're not dead yet, they will be soon! Worse than dead, even! "
"Unacceptable. Action must be taken to rescue the Green Lanterns. Even at risk to this unit." Aya said over the comms. I sighed knowing that she was right. Getting up I walked to the elevator and yelled out before the doors closed "You're in charge Aya"
Following their footsteps wasn't entirely hard to do, however, it was hard to stay away from the spiders. Moving silently in the corridors I glided towards one of the cells to avoid being spotted, coincedetily when I looked further in I noticed It was Razer's cell. I walked over to get a better look at him. He was strapped to an x-shaped platform standing upright. He had a cylinder tube around his head that was conducting electricity. His face looked like he was in pain, moving closer to him I went to take off the helmet when I noticed a green streak out of the corner of my eye.
"What the hell?"
" Do not be afraid, I am the Aya Program." the green streak called out.
"Aya what are you doing here? You should be on the ship guarding Goggan."
" I could not let you go alone. A green Lantern makes sacrifices for the greater good." She stated, "I believe I have a way that we can help Razer."
"By sending you into his telepathic thoughts with that spare helmet."
Looking around confused, I spotted the helmet. I walked over and grabbed it.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Put the Helmet on and try to keep your mind open."
Following her instructions I waited for a couple of seconds before I felt immense pain, then darkness.
Opening my eyes I noticed I was lying down with green flamed candles around me. Sitting up and looking to my left I noticed Razer sulking with his back turned to me.
"Razer, listen to me. None of this is real. This is not happening. It's ok, you don't need to panic. It's me, Rory. Aya sent me into your telepathic thoughts to help you." He turned around and looked at me in shock for a few seconds until it looked like he finally accepted what he saw.
"I know this is a fantasy. An illusion meant to bring me pain."
"If you know then, why stay here? Why not fight back for control?" I asked standing up.
"The memories keep replaying, over and over, in my head. They hurt. But I don't mind. I get to see her again. Even if it's for one more moment."
"I'm sorry Razer." I said looking down "But, I need your help. I can't save Hal and Kilowog without you. There are too many spiders for me to fight off and my rings not working properly"
"The prison? What are you all even doing here?"
"We heard that prisoners are being tortured here. And Hal and I thought it was unacceptable. We came back here to investigate. And to save you, if that was true."
"You shouldn't have done that. I deserve to be here. I helped destroy an entire world. All those people died because of me."
"That's where you are wrong. Kilowog and I were able to rescue the settlers before the world was destroyed."
"What? Then, I didn't ...It doesn't matter. I'm still the one who pressed the button. In my heart, I'm guilty of murder. I'm going to stay here "
"Too bad we don't get what we want," I said as I walked over and touched his face to bring him out of his memories. Once we were free Aya released him took off my helmet and stood up from the floor.
"I will never forgive this." He said looking at me.
" I have seen your past, and sadly I know your pain."
"No one knows my pain! Certainly, not the likes of you." He spat out angrily and walked towards the door. I followed after him and took a left down the hallway once the door opened.
"Where, now?" Razer asked looking at me.
"Something makes me weaker and brings a feeling of being drained. I believe this is where they are keeping Hal and Kilowog." I replied
"And the other way?" He asked looking to the right.
"That is the path back to the ship." He fled down the right hallway toward the ship
"No! You cannot leave them to die!" I yelled out but he was too far gone. My yelling caught the attention of some spiders. They came towards me, I started to prepare myself to fight. One came at me and I went to kick it, only to receive pain throughout that leg. That same spider took the opportunity to knock me out.
I woke up again in Hal's arms, I moved to get back on my feet.
"Easy there princess. You took a pretty nasty hit to the head. How do you feel?"
" Like I just got knocked out. What Happened? I asked while looking around and saw all the spiders either dead or in severe condition.
"Razer Happened. He got his ring back and went to town on them once he saw that you were hurt. But he gave it back once they were taken care of" Hal handed me Razers ring.
I blushed deeply just at the thought of him protecting me.
" Come on, let's get back to the ship," I said as we began our walk to the interceptor.
"Myglom and his guards in the jail cells. Like you wanted!" Goggan informed as we crawled closer towards us.
"The Guardians have dispatched a new warden. He should arrive in 18 months. In the meantime, I'm designating a temporary warden. Congratulations, Goggan. I'm leaving the prison in your capable hands things. I trust you can free the prisoners from their cocoons?" I asked and was informed.
"Yes yes! Of course, I No one will ever be tortured here again!" Goggan stated as he saluted to us and started his next task.
"You know, for a second there, I thought you were gonna make Razer the warden," Kilowog stated as he looked at me while I walked towards the ship that sat on top of the loading dock inside the prison.
"Are you crazy? I couldn't possibly leave a Red Lantern in charge of this place." I joked only to turn around a look at Razer who had his head down "Because he's coming with us." I threw his ring towards him. Thankfully he had good reflexes. He looked back at my smirking face in surprise. Winking at him I walked onto the ramp with him following behind me. As soon Razer and I were on board the ship took off to look for more lanterns.
"You do not seem to have recovered from your ordeal," I said to Razer as we sat down at the in-floor dining table.
"You have seen my past. It is private." He stated as he crossed his arms.
"Trust me it wasn't my idea."
"You're a smart girl, but yet you risked your life for idiots. Why?" He questioned. I cast my head down to try and hide my smile but gave up and looked at him while smirking
"Because a Green Lantern would do no less."
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insomnia-arts · 1 year
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Not me making shitty quality RazAya doodles...
I got randomly attacked with feels for this pair today...
How does this keep happening?!
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fun-k-boards · 5 months
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mutilatedcatchfly · 23 days
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I actually have so much green lantern nonsense to post its insane (<- dude who will forget to post on tumblr)
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hollowsart · 14 days
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Robo girl, sweet robo girl, destroyer of worlds 💖
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reashot · 1 year
With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red.
Jessica: We made such a great team Jaune.
Jaune: Yeah we sure did. And, uh. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. I know I'm not exactly anyone's first choice for a teammate.
Jessica: Oh no. *grabs Jaune's hand* In fact you were great. Without your support, my anxiety would have overtaken me and we would have been in a lot more trouble.
Jaune: R-really. Am I really that useful to you? *looks longingly at Jessica's eyes*
Jessica: Yes of course. You have been so kind and patient with me. Without you I don't think I'll... *their faces inches away from each others*
Jaune: Jess...
Jessica: Jaune...
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Yang: Don't look rubes but I think the new girl are NTRing Jaune away from you...
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*portal opening through time and space*
Razer: Ruby Rose. You have shown to posses great rage. This red ring of rage calls out to you. Say the Red Lantern Oath and all its power will belong to you.
Jessica: W-wait someone should stop her!
Jaune: What's going on?
Jessica: Oh no. If she finish saying the oath the transformation will then be complete and she will become a Red Lantern.
Jaune: Is that a bad thing?
Jessica: Muy Malo!!!
Jaune: I take it's no bueno, then?
Jessica: We need to stop her from putting on that ring. Regular Ruby is already powerful enough but if she put on the Red Ring then no force in the universe will be powerful enough to stop her.
Yang: Don't have to tell me twice. I'm on it!
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Hey what's the Big idea!?
Razer: If you think I would allow you to harm another fellow corps. Member then you have another thing coming blondie.
Yang: Bring it pointy!
Jessica: Jaune! Me and Yang will try to get the attention of the Red Lantern. Meanwhile you should try to stop Ruby from putting on the red ring.
Jaune: Wait how am I supposed to stop her?!
Yang: Adapt! Improvise!
Jaune: That still doesnt tell me how to stop her.
Jessica: Quick, Jaune do something! Ruby just finished with the oath.
Jaune: Oh no what do I do, what do I do?... That's it. Desperate times calls for desperate measure... I'm sorry Ruby. *kiss*
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Ruby: *kiss Jaune back*
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Yang: Damn....
Jessica: 😢
Razer: What the F...
Jaune: So are you okay now Ruby. No getting angry, no more going red?
Ruby: Hmmm... I maybe need another kiss to help me from going angry again. 😘
Jaune: Ha, ha. I think you're fine now.
Ruby: *giggle* Oh Jaune I'm not joking when I said I needed another kiss. 😌
Jaune: You're such a kidder Ruby.
Jaune: N-no, no wait! Damn it you win Rubes. *kiss Ruby passionately*
Ruby: Oh baby that's the stuff. 🥴
Jaune: S-so Ruby I kissed you just as you wanted so please promise me you will not turn into a red lantern.
Ruby: *sensually whisper in Jaune's ears* Then we should continue this in bed❤~
Jaune: W-wait Ruby don't I at least have a say in this?
Ruby: Yes. You got to say my name over and over again. Now come here lover boy. *picks up Jaune*
Jessica: W-what are you doing to Jaune? Please don't hurt him...
Ruby: Oh don't you worry about him. 😉
Jessica can only watch in silence as the tiny red reaper took the boy she have a crush on her shoulder like he is some sort of a prize stuffed animal into her room. After a few minutes the sounds of Jaune's screaming and moaning soon follows.
Yang: Uhhh I don't think what happened inside is entirely consentual.
Jessica: *staring intensely at the door* 😳
Razer: Uh.. I will try to take back the ring the first chance I have. *sigh* Atrocitus will not like this one bit.
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Razer in Young Justice: Phantoms
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koopadumpling · 7 months
my suggestions for marvel and dc comics:
-put evan daniels / spyke in the comics.
(i know there's a character loosely based on him, but i don't think we've seen david munroe jr in Some Time, and i'd really like to see a character more firmly like spyke was in evo.)
-put aya and razer in the comics
("you're not over the cancellation yet?" I'LL NEVER BE OVER IT NO MATTER WHAT. but, they could at least put them in the comics for me. ]: )
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pikichavez2022 · 4 months
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Razer❤️💙y Aya💚 Especial San Valentín💖
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Lantern oaths. What’s your favorite?
I added the different version of the red lantern one that Razer says. I didn’t add Aya’s cause hers didn’t actually work :(
Sorry I also didn’t add the black or white lantern oath. Maybe I’ll do a separate post for those.
And here’s the English version (or a version so to speak) of the indigo lantern oath.
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I think my favorites are the red and green lantern oaths. :D
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melodystone57 · 10 months
Chapter 1: Beware My Power, Green Lanterns Light part 1
"Y/n L/n of Earth, sector 2814, report to Oa immediately"
of course. Why am I always called when I am quite literally in the middle of something?
" Mr. Saltzman, may I use the restroom?", I asked, raising my hand in the air.
" Why did you not go before the test? or before you came into class Mrs. l/n?" He questioned as he leaned against his desk, arms crossed and glaring at me.
"I don't know, why do you have a dad bod? Oh yeah, life happens. Now may I go to the bathroom, or shall I pee myself?" I replied while cocking a brow.
" Go before I change my mind. "
Rushing to my feet, I hurried out the door and towards the bathroom. Charging into the room, my nostrils were attacked by cheap Victoria's Secret perfume with a hint of old-period blood.
" Holy Hell! How many girls have been in here!? It is Rank in here! " I exclaimed, changing into my Green Lantern suit. Slowly the suit materializes across my body starting with my feet and moving up to my head.
"Oh, my good lord. We so desperately need to get a Febreeze." I rant while opening the window and starting to squeeze my top half and my hips through. " Jesus how thick am I?." Once the rest of my body is out of the window, I start flying to oa.
" Green Lantern Salak, not that I don't enjoy your company but why have I been summoned," I ask him on our call through the rings.
"You are needed as a material witness in the Green Lantern Hal Jordan hearing," Salaak said. Great. What has he done now? I swear to Loki himself that if he did something stupid again, he is getting a swift kick where the sun doesn't shine." Might I suggest though, that you use hyperspeed? Hal Jordan will be here any minute and the guardians would like To hurry everything along."
"Thank you for the heads up, Salaak. I will be there shortly" I replied ending our call to engage hyperspeed.
ah oa. you beautiful beast. I started to feel the gravitation pull as well as the change in the temperature. it is strange how oa is colder than space is. You would think it was the other way around. As I fly down, I get to witness the spectacular display of the other green lanterns in what seemed to be their natural habitat. So many of them flying or simply walking around engaging in friendly banter and conversations. It's a wonderful sight to see all types of different species mingling together in peace. if only Earth was able to be so open-minded with its people. I spot Kilowog standing in front of the entrance to the grand hall on my descent down to him.
"Well look who it is. Sargent Kilowog." I said jokingly
"If it isn't the royal hard ass of the green lantern corps. What are you doing here?" He asked while pulling me into a hug,
" I'm here as a witness to something Hal must have done," I replied while pulling away from the hug and walking toward Salaak and Hal.
"Of course you are, always cleaning up Jordans's mess."
"He's not that bad Kilowog. Good Afternoon Salak. Is everyone ready to get this over with I know I am." I said and asked while walking into the meeting hall.
"Ah good you all are here. Let us move forward with this shall we." Apa said very grimly. The others had come into the room and stood next to me.
" Hal Jordan of Earth, Green Lantern of Sector 2814. The viceroy of Demrakk 7 claims that when we assigned you to police crucial peace negotiations you punched him in the face. is this true?" he asked.
"uh, er, no, sir. I punched the viceroy in the stomach. Then I head-butted him in the face...Sir," Jordan replied " The viceroy was a serious dirtbag, who was using diplomatic immunity to cover up his slave trafficking ring" he continued.
"The council Should note that Hal Jordan's claims have since been proven true by Demrakk's authorities." Ganthat intervened.
"That is not the point." said Apa, "This lantern clearly seems to revel in exceeding his authority, ignoring our orders' and making his own.." Apa was interrupted when the ceiling bay door opened and a Green Lantern Ring Dropped down from it and onto the floor.
" Oh,no" Kilowog said.
Hal hovered over slowly and picked up the ring to examine it while saying " We can argue about my conduct later, but right now.....somewhere out there, there's a dead Green Lantern."
"Salaak, whose ring is this?" Kilowog asked as he placed the ring in the middle of Salaak's mobile command center.
" Green Lantern M'Ten," he said while pulling up a picture of him.
"Never seen this guy before in my life," Kilowog replied
"Salaak, Display gaurdian Space." ganthat ordered.
A holographic globe with squares all around it is in the middle of it and displayed high enough so everyone can see.
"There are 3600 sectors of guardian space " Ganthat continued " For millennia, we have dispatched our power rings' to choose a worthy protector of each sector. You are Green Lantern Corps'."
"This part we know" Jordan whispered quietly earning him an elbow to the gut from me.
" Display the homeworld of Frontier Lantern M'Ten," said Ganthat
"Frontier Lantern" Kilowog wondered.
"This is the guardian Frontier, the very edge of our territory," Sayd explained as the globe enlarged into different sections of Frontier space.
"We have seated Lanterns there, but they are few and far between. The vast distance makes contact with the frontier lanterns sporadic, at best."
"Then who trains them?" Kilowog questioned
"They receive limited instruction from their rings. That is all." Says intervened
"What do these lights signify?" Hal Asked.
"These are locations where operatives went offline. Those Power Rings are currently in search of new hosts. Or en route back to Oa." Apa answered. "Meaning they're Dead" I muttered under my breath. Of course, they don't care about what happens to them.
"That is unfortunate, but accurate," Apa replied, hearing me mutter under my breath. I take that back, it's just Apa that doesn't care.
"And you just sit there, doing nothing?" Hal remarked, "You did not even see it fit to inform us about these Lantern deaths?" Salaak Continued sharing Hal's thought process on the whole ordeal.
" There is nothing to be done right now. Flying at top speed you wouldn't reach the frontier for 18 months. We are formulating a plan." said calmly
"There are Lanterns dying out there! We need to get out there and stop whoever is targeting them now!" Hal barked.
"Let me remind the Green Lantern of Earth that the Guardians are not on trial here. He is." Apa Yelled.
"Appa Ali Apsa, it has been an eventful session. Perhaps a period of refreshment is required. Or as our earthman would say; A coffee break." Ganthet Intervened. Thank God. I was about to lose my mind.
"Good call Ganthet. Another minute and I might've said something..." Hal Started to say before Kilowog cut him off "Incredibly stupid? Yeah, I think that ship sailed a long time ago Jordan. Hey, this ain't the way to the commissary."
"Indeed. I thought we might enjoy taking a more scenic route." Ganthet agreed
"Aren't you just full of surprises today?' oops wrong choice of words. My bad. "I am sorry about the brutal word battle that happened in their Ganthet. None of it was directed towards you." I said
"That is quite alright. I understand all of you, and your need to protect those who can't protect themselves. That is why you make an excellent green lantern. That is why the ring choose you."
He replied as we flew over the science center. The docking bay opened up to a beautiful white Matted ship with green accents as well as a green power core.
"Ganthet what is that?" Hal Asked
"Oh, that! Nothing really. An experimental prototype powered by the green lantern energy itself."
" Holy crud," Kilowog said amazed.
"How Fast?" Hal asked, looking at Ganthet with his arms crossed.
"Well, the interceptor is potentially the fastest ship ever created by sentient life."
"Potentially?," I asked
"This prototype is so sophisticated and travels so fast that the nav-computer is an actual artificial intelligence."
"I know that Look Jordan, this isn't one of your earthen jet thingies," Kilowog said trying to shut down whatever idiotic plan Hal is trying or already has come up with.
"Look, I'll take her up and work the bugs out. Then we'll fly to the frontier and we'll take care of the Lantern killer." He explained.
" I doubt that will come to pass. It is much too risky. And all Guardians must be in agreement. Some will doubt the very existence of this Lantern killer." Ganthet explained as the doom doors closed. Once they were shielded shut he started flying back to the Grand Hall.
" Then why show us this?" I asked. Curious as to what is going on in his head.
"I told you, my friends. We're simply taking the scenic route."
" I can't believe I let you talk me into this," I muttered under my breath, as Hal and I walked through the science center halls toward the docking bay.
" Simple, You love me and would do anything for me."
"I'm more likely to skin you alive than to ever like you. Let alone love you."
"You say that now, but just wait. Someone is going to melt that icy heart of yours. And then you will realize that you truly love me." He replied as we hid against the wall. Peaking around the corner, we noticed a Identification Robot, scanning the walkway to the doors.
" Great. Now what?" I asked
"Don't worry, I've got a plan."
This so-called plan was him creating a construct of ganthat, to "float" over to the machine.
"Identification please"
"Ganthet of the guardians," Hal said very deeply.
" Dude he does not sound like that" I whispered harshly in his ear.
"Incorrect. Alarm detected." We both look at each other with wide eyes. Moving from the wall I start shooting at it before it can raise any more attention as to what we are doing. "Contacting secur..."
After the robot fell down we rushed to the motion sensor doors. Bruh, what is the point of an identification bot if the doors are automatic? That's just stupid. Once were inside we slowed down, and walked to the ship. we canvased the area to make sure no one saw us come in.
"I think we're good to go, Hal," I said looking over my shoulder to do a double-check, not paying attention to what was in front of me. Bumping into a wall full of muscle I look in front of me and see Kilowog standing there, Arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Jordan.
"Kinda figured you'd turn up here, hotshots. Just your style. You borrow the ship. Rush into danger. Catch the killer. Save the day. Big heroes." He stated boringly.
"You forgot "get the girl". There's probably a girl somewhere in this, " Hal said "Don't try to stop us, big guy." he continued
"Who's trying to stop you? I'm coming with you! Forget anything?" he asked as he held up three portable batteries. Definitely a good thing that he brought those. My Ring is nearing 30%.
"Okay, you can tag along," I said teasingly walking onto the ship's ramp.
" Oh please, I've been saving your butt ever since boot camp No reason to stop now.Wow."
"Look at that." Hals to say the least was amazed. Walking into the ship it was like looking at any movies based in deep space and the future. The med bay was in close proximity to the Science Cell and the Engine.
"This thing's engine's gigant power battery," Kilowog exclaimed.
"Hey now we have a backup battery for our backup batteries," I said over my shoulder, looking towards the middle of the room there was a small standing area that looked to be some sort of training simulator. Walking further into the ship we head to the cock pit. Hal being ahead of us sits at the main center console housing the winch and runs his hand smoothly across the console.
"Wow. She's beautiful." He stated
"She?" Kilowog and I questioned, raising my and his non-existent eyebrows.
"She. A ship is always she. Wonder how you fly this baby?"
A Small blue orb with a circle in the middle appeared from the console and asked "Please define the term: Beautiful." with a Female voice.
"That must be the AI nav computer," Kilowog muttered to both of us.
"Hello, Aya. We're your new best friends: Hal, Kilowog, and Rory." He Introduced.
"Uh, Hal AI doesn't spell Aya it spells Ayeee." I corrected
" But Aya is a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Don't you ever stop?" Kilowog Asked.
"New designation accepted. Aya."
"Aya, would you like to play a game?" I asked
"What game?"
"This Game is called Joyride."
"How does one play Joyride?"
After explaining the rules of "Joyride", we start flying over Oa. Waiting for the engine to properly prep for travel, we fly over the open grand hall dome. Catching all of the Gaurdian's attention.
They Start following us.
"Somebody's coming." Kilowog Warned. They caught up to the ship and started tapping on the window. Looking over at them Apa Started tapping harder and pointing to the ground.
" Aya initiate ultra-warp, now!" Hal yelled
"Ultra-warp protocol requires at least 43 minutes to calculate."
"Aya, listen to me. Kilowog, Rory, and I are Green Lanterns. We help people. Right now there's some other Green Lanterns in trouble at the coordinates I gave you."
"It is unsafe to bypass protocols."
"Green Lanterns risk their lives to save the lives of others. Aya, please." Giving in, she disappeared and started up the coils and input the coordinates and calculations for Fronteir's space. Flying faster and forward we started surging into a rainbow sort of opening. We were going so fast it felt like the zero gravity machine at a carnival or fair. Sirens blared and red lights started flashing on the console in front of me.
"Warning! Bypassing protocols have resulted in an unstable ultra-warp field. Disintegration is imminent. Hull integrity at seven point seven five percent." Aya warned.
"Aya, can you convert to manual controls?" Hal asked
"Affirmative. However manual control of a vehicle while in ultra-warp..."
"Do It!"
The winch reappears from the center console, Hal Grabs it a makes a hard right. The right side of the ship started scraping the sides of the ultra warp.
"How is this better?!" Kiliwog asked, yelling at Hal.
"If I can slow us down I might be able to punch through the ultra-warp conduit without breaking the ship apart." He answered.
A few more seconds of us scraping the wall we break through with a blinding green light. We start spinning out of control before stopping at an abrupt stop. We all smack into a console and fall to our butts.
"Oh god, please never do that again?" I asked
Kilowog agreed while getting up and looking out of the window "Wow, frontier space."
"We made it," I said, while staring out the window amazed. This part of space was beautiful. Mixes of blue and reds that never mix, with brilliant white stars lighting the sky.
"I wonder what the odds are for me making my dinner with Carol?" Hal wondered as he fell into his seat.
" A billion lightyears from home, and that's what you're thinkin'? You must've really lost it for this girl." Kilowog teased
"Uh, no!"
"Attention! I am picking up telemetry from a nearby Power Ring." Aya said over the intercom.
Kilowog walked over the the side console and pressed on the intermission signal.
"It's a GL! And Hal, whoever he is, he's alive."
"But not for long. He is in a firefight. And losing." Aya Informed.
"Buckle up, people. This is now officially a rescue mission." Hal Informed.
We arrive on a planet that has many canyons but not many villages. We noticed immediately multiple red lights firing and a dim green light. We head over and see two men, one Lengthy and muscular in his upper torso, and the other one appears to look like a beach ball with arms and legs. Both of them were in a red and black uniform. The two mystery men seemed to be chasing after a GL. We Land the ship and fly over to the Green Lanter to provide assistance. The GL was hit in the back, landing roughly on his stomach and sliding. Trying to crawl away from his attackers, he managed to get a few inches away before getting hit again. Giving into the pain, he stopped and layed on his back looking up at the two men in fear.
"Not bad. In fact, I'll graciously allow you to make up for your earlier squeamishness. You can strike the final blow, Razer. Unless of course, you are too weak!" The beachball said speaking to the other male in red. Razer started to power up his ring and fired. Kilowog and I flew faster and jumped between the wounded Green Lantern and the blast, to create a brick wall. The beach ball roared in anger at us stopping their kill.
"Weaklings! Your feeble constructs are crushed beneath the Red Lantern might!" He said
"Red Lantern? What the Norx is a Red Lantern?!" Kilowog asked while staring at them in pure confusion. We kept the wall up as the "Red Lanterns" kept firing at us.
"These guys I'm guessing. We need to move, fast!" I said over the sound of the ring fire.
"Easy, we're the cavalry here to rescue you," Hal said and he landed next to the hurt GL.
" I'm running low. You have enough juice to fly him back?" He asked Kilowog after checking his ring percentage. Both Hal and I started firing back at the Red Lanterns.
"Big shot GL from Oa, Huh. Maybe I ought to be saving you." The Green Lanter teased at Hal.
"We'll draw their fire while you get the comedian back to the interceptor," I said referring to me and Hal.
"Yeah, I had a feelin' that was comin'. What do you want written on your tombstones?" Kilowog asked.
"Spent the rest of his long life making sure his ring was charged." " She loved herself some good pussy and dick."
"Yeah, no way I'm putting that on there."
" Well fuck."
Distracting the Red Lanterns, we diverted them away from the interceptor. Flying through the air is hard and it's even harder when you are being shot at. Dodging fire I yell over to Hal,
" I got tall and Lengthy, you get Beach ball." I started firing at Razer and leading us away from the other two. Sending a spear towards him, I fly under him to try and get him unexpectedly. But luck is not on my side. He caught the Spear as I started to fly under him and threw it at me. Dodging out of the way he landed a punch to my Jaw and stomach. Kicking him in the stomach I managed to pull away far enough to make a construction to grab and throw him. After he hit the ground, I flew down to arrest him. Thinking he had passed out I tried to grab his wrist only to receive a blast to my stomach that sent me straight into a mountain. starting to see spots I got up to attack but Kilowog beat me to it. Unable to stay awake I fell to the ground and passed out.
I thought waking up hungover was bad, this felt like an elephant was jumping on my brain. Sitting up from a med bed I heard Kilowog's voice.
"Easy, hotshot. Think you're pretty clever charging your ring off the engine like that huh? I say you're lucky not to blow your arm off."
Looking over I saw that he was talking to Hal. Next to him is the GL, he however was still asleep. Getting up, walked over to the other two.
"What going on?" I asked them both.
" Thank god. Your ok, you had me worried for a second." Kilowog said as he pulled me into a hug.
"I'm okay Kilowog. I Promise." Hugging him back I started to feel sleepy. But I wanted to stay awake to see what happened. Pulling away I turn to look at the GL.
" Don't worry about hard cases over there. He's gonna be a little sore for the rest of his life." Kilowog said answering my unanswered question.
"Where are our friends, Ball and Chain?" Hal asked as he got up and started walking to the cock pit.
"Your firework display sent them on a little trip. But I got a bad feeling we'll be seeing them again soon. But in the meantime, who knows Maybe we'll be back in time for your date with Carol after all." Kilowog said.
"Dinner will have to wait. We're here now, we fight them. We stop them. Whatever it takes. However long it takes. We stop them."
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supersonicdp · 5 months
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arawnsworn0vate0poc · 6 months
Warning folklore dcu ramblings ahead.
After a year or so of pondering and casual meditation observance I figured out the Razer thing.
Sort of an wandering entity with obvious ties to internet and coding or other resources that make the whole of programs for druidry/ witchcraft free online in pdf copy by some divine miracle getting into this theology is (partially) non expensive. (Nature spirit that likes the internet rather than a stream of water). He is still looking for Aya obviously so maybe give the guy some credit for being distracted/ un willing to be in large groups in context or offer to help on the search (cough taxi driver had Aya working for him she's not helpless; justice leauge action cough cough)
You can offer citing your sources or just not being a general asshole online as well as just being a healthy amount of outraged at current world events and or just trying to find reasons to keep going. (If you have questions fucking ask I'm a folklorist not a monolith)
Hey!!! Maybe his facial tattoos make him incapable of being a spirit guide. Like gentry/fairy folk aren't good spirit guides they just kinda do gigs with people for resources like people who do commissions. (Henche the whole serving metron from Young justice season 4)
Volkreig if you squint looked like the term verry Volk(Wentz had a doctorate, he's dead now) Meaning the spooky candle circle was obviously a funeral ritual and inviting other people makes you die/is a bad omen. He keeps his oaths even if it hurts(dancing till you die?).
It's Razer, he's got fangs and nightvision and eats nearly 100% red meat. I doubt the man is unaccustomed to hunting or needing salt or jars for survival stuff. (No cheese though, he does not shake hands.)
Idk what kind of divination to use I started Hyperfixating on cartoons and noticed some things.
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ketchup-monthly · 1 year
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anyway i have a lot of feelings about billy being a red lantern and helping the other red lanterns find hope again that they had lost to rage
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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To commemorate my next milestone, I literally worked myself sick to get this pic ready for posting.  Loosely based on a pair of Green Lantern comic book covers by Ivan Reis (one featuring the Green Lantern Corps, the other featuring the Sinestro Corps), this image also lent a few subtle hints as to what everyone could look forward to, with regards to my fanfics for "Green Lantern: The Animated series" as Hal unites with allies, new and old, to take on new threats.  And as you can see, some of them have gone through a few style changes. ^_^ This image may look deceptively simple.  But in reality, this was actually a combination of six different images all photoshopped together (seven, if you include the background).  Kind of explains why it took me a whole weekend and some change to get it done.  But while a few compromises (with regards to body positioning) had to be made out of necessity, I can honestly say this pic looks more or less the way I wanted it to look. I'll admit that the text I threw in wasn't particularly stylish or original.  But honestly, by the time I got to adding that final touch, I was so completely exhausted and nauseous (to say nothing of the headache I was getting) that I just didn't have the strength to care anymore.  All I wanted was for it to be over and done with.  So I just plastered on some text and had done with it.  I have endeavored to do better later on. Still, I was quite happy with the pic, overall and I hope everyone else feels the same.  And again, if this gets anyone curious about possibly helping out with my fanfics (or at least hearing out my ideas), feel free to ask and I'll let you know.  Either way, enjoy. ^_^
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shadow-turtle-234 · 1 year
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My emo son be looking at the stars, hoping to find Aya in them.
Art (c) @shadow-turtle-234
Reblogs & Likes are appreciated!
No reposting onto other sites (facebook, twitter, etc.,)
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