#Healthcare Recovery
menjorexperiment-2023 · 3 months
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market-insider · 1 year
Navigating the Landscape of Medical Rehabilitation Services
The global medical rehabilitation services market size is expected to reach USD 385.9 billion by 2030. Medical rehabilitation services are intended to reduce disability and optimize functioning in individuals with specific health conditions.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Medical Rehabilitation Services Market Report
The growth of the market is attributed to the rising geriatric population, the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions among adults, and the increasing number of children with developmental conditions. These factors are anticipated to increase the demand for the services due to the need for rehabilitation to prevent, treat, and manage these conditions. Rehabilitation services help to either minimize or slow down the disabling effects of chronic conditions in patients. For instance, according to the WHO as of July 2022, 1.71 billion people suffer from musculoskeletal conditions globally. These injuries are a leading cause of disability globally that limit the mobility and agility of patients leading to early retirement.
Medical rehabilitation helps to reduce hospital stays, thereby reducing healthcare expenditure, which is anticipated to boost market growth. Further, the increasing adoption of telerehabilitation services is projected to further drive the market due to the increased affordability and reduced costs. Increasing initiatives are undertaken by the government to increase the adoption of these services to fuel the growth of the market. For instance, Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) program launched by the Indian Government in May 2021 aimed at providing training to rehabilitation workers with ground knowledge for managing cross-disability issues in disabled individuals working with ASHA and Anganwadi workers.
The increasing number of initiatives undertaken by the key players in the market in order to provide innovative solutions to the user is estimated to further drive the market during the forecast period. For instance, in October 2021, MindMaze Healthcare announced a partnership with Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital (RBH) for its MindPod platform targeted to treat motor and cognitive restoration in stroke patients. MindPod is an animated gaming environment developed by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine's Department of Neurology that helps to repair the nervous systems after a stroke.
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homeharmredux · 27 days
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We are looking for participants for our research study! Feel free to share and reblog, and if you are interested or have any questions please reach out!
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On the heels of International Overdose Awareness Day Aug. 31, the province launched its new health agency called Recovery Alberta on Sunday. The service will focus on delivering mental health and addictions services as part of Alberta’s health care restructuring. Alberta Health Services will be reorganized into four different sectors operating within more defined parameters. AHS will work alongside primary care, continuing care and mental health and addiction care, which are in the process of branching off. According to the province, more than 10,000 staff working in AHS addiction and mental health, and correctional health services, are moving to Recovery Alberta. They will continue to operate and manage contracts for about 1,650 psychiatric beds, 1,350 addiction detox and treatment beds, and health services for more than 4,800 people.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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angelpink610 · 3 months
You guys wanna know when the things I wished for, hoped for, visualized and manifested actually started to appear to me, to become my reality? When I understood and learned how to ENJOY THE PROCESS!
Let’s yap a bit… ;)
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Us as immediate people in an immediate society end up focusing entirely on the results, we only see the things we wish for as results, as finish lines. What we fail to do is see the start line and the path that leads to the end.
I don’t want to sound corny, but it’s really all about that Hannah Montana movie song “The Climb”. We only think about how fast we will get there, how life will be when we get there, how happy it will be when we get there. Well, here’s the thing: if you’re not happy and grateful throughout the way, don’t even expect to be happy on the finish line. Our goals are not essentially what make us happy, they’re proofs of our capacity and work. What actually makes someone’s life happy and amazing, is the way that person behaves and conditions their mind WHILE chasing all of these dreams. It’s all about your methods, it’s all about your feelings, your reactions to the world, the way you act towards people. Don’t think you’ll be happy and achieve the greatest things when you live your life and answer to the world bitterly, in a rush, not paying much mind to it.
I know this is obvious, but just so that no one is confused and comes for me after: I’m not saying every day is going to be incredible, I’m not saying that you’re not allowed to be sad, angry, uncomfortable, jealous, disgusted. These are all perfectly normal and human emotions, and everyone should feel them—it just shows you’re alive. This concept of being 24/7 happy and grateful and “Oh my God, everything’s incredible all the time” it’s just not sustainable nor healthy (+, obviously, not real). What we should do, instead, is allow these emotions to be felt, and then act upon them understanding why they’re there and how we can soothe them, or make them a little less strong. For example, understand where your anger comes from, is it truly someone’s fault, why are we feeling it. Not block it, not try to stop it from being felt—but understand it. And then, after thinking (even meditating, if you like) about it, let it go, and let it be felt still, if you think it’s the right thing. Don’t ask too much of yourself always, sometimes we really just need to scream for a second on our pillow or shed a tear in our room. It’s perfectly alright and also healthy!
Have fun, make friends, create good memories with these friends, study, live your life to the fullest. Meet new people, go to new places, discover new music, books, art, movies that make you feel something. Laugh with people you love, create memories through pictures, do some risky things, you don’t need to always be so careful about everything. Some lesions make us stronger. And while you’re doing everything else, manifest your dreams, work towards it, put in the effort, visualize, believe you’re worth and destined for that, acknowledge you already have everything you need to get there and that, actually, you already have it.
Learn to actually live your life on the way to your dreams, not just survive the path. When you look at life with gratitude and love, life looks back—and you’ll feel it.
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As always, you’re free to agree or disagree with me on the various topics I talk about. It’s my own experience and the way it’s been for me. Feel free to also share your stories on comments and/or reblogs! I’ll love to see it.
That’s it for today’s yapping session. Love, Seiko ♡
♡ borders credit: @anitalenia
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fatiina · 4 months
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 10 months
Knowing and admitting you need help is one thing
but knowing what help you need or how to acquire it or where to even start is a whole other thing entirely.
Anyone have any tips or resources for this?
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jamesunderwater · 11 months
okay for real -- would folks actually follow it if i made a sideblog for info, resources, peer support, etc. around mental health, trauma healing, trans/queer health, & disability justice topics?
the more work i do on this stuff in my crisis/client support job the more i'm like, fuck i want to get this information out there to people as much as i can.
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bbymoonlightbae · 6 months
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This album heals me sm ᥫ᭡
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longreads · 1 year
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Unknown Costs
“Addicts and alcoholics cannot prove their need for treatment by requesting it. They’ve gotta bleed and pee for it. And even that might not be enough.”
A powerful new Longreads essay on addiction recovery is out today. Take some time to read it here. 
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thescreamcorner · 2 months
Sometimes it's really really concerning how much anti-psychiatry and anti-recovery rhetoric exists-- and for once I'm not just talking about endos, but even within the OSDDID internetsphere, especially in actively pro self dx circles. It's not to say that you can't or shouldn't work on things away from a healthcare team, but with chronic and intensely debilitating disorders it is rare, if not impossible to fully be "fine" without help.
Like. If you're experiencing dissociative amnesia or memory/identity issues in general (even when caused by things as innocuously treated online like ADHD if it's at a debilitating level), you NEED someone who isn't affected by those things in order to have a sense of grounding and heal. And it's vital for that to be someone who has a baseline understanding of how dissociative disorders work.
My caseworker calls are sometimes the only thing giving me any sense of the passage of time, and she remembers things during calls that I completely forget or dissociate through. Not even my partner can consistently provide this because of her time blindness, vs the professional who reaches out, doesn't have a disorder affecting her memory, and takes notes during our calls.
My therapy visits, as infrequent as they've been lately, are some of the only reason why we've made progress toward one of our alters no longer making contact with our abusers when she fronts, and that fight isn't over yet. My partner can't stop her from doing it-- she'll wait until they're asleep. They also don't have the resources or bandwidth to address with her why doing this is bad, and if they intervene incorrectly it increases the chance that one day I wake up in another state.
I get from firsthand experience that healthcare, especially in the US, is notoriously inaccessible, and in some places the facilities available are full of inexperienced, incompassionate tools who don't care about their patients. But instead of using that as an excuse to stop trying, instead of pushing others into not seeking care and not trusting doctors, that needs to get channeled into finding and providing resources.
Many states have government funded healthcare available for those below the poverty line. Many facilities offer payment scaling plans even without insurance. A fair amount of insurance companies that "don't cover this" will make exceptions if you go through other channels and get professional referrals. It's not easy, it's not always free, and it's not fast. For those underage, it may be awhile before you can legally access it.
But for the love of all that is sacred on this burning planet, do NOT discourage trauma survivors from trying to get psychiatric help over the potential of a bad experience or a bad doctor. You are not helping people heal and learn to love themselves. You are creating paranoia and enforcing a regressive mentality that can prevent someone from reaching out before its too late.
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Absolutely no shelf is safe from my short ass anymore
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curiositysavesthecat · 4 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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The B.C. government is expanding access to drug-addiction treatment by launching a free telephone line for people to get medication and same-day care.  The Opioid Treatment Access Line can connect people in need with a team of doctors and nurses seven days a week to prescribe opioid agonist medications.  "When people struggling with opioid addiction decide to reach out for help, they need access to treatment and care quickly, free from barriers," said Jennifer Whiteside, B.C.'s minister of mental health and addictions, in a news release Tuesday. 
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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2outta3aintbad · 1 year
“You can’t self diagnose thats disrespectful to people actually suffering from that” okay but have you considered dying a slow miserable death
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fatiina · 4 months
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