#Rehabilitation Medicine
market-insider · 1 year
Navigating the Landscape of Medical Rehabilitation Services
The global medical rehabilitation services market size is expected to reach USD 385.9 billion by 2030. Medical rehabilitation services are intended to reduce disability and optimize functioning in individuals with specific health conditions.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Medical Rehabilitation Services Market Report
The growth of the market is attributed to the rising geriatric population, the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions among adults, and the increasing number of children with developmental conditions. These factors are anticipated to increase the demand for the services due to the need for rehabilitation to prevent, treat, and manage these conditions. Rehabilitation services help to either minimize or slow down the disabling effects of chronic conditions in patients. For instance, according to the WHO as of July 2022, 1.71 billion people suffer from musculoskeletal conditions globally. These injuries are a leading cause of disability globally that limit the mobility and agility of patients leading to early retirement.
Medical rehabilitation helps to reduce hospital stays, thereby reducing healthcare expenditure, which is anticipated to boost market growth. Further, the increasing adoption of telerehabilitation services is projected to further drive the market due to the increased affordability and reduced costs. Increasing initiatives are undertaken by the government to increase the adoption of these services to fuel the growth of the market. For instance, Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) program launched by the Indian Government in May 2021 aimed at providing training to rehabilitation workers with ground knowledge for managing cross-disability issues in disabled individuals working with ASHA and Anganwadi workers.
The increasing number of initiatives undertaken by the key players in the market in order to provide innovative solutions to the user is estimated to further drive the market during the forecast period. For instance, in October 2021, MindMaze Healthcare announced a partnership with Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital (RBH) for its MindPod platform targeted to treat motor and cognitive restoration in stroke patients. MindPod is an animated gaming environment developed by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine's Department of Neurology that helps to repair the nervous systems after a stroke.
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adrianasgnn · 1 year
Wareologie Portable Parallel Bars with Dr Therese Jamison [Video]
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belovedskies · 2 years
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great-and-small · 4 months
Today’s journey involved driving several hours to get this little raptor into the hands of a licensed avian rehabber. He was found by a civilian and fed dog food for a few days before being surrendered to my clinic. Fortunately he has no injuries, so off to rehab he goes, though many nearby facilities are currently at capacity and were not able to take him. Thank goodness for the awesome place a few towns over that was able to help me out today! I’m hoping he can be rehabilitated and released into the wild, and I’m very glad he is now safe and in good hands. My guess was Buteo sp. but the rescue was leaning more towards a Mississippi kite, which would be neat.
If you ever find a wild baby bird, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, is that for birds of a certain age (fledglings) it is normal for them to be on the ground and these birds should be left to their business. For younger birds like this little guy the first priority should always be getting them back to their parents, assuming they are not injured. Replacing baby back into the nest is the best option. Bird parents are better suited to raise a baby bird than humans, and there is enormous margin for error especially in socially complex raptor species.
Don’t be a kidnapper! Reach out to local wildlife authorities BEFORE you take any wild animal, unless there is immediate danger present (like an outdoor cat).
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Methotrexate Update
Doctor got back to me about my labs. My absolute monocytes are high but she isn’t concerned. She didn’t explain why (my best guess it’s bc my exercise has increased so drastically in such a short amount of time but idk) She says I can stay at the same dose and she doesn’t need another lab for three months. I have been doing GREAT on it. Hardly any negative side effects.
The stomach pain I’ve had every night for a year is gone.
My post-exercise chest pain that I’ve been going to cardiologist and ER for since Oct 2022 is completely gone (playing and shoveling snow 100% would have set that off)
TMI // My period has been freaking purple since Sept 2022 and I’ve been bleeding so much that the OBGYN thought I had a fibroid rupture. Well I just had my first period on Methotrexate and it’s all back to normal now and the amount was 1/3 what it has been which is a huge relief. It still hurt but I was able to eat and drink which I usually struggle with for the first few days. Maybe the pain will get better over time.
My gums don’t bleed any more when flossing. It just stopped as soon as I started methotrexate.
I’m able to eat and drink a lot more than I was which is great.
I have way more range of motion in my joints (which is making me have more problems with my hypermobility but whatev)
I still have muscle and joint pain but I honestly think most of it is bc I’ve been able to do so much more. I was taking 600 mg ibuprofen 2-3 times a day and my pain was still 7-7.5/10 and now I’m not taking any ibuprofen except maybe once every couple days and it’s a solid 6-6.5/10
Oh and I can take deeper breaths. Like I’m still having low oxygen show up on my oxymeter but for most of my life my ribs have felt like I’m wearing a corset and they can’t expand when I breath in and that has improved so much that I just walk around the house thinking “wow. I can take a breath. Wow” I’m not sure if this is due to my joints and ribs having more range of motion or if it’s connected to the hyperinflation of my lungs that showed up on the X-ray. Idk but it’s awesome and I’m making an appointment with pulmonologist again to double check lung stuff
The only con I’m currently having is the high absolute monocytes which my dr says is fine and I’ve been having really bad night sweats (actually I’m sweating a ton all the time) but I think my body is just like…recalibrating. Usually effects are really seen after a few months so I’m super excited for 2024!
Mandana’s Health Update
Surprise surprise the new vet doesn’t want to prescribe LDN/s
I get why. There are no studies on using LDN for pain in dogs (there are a few cancer studies in dogs which include LDN for pain relief and QOL but whatev) I humored her and tried to use Carprofen but Mandana doesn’t do well on pain meds and always gets an upset stomach after a couple days. This time was no different and she was miserable and vomiting so I took her off it. We discussed all of our options which I’ll list now for reference:
Decrease carprofen from 75mg twice a day to 75mg once a day // not gonna work bc the original dose wasn’t even very effective for managing her pain and I imagine if she’s already having problems with NSAIDs then taking even a small dose every day for years will hurt her.
Try a different NSAID called Meloxicam // we expect the same problem we have with carprofen
Try a different type of pain relief called Amantadine // Used along side NSAIDs (which we can’t do) so not very effective on its own and can have a side effect of urine retention which Mandana is prone to (she gets this as a “rare” side effect of both apoquel and Benadryl so I would rather not risk it, esp since Proin gave her high blood pressure and we had to discontinue it so there would be no back up if she got incontinence again)
Try the new type of pain relief that was just approved in the US called Librela // This is what we’re going to do next. She has an appointment for her first injection 1.5 weeks from now.
Consult with a Neurologist and get an MRI // After we get her back pain approved by our PetsBest insurance we will make an appointment for a neurologist consult and MRI. The two X-rays we have are 9 months apart and show a narrowing of the disc space between L4-5 but the general consensus is that it shouldn’t be causing as much pain as she is in so an MRI will give us a better idea of what’s going on and the Neurologist might have more treatment options for us.
We really want to wrap up some of these big health concerns for both of us before 🐾2025🐾👀 and we are already making a lot of progress so I’m super hopeful!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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Finally able to walk, 3-year-old polio patient Joseph Maldonado leaves NYU's Institute of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, where he received polio treatment paid for by the March of Dimes, 1959.
Photo: NY Daily News
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vladimir777sk · 9 months
❣ Автономный экзоскелет от французского стартапа, позволяющий инвалидам ходить, приседать и даже подниматься по ступенькам. ❗❕ ЛЮДИ! Не нужно воевать и убивать, а лучше придумывать и создавать такие вещи 🙏
An autonomous exoskeleton from a French startup that allows people with disabilities to walk, squat and even climb stairs. ❗ ❕ PEOPLE! There is no need to fight and kill, but it is better to invent and create such things 🙏
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Some of the most compelling evidence of neurological damage after mild COVID-19 comes from U.K. researchers who investigated brain changes in people before and after they got the disease.
The 785 participants, between 51 and 81 years old, who had already been scanned before the start of the pandemic, were scanned on average three years apart as part of the U.K. Biobank project. Tests or medical records showed that 401 of these volunteers had become infected with SARS-CoV-2. Most had mild infections; only 15 of the 401 were hospitalized.
The results showed that four and half months after a mild COVID infection, patients had lost, on average, between 0.2 and 2 percent of brain volume and had thinner gray matter than healthy people. By comparison, older adults lose between 0.2 and 0.3 percent of their gray matter each year in the hippocampus, a region linked to memory.
In the region of the brain linked to smell, the COVID-19 patients had 0.7 percent more tissue damage compared to healthy people.
The infected participants’ performance on cognitive tests also declined more rapidly than before illness. They took 8 and 12 percent longer on the two tests that measured attention, visual screening ability, and processing speed. The patients were not significantly slower on memory recall, reaction time, or reasoning tests.
“We could in turn relate this greater mental ability decline to their greater loss of gray matter in a specific part of the brain,” says Gwenaëlle Douaud, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford who led the U.K. study.
Overall, studies consistently show that COVID-19 patients score significantly lower in tests of attention, memory, and executive function compared to healthy people. Jacques Hugon, a neurologist at University of Paris Lariboisiere Hospital, says it isn’t clear if the brain will mend itself or whether patients will ever recover, even with cognitive rehabilitation.
“We don't know exactly what's going on in the brain,” says Hugon. Perhaps the damage COVID-19 causes in the brain will evolve into various neurodegenerative disorders. “We don't know that for sure at the moment, but it is a risk, and we need to follow [the patients] very carefully for the years to come.”
  —  Even mild COVID-19 can cause your brain to shrink
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podiatry-pedicure · 2 months
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Foot care in middle east region;
Hyperhidrosis of the feet is one of the most common problems of our society.
Closed shoes and sneakers aggravate the hyperhidrosis disease.
A humid environment is a source of fungal and bacterial pathogens and, as a result, leads to the appearance of foot disorder.
Hygiene and wearing socks and medical shoes made from natural materials can somewhat reduce its sewerity.
You can make pedicure with a decoction of medicinal herbs, antiseptics, which have a drying, antibacterial effect.
Gait analysis and diagnosis, foot biomechanic evaluation.
To block the sweat glands and prevent hypersweating, you can use antiperspirants in the form of sprays, rollers, creams, powders, lotions and medications.
Establishing first Iranian E-Clinic for foot and Podiatry in Mashhad.
how foot pressure measurements can be used in real clinical settings for podiatry?
Diabetic offload shoes and CNC insoles.
Sport medicine & rehabilitation.
Pre and post-treatment examinations.
Orthotic & Prosthetic prescriptions. Please messege me in Telegram @ortho_teb_clinic if you need more informatio about Orthotic and Prosthetic.
Ali Karimi
Bsc CPO, Member of Iranian medical council, OP-127, former member of O&P Scientific board of Iran-East branch ( Khorasan Razavi -North Khorasan - South Khorasan - Sistan Baluchistan ) - Graduated from medical school Aug 2008.
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saigonreviewvn · 8 months
Các địa chỉ tập phục hồi chức năng tại TPHCM đang nỗ lực để mang tới những phương pháp giúp đỡ bệnh nhân đẩy nhanh tốc độ khôi phục sau chấn thương, phẫu thuật. Nếu cũng có nhu cầu như vậy, bạn có thể tham khảo bài viết của Sài Gòn Review để chọn đúng những cơ sở uy tín, đảm bảo hiệu quả.
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cakeinthevoid · 1 year
Part 5 — This Edible Ain't Sh—Oh Boy (The Look — Metronomy)
Content: Medication side effects (pain) and injury (mentioned)
By the time Carrie had finished their breakfast, their soft rock playlist had nearly been exhausted. They rifled through their music library on their phone to queue some other genres while waiting for Willow.
Willow was a rather slow eater. They were methodical, seeming to eat the parts to any given meal in a specific order. 
So when Willow had begun gradually picking up the pace, Carrie immediately knew something was off. Their hand began to tremble. Then it wasn’t long before keeping the spoon in hand was a visible struggle. They fought admirably to keep a neutral expression, but the frustration bled through.
It wasn’t a mystery what was causing this, either. 
“If you’d like to take a break, you can. I’ll save your food in the fridge if you still want it.” 
That’s what Carrie did for those first days when Willow began taking the medication just before breakfast. Then Carrie tried a change in the schedule and Willow eagerly adapted. Since then, medicine was first thing in the morning so they could eat after the worst of the side effects faded.
Willow clenched the spoon tightly. It only made the shakes in their hand worse. They really were stubborn.
Carrie sighed quietly. “I keep telling you I have udrophoon. It will help with the side effects of—”
Willow’s spoon clattered on the table as they suddenly dropped it and pushed their chair out to leave.
“Willow…” Carrie got to their feet at the same time as them. They were always opposed to udrophoon. Again, Carrie had some ideas as to why they would be, not all very pleasant, but if it could ease their daily suffering…
Willow was heading determinedly to the stairs, escaping to their room. At least, they were; One moment they were rushing out and the next, they nearly keeled over. They barely caught themself on the console table against the wall.
“Oh Lord—” Carrie rushed to their side, but Willow pushed themself off the thin table, knocking over a potted plant, and stumbled back in the direction of the stairs.
Carrie let the plant roll off the table in favour of catching Willow by their upper arms from behind. “You’re not gonna make it up the stairs,” they said, trying to guide them to the living room. 
Willow tore out of their grasp, whipping around to face Carrie. Carrie had been doing their job for much too long to flinch at the enraged look on their face. 
Willow was breathing heavily, teeth bared, and glaring viciously at Carrie. 
“I know,” they said calmly. “I know.” They huffed a breath of air that was too dark to be a laugh. “Trust me, I know, but I’m not just going to let you collapse and risk hurting your ribs worse. They’re. Not. Healed.” Their voice was firm. “Understand?” 
Willow shook with barely contained rage and medicine tremors, hands balled into tight, shaking fists. They were beginning to hyperventilate.
Carrie brought their hands up slowly, palms out in a placating gesture. Willow’s eyes flicked down to them and back up to their face—and took a stumbling step back.
Carrie felt something inside them ache, as it did for every patient they took in, but continued their gesture. 
They brought their hands to their own ribs and traced the areas where Willow had breaks and fractures in their ribs. “Your ribs probably hurt like a flamin’—hurt a lot,” they amended. “You need to control your breathing, like this.” Carrie demonstrated steady breaths. “Not too deep. Just breathe with me. Better yet, breathe with me on the couch.” They pointed carefully in the direction of the living room.
Willow was wavering, swaying on their feet a little. Despite that, in true Willow nature, they held their glare. 
“Willow. I won’t be catchin’ you like a damsel in distress,” Carrie said, knowing full well they would. “So please let’s rest on the couch.” Then a thought stuck. It was ridiculous but it might be enough.
Carrie cocked their head. “Lay on the couch and you can choose the music?” 
Willow’s gaze sharpened. Carrie was almost certain that the only reason they still stood for another full minute just glaring angrily at them while they were moments away from falling over was for appearances sake. 
They’ve seen it before: they wanted to maintain an image. Institute patients had little control over their care, and so they took what they could get. If being difficult means they would feel a little better on the inside while receiving much needed care, then Carrie would deal with that.
Finally, finally, Willow stepped back, turning to the living room, but held Carrie in sight. They made their way unsteadily to the couch, but Carrie kept their distance instead of hovering too close. 
Willow paused before the couch for a beat before cautiously sitting down. They had schooled their face into impassiveness, but Carrie saw the way their shoulders relaxed—how they curled over slightly with relief as they sank into the cushions. 
It must be exhausting to keep up a front all the time when it was so clear they just wanted to completely relax. Carrie settled into the armchair next to the couch and wondered if they ever would feel safe enough to do so in front of them one day. 
Baby steps.
Carrie was pulling out their phone when Willow suddenly tensed again, digging their fingers into the couch and sucking in a sharp breath. They grimaced in pain, riding out what Carrie knew to be the seizing of their internal muscles. They hissed a breath through their clenched teeth, eyes burning holes into the ceiling. 
“I know, it really sucks.” Willow transfixed their fiery look on Carrie, as if to say ‘really?’ 
“Ok, it really, really sucks but maybe lay down? The music might help? Give you something else to focus on?” They held out their phone to Willow.
Willow just looked at it, hands still gripping the couch with enough force to tear through the fabric if they had claws. They cringed at another wave of pain, clearly wanting to curl into themself more, but resisting. 
Carrie lowered her arm. They weren’t helping them like this. Frankly, they were doing more harm than good for Willow at this point. Too much, too soon, they thought again.
“Here,” they placed their phone unlocked on the coffee table arm's reach from the couch. Then they got to their feet. “I have to clean the kitchen anyway. Tap the red square for music and the triangles to change songs.” 
They were already on their way to the kitchen when they added, “Just call me if you need help” and only realised the stupidity of that statement when they were picking up the fallen potted plant from earlier. 
But when they turned around, they saw Willow already laying along the length of the couch, curled into a vague s-shape, and scrolling through their phone. 
Carrie turned back around to clean the kitchen, lest Willow saw them watching them act even a little relaxed, Lord forbid. So Carrie tidied up. Just before starting to wash the dishes, they heard the faint sound of a synth riff.
Tag : @whumpkinpie :}
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dralexdpt · 1 year
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Dr Terry Hansen Albuquerque - A Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Doctor
Dr. Terry Hansen, an experienced Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor based in Albuquerque. Specializing in Spine, Sports Medicine, Orthopedics, Pain Medicine, and Occupational Medicine, Dr. Hansen is committed to eliminating pain and restoring quality of life. His professional inspiration lies in empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
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biwenmd · 2 years
Freaking out about the OSCEs or Step 2? There are great websites that will help you with your clinical examination performance. MSK examinations are especially important for rehabilitation medicine.
Here are the top two websites I still go back to:
geekymedics: Geekymedics have been around for a while, but I still go back to them once in a while. They have not only videos and great explanations for exams, but also for common procedures you will be asked to do on the ward. They have interactive checklists to make sure you won't miss a step.
The Stanford Medicine 25 (see link above): I've started watching Stanford's youtube videos to revise my clinical examination skills.
Honorable Mentions:
Oscestop: Oh, OSCEstop, how I loved your PDFs. OSCEstop now requires a subscription to see certain content.
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biomedres · 3 days
Perception of Palestinian Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Students About Professional Values: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Perception of Palestinian Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Students About Professional Values: A Cross-Sectional Study in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Background: Professional values provide a context for appraising beliefs and attitudes that guide behaviors and considered as standards for acceptable actions by professionals toward providing safe patient care. Aim: This study aimed to assess professional values among Palestinian undergraduate nursing and midwifery students and examine the relationship between students’ demographics and professional values. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional design was used in this study. A convenient sample of 370 undergraduate nursing and midwifery students from the Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine completed an electronic version of the revised nursing professional values scale, which consists of 26 items covering five domains (caring, trust, justice, activism and professionalism). Results: Age of participants ranged between 18 and 36 years with a mean of 21.1 years. The majority of them were females (60.7%), regular students (87.3%), were enrolled in the nursing program (95.4%). The top caring statement rated by the participants was “Maintain confidentiality of patient” (4.41) while the statement “Protect rights of participants in research” received the lowest score (3.62). The mean total scores of the domains of revised nursing professional values scale ranged between 3.610 for the “professionalism” domain and 4.133 for the “justice” domain. The variables related to age, gender, grades cumulative average, study year did not impact the scores of the revised nursing professional values scale or its domains. Conclusion: This study found that professional values were relatively high among Palestinian nursing and midwifery students. Justice and caring domains were rated highest by participants, while activism and professionalism domains were rated low. These results should alert nursing educators to their roles in improving these values among nursing and midwifery students. This could be approached by empowering, role modeling and engagement of students in more activities to enhance these values.
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A Good Therapeutic Approach for Patients with Paraparesis due to Spinal Arteriovenous Fistula
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Although Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (SDAVF) is the most common arterio-venous malformation of the spinal cord, it is an extremely rare pathology. It is usually an acquired condition that may cause congestive myelopathy through chronic venous hypertension. The clinical picture is non-specific but the diagnosis can be inferred from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and confirmed through Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). We report four cases that presented in our clinic in the past twelve months and in which SDAVF was suspected based on spinal MRI. The mean age was 54. Three of them presented with severe motor deficits and two of them had sphincteric disturbances. Sensory deficits varied. Three of the patients had a subacute progression, while one of them evolved rather acutely. The diagnosis was confirmed through DSA with selective catheterization and endovascular occlusion of the feeding artery by injection of liquid embolic material was performed with no periprocedural incidents. There was no further progression of deficits and three of the patients presented partial improvement by the time of discharge. One of the main challenges posed by these patients is correctly identifying the feeding artery of the SDAVF, which may be achieved by spinal Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and elaborate DSA. Another aspect relates to the recovery of neurologic deficits which includes motor rehabilitation programmes, as well as management of associated symptoms and pathologies. It is our experience that shunt obliteration should be always attempted as SDAVF is a rare but recuperable cause of severe neurologic deficits.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/epmr/pdf/EPMR.000588.pdf
Read more Crimson Publishers Google Scholar
Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=MAr8S6kAAAAJ&citation_for_view=MAr8S6kAAAAJ:maZDTaKrznsC
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