wandering-words-14 · 5 months
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“What did you bring me?”
“A Key.”
“It's very nice. What does it unlock?”
“The Moon. That way, if there's a door in the moon, you can open it.”
—Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
I will love these two forever.
Bookmarks available on my Etsy shop @: https://btweenthepages.etsy.com
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julif-art · 2 years
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Felurian, de "El temor de un hombre sabio".
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amigodegandalf · 6 months
Mejores frases del autor Patrick Rothfuss
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#patrickrothfuss #kvothe #frases #elnombredelviento #eltemordeunhombresabio #laspuertasdepiedra #frasesdelibros
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mikedaowrites · 2 years
The reason why there's no third Kingkiller book is because Patrick Rothfuss' ghost writer died.
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vh-atwater · 1 year
In my earliest memories stories have been the threads that have woven together the tapestry of my existence. The whispers of forgotten times, the echoes of ancient voices, the spirits of past beliefs, they all found their dwelling within the corridors of my mind.
Today I'm seeking out these threads and following them from where they've been strongest for me in the past to see where they'll lead me next.
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frombooksiveread · 2 years
As Chronicler gathered his paper and quills, Kvothe studied the angle of the sun through the window, a pensive look on his face.  Eventually he turned to Bast.  'How much did you manage to overhear?'       'Most of it, Reshi,' Bast smiled. 'I have good ears.       'That's good.  We don't have time to backtrack.'  He drew a deep breath.  'Let's get back to it then.  Brace yourselves, the story takes a turn now.  Downward.  Darker.  Clouds on the horizon.'
Patrick Rothfuss ~ The Name of the Wind
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chitronicchampion · 2 hours
after dnfing kingkiller a bajillion times i finally finished both notw and wmf and am obsessed! pining and longing is right up my alley so i loved kvothe and denna but also was frustrated because like just kiss already you goofs?? so i wrote a fic where they do way more than that because what is even the point of the felurian arc if not for kvothe to pleasure denna??? check it out but beware it's pretty much pwp and like my previous fic more of a writing exercise in trying to capture the author's style. i will probably post longer stuff soon that goes deeper into characterization, i just want to get a hang of the prose first!
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litcityblues · 2 years
Okay: I finally did the Rothfuss thing. It was incredibly well-written, and entertaining and the story picks up the pace a bit and sweeps you along. It meanders here and there, but I'd say: it's GOOD. Maybe even VERY GOOD. Is it great? That remains to be seen...
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thoughtkick · 3 months
Do not mistake me for my mask. You see light dappling on the water and forget the deep, cold dark beneath.
Patrick Rothfuss
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I made some tiny books 📚
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mostlyghostie · 11 months
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New commission, off to the printer today
Instagram / Shop
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julif-art · 2 years
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por un lado me da cringe mostrar mis dibujos viejos, por otro me gusta compartir mu progreso.
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eldiariodetiara · 7 days
When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.
Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
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amigodegandalf · 3 months
Nuevo vídeo sobre LOS CHANDRIAN. En el canal de Youtube: AMIGO DE GANDALF
#amigodegandalf #chandrian #thechandrian #loschandrian #kvothe #patrickrothfuss #rothfuss #cronicasdelacompañiadejesusenlanuevaespaña #cronicadelasesinodereyes
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climbthemountain2020 · 6 months
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I can't live laugh love in these conditions, Patrick
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
also. i absolutely adored what lovm did with the pass through fire quote
but then it makes me emotional about the original context, so i have to share that too (minor plot spoilers ahead)
because it wasn't originally to do with the ashari at all. it was from patrick rothfuss' guest character, a blacksmith named kerrek, who helped vox machina fight against the dragon in westruun, and helped keyleth personally through some difficult stuff (he may yet appear on lovm, but given the context of the quote now i doubt we'll get all of it)
and a little after kerrek's episode, patrick rothfuss actually made a legit letter from kerrek to keyleth, with a present inside, and left it with matt until whatever point in the plot she was able to recieve it
which by coincidence was one of the hardest moments in the whole campaign for her
and this letter had marisha legit crying in the episode, because it's just. so beautiful, and so needed. and it goes:
I write to let you and your companions know that the repair of Westruun is proceeding well. I will not bore you with the details. Suffice to say that our children are well-fed and safe, our elderly and infirm are cared for and comfortable. Without the help of you and yours, this would not be the case.
The folk in charge argue constantly, but that is to be expected, and it is no bad thing. They all want the same good things in different ways. I listen, mostly, and do what I can to make sure that they listen to each other. Without listening, nothing good can happen.
The town... when I say the repair is going well, it is a hard thing for me to talk about. I am not a particularly clever man, and much of this is new to me. When you make a mistake with metal, you can melt things down and start afresh. It is irritating, and it costs in time and soot and sweat, but it can be done. There is a comfort in iron, knowing that a fresh start is always possible. But a city is not a sword. It is a living thing, and living things defy simple fixing. Roots cannot be reforged. They scar, and broken branches must be cut and sealed with tar, and this makes me angry, as it always has, and my anger has no place to go.
It was easier when I was young. I could use my anger like a hammer against the world. I was so sure of myself and my friends and my rightness. I would hammer at the world, and breaking felt like making to me, and I was good at it. And while I was not wrong, neither was I entirely right. Nothing is simple.
I do not work in wood. I am not brave enough for that. There is a comfort in iron, a promise of safety, a second chance if mistakes are made. But a city is more a forest than a sword. No, it needs more tending than that.
Perhaps a city is like a garden, then. So these days, it seems I have become a gardener. I dig foundations in the earth. I sow rows of houses. I plan and plant. I watch the skies for rain and ruin. I cannot help but think that you would be better at this, but circumstance has put both of us in our own odd place. You are forced to be a hammer in the world, and my ungentle hands are learning how to tend a plot of land. We must do what we can do.
Did you know that there are some seeds that cannot sprout unless they are first burned? A friend once told me that. She was... she was a bookish sort. I think of gardening constantly these days. I wear your gift, and I think of you, and I think it is interesting that there are some living things that need to pass through fire before they flourish.
I ramble. You have the heart of a gardener, and because of this, you think of consequence, and your current path pains you. I am not wise, and I do not give advice, but I have come to know a few things: sometimes breaking is making. Even iron can start again. And there are many things that move through fire and find themselves much better for it afterward.
I have enclosed a gift. Once it was a sword, but it has changed. It is a small thing, and silly. Please forgive an old man for his foolishness. Still, I hope it brings you some small comfort.
Kindly, Kerr.
and the present inside the envelope? a ring, engraved with the phrase "I have passed through fire."
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