#Richie. Richie you need to see how this is your fault Richie please I’m begging
rosewatergrapefruit · 2 years
you guys are craving a syd and carm reckoning I’m craving a syd and Richie reckoning we are not the same
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just for you, honeybee (1/?)
pairing: bucky barnes x female!reader, steve rogers x reader (platonic!)
word count: 3,172
warnings: a few curse words, bucky being cute, steve being awkward but also a great friend
authors note: hello! this is my first ever post on this account and the first chapter to a new series! im not sure how many chapters this is going to be as i got inspiration to write it a few days ago but im hoping to keep up with it. also, once TFATWS ends, i intend to do a series based on that as well! anywho, i hope you enjoy this and please leave feedback/lmk what i can do to improve! thank u :)
summary: dating back to 1943, you, james barnes, and steve rogers were best friends, including bucky being your boyfriend. when you get a notice that bucky died in the war, you make it your mission to find closure for yourself and protect steve as he is the only remaining piece of bucky you have left. once you are offered the super soldier serum, you and steve must make your way through world war 2 - and the unknown future hardships to come.
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James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes laid across from you on your bed, eyes softly glancing over your features as your hand grazed over his cheek and jawline. You chuckled to yourself, “looking a bit scruffy, Buck.”
He hummed, eyes now fluttering closed at your touch, “thought you liked it, doll.”
With a quick kiss to his lips, you nodded, “oh I do, don’t worry – no reason not to, really.”
Bucky let out a soft laugh before he ran a hand over your cheek, “I gotta get goin’ soon, doll. ‘Uniforms at Becca’s.”
With a sigh, you rolled onto your back and stretched, “she’s a saint, you know, washing and steaming your uniform for you.”
Bucky nodded in agreement with you, “that I do know, honeybee. I’ll meet you at Stevie’s, yeah?”
As you got out of your shared bed, you looked back at Bucky, “of course! Gotta see you off before you go put your life on the line, no big deal.” Bucky quickly dropped the conversation immediately after, understanding how you're feeling.
You weren’t mad at Bucky for joining the army – you couldn’t be, it wasn’t his fault. He was drafted and you knew that if he could stay, he would; and you knew you were being slightly immature about him leaving. You just wanted more time with him. So many people you knew had received letters that their loved ones hadn’t come back, that they had died in battle. It wasn’t fair, but when was life perfectly balanced?
By the time you got changed and got yourself cleaned up, Bucky was straightening out his shirt before he turned towards you, eyes hesitant. You walked to him, buttoning up his final buttons before you ran your hands over his shirt, “I’ll see you soon, Buck, okay?”
Bucky ran his tongue over his lips, “I know, honeybee. Try to keep Steve out of trouble for the time being, okay?”
You laughed, “I’ll certainly try my best – now get outta here!” With a smack to his ass, Bucky gave you one last kiss before he headed out the door to see his sister, Rebecca. You had asked her to iron Bucky’s uniform before he got sent off to war, wanting him to look his best – but you were sure he would look handsome in anything.
Looking in the mirror, you straightened out your favorite belted Peter Pan collar dress, fit with a pair of white heels; only the best for your Buck. You had begged him multiple times to let you register to become a nurse, in the slight chance of being close to him, but he always responded with the same answer: “I want to make sure I have someone to come home to, doll.”
You’d never tell him, but your heart warmed every time he said that.
Doing one more look-over, you smiled to yourself, grabbing your purse as you headed out the door. Steve’s apartment was only a few blocks away from your own, and honestly, you wanted to spend more time with him before Bucky left. The two were inseparable, and you knew Steve was going to struggle with Bucky being gone – that, and the unknowing if he’ll come back.
With sharp and prideful steps, you made your way across the street, saying hello to familiar faces and grabbing a newspaper from Grover, a vendor along the streets of Brooklyn. He stopped you before you headed off, “heard your boy’s goin’ off to war, y/n. How ya doin’?”
With a soft chuckle, you glanced down at the newspapers in your hands – one for you, Steve, and Bucky while he was on the train. You looked back at Grover, “I could be better, if I’m being honest. But I know he’s doing a good thing, so my silly feelings shouldn’t hold him back, Grove.”
Grover grumbled with a roll of his eyes, “you and your selflessness, just like ya ma. I’m telling yous, y/n, that boy loves you to the moon and back. Ain’t nothing he wouldn’t do for ya; if you asked him to stay, he’d go and fake his death to make sure you two go runnin’ off into the sunset together.”
With a laugh, you pushed the tears back, “and I love him too, Grove – but I can’t ask him to just not go. That just isn’t how it is, you know?”
Grover nodded, “yeah, kid, I know. . .Now get lost, I got customers to deliver these too.”
You glanced down at the stack of newspapers, “I’m headed over to Steve’s, anyone near his you gotta drop them off to?”
The vendor let out a hum and rested his head in his palm, “hmm, I think just Richie and Betty Davis right next to Rogers’ place. They get two, you good carryin’ an extra bundle?”
You gave Grover a look as he held up his hands, “just as fierce as ya mama, too – and being Barnes’ girl, probably the wrong question to ask.”
With a laugh, you held out your stack of papers, “pile them on, Gro. I’ll see you later, alright?” The vendor nodded and shoo’ed you away as you continued your journey to Steve’s apartment. Once you arrived, you left two newspapers on his neighbor’s doorstep, knocking once as you crossed back over to Steve’s.
As the Davis’ door opened, you knocked on Steve’s, already hearing rustling inside. Betty was at her door, “y/n? That you, sweetheart?”
With a turn, you greeted Mrs. Davis with a smile, “hi Mrs. Davis, how are you? How are the kids?”
The woman smiled back, “’mm, they’re good – always askin’ when the next batch of those delicious brownies are coming!”
You laughed and noticed Steve had opened the door, small statute waiting until you were done talking with Betty, “I’ll drop them by the next time I get to bakin’, Mrs. Davis. I’ll see you!” You waved to her, as did Steve, as he stepped aside to let you in.
Steve looked at the newspapers, then back at you, “you look great, y/n. . . Looks like I’ll be tellin’ Buck to shut his mouth when he sees you.”
You chuckled, “’cus he’ll catch flies or the obscenities he’ll be sayin’?”
Steve let out a laugh, “both, definitely both.”
Now that you both were in the safehouse of his apartment, you finally got a good look at your little army-hopper. He spotted a new black eye and a small cut on his cheek, yet he still looked as if he could go again if he wanted to. You nodded towards him, “where’d you get into a scuffle at this time?”
He shifted his feet until he let out a sigh, “behind a theatre. They were showin’ commercials for the army and some guy just started saying stuff.”
With a bite of your cheek, you sat down on one of his chairs, “so you had to fight him?”
“Just gotta be one of the good guys in the neighborhood, y/n.”
“I know, Stevie.”
An hour had passed and, in the meantime, you and Steve enjoyed some tea and tried to complete your own crossword puzzles. A small conversation had taken place between the two of you, talking about plans once Bucky was off fighting the war. You had talked about Steve moving in with you, but he was always so stubborn, wanting to prove that he could live on his own. You never thought that he couldn’t, but it could be a money saver.
One more glance at the clock, you figured it would be almost time for Bucky to show up. And, just like that, a knock was heard from the door and you smiled, getting up to answer it as Steve stayed back, grumbling at the pieces of paper in his hands. Opening the door, you saw your James Buchanan Barnes standing tall and proud in his new uniform.
Bucky whistled, glancing over your outfit as you did the same to him, “you look gorgeous, honeybee – even though I told you to not dress up.”
He stepped inside the apartment as you crossed your arms, “I mean, Steve agrees that this is kind of a big deal, so I think a nice dress will suffice.”
Steve and Bucky clasped hands and Bucky nudged his shoulder, “thought you were supposed to be a good influence on my girl, Steve.”
The smaller man shrugged, “kind of is a big deal.”
Bucky shuffled his feet, “yeah, well, I don’t want it to be. Let’s just go to the future and then see me off, alright?” The three of you stood in silence, light tension hanging in the air. With a sigh, you grabbed your purse, “well, off we go! C’mon now, boys.”
Bucky, you, and Steve headed to New York World’s Fair, hooked arms leading towards Howard Stark’s Expo. With bright lights, fireworks, and amazing technology surrounding you, your eyes failed to see Bucky staring at you with so much adoration. He never wanted to leave you – he’d stay if he could – but he had been drafted. All he wanted to do was stay in Brooklyn with you and Steve, and just never leave your arms. Hell, really, wherever you went, he went.
But that wasn’t the case in this scenario.
With a hand on your waist, Bucky looked up at Stark’s presentation of his repulsor technology with a flying car, head shaking in disbelief. While his car may have only hovered for a few seconds, the idea of not even needing to touch the ground to drive absolutely boggled your mind. During the presentation, Steve glanced up at you two and silently snuck off, hoping you didn’t notice his absence for too long. But he knew you and how observant and protective you were.
However, once you glanced around after a few minutes and found Steve in front of an army poster within the United States Armed Services Recruitment center. Squeezing Bucky’s hand, you slightly pulled him towards where Steve was, trying his best to fit his head within the frame.
With a slight push of his shoulder, Bucky nodded his head towards the Expo, “come on, we’re goin’ dancing – and hopefully find yourself a girl.”
Steve shook his head, “you – uh – you go ahead, I’ll catch up later.” He looked around, trying to divert the conversation between him and his best friend.
“Steve,” you started, “please? Just this one night?”
Bucky held your hand as he looked back at Steve, “you’re really gonna do this again?”
“I just – guys, it’s a fair, I’ll try my luck,” he started, looking between you both.
Beside you, you felt Bucky grow agitated, “that’s who, Steve from Ohio?”
“Bucky,” you said, squeezing his hand once more, “let him try one more, okay? We can go dancing and Steve will catch up later. If he doesn’t, I’ll hang his head on my wall like a prize.”
The boys let out a chuckle as Steve continued, “one last time, alright? I promise I’ll come later on – Mac’s, right?”
You nodded your head as Bucky sighed beside you, “don’t think you got to prove anything, Steve.” A small pause came over the three of you as Bucky continued, “don’t do anything stupid until I get back.”
You started to walk back with Bucky, letting go of his hand as he continued his conversation with Steve as he let out a small laugh, “how can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” You held up a finger at Steve, “you better mean that about himself, Rogers.”
Steve held up his hands, “yes ma’am! And Bucky –“
Bucky turned around once more to his best friend, “don’t win the war until I get there.” With a mock salute, Bucky dragged you back towards the Expo as you waved back at Steve, making sure he’d meet you at the bar before your boyfriend was shipped off.
With a sigh, Bucky wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as he kissed your head, “that punk is gonna get himself in all loads of trouble, honeybee.”
You held his hand that was around your shoulder, “I’ll keep Stevie in his place. Seriously, Buck, try not to worry about him.”
“I just,” Bucky gripped your hand, “I don’t wanna come back to nothing, you know? Steve’s my best friend and if he somehow gets himself killed here or in the war, I don’t know what I’d do.”
You pulled Bucky to a stop, putting your hands on his cheeks, “James, look at me, please.” With soft eyes, Bucky looked into yours, “I promise you, Steve is going to be okay – he won’t do anything stupid, at least without me. We’re going to be okay, and you will, too. . .’cus if you aren’t, I may go and kill Hitler myself.”
Bucky chuckled, “I don’t doubt that for a minute, sweetheart. I love you, you know that, right?”
You leaned up, kissing Bucky softly before pulling back, hands tight on your waist, “I love you too. Now C’mon, I wanna go to Mac’s and celebrate my newfound freedom.”
Bucky groaned and pulled you even closer, “maybe I should tell Steve to keep an eye on you.”
With a mock salute of your own, you giggled at your boyfriend, “aye, sir, my new mission is to protect Steven Grant Rogers from being an idiot!”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, “toughest job in this whole war, honeybee.”
As the night continued on, Steve actually showed up to Mac’s and had a new look in his eyes.
‘Hmm,’ you thought to yourself, ‘looks like I gotta ask him about something later.’
Steve, you, and Bucky didn’t drink, but instead enjoyed each other’s company before Buck was shipped off; this really only included Bucky and Steve making fun of each other and you keeping the boys in line. Laughs and a few smacks on the head filled the atmosphere, but you knew it wouldn't last long.
By the time it was nearing close to Bucky’s train departure, the three of you took to the streets and headed to the train station, silence enveloping you. Bucky’s hand was wrapped tightly around yours as you dreaded this goodbye, even if you had high hopes he’d return to you and Steve.
At the sight of the train and fellow troops heading into their cabins, Bucky turned to Steve, “you take care of yourself, alright punk? I don’t want any letters from my girl telling me that you’ve been actin’ out.”
Steve shoved his shoulder, “you’re acting like I’m 12 years old again. I’ll be fine, Buck.”
Bucky nodded, but looked to his best friend, “and Steve?”
Steve held his breath but let go, “yeah, Bucky?”
“Please take care of her.”
Steve glanced back at where you stood, picking your nails as your anxiety was pricking at your skin. He nodded, “I will.”
Bucky let out a sigh of relief, “thank you, pal. I love her, so make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid either, okay?” Steve nodded in response.
Bucky then headed over to where you were standing, his eyes raking over your beautiful dress, your heels, and most importantly, your face. He did not want to forget a single thing about you or your features – he wanted them committed to memory. With a gentle hand, Bucky tilted your chin up towards him, “you alright, honeybee?”
You nodded, too afraid to use your voice as tears flooded your eyes. Trying to dry them up anyway, you nodded once more, unable to look at Bucky. He sighed, “c’mere, sweet girl, I got you.”
With no hesitation, you fell into Bucky’s arms, tears threatening to fall as you felt his hands rest upon your back and your head. You sniffled, “I’m going – I’m going to miss you so much, Jamie – so, so much.”
Bucky kissed your head, “I’m gonna miss you too, sweetheart. Don’t you dare think that I won’t for a second. You’ll be the first thing on my mind every second of the day.”
You breathed, “can living through this war be the first thing on your mind? And maybe completing a crossword puzzle?"
Bucky let out a small laugh but held you tighter, “just for you, honeybee.” Pulling back, he wiped away stray tears that threatened to fall from your eyes, a soft smile on his face. “You’re gonna be alright, and I’ll be comin’ home to you in no time.”
You nodded, a few tears slipping free from your eyes as you looked up at Bucky, thumbs rubbing over his cheeks and light stubble. You slowly traced over his lips, his nose, and his eyebrows, committing everything about him to memory. With a small smile, you leaned up, catching him in a kiss once more, “stay safe, you hear me? And take this damn thing with you - maybe you'll complete it." With gentle hands, you handed him the newspaper you had gotten today.
He carefully took the newspaper from you, already hoping the crossword puzzle would be easy this time around. Then, Bucky pecked your lips before he headed towards the train, “gotta come back for my best girl. I love you!”
As he stepped onto the train and hung out the window of a cabin, he continued yelling, “I love you, y/n l/n! I love you!”
You cried, a bright smile on his face, “I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes!” Blowing kisses towards him, both you and Steve watched as the train slowly started to pull away, seeing him mindlessly hand his ticket to the worker, not bothering to tear his eyes away from you or his best friend.
“I love you!” he shouted once more, all before his train sped up, leaving you and Steve behind on the platform.
Wiping your eyes and your nose with a cloth, you cleared your throat and turned to Steve, “gah, sorry. Let’s uhm – do you want to head back to my place?”
Steve nodded towards you, “yeah, yeah that sounds good. You alright?” He hooked your arm with his as you headed out of the station, continuing to wipe your eyes. “Yeah,” you started, “I’m okay. I knew this was coming. . . I guess I just hated the whole ‘saying goodbye,’ you know?”
Your best friend rubbed the back of his neck, “I get it, y/n, but he’ll come back – he has a reason to, and that’s you.”
Your heart fluttered, and tears welled up in your eyes once more. With a quick sniffle, you reached into your purse and grabbed your key, unlocking your door to your apartment. Once inside, you quickly got to making tea for you and Steve, something to get your minds off of your missing puzzle piece.
Once tea was made and you both were sitting in your living room, you turned to him, “tell me, Stevie. Please.”
Steve looked at you, a confused look etched upon his face, “tell you what?”
You leaned back into your chair, picking at your nails once more, “what happened at the recruitment office? I’ve known you long enough to see that there’s something you’re not telling me, there’s something in your eyes, Stevie, so please, just tell me.”
Steve seemed shocked that you were able to read him like that, but was defeated. With a sigh, he turned and reached into his handbag, pulling out a file, “there was this Doctor there, Doctor Erskine, who uh – he approved me for the army, y/n. But it’s for an experiment, something they call a super-soldier experiment, I’m not sure. But, I’m going – I leave in a couple days.”
How is your world falling apart this quickly?
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anasticklefics · 4 years
Fandom: It
Characters: The Losers
Summary: Mike takes the Losers to the Barrens and they start remembering things, such as Richie being incredibly ticklish and not minding them tickling him at all.
Words: 1 335
Richie expected a flood of memories to wash over him when Mike took them to the Barrens, but that wasn’t how it happened. The feeling of the place was familiar, and he suddenly knew this had been their spot; their haven during a summer that took too much and gave them even more. But for a moment he couldn’t think of a particular situation they’d shared, until they started pointing things out. There’s the hammock. There’re the bathing caps. He couldn’t figure out whether the slow realizations were worse than the idea of an overwhelmingly speedy reminder of a life he’d forgotten.
“Remember this?” Mike was pointing at something on the ground, and Richie nearly asked him to stop, stop, please stop, it’s too fucking much all at once, and then he looked anyway.
“A rotting comic book?”
“One of Eddie’s. Remember?” Mike sounded eager; eager for them to remember all he’d never forgotten. “He would bring a stack of them for us to read.” He turned toward Eddie who was blinking in sudden realization.
“I thought I lost that one,” he said, crouching to pick it up and stopping once he realized how unsanitary that would be, or so Richie assumed. “Shit, Mike, I-”
“W-wait.” Bill moved closer to look at it. “I r-remember this. I r-remember I once caught Richie r-reading it in here alone.”
Eddie rounded on Richie. “It was fucking you?”
Richie remembered. Remembered not returning it when Eddie was leaving that day. Remembered putting leaves over it to hide it. Remembered smelling it when he was alone because it smelled like Eddie used to; a scent so odd he’d never forget it now that he remembered it. Something clinically clean, combined with pre-teen summer-sweat they all shared, and something uniquely Eddie.
He raised his hands. “It was still in here! Can’t blame me for not looking. Also, how the fuck should I know you were looking for it. For all I know you left it here on purpose. Shit, you can’t be mad nearly 30 years later.”
Ben clapped him on the back. “You sound oddly defensive, Rich.”
“I’m being accused of misconduct! I’m not just gonna take it.”
“Like you used to take tickle attacks, you mean?” Beverly’s words were sudden, random, but it was as if she dumped a bucket of memories into each of their heads simultaneously. “Remember?” she asked, her grin so wide Richie nearly felt flustered. “We’d attack you to get you to shut up and you never protested. Barely fought back.”
“Oh, right.” Richie didn’t like Ben’s grin either. “And you’d never admit it when we brought it up.”
“I think you’re mixing me up with someone else,” Richie said drily, though he couldn’t stop avoiding their eyes. “Like, I don’t know, Eddie?”
“E-eddie screamed b-bloody murder if we touched him,” Bill said, and even though the grin was kinder and aimed in Eddie’s direction Richie hated how much it affected him. “Though I r-remember that n-never s-stopped you.”
“You had moments where you would attack us,” Mike said, recalling it. “But when we got you you never tried to turn the tables.”
Richie pointed at him. “I hate you. This is your fault.”
Beverly let out a laugh. “Oh, Richie, don’t get embarrassed. It was sweet.”
“No. Eddie was sweet. Mike with his dimples was sweet. I? I was sexy.”
Ben crossed his arms. “I see you’re changing the subject.”
Richie huffed, but didn’t reply. Truth was he could remember it vividly himself; provoking Eddie because he was a vicious tickler simply because he thought it would keep him from being tickled back, provoking Bill because he was merciless when he teased. Beverly never not going for the kill when she got involved, Mike laughing so hard along with him while Ben cheered him on and making it nearly worse. And Stan? Stan was always gentler about it, in a very ticklish way. Would always trap his wrists in a grip Richie could never break and poke at his sides until he apologized for whatever he’d said, which never happened. He rarely did more, but it was enough.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet,” Bill said, and Richie noticed he didn’t stutter, but that thought was quickly derailed when he noticed they’d all crept closer to him. “Is something the matter?”
“You’ve picked up too many British phrases over there, big Bill.”
“Changing the subject again,” Ben said, cocking his head at him. “You used to do that when we were kids, too.”
“Some things never change,” Beverly said. “Has this one not changed either, Richie?”
Richie knew it would be stupid to ask, but he felt extremely stupid in that moment. “This one, what?”
It was weird, being a grown up man and getting tickled by his childhood friends he hadn’t seen in 27 years, but it also felt- right? Like, right enough for him to not want to get away.
What the fuck.
They weren’t being too mean about it - though Richie’s embarrassment would beg to differ - and had only surrounded him but not trapped him. It would be easy, so easy, to break away and escape. A step to the side, focusing on fighting off one of them for long enough to flee, but Richie didn’t, just like he never had.
He remembered how safe he’d feel. How he trusted them so completely to allow them to do this. 27 years and the return of his childhood memories and that seemed to have not changed.
Bill, miraculously, was the one to attack first; fingertips on Richie’s sides in motions that felt so familiar, despite how long it had been. Richie distinctly remembered how good he’d been at it due to how much practice he’d gotten with Georgie. The perfect big brother hands, big and secure and unbearable as he went for your sensitive spots with an accompanying smirk.
“Y-you okay there?” he asked, his teasing the worst one because it was always so considerate. “You’re g-giggling.”
The others followed suit once Bill had got him going; Beverly on his neck with her stupidly nimble fingers, Ben worming his way under his arms in an oddly confident manner. Mike had gone for his belly, his wiggling fingers brief and mostly aiming to tease him just a little as he laughed.
And Eddie? That fucker was trying to lift his leg to tickle his foot for some fucking reason.
“I’m wearing shoes,” he bellowed, finding it important for some reason.
“I’m trying to take them off,” Eddie called back, and the whole thing was so surreal Richie had a brief panic that this was all It’s weird ass hallucination.
But none of it was torturous, so it couldn’t be It.
He fell down, maybe to grant Eddie his wish, but if anyone asked he’d say he tripped. The Losers mostly stopped at that, laughing fondly at him, with Eddie giving up on his quest and instead attacking his knees while Beverly gave his ears a quick flutter of her fingers. Richie couldn’t stop fucking giggling.
“This is c-cute,” Bill said, grabbing his phone. “I need to document it.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Bill- Jesus, stop, stop!”
“That’s the first time you asked us to stop in the past 30 years,” Beverly said, stopping all the same.
“He probably got performance anxiety from the camera,” Eddie replied, giving his knees one last squeeze. “Isn’t that so, Richie?”
“I will murder you all.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “When one poke got you giggling? I don’t think so.”
“Okay, okay, but you would scream when we tickled you.” Richie sat up, trying to rub the ghost tickles off of his skin. “Remember?”
Ben let out a laugh. “I don’t think you’re getting out of this one, Rich,” he said, offering him his hand to pull him up. “Just accept defeat.”
Richie deflated, but Beverly grabbed his arm and squeezed it. “Don’t sulk. This stays between us.”
“That’s not a consolation.”
Only it was and they all knew it.
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mk-tozier · 4 years
@softbumble asked: I was wanting a smut with Richie x quiet reader where the reader is acting like a brat and Richie decides to teach them some manners.
17-18 years old or whatever age you want idc lmao
I’m sorry if this is bad or not what you wanted, I’m also gonna be kinda slow on requests, I’m trying the best as i can. Also sorry if its short or kinda rushed I’ve been kinda busy!
It’s kinda bad and very repetitive. Thats on me tho cuz its rushed. Again sorry if this is not what you had in mind. I was also writing this with the IQ of 2 because my brain was not working after taking a 1 hour and a half science test and then a math test right after so please excuse the absolute chaos this writing is.
warnings: smut, language, slight choking, degrading, teasing, fingering, overstimulation, idk man’, unedited as hell
I sat in Bill’s living room, next to Richie, sitting on the couch. An hour before me and Richie were at home, fingers tangled in each others hair, He trailed kisses down my neck, leaving hickeys and love bites on my neck as he played with the waistband of my underwear, teasing me and rubbing my clit through it. Then we got a call from Bill asking to hangout and Richie being Richie said we’ll go and left me unsatisfied. So now i was stuck on the couch, bored and horny. “why do you look so upset y/n, did something happen?” Ben asks. “No I’m just tired, thats all.” i said sweetly, but shooting Richie a glare. He smirked, before looking back at the tv which was playing some movie that i had no interest in. Bill and Stan were setting things up, getting snacks from the kitchen, board games from the closet, getting things together. I wasn’t exactly sure what we were doing but we were waiting for them to finish up.
Stan came into the living room, placing a bowl of chips onto the table. “Heyy stanny boyyyyyyyyyyy” I giggled, i have no idea why but i made myself laugh. “hey Y/n” He smiled. “you’re my twin” i say. “how so?” he asks, seeming genuinely interested in what i had to say. “We’re both quiet, sassy, funny” i stop to send Stan a wink at the word ‘funny’ “and cool people” I smile brightly. “i agree” he shakes his head, smiling. I look over to see a annoyed Richie. Hes very easy to make jealous, thats whats fun about him. Stan walked out of the room to continue helping Bill. “flirting with another guy” Richie muttered to himself, in a growl. I put my hand on Richies thigh. He looked over at me. “what’re you doing?” he growls again. “nothing” i shrug. I lay my head on his shoulder.
time skip
i layed with Richie comfortablely, My hand still on his thigh. The boys finished setting everything up, putting on ‘The Goonies’. I moved my hand higher up Richies thigh, closer to his manhood. I looked up at him, Richies jaw clenched. “Richieeee” i whined into his ear. “what?” he replies. “i need youuuu.” i whine again, kissing his neck. “wait until we get home” he mutters. “but i need you now” i brush my hand against his clothed dick, feeling it harden a bit. “baby pleaseee” “I said wait until we get home” Richie growls into my ear. I huff but listen to him, keeping my hand on his thigh. He moves my hand off his thigh and onto the couch. I huff again, annoyed, hes being no fun. I wait a few minutes before putting my hand back on his thigh. “princess, stop it” he whispers into my ear. I ignore him, moving my hand closer to his manhood. “if you dont stop I’ll have to punish you” he growls. I stop moving my hand, leaving it directly on his hard-on. Richie keeps his eyes on the tv, jaw clenched and anger in his eyes. Just what i wanted. I began to palm Richie through his joggers, causing his breath to hitch. He grabbed my wrist, moving it away from my pants. “I just remembered i told my parents that I’d have Y/n over for dinner, they love her so they insist in inviting her to dinners. they’ll kill me if I’m late so we gotta go” Richie says to the losers, they nod understanding. He pulls me through the living room and out the door, shutting it behind him. “what the fuck was that?!?” Richie growls. He gets on his bike, i get on the back, wrapping my arms around him. “answer me” “its your fault, you said we could go to Bill’s, maybe if you werent such a tease then i wouldnt of done what i did” I snap back. “Acting like a brat now, are we?” he says, pedalling faster
When we arrived to the house Richie threw his bike to the ground on his front lawn, he dragged me inside, the door unlocked. Richie pushed me against the wall, attacking my neck. “Made me lie to the losers because you were so needy” He mumbled against my neck. “Needy slut can’t even wait until we get home” Richie says before beginning to suck and lick at my soft spot. I moan from the unexpected contact. “you like that? hmm?”  i nod my head. Richie trails down my neck, kissing my cleavage, his hands roam under my shirt. “Rich, not here” i gasp. “Its my house, we can fuck wheverever the hell i want” He grumbled. Richie picks me up, walking up the stairs, continuing to attack my neck with hickies. He pushes open his bedroom door, kicking it closed when we enter the room, throwing me on the bed. Richie quickly takes off his shirt, throwing it somewhere, revealing his pale skin and skinny frame. He walks over to the bed, getting on top of me, arms on both sides of my body. Richie takes off my shirt, throwing it behind him. He kisses around my bra and down my stomach, kissing the skin right before my shorts/skirt, leaving hickies along the way, getting closer to where i needed him the most. “Rich, please” I whine. “please what? Use your words” “i need you, please” i whine again. “bad girls dont get what they want, beg for it.” He growls into my ear, the raspiness of his voice and the lust in his eyes made me want him more, a wetness pooling in my underwear. Richie unclasped my bra, attacking my breasts, licking and sucking at one nipple as he fondled with the other breast. “please Richie, i need you inside me so bad, your fingers, your tongue, anything, i just need you. so, so, so bad Rich” I beg. “such a needy slut, you’ll use anything to get off, won’t you? so desperate for my cock, huh” Richie kisses down my stomach, removing my shorts/skirt. “you’re so wet for me. you’re my little whore, just begging for my cock.I barely touched you and you’re all riled up?”  Richie smirks.  
He puts his thumb on my clit, rubbing me through my underwear, i moan, satisfaction running through me. Richie rubbed my clit slowly, applying pressure. “please Rich, please i need you inside of me.” I whine. “Such a impatient needy slut, can’t wait to feel my fingers inside of you, falling apart just from a little touch” He pulls down my underwear slightly, blowing air onto my clit. “such a little whore, all soaked” Richie pushes one finger into me, thrusting slowly, i moan loudly, before biting my lip. “faster Rich please” i let out quickly. He speeds up his pace, lifting himself to my lips. Richie connects his lips with mine, kissing me softly, sometimes he can’t help himself and he’ll kiss me softly or passionately, he’ll never admit it but he has a soft spot. Richie curls his finger, hitting a different angle, causing me to moan into the kiss. “you like that? hmm?“ I nod my head moaning, my hips buck, the familiar pit in my stomach growing, i clenched around his finger. Richie enters another finger, thrusting quickly. My hips buck again, i moan loudly, letting my hands go to his hair, tugging. “fuck, rich im gonna cum” i whine, clenching around his fingers. I feel my release pulsing through me. Richie pulls his fingers out, i whine, annoyed. “riiich” “Bad girls dont get to cum” He says before licking his fingers. “you always taste so good princess” Richie connects my lips with his once again, shoving his tongue in my mouth, sucking on my bottom lip. He pulls away, lowering himself. Richie licks a stripe up my pussy unexpectedly. “Rich!” i squeal. He swirls his tongue around my clit and down to my slit. Richie licks my clit slowly, holding my thighs. I bite my lip, holding back the sounds. He begins speeding up the pace, drawing little circles on my thighs with his fingers.
Richie starts licking slower before sucking on my clit, i cover my mouth, whining. Richie sits up, grabbing my hand. “let me hear you, dont cover your mouth. i want everyone to hear what a slut you are, let them know that you’re mine” He says before lowering himself, beginning to suck on my clit again. “Rich! Fuck!” i gasp, causing him to suck on my clit faster, i could feel the pit in my stomach growing already. My hips bucked into his mouth, i tugged on his hair. “Richieee baby im close” i groaned. He sucked faster, licking at my clit, swirling and moving his tongue. My hips bucked again as i let out an aspirated moan. “I’m gonna cum, fuck” i moaned, Richie pulled away quickly. “Riiiich.” I whine. “I told you, bad girls dont get to cum” he leans over me, arms on both sides of me again. “Maybe next time you’ll learn your lesson, flirting with Stan and acting like a brat? You had it coming” Richie whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “Needy slut” He mumbles. He connects our lips once again, my hands travel to his hair, playing with it. Richie grinds against my heat, groaning into the kiss,his hard on rubbing me through his joggers. “Rich i need you, please. I know I’m a bad girl, please i learned my lesson, I’ll behave i promise”
“Yeah? You want this cock? Huh?” “Yes. Please richie.” “Good girl, begging for me so well. You’re gonna behave?” “Yes i will.  i promise rich. I’ll be patient and i wont flirt with anyone, I’m yours and only yours” Richie groans. He gets off the bed, taking offf his joggers, his dick clearly showing through his boxers, is it up, helping him remove them. “Eager brat” Richie chuckles, he crawls onto the bed, pushing me onto my back. He looks up at me, his tip nearing my entrance. I nod, letting him know to go ahead. Richie slowly enters me, groaning, his precum leaking into my entrance. “So wet and warm for me” he groans. “Rich” i plead. Richie starts to thrust into me slowly, i moan, finally getting the pleasure i wanted. “Can Stanley fuck you this good? Huh?” Richie picks up the pace. I shake my head, whining. “Does his dick fill you up like this?” “N-no only you do.” I gasp. “Who’s are you?” He thrusts faster, groaning. “I’m yours Rich, only yours.” Richie groans again, he leans over, sucking on my neck, leaving dark purple bruises. My back arches and i moan loudly. He hovers over me again. “You’re mine” his words made the pit in my stomach grow, Richie puts his hand around my neck, making me moan. “You like that? You like when i choke you like the little toy you are.” He growls. I whimper, nodding my head. “You like using my hand as a necklace, hm? You like when i use you as my little sex toy?” Richie groans, i moan, his words sending me over the edge, my hips start bucking as i clench around him. “Are you gonna cum, princess?” I nod my head “yes richie. I’m gonna cum, please let me cum” I whimper again. “Go ahead doll, cum for me, cum all over my cock. I wanna see you” He whispers into my ear, completely sending me over the edge, making me cum harshly, my vision blurred from all the pleasure hitting me. “AH! RICH!” Richie chuckles,  kissing my cheek. His fast pace continues, the grip on my neck loosening a bit. “Rich.” I whimper. “You wanted my dick, you’re getting it. You’re gonna take it until i cum, is that alright?” I nod, moaning from overstimulation. “You like that baby? You like how I’m using you as my little cocksleeve?” He groans into my ear. I nod, whining. Richies thrusts start to falter, getting sloppier. I can feel my high coming back, the pit in my stomach starting again. My hips buck again, clenching around Rich. He groans, making me clench around his dick more. “B-Baby you close again?” He says, shutting his eyes. “Mhm” “cum again for me. I’m here, its okay.” He thrusts rougher into me, his head falling back in pleasure. I whine, his pleasure sending me over the edge, cumming. Richie groans, his dick twitching inside of me. “I’m close. Shit. You fuck so good princess, taking my dick so well.” “You’re so good rich, filling my up with your big dick.” I whine, he groans, cumming in me, stopping his thrusts.
Richie pants, i run my fingers through his hair. “You did so well doll” He flashes me his signature goofy grin. Richie looked down. “That was hot.” He chuckles, i smile admiring his features. “I love you Rich.” I whisper, barely audible. Richies head snaps up, his cheeks red. “Y-you what? Did i hear that r-right. Y-you love me?” His face softens, he smiles slightly. “I love you too Doll.” Richie plants a small sweet kiss on my lips, he pulls out. “You need a bath princess?” He asks. “That’d be nice.” I say softly. “C’mon I’ll go set up the bath”
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escapethewonderland · 4 years
It could have been you
Pairing: JakexFem!MC (Nadia)
Word counts: 1.8k
A/N: Hi darlings, I got the itch for a bit of Jake angst over the last few days so here it is this little OS. Kindly inspired by a song that stuck in my head while writing, Muddy Waters by LP. Hope you like it! SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 7 ENDING, BE AWARE!
TW: swearing, angst, mention of blood
Nadia was sitting on the edge of her bed, watching her closet intently like she was trying to find an answer to the incredible mess that her life had become over the last month. The doors were hanging open, patiently waiting for the girl to start gathering the clothes she needed for the trip to Duskwood.
She felt like her head was on the verge of exploding. Rabid thoughts were chasing each others around unbounded, hammering against her temples and begging to set them free.
She squeezed her hands together, quivering nervously while trying to release that ugly tension off her body. Seeing Richy bloody, slowing fading away on that hellish forest’s ground was the last straw for Nadia: someone got severely hurt and, all of a sudden, the game her and Jake were playing got extremely real.
Nadia couldn’t afford anymore to wait on the sidelines, protected by the distance and her hacker because sooner or later, they would come knocking on her doors. Although the strong gut feeling of running far away in the opposite direction, Nadia couldn’t deny the inescapable bond that was calling her to Duskwood. Even more now that both the girl and Jake may had the blood of an innocent guy dripping from their hands.
The young woman closed her eyes against that cruel image, breathing slowly from her nose, flexing her fingers.
Richy was going to make it; he had to.
He might survive. Those were the feeble words of hope that the doctors had said and the whole group hold on to them with ferocity: the idea of losing Richy was unacceptable.
A notification from the phone distracted the young woman, making her wince: she couldn’t recall how long she had been standing still in front of the wardrobe.
  Nadia…I just read your texts. Is it true? Is Richy…?
The girl let an unsteady breath slip out between her lips, fighting back the tears.
Yes Jake, he’s fighting for his life on an operating table.
She got up from her bed, walking aimlessly around the small apartment in an agitated frenzy. Jake’s answer came right away.
I’m so, so sorry. I…I wasn’t expecting that. I…I’m at loss for words.
“No shit” Nadia snorted viciously under her breath, wiping away a traitorous tear that slowly crept down her cheek. Her breath was now ragged, but she still tried to keep her cool and not hyperventilate. Panic wouldn’t get her nowhere, she needed to be sharp right now.
Holding her phone in a tight grip, Nadia walked back to her bedroom; mind settled.
I don’t know what to say too, Jake, but I know what I have to do.
She threw the mobile on her bed with more vehemence than what was necessary. With few, swift strides, she found herself back in her room, standing in front of her closet to retrieve an old backpack from the tallest shelf. She scrutinized the clothes with a clinic eyes, opting for something practical, taking only the bare minimum she needed for a week or so.
Nadia didn’t bother to check her phone when Jake’s first reply came. Nor the next one or the other after that.
She was on autopilot, a ghost wandering around and haunting her own house.
Nadia spared a look at her reflection in the mirror while collecting the stuff she needed from the bathroom: her face was strained with harsh lines, eyes wide with messy makeup and even messier hair.
She brought her things to the other room, dumping them merciless inside the backpack and only then looked at her phone.
There were several messages from Jake but it was the last one that caught the girl’s attention.
Are you packing, Nadia? Please, answer me.
The phone slipped from her fingers after reading that words. A hint of paranoia emerged in her chest and she scanned her bedroom with meticulous care, calming down again only when she had checked twice every possible hiding place. No one seemed to be lurking in her room and the curtains were closed shut, a few sun shines peeking through them. She was still safe, it was still her home, no danger lurking in the shadows.
With trembling hands, Nadia retrieved the phone from the carpet.
She frowned, slightly afraid to look at the camera, before a wave of scolding hot anger filled her bones. Mouth set in a straight, harsh line, she started typing to Jake.
Are you fucking spying on me through my phone, Jake?
No answer. The girl felt like boiling with everything she’d been trying to repress since the first time Thomas texted her.
Are you fucking serious, Jake? Are you fucking with me or have you lost your mind along the way? Do you think that you can just go around spying people through their phone whenever it sooths you, whenever it’s convenient for your agenda?
Jake. I fucking trusted you! YOU…
The girl stopped there, unable to type anymore given the trembling that took control of her hands.
Nadia brought the back of her hand against her lips, suppressing a sob that would inevitably destroy the already fragile dam that was barely holding back all of her destructive emotions.
She fought it with all of her might, eventually falling on her knees because even standing felt crushing in that moment.
Nadia felt like she was going crazy, slowly loosing herself in something that was so much bigger than her.
Her phone started vibrating in her hand, signalling an incoming call from an unknown number.
Nadia stood there for a moment, debating if accepting the call or not. Could it be…?
“Hello?” she answered with a shaky voice.
Nadia heard a sight and a male voice greeted her, no distortion this time.
“Please, don’t go” pleaded who she assumed was Jake on the other side of the line.
Nadia let out a wet sob, almost chocking on the longing and sadness that built up in her chest at hearing Jake’s voice for the first time. His voice sounded so warm and comforting like a soothing balm, but it was all ruined by the ill-timing of the call.
“How much have I longed for this moment… you have no idea, Jake, you have no idea. I can’t believe it, it’s actually you” she mumbled under her breath, almost too quiet to be heard.
Another sight greeted her words, but Jake didn’t say anything.
“I would have loved to hear your voice for the first time under different circumstances” she continued, tears rolling freely down her grieving face.
“But the situation is pretty fucked up, Jake. I can’t afford to wait on the side-lines any longer”
“You can’t go, Nadia, please. You can’t really be thinking of going to Duskwood” replied Jake fast, almost eating up the words like he was in a hurry to get them out, to keep her safely where she was.
“But I am going, Jake. It was all my fault: Jessy’s attack, Cleo’s letters and now Richy… if I didn’t get involved, if I stayed out of it, nothing would have happened to them. It’s only fair I stand by their side to help them, actually help them” Nadia said with deep-rooted sadness in her voice, slowly getting up from the carpet. Her knees felt weak but her mind was strong.
There was a loud thud on the other side of the line, like a fist being slammed against a wooden table.
“No, no, no! Nadia, please! Duskwood is even more dangerous than before right now and you could put yourself into bigger troubles!”
She snorted without humour in her voice, now fully standing, sliding a hand through her hair.
“Well Jake, it’s not like you can stop me, can you? Because you’re not here… You’re not fucking here with me. What would you have me rather do, uh? Don’t you think I’m scared!? I’M TERRIFIED BUT WHY DON’T YOU…”
“IT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU, DAMMIT!” Jake almost screamed into her ear, panting like he had just ran a marathon.
Nadia closed her eyes while more tears carved their path through her reddened cheeks, biting hard on her lower lip. Her heart clenched painfully at his words cause only now she realized how much she’d been craving to feel his barriers coming down.
“It could have been you, bleeding out in that nightmarish forest, for fuck’s sake. And only the thought of you being hurt or worse, of losing you…it’s enough to drive me insane” he confessed softly, his silky voice like sweet honey in the Nadia’s ear, a tempting offer of haven.
“But it wasn’t me” she replied hesitantly, not trusting her voice not to break “it still could have been Lilly. It could have been Hannah”
That was a low blow, Nadia knew that but his sisters were the only family he had left and if he couldn’t be on the front line to save them, she would step up to be in his place and protect them.
“I don’t wanna lose you, not you too” Jake whispered, voice heavy with despair, so close to the mic that for a moment she had the faint illusion of having him right by her side.
“And you won’t, Jake, I promise you. You won’t lose any of us, we will see each other at the end of this. We’ll all be together and make up for all the time we spent apart.”
She almost smiled at that idyllic picture taking shape into her mind.
“But I have to go” Nadia simply stated, softly as to not hurt him, even though she was already doing that.
She closed the call before she lost all of the courage she had mustered up, Jake’s no’s haunting her while she turned off her phone. She exhaled deeply, before hitting her wardrobe’s door with her open palm, muffling a scream against her folded t-shirts.
It took Nadia five whole minutes to regain her composure and fight back fat tears of sorrow, but when she finally looked back up, there were flames in her eyes.
She set her body into motion, retrieving an object from the drawer under her desk: the older phone used to be her main phone, but Nadia was sure she was going to need a backup since everyone in Duskwood already had her info. No one knew her new number though, so she hoped it could turn out to be a secret advantage. Only Lilly was aware of it, she was the one to help her out to settle everything and she was the only soul that knew she was coming to Duskwood and they both preferred that way.
She braced herself, backpack on her shoulder and keys in her hands: even though she was filled with much uncertainty, Nadia knew she was on the right path.
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stunt-lads · 4 years
Ecks.... ecks ecks ecks. Tell me about werewolf!richie and vampire!eddie sex. 👀👀👀
The first time it happens is a few weeks after the...incident. 
It’s not Eddie’s fault he can’t stop thinking about the way Richie said it. “You smell like you’re mine.” It wasn’t embarrassment lacing his tone that night. It was reverence. A vulnerability. Like it meant something intimate to Richie.
Eddie...doesn’t know a lot about werewolf hierarchy, he knows they have packs and that’s about it, but he knows he hasn’t stopped thinking about Richie more or less claiming him since that night. 
He needs to talk to someone, convince him not to fucking do what he’s thinking about doing. He approaches Stan. Stan’s level headed, will knock some sense into him. 
“So,” Stan says, after Eddie explains everything, even the...marking, “You came to me to ask for my blessing or?” 
Eddie groans, slamming his head down on the table and hearing the wood groan dangerously under him.
“No, I came here to have you convince me not to do this.” 
“Why the fuck would I do that?” And Stan sounds so affronted Eddie picks his head up and looks at him.
“Because he’s a werewolf?” Eddie says it slow, wondering how Stan doesn’t get it. 
“Eddie, in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t adhere to the rules of the Council.” Stan says like Eddie’s an idiot, and really, maybe he is, “If you want to fuck that werewolf who pissed on you then do it.” Eddie squawks indignantly at the piss comment, “We’re immortal creatures, we should be allowed to have fun. Fuck what the Council dictates for us.” 
Stan’s no help. 
But he does make a valid point, so Eddie bites the bullet and decides to go for it. If Richie’s into it then sweet, maybe he’ll get dicked down, if not then he tried and he’ll go find a human to get mediocre sex from before feeding and getting drunk. 
Either way it sounds like a good night.
He finds Richie’s apartment easily enough, there’s a strong odor of wolf that has him wrinkling his nose a little, but it’s to be expected with three of them living in close proximity to each other. 
He knocks firmly, hoping they won’t make him wait too long. He feels overdressed in his deep navy suit and he’s already gotten several Looks from people on the street. 
Right now he’s getting eyed up by a human who’s eyes are full of a hunger Eddie’s never even seen on the nastiest vampire. 
His thoughts are interrupted by Richie answering the door. His hair is a disheveled mess and he’s in sweatpants and a stained tshirt. Still, when he sees him and registers who he is, he smiles broadly. 
“Eddie Spaghetti!” His smile falters when he sees the way Eddie is actively turned away from the street, keeping his body close to the doorway and in the shadows it casts. Almost immediately his eyes snap to the human who’s been staring at Eddie and go hard, steely, possessive. Eddie feels a shiver go down his spine. 
“Why don’t you come inside.” It’s not a request and Eddie’s legs go weak. But he obeys, walking in like he’s not about to collapse onto the floor from arousal at any second. 
Richie shoots a glare at the human across the street and closes the door hard behind them, but then he’s cheerful again, eager and excitable like he was before. Like when he first saw Eddie was there. 
He had a plan, was going to woo Richie a little, treat him to a nice dinner maybe, but those thoughts go out the window when he’s assaulted by his scent inside the apartment. Richie’s talking animatedly, showing Eddie the place and not once letting his smile falter. 
Eddie has retained nothing. It’s a buzz of noise in the background as he watches the way Richie gestures wildly with his hands. 
“Are your roommates home?” He blurts out and Richie pauses, actually freezes mid gesture.  “No. Bill had a book signing thing and I think Ben went out with—” He cuts him off with a kiss, wasting no time in pulling his face down to meet him and Richie is shocked enough that he freezes for a moment, eyes wide and confused before he snaps to attention and growls softly in his chest. A deep sound that has Eddie moaning in the kiss. 
It takes very little time to get to Richie’s room. 
Eddie loses his jacket and tie somewhere along the way, and when he’s pushed to the bed he hears tearing fabric and the soft sounds of button’s popping off and flying into the wall. He moans and shivers, body tense at the display of power. 
“Mine.” Richie growls, eyes glowing yellow with the threat of transformation, his wolf is as much into this as he is, staking claim over Eddie with bites and scratches. 
“Fuck, Richie, c’mon fuck me.” He tangles his fingers in Richie’s hair and pulls him close, purring into his ear, “Show me I’m yours.” 
It was a gamble but it pays off. Richie snarls, roughly turning him over onto all fours and Eddie rolls his eyes.  “Really? Doggy-style? A bit on the nose isn’t it?” He snarks out but Richie simply huffs against his back, ripping the material of his shirt from his body and exposing him to the cool air of the apartment and Richie’s hot breath against his back.
The preparation is probably a little less thorough than Eddie would’ve liked but he and Richie have been dancing around this for weeks and they’re both a bit desperate. So when he pulls out his fingers, Eddie’s pants only down around his thighs, giving Richie access without him removing them completely, and he feels his cock in their place he knows it’s gonna hurt. Richie is fucking big.
Eddie doesn’t know if it’s the wolf in him or just his natural dick but the stretch is a lot. 
When he bottoms out inside him Eddie breathes heavily, expecting Richie to set a hard pace immediately. He’s pleasantly surprised when he pauses, panting softly and pressing open mouthed kisses to his back and shoulders. 
Eddie’s completely enamored. 
“Alright, big guy,” Eddie says finally, body adjusted enough and impatience getting to him, “Fuck me up.” 
“Fuck, Eds I’m—The wolf—bites? Are bites okay?” Richie whimpers before he starts moving, Eddie can feel the tension in his body the way Richie is shaking and trying so hard not to give into his baser instincts. 
“Fuck, yes Richie, please just fucking move.” Eddie is not above begging, but he’d really rather not. Thankfully the answer seems enough for Richie and the pace he sets is fast and brutal. His hands grip Eddie’s hips tight enough that, were he human, they'd likely break a bone or crush his pelvis.
Eddie feels his nails elongate just a little as Richie fucks him, and Eddie moans, low and deep at the feeling of his nails digging into him. He doesn’t think Richie will fully transform for this but he’s filing it away as an idea for the future. 
The first bite is hesitant, a barely there press of teeth on skin where his shoulder meets his neck. Eddie would huff in frustration if he could, instead he snaps out a broken, “Bite me properly or don’t put your mouth on me.” where his voice shakes and cracks and it takes away from the heat of the sentiment. 
But Richie responds with a deep growl, a sound Eddie feels more than he hears and the next bite breaks skin. He can feel the tear of his flesh and his arms give out. He groans, body shaking as he’s pushed violently close to the edge of orgasm. Richie’s grip on his hips is the only thing keeping him up. 
“Richie,” His voice is broken already, he’d be embarrassed but he can’t feel anything but heat. He’s run cold since his turn but now he feels like he’s walking on the sun. Warmth is consuming him and he even feels sweat pooling in the small of his back as Richie pounds relentlessly into him. 
“Mine,” Richie growls again but it sounds so far from a voice that Eddie wonders, if he turned to look, whether Richie would be more wolf than human at this point. The thought sends a rush through him that intensifies when Richie shifts just enough that each push in has him grinding against Eddie’s prostate, making him see stars as his vision goes white at the edges. 
“Fuck, yeah, yours, shit,” He’s not...sure what he’s saying now but Richie seems to like it, his breathing is heavy against Eddie’s shoulder.
It’s not the first time Eddie’s come untouched, but it’s the first time in a long time. 
Eddie isn’t sure what finally pushes him over, but he thinks it might be the feel of Richie’s knot stretching and sinking into him over and over until it’s too big and all Richie can do is grind against him as he comes inside him. He thinks he maybe passes out for a moment because when he’s aware again Richie has them laying side by side, his cock still inside him as he kisses at the bite marks he’s left littering his back and shoulders. His fingers don’t feel as sharp now, as he rubs his thumbs gently along Eddie’s bruised hips. 
“So, that was something.” Eddie says, voice hoarse and Richie huffs a laugh. 
“Yeah.” He hums in agreement and then Richie shows a tenderness that has Eddie’s chest aching a little as he kisses at the nape of his neck. Eddie can do fucks. He can do sex so easily and readily. But the softness makes him wary, he’s afraid. Instead of thinking too hard about that he inhales deeply, unnecessary but a habit that’s been hard to break, and speaks lowly.
“How long are we...?” He gestures vaguely in the direction of Richie’s dick.
“Like...20 minutes? I could pull out now but,” He shifts his hips back and the pull of the knot makes Eddie moan, a needy sound that Richie pauses at before he clears his throat before continuing, voice a bit more strained, “But it’s not comfortable.”
Eddie pauses, like he’s considering it. Then he smirks a little to himself as he speaks, voice light.
“No, leave it in. It’ll make round two easier.” 
“Jesus Christ, Eddie.” Richie whines against his neck and Eddie laughs. 
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mmaybe reddie, 92-52-18 with special request of bottom!richie pleas 🥺
Always happy to write some bottom Richie!
“I’m not going to touch you unless you beg”, “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad” & “You’re in trouble now.”
Read on AO3
The car screeched to a halt and Richie frantically looked around, trying to figure out why Eddie would hit the breaks so suddenly, but couldn't find anything. Eddie was staring at him, his eyes dark, angry⎯ and sending a shot of arousal straight to Richie's dick. 
"Fuck Eds, you're so fucking hot when you're mad." 
Eddie clenched his jaw. "Get in the back seat." 
Richie's eyes widened, darting between Eddie and the road ahead of them. They were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by darkness and the last time they saw a car must have been at least an hour ago and yes, Richie had been taking advantage of that, teasing Eddie as he drove them back from Derry, hoping it would get him laid once they got home⎯ but he never expected that Eddie would do something while they were still in the car.
"Eds, someone could see us. We could get in trouble."
"You're in trouble now." Eddie said, starting the car only to move them to the side of the road. Then he switch it off again and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Backseat, now.”
Richie shuddered at the tone of his voice, rushing to do the same.  Maybe this wasn't in his plans, but he wasn't about to complain. "Fuck, okay, yes."
Eddie exited the car and got in the back. Richie decided that would take too much time and climbed over the front seat. Eddie snorted, watching Richie maneuver his long limbs to fit in the tight space. 
He ended up with his back pressed against the door and Eddie straddling his legs. His boyfriend leaned down, kissing Richie⎯ open mouthed and filthy and so good. 
"You drive me crazy." Eddie muttered against Richie, tongue licking inside his mouth. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to focus on the road when your boyfriend's hand is on your dick? And he’s staring at you with those fuck me eyes, biting his lip and talking about what he wants you to do to him?" Eddie was pushing his hips against Richie's, rubbing his erection against his hip, showing Richie just how hard it was. 
"You love it, babe." 
"Mmm yeah, I do." Eddie hummed against his lips, weaving his fingers through Richie's hair, pulling on it and making Richie throw his head back so he could bite at his neck. "Pants off." Richie started unbuckling his pants, getting slightly distracted when Eddie put two of his fingers in front of his face. "Suck." 
"Oh God." Richie gasped, opening up and accepting Eddie's fingers in his mouth, sucking around them, whining when Eddie started moving them, in and out, scissoring them, dragging them against his tongue. His dick was rock hard and it was a relief when he was finally able to drag his jeans and his underwear down, freeing it.
When Eddie's fingers were slick enough, he replaced them with his tongue, reaching between Richie's legs to tease at his entrance, pushing both fingers in. "Fuck Rich, you're still stretched from last night." Eddie moaned, scissoring his fingers. Richie whined, grabbing onto Eddie's shoulder with one hand and the backseat with the other. "You're taking my fingers so well, I can't wait to replace them with my cock. I’m sure I could slide right in."
"Yes, do it. Fuck me." Richie whimpered, moving his hips so he could fuck himself on Eddie's fingers. He added a third one and the stretch felt so good, heat coiling in Richie’s belly.
Eddie pulled his fingers out, causing Richie to whine. Then he leaned over the front seat to grab Richie's bag, rummaging through it for a condom and lube. 
He tossed the latter to Richie with a, "Get yourself ready," while struggling to take off his own pants and roll the condom on without falling on top of him. Richie wanted to tell him that he didn't need to, that he was ready, but arguing would only delay having Eddie's dick inside him, so he coated his fingers with lube and reached between his legs, stretching himself one last bit.
"Fuck, Rich." Eddie groaned, watching him finger himself. "You are so hot. I can't wait to fuck you." 
Richie moaned, throwing one of his legs over the backseat to give Eddie a better view. He could see his cock twitch between his legs, precome beading at the tip, the condom forgotten in Eddie's hand. 
"I can't wait either, come on Eds. I need you." 
That snapped Eddie's attention back to what he was supposed to be doing and he rolled the condom on, climbing on top of Richie in the cramped space and lining up his dick with Richie's entrance. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." Richie said as Eddie started to push in, inch by inch, filling him up. "God, I love you."
Eddie chuckled, a slightly breathless sound as he tried to hold himself back so he wouldn't push all the way in. "You love my dick."
Richie nodded, giving Eddie a grin before his face twisted with pleasure as Eddie sunk deeper into him. "I do, fuck I do, but I also love you Eds."
Eddie offered him a soft smile. "I love you too." He said and pushed the rest of the way in, dragging a strangled noise from Richie.
He gave him a moment to adjust and when Richie nodded, he started thrusting into him as best as he could in the limited space.
"Fuck, car sex looks so much easier in movies." Eddie complained when he slipped out a third time.
"You⎯ ah. You were the one who couldn't wait until we got home." 
Eddie narrowed his eyes at him. "Only because you wouldn't stop teasing me!" He said, moving one of Richie's legs to wrap around his waist, giving him a better angle to hit his prostate.
"Yes, fuck! Right there." Richie cried out, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
"This is your fault." Eddie continued as he aggressively nailed that spot over and over, making Richie see stars and let out a string of whimpers. "You were so desperate to be fucked that you didn't care I was driving, you just needed something in you. You wanted this, didn't you?" 
"Yes! Fuck, yes I did. I wanted you, Eds I always do." He stammered out, his mind fuzzy with how good Eddie was fucking him, stretching him open, hitting his prostate, pushing him towards the edge. "Eddie, baby I'm close." He said, way too soon. He let go of the seat to reach between them and grab his cock but Eddie swatted his hand away. "Come on, Eds. I want to come, touch me."
Eddie smirked down at him. "Oh no, I’m not going to touch you unless you beg." He said, voice low and oh, so hot. "If you're so desperate for it, then beg." On purpose, he slowed down his thrusts and Richie couldn't help but let out a loud whine. "Beg or I won't let you come."
Richie whimpered, feeling tears start to well up in his eyes. He would die if Eddie stopped right now, if he was forced to spend the rest of the drive hard and desperate. "Please Eds, please let me come. I need to come. Fuck me, touch me please baby⎯"
His pleas were interrupted by Eddie diving in to kiss him and then his hips were picking up the pace and he was fucking him faster than before, his hand wrapping around his cock.
A few strokes and a particular deep thrust and Richie was coming⎯ ropes of cum hitting his shirt as he moaned Eddie's name against his lips. 
Eddie continued to thrust, gasping when Richie tightened around him and just before it became too much for Richie, he was letting out a groan and emptying himself into the condom.
Richie would’ve liked to lay there, catching his breath with Eddie on top of him, but there was no way they could make it work in such a tight space. 
"You okay?" Eddie asked after Richie was silent for a while. 
“So okay.” Richie said with a dreamy sigh. “I mean, my back is going to kill me in the morning, but it was fucking worth it." 
"You asked for it. Literally.” Eddie smirked, leaning down to press a kiss on Richie’s lips. “Do you think you can get yourself back in the front seat?" 
"I can try, but I'm not sure my legs are working."
Eddie chuckled, tossing the condom in their small trash can and buckling his jeans. "It's a good thing you're not driving." He said, helping Richie fix his own clothes. "Next time you are though, I'm getting back at you." He added with a glint in his eye that made Richie shiver.
He flashed him a huge grin. "I can't wait." 
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes @richietoaster @beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think @lemonaayyee @losers-gotta-stick-together @tinyarmedtrex @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @stylesmelon  @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @hammockrichie  @jesuschristsupruvestar @mirandonsky @reddie4diaster @alargedepresso @purplepoisonedgem @pan-ini @reddie-to-cry @reddieforlove @trashmouthnick @multi-fandom-wby @wheezyeds @nancynwheeler @reddieslashgeneralhorror @madi-personal @reddie-tozibrak @lover-mouth @atownofeggs @that-weird-girls-blog @appojoos @castielwinovak @a-gay-treee @twoidiotsinl0ve @fcngirltrxsh @spirited-marvel @typewrxter @rebecca-the-queen @juhavs @thegoshdiddlydangdoor @soooobr @purebloodqueen  (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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Broken arm
A/N: This was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think! Also this is like my worst fear, like that sounds dumb but breaking something sounds absolutely disgusting to me. In movies if they do like sound effects of bones breaking and I know it’s coming, I mute the sound. 
summary:  i was wondering if you could write a reddie x daughter where the losers club all go out and the daughter gets hurt (maybe breaks an arm) so they all freak out and take her to the hospital, and it’s just rlly cute at the end. i just feel like i could image richie and eddie just freaking out abt what to do and not actually doing anything so the rest of the losers have to step in
warnings: mentions of a broken arm and surgories (not graphic), mentions of throwing up (but also not graphic) and some curse words and your mom joke
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At least once a month, all the losers have a reunion that usually either takes place in Ben and Bev’s lake house, or in their boat. The reason it does, is because Ben and Bev combined have enough money to restore any damages that may or may not occur during these times, more often than not Richie fault.
This time however, by some unlucky draw of the hat, everyone agrees to meet up in Richie and Eddie’s home, because their daughter Alexa isn’t feeling too great, and Richie not Eddie felt comfortable relocating with her for a few days.
She had nothing major, just a stomach bug that causes her to throw up from time to time, but Both Eddie and Richie were more than ready to postponed the losers’ meeting. Alexa insisted that all the plans continued on as normal despite her feeling unwell, since she loved spending time with her uncles and aunt any time she could, and when she showed signs of her health improving, nobody cancelled anything.
With the first knock on the door, Alexa jumps up, rushing to welcome whoever has made it to their house first, ignoring how her stomach was protesting the flash movement, and she’s greeted by the sight of her best-loved aunt, which happened to be Aunty Bev. Six months into the pregnancy made Bev look bloated and tired, but her eyes lit up as soon as Alexa opened the door, bending down as best as she could to hug her back twice as hard. She’s alone, Ben had had a meeting over in Portland, and agreed to meet Bev here.
‘How’s my favorite girl doing?’ Bev asks with a huge smile on her face, her hand resting on the top of her belly softly rubbing up and down.
‘I’m okay’, Alexa insists, even though her face still looks a little pale. Eddie, who had joined the two of them at the front door, rolled his eyes begrudgingly. Insisting that she’s fine even though she isn’t must be a trait she picked up from Richie.
Staying silent however, he brings Bev into an embrace, an; ‘hey Bev’ falling from his lips in the process.
‘Richie’s out back, come in, I’ll go get him.’ Before Eddie has the chance, the next guests arrive, in the form of Patty and Stan. Stan was holding a stuffed animal, a bunny in his hands, smirking as if he already knew that he was going to be the ‘chosen’ one today.
Eddie laughs out loud, watching as his daughter’s eyes grow bigger and wide, and she excitedly begins the bounce up and down, seemingly forgetting about the sickness for a little while. In his mind, Eddie is already praising Stan, for the few moments of rest this allows his daughter to have. Sleep is nothing something that has come in large doses to her in the last two days, every single waking minute of the day being consumed with sitting next to a toilet bowl, and brushing her teeth afterwards.
Eddie also praises Stan for basically knocking down the competition before the rest of them even have a chance.
At two years old, Alexa figured out how to play her family like the harp she later maintained she wanted to practice, giving up after only two lessons. She used to go around the room and beg her uncles and aunt to play a game with her, any kind, and when they relented, the first person who did would be her go to person for the rest of the evening.
Endearing everyone’s heart, but also resulting in a rivalry, where many presents were tossed around, and Alexa was in danger of becoming a bit spoiled. Now at twelve, she’s stopped crowning anyone as her winner, yet the losers still  arranges bets on her, as if their daughter is something to bet on.
It’s all in good fun of course, and Richie himself joins in on the gamble from time to time, but for whatever reason he never guesses correctly, but Eddie has a burning suspicion it has something to do with manipulating Stan to lose. Not that his schemes work, Stan is much too smart for that.
In rapid succession, Ben follows Stan and Patty, and after him Mike emerges, and finally Bill and Audra appear from the end of the streets. A loud and ugly snort forces its way out of Eddie, when he sees the exact some bear clutched to Bill’s chests, the annoying, cocky smirk on his face he mirrored from Stan, the same one that vanishes as soon as he steps through the door, and lays his eyes upon Alexa, clasping Stan’s gift.
Richie, who had since joined the rest of the group, could not contain his laughter, finding in Bill the perfect victim to tease throughout the entire night.
Rice and chicken were on the menu tonight, a light meal that was decided in light of Alexa, but nobody complained. Despite popular belief, Richie was a very good cook, and when he prepared any meal, it was guaranteed that it would taste delicious.
Alexa ate a bit, more than she had eaten in the last few days, and Eddie sighed a breath of relief.  Years of conditioning that any sickness was going to get him killed did not disappear off the bat, so he was immensely glad his daughter was starting to feel better, even if he knew her ailment was not that serious to begin with.
After dinner, the group resides to the living room, watching a movie that Alexa had her mind set on viewing, and secretive adult talk concealed in a child appropriate package so she wouldn’t notice, making a way across each other. A normal reunion like any other.
At nine pm, unsurprisingly, Alexa got up from her seat. ‘I’m going to bed dad,’ she explains, her hand stroking Bev’s baby bump one last time, and then waving at everyone. The spot next to Beverly, the one that Alexa had claimed, so she could discuss her new best friend as she lovingly called the new baby that was yet to be burn, remains achingly open. A weird feeling creeps up the back of Eddie’s neck, ridiculously.
The losers club just doesn’t seem complete without her, even if she has only been there for twelve years. Her bedtime was around eight, but when they go on a trip, she is allowed to stay up as long she want, the fact that she turns in for the night so early, is a testimony to how bad she suffers.  
Richie started to make his way up from the sofa too, ready to tuck her in, as he did every night, but she shook her head. ‘I can go to bed alone, Pops, don’t worry.’
She gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then scampered off to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Bill chocked on his drink in laughter when he saw the fallen look on Richie’s face, disappointment coating his expressions in a grey attire.
When he dejectedly resumed his place next to Eddie, the latter patted him on the arm in sympathy. ‘It’s just because there are others here Rich. You know how ashamed she gets of you.’ The smirk cannot be contained when the words leave his mouth, even though he means nothing but lies with them.
‘And they say my jokes suck? Spaghetti, come up with new and innovated humor, like mine. Thank god she’s got some of my qualities-‘
‘she’s adopted.’
‘- don’t interrupt me Eds that’s just bad manners. I’m so sorry your mom was to busy teaching me the way around her body to teach you how to be polite but-‘
‘Beep beep asshole.’ A murmur of agreement rose up from the group, Richie flipping them the bird.
‘Whatever, you losers have no taste at all.’
Deciding to check up on her after about fifteen minutes, Eddie settles back in his seat, joining in on the conversation to his right, where Ben and Stan discuss the different plants they have in their garden, listing a bunch of flowers Eddie will never know the meaning off.  
The movie clutters on in the background, almost like a lullaby, and Eddie yawns significantly. Richie’s hand presses in the small of his back, a grounding warm signal that he was safe, even though he doesn’t mean too, he zones out, not asleep, but also not as awake as he should be.
That happens to be a mistake when he hears something slam on the floor above them, the sound of the toilet being flushed a second after. He makes eye contact with Richie, both of them realizing that that is probably the result of Alexa throwing up again.
‘Dad, Pops’, and then a loud bang, proceeded by a few thuds that can be relocated to their stairs, and a pained yell.
Richie and Eddie scramble up faster than they have ever done before, even more hurried than when Pennywise was chasing them in Neibolt. Stan, Bill and Bev scurry alongside them, to the place of the accident, every single one of them in a panicked haze.
It only takes a second to get there, in their haste, and no other sounds emerge anymore, until They run into the hallway.
Alexa is spread out across the bottom of the stairs, her arm bend in a weird position, her legs propped up as she looks around the space dazedly, as if she’s not sure what just happened.
Her faces goes through a couple of emotions, intensifying when she takes a look at her arm, but not yet crying.
Eddie is the first to reach her, and when she sees him, her lips open slightly and a wail falls out. It proves to him that she is in real, and agonizing pain. Back when she learned how to ride her bike for the first time, she had fallen many times, as kids do, but if she cried, Eddie refused to indulge her. He wouldn’t let leave or abandon her, but he would tell her that everything was fine, and that it only stung a little, and there was no need to cry.
He mostly did this to stop himself from becoming like his mother, and to allow Alexa to discover her own boundaries and which one hurt enough to actually ask help for. He never shamed her for crying either, he just tried to teach her the difference between actual pain, and being shocked from a fall.  Ever since, is she saw Eddie walk towards her, her tears stopped if it barely stung, or begin to cry if help was needed.
Now she sobs, heavy and with snot, hiccuping to catch her breaths. It only takes a look to tell Eddie everything he needs to know, she is suffering from an open fracture. The bone is not stuck outside the skin, but the bump is visible from the outside, in the same way that his bone was when he broke his arm.
All previous training flies out the window when it’s his daughter that is the one who is harmed, nothing of the medical terms he surrounded himself with in his childhood sticking, like liquid dropping from his head.
He stands there, blankly as he gazes upon his daughters still laying form, until he gets pushed back by Bill. Richie too stands frozen, trembling from head to toe, but Bev and Stan launch into action, dropping down next to Alexa, each on opposites sides.
‘What do we do, what do we do?’ Richie inquires frantically, pushing against Bills hands, to get to her, trusting Eddie for guidement. Eddie subconsciously reaches for his inhaler, and curses once he remembers that he threw his placebo away.
‘Fuck, fuck, Eddie should we snap the bone back in? It worked last time right?’ Richie reflects Eddie’s frantic, ignoring Bill’s pleas to calm down, the cries of Alexa deafening their ears, and making their heartstrings cave in.
‘What? What the fuck asshole no. That was a terrible thing to do, and you were lucky that my arm got back to normal, are you fucking kidding me you absolute moron?’
He doesn’t mean to snap at his husband the way he does, but the mantra of; this is your fault, she’s going to die, get her to a hospital now, more careful, you should force her to be more safe, in a voice that sounds an awful lot likes his mother hisses in his mind. The panic is very nearly all consuming.
‘What the fuck was I supposed to do then huh Eds? I was fucking twelve.’ Their panic-stricken words grow louder and louder, until even Alexa’s cries of agony sound quieter than theirs, they’re so consumed with worry, being oblivious to notice what Beverly and Stan are so desperately trying to convey.
‘I don’t know, not that. And you’re 43 years old, by now you should now better dickwad.’
‘Stop it’, Bill yells in the same determined leader voice that lured them into the house on Neibolt street, effectively silencing them and focusing their attention on him.
‘Your daughter needs you right now, so shut up, and do what we ask you too okay. Richie get her cloths, Eddie retrieve anything she has that helps calm her down. Alright? Okay go.’
Richie hurries to get the car as fast he can, but Eddie hesitates when he gapes at Alexa. He doesn’t want to leave her without her parents. ‘Hey’, Bill places on of his hands on Eddie shoulder, ‘we’ll take care of her for a minute okay?’
Her cries have turned into loud whimpers, her face hidden behind Stan’s body, which stops her from seeing Eddie anyway. Bev is calmly shushing her, on the phone with what must be the hospital, carefully checking her arm. Stan is trying to distract her, his cardigan being discarded towards Bev, who uses is to carefully cover the injured arm.
It looks painful, and Eddie can’t stand to think of her in pain, so he too complies with Bill’s demands, searching for the plush toy she got as a gift, and her soft blanket that she sleeps with during the winter.
When he comes back, he hears the blaring sirens of the ambulance stop outside their door, and his stomach falls when he realizes that a few hours ago, Alexa was standing in that exact spot, excited for the night.
Audra and Patty lead the paramedics into the home, apparently they had been waiting outside to help, Patty grabbing Eddie’s arm to steady herself, and maybe even Eddie, who is swaying dangerously from side to side.
He’s been through all of this before, in a way, but that seemed somehow less scary than it is now. Back then, Eddie had been glad none of his friends got hurt, so it didn’t matter that he did. Now, it’s different, but if he could somehow switch places with Alexa, he would do so in a heartbeat.
They insert an IV line and administer pain relief, Eddie assumes, since his ears seem like they’ve been stuffed full of cotton. He vaguely registers Richie’s hand in his own, all his attention pointed to watching Alexa’s face for any discomfort.
She’s placed upon a trauma board, Stan and Ben aiding to help her jolts as minimal as possible, before they carry her to the ambulance as fast as humanly possible. Eddie hopes to god, something he hasn’t believed in since he started dating Richie, that the medicine she has received knock her out, just so she’s painless the rest of the ride.
‘Dad, pops’, she wails, extending her uninjured arm to reach for the both of them. Next to him, Richie cries too.
Eddie speed walks to be by her side, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to it. ‘It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re going to be fine.’ He can’t help the way his voice cracks as he tries to keep his own tears at bay.
Richie also hast himself to get to her, brushing away her tears as best he can, but new ones continue to leave wet rivers on her cheeks.
After consideration, Eddie says to Richie; ‘You need to go with her,’ his words lacking any really conviction.
Richie gazes up to him in surprise. ‘Eddie?’
‘I can’t be in there, in a hospital or ambulance, but I would feel so much better if you were with her.’ The trauma lingers around Eddie like a bad stench, and he hates himself for the fact that he can’t be with his daughter. He knows Richie will keep her safe though, so if he were to go with her, maybe the grip guilt has on him will loosen.
Richie says nothing and stares for just a split second, before one of the EMT’s says they need to hurry. Then he nods, climbing on board with Alexa, but pressing his lips against Eddie’s quickly before his does.
He’s trying to convey Eddie into believing everything will be okay, but Richie isn’t sure if he believes it himself.
They have to leave then, and Eddie stares as the ambulance disappears into the distance. When he can’t see it no longer, he allows himself five seconds, and he uses those five seconds to cry upon Mike’s sturdy statues the waterfalls flowing from his eyes like they’re a rives. He can sense the others coming closer, each laying a hand on a part of his body, their silent way of telling him they’re here for them.
He feels bad for making Richie having to be the one to hold it all together, since he can’t break down in front of Alexa, but Eddie honestly didn’t have any resolution left to sit in an ambulance.
When his five seconds are up, he begs someone to drive him to the hospital, ignoring his next door neighbor who comes to check up on the commotion that was happening.
He ends up driving with Stan and Patty, in the middle backseat, where he can feel their worried gazes on him. In his mind, he is trying to recall any information about what he had to go through with his arm, but all he really remembers is that he had to have surgery.
As predicted, that is the first thing Richie tells Eddie when he finally gets to the emergency room, Richie waiting near the entrance, his hands trembling when he reaches forward to pull Eddie against him in a tight hug.
‘She needs to have surgery Eds, you have to come quick. They’re about to put her under.’ Richie informs him when he pulls back, this time reaching for his hands and pulling him in the direction of the room Alexa is in. Eddie wants to say something to his friends, but he’s already whisked away, and he just figures he’ll tell them later.
Upon entering the room, Eddie can smell the disinfected in the room, the whole room is drenched in it, but he refuses to let it deter him, so he pulls through, pulling a chair to the side of the hospital bed, resting his hand on Alexa’s shoulder. Richie goes for her hand on her good arm, his thumb sweeping the back of her hand back and forth.
‘hey, honey, how are you?’
Alexa lets her head fall sideways, her eyes dropped with exhaustion, she hasn’t received any anesthetic, so Eddie assumes that it’s the adrenaline that has worked off.
‘I’m scared dad,’ she tells him truthfully, squeezing Richie’s hand tight while not looking him in the eyes.
‘It’s okay to be scared baby,’ Eddie soothes her, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. ‘I had to same thing happen to me when I was little.’
Her lips tug upwards in a faint smile. ‘I know, pops told me.’
‘It wasn’t that scary anymore. Not when getting into the hospital. I just fell right asleep, and when I woke up, the pain was dulled.’
‘I’m not in so much pain right now though, can I not avoid the surgery?’ Eddie’s heart breaks once again, and he wishes so bad he could heed his daughter from this, but it has to happen, there’s no other option.
‘That’s cause you’re on a lot op pain medication kiddo, but as soon as they’re worn off, you’ll feel it again.’  Richie heavily admits, the lines on his face have turned more prominent, the night taking ten years of their lives away from them.
‘Like I said, you’ll just go to sleep, and when you wake up, we’ll be here.’ Eddie tries to convince her one last time, and with a heaved sigh, she relents.
Just in time, for the nurse sticks her head through the door, her smile apologetic.
‘Alexa Tozier-Kaspbrak? I’m sorry, but we really have to get her upstairs now.
‘You’ll be fine bucko, We won’t be fare okay?’
‘And remember we love you okay?’
‘I know dad, Pops, I love you too.’
When they wheel Alexa away in her hospital bag, the other losers wave at her from behind the glass door, sticking their thumbs up in good luck, while Alexa waves at them as best she can.
‘She’ll be okay’, Richie insists as he pulls Eddie close to him by the waist, pressing his nose in his hair to comfort himself.
‘I really hope so Rich, I’m scared.’
‘Don’t be Eds, she’s your kid, she’s so strong, this is just a minor setback. I love okay, we’ll get through this together.’
‘I love you too.’
Later, when Alexa is back in her room, falling asleep on her own this time, and Eddie watches Richie’s lanky from twist in half to rest his head on the bed, the rest of his body in an uncomfortable hospital chair just to be close to their daughter, he thanks whoever is listening that he got this family; He would never trade them for anything in the world.
He’s mumbling to the both of them, a stupid story about Richie and his childhood, because Alexa had once told him she slept best with some background noise. Twirling the same piece of hair over and over again, he presses another kiss to her head, thankful that’s okay. 
He nearly thinks of his mother, and how much he would have loved to see her face if she ever saw him like this. Gay, married, with a child and in a hospital. But then he banishes her to the back of his mind. She is not worth any ounce of his thoughts. 
 Alexa shifts in her sleep, relaxing into the movements, and Eddie can’t do anything but mumble out in pure adoration; ‘I promise, I’ll never be like my mom, I love you and your pops too much for that.’ 
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hoewkeyesblue · 5 years
talk to me
✿ — requested by: anon
✿ — pairing: bill denbrough x reader
✿ — summary: bill has nightmares and can’t sleep. reader knows he needs to talk to her to finally get rid of those terrible dreams.
✿ — word count: 947.
✿ — warnings: angst, sleep deprivation, briefly mention of suicide.
✿ — notes: after so long without writing anything, I finally felt inspired to write this. it’s unbetad and I honestly don’t even know how I did manage to write it, but I’m pretty satisfied. hope all of you like it.
✿ — song: talk to me by cavetown.
✿ — links: requests rules | masterlists | prompt lists
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It started about two weeks ago.
You and Bill were drinking some wine while talking about your past. It was the first time he ever mentioned his little brother, George, who had died years and years ago. That night you met a side of Bill you never know that existed; your boyfriend was shaking, stuttering.
“Bill, my love, you don’t need to tell me… Everything’s fine”, you told him but he didn’t listen.
“Something bad happened that year, I just can’t remember what. I had some amazing friends back then, people used to call us the Losers. At some point, we started to call ourselves that too, we didn’t mind much. Stan, Bev, Richie, Mike, Eddie, Ben… God, I miss them so much right now. I loved them, I think I still do”, he was there with you but, at the same time, he was far, far away.
But it was only the beginning; after that, Bill had nightmares almost every night. He would wake up screaming, sweating, scared. Once you heard him asking “why him? Why him, why him, why him?” Your heart broke that night and you hold him tight, whispering “everything’s gonna be alright”.
It was when the sleep deprivation began.
Bill just assumed he couldn’t sleep or his demons would hunt him down. He spent almost four days avoiding sleep, always with a cup of coffee or some energetic. He would fall asleep while writing – or trying to write – his books and then would wake up with his heart racing.
“You’re killing yourself, damn it!”, you screamed last night, tired of seeing him walking around like a zombie. He stopped and looked into your eyes, exhausted, and then moved to the kitchen. Didn’t say a single word.
Today, you came home from work with a sedative recommended by the pharmacy owner himself. You told Bill to take a pill, but he took three and you didn’t sleep because of that; he was asleep, finally, but you were worried and needed to check his breathing every fifteen minutes.
It was four in the morning when you fell asleep too.
You didn’t sleep much, though, because Bill woke you up by screaming at 6.
“Babe… wake up. It’s okay, everything’s okay, babe”, you whispered by his ear, holding him tight. He kept groaning and saying stuff you couldn’t understand. “Bill? Love, I’m here with you. I’m here, okay? You’re sleeping, Bill, it’s just a bad dream.”
But you couldn’t wake him up for about five minutes and were worried sick when he opened his eyes, breathing heavily as he cried out.
You felt so relieved that he was awake.
“Oh, my God, love… are you okay?”, you asked, still worried, holding his face with both of your hands.
“I wouldn’t wake up, Y/N… I thought… fuck… for a second I thought I was back there for real. And I saw… I saw him...”, he panted, shaking. “I can’t… I can’t take it anymore. It’s too fucking much, I’d rather die than revive that day. I’d rather die, I’m not fucking kidding.”
“Don’t say that, Bill, please. Please. Tell me what it is, we’ll figure it out together, I know we will”, you almost begged, fear coming back hardly. You didn’t know what you would do if Bill tried to… no. He wouldn’t.
“If I tell you, you’ll never forgive me”, he avoided your eyes.
“What make you think that, Bill? You can trust me, I would never turn my back to you”, you whispered, caressing his cheek.
“If I can’t forgive myself, how could you?” He was so hurt you could almost feel his pain too.
“We’re harder with ourselves than with other people, Bill… Just take this weight off your shoulders. Talk to me, love. I’m here and I’m willing to share this burden with you, whatever it is.”
Bill stared at you for almost an entire minute, his eyes full with tears and fear. His body was still shaking and his lips were trembling.
“My brother died because of me”, he said so quickly you forgot how to breath for about five seconds. “I said I was sick because I didn’t want to go out and play with him, so he went by his own and never came back. All I can think is… if I wasn’t so fucking selfish, if I had gone with him he would still be here. I know he would’ve loved you and he’d come over every time he could. Only if I haven’t lied.”
And, again, your heart was broken. You breathed heavily, taking his cold hands with yours, caressing them while looking into his guilty eyes.
“Love, I know it’s hard to believe someone words when they’re not judging you as hard as you’re judging yourself, but I’ll be honest with you. I love you. I love you a lot and I’m sure George loved you too, he still do, actually. I’m not much of a believer, but I know that he’s still here in some place and he doesn’t hate you or even think it’s your fault”, you said in a soothing tone. “You were just a kid, my love, just a kid. It wasn’t your fault, Bill. I know it, George knows it and I bet all your friends at that time knew it too. No one judges you, you’re loved and I promise you’re nothing but an amazing person.”
Bill wiped his aching tears and held you tight, sobbing quietly as you pet his hair. None of you said nothing for almost an hour, you just hugged each other until he felt like everything was okay. And it was, you would show him.
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drwnng-ophelia · 5 years
Caught Between the Two of You | Richie Tozier x Female Reader
A/N: I can only apologize again for not finishing this earlier. Nevertheless, I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter and where this story is going. I haven’t planned it out completely, but I think this miniseries is coming to an end soon-ish (maybe two more chapters, give or take).
After that, I’d be more than willing to get into some Richie Tozier (or even Bill Hader) oneshots if anyone’s up for that? Drop me a request if you’d like!
(Btw, dumblr didn’t really let me edit this baby, I hope it shows up the way it’s supposed to?? Please, let me know if the paragraphs are off)
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Female Reader (Pennywise/Female Reader)
Summary: You own the Derry Town House and are caught off guard by a group of friends who check-in. You get closer than anticipated with one of them.
Warnings: explicit language, smut, oral sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: 4,322 (sorry, guys)
For your convenience, here’s Chapter One, Chapter Two, and Chapter Three. If you’d rather read it on AO3, go here.
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   Chapter Four
It felt like your entire body had gone taut. How was this possible? Maybe Pennywise had found a way to fully conceal himself from you? And now he was playing with you again. Playing an evil, irreverent game that you would think beneath him.
“Don’t question this. I’m not one of his apparitions and we don’t have a lot of time so you need to concentrate,” your mother said, urgency in her soft voice. She looked just as beautiful as you remembered her to be. The pain of missing her struck you fiercely, ripping open wounds that had healed a long, long time ago.
“He will be here any minute. You must listen closely to what I have to say.” You didn’t think that Richie would believe his eyes or ears if he would see this. “I’m not talking about him,” she clarified, “But I’m glad your heart has found its way to someone else. Away from danger.”
“You know about Pennywise?” you asked, ignoring the fact that she could read your mind. She nodded curtly. “It’s my fault the group of friends, your friends, have fought him when they were children.” A chill danced down your spine and you blinked. “How so?” 
“It was my task to maintain the balance. It was me who should have kept the Eater of Worlds in check,” she explained, silver lining her eyes, “But I was too busy cherishing my life. That wonderful, mundane life. You will not make the same mistake. You will restore pride to our lineage.”
The power that had awoken within you at such a young age…it had come from her. “What lineage?” You couldn’t stop your voice from trembling. Back then, your ascent had meant her downfall. Balance, such fragile balance.
“Salem witches. The women of our family were the most powerful amongst them. We’ve kept the line strong over the centuries. While our magic flourished, other witches perished, their magic running out. It’s nature’s way of telling us that we are only here to play one vital part, and I ignored mine. We’re here to make sure that the Eater of Worlds will take his rest. We’re here to make sure that he will not satiate his hunger until there is nothing left.”
Until Pennywise had devoured everything and annihilated existence as you knew it. She didn’t have to spell it out for you. You swallowed hard, an impossible weight suddenly resting on your shoulders.
“Your power awoke that day because you needed it more than me, because you know how to wield it, instinctively. Look at you, even as a child you were capable of containing this creature. And you didn’t even need your magic for it.” A proud smile spread on her face.
Whatever this was, wherever she came from, she truly was not part of the game.
Your chest tightened at her words, at her need to appear to you, and for the first time, you were truly afraid of Pennywise. “Mom, I…I don’t know what to do.”
“Of course you do. Use his love for you to your advantage. But always remember, no matter how tempting it might seem, you cannot end his existence. It’s tied to your own. He has been here before us, and he will endure.”
A thousand questions burned on your tongue, but you could see her image slowly morphing into your own features as if she was melting away. “Don’t leave me yet,” you begged and tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
“I must. He’s too close. Remember that I love you, remember that you’re stronger than I ever was. And remember to guard what you carry. Always guard what you carry.”
“I can’t carry this by myself,” you sobbed. But she was gone before she could utter another word. You pulled in a sharp breath, hugging yourself tightly as you sunk down on the bed.
If Pennywise was tied to your own life, then you couldn’t let the others kill him—or you would die with him.
You thought of the Losers who had paid so dearly for doing what your mother couldn’t. So many had died. Countless people had suffered. And this morning you had been willing to pay any price for restoring the equilibrium. If it was your own life…then so be it.
There was dark, destructive power within you. You had felt it, the first day it had awoken. This, all of this, led to you accessing that place again. Just one last time.
A soft knock on your bedroom door made your head snap up. Quickly, you wiped the tears away, forcing your face into neutrality.
“There’s someone here for you,” Richie said as he cracked the door open, attentive eyes scanning you. Your brows nudged together in confusion at his tone. Stern and sober.
“Who is it?” you demanded, ignoring the voice at the back of your head that reminded you that you would die soon, that your time with this man was limited. So terribly limited.
Richie met your gaze, a muscle feathering in his jaw. He was angry—and disappointed. “Someone who introduced himself as your boyfriend.” You closed your eyes and massaged your temples. “He’s not my boyfriend, I promise you,” you hissed, “No need to get jealous. I’ll throw him out on his ass immediately.” Pennywise would not come between Richie and you. Not now.
With determination, you strode into the living room, finding Pennywise with a bored look on his face. He was in his human form, not a hair out of place or a crease in his black three piece suit. Perfection. Walking, breathing, utterly dangerous perfection.
Instinctively, you checked your mental guards. He had probably always known that you were a Salem witch, had known about your strength. What he didn’t know, what he shouldn’t know, was that you had released that strength. That you were preparing yourself for using it.
Mike and the others wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, but Pennywise wanted to play. As long as he didn’t play dirty you would try to keep the others from attacking him. From attacking you. You would try to buy yourself time. Time to prepare. Time to spend with Richie.
“You need to leave,” you said through gritted teeth, folding your arms in front of your body protectively. A serpentine grin spread on his full lips. “Such harsh words for a man you love so dearly?” His smooth voice seemed to slither around you like a snake. “You wouldn’t know love if it spat you in the face,” you snarled.
Pennywise’s smile faltered ever so slightly. He had expected you to crumble, to give into him in front of Richie’s eyes. But you wouldn’t give him that satisfaction, you would stand your ground. “Please,” you started, “Please just leave. I can’t do this right now.” Tears burned behind your eyes again and you failed to stop them from pooling over.
His handsome face softened when he saw you crying. Pennywise hadn’t seen you cry for a long time. After all, he had always ensured that there was nothing to scare or harm you, nothing that could give you any pain. He lifted a hand as if he wanted to reach out to you, but when you immediately took a step back, he lowered it.
“I’ll see myself out,” he said flatly, sapphire blue eyes finding yours. I’ll be there when you need me. I’ll give you today. A temporary truce. His voice was nothing more but a whisper in your head, a soft caress that brought the tears to a stop.
Terribly aware of Richie lingering somewhere behind you, undoubtedly a scowl on his face, you mouthed a thank you. Pennywise inclined his head ever so slightly and then sauntered towards the door. “I lied,” he said to Richie before stepping over the threshold, “I’m not her boyfriend. Although sometimes…I wish I was.”
Your heart stopped in your chest as your mother’s words echoed in your head. Love. His love for you. All this time, you had waited for Pennywise to admit that he loved you. And this, this was probably as close as you would get to hear him say it. You sucked in a breath, unsure of what words might tumble out your mouth. But before you had the chance to speak, he walked out, the door falling shut behind him.
“Sorry for the drama,” was all you managed to say instead, rubbing your face. Strong arms embraced you from behind, pressing you against Richie’s chest tightly. “I can tell that you’re upset.” His voice was gentle, an unspoken invitation for you to speak about what was troubling you. Richie placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“This might be over before we know it,” you muttered. “You could leave Derry. You could come home with me,” Richie offered quietly, “Let me take you away from here. Let me take care of you.” It sounded tempting, and you wanted to believe that you could get out of this alive. With him.
“I want to say yes.” You paused, afraid of making promises you couldn’t keep—promises that would break his heart. “What’s keeping you?” He whispered his question into your ear, his breath tickling you, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Instinctively, you tipped your head to the side, letting go of a shuddering breath as his lips brushed against your neck.
Richie’s hand wandered up and cupped your breast through your top. “You could start by saying yes to this and then we’ll take it from there,” he suggested, “We could take it slow this time. Would you like that?” He kissed your neck again, teeth grazing over your skin tenderly. “Yes,” you got out and wound yourself out of his hold so you could face him.
Losing yourself in him, even if it was just for a little while, was exactly what you wanted. “Whatever you need. I’m here for you,” Richie said as if he had read your thoughts.
“I think you know what I need already.” You bit your lip and started unbuttoning his shirt.
Before long, a trail of clothes led to your bedroom.
Hands were busy roaming naked skin when Richie broke away from you just to say, “Lie down. I still owe you.”
More than willingly, you obliged and relaxed against the smooth sheets. Intuitively, you opened your legs, making room for him as his kisses slowly trailed down. Richie stopped at your collarbone for a moment, sucking hard enough to leave an intentional mark on your body.
“The bruises from last night aren’t enough, huh?” you checked and gasped as his mouth closed around your nipple, your comment resulting in him biting you playfully. “Last night you said you were mine. I’m just reminding you of that,” he answered and his territorial touch, this newfound tone, kindled the hunger for him like never before.
Slowly, fingers danced up your thigh as his mouth wandered down, past your abdomen. Lust threatened to consume you. “Please, Richie,” you urged, squirming under his touch. “Please, what?” He looked up at you, blue eyes alight with power—power over you. Now, you were at his mercy. And he was enjoying it immeasurably.
“Please, just get your head between my legs already,” you got out, fingers weaving into his silky curls. A wicked smile appeared on his face. “I’m in no rush.” Provocatively, he kissed the inside of your thigh, his stubble burning against your skin.
“I don’t remember treating you so viciously at the arcade,” you reminded him. “Such a greedy girl,” he chided. And yet, you felt his hand wandering up, up, up where you wanted it. A clever thumb started to massage your bundle of nerves. “Is this what you wanted?” he demanded.
In response, you pulled at his hair gently. “Ow, a simple ‘yes’ would have done it, [Y/N],” he said and you could hear the smile in his voice. “Who said that little tug meant ‘yes’?” you teased, a surprised moan escaping you as he intensified the pressure at your sassy remark. “Use your clever tongue for something else,” you suggested.
This time, he finally did as you asked, his mouth moving to where his fingers had been only a moment before. You tipped your head back and gripped the sheets as he started to lick, his tongue stroking you expertly.        
Richie drew idle circles over your skin, slowly moving up to give your breasts some attention. Reacting to your body’s needs instinctively, he changed his pace, and you let out a little yelp when he pinched your nipple gingerly. His touch slowly moved down the slope of your breast again, moving south.
You bucked your hips slightly, wanting more of him, but a strong hand pinned you down decidedly. His tongue didn’t stop its perfectly choreographed dance when he finally slid a finger into you. He let go of a moan himself, content with how wet you were for him, wet enough for him to add another finger. Unhurried, he started to plunge in and out of you, driving you positively insane with his rhythm.
A well-known feeling started to build deep inside you and just before you went over the edge, Richie pulled away. It was like a bucket of cold water and you took a deep breath before propping yourself up on your elbows. “Seriously?” you panted, a pleading look on your face.
Richie chuckled and sat up. “I thought it was up to me whether or not you deserved to find release.” You slumped down on the mattress again, cursing under your breath. “I wouldn’t have said that if I knew this was coming.”
You rolled onto your side, the need for him still pounding relentlessly between your legs—and seeing just how excited he had become while pleasuring you only made you want him more.
“I also said that I would tie you up and straddle you.” You arched an eyebrow, a vicious smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “But I’ve reconsidered. Your hands are far too gifted to be—” Richie silenced you with a sensuous kiss and you could taste yourself on his tongue. “Then let’s skip the tying up,” he suggested.
Richie sat up against the headboard and helped you ease onto him. While you got used to the delicious fullness of him, he kissed you lovingly, strong arms cradling you.
Now that you were in control, you started to move up and down, savoring each inch of him. Your movements were slow at first, allowing him to kiss you, to fondle your breasts, to grasp your behind. But although you relished this intimacy, this loving touch, you were desperate for the release you hadn’t gotten earlier.
Richie met you with a thrust every time as you started to bounce up and down. The sound of skin meeting skin mixed with your noises of pleasure roused you to increase the pace until you felt your thighs burn.
More. You wanted more.
You moved your hips in circles until you indulged in grinding fully against him. The friction this gave you made you tip your head back, your body tensing as you felt yourself approaching the edge.
Stars danced before your eyes when your climax finally ripped through you. When Richie heard you call out his name, your walls contracting around him, he found his own release, emptying himself inside of you.
Catching your breath, you rested your forehead against his, your hands cupping his face as he held you close. “If we survive this,” he said quietly, caressing your back, “promise me that you’ll come with me.” His lips found yours and his words settled like dust after an explosion. This was a promise you could keep.
If we survive this.
“I promise I’ll come with you if we survive this,” you finally answered, brushing some hair away from his forehead that was beaded with sweat. “I don’t want to leave you.” It was the truth. You didn’t want to leave him. Because if you wouldn’t die, you knew you’d fall in love with him, deeply and unconditionally. It was only a matter of time.
This was a different love than what you felt for Pennywise. Unlike the ancient creature, Richie could give you a future—could truly answer your feelings.
Richie kissed you lovingly and said against your lips, “Then let’s kill this fucking clown.” 
The smile on your face didn’t reach your eyes so you just kissed him again.
   You had almost fallen into a light slumber, head resting on Richie’s broad chest, when something tugged inside you. A tingling sensation traveled from deep in your gut to your fingertips. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
Richie opened his eyes reluctantly when you lifted your head, brows nudged together in a frown as you looked around the room with confusion. “What’s up?” he asked, sounding sleepy. “I’m not sure yet,” you answered, the tingling inside you not subsiding.
It was your power. Your power was stirring—but not at Pennywise. He hadn’t lied when he had called the temporary truce. It was something, someone, else.
“Are the others back?” you asked, climbing out of bed. A shiver danced down your spine as cold air kissed against your naked skin. “I’m not sure. Why?” Richie put on his glasses, curiously watching you as you started to get dressed. “Something is wrong next door,” you explained after pulling on a sweater.
“What—how do you know? Did you hear something?” He looked towards the closed window, not a sound traveling in from outside. “I just…know,” you shrugged, throwing his pants at him. “Come on, let’s go.”
Ben and Beverly were sitting on the stairs in the lobby when you pushed open the door of the Town House, Richie following close behind you. “Did you find your token, Richie?” Beverly asked conversationally, the small smile on her lips fading when she saw the concern on your face.
“Did the clown get you, too?” Ben asked, getting up as if he wanted to help. Richie shook his head, “No, he was nowhere to be seen. She…she dragged me here just now. We were, uh, next door.” Ben pulled up his eyebrows and rubbed his neck in embarrassment when he understood what his friend was insinuating.
“Beep, beep, Richie,” Beverly muttered and got up too, reaching out to touch your arm. “What’s wrong, [Y/N]?” Her voice was soft but urging. “Do you feel it, too?” you asked and looked up the stairs, up to where something tugged, tugged, tugged at you.
“Feel what, sweetie?” she asked. You felt Richie’s hand at the small of your back, but he didn’t say anything—as if Beverly’s words had silenced him.
“Did…someone come in here? Not Bill or Eddie, but someone else.” You looked towards the door that led to the office, although you knew that Olivia wasn’t here either. “Who should be here?” Ben asked, straightening as if he was getting ready for a fight.
Suddenly, someone barged in through the front door, almost stumbling over his own feet. “Eddie, you look like shit. What happened to you, man?” Richie commented and you dared to look over your shoulder, attention shifting from the second level.
Eddie was completely covered in dark grime, panic and disgust flashing in his eyes. He was shaking and tried to push his way past his friends and you. “I need a shower, let me through, assholes,” he said and swatted Richie’s hand away as he tried to hold him back.
“You can’t go up there,” you got out, crinkling your nose at the foul smell that came off him. Everyone turned to look to you. “Listen, I need to get this off of me right now or who knows what kind of shit I’ll catch,” Eddie pleaded, rubbing his face as if he could get himself clean with his bare hands.
“Let me go up first,” you suggested. “No way am I letting you go up first,” Richie interjected. “I don’t need your protection,” you claimed calmly, “I’ll go up there first. You can follow me if you want, but let me go first.” Your voice was strong, unwavering. The friends blinked at your sharp tone and Richie held up his palms in defeat, the look on his face telling you that he was anything but pleased with how you were acting. You decided to ignore him and started walking up the stairs, letting that tug lead you.
Eventually, you came to a stop, holding out your hand so Eddie would give you his room key. No one dared to say anything and you held your breath when you unlocked the door.
Nothing. The room was empty, the bed made and untouched. The window was half-open which seemed slightly odd, but nothing to be too worried about. Maybe you were getting paranoid?
But the tug was still there, tingling and ominous. You tiptoed to the bathroom, opening the door slowly and peeked inside.
The face of a maniac peered back at you, eyes wide with wonder at this unforeseen arrival. “He doesn’t want to hurt you, get away, little girl,” the delusional Henry Bowers purred at you, a silver knife gleaming in his hand.
Pennywise had put him up to this. So much for the truce.
You took a step back, knowing that you needed to stay between the friends and the lunatic. He would jump them immediately, but he knew he wasn’t allowed to hurt you. A human shield, that’s what you were.
Behind you, Beverly let out a small shriek when she saw Bowers following you into the bedroom. “Beverly, call the police,” Ben instructed and probably shoved her back into the hallway before trying to come to help you. Richie’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling at you, but you dug your heels into the floor. “Time to die, Trashmouth,” Bowers spat, lifting his knife and taking another step towards you. “You get out right now, you hear me,” Richie hissed into your ear, “He doesn’t want you.”
“Exactly, he doesn’t want me. So stay behind me,” you urged, trying to wind yourself out of Richie’s unforgiving hold. Ben snuck up beside you, hands lifted so he would appear as no threat. “The police are on their way, it’s over for you Bowers.” You could hear Beverly whimpering from the hallway as she called for help, Eddie swearing colorfully.
“I’ll kill you before they get here,” the madman said, grinning from ear to ear, “Now get out of my way, princess. Let me do what he sent me here to do.”
“Ben, you need to back off and Richie you need to let go of me,” you said through gritted teeth. But Richie’s iron grip didn’t loosen and Ben didn’t move. Bowers took another step towards you and the tingling in your fingertips turned into an uncomfortable prickling. It was as if millions of small needles pierced through your skin. Blood started to rush in your ears, something inside you starting to push. “One more step, Bowers,” you warned, feeling like your power was suffocating you from the inside.
Darkness. It was the darkness you had felt that day when the children had died, the day of the carnage. You hadn’t been able to control it back then. What if you hurt Richie or the others?
Panicking, you clawed at Richie’s arm around you, thrashing until his grip loosened slightly just as Ben took a step towards Henry Bowers. Crazy eyes shifted from you to the handsome man. Bowers was just about to lunge when you finally wound yourself out of Richie’s hold. He would kill him. First Ben and then Richie. Richie.
You know how to wield it, instinctively.
Your mother’s words rang through you and you made a decision—you let the darkness wash over you, consume you, guide you. Your hands clenched into fists, nails digging into your palms painfully. And you willed Bowers to freeze. The joyful insanity on his face immediately turned into fear. Pure and utter fear, eyes meeting yours. “Witch,” he spat at you.
Power, pure and cataclysmic, rushed through your veins.
Kill him, kill him, kill him.
You barely registered that the other’s were saying things, that someone tried to pull you out of the room again. No, not just someone. Richie.
“You tried to kill him.” The midnight voice that came from you wasn’t entirely your own. Everyone fell silent, the pulling stopped. “I will kill them all,” Bowers explained, a grin on his face. You shook your head slowly, feeling how you descended deeper and deeper into that well of power inside you. “Not if I kill you first,” you snarled and with a simple snap of your finger his neck cracked, the sound crisp and unmistakable.
As his body fell to the floor with a loud thud, the knife clattering to the ground, your power retreated, slowly nestling itself back into its well. You sunk to your knees, seeing how blood seeped from Bowers’ eyes, ears, and nostrils, slowly trickling to the floor.
“What…what just happened?” Ben stammered. “How did you do that?” Richie asked, voice eerily low. You looked at the friends, tears sliding down your cheeks. “I’m not entirely sure,” you admitted, your stomach leaden when you saw the confusion and dread in their eyes. “Richie,” you started but fell silent, unsure of what you should say.
Beverly was the one who snapped out of it first, her steps tentative as she came into the room, taking a closer look at Bowers’ lifeless body. She grimaced at the body before kneeling next to you. “How did you do that?” she asked softly, “Just try to explain it to us.”
And so you did.
@lilwickedred @shockwavee @itssmaugtheterrible @ggclarissa @chillcan @jojo-buttercup @victor-criss-bish @discodeakky @kaetastic @discodiscodeaky @cigarettesandtattoos @ma-ntequilla @tozierskaspb
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princecupcakee · 4 years
Park Bench | Reddie
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Read on AO3
Rating: E
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Word Count: 3,112
Chapter: 6/8
Past Chapters: Chapter 1 (AO3), Chapter 2 (AO3), Chapter 3 (AO3), Chapter 4 (AO3), Chapter 5 (AO3)
Next Chapter:
Summary: Recently divorced and ‘incapable of love’, Eddie Kaspbrak moves to Los Angeles for work and a small, small hope of a fresh start. Broken up and never dated again, Richie Tozier tries to get back into love with help from his love of music. Quickly meeting eyes and one concert later, they think that maybe love isn’t that bad. So they try it one more time.
Chapter 6: Eddie Kaspbrak Gets Hurt, Richie Tozier, Stan And Patty Uris, And Ben and Beverly Marsh Buy A Ring & Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough and Mike Hanlon Plan A Leave
Tags/Warnings: Angst / Unhappy Ending / theres only one sex scene but this is explicit anyway / Bisexual Richie Tozier / Gay Eddie Kaspbrak / Post-Divorce / Implied/Referenced Cheating / Inspired By Remembering Sunday (All Time Low) / Inspired by The Book Ninja by Ali Berg / Implied/Referenced Child Abuse / Implied/Referenced Abuse / Implied/Referenced Manipulation
Tag-list: @richietoaster, @s-s-georgie, @mikeuris, @gazebobullshit, @that-weird-girls-blog, @tozierking, @thoughtfullyyoungduck, @s-onora, @bellarosewrites, @lermanslogan, @ambitiousskychild, @ghostnebula, @vanillaredvelvet, 
(Ask if you wanna be on the tag-list!!)
Chapter 6
Eddie Kaspbrak Gets Hurt
Richie was out getting… something (he didn’t tell Eddie), he said it would take a while. Which left Eddie in an uncomfortable state. He didn’t want it to happen again, he didn’t want to lose something as important as this.
“How could you do this? You cheated on me, Eddie! With a man! I thought you cared for me, you didn’t want to hurt me!”
“Myra, I’m sorry. It was a mistake-“
“How was that a mistake? You’ve been dating for three months, Eddie. And you just pass that off as a mistake?”
“None of that was supposed to happen, Myra! I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“The texts seem to say otherwise.”
“Fine!  Lets get a divorce!”
“I’m done! I can’t do anything here. You’re always saying that I’m hurting you, then I’ll stop! This marriage was headed for doom the moment it happened.”
“Are you hearing yourself, Eddie? This is crazy! This is what that man has done to you!”
“None of that was him, it was me! I don’t want this marriage, I don’t want this life! I’m sorry, I know what I did was wrong and I should’ve just told you before this got out of hand, but I didn’t. So, I’m sorry. This is how we fix this.”
Eddie, feeling incapable of love, takes a safe seat on the couch. ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ He thinks to himself, bringing his face into his hands. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, but he’s been thinking about this the whole time. He’s been thinking of leaving, this whole time. He’s been so happy with Richie. Of course, he was. But his past is taunting him, following his every move and making him afraid.
He doesn’t want to hurt Richie. The best thing to do is to leave. Just as he did with Myra. That is how you fix it, right?
Fuck. He needed a drive. Now. Richie took his car out though, and talking to yourself at the train station isn’t a thing he would really want to do. Run. That’s it. Thats what he’ll do. He’s always been good at track; this should be fine. His mother wasn’t here to stop him this time.
So he put on his shoes and stepped out the door. It was never that cold in Los Angeles, people casually went out on runs. But when he bolts away from Richie’s place, ran straight onto the road with his eyes closed from pushing back tears then getting hit by a car, he thinks maybe running was a bad idea.
He woke up in a shaking ambulance. His eyes shut, he should’ve expected this. Its not like he hasn’t woken up in an ambulance before.  ‘I thought the point was to help people, I feel like I’m gonna throw up’ he thinks bitterly. He closes his eyes again, he didn’t need to be asked questions, or checked on, just needed time to think. ‘You wanted a drive now you got one’ his mind laughs at him. He was tired, but he did need to think. He could make a run for it, leave without a word. But that wouldn’t be fair to Richie, would it? He’d do anything to keep Richie. Keep him happy, keep him in his life, whichever he meant, it still fits his description. He could pick a fight. He was good at that. He cheated on his wife, he would know how to cause problems.
If Richie were to see him at the hospital, which was likely, he could pick a fight. A quick, simple, small fight that he would enlarge, ruining every smile he received since the divorce. He wants to deserve Richie. He needs it. But he can’t just be that person. Plus, Richie would find out sooner or later, that he’s truly incapable of not fucking up love. The love in his marriage wasn’t real. He tried to remember if he ever thought it was. Hell, if he fucked up a love he only created in his head, how could he be capable of real fucking thing? He knew it sounded stupid, but his heart felt like it was being thrown into an incinerator, maybe that meant it wasn’t.
Its too much for him to handle, thats easy to admit, but to admit to himself that he’s so in love would be a little harder. He knew where this was headed before it even started, he was too much of a mess. He shut his eyes tighter. Richie has the perfect job for him now, he’s got his friends, he’s got a place, he should be fine without Eddie. Eddie was just scared, and incapable, and destructive, and defensive, and nothing that Richie would need.
He promised himself that night, seeing Myra cry and beg for him to stay, that love was too much. That he couldn’t handle hurting someone like that.  He hurt his mother so much as a child, she would always say so after Eddie would leave the house for longer than she’d said to. Was she really hurt? Eddie couldn’t tell anymore, he just knew that she didn’t like it. Myra was mostly the same, was hurt when ever Eddie would do something that he wanted to without telling her first. Seemed as if most of what he wanted wasn’t allowed.
He knew that it was trauma. That it was built into his head that he’s always hurting people. But he’s still scared. Its one thing to know what happened, its another to know how to deal with it. Eddie didn’t know the latter. He’s been trying, really, but in the early hours of the morning, when Richie would be sound asleep beside him, he’d wonder if he hurt Richie. He probably would. So, the best plan would be to leave, where Richie could forget about him, and go on as if he never existed, maybe then he couldn’t hurt Richie.
So, when Richie sees him in the hospital, worried and almost in tears, his heart twists.
“Eddie, what happened? Are you okay?” Richie rushes, Beverly, Ben, Stan, and Patty following behind. Eddie doesn’t bother to ask why.
“I'm fine,” he says stubbornly.
“What happened to you?”
“I went out for a run, got hit by a car, I’m fine though.”
“You aren’t fine, you got hit by a car,” Richie says loudly. Eddie wonders if this hurt him.
“So? I’m still breathing, Richie.”
“You’re still- you’re still breathing? So? Your fucking hurt I thought you were a risk analyst!”
“What? So you’re gonna get mad at me for getting hurt? It was an accident, I can do everything just fine. We can go back now, I’m not in any pain,” Eddie waves off. He really was in pain though, a throbbing headache, his sides feeling like they’ve been stabbed.
“We’re not going back, you have to stay here and heal, from… that!” Richie gestures to Eddie in the hospital bed.
“You can’t just tell me to stay here, I’m fine, this is my body anyway.”
“You’re being a dick, man.”
“Do I look like I care?”
“I’m trying to help you!”
“You’re not doing shit!”
Silence followed after that, Richie with tears in his eyes and Eddie trying to hold his back. ‘This is how to fix it’  he reminds himself, turning his head to face away from Richie.
“Well… how can I do something?” Richie asks softly.
Another minute of silence, “You can’t,” Eddie chokes out, “can you please just leave?”
Richie, seated on a hard cold chair in the hospital, tries to breathe. Calling him a dick was probably unnecessary, he was hurt after all. That was probably his fault. Yeah, he was trying to help Eddie but he wasn’t doing it right. He did feel as if he was a bit controlling. Thats always what Connor would say. Every time he asked him where he was going, who that girl he was with was, why he wouldn’t come home at night. He was controlling.
He should apologize, he really is in love with Eddie. Mike and Bill are in Eddie’s hospital room right now, he should just go in there. A normal apology might not do it. He grinned. Everything fits into place. He just hopes Eddie says ‘yes.’
Richie Tozier, Stan And Patty Uris, And Ben and Beverly Marsh Buy A Ring
“I’m horrified,” Richie mumbles walking into the store. They were buying a ring now. Richie’s plans all fitting into place.  He had told Eddie that he went out to buy something, though, he doubts Eddie was really listening. Patty, Stan, Ben, and Beverly were here with him, they were the only ones who knew about the proposal.
He had the perfect plan. He’d replay the day they first kissed. Well, without the date of course. And seeing Walter and Maddison. (He still wonders how to fill that gap.) Pulling Eddie out of bed to take him to a different restaurant with a similar view to the one before. He didn’t want Eddie to exactly notice his plan so a normal too-early-watch-the-sunrise breakfast would do. He would take Eddie out around town, anywhere the wind took them, by sundown, they would be back, seated on the bench a ring in Richie’s hand and one knee on the ground. He had checked the weather for that day, it was most likely to rain that night, which fit perfectly to his plans. And, if not, it would work either way.
Maybe he’d play a game again, ask Eddie to marry him as they talked. He was still debating that part since Eddie talked about his divorce to Richie that day. Well, he mentioned it. Eddie wouldn’t really tell him things. It wasn’t something he really liked to do. He told Richie nothing about his divorce, his family, it's almost like it didn’t happen. But it affected Eddie, Richie could tell that. It slightly worried Richie. Eddie wouldn’t really let him in. Anything about his past seems to be missing, something long gone and thrown away. If Eddie didn’t want to talk about it, that was fine, sometimes Richie just hoped he would tell him sometimes. Richie just hoped that he could help.
“Don’t worry about it, Richie,” Patty says, smiling.
A quick thank you to Patty, “remind me again how you know Eddie’s ring size?” He asks Beverly.
“I helped him look for rings when he got married.”
“Oh God that makes it worse. What if he doesn’t wanna get married anymore? Did his divorce suck? He didn’t tell me much about it-“
“Richie,” Stan says, walking over to a jeweler. Richie walks over to a different one with Bev.
“You should ask him yourself, Rich. About his divorce. All I really know is that he loves you,” Beverly smiles after asking to see three different rings (which Richie thought was a bit extra.)
“I guess thats… yeah, thats a better idea.”
“I know you’re doing this again but, I mean, I’m really believing in this one, I’ve known Eddie a long time.”
Richie appreciated the comment in silence. He believed in this too. “You’re marriage has been perfect, how?”
Beverly was surprised by the question, “I guess, love? It isn’t that easy to explain, and everything I’m going to say would be cheesy as fuck, but yeah, I guess love would be it.”
“You and Ben are such sappy assholes,” Richie laughs, earning a playful punch to the shoulder from Beverly.
“When are you proposing anyway?”
“Saturday,” he smiles confidently.
The jeweller brought up the box of rings set inside the glass box. Beverly had chosen three. Two golden bands with matching circular diamonds embedded into it, a pair of golden rings with three blue diamonds, and the third, a silver ring with a large square diamond in its centre. Richie hated the last one for sure. He debated it for a few minutes, the first pair or the second.
“I’d say the gold one with the blue ones,” Stan says, coming up behind them.
“Yeah,” Richie smiled, “could you carve something on the inside of that?”
“Of course,” the jeweler replied, “just write down what you want,” he pulled out a piece of paper that Richie was sure wasn’t there and wrote ‘R + E’ The jeweler then explained the prices and the ring in words Richie would only dream to understand.
He was buying a ring for Eddie. He was going to try proposing, he was going to ask Eddie to marry him. The thought alone made Richie’s heart race, but he smiled. This love is worth a shot. This would work. Eddie wouldn’t do want Connor did to him. Eddie is kind, and brave and caring, and everything Richie could ask for. Richie wondered if the cheesier something sounds, the more true it is. It seemed to fit the definition.
“Hey, Rich?” Stan says beside him. Bev was off somewhere with Ben now, Patty was looking at a few necklaces, leaving Richie and Stan together.
“I’m really proud of you man,” he pats Richie’s shoulder.
“Thanks,” he smiled fondly.
“I was worried about you, man. After… Connor, I didn’t think you’d want to keep with it.”
“Eddie’s really amazing.”
“I can tell,” he smiles.
“Don’t take him from me. If you got that hot shit, Mike, you could probably get Eddie too.”
“Who- who told you that?” Stan asked punching Richie’s arm.
“What is it with people punching me?” He rubs his arm exaggeratedly.
Stan laughed, “‘cause you’re a dick.”
His phone rang, echoing around the store, gaining looks. ‘Eds Spaghetti’ flashed on his screen. “hey!”
“Sir, I have Mr. Edward Kaspbrak’s phone with me and you were on the emergency dial. He is in the hospital,” the woman on the other line gave an address, and Richie shut his phone to head to the hospital.
Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough and Mike Hanlon Plan A Leave
“Eddie, are you sure about this? This is the one time its working out for you, we both think so,” Mike says sympathetically gesturing to him and Bill.
“I’ve made enough fucking mistakes I don’t wanna keep fucking shit up.”
“B-but you aren’t!” Bill argues, he opens his mouth to say more but Eddie cuts him off.
“I will, Bill. You know me just as well as I do, I can’t do this,” it hurts when he says that. He’s about to burst into tears, he knows it, so he breathes slowly.
“I haven’t seen you this happy, Eddie. This is… new. This is something thats good for you,” Mike has always been rational. The one to make decisions and the one to ask for help. But Eddie doesn’t need help. He doesn’t want to change what he thinks, he doesn’t want to be persuaded away, leading to what he knows will happen.
Bill and Mike are talking again, but he doesn’t want to hear anything else. He tries not to blink, the tears will probably fall the second he does. ‘This isn’t a mistake’, he thinks. He wants to think. There’s nothing for him here, nothing that can fix him. He’s going back to New York City, he’ll find an apartment, he’ll go to work, thats all. At this point, he doubts he’ll fall in love again. Richie might. Richie will, he likes to think. Someone better than he is. Someone who can give Richie what he deserves.
Richie told him about Connor. All the things he did, all the horrible words he said. Eddie hated it. He only wishes he could be with Richie for that long, Connor just wasted it. Sometimes he would wonder if Connor regrets it (or if he could make Connor regret it) and wondered if that would happen to him. When he leaves, would he regret it? If he was being selfish, probably. But he was doing this for Richie. This would be good for him. This is how you fix things.
“I’m going to do it,” he whispers, “I don’t care if you don’t think this is a good idea, sometimes I don’t think it is. But thats just me wanting to make things worse. I’m going.”
The tears were bursting out now, but Mike and Bill didn’t move (as much as it hurt them to do so.) “You c-can change y-your mind, Eddie. Y-you can change. I th-think you already have,” Bill says softly.
Eddie just sits there, his breathing is still mostly still steady. People always said that, that you could change. And most people can. He knows he can. But the risk of hurting someone while still just trying to change. That in-between point where your still figuring out what and how to change from the way you were before to the way you want to be. There is always a risk. Nothing is ever easy. He learned that.
Richie is someone he didn’t want to hurt. He’s gone through being hurt before, and its effects were pretty clear. Eddie could do that, Eddie probably will. This was inescapable. If he couldn’t hold himself back then, how would he do it now? With the ‘power of love’? Love exists he’s sure of that, but what would it be able to do? What would it be able to fix?
When Eddie’s in tears, all his anger goes away. All of the fire inside of him leaves. All there is the pain it has left. “I wish I thought the same as you, Bill,” he weakly laughed.  
Bill and Mike didn’t protest anymore, knowing it would be useless. Eddie’s going to leave Los Angeles on Saturday, and there’s no stopping him. They wonder if there ever was a way to. But they doubt it.
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beepbeeprichiellc · 5 years
Oh my god oh my god oh my god can we get a part two to the sick Richie Au??? Like pretty please, I need Richie to actually admit his real feelings while not being so sick and for Eddie to feel the relief when the nurses tell him Richie is gonna be alright
Yeah....I feel gross with all this fluff. Part 1. 
Richie stared at the table, debating if he had enough junk food. Sure there were of his friends favorites but what if Eddie didn’t want the usual? What if he was in some crazy mood and decided that red vines and popcorn wasn’t enough to stay? Richie pondered going back out to the store and just buying everything insight-there was no way Eddie could turn down a buffet of treats right? Not when he saw the effort that Richie had put into the night, going as far as to get seven different movie options. Somehow Eddie had gotten out of four movie nights in a row and although Richie wasn’t sure why-he was positive it was his own fault. After all, Eddie had literally saved his life-the doctors assured him of this-but after leaving hospital things had gotten weird. 
Eddie wasn’t home most nights, and when he was he stayed locked up in his room with the music blaring. Richie had tried to talk to him-to beg for a fraction of the attention he used to get but Eddie would brush him off and make some excuse to leave. The others had no idea what was going on either thus being no help whatsoever. There was a giddiness in the pit of Richie’s stomach, an unmet need that Eddie had left behind as he began to ghost him. This had to work because if it didn’t-well Richie was sure he would just go insane. He needed his Eds, needed his best friend so much that it nearly ate him alive. 
His roommate's door opened, and Richie was immediately on his feet, watching as Eddie slung his jacket his jacket onto his back and glanced his way. “Hey Rich, I thought you were gone.”
“Nope, just getting things ready for our movie night.” Richie gestured to the covered coffee table, eager to see Eddie’s reaction. “I got all your favorites and a few more. Beverly recommended some horror movie but if you aren’t in the mood for that I got action, romance and even a flick from japan that is supposed to be especially good-I’ll even endure the subtitles just for you.” 
Eddie scrunched up his face, “I’m sorry but I promised Bill I’d meet him at the bar tonight.” 
Richie’s heart dipped, “Wh-What? No-no come on, you’ve been out with Bill for the past four Fridays! I thought we could do movie night like we used to because-”
“I know I’ve been busy lately Rich but I told Bill-”
“Are you fucking him or something?” It was supposed to be a joke, a jab if you will but the desperate chuckle that followed gnawed at the tension in the air. “Not that I would care or anything,” the thought made his stomach churn but he pushed it down, “but it’d be nice to have a heads up before I walk in after class and catch a full view of Bill’s hairy ass as he plows you into the sofa.” The image danced in his head and Richie felt the bile climb his throat. 
“The only person who has ever had sex on the couch is you.” Eddie scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets. “And no, I’m not seeing Bill, he’s my friend. I like to spend time with my friends.” 
“I’m your friend.” Richie whined, knowing full well how pathetic he sounded but knew that there was no point in hiding his disappointment. They had been drifting, Richie could feel it but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t pull Eddie back to him-like they were on two different courses and soon it would be too late to reconnect. “And I want to spend time with you too.” 
This made Eddie let out a deep sigh, “Richie-”
“No.” The trashmouth nipped, pointing a wagging finger in Eddie’s direction, “Don’t lie to me Eddie, I can tell when you are about to lie because you make this face that looks like you are ripping out pubic hair. Tell me the truth, what did I do wrong? Are you mad at me or something?” 
“I’m not mad at you Richie.” Eddie replied softly, rocking on his heels and biting on his bottom lip. “It’s nothing like that.” 
“Then what?” Rihcie pleaded, crossing the room so that there wasn’t any furniture separating them. “I mean you haven't even let me repay you for saving my life! It’s like you’ve been avoiding me or something.” Eddie dropped his gaze and Richie knew he had a finger on the pulse. “You have been avoiding me!” 
“Can we not do this right now? I told Bill that I’d be there in like five minutes.” Eddie pleaded tapping his watch. “I promise we will talk when I get back.” 
“We can’t wait because if we do you would have had time to come up with the lie that you are going to feed me.” Richie knew how this was going to work, if he let Eddie slip away now there was no going back, their friendship couldn’t endure another excuse and Richie would rather die than let thirteen years of being the best of friends fall apart. “How can I fix this? Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it Eddie.” Richie hadn’t realized that he had been advancing on his friend, his heart nearly fracturing his ribs with the forces of it’s pounding. If he reached out, Richie could touch Eddie, could pull him close and beg but he didn’t-couldn’t because that wasn’t what they did so instead he waited.
He expected Eddie to speak the truth but instead he shook his head and stepped back. “You can’t do anything Richie. This is my thing that I need to deal with okay? I know you don’t understand but-”
“The help me understand!” Richie shouted, causing Eddie to jump in surprise. “Please.” He whispered now, pleading with Eddie as the string that connected them became taught. “I at least deserve to know why.” 
It looked like Eddie was going to break, his breaths coming in short bursts as the wheels in his head turned. “When you were sick, when you’re fever spiked you started talking-not that you ever stop talking but this time it was different, you weren’t spewing vulgarity or jokes or anything sensible.” 
“Oh man, what did I say?” Richie sputtered, unwilling to believe this..“Did I admit that I’ve got a thing for my 90 year old english professor or-fuck did I admit that I was the one who borke Stan’s grandpa’s vase?” 
“No,” Eddie mumbled, “nothing like that.” 
“Then what?” 
Looking at the door Eddie took a second to answer but when he did his voice dripped regret onto the carpet. “You said that you loved me, that you never got to tell me that you had always loved me before Pennywise killed me.” 
Richie blinked, unable to process the explanation. “Pennywise?” He choked out-watching tears began to fill in the corner of Eddie’s eyes. “What the fuck is a Pennywise.” 
“A demonic clown.” Eddie whispered to his shoes. “You weren't making any sense and were totally freaking out, screaming my name over and over again and repeating that you loved me and I just-” There was choking noise in the back of Eddie’s throat that caught his words. “I can’t handle that Richie. I already have a hard time as is and that was just the cherry on top.” 
“Eddie.” Richie stated, like his name was the answer to all the questions in the world. “Eddie I-”
“I don’t want the speech.” Eddie cut, “I think I’ll just die if you explain to me that we are friends and that it was the fever talking because I’ve been so fucking in love with you ever since we were teenagers and the moment you pity me the moemnt I will explode. It’s not fair I know, and I know this is a lot of shit to put on you but just please don’t hate me! Please, please don’t hate me Richie. I’m sorry I’m like this and I know that if you just give me a little time and space I can pretend that it never happened. It’s just-”
“Oh my god, shut up.” Richie goraned, his heart leading those two steps to Eddie and without warning he pulled the other man to his chest and connected their lips. Eddie let out a surprised squeak but melted as soon as Richie’s hands slipped across his back, squeezing out the last of the space between them. Eddie tasted sweet, much sweeter than Richie would have expected. Richie’s chapped lips moved against Eddie’s smooth ones, and a few seconds skipped past them before they pulled apart. “Fuck I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” 
Eddie stared up at him with those brilliant doe eyes. “So you do-”
“Yes. I’m ashamed it took a near death experience for me to admit but yes, I do love you Eddie. I always have.” 
Eddie sighed, leaning into him. “Thank god.”
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brittle-bone-gabe · 5 years
(This is Reddie-Fangirl24) “I thought you knew.” - Reddie
Sorry this took so long, working in retail right now is a huge bitch. THEN Animal Crossing came out so ya know I had to play that. Thanks for the writing prompt! 
Or you can read on AO3: Here
Richie was pacing back and forth in the medium sized hospital room, the sound of various beeps and footsteps seemed to be all around him. Everything was lowkey overwhelming him, knowing that the love of his life, who he has yet to admit his feelings to, was laying in the single hospital bed with bandages wrapped around his entire torso, so Richie’s anxiety was already through the roof. Thank fuck that he and the Losers had managed to pull him out of that literal hell hole, they only helped Richie after he had begged and pleaded with them to get him out, otherwise he would’ve stayed behind with Eddie. Mike had been the first one to agree with Richie, saying that maybe Eddie was in a coma due to blood loss, getting Bill and Ben in on it too. With their help they managed to save Eddie, it had turned out that Mike was right about him being in a coma, who would’ve guessed. 
The emergency surgery that Eddie had to be put in the moment he arrived at the hospital was nerve wracking for everyone, but none more than for Richie. He refused to leave the waiting area, it felt as though his leg was going to fall off from how much he was bouncing it. The rest of the Losers waited in the waiting room with Richie for about two hours before deciding to head back to the town house, as everyone had an obviously long day. Beverly stuck around for a while longer, making sure Richie was going to be okay. Richie being Richie kept saying he was fine, nothing was wrong, which was bullshit. Even though it’s been twenty-seven years since they’ve seen each other Bev still knows when her best friend is in distress. He was more scared and anxious than he’s ever been in his entire life, hell, not even performing his first sold out show compared to this, Richie had to keep himself from throwing up due to all this anxiety. Hearing that Eddie successfully came out of the surgery with little to no complications was a huge relief, thankfully the stab wound didn’t hit anything vital, although trying to explain a lie that would suffice how Eddie got these injuries was difficult. 
Richie snapped out of his thoughts, stopping his pacing in the middle of the pure white room. It was the first time he actually looked around, new thoughts were crashing in around him as his eyes were starting to burn from the tears that were threatening to fall. This isn’t how he should be meeting Eddie again, not like this… None of this should’ve fucking happened in the first place. Fuck Pennywise. Fuck that fucking fuck. It was dead now, thanks to Eddie for weakening it and saving Richie in the process. Stan should still be alive, Eddie shouldn’t be in a hospital bed, and Richie and Bev shouldn’t be having these strange visions due to being in the Deadlights. 
The first time Richie dozed off since being in the Deadlights scared the absolute shit out of him. Sure, he’s had nightmares before, who hasn’t? But nothing compared to this… he honestly couldn’t tell if it was, in fact, from the Deadlights or just from the sheer panic of losing Eddie. Either way, it was awful. 
In the dream Richie had seen Eddie standing in front of him, a hole in his chest that Richie could visibly see through, blood staining through his shirt. It felt as though the air was trapped in Richie’s throat, choking on nothing. Oh to reach out to grab Eddie, to hold him close as if that would take the wound away and make everything okay. Even though Eddie was standing in front of him, it was like he wasn’t actually… there? Like he was a ghost just visiting him in a dream as like a sick, twisted joke. 
“Eds?” Richie had called out in his dream, reaching out to grab Eddie’s wrist but his hand phased right through. Richie could only think that the surgery wasn’t going well, that they must’ve lost Eddie. 
“It’s okay, Richie,” Eddie had told him, the moment he had opened his mouth blood started pouring out, causing Richie to flinch, “it’s not your fault.” 
Tears welled up in Richie’s eyes, no matter how many attempts his hands still phased through Eddie. 
“You’re dead and it’s my fault!” Richie yelled out, attempting to hug Eddie even though he knew it wouldn’t do any good. This wasn’t fucking fair. 
“I just said it wasn’t your fault. You never listen to me, Trashmouth.” 
Richie swallowed hard, looking Eddie in the eyes, although it didn’t hold the same emotional sensation that he would if it were real life.
He couldn’t help but let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry… you did say that… Dude, are you like… dead?” 
“Am I…” Eddie trailed off, staring at Richie as if he had two heads, “no, I’m not dead! I’m just telling you it’s not your fault!” 
“…am I high?” Eddie groaned in frustration. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” 
“I swear if you beat yourself over this I will kick your ass.” 
“But, I-” 
Seeing Eddie as a potential ghost had startled Richie to his core, sure it wasn’t horrifying, but it was something he would never want to see again. Having Eddie in the hospital bed in Richie’s presence, a heart monitor hooked up to him to show that he had a pulse was oddly reassuring to Richie. However, more than anything Richie was hoping that Eddie would wake up soon. There was so much they needed to talk about, but at the same time Richie was hoping that Eddie didn’t notice the fact that he had his hand on the back of his neck, trying to work up the courage to bring Eddie down to him so he could kiss him. Was Eddie even gay? Of course not, he had a wife, right? Yeah, Richie clearly remembered that conversation with the silent heartbreak he was suffering while trying to keep the mood elevated in the restaurant as everyone was excited to see each other and he didn’t want to ruin it.
Realizing that he’s been standing in the exact same spot for almost five minutes, Richie moved back over to the bed, kneeling down next to Eddie. He was exhausted from the day he had, he wanted to sleep, he wanted to take a shower, he wanted to get out of these sewer and blood covered clothes. Beverly had offered to stay at the hospital for him while he went back to the town house to take a shower and get changed, but Richie refused, obviously. There was no way he was leaving Eddie’s side until he was 100% sure he was awake and okay. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he rested his head on the mattress next to Eddie’s hand, if only Eddie could see him now, he’d rave and rant about how sick Richie was going to get for leaving that shit on him. 
Richie let out a sad sigh, looking at Eddie’s hand that was next to his face, it had an IV stuck in one of his veins. He reached out, lightly messing with a couple of Eddie’s fingers. His skin felt a little cool to the touch, sending Richie’s heart pounding against his chest. He had to keep reminding himself that the heart monitor would tell them if Eddie wasn’t… alive or not. God, why did Richie’s brain have to go straight for the worse case? He had to keep reminding himself that they kicked Pennywise’s ass, the rest of them came out alive, and they got Eddie to the hospital. What more could they want? Well… besides seeing Stan again, even if it was just one more time… 
“I’m sorry, Eddie…” Richie mumbled, burying his face into the mattress, his tears were soaking the sheets from underneath him, “it’s my fucking fault. It’s my fault…” 
In the middle of his mini breakdown he didn’t even realize that Eddie’s hand moved from the spot that it stayed in for hours prior. Richie jumped and his eyes went wide when he felt Eddie rest his hand on top of his head, stroking his hair. Was this real? This couldn’t be real… Eddie’s fingers curled around Richie’s glasses, pulling them off mindlessly from his face. 
“What…” Richie had no idea what he wanted to say as he lifted his head, his vision blurry yet could make out Eddie putting the glasses on over his own face. “Eddie?” He asked sheepishly. 
“Your vision is still awful.,” Eddie said in a groggy voice. Honestly, that wasn’t what Richie was expecting to hear from Eddie the moment he first woke up, but just to hear his voice enough was worth it. “What’re you doin’ here, Trashmouth?” He asked through a yawn, rubbing his eyes from underneath the glasses. 
“I…” needed to make sure you weren’t going to fucking die on me. “Didn’t want to leave you alone in a hospital full of big scary germs,” he finally said with a stupid smile on his face, trying to hide his true emotions behind it. Eddie could see behind it though, he always could. 
“How uncharacteristically sweet of you.” He put Richie’s glasses back where they belonged on Richie’s face. His face turned into instant disgust seeing how gross and dirty Richie still was. “Are you serious?!” 
“How long have I been here?” 
“You didn’t even bother to take a shower before getting that… that… gross sewer grime on my fucking bed?!” 
Well… it was great seeing that Eddie was more or less his usual self, if not at least a bit exhausted, but that was valid considering he almost died saving his best friend and surviving an emergency surgery. Fuck. 
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Richie, for once, was stumped on what to say. He, the man who always had to say something, even if it was stupid didn’t have a single word to say. 
“Eugh, just…” Eddie waved his hand, the stench of the sewer was finally catching up to him. “Back up, please. You’re gonna give me an infection.” 
“Sorry…” Richie stood up from his spot next to the bed, backing up two steps.
 The entire time Eddie was watching him with an eyebrow raised, he didn’t understand why Richie was acting like this. He seemed distant, acting like Eddie was fragile, which wasn’t goddamn true. Eddie couldn’t help but notice that Richie could barely make eye contact with him. What the fuck? 
“Here.” Richie grabbed the large styrofoam cup that was sitting on the bed’s side table, holding it out to Eddie, who struggled to grab it because of the pain in his torso. He waited for Eddie to take a couple of sips before opening his mouth again. “How are you feeling?”
Eddie shrugged, looking down at the cup he was holding while fidgeting with the straw. “Hurting, but at least I’m alive.” He looked up at Richie when he heard an odd sound coming from him. Tears were in Richie’s eyes as he was trying to hold back the sobs in his throat. “Rich? What’s wrong?” 
“No…nothing…” Richie reached up, using the palm of his hand to rub the tears from his eyes, sniffling. If there was one thing Eddie absolutely remembered about Richie was that he was a horrible liar, especially if it was about his emotions. “I’m just glad you…you’re okay.” 
“Richie, seriously… what’s wrong?” Eddie tried turning a bit to face Richie, but the intense pain spreading throughout his torso stopped him immediately, he hissed in pain as he settled back in the bed.
“It’s…” Richie chuckled, giving Eddie a forced smile, “nothing. I’m just happy you’re alive.” 
“Yeah… I’m happy I’m alive too…” 
Eddie knew there was more to it than that, something was obviously bothering him. He wanted to reach over to grab Richie’s hand to reassure him that everything was going to be okay now. IT was gone, everyone was okay. Even though it was touch and go for Eddie for a while before getting to the hospital, but he pulled through and that’s all that matters.  
“Talk to me, man. What’s the matter with you?” 
“I…” Richie started, about to spill out some sort of lie, but his brain locked up. It was like his mind wasn’t going to let him live behind this lie anymore, it’s been years since Richie came to silent terms with his sexuality but hasn’t told a single soul about it. “I just… I really…” He let out a sigh. He needed to tell him the truth, Eddie already had a close call and if he did die then Richie would live with this secret for the rest of his life. A secret that burns in his chest every day. When he saw Eddie looking at him waiting for an answer with an eyebrow raised he knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to spill. “Eddie I…” Tears were in Richie’s eyes again as he was scared of the rejection that could possibly follow. “Dude, I fucking… love you, okay?” 
As soon as the words left his mouth he turned around so his back was facing Eddie. He couldn’t bear to see what Eddie’s expression could be anger, disgust, confusion… Richie couldn’t deal with that. 
“I’ll just go, okay?” Richie cut him off quickly, reaching up to wipe the tears from his eyes. 
“I’ve loved you since we met, alright?! I didn’t know how to tell you without it either sounding like a joke or you hating me.”
“I don’t-”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you-”
“Richie!” Eddie said loudly. The sudden raise of his voice caused Richie to jump, slowly turning back around to face him. 
Richie was surprised, Eddie didn’t look pissed off at all. In fact, it looked like Eddie was trying to contain a smile. 
“Richie, you’re a fucking idiot. I thought you knew.” 
“Thought.. I knew?” He had no idea what Eddie was talking about. “Thought I knew what?” 
“I thought you knew that I knew.”
“You…” It took Richie a moment to process what Eddie was saying to him. He knew? Hew knew this whole fucking time? “Then why didn’t you say anything?!” 
“I’ve been flirting with you for years?” Eddie said this as though everyone else knew that except for Richie. Well, maybe that was true, maybe everyone knew they’ve been flirting with each other since they were teenagers. “Why do you think I got on your case so much? Or why I keep entertaining your stupid jokes?” 
Richie was frozen in his spot, going through every single teenage memory that he could force out of his brain. Connecting all the patterns and exchanges it became so obvious. Was he the only one who didn’t notice? No wonder Bev kept asking him weird questions when they were teenagers… This whole time…
“Are you telling me this whole fucking time we could’ve built a life together?” Richie blurted out. “It’s your fault!”
“My fault?! What’s my fault?” 
“You just had to move away when you were six-teen!” 
“That wasn’t my fucking fault! You could’ve told me how you felt!” 
“Well, I love you!”
Hearing the three words coming from his mouth a second time caused Richie to freeze up again. Even though Eddie admitted that he’s always had feelings for Richie too still made him feel like this was some sort of joke. 
“I love you…” Richie said again in almost a whisper. 
“I love you too.” 
“Dude, can I kiss you?” 
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writingformadderton · 5 years
Treat You Better💞
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 3061
Summary: Richard and Taron are happily in a relationship; however, Richard reflects on the time before they got together. Taron was in an abusive relationship and Richard was just his best friend at the time. Richard knew about his friend’s situation, but he became a shoulder to cry on when he needed it. When Richard witnesses the abuse one day on set, he had enough. He comes to Taron’s rescue, which is just what he needed.
Additional Tags: HARD TRIGGER WARNING!!! Physical and verbal abuse, bleeding, swearing, fluff, angst. 
If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, DO NOT STAY!!! PLEASE REACH OUT TO SOMEONE AND LEAVE!!! You are stronger and better than your situation. Our inbox is always open if you wanna talk about any and everything. We love you so much and want what’s best for you. You have three strong and open-minded girls in your corner always.
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Richard looks down at the man curled up in his lap, sleeping peacefully and deep. He runs his fingers through his hair gently and wraps the blanket around him tighter. Placing a light kiss in his fluffy hair, he wraps his arms around him. This time Taron doesn’t flinch or whine, in fear, in his sleep. Rich can remember the time when Taron and he got together like it was yesterday. Every sudden touch he made, T flinched or ducked away from him. Every time he said his name, Taron’s eyes were full of fear, as if he did something wrong and was about to be punished.
Taron knew he didn’t do anything wrong and he knew Richard wouldn’t hurt him. But he was traumatized by his previous relationship. He was used to getting blamed for things he didn’t do and getting hurt, mentally and physically, over and over again. During their first-time having sex, Richard focused completely on Taron’s comfort, well-knowing of all the abuse he went through. There was a time when Taron thought he would never make it out of the relationship and that he would die in that relationship. At that point, he had hit rock bottom. Richard was his best friend at the time. Though he couldn’t do much at the time, he still supported his friend and lent a shoulder to cry on when Taron needed it most. But after one horrible incident, Richard had enough and helped him escape the relationship that same day. He protected him at all costs and got hurt in the process as well. That made them inseparable. Richard still remembers how it all started.
Taron came on set with sunglasses on and an over-sized hoodie this day. He tries to get to his trailer without running into someone that would see his real condition. And by someone, he meant his best friend Richard - who always knew how he’s doing by just looking into his eyes. He unlocked his trailer door when he hears Rich step out of his own. Richard had to stay on set, but T lived in the area so he could go back home every evening. Back to his boyfriend. Rich walks over to him and greets him happily. “Hey, T!”
“Hey.” Taron says tiredly and smiles weakly.
Richard frowns and looks at him closely. Something was clearly wrong and he already has a clue of what it is. He reaches out to him and pulls down Taron’s sunglasses. His mate turns his head to the side and avoids his observant look. But it doesn’t hide the bruised eye. “What happened?” he asks and swallows hard.
Taron shakes his head slightly, not being brave enough to tell him he isn’t able to talk about it. Isn’t allowed to talk about it.
Richard tries to look into his eyes again and realizes he wouldn’t get anything out of him here in public. “Come in.” he says and nods towards his trailer. As soon as Richard closes the door, he sees the tough facade of Taron disappearing. Seeing the tears in his best friend’s eyes and the dark circles underneath his eyes, the way he tries to hide his body underneath his clothes, Richard realizes this asshole did it again. “What was it this time?”
“Came home late. Two minutes because of a red-light.” Taron just mumbles and shrugs his shoulders, biting his lower lip. Trying to hold himself together, he stares down at the floor.
“What did he do?” Rich mumbles and leans against the counter of his little kitchen.
“Beat me up. Told me I’m a disappointment. And well, other things.” T shrugs his shoulders and contorts his face in pain. Every movement hurts and it’s getting harder to hide it.
Richard notices and swallows down his own tears. “Other things?” he asks worried.
“…Abused me sexually.” T says, barely above a whisper. He must look like a pathetic mess, not able to protect himself.
Richard feels tears burning in his eyes when he hears that. He takes a step towards him. “Can I-?”
T just nods and gets out of his hoodie with his mate’s help. It became kind of a thing; whenever it happened too violently, he showed his bruises to Richard. It helped him cope sharing it with someone.
Rich lets his eyes wander over his torso and shakes his head. Big, dark bruises are spread all over his torso. Bruises on his neck show where he choked him. It’s heavier than ever before and Richard feels fear creeping up inside him. “God, Taron.”
T picks up his hoodie and puts it back on, contorting his face and unable to hold back a moan. “I’m fine.” he just says and pulls at the sleeves of his hoodie. “No, you’re definitely not. You need to get away from him-.”
“Richard, please don’t.” Taron says barely audible and tears are welling up in his eyes.
“Taron, I’m serious. You can’t keep on living like that.” Rich takes a step closer to him and T takes one back. He recognizes his mistake and holds his hands up high. “I won’t harm you.”
Taron nods quickly and wraps his arms around himself. “I can’t just go when I want to. And you know that. He’s gonna hunt me down and wreck me even more.” He presses out and a stream of tears roll down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Rich.”
“Taron.” He says in such a soft tone that makes Taron look up. “Don’t be sorry for something you have no control over. It’s not your-.”
“Yes it is! That’s the problem. It’s always my fault, Richie.” Taron is shaking heavily and the tears run down his face, leaving dark spots on the light grey hoodie. He’s throwing his hands in the air helplessly.
Richard shakes his head and comes closer again. “Is hugging okay for you?” T nods, remaining silent and wipes away his tears. Rich carefully wraps his arms around his slightly younger friend and tries to comfort him. “None of this is your fault. He has a serious problem and you’re the one who suffers underneath it. It’s not your fault, T.” he presses a light kiss on his cheek and holds him as close as he can without hurting him.
“He’s gonna pick me up today. He took away my keys so I won’t come home late anymore.” Taron explains and leans against Richard, taking in the scent of his cologne. Tears fill his eyes again. This here felt good, this was real comfort and someone that cared about him. Something he would never get.
“What?” Rich asks shocked and looks down at him.
“I wanna get away from him.” T whispers and presses his lips together, the tears rolling down his cheeks are rapid. His voice cracks and he takes a deep breath. “But I can’t, I don’t know how. And staying there makes me fear I’m gonna lose you. I know you don’t like it that I’m still there. But going means he’ll be after you as well.”
“Hey, T, you won’t lose me. We’re gonna get you out, okay?” he cups Taron’s face gently and softly wipes away his tears. “I won’t let him destroy you.”
When Taron gets back to his trailer from the shoot, he feels tiredness envelop his whole body. His stomach aches at the thought of having to go back home tonight. But Rich would find a way, he always does. He gets out his keys and goes to open the door when someone slams him against it. A moan escapes his lips when his already wrecked body meets the hard door.
“Who did you tell about us?” his boyfriend asks him harshly.
“What do you mean?” Taron breathes out scared and tries to stand as still as he could. The less that he would move, the less he would be punished.
His boyfriend pulls him back harshly and turns him around. He slaps him in the face and comes closer. “Today the police showed up at front of our door. Told me that I’m not allowed to see you anymore.” Taron eyes widen in shock. Richard must have called them. He was finding a way out. “Tell me!” he shouts in his face.
Taron shakes his head and tries to get away from him. “I didn’t tell anyone about the things you do to me. But those bruises are obvious.” he breathes out scared and ducks away, but it’s too late as he gets punched straight in the face. Without another word, he gets pushed into his trailer and against the table.
His boyfriend’s hands slide down between his legs and grab him through his trousers. “You belong to me; do you hear me?”
Taron shivers in fear and tries to blink away the tears. “Stop, please.” he begs quietly and whines when the grip on his body gets tighter. “Please stop touching me.” he leans away from his boyfriend trying to kiss him. Taron sees the pure anger in his eyes and closes his own eyes, taking a deep breath. He knows what will happen now. And as always, no one was there to help him.
And then, the punishment he went through way too often starts. Brutal punches to his ribs, stomach, slapping, pushing, all while getting told how stupid, useless and idiotic he is. Until he breaks down on the floor and tries to protect himself by burying his head in his arms. But nothing helps.
In the beginning Taron tried to fight back, then he begged him to stop, but these days he just lets him do it and remains silent until he’s done. He just lets the tears stream down his face and tries to bite back the moans that may escape his lips from time to time.
Suddenly, he gets pulled up roughly from the floor and gets punched harder than ever before in his stomach. Black dots start dancing in front of his eyes and he retches.
“If you throw up now, I swear I’m gonna kill you!”
Taron retches again, coughing, and feels his whole body aching profusely. He tries to hold himself together, knowing his threat serious. “I-.”
“Shut up, you fucking idiot!” he screams at him and T flinches.
He gets dragged outside and looks around panicking. Where the hell is Richard? If his boyfriend gets him home now, he was a dead man. A sharp pain in his stomach makes him groan and he feels his body begging him to sit down. He’s feeling dizzy and everything hurts. His body gives up and he slides out of the grip of his boyfriend, breaking down on the stairs and groaning in pain.Suddenly, he sees Richard and knows he’s saved.
“Stand up asshole. Right now!”
“I can’t. I can’t walk.” Taron cries out in pain and crying. The next slap in his face follows and he just lets it happen. Too weak to do anything, he bends forward in pain and wraps his arms around his stomach. “Fuck, he’s gonna kill me.” he whispers to himself.
Richard runs the last few steps towards Taron’s trailer shocked by the scene he just saw. Taron telling him what happened and actually seeing it was something different. He already called the security team they had on set and they would arrive any second. “Hey, back off!”
Taron’s boyfriend turns around to him and looks at him angry. “What do you want?!”
“Leave him alone. I’m going to call the police.” Richard warns and tries to get closer to his mate, who’s groaning in pain and burying his face in his hands.
“Fine, I’m going. He’s useless anyway.” he says and walks away.
Richard leans down to Taron and lifts up his head. “Hey, you’re okay?”
Taron just groans sobbing and shakes his head. Suddenly, he sees someone coming up behind Richard and tries to warn him, but Richard is already pulled back on his feet.
Rich gets turned around and looks into the rage filled face of Taron’s boyfriend. “Do you really think you can tell me what to do with him?!”
Richard wants to answer but is quickly punched in the face. He hears Taron shouting stop and takes a step back to get some distance between him and the man in front of him.
Taron stumbles between them and guards Richard with his body. “Don’t hurt him. He doesn’t have to do anything with this.” He says and his whole body is shaking. He gets grabbed and pushed up against his trailer.
“You fucking wanker! Two minutes ago, you couldn’t walk and now you’re defending him!”
Taron pants and holds his arms up to guard himself. “Let him go, please. I’ll do anything you want, just let him go!” his voice cracks and he tries to calm down a bit. “I’m coming home tonight with you, just let him go. Please.”
“Why should I?!”
“Because I’m your boyfriend and I’m asking you to leave him alone.” Taron growls through clenched teeth and feels his body protesting against him standing again. He looks at Richard and presses his lips together, his eyes full of fear. But not fear for himself, he’s worried about Rich. “Stay back, Rich. Please.”
Richard tries to fight his own panic and hopes security would come soon. Seeing his naturally energetic and fun-filled mate so messed up, broken and begging breaks his heart. He sees the fear in his eyes and stays back, even though it’s immensely tough.
“Why would you even care about what I do to him?”
“Because I love him.” Taron says and it’s the first time he admits this to himself. With that, he gets a violent punch to his stomach. Taron’s eyes widen in shock and he feels like passing out in the moment.
Someone drags his abusive boyfriend away from him and he slides down the wall of his trailer. He can barely make out security arriving, along with some police officers, and groans because of all the pain in his body. He sees Richard’s blue eyes pop up in front of him and he sees his lips moving, but with all the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he can’t understand what it is he’s saying. Taron leans forward and retches from the immense pain in his stomach, his whole body screaming in pain as he starts coughing.
“Taron, hey, stay with me!” Richard pats his cheeks and tries to keep him awake. “Someone call an ambulance!” he yells panicked and one of the security guards does as he says. Taron groans and his eyes roll to the back of his head, getting immensely pale before passing out. Richard catches him and places his head in his lap.
A while later, Taron wakes up in a hospital bed and looks at Rich with tired eyes. “I’m sorry, Richie. I didn’t want you to get hurt.” he sighs and his eyes fill with tears again. “I really messed big time.”
Richard shakes his head furiously and grabs his hand carefully. “Taron, I would take every punch for you, if that means you’re safe.”
Taron bites his lower lip and watches him, frowning. “But why would you do that?”
“Because I love you.” Rich admits and gently strokes over his hair, letting his eyes wander all over his face. His tired but so beautiful blueish green eyes, his soft lips and the dimples that appear now that he’s smiling a bit.
“Can you please hold me for a bit?” T asks with a thin voice. Richard slowly lies down in the bed next to him. He carefully takes him in his arms and tries not to hurt him with any sudden movements. “Where do I go now? All my stuff is in our apartment and I don’t wanna go back there.”
“You can stay with me and when you’re feeling better again, we can get you some clothes and other things.” Richard suggests and strokes over his hair, trying to calm him. Taron agrees humming and stays silent for a while.
Taron is feeling very comfortable around Richard now and eternally grateful that he can stay with him. One evening, they kiss for the first time and as good as it felt, it changes something in Taron’s behavior.
Richard comes home one night and walks into the living room. “Hey, T.”
Taron flinches and his heart races. Calm down, it’s Rich; He tells himself. “Hey.” he says smiling and kisses Richard softly.
Richard lifts his hand to stroke over his cheek, but stops when he sees the slight fear in Taron’s eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asks confused.
“I-.” Taron bites his lip and shakes his head. “Just got scared for a moment.” he whispers ashamed and can barely look him in the eyes.
Richard crouches down in front of the sofa and looks up to him. “Okay, I get it. Sudden movements or saying your name when you’re not prepared may scare you, because of him.”
“Yeah.” T admits and plays with his hands nervously. “I’m sorry, I know it’s dumb.”
Richard softly rubs his knee and shakes his head. “It’s not dumb, T. I want you to know that I won’t hurt you on purpose, okay? If I’m saying something that hurts you please tell me, alright?” T nods and Rich smiles at him. “I’m gonna be as cautious as possible until you feel safe around me, I promise.”
Taron shakes his head furiously and runs his fingers through his hair. “No, that’s not the problem. I’ve always felt safe around you. It’s just a reflex I have to get rid of now.” he pulls him up and Rich sits on the sofa next to him. Taron sits on his lap and kisses him softly, cupping his face.
Richard closes his eyes and kisses him back passionately. He grabs his neck and moans softly into the kiss.
T pulls back and his eyes are shining joyfully. “I love you.” he whispers and comes closer again.
Richard bops his nose with his own and smiles. “I love you too.” he rests his hands on his hips, carefully and gentle. “I promise I’m gonna take care of you.”
“I know. You always did.” T says smiling and plays with his boyfriend’s grey streak. He was finally home. 
@taruhnegerton @dreamingwolfthings @onceuponadetectivedemigod @guns-n-marvel @primaba11erina @shereighties @honkycrowley @sarahegerton96
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jarchivist · 5 years
It’s Cold Outside
"I really can't stay." Eddie started, pulling his coat up and over his shoulders. He had been at Richie's all day, but now that the snow had started softly falling from the darkened sky, he had to get going. How many hours had they spent playing video games instead of studying like they were supposed to? How many minutes had he misused, tickling Eddie until he couldn't breathe? It was something they did a lot - This front of teasing each other. Deep down, they both knew it was just an excuse to touch each other. Of course, that was beside the point! Ahem - Richie would pass this exam with flying colors - He was smart. But Eddie? Eddie needed those wasted hours. He had to get home to get a little bit of actual studying done before bed.
"But Eddie, it's cold outside." Richie pouted his lips, tugging on the collar of Eddie's old coat. "You're going to freeze to death! And what would Sonia think?" He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead like some southern damsel. He whimpered as the snow continued to fall, saying in his best southern belle accent, "she'll have an absolute cow if I let you leave in this here weather!"
Eddie did his best to repress a laugh, but like most times, failed. He grinned, his face flushing when Richie responded with that stupid, gentle smile. It wasn't his fault that Richie was so damn funny. Of course, Eddie hated to let Richie know that he thought so. "Listen, asshole. I have got to go!" He pulled away, fighting with the zipper of his coat.
Richie whined, crossing his arms. "But, Eds, it's so cold outside!"
"You know. This evening... It's been," he laced his voice with false sarcasm and shrugged, "very nice and all but listen - I have to go!" He had to admit; it had been a good evening. It was nice just to let go for a while and spend a little downtime with Richie. You know, alone. Not that he wanted to be alone with Richie. He just thought it was nice having some one-on-one time with his best friend. He shivered, sticking his hands into his pockets.
"Oh, come on, man. I was hoping you'd drop in today. Can't we hang out just a little longer?" Richie reached out and gently put his hands on Eddie's elbows and slide them down, coaxing Eddie's thin hands out of his pockets. "Oh, Eds, let me hold your hands. They're just like ice..."
Their fingers laced for only a moment before Eddie pulled his away, his freckles getting lost in the sudden redness of his cheeks. He cleared his throat and struggled to pick up his book bag. "I - You know my mom will start to worry."
"Eddie, my love, what's your hurry?"
'Damn that song,' Eddie thought. It was something Richie had teased him with since they were kids. They were taking college classes now - Couldn't he let that die already? Richie lifted the bag with ease, taking it from Eddie's grip and holding it behind his back. Eddie tried and failed to get it back - Or maybe he didn't try very hard at all. "You know she'll be pacing the floor. She's going to have a fucking aneurysm, Rich."
"But listen to that fucking rad furnace roar, man! My folks just got it installed. It's begging you to stay!" Richie tossed the bag to his bed and clapped his hands together. "Eddie, my love, please don't be in such a hurry."
"Maybe..." Eddie grabbed his beanie and pulled it down over his ears. "Maybe just one more song. We'll do a round of flashcards, and then I'm leaving."
"Well! Put a record on!" Richie clapped once and grabbed the stack of flashcards. "But are you sure you really want to study? We could play one more game."
"No!" Eddie laughed, pushing at Richie's shoulder - Another excuse for contact. He continued, "we're doing flashcards," and reached for them. "Our parents are going to think we were fucking off this entire time if I don't pass this damn test, Tozier."
"But Eddie, only one more round of flashcards won't save you now? And besides, it's so cold outside. No one is going to be out, and you should be either."
"Dammit, fucknut." Eddie smiled, reaching back to scratch the back of his head. He wished he knew how to break this spell. They had been like this for a few years now. It wasn't as bad when they were kids, but now - It was all either one of them wanted to do; Spend time together. They danced around and around each other, flirting and teasing. "I'm going to fail, and it'll be your fault." Eddie looked up and into Richie's eyes, and the light caught the irises through his long lashes.
Richie wanted to joke, but he was lost in Eddie's eyes. "They're like starlight."
"What?" Eddie stopped, his smile fading, heat returning to his cheeks.
"What, what? I said you're full of shit. You and I both know you'll pass just fine! Here," he reached out to snatch the hat off of Eddie's head. "I'll take your hat, your hair looks..."
Eddie pouted, his hair sticking up in every which direction. Sort of like a nest.
"Swell." Richie finished and laughed.
"No, no, no, Richie!" Eddie grabbed his hat back, putting it back on his head.
"Oh come on, Eds. What's the use of hurting my pride?" Was he trying to be suave now? It wasn't working. Richie's long and lanky frame kept him from that all day.
"Well... At least I can say that I tried to leave." Eddie sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Stay, Eddie. It's cold outside." Richie smiled. It was a soul-crushing smile. The type that you felt in your chest when it lit up the room. It was a smile that Eddie had only ever seen when they were alone. He let himself get hypnotized for only a moment before snapping out of it.
"Listen, I can't do this. I really have to go."
"But Eddie," Richie was cut off.
"I know it's cold out, but the answer is no!" He tried to remain passive, though he couldn't help but smile again. "Your welcome has been so uh - Nice and warm." He laughed at the cheesiness of his words.
"How lucky for me that you decided to come over tonight. You're probably going to be stuck here." The glass shook against the bitter wind. "Oh! Look out the window at that storm!"
"Richie I - My mom is already suspicious of this whole thing. Her mind is a vicious place. She'll be waiting at the door for me all night if I don't come home." The truth was, he didn't want to leave. He never wanted to go. He would stay with Richie forever if he could; Of course, he would never tell him that. He couldn't. Richie would never let him live it down. Eddie longed to get out of Derry and never see his mother again. To never have to come back to this place. He wanted to forget it all; To forget what had happened all those years ago.
"Damn your..." Richie's eyes flicked to Eddie's lips, and he swallowed, choking down his words. Richie's heart ached, it yearned - He bit his lip.
"My?" Eddie asked, his heart pounding in his chest. He was sure Richie could hear it.
"I need another fucking cigarette." Richie groaned, turning his back to Eddie for the first time. Richie couldn't keep doing this to himself; Dancing around his feelings, around their wants and needs. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, stuck it between his lips, and lit it. He hoped it would take the edge off. It didn't.
"I - I've gotta get home, Rich. I can't stay." Eddie picked his beanie up from the floor and pulled it back on.
Richie swung back around, pleading. "But Eddie, my love, you'll freeze out there."
"Then lend me another fucking coat, asshole!"
"Eddie - I'm sorry, but I don't know how much another coat would help you." He blew a puff of smoke into the air and gestured to the window. "It's up to your fucking knees out there. You don't stand a chance, you poor hobbit of a man."
"Shut the fuck up, Richie. I'm like average fucking height." He rolled his eyes. What he wouldn't give to hold his hand right now. "It was fun but," he reached out to touch Richie's fingers. "There's bound to be talk if I spend the night again..."
Richie's breath caught in his throat, electric traveling down his spine at Eddie's gentle touch. It was a thrill - Eddie's touch was something that he always waited for. It came at the end of their time together; It was a brush of his fingers on Richie's hand. It was the feel of Eddie's warm cheek under his palm. They were always so careful around others - But they couldn't stop themselves when they were about to part ways for the night. But that was all it ever was: a brush, a tickle, a fleeting brush of lips on foreheads.
"How could you do this to me, Eds?" He laced their fingers together, pulling him close. "Think of my lifelong sorrow if you were to catch pneumonia and die. You could DIE, Eddie. And then your mom would kill me."
"I," Eddie paused, keeping his eyes fixed on Richie's. "I really can't stay." He took two more steps forward.
"Eddie, it's cold outside." He leaned down, and Eddie rose to his toes, closing the distance between them.
Eddie called his mother afterward and explained to her that he couldn't come home.
It was cold outside, after all.
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rainbowsntears · 5 years
his heartbeat
↳ you didn’t expect a richie tozier to be standing at your front door in the middle of winter, wearing nothing but his hawaiian shirt and jeans and a heartbreaking look on his face.
↳ swearing, mention of abuse
↳ 1231
↳ hi, this is a very sad imagine that i have no idea why i wrote it. i imagined your ages to be a bit older like sixteen or fifteen but imagine how you would like to. i’m not too sure if richie actually does get abused by his parents but i’m begging you, please don’t read this if you have a hard time reading mentions of abuse. you may read this but i don’t want to upset anyone if the topic is a bit sensitive for them. i love you all so much and if you ever need to talk to someone, my dms are always open xx
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Richie Tozier was standing outside your house.
And for some odd reason, you couldn't stop the way that your heart fluttered out of the fact that your crush was at your front door and you were thankful enough that your parents were out on a business holiday doing God knows what. But for odd reasons, these past few weeks, Richie had been soft on you and presumably...nice. Even though, yes, the Trashmouth in himself couldn't stop some of the jokes that slipped out of his mouth, Richie grew entirely kind to you and showed the compassion he had for you. This didn't help with the feelings you had for him.
"Richie? What are you doing here?" Your voice stunned him surprisingly, his head that was once hanging low quickly whipped up as his eyes gazed on yours. But before he could answer, the intense temperature that froze your skin and made your goosebumps rise up alarmingly. This made your hands throw up to the opposite of arms as they tried to warm themselves, "Holy shit! What are you doing out here in the cold? You're gonna get yourself sick, you dumbass."
The shivering brunette couldn't help himself but chuckle as his teeth clattered sharply and loudly. Though he was immediately embraced into warmth when you wrapped an arm around his frozen shoulders - you couldn't believe he was still wearing his Hawaiian shirts in Winter - as you guided him into your house where he felt just the slightest of dizziness from the large change of temperature.
After forcing him to sit on the couch in front of the heater and piling blankets all on top of him with a cup of coffee gently being cocooned by his still shaky hands, Richie finally opened his mouth for the first time.
"I didn't want to go home, I mean I didn't even mean to come to your house. But here I fucking am," He sighed sadly, and even though had been sitting directly in front of him on another chair, you could tell he was painfully hurting. He just looked so upset and you watched as he placed the half-empty mug of hot beverage down on the side table next to the two of you.
You propped your elbows on your knees as you intently looked at him, he didn't make eye contact which you knew was a huge sign that he wasn't happy. Usually, Richie was excellent with eye contact when he would listen to you speak, his whole attention on you as you told him stories. He didn't look the same, even his presence worried you to bits. You see, the boy sitting in front of you always had this one wall that you just could never break down, it was the toughest of walls that Richie put up but you knew there was something he was hiding from you. "Chee, what's going on? Why don't you want to go home?" You softly asked him, reaching out to take hold of his now warm hands.
He stayed a little quiet like he was thinking just about how he was going to tell you this. He never told you his problems, and you were the only one in the loser's club that he hasn't told because...well...he didn't want to scare you off. You were the last person he wanted running away from him and he was scared shitless.
Richie bit his lip as he still intended on not wanting to look at you. But he intertwined your fingers with his and held them tightly like he didn't want to let you go, which you never intended on doing.
"It's 'cause of...d-dad," He whispered like he feared his own father would hear him in your safe and peaceful house. You went to question why his dad had to do anything about Richie not wanting to go home, but the gears in your mind slowly clicked together when your eyes moved down to your hands that were collided with his.
The bruises on his wrists; purple and raw that looked like they were screaming in pain and your breath hitched in your throat, "H-He hits you?" It was so hard to ask that since you came to the realisation that this was the wall Richie was keeping up from you.
Richie hated admitting it, he felt so scared and he couldn't speak but just slowly nodded his head. And he looked up to finally see you, the tears brimmed in his glossy eyes beyond his large glasses as his lips trembled, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have kept it this long from y-"
"-No," You cut him off quickly, moving your chair closer to him as your hands move up to his cheeks to wipe away the shame and guilt off his face, "don't ever apologise, Richie." You softly demanded him.
But he couldn't give in that easy, not from all the years that he's been treated like shit from his only father, "He's always calling me a fucking piece of shit, I-I don't belong anywhere and I'm a nothing to him. Consistently screaming how much he hates me..." This only pained you more as he kept his sobs down when he spoke to you, "He's never proud of me, sayin' shit that I'll never be good enough. He even fucking had the audacity to rip the card apart and burn it that I had made for you. Then he yelled at me to do my fucking homework and not spend time thinking about you."
And it was now you this time to break away the eye contact and look down to your hands, your thumb tracing over his knuckles in a fragile manner as you began to tear up. There was so much to take in but you would never allow Richie to apologise, because this isn't his fault, and never will be.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Richie Tozier," You whispered clear enough as you inched a little close to him, your eyes pleading for him to understand you, "You are so amazing and beautiful, you deserve so much more than what he gives you. There are so many other people out in this world that care for you more than he could do."
Richie had never heard anything more soothing and wonderful than what had come out of your precious lips and he paid close attention when you cupped his puffy and red cheeks ever so gently, closing his eyes just at the same time that you did once you leaned in. His lips were warm from the coffee and you could taste just some of it lingering on his mouth. And even though the kiss wasn't long, the two of you cherished it as much as the other did.
Both of your foreheads leaned on one another as you two opened your eyes.
Richie, licked his lips as he then took hold of your right wrist that was one clasped on his face and down to where he pressed your hand on top of where his heart is. You felt his heartbeat, it was fast, his heart beat just as fast as the butterflies that twinkled in your stomach.
"Feel that?" He mumbled in a calming matter and you slowly nodded your head, "It only ever goes that fast when I'm with you."
Richie Tozier was sitting inside your house.
"I love you,"
And you welcomed him in with open arms.
"I love you too."
That's all he ever needed.
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