#Regardless whether it’s digital or physical
sujathaks · 7 months
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vampire-crimson · 2 years
haha just had the same problem with the switch that i have with the ps4.
so now i have to invest in a new switch ig?
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
Please please please can you write more about bayverse bee? He’s one of my favs and doesn’t get enough attention cuz of the movies reputation 😭 there’s something rlly charming about him and I can’t even describe it. Definitely feel like he’d be one of the more possessive iterations, and VERY touch starved
God it's been SO LONG since I've watched any of the Bayverse movies but Bayverse Bee holds such a special place in my heart that I pray I can do him justice for these.
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Bayverse Bumblebee is both incredibly protective and incredibly possessive of you. He'll throw himself in harms way again and again to keep you safe, the dings and dents and scratches he receives meaning basically nothing to him when he knows it was to keep you safe. He gets jealous pretty easy too, whether it's a human trying to flirt with you or a bot like Crosshairs or Hot Rod getting just a bit too fresh. He's not above blaring his horn or blasting his radio to scare off someone leaning against him to try and get your attention.
Huggy buggy Bee, he loves to hold you and carry you around. Not just in his vehicle-mode either, though he definitely enjoys the feeling of your hands on his steering wheel. His favorite place to have you sit is up onto his shoulder, gripping onto one of his antennae for stability.
I think he's very open about both verbal and physical affection regardless of who's around; he has basically no shame. He flirts with you constantly, regardless of how long you've been in a relationship, and he just melts whenever you do the same. The downside to that is he can be a handsy little motherfucker, even in public. It's hard to focus on whatever the newest government goon is trying to tell the Autobots when Bee is more entertained by the idea of getting his digits up your shirt.
Like basically every other Bee, he loves to take you out for drives. Nothing says "I love you." to a speedster like him than asking to rip around the open desert, blasting whatever rock music is on the radio.
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impishjesters · 11 months
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Jax x Reader w/depression/suicidal tendencies
warning(s): mentions of depression/suicidal behavior/tendencies, nothing graphic though, mentions of morbid/dark humor note: it's only mentioned that he has feelings for you, whether romantic or platonic is left up to the reader. A/N: I think this is the fastest I've ever wanted to write for something utterly new to me, usually it takes a while of being into a series or liking a character to wanna write something. This was...less than twelve hours? This was probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written in a while.
Nobody was safe from Jax’s pranks, including you—regardless of how much he found himself gradually enjoying your company.
It’s actually a right of passage at this point that every new person (as rare as it is) who shows up is subjected to some awful prank to gauge just how much of an easy or difficult target they’ll be.
You handle the pranks with ease. Sure it can be annoying, but there’s little that can seemingly “kill” you here.
Which is a shame really—well, only slightly.
Your therapist would’ve probably found it a good thing, trying to off yourself in a digital world where sleeping and eating were no longer required likely meant the inability to die.
Not in a traditional sense anyway.
You’re the only one ballsy enough to prank Jax back, which isn’t easy but when a prank is successful? Oh, it’s worth it to see his reaction.
There’s an unspoken prank war back and forth, but typically the other’s are the subject of your guys’ pranks. Somehow it feels more rewarding with the joint effort.
It's not often, but sometimes Jax's pranks will go a step too far and trigger something unpleasant. He's not really sure why you just walk off like that, those pranks don't make him feel as satisfied for whatever reason.
Once a special type of friendship grows between the two of you, the pranks lessen—not entirely though—nah he loves the unsuspecting reactions of a prank you didn’t see coming.
The pranks become less hostile and more casual—he’s got a reputation to keep after all, regardless of how he feels about you.
The initial reaction to someone being told there was no way out was to panic, you however, didn’t..well not outright. Your initial reaction is dark humor—even with the whole censorship thing.
Ragatha is the only one initially disturbed/worried over your dark sense of humor, which should be expected from one of them since they’ve been there longer.
Jax is aware of your morbid sense of humor and often plays along with it, especially in the beginning—later in the friendship though? Yeah, there’s no noticeable physical change, but he’s only a tad worried.
When not tormenting the other’s Jax stuck with you, or vice versa.
After the attempted drowning and standing (willingly) in harm’s way of one (or three) of the rides, Jax keeps your bedroom key closer in hand than the others.
And honestly? Ragatha doesn’t even blame him. You aren’t distant from them, but you do tend to favour Jax’s company. Regardless of her feelings about him as a person, it becomes obvious that he feels something less hostile towards you compared to them.
It takes a while before you finally confess to Jax that prior to being trapped in this digital hell, you were medicated for depression/suicidal tendencies. And while the digital world took away things like needing sleep and food, it didn’t get rid of the thoughts or urges.
Now—had this been someone else telling him all this? He’d be very uncaring and probably make a nasty “joke”, but because it’s you? He’s treading into foreign territory here when it comes to emotions.
There’s not really anything he can say that would make you feel better, but he does show a more rare tender side, offering to be there whenever you need him. Just to backpedal like a tsundere and say that he won’t always be free ( a lie, the fuck else does he have to do?), but he’ll try and make time for you during those moments.
He doesn’t do some pinky promise bullshit, I mean he can and would, but he doesn’t expect his offer and attempts to do that much (words of promise aren’t on the same level as a prescription drug after all).
But if being around his rude ass self and doing the occasional nice *gag* gestures of like, hugging or whatever helps you, he’ll do it—just, not with others around obviously. Again, man has a reputation.
From then on Jax is more aware of where you are around him at all times, not in a suffocating way though. Well, not intentionally, he has his moments. But he’s trying, again this is new territory for him.
Jax makes it his unspoken, personal goal to make sure you don’t tread the line of becoming abstracted.
Bonus (fluff)
Jax will make an attempt not to immediately recoil from your touch when others are present.
I’m not talking “Whoops, sorry to bump into you”, I’m talking about grabbing onto his arm or being in his personal bubble because you need something grounding or whatever.
More often than none his immediate reaction is to just use you to lean on, elbow or arm resting on top of your head to give you some contact and pressure. (He does it out of habit even when you don't need it.)
Sure he probably looks like an ass to others, but after a while, they sort of just get used to it since you never bring up being offended by the act.
But in private? Yeah, sure shoot, just don’t expect him to put any effort into returning anything. Maybe the drape of an arm or his legs, but if it’s really bad? He’ll lay or sit there while you cling to him like a koala.
Jax actually finds it kinda funny how tightly you hold on whenever he gets up.
“Wow, you really holdin’ on there.”
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coquettebratzdoll · 4 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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Making this post in case anybody else had this question. Please note that although I am directing the post to Starlight, anyone can take this advice.
So my secret to believing in yourself is to just do it. Ik it's sounds hella unhelpful so lemme elaborate.
So you didn't specify how exactly you wanted to believe in yourself. Do you want to believe that you can shift ? That you deserve to shift ? Something else ? Regardless, it doesn't matter so much as there are ways that you can start:
1. Robotic affirmations - these are exactly as they sound. You just choose an affirmation and repeat it over and over again. It doesn't require you to actually believe in what you're saying, as your subconscious mind is always impressed. It will take whatever you give it without question or filter. It's great cus it will build whatever belief you want over a period of time. I recommend saying the affirmations when you are going to sleep, in the state akin to sleep (stat), immediately after you wake up, and any time you are left with your thoughts (like making your bed, or brushing your teeth). These times are more convenient as you aren't doing much anyway. Plus, when you are sleepy or tired, you are less likely to refute whatever you think.
2. Subliminals - these are great for you if you can't robotically affirm. Instead of what you're used to, let's make it fun ! Find ones with music that you like. Dance, sing, draw, do whatever while listening to it. If you want to sleep to them, many creators have rain versions, which are more relaxing and calming. This, this, this, and this are self-concept subliminals that I really like and use whenever I'm feeling down. Find some that resonate with you and have fun with it !
3. Vaunts - I already made a post discussing this in more detail. The basics are that vaunts are affirmations that you say to sorta 'brag' about your desire. This is really easy to do. It's just faking it till you make it. Don't see your results yet ? Yes you do what are you saying 😒😒 ?? Don't stress with it. Make it up as you go.
4. Shadow work - according to Google, "uncovering the hidden parts of your psyche to understand yourself more, heal from old wounds, and improve relationships. In other words, it's the work you do on the darker side of yourself that you don't want or cannot see." To summarise, this is doing certain things (usually asking and answering questions to yourself) to really discover things about yourself. It is useful to unpack why exactly you don't believe in yourself.
5. Journaling - this relates to the shadow work point. Whether you use a physical notebook or the notes apps, it's great to write down how you feel as you feel it. Acknowledging your feelings is really important. It can really help once you allow yourself to feel the full extent of any emotion (whether 'negative' or 'positive') is a healthy habit to have. I personally use the digital version of @anemoiashifts shifting journal. Look into some that fit your style
6. Actually applying the law 🫣 - there is no other way around it. Although the above methods can help out, you still need to actually apply the law of assumption I order to benefit. As I (sorta) explained in the affs section, we are constantly manifesting - whether aware or not. Whatever assumption you persist in the most will harden into fact. Assume that you have a strong sense of self belief, and you will (hence the 'just do it' comment above).
That's all for now. I hope it can help you !
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hermitpostzine · 3 days
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All emails regarding applications have been SENT! Please make sure to check your spam folders, and if you have not received an email from us, please reach out and let us know.
Once again, the biggest thank you to everyone who applied for this project! It's truly been a passion project for the mods, and it's been delightful to see everyone as passionate about the Hermitcraft bases (and postcards!) as we are. Regardless of whether or not we were able to accept you for this project, it was still a joy going through all of your applications and seeing all of the wonderful art you chose to submit. We have more plans in the works for other zines, and we hope to see many of you apply for those as well!
On a similar note, those of you who received emails in this last batch will notice something fun; we've decided to do an Extended Digital Zine to release for free alongside the physically printed postcards. We want to still showcase the art of everyone we weren't able to get printed! More details are included in your emails and the submission form linked in them. For those of you following along on Tumblr, we'll release more information about this as the project progresses! This is just the first of our exciting announcements, so stay tuned for more in the coming weeks!
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melliotwrites · 3 months
Items to Haunt your House!
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The Ghost Story reading Kickstarter is dropping today (June 12th) at 5 PM EST, but we wanted to give y'all some sneak peeks of the rewards awaiting!
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There's a completely new, never-before-seen Ghost Story sticker design drawn by Elliot, and various physical and digital tidbits to thank you for your support!
Since we've had some questions -- even if you can't attend the presentation itself, these rewards are shipping to anywhere around the world! The presentation will be available online afterwards, so everyone will be able to see it, regardless of whether you live near Montana.
Also, in keeping with a show about old things coming to life again...
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Wait, who said that?
Must've been the wind.
If you're looking for something about that other thing.. there may be a chance to grab a sticker somewhere other than an abandoned radio station. Wouldn't that be swell?
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qsmpzine · 7 months
Hello! Welcome to QSMP ZINE! This is where we will be hosting an Egg-Centric, art and fic filled Zine based on the QSMP! Currently, I (stella @stellarumexp, hi hello!) am the only one working on this project, so apologies as updates and progress will probably be a bit slow! >-<
Some details! This zine will be a SFW zine focusing on all of the eggs from the QSMP (yes! Even those like Hope/Memories, A1, and Gegg!) My goal is for each egg to get their own section, filled with art and writings that focus on them (and that feature their friends and family too!)
It is also my goal to offer this zine in other languages - the QSMP is a global community after all! So keep an eye out if you are interested in working as a translator in the future! At minimum, I’d like to offer this zine in French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Korean; though if translators can be found for other languages I would be more than happy to offer further translations!
Currently I am looking for some fellow fans who want to help organize this zine. Organizing a project like this takes a lot, so the more people helping out the faster we can get the ball really rolling! So please reach out if you are interested in assisting, especially if you have experience making graphics (very important!) or if you have experience as a finance/shipping mod. (If a suitable finance/shipping mod is found, we would be able to offer an additional physical zine and physical merch options, with all profits going to charity!)
Regardless of whether a shipping/finance mod is found however, this zine will be available as a digital zine! If we can’t find a finance mod, it will be either free or pay what you can to charity! Hopefully, we will be able to offer physical book copies as well as merch, so fingers crossed!
If you are interested in this zine, please follow this blog! That way you can stay informed!
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csuitebitches · 11 months
I really enjoy your blog and was wondering if you have advice on one of my biggest mental blocks. I'm 23 but struggle to feel like an adult and being independent deeply scares me even through I want to be "chasing my dreams". I've lived with my close knit family my whole life and still spend a lot of time with my parents. I'm almost going to move away(in the next year) and so I've began the process of getting a car/saving money, etc. But then I find myself subtly sabotaging these efforts because the idea of being alone/moving away also terrifies me. I really want to experience moving to a city and working and traveling and doing things I want and at this point I'm finding it draining being my parents "stay-at-home-daughter". But I also get anxiously sick when I try a push myself for more independence. I've put so much on hold going through school and then living in my home town w. parents and it's kind of scary to imagine dating (never prioritized men + parents didn't let me date in highschool= never had a bf or anything) or living alone even though I'd love to have the experience. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Basically I still feel like a 15 year old when it comes to my personal life and that feels a bit shameful.
I want to tell you that we all feel what you feel. You’ll only ever feel like an adult when you’ve exposed yourself to the outside world, regardless of whether you can handle it or not.
independence scares you because it’s unfamiliar territory. Often when we look at people who are independent and on their own two feet, they seem to have a sense of self identity, purpose and responsibilities to handle.
I’m always in favour of people moving out of their parents homes for a couple of years at least (the culture where I come from also emphasises on the whole family living together and there’s no move out at the age of 18 concept) because I see the pros and cons of both situations of living in/ out of your parents home.
No book, YouTube video, friends’ experiences will teach you about being an adult. You have to step out and experience it yourself.
Start doing exposure therapy. Basically, slowly, bit by bit, immerse yourself into the traditional adult experiences.
I’ll give you examples. Understand fully how your insurance works. Keep all your medical records in both a physical and a digital file.
Understand how your car functions as a product - which means guarantees, warranties, insurance, emergency numbers, mechanics nearby, etc.
Start tracking all your spending expenses, even if you’re using your parents money at the moment. The earlier you start this habit, the better. Create a monthly budget for yourself and stick to it.
Start doing your own laundry in the house and learn that not all clothes go in the washing machine, some go for dry cleaning etc.
Make it a goal to learn to cook at least 5 dishes properly before you leave. If your parents are good cooks, ask them to teach you or go to every introvert’s favourite site, YouTube.
Pretend that your room is a mini apartment and try to keep it clean at all times.
Start socialising more. Not just with known friends. Sign up for a random hobby class like a book club or a running club where you can meet more people. Yes it’ll be difficult, yes you’ll have moments of awkwardness but don’t give up after just one meeting - go and meet new people to get used to the idea of interacting with strangers.
You can’t rush into feeling like an adult. It takes time. Exposure therapy is the best way to get into it. The more responsibility you can healthily shoulder, even if you fail at times, you’ll still start feeling more confident.
We weren’t born with the knowledge of car tire changing mechanics, insurance, cooking or tidying up. We had to learn them as we grew up. It’s perfectly alright to not know how to do something. The beauty of living in today’s world is that the answer to nearly every question is one google search away.
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isolaradiale · 3 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Keep in mind that this event has already been rerun before, and any form of past participation in the other runs means you cannot claim it again.
“GOOD MORNING, FAIR RESIDENTS OF SPIRALE! DO YOU REMEMBER ME? OF COURSE YOU DO, HOW COULD YOU NOT!?” Regardless of what one was doing at the stroke of midnight, a booming voice echoed throughout the minds of every resident of Spirale in tandem. “IF YOU’D KINDLY TURN YOUR EYES TO THE NEAREST SCREEN, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!”
Every screen in the city - be it a television, a phone, the digital screen on the fridge - all tuned into the same image. Rudimentary camera work pointed at a barely-lit visage. A three-eyed beast, each eye sporting a gleam as its feline features became more apparent. For many this was a beast that had appeared once before, but for others? “I AM THE MAD MERRYMAKER, THE PRINCE OF– AH, I’VE DONE THIS BEFORE. SIMPLY CALL ME K’HORII.”
As the cat beast spoke, throughout the city those that came from other worlds began to feel peculiarly disoriented. They couldn’t tear their eyes away from the screens but neither did they feel rooted on the ground. Almost as if it were an out of body experience. “MY ATTENTION WAS CAUGHT BY THESE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES OF YOURS! AREN’T THEY PECULIAR? YOU LOT SPEND THE OTHER 11 MONTHS OF THE YEAR ARGUING AND FIGHTING, BUT AROUND THE HOLIDAYS YOU PRETEND TO GET ALONG! DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER? NO! BUT THAT IS THE POINT OF MY BUSINESS HERE.”
The screens all flickered off in tandem, leaving the out-of-worlders in completely different forms. At least for now. But… what could he have possibly meant by the situation not being as straightforward as it seemed?
Welcome to our next rerun event, EMPATHEOREM!
As you’ve surely gleamed from the above text, this event is based around the idea of living in another’s skin and coming to better understand people in ways you might not have otherwise. Here’s a general overview of how things will work mechanically:
characters can only swap with one other character at a time. the duration of the swap is up to the muns involved, and it could last the entire event, a number of hours, or even less. do what you’re comfortable with!
the characters do not to be within close proximity of one another to swap nor does it have to be with someone they know. it could be with someone on the other side of the city, leaving them to try and figure out who they are.
swapping must be done with mun permission. please respect the boundaries of other muns!
you cannot swap with an animal / pokemon unless they are a character on the masterlist. if there’s a pikachu on the masterlist for example you could swap with them, but not the pokemon of a trainer on the masterlist.
powers remain bound to the body regardless of whether they are physical or mental along with the unlock limitations. so if muse a were to swap with muse b, they would be able to use all of muse b’s unlocked powers provided they could figure out how to use them.
it isn’t merely a physical swap however, and there are side effects to being in another’s body that become more and more prominent the more time they spend swapped.
swapped characters may be prone to acting more and more like the owner of the body they are in. so for example if muse a and muse b swap, the longer they remained swapped the more they may begin to act like one another.
swapped characters may also experience one another’s memories. with mun permission, feel free to have them remember experiences only the host body might have known. this is a great way for characters to learn things about one another that might otherwise have gone unsaid!
the former two points are optional. you do not need to utilize either if you are not comfortable with it.
if your character has any special biological traits to note, please make sure to include this information in an info post or on your ad! in cases where characters have a fatal weakness to something mundane (in cases like being weak to the sun), you can choose to have anyone in their body subconsciously realize this for example. please do not kill anyone else’s muse without permission!
a posted mini will not count as participation during this event unless it is replied to before the event period ends. likewise during this event, drabbles will not count. this is because the event is very dependent on bond building interactions and we would like you guys to reach out and write with each other.
if you are not comfortable swapping with another character you are free to avoid doing so for the event! however to earn participation you must interact with at least one character who has swapped with someone else!
in regards to icons: if you’d like to offer up icons for people to use you can, but it isn’t mandatory at all!
you can use an info post to list things like unique biological characteristics, unlocked powers, and what kind of things like memories or personality traits a character in their body may come to expect if you’re okay with them experiencing these things. you can also provide a sampling of usable icons if you’d like! we recommend you tag these info posts with ‘#iremp info’.
even if you have mun permission we will not allow nsfw to be written during the event (unless it takes place outside of the event of course!). we also ask that you do not write any content picking fun at your new body in any form, even lightheartedly, for the sake of member comfort (for instance, if your muse does not have breasts and ends up in a body that does, do not joke about “having boobies”, or if they are a different weight do not draw attention to and mock it). if you are at all unsure if something crosses this line, we ask that you refrain.
the event officially ends at 11:59:59PM EST on july 5th.
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nicosraf · 5 months
hi :) i was wondering— do you get money from people checking out abm at libraries (physical or, like, Libby)? i own a physical copy of abm, but would it help you if i checked out abm from a physical or digital library when i wanted to read it?
sending you all the love in my heart rn ♥️ take care of yourself
I do not!!! However, when a library stocks my book, whether digitally or physically, they pay extra. I don't know off the top of my head, but I believe I get, like, double the royalties....?
Regardless!! Please don't worry. If you have any trouble getting it, you can get the book for any price you want through my Payhip in my bio link. Thank you so much. Sending u love as well
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2-sleepy-for-this · 6 months
Little Ribbon Dancer
Howdy folks! Here is a lil oneshot to get me back in the swing of things. :)
This is just a thing for @crustysoapbubbles, you requested this a while ago, sorry it took so long, I’ve been all over the place. Hope you like it! Some groovy Gangle G/t angst :D
tw ~ falling, fear, unintentional fearplay, minor self depreciation, Kinger shenaniganary Word count ~ 1k
When Gangle woke up in the morning, the last thing she expected was her bed to be like a vast expanse of fabric around her. In fact, her whole room was gigantic to her… 
What kind of nightmare…
Gangle suddenly gasped. This was too real to be a nightmare, and it seemed like it wasn’t her room that grew.. she shrunk.
The ribbon character started to panic, breath quick and uneven as she looked around. The constantly worried eyes of her mask seemed appropriate for this situation.
What would she do? There wasn’t much she could do at the moment… maybe find Caine?
With trembling ribbon limbs, Gangle stood and looked over the edge of her bed. She saw the drop to the floor was long… and even though she knew cartoon physics wouldn’t let her get seriously hurt, she still felt terrified of the drop. 
However.. she noticed how on the floor next to the bed there was a pillow, one of the five that she didn’t use much that had probably fallen off the bed in the night.
This would be scary… but there wasn’t another option, so Gangle walked to the very edge and prepared to jump…
Only to attempt to chicken out at the last moment. But the momentum of the running start caused her to fall anyway with a startled yelp. 
Fortunately, she landed on the pillow anyway and was only mildly disoriented. 
Looking around, she saw that the door had a crack under it big enough for her ribbon body to fit under.
By the time Gangle made it down the hallway of bedrooms, she was completely out of breath and tripping over her own feet. Finally, she took a moment to catch her breath, and that’s when she noticed the familiar form of a royal-looking chess piece. 
Kinger seemed to be staring, dissociating most likely, and not paying attention… he would be a good help in finding Caine…
Gangle ran over to him, yelling out his name but soon realizing that he couldn’t hear her, whether from the dissociation or her size change, she didn’t know.
Regardless, she still tried waving her arms around to gain his attention… and she almost regretted it when she did because immediately his eyes were blank and looking at her in a way she thought was much more intimidating while she was the size of a hand.
Kinger gasped loudly and suddenly, staring down at her with wide eyes.
“Part of an insect collection…”
He muttered under his breath, one of his disconnected hands reaching out to grab Gangle. She let out a squeal of fear and covered her eyes with ends of her ribbon hands. She was grabbed by the giant hand and lifted up high into the air, only to a normal sized person it was only a few feet off the ground. 
The grip wasn’t tight though, not to her flattened digital body of ribbon, and once the hand stopped at kingers eye level, it opened, leaving Gangle sitting in his open palm as he inspected her.
“K.. Kinger! It’s me!”
She spoke up with very little confidence, her arms practically tied together with how much she nervously fidgeted with them. 
There was a pause, of Kinger being frozen and silent… Gangle knew what was coming.
A sudden scream came from the chess piece character as the hand she was on flailed at a high speed, she was wrapped around his thumb for dear life… 
She squealed in fear as she was flung around while Kinger continued to scream.
“Stop! Stop- wait!”
As her tiny voice yelled, Kinger paused and brought his hand up to his face in surprise, his constantly wide eyes staring at her in curiosity and confusion.
“Oh, Gangle. You startled me…”
He sounded exasperated from the screaming. She was still shaken up from the unexpected flailing… though Gangle supposed she should have suspected that considering startling Kinger was never a good idea.
“Uh.. sorry, Kinger.. I-I don’t know what happened to me”
She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Without her comedy mask, that’s how she always felt. Small. Sad.
Only now that was literal.
“Hm… well, maybe it was your mental perception of yourself losing your mask, causing you to feel mentally small, turning you physically small.”
He spoke with a surprising amount of sense. Gangle stared at him for a moment.
“You mean… my digital form matched my mind…?”
“…. Your what?”
Immediately Kinger went back to his own strange mental state, forgetting everything he had just said. Gangle sighed and decided not to bring it back up, instead wanting to focus on her original plan.
“Just… can you take me to Caine?… I-I don’t.. like this.”
“Right, yes, of course!”
He made his way around the circus tent, searching, while also keeping his palms cupped against his royal cape. They continued like that until eventually they spotted the AI ringmaster dusting the ceiling of the tent upside down. After calling his name once he was levitating in front of them, his boisterous voice boomed.
“Well, hello Kinger! Any particular reason for disrupting my cleaning duties?”
The chess piece held up his hands. Gangle stared up at Caine with an apprehensive look before muttering.
“H-hi… can you fix this..?”
“Well, let’s see…”
Caine inspected the tiny figure, a hand where his chin would be if he had one.
“A glitch! Simple fix, Gangle! There!”
He snapped, and suddenly Gangle was normal sized again, causing Kinger to scream again and drop her. She dusted herself off and looked down at herself. She didn’t expect it to be that easy….
“Hey… Caine… could you also… f-fix my comedy mask..?”
She asked hopefully, wanting her other face fixed if Caine had already helped her once so simply.
“Hm… No! But… An adventure will cheer you up!”
Gangle gave a saddened whine as a collection of groans sounded throughout the tent, signaling that the others had heard the unfortunate words of adventure.
Maybe next time.
thanks for reading! Any more prompts for one shots are welcome! I may do a list of fandoms I’ll write for soon :)
Tag list: @da3dm @i-am-beckyu @lunar-but-little @phoenix-on-the-run
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rpgsandbox · 1 year
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Perils & Princesses is an adventure game played with paper and pencils, a few fancy dice, and your collective imaginations. The rules are inspired by a long tradition of pen-and-paper role-playing games, but specifically-designed to be easy to pick up and get you started on an evocative gritty, pretty, magical adventure.
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Remember that scene in Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs when our hero runs off into the deep dark forest, narrowly avoiding the pitfalls and horrors within? Or when Dorothy Gale throws a bucket of water in the face of the Wicked Witch? This game is all about the humble moments of heart and heroism of storybook princesses. 
These adventurers rely on  baskets of goodies, trusty hatchets and their hidden talents to help them on their way. The gifts from their Fairy Godmothers help them call upon woodland animals, sing enchanting songs or connect with the elements of nature as they dig deep to survive the perils that await them. 
Get some friends together, create your character and take your band of fairy tale heroes on a  dungeon-crawling, monster-slaying adventure.
If you're a fan of Grimm's Fairy Tales, animated Princess Movies, and Classic Storybooks where plucky heroes use their resolve and wits as they undergo fantastical adventures, then this is your kind of TTRPG. 
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The mechanics are rules-light, and focus on simple magic, teamwork and creativity. This game works as a stand-alone but is easily adapted to your own OSR and NSR style games, pre-written adventures, settings and dungeons of all sorts. In the game book you’ll find: • Streamlined system, friendly for newcomers, while still being rich with atmosphere for veterans looking for a new world to explore. • 8 fairy tale character classes with a wide range in fairy tale abilities. Based on the gift given to you by your Fairy Godmother, you could have an enchanting voice, an animal sidekick, or a connection to the elements that helps you thwart the perils that lay ahead.
 • Random tables to generate characters and outfit them with adventuring gear, storybook trinkets and enchanted relics or  quirky weapons.
• Bestiary full of Rot Goblins, Hedge Witches, Dragons, Trolls and Pixies and Unicorns  for GMs to spring upon the princesses. • GM tools to quickly improvise encounters, treasures, NPCs and all the little details to bring your fantastic world to life.
• Intro Adventure "The Rosewood Crown" with a backstory, plot hooks and a dungeon crawl to get your adventure started whether it's a one-shot or a a jumping off point for a larger campaign. Easy to follow instructions help new GMs run a session with only minimal prep. 
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Princesses are specific kind of fantasy character. Regardless of gender, they are fairy tale adventurers that rely on emotional resolve and cleverness more than physical strength. Your character can be any gender you choose. 
What ties them all together is that all princesses start with a Gift from their Fairy Godmother. Their Gift and their special abilities grow as they level up in their adventure. Whether it's an enchanting voice, a wild heart, powerful friendship or kitchen magic, each character archetype brings their unique talents to the adventure.
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Both the Digital and Print edition of Perils & Princesses are brought to life with whimsical layouts that are part medieval collage, part midcentury storybook, part childhood doodle. This book is full to the brim with 90 pages of hand-drawn illustrations of princesses, monsters and fractured fairy-tale magic.  
Tables full of magical items, spells, mishaps, wild mushrooms, unpredictable potions, enchanted weapons and more help GMs quickly immerse the players in this mystical fairy tale adventure. Quick reference rules will be printed on the interior covers making the book an easy to reference while playing. 
The game book is digest sized (5.5in  x 8.5in) and perfect bound. Final Page count will be approximately 90 pages. Cover stock is 120lb uncoated with a soft paper vintage feel. 
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, August 24 2023 2:57 PM BST
Website: [Perils & Princesses]
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iciousill · 11 months
Fragaria Memories Fanwork Guidelines
This is an unofficial translation of the guidelines for Fragaria Memories fanworks/ fanart/ doujin works.
I thought I saw conflicting translations/interpretations from shared posts about the guidelines that I came across recently, so I decided to translate them myself to (hopefully) avoid misinterpreting the actual guidelines. I do not track the official site for updates so there may be future changes not reflected here.
Last updated: 2023/10/23
Definition of 'fan content activities'
'Fan content activities' refers to works based on Fragaria Memories that either contain creative additions or are wholly new creations. These guidelines exclude copying as-is or activities* that can be treated as such.
*Examples of activities not covered in the guidelines: cropping official character illustrations, filtering/recolouring official art and so on, and making such images public
(T/N: I'll just use 'fanwork' in the main text from here on)
Applicable scope for these guidelines
The moment you upload your fanwork publicly, you're assumed to have agreed to the guidelines fully. Whether a fanwork is considered to have violated the stated guidelines or not is determined at Sanrio's discretion.
Sanrio may update the content of the guidelines anytime without advance notice.
Terms of Use
Terms of use regarding fanworks
(1) Not for commercial purposes (such as advertisements, promotions, sales) regardless of whether the work is made free or paid. *However, doujinshi distribution, video monetisation, paid membership perks and livestreams are allowed subject to fulfilling certain conditions mentioned later.
(2) Do not use Fragaria Memories' assets (illustrations, logos, marks/labels, scenarios, videos, voices, music, etc.) in the creation of your fanwork. Tracing is also not allowed even if you do it yourself.
(3) Do not misrepresent yourself as being related to or having the approval of Sanrio or Fragaria Memories.
(4) Do not deviate extremely from the worldview of the series or tarnish the image of the series. Inserting certain ideas/beliefs, or content of political or religious nature in fanworks is not allowed.
(5) Do not harm the reputation or status of others, and do not slander or libel others or commit other acts beyond public order and morals.
(6) Do not use content which third parties have rights to in your fanworks, such as content from collaboration events between Sanrio and its partners.
Terms of use regarding fanwork involving monetary/paid benefits
Notwithstanding (1) above, the distribution (sales) or publishing of fanworks may be allowed to a reasonable extent for the enjoyment of fans.
♦ Sales of doujinshi
Physical/paper forms, digital forms, illustrations, manga/comics, novels, cosplay photobooks and so on must adhere to the below terms.
(1) They must be sold approximately at cost price (the cost of your materials and production tools)
(2) The below links to a QR code that you can place somewhere easily visible to viewers (to avoid issues arising from being misidentified as official goods).
Fan Contents Nijigen Code (QR Code)
♦ Monetisation on video sharing sites
Monetisation of videos containing official instrumental music for cover songs (utattemita) is limited to the below video sharing sites:
Nico Nico Douga *Please refer to these guidelines (the guidelines on the official site) if the video sharing site asks about usage rights when you monetise your video.
♦ Fanwork in paid membership perks and livestreams
Only for non-age restricted platforms (pixivFANBOX, Fantia, YouTube Live, Nico Nico Live Broadcast [Nico Nico Namahousou], TikTok)
Regarding goods/merch
Please refrain from distributing merchandise (clothing accessories, image accessories, plushies, etc.) regardless of whether they're free or paid to avoid issues of the items being misidentified as official goods.
You may still create items for personal use, but if you're uploading them to social media, it would be appreciated if you tag them clearly as fanwork/fan content.
Even for items for personal use, please refrain from using or tracing Fragaria Memories assets (illustrations, logos, marks/labels, scenarios, videos, voices, music, etc.)
Recommended hashtags on social media
Sanrio recommends using the hashtag #Fragari_Art when you upload fanwork to social media platforms.
Miscellanous Terms & Conditions
Fan content activities by official illustrators
Official illustrators (contracted by Sanrio or its business partners) may still make fanworks.
Official illustrators have to follow both their contracts as well as the fanwork guidelines so as to avoid having their fanworks misidentified as official.
Other conditions
(1) If your fanwork is determined by Sanrio as having violated their guidelines, Sanrio can demand you to immediately cease conducting fan activities, as well as completely scrap and delete the offending fanworks.
(2) There may be times when official projects/adaptations by Sanrio and its partners overlap with or seem similar to fanworks. In such cases, Sanrio and its partners reserve the rights to conduct their projects anywhere, anytime, and in any form without consideration for payment.
(3) In the case that Sanrio or its partners contact creators to make Fragaria Memories content, it will be done with a fixed contract from Sanrio or its partners.
(4) As Sanrio continually fixes and adds new content to Fragaria Memories, there may be times when Sanrio's projects, goods or services unintentionally seem similar to your fanwork. Sanrio and its partners reserve the rights to continue with their project plans and you may not assert legal claims against them on the grounds of copyrights or moral rights.
(5) Even with these guidelines, Sanrio reserves the rights to suspend fanworks to protect their copyrights and moral rights.
(6) Sanrio makes no guarantees of non-infringement on third party rights regarding the use of Fragaria Memories by these guidelines or of Fragaria Memories itself.
(7) You may not simplify/abridge, paraphrase or distort/misinterpret these guidelines through any method when posting on any third party platforms including social media. (T/N: I hope I'm not lol)
(8) Sanrio takes no responsibility for damages or disputes with third parties resulting from fanworks made by these guidelines and will not provide compensation in such cases.
(9) As these guidelines may be updated without notice, Sanrio takes no responsibility for any issues resulting from such changes.
(10) Sanrio reserves the right to take legal actions against fanworks that violate these guidelines.
(11) Sanrio will not respond to individual inquiries on these guidelines.
(12) These guidelines were written in Japanese and follow Japanese laws.
(13) Any disputes between Sanrio and others regarding fanworks or other uses of Fragaria Memories will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court (東京地方裁判所) or Tokyo Summary Court (東京簡易裁判所) in the first instance.
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Ramblings on Transistor
Didn't expect to be back so soon, but here we are.
So, after the last travesty, I needed something to help wash away the stink. Happened upon a short game I had sitting in my library that I'd heard good things about, so I took a look at it.
Safe to say, Transistor has absolutely blown me away. It's one of the best things I've played this year, and we're talking about a year where I've played both Prey 2017 and Signalis for the first time.
This is going to be a bit shorter than the last because there's only so many ways I can say "this game is incredible," but here goes. As usual, you start with a fairly basic toolset. I thought "oh, these are going to be the starter abilities that I'm going to discard after getting something interesting," and then Transistor revealed its hand. The fact that not only do you get around a dozen abilities over the course of the game, but they can also give every other program(this game's name for your abilities) new functionalities, and that you can also put them in a special slot to provide a passive boost means you have one of the most versatile loadouts I've seen in a video game. There are so many combinations to try out, and a considerable chunk of those are going to be viable. Don't be afraid of sticking to one combination, branch out a bit! Hell, the game pushes you in this direction by ensuring you have to put a program in all three types of slot(active ability, upgrade, and passive) in order to unlock all the lore, as well as by temporarily disabling one randomly chosen active program every time your health gets depleted(effectively giving you four lives, at the cost of needing to take a different loadout for the next fight.) For those of you who like playing risky and taking gambles, you'll be right at home here.
The game is no slouch in the other departments too. Not much of a comment on the music this time around. Come on, it's Supergiant, no shit the music is great. I found the aesthetic of the game really pleasing, it's sort of this mix of cyberpunk and art deco designs and it all meshes together beautifully. Environments feel vibrant and satisfying to look at, it's almost as if they were designed in-universe to be perfect, which brings me to the story. It's probably the weakest part of this game, but that doesn't mean it was phoned in. There's a persistent theme of change on several levels. The city itself is constantly being transformed based on the whims of people, several people in the events of the game transform from physical to digital form, and a good portion of the plot involved trying to stop the transformation of the city into something else.
Despite the significance of what's going on, everyone involved seems to take an almost disinterested tone on what's going on. It creates this almost surreal dissonance that I can't say for certain whether or not I actually like. Regardless, it doesn't overstay its welcome and gets the job done. Fair warning though, the story does involve the use of suicide in a major plot beat, so if that's a topic you struggle with, please tread carefully.
Overall, this is an incredible game that I'd wholeheartedly recommend. There's nothing I'd say is genuinely bad about this game.
It'll be a while until the next one.
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acceptccnow · 11 months
Discussing Payment Processing in Canada, After-Effects of Covid, & Building a Business the Right Way
 Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the ever-evolving realm of commerce and business, payment processing remains an essential pillar of any enterprise. The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for the rapid adoption of digital payments, underscoring the significance of merchant account processing and the secure, efficient acceptance of credit cards. In Canada, a nation celebrated for its strong economy and diverse business landscape, understanding the nuances of payment processing is fundamental for building a thriving business the right way.
Payment Processing in Canada: An In-Depth View Canada, renowned for its tech-savvy and innovative populace, has been quick to embrace modern payment processing solutions. With a population that values convenience and security, businesses in the land of the maple leaf have had to evolve to meet these ever-evolving expectations.
Merchant account processing, the bedrock of payment acceptance, has witnessed substantial growth in Canada. This service enables businesses to accept credit cards, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process for customers. Whether you're a brick-and-mortar store, a digital e-commerce platform, or a service-oriented business, having a dependable merchant account is the cornerstone of success.
The Post-COVID Impact on Payment Processing The repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to widespread economic turbulence, prompted businesses to reassess their payment processing strategies in Canada. The aftermath left several notable effects:
Surge in Contactless Payments: Concerns about hygiene sparked a surge in the popularity of contactless payments and mobile wallets. Canadians embraced tap-and-go payments, highlighting the necessity of offering these options to customers.
E-commerce Renaissance: With people staying home, e-commerce experienced a substantial resurgence. Businesses had to enhance their online payment processing capabilities to meet the surging demand.
Elevated Emphasis on Security: The surge in digital transactions amplified the importance of robust security measures. Canadians now expect their payment data to be handled with the utmost care, making secure payment processing a non-negotiable requirement.
Support for Small Businesses: Government initiatives and support programs aided small businesses, emphasizing the need for accessible and cost-effective payment processing solutions to not only survive but thrive.
Building a Business the Right Way: Payment Processing Edition In the post-COVID era, businesses looking to thrive in Canada must focus on constructing a solid foundation for payment processing. Here are some pivotal steps:
Opt for the Right Payment Processor: Select a payment processor or merchant service provider that aligns with your business needs. Look for one offering competitive rates, outstanding customer support, and a diverse array of payment options to cater to your customers.
Prioritize Security: Security is paramount. Ensure your payment processing system adheres to industry standards and invest in measures to safeguard customer data. In Canada, compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a fundamental requirement.
Seamless Integration: Regardless of whether you operate online, in a physical location, or both, your payment processing system should seamlessly integrate with your existing operations. This guarantees a smooth experience for both you and your customers.
Stay Informed: Payment processing is an ever-evolving field. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and technological advancements. Being aware of emerging payment options and understanding consumer preferences can provide your business with a competitive advantage.
Customer-Centric Approach: Place the customer at the heart of your payment processing strategy. Offer multiple payment options to accommodate their preferences, whether it's credit cards, mobile wallets, or emerging payment technologies.
For those seeking to accept credit cards, it's essential to remember that a robust merchant account processing system is your gateway to success in the modern Canadian business environment. Embrace change, prioritize security, and always place your customers at the forefront of your strategy.
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