#Renting Apartments Cairo
housepointegypt · 5 months
Your Maadi Rental Destination | House Point Egypt
Make Maadi your next rental destination with House Point Egypt. With our extensive knowledge of the Maadi real estate market and our commitment to customer satisfaction, we'll help you find the perfect rental property to suit your needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a temporary home or a long-term residence, Maadi has something for everyone. Trust House Point Egypt to help you find your ideal rental destination in Maadi.
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conceptproperties · 2 years
Mountain View New Cairo
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(Fundraiser verified by @/humans4watermelons)
Don’t skip the story please, read it ! {1$/1€ will make difference } {1$/1€ = Family Safety} Hello all; In the heart of Gaza, I, Moath, a 27-year-old son of love and warmth, find myself caught in the merciless grip of war. Born into a family of six, our bonds were unbreakable, our love unwavering. But as I pursued my dreams of studying medicine in Cairo, leaving them behind, I could never have imagined the horrors that awaited us.
Separated from my loved ones since 2017, the ache of their absence grows with each passing day. Every night, the echoes of explosions reverberate through my soul, a haunting reminder of the violence that plagues our homeland. Despite my longing to return, the war's iron grip keeps us apart, a cruel barrier between me and my family. My brother, Mohammed, becomes a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, tirelessly maintaining equipment at Al-Aqsa Hospital amidst the chaos. Meanwhile, Marah, armed with an accounting certificate, sees her dreams crumble as her job vanishes amidst the rubble of war. And Maram, with dreams of becoming a pharmacist, watches helplessly as bombs reduce her university to ashes. Meanwhile, Mahmoud, my brother, who holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, despite his recent graduation and hopes for a promising future, finds himself stranded without opportunity amidst the chaos of conflict.
As I navigate the depths of medical studies, the weight of my family's suffering bears down upon me like a heavy burden. Each lecture, each textbook, serves as a painful reminder of the sacrifices made in pursuit of a better tomorrow. But despite the darkness, I cling to a fragile hope, praying for a lifeline to pull us from the depths of despair. For me and my family, each day is a battle for survival, a struggle against the tide of violence and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the ruins of our shattered dreams, we hold onto the belief that one day, we will find our way back to each other, and together, we will rebuild what war has torn asunder. Yet, amidst the wreckage of our lives, we cling to the fragile raft of hope, buoyed by the belief that brighter days lie ahead. Your generosity, like a beacon of light in the darkness, offers us a lifeline to navigate these treacherous waters and reach the safety of dry land.
For my family and me, your support is not just a lifeline, but a liferaft in this river of sadness - a symbol of hope amidst the wreckage of our dreams. With each contribution, you help stem the tide of despair and usher in a new dawn of possibility and promise. the money will spent on : * 28,000€ to get out from gaza. *47,000€: * 4000€ for 3 months for rent. * 20,000€ for little sister maram to continue her education at new university. * 13,000€ to get clothes and food for 3 months * 10,000€ to finish my college at faculty of medicine -Cairo university.
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caligulaegon · 1 month
“Hello, I am hozaifa from Gaza. I am 18 years old. I live with my family of 5 members. I used to live in our 4-storey house, which is now actually destroyed, and my dream apartment was destroyed, which cost me approximately 70 thousand dollars. I used to work in the Italiano restaurant in the Rimal neighborhood. The restaurant was destroyed due to the war, and you will witness it. My friends and my only job opportunity were gone. I had been in love with a girl since childhood, 5 years ago. It was a childhood love. She was also martyred. My uncles were also martyred. 3 uncles with their families were martyred. 25 people. The Al-Dalu massacre in Tal Al-Hawa. We lived in the devastated north of Gaza. We suffered from famine. We ate all the animals. We saw death. We were displaced 10 times. We were confined to Al-Shifa Hospital. I was I died nearly 10 times. I lost my 2 cousins ​​and all of my friends. I fell ill with depression. My family of 5 and I were happy to leave Gaza. Please help me. I want to forget everything that happened to me here.We were happy to pay for 5 people to Ya Hala Company, which costs 5,000 thousand dollars per person to cross, approximately 25 in all, and also to find rent for an apartment in Cairo, approximately 400 dollars per month for two months, and also an air ticket for each person, 300 dollars to Turkey, approximately 1,500 dollars, and housing rent for two months. In Turkey, until there is a job opportunity, approximately $700”
i have spoken to hozaifa over instagram (his account is @hozaifa._5903) and i would really appreciate if you showed his videos some support as well / followed him.
gofundme link ; https://gofund.me/6489ec6e
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samanthaandlife · 6 months
I really don’t want to do this but I have to for me and my growth! Breaking up with Aiden was not only violent but my entire world, my life as I knew it, was over! I was ready to leave his authority and demeaning language he used when speaking about me publicly. But our breakup just happened to coincide with the COVID lockdown for which there was some small blessings in the timing. His father booked him a ticket to Cairo as a chance to get away from me and to get an early start on his new job. He believe his flight was one of the last international flights before lockdown. This gave me a guaranteed protection from him for almost a year and boy I needed it. He sent many ugly text and left voicemail that I considered having the police listen to them but never had the courage. I do feel like he would have done physical harm to me, like scared my face and vagina so that nobody else would want me.
With Aiden aside, I had to find a place to live and I was not ever going back to my parent’s house! I burned all of my bridges with friends back home as well, so I found myself homeless at the beginning of the pandemic! Lucky for me, Hank the Yank’s friend had half of a duplex available. Hank was so kind that he covered my rent until I could get my first paycheck, not until the end of August! I got a job at the school where I did my student teaching but with the lockdown and all students being stuck at home, my job’s future seemed in question. Then came the new place in a very ethnic based community, making me the only white woman around. It was pretty scary but I stayed inside all of the time. I tried to do all of my shopping early in the morning when the only activity outside were people going to work. Most of my neighbors were from Mexico to work in the poultry plant near by but a few were definitely in gangs and those boys frightened me! Once I got my first paycheck, I was able to move into a new apartment in a safer neighborhood but that spring and summer were scary.
Living in true isolation for the first time in my life really destroyed part of me. Having lived in such a controlled and sexual environment but now with the lack of direction and purpose coupled with my insatiable sexual lust for male attention; isolation was tough. As many have said, at the time, thank god for Amazon! I got my first programmable vibrator, not to mention the sour dough craze, for a point of reference. Sally and I FaceTime daily which was the only thing keeping me sane. Once school began and learning how to teach virtually, as my first year, ever, as a teacher, that was hard. I did my best but those poor kids and I really struggled the first month of school. We eventually learned a routine and we all started to feel a little more comfortable sharing and having meaningful conversations. What we all saw, behind the student’s faces were their homes and their actual lives! Never before have teachers had that intimate look into other people’s lives, it was voyeurism at its best, if that appeals to you. Appalled, disgusting, funny,sweet, loving, yeah everything, nudity, and of course sexual acts, on occasion. When I met my students for the first time, in person, I just wanted to cry over some, smack a few others, but mostly I was just happy to be in a real classroom, even if we did only meet for 1/2 days with 1/2 of the class and then switch to the other half. Those were some weird times! As restrictions were being lifted, so were my thoughts. I was a long way from where I am now but it was at this point that I started seeing a therapist named Karen. She has been my rock and guiding light through this terrible storm! Slowly, life got easier and as more and more people were able to socialize my spirit lifted again. With Karen’s help, I was first able to overcome my depression but also to help turn my life around and started to develop new life plans and goals, one without the need for men, but one where I make all of the decisions over my body!
It’s been just over four years ago, I am a different woman today. Today I know who I am, what I am, and most importantly what my value is and the strength to not lower my standards. I know there is a man out there who is perfect for me and I for him! Until that day, I celebrate my independence, my life, and my future!
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hdsc-ace · 1 year
Acosmist - Moonknight
XIII. Deals.
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Masterlist Part 12 Rest of my work. Warnings: None.
Lucilla makes her decision.
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Usually Lucilla was good at making the right decision when it came to the Egyptian Gods. However ever since Marc came back into her life alongside the introduction of Arthur Harrow, it's not been as easy.
So, if Lucilla Spector told you that she legitimately debated on the matter, then you'd have to believe it. Because she genuinely did.
"Do not go to Harrow, Lucilla." Ptah explained as he watched Lucilla pace around the living room once Arthur had left.
"Because you've been as honest as he has," she stated sarcastically. "It took you so many years just to tell me you were with Ant. It took him a day."
"There was a reason I never told you any of this. Antony specifically ordered it."
"Oh to hell with what Ant told you Ptah. He's not here anymore so don't pretend to care." Lucilla snapped. She was sick and tired of hearing about bloody Antony from Ptah. It was all they were talking about now. "You wanted to go to Cairo, Harrow is how we get there." She reasoned, making her way back into her room.
"There are other ways."
"None that I can afford," Lucilla muttered. Flights from London to Cairo were over £100 and she was struggling to pay her rent as it is. A trip to Cairo would only scupper her only living arrangement. She turned to her wardrobe and pulled out a large rucksack. There was pause as Lucilla recognised the bag. It was the bag that was returned to Lucilla with Ant's items from his last trip. Over the past few years his things were emptied and moved to different places around the apartment but a couple items of his remained in the bag. A dark green cap and a small dagger lied at the bottom.
Lucilla recognised the dagger almost instantly. It was the one Ant gave to her the day before he left. She had wondered where it had gotten to. Must've gotten mixed up with Ant's stuff a few years ago during her move from the house.
It was surprising. If someone had told Lucilla a couple of years ago that she was going to loose the two closest people to her from Marc's actions, she simply laughed it off. She would laugh mainly because she had close to none contact with Marc back then and a good relationship with an easy life forming. Everything was going great for the girl a few years ago. However, in the end, life is a single circle with a few twists. The same actions and consequences have so return every so often to haunt you.
"Please don't kill me," Lucilla whispered under her breath as she made her decision. She wanted answers to every single question she had about the people around her, and at the moment the only clear way of getting them was through Arthur Harrow. It wasn't what Ptah or Ant could've wished for but Lucilla wanted to know what happened and why she's now involved.
To who she was requesting to avoid killing her was unclear, even for herself. But Lucilla dug her hand into the bag and pulled out the hat. The scuff marks where exactly how she remembered them. A small smile came to her face as she remembered the Ant's face when Lucilla used to throw the hat at the man before leaving the house.
The cap was quickly placed onto Lucilla's head and the knife was carefully slid into her pocket. The woman took a deep breath before filling the bag up with clothes. There wasn't much that Lucilla put into the bag however it was only the essentials. It was enough to last a week minimum.
Ptah remained silent while Lucilla got ready to leave the flat. There wasn't much for him to stop Lucilla, once her mind was set to something there was nothing to do to stop her. Besides, she would still be completing what Ptah required either way. He even remained silent as the girl left her apartment and headed towards the place Mr Harrow said he'd be.
And be there he was. He was stood directly in the middle of the square, leaning on his cane just watching the direction Lucilla walked from. He wasn't difficult to spot as he didn't wear anything similar to average Londoners. He wasn't surprised by Lucilla's decision.
"Ms Spector," Arthur greeted loudly as the girl entered hearing distance. "Glad, you accepted my offer."
"Ditto," Lucilla forced a smile as she greeted the man. "I help you, you answer my questions, right?" She questioned, adjusting her sleeves as she reached the man.
"I believe that was what I implied," Harrow nodded. "Cairo isn't going to be an simple task, so I hope that suits you as a payment. We don't have much else to repay you with."
"It works," Lucilla nodded ever so slightly at the man.
"Perfect," Harrow smiled as he shifted. His eyes moved across numerous groups of people around them before looking back at Lucilla again. "How about we head somewhere more appropriate? You can leave your stuff there whilst we discuss?"
Lucilla nodded again, moving forwards as Harrow gestured for her to continue walking. He moved to lead the way towards a group of buildings. They weren't like the rest of the houses occupying the streets of London. Well, structurally they were exact copies however they felt and present as something else. It was hard for Lucilla to pinpoint the exact vibe it gave the girl.
"There are quite a few of us housed here so I do apologise about the faces," Harrow apologised as groups of people stopped whatever they were doing to acknowledge Lucilla's presence in their community. There was everything from young children holding their toys tightly to elderly struggling to walk down the steps from their home. They all stood to watch as if they were one person. "We don't get many visitors like you."
"Like Me?" Lucilla questioned cautiously. Her eyes looked over almost every single person there before Harrow let them into the building. However, once Harrow opened the door to a large dining area that could fit a whole town, Lucilla halted. Ptah stood directly in the middle of the dimly lit room with his arms crossed.
"A friend of us," Harrow explained, catching the girl's odd stare in the blank room. "He's there, isn't he?" He asked the question as if he could see exactly what Lucilla could.
She drew in a short breath before shaking her head. "No," was all she muttered before walking into the large hall. Arthur only nodded, knowing that Ptah was with the girl no matter what and they weren't alone in the hall. It was only the three of them.
There was furniture scattered throughout the room. Sofas sat by a large tarp showing a documentary with table and chairs everywhere else. A few storage filled with food units was placed in between the two areas.
"We are a neighbour hood that tries to help each other whenever we can," Harrow explained the neighbourhood to the girl. "We share and teach others our knowledge, grow our own food that's open to everyone." He began to gesture to the shelves beside Lucilla. "We've really improved this place over the past few years. It used to have the highest crime rate but now we don't bother to lock the doors."
"That's impressive," Lucilla replied. Feeling so safe that you didn't feel the need to lock your home's doors was a big trust in your community. The current society couldn't even do that but Harrow managed it far better than anyone could imagine. "Not many can achieve that."
"Everyone knows each other well enough to do so," he reasoned as he lead Lucilla towards the tables. "Are you hungry? The food's free here."
"I'm fine, thanks." Lucilla denied the offer as Harrow sat down at a table. She quickly followed his actions as sat across from the man, letting her bag fall beside her.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," Harrow assumed, receiving a nod from the girl. "I'm afraid I can't answer all of it right now. If I did well, we wouldn't have an agreement here."
"What can you tell me now?" Lucilla questioned. She didn't care when she got the answers she wanted, she just wanted them.
"Your Fiancé was a good man," Harrow explained whilst answering the Girl's question. "He served us well throughout the time we knew him. It was a pleasure to know him before his death. I'm sure you had just as well of time?"
"He was," Lucilla agreed with a small smile. "How did he get into all of this?" She gestured to the building.
It was weird how Ant got into something like this. It was... weird. The community Harrow built wasn't normal. It was as if they were all one person.. sharing one mind.
A laugh exited Harrow's mouth as he smiled at Lucilla's questions. "Antony assisted a few of our residents over seas. He kept in contact with them afterwards for quite a while."
"And Ptah?" 
"I'm not sure about that part." Harrow paused to think for a minute, "I'd assume it was if he stumbled across Ptah's tomb in a moment of need but I can't be sure. He never spoke about it nor anything about the god's deeply." He watched Lucilla's eyes fall behind him to where Ptah stood. "Have you tried asking them?" 
"No," Lucilla stated, forcing her eyes back onto Harrow. "We haven't spoken much recently." "How come?" Talking to a God about anything was difficult, Harrow knew that with experience with Khonshu, but with Ptah it was even harder. Lucilla learned that from experience. Ptah never gave out information unless it was important.
"He was the one to tell me Ant was apart of this to begin with," She explained quietly. The last thing Lucilla needed was to spill stuff to the man who attack her and Steven last night. However, she had no choice. 
"And the deal they made?" 
"That i'd take over the role as protection once Ant was one." Arthur only hummed at their words as if he knew the God's deals well. "What?" Lucilla questioned. 
"Never knew a God to make a deal that protects anyone but their avatar."
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aqarly · 2 days
شقة فندقية للايجار على النيل 150م فرش فندقى فيو مباشرشقة فندقية للايجار على النيل 150م فرش فندقى فيو مباشر التفاصيل : المساحة : 150م التقسيم : 3 غرف  ريسبشن 3 قطع  2 حمام  مطبخ الطابق :السابع مميزات اخرى : 1- على النيل مباشرة 2- تقسيم ممتاز 3- فرش جديد بالكامل 4- سعر ممتاز [gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="4954,4953,4949,4947,4957,4955,4946,4950,4951,4956,4952,4948"] مهم جدا أن تعرف قبل الإتصال : أنا أحمد إبراهيم أعمل مستشارا عقاريا وبالتسويق بالعقارات منذ 2008 أقدم النصيحة قبل العقار والمساعدة لعميلى وتحقيق أهدافة هو أولويتى فلاتتردد بالاتصال بى لطلب المساعدة والمشورة فى العقارات : شراء / بيع / تأجير / إستثمار وخدماتى : إستشارة عقارية / قانونية مجانا لشىء يخص العقار تقديم من 2 – 4 معاينات لنفس العقار فى أوقات مختلفة / تجهيز العقار مجانا بعد الشراء luxury Furnished apartment for rent in Cairo in Egypt ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ #القاهرة #للايجار_بالقاهرة #شقة_فندقية #المنيل #شقق_فندقية تصفح هذة الاقسام فى موقع عقار لى ستجد العديد من العروض شقق مفروشة للايجار بالمنيل– شقق فندقية للايجار فى القاهرة   شقق فندقية للايجار فى الدقى - شقق مفروشة للايجار بالمنيل – شقق مفروشة للايجار بالدقى- للاستعلام أو عرض عقارك معنا 01143076076  002 –     01060159939  002 للمذيد من العروض المميزة والعقارات الاخرى برجاء زيارة موقع عقار لى الصفحة الرئيسية شقق مفروشة للايجار المنيل شقق مفروشة للايجار في المنيل شقق مفروشة للايجار في المنيل القاهرة شقة مفروشة للايجار في المنيل شقق فندقية للايجار المنيلhttps://www.aqarly.com/278%d8%b4%d9%82%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%86%d8%af%d9%82%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%8a%d8%ac%d8%a7%d8%b1-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%84-150%d9%85-%d9%81%d8%b1%d8%b4-%d9%81%d9%86%d8%af/?feed_id=15088&_unique_id=66ecfd28bd66e#شققفندقيةللايجاربالقاهرة #شققمفروشةعلىالنيل #شققمفروشةللايجارعلىالنيل
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mbbsblogsblog · 3 days
Study MBBS in Egypt: Affordable Medical Education with Excellent Opportunities
 Study MBBS in Egypt to fulfill your aim of becoming a doctor. You can compete with the expert doctors by pursuing MBBS course at a top-notch medical university in Egypt.
Living expenses
The cost of living is determined by your desired lifestyle. In general cost of living; transportation, food, education, and other necessities are less expensive in Egypt.
Tuition fees
Tuition costs in Egypt are charged per credit hour. Credit hours vary. The amount of credit hours varies depending on the programme/course of study. You should anticipate to pay around USD $500 each credit hour. Tuition prices vary per university and curriculum.
Student Accommodation
Students have the following accommodation possibilities in Egypt: University Dormitory/Halls of Residence:
Most universities have dormitories. Rooms in student dorms are often shared by two students. Other facilities include a café, laundry, computer labs, and so forth. The cost of university dormitories varies. Private Accommodation:
It might be an apartment. This type of accommodation is ideal for students going to Egypt with families or who like a bit more privacy. The pricing varies according to the neighbourhood and facilities.
This option allows students to stay with an Egyptian family and learn about their culture and traditions. This choice lets you settle into the Egyptian lifestyle. The price varies according to the location, unit size, and amenities. Students might acquire accommodations through real estate agencies. Transportation: Getting Around with Taxi
Taxis is the most convenient method to go about Egypt. Each city has its unique public cab colour scheme, like as black and white in Cairo, yellow and black in Alexandria, and so on. Every cab has a meter system. Taxis issue receipts.
Travelling in and around by bus
In Egypt, there are three types of buses: microbuses, minibuses, and buses. The buses are reasonably priced and have set time intervals.
Travelling by car You can simply rent a car in Egypt. There are several agencies that offer automobile services. Contact the organisations to learn about the automobile rental process. An International Driving Licence is required to rent or operate a car in Egypt. Egyptians drive on the right side of the street.
Health requirements
Embassies publish lists of the immunisations necessary to enter Egypt. All overseas students must have complete health insurance coverage while studying in Egypt, which includes accidents, illness, emergency medical evacuation, and so on. Health insurance costs vary depending on the type of coverage.
Health Care System Egypt offers a universal health-care system. Egypt's health-care system is managed primarily by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO).
Nongovernmental Insurance Schemes
Egypt has two major insurance companies that are government-supervised yet operate independently in terms of administration and finance. They are: The health insurance organisation (HIO) covers students, employees, and widows. Premiums are taken from both employee and employer payrolls. The Curative Care Organisation (CCO) serves particular Egyptian governorates, including Alexandria, Damietta, Cairo, Port Said, Kafr el Sheikh, and Kalyubia. The CCO contracts with government departments, organisations, people, and businesses for care services and sets premiums appropriately.For more details on pursuing MBBS in Egypt, contact our team!
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mahmoudghannam · 11 days
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"Once we can secure their evacuation from Gaza, the plan is to move the family to Cairo. We’ll rent an apartment and provide them with the essentials to start a new life. If we raise enough funds, we aim to buy an apartment, which would give them permanent residency in Egypt. If not, we’ll explore the option of Turkey. With your help, we can make this happen. Let’s give Sham, Sara, Kinda, and Nadin a safe future.
HelpRebuildLives #NewHopeForGaza #DonateNow"
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housepointegypt · 5 months
Maadi Properties for Rent | House Point Egypt
Discover a world of possibilities with our extensive selection of properties for rent in Maadi. Whether you're looking for a cozy apartment or a spacious villa, we have a variety of options to suit your lifestyle and budget. Explore Maadi's charming neighborhoods, convenient amenities, and scenic views with House Point Egypt as your trusted partner in real estate. Let us help you find the perfect property for rent in Maadi today.
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cyrenescreams · 21 days
I am Malek Samer, a young Palestinian man from Gaza
I am 30 years old.
I was born into a large family, a family full of love, tenderness, happiness and dreams. We lived in a warm and happy house, and peace and quiet prevailed throughout the city. We used to go out together, love life together, be happy together, work together and stay up late together, but suddenly the war came and everything became... ashes, the house, the memories, the warmth, we no longer had anything, we lost everything, there was no happiness, everything became sad, because of the destruction and genocide caused by the occupation, the warmth disappeared, the quiet disappeared, the happy life disappeared, and fear, sadness and destruction spread everywhere.
I am a young man who proposed to the girl my heart loves several months before the war. I intended to marry her, but the war came and I lost all my dreams and ambitions. My small house was destroyed, and with it all my memories and dreams.
I used to work in a ready-made clothing store, but it was completely destroyed, I have nothing left, they did not destroy places, they destroyed our dreams and memories and everything beautiful, they destroyed ourselves, and our psyche is tired of the destruction and fear of loss.
I have a younger brother named Abdullah who dreamed of studying law at Al-Quds Open University in Gaza, which was also completely destroyed, and now he cannot complete his dream of becoming a lawyer as he has two years left until he graduates.
I have an older sister named Suha who finished her studies at Al-Quds Open University, majoring in accounting, and now she cannot complete her dream and find a suitable job for her.
I am writing my story now under the bombing and destruction, our house was bombed and destroyed and we no longer have a place to sleep and feel safe, now we sleep in tents in the street under the unbearable high temperatures and the bitter cold at night, without safety, warmth or basic necessities of life. My mother suffers from high blood pressure and chronic diseases and needs treatment, but she is not receiving any treatment and the smoke from the fire is affecting her negatively and I am very afraid for her. My grandmother needs to be taken out of Gaza quickly because she suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and needs care and medical examinations, but all of this is not available, which has led to the deterioration of her health. Due to the lack of treatment, as the occupation prevents the entry of medicines, we are very afraid for her. Now my dream and only wish is to leave Gaza with my family safely. We are a large family of 10 people, 5 young men, 6 girls, a child, a mother, a grandmother and a father. The situation in Gaza is currently very bad. There is no clean water to drink, and this has led to us contracting intestinal diseases. There is no treatment available in hospitals or pharmacies. There is no healthy food. We do not have any of the basic necessities of life, and there is no safe place in Gaza. There is bombing and destruction everywhere. My family and I need your help to get us out of Gaza. We need your support to escape from Gaza and save our lives to Egypt, as traveling to Egypt requires Egyptian coordination, and this costs $5,000 per person. Adult and $2500 for children, we are 10 people, so coordinating all my family members requires $35000. In addition, there are travel and passport procedures which require $3000 per adult and $2500 for children, and transportation to get to Cairo International Airport which costs $1000The rent for the apartment we will stay in when we arrive from the airport is $1,000, and the basics of life because we left the house without taking anything, we left at night under the bombing, without clothes, without food, we left to escape for our lives and fled to the tents in Rafah, and registering in universities and schools, and buying all the basics of life we ​​need, and moving to a new stage in our lives in which we live safely, without fear or bombing, all of this requires $40,000 to save our lives and leave Gaza and complete our educational journey for me and my sisters and achieve our dreams and improve our health, and provide the necessary treatment for my mother and grandmother and take care of their health, I do not want to lose anyone from my family, they are my life and my love and everything, we live in a very difficult situation, we sleep in the cold, in the dark, there is no water, no electricity, no bathroom, no gas for cooking, only tents to escape the bombing, I will attach to you pictures of the suffering we live in Gaza, such as cooking daily on wood due to the lack of gas and heating water on the fire to bathe due to the lack of electricity and preparing bread on coal or fire and seeing the bombing and destruction with our own eyes And sleep so that we do not see the horror at night. My little brothers cry at night from fear and the sounds caused by the bombing. We are very afraid, so I ask you to help us get out of the war quickly and safely. Help me and my family to leave Gaza and travel to Egypt to find a house with water, electricity, and healthy food. Find treatment and medicine for my mother before her health deteriorates so that my brothers and I can complete our educational journey, achieve our dreams and ambitions, and maintain the safety of our lives. Help me get rid of my suffering.
I am so sorry for all the hardships you and your family have faced. I hope you and your family are safe and that you can reach your donation goal soon. I will keep you in my thoughts
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rainbowywitch · 21 days
I am Malek Samer, a young Palestinian man from Gaza
I am 30 years old.
I was born into a large family, a family full of love, tenderness, happiness and dreams. We lived in a warm and happy house, and peace and quiet prevailed throughout the city. We used to go out together, love life together, be happy together, work together and stay up late together, but suddenly the war came and everything became... ashes, the house, the memories, the warmth, we no longer had anything, we lost everything, there was no happiness, everything became sad, because of the destruction and genocide caused by the occupation, the warmth disappeared, the quiet disappeared, the happy life disappeared, and fear, sadness and destruction spread everywhere.
I am a young man who proposed to the girl my heart loves several months before the war. I intended to marry her, but the war came and I lost all my dreams and ambitions. My small house was destroyed, and with it all my memories and dreams.
I used to work in a ready-made clothing store, but it was completely destroyed, I have nothing left, they did not destroy places, they destroyed our dreams and memories and everything beautiful, they destroyed ourselves, and our psyche is tired of the destruction and fear of loss.
I have a younger brother named Abdullah who dreamed of studying law at Al-Quds Open University in Gaza, which was also completely destroyed, and now he cannot complete his dream of becoming a lawyer as he has two years left until he graduates.
I have an older sister named Suha who finished her studies at Al-Quds Open University, majoring in accounting, and now she cannot complete her dream and find a suitable job for her.
I am writing my story now under the bombing and destruction, our house was bombed and destroyed and we no longer have a place to sleep and feel safe, now we sleep in tents in the street under the unbearable high temperatures and the bitter cold at night, without safety, warmth or basic necessities of life. My mother suffers from high blood pressure and chronic diseases and needs treatment, but she is not receiving any treatment and the smoke from the fire is affecting her negatively and I am very afraid for her. My grandmother needs to be taken out of Gaza quickly because she suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and needs care and medical examinations, but all of this is not available, which has led to the deterioration of her health. Due to the lack of treatment, as the occupation prevents the entry of medicines, we are very afraid for her. Now my dream and only wish is to leave Gaza with my family safely. We are a large family of 10 people, 5 young men, 6 girls, a child, a mother, a grandmother and a father. The situation in Gaza is currently very bad. There is no clean water to drink, and this has led to us contracting intestinal diseases. There is no treatment available in hospitals or pharmacies. There is no healthy food. We do not have any of the basic necessities of life, and there is no safe place in Gaza. There is bombing and destruction everywhere. My family and I need your help to get us out of Gaza. We need your support to escape from Gaza and save our lives to Egypt, as traveling to Egypt requires Egyptian coordination, and this costs $5,000 per person. Adult and $2500 for children, we are 10 people, so coordinating all my family members requires $35000. In addition, there are travel and passport procedures which require $3000 per adult and $2500 for children, and transportation to get to Cairo International Airport which costs $1000.The rent for the apartment we will stay in when we arrive from the airport is $1,000, and the basics of life because we left the house without taking anything, we left at night under the bombing, without clothes, without food, we left to escape for our lives and fled to the tents in Rafah, and registering in universities and schools, and buying all the basics of life we ​​need, and moving to a new stage in our lives in which we live safely, without fear or bombing, all of this requires $40,000 to save our lives and leave Gaza and complete our educational journey for me and my sisters and achieve our dreams and improve our health, and provide the necessary treatment for my mother and grandmother and take care of their health, I do not want to lose anyone from my family, they are my life and my love and everything, we live in a very difficult situation, we sleep in the cold, in the dark, there is no water, no electricity, no bathroom, no gas for cooking, only tents to escape the bombing, I will attach to you pictures of the suffering we live in Gaza, such as cooking daily on wood due to the lack of gas and heating water on the fire to bathe due to the lack of electricity and preparing bread on coal or fire and seeing the bombing and destruction with our own eyes And sleep so that we do not see the horror at night. My little brothers cry at night from fear and the sounds caused by the bombing. We are very afraid, so I ask you to help us get out of the war quickly and safely. Help me and my family to leave Gaza and travel to Egypt to find a house with water, electricity, and healthy food. Find treatment and medicine for my mother before her health deteriorates so that my brothers and I can complete our educational journey, achieve our dreams and ambitions, and maintain the safety of our lives. Help me get rid of my suffering.
Hello everyone, My name is Bashar Osama Al-Habil, and I’m 19 years old. This is my sister, Baraa Osama Al-Habil, who is 22. Our father was martyred in 2006, leaving us to navigate life in the midst of the Gaza war. Every day, we face the stark reality of our situation: the constant hum of drones overhead, the distant rumbles of conflict, and the struggle to find moments of peace amidst the chaos. Our home, once a haven, now bears the scars of a relentless conflict. We cling to the memories of our father, who used to tell us stories of a world beyond this turmoil—a world filled with hope and possibilities. Baraa, despite the heavy burden of responsibility, remains a beacon of strength and courage. She works tirelessly to ensure we have enough to eat and a safe place to sleep, even as the world around us crumbles. She often shares stories of our father, her voice wavering but resolute, as she paints a picture of a future where we can live without fear. As for me, I try to be the pillar of support she needs, though the weight of our reality sometimes feels too much to bear. I focus on small acts of kindness and moments of normalcy—a shared meal, a quiet evening under the stars, a book we both cherish. These small fragments of normal life become our sanctuary. In the midst of this turmoil, we find strength in each other and in the memories of our father. We hold on to the hope that one day, peace will return and we will be able to rebuild our lives. Until then, we endure, not just as survivors of this conflict, but as a testament to the resilience and unwavering spirit that has defined our family through the darkest of times. Thank you for listening to our story. Bashar
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aroaceweirdos101 · 1 month
Come with me to tell you my story in detail, I mean my suffering
I am Mahmoud Anwar, a young Palestinian man from Gaza
I am 30 years old.
I was born into a large family, a family full of love, tenderness, happiness and dreams. We lived in a warm and happy house, and peace and quiet prevailed throughout the city. We used to go out together, love life together, be happy together, work together and stay up late together, but suddenly the war came and everything became... ashes, the house, the memories, the warmth, we no longer had anything, we lost everything, there was no happiness, everything became sad, because of the destruction and genocide caused by the occupation, the warmth disappeared, the quiet disappeared, the happy life disappeared, and fear, sadness and destruction spread everywhere.
I am a young man who proposed to the girl my heart loves a few months before the war. I intended to marry her, but the war came and I lost all my dreams and ambitions. My small house was destroyed, and with it all my memories and dreams.
I used to work in a ready-made clothing store, but it was completely destroyed, I have nothing left, they didn't destroy places, they destroyed our dreams, our memories and everything beautiful, they destroyed ourselves, and our psyche is tired of the destruction and the fear of loss.
I have a younger brother named Abdullah who dreamed of studying law at Al-Quds Open University in Gaza, which was also completely destroyed, and now he can't complete his dream of becoming a lawyer as he has two years left until he graduates.
I have an older sister named Suha who finished her studies at Al-Quds Open University, majoring in accounting, and now she is unable to complete her dream and find a suitable job for her.
I am writing my story now under the bombing and destruction. Our house was bombed and destroyed and we no longer have a place to sleep and feel safe. Now we sleep in tents in the street under the unbearable high temperatures and the bitter cold at night, without safety, warmth or basic necessities of life. My mother suffers from high blood pressure and chronic diseases and needs treatment, but she is not receiving any treatment. The smoke from the fire is negatively affecting her, and I am very afraid for her. My grandmother needs to be taken out of Gaza quickly because she suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and needs care and medical examinations, but all of this is not available, which has led to the deterioration of her health and because of the lack of treatment as the occupation prevents the entry of medicines, we are very afraid for her. Now my dream and only wish is to leave Gaza with my family safely, we are a big family of 10 people, we are 5 young men, 6 girls, a child, a mother, a grandmother and a father, the situation in Gaza is currently very bad, there is no clean water to drink, and this has led to us contracting intestinal diseases, there is no treatment available in hospitals or pharmacies, there is no healthy food, we do not have any of the basic necessities of life, and there is no safe place in Gaza, everywhere there is bombing and destruction, my family and I need your help to get us out of Gaza, we need your support to escape from Gaza and save our lives to Egypt, as traveling to Egypt requires Egyptian coordination, and this costs $5,000 per adult and $2,500 for children, we are 10 people, so coordination for all members of my family requires $35,000. In addition, there are travel and passport procedures that require $3,000 for one adult and $2,500 for children, and transportation to reach Cairo International Airport, which costs $1,000The rent for the apartment we will stay in when we arrive from the airport is $1,000, and the basics of life because we left the house without taking anything, we left at night under the bombing, without clothes, without food, we left to escape for our lives and fled to the tents in Rafah, and registering in universities and schools, and buying all the basics of life we ​​need, and moving to a new stage in our lives in which we live safely, without fear or bombing, all of this requires $40,000 to save our lives and leave Gaza and complete our educational journey for me and my sisters and achieve our dreams and improve our health, and provide the necessary treatment for my mother and grandmother and take care of their health, I do not want to lose anyone from my family, they are my life and my love and everything, we live in a very difficult situation, we sleep in the cold, in the dark, there is no water, no electricity, no bathroom, no gas for cooking, only tents to escape the bombing, I will attach to you pictures of the suffering we live in Gaza, such as cooking daily on wood due to the lack of gas and heating water on the fire to bathe due to the lack of electricity and preparing bread on coal or fire and seeing the bombing and destruction with our own eyes And sleep so that we do not see the horror at night. My little brothers cry at night from fear and the sounds caused by the bombing. We are very afraid, so I ask you to help us get out of the war quickly and safely. Help me and my family to leave Gaza and travel to Egypt to find a house with water, electricity, and healthy food. Find treatment and medicine for my mother before her health deteriorates so that my brothers and I can complete our educational journey, achieve our dreams and ambitions, and maintain the safety of our lives. Help me get rid of my suffering.
We're sorry to hear that, unfortunately both of us are minors and dont have the money to be able to donate, but we can try and share this post and hope that you'll ge the neccessary funding you need^^
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inkydavinkygal · 2 months
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​​Here is the breakdown of how much money is needed:
Fees to cross the border from Gaza to Egypt: $127,500 ($7,500 per person as of December, will probably cost more now)
Plane ticket from Cairo to Sydney: $17,000 ($1,000 per person)
Rent in Sydney Australia: $8,000 for the first month (average rent of a 2 bedroom apartment is $2,000 and about 4 apartments will be needed for all four families)
TOTAL: $152,500
Our family has been working hard to gather funds for the journey but we need help to pay for their flights and expenses out of Gaza. We need your help to make this happen! 
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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letusbloomtogether · 7 months
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Help My Friends' Beloved Family Escape Gaza
Letter from my friend, Mahmoud Shakshak, 01/22/2024
Hello everyone, I need you to help my family escape a genocide against Palestinians and televised massacres. My name is Mahmoud, I'm from The Gaza Strip, Palestine. I am a university student in İstanbul, Türkiye, and I am raising this fundraiser to help get my beloved family out of Gaza.
The current situation as of date: My parents and two unmarried siblings are together in Khan Younis. My two married siblings, their spouses, and my four nephews (the youngest was born in the middle of the war) evacuated their home to the south where they sought safety for their children in UN tents. After 100 days of miraculously cheating death, my parents had to leave our home in Khan Younis City and go south to Rafah City. Rafah was too crowded, my family had to go back to the danger zone in Khan Younis. Their immediate area is a target for Israeli airstrikes, the hospital near them has already been hit. The building we live in is partially damaged from the blast force of missiles hitting the surrounding area. It could collapse and it’s not safe. They also lack adequate food and water supply, and cannot seek proper health and emergency care.
I have not been able to contact my parents for two days. The last time I spoke to my brother, Mohammed was three weeks ago. My pain is nothing compared to others, yet I never thought I could go through so much, and lose This number of people and things close to my heart.
This is my beloved family who you would be helping: My parents: Father: Sadi (retired). He’s 65 years old. Mother: Amna (housewife). She’s 57 years old.
Mohammed and his family: Father: Mohammed, my elder brother. (33 years old). Wife: Hanan, my sister-in-law. (33 years old). Son: Sadi Jr. My nephew. (6 years old). Son: Ahmad. My nephew. (5 years old). Son: Mohammed Jr. My nephew. (101 days old).
(Sadi and Ahmad with their father. Their mother, Ghadeer, unfortunately, passed away in 2021)
Walaa And Her Family: Mother: Walaa, my elder sister. Computer engineer. housewife (35 years old). Father: Muhannad, my brother-in-law. Social worker. (36 years old). Son: Bashar, my nephew. Student (8 years old).
Bashar at his 1st-grade graduation ceremony)
My unmarried siblings: Brother: Raed. Project manager. (27 years old). Sister: Zeena. Student. (15 years old).
How is your support going to be used?
The majority of the support will be used to pay for special permits on the Egyptian borders. Unfortunately, the cost for that rises by the hour, starting at 500 USD per person at the beginning, and ending up at 11,000 USD per person at the moment. If children do not need permits to cross the borders, the cost will be 88,000 USD. The rest of your support will be used to bring them to Türkiye. It is expected to be divided as follows:
A. The Sini: Transportation from Rafah border to Cairo. While cars that cross the Sini desert between the two cities control the prices and charges for passengers escaping the war, It should not cost more than 2,000 USD. B. Travel fees: such as flight tickets and visas should cost around 4,000 USD for all of my family.
C. Upon arrival: Unfortunately, my sister and I will not be able to host all of my family in our rented apartment in Istanbul. I will have to find a suitable, big enough place to rent for the three families so they can settle in. Medical exams are a must, especially for my 3-month-old nephew and my parents. These should cost around 6,000 USD.
Making the total cost of saving my family 100,000 USD.
How Can You Support Us? If you cannot donate, the next best thing you could do for us is to share this with your friends and your community. I want my family out of harm's way, we would greatly appreciate any help we can get!
Thank you all so very much, Mahmoud Shakshak
Support the evacuation: https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon https://bit.ly/3To827T
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arjaysingh · 7 months
MBBS in Egypt for Indian Students 2024-25
In recent years, Egypt has emerged as a popular destination for Indian students seeking to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. With its rich history, world-class medical education facilities, and affordable tuition fees, Egypt offers a promising option for aspiring doctors from India. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of pursuing MBBS in Egypt for Indian students for the academic year 2024-25.
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Why Choose Egypt for MBBS
High-quality medical education
Egyptian medical universities are renowned for their excellent academic standards and modern teaching methodologies.
Internationally recognized degrees
MBBS degrees obtained from Egypt  universities are recognized globally, including by medical councils in India.
Cultural experience
Studying MBBS In Egypt offers Indian students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich cultural heritage while pursuing their education.
Affordable tuition fees
Compared to many Western countries, the cost of studying MBBS in Egypt is relatively lower, making it an attractive option for Indian students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
Eligibility Criteria
Academic qualifications: Indian students seeking admission to MBBS programs in Egypt typically need to have completed their higher secondary education (12th grade) with a strong background in science, including subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Language proficiency
Most universities in Egypt require proficiency in English, and some may also require proficiency in Arabic, the primary language of instruction.
Admission Process
Application procedure
Prospective students can apply directly to the universities or through authorised agents. Application forms are usually available online, and applicants need to submit the required documents along with the application fee.
Entrance exams
Some universities may require students to clear entrance exams such as the International Students Admission Test (ISAT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
Visa requirements
Indian students need to obtain a student visa from the Egyptian embassy or consulate in India. The visa application process typically requires proof of admission to a recognized university, financial documents, and medical insurance.
Top Medical Universities in Egypt
Cairo University Faculty of Medicine
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine
Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine
Assiut University Faculty of Medicine
Curriculum and Duration
The MBBS In Egypt usually spans six years, divided into pre-clinical and clinical phases.
Pre-clinical phase
The first three years focus on building a strong foundation in basic medical sciences through theoretical and practical coursework.
Clinical phase
The final three years involve clinical rotations and hands-on training in hospitals and healthcare facilities, allowing students to gain practical experience in various medical specialties.
Cost of Education and Scholarships
Tuition fees for MBBS programs in Egypt vary depending on the university and program, but they are generally more affordable compared to many other countries.
Scholarships and financial aid opportunities are available for international students, including Indian students, based on academic merit, financial need, and other criteria. Prospective students are encouraged to explore scholarship options offered by universities, government bodies, and private organisations.
Accommodation and Living Expenses
Most universities in Egypt offer on-campus accommodation options for international students, including Indian students.
Alternatively, students can choose to rent apartments or shared accommodation off-campus, which may offer more flexibility and privacy.
Living expenses in Egypt, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs, are generally lower compared to many Western countries, making it more affordable for Indian students.
Healthcare Infrastructure and Clinical Experience
Egypt boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure, with modern hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
Clinical experience forms an integral part of the MBBS curriculum in Egypt, with students gaining hands-on experience through rotations in various departments under the supervision of experienced medical professionals.
Pursuing MBBS In Egypt offers Indian students a unique opportunity to receive high-quality medical education at affordable costs while experiencing a rich cultural heritage. With internationally recognized degrees, modern facilities, and ample clinical exposure, Egypt stands out as an attractive destination for aspiring doctors from India in the academic year 2024-25. Prospective students are encouraged to thoroughly research their options, meet the eligibility criteria, and prepare for the admission process to embark on this rewarding educational journey.
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