#Reincarnated ML AU
sparklyaxolotlstudent · 9 months
I reincarnated into the villainess of Miraculous Ladybug!
Part 3
Yeah, after ten thousand years, a new chapter! I really couldn't work with Horrificator, so I ultimately decided to skip it and go directly for Princess Fragrance to get Chloe to Master Fu, and next will be Volpina. Hopefully not after other 10 thousand years
Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes.
She already knew this moment was going to happen sooner or later when she learned that Prince Ali was going to visit the sick kids of Paris, and for some reason she had to accompany him, instead of her dad, or a diplomat.
She still had to hide her glee from Sabrina. She had Tikki in her own hands!
She wished she could tell her everything she knew, and how much she admired what she and Marinette were doing.
“Did I hear you say Prince Ali?” Rose approached them timidly, after Chloe’s limo had arrived and Sabrina opened her door.
“Not that I want to, but yeah” She said quickly, hiding Tikki in her purse, muttering a “Sorry”, which Tikki for a moment thought was meant for her, but dismissed the notion. This was Chloe after all.
“Oh please, could you give him a special letter from me?”
“Sure, no problem”
“That is so amazingly sweet of you to do this for me!” 
“But just so we are in the same page, I can’t guarantee he will be able to read it, his assistant might confiscate it or something”
Rose deflated a bit with those words.
“But I will do my best so he can get it”
“I understand. Thank you, Chloe!” Rose smiled and went away, happy as ever. Chloe was happy that at least she was able to prevent her akumatization. She then was able to hear Marinette whisper yelling for Tikki.
On the one hand, she could continue with the script and keep Tikki for a couple of hours… but since she prevented “Princess Fragrance” being created, it could be difficult to return Tikki later. She sighed, and then took Tikki out of her purse.
“Hey, Marinette!”
The other girl turned around; worry written all over her face. Her face changed when she saw Tikki in Chloe’s hand, from worry to happiness, to a sudden realization to worry again.
“Is this uh… toy?... yours?” said Chloe not very convincing. Marinette nodded cautiously, ready to plunge if Chloe tried anything funny. To her surprise, Chloe carefully put Tikki in her hands. “You should be more careful, it looks delicate. I don’t know what it is, but it feels a bit hot, maybe you should take it to the doctor hehe” Chloe tried to joke, giving a hint to Marinette to bring Tikki to Master Fu, which Marinette found odd.
“Thanks… I… uh… I will?”
Chloe smiled and finally went inside the limo, not before noticing that Marinette seemed to be “talking” discreetly with Tikki, and suddenly ran to the opposite direction Chloe was going, which also was opposite Marinette’s home.
Then she realized, that she was going to Master Fu right now.
Without hesitation, she ordered her chauffer to return home and give the letter to her dad to give to Prince Ali. She left the limo and went after Marinette, not noticing Rose was staring at her.
Chloe followed Marinette, noticing how every now and then she kept opening her purse and whispering to it, no doubt asking for directions. They eventually reached a non-descript house.
Chloe decided to wait out until Marinette was done to enter and confirm if it was indeed Master Fu house, as she couldn’t be sure until she saw him herself. Idly, she reached for her phone to call her dad… and then she noticed she had a Akuma Alert message.
She didn’t even know there was a Akuma Alert App.
Opening the app, she read through it and her eyes went wide. It was Rose, or rather, Princess Fragrance. “OH, COME ON!”
She couldn’t believe it. Even if she tried to be nice, the universe conspired to create the akumas anyway… She sighed, and was about to go home to try to talk to Rose, or at least help Chat Noir until Tikki got healed, but then she heard the door of the house opening, Marinette getting out quickly, and then going into an alley. She then saw Ladybug emerge and go in direction to the hotel.
She looked at her options… even if she went to the hotel, she probably would only get in Ladybug’s way… or end up smelling like fish. Push comes to shove, she would go if Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn’t defeat her, but now… she wanted to talk to Master Fu.
She knocked on the door, and waited, eventually, Master Fu answered, and looked at her with a confused look on his face. It was obvious he knew who she was, and the normal Chloe Bourgeois would never be on a place like this. At least not voluntarily.
“Hello, my name is Chloe Bourgeois”
“Welcome to my humble establishment young lady. What can I help you with? A massage for your father, perhaps?”
“No, thank you. I…”
In that moment, Chloe realized that, for all the time she had spent trying to locate Master Fu, she had never planned on what to say. Master Fu looked at her even more confused, and a little concerned.
“Are you lost? I can call a taxi to take you to your home”
“No, I’m exactly where I wanted… Ah, screw it.” Chloe pushed past Master Fu, who was still confused, and now a little annoyed at her rude behavior. She planted herself in the middle of the room, staring at the gramophone that she knew was where Wayzz and the Miraculous were hidden” Without looking back at Master Fu, she took a deep breath and just started to talk.
“I know the girl that just left is Ladybug, and I also know who is Chat Noir, and that you chose them to fight against Hawk Moth. I also know you’re wearing the turtle Miraculous, and you have more Miraculous on that gramophone” she said in a single breath, pointing at the gramophone. “Wayzz is probably hiding in there too” she added.
Master Fu was wide eyed, he was obviously not expecting that, specially not from Chloe Bourgeois, who even he knew was the spoiled rotten daughter of the mayor. He just stared at the girl, unsure on how to react. “Who… what? No, young lady, you’re wrong haha” he tried to laugh. Chloe’s face was serious.
“I know is hard to believe that someone like myself would have such information”
Chloe took another deep breath, this time turning around and facing him. She was not sure how Master Fu would react to her story, but, well, if there was a girl running around in magical ladybug pajamas, it would be hard to not believe her.
“It’s hard to explain… I’m not the Chloe Bourgeois that was before… Or maybe I am… it’s confusing, to say the least…”
She proceeded to say what had happened to her, how “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir” was a show she used to watch on her previous life, and how everything seemed to match her memories, and how she now had two sets of memories. Master Fu listened to her, his confusion fading and more of an understanding reaching him.
“It’s hard to believe… but not impossible. Even if you had learned of their identities in some other way, I made sure to not connect myself to them. Wayzz, you can come out.”
The Little turtle kwami came out of the gramophone, and flied around Chloe, as if studying her.
“I knew there was something about you. I think she’s the anomaly I told you about Master”
“Anomaly?” asked Chloe a bit offended.
“I can tell…” Said Wayzz, still floating around Chloe. Chloe gulped nervously.
“What… I’m not human or something?”
“Uh?” Wayzz realized he was staring and blushed a bit. He shook his head. “No, sorry. It’s… hard to explain. You’re human, and you have only one soul, but it’s like… hmm”
Wayzz looked around, and noticed a notepad.
“It’s like this” he went and grabbed the notepad and a couple of pens. He wrote “human” in one page. “Master Fu and everyone else are like this… and you… are like this” he grabbed the other pen, and wrote human too. The first pen was black, the second was blue.
“I don’t get it”
“The word is the same. Same meaning, same work, the same person wrote it. And yet, one is black, and one is blue. Other than that, they’re the same”
“That is both extremely vague and also very helpful”
“If I’m correct, you’re still the Chloe Bourgeois we know, but somehow the memories of that other life were awakened. You’re you.”
“Do you know who Hawk Moth is?” asked Master Fu, finally able to process what Chloe had told him.
Chloe shook her head. “No. The season ended without revealing it. Oh! The last episode was about a new transfer student, and a book about previous Miraculous Holders.”
“The grimoire? Where it is?”
“Gabriel Agreste has it. Adrien will randomly notice that his dad has a safe behind the portrait of his mother, Plagg will open it and notice the book, and they take it. The new student stole the book, but Marinette and Tikki retrieve it, the last scene was Tikki bringing Marinette here to introduce you”
Wayzz and Master Fu looked at each other, concerned.
“If Gabriel Agreste has the Grimoire, there’s a big chance he also has the Miraculous I lost… Was anything else in that safe?”
“A picture of Adrien’s mom, I think a ticket… and…” Chloe’s eyes went wide. She took the notepad from Wayzz and drew something on it, and showed it to Master Fu. “This.”
Master Fu looked at the drawing and then at Chloe again. “The Peacock Miraculous…” Chloe nodded.
“That’s what the internet thought, but… well, Gabriel Agreste has made jewerly based on the other Miraculous, that new student bought a pendant that was identical to the Fox Miraculous, so it could be a fake, as Plagg also didn’t even noticed it when he saw the book”
“Do you know when this will happen?”
“No, the series was very loose with their continuity, but I already saw all the akumas from the season, the only one that is yet to happen is the new student one, so it could be any time now. “
“… I’m going to trust you” said Master Fu solemnly. “Ever since you came here, have your actions changed how you remember the… uhm… ‘show’?” Master Fu was visibly uncomfortable that their life was just a kid’s cartoon on another universe, but there was nothing he could do about it.
“Well… kind of…”
Chloe explained everything that had happened ever since she became… well, her. How even if she was trying to be nice, she was still provoking the same Akumas to happen. It happened with Max, with Mylene and now with Rose.
“The details might change, but I’m guessing Volpina will still happen no matter what I do”
“We’ll wait. Even if the book doesn’t make its way to me, since we know where it is, we can retrieve it. We could use one of the other Miraculous to infiltrate the manor.”
“I could go and confirm whether what Chloe saw is or not Duusuu’s Miraculous”
“Is too risky. If Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth, he could capture you. We’ll only use that as a last resort. Meanwhile, we have to keep our eyes open”
Chloe and Wayzz nodded. She was surprised that Master Fu had trusted her so quickly, but again, with a girl doing super heroics in magical ladybug pajamas, this was probably far from the weirdest thing he had experienced.
“Have you told anyone else about this?”
“No. I know their identities are important, and… well, I don’t think anyone would believe me, especially with my reputation. Heck, if it wasn’t myself, I would be doubting my own sanity. Oh, by the way, is it possible to be akumatized again?”
Master Fu nodded solemnly. “Yes. You could become Antibug again or get a whole new set of powers. And with the information you have… well…. We have to find ways to prevent that”
Chloe nodded, and the rest of the afternoon was spent with Master Fu teaching her techniques that could help calm down, and finding the heroic resolve to not be akumatized again.
When she left the place, Chloe had added Master Fu to her contacts with a turtle icon, and was happy to learn that Ladybug and Chat Noir had dealt with Princess Fragrance without an issue.
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) au headcanons
Other snippets of this au
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Yuuji’s Onee-chan Random HCs
You never worried about Yuuji’s social life, because he was like the sun, the type of guy to attract all sorts of people. He was kind and polite and defended others from injustice. However, you were never attached to any of the friends he hung out with from kindergarten to high school; not until you met Megumi and Nobara. 
You would get along with Megumi, who has a soft spot for older sister types because of his own sister. He respects your opinion a lot and you love how he protected Yuuji. 
Nobara took a liking to you instantly. Much like Megumi, she sees you as an older sister and often goes to you for advice or just to rant. She looks up to you as a role model, but secretly in your heart, you wanted to tell her that she shouldn’t emulate you, because while she and the others were selfless and would sacrifice their lives for the greater good, you were the opposite. You would sacrifice everybody else for your baby brother.
You owe a debt of gratitude to Satoru Gojo. He shielded Yuuji from harm and provided you two with a safe haven. That being said, you didn’t like him. You didn’t doubt his compassion, but he seemed duplicitous, not to mention it bothered you how a grown man insisted on treating minors as his friends.*
You despised Ryomen Sukuna. If not for him, Yuuji wouldn’t be on death row. He claims that he is your husband, but you don’t even know what he looks like–when you “saw” him, he overtook Yuuji and marred his skin with black tattoos,** a sickening grin in place of a sweet smile. You will never forget it. You will never forgive him.
…So you thought, but ever since Yuuji’s possession, you began having odd dreams of old Japan, filled with scenes in a manor so large and grand it reminded you of imperial palaces in period pieces. Sometimes you’d be outside. Bright red maple leaves fell like snow around you, the mild, woody scent of cypress was ever present. Sometimes you'd see a familiar childlike silhouette that morphed into a kitten.
Regardless of where you were, a faceless man was always there, towering above you.
With the reveal of sorcery and curses, you suspected that these dreams were not mere dreams…
[1] Canonically, we know that there is more to Gojo than this, and you have no idea about the despicable things I’d let him do to me–but I’m writing these based on what Yuuji’s protective big sister would think. Frankly, as someone with younger underage siblings, I would be worried too if their adult teacher spent their free time hanging out with them. 
[2] I believe that in-universe, the characters can’t tell when Sukuna is the one actively using the body of his host and that the shift in visuals is just for the benefit of the audience. However, Y/N here sees the changes: tattoos, four eyes, etc.
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever
A/N: Sorry for the late update. Been busy. Decided to write this while waiting for my resin to refill.
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coralinnii · 1 year
Can I just say that I absolutely adore your reincarnation aus so much I kept re-reading it because aaaa it's so good 😭💕. I had this random thought, what if in Leona's story they have a son and then said son is the second ML/ new villain of the story. MC avoided the villainous husband route only to get a villainous son 🤣
Oh that’s an interesting thought…lemme just angst the f*ck out of that~
So in this scenario, villain/ess!reader(MC) would be capable of conceiving children, set deep into the reincarnation au series Leona ver. past the current story, 
I may have switched from third-person to second-person POV because some parts just seem awkward if I didn’t.
MC would be in a state of stress and dread. If MC were to receive memories of their child’s fate on the day he was born, the world honestly feels like it would collapse on them. They would cry every night while cradling their newborn, which worries everyone.
If MC doesn’t know what would trigger their villain route, MC may not let anyone touch their child, not trusting anyone in fear of malicious intent towards the new Royal member. The only one MC would trust were Leona, Cheka, and his parents. 
“What are you cryin’ for?” Leona's tone was gruff but his actions didn’t match as he was holding you in his arms on your bed while you were cradling your new son. “He’s gonna be fine” 
“No, he won’t” You hiccuped through your tears as your tired eyes gaze down at the child. You haven’t slept very well since you received those memories from your past life. “Everyone is after our son and won’t stop until he’s their puppet” 
Why was this world so cruel to those you love? You worked so hard to save your husband but now this cursed story is after your son? Your beautiful son with Leona’s eyes and cute little lion ears. His tail was curled around his leg as he was safely cocooned in his blanket. 
Leona is gonna have to step up as your husband and talk you through your stress. You defended him from nefarious nobles and actually made him hopeful of his future even as a second born. Growing up royal, he knows exactly how the elite trash sees him and any children he may have. Those power-hungry will be watching for any chance to gain influence, using or deposing him or his son if necessary. 
Like hell is he gonna let that happen, though. That's his and your son they're talking about.
“No one will ever mess with our son,” Leona spoke so matter-of-factly as he pulled you closer to him, but his eyebrows furrowed as the beastman could feel the stressful shaking of your body. “Stop your worryin'” 
You questioned your ever confident husband “What do you know that makes you so sure of that, Leo?” 
For a moment, Leona’s green eyes softened, glancing down at his son sleeping in your arms. But he then began to smirk in your direction. “‘Cause anyone that tries to will be crushed into dust. If they weren’t already dead by the time you get your hands on them” 
Leona’s haughty words made you chuckle for the first time in a while. Leave it to your husband to successfully cheer you up with threats of violence upon your enemies. Strangely, you felt your fears lifting from your heart at Leona’s confident promises. 
You suddenly felt Leona’s warm hands gently covering your tired eyes. You could tell that your head was subtly pushed into the crook of husband's neck, feeling Leona's locks on your cheek.
“Get some sleep, idiot. I’ll watch over our kid” 
Hmm…our kid, huh. Yea, he’ll be fine.
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starsfic · 4 days
Yeah, I already got the second fic done. So...
The costar of famed actor Red Son is terrified of his true form…which is an issue considering they’re doing an erotic version of Beauty and the Beast. However, one of the caterers doesn’t mind beef. Smut.
After learning about his parentage, Mikey sneaks inside an art auction of Hamato Yoshi's art, learning both about his father and Draxum.
Inspired by an AU discussed on Discord with @rain-bow-donkey and @draw-of-the-moon, Sun Wukong has reincarnated into Pigsy’s neighboring shop. Azure must process this during their first meeting. Smut
After her best friend mysteriously disappears and reappears with a husband, the sheep in the field start turning up murdered. Long Xiaojiao starts trying to figure out why.
A year after her husband is sealed, Princess Iron Fan stumbles across the god of marriage Yue Lao and decides to ask who her son will marry. The answer enrages her.
AU spin-off of Ladybug, where Sabine calls PIF to help her get revenge on the school. Marinette’s whole expulsion was done improperly and reeks of issues that need some…discussion.
April O'Neil makes a new friend when staying up late studying at the public library
Xiaojiao and Xiaotian discuss Red during “bestie bonding time”. Smut.
The Traffic Light Trio, Sun Wukong, and Macaque are cursed to tell the truth. Harsh stuff comes out.
After LBD's defeat, Qi Xiaotian decides (with some "gentle" encouragement from everyone) to take the summer off work and training. The moment he mentions the monkey village and Wukong's shame temple to her, Long Xiaojiao suggests maybe they work on fixing it up! Red gets dragged along too.
LMK S5 theory fic: Erlang Shen is supposed to be on vacation. However, in an hour, he learns that his uncle is dead, someone is trying to do another coup, and Sun Wukong has been filleted again. The people who deliver this news, including mass criminal Master Subodhi, the duo of Ao Lie's descendant and Iron Fan's son, and the creation goddess Nuwa, make things... difficult.
Based on this post, the gang is hired to investigate the rumors of a bunny animatronic ghost overnight. The truth is a little more tricky.
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pairing(s): Demon!Bakugo x HumanSacrifce!Reader
synopsis: Y/N is settling a nasty divorce dispute with her soon-to-be ex. Out of the blue, he calls her to "reconcile" and "put aside their difference". Less than an hour later, she was naked, tied to a bed, and offered to a twelve-foot-tall Demon Emperor, Bakugo Katsuki.
warnings: Rivals to Lovers. mention of roofies/drink tampering. reincarnation. a dash of a slice of life. the ml + fl argue a lot. bakugo is a simp. grumpy + sunshine. lowkey a royalty au. highkey monster fucking. cat + mouse game. minor grammar errors (will clean up a little later)
w.c: 9.2k
a/n: never say I don't love y'all.
“Drink up,” my soon-to-be ex-husband said, practically pushing the glass of wine into my face. 
I took the glass hesitantly and looked into it. There had been some sort of powdery residue floating on the top of it. I swirled it around a few times before setting it down on the table. I looked across the surface, past the flickering candles, and into his blue eyes. There was something off about the whole ordeal. My husband had never been the “romantic type”. He never made me dinner, even when we just started dating. He would usually order from a really expensive restaurant and call it a day. He never bothered to go the extra mile of putting on a plate, either. He made it clear that he was going to be as mediocre as possible, and I was supposed to be happy with it.
I never understood why I married him or what I saw in him originally. Maybe it was the consistency I craved or how easy it was being with him. He never challenged me in any way or stimulated me for that matter. We only slept together a handful of times in our three years together, but that didn’t bother me all too much. I was simply too busy with housework or my job to accumulate any sort of sexual desire. Yet, I could tell my spouse didn’t feel the same way. In recent months, I have noticed a change in his appearance. He started to shave more frequently, changed his hairstyle, and even bought some new clothes. He smiled whenever he got text messages and would sneak off when his phone rang. I even found a lipstick stain on his collar when doing his laundry, which all but confirmed that he was cheating.
I could deal with the lack of effort on his part. 
I could deal with practically being his maid.
I could even deal with him always “borrowing” money from my savings account.
But, what I couldn’t deal with was being the “other woman” in my marriage.
I filed for divorce shortly after that and moved out of the apartment.
It had been three months since everything happened, and he still hadn’t signed the goddamned papers.
“No, thank you,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not in a drinking mood.”
“O-Oh okay,” he stammered, sinking back into his chair.
“I came here because you said there had been some sort of emergency with our shared property,” I explained while pushing the plate of burnt pasta from in front of me. “It wasn’t my intention to have dinner with you.”
“I understand,” he replied, sipping his wine. “You probably still hate me.”
“I don’t care enough to hate you, John,” I said, rising from my seat. “If there is nothing else, I’ll be going now.”
“Y/N! Wait!” He called after me. “Don’t go!”
“If you have anything else to say to me, please notify my lawyer,” I deflected whilst grabbing my purse from the couch. “Have a good night.”
The alarm bells in my head were ringing, and I needed to make my way out of there quickly.
As I was turning around to take my leave, I felt a slight prick on the side of my neck. I raised my hand to the area and pressed it against it. I brought my finger to my face. There had been a clear liquid oozing from the area. I couldn’t immediately detect what it could’ve been, but I felt my body begin to sway on its own. I looked up at John, a medical syringe in his hands and a sadistic look on his face.
“Why do you always have to be so fucking difficult, Y/N?” He said, dropping the syringe on the ground.
“W-What are y-you talking about?” I slurred, trying to grab onto the couch.
“All you had to you was drink the wine,” John admitted. 
“W-Wha. . .” 
“Now, I have to drag you there myself.”
My hand slipped when trying to hold onto the couch, and my entire body crashed onto the floor. The room was spinning. The sounds were coming in and out of range. I could hear John say something, but I couldn’t piece the words together. My body started to feel tingly and numb all over. I could feel John pulling against my arms, but I couldn’t tell where he was taking me. He was still ranting about something, but, again, I had no idea what he was saying. I could feel my shirt ride up a little as John dragged me against the floor. It was only when I felt a familiar fuzzy sensation that I knew where we were. In our bedroom. Even with my mind half-conscious, I knew the feeling of my thousand-dollar designer rug. Part of me was still surprised that he kept it after all this time. Yet, another part of me knew never to expect so much of John. He would never make the effort to rearrange anything in our home.
But he could make the effort to cheat on me.
My eyelids grew heavier by the second. I was struggling to keep them open. 
All I could do was pray to God that whatever he had planned for me wouldn’t be too bad. I hoped that I would make it out of this apartment alive. If not, I would haunt the bastard for the rest of his miserable life.
My eyes fluttered closed, and darkness filled my vision.
“What do we have here?” A deep, throaty voice spilled into my ears. I could feel its hot breath fan my relaxed face and his eyes piercing my skin. “What a pretty little thing you are.”
I did not recognize the voice, nor would I ever. It didn’t sound human. Its pitch was far too deep, too robust for any human to make. It sounded like it belonged to something from another world or dimension. The alarm bells in my head had switched over to sirens. Every hair on my body was standing up, and I could feel sweat begin to dot my forehead. I knew, without a doubt, that there was some kind of eldrich terror on the other side of my eyelids, and I was not ready to face it. I could feel my tears well up and gather in my lashes. Murmurs spilled from my lips as I started to at the restraints binding my limbs.
“There’s no need to be afraid, little rabbit,” the monster purred. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I. . . I don’t believe you,” I whimpered, my eyes still shut.
“So she speaks,” it chuckled. “Wonderful.”
The soft surface— a bed— dipped a little on each side of me. Right near my mid-section. I could feel the heat radiating from its body. It came in slow, hot waves. It was almost like feeling the sun on your skin during the summer. It painted every inch of my skin— wait. I could feel it all over my body. From my legs and arms to my breasts and womanhood. My eyes snapped open, and I immediately looked down. I could the soft candlelight reflected onto my smooth legs. It danced up my oiled thighs and chubby stomach to my ample bosoms. I could see the brown nipples sitting pretty atop the mounds. Just inches above me was a pair of thighs, closely resembling tree trunks, straddling my waist. They were covered in tight leather pants, outlining every muscle. Just above the thighs was a pale torso with rippling abs. Far too many for me to count. Followed by a wide chest and broad shoulders. The muscles in his arms were almost the size of my thighs, and one of its hands could easily cover my entire face. 
His jawline was sharp as nails, and his lips were full. He had two pairs of crimson eyes and horns. They added an extra foot to his massive stature despite being slightly curved at the base. The creature had blonde hair that pointed in every direction and mostly fell in its eyes. Under any other circumstances, I could’ve easily been swooned by his ruggedly handsome face. 
“Like what you see, little rabbit?” he smirked.
“Who are you?” I asked, pulling the restraints. “What do you want with me?”
“Ah, so your husband didn’t tell you,” the creature said, resting on his heels. “How unfortunate.”
“Tell me what?” I questioned. 
“He sold your soul,” it replied nonchalantly. “To me.”
“What?” I exclaimed. 
“Yeah, I was pretty shocked, too,” the creature confessed. “I mean, look at you. You’re any man’s wet dream. Thick in all the right places. A seductive, deep voice—”
"What exactly are you gonna do to me?" I interjected, gripping the restraints tighter. 
"Well, your husband was pretty adamant about getting rid of you," the creature replied. "He signed a death contract to get you out of this dimension."
It could’ve been his dismissive demeanor or his obvious attraction to me, but whatever fear I had previously felt was slowly melting away to make room for confusion. John had been the kind of person to hire personal chefs and cleaning staff to avoid the responsibilities of managing a house. He would have his assistant buy me anniversary presents rather than buy one himself. He was a man who went out of his way to put minimal effort into our marriage, yet he dared to sell me to a twelve-foot demon from hell. I could feel the anger pool within my being. 
The creature above me inhaled deeply. "Your rage is oozing from your pores and dancing within my nostrils," he chuckled. "It has been so long since I smelled something so sweet.".
"Um, Mr. Demon?"
"Bakugo, sweetness," he corrected. "You may call me by my surname, Bakugo."
"Okay. . . Bakugo," I hesitated. "Would you mind untying me and giving me some clothes? I'm feeling pretty. . . exposed at the moment."
A deep, rumbling chuckle erupts from his throat as rose from the bed. "Your body is too precious to be covered with garments. But, since I am in a generous mood, I'll grant your request."
With the snap of his finger, I was no longer tied to the bed. My body has been positioned in the far corner of the room, furthermore from the door. I was standing up, facing the creature that was less than a foot away from me. He seemed even bigger from that angle. His horns were practically scraping the ceiling. Bakugo looked at me with such indescribable hunger that it made shivers trail down my spine. I looked down at my feet, desperately trying to break the tension between us, yet I was a little shocked by what I had on. 
I wasn't wearing any of my clothes, but something a little more unique, to say the least.
The dress was black and tight. It hugged every inch of my body while highlighting the parts that were "flattering" to men. It had a deep neckline that brought attention to my cleavage. The leather fabric gave the short dress an uncomfortable stiffness. The skirt barely covered my ass and strained at the thigh section. The six-inch patent leather stilettos made my legs even longer. My wrists were covered in gold bangles, and my hands were covered in rings made of lavish stones. 
"Bakugo, what is this?" I asked, inspecting the jewelry. "Why am I dressed like this?"
"As I said earlier, your husband signed a death contract," he informed me. "He used your life as collateral for the deal he made with me a little while ago."
"Why would he make a deal with you in the first place?" 
"He used to clean money for the mafia a few years before he met you."
"Holy shit."
"And like the selfish idiot he was, he stole a small fortune from them."
"How much?"
"Close to fifty million."
"Holy shit!" I gasped. "Did he have a fucking death wish?"
"The mafia seemed to think so, and they actively started to hunt him," the demon continued. "As a final attempt to save his pathetic life, he summoned me. Bakugo Katsuki, Emperor of the Underworld." 
At that moment, I could feel my heart drop to my stomach. Bakugo was a Samurai turned Emperor in the fourteenth century. He was appointed to the throne by Emperor Go-Daigo, who was awed by his fighting skills and his grit. The Emperor birthed no sons during his reign, so he adopted Bakugo and turned him into a crown prince. He was known to be exceedingly cruel and had a nasty temper. All kinds of stories supported these kinds of accusations. Like the one about him feeding his esquire to a tiger after he looked at the Empress a little too long. Or another about him hanging a war general by his ankles for challenging his judgment. He had the entire war counsel watch as the blood rushed to his head and ended up killing him.
Not only that,  he managed to be a notorious bachelor. Rumored to have had three wives and ten concubines during his prime.
As the legend goes, the devil himself was awed by Emperor Bakugo's lavish lifestyle and offered him a position in hell once he died. The Emperor managed to work his way up the ranks, ultimately taking the Devil’s position once he retired. By the end of everything, Bakugo Katsuki was the ruler of all sin and could manipulate anyone to do his bidding. He was even more dangerous dead than he was alive.
A cocky smirk fell onto his lips as he brought his face closer to mine. "Pretty impressive, huh?" He said as if reading my mind.
"Y-yeah," I stammered, swallowing the lump in my throat. 
"No need to be afraid of me, little rabbit," he said while tucking a braid behind my ear. "I already told you that I do not plan on harming you in any way."
"Then what do you plan on doing with me?" Fear still licking my being and making my hands shake gently.
"Allow me to finish the story, sweetness," he replied. "You'll find out by the end."
"I granted John temporary immunity from the mob in exchange for another life. There's a balance between these things. A life for a life, if you will," he continued. "The person has to be pure, almost incapable of sin. He encountered many girls that fit the description, but being the rotten individual he is, John managed to corrupt them. Making them greedy and money hungry just like him. That was until he met you. A wealthy physician from a rich family and lots of money in the bank. You are as sweet as pie and quite as easy on the eyes. You became his safety net. He didn't have to work too hard if he didn't want to. He never has to put any effort into the relationship since you are already too busy. It was a perfect union. Until he discovered the life insurance policy."
My eyes widened. "How did he find out about that?"
"Snooping through your mail," Bakugo shrugged. "It was then that you became more valuable dead than alive."
"So, a couple of million, and he's willing to put me on the chopping block?"
"Not at first," the demon responded. "But you decided to divorce him, completely stripping any chance he would’ve had to obtain that money. Since you two signed a prenuptial agreement with an infidelity clause, John was entitled to none of your money at the very end."
 Anger started to rise in my being once more. The sheer amount of entitlement he had was simply outstanding. He was the one who cheated. He was the one who emotionally checked out the marriage first. Yet, instead of acknowledging his mistake and moving forward, he went under the table to try and get me killed. 
"That fucking bastard!" I said aloud, balling my fists so tight my knuckles turned white.
"Yeah," Bakugo replied. "Your husband's a real peach."
"So the death contract," I stated, beginning to piece it together. "He signed it to repay the debt he owed to you and to get the money in my insurance policy?"
"This greedy motherfucker!" I growled. "I cannot believe him!"
"Truly a greedy bastard," Bakugo agreed, nodding his head.
I paused.  "Wait. But what does that mean for me? Are you saying you're going to kill me?"
A wide smile appeared on Bakugo's face. "Not quite. Maybe even the opposite, if you think about it."
"I'm confused."
"I'm going to make you my Empress, little rabbit."
Bakugo’s dimension was surprisingly tame for being an extension of hell. It had a bright pink sky and crimson mountains lining the outside perimeter of the area. On the far edge of a secluded village was his castle. From my minimal knowledge of Japanese history, it was loosely inspired by the Bitchu Matsuyama Castle— the one that Bakugo most likely lived in when he was alive. The ceilings were taller than the original, probably to accommodate the Emperor’s height. There were pillars made of gold and jade lining the room. The floor was made of hardwood, so clean you could see your reflection. The walls are made of watercolor paintings and gold patterns. Silk drapes hung from the ceiling in a decorative pattern, adding more color to the space. Beautiful women of all shades and sizes lingered in the halls, giggling with one another. They stopped once we made eye contact. They quickly bowed their head and moved out of my way.
The guards, Iida Tenya and Sato Rikido, had given me a tour of the grounds before bringing me to the Empress’ estate on the far end of the property. It was made up of a massive house with about four floors. It was filled with lavish gifts and treasures. From tiger skin rugs to a solid gold statue of Bakugo in the middle of the front room. There had been diamonds and rubies spilling from fountains. Jewelry was littered all over my room. My closet was overflowing with the softest silks and chiffons ever made.
“This is simply too much,” I said, lifting a diamond-crusted bracelet from the bed. “I can not accept all of this.”
“Would you like me to summon Emperor Bakugo, Empress?” Iida asked.
“Well. . . No, that won’t be necessary,” I sighed, taking a seat on the bed. “I will be meeting him for dinner in a few hours, yes?”
“You will, Empress,” Sato replied. “It is customary for the Emperor and the Empress to share meals.”
“Alright, I’ll just talk to him then,” I reassured them before flopping down. “For now, I would like to rest. If there is nothing else, you two may go.”
The guards bowed their heads and excited the room.
I lifted a stray piece of jewelry from the bed and brought it to my eyes. It was a heavy gold chain with a massive emerald pendant in the center. It had to at least be worth a few hundred thousand, yet it was half-heartedly thrown on my bed and tangled with other pieces of similar value. I wasn’t a stranger to wealth. My family came from a long line of professionals, from doctors to politicians. I have had family members with exclusive Cartier pieces and Tiffany jewelry fit for royalty. Yet, when looking at the items on my bed, they didn’t have the same aura as those. It didn’t feel like I was meant to brag about these necklaces and rings. It wasn’t my responsibility to make everyone around me jealous. I was simply supposed to exist whilst wearing the pieces. They were meant to be extensions of myself. An extension of my aura— of my power. 
I rose from my slumped position on the bed and walked to the vanity. I brought the necklace to my neck and gazed at my reflection. The gold and the green complimented my bronze skin very well. I undid the clasp in the back and positioned the necklace against my collarbone. I attempted to fasten it, but my braids kept getting in the way. 
“Allow me,” said a familiar voice.
I looked over to see the Emperor, resting in the door frame. He changed his attire; it had been a little more Regal than before. He wore silk pants, perfectly tailored to his body. They highlighted his slender waist and plump rear. He remained shirtless but had a decorative robe draped over his shoulders. It swayed as he walked over to me. His hands were adorned with rings, almost like mine, except they didn’t have large jewels. They were simple gold bands. 
Emperor Bakugo scooped all my hair to my left shoulder before closing the clasp on the necklace. “It looks good on you,” he said, still gripping my shoulders.
I brushed my hands against the pendant and hummed softly. “I guess it does.”
We sat in silence for just a few moments before I felt his hands drop from my shoulder and snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to his massive body. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and the sweet aroma he carried. He smelled of citrus and cherry blossoms with a hint of spice. It was a scent that brought calm to my being. I found myself leaning into the embrace, intertwining my fingers with his. It was nice to be held like that. Without any ulterior motives or sexual advances, Just to be held by someone who cares for you. 
“Have you started to remember, my love?” His voice was low enough to be a whisper. 
I locked eyes with him through the mirror. “Remember? What do you mean?”
A painful look flashed on Bakugo’s face before he quickly shook it away. “Forget it.”
“No,” I murmured, turning to face him. “Just tell me. Is there something you wanted me to remember? Is it about John?”
The emperor took a deep breath before pulling me closer to his body. “The walls in this place often have ears attached to them. Let’s go somewhere to be truly alone.”
Red smoke started to appear at our feet before circling up our legs and abdomens. It engulfed our bodies, breathing pulling us into darkness as it did. I could feel cold winds swirling around me as he moved from one place to another. The sweet smell of my bedroom was soon replaced with the stench of stale air and rotting wood. My bare feet were no longer pressed against warm hardwood; instead, I could feel the cool tile sending shivers through my body. When the smoke cleared, we were not only in a different place, but it felt like a different dimension. It was neither Earth nor Hell, maybe space between the two. It didn’t have the heaviness of the surface, the summer breeze, or twinkling stars. Nor did it have the robustness of hell; it didn’t have the pink sky or the black mountains lining the perimeter. Instead, everything was black and white. Almost like films in the early 1930s. The property that Bakugo transported us to was in pristine condition, despite a few cracks along the ceiling. The furniture was covered in sheets, and the windows had pale drapes blocking out the light from outside. Faded watercolor paintings decorated the doors. Jade stone pillars were supporting the high ceiling. In many ways, it looked almost identical to Bakugo’s mansion back in hell, just less lavish.
“What is this place?” I asked, gently touching the stone pillar.
“This was the palace of the first Empress, Kimiko,” he said with a sigh. “My first and only love.”
Bakugo smiled softly before abruptly snapping his fingers. Warm light illuminated the front room, adding a little bit of color around us. The emperor walked over to the very back of the room, directly in front of a massive piece of furniture. He reached down and pulled the sheet from atop it, revealing a glistening throne. It was carved out of obsidian, a shiny black crystal— which just so happened to ward off evil and negative emotions. It had gold trimming along the edges and large rubies embedded within the armrests. The base was large enough to seat more than one person, which made me wonder if Bakugo spent some time ruling by her side. 
The emperor gently caressed one of the armrests while smiling sadly to himself.
“She was the only one to ever beat me in a fight,” he chuckled. “She laid me flat on my ass before I could even form a proper sentence. I think I started to fall in love with her then.”
“She sounds delightful,” I offered, standing beside him.
“She was,” he reminisced. “She had a temper similar to mine but only unleashed it when it was necessary. She could tame any dragon or beast with a few words. Kimiko handled herself with such poise and grace that even her enemies had to respect her. She was never the type to ask for dominance because people simply gave it to her.”
“What. . . happened to her?” I hesitated. 
“She had what you humans now call “cancer”,” he answered, sadly. “It was the only foe she couldn’t best.”
“I’m sorry,” I offered, placing my hand on his arm.
The twelve-foot demon turned his body away from the throne and took both my hands in his. He looked into my eyes as if he were looking at me for the very first time. Bakugo scanned my entire face, searching for something that I could put my finger on. “I believe you are Kimiko reincarnated, Y/N.”
My eyes widen and I took a step back from him. “Tell me you’re joking.”
“Just before she died, Kimiko and I made a blood oath,” he said, unfastening his silk pants. Bakugo lowered the waistband, just a little bit, to reveal a jagged scar; in the shape of a ‘k’. “We vowed to find each other in the next life, with the help of these marks. I have searched many women throughout the five hundred years I have been alive and only one has the letter ‘k’ etched on her waist. And that person is you, Y/N.”
“Bakugo, I don’t think—”
“I didn’t want to believe it at first,” he interjected. “I mean you two look nothing alike. But the longer I have been in your company, the more I could feel this undeniable connection between us. And I know you feel it, too.”
“There is a reason why aren’t scared of me and why came you to the Underworld so willingly.”
“I didn’t think I had a choice!” I countered. “John signed the death contract!”
“Y/N, I know this is hard to believe and I would be a complete idiot to think you’d accept this right away—”
“I didn’t think demons existed several hours ago!” I screamed, frustrated. “All I wanted to do was to divorce my shit husband and go back to my normal life as a surgeon. Not get remarried to a literal ruler of Hell and become an Empress! I didn’t even have the time to deal with the mess John put me in, before being thrown into yet another role I did not ask for. I mean for fuck’s sake, could you have at least given me the remainder of the night to process what happened before springing this on me?! What else do you have under your sleeve? Are going to tell me you have powers or something?”
“You’re hair is on fire.”
As much as I wanted to deny my connection to Bakugo’s late wife, more and more evidence started to unravel. From what the maids had told me, the emerald chain that the emperor fastened on my neck was Kimiko’s family heirloom. It was passed down for generations to the first-born daughter of the family. However, since Kimiko died childless, Bakugo decided to keep it to himself. I had tried to take it off, discard it from my sight, but the clasp refused to budge. None of my maids could undo it and I wasn’t in the mood to face Bakugo after that night. I was stuck with the necklace on for the remainder of the week, forced to face my reality. Another quirk that came with this reincarnation scandal was the fire. It appears everywhere when I was angry. It started out with my hair, causing it to spike up and lift from my neck. The angrier I get the more the flames engulf my body. It doesn’t hurt, nor does it partially bother me. Almost everything in the Underworld was flame resistant, meaning there was nothing to really worry about. 
The maids informed me that Kimiko had fierce red hair, resembling a raging fire. It was part of the reason why many feared her in the first place. Given the dimension and the reincarnation drama, I assumed the lore surrounding her life started to literally manifest the longer I stayed in the underworld. Like when the emperor tried to enter my room without my permission and I managed to toss him across the room in the blink of an eye. We were both shocked by the end of it. 
But, he made sure to leave me alone after that.
There were whispers outside my door. A conversation between a very squeaky, feminine voice and a booming masculine one.
I rolled my eyes.
He does it every afternoon— knocking on my door after his morning meetings, in hopes I would invite him in to talk. 
The maids knew never to let him and Bakugo knew never to force himself where he didn’t belong. Unless he wanted to be humbled in front of his subjects.
The door opened and one of the servants hurried inside the room. She bowed her head as she stood in front of my bed. 
“Do I have permission to speak, Your Grace?” She squeaked.
“Of course,” I replied, repositioning the pillow underneath my head.
“The Emperor has requested you meet him for dinner,” she presented, still looking at the floor.
“Tell him to fuck off,” I said, turning my back to her. “I’m going back to sleep.”
“He brought you a gift,” she started to say before I cut her off.
“I don’t need any more jewelry,” I countered. “I can’t even store the pieces I have.”
“No jewelry, but a person. By the name of John.”
I snapped my eyes open and sat straight up in the bed. “Wait does that mean. . . John’s dead?”
“He said if you have any questions, to ask him at dinner tonight,” the servant replied.
“Fine, tell him I will be in attendance,” I admitted, crossing my arms over my chest. “But, inform him that I will not be staying for long.”
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” The servant bowed again before leaving the room.
Several new maids entered the space shortly after, their heads lowered and eyes looking towards the ground. 
“May I help you?” I asked, kicking my legs over the side of the bed. 
“We’ve been instructed by the emperor to assist in dressing for dinner,” the woman on the right said, crossing her hands over her midsection. 
“He instructed that we place you in traditional empress attire,” the one on the left added. 
Emperor Bakugo Katsuki was pushing me into a corner. He wanted me to conform to the role of Empress, even though I would rather walk through the fiery bits of hell naked. I spent the majority of the last week in my room. I only opened the door to get my food trays and greet my servants in the morning. I refused to meet anyone from the royal council or any associate of Bakugo’s. The emperor wanted me to step into my role as Empress so badly that he was willing to try anything— even drag John to the underworld to make it happen.
“That’s not gonna happen,” I countered, walking across the room to the bathroom. “I am capable of dressing myself.”
“But, Your Majesty—”
“If the Emperor has a problem with my decision, tell him he could eat alone for all I care.”
The servants did end up helping me, just not with my outfit. They helped dry my waist-length braids with smaller towels. They divided each braid and applied moose to them. The maid twisted them around flexi-rods and wrapped my head with a silk scarf. Next, we surveyed the makeup that Bakugo had gifted me before I arrived. The blushes and eyeshadows were made up of cool tones, which weren’t complementary to my bronze skin tone. Out of all the blues and purples that were provided, I was able to find muted earth tones in the pile. A collection of browns and metallic shimmers. I decided to make a smoky eye with these shades, with a cut crease. I used gold to fill in the gap to really make my eyelid pop. 
“You should wear red lipstick!” The servant on the left— Yua— said, sliding the red lip across the vanity. “It would be a nice pop of color!”
“I don’t know. . .” The other one— Aika— replied. “The red may be a little too bright. She should go with something a little more neutral. Like a brown!”
Yua snatched the tube of lipstick from her hand. “You don’t know anything about beauty products! Red would be better for Your Majesty’s lips.”
“I disagree,” Aika snatched the red tube from her partner’s hand. “The red would be too distracting. Brown would fit the theme a little better.”
“No, you’re wrong—”
“I was planning on using both of them actually,” I said, turning to look at the younger women.
“Really?” They asked in unison. “How?”
I held out my hand and they gave me the tubes. I popped the cap off of the deep brown lipstick and brought my thin, damp brush to it. I rubbed it against the smooth surface, before bringing the brush to my lips. I outlined the shape of my mouth with a dark color, before placing the cap on the tube. I used a thicker brush to swatch on the red lipstick, but only used a little bit of it on my lips. I topped the section with a clear lip gloss and started to rub my lips together, blending the two lipsticks perfectly. 
“Wow!” Yua said, amazed. “I would’ve never thought of that!”
“Me neither!” Aika agreed. “It looks so good. Your Majesty is the queen of cosmetics!”
I laughed loudly and rose from my seat. “You give me too much praise. I can assure you there are many women better than me at makeup. I only know how to do simple things.”
“Well, you make simple look good,” Aika chimed in.
“You do!”
I laughed and walked over to the closet. I looked through the hundreds of pieces that were filling the space. Although the pieces were absolutely stunning and very much my style, none of the clothes were big enough to fit me. Except for the floor-length robes in the back of the closet. Granted, they were made with the finest silks of all the land, but they did nothing to compliment my figure. They would completely cover me with unnecessary fabric, making me look even bigger than I actually was. I immediately thought back to the night in the bedroom, where Bakugo made clothes appear on my body out of thin air. Even though I had only been in the Underworld for a week, I was already showing signs of magical abilities. I wondered if the physical manifestation of items was a trait that only the emperor could have, or if was I capable of doing it as well. 
I pulled out a random item of clothing from the closet. An all-leather catsuit with a zipper in the center front. There had been a pair of cat ears and a fluffy tail butt plug attached to the hanger.
“These two must’ve been into some seriously kinky stuff,” I said, lifting the tail of the hanger and dangling it in the air.
“Emperor Bakugo talks about Kimiko whipping him all the time— ow!” Yua screeched and hugged her side.
Aika swiftly shook her head a placed a finger on her lips.
I tossed the sex toy to the side and took the item of clothing into my hands. I closed my eyes and simply pictured it on my body. I focused on how I wanted it to fit— how I wanted it to hug my curves, but allow just enough room for me to move comfortably. I could feel my body gradually heat up. The silk robe I had been wearing had slowly begun to slip off, fading out of existence. It was swiftly replaced with a thicker, tiger fabric. It hugged my hips and thighs tightly, while loosely fitting around my tummy. The silk scarf started to slip from my head and my braids untangled from the curlers. I could feel them fall to my back. 
When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in my room. I was wearing the catsuit and it fit just as perfectly as I imagined. But, traditional Japanese rode and graced my shoulders. I didn’t know how the two got paired together, but given the state of the outfit, I was not upset at the combination. I was standing in front of massive paper doors, and by the sound of Bakugo’s booming voice, I had to be outside of the throne room. 
“Come in, my Empress,” he yelled from the other side of the door. “I have been expecting you.”
Hesitantly, I gripped the handle and slid it open. There had been a slew of upper-rank nobility within the space. Every one of them had a different appearance. Some had horns, while others were covered in scales. Some had pointed ears and a long tail, while others appeared to me more human with black eyes. But, no matter what they looked like, they all openly gawked at me. 
“I hope you don’t mind, darling,” Bakugo said with a smirk. “I simply couldn’t wait until dinner time, so I summoned you a little bit earlier than we planned.”
I neutralized any raging emotions that threatened to rise and took a deep breath. I looked at the nobles and gave them a curt nod. “My apologies for having met you in such imprudent circumstances, I was a little under the weather this week.”
“It is no problem at all, Your Majesty,” a loud voice replied from the far end of the room. “We are just happy to be in your presence.”
“Oh you are too, kind the gentleman whose face I cannot see!” I said bowing my head slightly. “I hope to meet you very soon and become good acquaintances.”
I walked down the designated aisle and up the few steps to where Bakugo was seated. I raised my eyebrow, silently asking ‘where am I supposed to sit?”
“Because of such an impromptu schedule change, you just might have to sit on my lap for the meeting,” Bakugo chuckled while patting the area. “I’m sure it will be more comfortable than any chair you have ever sat on.”
He was pushing my buttons and it was working. I wanted nothing more than to not see the smug look right off his face. But, I knew that would only result in more problems. An idea popped into my mind, making a slight smile fall onto my lips. 
I turn my back to the twelve-foot demon and press my ass right on his lap. I push my hips backward; I could feel my lower cheeks brush right against his crotch. Bakugo’s hands immediately sunk into my thighs and helped me spin around so that I was sitting sideways. I wiggled my thighs, under the ruse of getting my comfort, and rubbed against his member once again. That time the mighty emperor sucked in a breath.
“You are playing with fire, Empress,” Bakugo whispered, digging his fingers deeper into my thighs. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Emperor,” I murmured, innocently. 
Every noble in the room had started the meeting by introducing themselves and their stations. Like Izuku Midorya, chief of defense and weapons. Or Todoroki Shoto chief of merchants and foreign goods. Those two were particularly nice and even kissed my hand upon greeting me. Izuku even winked at me when he pulled away, which made a blush erupt on my face. Bakugo growled silently beneath me, but he didn’t say anything. I decided to drive the knife even deeper into the growing wound.
“I look forward to getting to know you, Midorya,” I said sweetly. “Maybe we could have tea sometime soon?”
“It would be my honor, my Empress,” he replied, placing a hand over his heart. “I will be waiting for your invitation.”
“You are too kind,” I cooed, tucking a braid behind my ear. “I have a feeling you’ll make a lovely acquaintance.”
“Acquaintance? You’re breaking my heart, dear Empress,” he professed. “I was hoping to be your dear friend, at least.”
I placed my hand on my mouth and turned away. “Holy cow! He has me blushing like a teenager,” I whispered to myself, hoping that Bakugo would. “I’m gonna have some fun with him.”
“Enough!” The Emperor yelled, startling the entire court. “This meeting is over! The Empress and I have another engagement to tend to. The introductions will resume at a later date.”
“Farewell to all!” I said, rising from Bakugo’s lap. “It was nice seeing all of your beautiful and unique faces! I hope to become great friends with all of you!” 
“Farewell, Empress,” someone called from the far side of the room. “I hope to see you again soon.”
“Goodbye, for now, Your Majesty,” another said. “I will miss gazing upon your immense beauty!”
“Oh, you are just humoring me,” I replied, smiling widely. “I will be back soon. I promise.”
“We miss you already!” Someone else yelled.
“Come to our next meeting!”
“We want to see you every day!”
Red smoke appeared beneath my feet and started twirling up my body. I closed my eyes and attempted to feel the magic encasing my body. I wanted to remember what it felt like, just in case I was given the opportunity to replicate it. Although the palace was nice and I liked the Empress's treatment, I still wanted to go home. Back to where everything was normal. Back to where I could be myself and not a reincarnated soul. The wind started to pick up around us, adding a particular chill down my spine. We were not covered in darkness, but an immense light. It was warm, almost like candlelight. Even the floors were particularly warm and inviting. I opened my eyes to see that we were back in the Empress’ palace. But, unlike before, it was restored. No longer cold and damp, but comfortable and homie. The sheets no longer covered the furniture and the doors looked freshly painted. Even the throne seemed to be dusted and polished; shining even brighter than before. Fresh rose petals were scattered throughout the room, as the soft sound of violins played in the background. 
Romantic was hardly a good word to describe the atmosphere. It was more than that. It oozed passion and poise. It was elegant, as it was refreshing. I could feel some of my stress drip away and my heart warm. I looked back at the towering Emperor, his face still turned up in a scowl and his lips pursed.
“You did this for me?” I asked, taking his hand into mine.
“So what if I did?” He snapped back. “You’re just gonna find a reason to be mad at me anyway.”
A gentle smile fell on my lips, as I felt my body suddenly lift from the ground. Once we were on the same level, I took his face into my hands and looked him in the eye. His crimson eyes began to fade into a bright red the longer he looked at me. His grimace faded into a cocky smirk as he brought his hand to my chin. 
“Are gonna kiss me or what?” He teased.
“I’m starting to think you don’t deserve one,” I admitted, bringing my face closer to his. “After that little stunt, you pulled earlier. Forcing me to meet the nobles. You ain’t slick, demon.”
“You enjoyed it,” Bakugo cackled. “Having dozens of men fawning over you. You were gushing and blushing the whole time. You love being the center of attention.”
I draped my arms over his shoulders and hummed softly. “I don’t recall this ‘gushing’ you speak of. But, I did blush a few times. That Izuku fellow is quite the charmer.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you have a crush on the brat,” he said, placing his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer to him; our chests pressed together and our limbs began to intertwine. “Who knows? You’ll probably run away with him the minute I turn my back.”
“Are you jealous, Emperor?” I chirped, my smile getting wider. “Jealous of a mere chief?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he chuckled. “You are just a royal pain in my ass and so is he. In fact, you two would be perfect together.”
“Maybe I should run away with him,” I joked, gently slipping out of his arms. “He’ll probably treat me better anyway.”
“Come back here, Empress,” he called, taking my wrist and drawing me back to his chest. “Who said I’d let you get away?”
My heart was beating in my chest, so loud it was clouding my thoughts. The heat was radiating from his body and pooling around mine. The look he had in his eye was nothing short of lust and longing. He wanted me. Emperor Bakugo Katsuki of the Underworld wanted me. And I was beginning to want him too. The chemistry between us was undeniable. The longer we stood next to one another, the harder it was to resist each other. The way his hands gripped my hips was sending all kinds of signals to my womanhood. I wanted his hands to touch every inch of my body, along with his mouth. His lips seemed all that more inviting the closer we were. Just a few hours ago, I wanted nothing but to knock him on his ass. Again. But, now, I wanted to do unholy things with the demon before me. 
Before I could think, I pressed my lips against his. I could feel him tense up for a second, before melting into the embrace. His strong arms wrapped around my smaller body and pressed me against a nearby wall. His moans filled the room as his hands kneaded the soft flesh of my rear. The emperor moved the kisses along the side of my face. Kissing along my jaw and against my neck. He sucked and nipped the soft tissue, making my toes curl in response. I pressed my nails into his bare back. Bakugo took his freakishly long tongue and dragged it along the side of my neck and jaw; bringing his mouth right back to mine. He kissed me passionately once more before pulling away.
“I want you,” He purred. His eyes were drilling into my mine. “I’ve wanted you since the night that asshole stripped you naked and tied you to the bed. But, I wanted to wait. I needed you to want me just as much as I wanted you.”
Although it was the bare minimum, the small action proved one great thing: Bakugo may be a demon, but he wasn’t a monster. He respected my agency and didn’t push my boundaries all that much. He could’ve forced himself on me and no one would’ve batted an eye since he was the Emperor. Instead, he let me mourn for my old life in a luxurious room and send me my favorite foods to liven up my mood. Underneath his intimidating size and appearance, he was a really good guy. Or, demon.
“Tell me, Empress,” he said, between kisses. “Tell me you want me, too.”
“I do.”
The emperor lifted me from the wall and walked deeper into the palace. His lips and hands never left my body. He was all over. Kissing my neck, palming my rear, and unzipping my hands. Bakugo was smothering me in affection and I was simply getting drunk off of it. It felt like there had been more than two hands on my body. And, when he placed me on the bed, I realized that there were. Bakugo had grown an extra pair of arms, directly below his previous ones. They were the same length and size, basically identical. But, that wasn’t the only thing added to his appearance. He had tattoos covering his arms and chest. A massive serpent tattoo traveled up his first set of arms, while the heads were displayed on his chest. The other pair of arms paled a little in comparison. There had been a few Japanese words written in kanji on his forearms, while the tips of his fingers looked to be tattooed a deep black. Resembling them being dipped into ink. He had piercings on his nipples and tongue, in addition to the many on his ears. Bakugo, somehow, managed to make himself look even hotter than before; a talent I didn’t know he had.
“I was planning on keeping the glamor up until after we had— you know,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “But, it was getting a little tiring maintaining it. We can stop if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No!” I said a little too quickly. “This is good. Really good.”
The cocky smirk returned to his lips. “Ah, so you prefer my Demon form over the other one? How interesting.” He leaned closer, allowing his body to hover over mine. One of his hands started to pull at the zipper of the catsuit, while another gently pulled out a breast from behind the cloth. “You are almost making it harder to resist fucking you right here and right now.” 
His massive tongue rolled out of his mouth. He lowered his head but kept his eyes on me. Bakugo wrapped the tip of the tongue around my exposed nipple. The foreign sensation made my body shiver. I felt myself arching into his mouth. I wanted more. As if reading my mind, Bakugo lowered his hot mouth onto the bud. He sucked him tenderly, moving his head up and down as he went. I brought my finger to my head and dug them into his hair. My moans filled the room as my body shook with anticipation. His thick fingers inched down my navel and into my waist band. He slid them under my panties and over my sex, before dipping them into my folds.
“I barely even touched you and you are already so wet for me,” he purred, circling my clit slowly. “My Empress, you are so easy to please.”
“Please stop toying with me,” I groaned, moving my hips against his hand. “It’s been so long since I. . . and John wasn’t all that good at it anyway.”
He grimaced at the name. “Let’s not even mention his name.” Bakugo’s fingers slid further down my womanhood and gently pushed into my entrance. “We’ll deal with him at a later time. Let’s just focus on this. Me toying with this tight, sticky pussy of yours.”
He pushed his fingers even deeper and pressed the pads on the roof of my cunt. I gasped loudly and took hold of his robe. Curses spilled from my lips as his digits pumped in and out of me at a beautiful speed. His fingertips were gently massaging my growing g-spot and my walls continued to ooze as a result. Another one of his hands dipped into the waistband. His index and middle finger rested on either side of my clit, while his thumb gently stroked it. Pleasurable sensations were erupting all over my body. My hips were moving on their own, constantly rubbing against his hands, wanting to feel everything. I could feel the pleasure build in the pit of my stomach. My walls started to clench his walls for longer periods the more he fingered my cunt. Suddenly, without warning, Bakugo added a third finger to the mix. Pushing into my slick hole and making me squeal in surprise. There was an interesting burn erupting within my walls.
I pulled on his robe once again, forcing his lips onto mine. Our tongues twirled and danced in each other’s mouths. Eventually, they even fought for dominance. It was then that I felt his fingers move even faster, practically hammering my g-spot. The sheer force of his thrusts moved my lower half on the bed. My hands fell from his robe and my face turned away from his. Deep, throaty pants escaped my throat as the orgasm made a swift appearance. My legs began to tremble as my thighs clenched Bakugo’s hands. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my mouth formed a massive 'o' shape. Liquid shot from my tender center and sprayed all over the silk sheets. 
"Oh…. Fuuuuuck….." I slurred, grinding my hips on his digits.
The emperor maintained his treacherous movements, making the peak last even longer. He didn't stop until my body stopped shaking against his arms. But, by then, my slick coated his palms and was creating quite the wet spot underneath my ass. He slipped his fingers out. They wrinkled from the activity— my juices were stringy around the digits and made them rather sticky.
The emperor smiled. "I can already tell that pussy is gonna be the death of me," he said, slipping the fingers into his mouth. He moaned at the taste. "You even taste sweet."
I allowed my back to crash against the bed and kept my eyes trained on the ceiling as I caught my breath. "Holy shit," I said in disbelief. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard before."
His hot mouth pressed hot kisses against my breasts, up my neck, and finally to my lips. He fondled my nipple as his tongue explored my mouth for the millionth time tonight. When he pulled away, Emperor Bakugo had a shit-eating grin on his face. 
"Don't get too comfortable," he chirped.
With a snap of his finger, the remaining clothes on our bodies vanished into thin air. Leaving us both stark naked. And, just like his arms, Bakugo had two members. Both are thick, girthy, and rippled with veins. They were approximately the size of my forearm. Pre-cum made their tips bright and shiny.  The longer I looked at them, the more I wanted to touch them. Taste them. Fill my cunt with them. Surely, I wasn’t prepared to take them both at the same time. Anal was something I truly never tried and didn't feel the need to. However, I was pretty sure there were positions to accommodate both members.
"We are just getting started."
a/n: The full scene is posted on my Ko-fi page. This piece was literally seventeen pages, single-spaced. Meaning it was 13k words in total. Only y'all can get this outta me because I would have NEVER done this for myself lol
Lemme know if y'all like longer fics versus the standard (which is about three 2k-3k).
Vote for the next piece by commenting on this post, Ko-Fi, or you could send me a pm /ask!
We have:
Dhampir(Half Vampire/Half Human) Shoto x Reader----> y/n finds his coffin in her new house (roommate au)
BullHydrid!AllSmite x Reader---> She inherits a farm from her family and All Smite is the mean/rude farm hand (enemies to lovers)
Ghost!Aizawa x reader---> a long-haired ghost lives in y/n's closet and occasionally steals the pillows off her bed.
pls pls pls comment! I love to hear your thoughts and feedback. And lemme know if y'all want a part two!
Taglist: @cosmicdoechii @carnationsinjanuary @pluisje1402 @turtleducker @fleursthecure @isabel6196 @zoowemamasblog @143ig @qtbxnnykd @pinkwiggthicass @intensitylikesbees @queenotaku27 @cathwritestragediesnotsins @mianeko @ingids @scar3dspid3r @jujuwitchsstuff @bakuhoe-x @unknownforknotsuwn @tsunami-of-emotions @agnl2000 @cherriesdemure @eijiandkatspebble @idkwhatiamdoing048 @princesslina17 @uvula6927 @raina190 @misakik28 @bitchubby @obsessed-tyrant @kingsheir @lonerovo @loveupeople @levislifeline @missrize24 @chubbygrimpanda20 @caffytaffy
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That kidnapped Chloe satuff reminded me of an idea I tinkered with for that "Alternative magical artifacts AU" premise I sent you ages back.
In this one's case though it was Chloe going on holiday to Egypt, either cos vague magical artifact interests, or just cos reasons, but she went alone because... Well her parents are her parents, Roger does set some limits & hotel staff are basically the same everywhere right? (Sorry Jean!)
Anyway the long and short of it is at some point she encounter Shadi or an ML equivalent of him, is presumably pissed off by him and chases him down. Only to find an ancient tomb place and Shadi's like, "Well let's see if you're a reincarnation or a soon to be corpse I guess."
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Boom, Millennium Eye
It let's one briefly interact with ghosts, have visions of the past, read minds and begin Games of Darkness/Penalty Games/Shadow Games. Plus eventually summon monsters either from people's souls or pre-stored one's on tablets.
Amusingly, I'd probably call the process or externalizing the Ka into a monster similar to what the Butterfly Miraculous does. Like its the same basic premise, but there's no external power supply.
Naturally suddenly having a magic eye jammed in her skull and seeing a bunch of penalty game evil god related stuff and spirits is not great so Chloe kinda collapses in on herself for a good chunk of the holiday.
The only people who notice are her social media followers, wondering why she hasn't posted anything in awhile.
She thinks hiding the golden eye jutting out of her face will be hard, but her parents/Andre turns out to be the prefect person to test the subtle "Don't notice this" glamor on cos he doesn't pay enough attention to notice normally. So she just plays it off till the perception filter and hair over eye style is perfected.
Other people probably would notice, especially if they have Miraculous.
Just get a cool eyepatch you'll be fine
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kusakiguzen · 2 days
*Takes a deep breath and deflates* HELLOOOOO!!! Well, I'm sad again, but like your master, I didn't lie, I'M OBSESSED with Manhwa, and I also wanted to say if it's possible... You can make a scenario or whatever (I have no limits to tell you what I want, There are so many Husbandos that there are in the Manhwa that I read, ML or main character) Anyway, this time I want, if possible, a somewhat silly scenario far from the canon.
I know I'm going to ramble, but I can't help it! I have 2 AUs for my 3 favorite men (Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and the FUCKING beautiful Sung Jinwoo) By the way I want it to be far from canon because I don't know, I read the novels 3 years ago I don't remember anything! hahaha. Anyway, I would like it if you made a combination of rofan with dungeons.
(I'm delusional with what I'll say next, please don't judge me!) But in my crazy AU, Dokja and Joonghyuk are Secretive-Plotter (I know pure brain shit but UGHH!) The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain (I don't know what to say, damn, my head is messed up!) I hope you can solve this hahahaha...
I just want yandere rot, also in this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭🥺🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo) Thanks for reading this shit hahahaha you can ignore this if you want or if I broke one of your rules (If the edit is stale and weird ugh) 😭😭💀
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UMMM.... HII Thank you for requesting I really apreciated it but I have few questions if u don't mind answering them to make my life a little easier.
What does 'Rofan' mean? because i haven't read ORV in like a year.
"The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain" This part i would like it if it were a little organized? cuz i cannot get it in my head or i'm just sleep deprived.
And please tell me if i understood this part right. "this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭🥺🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo" In this Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo or the two ORV characters created the tower because The star (reader ) was killed by the humans and they want to test them? but the reader gets reincarnated as human?
I Think I should ORV again to get a clear idea but it would be really nice if it was a little more detailed and i would really like it if i could discuss it (the fic) with you so i could get to know more about your AU if its okay with you?
And No you did not break any rules and i really like this idea!! I hope you would consider my idea to discuss this AU.
And again Thank you for requesting
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Hello, Mods! Thanks for all the amazing work that you do, and I hope you’re all well! I’ve been in the mood for WangXian social media AUs lately. Would you have any good ones to share? Thank you!
episodes by kasunn (M, 34k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, basically all fluff, Youtuber WWX, Social Media, Actor LXC, Artist JC, Chef JYL, Babysitting, lowkey kidfic, Surgeon LWJ, Canon typical feels, Taiwanese WWX, Copious amounts of Chinglish, pets!, Secret Relationship, kind of bad pet names, Established Relationship, LSZ is a wen)
🧡don't threaten me with a good time by livinginaworldofnoise (G, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality TV, The Great British Bake Off Fusion, Fluff and Crack, gbbo au, content warning for absolute unhinged nonsense, Enemies to Lovers, by enemies i mean BAKING RIVALS of course, the last two chapters are the twitter reactions to the show so, Social Media AU)
Circles Pt. 1 by cicisears (M, 173k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Rare Pairings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Academic Fraud (Please Do Not Commit), Alcohol, bed sharing, Closeted Gays Working Through It, mentions of abuse, parent death mentioned, Car Accident Referenced, Social Media, And More Social Media, Typos!, But Not Many Typos, Arranged Marriage, Homophobic LQR Homophobia, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort)
like, comment, share & subscribe by detectorist (T, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, YouTube, Social Media, Flirting, Humour, Banter, Getting Together, First Kiss, Texting, so much texting, Youtubers For Social Justice, The Gang Gets Political, Competitive Flirting Via The Medium Of Youtube, it's about the yearning, YouTube Rivals To Lovers)
不忘 | Don't Forget by dragongirlG (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Reincarnation, Fix-It of Sorts, Identity Porn, Social Media, Reunions, Family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Bondage, References to Canon, Artist WWX, Sexual Content, Pining, POV Multiple, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
Wangxian Tax Universe Series by adrian_kres (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Americana,Family Dinners, Dysfunctional Family, Family Feels, Crack, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Sex, POV WWX) has social media aspects
Some of You by tangerinechar (M, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, Social Media, Actor AU, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Love Confessions, Matchmaking, Light Angst) twitter
a baby rabbit is called a kitten and other fun facts by aurora_chiroptera (G, 11k, WangXian, LSZ & WWX, Modern AU, this is really a kid fic in a lot of ways hidden in a youtube/social media au, Mutual Pining, JZX is a trans lesbian and uses she/her pronouns, Child LSZ, Long-Distance Relationship, (kinda?), Fluff, and bunnies, Good Parent WWX, Single Parent WWX, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Nonbinary NHS, LWJ Has Friends, set in the US)
to see your face (your smile) by sunflowersfield (T, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Snapchat, and they were ROOMMATES, Declarations Of Love, Social Media, Pining, Set somewhere where Snapchat exists, Fluff) snapchat
Rating: General Audiences by Mishaa (T, 17k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, everyone shows up at some point, you don't really need to know them, Meta, Fandom Allusions & Cliches & References, Fans & Fandom, Social Media) Modern AU (in an alternate universe where Lianfang-zun and Zewu-jun were the protagonist and ML of the fictional work “The Untamed”); legendary genfic author WangJi and notorious kink artist Wuxian wind up collaborating on a Big Bang—and shipping the villainous Yiling Laozu with the righteous Hanguang-jun! Featuring most of MXTX’s characters and fandom red in tooth and claw.
No boys allowed (except Lan Wangji) by allollipoppins (M, 118k, WIP, WangXian, QingLi, MM/QS, Q/OZ, ChengSong, NingYangYu, Male-Female Friendship, Modern AU, Crack Treated Seriously, Mathphobic LWJ, Fluff, Slow Burn, Adult Humor, Mutual Pining, Drunken Shenanigans, Identity Porn, Mild Angst, Polyamorous WN, discord fic, Background Madam Jin/Madam Yu Drama, Like soap opera level drama, No Incest, Sexting, Implied Sexual Content) Discord-style chatfic among the female characters (as well as everyone’s favorite brother-in-law); graphics-heavy; the author advises, “For more comfort, this fic is best read on a computer or on a phone/tablet's landscape mode. Don't forget to enable Creator's Style!“
Inflexible by yeaka (E, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, PWP, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Established Relationship) livestreaming gamer WWX’s neglected husband picks the middle of a broadcast to exact his Everyday
2. Any non explicit fics where nmj notices what is up with wwx during sunshot/post sunshot and is like whoa this dude needs help, and actually helps him? With like character development for both/world building. & nie cultivation being resonantly similar to wwx's. Possibly mingxian but not necessarily. And/or nmj recruiting him or slow burn allying with him during this time? Thank you for all you do! :D
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong) Not sure that is quite it, it's wangxian and JC POV, but there is NMJ support of wwx and discussion of Nie cultivation.
Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime by Anonymous (E, 365k, MingXian, WangXianJue, Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, Magical Healing Cock, Dual Cultivation, mild Dom/Sub, Undernegotiated Kink, Golden Core Reveal, Breathplay, Choking, Painplay, Subdrop, Topdrop, Major Character Injury, Canon Divergence, What-If, Temperature Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fisting, Spanking, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Harm, (in the pursuit of cultivational badassery) )
The River Runs Forever by Cerusee (T, 129k, wangxian, JYL & WWX & JC, NHS/JYL, WWX & NHS, character death, BAMF WWX, inventor WWX, sect leader WWX, WIP) has some strong friendship/alliance going on btw wwx and nmj during the ssc
3. hello!! for the next in the mood for, is there any fics where the personality of the yunmeng sibs are swaped? or maybe their ages and dynamics?? like wwx as jyl, jc as wwx, jyl as jc? i don´t know if i explained right but i hope you understand it?? thank you <3
Burying the Hatchet by pearliegloom (T, 9k, WangXian, Body Swap, Comedy, Post-Canon, Brother-in-law (Derogatory), Fluff and Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Family Bonding) these 2 fics have JC and WY switching bodies
A Day in Your Shoes by Blueflower740 (T, 3k, WangXian, Bodyswap, Canon Divergence, Comedy, Possessive LWJ, Angry JC, WWX is a Little Shit, Mentions of Sex, One Shot Collection, Post-Canon) these 2 fics have JC and WY switching bodies
a decade off your shoulders by loosingletters (T, 1k, WIP, JC & JYL & WWX, Older Sibling JC, Younger Sibling WWX, Younger Sibling JYL, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Humor, Fix-It of Sorts, Bad Parent YZY, eldest daughter syndrome, Protective JC, Age Reversal, Non-Chronological, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, JC-centric)
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun Series by 2501987 (M/E, 130k, WangXian, XiCheng, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Mafia AU, Gangsters, Murder husbands, Younger Sibling WWX, Older Sibling JC, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, domestic fluff, Murder, Blood and Gore, MIND THE TAGS)
4. Hello there!!!! I hope that you’re all having a lovely day. Ah, for the next ‘in the mood for’ , can we have some MXTX crossovers??? Especially if it’s Hualian or Bingqiu adopting WWX (cos those are adorable)
💖 Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 27k, hualian, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX adopted by hualian, not Jiang friendly, madam lan lives, selective mutism, WIP)
💖 Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 125k, WIP, hualian, wangxian, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, Time Travel Fix-it, characters watching the show (mdsz))
💖 echoes from across the void by Nilaic (G, 20k, hualian, wangxian, dimension travel, wangxian adopted by hualian, demonic cultivation, PTSD, hurt/comfort, fluff & angst, families of choice, WIP)
💖 Where the Chaos Is by martyr_syndrome (E, 38k, wangxian, hualian, post-canon, crossover, case fic, accidental voyeurism)
💖 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 20k, wangxian, hualian, ghost city, cultivation partners, immortality, fluff, supreme ghost king WWX) 
💖 For Whom the Bell Rings by DawnCloud (G, 24k, JYL & XL, JYL & HC, fix-it of sorts, calamity!JYL, TGCF/MDZS)
💖 when you’re ready, we’ll turn the page together series by merthurlin (T, 33k, TGCF/MDZS)
💖  Atlas by etymologyplayground (M, 12k, wangxian, hualian, TGCF fusion, getting together, friendship, grief/mourning, smut)
💖 Farmer’s Almanac / 情雨濛濛 by Irrelevancy (T, 13k, WQ/YH, fix-it, TGCF/MDZS)
💖 Hello, Neighbor!!! AU by Dragon_Scribe (M, 70k, bingqiu, wangxian, demon WWX, found family, dimension travel, angst w/ happy ending, mystery, mind control, love confessions)
5. Hihi! For iitmf - can we get fics where wei ying and lan zhan were betrothed as children?
sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged marriage, Fluff, Romance, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Different First Meeting, Qīnghéng-jūn’s A+ Parenting, Night Hunts, Chinese Language, Good Sibling LXC, Good Sibling JYL, POV LWJ, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Chinese Culture, Slow Burn, No Homophobia AU)
seldom all they seem by Fahye (E, 24k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, or rather Arranged Betrothal, followed by Weapons-Grade Thirst)
Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 45k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, lwj’s mother is here but only briefly, RIP, Shenanigans, Fix-Itof sorts, Canonical Character Death, but not all, did i forget to tag pining, because this fic is like 90 percent pining, Hurt/Comfort)
the river and the sea by sasamelons (T, 7k, WangXian, Soulmates, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Mutual Pining)
sweat for me by silverclaw (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Arranged Marriage, Friends With Benefits, kind of, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, LWJ owns a perfumery, Secret Relationship)
Hope Series by RoseThorne (G/T, 52k, WIP, WangXian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Nightmares, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect)
6. Hi ! Can you recommend me some long or completed fics containing A) Wei Wuxian being the loved and coveted and previous person as he deserves. Or B) Wei Wuxian as a scholar everyone (lans) looks up to . I mean him being a very respected cultivator. Also if the word count could be more than 2 or 3k. Preferably very long fics like more than 10k @whateverweilanlovechild
a waiting warmth by hauntedotamatone (M, 1k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Non-Sexual Intimac, yImplied Sexual Content)
make your good love known to me (tell me 'bout your day) by glitteringmoonlight (T, 6k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Married WangXian, Fluff, a dash of angst, in the form of thoughts about the past, Implied/Referenced Sex)
Littlest Miracles by Vrishchika (M, 5k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Dragon WWX, Established Relationship, Dragons, Mpreg, Sort OfTenderness, Non-Explicit Sex, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, supportive families, Not JC Friendly)
Decorate by Vrishchika (E, 4k, WangXian, Smut, Soft WangXian, Possessive LWJ, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Porn with Feelings, PWP, Married Couple, Clothed Sex, Nipple Play, Tender Sex, Dom/sub Undertones)
Love in all forms, something tender by Vrishchika (T, 4k, WangXian, Post-Canon, married wangxian, Established Relationship, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Feels, Sickfic, Sick Character)
Proximity To Knowledge by ChilianXianzi (T, 7k, WangXian, Juniors & WWX, Post-Canon, Married WangXian, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Teacher WWX, Inventor WWX, Not LQR Friendly)
Trust by FlyingMachine1 (G, 8k, WangXian, Juniors & WWX, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Junior Ensemble Shenanigans, background WangXian, BAMF!WWX, Humor, junior quartet is the wwx fan club)
no smoke without fire by glitteringmoonlight (T, 12k, Wens & WWX, WangXian, YL WWX, Angst and Humor, this was meant to be crack but feelings got involved, not technically outsider pov, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
Worth of a Good Man by Vrishchika (G, 6k, WangXian, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, Not JC Friendly, Tumblr Prompt) kinda
one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (G, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, wangxian is mentioned but not the focus, this is just the lans being a wwx defense squad, people being nice to wwx, people being mean about wwx but immediately getting shut down, POV Outsider, 5+1 Things) kinda
7. Hello, dear people!
First of all, thank you so much for your amazing work! Found some real nice fics thanks to you :)
Secondly, do you by any chance know of some fics where Wei Wuxian becomes the Chief Cultivator, either post-canon or in his first life? In not a cracky way and with happy ending for wangxian? Thank you again! @themorrana​
Lies and Truth by parodismal (G, 14k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Pining, Protective LWJ, chief cultivator wwx, Sect Leader WWX, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, WWX Lives, Out of Character, Original Character(s), Communication, supportive families)
8. Iitm for a fic where the juniors or one are protective of wwx or a fic where sm happens and they seek out wwx for comfort or sm along those lines pls. Also i cant beging to explain how this site saves my ass
Proximity To Knowledge by ChilianXianzi (T, 7k, WangXian, Juniors & WWX, Post-Canon, Married WangXian, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Teacher WWX, Inventor WWX, Not LQR Friendly) (link in 6A)Juniors undertaking a campaign of civil disobedience in protection of wwx.
Rotten Work  by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL, [PODFIC] Rotten Work by sakizar) Jin Ling being protective of wwx and basically reverse adopting him.
🧡 the stone-filled sea by yukla (T, 9k, WangXian,  LSZ & WWX, Post-Canon, senior wei defense squad, a study of the way prejudice and injustice and anger trickle down from generation to generation) Sizhui dealing with how the world sees WWX.
🧡 The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 28k, WangXian, LJY & WWX, Canon Divergence, Possession, Cohabitation) (link in 16B) Jingyi being very protective of wwx.
❤️grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, wangxian, post-canon, de-aging, character study) (link in 16B)
Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, WangXian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con)
9. So I just started reading "the twin demons of mo", and now I really wanna know if there are A) any other fics where mo xuanyu wasn't just passingly known at koi tower, but like directly involved with raising Jin Ling, even a primary caregiver. B) Also any fics where mxy isn't the one to bring back wwx, dying from the mos' abuse instead (or happier ending is in a coma or something) but mxy's ghost ends up showing up to protect jl (and possibly solve crimes/prove innocence)?
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, WangXian, 3Zun, Canon Divergence, What-If, Implied Necrophilia, At least they’re talking now, Medicical science in a cultivational world, Magical Genetic Testing, Family Issues) MXY is rescued from his shack at Mo Villa to resume cultivational training; he winds up developing a healthier relationship with JGY and becoming a loving uncle to JL (whom he serves as combat talisman support) as well as JRS (who survives).
@guqin-and-flute's and @littlesmartart's AUs have all JGS’ children surviving and joining forces against Daddy Dearest; MXY is close enough in age to JL, LJY (here the 3Zuns’ adopted son), and Xuanli’s OC kids to be more of a cool big cousin than an uncle—and often the instigator of mischief.
10. Hi, for the next In the Mood For post do you have any recommendations for fics where yanli and xue yang are friends? I’ve just read Silk over Steel by LadyRachael which is the kind of vibe I’m looking for. Thanks!
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Lunarwriter75 (T, 4k, JYL & XY, grief/mourning, demonic cultivation, demonic cultivator JYL, JYL centric, implied/referenced character deaths) not 100% sure if this can be counted as friends?
11. Hellooooo~~ for itmf i'd like fics where wwx and jgy are friends please :D
The Kids Are Okay (I Think) by GossamerGlint (Not Rated, 47k, WIP, WangXian, MY & WWX & XY, Royalty AU, Prince WWX, prince MY, Prince XY, Burial Mounds, Yílíng Wèi Sect, more like yiling xue sect, its... complicated)
Really? Me Too! by mercyandmagic (M, 59k, WangXian, XiYao, JC/QS, WWX & JGY, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack Treated Seriously)
The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 56k, WangXian, XiYao, Time Travel AU, fixit, Temporary Character Death) their friendship isn't the main theme but it's a great part of the story
Renewed Hope by Fortune_Maiden (T, 5k, MY & WWX, Canon Divergence, First Meetings, Pre-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, fluff and friendship, MY Makes A Friend, Birthday)
One Good Turn by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 3k, MY & WWX, CSSR and WCZ Live, Lore Drop, WWX is Friend Shaped)
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association Series by Ariaste (M/T, 119k, WIP, WangXian, XiYao, MY & WWX, Modern AU, Frenemies to Friends, Established Relationship, xiyao and wangxian are both already married, Family Feels, Domestic Fluff, Family Bonding, Slice of Life, Discussions of Past Trauma, wwx's canonical kinks, HOAverse)
Collaboration of Dangerous Minds by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 14k, JGY & WWX, JGY & QS, WangXian, 3Zun, Canon Divergence, Timeline What Timeline, An unexpected team-up, Making friends while on 'vacation', Waking the Dead, Fix-It, Canonical Sibling Incest, Mojo's Post) JGY, sent by JGS to spy on the Burial Mounds, learns of the actual situation there and befriends WWX and the Wen Remnants
Enfant Perdu, Jouet du Destin by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 15k, WangXian, Prostitution, Brothels, Child Abuse, YZY Being YZY, YZY’s cannon issues, JFM and YZY bad parenting, Found Family, Misunderstandings, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, Parent-Child Relationship, Ghosts and Yiling Patriarch feels, Time Skips, WWX half-grows in a brothel, Bittersweet Ending) shows WWX and JGY as childhood friends, and is canon divergence.
12. I have an itmf request! Any fics where wwx dips out when people tell him he's unwanted or annoying? Like "sorry for the bother, I've taken too much of your time/attention/food it's clearly better for everyone if I leave." Like this tweet thread (but preferably finished) @tess-is-elated
13. for the next ITMF!!! do you have any recs for wlw wangxian?? preferably works similar to ao3 user 74243’s fics - i’ve consumed all of them in one sitting cause they are that good 😂. i love the way they write wx’s dynamic ! doesn’t have the be rated E or anything though, and can be any AU! thank you in advance ❤️
We have a new F/F & M/F WangXian comp, if you want to also look through that ^^
14. Do u have any mcd or very angsty modern or canon anything wangxian fics??? Preferably 50k+ long. I'm in mood for very angsty or sad fic and I can't find anything
salt to the sea by starmins (M, 31k, WangXian, Modern AU, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Road Trips, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
15. Hello! Sorry if this has been asked before but do you know of any fics where jc does manage to drag wwx to lotus pier post reserection? Preferably jc unfriendly. Thank you! @feeny
16. Hey!!! A) Can you recommend something where wwx of different time period meet if possible in only a one shot... B) something with the juniors povs as a focus (post-canon) C) something where wwx doesn't give up his core. (It doesn't matter if there's the Jiang's bashing or anything)Thank you!!!!!
Wei Wuxian’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good First Meeting With His Future by Enigmatree (T, 3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Cloud Recesses, YL WWX, POV Outsider)
How to Deal with the Conundrum of Your Past Self: A Case Study by anatheme (E, 16k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, YL WWX, Established Relationship, Pining, Sexual Tension, alpha!yiling laozu/alpha!lwj/omega!mxy!wwx: the fic, ft. soft married wangxian, Threesome - M/M/M, Bottom LWJ, Switch wangxian, Knotting, time travel of sorts, Happy Ending)
Crazy Little Thing Called Time by kippalittlefox (T, 11k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Fluff and Humor, Getting Together, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending)
grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon, [Podfic] Grow by jellyfishfire)
green flame, black flute, red ribbon by Fleetling (T, 3k, WangXian, POV LJY, Hurt/Comfort)
A Dramatic Reading by pupeez4eva (Not Rated, 5k, WangXian, Humor, Post-Canon, Public Confessions, oblivious wangxian, The Juniors accidentally write Wangxian fanfiction on a cursed scroll, Everyone suffers the consquences, Getting Together)
The Full Form of Press by Vamillepudding (G, 12k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Comedy, Wherein the juniors found a newspaper, [Podfic] The Full Form of Press by jellyfishfire)
Life is Very Long by Vamillepudding (T, 12k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Comedy, Protective JC, Protective JL, Misunderstandings, Oblivious WWX, Protective LWJ)
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (T, 19k, In-Universe RPF, Romance Novel, Post-Canon Fix-It, primarily drama-canon with cameos from novel-canon, The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea) )
🧡 The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 28k, WangXian, LJY & WWX, Canon Divergence, Possession, Cohabitation)
The fault in my core by luckymoonly (M, 16k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX, getting together early, First Time, LQR and his tragic backstory, Fluff, jealous lwj, Oblivious Wwx, Unreliable Narrator WWX, Mildly Dubious Consent, Miscommunication, Miscarriage (not WWX), Attempted Sexual Assault, Matchmaker NHS)
Never Again by Hauntcats (T, 67k, WangXian, WQ & WWX & WN, Canon Divergence, Angst, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Not JC Friendly, BAMF WWX, mentions of abuse, Canon JC traits)
Return to Sender by Thesaurus_with_no_words (M, 72k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence BAMF WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, YL WWX, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, canon JC characteristics, Temporary Amnesia, Partial Memory Loss, Literal Emotional Manipulation, Unreliable Narrator WWX, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Slow Burn)
17. For the next ' i'm in the mood for ' is there A) any good fics in which wwx is just so obviously gay/bisexual? B) also, any fanfictons of wangxian where wwx is just your hot dom top?
See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! Series by ScarlettStorm (E, 382k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lwj, sex worker wwx, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt(tm), mental health, therapy is good actually, Nonbinary NHS, Gender Exploration, Hurt/Comfort, past trauma, genderfluid wwx)
reports of my heterosexuality may have been exaggerated by sysrae (E, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Getting Together, straight boy lwj, disaster gay wwx, demisexual lwj, the mildest of kink explorations, Heteronormativity, Hockey player WWX, wwx in drag)
Walk, Walk, Passion, Baby by westiec (E, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fantasy, Fashion & Models, Dragon LWJ, Phoenix WWX, Semi-Public Sex, double dragon dick, Frottage, LWJ is a biter, Shameless Smut, Getting Together)
Many happy returns. by orange_crushed (E, 25k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning, Loss of Parent(s), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Suicide of a Parent, References to Depression, Anxiety, Therapy, References to Anti-Depressant Medications, Escort Service, Loneliness, Everybody's Abandonment Issues, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Moving In Together, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, LWJ Likes Mess Actually, Hopeful Ending, Recovery, References to Escorting/Sex Work but No Actual Escorting/Sex Work)
please forgive my most passionate disruptions by pumpkinpaix (E, 65k, WangXian, Modern AU, Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Modern with Magic, Modern: Still Have Powers, stripper!WWX, Graduate School, psych it's stripper au AND grad school au AND cloud recesses AND modern nonsense, Internalized Homophobia, lwj is repressed and sad)
just between you and me by starknjarvis (E, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Public Display of Affection, Party Kissing, frat party, Mutual Pining, First Time, Alcohol, blackout drinking)
A Sure Thing by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 95k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy, Sex Work, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Bondage, use of sex toys, boundary setting, Relationship Negotiation, many baths, Barebacking)
🧡tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 40k, WangXian, Modern AU, Holidays, Getting Together, Professors, Pining, Spring, Fluff and Smut, Family, single dad lwj, so many novel refs, Explicit Sexual Content, service top lwj/power bottom wwx vibes)
Ticket to Ride by mistresscurvy (E, 18k, WangXian, Modern AU, Online Dating, Road Trips, Service Top, Phone Sex, Dick Pics, Wedding Banquet)
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you've met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation)
We have a Dom Wei Wuxian Comp that you might find some good fics in ^^
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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eliyah-de-dark · 1 year
Edit: literally just saw a post sid did of Lila's perception of this plot. Pure headcanon here
Okay, I have some headcanons for @sidsinning 's ML villainess au that I have to share and if they want it to be canon just have it it's free real estate
In her life, Yamada Hanako worked as a beta reader. She enjoyed her job. Sometimes the work was hard and the writing a slog to get through, but she had never found a book she couldn't get into.
Until she read "Gardens of [nation name]." G-d was that work rough. It was clear to Hanako that this is thinly veiled revenge fic where the villainess, Marinette, is actually more just the author's punching bag while protagonist Lila is just "perfect" in every way. She found the story distasteful and wrote the review as honest and clear cut. The author sent back a negative email essentially summed up as "You just don't understand the complexity."
Whether we go with overworked Hanako falls asleep and wakes up reincarnated or if Truck-kun makes an appearance is irrelevant. She recognizes really quick who she is and where she is. She quickly sets about being a better person in order to avoid the horrid fate. Ideally, she wants Marinette to live a long life in a place far off just vibing to riches.
Little does she know the author has also reincarnated into the book and plans to live out her fantasy to it's bloody end.
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sugar-omi · 9 months
just played intertwine and replayed the happiness moment and the theater got to me cause of cove talking about being in a different time period and not being able to imagine it without you ☹️
now I’m thinking about reincarnation/soulmate au mc and cove like there are so many different ways it could go
red string of fate like intertwine? both having your memories and searching for each other? only one of you having memories?
like the fluff and angst possibilities are endless
EX: one life where mc gets burnt at the stake for alleged witchcraft and cove is helpless so in the next life he’s extra protective,
one life where cove and mc are actually from noble families that try to keep them from each other like in the theater play,
one life where cove has to fight in a war and mc is either also drafted (maybe to a different division) or has to stay at home totally restless because of concern for cove,
one where they have their memories but someone died too young and they didn’t even get to see each other before the obituary came out in the newspaper
like 🤭 there is so much to work with
this makes me think of "my reason to die", I think that's what it's called. basically it's literally that and FL started remembering the previous lives and the ML said smth like "so I can stop suffering without you now?" or "so i dont have to be only one to remember anymore?" or smth like that. and he had a calender w all the dates and ways she's died...
it was a whole thing. rlly good n still on going too so I recommend
but imagine you finally remember and cove is crying, clinging onto you and telling you how much he loves you...
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sparklyaxolotlstudent · 9 months
I reincarnated into the villainess of Miraculous Ladybug
Chapter 4 is out!
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ao3feed-alienstage · 2 months
Tales of Fairies and Other Creatures
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rlMYRd9 by Sirio_Star Mizi and Ivan have been friends since childhood, both enjoying a particular novel series for years now. What will happen when they're both reborn into the novel's world as the FL and ML respectively? Specially considering they're both gay and in love with characters destined to die Inspired by @_momorxn 's isekai AU tweet combined with @megasuger 's fairy tales AU twitter comics (yes I still call it Twitter) Words: 1687, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Alien Stage (Web Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Ivan (Alien Stage), Mizi (Alien Stage), Till (Alien Stage), Sua (Alien Stage), Hyuna (Alien Stage) Relationships: Ivan/Till (Alien Stage), Mizi/Sua (Alien Stage), Ivan & Mizi (Alien Stage), Ivan & Sua (Alien Stage), Mizi & Till (Alien Stage), Sua & Till (Alien Stage), Hyuna & Ivan (Alien Stage) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Ivan and Mizi get isekaid, rated mature because it might get funky, They're All Gay, Reincarnation, first time posting and very scared, vivinos when i catch you vivinos, might include luka idk he's kind of a bitch, no beta we die like Sua, Mizi and Ivan centric, starts out alternating pov but will later focus on IvanTill because they make me SICK, content warnings will be given on specific chapters!, Mizisua stays winning because they fall in love sooner read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rlMYRd9
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coralinnii · 1 year
Feel free to answer this whenever, but I was wondering where your header and icon were from?
Hiya, I still feel bad about answering so late but I'm happy to tell you
My header is from Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money. It’s not an isekai manhwa but more fantasy as the heroine is able to see visions from the past, present, and future. She’s a mistreated princess sent to marry a prince as a peace treaty between feuding countries but her father wants her to break the treaty and give a reason to go into war. Too bad she says “screw that, I’m gonna make money”. The background plot for this was inspiration for Leona’s villain au story but nothing else so no spoilers from Leona’s part. The FL is crafty but so socially clueless it’s hilarious and the ML is one of my favs honestly, strong but just so confused by the antics of his new wife.
It just finished their 1st season and now I'm patiently waiting for the 2nd season (though I am reading translations of the light novel~). Yea manhwas tend to call something like a story arc as a season for whatever reason.
This is not the picture I used for the header but I love how this was their first meeting with each other.
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My icon is from I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary. It’s an isekai au where a secretary was reincarnated as an extra who dies early because of a mistake her brother made who was supposed to be the secretary of the King. She took the position instead and worked to make him a kinder ruler. It’s a slow burn budding romance from a trusted bond between a cocky tyrant and his trusted secretary. My early foundations for Riddle’s villain au was inspired by this one but nothing else so no spoilers from Riddle’s part. The FL is an exasperated worker which I feel for and the ML is cocky bast*rd which I’m here for! My icon is from my favorite panel of the manhwa xD
The manhwa just finished their 2nd season of the manhwa so now I'm patiently waiting for it to continue with its next season.
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I find it funny that I just realized while trying to describe the plot that the ML from both manhwa kinda remind me of Leona xD
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missingmywing · 11 months
Me: /sees today's yesterday's prompt
Me: /maniacal cackling
aka AUs, Time Travel, and identity shenanigans are my biggest interests in any fandom at all so KH drew me in for a reason. This will be fun. Enjoy or suffer through my rambling about my main AU. I apologize for the length, but there’s a reason I had the immediate reaction I did.
Also sorry it’s a day late, yesterday was thesis presentations and then I was dragged out to drinks and karaoke after by my classmates so I didn’t have time to finish this.
@khoc-week Day 4: Alternate Universes
Hahahaha my first KH au I made when I was 15 and then spiraled WILDLY out of control after KHUX finished and DR happened.
So this au started as one of those “what if someone from our world died and reincarnated as a main character” fics that were so popular in the 2010’s, but over time it changed significantly. The main premise is still the same, girl from our world dies to a Heartless that really shouldn’t have been there and her heart makes a conveniently timed connection with Ven, and then reincarnates as Sora. Except it’s not quite as convenient as it seems because Kingdom Hearts itself is meddling.
Because her heart was actually Etheria’s.
This is my biggest KH au that’s lasted almost ten years now, it’s extremely self-indulgent and I keep making adjustments to it as we get new info, but I think I have it plotted out solidly. It’s also the one that’s technically canon to my keykids.
So, KHUX happens as it does, no real changes beyond Etheria and Ephemera finishing up Game Central Station together and coming back to Daybreak Town in time to trigger the finale. Etheria traps the darknesses in the tunnel, they wound her fatally, she dies holding Chirithy, etc.
The change comes with what’s next. Because Nomura BAITED US and I had an entire year to sit on my plans before the Dark Road finale dropped and ruined them all, and I decided “screw it, I can work around this”. And kind of. Threw out canon to a degree.
Yiskah is reincarnated after the Keyblade War as the Missing Link protag, so whatever reveals we get there will be his story. Etheria reincarnates as Xehanort, because I had PLANS NOMURA. So ML happens, Yiskah takes Xehanort to Destiny Islands, all of this will probably follow canon pretty closely. Dark Road also happens as canon, Xehanort having Etheria’s heart doesn’t really change much because these events “need” to happen. Whether it’s Darkness pulling the strings or KH itself… who knows. But DR happens pretty much as canon, and the post-events are where we get our first major split into AU territory.
When Xehanort goes on his lonesome trip around the worlds, trying to gain perspective, it starts as canon with him meeting MoM. But afterwards, when he returns to the Keyblade Graveyard, it’s not the Master of Masters that’s waiting for him but our single unaccounted for Darkness. His trip through the worlds was supposed to make him fall to darkness, make him decide to recreate the war, but because he has Etheria’s heart he… doesn’t. So Darkness takes matters into its own hands and tries to take him over. Naturally he fights back, refuses to let it, so it decides the more optimal route would be to simply remove that problematically light heart and simply claim his body for itself and pretend to be him.
So that happens. He dies, and it’s Darkness in his body who returns to Scala to take the Mark of Mastery with Eraqus, and kick off the next phase of canon.
Etheria/Xehanort’s heart ends reincarnating as a girl on a sort of… reflection of our world, losing their memories upon reincarnating as is supposed to happen, and growing up to be a fan of a certain video game series until dying to a Heartless who was drawn specifically to their heart because Events Are Happening (Ven just got his heart broken and Kingdom Hearts needs someone to go fix it, and who better than an old friend and its valiant champion? Etheria surviving the Keyblade War and her heart touching KH directly in the process was not a good thing for her, just to point that out.) So her heart comes in contact with Ven, shares part of it to fix his, and in the process kind of breaks the usual reincarnation rules so she keeps her memories of this past life, and the thus the memories of the Kingdom Hearts game series.
So at this point: Alana becomes Sora and knows absolutely nothing about being Etheria or Xehanort, but does remember being from “our world”. The Xehanort of this AU is just Darkeness using his identity to push the plot it read in the Book, because that’s What’s Supposed To Happen. For the sake of ~Drama~ I’m going to say she’s caught up to canon for everything except the Final Update of KHUX. To everyone who remembers that cliffhanger they did between the first half of the finale and the second… yeah. Imagine dying and reincarnating into that universe missing HALF THE FINALE OF KHUX and over half of Dark Road. It is endlessly frustrating to them, Ven, and Vani. 
From here canon… happens similarly, but also different.
KH1 has Riku being possessed much earlier because Sora convinces him to come back, and Maleficent and Ansem SoD don't like that. Kairi and Ven are both awake and helping, so there's that. Kairi is part of the final battle as an active keyblade wielder, even if she gets pulled home after.
CoM happens very differently because Vanitas is awake with Ven gone in Roxas, so he's Solana's companion while Namine can see Alana's memories and knows far more than she should because of it. She finds so many loopholes to allow Alana to keep memories of CoM, even if Sora's have to be broken later.
KH2 has Xion and Roxas awake and joining Ven and Vani, and things get loud. Roxas takes every chance to try to fight the Organization, drive forms are between the Heart Hotel rather than Donald and Goofy, and Kairi joins the party halfway through after kicking Axel through a wall. She joins them for the final fight against Xemnas too, and then opens the portal for them home.
Solana is busy having a guilt-induced breakdown about their parents never coming back from the islands falling to darkness to participate in Re:Coded, but they do meet the apprentices and start making peace between them and the Restoration Committee when they show back up. They and Ienzo get along... really really well, to their surprise.
DDD is a mess, because the dream world gives the Heart Hotels bodies and they are actively participating in the Mark of Mastery along with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Ienzo was paranoid enough to make a secondary link with Solana before it started, so when Yen Sid lost contact with them Ienzo could make link so they could see everything happening. Canon happens and it SUCKS. Solana has much trauma from YMX.
KH3 is wildly different, because People Know Things, and Death Deities Are Weird Around Solana (aka Hades and Persephone are closer to their myth forms, and make a deal with Solana about nine death avoidances for a favor, so they only use the power of waking once at the end rather than to save everyone), and Aqua and Ven are rescued before Arendelle so they've got half the game to catch their breath before the war.
And because Darkness is Xehanort, the scene with Eraqus is very different because Solana flat out steals the keyblade from Xehanort at the end of their battle - the same way Riku does from Sora in KH1 - and stabs him with it. No soft scene here, just murder. Eraqus does show up, reassuring Aqua and Terra, but Kairi and Ven swapped places in this AU as the sacrificial being of Pure Light, so... it's much rougher on the Wayfinder Trio. Solana gets him back, though, ala canon, but that's the tenth revival after the first nine so they will disappear eventually, it just won't be immediate since they only did it once. Gives them time to hang out, get Ienzo to put some cameras in the Graveyard to catch the Foreteller meetup, do a heart dive to figure out their weird dreams and accidentally get their memories of KHUX and DR both back to the shock and horror of everyone, and then disappear.
I want you to know that this is the short version, because the longer version accidentally turned into a plot outline.
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versadies · 2 years
HII i see that you read some manhwas and i wanted to ask if u have any recs
i doo !! tho do be warned that 99% of the ones i mention are romance since that’s my cup of tea 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
1. omniscient reader’s viewpoint - an apocalypse webtoon whereas a man named kim dokja, a reader who finished a novel with a lot of episodes, tries to survive his world that’s plunged to the premise of said novel with the help of his knowledge of the story and certain characters that he befriended as they face life-or-death situations/scenarios. (amazing plot, amazing characters, amazing everything. def a 100/10)
2. the first night with the duke - a romcom isekai webtoon whereas an average college student wakes up as an extra and resolves to enjoy the luxuries of her character’s fortune with no purpose on intervening the novel she’s stuck in, only to wake up next to none other than the male lead. (very stress free AND completed !! it currently has a spin-off that’s on-going. 20/10 for me !)
3. revolutionary princess eve / the princess imprints the traitor - a fantasy-reincarnation-romance manhwa whereas the seventh imperial princess, evenrose, wakes up eight years before the fall of her kingdom by the hands of homunculus and is determined to change the future. (ml is a w and the manhwa is pg-13 with suggestive themes, but overall its a 100/10 for me)
4. i will be the matriarch in this life - another fantasy-reincarnation-romance(ish) manhwa whereas florentia, an illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire, reincarnates as her child-self after her family has fallen and decides to become the matriarch in her current life. (first manhwa that made me sleep happily after reading it, it’s def wholesome and sweet. the fl is a girlboss too so its a 1000/10 for me)
5. the way to protect the female lead’s older brother - a fantasy-isekai-romance manhwa whereas fl becomes roxana agriche, the older sister of the sub-villain of the novel, and decides to save the female lead’s older brother who was kidnapped by her family. (pg-13 as far as ik, not so wholesome but not too tragic either, has violence and blood, but the story is 🙌🙌🙌 so its a 10/10 for me)
6. father i don’t want to get married! - a fantasy-isekai-villainess-romance-comedy manhwa whereas fl wakes up as the villainess of a novel and tries to avoid her death flags by breaking up with the og ml. she then finds out that her father is going to pair her up with the crown prince — aka the person she last saw before she killed herself in her previous life and is rumored to be a bad person — causing her to try and find a way to not end up being with the crown prince. (very wholesome and funny, but there’s a lot of misunderstandings between fl and her father, but overall its a 20/10 for me)
7. death is the only ending for the villainess / villains are destined to die - a fantasy-isekai-villainess-romance manhwa whereas fl plays an otome game and suddenly woke up as the villainess, leading her to try and find a way to get out of there as she encounters various of male leads and obstacles along the way. (amazing plot line, amazing fl, and amazing drama, def a 20/10)
8. seasons of blossom - a modern-slice-of-life-highschool-romance au that has several different stories with each characters being related to seasons by names and focuses on their love lives and coming of age conflicts. (20/10 for me, i havent read season 2-3 yet but based on people’s reactions, season 2 will prolly make u cry)
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issylra · 1 year
writer this or that, part two
tagged by @magnusbae 💕
Rules: answer in a new post!
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating (fake dating! It's the tension) // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (both??? Or the perfect enemies to friends to lovers) // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence (same reason for my love of fake dating. I love the tension) // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au (both! Give me alllll the AUs) // mutual pining or domestic bliss (make me choose between my two favorites why don't you) // smut or fluff (both are my bread and butter) // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death (I don't read or write MCD, too sad) // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance (I'm firmly in the middle-aged camp, probably because highschool does not have great connotations for me) // time travel or isolated together (TENSION) // neighbors or roommates  // sci-fi au or magic au (I say as I chip away at the mass effect AU one word at a time) // body swap or genderbend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
tagging: @beatnikfreakiswriting @ml-nolan @tharkuun @beholdme @valeriianz @notallsandmen (I think that's everyone I tagged in part one?)
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