#Ronan the destroyer
beautifulgiants · 2 years
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sophieseals · 1 year
GOTG 3 Spoilers
The guardians of the galaxy 3 showed that even though this team consider themselves family none of them are unhealthily co dependent on each other. It’s nice to see each of the guardians have their own friends and skill sets to bring to the team and share with others. From rocket being team leader to Gamora and the ravagers, as well as Mantis freeing herself from the golden cage that ego made for her and learning to grow independence and confidence to stand on her own. Each of them see each other as family and will find their way back to each other but they have grown enough to be okay! They have grown enough to make multiple other connections and friendships and goals. It’s so far from where they came from when the core of the guardians fought each other in prison and were constantly watching their own backs and working alone.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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In the galaxy far far away, there is an earthquake...I mean spacequake in Knowhere! Cosmo and the Guardians of the Galaxy wake up to investigate the cause of the quake. Upon reaching the basement, it turns out the cause of the calamity is none other than Drax and Ronan doing the dance-off at the arcade.
Cosmo The Spacedog Infinity Comic #1, 2023
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Something just occurred to me. I’ve been making so many Farscape/Guardians of the Galaxy comparisons since James Gunn said he was inspired by the former, but there’s one thing I overlooked. Farscape is very weird and very sexual. There are episodes that I feel would’ve weirded out the most normie of watchers, such as the one where the ship got “split” into three different dimensions. And there are several moments that are clearly there for horny fanservice…like straight up naked alien women.
So when James Gunn says he was inspired by Farscape, knowing how Gunn is as a creator, Marvel Studios and Disney were HOLDING him BACK. Imagine if he went full Farscape/full James Gunn with the Guardians of the Galaxy movies? Not only would’ve that been a solid R-rated film, that would’ve been so weird that most Marvel/MCU fans would probably go, “Dafuq is this shit?”
Then again, we accepted that Wanda Maximoff is in love with a robot and Loki fell in love with another version of himself, so maybe the sexual stuff would’ve been more noticeable.
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doctorslippery · 1 year
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why-i-love-comics · 11 months
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Guardians of the Galaxy: The Jewel of Death: Infinity Comic #1 (2023)
written by Christos Gage art by Gang Hyuk Lim
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can-of-pringles · 2 days
Playing with Fire - Chapter 8
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Rating: Teen and up audience
Warnings: Nothing that's not in the movie
Word Count: 2k
Also Read on Ao3
Peter, Drax, and Groot tried multiple ways to open the door. Gamora finally broke the security system, allowing them access. It wasn’t long before they were noticed by guards.
She blasted a hole through the upper layer and jumped up. She shot at the soldiers. Drax slashed one in the back. Peter aimed the Hadron at Ronan’s back in the distance. He turned around as it powered up. Peter fired, hitting him in the chest. A bright light erupted, causing everyone to look away. Blue smoke rose. Peter turned off his helmet, checking to see if it worked.
“You did it!” Drax exclaimed.
Peter’s smile faded when he noticed Ronan stand back up, seemingly unscathed. Gamora and Peter shared a look of shock. Ronan aimed his hammer at him.
He turned it, and the gang was sent flying back. Drax was knocked into the stairs but recovered quickly. He yelled and charged at Ronan. Ronan grabbed him in a chokehold, picking him up. He struggled in his grasp, choking.
“I was mistaken. I do remember your family,” Ronan started. “Their screams were pitiful. I…”
He turned his head when he heard a ship flying toward the window. Rocket yelled and crashed through the window, knocking them all back. Meanwhile, Eliška looked as pale as a ghost, terrified and trying to brace for impact.
Peter ran and grabbed Groot, pulling him out of the way. The ship hit the wall and left everything in ruins around it. The Dark Aster slowly began to fall.
Groot stood back up, looking around at the damage. Peter climbed into Rocket and Eliška’s ship to make sure they were alright. Rocket sat unconscious while Eliška groaned in pain, blinking. A few cuts on her face dripped blood.
Peter unbuckled Rocket from the seat and pulled him out. Next, he reached his hand out to her arm, helping her stand. Peter tried to help Eliška climb out. Feeling unsteady, she ungracefully collapsed to the floor, wincing from the pain. Peter shot her an apologetic glance. She slowly stood back up, limping slightly. The Dark Aster began to shake.
Gamora dragged an unconscious Drax to safety. The gang crouched together. Peter held Rocket, still unconscious from the crash. Eliška gave Rocket a worried look. She almost reached her hand out to him before she remembered, pulling away. Debris started to fall around them. The ship began hurtling toward the ground.
Realization shone on Groot’s face. He focused on growing his roots, growing out to branches. They all watched as he formed the branches around them as a shield.
Rocket finally came to, still weak. Eliška noticed and sighed in relief. Gamora watched as the branches enclosed them. The barrier Groot created kept them as safe as he could manage as the ship crashed down.
Fires burned outside the barrier. Groot grew out more to hook to the ship. The gang watched as he grew more and more, emitting spores again. Groot protectively wrapped vines around Drax’s body.
Rocket’s throat burned. He attempted to hold back tears but failed. “No, Groot! You can’t.” He touched his chest, looking up at him. “You’ll die.” His voice broke. “Why are you doing this? Why?”
Groot reached out a small vine and gently touched Rocket’s cheek. A few tears ran down his face as he frowned.
Groot teared up as well. “We are Groot.”
Eliška didn't have to understand his language to know what he was doing. Her breath shuddered, and not just from the physical pain she was in.
The ship headed toward the city, crashing and taking out buildings and structures with it. Explosions went off, causing huge clouds of smoke and fire. Embers hung in the dark sky.
They lay on the ground, processing what happened. Drax struggled to move his arm. A broken-off piece of the ship radio lay near, faintly playing music. Gamora groaned in pain as she tried to move. Peter’s face was littered with cuts. He tried to roll on his side. Eliška slowly rose to her knees, coughing from the air. She glanced to the side, seeing her gun had been broken into multiple pieces.
While they all slowly got up, Rocket was on his knees, holding a sprout from Groot’s remains. He sat hunched over, looking down at it. “I called him an idiot.” He murmured, regret and heartbreak in his voice.
Eliška hung back, wanting to comfort him but deciding to give him space. She sighed and closed her eyes, letting a few tears roll down her face.
The rest of them tried to recover from the crash. Some of the citizens of Xandar found them, all processing what happened. Gamora’s eyes widened in shock as Ronan appeared out of the smoke, Rocket unaware that he was behind him.
“Rocket…” Eliška wheezed. Her mouth felt dry.
He turned his head at the sound of footsteps. The citizens shook in fear. Rocket stood up and turned around. Fury filled him. “You killed Groot!” He screamed.
Rocket charged at him, ready to attack. Ronan used his hammer, causing him to get flung back. He hit the ground, slamming into the debris.
“Rocket!” Eliška cried. Her hands sparked flames, but they went out quickly.
“Behold! Your Guardians of the Galaxy.” Ronan gestured mockingly. “What fruit have they wrought?”
As he tried to get up, Rocket noticed a weapon in front of him. He quickly worked on repairing it the best he could.
As Ronan continued with his grand speech, Rocket, Drax, and Gamora shared a knowing look. Gamora looked at Peter.
“People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods!” Ronan shouted.
The citizens cowered in fear.
“Your salvation is at hand.” He raised his hammer, ready to strike the ground. He chanted in Kree.
As he was speaking, Peter interrupted him by singing one of his favorite songs. He stood in front of him, starting to dance. Ronan slowly lowered his hammer, surprised.
Peter pointed at him. “Listen to these words.” He continued singing.
Ronan stood, genuinely baffled. Gamora tilted her head, watching in annoyance. Everyone remained speechless.
“Now bring it down hard!” Peter upped the dancing.
“What are you doing?” Ronan asked, confused.
“Dance-off, bro. Me and you.”
“Co to kurva je…??” Eliška muttered under her breath, squinting her eyes.
As he danced, Ronan still remained silent, taken aback. Peter reached his hand out to Gamora.
She quickly shook her head no, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
“Subtle. Take it back.”
“What are you doing?” Ronan’s confusion turned into annoyance.
“I’m distracting you.”
Ronan turned around to the sound of a gun being cocked. Drax stood holding the Hadron, aiming at him. Rocket connected the two wires, and the gun fired. It struck the hammer, causing it to crumble. The Stone sent out waves, slowing everything down. Peter reached for the Stone as it floated midair. Ronan tried to reach for it at the same time.
Gamora reached out as well. “No!”
Peter grabbed it, setting off an explosion. A tornado of purple energy raged around him. The power painfully surged through his body, causing him to scream and writhe on the ground. Blasts of energy flew out of the Stone. His body was beginning to break down.
The gang tried to hold on to surrounding debris as the wind pushed them back. Ronan watched, triumphant as Peter screamed in agony. The citizens watched in the distance as the huge purple clouds surrounded the Guardians. Explosions went off.
Gamora used all her strength to try to reach him. “Peter! Take my hand!” She yelled, forcibly holding out her hand.
Pieces of his face started to peel. He slowly turned to look at her. His eyes had been turned pure black. Instead of seeing Gamora, he had a vision of his past. His mother, sick and dying from cancer, reached her hand out to him.
“Take my hand, Peter,” she spoke.
“Mom.” He uttered, shocked.
“Take my hand!”
Tears formed in his eyes as he looked at his mother. The vision ended, now seeing Gamora instead.
He reached out to grab her hand. The power burned through her body, causing her to shout. Ronan watched all of this, perplexed. Drax struggled to reach Peter but managed to grab onto his shoulder, the power affecting him as well. Their veins glowed brightly.
Rocket grabbed and held onto Drax’s hand. He screamed in pain as it flowed through his body.
Tears flowed from Eliška’s eyes as the energy filled the air. The tie from her hair had broken, causing her wild red hair to blow in the raging winds. She could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ear.
“Eliška!” Rocket managed to shout out, reaching out his paw.
She shook her head. “I can’t!”
“Do it!”
The blood roared in her ears. She panted, feeling the harsh wind against her body. She bit down on her lip, tasting blood. Without thinking further, she grabbed his paw, feeling the painful energy flowing through her body.
Besides the power of the Stone traveling through his system, he began to feel his paw grow hot. The tears on Eliška's face seemed to float upward from the force of the Stone. She tried to let go, but Rocket gripped her hand tighter.
"Rocket! No! I'm gonna burn you!" She cried.
He ignored the growing heat he felt. Smoke seeped through their hands. "No, you won't! Get it under control!" He insisted.
"I can't!" Her heart pounded.
"Yes, you can! Do it! Now!"
His words echoed through her head. Despite the chaos happening around them, she closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing, focusing on getting her emotions under control. She focused on distributing her energy to the Stone's power instead, quieting down the Embering. She opened her eyes slightly, still squinting from the raging winds.
Rocket could feel the heat lessen on his paw. She'd done it. He probably would've cheered if everything around them wasn't currently madness.
As the power was distributed between all of them, they were able to withstand it better. They all looked at Ronan.
“You’re mortal! How?” Ronan shook his head in disbelief.
Peter’s eyes glowed, now purple. “You said it yourself, bitch. We’re the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
Ronan growled in anger. Before he could strike, Peter opened his palm, unleashing more of the Stone’s power. Peter smiled faintly as the energy attacked Ronan, causing him to levitate. He roared as the power destroyed him, blowing his body apart.
Gamora finally used the Orb to contain the Stone. Rocket took a few shuddering breaths as the power faded. They all panted from exhaustion as the clouds faded. Gamora looked at Peter, relieved it was over.
“Well, well, well. Quite the light show.” Yondu appeared with the other Ravagers behind him. “Ain’t this sweet.”
One of the Ravagers cocked his gun.
“But you got some business to attend to before all the nookie-nookie starts.” He walked toward them.
“Peter, you can’t. Peter.” Gamora begged, referring to the Stone.
“You gotta reconsider this, Yondu.” He shook his head. “I don’t know who you’re selling this to, but the only way the universe can survive is if you give it to the Nova Corps.”
The other Ravagers shook their heads, disagreeing.
“I may be as pretty as an angel,” he showed his arrow, “but I sure as hell ain’t one.” He held his hand out. “Hand it over, son.”
Peter swallowed, thinking of what to do. He pulled out the sphere. Gamora didn’t hide her disappointment. He handed it to Yondu, causing him to grin. He signaled to the other Ravagers to move out.
“Yondu,” Peter called out.
He stopped and turned to look at him.
“Do not open that Orb. You know that, right? You’ve seen what it does to people.” He warned.
Yondu stayed silent, briefly pointing at him before turning away. He laughed as he walked away. The Guardians stood in silence, watching as the Ravagers moved out.
Yondu and Kraglin watched the Guardians out of the window of the ship as it took off.
“Yeah, Quill turned out okay. It’s probably good we didn’t deliver him to his dad like we was hired to do,” Kraglin commented.
“Yeah, that guy was a jackass.” He agreed.
The Xandar citizens and Guardians watched as the ship flew away.
“He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the Orb on him.” Peter held up the real Orb.
Gamora chuckled in relief.
“He was gonna kill you, Peter.” She looked up at him.
“Oh, I know.” He looked up at the ship. “But he was about the only family I had.” He glanced down at the Orb.
Gamora placed her hand on top of the Orb. “No.” She looked up, smiling faintly and shaking her head. “He wasn’t.”
Rocket sat down on a rock, silently crying as he held the small twig remains of Groot in his paws. He held it close to his chest. Eliška sat next to him in silence, keeping him company. She looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her black gloves.
Drax slowly walked over and sat down next to him, opposite Eliška. Rocket glanced at him and then away, not caring about continuing to cry in front of him.
Drax carefully reached out his hand, trying to comfort him by petting his head. Rocket flinched at first, not expecting it. He didn’t immediately lash out, instead sighing. Eliška had a sad smile on her face as she watched them.
The citizens stood in the distance, holding onto each other.
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guardian-angel12 · 3 months
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Hate
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Karyn Faro X Brierly Ronan
This exists as the collective brainchild of spoiledyoghurt (AO3) and me as we were wondering why nobody wrote something about this terrible combination yet (hello this is a match made in Hoth???). Naturally, we took matters into our own cursed hands and created *eh* this.
CN smut, PIV sex, female receiving oral sex, mentions of cum, toxic working conditions, the fascistic empire is not a great place to have healthy dynamics and casual sex so be warned if you are in search of a romantic happy ending this won’t be it, Ronan gets manhandled by faro aka womanhandled, attempt of shaming, hate fucking, They use each other.
3.5 k words.
He was an impressive kind of irritation.
Like an itching wound one was not allowed to scratch.
Commodore Karyn Faro, commander of the ISD Chimera and second in command to grand admiral Thrawn, smiled as she fantasized about how she’d throw Brierly Ronan out of an air lock, shutting him up forever. Colonel Brierly Ronan had been sent to the Chimera as an observer and messenger for director Krennic. Shipments for the mysterious stardust project kept getting lost and Thrawn had wagered to solve this mystery in exchange for funding for the Tie Defender project. As stressful as that task was, Ronan made it worse. Instead of being helpful or at least not in the way, Ronan had made it his personal mission to annoy Faro or question the grand admiral’s ability every chance he got.
The one on the second floor would suffice, removed from any quarters, no witnesses, just peace after getting rid of this walking nuisance.
The thought immensely improved her mood.
Ronan pranced onto the bridge. His cape swinging dramatically around his wide shoulders.
Faro suppressed an eyeroll.
What a ridiculous cape.
He cleared his throat, obnoxious and loud just to draw attention to himself.
“Colonel Ronan.”, Thrawn’s deep unimpressed, melodic voice called over the bridge as if to calm a particularly stubborn child, “Join us. Have you brought the data I require?”
The Colonel stepped closer.
He was a colonel in name only. Not really part of any military hierarchy. Faro had checked after Ronan had tried to pull rank on her to get better accommodations on the Chimera. Just a lowly bureaucrat trying to boss her (and everyone else he could) around.
“Yes, of course. I have it on me.”, Ronan replied while joining Thrawn and Faro at the command console.
“Good. Pass it to the analytics team. We shall-”
“I will not.”
Thrawn turned his head and fixated this audacious little man with red eyes and an unmoving expression.
“Everything concerning Stardust is confidential”, he declared, “I cannot pass this data to random unverified personnel.”
“The Chimera’s analytics team is hardly random nor unverified.”, The grand admiral countered, “Alas, commodore Faro shall suffice with analyzing the supplied data for any hints about pirate activity. Dismissed.”
Ronan looked like he was about to object and Faro felt a strange urge to step on his feet just to shut him up for once. Instead, her glare was warning enough that she was dangerously close to having him dragged off the bridge by the death troopers on duty should Ronan continue his insolence. Audibly, he closed his mouth and followed her to one of the adjacent rooms to read out the data card.
She stepped into the little room normally used by Thrawn to receive surprise holocalls in private. Except for a conference table, some chairs and a workstation it was bare and clinically professional as usual on imperial ships.
Faro sat behind the workstation and stretched out her arm, wordlessly demanding the data card from the man before her.
He just looked down at her, unmovable.
“I need the data to proceed” she said coldly with her hand still stretched out.
“Military etiquette has diminished apparently. Say please.”, he dragged every syllable as if he enjoyed talking down to her.
“Say ‘Thank you’ for being tolerated on my ship, instead. And now, give. me. the. data.”, there was a glacial steadiness in her voice surprising even herself.
With a red head and lips pressed into one thin white line Ronan passed her a single data card.
“Thank you.”, she said with a tone clearly communicating her distaste for his existence.
“You are welcome.”, he mirrored her before sitting down next to her and gawking at the terminal screen read out.
Faro tried to ignore him as much as possible while she started reading through the data. It was a cargo manifest from one of the lost ships.
Number after number.
Word after word.
Exhale after inhale of his breath on her skin.
Fero stiffened under the sensation.
She felt the heat of his body radiating unpleasantly on the side of her body close to him as he observed every step of her work.
He shifted, touching her knee and she couldn’t help but shiver from the sensation.
“Is it common practice to encroach and micromanage in the stardust project?”Faro huffed as if she just complained about the weather.
She was seething but she would not give Ronan the pleasure of showing that.
“Just doing some regular precautions. Am I stressing you out with it?”, he mumbled as if mentioning they ran out of caf, “I always heard competent bridge personnel are good at working under stress, right Faro?”
“Commodore Faro” she corrected, “And unlike you I actually earned my military title. Don’t test me.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”, he chuckled cheerlessly, a mean little sound.
"Good.' Now move the kriff away from me.”
She did not even turn away from the screen as he skidded away. The heat of his body was gone, she felt cold without it as she tried to continue her reading. All those numbers and letters danced around as if mocking her like Ronan did.
She took a deep breath and straightened up in an attempt to concentrate.
“You know that Thrawn had blocked your promotion.”
That’s it.
She snapped her head around. The pathetic little man was sprawled out in the chair, looking at his hands and continuing with his offhand remarks.
“It’s true.” he murmured, “I checked it myself. Congrats on nearly leading the Task Force 231. How unfortunate that Thrawn blocked it.”
“Grand Admiral Thrawn”, Faro shot back, “It’s Grand Admiral Thrawn. And I don’t think it’s any of your business. Besides, he likely had his reasons.”
But did he? The thought of Thrawn blocking her promotion unsettled her more than she wanted to admit. She was so used to being able to rely on him, to count on him having her back.
“Pardon me, Faro but you are too old to be this naive of a woman.”
“Don’t-” she hissed, placing a finger on his lips in warning, “tell me what kind of woman I am.”
He stared at her. Big eyes and well-kept hair of a self-important bureaucrat melting under her punishing eyes. Before she could take her hand away Ronan opened his mouth and licked.
Slowly he raised his hands taking hers in and licked her now open hand, inserting more fingers into his mouth.
She was stunned. Was this really happening?
He looked at her in confusion.
“Did I misread this?” His voice was careful now, nearly humble.
She liked that. It stirred something hot and wet and powerful in her.
Faro took a good look at the man before her.
It was still Ronan, the little man who was too unjustifiably sure of himself.
But he was not in her command chain. And he was pretty, she had to admit.
The prettiest part about him to her was how he looked up to her, waiting for her command. Allowing her control, pushing away her doubts and begging her to shut him up.
And it has been so long.
“You have a strange way of flirting'', she said and patted his cheek with her saliva wet hand. ”We need to be quick.”
He nodded.
Faro looked around, assessing the room for her newfound needs.
It was as cold and uninviting as always.
Before she could make a choice where they could do it, as her mind still struggled with the image of Ronan this way, his hand touched her face.
It was gentle and nice, things she did not see him as.
“Would you like to kiss?” another of his surprisingly demure questions.
She weighed her options, considered her strategy before speaking “Yes, but not like this” as she moved in and clashed into his lips.
Faro tasted blood. His or hers did not matter. He answered her unloving kiss and pulled her closer onto his lap.
Yes, this was starting to go into a good direction.
The metallic taste in her mouth subsided as she leaned down and started working down his neck.
“No”, he protested weakly, “no marks.”
She stopped with a devilish grin.
He wanted to keep this a private matter too. Good.
Not wasting time she started undressing him, struggling with his ridiculous cape clasps while he reached for her and unbuttoned her tunic and pants.
Faro felt her breathing hitch before getting up and shaking off the last of her clothes.
He did the same.
As she turned, now nude, she took a look at him. Ronan had the body of someone working at a desk yet having a too stressful life to stay seated much.
Faro wasn’t one to judge others for their appearance. Her time in the military had shown too often how superficial that was and how much that did hide actual skill.
But she could not help herself but like what she saw.
“You should step out of that uniform more often, commodore.”, Ronan complimented with a grin.
“Don’t get used to the sight.”
“I could.”
“What you should do is sit down.”
He sat back down on the chair, his eyes full of expectation.
Faro stepped closer and grabbed him by the jaw. “Listen, Ronan. Is there anything you don’t want me to do?”
“No visible marks not covered by the uniform'', he repeated. 
“Anything else?”
“No. I like this demanding side of yours.”
Faro rolled with her eyes.
“Of course you do. Tell me to stop when you need a break or you want to stop.”
He chuckled.“As if you could-”
She grabbed him stronger by the jaw.
“Just remember that you can tell me to stop, got it?”
“Got it, Karyn.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Since when are we that familiar? It’s Commodore Faro for you.”
“Awww, okay Kar-”
She sat on his lap, immediately shutting him up with the surprise of it.
A sound strategy.
Instantly, she felt him getting hard under her and grabbed his arms with one hand before twisting them, rendering him unmovable. It felt great.
“Feels like you like this.”, she stated, her voice triumphant, “May I?”
“Yes, commodore.”
She smirked and raised her hips high enough to feel the hard tip of his penis between her legs before sinking down onto him.
It was a stretch.
Doing this excited her more than enough and she felt astonishingly wet. But Faro had skipped foreplay in order to save time and to not endure Ronan more than she had to. Just because she was ready to sit on his cock and command him into whatever she wanted him to, didn’t me she wanted to explore his personality more than necessary. And he was so pleasantly out of words under her.
A groan escaped her as she adjusted to his size. Carefully she started moving her hips, collecting information, assessing the situation before deciding on the battle strategy.
She let go of his arms and grabbed him by the hair instead.
Instantly, his hands roamed her body.
He felt good like that. Gasping for air as she rode him, moving along like she wanted to, exposing his throat for her. She traced his Adam's apple where she would have bit him as she rode him, enjoying the feeling of Ronan hitting the spot inside of her just right.
Faros' eyes wandered further down. Ronan's chest was heaving and covered with a slight film of sweat. Delicious. She bowed down, dragging her nails over it before biting into his breast.
He wailed in surprise before she could clasp her hand over his mouth and mute his sounds.
“Too much?”, she asked as she stilled in her movements.
He nodded, his eyes turning watery from the pain and pleasure.
The sight turned her on.
“You are doing so well for telling me, look at you doing so fine while I ride you.” Faro praised the man under her while enjoying the pretty glaze in Ronan's eyes. He was lost in her and she knew it. No boastfulness or rudeness, no questioning her or annoying her.
She had him in her hands. Literally - as she dragged her nails over his shoulders and seized his jaw once more. Maybe they should repeat this again sometime. He was so fuckable like that.
Ronan’s grip around her tightened and the look in his eyes became more and more desperate.
Disappointed, she felt her lips curve down.
“Are you about to cum?”
She bit back a comment on her tongue about endurance and that they had barely started. Instead she just stopped moving.
“I cum first.”
Ronan’s eyes returned to their normal arrogant and intelligent gleam as he grounded himself after the ruined orgasm.
He sighed.
“You wanted it to be quick”, he complained.
Faro clicked with her tongue.
“Wrong, Ronan. I wanted it to be quick for me.”, she explained, staring down on him, “You appear to have little difficulty in the quick cumming department but I require actual work to get somewhere.”
He furrowed his brows at the borderline insult before sighing again.
“Alright.” he grabbed her and lifted her up from his lap. Faro jolted up in his arms from the unanticipated shift as Ronan rose and seated her on the conference table. Under no circumstances she would have believed Ronan to be capable of such a feat. But adaptability in changing situations due to an update in information was something she was used to. Now, she even appreciated it. Unceremoniously, Ronan sat back down again and pushed his chair closer before he was between her legs. Faro hummed in approval as his hand wandered up her legs to her knees and thighs before wandering inward and firmly pushing her legs open.
She complied willingly, leaning backwards and closing her eyes.
Instead of the expected fingers on her cunt she felt Ronans tongue slowly but meticulously lapping at her clit. Faro bit her lips. Yes, maybe Ronan was not as bad as she had fought. He surely had his qualities.
A slight moan escaped her mouth as he inserted two fingers and sped up in his movements.
Qualities indeed.
Sometimes it was good to be surprised by an enemy, Faro couldn’t help but think as the pressure in her lower abdomen started to build. Frantically she searched for something to hold onto except for the slippery glass table she was sprawled onto and found nothing but Ronans shoulder.
He groaned and she blinked. Her fingers were leaving deep red marks on his skin as he pushed her further and further towards release.
Before she could do anything to change that her body seized up, catching her off guard as she nearly cried out from the pleasure running through her veins. 
Ronan worked her through it, licking and sucking at her clit until she couldn’t bear the feeling of overstimulation anymore and pushed him away.
He leaned back on the conference room chair and waited for her to catch her breath again. As her breathing slowed she sat back up with her bare legs now half dangling off the table.
Their eyes met.
It was not as uncomfortable as she would have anticipated it to be. Instead she nodded to him for a job well done.
This was not romantic and she had no intention to treat it any other way than a satisfactory change of everyday routine.
She climbed off the table. Her legs felt weak yet steady enough to hold her as long as she gripped the table behind her for support.
“If you want…”, Ronan teased, “...we can stop anytime.”
“Shut up”, she hissed. She hated the return of smugness in his voice, “Get here and finish.”
He stood up from the damn chair.
He was taller than her. Faro looked up to him, seizing him up for his weaknesses and shamelessly gawking at the pretty little scratches she had left on him before turning around. Ronan stepped behind her. She felt his erection pressing against her ass and his breath now hot and welcome on her skin.
A moment later she felt him fumble and then press into her before gliding in, now without any difficulty. They moaned in unison before he started pounding into her. A good feeling, she had nearly forgotten as he hit a spot deep in her cunt that made her see the good kind of stars. Still weak from her previous orgasm, Faro bent over the table for support and concentrated on holding on as Ronan chased his own release now.
“Where?”, he asked flatly shortly after.
“Inside.” she whispered limply, “I have an implant.”
Lovely noises of Ronan gasping and groaning with the feeling of his cum in her cut marked the end of their little tryst.
Breathlessly, he bent over her before catching himself again and slipping out of her.
Faro gathered her strengths before standing up again.
In silence she contemplated what had happened.
They had fucked. In the most shameless and blunt meaning of the word. For a brief moment Faro considered the implications of their actions before shrugging them off. Ronan was likely still an unbearable man with a ridiculous uniform and annoying manners. But now at least Faro knew that Ronan had a few other abilities that did not require him to talk. It was an improvement. She gathered her clothes and started to get dressed again like Ronan. Wordlessly they finished before facing each other again.
Ronan returned quickly to his enraging set of behaviorisms.
“Faro. I trust it will not take too long for you to work through the data before you can report your findings.”
If he would have used his tone just moments before, she would have slapped him for that and now she knew he likely would have liked that. “It’s Commodore Faro and I don’t report to you. In fact you are on my ship so report back to me when you receive new data on the matter of the missing ships. Are we clear?”
Ronan gave her a challenging smile. “You know, your uniform is a bit disheveled, Commodore.”
She smiled back.
"Oh, I know. What are you gonna do about that?”
His smile froze.
If you think you can shame me for having sex and looking like it afterwards? You need to do better, asshole.
“It’s better if you leave, Ronan. The cleaning droid is about to start its work here.”
Quickly, he left the conference room, not sparing her a look.
Faro waited a few minutes. She took out the data card and secured her work materials before calling in a cleaning droid to the conference room.
To her surprise one was already scheduled for immediate cleaning duty. She checked the protocols, gasping in surprise.
Assigned by Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Faro felt embarrassment rising. Of course he would be able to tell after Ronan walked off the bridge. The admiral always found out things he was not supposed to know.
She sighed and braced herself for the far more taxing experience of having to face her commander than anything Ronan could have thrown at her.
With a swoosh the door to the bridge opened. Everything was as usual there. The calm work and familiar atmosphere reassured Faro. She was going to be fine. She just had to slip back to her cabin for a short-
One of the communications officers called her over.
Kriff, this was the worst moment. She really needed a shower.
“I am afraid the Commodore is tasked with an urgent task off the bridge'', Grand Admiral Thrawn's voice washed over her like summer rain. It was a lie. She had no tasks off bridge, she would have received a comm or a message on her holopad, “It will have to wait for a few moments.”
The chiss turned towards her, an unusually amused expression on his face. Apparently she could count on the Admiral no matter what Ronan said.
Gladly, she obeyed.
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Dance off bro! Just you and me!
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samantha-rae-velcher · 7 months
Master List Pt. 2
Streamers Dream - smut
Games of the many - smut
Joysticks and pushing buttons - smut
Sticks and stones - smut
That one look - smut
The punishment unforgotten - Violence/smut
A need for it and her - smut
The stress is real - fluff
"Im sorry, honey" - fluff
Roomies or More? (Egos) - smut
Yancy NSFW alphabet - smut
Love mistaken for hate (Wilford Warfstache) - fluff
Don't fear the reaper (Darkiplier) - smut
Dark lust (Darkiplier) - smut
Static (Darkiplier) - smut
Warp core breech Pt.1 (ISWM) - fluff
Warp core breech Pt.2 (ISWM) - fluff
Seeing Stars (ISWM) - fluff
Blue tint and cold tiles - smut
Me and the Devil walking side by side (Daredevil) - fluff
Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange) - smut
More like Einstein (Tony Stark) - smut
Two tons of iron (Tony Stark) - smut
Green-ish (Bruce Banner) - smut
Tender Touch (Scott Lang) - smut
The speed of light (Pietro Maximoff) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.1 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.2 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.3 (Bucky Barnes) - Violence/ fluff
Feathers and Swords (Clint Barton) - smut
Hawks gold (Clint Barton) - fluff
As beautiful as an angel (Yondu Udonta) - fluff
Fear makes love (Ronan the accuser) - smut
Sharp as steel (Wolverine) - smut
Blades that steel the heart (Wolverine) - fluff
Obviously not that obvious (Drax the Destroyer) - smut
Tattoo Buddies (Chato Santana) - fluff
Soldier Boy (Rick Flag) - smut
Slice and dice (Captain boomerang) - smut
Scars and stripes (BOP Victor Zsasz) - smut
Guns of blazing love (Aaron) - smut
Maybe evil Maybe not But just about (Shane) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.1 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.2 (Negan) - Smut
Barbed Wire Pt.3 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.4 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.5 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.6 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.7 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.8 (Negan) - fluff
Star Wars
The light within (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force of two (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force binds all (Obi Wan Kenobi) - smut
The intimidating side of things (Boba Fett) - smut
Orders (Poe Dameron) - angst/ fluff
Black ink (Darth Maul) - smut
The Witcher
How The Witcher men react when you cry - fluff
Bard and Bells (Jaskier) - fluff
Gotham Villains teaching s/o to shoot a gun
Gotham Villains when s/o doesn't answer the phone
How Gotham Villains react to their s/o getting shot
Sexting with Oswald Cobblepot - smut
Gotham's King and Queen (Oswald Cobblepot) - angst
I will kill you (Oswald Cobblepot) - fluff
Emperor Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.1 (Victor Zsasz) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.2 (Victor Zsasz)- smut
Tainted Riddle (Ed Nygma) - fluff
What am I? (Ed Nygma) - fluff/Violence
Five-O (Jim Gordon) - smut
Stalked (Jeremiah Valeska) - Violence/fluff
Fantastic Beasts
Blue fire and silver smoke (Gellert Grindelwald) - fluff
Heaven without fear (Credence Barebone) - smut
Boardwalk Empire
Gentleman with a dark side (Arnold Rothstein) - smut
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randomfandombullshit · 4 months
I showed my friend fanart of The Raven Cycle characters and asked him to give them names and it went about as well as you can expect.
Ronan: "Tyson the destroyer, sort of like Tyler the creator but if he was an edgy bastard"
Adam: "his parents were quirked up and named him some shit like Brehndeohriahne"
Blue: "Oh her there? That's Lemon Fizzypop Melon"
Gansey: "Simon but spelled like Saihmohnne"
Noah: "for some reason when I look at him I hear that song that's playing over the little animation of Toothless the dragon dancing, but I don't wanna say Toothless because that feels mean"
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tinkertoysdamn · 4 months
WIP Wed Starmora Thanos POV nonsense
Gamora was strong, obedient and highly capable.  For Ronan to have alienated her must have taken an act of supreme idiocy.  Still, Thanos wasn’t worried.  Once Gamora had a taste of the outside world she would come home.  
“She has escaped the Kyln, my Lord.”  Ebony Maw was one of Thanos’s most loyal and obsequious of his Children.  As nominal leader of the Black Order, he had seen and done many distasteful and horrid things.  Even so, he had only earned a fraction of the favor Gamora had with Thanos.     
“Excellent.”  Thanos had seen to her training himself, if Gamora had failed he would have been disappointed.
“She has collected some companions.”  The way Ebony Maw said the term, it sounded like he had discovered some new, poisonous species of bug.   
“Of course.”  Minions were always useful, it was good to have a collection of them on hand.  “When they cease to be useful, she will discard them.”  Thanos was certain of it.  “Who are they?”
Ebony Maw flicked his hand, using his powers to drift a tablet into his open palm.  “Drax the Destroyer,” Ebony Maw recited.
A dangerous and risky choice, getting his cooperation must have required some doing.
“A lab experiment of some sort, a rodent, perhaps?”
A most unusual choice.  “What skills does the rodent possess?” Thanos asked.
Ebony Maw scrolled through the file.  “He has escaped multiple prisons according to the Nova Corps.” 
That made more sense.  Gamora was nothing, if not prudent.  “Who else?”  Thano’s curiosity peaked.
A deep frown crossed Ebony Maw’s face.  “This appears to be a tree.”
What?  “A tree?”
“Yes,” Ebony Maw confirmed.  “A talking tree from a gravely endangered species.”
Thanos chuckled.  “One I will not need to cull then.”  He was nothing if not fair.  “Anyone else?”
“There is one more.”  When Ebony Maw read the name, he paled.  “Oh my.”  He had tried to be quiet to quell his distress and failed.
For someone to elicit that reaction in Ebony Maw must be someone powerful indeed.  “Who is it?”  Thanos had to know.
The sigh was long and deep.  “It’s Peter Quill, sire.  The one who calls himself Star-Lord.” 
The name sounded vaguely familiar.  “And he is?”
“He defeated Korath on Morag but more importantly—”  Ebony Maw steeled himself.  “He is the one who persuaded Supergiant to leave our Black Order.”
Oh.  He was going to be a problem. 
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thrawns-backrest · 11 months
Thank you all for the feedback so far!! Chapter 3 is hallway done so enjoy this one in the meantime.
Title: Buried in Ice
Characters: Ronan, Ba'kif and others
Chapters: 2/?
Summary: Ronan adjusts to life with the Chiss when a sudden revelation leads him to realize that his fate is not as firmly in his hands as he'd thought it was.
Ronan used to think that having to endure Vanto’s insipid company was a punishment in and of itself.
Only he wasn’t so sure of it now.
Staring at the intricate golden pattern on his sheets, he contemplated whether to trace it with his finger again or just pull the sheet over his head and try and get a few more hours of sleep.
Even in a simple suite like this the Chiss still liked their luxury. They had an affinity for gold patterns and dark colors and this whole room looked like an illustration from some exotic picture book despite being nothing more than a low end unit in the low-ranking bureaucracy’s housing district.
He vaguely remembered Vanto telling him that things weren’t the same in the secondary worlds. Apparently this kind of all-encompassing splendor was reserved for Csilla and doled out more sparingly in other places. But for all its gold embroidered glory, the planet itself was utterly depressing.
For if he were to step out of his suite now, Ronan knew, the textured fabrics and crystal furnishings would quickly give way to metal and roughly hewn rock. The whole place was essentially a hole in the ground, the underbelly of a pompous façade the Chiss went to great lengths to keep under wraps.
More secrets and more things fettering him to this place, Ronan thought bitterly and closed his eyes in despair. The despondency of his circumstances warred with his boredom and he wondered how long it would be before he started throwing crystal ornaments at the walls for fun.
Four days.
It had been four days since Vanto had been whisked away on some mission with Ar’alani, one requiring a smaller ship and a correspondingly small crew, while Ronan was left to rot in Csaplar.
Four days since he’d last seen another human face.
And two weeks since he’d realized the direness of his situation.
The sheets under his fingers suddenly felt cold and he turned to lay on his back with a shuddering, almost panicked sigh. He was handling this whole thing poorly.
Despite the apparent hopelessness of it all, his mind had been hard at work, turning over all kinds of escape scenarios in his head, from commandeering a Chiss ship to collusion with the enemy and all of them had wound up at a logical dead end because he had nowhere near the necessary resources to pull them off.  And that wasn’t even considering the fact that the Chiss had him under constant surveillance.
He had pleaded, bargained with whatever entity out there was listening for some miraculous opportunity to present itself but all of it had been in vain.
In the end, following hours of frustration and scheming, his sleep had begun to suffer.
The insomnia had in turn made way for exhaustion and exhaustion meant less mental fortitude to keep the mounting claustrophobia and paranoia at bay.
Even if he did return to the Empire, he’d concluded grimly, where would he go? In the unlikely case that the military took him back, Thrawn could easily hunt him down and deliver the punishment his people couldn’t when no one was looking. He wouldn’t even have to do it himself, Ronan thought cynically as he remembered the murderous look on Faro’s face.
He’d seen the ease with which Thrawn had brought Savit to the brink of madness. How hard could it be to instigate his own subordinates? Those same subordinates who were already jumping through hoops for him without a second thought.
(What kind of crew faced off against four Star Destroyers when their commander wasn’t even on board? Madness, it was complete madness…)
A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he forced himself into a half sitting position.
“Supreme General Ba’kif requests your presence in his office.”
He frowned to himself. Then wondered for a moment if there hadn’t been some mistake. He had already spoken at length to Ba’kif, his de facto handler on Csilla.
He’d questioned Ronan on his past, his qualifications, his service under Thrawn and his time with the Ascendancy so far, all standard procedure so far as Ronan could tell. Ba’kif would have of course already had that information, be it from Ar’alani or Thrawn or even Vanto, but he was testing Ronan for discrepancies and trying to get a sense for his attitude and loyalties.
Ronan hadn’t bothered to try hiding where those lied. If Thrawn could flaunt his true allegiance like that, then so could he. The Chiss was siphoning off imperial resources, plain and simple, and while his pretended innocence could fool Vanto, it wouldn’t cut it for Ronan.
Shaking his head with a grumble, he made to get off the bed. He briefly considered asking whatever secretary had been saddled with delivering the message if he had the right address but then changed his mind. The least they could do was keep proper track of their guests. Especially if those guests were one of a kind.
“Very well, I will be there shortly,” he said, garbling the last few consonants and finding great satisfaction in the fact that he no longer gave a damn. Retreating footsteps were the only sign that the messenger had heard him and he sneered at the lack of etiquette as he shucked the lounge robe off his shoulders, relishing the swish of long luxurious fabric as he did.
It was with a curious sense of loss that he set it down on the bed and headed out in his uniform. The same drab set of pants and tunic the Empire punished its own rank and file with.
The trip to Ba’kif’s office was one of the few he’d memorized (seeing as most of the damned city was off limits to him) and could be made on foot. Far enough to keep him away from the capital’s more important dealings but close enough to keep an eye on him.
By the time he was stood in front of Ba’kif’s door, his mood hadn’t improved much. He swallowed the apathy down with a sigh and raised a hand to knock.
“Come in,” Ba’kif’s voice called and Ronan reached for the controls. Predictably, the hatch opened after entry had been granted from inside.
The sight of the Chiss’ snow white hair and uniform made him want to raise his chin and straighten his back on reflex. But that was just reflex and his true feelings were more on the petulant side as he dragged himself to the large burgundy desk at the far side of the room.
“General,” he greeted vapidly, not waiting for permission to lower himself into a seat. This was his third visit to this place and he’d stopped being impressed by it long ago.
Ba’kif himself was a different story.
Loathe as he was to admit it, Ronan couldn’t help a sense of respect for the Chiss sitting opposite him and watching him with intelligent eyes. He couldn’t tell if the man was on the older side or if his coloring was some biological quirk – Chiss biology was still a mystery to him – but he certainly had an air of authority about him.
“Well.” Ronan crossed his arms in front of him. “Why am I here today?”
Disrespectful. Blunt. He really didn’t care at this point.
Ba’kif raised a single silver eyebrow.
“A good day to you as well, Lieutenant,” he said with a surprising lack of bite. Ronan had expected some kind of reaction but the General seemed as relaxed as always, almost unbothered.
“I hope you’re settling in well?”
Ronan felt his lips thin. As if he had a choice.
“Well enough,” he grumbled and watched as the Chiss reached for the questis on his desk.
“Good, that’s good. You don’t lack for anything here?”
A ride home, Ronan’s mind supplied sarcastically but it must not have shown on his face or else Ba’kif didn’t care enough to notice.
“I called you here today, hoping you would indulge me.” The questis was pushed over to his side. “Please. Take a look.”
Ronan reached for the device almost tentatively, his eyes running over the blue Cheunh script as he pulled it to himself.
It was a report of sorts. Some long winded document on a recent feud between two families with different accounts and a summary of the events that had sparked the conflict along with other relevant information.
Ronan found his rhythm quickly enough, his eyes skimming over the familiar bureaucratic jargon with ease, filtering out buzzwords and turgid filler to get to the meat of the text. Some of the Cheunh words put up a fight but the general gist of it was simple enough.
Still, the text was lengthy and took a while to get through. During that time, he and Ba’kif sat in silence and Ronan almost regretted it when he got to the end and had to set the questis aside, bringing his eyes up to meet Ba’kif’s.
“Well?” He crossed and uncrossed his legs under the desk “What do you want from me?”
Ba’kif, who Ronan had the uncomfortable feeling had been observing him all this time, shrugged and waved a hand. “Let’s start with the basics. What can you tell me about it?”
Ronan threw a quick glance at the screen as he formulated his answer.
“The Thuf are trying to gain favor with the Irizi.”
Ba’kif leaned forward.
“And what makes you think that.”
It was Ronan’s turn to shrug. “They’re allied with the Chadok who are in good standing with the Mitth and they like to play it that way. At least they’re obnoxiously vocal about it. But a small mine on a minor world can’t keep them happy for long and that vein is drying quickly from the looks of it.”
“Is it now?”
“They wouldn’t be so frantic about it otherwise. Meanwhile their supposed ally is seeing huge success on nearby worlds and it doesn’t sound like they want to share it with anyone. It looks like the Thuf are trying to get the Mitth to side with them but that’s ridiculous when you know that the Chadok are one of the Forty. Most likely the Thuf have some dirty laundry on the Chadok business operation and are blowing this thing out of proportion to prompt an inspection. Jumping ship and securing firm ground under their feet.”
“By humiliating the Mitth and ingratiating themselves with the Irizi.” Ba’kif nodded.
“And trying to look innocent in the process,” Ronan finished with a huff.
Same old political maneuvering, different alien packaging. Just as obnoxious as it had been in the Empire, he decided as he looked around the office, desperately wishing for a cup of caf. Not that Ba’kif would have any caf but the urge for it was there anyway.
Ba’kif himself had fallen silent, one of his hands stroking his beard as he stared at a point somewhere above Ronan’s shoulder.
“Interesting… Tell me, Lieutenant, you’re not feeling your best today, are you?”
Ronan flinched in surprise and glared at Ba’kif, feeling his defenses rise.
“I had a bad night,” he all but ground out. One of many, in fact, but Ba’kif didn’t need to know that.
“I see.” Ba’kif’s hand stopped its thoughtful stroking. “Sleep deprived and yet you still managed to untangle that whole convoluted mess from just skimming the report once. Rather impressive.”
Ronan went still at that, caught completely off guard by the compliment. His moth opened and closed a few times as he processed it before he felt the urge to lower his eyes to his lap.
“I’m good at administration.” He mumbled lamely.
“So you are.”
Silence stretched between them again, this one decidedly more awkward, and Ronan felt his nerves get the better of him as the last of his patience ran out. Ba’kif clearly wanted something from him and Ronan hated it when people were cryptic about their expectations.
Director Krennic, at least, had always been straightforward in that regard. A quality Ronan missed among so many others.
“If I may General, what is all this about?” He gave in finally, rubbing a hand over his temples. He could feel a headache forming under the skin and the desire to run and curl up under his thrice damned gold patterned sheets was growing stronger by the minute.
“I’m glad you asked,” Ba’kif answered without missing a beat and Ronan felt something shift in his demeanor. As if he’d been waiting for this from the moment Ronan stepped into his office.
“The Expansionary Defense Fleet is planning to open a new division,” Ba’kif continued. “It’s a move in response to the difficulties we’ve had with resolving political conflicts that arise in the military. As you can probably guess, those are brought up in front of the Syndicure and the resulting inquiries often take more time than we would prefer to waste on them.”
A flash of long suffering irritation crossed his face and Ronan almost caught himself sympathizing.
“As a result we want to create a department that deals specifically with mediating these issues. To ensure their speedy resolution.” 
“And you’re telling me this because?”
Ba’kif held Ronan’s stare and Ronan felt his discomfort skyrocket.
“Because I want you,” Ba’kif said slowly, “To be part of it.”
taglist (drop me a line if you want to be added): @vibratingbonesbis
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chaoticrebels · 10 months
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NAME : Peter Jason Quill NICKNAME : Starlord, Pete, Legendary Outlaw,  Star-Prince, Space-Lord AGE : 34 - 40 BIRTH DATE : February 4, 1980 GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Bisexual LOCATION : Knowhere, St. Charles, Missouri  PROFESSION : Guardians of the Galaxy, Ravager NATIONALITY : American ZODIAC : Aquarius SPECIES : Human/Celestial Hybrid SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English HEIGHT : 6′2″ WEIGHT : 171 lbs HAIR : Strawberry Blonde EYES : Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Chris Pratt
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Peter Jason Quill is a Celestial-Human hybrid who was abducted from Earth in 1988 by the Yondu Ravager Clan, and raised as one of their members, eventually building a reputation as the notorious intergalactic outlaw Star-Lord. In 2014, he decided to leave the Ravagers and operate individually, unintentionally becoming a key player in the quest for a precious artifact known as the Orb after stealing it from Morag. Following his arrest, he forged an uneasy alliance with fellow inmates Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, who together formed the Guardians of the Galaxy. They first rallied as a team by stopping Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar with the Power Stone.
A few months later, Ayesha and the Sovereign hired the Guardians to defend Anulax Batteries from an Abilisk. However, after Rocket stole some of the batteries, Ayesha sent the Sovereign fleet after them. The Guardians were saved when the fleet was destroyed by Ego, Quill's biological father, whom Quill had never met. Quill then spent a few days bonding with his father. However, when Ego revealed that he was responsible for the death of his mother, Quill allied with his fellow Guardians to prevent Ego's quest to terraform the universe. After killing Ego and witnessing Yondu Udonta's sacrifice, Quill continued to lead the Guardians of the Galaxy and eventually started a relationship with Gamora.
In 2018, the Guardians encountered Thor and began racing against Thanos to procure the Infinity Stones. Splitting up into two groups, Quill led Gamora, Drax, and Mantis to Knowhere to recover the Reality Stone from the Collector, only to lose both it and Gamora to Thanos. Quill, Drax, and Mantis later traveled to Titan to confront Thanos in person. With help from Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man, the Guardians fought Thanos, during which Quill was devastated to learn that Thanos had killed Gamora. In his anger, Quill unintentionally gave Thanos an opening to strike back, and Quill, alongside his allies, was ultimately defeated. Thanos eventually succeeded in his goal and wiped out half of all life in the universe; Quill and most of the Guardians of the Galaxy were among the victims.
Five years after his death, Quill was resurrected along with all the other lives claimed by the Snap. He then returned to Earth with the help of Strange, participating in the Battle of Earth, where he encountered a Gamora from an alternate timeline. After the battle, Quill attended Stark's funeral with the Guardians. The Guardians continued to operate alongside Thor, helping planets in need. However, when news of Gorr the God Butcher reached them, the Guardians and Thor went their separate ways, setting out to aid those in need. A year and a half later, during the rebuilding of Knowhere, Quill was still saddened by Gamora's death, regretting losing his love, until he was cheered up with a Christmas party, and a suprise apperence by his idol Kevin Bacon. Quill then found out that Mantis was his half-sister, cheering him up even more.
In 2026, Knowhere was attacked by Adam Warlock, who was sent by Ayesha to retrieve Rocket on behalf of their creator, the High Evolutionary. While the Guardians managed to thwart Adam, Rocket was severely wounded, prompting the Guardians to seek out his place of origin to heal him. During the adventure, Quill reunited with the alternate Gamora, who had joined the Ravagers and did not wish to be in a relationship with him. With Gamora in tow, the Guardians visited Counter-Earth, a planet designed to resemble Earth. Upon saving Rocket and defeating High Evolutionary, Quill made peace with the loss of Gamora and decided to seek out his family. Quill informed the Guardians that he would be leaving the team to move back to Earth, appointing Rocket as the Guardians' new leader. Returning to Missouri, Quill reunited with his grandfather Jason Quill.
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