#Removes Radioactive Agents
misswonderfrojustice · 7 months
So since my last post of making writing prompts on certain video games, characters, etc. and I haven't gotten any asks, I'll just go ahead and make one of my own.
This is an idea I had regarding the Miguel O'Hara character from Marvel's Across the Spiderverse [Spicyverse] movie franchise.
{I have never seen any Spider-Man movie at ALL in my life, so I know little to nothing about the whole premise of the world's plotline besides an Uncle Benjamin dying, being bitten by a radioactive spider [shouldn't you be horrifically deformed or dead after being exposed to ANY sort of chemical radioactive agents???] and so on so forth. I am an avid researcher on anything out of the ordinary or historical events/eras, so of course I read into the biographies of the series. So, now knowing about the protagonists and villans (and me being the sympathetically strong and sweet alien 👽 I am inside) I propose this scheme.]
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Gabriella the Chocodoodle Lab Puppy
Apparently, sweet little Gabby is killed in the movie due to Miguel's interference of the Multi-Verse as a punishment for his transgressions, and he is now in charge of becoming the self-proclaimed only Guardian of the Spiderverse.
I'm giving him some grace here. Instead of him buckled down in over his work in his cave he calls an office, constantly hovering over each and every universe and it's inhabitants, he comes across a lone box sitting in one world [I guess I'll call it Earth 1231] and it was right across from his apartment complex where he is staying at. In this universe, the Miguel variant does not exist, and neither does the mother of Gabriella.
However, Gabriella is still alive but not visible to his observation and not noticed anywhere else but in this part of the city of Nueva York. Suddenly, the box starts eagerly shifting and moving, bumping into the doorway of said apartment complex like it wanted to enter the building. Curiosity gets the better of him, causing Miguel to open up a warp portal to Earth 1231 just to see what was inside the item.
He arrives at the building and walks closer to the box, which seems to be in a colorful pattern of cobalt blue and vintage infra red polka-dots, matching the typical Spider-Man costume theme. There are many holes perforated around the walls. Air holes, mind you. Miguel bends down slowly to the box's level, quickly jumping back when he hears what sounds like a young girl's voice echo inside his head.
"Papí?! It's me Papí?! Gabi!!"
Immediately, he ponders on where this instant pop-up of memories' past is located from, thinking his sanity is starting to decay quicker than he believes it to be, until the voice of Gabi repeats itself again, but gets even louder the closer he gets to the box. Throwing caution to the wind, he removes the lid, only to discover a gorgeous little chocolate Labradoodle puppy that wasn't even six weeks old staring back at him wagging her tail happily.
"Hòla Papí!!! It's me, Gabriella! Can you take me home please??? I'm hungry and it's really cold outside."
Gabriella's loving barks translate into his language inside his head. Now, Miggy Iggy has never been one for pets, especially after his baby girl's passing (it would serve as a painful reminder of his failure on not protecting his loved ones), but for some reason, he felt an intensive surge of parental desire to take Little Gabby home into his universe. Consequences be damned.
My version of the Multi-Verse would be him getting re-gifted a second chance at having his family again, without any future foreboding consequences or negative effects on the Multi-Verse's entirety. Gabriella was reincarnated as a puppy and aged at the same year she had died the first time of his Earth, where his variant was murdered by a mugging gone wrong, and Gabriella was alive. She only ages as accorded to Miguel's age, but never growing any larger than what she is now.
Starseed Baby rules, I'm sorry.
I'm thinking of making a short story about this later on, but hey, it's my idea.
Here's an image of what I believe Little Gabby should look like located below:
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Let me know what y'all think!
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ghxstlly · 3 months
how many health conditions does Fenton have?
Many! Allow me to explain—
Unilateral corneal opacity & chemical burns: While moving a large jug of a highly corrosive industrial cleaning agent, not knowing that the cap wasn't correctly tightened, Fenton stumbled a little and the chemical splashed into his face. It burned his skin, leaving permanent marks, and damaged his right eye, affecting his vision and causing his cornea to be slightly transparent.
Cutaneous radiation: Many of the facilities that Fenton has been to contain varying amounts of radioactive material. Though the doses are generally small, Fenton has received a lot of them over time and the exposure has slightly damaged his outer tissue.
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Following a traumatic laceration injury in an accident, due to not receiving adequate medical attention, Fenton developed a severe infection that is slowly eating away at his flesh.
Liver disease & Hepatic Encephalopathy: As a direct result of his infection, Fenton's liver is damaged and can no longer remove toxins from his bloodstream. Because of this, he suffers from a gradual loss of brain function which causes him to have memory, sleep and motor control problems, as well as seizures.
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thena0315 · 1 month
What if Thanos was killed a lot earlier?
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Taking ideas from What If 2x04 where Tony didn't make it time to fall back through the portal in The Avengers and ended up in Sakkar. Overthrows the Grandmaster and help Valkyrie become ruler, crossing paths with Gamora and convincing her to create her own path and not follow Thanos, leading to them to kill him.
Gamora then drops Tony off back on Earth where he reunites with Pepper, the world learns he isn't dead and praise him for Thanos' death & earth's survival, no longer having thoughts of him of him attacking the planet again
His adventures changes him, after being away from Pepper that he decides to have the operation earlier to remove the shrapnel from his chest to have a family with her one day. Instead of taking it all on his own, he wants to whole world to work together.
He holds a press conference about what he went through and what he saw out there in space. Throws the idea of hoping one day the United Nations would set up a global defense and research program to serve as Earth's early warning system against extraterrestrial threats (similar like that of Independence Day: Resurgence) where countries would put aside their petty differences and work together as one team, one world. In case the Earth faces another extraterrestrial attack in the future that isn't Thanos. As well as a orbital defense system.
Events of IM3 changes where he already had the operation, not struggling with PTSD and is planning on proposing to Pepper by Christmas since things has been really good between them since he came back to Earth. Still created the House Protocol with the Iron Legion of all the suits. Still has the issue of The Mandarin to deal with. He doesn't give away his home address this time, thus his house was not destroyed.
Tony didn't create Ultron, it was Justin Hammer instead. Wanted to get credit for creating a shield to protect the planet from future extraterrestrial attacks. Big a bigger name than Tony or the Avengers. By this time Tony & Pepper are married and have a one year old son, named Danny Stark. (their daughter Morgan would be a few years later). After the battle he would still leave the team to be more focus on being a family man & think of new innovative ways of clean energy.
No Iron Dad in this AU, sorry but I prefer Peter Parker not relying on Stark tech. Instead his parents were SHIELD agents and were killed related to a project they were working on at the time. Eventually, Peter found his father's notes on the project after SHIELD was destroyed, leading him to cross paths with the radioactive spider.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
The social construction of the high, arid landscapes of the Southwest  as “more or less worthless” has been a fundamental component of colonization of the Diné, as well as other southwestern and Great Basin tribes. In fact, the inhabitation of dry, arid landscapes by Native nations was used  as evidence of their low status on the Western hierarchy of civilization, following a kind of environmental determinism [...].
The “wasteland” is a racial and a spatial signifier that renders an environment and the bodies that inhabit it pollutable. The problem of land laid waste is complicated by the fact that environmental degradation is not only relegated to lands that Americans find aesthetically distasteful; quite to the contrary, while we find radioactive tailings piles in the desert, we also find leaking barrels of Agent Orange on Bahamian beaches, dioxin-releasing copper mines near the shores of the Great Lakes, and strip mines in the rainforests of South America. Thus, it is not only a matter of a Euro-American distaste for dusty arid locales that renders deserts “wastelands” but rather a condition in which even the most marvelously abundant of jungle-scapes can come to be seen as just so much waste of space. [...] [T]herefore, [...] colonial epistemologies do not just look on deserts as wastelands but that wastelands of many kinds are constituted through racial and spatial politics that render certain bodies and landscapes pollutable. [...]
Wastelanding takes two primary forms: the assumption that nonwhite lands are valueless, or valuable only for what can be mined from beneath them, and the subsequent devastation of those very environs by polluting industries. Hydroelectric dams in James Bay, Canada, for instance, would, according to the National Audubon Society, “‘make James Bay and some of Hudson’s [sic] Bay uninhabitable for much of the wildlife dependent on it.’” This very pollution results in the common designation of wastelanded spaces, including those of the uranium industry on Diné land, as “sacrifice” zones. As sacrificial lands, these landscapes of extraction allow industrial modernity to continue to grow and make profits. In scholarly parlance, these two forms of wastelanding can be termed social construction and reification: first, a culturally agreed-upon logic that derives from taken-for-granted categories of difference, which we then understand as natural and common sense, and second, the process of materializing, of making real, or of acting on those constructions.  
Wastelanding reifies -- it makes real, material, lived -- what might otherwise be only discursive. Like race, which is a social construction made material by the embodied consequences of racism (threats and acts of violence, foreshortened life expectancy, incarceration, under and uncompensated labor, inequalities in wealth accruement, and so on), ideas about the value of environments are manifested by the material consequences of environmental destruction (or, in the inverse, by environmental protection). Patterns of environmental racism make clear the connections between race and wastelanding. Race and space are connected through a social construction of difference that becomes spatialized through segregation and unequal distribution of resources. As Allan Pred puts it, through racism, “The socially barred become locationally removed from opportunity-yielding social, economic, and political networks.” By a “feat of ontological magic,” the “idea-logics of cultural racism are [...] concretized.” Wastelanding is a primary of of these “feat[s] of ontological magic,” wherein racialized lands are made to seem uninhabited or unimportantly inhabtied, represented as worthless, and then [...] systematically stripped of their material and ideological worth. [...]
Wastelanding, too, is multiscalar: in uranium country, destroying the environment through uranium mining does not just mean destroying the nonhuman world and ecosystems. It means to wasteland, to render pollutable, the lungs, the cells, and the respiratory tracts of everyone involved in the nuclear cycle. It also means to wasteland Navajo worldviews, epistemology, history, and cultural and religious practices. In order for uranium mining to occur on the level it did (and still does), indigenous ways of knowing landscapes and their worth must be themselves rendered pollutable, marginal, unimportant.
To borrow from poet Adrienne Rich, in wastelanding --  rendering an environment pollutable in ways that are both ideational and material -- “The words are purposes. / The words are maps.”
Text by: Traci Brynne Voyles. “Sacrifical Land.” Wastelanding: Legacies of Uranium Mining in Navajo Country. 2015. [Bold emphasis added by me.]
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maneaterwithtail · 2 years
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Visual Journey of Ronaldo as Companion on Jumpchain with an SI helping him reach new heights.
Most of these can be credited to months of work by the talents, economical service, and patience with the inarticulate (me) even across foreign language @rickleone
Who could always use more patrons this holiday season or just cash/Euro.
The last was a take from pixiv by Guillermo Principle or ぐちゅりむ原理主義 and then DALL-E prompt derived from an adult story with creeepy but fascinating visuals.
Starts mostly as per canon albeit 7 years older than last saw. Firmed up, and loaded weapons master style
References and Weapons
Shiva edge, Masamune, A Lange Messer, measures things and makes theremin music, cuts out 'invaders' ala Tenseiga or horse talisman,
His green sword gains Kodama like abilities and is called Soruimaru
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Combined crescent apogee, a crescent blade that flies in or out of hand to attack, making up for initial poor swordsmanship or blade to tank situation.
Forgets to charge as to phone- though both from internal energies, primarily magic but can convert any to power held or touched device.
Klaive has a drop bear warspirit and wielding it can grant koala features plus muting and enhancing personal weight using it.
Combined with The Chinese WJQ-308 military shovel which can shikai into Ningishzida, a long braided ficus growing out leaves, that can be blades or as so inclined. either form heals and enhances mind and body with Hamon, Viva-Glitter, potato bola/meteor hammers that grow a sling out snares, calories or other things, can darken and gnarl emitting ,fatigue-poison inducing bioluminescence or leech energy making the darkest, savoriest apples of earth swell with the savor of life.
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Shovel's Blade is removable to become infinitely foldable stand devices, that is chairs, music stands, and onward. The shovel is also a dowsing rod and with focus it enhances earth vibe senses
Pair of axes from house of the dead via a gate of imagination, unable to chop or cut things but amazing range of throw. They don't wear or suffer damage and block all firearms fire. Ralph blessed them so they do work in gaming and electronic spaces and can be sent in and out or even on any surface, such as Ronaldo’s skin as a crossed pair tattoo.
Ronaldo is tasked with making them real enough to do damage in real world or more than, in game, has expanded their applicability and effect in digital spaces and can call and send from them to and from such thanks to advancing practice.
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Ronaldo has some of Coop's jotnar blood of chaos to solidify the phantom tools but needs to learn how. Collabs with Dr. Marco and Dumbledore to do it.
Wears anklets charms with spurs as much a part of his shoes or other foot wear with silver and black metal orbs-in-a- discus. they can help control friction, changing size and enchanting his soles to be comfortable and refreshed- even rejuvenate and heal - as stand in light not of world on (moonlight, starlight, sunlight, and satellite beams, but not spotlights or firelight or radioactive light unless from meteor)
Has complimentary charms on the wrist, one looking like a fancy man's watch which gives scope readings as adjusted with smartphone but does not tell time, he has a phone for that.
His white to yellowish latex belt with intervening raised pattern of weeping and other ficus leaves throughout with gall-makers prong in a ficus blossom that hitches into the belts tail to make a fig fruit cover buckle worthy of Sam Merlotte's own collection. He did provide for it, as his orphic self, as Ficus Belt, or Dryad Girdle Humbaba, at granting Ronaldo the title of their Cedalion. His role meant to sit on the shoulder of giants to guide, spot, and direct in glee to revelation.
His glasses are polarized and enhanced to protect eyes and highlight living or radiant energy in dark conditions or shield from glare conditions or flare or vision attacks. And he can do cool anime shots and poses too. Which he does.
He can even reshape the frames, hinges, temples, and lenses as if molding putty with his hands. A tap to the nosepiece can zoom and enhance, filter, and take pictures by making noises with his back teeth that appear on a phone or personal data storage he intends. If resizes his glasses to another’s face and places them on their face the item will adjust so the person can see-in-beyond-perfect vision, even rectifying any light eye ailments or conditions2.
The Humbaba Girdle. Can grow out to primarily ficus based growths but can integrate or become other plants related or sampled, along with producing critical pollinating animals, like fig wasps. He can command and communicate to these life forms, though needs to learn to understand their pov to perfect his leadership.
When the belt’s dryadic power is active, while surrounded by greenery, his own Hamon, awareness, reflexes, instincts, and agility are enhanced as if entering a state of unagi wa gichi-gami3.
He wears circles of fine silver charms, including discretes ones about forehead or in roots of his locks and cleft of shoulders and neck. With a secret magic phrase they can transform and connect like a silver scale shibari bind for similar enhancement of precision and agility
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This can then grow into a silvery vaguely simian maille suit with a twinned ficus vine tail, making him resemble an arboreal beast, with elements of all creatures he likes.
He often wears a utility harness or kilt with limb enhancer’s extensions, also called digit-tools, tucked in
He can enter high gear mode when excited. His hair widens and grows out, teeth thicken, and his skin flushes red and his frame becomes stouter and primal. His hand feet-form. This mode is called akajagaimo. His body appears more akin to an orangutan or ape with a tuber tail with a stinger-end through which he inflicts or shares his state, though victims are usually more emotionally manic or desperate.
If tail takes root can grow tuber and "Ronaldo fruit4" in target.
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Aside from ape body appearance, more swells and fills with special organs his body needs to work for the presentation he chooses. He can grow forms of potato meteor hammers, bola, etc from his joints. May produce vines/roots from his body. He can pop potato eyes that can ocularly function but often grow to tubers about as sensitive as fingers and with all senses in one. Each acts as a buffer or workaround if a sense is overwhelmed, though it is harder to see with 'eyes' extended.
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Middle development on chain; he gains a variant of Kevin Greene's Primal powers. He can grant a use of them to living or organic not petrified in full subjects with touch but needs tune them and focus and pour out the slime produced by himself into the target
Stand: Secret Agent Man.
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Resembles a camera that upgrades off other cameras and recording devices. Semi independent and bonded. Global range but object, so cannot be dismissed or completely unseen and increased suffering, if it is hurt, he is hurt. If SAM is active and seen by a person he or she will connect them with Ronaldo or at least recognize and think of one with the other.
No obfuscation deceives or blocks the glare of his camera. But when keep secret what so obtained cannot be deceived or misrepresented
Can psychically record events without bias or projection into memory, even reexamine the flash of time as if there. Eventually can share experiences and include non-visual senses. Though Ronaldo knew how to read lips and guess temperature and other such before being initiated into jumpchain.
End state:
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Master of Gantz and Adventors tech by himself apart from Jumper's own developments in Gantz
Has a large mecha that with ficus wood "bones" with leaf headhelm, and one eye behind facial opening, with streamers, flags, banners of his flame shirt in the creases of the vehicle's bells and plates. It has Saturn balls for feet,unless standing still, to roll about any ( even a tar, wall, or water) surface, skating as easily as birds sing.
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His Masterpiece is the
Arboretum of Primal Essence. A metal clothing tree1. (This Design is borrowed from drone visuals and ideas.) Made to produce biobooster Armor and living latex and Gantz tech or suits and similar devices.
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He can design in a personal digital/conceptual space and then quantum fax a platonic or at least ideal weapon to Real World with Gantz and other tech he’s made from personal study and learning and tinkering.
1 Meant to evoke imagination. What is Ronaldo fruit? What means to be injected with it or have grown in you?
1 He moves with the sleekness and awareness and speed and restrictions of an eel in Lake Michigan.
2 Mind he will want them back as he still needs them
3 He and link and guy in the middle are examples of "weapons master style"
4 Canonically we don't know what or where Ronaldo's tattoo is, while pictures to end have possible takes this is where you may get creative!
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If you were the director of the Raft and had the choice to pick out members for your own version of Thunderbolts, who would you pick?And why?
Any of my Marvel knowledge is about 12 years out of date now.
First, I'll acknowledge that the question posed is "who makes sense" as opposed to simply "who do I like", so I'll try and ignore my inane need to have Grizzly in every comic.
Songbird always screams as the obvious candidate to lead any team.
Team-wise, since my larder is Raft inmates I'll immediately remove the past members that were "heroes" the last time I really was invested in the universe (Atlas, Abe, Radioactive Man, Jolt) even though they pretty much all were made evil again in the comics. I'll also try and steer clear of too many repeated members - as much as Blizzard, Amazon or Boomerang have potential to be better... they didn't manage it the first time, so I'd be a wishful fool to make a team of people who showed some promise but then as much as gave up. With that said, I am keeping two from The Raft era because they plain work on this format of prison reform team and... well, we'll get to her.
I think Juggernaut always makes sense. Keeping him on the straight and narrow by way of Thunderbolts is only beneficial for everyone. As a member of the team, and previously the X-Men, it was shown quite clearly that offering him the chance to contribute and giving him clear focus effectively removes his inclination to waywardness. His temper and the ease to manipulate him need to be worked on or taken into account.
Next up, might as well keep it rolling with the X-Men's rejects so we have Mimic. Mimic is and has always been directionless but shows capacity to both recognise the right thing to do and even the desire to do so. Away from the X-Men and any feelings of inferiority or being a copy, he can find some inspiration from Songbird and his team-mates to be the hero he thought he could have been instead of hiding behind an attitude and apathy. Mimic's powers alone make him beyond useful in any situation, but they also present an opportunity to adapt and plan in advance. (I'm going with the Exiles set-up of him being a mutant allowed to copy 5 mutant powers at a time and they are only half as powerful as the original - because that made the most sense and didn't make him completely OP)
Ghost. Like Juggernaut, the team takes him out of the running to be a future potential enemy. He has a skillset and expertise that is valued and the team helps Ghost better himself allowing him to interact with others and come to develop human connections and feelings which he has otherwise denied himself. Manipulating Ghost or keeping stuff hidden from him will only make him a nuisance or a threat - instead allow him a mixture of respect (for his abilities and intelligence) and don't give him any reason to feel misled or paranoid.
Sylvie Lushton, the Enchantress from the Young Masters, is still young and could be set on the right path. She's not yet a broken toy, her moral compass is simply undeveloped with her attitude still being that of any spoilt high school girl - shallow, fickle and vapid. Her greatest asset is she already has some finesse with aspects of her magic (teleportation) and potential to tap into even greater spellcasting than she has so far displayed. Essential to accommodate her relationship with inmate Melter, no use in removing one of the few things that present possibility for her to feel or care for someone. (Melter isn't unsalvageable either but I think he would benefit from serving his time - for manslaughter, I think that was his only crime? Although come to think of it I'm not sure Sylvie even committed any crime?).
In what I already suspect is a bad decision, I think Tiger Shark too could be rounded into, at least, an agent. He has attempted to turn over a new leaf before and his erratic motivations and even physical appearance seem to be the result of an imbalance of oxygens similar to that which also affected Namor. With appropriate treatments, Tiger Shark may again be susceptible to the idea of reform. On the Thunderbolts, he offers two great advantages - a second tank to stand beside Juggernaut and then someone uniquely suited to any aquatic elements.
Continuing the trend of poor choices... let's finally get to the obvious - Moonstone is insubordinate, she can't be trusted and she is unlikely to really accept or even ideate the notion of personal redemption again. However, it is much easier to include her as a team-mate than ever have to count her as an enemy. Active involvement in the team mollifies and reduces her threat to others significantly - however, preparations and contingencies should be made for the possibility of flippant betrayal. Her manipulating any of the team to her own ends should also be anticipated, expected and combated as best as it can be.
Lastly, what the team is lacking is someone who doesn't rely on strength or big powers, so we round off the team with Crossfire. He is a highly trained combatant, an excellent marksman, a master of battle strategy and has intuitive technological proficiency. He has no interest in atonement or bettering himself, no desire to be a good person or wash the blood from his hands... but he is a professional. Simply allowing him the chance to use his abilities to work off his sentence or work towards gaining a clean slate for past crimes could provide incentive.
All I can say is, I hope Graviton doesn't murder them all.
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Modifications
Part 2 of 7 for a guide on buying crystals. Read the rest here!
Many crystals are modified before they are sold. What you buy will be what you get, but it may differ from the crystal dug out of the ground. Ethical sellers will disclose any modifications on a crystal. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and some of these are more common for faceted crystals over raw ones. Still, it’s important to go over if you’re looking for a completely unmodified crystal.
Emerald, diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, topaz, tourmaline
Oiling uses oil, resin, or wax to fill fractures on a crystal to improve clarity. This is typically not permanent.¹ Oiled crystals, due to hidden fractures, are often more brittle. Due to the oil being easy to remove, they often lose their brilliance when exposed to water.² 
Crackle quartz is made by taking a piece of typically clear quartz and heating it up to high temperatures. Then, the crystal is dropped into cold water. The sudden change in temperature causes the crystal to fracture. If dyes are added to the water, the quartz will be coloured. They tend to be tumbled. Due to the fractures, crackle quartz is much more fragile than other crystals.⁴
Quartz, agate, onyx, pearl, howlite, jade, emerald, ruby, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, coral, turquoise
Dyeing will be discussed later in this guide regarding fakes, but here I am talking about crystals being sold as the same crystal they were before dyeing. Dyeing introduces a colouring agent or pigment to a crystal to colour it differently, intensify an existing colour, or improve colour uniformity.¹ ³ Dyes may fade over time from exposure to sunlight, leak out from large fractures, and may be removed by acetone or alcohol.³
Metal Coating
Metal coating is done when a crystal is heated in a chamber and metal vapour is added. The metals then bond to the surface of the crystal, leaving it with a metallic sheen. Various metals and metal combinations are used to give varying colours, such as gold, platinum, titanium, silver, iron, magnesium, and nickel. These are often called “aura quartz.”⁵
I could not find a solid definition for reconstitution, but I must mention it since plenty of crystal balls are reconstituted quartz, but I have also seen turquoise. Reconstituted crystals are ground up from natural crystals and reshaped and bonded using a resin or glue. This gives improved stability and clarity.⁶ Think of it like ice (which is scientifically a crystal). If you take an ice cube and melt it, and then turn that water back into ice, that’s what happens when a crystal is reconstituted. It’s still made of the same crystal, but its been reformed.
Topaz, diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, spodumene
Irradiation alters a crystal’s colour with radiation, often combined with heat treatment (combination treatment).¹ Irradiated crystals are not radioactive and are safe to handle. Irradiation can occur naturally, but this is done in a lab.² Irradiated crystals may have their colour fade in intense light or high temperatures. With beryl and spodumene, the colour tends to be short-lived and fades in bright light.³
Heat Treatment
Quartz, topaz, corundum, amber, beryl, tanzanite
Heat treatment is what it sounds like: a crystal is heated to alter its colour.¹ Heat treatment can also happen naturally in the Earth, and is important for many types of crystals, but this kind of heat treatment is done in a lab.² Heat treatment may make a crystal more brittle, and this is a permanent procedure.³ In my experience, this is most often seen with citrine, but I’ll touch on that later.
Fracture Filling
Diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, topaz
Fracture filling involves filling surface fractures with glass, resin, or other materials to improve appearance and durability.¹ Diamonds and corundum may be filled with lead glass and may be called “hybrid” crystals.² Heat and air pressure changes can damage the filling depending on what was used to fill the fractures.³
Turquoise, lapis lazuli, jadeite, nephrite, amazonite, rhodochrosite, serpentine, quartz, beryl, topaz
Sealing uses a surface coating such as wax or plastic on porous crystals that are prone to discolouration by handling, but may be done to any crystal to improve its appearance.² ³ Seals may melt if exposed to high enough heat.³
Jadeite, pearl, coral, chalcedony, tiger’s eye
Bleaching occurs when an acid is used to remove discolouration from a crystal. Because the acid causes the crystal to become porous, this is often combined with sealing to improve appearance and strength. This is a permanent procedure.³
In the next part, I’ll tackle a controversial topic: lab-grown crystals.
“Gemstone Treatments”, GemWorld.
“What are Gemstone Enhancements?”, International Gem Society.
“An Introduction to Gem Treatments”, Gemological Institute of America.
“Crackle Quarts”, Rock Tumbler.
“How is Aura Rainbow Quartz Made?”, GeologyIn.
“What is Reconstituted Turquoise?”, AllThingsNature.
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indiancancercare · 3 months
Oral Cancer Treatment Comprehensive Care for Optimal Outcomes
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Understanding Oral Cancer
Oral cancer refers to cancers that develop in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It belongs to a larger group of cancers called head and neck cancers. Oral cancer can occur on the lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx (throat). Early detection and treatment are crucial for improving survival rates and outcomes.
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause of oral cancer is not known, but several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease:
Tobacco Use: Includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and using smokeless tobacco.
Alcohol Consumption: Heavy alcohol use increases the risk.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Certain strains of HPV are linked to oral cancers.
Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun can increase the risk of lip cancer.
Diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables may increase risk.
Age: The risk increases with age, particularly after 40.
Gender: Men are more likely to develop oral cancer than women.
Symptoms of Oral Cancer
Common symptoms of oral cancer include:
Persistent sores in the mouth that do not heal.
Lumps or thickening in the cheek.
White or red patches on the gums, tongue, tonsils, or lining of the mouth.
Sore throat or feeling that something is caught in the throat.
Difficulty chewing or swallowing.
Difficulty moving the jaw or tongue.
Numbness of the tongue or other areas of the mouth.
Swelling of the jaw.
Pain in the ear.
If any of these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, it is essential to seek medical attention.
Diagnosing Oral Cancer
Diagnosis begins with a thorough medical history and physical examination. If oral cancer is suspected, additional tests may be conducted:
Biopsy: A sample of tissue is taken and examined for cancer cells.
Imaging Tests: X-rays, CT scans, MRI, and PET scans help determine the extent of the cancer and whether it has spread.
Endoscopy: A thin, flexible tube with a light and camera is used to examine the inside of the mouth and throat.
Oral Cancer Treatment in Nagpur
Nagpur offers advanced treatment options for oral cancer, with a focus on personalized and comprehensive care. The city’s medical facilities are equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced oncologists, surgeons, and support staff.
Treatment Options
Tumor Resection: Surgical removal of the tumor and some surrounding healthy tissue.
Neck Dissection: Removal of lymph nodes if cancer has spread.
Reconstructive Surgery: Restoring the appearance and function of the affected area using grafts and implants.
Radiation Therapy:
External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT): Targets the tumor with high-energy rays from outside the body.
Brachytherapy: Involves placing radioactive materials inside or near the tumor.
Uses anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells. Often used in combination with radiation therapy (chemoradiation).
Targeted Therapy:
Uses drugs or other substances to precisely identify and attack cancer cells without harming normal cells. For example, Cetuximab is a targeted drug used for certain types of oral cancer.
Boosts the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Pembrolizumab and Nivolumab are examples of immunotherapy drugs used in treating oral cancer.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT):
Uses special drugs, called photosensitizing agents, along with light to kill cancer cells.
Choosing the Right Treatment
The choice of treatment depends on several factors, including the stage and location of the cancer, the patient’s overall health, and personal preferences. A multidisciplinary team of specialists typically collaborates to develop a personalized treatment plan.
Leading Oral Cancer Specialist in Nagpur
Dr. Sanjog Singh is one of the leading oncologists specializing in oral cancer treatment in Nagpur. With extensive experience and advanced oncology training, Dr. Sanjog Singh offers comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs. Her patient-centered approach ensures that each individual receives personalized treatment plans, incorporating the latest in medical technology and research. Dr. Sanjog Singh commitment to excellence and compassionate care makes her a leading choice for oral cancer treatment in Nagpur.
Comprehensive Care at Samsara Cancer Care
Dr. Sanjog Singh practices at Samsara Cancer Care, a premier cancer treatment center in Nagpur. Samsara Cancer Care is known for its comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, offering everything from diagnosis and treatment to post-treatment support and palliative care.
Patient-Centered Approach
One of the hallmarks of Dr. Sanjog Singh practice is her patient-centered approach. She takes the time to understand each patient’s condition, concerns, and preferences. This allows her to create a personalized treatment plan that not only targets the cancer effectively but also addresses the patient’s overall well-being.
Multidisciplinary Team
Dr. Sanjog Singh works with a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and nurses, to ensure that patients receive holistic care. This team approach ensures that all aspects of the patient’s health are considered, providing a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan.
Cutting-Edge Technology
Samsara Cancer Care is equipped with the latest technology in cancer diagnosis and treatment. This includes advanced imaging techniques, minimally invasive surgical options, and the newest chemotherapy and immunotherapy drugs. This state-of-the-art equipment allows for more precise and effective treatment, reducing side effects and improving outcomes.
Support Services
Beyond medical treatment, Samsara Cancer Care offers a range of support services to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of cancer. This includes counseling, nutritional support, pain management, and rehabilitation services. These support services are designed to improve the quality of life for patients during and after treatment.
Oral cancer is a serious disease, but with early detection and the right treatment, many patients can achieve positive outcomes. In Nagpur, Dr. Sanjog Singh and her team at Samsara Cancer Care provide comprehensive, compassionate care for oral cancer patients. From advanced surgical techniques to the latest in chemotherapy and immunotherapy, patients can trust that they are receiving the best possible care.
For those seeking oral cancer treatment in Nagpur, Dr. Sanjog Singh is a highly recommended specialist. Her dedication to patient care, combined with her expertise and access to cutting-edge technology, makes her an excellent choice for anyone facing oral cancer. With the support of her multidisciplinary team at Samsara Cancer Care, patients can navigate their cancer journey with confidence and hope.
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Innovative Hydrophilics: Super Absorbent Polymers in Hygiene Products
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Super Absorbent Polymers: Revolutionizing Absorbency Applications What are Super Absorbent Polymers? Super absorbent polymers (SAPs), also known as superabsorbent materials, are advanced materials whose main characteristic is the ability to absorb and retain extremely large amounts of a liquid relative to their own mass. They are cross-linked polymers that can absorb hundreds of times their own weight in water, aqueous solutions, or biological fluids. Chemistry and Structure of SAPs SAPs are produced via polymerization of acrylic acid or acrylamide. These monomers contain polar carboxyl or amide groups which provide hydrophilicity allowing the polymers to absorb water. The monomers are cross-linked during polymerization which creates a three-dimensional network structure. This cross-linked structure prevents the absorbed liquid from leaving the polymer network, even under pressure. Common cross-linkers used are N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide or trimethylolpropane triacrylate which form covalent bonds between the linear or partially branched acrylic acid chains. Applications in Hygiene Products One of the largest applications of SAPs is in disposable hygiene products such as diapers, feminine hygiene products, and adult incontinence products. SAP particles are incorporated into the absorbent core of these products where they can soak up large volumes of fluid, many times their own weight, and lock the fluid away from the skin. This improves comfort and prevents leakage compared to previous designs using just cellulosic fluff pulp or tissue. SAPs transformed these industries by allowing for thinner, drier, and more convenient products. Use in Agriculture and Horticulture The water storage and slow release properties of SAPs make them applicable for use in agriculture and horticulture. They can absorb and retain irrigation water, fertilizers, or pesticides in the soil allowing plants to access these at a controlled rate. SAP fertilizers reduce leaching and increase nutrient uptake efficiency. They are also included in growing media like peat or coco peat to enhance moisture retention for container crops and aid seed germination. SAPs minimize watering needs while improving plant growth. Medical and Wound Care Applications Given their ability to swell in contact with fluids, SAPs have applications in the biomedical field as superabsorbent wound dressings. They can absorb wound exudate to help keep the wound site moist which promotes healing. Their liquid absorbency helps prevent skin maceration around the wound. Some SAP wound dressings even incorporate antimicrobial agents. Other medical uses of SAPs include their incorporation into tampons, surgical sponges, and implant materials. Environmental Remediation Due to their absorbency, SAPs have potential applications for environmental remediation. They can remove pollutants from aqueous solutions through absorption. For example, researchers have investigated using SAPs to absorb oils, solvents, heavy metals and radioactive elements from contaminated water and soils. Cross-linked with metal chelating ligands, they show promise for wastewater treatment applications by sequestering metal ions. SAPs are also studied for use in containment booms for oil spill cleanups.
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Soil Remediation Techniques in House Construction: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
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As urbanization continues to expand, the demand for housing and infrastructure has led to the development of previously untouched lands. However, this construction often comes with the challenge of soil contamination, which poses risks to both environmental and human health. Soil remediation techniques are therefore crucial in ensuring the sustainability of house construction projects, mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants and restoring soil quality.
Understanding Soil Contamination:
Soil contamination can arise from various sources, including industrial activities, improper waste disposal, and historical land use. Common contaminants found in construction sites include heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants can leach into groundwater, affect plant growth, and pose health risks if not properly addressed.
Soil Remediation Techniques:
Excavation and Removal: In cases where contamination is localized and shallow, excavation of contaminated soil followed by proper disposal is a common remediation approach. This method is effective for addressing surface-level pollutants but may be costly and disruptive to the site.
Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE): SVE involves the extraction of volatile contaminants from the soil by applying a vacuum to the subsurface. This technique is suitable for sites contaminated with VOCs and can be combined with other methods such as air sparging to enhance effectiveness.
Bioremediation: Bioremediation utilizes microorganisms to degrade organic contaminants into harmless byproducts. This natural and cost-effective method can be applied in situ or ex situ, depending on site conditions. Bioremediation is particularly effective for petroleum hydrocarbons and organic pollutants.
Phytoremediation: Phytoremediation involves the use of plants to absorb, metabolize, or accumulate contaminants from the soil. Certain plant species have been found to be effective in removing heavy metals, pesticides, and even radioactive elements from the soil. This technique is environmentally friendly and can be integrated into landscaping designs.
Chemical Remediation: Chemical methods such as oxidation-reduction reactions, soil washing, and chemical stabilization can be employed to treat contaminated soil. These techniques involve the use of chemical agents to neutralize or extract pollutants, making the soil suitable for construction activities.
Thermal Remediation: Thermal techniques such as thermal desorption and soil vapor extraction with thermal enhancement involve the application of heat to the contaminated soil to volatilize or destroy contaminants. While effective, thermal remediation methods can be energy-intensive and may pose challenges in controlling emissions.
Integration into Construction Practices:
Incorporating soil remediation into house construction projects requires careful planning and collaboration between developers, environmental consultants, and regulatory authorities. Site assessments should be conducted prior to construction to identify potential contamination risks, allowing for early implementation of remediation measures. Furthermore, adopting sustainable construction practices such as minimizing waste generation and using environmentally friendly materials can help reduce the likelihood of soil contamination and promote long-term environmental stewardship.
Soil remediation is a critical component of sustainable house construction, ensuring the protection of both environmental and human health. By employing a combination of remediation techniques tailored to site-specific conditions, developers can mitigate the impacts of soil contamination and promote the revitalization of degraded land. Incorporating soil remediation into construction practices not only fulfills regulatory requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability in urban development projects.
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ardentguilt · 8 months
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Here’s something SUPER RARE for you all.
Left photo taken with a macro lens. Right photo taken with regular lens. I have a magnification box on the way for this specimen for ease of viewing.
Tellurium is a brittle, mildly toxic rare metalloid.
On earth it’s rarer than Platinum. It’s sometimes referred to as ‘The Forgotten Element’
Tellurium has importance in technological uses such as in solar cells and semiconductors. It also has uses in heavy metal removals.
Due to its often incredibly tiny size Tellurium is also being investigated in the nanomedicine field and has shown promising applications as an antibacterial, anticancer and imaging agent.
That said the biological role of Tellurium is considered unknown though fungi have on occassion used Tellurium in place of Sulphur and Selenium in amino acids.
Wen molten Tellurium will corrode copper, iron and stainless steel.
Tellurium also has the highest melting and boiling point of all the oxygen family elements of which it is a part.
Tellurium has 8 different isotopes with two of these isotopes (Te128 and Te130) being slightly radioactive and possessing the longest known half life of all radionuclides, about 160 TRILLION times the age of the known universe.
Tellurium is considered the rarest of the solid stable elements occuring at only around 1 µg/kg in the earth’s crust.
The rarity of Tellurium on earth however does not reflect its rarity in the universe.
In the cosmos Tellurium is more abundant that Rubidium whereas in the earth’s crust Rubidium is at least 10,000 times more abundant than Tellurium.
The theory is that the abundance of Tellurium in earth was depleted by conditions during the preaccretional in the solar nebula wherein certain elements that form volatile hydrides such as Tellurium were severely depleted by the evaporation of those hydrides.
Tellurium is mostly found as gold tellerides such as Calaverite, Krennerite, Petzite and Sylvanite.
Native Tellurium such as the specimen about is much much rarer.
Just last year in 2023 astronomers detected the creation of tellurium in the universe during the collision of two neutron stars.
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newstfionline · 10 months
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Handcuffed and sent to the ER—for misbehavior: Schools are sending more kids to the hospital (AP) Three times a week, on average, a police car pulls up to a school in Wicomico County on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. A student is brought out, handcuffed and placed inside for transport to a hospital emergency room for a psychiatric evaluation. Over the past eight years, the process has been used at least 750 times on students. Some are as young as 5 years old. The state law that allows for these removals, known as petitions for emergency evaluation, is meant to be limited to people with severe mental illness, who are endangering their own lives or safety or someone else’s. It’s the first step toward getting someone involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. But advocates say schools across the country are sending children to the emergency room for psychiatric evaluations in response to behaviors prompted by bullying or frustration over assignments. The ER trips, they say, often follow months, and sometimes years, of their needs not being met.
Former U.S. ambassador arrested on charges of being an agent for Cuba since 1981 (NBC News) Victor Manuel Rocha, the former U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, was arrested and charged with secretly working for Cuba. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the arrest “exposes one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the United States government by a foreign agent.” Rocha has been accused of working to promote the Cuban government’s interests since 1981, which is not a crime…unless it's done on U.S. soil and without registering with the Justice Department as a foreign lobbyist. Rocha reportedly has boasted that he “strengthened the revolution immensely.”
Britain’s nuclear break-in (Guardian) According to an investigation by The Guardian, hackers linked to Russia and China have infiltrated the U.K.’s most hazardous nuclear site. The investigation shows that officials detected the breaches into Sellafield, but they still don’t know when they first began or if all of the malware has been removed from the systems. The Guardian’s sources indicate that the hackers were able to access the highest level of confidential information from the site. This means that foreign entities have accessed activities including the movement of radioactive waste, monitoring for leaks of nuclear material, and processes that check for fires around the site. Sellafield spans about 6 square kilometers (2 square miles) across the U.K.’s Cumbrian coast. It houses the largest store of plutonium on Earth, and also stores the waste from years of testing by the U.K.’s nuclear weapons programs and power plants. Parts of the site also house emergency planning documents, which would be used by the government if a massive disaster or foreign power hit the U.K.
A Prison at War: The Convicts Sustaining Putin’s Invasion (NYT) Aleksandr Mokin had lost the will to live. Convicted of selling drugs and ostracized by his family, he endured abuse from guards and frequent spells in solitary confinement at a high-security Russian prison. Then, in the summer of 2022, Mr. Mokin and other inmates in Penal Colony No. 6 in the Chelyabinsk region started hearing that Russia was offering pardons for prisoners who survived six months of fighting in Ukraine. Mr. Mokin and 196 other inmates enlisted the same day. Two months later, Mr. Mokin was dead. A social media post showing his grave is the only known public tribute to his short life. Mr. Mokin was one of tens of thousands of convicts powering the Kremlin’s war machine. Even now, Russian inmates are still enlisting in what has become the largest military prison recruitment program since World War II. In Ukraine, these former inmates have been used mostly as cannon fodder. But they have bolstered the ranks of Russia’s forces, helping President Vladimir V. Putin postpone a new round of mobilization, which would be an unpopular measure domestically. And since many of the inmates come from poor families and rural areas, it has helped Mr. Putin to maintain the veneer of normalcy among well-off Russians in major cities.
Stalemate: Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive (Washington Post) On June 15, in a conference room at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, flanked by top U.S. commanders, sat around a table with his Ukrainian counterpart, who was joined by aides from Kyiv. The room was heavy with an air of frustration. Austin, in his deliberate baritone, asked Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov about Ukraine’s decision-making in the opening days of its long-awaited counteroffensive, pressing him on why his forces weren’t using Western-supplied mine-clearing equipment to enable a larger, mechanized assault, or using smoke to conceal their advances. Despite Russia’s thick defensive lines, Austin said, the Kremlin’s troops weren’t invincible. Reznikov said Ukraine’s military commanders were the ones making those decisions. But he noted that Ukraine’s armored vehicles were being destroyed by Russian helicopters, drones and artillery with every attempt to advance. Without air support, he said, the only option was to use artillery to shell Russian lines, dismount from the targeted vehicles and proceed on foot. The meeting in Brussels, less than two weeks into the campaign, illustrates how a counteroffensive born in optimism has failed to deliver its expected punch, generating friction and second-guessing between Washington and Kyiv and raising deeper questions about Ukraine’s ability to retake decisive amounts of territory. As winter approaches, and the front lines freeze into place, Ukraine’s most senior military officials acknowledge that the war has reached a stalemate.
At least 6 people have died as heavy rains from Tropical Cyclone Michaung hit India’s coasts (AP) Torrential rains and strong winds lashing India’s southern and eastern coasts have killed at least six people, officials said, as states there braced for a powerful storm expected to make landfall later Tuesday. The southern states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, as well as Odisha in the east, experienced heavy downpours Monday as authorities issued warnings for Tropical Cyclone Michaung, which is likely to hit the southern coast with maximum sustained winds of 90-100 kph (56-62 mph) and gusts up to 110 kph (68 mph), the Indian Meteorological Department said. On Monday night, authorities in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, said six people in the city had died as the impending storm unleashed rains that caused trees to topple and walls to collapse, and submerged roads and cars in knee-deep waters.
23 hikers presumed dead after Indonesian volcano erupts (Washington Post) Search and rescue personnel combed Mount Marapi in Indonesia after a volcano erupted with dozens of hikers on its slopes. Five bodies have been recovered and an additional 18 are missing and expected to be found dead, authorities said on Tuesday. There were 75 hikers on the mountain at the time of the eruption on Sunday, Abdul Mahari, head of communications at Indonesia’s disaster management agency, said in a briefing. About 50 have been brought down alive for medical care, Indonesian national newspaper Kompas reported. Mount Marapi, located in West Sumatra and one of that island’s most active volcanoes, erupted for four minutes and 41 seconds, spewing ash 9,800 feet upward, which rained down on the surrounding area. It had been showing increased volcanic activity since January, when it had a smaller eruption, the agency said. On Nov. 16, it was assessed at an alert level which meant tourism was not recommended within two miles of the peak, the agency added.
China’s Colossal Hidden-Debt Problem Is Coming to a Head (WSJ) China is trying to defuse a financial time bomb that could severely damage its banking system. Cities and provinces across the country have accumulated a massive amount of hidden debt following years of unchecked borrowing and spending. The International Monetary Fund and Wall Street banks estimate that the total outstanding off-balance-sheet government debt is around $7 trillion to $11 trillion. No one knows what the actual total is, but it has become abundantly clear over the past year that local governments’ debt levels have become unsustainable. Economists say a significant chunk of the hidden debt—their estimates range from $400 billion to more than $800 billion—is particularly problematic and at high risk of default.
Israel’s Netanyahu is fighting two wars (Washington Post) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting two wars. He is at the head of a wartime cabinet, leading the operation against the militant group Hamas. But, after nearly two months of conflict and more than 15,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, Netanyahu has waded into another battle: Trial proceedings over long-standing corruption allegations involving the prime minister resumed Monday. “Netanyahu was charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in late 2019, making him the first Israeli prime minister to be indicted while in office. Netanyahu has denied all allegations and dismissed the claims as a ‘witch hunt,’” my colleagues reported. “He has been indicted in two other cases in Israel.” Netanyahu’s legal dramas have shadowed Israeli politics for close to half a decade. They are the subtext to the prime minister’s angry campaigns against the country’s judiciary and independent media. And they have probably motivated Netanyahu’s quest for continued power and potential immunity, leading him to engineer a return to office after elections in 2022 at the head of the most far-right coalition in Israel’s history. He can be forced to resign only if convicted, which could be years from now.
Israel’s assault forced a nurse to leave babies behind. They were found decomposing. (Washington Post) The nurse in the besieged hospital was caring for five fragile babies. Infants, born premature, their parents’ whereabouts after a month of war unknown. It was the height of Israel’s assault on northern Gaza last month, and al-Nasr Children’s Hospital was a war zone. The day before, airstrikes had cut off the Gaza City facility’s oxygen supplies. Israeli tanks had surrounded the hospital complex, and the Israel Defense Forces were calling and texting the doctors, urging them to leave. But ambulances couldn’t safely reach al-Nasr to transport the wounded, and doctors refused to leave the facility without their patients. The five premature babies were particularly vulnerable. They needed oxygen, and medication administered at regular intervals. Without life support, the nurse feared, they wouldn’t survive an evacuation. Then the IDF delivered an ultimatum: Get out or be bombarded. An Israeli official, meanwhile, provided an assurance that ambulances would be arranged to retrieve the patients. The nurse saw no choice. He assessed his charges and picked up the strongest one—the baby he thought likeliest to bear a temporary cut to his oxygen supply. He left the other four on their breathing machines, reluctantly, and with his wife, their children and the one baby, headed south. Two weeks later, the pause in hostilities allowed a Gazan journalist to venture into the hospital. In the neonatal intensive care unit, Mohammed Balousha found the decomposing bodies of the four babies. He took video. The grim discovery was a reminder of the harrowing civilian toll of Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas, a campaign that has spared neither hospitals nor children. Thousands have been killed.
Nigeria’s president calls for investigation after drone attack kills 85 (Reuters) Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu on Tuesday called for a thorough investigation into a military drone attack that killed at least 85 civilians gathered for a Muslim festival in a village in northwest Kaduna State over the weekend. The state’s governor, a religious leader and witnesses told Reuters on Monday that dozens of civilians were killed following the military drone attack that was targeting insurgents and bandits on Sunday night. Nigeria’s military, which is backed by the United States, Britain and other non-Western allies in a long war against Islamist insurgents in the northeast, has been unleashing deadly aerial assaults for years in parts of the country.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Yes I approve the generic beer company and its positioning and the chopper too a light chopper that actually can handle goes fast and has real bounce and suspension in a motor that's inexpensive is a good idea I like it and a lot of people mind will buy it and we like the idea of having a factory in the USA and if they regroup there we'll be there I do understand that too
You don't want to have him do that but it'll be a small force and we kind of need it so I'm going to go ahead and sign up to do the bike I have ideas and they're pretty good and it has to do with bja and what he was thinking of doing with it it was not thinking of doing with it what our friend here is and having us have cheap beer he's thinking of taking over all the companies ruining them and making it gross right now is making all the beer grows and nobody can drink it so I have to tell you the numbering system is what I need it says it's exactly what it is with other beer companies it's just in days so I figured out something that's cool but he said we would get to you the contract and talk to you before that about to sign enjoy the label and everything we already have it but this is real business and eventually I'll get something I'll be down from this but so I understand what you're saying that was him and I do see what you're saying this is going to be a real deal a real bike with a real design and then you make a production version and we'll be doing that in a factory a joint factory probably one of those next door a joint factory and grow it in real s*** and put a joint and it's going to be next door and says probably true I'm going to go ahead and start this it makes a lot of sense probably not right next door so he wants me to hold off until he can get some information to me so he's going to have someone contact our agent and drop a packet and drop and that's good
What I know is it's going to think about it but he's been trying to do this stupid stuff I mean well known for this theme bikes and they work and some people need and this is going to be pretty good it's going to sound loud and it's not going to be that big of a motor so we'll look that fast we'll look like it can handle but it's going to handle it's going to be sweet I know how to do that too and I might suggest that we work together at least I become a consultant and they might put it in there it's going to go pretty well and it takes you know how to write that up that sounds good
Paul Sr
Okay so we can do that we're going to go with it but we're going to wait for information it does make sense
Paul jr
We're going to start looking into this because it's a great idea that area is very hot right now it might have to be somewhere else in the south is going to be devastated Florida is going to be emptied a portion of it might work in the Arizona where he was saying or even in Nevada it's very damned hot out there but the water is fairly clean and we know how to purify it and remove all the contaminants that are there and it's not radioactive but it's got some but not as much as elsewhere so we might do it there and it's a good idea they say I'm going to send over a packet and see what he says if they say no flat out well we know that we need to do something else not many people to seen bikes and if they do they don't put the emblems on and things like that which isn't a real hassle or son says because we can do that and dress it up and have an artist do it they have artists who do aftermarket stuff and then the production bike would already be done they're saying we'd like them to try it if they can't then competition might have to and it's bja so they're starting to think about it now and he's been talking about it
Thor Freya
Olympus we're going to publish this now and get it rolling and Hera says good and she's on it and hello Chris and he says hello back and good morning you got a lot of work to do kid and she says don't call me kid and I do but thank you
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vanshika393 · 1 year
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market Is Expected To Generate A Revenue Of USD 4.817358292 billion By 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global Mesoporous silica nanoparticles drugs market has witnessed steady growth in recent years and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.90% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD XX billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD XX billion in 2030.-Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030
Understanding Mesoporous Silica
Mesoporous silica is a form of silicon dioxide with a highly ordered pore structure and large surface area. These unique characteristics provide exceptional properties, such as high adsorption capacity, controlled release of substances, and tunable pore sizes. Its structure is akin to a honeycomb, creating a network of interconnected pores, which can be tailored to specific requirements.
Applications in Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery
In the pharmaceutical industry, mesoporous silica finds extensive use as a drug delivery system. Its porous nature allows for encapsulation of drugs, protecting them from degradation and improving their stability. Additionally, the tunable pore size facilitates controlled drug release, leading to enhanced therapeutic outcomes and reduced side effects. This has opened up new avenues in personalized medicine and targeted drug delivery, revolutionizing patient care.
Top Trends in Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market
Moreover, there is a rising demand for personalized medicine, which can be facilitated by these nanoparticles due to their potential for encapsulating various types of drugs simultaneously, enabling tailored treatment regimens for individual patients. Furthermore, researchers are exploring novel applications such as gene therapy and immunotherapy utilizing mesoporous silica nanoparticles' capabilities to efficiently deliver genetic material or immune-modulating agents into cells.
The market's growth is also fueled by advancements in manufacturing techniques that have enabled large-scale production of these nanoparticles at relatively low costs while maintaining quality standards. As pharmaceutical companies continue to invest in research and development within this field, it is expected that further breakthroughs will emerge from combining mesoporous silica nanoparticle technologies with other emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and 3D printing – opening up endless possibilities for innovative drug delivery solutions.
Electronics and Nanotechnology
With the constant push for miniaturization, mesoporous silica has become an indispensable component in the electronics and nanotechnology sectors. Its high surface area allows for increased loading of functional components, making it an ideal material for integrated circuits, sensors, and other electronic devices. Furthermore, mesoporous silica's thermal stability ensures reliability in demanding electronic applications.
Environmental Remediation and Water Treatment
Addressing environmental concerns is paramount in today's world, and mesoporous silica plays a vital role in this endeavor. Its remarkable adsorption properties make it a valuable tool for water treatment and environmental remediation. Mesoporous silica can efficiently remove heavy metals, organic pollutants, and even radioactive substances from water sources, contributing to cleaner ecosystems and healthier communities.
Advancements in Personal Care Products
Mesoporous silica has revolutionized the personal care industry, primarily in the development of advanced cosmetics and skincare products. Its porous structure allows for better encapsulation of active ingredients, leading to improved product stability and controlled release. From sunscreens and anti-aging creams to hair care formulations, mesoporous silica elevates the efficacy and performance of personal care products, meeting the ever-growing consumer demands.
Emerging Opportunities in Energy Storage
As the world shifts towards renewable energy solutions, mesoporous silica has surfaced as a promising material for energy storage applications. Its ability to host various electrolytes and enhance ion conductivity makes it an ideal candidate for next-generation batteries and supercapacitors. This could pave the way for more efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions, contributing to a greener future.
Future Prospects and Industry Outlook
The mesoporous silica market is poised for exponential growth in the coming years, driven by continuous research and innovation across industries. As scientists and engineers uncover new applications and tailor the material's properties, the possibilities seem boundless. From healthcare advancements to environmental sustainability and beyond, mesoporous silica stands at the forefront of transformative technologies.
Browse 230 pages report Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market By End-user (Pharmaceutical company, Biotechnology companies, Academic and research institutions, Others) By Type (Small molecules, Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic acids, Others) - Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030) - https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mesoporous-silica-nanoparticles-drugs-darket
Market Dynamics in Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market
The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions necessitates the development of innovative therapeutics that can effectively reach specific cells or tissues within the body. This growing need has propelled research efforts towards exploring nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems like mesoporous silica nanoparticles drugs. Moreover, these nanoparticles offer opportunities for functionalization with targeting ligands or imaging moieties to achieve site-specific accumulation or real-time monitoring of therapy response.
Why to Buy This Report-
•The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
•The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
•Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
•The global Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Drugs Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Complete Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mesoporous-silica-nanoparticles-drugs-darket
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United Kingdom Soil Treatment Market Analysis, Industry Trends, Forecast 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the United Kingdom soil treatment market size at USD 1,056.81 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, the United Kingdom soil treatment market size is projected to grow at an impressive CAGR of 8.12% reaching a value of USD 1,806.99 million by 2029. Rapid urbanization and population expansion, which have reduced agricultural area and increased food shortages, are major growth drivers for the soil treatment market in the United Kingdom. Together with the increased demand for high-quality food grains, urbanization and population growth are the main factors favorably influencing the demand for soil treatment products.
United Kingdom Soil Treatment Market – Overview
Soil treatment is the process of treatment and elimination of impurities to cleanse and revitalize the soil. Techniques for soil remediation improve the quality of the environment and make it safer for human, animal, and plant life. Hazardous pollutants, such as PCBs, volatile chemicals, radioactive materials, metals, organic compounds, and microorganisms are removed or contained by them. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), potassium permanganate (KMnO4), and sodium persulphate (Na2S2O8) are the most often utilized compounds for soil treatment. These substances can be employed either alone or in combination with other catalyzing agents to boost their activity and performance.
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United Kingdom Soil Treatment Market – By Technology
Based on technology, the United Kingdom soil treatment market is segmented into physicochemical, biological, thermal, and others. The biological soil treatment technology segment accounts for the highest share in the United Kingdom soil treatment market. Environmental scientists utilize specific bacteria during this procedure to absorb and degrade soil contaminants. Cleaner soil, healthier soil, and better air are all benefits of bioremediation. However, bioremediation is less invasive than excavation-based remediation techniques, which have the potential to be disruptive, and it can help with environmental impact cleanup without endangering fragile ecosystems.
Impact of COVID-19 on the United Kingdom Soil Treatment Market
In the UK, the COVID-19 pandemic led to an economic recession with a historically low GDP during the first lockdown in 2020. The market for soil remediation has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. The deployment of stringent lockdown measures significantly reduced the necessity for soil treatment. Due to a lack of workers and strong demand for vegetables, crop production declined, which further widened the supply-demand gap. There was a significant decline in the demand for organic compounds as well which affected the United Kingdom soil treatment market growth.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the United Kingdom soil Treatment market include A.W. Jenkinson Forest Products, BASF SE, Clean Environments, Deep Soil Mixing Ltd, Golder Associates, Solutions Ltd, Terra Firma (Scotland) Ltd, Tarmac Trading Ltd, Thames Water Utilities Limited, and Veolia Environmental Services. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
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mitivy · 1 year
CAS NO.620-84-8 4-Methyldiphenylamine Manufacturer/High quality/Best price/In stock
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Quick Details Product name:4-Methyldiphenylamine CAS: 620-84-8 Molecular formula:C13H13N EINECS No.:210-655-6 Appearance:white-off solid or colorless liquid Other names:N-Phenyl-p-toluidine;N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE;4-METHYDIPHENYLAMINE;PHENYL-P-TOLYL-AMINE;4-METHYLDIPHENYLAMINE;4-Methyldiphenylamine;4-Methyl-N-phenylaniline;(4-methylphenyl)phenylamine;4-Methyl-N-phenylbenzenamine Port: any port in china Application:OLED intermediates ect. DeliveryTime:As order ProductionCapacity:3 Metric Ton/Month Purity:99%min. LimitNum:100 Gram Packing:  according to the clients requirement Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place Transportation: by sea or by air payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Application Organic synthesis intermediates, used in the synthesis of organic functional materials and medicine 1. Used as synthetic resin curing agent, additive, fabric finishing agent, etc. 2. Used as a complexing agent, alkaline gas dehydrating agent, dye intermediate, resin solvent and rubber accelerator 3. In addition to being used as a solvent, it is also used in the manufacture of epoxy resin curing agents, rubber additives, emulsifiers, surfactants, lubricating oil additives, fuel oil cleaning and dispersing agents, gas purifiers, cyanide-free plating diffusion agents, brighteners , detergents, softeners, metal chelating agents, and synthetic polyamide resins and ion exchange resins. 4. Complexing agent, cleaning agent, softener, dye synthesis, rubber accelerator, gas dehydration purifier. 5.ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) is an important complex agent. EDTA has a wide range of uses, can be used as bleaching fixing solution for color photographic materials rinsing processing, dyeing AIDS, fiber processing AIDS, cosmetic additives, blood anticoagulants, detergents, stabilizers, synthetic rubber polymerization initiator, EDTA is the representative material of chelating agents. It can form stable water-soluble complexes with alkali metals, rare earth elements and transition metals. In addition to sodium salts, there are ammonium salts, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, aluminum and other salts, which have different uses. In addition, EDTA can also be used to detoxify harmful radioactive metals by rapidly excreting them from the body. It is also a water treatment agent. EDTA is also an important indicator, but it is used to titrate metals such as nickel and copper. Only when it is used together with ammonia can the Chemicalbook play the role of indicator. 6.ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid is a kind of excellent calcium and magnesium ion chelating agent, used as water chelating agent for emulsion polymerization, remove Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ and other metal ions. It is also used as a complexing agent of anaerobic adhesive, which is used to treat double methacrylate with EDTA to remove transition metal ions and eliminate the effect of promoting the decomposition of peroxide. The effect of improving the stability of anaerobic adhesive is very good. Sodium EDTA chelating metal ions can improve the speed of modified acrylic acid. Storage stability of solid structure adhesive (SGA), dosage -3×10-4 ~ 6.0×10-4. Dosage 1.5%, 50~C storage stability of more than 360h (50℃ storage for 4d, equivalent to SGA20~C storage for 1 year). 7.Often used for boiler water softening. Prevent scaling. Superiority 1.supply sample 2.the packing can be according the customers` requirment 3.any inquiries will be replied within 24 hours 4.we provide commerical invoice, packing list, bill of loading, coa , health certificate and origin certificate. if your markets have any special requirements, let us know. 5.factory price. 6.prompt delivery. we have good cooperation with many professional forwarders, we can send the products to you once you confirm the order. 7.we can accept various payment methods, l/c, t/t, d/a, d/p, o/a, paypal, western union etc., and we cooperate with sinosure many years. Anyway ,if you need any chemicals from China ,MIT -IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD can help you. Company Information MIT-IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of fine chemical dyes & pharmaceutical intermediates in China. MIT –IVY Chemicals Industry Co.,Ltd. is a leading manufacturerof chemical for 21 years with complete production equipment and meticulous management and  maintenance of machinery. We are an integrated industry and trade company.We use advanced production technology and test methods to realize production, quality controlling to meet the standard. We have been approved by SGS, ISO9001, ISO140 01, GB/HS16949 and T28001. Mit-Ivy main products include as the following: API, pharmaceutical intermediates ,Dye intermediates, fine,speciality chemicals Our main markets includes America, India, Africa, Indonesia, Turkey, South-east Asia, West Asia and so on.  MIT-IVY Industry Main products shares 97% of the domestic market specializing in the production and management,  We can supply the products with more competitive cost. with premium quality and price and welcome to consult. Our company has professional persons who major in chemical R&D and sicentific management, supply fine chemical products with high quality and close service, also supply custom-tailored products according to our clients’ requirement. We have a positive and self-motivated management work team with a common philosophy, caring and commitment through teamwork, our team strive to achieve success in delighting our clients and ourselves. ​we continuously innovate our products and improve our service, sales network. Hence, we initiate the first sale mode on net in China, which is the retail trade of small package bring along wholesale of diversified management modes. Our products are exported widely to South Korea, Vietnam, Australia, Europe and South America, highly recommended by our clients. We insist on the management creed “Market is our compass, Quality is our life, Credit is our soul”. Clients’ trust is our forward powder, their satisfaction is our struggling goal. If you are interested in getting more quotations, please add WHATSAPP:0086-13805212761 or E-MAIL:[email protected] FAQ Q1:Will you supply samples for testing? A: For most of our products, samples are available, but please cover the shipping cost. Q2:What's your MOQ? A: For the high value product, our MOQ starts from 10g,100g and 1kg. Q3:Which kind of payment terms do you accept? A: Proforma invoice enclosed with our bank information will be sent after confirmation of order. payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Q4:How about your delivery time? A: Generally, it will take 3 to 5 days after receiving your advance payment. Q5:How do you treat quality complaint? A:First of all, our quality control will reduce the quality problem near to zero. If there is a quality problem caused by us, we will send you free goods for replacement or refund your loss. Main products Mit-Ivy is a well-known fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturer with strong R&D support in China. Mainly involved Aniline, Chlorine products. Payment:DA 60 DAYS TEL:008619961957599   E-MAIL:[email protected] 产品 Product CAS   N-甲基间甲苯胺 N-Methyl-M-Methylaniline 696-44-6 N-羟乙基苯胺 N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-Aniline 122-98-5 N-乙基对甲苯胺 N-ethyl-p-toluidine 622-57-1 N,N-二甲基邻甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-o-toluidine 609-72-3 N-甲基邻甲苯胺 N-Methyl-o-methylaniline 611-21-2 N,N-二乙基对甲苯胺 N,N-Diethyl-p-toluidine 613-48-9 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluidine 91-67-8 N-氰乙基-N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-cyanoethyl-n-hydroxyethyl-m-toluidine 119-95-9 N-乙基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-m-toluidine 102-27-2 N-氰乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-cyanoethyl-n-hydroxyethyl aniline 92-64-8 N-乙基邻甲苯胺 N-ethyl-o-toluidine 94-68-8   N,N-二羟乙基对甲苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl-p-toluidine   .3077-12-1   N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-diethyl aniline 91-66-7 N-丁基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-butyl-n-hydroxy aniline 3046-94-4 N-乙基-N-氰乙基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-n-cyanoethyl-m-toluidine 148-69-6 N-丁基-N-氰乙基苯胺 N-butyl-n-cyano aniline   61852-40-2 N-甲基- N-羟乙基苯胺 N-methyl-n-hydroxyetjyl aniline   93-90-3 N,N-二丁基苯胺 N,N-dibutyl aniline 613-29-6 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-cyanoethyl aniline   148-87-8 N-正丁基苯胺 N-Phenyl-N-butyl aniline 1126-78-9   N-乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-hydroxyethyl aniline 92-50-2 N-乙基-N-苄基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-n-benzyl-m-toluidine 119-94-8 N-甲基-N-苄基苯胺 N-methyl-n-benzyl aniline 614-30-2 N-异丙基苯胺 N-isopropy aniline   768-52-5   N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-benzyl aniline 92-59-1 N-环已基苯胺 N-Cyclohexylaniline 1821-36-9   N,N-二甲基间甲苯胺 N,N,3-trimethyl- Dimethyl-m-toluidine   121-72-2   N-甲基甲酰苯胺 N-Methylformanilide 93-61-8   N-甲基-N-羟乙基对甲苯胺 N-(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-N-METHYL-4-TOLUIDINE 2842-44-6 N,N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N,N,4-trimethyl-;dimethyl-4-toluidine; Dimethyl-p-toluidine 99-97-8   N-甲基对甲苯胺 N-Methyl-p-toluidine   623-08-5 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-dimethyl aniline 121-69-7 N,N-二羟乙基苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl aniline 120-07-0 N-乙基-N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-Hydroxyethyl-M-Toluidine 91-88-3   N,N-二羟乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl-m-toluidine   91-99-6   N-乙基苯胺 N-ethyl aniline 103-69-5   N-甲基苯胺 N-methyl aniline 100-61-8 N-甲基对甲苯胺 4-Methyl-N-methylaniline 623-08-5 N-甲基-N-羟乙基苯胺   2-(N-Methylanilino)ethanol 93-90-3 N,N-二甲基对苯二胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-P-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 99-98-9 3-(甲氨基)甲苯 3-(Methylamino)toluene 696-44-6 N,N-二异丙醇对甲苯胺 DIPROPOXY-P-TOLUIDINE 38668-48-3 N,N-二乙基邻甲苯胺 N,N-DIETHYL-O-TOLUIDINE 606-46-2 N-甲基对硝基苯胺 N-Methyl-4-nitroaniline 100-15-2 N,N-二苄基苯胺 N,N-DIBENZYLANILINE 91-73-6 N-苯基乙醇胺 2-Anilinoethanol 122-98-5 N-苄基苯胺 N-Phenylbenzylamine 103-32-2 N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-2-HYDROXYETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 102-41-0 N-乙基N氯乙基间甲苯胺 N-ETHYL-N-CHLOROETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 22564-43-8   N,N-二乙基-4-氨基-2-甲基苯甲醛 4-Diethylamino-2-methylbenzaldehyde 92-14-8 间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine  MT 108-44-1 1,4-二溴-2,5-二碘苯 1,4-DIBROMO-2,5-DIIODOBENZENE 63262-06-6 N,N-二羟乙基对苯二胺硫酸盐 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine sulphate 54381-16-7 N-乙基-N-苄基-4-氨基苯甲醛 4-(N-Ethyl-N-benzyl)amino-benzoaldehyde 67676-47-5 N,N-二乙基-4-氨基苯甲醛 4-Diethylaminobenzaldehyde 120-21-8 对二甲胺基苯甲醛 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 100-10-7 2-氨基噻唑 2-Aminothiazole 96-50-4 对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine  PT 106-49-0 N,N-双(2-羟基丙基)苯胺 N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYPROPYL)ANILINE 3077-13-2 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-Ethylanilinopropiononitrile 148-87-8 N-乙基-N-(3'-磺酸苄基)苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-benzylaniline-3'-sulfonic acid 101-11-1 邻苯甲酰苯甲酸甲酯 Methyl 2-benzoylbenzoate 606-28-0 对羟基苯甲酸甲酯 Methylparaben 99-76-3 十四酸异丙酯 Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 棕榈酸异丙酯 Isopropyl palmitate 142-91-6 邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine  OT 95-53-4 4-甲基-N-苯基苯胺 N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE 620-84-8 N,N-二甲基苄胺 N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine  BDMA 103-83-3 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺   N,N-Dimethylformamide  DMF .68-12-2 N-甲基甲酰胺 N,N-Dimethylformamidedimethyl acetal  (DMF-DMA) 4637-24-5 N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 N,N-Dimethylacetamide   DMAC 127-19-5 N,N-二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺 避蚊胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide    DEET 134-62-3 N,N-二乙基羟胺 N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine  DEHA 3710-84-7 N,N-二甲基-间甲基苯胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 121-72-2 N-甲基二苯胺 N-Methyldiphenylamine 552-82-9 N,N-二氰乙基苯胺 N,N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4 N-乙基-2-硝基苯胺 N-Ethyl-2-Nitro-Benzenamine 10112-15-9 N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺 AEEA 111-41-1 二乙烯三胺(DETA) Diethylenetriamine  DETA 111-40-0 三乙烯二胺 Triethylenediamine 280-57-9 三乙烯四胺 TriethylenetetramineTETA 112-24-3 四乙烯五胺 TEPA 112-57-2 间二氯苯 1,3-Dichlorobenzene   MDCB 541-73-1 间二三氟甲苯 1,3-Bis(trifluoromethyl)-benzene 402-31-3 粉末丁腈橡胶 MITIVY33-1(POLYMER/ADHESIVE COMPOUNDING) 9003-18-3 十六烷基氯化吡啶 Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate 6004-24-6 对氯甲苯 4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 无水硫酸钠 SODIUM SULFATE 7757-82-6   /15124-09-1 碱性嫩黄 Auramine O 2465-27-2 偶氮二异丁腈 2,2'-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) 78-67-1   Read the full article
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