#Remington leith fanfiction
Haunted - Remington Leith fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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Bonnie slid through the cracked open back door of the old house, doing her best to keep as quiet as she possibly could.
She figured there was no-one home; the house was dark and overgrown, and she hadn’t seen anyone come or go from any of its doors in the week since she’d been watching the place, but it never hurt to be cautious. If nothing else, there could be someone else using this place as a temporary hideout, and Bonnie didn’t have the energy to fight over a barely-standing house…but luckily it seemed like she wouldn’t have to.
This place was even more abandoned than it had looked like from the outside. Which, considering it was an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods, was actually very impressive.
And probably something I should be worried about.
Bonnie couldn’t bring herself to be worried, though.
Her options were pretty limited; it was either in here, or spend another night in the woods. The house might be creepy, and dark, and might smell musty, and the floor might creak under her boots while her nose itched from the heavy layer of dust covering every surface, but it was still better than the woods. It was dry and warm and had plenty of small spaces for her to curl up in without someone sneaking up on her.
It wasn’t much, but it was still a hell of a lot better than spending another night under a tree.
At least…she hoped it would be.
Although the logical part of her brain told her that this old house was going to be a lot more comfortable than the woods outside, there was something at the back of her skull that felt…uncomfortable. She couldn’t say why; there was nothing obviously creepy (well…no more creepy than the average abandoned house, anyway), but…something was off.
Bonnie paused in what used to be the kitchen, weighing up her options.
Living the way she did had taught her to trust her gut. If something seemed not right, even if you couldn’t tell what exactly that something was, then it usually wasn’t: and you were better off staying well clear.
On the other hand, though…it was cold and wet outside, and Bonnie genuinely wasn’t sure if her coat was another up for another night spent on the cold, damp ground. The house might be creepy, dusty, and unsettling: but it was dry, protected from the wind, and marginally warmer than outside. It seemed like she had been the only one here in years, and even if she was unsettled, unsettled was better than frozen to death.
Despite that fact it went against her gut instinct, Bonnie was better off inside of the house than outside of that.
But even as she headed deeper into the house, Bonnie started to regret the decision to brave the creepiness.
It wasn’t just the clouds of grey particles that were thrown up into the air with her every step, that disturbed dust making her eyes water, or the occasional groaning floorboard.
It was the sound of whispering.
Or something that sounded a hell of a lot like someone whispering to themselves.
Bonnie was sure it was the wind, or a small animal in the walls, or something perfectly normal…but it still sent shivers down her spine to hear something she couldn’t see sounding so much like a man whispering something she couldn’t quite make out in desperate tone that, on its own, was enough to make her heart clench.
She determinedly ignored it, making her way deeper into the old house, looking around as she went. Once upon a time, it must have been a grand mansion: chandeliers hung from high ceilings, faded (but formerly luxurious looking) wallpaper clung in scraps to the walls above the dark wood panelling, and moth-eaten velvet drapes still covered the tall stained-glass windows.
It must have been beautiful, once upon a time, but now it just felt lonely. Abandoned and forgotten, left to the ravages of time, no-one ever coming back to what once must’ve been a house full of people.
The thought was enough to make Bonnie feel sad.
She got it: the abandoned and forgotten thing. She was an abandoned and forgotten thing. It might be strange to empathise with a house…but imagining seeing a mournful face out of the corner of her eye might be taking it too far.
Whipping round, Bonnie stared at the place where she’d thought she’d seen a face turning to look at her, only to see nothing but empty space. Just bare floorboards and scraps of wallpaper on the wall.
I’m tired.
It’s okay.
I’m just tired.
Bonnie would feel better after she’d slept.
Determined to do just that, she hunkered down in a corner of what might have been a living room once upon a time, settling herself back against a corner away from the external wall and all its windows, and ignoring the sound of creaking floorboards on the other side of the room.
It was just her imagination, just like the movement she’d thought she’d seen looking at her.
There was nothing else in this house except a few forest animals - any noise was either made by her, them, or the house settling as they moved about it. Anything else was just her overly-tired mind playing tricks on her.
Blinking her eyes open just to reassure herself, Bonnie swept her gaze over the room around her…and stopped dead in her tracks.
There are footprints in the dust.
Footprints that weren’t hers.
Bonnie froze, her blood freezing in her veins.
Everything else she could have dismissed as a figment of her overly-tired imagination, but she had only left one trail of footprints through the thick layer of dust on the floor, and hadn’t moved from her spot since she had left them…
…yet now there was a second, slightly larger set of footprints alongside hers.
Bonnie’s eyes reluctantly followed the trail of footsteps, unable to stop themselves, slowly turning her head until she was looking at the wall to her right…and the pale, gaunt looking man with dark eyes staring back at her.
Bonnie screamed.
She jerked up and lunged for the door, stumbling over her own feet and falling: barely catching herself on her hands before her face hit the floor.
Fuelled by adrenaline, Bonnie pushed herself up - but by the time she was back on her feet, the man was standing in front of her, eyes wide and imploring, his hands held up in a ‘wait’ gesture.
“Please don’t leave!” he pleaded: “I’m sorry for scaring you, I am, but please don’t run away. I haven’t seen anyone in such a long time.”
Despite her fear, Bonnie paused.
The man’s clothes were ragged and faded, but also more than a little out-dated. They looked like something people would have worn two hundred years ago, both in style and how worn and aged they looked.
On top of that, he gave out the same feeling of melancholy and loneliness as the house itself had given Bonnie when she’d first walked into it.
Combined with his unnaturally pale face, gaunt features and the way he seemed to almost…blur around the edges…
…Bonnie was starting to think whatever he was, he wasn’t a man.
That only made her fear worse, at first. If he wasn’t human, what was he? A ghost? Something worse? Could he hurt her, was he even corporal, could he use magic? There were so many unanswered questions it made her head spin and her heart pound in her chest.
But he looks so sad.
Even though half of Bonnie wanted to carry on running and screaming, something about the sad look on the man’s - or whatever he was - stopped her.
It…it resonated with her. He looked so lonely and afraid and lost, and Bonnie knew she’d looked like that plenty of times in her life, especially recently. She’d wished someone, anyone, would just reach out to her, and no-one ever had.
So she would.
Cautiously, she straightened up and tried to relax as much as she could, even going so far as to mirror the…being’s gesture of raising her hands to show that she wasn’t going to try and run - not until he gave her a reason to, anyway.
The being’s face instantly changed: lifting into a tentative smile, eyes losing some of their darkness and mournfulness as he realised that she was - for now - staying:
“Thank you, thank you for staying! I’m so excited to finally get to talk to someone, it’s been so long: so, so long: I’m not even sure how long, really, it gets kind of hard to measure time when you don’t have any connection to the outside world. Is that what people are wearing now? It’s very colourful, even though I didn’t know women could wear trousers now, it makes sense though; skirts always seemed quite cumbersome, but they were pretty -.not that your trousers aren’t pretty, of course, they are very nice, even if they are a little dirty…not that that’s bad! I just meant…I meant…” the being’s happy babbling faded into worried fretting, his brows creasing together in concern.
Bonnie couldn’t say why, but she just couldn’t let the being go back to seeming so lost looking: “It’s okay. I…I’m not upset.”
“Oh.” the being brightened once more: “Good! I’m glad!”
Bonnie nodded, uncertain of what to say, but wanting to say something: “I’m glad you’re glad.”
“I’m glad you’re glad I’m glad!” the being grinned, before…blushing? His paper-white cheeks took on a slightly rose hue, anyway: “That wasn’t the most coherent sentence, was it?”
“It’s cool.” Bonnie shrugged: “We all come out with things that don’t sound right when we say them out-loud.”
“It’s cool…” the being repeated slowly, as if testing the word out: “Does that mean ‘good’ now?”
Bonnie realised that he probably wouldn’t know what half of her vocabulary meant…but found that she didn’t mind: “Yes, it means good.”
The being grinned: “In that case it is very ‘cool’ to meet you. My name is Remington.”
“I’m Bonnie.” she grinned in return, feeling at ease when she realised that the being was more excitable college student than terrifying phantom: “It’s very cool to meet you too, Remington.”
The being brightened even farther…and Bonnie felt her mood brighten along with him.
Maybe it would be nice to have someone to talk to.
Even if that person wasn’t human.
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remingtonisleithal · 2 years
Morning Light
Chapter 3
Remington Leith x female reader
Warnings: vampire stuff? Not heavy gore or anything, just mentions of vampires feeding
Summary: Remington and Y/N meet again
A/N: sorry it took so so long for the next chapter!! Mental health has been failing and both of us have been very busy. This chapter is by me but the fic is a co-written series (check out @cursivetalk!!). this is kind of a filler, but hopefully I'll be writing more often <3 also the image is by the amazing @fedorable-killjoys, thank you!!
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“This needs to be fast, I have to meet our fans after the show, thank them for coming,” Remington said, as he guided Y/N backstage to a cement brick corridor. “But I need to talk to you. I need answers.” Remington let go of Y/N’s arm and gently turned her to face him.
“Well, so do I.” Y/N said, in a harsh way, surprising herself and Remington by the bitterness in her voice. 
Remington furrowed his brows, facial expression asking the question without using his voice.
“I don’t-,” she paused for a moment, and huffed. “I don’t remember anything.” She looked away from Remington’s bright eyes, in an attempt to hide what could be seen in her own. “All I know is I was at a ball. And then some time had passed, I don’t know how much, but I woke up in the bed of a kind family who took me in. That’s all I remember. Before all this went down, you were the last thing I remember.” The way Y/N said this was more accusing than statement, causing Remington to raise his eyebrows and defend himself. 
“I’m sorry, are you blaming me? Because all I ever did was try to protect you.” The venom in his voice and protective glare in his eyes proved he was telling the truth. 
A moment of silence. The passion in his voice caused Y/N to wonder if something had happened between them in the time she had lost. 
Remington let out a sharp breath. “And what exactly ‘went down’?” Remington prompted.
“I don’t know. But now I feed. I’m assuming, just like you. Unless there is another way to live centuries without dying that I’m unaware of.”
Remington looked down, and nodded ever so slightly. Ashamed, somehow, despite it not being something he could help. 
“May I ask you something?” Y/N said, quickly before she could lose her nerve.
“Anything,” Remington said, quickly before he could stop himself. 
“I-Do you know anything about what happened to me? It had been… a while, that I don’t remember.”
“Unfortunately I was hoping to ask you where you had been for the last century and a half. I-” I missed you, he thought to himself. But how could he tell a woman he had but one evening with how she stayed in his heart for 166 years? He couldn’t. 
The backstage door flung open and Sebastian strode in. 
“Rem, we have to-” Sebastian stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Y/N. He had spent days looking for the mysterious woman his brother had fallen for, spent years singing songs his brother had written about her. Spent decades trying to block out the memories of that night. 
His face lost all expression as he gazed into Y/N’s eyes. For a second, a memory flashed through her head. A voice. ‘It was you?’. 
Remington looked back and forth. 
“Sebastian, this is Y/N, you might remember her from one of our affairs.” 
“I remember her. And don’t talk 1800s to me, we have well and truly aged past it. Come on, Emerson is facing the fans alone.” 
“OK, gimme a sec,” Remington told his brother, turning around to face Y/N. “Meet me back at this pub, tomorrow night?”
“Ah, yeah, sure! Around 7?” Y/N asked, as Remington got pulled out by Sebastian. 
He was already through the door when Y/N heard him shout “I’ll be here!”
Y/N had spent the day on autopilot, mind racing. She didn’t eat. She didn’t sleep. But she didn’t need to, she had enough yesterday to get by (the complications of being undead: you need things to live, food and water and sleep, but nowhere near as much as the living). By the time it was 6 o’clock, Y/N was pacing around her bedroom trying to figure out what to wear. 
It was times like this that she really wished she knew another vampire besides the one she was about to see. You can’t easily ask your best friend “what should I wear to see the guy that I met in the 1800s at a ball and I fell in love with then I became a vampire and didn’t see him in over a century?”. Alas, after enough pacing, she found the perfect outfit. All she needed was a little lipgloss and a lot of courage. 
When she got to the bar it was ten to seven. Enough time to panic, but not enough for a full blown panic attack. Her anxiety would just have to wait. She walked into the burgundy room, warm lights providing enough light to see but not much more, though this meant little to a creature of the night. She spotted Remington’s blonde hair immediately, despite the crowd. He was sitting down, knee-bouncing in the corner booth of the bar, obviously trying to calm himself down. Hey, maybe my anxiety and his will get along, Y/N thought with a wry smile. Remington noticed he was caught, and with a small laugh, he walked over to greet Y/N. 
“Hey,” He said. Y/N temporarily forgot words, instead just blinking at him as he went in for a hug. It was somehow cool and warm all at once, a soothing thrill being in his arms. 
“Uh, hi,” she said with a smile. Wow, nice recovery, Y/n. 
“So,” he said, walking back to where he was seated, “what do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t really know where to start. It’s not every day you meet a vampire that you hadn’t seen in over 150 years,” Y/N murmured, careful with her words. 
“166,” Remington blurted, as Y/N used all the care and there was none left for him. “Uh, it’s been 166 years. Since we met. I, um, did the math.” 
“Well, you already know more than me. Everything before… well, I don’t know. But the years after I was turned, and before, are all a blur.” Y/N replied after a moment, trying to remain cool. “Do you, uh, do you have any idea what happened. Did we meet again or something? Because I feel a very strong connection to you but I’m not sure why.”
“No, unfortunately not, though I would have loved to get to know you more back then.”
Do vampires blush? It was a question Y/N had never pondered, nor needed to until that very moment, when she got her answer. Even the undead can turn red with the right situation and person. 
There was a moment of silence full of discomfort, not because of the company but because of the emotion. Y/N put an end to it. 
“I think I’m ready to order. Are you?” 
“Yes, but only if you’ll let me pay.”
A smirk tugged at the corners of Y/N’s lips. How many times Remington replayed that imagine in his mind. 
“Ever the gentleman, my lord,” Y/N teased, returning to the lively person she used to be, and as Remington placed a hand on the small of her back to guide her through to the bar, time seemed to slip. 
Taglist: @sab-falco @smiling-girl @levyasakura @fedorable-killjoys @charlie-rulerofhell (idk if I should include you) and @fandomfoodiedancer
As always let me know if you want to be on or off the taglist, or just specific fics!
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sleekervae · 2 years
When in Rome... [Remington Leith x Reader] Part I
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Hello humans! I got this idea from the lovely @imabee-oralizard so big shout out to them! Boy, oh boy, did I whip this up fast! And to stick with the pattern, I probably won't have another update posted for another month 😅. Jkjk.
As usual leave likes, reblog and comment your love! Or comment your favorite/least favorite food!
Summary: Having been bestowed a knighthood in Rome, Emerson invites y/n to join him and Remington on their Italian trip. In a classic case of "I have to keep my crush a secret because they may not feel the same way", Remington has to keep his super-massive-black-hole crush a secret from y/n. However, things get turned on the wayside when they run into their good friends from Maneskin...
Warnings: some cursing, some intoxication, mostly fluff
The waters were almost crystalline, shimmering in the beating sun like diamonds, cool and inviting. A young woman lay on the sunny deck of a private yacht -- the very first she ever had the pleasure of being aboard -- and tanning blissfully off the Italian coast of Capri.
She was just on the brink of falling asleep, it would've been a fitting closure to the sumptuous lunch she'd enjoyed earlier. However, her ears perked when she heard the boisterous chanting from the other side of the boat.
"Three! Two! One!" a short silence followed, then a loud splash. Y/n sat up from her cat nap, peering over the rail of the boat to find Remington bobbing in the water. His giddy smile glinted in the reflection of the light, and he was satisfied as he turned up and did a quick backstroke in the ocean. Y/n smiled to herself as she shifted over to sit against the railing, waving idly as he swam over.
"Need a line, sailor?" she shouted down.
Remington shook his head, "No, but how about you jump in? Water's fine!"
Y/n pouted, "But I was trying to have a nap!"
"A nap!?"
"Pardon me for having jet lag!"
Emerson called out to her from the railing, "C'mon, Y/n! You can sleep when you're dead!" and he jumped in after his brother. He emerged a moment later, hissing and cursing to himself, "Fuck! I landed on my hams!"
The others laughed at the absurdity, and Y/n simply shook her head as she peeled herself off of the deck. Remington clung to the ladder, anxiously watching as she got up onto the railing -- with their friend Ben's help, of course.
"Y/n!" he called up.
"What is it, Remi!?"
"Why are you gonna' dive in with your sunglasses on?" he asked, a shit-eating grin plastered to his face.
"It's not advisable!" Emerson added as he swam over, shoving Remington aside so he could climb back aboard, "Move, bitch,"
"Says the bitch who landed on his hams,"
Y/n grumbled to herself as she realized she still had her sunglasses on. She handed them off to Ben, then taking a deep breath, she leapt off the boat and disappeared under the water in a big splash. When she emerged, y/n shook out her hair and cleaned the water from her eyes, however she was dismayed to find Remington had suddenly disappeared from the ladder. A moment of panic hit her, she had been friends with Remington long enough to know that he was up to no good.
"Oh shit," She swam as quickly as she could to the boat, but she wasn't fast enough. She shrieked out as cold hands grabbed her and suddenly lifted her up from the water.
"No! Fuck you!" y/n cried out and tried to grab from the ladder. Remington however laughed like a little school boy, though she always found it hard to be cross with him. Annoyed? Sure. Pissed off? Hardly ever.
"You see? You're awake now!" he chided. Remington had been hiding just beneath the water's surface, his foot locked on the bottom rung of the ladder to ensure neither of them would drown when he'd grab her.
Y/n relaxed as he eased her back into the water, still she clung to the ladder rungs as she playfully scowled, "One of these days, you're gonna kill me, Remi,"
"And why the hell would I wanna' do something so stupid?" he leaned in closer, close enough to count the freckles that dotted her cheeks, "I'd miss you too much, y/n,"
Y/n smirked, gently punching his bicep, "Mmhm, sure," with that she let go of the ladder, pushing off from the boat and taking a quick swim. Remington stayed put, eclipsed by how gracefully she moved, how pretty her hair was as it shone under the sun. Everything always seemed so much brighter whenever y/n was around, even when he was trying to annoy her.
It was as though every time he stared into her eyes, he could clearly remember the first time they'd met. Eight years ago, back when he was literally a starving artist and she was a temporary guitarist filling in whilst Palaye was trying to put their band together. Eight years later and Remington and Y/n were still as close as ever, and they'd watched each other grow and flourish into the fantastic artists they'd become. No matter how much drama they endured, the fights she'd watched the brothers have, the breakdowns he would coax her through when she was feeling inadequate in her music career. Through thick and thin, they always had each other -- it was hard for Remington to imagine what his life would be like without her.
And maybe that was why he woke up not long ago and came to a realization that he wanted y/n on an entirely different level. And it wasn't just thinking about her on a physical basis, it came down to how good he felt emotionally being around her.
Y/n was swimming back just as he shook himself out of his daydream. He saw her up the ladder and back on deck safely, subconsciously peeking out of the corner of his eye as she towelled herself off. When he turned however, he met Emerson's accusatory stare. The youngest brother simpered to himself.
"You're such a suck," he told him.
Remington rolled his eyes, snatching up his own towel to dry off, "Shut up," and he wandered to the other side of the boat. Emerson, being the little ever direct and menacing little brother that he was, followed.
"You know, I don't get you. You've been drooling over y/n for months, I don't get why you don't just ask her out already," he said.
Remington simply shrugged, "I'm just not ready yet," he replied.
"You're not ready or you're not brave enough?" Emerson asked.
Remington huffed, "I'll plead the fifth,"
Emerson stared unimpressed at his brother, "You're not gonna' give me the whole 'I don't wanna ruin our friendship' business, are you?"
"Can't I?"
"No, that's bullshit,"
Remington whipped off his towel, then began to spin it around into a tight cylinder, "But perfectly acceptable,"
Emerson snickered, "Crazy idea! How about you ask her to the Fever Dream premiere?" he suggested.
"Sure," Remington scoffed.
"I mean it," Emerson insisted, "You want an icebreaker? Start with the premiere!"
I will... think about it," Remington decided, hoping that would be enough to get his brother off of his back.
"Well, think fast," Emerson chided, "'Cause if you don't ask her out, I just might do it for you,"
Remington smirked, "Try it and you die!" he took the twisted towel and whipped it at him. Emerson shrieked and ran to the other side of the boat, cowering behind another one of their friends. Y/n's attention turned to Emerson's girlish screams, and her eyes diverted right to Remington and his towel.
Remington simply smiled and waved at her.
The afternoon dissolved into a gorgeous evening, the sunset painting the sky in rich oranges and delving into deep indigo. The streets were bustling with people, the smells of fresh pasta and baked pizza intoxicating and smaller children ran by balancing gelato in their hands.
Hoots and hollers from more drunk patrons echoed into the night, and despite the late hour buildings were still lit up in dazzling, twinkling lights that guided the group back to their hotel.
The had been brazen to stay out so late despite their jam-packed day. They'd enjoyed a beautiful seafood dinner at a local coastal restaurant, and despite how often Remington would go on and on about his veganism, y/n found it so curious to watch him practically devour his poached fish and pasta.
"You are the strangest vegan I've ever met," y/n sighed as they strolled down the boulevard.
Remington chuckled bashfully, his arm slung around y/n's shoulders to keep her close, "You remember the first time I tried to be vegan in Europe, right?"
"The waiters in Spain practically laughed us out of the restaurant," y/n shook her head fondly at the memory.
"Well, a lot can change in six years! Next time we go back, they'll have vegan tapas!" Remington declared.
"One can only hope," y/n grinned up at him, her arms suddenly coming up to wrap around his neck, "Thank you for inviting me, Remington,"
"You kidding? It wouldn't be any fun without you, y/n," he chuckled a little as she stumbled her and there -- on account of the few Aperols she had with dinner, "You okay to walk?"
"I'm good," she reassured.
As they trailed behind their friends, an older woman passed them by. She was a flower peddler, two bundles of rich red roses tucked in her arm as she offered them out to the tourists of Capri. She spotted Remington and Y/n immediately, smiling kindly as she approached them with a single rose.
"Scusi signore," she greeted in a low, gruff tone, "A rosa for your sweetheart?"
The pair glanced at each other momentarily, and Y/n couldn't help but blush at the sudden notion, "Oh -- no. We're not --"
"Sure," Remington suddenly piped up, reaching for his wallet and giving the old woman some money. She beamed gratefully and handed the rose to Y/n, then wished them well before moving on to the next couple.
Y/n watched her walk away, intrigued as she swiftly turned to Remington, "What did I do to deserve a rose?" she smiled bashfully.
Remington shrugged, his mind reeling to come up with a valid excuse for his impulsive purchase, "I mean -- I appreciate you. And unlike with Emerson, I don't have to drive you around to places to prove how much I love you,"
"No, you just whisk me away on an impromptu Italian vacation," she giggled brushing the flower over Remington's nose. They both started to laugh like children and Remington took the stem between his teeth.
Y/n gasped, "Oh my God! You could be the next Bachelor!"
Remington chuckled still with the flower in his mouth, took it out and offered it back to her, "Y/n, will you accept this rose?"
Y/n giggled but shook her head, "Nah,"
Remington's jaw dropped.
"What? Not used to rejection, Mr. Leith?" Y/n teased.
Remington chuckled, "Oh, I'm very used to getting rejected," he said.
"By who?" she asked, "Who the fuck would actually reject you?" she elbowed him in the ribs. 
"Well --"
"No, seriously," she drunkenly rambled, "You're like -- the sweetest person I've ever met. And you're just so kind and cute and you're so innocent,"
"Innocent?" Remington raised an eyebrow at her.
"Okay -- not actually innocent in all rhetorics," Y/n giggled, "But yeah, you just have an innocent vibe about you,"
"Shit," he laughed, "Fanfic writers are gonna' rave about that,"
They made it back to their hotel in one piece, with Remington holding Y/n up most of the way. He sobered himself up mentally so he could take care of her. She kept tripping over her own shoelaces as they made it into the lobby, so Remington decided to pick her up and give her a piggy back ride. Y/n didn't complain, she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and enjoyed the ride, giggling a little when Remington would trip now and again.
"Remi!" she yelped, holding onto him tightly when he purposefully bounced her, "Don' do that," she whimpered, to which Remington simply laughed. He even held her on his back during the elevator ride and carried her to her room. 
He carried Y/n to the bed, turning to let her off but she ended up pulling Remington down on top of her, both of them let out an 'oof'. Y/n then started to laugh.
"Sorry," she giggled.
"You okay?" he grinned.
"Yeah. You're kinda' heavy," she admitted and Remington moved off of her and stood, "No, wait! Come back!" she whined. She moved to sit up on her knees and grabbed his hand. 
Remington couldn't help but laugh as she pulled him back down next to her. 
"You're a clingy little drunk, you know," he said.
"I know," she sighed heavily, "But isn't that another reason why you love me?"
"Of course," he replied, brushing some more hair away from her face. She started laughing again, this time a snort made its way in, "What's so funny?"
"You," she giggled.
"Yeah. I really like your hair, you know," 
Remington raised his eyebrows, subconsciously running his hand through his lengthened black hair, "Oh, do I?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "Everything about you is just nice. And you're really pretty, too,"
He chuckled, "Y/n, you're baked"
"Oh, so what?" she moved to lie down on her stomach, pillowing her head in her arms, "It's the truth. I'll be sober tomorrow, but you'll still be beautiful to me,"
He couldn't help but smile, appreciating that she wasn't all in her right mind but it felt good to hear her say that. Even if she did steal the quote from 'The Dreamers', there was something sort of romantic about being complimented with a line like that. 
"You just ripped off 'The Dreamers'," he said.
"Don't you judge me," Y/n snuggled up to the taller boy, her arms coming around to hug him. 
Remington held her, taking in her staling but heavenly smell of grapefruit. He rubbed his hand up and down her back, slowly warming her up. He saw the goosebumps ripple out over her skin, the hand with her zodiac sign tattoo brushing over the collar of his shirt. 
"I think I'm in love with you," he said suddenly, unable to stop himself before it slipped out. Luckily, y/n was falling in and out of consciousness, sleep moving in on her.
"Hmm?" she hummed, blinking her dark brown eyes open.
"I think I'll head back to my room," Remington said, gently moving to escape her grasp despite how badly he wanted to stay.
"You can stay if you want," she told him, trying to force her eyes to stay open, "I really don't mind,"
"It's okay, y/n. Besides, you snore," he grinned. Y/n glowered at him before settling back into the sheets.
"Cocky bitch," she murmured.
Before leaving he pressed a soft kiss to her temple, her light snores already leaving her. He had his eyes trained on her as he came to the door, taking one last lingering glance. She was peacefully asleep, sure to fall victim to one hell of a nasty hangover in the morning. He surely couldn't escape the same fate. He wanted to crawl back into that bed and hold her, to feel her arms wrap around him again and make him forget all his troubles. They'd done it time and time again but somehow, something here was different. He felt different, and it wasn't just the alcohol clouding his judgement.
For a split second he could hear Emerson's voice in his head, trying to force out Sebastian, Chris, and so many other people had insinuated time and time again. The harrowing thoughts he had about her seemed to grow and grow, everyday his want reared his ugly head and reminded him how close he was to having her, and yet how far she was because of his own fear of rejection. Yes, he was afraid of her rejection, but he was also afraid of what could happen if she said yes...
[To be continued]
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unityblair · 2 years
Redeemer - Prologue
Pairing: Palaye Royale x Original Character
Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), violence, blood, morally grey characters
Summary: The Heiress and her maid travel through Obsidian Empire to the capital, but along the road something goes terribly wrong.
A/N: The story follows the events of  Palaye Royale’s Tonight is the night I die video, and it’s taking place in a world created by the one and only Emerson Barrett.
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The girl wished on a falling star that she’d be as beautiful and as respected as her Lady. Heiress of Ravenon was the perfect example of coming from money. She was always fake smiling and making useful connections, hiding what was truly needed in the depths of her voluminous skirts. 
“I like my cakes on a silver platter, though” Lady Marcella responded to her rash question. 
They were heading to the north of the Obsidian Empire, slowly approaching a hill. This change of terrain seemed extremely suspicious to the girl, so she leaned out the window, hearing only the beat of her heart in her throat. She swore that she didn’t see any hill in the near distance, but yet the carriage was going up one. 
The crows sang outside the window, sitting on the treebranches in flocks. The weather seemed to change, everyone starting to feel freezing cold. 
“Honey cake looks better on a golden tray, my Lady” The girl swallowed a lump forming in her throat. She suddenly started sweating feverously. As the feeling spread through her she started suspecting she must’ve gotten sick while washing herself in the tavern two days earlier. They haven’t done much since then. Hours of ride turned to days, and days to nights, and still they felt nowhere close to the capital. 
“Men tend to think that women love gold, but it’s a foolish assumption. Settle for someone who’s humble enough to give you a silver ring and own it” Lady Marcella flipped her dark hair onto other shoulder, brushing her pale arm with her knuckles, her own ringed hand making her shiver. “It’s too cold, undress” 
The girl stared at the heiress, her gaping mouth almost saying no. 
“Clara, take it off, we're swapping clothes. My dress is too light for this stupid weather” She sneered, looking her maid dead in the eye. “Do I have to tell you twice?”
“N-no, Milady” Clara leaned forward fighting the corset of her brownish dress, managing to loosen the threads pulling it together. 
After minutes of struggling to take off all the material from her body in the cramped space of a carriage, young Clara extended her hand to help the heiress undress and then dress again. Lastly she took Lady Marcella’s ocean blue silky ribbon dress and put it on. 
“The blue compliments your eyes, little girl” Her Lady laughed with slight disregard visible in her voice.
But Clara wasn't a little girl. Clara was old enough to be Lady Marcella’s older sister. The irony was that they looked a little alike. Clara quietly wished that one day she would be as confident and sharp as her Lady always was. She envied her every day. 
Big ruby ring shone on her right hand, almost whispering to Clara to take it. She shook her head, trying to ignore the urge to steal. This wasn’t her. She was a good girl. 
After saying a quiet “Thanks you” both women heard a loud thud that made them jump in their places. 
“Coachman, what’s the matter?” Lady Marcella called, anxiety lacing her hoarse voice. 
They heard no response. The horses started galloping without any apparent reason. 
“Someone scared the horses” Clara came to a realization, as she looked out the window, seeing them coming out of the woods, seeing the narrow road going up the hill into a great Victorian mansion covered in spiky ivy. The windows seemed empty, the windows broken from some type of fire. The window shells scorched like in a tragic story Clara heard as a child. 
“Where is he?” Lady almost screamed when she realized something bad was about to happen.
“He must’ve fallen off” 
“You must be joking” 
“No, he isn’t sitting on his seat. He’s just- gone” Clara’s voice shook with nervousness. 
Clara opened the carriage door, trying to see what was left behind. She didn’t see a thing. The coachman, even if he fell off, he was nowhere to be found nor on the road nor on the grass patches. 
“Something’s wrong, we have to go, Milady” Clara said forcefully. She felt the motivation to run coursing through her veins like a strong alcohol instantly kicking in.
“I’m not leaving without my coachman” 
“We need…”
The air was suddenly knocked out of her lungs as the carriage was suddenly flipped over. Clara did not know what happened, but all she remembered were multiple pairs of black eyes staring into hers as they took her out and carried into what seemed to be true oblivion. 
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louscartridge · 2 years
palaye royale masterlist
i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform.
i try to make every fic of mine so everyone can read then despite their gender, race, and sexuality unless stated otherwise.
tw i will be writing about triggering topics such as eds, sh, and just angst in genral as they are rly big comfort fics for some people. these fics will be marked with ♡
smut will always be afab and will have its own separate masterlist.
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not so easy ♡-  reader breaks a serious promise she made with her boyfriend.
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ad4mmeoww · 1 year
The Life Of Electra Heart (palaye royale x reader)
chapter 1 | start of everything
-1st December 2014-
I don't know what I should start this note with , so let's just have an introduction. I'm Bianca, I'm 19 and I live in Vancouver...or somehow I did , because right now I'm moving to Nevada. I bought this diary just today and I'm gonna write my shitty dailies in it , whatever , welcome to my fucking life.
Right now , I'm sitting at the car and my dad is driving. It's cold as fuck and I'm just so nervous. do You know why? Because when I arrive , I'm gonna meet a boy band and start living with them as a musician. I think they were named "palaye royale" , or something like that. Whatever this way in car's completely boring , so I'm gonna waste my time with writing.
let me tell you why I'm writing this shits in my diary. Being honest, when I was a kid , I always wished that I could be a singer or maybe an actress. I still dream about it and , who knows? Maybe someday I get. Then maybe I would share this diary in public for my fans.
Look like we're gonna arrive just for 30 mins later. I will write all the things that happened at night.
-Sign: Bianca the sick girl soldier-
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wednesdaythesecond · 26 days
23. Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
Yess omg it absolutely has. When I first got into music in general my fave ship was Andley (Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy) because I was super into Black Veil Brides, then Remdy (Remington Leith and Andy Biersack) because I got into Palaye Royale at that time. Then I got into My Chemical Romance when I was like... 12 ish? And I got frerard because that was THE mcr ship of all time, which led me to read a lot a lot a lot of bandom fanfiction, which led me to finding petekey, which became my OTP of all time for years and years. If we're only talking about bandom ships, I then got interested in waycest when I was like 12 again but that was wayyyyyy too scary at first so I ignore it hard until I first made waycestwednesday in 2023 and fully got obsessed. Right now, my OTP is travkey because like. Ough. I love them.
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Relationship : Remington Leith x reader
A/N : Sorry I know, not what you expected. It's be complicated lately and I wanted something shorter then "ON THE ROAD AGAIN" and on someone else. But next will be either a new chapter of OTRA or a short fix either on Gerard Way or Frank iero.
Warnings : None 
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You were just in front of your best friend’s door trying to calm your nerves. Before you could even process it the front door opened and a smiling Emerson was facing you warping you quickly in a warm hug. This bastard truly gave the best hugs, maybe it was the reason why you hang out more with him. It was a sunny afternoon and Emerson was dressed very fashionable as always, he always stood out from the other kids even before finding his own style. You entered and soon enough his mother Stephanie was hugging you lovingly. Staphanie and your mom were best friends since college and that how you meet the boys, you were six month older than Emerson, you grew up with him basically. First off when you were four until Sebastian got to middle school you and the boys were having sleepovers at least 3 times per weeks and were inseparable, then when Sebastian did go to middle school he started to pass more time by himself and his new friends since he thought playing with you three was not of his age anymore. But you, Emerson and Remington didn’t mind all that much since you still got each other to play with, some things were more difficult though, since you were now a trio there was some kind of imbalance inside your group and disputes tend to happen more than before but nothing alarming since it was always for stupids reasons and when Remington got through adolescence the arguments got bigger and next thing you knew it was just you and Emerson. But everyone was still close to each other It’s just that you had now a certain routine with Emerson and got comfortable in it. You also didn’t want to bother the guys by asking if they wanted to join. Also Emerson seemed happy to have you for himself and have a little time with someone else then his brothers, sort of. Emerson had friends beside you of course but you didn’t talk much to those, they were nice but you weren’t one to party, you considerably preferred to stay at home watching a movie, TV show or play video games or some else worthless.
« Well A/N, the boys must say their hello wait I’m gonna call them downstairs. » Said Emerson’s mom, it was something she always said and did when you were there.
« Really there’s no need. I’m sure they’re occupied and busy, you know. I don’t wish to disturb anyone Stephanie as sweet as it is. »
« You’re way to polite hon’, don’t worry I think they can move their legs once in a while. BOYS COME SAY HELLO A/N’S HERE ! »
Emerson was puffing behind his mom’s back, you on the other side just stood there awkwardly. While you heard stumping upstairs, you took in the delicate features of Emerson.
He had a dark navy blue beret which was quite rare and a white shirt open widely on the collarbone and to his chest it was a lightly transparent, he wore around his neck maybe dozens of necklaces which you bought him for the most part and a simple black skinny Jean. You often wished you had the same wardrobe than him.
The stumping was now very loud and close which meant the guys were in the staircase so you turned your head around just in time to see Seb coming to you and putting your head in his arm and ruffling your hair to annoy you. Well for sur now you’ll be walking around for all evening with wild hair but hey what’s new ?
« Let the poor girl be would you, Sebastian ? »
« Well she’s used to being annoyed since she comes here to see Em, anyway. » Said Seb with a dickhead grin splattered on his face.
« Well fuck you, I happen to be very interesting mind you ! »
Em wasn’t one for a reading. You sighed rolling your eyes to the sky, done with thoses two, while their mom was repremending them, mostly Em since he swore.
« If she ever gets bored it’ll be by you two arguing dummies. » Said Remington arriving at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes then falled on you and a huge smile stretched itself on his lips, soon enough he had you in his arms.
« God Y/N what have you done of my boys ? »
Rem was still hugging you, yeah he tend to do that quite a lot and you never got used to it since it was a little bit awkward with everyone around you. The first hundreds of times Seb always teased him, while Remington was complaining. But you guessed that it had became like a ritual now.
« Well I wouldn’t pride myself in this since I honestly don’t think they need me around to act like that. » You joked once Remington decided to let go.
« Guess will never know since they won’t without you in our house for less than one week. » Laughed Stefanie.
« More like , Emerson, won’t let her be for less week. » Said Remington. Making his mother smile and Sebastian laugh.
« Whatever, c’mon Y/N. »Emerson took you by the end to go upstairs to his room.
You popped down on his bed looking at the fluorescent pink stickers up his ceiling. While he unplugged his Drum speaker.
« How was rehearsal ?
« It was okay we didn’t do much to be honest. »
« But didn’t you told me that you’d finished the album already ? »
« Well we just need one more song and then it’ll be finished. »
« Well don’t worry about it I’m sure it’ll be a great one. » You said cuddling him from behind making him fall into the bed with you.
« Putting pressure on me much ? »
The two of you laughed at that still cuddling on the bed.
« But I’ve got to say I’m not hyped not to hang out with you guys once you’ll go on tour. » You’re best friend held you more strongly than before at your words. Silence filled the room.
« Maybe you could come and visit us ? » Asked Emerson in a small voice.
« Could I ?! » You said looking up at your friend.
« I mean I don’t see why not ? »
You got off the bed starting to dance excitedly and fist bumping happily into the air while Emerson was laughing from the bed.
« But…. Wait a minute ? Isn’t it girlfriends that are allowed to visit you ? » You asked stopping right away fearing it wasn’t gonna happen.
« Well usually, yes it is, but I think I can play it off. Plus if you do think about it we already are an actual old married couple. » You all laughed your ass off at this knowing very well how you to were looking while argumenting.
Not long after that Emerson had to go to the toilets and you took advantage of it to go ask Stefanie if she needed help with dinner. Emerson find It’s way into the kitchen not long after that.
That how you found yourselves peeling potatoes while joking around.
Hearing you laughing Remington join you guys down hoping up the counter, not helping whatsoever.
« You guys are so loud I can’t even hear myself think anymore. »He said with a devilish grin.
« Silly you of course you can’t Rem ! You never thought about something with that beautiful brains of yours, since you don’t have one ! » He glanced at me with a deathly look while Emerson was coughing his laugh away.
« But you’re saying nonetheless that I’m beautiful right ? » Emerson rolled his eyes while Remington winked at you.
« Well looks gotta make up for that stupidity of yours I guess. «
« But you admit that I’m beautiful ? »
« God Remington I never knew you’d suffered from so much lack of love during you’re childhood hon. »You said looking at your potato with a wide grin, with Emerson discretely laughing in front of you still peeling off the skin of his potato.
« But that does make me Belle and you the beast. So I win. »
« Well if you want to lie to yourself love go on, I won’t stop you, but remember that I ‘ll be Beast who’s got a big brain. »
Emerson made a face of disgust at the nickname. You got up and went near the counter, on which was seated Remington, to wash your peeled potatoes.
« Yeah But I’ll be Belle who’s got a big - »
« REMINGTON !!! »Yelled Stephanie making Emerson explode in laughter and pride was taking over your features.
« Since you seem to be quite a talker today go peel the rest of the potatoes of your brother, while you Emerson’ll put on the table in the dinning room please. »
« What does this have to do with peeling potatoes anyway ? » Whined Remington still going over his brother ‘s place getting to work.
« Young man don’t dig yourself deeper, I’m warning you. Now less talking and more peeling. »
You hide your laughing while you returned to the table where was Remington to cut the vegetables.
He glance you a glance that you supposed was meant to be scary but didn’t work out.
« I’m hate to say but Belle wouldn’t be the scariest psychopath for an horror franchise. »
« Wish I could dig YOU deeper. » He muttered between his theets.
« And I wish I could dig you. » you Whispered to yourself, blushing instantly realizing what you said and looking over to meet a blushing Remington.
Safe to say you cutted the rest of your vegetables are in silence as Remington did the same with the peeling.
Soon enough you all were dinning around the table that put on Emerson. You were sitting by Emerson side on his right, while Remington was in front of you and on his right was Seb asking if he could go to a party tonight at his mother who was seated in the end of the table. He excitedly thanked his mom when she agreed.
« By the way could Y/N come visit us on tour ? » Interrupted Em looking at his two older brothers.
A silence took place during several seconds as both of Seb and Rem eyebrows shoot to the roof looking really surprised, you didn’t really understood why before Seb started talking with a huge smile.
« FINALLY ! You guys I was starting to think it’ll never happen you know ? »
What ?
You were really confused right now, was he still talking about you visiting ?
If it was the case why did Remington seemed so hurt ? And even if he was talking about something else why would Rem be hurt anyway ?
« Huh well It’s only if you guys wants me to be there of course ? » Even to yourself you sounded pretty unsure.
« When did that happened anyway ? » Asked Remington pretty coldly.
« What ? » You ask really confused now.
« When what happened ? » asked Emerson apparently as confused as you were.
« Ho c’mon you guys ! Don’t be shy ! I always knew it’ll happen it really was about time. »
What. The. Hell
« Huh well Emerson asked me when we were up in his room a few hours earlier ? » You responded truly still very unsure about this, but figuring they were asking about when did Em bringed up the idea ?
« Ho so It’s really recent still ? » Said Seb.
« Huh well that’s why were asking if it’ll be cool with you two ? » Answered Em fidgeting at the end of his shirt.
« Unless you’re not comfortable with it Rem ? » Everyone’s eyes landed on him waiting for his answer.
« Why would you hit on me if you’re with my little brother exactly ? »
A huge silence landed across the table and your eyes almost blew out of your skull.
« What ? »You asked in a small voice a little embarrassed of him telling everyone what happened earlier.
« If he trust you enough to be his girlfriend don’t try to hit on his fucking brother just a few hours after it ! » He said getting up in one second before just hurriedly walking up the stairs at a fast pace. While you just stood there your mouth hanging.
What did just happened and… wait were they thinking you and Emerson were a couple ? HO they were, well shit.
« Huh… just to put it out there me and y/N are Friends, nothing more. »Said Emerson looking at his mom and older brother.
But He did not looked at you.
« Ho well… shit. Sorry about that Y/N It’s me who directly started to think you two were together, I mean I though so because the people that usually visit us are our girlfriends or boyfriends. I see that I was wrong now, I’m really sorry. »
« It’s okay Seb we don’t mind. » You said sadly and deeply humiliated, you were guilt tripping for something you didn’t do. How sick was that ?
You exited the table without a word to go upstairs, walking til you were facing Rem’s door. You were hesitant, you needed to tell him but maybe It’s more up to Emerson after all ? And why would he listens to you of all people you must be the one he wished could go away probably now.
You took a deep breath before knocking on the wood with precaution.
«What ? » Said a weak voice on the other end of the door. Ho no was he crying ? What the fuck did you put yourself into ?
« Can I come in ? »
« Go away. Maybe you still got your chance with Sebastian ? »
« Mister Remington you may not slut shaming me. » You responded trying to be funny but as the silence took place between you you figured it wasn’t.
« Look, Rem, I think it is all just a misunderstanding, please let me in so we can talk ? »
You waited two long minutes fixing the wood of his door before this one moved to revel a red eyes looking Rem, the sight really guilt tripping you.
« How could you do that ? To your childhood best friend ? »
All of it was giving you an headache.
« Are we still talking about Em ? Or is it about you ? » You asked raising an eyebrow.
« forget about it. » He said moving to re-entering the room and closing the door, but you stopped him taking his left arm in your hand.
« Wait. I really do think It’s just a big misunderstanding, I am NOT em’s girlfriend. » You said the fastest you could.
The big frown on Remington’s face was wash over by a surprised look.
« But you guys said- »,
« we didn’t say anything because you didn’t even let us say more than 1 word. Sebastian assumed and I guess you then assumed that we were. But you’re both wrong. »
Remington’s brain seemed to be runned a mile per minute.
« But Emerson was talking about you visiting on tour.... »
« Yeah as friends dumbass, I ‘m not obligated to fuck someone on it to be on it am I ? »
Your arms crossed on your chest you waited in front of the tall man.
« I-I-I am so very sor-rr-ry…. I… I mean if you want to scream at me you’ve got every right to do so… » he said with a sorrowful expression.
« Don’t worry if I’ll ever feel like screaming at you, I won’t bother asking your permission love. In all seriousness now, maybe just go apologize to Emerson later okay ? »
« Ho fuck ! Everyone heard me right ? Ho what have I done It’s embarrassing as fuck. »
« Yeah from the looks on their faces I’m pretty convinced that they all heard you pretty well. »
«…. That means that I’ve just told everyone that you hit on me when you actually did it as a joke and for no reasons… » Blood was leaving his face at a fast spead and he was becoming more livid by the second.
«Yeah you did. But if that can make you feel better I didn’t do it as a joke. But please next time wait til we do take it to your room to tell everyone. Never guessed you as a kiss and tell but meh we learn something new every day ! »
« You didn’t… ? »
« No I wouldn’t hit on Rem big brother as a joke that’d be a lack of humor to do something so awkward. If I ever wanted to hit on one of you as a joke I’ll choose Em I’ve much more material on him anyway. »
« I….But last year at Seb’s birthday party when I finally muster up the courage to ask if I could kiss you, you said no… ? » Both of you were now a little closer to each other at the point where your chests were almost touching.
« Yeah well pardon me to have refused to kiss you when you were completely drunk AND in front of your two brothers looking at us. Poor souls They’ll still be on medication now if it happened. »
« But then why would you it on me now -»
« Can I kiss you ? » You asked to the tall bleached hair guy. He was blushing so much you were scared that the poor fool was about to explode.
« Why-hy no-ow ? » He asked lowering his voice looking at you expectingly.
« Because I feel like fucking my brother’s best friend. No more seriously I just… ‘I’ m not really talented for all of this but I really like you and I do have a crush on you since several months. Like each time you hug me It’s like I become numb and every problems since to find a solution to itself. »
Remington wrapped his hands, sweetly, around your neck, looking at you with tenderness.
Both of you closed the distance between your lips, it wasn’t sweet or hungry but just a little spark fading as soon as his tongue and lips left yours.
« Y/N… I-I have a crush on you since years but you never noticed me, Emerson always fought to be alone with you and to be the one closest to you. I… never told him because I really thinked you’ll never see me like you do with him. »
« You’ll never take the place of Em. He’s my best friend. But you can take the vacant place of boyfriend. But if you’re jealous of Emerson It’s not gonna do it for me babe. »
« What no ! I’m not…. I… ‘I swear just I wanted to let you know that I was struggling to find a way to get your attention. »
« You don’t need to, coz’ you already have it, you were just to blind to see. »
« ….Y/N.. I love you…. »
« I’m pretty sure that I ‘ll be able to say so in just a few weeks. » You kissed him one last time before going to Emerson’s room and getting in bed with your friend even if you wished to cuddle someone else tonight you didn’t want to seem impolite to your friend.
Emerson vaguely waked up from his sleep to whisper to you once you made yourself comfy between his arms.
« Did you tell him ? Did you guys made up ? »
« yes we did don’t you worry Em. » you said with a happy smile on your face, of course he didn’t meant it like you did but this discussion is left for tomorrow this time.
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cursivetalk · 2 years
Pay Attention To Me
Remington Leith X Fem!Reader
Requested by: @immrbrightsideeee
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (be safe!)
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: You're bored and a little horny. Really, you just want Remington's attention
A/N: hope that's what you wanted, Love<3 I must admit, I had quite some fun with this one. Also unedited because I'm writing and posting right before I'm going to bed, sorry if the ending is a bit abrupt, I got impatient lol
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"Hello there hot stuff," Y/N slithered around the corner, caught herself on the door frame to the living room with the piano and waggled her eyebrows, "come here often?"
Remington snorted and turned around on the stool. "I might with such a gorgeous- holy fuck."
The last part of the sentence was due to her attire. Or well, the fact that it was missing completely. Y/N was leaning against the frame now, arms crossed under her exposed boobs, pushing them upwards.
To be frank, she had been quite horny for a while now. At first, she had just waited for Remington to take a break and come looking for his girlfriend and maybe get a little fuck in between.
When that didn't happen, she had resorted to doomscrolling and somehow landed on the prank of filming your partner while surprising them naked. It seemed to work for the couples in the clips so Y/N figured that she could give it a try (minus the filming of course).
It seemed that it worked quite well. Judging on the size of Remington's eyes at least. He was taking his sweet time, just staring at her naked form, eyes travelling up legs, over her stomach, lingered on her boobs and then up to her face. She could almost feel it like he was running his hands over her skin, his gaze so intense.
"You're just gonna sit and stare?" Y/N prompted, her skin prickly and aching to be touched.
That finally shook the singer out of his stupor and spurred him into action.
Faster than she could follow with her eyes, Remington had her pressed against the cold wooden frame, the rough fabric of his jeans pushing at the sensitive skin of her thighs. His eyebrows were knitted together but a smile danced around the corners of his mouth. "You tease."
"Just the way you like-" it was her time to be interrupted now, though Remington had even more convincing ways to do so.
His lips were pushing against hers demandingly, open mouthed from the very start. Not that his hands were patient either. They roamed over her sides, around her back, pushing her closer, ghosting over her skin and never quite touching.
Y/N groaned into the kiss, half desire, half impatience. She darted out her tongue, meeting Remington's in a wet slide and arched into every caress.
For a while, Remington allowed for her to push and move closer into every touch that coaxed him for more. He even followed her obvious demand and took her breasts into his hands, massaged them and pinched first one then both of her nipples.
The rough treatment made her moan once more and Y/N could feel the wetness gathering between her legs already. Remington did as well as he pushed his right knee in between her thighs, pinning her in place. She knew she was dripping on his jeans and there was no way to stop it. The thought alone made her even hotter.
"So fucking wet already, Sugar," Remington mumbled in between two kisses.
Barely a heartbeat later, a long finger had found her clit. Y/N's knees almost gave out from the unexpected jolt of pleasure that his action sent through her core.
Her head lolled to the side while Remington started to draw tantalisingly slow circles on her clit, occasionally dipping down to run across her slit but never resting in one place. His lips nibbed at her jaw, trailed lower to her exposed throat and breathed against her neck. She shivered.
"You're so beautiful like this, writhing under me, already so desperate," he whispered, lowly; Remington's voice had pitched down into that rough grumble she knew he only for when turned on immensely.
The more surprising it came when all movements stopped at once.
For a few beats, the only sound was Y/N's laboured breaths and Remington's smirk as he looked down at her, still fully clothed, his hair a mess.
And then, just as fast as he had stopped, Remington dived back in. The kiss was almost bruising with how much lust, how much desire he put into it.
It was also distracting enough, that Y/N only realised that she was being picked up when her legs were already locked firmly around Remington's waist, her pussy making a mess against the front of his jeans. She couldn't help but thrust her hips into him, seeking the friction.
An ice cold surface under her ass jolted her out of her pleasure infused brain long enough to take a gasping breath.
Remington had sat her down on top of the piano. His shirt had gone lost on the way somewhere and he was in the process of opening his jeans when Y/N closed the gap between them again, attempting to catch him by surprise.
It didn't work quite like that but it certainly caught his attention. While Remington was reclaiming the dominance in their kiss with little bites at her lower lip and one hand coming up to twist her right nipple. She gasped into the kiss which gave him time to lower his head and start sucking on the very same nipple.
By the time Remington had gotten rid of his jeans and underwear, Y/N was practically trembling. His hands and mouth had never once stopped kneading her breasts and teasing her pussy even while undressing.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk," he promised hotly, mouth just inches from hers, "feel you cum for me over and over as long as you can take."
The mere thought made her shiver. Remington fucking her to the brink of overstimulation, feeling him unbearably deep inside of her, exposed under his intense gaze, knowing that he would take care of her.
Remington followed his promises with actions immediately, the blunt tip of his cock pressing against her entrance. Y/N raised her hips in invitation and grabbed his hair at the same time.
With one long thrust, he pushed inside of her, her legs coming up to wrap around his hips to push him deeper, go faster. She needed him to go faster or she might just die.
Luckily, Remington picked up on it and didn't waist time with waiting. He knew that she would be able to take him so he started to build a rhythm immediately.
The first few strokes were controlled and slow, driving her mad with desire. Y/N dug her fingers into his scalp, panting. "Come on."
"As you wish," Remington was breathing faster too which made her ridiculously proud and turned her on to no end.
And then he started really fucking her. Quick, forceful strokes that sent sparks of pleasure down her spine to her core and made her toes curl.
After a while, kissing became too messy so Remington started mouthing at her throat again while Y/N was determined to suck at least one hickey into his shoulder. While she wasn't moaning of course.
Suddenly, his mouth closed around one of her nipples again, sucking, biting, and two strong fingers were drawing circles on her clit.
"C'mon, Sugar, cum for me," Remington moaned, the rasp in his voice making her impossibly wetter.
The combined forces of his hands, his mouth and his cock pushed her faster to an orgasm than she had thought possible. Every thrust, every push on the bundle of nerves was almost too much.
Remington's angle changed just a little bit and Y/N came screaming. For a few blinks, she could have sworn that the world had narrow down on just the two of us, just his cock buried so deeply inside of her, pushing right against that one spot until she couldn't breathe anymore. Her pussy was convulsing violently around his cock and she could feel him cumming as well after a handful of more strokes, her own orgasm forcing him into his.
"That enough attention for you?" Remington asked, panting.
They had been all but lying on top of the piano, trying to regain their breath when he had decided that he had to be the one on top in their conversation as well. For now, Y/N didn't really care. She was feeling far too good right now.
She also knew that they weren't done yet.
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immrbrightsideeee · 2 years
Are you open for a tiny request, Love? It's cool if you're not but in case you are (and that's entirely too many words there lol), could you do something fluffy with Remington? Like a movie night with lots of cuddles and fun and comfort? I need a hug lol
I also wouldn't say no to some smut but that's your decision
Anyway, you're amazing <3
Love you
OK I'm sorry it took so long!!! Anyway there might be a fluffy smutty part 2 idk :)
Movie Night
Remington Leith x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Summary: Remington and Y/N have a fun movie night
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It had been a week. A long week. The kind of long, endless week that had you lying face down on the couch groaning the moment you got home. You wanted your snuggliest PJs, your best friends, boyfriend, movies and some pizza. But people were busy. And there was work to do. And cleaning. And a tonne of other responsibilities falling down onto your shoulders, and you were exhausted.
When your cat came up to give you an affectionate headbutt, you couldn't help but think why couldn't life for humans be as simple as a house cat? You get fed, loved, you play all day and night and do what you want? It was while you were pondering philosophies and cats that you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You frowned. Please don't be anyone important, please don't be stressful, please don't...
Oh. It was your boyfriend, Remington. You shuffled yourself around on the couch, rolling over and barely avoiding tumbling off as you answered the phone.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing?” Remington's voice was a comforting sound on the other end of the phone.
“I'm good, you??” You shot back immediately, so quick that Remington got suspicious.
“..Riiight, I don't believe that but I'm not gonna push you right now. I'm actually not doing so good,” he said, slowly, “Today has just been shitty, and anyway I was wondering if you're free?”
“Ah, yeah, when?”
“Um, now? It's OK if not, I get that there's a lot going on it's just that, I dunno, I miss you.” His voice was so soft and sweet and you could almost picture him scrunching up his face a little and rubbing the back of his neck. The image melted your heart. How was he so impossibly cute all the time?
“I'm free, and I miss you too, trust me.”
It had been a few weeks since the two of you had seen each other, Remington was busy writing and recording his and his brother's new album, and you were busy with work and family responsibilities. There wasn't much time to see each other, and it was breaking both of your hearts. But you tried not to think about it, you talked every day anyway. But seeing him tonight would definitely revive you.
“So, got any ideas?” you asked, changing the mood to something lighter.
“Would it be OK if I come over? I just feel like staying in, but I also can't stand being away from you any longer, and I really can't handle another hour alone with my brothers.” Remington laughed a little and you smiled without meaning to, only able to imagine the nonsense the boys had gotten up to that day, let alone week.
“'Course! Just, um, give me a few, OK? I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.” You thought of the pile of clothes all around your room and the stack of dishes.
“Aw baby, you know I don't care about any of that, but if it makes you feel better would half an hour be good?”
“Yeah, it should be.” There was silence as the conversation started to end, then you spoke. “Oh! Wait, would it be annoying if I ask you to bring some dinner? I don't have it in me to cook.”
“Sure! What do you feel like?”
“Ah, surprise me, I trust you.” You smiled into the phone and could just about feel him smiling back. He let out a slight laugh of delight and you both said your good byes and got ready.
You had just managed to change into something comfier than your work clothes (after the quick semi-cleaning) when you heard a knock on the door. You smiled, and practically ran to get the door.
“Hey!” A grinning Remington greeted you, with a plastic bag of take-away in one hand, and some flowers in the other. He held out the flowers with a cute little blush.
“Hi- aw! Baby, you didn't have to,” you said, cooing and taking the flowers, a little flustered by how considerate your boyfriend was.
“I don't have to, but I love to,” he said, stepping in the door and towards you with arms open for a hug. “Plus,” he said, arms around your waist “you deserve all the flowers in the world.” There was no time for you to swoon as his lips were already on your for a brief, honey-sweet kiss. When the kiss was over, Remington didn't move, he merely held his forehead against yours, eyes closed, and sighed, drinking in the moment that he had missed for so long. You couldn't help but watch him in awe, biting your lip, then rubbing your nose against his til he opened his eyes to see his favourite smile.
“Come on,” he said, brushing a hand against your cheek but pulling away, “or we'll never make it inside.”
After a few minutes, you both had a plate, stacked high with a few different types of Thai food. You were sitting on the floor in front of the couch, using the coffee table like a dinner table, purely because you could. You were adults, who was gonna say you couldn't? You snuggled up tight next to each other, as you both ate quickly, hungry from a hard week.
When Remington finished his plate he looked over at you. You looked at him. He looked at your plate, then back up to your eyes. And before you could say 'Rem, no' he had already taken the biggest piece of chicken from your plate. You playful whacked his arm and he laughed so hard he nearly choked. The smiles radiated from both of you, even though neither of you were talking.
Eventually, when the silence got too much for you, you turned the TV on and tried to pick a movie. You were browsing Netflix and Remington was browsing your DVD collection when his eyes fell upon “Mamma Mia”. Without saying a word, he started to quietly hum the tune. Then he opened his mouth to keep singing the tune.
“neh neh neh nEEEEH, NE NE NE NE NE,” he sang, now he was facing away from you, one hand holding the DVD as his hands rose to the sides, shaking his hips and doing jazz hands. By the time he finished the intro, he turned around and started full on performing.
“I'VE been cheated by YOU since I don't know when, de de de de da da, de de de de da,” he sang the lyrics as he walked towards you, one leg crossing in front of the other, pointing when he said 'you' and waving his hand. He then gestured to you to sing the next part. You shook your head, so he continued himself. But it was too much for you and you joined him, and in a matter of seconds, the two of you were jumping around the living room, singing to the song that was playing in both your heads, and above all, being absolute idiots. Your cat watched you both, unamused, but you and Remington were having the time of your lives. When you both finished singing you collapsed laughed so hard even though you were trying to catch your breaths.
“So,” Remington said, after calming down a little, “I think I know what we're watching tonight.”
“I think so too,” you said with a cheeking grin, before giving you boyfriend a peck and putting the DVD in the player.
By the time the movie was done, you were curled up into Remington's chest, his arms around you, both of you smiling with slightly sore throats from singing so much. As the credits rolled, he gave you a little peck on the top of your head.
“Thanks for letting me come over, Y/N.” Remington said, grateful for even a moment with you. The comment worried you though, did he want to leave so soon? It's only... Oh. Eleven thirty.
“Do you think you can stay the night?” you asked.
“For you? I'd do pretty much anything.” the smile he gave you warmed your heart, and you lent in for a soft kiss. But the kiss only proved how much you had missed each other, and the soft love turned into a passionate gesture.
The kiss was broken for only a few breaths and the two of you shuffled closer together, entangling your arms around each other as your lips met once more. Remington gently bit your lower lip, causing you to moan and he took this opportunity to explore your mouth while his hands ran through your hair. The heated kiss stopped after a minute to slow gentle kisses while the two of you got your breaths back again. When you opened your eyes Remington had his forehead pressed against yours, looking into your eyes with such adoration and a passionate fire that would never go out. Wordlessly, you stood up, took his hand and walked to your bedroom.
Taglist: @sab-falco @fedorable-killjoys @levyasakura @smiling-girl (again thanks for the request!)
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Dragon - Remington Leith fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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Remington lumbered towards the mouth of his cave, drawn by the sound of commotion just outside, and angered by the fact he’d been roused from his slumber.
The men milling around from the village, loud and self-congratulatory, ran screaming when Remington emerged from his home, red scales glinting in the sun and smoke billowing from his nostrils, but they left behind the thing they had been fussing over a few feet from the entrance from the cave…
Of all the ridiculous human things to disturb me with…
He stared down at the young woman in white bound to the stake the humans had stuck in front of the entrance to his cave, wondering if he was actually seeing what he thought he was seeing. Because what he thought he was seeing was a human sacrifice…but that would be fucking dumb.
Yet there was: a human sacrifice bound to a stake outside of his cave.
For fucks sake.
Remington was furious. He was a dragon - what the fuck did he want with some terrified human girl? He liked gold. Shiny, warm, quiet gold. Not human women, he screamed and cried whenever they saw Remington in his dragon form. It wasn’t as if he even wanted to eat them! Humans were scrawny and boney, on top of so loud…
But he couldn’t leave her tied to the stake outside the cave.
As loud and whiny as human women might be, Remington wasn’t a monster, just a dragon. Besides, it got really cold outside after the sun set - not to mention all the wild animals that would happily take a chunk out of the vulnerable human woman if they wandered past her while she was tied to a stake in the ground.
Remington wasn’t going to let an innocent woman die just because the idiots from her village thought they would accomplish something by tying her up outside his home.
Although what that was, he wasn’t sure.
Probably some bullshit about bribing him or feeding him so he wouldn’t go on a rampage. Just for that, he would go on a rampage…just as soon as the human was safe and away from his cave.
He stalked forwards, and was surprised when the human didn’t react at all beyond watching him with glazed over eyes.
She didn’t even talk until he was right in front of her: “Are you going to eat me?”
“Not today. I already ate, and your bones would probably get caught in my throat anyway.”
For some reason, the woman nodded at him as if that made perfect sense: “That would be annoying. Are you going to burn me alive instead?”
Remington frowned.
The human was way too calm - almost like she wasn’t quite understanding what she was actually asking him. He was starting to wonder if the men who had brought her here had drugged her or something, because there was no way anyone should be that relaxed when they were asking how they were going to die.
Despite his concerns, Remington carried on: “Sorry, no, I can’t breathe fire right now. I’ve got a cold.”
“Dragons can get colds?”
“Sure, why not, of course we can.”
The human nodded as if Remington had just told her something deep and meaningful, which only deepened his concerns that they have given her something to make her head this muddled, but it did seem to placate her enough that he had a chance to look closer at the ropes binding her to the rough wooden stake.
If nothing else, the way the ropes had been tied proved that the human had absolutely been drugged; the knots in the rope were so badly tied she could’ve gotten free in an instant if she’d tried.
It was the work of a second to free her, slicing through the ropes with a single claw and letting them fall to the ground at her feet…but she still didn’t run. She just stayed there, swaying slightly on her feet before leaning against the stake and looking up at him blankly.
Remington got the feeling that the human wasn’t going to be getting away from his cave any time soon.
Sighing internally, Remington changed into his human form. It was far less impressive than his dragon form in his opinion: all lanky and pale and squishy, but the woman’s eyes widened like a hatchling’s when they saw their first bit of treasure.
It was a nice stroke to his ego, but Remington didn’t allow himself to be distracted. He swung her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style back into the cave.
Despite her reaction to seeing his human form, Remington really wasn’t expecting her to bury her face in his shoulder, or wrap her arms around his neck, but he supposed it was better than her kicking him or screaming in his ear. She didn’t smell bad, either, even to his sensitive nose, and she was quite soft where she wasn’t covered by the white dress she was wearing - all in all, he'd certainly carried worse burdens. In fact, on the list of all the non-treasure-y things he’d hauled into his home, she was definitely one of the…top three.
Although when she started asking questions again, he thought she might drop down to just being one of the top five.
“Hey…if you’re not going to eat me, and you’re not going to burn me alive…what are you going to do with me?”
“It took you more than ten minutes to think of that question?”
The human frowned faintly - as if she knew something wasn’t right, but couldn’t quite work out what that something was: “My head feels strange.”
Remington felt something in his stomach clench uncomfortably.
He knew how it felt to be out of it when you didn’t want to be, and he didn’t have to be human to empathise with her.
“I understand, and I’m gonna take you somewhere to sleep it off, okay? You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
The human was completely silent after that, even when he dropped to his knees on the edge of the pile of furs he called a bed so he could carefully lower the human onto the softest spot he could find. The only sound she made was a soft hum of thanks, already sounding and looking half-asleep…although she was awake enough to wrap her soft hand around his wrist when he moved to stand back up.
It wasn’t enough to actually stop him - her strength was nothing compared to his, even when she wasn’t half unconscious and he was in his human form - but…Remington still found himself pausing.
The one time he’d been in the same state as she was, out of his head against his will, he’d been alone and afraid, and he’d have given anything to have someone there to comfort him.
He couldn’t leave someone else in that state.
So even though he could never have imagined himself ending up in this situation, he still lay down next to the human, pulling some of the furs over her before wrapping an arm around her and tucking her head under his chin.
It…actually wasn’t bad. He nuzzled his face against the human’s hair, inhaling the smell of soap and hearth smoke and perfume, and found himself relaxing. She was warmer than an empty bed, and for a dragon…it was enough to make him purr low in his chest.
The human was asleep in no time.
And Remington followed her soon after.
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remingtonisleithal · 2 years
Morning Light
Chapter 2
Remington Leith x female reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: mentions of people as food (not cannibalism, just vampires)
Summary: After a century and a half Y/N stumbles across a band called Palaye Royale and recognises the singer
A/N: this is made with the lovely @cursivetalk (please check out her fics they're amazing!!). Multi chapter vampire fic that we are currently working on. The next chapter will be posted by @cursivetalk. Hope you enjoy!!
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Cobblestone path. Small green bushes. Fog. A sharp pain. Blood. A voice echoing “How could you?”...
Gasping for breath she opened her eyes and sat up. Calm down, Y/N, she told herself. It was only a dream… Right?
Her breathing slowed but she was too alert to go back to sleep. Padding her way to the kitchen, she left the lights off as she turned the kettle on, watching the first streaks of the sun’s trail through the sky, casting a dim light before the dawn. As she watched the steam floating high she subconsciously repressed memories from several lifetimes ago.
Y/N was a vampire. She had been for roughly two centuries. She just didn’t know how or why. One does not simply wake up a vampire, after all. Yet her memories betrayed her. The last thing she remembered was a ball. A beautiful ball at a sandstone manor, with warm lights, and a man; next she was drinking soup with a lady with a bright smile and her husband and daughter, wearing borrowed clothes and thanking them for their hospitality. She got the feeling that a long time had passed between the memories.
She sighed and poured herself a morning cup of *drink you like* and took a few sips with her eyes closed, drinking in the warmth of the liquid and the peace of the sunrise. It would be a long day, maybe, but she had lived a long time. What was one more day?
She arrived at school early, and huffed as she plonked herself down at her desk, preparing papers for the student’s history lesson. Learning about the first world war. It turns out it was much easier to teach history when you lived through it. And what better job option was there for a vampire?
The bell rang and the students filed in, asking questions, joking, eating, and struggling to stay conscious at the obscene hours they’re expected to learn. Y/N’s class was famous in the school for being relaxed and yet difficult. She knew each of her students and about their lives, how to help them best, and because of this her class was always getting high grades with minimum effort, while pushing for the students to know the right facts (even when there was no documentation to prove her arguments, just memories of another time). The hours passed, students slipped in and out and a million trees were slaughtered by hand-outs. But at the end of the day, she was once again exhausted.
After a boring yet somewhat stressful day of work,Y/N felt the need to go out. To not go back to her empty home again, to have someone more to talk to than her cat, Mr Fizzles. At least feel a bit less alone in this eternity. But it was hard to make friends with creatures you consume, that are so fragile and may perish after mere decades...
So she walked along the brick path, smelling the autumn air and feeling the cool breeze tickle her skin. She pulled her jacket tighter around her as she walked, but stopped as she smelt the faint smell of garlic bread. Against the fictional rules, garlic did absolutely nothing to vampires, it just made this particular vampire hungry (being undead was complicated, needing a diet of food and blood to stay alive. And vampire lore was often wrong. Sunlight only made them sick, the intensity of which depended on the brightness, the vampire and the amount of time they were in the sunlight. It was all something Y/N could never understand). She followed the scent for a while, but stopped short of the pub. There, taped to a streetlamp was a sign for a concert. Palaye Royale. Interesting name for a band, she thought. There was something familiar about the singer, but she couldn’t put her finger on it in the dim lighting and black and white print out.
That was the number of years it had been since Remington met Y/N. He knew her for all of a night, but thought of her everyday for one hundred and sixty six years. Those y/c eyes. That cheeky smirk. That voice, like an angel singing.
Every damn day he tried not to think of her. Every day he failed. It had been over 150 years, there was no way she could be alive… Well. There was one way. But he would never want that for her. Either fate would be horrid and it became too painful to think of her any more. Remington knew that she was gone. He’d never see her again. Yet his love did not die with her.
The stage lights were bright, beaming down on him and his brothers, and Remington sang his heart out, performing for the audience, healing his soul as he sang “Stay” from their latest album. How he felt towards Y/N.
He was screaming the lyrics out, moving wildly, the crowd singing along with him. Up there on the stage, the agony lessened, and he could smile with his brothers, with his unknown family in the crowd. Maybe he didn’t have the woman he loved. But he had the soldiers of the royal council. That could be enough.
Following a gut feeling, Y/N had bought tickets for the band that had caught her eye. Picked up her favourite clothes from the floor, made sure to be entirely sated and went into the crowd of people.
It turned out to be a good decision, she decided by the third song. The melody of the current one was hauntingly beautiful, slower than the first few ones but still uniquely theirs. The singer was pronouncing every word like they came from the very depths of his heart, carrying a weight that was too old for that young body. He sang about the fear of losing somebody, the desperate need for someone to stay, the very fear that had lived with Y/N ever since she woke up scared and alone.
And right then, in the middle of the crowd of dancing people, Y/N had a flash of an entirely different evening and at the same time the splitting image of this one.
A young man's smile, playfully directed at her while he swirled her around. Her own laughter rang in her ears as she felt the pull of gravity on her dress. The pull of mortality on her human body, the pull towards her dance partner.
Y/N shook her head to get back to the present. These flashes had become less and less over time. Why now?
"This song was about someone I knew a long time ago," the singer announced into the short pause of the show. His voice was unexpectedly soft, vulnerable even, so unfitting for the situation.
The following words didn't even reach Y/N. This voice. Now that he had started talking, she recognised it. A half forgotten joke, a flirtatious smile and a warm coat drifted up from the fog that was her brain.
There was no mistaking in it. Y/N knew the singer from another life.
At the same time that she realised that, she could feel eyes on her. The singer stopped short in his words, of his gaze locked onto her. He must have recognised her, Y/N knew that with the same certainty that she knew him as a handsome lord.
It took a few starts but then, the band was performing again and Y/N could do nothing but wait out until it was finished. Her world had just shifted to a new axis and she wasn't sure if she liked it.
“Wait.” A voice called from inside the hall. Remington. “Please.” he said, softly. Without calling her name, she knew he was talking to her. Y/N turned and looked into a pair of eyes she hadn’t seen in two centuries.
He walked up to her quickly, merging through the crowd and saying hello to a few fans on his way. But when he got within a few meters of her he stopped. What was he supposed to say to the woman that has lingered in his every dream since they met? Perhaps she didn’t remember him. But
if so, why did she wait?
“I know you.” Y/N said, head cocked to the side slightly.
“Is that really you?” His voice was barely above a whisper, talking more to himself, frightened and lost in thought.
His hopeful eyes turned dark.
“How--no. No. Who did this to you?” His demanded, voice like steel, yet full of concern and warmth.
Remington’s hands were on her arms, gently squeezing. Her breath caught and he followed her eyes down, removing his hands.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Forgive me.” He said, slipping back to his old manners and words, bowing his head slightly without a second thought.
“It’s fine.” Y/N replied, stopping herself from slipping back in time as well. “I-”
The crowd was starting to pay more and more attention to the pair, wondering who the mystery girl was with their favourite singer.
“Backstage, now.” Remington spoke the words as a command, but his eyes asked the gentle question. Y/N gave a slight nod, and suddenly Remington’s hand was on the small of her back, escorting her backstage as he had once escorted her to the dance floor of a ball.
Taglist: @fandomfoodiedancer @fedorable-killjoys @sab-falco
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"Are you up for a little role playing?" 💋
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Ezra’s arms slid around him and Remington could see his knuckles whiten as he gripped the wooden divider in front of him, trapping him in the space between the railing and Ezra’s body. The fingers of one of Ezra’s hands laced tightly through his as he moved in closer against him, fitting along his gentle curves like the edges of a puzzle. Remington’s heart thumped hard in his chest, and he worked to keep his focus on the studious looking woman speaking to their group in heavily accented English about the rise of Protestantism in Europe in the 16th century, and how it affected the largely Catholic France. He flicked his eyes up at the stained glass Saints that seemed to glare down their two dimensional noses at him from their high windows, as the fingertips of Ezra’s other hand slid unseen along his belt buckle. The heavy incense on the air was making him feel a little light headed.
Remington dragged his eyes back to their guide in an attempt to pay attention; though she might as well have just continued the tour in French, for all that he was comprehending. Ezra’s fingertips brushed lightly south of his belt buckle, so gently that all he felt were tingles against the fabric of his jeans.  
After a moment, Remington turned his head over his shoulder and whispered, “If there’s a quiz at the end of this tour, we’re so fucked.” Ezra laughed against his t-shirt, and the silky, low sound of it made something uncurl and stretch luxuriously deep down inside Remington’s belly. He felt the tension release along his spine as his body loosened and relaxed back against Ezra’s hard chest and hips.
The tour group began to move away and Remington tried to follow, though couldn’t because Ezra didn’t lower his arm to let him go. He tightened his fingers on Remington’s and gripped the railing of the wooden partition harder. Remington looked back over his shoulder at him.
“Hang back a minute,” Ezra murmured to him, resting his chin onto his shoulder as he watched the rest of the group walk away to the next stop in the tour.
It was fairly late in the afternoon; theirs had been the last tour of the day, so there were no other groups behind them. As the last few people shuffled away following their guide, Remington and Ezra were alone in the huge, empty cathedral. Ezra nodded his head over at the ornate wooden stalls in the back right of the raised pulpit. There was a sign in front of them proclaiming in curly script that the confessionals were closed for the day, to open again at 9 am the following morning. Remington laughed under his breath as Ezra pushed against him from behind and kissed his shoulder.
“Are you up for a little role playing?” Ezra asked him quietly. Remington turned his face to him, smiling.
“What did you have in mind?” he asked. Ezra pushed his sunglasses up onto his head as he moved them against the railing closer to the confessionals on the right side. He began to kiss his way up the curve of Remington’s neck.
“I was thinking…I could be the Sinner and you could be the Priest?”
Curious?💋 Find out what happens in the link: In Paris, On Silk Sheets by DallasFaye
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sleekervae · 2 years
When in Rome... [Remington Leith x Reader] Part III
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A/N: WOOHOO! Part 3! Should I do a part 4 wrap up? This is a good conclusion but there could always be more 👀. Song is "Cheap Love" by Bones UK ❤️
Warnings: Drinking, some cussing, implied smut
"Leave it to you to be late to a dance," Emerson tutted.
"Why are we still talking about this?" Remington asked him.
"Because you've been in a bear of a mood all morning," the brothers wandered through the streets of sunny Rome, still exhausted from the previous evening but still enthralled with the beautiful sights of the ancient city.
They trailed behind their friend group, with Emerson slowly yanking bits and pieces of just what had happened last night. After the band finished their set for the evening, he went to sit down before y/n could have any inkling of what was happening, and made out for the rest of the evening like nothing was wrong. However, y/n wasn't stupid. She picked off the shift in his mood immediately, despite his assurances that he was alright. She felt guilty for the rest of the evening, wondering if maybe she should've denied the baron's offer in the first place.
Y/n stayed lost in her own head, sneaking glances behind her shoulder at the brothers now and again. Remington had continued to stay quiet all morning and she was troubled by it. Her best friend would only give quick answers and barely looked her in the eye, it was as though he had shifted into a different person overnight and it terrified her.
"What do you think they're talking about?" she asked to nobody in particular. Rebecca had heard her, and not having been as involved in this drama, shrugged her shoulders.
"Maybe they're discussing their movie premiere?" she then chuckled, "I guess it's not really a premiere. What's the point? I mean -- how long is a music video supposed to be?"
"They do it for their fans," y/n pointed out, "I've seen the plans anyway, it looks like it'll be a lot of fun. They got circus performers and a stage -- and they basically rented out the No Vacancy theatre for the night. They got this giant merch table --"
"Are you gonna' go?" Rebecca asked.
Y/n paused momentarily, taking another glance behind her shoulder. Her gaze locked with Remington's momentarily before he shifted back to his brother. Y/n sighed in defeat.
"I don't know," she answered.
Rebecca still wasn't catching on, "Well, how about their tour? You gonna' open for the band?"
"Not this one," y/n shook her head, "Management is talking about the European tour next year, though,"
"Hmm, that should be fun," Rebecca noted, tossing her long dark hair behind her shoulder, "You're already in tourist practice right now!"
Y/n forced a smile, "Yeah, yeah it should be fun,"
"Anyway, anyway -- you have to spill!" Rebecca declared.
Y/n furrowed a brow, "Spill what?"
"Your dance last night!" she cried wistfully, "You were personally asked by a Duke to dance in one of the nicest restaurants in Rome! You cannot tell me you're indifferent to that!"
Y/n feigned a smile but she couldn't disagree more. She enjoyed her conversations last night, there was no doubt, but she would pass over a thousand dukes, barons, princes and whatnot if Remington would have only asked her to dance instead.
"I think he was a baron," y/n corrected.
"Oh, whatever," Rebecca replied, "What did you guys talk about? Did he ask for your number?"
"He probably has people do that for him," y/n replied bluntly.
Her friend rolled her tired eyes in dismay, "God, you're always so cynical..."
"Well, come on Rebecca! I mean, he was a nice guy and he was pleasant to talk to, but even if he did ask me for my phone number, I'd decline,"
"You're kidding," Rebecca gawked, "You'd full-on deny a baron?"
Y/n scowled, "What is this, Bridgerton? It would never work out, Rebecca! I'm a singer and he's royalty. Our jobs are complicated, the time difference is ridiculous -- not to mention he's way older than me!"
"He's thirty-seven and you're twenty-eight!"
"I rest my case,"
Rebecca chuckled cynically, "I'm not trying to make you the next Meghan Markle, y/n, but I thought you'd be more excited! You got noticed by Italian royalty! I'd be flipping my shit right now,"
Y/n glanced over her shoulder again as Rebecca rambled on. Remington and Emerson continued to trail behind, seemingly bickering together in angry whispers. Perhaps they were indeed arguing about her, or probably something more important like their upcoming album, their theatre, or even what they wanted for lunch. Either way, y/n was disheartened time and time again as she had to face the ugly truth of her circumstance.
"Like I said; it just wouldn't work out..."
Tonight would be their last night in Rome before they would move on to the region of Florence. However, they would be catching a concert before traveling, and Remington and Emerson had the honour of being good friends with one of the hottest rock bands in the world right now.
That's right... Maneskin.
When the rock group heard of Emerson's upcoming accolade, they invited the brothers and their friends to catch their show, offering to take them out on the town the night afterwards. To say y/n was excited was putting it mildly; she had been a fan of the Italian rock group since discovering them on last year's Eurovision, and when she found out Remington had met them she was equally as jealous.
She was humming to herself as she got dressed up, lining her eyes in dark eyeshadow and dusting glitter over her cheeks. She was dressed in a pair of leather pants and a basic white tank, her wavy hair tousled to that perfectly messy effect. The melody stuck in y/n's head had been a tune she had been working on for a couple of weeks, a late-night work in progress that seemingly spawned out of nowhere. However, it was painfully clear after the last couple of days to see where this inspiration had suddenly come from.
"Weekend rock stars, burying icons Looking for a little love I don't like to dance without you Looking for a little love"
She checked her reflection twice in the full-length mirror, unsure of whether she was trying to impress herself, Remington, or the band later on. Once satisfied, she grabbed her spaghetti bag and dashed out the door, continuing to sing quietly to herself.
"War wounds, wild nights, tryna find a little light Cat fights, scratched eyes, looking for a little lie --"
The next door down the hall swung open and Remington slipped out, dressed to her astonishment in a similar pair of black pants and a white muscle tee. The only thing differing in his outfit was the pair of tight suspenders he wore.
They both froze when they saw each other, him more over because he wanted to hear her sing some more. Y/n broke into a bashful grin. Remington thought the universe was laughing at him -- of course they would match outfits!
"Damn, we're just that good we unintentionally match," she chuckled.
"Seems like it," Remington grinned, "Great minds, eh?"
Y/n looked behind her, her door was only a few feet away and they still had some time before meeting everybody downstairs, "Erm -- I-I can go and change. It won't take long --"
"No, no," Remington shook his head, "You look great! And if anybody asks, we'll just say I'm your biggest inspiration,"
Y/n scoffed, "You wish," oh, but if he only knew.
They took the small elevator down together, y/n refraining from letting her heel tap incessantly against the tile. She didn't want to let on that she was nervous; why on Earth should she be nervous, anyway? It was only Remington, after all. Remington meanwhile took to watching the digital numbers count down on the display screen, sneaking glances at y/n in between takes.
"What was that song?" he asked out of the blue.
Y/n shrugged shyly, "It's just something I've been working on. Been stuck in my head for weeks,"
Remington nodded slowly, "It sounds good. You gonna' put it on your album?"
"I don't know. The melody just seems a little too pop for me," she replied.
"What's wrong with that?" he asked plainly, "It's your music, you express what you feel. If you feel like a pop singer, than that's you're right,"
Y/n rolled her eyes at his shit-eating smirk, "I'll be a pop singer over my mother's dead body,"
The bell dinged and the elevator doors slid open. However, neither Remington nor y/n were in a hurry to meet up with their friends. They trailed slowly, the silence a test to see which would break the tension first.
"Remington," inevitably, it was y/n, "Did I do something wrong?"
"What?" Remington was taken aback by the notion.
Y/n shrugged listlessly, "You've been kinda ignoring me all day. This is the first conversation we've had since last night. You're upset I danced with that Paolo guy, aren't you?"
Remington scoffed, trying to make off with his pride in tact, much to the chagrin of that baron, no doubt, "Why would I have a problem with --"
"Well Jesus! There you are!" he was cut short by Shae's holler. She and Emerson were standing at the doors of the hotel, arms crosses as they awaited the pair with as much patience as a cat waiting for its dinner, "C'mon! The cabs are waiting!"
Emerson's brows furrowed together, "Did you two plan to match?"
Remington shoved his kid brother out the door, "Get going!"
The concert was electrifying to say the least. After two years of being locked away from society, it was refreshing to see groups of people mosh out together to a good rock band. And by God, Maneskin had to be one of the best stage performers y/n had ever seen -- besides Palaye, of course.
It was a combination of their catchy music and wild charisma that had her so enthused; it reminded her of all the times she watched -- no, even -- performed with the brothers. Damiano was charming and cocky, a younger, darker, more Italian version of Remington. He held the crowd's attention with a simple raise of his pinky finger, commanded energy to surge through them to ensure the biggest experience and reaction. Victoria was beautiful, but essentially a little brat on stage. She very much reminded y/n of herself when she was younger. But you couldn't take your eyes off of her nor Thomas as they raced back and forth across the stage, never missing a beat in their performance. And then there was Ethan, his long hair flying in all directions whenever he went ham on the drums. It was almost mesmerizing to watch him; he moved with such fervour and yet with a continual grace that could be matched to only Emerson's drum playing.
It was an awe-striking show to say the least, however, both of them exchanged private looks at one another, neither the list bit wary that the other was doing so.
"Aye! Bellisima!" Emerson applauded as the quartet ran off the stage, drenched in sweat as their chests heaved to wear off the adrenaline. Victoria was the first to leap up and hug her friends.
"You guys! Thanks for coming!" she beamed happily, followed promptly by greetings from her bandmates.
"Pleasure was all ours!" Remington replied, grunting briefly as Damiano slapped him on the back.
"How long are you guys in Rome for?" he asked.
"We leave for Florence tomorrow afternoon," Emerson replied.
"Oh good," Ethan grinned, "That means we can keep you out later!"
Shae raised a disbelieving brow, "You know, I'll never understand how rockstars play a two hour show and still have the energy to go get fucked up after,"
Y/n simpered, "It's all the energy, we need to wear it off,"
"Exactly!" Thomas declared, boldly reaching across and extending his hand, much to the chagrin of a watchful Remington, "I don't believe we've met..."
Y/n smiled and graciously shook his hand, "Y/n Y/l/n. Big fan of you guys, you're all so cool!"
Victoria's face suddenly lit up, "Oh my gosh! You wrote that song for Euphoria! I fuckin' loved it!" she exclaimed.
"Which song?" Ethan asked.
"The 'How Long' song," she smacked his bicep, "You know... when they're all dancing like sluts in the kitchen before Cassie puked in the pool,"
"... Oh, oh yeah," Ethan nodded, "... no, I don't remember,"
"Excuse him," Thomas interjected, "The cymbals shattered his brain cells again,"
Damiano shrugged it off, "He just needs a pizza and he'll be good to go,"
Thomas turned to gaze back down at y/n, his kind dark eyes lined in smudged makeup and glitter, "Are you gonna' join us?"
"Of course!" she replied enthusiastically.
Remington decided then and there that if he had a metre stick he would slam it between the two of them. He liked Thomas, don't get him wrong, but his feelings were already twisted up enough as it was. The last thing he needed was his good friend trying to put moves on his crush.
After Maneskin had refreshed themselves, they lead the travel party through the town, pointing out all the spots they used to frequent as buskers and telling stories of their street work. Y/n was up ahead, only this time she fell into step with Thomas, the two of them hanging off of each other's words as they swapped tour stories.
Remington trailed behind once again, wiping sweat off his brow that he was unsure was caused by the intense heat or his stress. Emerson and Ben continued to watch him, mostly in sheer amusement at this point. They commented to each other how Remington was only diffing his own grave at this point.
They came to a nifty, exclusive nightclub just outside of the heart of the city. Given the intense two year lockdown, it was no wonder the whole of Rome was packed into the tiny space. However, getting in wasn't a problem for Maneskin and friends. They practically glided past the long line and disappeared into the dark.
Neon lights swung across the room, effectively lighting up every pure white fabric in the place in a bright neon blue. There was something about the effervescent blue on Remington that made y/n's chest tighten, complimenting his tan in an indigo pigment.
Bodies packed the dance floor, private booths lined the walls with buckets of champagne sizzling with illuminate sparklers. And the bar in the middle of the room was hopping crazy, encircling the biggest booze bottle display that anyone had laid eyes on.
Remington stayed situated at a booth, nursing his beer and sitting between Damiano and Emerson as he regaled him about his recent accolade.
"So they really do the whole kneel and sword tap, still?" the younger rockstar queried.
"The whole shit n' shebang," Emerson nodded, "You know in the high renaissance they had the knights kneel on the altar for the whole hour-long ceremony. It was supposed to be a last test of faith before the king bestowed their knighthood,"
"So what, you just stood there?..."
Across the expanse of the bar, y/n leaned against the smooth, but somewhat sticky countertop, intent on listening to Thomas' next story despite the steady reverberating pulse music.
"... and the next thing I know, I turn around, and that piece of shit was pissing his brains out on my guitar case,"
"Jesus, that's disgusting!" y/n recoiled, fingers tapping delicately at the newly finished drink, "What did you do?"
Thomas snickered, "Ethan wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was scrawnier back then. Still, it took the three of us to hold the karate-chopping little prick when the tourist walked away,"
Y/n shook her head, internally gagging at the notion. Without a doubt in her mind, if someone dared defile her property like that, she would have to face some hefty charges.
Regardless of her previous anxieties, y/n found herself having a lovely time with Thomas. Despite his youth (and yes, she couldn't believe she had just said that) he was composed and articulate, and he had a particularly charming sense of humour. Not to mention the drawl of his accent was most compelling.
They chatted about everything and nothing at the same time. Y/n felt as comfortable as she did with Remington. And yet, being with Thomas felt somewhat out of place for her. In the back of her mind she wished Remington would come and talk to her like this; the way he used to up until many moths ago. Nothing was inhibited, no awkward glances were exchanged, and he certainly wasn't trying to avoid her like the plague.
In between bits and pieces of their conversation, y/n would glance out the corner of her eye, only for Remington to swiftly look away and focus on whatever his friends were doing. It was a tense game of cat and mouse almost; the two of them silently wondering which one would be the first to break their friend zone. The passion within was building steadily, and when y/n finally caught Remington's eye her breath hitched in her throat.
His dark stare was captivating, the shadows casted across his silhouette portrayed such drama, grease and danger. Y/n crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together as she took another chilling sip of her drink.
And Remington could feel his blood boiling with each passing second. Thomas was shifting closer and closer to y/n, much to his chagrin. Y/n shifted back a little, yet she did little to dissuade him when his fingers brushed hers across the table.
Remington swiftly downed the rest of his drink, praying to high heaven it would settle him.
"You better not punch him out," Emerson warned subtly, "It'll sour American-Italian relations,"
"I'm not gonna' punch him out," Remington assured "-- only briefly fantasize,"
Emerson scoffed, "Or you could... hmm, I don't know... intervene and ask y/n to dance with you. Since you were too chicken shit to do it last night,"
Remington glared back at his brother, "Really?"
"What? You think Ben wasn't gonna' tell me?"
"Remind me to stuff his body in our luggage tomorrow,"
"C'mon, man. Aren't you tired of this? Where's our band frontman when we need him?" and he slapped his shoulder. Remington childishly slapped him back on his bicep.
Damiano strided back to the table, returning from the washroom with a fresh bottle of Prosecco and a big grin on his face.
"What're we watching?" he asked, grunting as he took a seat.
Emerson scoffed, "Remington has a crush on y/n but he doesn't wanna tell her,"
"It's none of his business!" Remington scolded.
Damiano whistled lowly as he popped open the Prosecco with ease, "Well, it might be, my friend..."
"How so?" Emerson asked.
"Because they're getting up and heading for the dance floor," he replied simply.
The brothers whipped their heads back, and much to their dismay, y/n and Thomas has disappeared. Remington could catch glimpses of her through the bustling crowd, his heart dropping to spot her hand clasped around his.
"For fuck sakes," he shook his head, muttering, "Not again,"
"Again?" Damiano questioned.
"He let the same thing happen last night -- but it was a Duke instead!" Emerson sneered.
"It was a baron," Remington corrected.
"What's the difference?" Damiano asked plainly, "You're seven years older than us and yet you're still scared to go after what you want?"
"He's scared of rejection," Emerson said.
"So what?" Damiano questioned before Remington could intervene, "You know you're gonna regret it if you never make your move,"
"I know --"
"So stop your bitching and go!"
Remington looked between the two of them, staring blankly, "What?"
"Go!" Domino urged, "She can do better than Thomas, anyway,"
Emerson shoved him off of the couch, "You want history to repeat itself? Put your big boy pants on and fucking go after her! What's the worst that could happen?"
Remington stumbled forward, shoving at Emerson's hands like a pouting child. However when he turned around his blood began to boil further. Y/n was swaying gently, she wasn't much of a dancer anyways, but she had her hands laced around Thomas' shoulders. They were close, exceedingly closer than he liked. His fists balled at his sides, nostrils flared out and his jaw locked. Emerson was right, he was tired. He couldn't take the anxiety of wondering any longer.
To hell with it all, Remington had charisma, he had charm and he had the drive to fight for what he wanted -- even if it meant he might lose his best friend. Turning back around, he grabbed Emerson's Prosecco glass just as the drummer brought it to his lips, and he watched aghast when Remington downed it in one gulp.
"Jesus Christ. I'm gonna send you to AA!" he threatened. Damiano laughed as Remington brushed him off and headed towards the dance floor.
Y/n wasn't much for dancing at night clubs. They were loud and sweaty and a little too crowded for her liking. However, she didn't feel so overwhelmed with Thomas. If anything, she found herself enjoying herself immensely so. She didn't see Remington snaking his way through the crowd, too enthralled with the joke Thomas was laying on her. It was a lame one but he was sincere all the same.
Remington caught the look Thomas laid on her. His muscles tightened, realizing that y/n was looking at him the way Remington always hoped. He clenched his jaw, lowering his eyes whilst pushing against hot bodies. He swooped in just as Thomas leaned in closer, whispering something faintly in y/n's ear before Remington took her by the arm.
"Excuse me!" he demanded loudly. The pair sprung away instantly, Thomas ever so clueless and y/n dismayed at his interruption, "Mind if I cut in?"
Y/n was at a loss momentarily, wondering just where the hell he had come from. While she was happy to see him, she was also a bit tense. She was only trying to have a good time.
"Remi, what're you doing?" she asked.
"I need to talk to you," he replied.
"Okay. Well -- we're kind of in the middle of something!" she scolded.
"It's okay," Thomas assured her, "I'll go get another drink," and he slinked out of the crowd.
Y/n watched him go, a little disappointed but more than anything annoyed with Remington, "What're you doing?"
Remington took her hand again, nodding towards the exit, "I need to talk to you," he repeated.
"Outside? Have you seen the lineup? We won't get back in for hours!" she protested as he dragged her out.
"I'll risk it!"
Y/n struggled the whole way, looking back for any sign of one of their friends to help her to no avail. He took her out of the crowd and whisked her out into the hot night air. Once outside Y/n wrenched her arm away, shoving at Remington's chest. And y/n was right, there was a lineup going for a full block of people anxiously waiting to get into the club.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped, "I was having a good time!"
"I know you were, and I'm sorry but --"
"Why are you acting so weird, Remington?" she begged, her patience burning at the final thread of her candle, "You've been avoiding me all fucking day! And now you just waltz in and send Thomas away --"
"I'm sorry!" he shouted suddenly, effectively silencing her. Remington composed himself; he didn't mean to shout at her, but the tension was eating away at his own patience, "And I'm sorry for shouting; really, I'm sorry about everything,"
Y/n shook her head, "What's everything?"
"Everything!" he threw his hands in the air, "I've been a total dick, but I don't mean to be! I just -- I get close to you and I just become a different person!"
"Different enough you just decided to start ignoring me out of the blue," y/n nodded, "Did I do something wrong? 'Cause if I did I'm so sorry!"
"You didn't do anything and that's the fucking problem!" Remington exclaimed.
Y/n exhaled slowly, feeling her knees begin to quiver as she stood firmly over the cracked blacktop. She glanced at the bustling line, her cheeks going red under the neon glow of the club sign.
"Can we -- can we maybe do this somewhere else?" she pointed to the people, some of them staring with interest at them.
"Sure," Remington patted at his pockets, a new horror striking him suddenly, "Fuck,"
"What is it?"
"I left my phone inside the club,"
"I got mine," she assured him, "Shae has my purse anyway, I'll text her,"
They started walking, in which direction they weren't entirely sure but Remington's heart pounded faster and faster with each passing second. He was trying to unscramble the words caught in his throat but every which way he thought to phrase it, his words would jumble all over again.
The noise from the club dwindled behind them and they instead came to a quieter plaza. A fountain was crowded with tourists taking photos of the majestic renaissance statues in the middle, being effortlessly splattered by the mist of running water. Remington and y/n came to stand at the edge of the plaza, the heat only fuelling to their growing frustration.
Remington could feel his palms sweating, something that hadn’t happened since his show at the Wiltern, but he swallowed the knot in his throat anyways and stepped closer to her. Despite the sweat and grease from the club, she still smelled so sweetly, she looked so effortlessly beautiful despite smudged makeup under her eyes.
"Do you remember our first tour together?" he asked suddenly.
Y/n glanced at him, somewhat surprised he chose now of all times to reminisce, "How could I forget. Five guys and two girls cramped in a tiny bus that was held together by chewing gum and spit,"
"Oh, and the smell? Fucking brutal," Remington chuckled, "And Sebastian was drunk nearly every night; and he and Phil were always blasting Brit pop and driving us fucking nuts,"
Y/n began to smile, their adventures in that stupid bus washing over her just like it was yesterday, "God, yeah! And we'd get so annoyed we'd hide in my bunk and just watch movies together. Or -- try, what with 4 Non Blondes overshadowing,"
"Even with all those people, it just felt like it was always you and me. You and me against everything, all the time," Remington nodded.
Her smile began to fade, her memories flashing back to the brother's endless fights. She on more than one occasion had to get between and separate --mostly -- Remington and Sebastian when they would butt heads on set lists, hotel arrangements, or just buried drama that they had to work through, "Yeah. It was scary, too,"
"But you never left," he noted.
"You were paying me,"
"You could've left if you wanted. I know you were offered other jobs," Remington said, "You could've taken any of them,"
"But they weren't going to advance my career. I didn't want to be a touring musician for the rest of my life," she admitted, "Besides, I developed a spot for you -- guys," she added quickly.
Remington felt his cheeks heat up, his lips threatening to tear up in a little grin, "I did, too. And I think that's why I've been such a bitch,"
Y/n raised her brows, inhaling slowly as her heart began to swell. Despite her curiosity, she waited patiently, silently, "Because... you like me?"
Remington felt his pinky finger brush against the nail on her thumb, and how desperately he wanted to just hold her hand, "I love you. O-Or I'm in love with you. I think I've been for years, I've just been... scared," he sighed gently.
And just like that, a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. Y/n however, stayed quiet. She stared at the cobblestones beneath her boots, he couldn't pick out the emotions flashing across her face, "And even if you don't feel the same, I can't stand not having you in my life,"
"Remi --" she stopped him suddenly. She felt a rush of confidence then, the rush of adrenaline all she need to grab the band of his suspender, catching him by surprise. His mouth formed a perfect “O” before she pulled him to her and placed her lips on his. 
His lips were a bit chapped and he tasted a little like hard bourbon, but she fit so perfectly against him.  
Remington’s surprise vanished before pulling her in closer. He tilted her jaw up, brushing his thumb against the blade of his cheekbone. She couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped when he gently bit at her bottom lip.
Remington exhaled, pushing her back until y/n's back was pressed against the wall and he stepped even closer. His other hand took her by the waist, squeezing firmly to hold her tight against him.
Y/n reluctantly pulled away, gasping out from the heat of the moment. Remington stepped away, needing a moment to catch his own breath.
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.
Her head fell back against the wall, her chest heaving from the kiss and the humidity.
"Remi... " when her eyes met his, to his surprise, she began to laugh, "Can we do that again?"
Well, needless to say he didn't need to be asked twice.
His hands grabbed her face, lips smashing against hers with brutal passion. Her fingers carded through his shaggy hair, tugging him closer as his tongue slipped past hers.
His hands moved down to her hips, pulling her tighter against him as he slipped a few fingers under her shirt. His touch burned her skin, his grip on her waist tightening as she nipped at his lower lip. Tugging on his hair as he pulled away, he trailed his warm lips across her jaw. She shivered as his hot breath tickled her skin, leaving open mouthed kisses along her neck.
Her breath caught in her throat, a soft gasp leaving her lips as he sucked on the sensitive skin on her neck. It was most definitely going to leave a mark, it was so public, but neither of them cared. After all, they were under the cover of shadows and everyone was too enthralled with the fountain. Her fingers continued to run through his locks, gently tugging on them to pull his lips back up to her own. He quickly obliged, his lips smashing back against hers as she hummed against him.
"Come with me," he whispered against her skin, "Let's go to the hotel,"
Her kiss-bitten smile was the only answer he needed, and she anxiously took his hand and dragged him out of their corner.
It only felt like moments later when y/n fell backwards on Remington's bed, the cool sheets a welcome respite from the heat, yet not for long as Remington crawled on top of her. Her back arched as he dropped kissed up her abdomen and between her breasts, her humid skin nothing compared to the burning between her legs.
Remington couldn't dare believe the sight of her; for so long he wanted this -- wanted her -- and he savoured every moment of her. Her freckles, her peach fuzz, the little whimpers she'd make when he bit her earlobe. If he died tomorrow, he would be fulfilled nonetheless. He'd gotten what he needed all along.
"Say it again," he whispered against her ear, loving how she shuddered under his touch. His own skin erupted in goosebumps as her fingers pulled up the hem of his muscle tee.
"I love you," she murmured, inhaling sharply as he pressed himself against her thigh.
"I'm in love with you,"
"... Again?"
"Remi," she giggled softly, a sound so perfect he couldn't resist nuzzling his face in her throat. She pressed her fingertips into his shoulders, turning her face to kiss against his cheek.
He lifted his head, his lips just inches from hers and her eyes boring practically into his soul. Even in the dark, she was the most beautiful woman he could ever hope for, inside and out.
"I love you more," and she was finally all his.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
Remington leith x Male reader.
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This is my first fanfic in a while, so I'm a bit rusty at writing. Also english is not my native language so, sorry in advance for the writing mistakes.
This story is about Sebastian and Emerson finding out that Remington is married. They have known you since they were toddlers and just happen to walk into your guys' house uninvited.
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You had know Remington, Emerson and Sebastian since you were toddlers. Your parents were best friends and still are to this day.
Your crush on Remington had developed when you were in 7th grade and it never left. You confessed your feelings to Remington in 9th grade. He said he liked you also and ever since then, you guys have been dating.
Emerson and Sebastian didn't know you guys were dating and decided to keep it that way. Neither of you were out to your families, so you kept your relationship down low.
You didn't know if Sebastian and Emerson would accept your guys' relationship, since you had never really talked about anything related to the lgbtq+ community.
You and Remington were now 26 years old and still going strong. You guys had recently gotten engaged, but didn't tell anybody. The wedding was scheduled to be at the start of 2022. By then you would've told Sebastian, Emerson and the rest of your guys' families. You had no hurry to tell anyone and you just wanted to spend some sweet time together.
You and Remington lived together, that much Sebastian and Emerson knew, but they thought you guys were just best friends that were also roommates.
Today you were working from home, because you were feeling a bit sick when you woke up. You worked at an arts studio doing all different types of things. For example painting, drawing, pottery, digital art etc. Your studio had all the necessary things there to try anything you wanted to.
Remington had gone to the store when you complained of a fever and a sore throat. He went to get you some cough drops and something comforting to eat, that would be gentle on your throat. You were drawing in your bedroom when you heard the door open and you thought Remington had gotten home. "Babe, oh finally you're here. My throat was getting worse and I almost called you t-." You were walking out of your bedroom when you noticed that it wasn't Remington who had come home. It was Sebastian and Emerson. You stopped in your tracks and stared at them, slightly scared to see what their reaction was going to be like. All three of you were frozen in place, until Remington stepped through the door. "Babe! I'm here with your cou- oh... Hi guys. What are you doing here?"
Remington came to stand next to you, in front of Sebastian and Emerson. "Are you guys dating?" Sebastian asked while simultaneously scratching his head. You nodded and looked down at your feet, because you were scared of their reactions. "Omg that's awesome!!" Emerson said and ran to give you a crushing hug. "You owe me 100 bucks Sebastian!" Emerson yelled gleefully.
"Wait, what?? You guys made a bet if we were dating??" Remington was looking at his brothers wide eyed. Both Emerson and Sebastian nodded. "Well... I have to brake it to you... we are not dating." You said while walking towards Emerson. The two brothers looked at you quizzically. "We are actually engaged." You lifted your left hand, to show them the ring on your finger. "And I'll take that." You took the hunder dollars from Emerson.
"Hey that's my money!!" Emerson yelled while chasing you around the apartment "Not anymore!" You said back while giggling loudly.
"So, when are you guys getting married?" Sebastian asked Remington, as he walked towards his younger brother. "We were planning on getting married at the start of 2022." Remington put his arm over Sebastian's shoulders. "I love him so much." He whispered. "I can tell. I'm happy for you both." Sebastian hugged Remington tightly.
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natewantstobang · 4 years
Im back y'all and i actually have the capacity to write, and after the drama i had to purge my blog of all the chadwood so give me so give me stuff to refill it with.
And now to tag just everything i can think of
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