#Rol playing games
elgremiomaestro · 5 months
Tengo un dilema.
Eh estado haciendo investigaciones sobre juegos de rol a traves de ChatGPT, ya que la info que proporciona sirve para tener un poco mas de conocimiento sobre el tema. Cuando me interese en los juego de D&D(Dungeons & Dragons), me encanto ese detalle de crear historias y jugar con amigos. Ademas, soy un fan de los videojuegos RPG, incluso los que son por turnos, aunque ya esto algo desactualizado en el tema en juegos actuales.
Bueno, mi dilema es el mundo que debería elegir para iniciar una historia. Me gustaria tener un poco mas de opinion publica aqui.
Con el fin de avanzar un poco en mi idea necesitare ayuda.
De antemano, muchas gracias por su participación.
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dinoberrypress · 4 months
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Have you ever wanted to take a visit to the Mermaid Court? Take a trip with us on our Little Wolves episode of The Queer XP!
Help share and bring Little Wolves to life. We're so so close to our goal. We're a 2-person studio & need help reaching more people! 💕
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franciscolemos · 4 days
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It remains to be decided whether this little guy is an adventurer, a missionary, or an encyclopedia salesman.
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tatck · 11 months
i love sonic boom (games)
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ultimavela · 2 months
No peace for the heathen — Isla Grande and its locations
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Your LAND crumbles under the weight of steel and blood SOIL becomes dry, a DARK SCAB. You kill your way on the wake of an end, and day by day you see one more thing that BREAKS As mythic-land become war-land and war-land become fallen-land. With every day that passes Conquistadors walk deeper into your land. How long will it take for them to take total control? The GM rolls a d20 every sunset. For every d20=1 Conquistadors get 1 HEX DEEPER: 1 HEX of Mythic-Lands becomes War-lands 1 HEX of War-Lands becomes Fallen-Lands.
Fallen lands
Region where inquisitors are kings and conquistadors are forced to live in peace.
Magic and the soul of the land has been erased by the unmeasurable gore shed on the soil. Here your people are slaves of the man-god-king and the brutality of colonists. The heart of this land is the city of Prime. On its norther tip, Port Salvation stands as the sea gate for the ravenous followers of the see-it-all man-god-king.
War lands
Lands under an eternal conflict. Fire, blood, and screams are a common visage on these wastelands. The flags of conquistadors adorn the cites where blood is eternally shed and gallows swing under the weight of your people. The cold mist of these wastes is tinged with blood. The sun that glows through it is a red orb of doom.
Skirmish and large-scale battles are another accident of this landscape. Commons as rivers, forests, and mountains, they sweep Isla Grande under the multiple colourful banners of the Conquistadors' armies.
On a pilgrimage of death, the faces of conquistadors and inquisitors are lost under the shadows of their flags. As one, their march is the crawling of a thick oily creature of metal teeth and shiny spines.
Here there are no dreams, only nightmares.
Only few of your peoples’ towns survive on these lands, hidden under the shadows of rocks and the charcoal of burnt black trees.
But there is one exception, one city of your people that rise pretentious on war-land, an offspring of the violence brought by conquistadors, a city of unknowing servants, San-cor.
Mythic lands
Afraid, powerless under brutality, to this region the land spirits and myths of Isla Grande have withdrawn. Here, your people still hold their grasp to the memory of a time of peace. But the smoke and sooth of battle is not far beyond the horizon, it is a looming menace, a wall that moon by moon makes the magic of the land crumble a little more.
In this region, Conquistadors fall to madness, as their hands become perpetually stained with blood. Close to their ears, the spirits of those they have killed speak of their crimes. On fear of loosing themselves, they become an extreme version of what they are, or they surrender to a stupor of primal instincts.
Inquisitors can smell the power of this region, it arouses them, it makes them envious and merciless.
Prime — Fallen Lands
This is the maze city of Inquisitors at the north of your land. Under an eternal mist of soot. Here no king has power as the city belongs to the all-powerful man-king-god. In its street of hundred cathedrals, the chants of penitence are ever present, like the breath of a sleeping beast.
Steel, stone and gold.
Prime is the harbour where the wheeled holy towns are constructed and sent to spread the word of man-king-god.
Port salvation — Fallen Lands: Perpetually growing, Port Salvation expands beyond the norther shore line, as a new land, of wooden floors suspended over the sea. Entire neighbourhoods crumble by their own weight, to lose themselves on the deep salty sands. From these wreckages, new buildings sprout by the hand of newcomers, oblivious of the death below.
Port Salvation’s stench is of death dried meats and salt.
Houses on Port Salvation dress in the colours of all the kingdoms fighting for control of your land. Invaders of the north say to themselves that Port Salvation is a neutral ground, a place of peace for their light to shine upon your lands. In a mockery of peace, they lay on their tables the maps of your land, and they draw imaginary lines, as if their conquest was a game.
San cor — War Lands
Vast city of your people, that rise pretentious on war-land, above multiple naturally connected plateaus. It is said that a great ruler of Isla Grande once lived here and buried their heart on the tallest plateau at the core of the city.
San cor stands as a reflection of the jealousy and desire of those that have come to understand power and violence, those that call themselves children of the future.
San cor is considered a free, neutral city by conquistadors and inquisitors, but in reality is just an extension of their power on the island. It is a transit harbour for holy wheeled towns.
The people of San cor have been bath on sweet words of pride by the kings of the north. They feel with the right to govern over the rest of the island.
Attached to San cor a walled city of inquisitors, called Cavum Sanctum, is where the real rulers of San cor live and oversee everything that happens on San cor.
Waste slot — War Lands
As a wound on the earth, the Waste Slot opened with a large earthquake a few decades ago. It extends below San cor, and beyond into war land.
This deep earth wound has become a broken town of ledges, bridges, and hanging houses. This is the home of sell-swords and tomb robbers on the service of the highest bidder. Most of the people here are orphans of the War lands, that have been pushed out of San cor for being considered unfit for a life of “learning, diplomacy and peace”, as the words of those of San cor like to repeat, without knowing the kind of slaves they have become.
The people of the Waste Slot have come to learn from the people who say these words, that to survive in the world of conquistadors you have to become useful to them.
Canelo’s hill (Winter’s Bark hill) — Mythic Lands
City of all the spirits. Hidden by a wall of canelos, a few miles from the frontier between the Mythic lands and the War Lands, it has become a port of observation of the advance of the war on the island. Here once stood the tree of life, that connected the earth of mortals, the underworld through its roots, and the high heavens where the ancestors and primordial spirits lived.
It is said that the tree was moved from the heaves, grabbed by its branches, to be planted on the sea, and that with it four healers that had fallen asleep on the tree's branches were taken away with it. The tree is believed to now stand in Isla Chica, where the four healers now oversee the travel of the spirit of the living to the heavens. The hole left by the tree on the mountain is now the centre of Canelo’s hill. Many mud buildings have been built in it, following a spiral to its depths, all of them for common use.
Sledging villages — Mythic Lands
Towns of your people, that follow the weather cycles of the land. They stay for the most welcoming part of the cycle at the west of Isla Grande, at the coast of the outer sea.
When the weather starts to get unbearably stormy and cold, they move toward the interior of the land, or to places enclosed by walls of trees. Entire towns, carried by their dwellers, over wooden beams used as sleds, move through the land in this way.
Towns of your people — Mythic Lands
Not all your people live in sledging villages, some of them have settled in small towns. These are spread mostly through the Mythic Lands, and a few of them still survive on the War Lands. But none in the Fallen lands. They are as diverse as your people.
Wheeled holy towns — War Lands + Fallen Lands
Inspired by the local sledging villages, conquistadors have constructed wheeled holy towns. These holly towns move in an eternal pilgrimage, to spread the power and control of the all mighty man-king that is their god.
Each one is baptized with a different name, in the arcane language of Inquisitors, you have heard them referred to as “Psalms”.
As they move without following the weather cycles, many of these cities have been obliterated by extreme changes of the weather. These death-wheeled-holy-towns mark the landscape as corpses of steel, wood, and stubbornness. In them, the spirits of the colonists manifests their violence and penance, they become what they believe, they serve in death the dreams of their man-king-god.
Conquistador’s towns — War Lands + Fallen Lands
One cathedral at the core of it. A square ready to shame and kill their prisoners. Some houses, and a place where they exchange food, bodies, and weapons for treasure. The stench of rotten meat and the heavy smoke of bonfires is perceptible from afar. For every conquistador town is the same.
Conquistador’s garrison — War Lands + Fallen Lands
These are the strongholds of conquistadors. They are tall walls, chains, spikes, and gallows. They are the places where they hide their treasures. Each one of them works like a small city where conquistadors are royalty. Here their word and desire are above anyone else’s, even above other settlers, servants of the same king. Here, more than in any other place, their whims are law.
Underbelly — Spreading throughout Isla Grande
Vast underground network of caves. A place of dark omens, only inhabited by strange creatures and the members of La mayoría, an organization of witches worshippers of the spirit of flesh and blood.
The Underbelly is the void left by Trentren Vilu when she left her place of sleep.
The dark secrets that La mayoría hides in the Underbelly make the people of Isla Grande afraid of caves and dark ravines, for fear of them being entrances to this underground world.
Holy idols — War Lands + Fallen Lands
Monoliths and images carved in stone, or built on steel, depicting the all powerful see it all man-king-god. They are built on site by slaves, or carried by them through the war lands. When conquistadors have burnt to the ground anything else around a monolith, taking full control of the region, a cathedral will be erected around it, and then a town around the cathedral will be built. Conquistadors when close to these holy idols do violence with righteousness (+1).
Skull field — War Lands
Wasteland of dry soil and skulls. The skulls crawl slowly, pushed by and unknown force. This slow pilgrimage toward the east is said to be the movement of the damned souls of your people toward Isla Chica. For each invader that is killed, one of the skulls breaks to dust.
Green waters — Mythic Lands
Under a blessing or a curse, the stagnant water of Green Waters has become breathable. They are the lair of the outcast of your people, that for shame or guilt have secluded themselves to an eternal life underwater. No spirit can be prayed to in Green Waters, as this is the domain of the Giant Black Sea Urchin, eater of pain and memories, Lonco of the eternal oblivion.
Black rock — Mythic Lands
A large collection of pillars of black rocks at the coast. The pillars are carved as marine creatures. Old stairs and bridges from the same rock connect the pillars. At the furthest point from the coast, six of these rocks converge at their points, creating something like a ceiling. Under them, a floor of black stone gives space to an old place to pray to the spirits of the sea.
The great horn — Mythic Lands
A giant horn, from an unknown mythical creature. It looks to the east, and it is said that it was used to call the people from the far away mountains, beyond the inner sea. It is affixed to a stone tower, carved with the images of the great serpents, Trentren and Caicai Vilu. The tower goes deep into the ground and whoever dares to descend beyond the sun's reach, it is said to get lost forever.
Salted valley — Mythic Lands
Dry valley of salt that gets overflown by underground rivers once a year. Mosquito floating trees, move following the winds, with their roots as tentacles, caressing the land. They have learned to eat from animals, by draining with their roots their blood. Their sap is sweet and salty, and gives potency to one’s thoughts. Animals in the valley have evolved to protect themselves from these trees, and they have learned to dig and become beings of the underground. As their places of sleep are dangerously close to the underbelly, they have mutated with the magics from below.
Inner sea — East
Region of trade with the mainland, under the control of merchants of the kingdoms of conquistadors. Few pirates dare to sail on these waters, and those that do it, are mercenaries recruited by conquistadors or inquisitors.
Outer sea — West
Capricious sea that still maintains its freedom. Sea beast and pirates are kings of these waters. The northern vessels that sail these waters do so under the madness of hunting a legendary creature or finding a mythical treasure. They are here because they desire to dominate something unconquerable.
Cave of La Mayoría — unknown
The halls where the covenant of witches of Isla Grande meet. Only members of La mayoría know how to locate it.
Caleuche — unknown
Ghost ship that lures on the waters that embrace Isla Grande. Some say that it is a vessel of artists and poets that takes the lost souls of the sea to protect them under the bliss of an eternal celebration. Others, that the Caleuche is the vessel where the lost soul of the ivunches end their lives, and that anyone captured by the vessel is sold by these aberrations created by witches for an entrance to the tree of life.
Pirates hideouts — unknown
All over the coast there are hidden places where pirates have built safe-heaven to rest from their journeys. Most pirates are people of your land, or from the mainland, who have been stolen from their lives and homes by conquistadors.
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antirepurp · 3 months
i am soooo objective about video games haha i love forming my opinions on them based on things like the gameplay and performance and their cohesiveness as a piece of art and not stuff like how they finally let my favorite voice actor do real voice acting instead of soulless one-liners and how the fundamental vision behind the narrative was something captivating and interesting and how they tried to do a lot of cool and fun little things in the form of minigames and cute callbacks and how easily i can mod my own 3d models into the game and -
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starfall-isle · 1 year
I never talk about it but Rise of Lyric is a favorite of mine the issue really is that I love sonic boom too much
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flakytartart · 1 year
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I love my Wii U!! All my games are inside it!!
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- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/redrosepurity/
- TikTok: redrosepurity
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cnl0400 · 2 years
They should just make Ruri chan a full character instead tbh
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elgremiomaestro · 8 months
Parte 1(Titulo aun por determinar)
Estaba en mi oficina pensando en mis actividades de la semana pasada. Realmente fue una semana algo aburrida. Ya se había terminado el café del carro de servicio que ponen en la esquina de la oficina y mi taza estaba casi vacía.
Sentía que necesitaba unas largas vacaciones, pero intentaba no desearlo con toda el alma porque he escuchado que el universo tiene oídos y puede sentir esos deseos en la gente. De alguna manera, el universo se las arregla para cumplir los deseos de la gente de forma muy misteriosa.
Mirando el reloj, podia ver que faltaban como 2 horas para salir del trabajo y el tiempo después de la mirada rápida al reloj transcurría mas lento.
*** -Me estoy aburriendo aquí… me gustaría estar jugando en casa. Tengo varios juegos sin terminar.***
Mientras me perdía en mis pensamientos, como normalmente sucede en mis horas de trabajo, se acerco uno de mis colegas de trabajo.
Colega - Haron, terminaste las gráficas del que te hable hace un par de semanas? voy a necesitarlas para este fin de semana.
Haron - Te las envié a tu correo electrónico para su revision has un par de días, creí que ya los habrías recibido y revisado.
Colega - Nah, estuve muy ocupado revisando los datos de ventas de el mes pasado, si el jefe no los recibe a tiempo se enfadara y comenzara a presionarnos.
Haron - Marco, iras este sábado a casa de Lucille a probar su nuevo juego? Tiene semanas diciéndonos que ya ha terminado su juego y necesita alguien para probarlo.
Marco - No lo se. Debido al trabajo que tengo pendiente no he tenido la oportunidad de postrar mi atención a otras cosas, ademas, ya tiene mucho tiempo que no pongo mis manos en un videojuego.
Haron - Vamos, crees al menos poder hacer algo de espacio en tu apretada agenda señor celebridad?
Marco - Oye Haron, a que viene eso? Sabes que me retire de ese ambiente hace mucho tiempo. La literatura es un hermoso pasatiempo, pero pase muchos días bastante horribles tratando de hacer que alguno de mis manuscritos fuese aceptado. Por favor no me hagas recordar esos días.
Haron - Esta bien, esta bien. Solo trato de hacer algo nuevo para variar, ademas, hace cuanto que no vemos a Lucille? 2 años? Siento que realmente se puede cuestionar nuestra amistad con ella si solo hablamos a trav��s del chat o correos electrónicos. Al menos deberíamos ir a verla aunque sea solo en esta ocasión, no crees?
Marco - No dejaras de insistir con esto, cierto?
Haron - Ya me conoces. Ademas, que tan malo puede ser pasar un rato con Lucille? Quizá el nuevo juego que ha estado desarrollando sea un éxito en el futuro y nosotros seriamos los primeros en jugarlo, suena bien, no? Marco - Sigh... esta bien, iremos este fin de semana a la casa de Lucille, pero tu pagaras los tragos la semana entrante, de acuerdo?
Haron - Hecho! Entonces nos vemos este sábado en casa de Lucille.
Marco regreso a su cubículo y yo me quede pensando en ese sábado de videojuegos, imaginando una agradable tarde con mis amigos de infancia.
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stellar95snotebook · 10 months
09/11/2023 - Print and Play/Solo RPGs
Hace dos días al fin conseguí imprimir algunos juegos tanto print and play como oráculos y hojas de personaje para jugar rol en solitario. En vista de que a nadie a mi alrededor le interesa este tema, me vi en la necesidad de buscar la manera de jugar sola. Por dicha me topé con todo un nuevo mundo por descubrir. Los juegos de rol en solitario. Por ahora he terminado de cortar todo el material, lo siguiente será ensamblar todo para que resulte material durable. Y luego al fin llegar a la hora de estrenar algunos juegos. Elegí juegos sencillos de aprender, precisamente para novatos como yo.
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franciscolemos · 4 days
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Lord Snowmaus, from a lineage of brave explorers, boldly confronts the perils of the uncharted forest.
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reyboris · 2 months
brainstorm (moon signs)
aries moon
be the first son (or daughter), fast feelings, fast way to sleep, fast way to eat, fast way to cry, fast way to love, fight with emotions, fight with mother, fight with family, be the first to express emotions, , fight with sleep habits, fight with food, be the first to feel something. need to do something, need to express, need to no silence, need to be direct
2. taurus moon
save feelings (like save money in the bank), feelings like a bank, slow way to feel, slow way to eat, slow way to sleep, slow way to love, slow way to forget. emotions like arte, emotions like aesthetic style, need art, need beauty, need silence, need zen moments. need eat in silence
3. gemini moon
value the sibling relations, need to talk, need to do jokes about feelings, need to avoid feelings, jokes are the safe place, fear to be vulnerable, fear to be direct, need to have two teams or more un sports (fifa, nfl, nba, etc.) need to share things, need to share opinions,
4. cancer moon
need to do gifts, need to study loyal in others, need to talk about loyal, want to be guessed, want to do personal routines, want to share routines with others, a strong maternal figure, a strong feminine clan, need the femenine energy, need the yin energy, want to share food
5. leo moon
need to break ice, need to break silence, need to express, need to express love, need to afirmation words, need to do gifts to their childhood frieds, want to talk in classrooms, want to play rol games, want to sport games, want to go to stadium and yell, want to live a pasion of love and also be dramatic in public, want to be direct with a cinema style, want the food challenges (who eat more),
6. virgo moon
want to do little changes, want to clean little spaces, want to handwrite, like to do letters, need to do something (but at difference of aries moon, need to do work in silence), like riddles, like puzzles, like ants, like freestyle, like words, need to use words in a right way, a talent for jokes, a talent for ironic humor
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ultimavela · 10 months
El Círculo de las Polillas
Compañeras aves, ¡estamos en peligro! Los humanos están construyendo algo terrorífico. Con máquinas humeantes y sombrías. Tú has sido elegida por tu bandada. Para detenerlos y salvar nuestro hermoso bosque. Así que únete a tus camaradas. ¡Bienvenidas al Círculo de las Polillas!
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puck-luck · 5 months
calling quinn “captain” in bed and he goes feral
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warnings: emosh quinn, sex as comfort HIII, masturbation (fingering), wee bit of dirty talk, riding, unprotected p in v, use of "captain" pairing: quinn hughes x fem!reader summary: the one where quinn comes home after the 'nucks are knocked out of the playoffs (i am not manifesting!!) and he and his girl make up for the time missing each other. wc: 1601
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The playoffs had come to an end with a simmer for the Canucks. Quinn, who had led his team to so many victories throughout the season, was headed home after game seven of the second round– just narrowly missing the finals for the Stanley Cup.
You had called him briefly after the game, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk. He had been quiet, listening to you speak about your day– a topic that he himself had requested, so unhappy with his game that he didn’t even want to acknowledge the fact that he played hockey for a living.
Listening to you talk about the book that you read that day, the walk that you had gone on with your best friend, and the annoying conversation you had to have with your boss that you hate made him feel like he was just a normal guy for a day.
Now, with him on the way home, you were ready to comfort him in any way that you could.
And it started by making him forget about his problems in the way that only you were allowed to do.
That’s why you were waiting on your couch, naked, legs spread and a finger on your clit. Quinn was due to walk through the door at any minute and the first thing you wanted him to see when he walked into his apartment was his girlfriend waiting for him.
Quinn mused about your beauty all the time, whether it was in public or just to you or just to himself. He had told you many times over the course of his relationship that though you were beautiful all the time, there was nothing like the way you looked underneath him as his cock thrust inside you. 
Tonight, he would certainly be inside you. You were just hoping that you’d be the one on top of him, taking care of him, making him feel good.
The lock flipped as Quinn unlocked the door, making you perk up and tilt your head with innocent eyes at the front door. 
“Hi, Q,” You greeted.
Quinn had crossed the threshold with his head down, dragging his suitcase behind him. His face was soft when he looked up at you, placated like he was happy to see you but still so, so sad. Then, his eyes fixed on your fingers, the ones that were running up and down your glistening slit.
“Hi,” Quinn replied, seeming frozen in place. His eyes darted between yours and your fingers.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” You said. You reached up to pinch a nipple between the fingers of your other hand, watching Quinn’s eyes follow your movements.
He shrugged off his jacket, toed off his shoes. “Anything in particular?” He asked.
“Been missing your cock, Q. I’ve been feeling so empty without you around to fill me up.”
His eyes widened almost imperceptibly. Quinn shifted his weight from one foot to the other, reaching up to unbutton his shirt. 
As the expanse of his chest appeared to you, the light dusting of hair that you loved so much, you moaned softly and pushed a finger inside yourself. It was smaller than Quinn’s, and the angle was always weird when you fingered yourself, and it was hard to get any real pleasure without getting your other hand on your clit, but it was worth seeing the look on Quinn’s face and the way his pants tightened.
“I tried my fingers, Q. I tried my toys. They just– oh– they weren’t as good as you.”
“Fuck, I missed you,” Quinn said, crossing the room and kneeling over you. “That mouth, so dirty, baby.”
You leaned up, capturing Quinn’s soft lips with your own. The kiss was wet, both of you trying to convey just how much you had wanted each other while Quinn was gone without saying a single word. Your finger never ceased moving inside of you, although Quinn had started to rub over your clit. You worked in tandem, comfortably, making your body roll into the pressure. Your movements, and his, were slow, savoring the fact that you were together again and would be for nearly the whole off season.
“I want to ride you,” You breathed into Quinn’s mouth, so quiet that he would practically have to taste the words on his tongue to understand you.
He did, though. Of course he understood what you said. He knew immediately, with the way he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you with him as he sat back onto the couch. He fumbled with his pants, unzipping them and pulling them down his thighs just enough that they were out of the way. 
You sank down on his cock as soon as he pressed it against your opening, your mouth falling open with the sensation.You panted into Quinn’s mouth as you began to lift yourself up and down. 
Quinn’s hands were resting on your hips, doing nothing except acting as a presence, something to anchor you as you rose and fell on his length. 
“Feel so good,” Quinn praised, transfixed by the way your hair was framing your face and the way you bit your bottom lip when you found your g-spot without his help. “Was this what you imagined while I was gone, doll?”
“Yeah, yeah,” You agreed. “Fuck, Quinn, I needed you to take care of me.”
His heart quivered in his chest at that, those words meaning more to him than so many of the things you could have said when he came home. 
“I’m here,” Quinn assured you, his fingers pressing into your skin, grabbing and enveloping the shape of your hipbones. “Gonna take care of you forever.”
“So good.” You began to bounce up and down harder, more quickly, relishing in the way Quinn’s skin slapped against yours. “Q,” You whined, clutching at the muscles of his shoulder, one hand pressing against his chest. “Quinn, I’m gonna come, oh, Captain…”
All the breath flew out of Quinn like it was stolen from his lungs, squeezed like a tube of toothpaste that had just one more use left in it. It was like his vision went dark, the word echoing in his head. Captain, captain, captain.
Quinn’s hips moved of their own accord. His hands, having once rested delicately on your hips, were now clutching your ass desperately. 
“My girl, fuck, need me to take charge like I do on the ice? Need your captain to fill you up ‘cuz you can’t make yourself feel good? Have I spoiled you that much?” Quinn rambled, fucking into you with earnest. 
He brought one hand up to the back of your neck, pulling you flush against his chest. His hips were like a machine, fucking into you so well, so consistently. It was militant, Quinn able to play you like a violin after memorizing your body long, long ago.
You could only moan in response, the kiss of his cock against your walls, as strong as a heartbeat turning your mind to jelly. What was originally a night meant to tease Quinn, to prioritize him, had quickly devolved into a night of mind-numbing, leg-shaking pleasure for you.
“Looked so good, touching yourself when I walked in,” Quinn continued. “Such a pretty sight to walk into. You’re all mine, huh? Just needed me to come home and make you feel good? Show me what I was missing?”
“Quinn,” You whimpered.
“Captain,” He corrected.
“Captain,” You repeated, drawn out. As if hypnotized, you were willing to repeat back anything he said. “Can I come?”
Quinn groaned, gravelly in the back of his throat. He lifted you up and down to meet his thrusts, watching the way his cock disappeared inside of you. His eyes focused on the ring of your wetness around the base of his cock, the clear pool of juice that glinted on his abdomen in the light.
“Please,” You begged, your head finding the curve of his neck. “It’s so good, Cap. I need to come, please let me come.”
“Come, baby,” Quinn encouraged, his thrusts growing uncoordinated as you squeezed him. “Come with me.” With just a few more thrusts, Quinn felt himself burst, spurting inside of you. The aftershocks overtook him when you let out a sigh at the feeling of him, his warmth, filling you up in a way it hadn’t in so long that you’d missed so much. 
For a few minutes, you and Quinn just basked in the feeling of being reunited with the person you loved. 
“Captain,” He eventually said aloud, stating it like he was feeling out the way the word felt in his mouth. Quinn eyed you, raising a brow.
“I like the way you take care of your team,” You admitted. You reached out and toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck, twirling it around your finger. “Reminds me of how you take care of me.”
Quinn’s heart flipped in a funny way, something akin to heartbreak but so much warmer. “I love you so much,” He said, forcing the words out in a way that he hoped conveyed just how genuinely he felt them. 
You smiled, soft and sweet, and continued to play with his hair. You two sat there, on the couch in the presence of the other, until you lost track of time. Eventually, when you were blinking slowly and Quinn could feel your eyelashes beginning to flutter against his neck in a way that signaled your exhaustion, he picked you up and carried you to bed.
Always taking care of you.
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note: ANOTHER MONDAY MORNING ONESHOT! I AM NOTHING IF NOT CONSISTENT ABOUT MONDAY MORNINGS! feeling like a fuckin pirate writing this captain shit (i love y'all and i looove reading captain kink fics (that one threesome between quinn and nico...) but i felt like a damn pirate! aye aye matey!) i'll stick to my daddy kink a-thank-yewwww also: game 4? in nash? holy shit! quinn's hair is so much darker in person and it looks so fluffy. he's pretty (and looks lost all the time) and also i never saw him make eye contact with anyone standing at the glass during warmups. also-also his tapejob on his socks was so weird? also also also: he was adjusting his gear literally every thirty seconds between whistles and no one else was– does your gear not fit, brother?
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