padawan-historian · 4 days
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As we fight imperialism abroad, remember the people who are suffering under apartheid at home. Help Marcellus Williams by signing the petition to stay his execution! Read to learn more about Mr. Williams situation.
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doingpushupsindrag · 1 month
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yes ik nothing INSANE about mcr rehearsing… BUT
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roguekhajiit · 4 months
Let's take a moment to look at the Roger Fortson case.
An active duty senior airman alone in his off-base apartment with only his dog to keep him company. He had been home maybe 30 minutes, relaxing, playing games, and facetiming his girlfriend when suddenly he had the sheriff's office banging on his door and demanding that he open the door.
Not being able to see who was on the other side of the door, he grabbed his legally owned gun and held it down by his side as he went to open the door. Remember that it was down by his side and not held up or aimed in any way at anybody.
As soon as he opened the door, the deputy ordered him to step back, and within seconds of the door opening, he shot Fortson 6 times.
As Fortson lay on the floor bleeding out, he ordered him to drop the gun and not move. Don't move?! He's laying on the floor bleeding with 6 gunshot wounds, where the fuck is he gonna go?! Now lets also talk about this shoot first ask questions later mentality the deputy displayed. He didn't tell Fortson to drop the gun before shooting but waited til after he was bleeding on the floor to issue that order.
Why did this all even happen? Because some random woman, presumably a neighbor, called and reported a domestic disturbance in progress. She claimed to hear yelling and someone being slapped, and she claimed this all came from Fortson's apartment. She specifically identified his apartment number, where he was alone with only his dog. The cops took her word as infallible. Then, after they killed him, she changed her story and said she wasn't actually sure which apartment the noise was coming from. Excuse the fuck outta me? Her extremely incorrect and probably fabricated report led to the murder of a service member.
Don't make any mistake about it. This was murder plain and simple. We need to hold our police accountable. Even our service members aren't safe from trigger-happy cops.
Protect and serve doesn't equal shoot first and ask questions later.
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basilandthymegarden · 7 months
Nex Benedict primarily went by he/him pronouns, according to a close friend. He used they/them pronouns occasionally, especially around his family.
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intersexfairy · 1 year
Last week, two young Black men were murdered. 33 year old Ricky Cobb II was shot to death by Minnesota State troppers. 28 year old O'Shae Sibley, a Gay dancer, was stabbed to death while playing Beyoncé's music and vougeing with his friends.
The cops responsible for Ricky Cobb's death are Ryan Londregan (the shooter), Brett Seide, and Garrett Erickson. His relatives (and many others) are fighting to have these troopers held accountable. A currently unnamed 17-year old turned himself in for stabbing O'Shae Sibley, although he was accompanied by others.
I don't know if Ricky Cobb's family has a crowdfund set up or not (if so, someone please add on), but O'Shae Sibley's family does. You can find the GFM here.
O'shae not only was the glue to this family, he was a great dancer and performer for the majority of his life. His spirit lit up every room he stepped in. His smile was contagious! To know him, was to live him. He did not deserve this. Everyone loved his spirit ❤️
-- from the GoFundMe started by O'Shae Sibley's father, Jake Kelly.
From Ricky Cobb's relatives:
"I'm exhausted. My heart is heavy every day for the last three days. Waking up, I have migraines. And I'm hurt. I would like those officers to man up. I'm here to be a voice and stand strong like a rock that I am for my son and speak out." -- Mother, Nyra Fields Miller
"My brother was a good man. He was a provider for all of us. He protected all of us." -- Sibling, Octavia Ruffin
These men should still be alive. Their families, friends, and community should not be going through this loss and grief. If there's one thing any of us (nonblack people) can do, it's not let them go through this unheard and unseen.
Rest in power Ricky Cobb II. Rest in power O'Shae Sibley. Abolish the police.
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dots3a · 7 days
Javion Magee was murdered in Henderson, NC on September 11th and the Vance County Sheriff's department is covering it up, and denying his family access to even viewing his remains.
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vyorei · 9 months
Live coverage of the 1st of January 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back on Wednesday as I am working tomorrow.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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lunart1cc · 7 months
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rest easy
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sophiaphile · 9 months
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BLM protest street art on boarded up windows, Chicago, June 2020
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padawan-historian · 1 year
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original post X
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weirdo09 · 6 months
i mean honestly you wanna know how i know that white people only see Black Lives Matter as a trend and not literally people who are being killed by the police? take one scroll through the tag on here, you’ll see porn bots, a white religious person preaching that because the statistic for white man deaths is so low and the black man deaths (mind you black women and children are being killed like blatant misgynoir n just ageism) is so high but “why are Black Lives Matter people caring about the black lives??”, a bunch of hindi posts and occasional actual posts about black lives
like c’mon y’all white people be sayin that this site isn’t racist but LOOK ryan gainer died, ain’t heard much of an uproar as nex’s got and he was autistic, nex was trans but the mentally ill site cares more about one or the other. nex and ryan deserved to live happy lives yes, but i saw more of those “nex deserved to grow up!” posts than for ryan, they were around the same age, nobody talkin bout that. y’all really posted about him for a few hours and then nothing, y’all posted about nex for weeks on end, providing resources but i have yet to see any sympathy, causes that talk about and help victims police brutality.
what do we as black people have to say get y’all to care about everyone? to care about us for more than a day, you see with ryan that the police killings did not stop in 2020-2021, THEYRE STILL GOING
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finleyforevermore · 6 months
Dear Nex,
You're never going to see this. I know. I felt the need to write this for you anyway.
Maybe my input isn't needed because I'm cis, but I hope you and everyone else who sees this knows in spite of my gender identity and the privilege I have as a cis male that I'm aware that I have, I mean every word that I say. I never wanted to be privileged. I don't want to be privileged. I'm so incredibly sorry that I'm privileged. I know it's not right. I know it's not fair. If my input isn't needed, so be it. But I'm going to share it anyway.
My sorrow and rage and pain has not at all subsided since February 20, when I learned of your death. You've been in the back of my mind ever since. The grief and anger hasn't gone away. What your friends said about you and your family as well, shows that you were such a wonderful person. I wonder if you had social media. I would've loved to be your friend if you had Tumblr.
I find myself enjoying sunny weather and thinking "Nex would've liked this". I look at my friends' pet cats and think about Zeus. When listening to rock I wonder if you liked the song I listen to.
You were mistreated by your peers in life, because of your laugh, which I'm sure was wonderful, and the way you dressed. Being yourself cost you your life. And now even in death people refuse to respect you. Transphobes running rampant, calling you your deadname, someone here on Tumblr celebrating your death, labeled as filth. And now? Now your cause of death has been labeled as suicide. Even though absolutely none of it makes sense, and nothing adds up. It just doesn't make sense. And even if somehow you did commit suicide, the day before you did you were physically assaulted by your peers for getting fed up with being mocked. You were bullied before that too. Bullied relentlessly and mercilessly just for being you. The blood is still on their hands.
I'm utterly disgusted by the medical examiner, the state of Oklahoma, the transphobes, even myself sometimes for being so privileged because of my gender identity. I shouldn't be privileged for being cis. We should all be accepted and treated fairly and with care and love and respect. If only things were that ideal..
I'm crying now even as I write this. I so desperately wish that everything was different. That you weren't killed. That you could continue to hang out with your friends and be a kid. Making new recipes. Playing with Zeus. Playing your favorite songs. Making music, if you liked doing that.
Recently my faith and belief in God has been tested. But if there's an afterlife, a Heaven up there, I hope you're having fun and enjoying yourself up there. When I die and reach Heaven, I'll be sure to visit you.
On the other hand, if there's not a Heaven, I hope you're enjoying your eternal rest. Whatever being dead is like without an afterlife, I hope you're ok.
But until then I'm going to try my damndest to ensure your memory stays alive. Posting about you on social media and reblogging posts about you like wildfire so people never forget. I'm not going to let anyone forget you, Nex. I promise you. Me and all of the other people grieving here on Tumblr will continue to say your name, whether our shouts fall on deaf ears or not. We're never going to be silenced.
I raise my cup to you, Nex. You will be avenged. Justice will be served.
I didn't know you and I never will. You never knew me and you never will. But all the same, even if we're eternally strangers, I love you, Nex Benedict. I'm sorry the school failed you, I'm sorry the ambulance failed you, I'm sorry Oklahoma failed you, I'm sorry the world failed you. And perhaps I failed you somehow. And I'm so unbelievably sorry if I did. But I hope keeping your memory alive, and saying your name, and seeking justice can make up for it.
Until we're angels in Heaven once more.
Love, truly,
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doingpushupsindrag · 7 months
obsessed with the little pat after he’s done meal prepping
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vyorei · 8 months
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Another journalist has been murdered.
Yazan Al-Zuweidi. Say his name.
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bex-xa-2026 · 7 months
I know tumblr is not a place we go to get political, but this needs to be shared because it’s just being swept under the rug.
Aaron Bushnell, an active duty member of the US Air Force, set himself on fire in front of the Israel embassy in Washington DC as an act of extreme protest against Israel’s continued genocide on the people of Palestine. Aaron succumbed to this injuries, and he kept screaming “free Palestine” until he physically couldn’t anymore.
This is being shoved under the rug, and he is being painted as mentally ill. What coverage this is getting is still trying to steer it in a Zionist direction. We cannot let that happen.
I don’t have a lot of followers, and I don’t get a lot of interactions, but I don’t care. Even if two people see this and learn about it, it’s enough for me. We cannot let his sacrifice mean nothing, and we cannot let the pro-Israel media twist it.
This has been going on long enough, and something needs to change.
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bellamonde · 2 years
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