mitsuki91 · 4 months
If I saw another post that said that Snow was obsessed with Lucy Gray in a stalkerish/crazy/unhealty way I swear...
He was a boy in love. In the honeymoon phase.
And she was too by the way.
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cowboyellies · 1 year
- You’re Not Good Enough | e.w.
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you keep on coming back,
i keep letting you in
pairing: college player!ellie x fem college!reader
warnings/themes: angst, ellie is v emotionally unavailable (my type <3), she's a teensy bit manipulative, reader mentions past toxic relationship, slight smut, heavy making out (in public), fingering r! receiving, mentions of oral sex r! receiving
word count: 3.8k
synopsis: ellie ends things with you and quickly finds that the hold you have on her is much stronger than she thought. when she sees you a month later at a house party she tries to change things.
a/n: hello!!! i'm pretty proud of this so I hope you guys enjoy :) also this is based off of one of my favorite songs so I recommend listening to it while you read
“I think we should call it” she said as your eyes were glued to your phone, aimlessly scrolling while laying on her beat up couch. you switched off your phone directing your attention to her, confused by her question. you noticed then she was sitting with her head in her hands, gripping the roots of her short auburn hair.
“what?” you asked meekly, sitting up now. you already knew what she meant but you needed to make sure anyway.
“I just think we should probably stop whatever this is, it’s too much for right now,” she mumbled to the floor, still not making eye contact with you. you felt your heart drop suddenly and the familiar prickle hitting your eyes. you had felt so secure just moments ago, so comfortable, now you just felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. you were embarrassed over the fact that this was all a shock to you.
earlier in the night as you laid naked in her bed you realized you were probably falling in love with her. you thought in that moment as you breathed heavily next to each other that she was feeling the same way. now come to find out that she was probably already planning on ending it then. the sex that you thought was the start of something deeper was just her final goodbye to you, that’s why it felt so fucking good.
looking at her now with her body slumped over in tiredness you thought back to the way she phrased it. “we should call it” as if it was a group effort. as if she wasn’t the one dumping you. you had been dumped once before and they had used the same phrasing that she did. that first time you begged and pleaded with them to reconsider. you cried at their feet begging for one more chance, willing them to change their mind and stay. as you stared at ellie’s slouched over frame you remembered the painful embarrassment you felt begging for someone who didn’t want you back.
that bitter memory is what stopped the tears from falling out of your eyes. you let out a hardened sigh and stood up from the couch. “okay, if that’s what you want,”
ellie looked up suddenly, shocked by the casualty of your tone. she was bracing herself for the screaming, the last thing she ever expected from you was compliance. she had completed this cycle with girls before and the fallout was always a mix of yelling and lots of tears, a few had even thrown things. she could have sworn she heard your voice wavering just moments ago but now you seemed fine.
“what?” she questioned. genuinely not prepared for this level of calm.
“I said okay? if that’s what you want I can’t change that,” she was looking at you closely now. your face was hard but not necessarily mad. you looked like an entirely different person than the girl that was laughing on her bed just an hour before. the you standing in front of her now looked miles away.
once you realized she wasn’t saying anything else you began collecting your things you had left around her apartment. in your last breakup amongst the crying and dramatics you had left your favorite hoodie there and you didn’t want that to happen again. ellie followed you to the doorway of her bedroom where you were now grabbing your belongings, her eyes following you still in shock. you felt satisfaction from the way you were rattling her but most of you was just moving on autopilot, shutting your feelings off until you were away from her apartment and could finally burst.
once you had shoved everything of yours into a bag you made your way to the door. as your hand was on the knob you felt ellie’s on your shoulder, the feeling of her touch grounding you back into what was happening, causing your body to stiffen.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly. you were feeling it all now, the weight of it was starting to crush you and you feared if you turned to face her you would start crying for real that time. so instead of replying you opened the door and left, letting out heavy sobs as you walked to your car.
ellie stood at the doorway for a while after you left, mulling over everything that had just happened. she knew this was her ideal scenario. she could never have dreamed of a smoother break. especially when she knew you were both starting to develop intense feelings for each other, which was the reason she ended things in the first place. she knew she should feel relief now but the look on your face was haunting her. she realized then that she had taken away your softness. instead of feeling the freedom she desired she now felt an insurmountable wave of guilt.
over a month after you and ellie’s breakup, if you could even call it that, you now find yourself sitting on a couch at a crowded house party flirting with a random girl. you had wallowed in the pain of ellie ending things for a solid two weeks and had recently decided you finally needed to get back to being a functioning member of society. after your last break up you didn’t go out for six months afterwards and you were determined to break that cycle.
so now here you were in your little black dress and denim jacket listening to this girl talk about a concert she had just gone too while you made prolonged and flirty eye contact with her. this was new territory since in all of your past relationships you tended to be the girl blabbering away about something instead of being the one pretending to listen. this time around you were going to make sure you wouldn’t be the one getting naively attached.
ellie stood sourly outside of the party dreading whatever would meet her behind those doors. dina had practically forced her to come out tonight and she had absolutely no desire to be there. she expected herself to resume her usual role in casual hookup culture but something had been stopping her.
she had decided to end things with you when one day she realized you were the first thing she thought of when she woke up in the morning. it was a random tuesday and when she checked the clock she remembered you said you had class at that time. that immediate correlation to you was such a foreign feeling that it terrified her. she wasn’t used to caring for anyone but herself and hadn’t been in a long time. she found herself missing the comfortableness of fucking someone and never calling them again. she assumed that's what she’d be doing after you left her apartment that night but found she couldn’t.
in the month that you’d been apart she had done the unthinkable for her. she found herself drafting texts to you and not sending them. she hovered over your number multiple times toying with the thought of calling you but never doing it. she even made it a habit of stalking your instagram. she saw one night you went to a club with your friends and she felt strangely nauseous. she hated it. she hated being the stalker when she was so used to being the one being stalked. it made her loathe you and miss you all the same.
she finally made her way into the house immediately heading towards the liquor table. she knew she needed to alter her brain chemistry quickly if she was ever gonna make it through the night. after downing a drink she turned her head to look for dina and suddenly heard a sound she was all too familiar with.
you were still sitting on the couch but now you were just centimeters away from the random girl. you let out a loud giggle over something she said but you weren’t sure if you actually thought it was funny or if you just wanted to get in her pants. the answer to that question didn’t really matter because you suddenly felt her hand resting on your leg and knew you had succeeded. she slowly leans towards the side of your face adjusting your hair to whisper in your ear “I’m gonna get us some more drinks”
you smile softly at her and nod your head as she rises towards the kitchen. your eyes trail her hungrily when suddenly she brushes past a figure that quickly catches your attention. ellie's standing there tightly gripping her red solo cup staring at you. her jaw is lightly clenched in the way it does when she's mad but trying not to show it. you feel your posture stiffen from it’s previously relaxed position and all the carefree charisma you had been trying to channel all night is instantly sucked out of you.
after a minute of intense eye contact she begins making her way to the couch. your fight or flight kicks in and suddenly you began pulling yourself off of it. you instantly don't care at all about the cute girl in the kitchen pouring you a drink, you want to get out of there now. ellie picks up on your movement and begins following you outside. after making your way through the house you realize you won't be able to get away from her without causing a scene so you eventually decide to just stop in a more reserved part of the backyard, landing the two of you under an oak tree.
“what do you want?” you immediately ask her as soon as she reaches you. the tone of your voice isn't mad, just tired, and it kills her. she would rather you be angry, she wants you to be angry. she just stands for a while trying to think of what to say
“I just… I just wanted to talk,” she finally settles on. she knows it sounds lame but it's the truth. you sigh in resignation, leaning your back against the trunk of the tree while she figures out what to say to you. she isn't used to chasing people and doesn't know how to do it without sounding like a desperate loser. before she ended things you seemed to always be at her beck and call, now you want nothing to do with her. she leans her hand on the wood next to your shoulder, staring down at you before she speaks again, your eyes shifting downward in response, trying to avoid any level of intimacy with her you can. “I guess I just miss you and I want to see how you’re doing,”
you let out a dry laugh which catches her off guard. you finally look up at her and see her eyebrows furrowed in confusion which starts to bring some of your anger to the surface. “I’m doing great ellie. actually I was doing amazing till you decided to interrupt my night with this stupid conversation,” your tone now annoyed as opposed to your indifference from earlier.
“yeah it sure looked like you were having fun in there,” she replies harshly as her jaw tightens like it did earlier when she was watching you.
“what the fuck are you you talking about?” you snap, now staring directly in her eyes. you see in your peripheral vision a couple from a few feet away begin to stare but you're getting too heated to care.
“I heard your fake little laugh from the kitchen. were you gonna fuck her and then fake an orgasm too?” she's inching closer to you now, her grip tightening on the tree.
“are you seriously jealous right now? you realize you’re the one who dumped me, right?” you feel like your head is gonna explode in frustration. you had spent weeks trying to get over her and now she has the audacity to be angry about it.
“which clearly didn’t matter to you at all. does that girl in there know how emotionally closed off you are?” she pushes, remembering how distant you looked standing in front of her in her living room that day.
“are you fucking kidding me? do you realize how insane it is to be upset at someone for not crying when you dump them? have you lost your fucking mind?” you're fully yelling now, not caring about the people around the yard sneaking glances at the two of you. “and if anyone is emotionally unavailable it’s you. I should never have started something with you in the first place,”
ellie knows she's in the wrong. she knows everything you're saying is valid and she has no right to be talking to you right now. she should be leaving you alone to get over her but instead she wants to get under your skin some more and eventually beneath your clothes. she’s quiet for a moment, giving you time to calm down. she’s still staring down at you now watching the way your chest rises and falls as with your breaths you try to calm yourself down.
“look I know I'm a piece of shit, alright?” you roll your eyes at her, adjusting yourself into a cross armed position.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement ellie. are we done here?” you begin to straighten yourself to walk away when she pushes her other hand on the tree, closing you in. you'd normally freak out and push past her but something about her movements are weirdly gentle and the tequila shots you had taken earlier are starting to lower your guard.
“I treated you like shit and I regret it. just let me make it up to you okay?” you're staring up at her through your eyelashes now in a slight pout. your face looks so gentle that she moves to brush a lock of hair out of your face. you hate yourself for it but you lean into her touch. you know her words mean nothing and could never mend everything that happened between you two. but it's late, you're lonely, and you highly doubt that girl would still be inside if you push ellie away.
before you can stop yourself you're grabbing ellie by the back of her neck and kissing her. it takes her no time to kiss back, quickly grabbing your waist and pushing the two of you up against the oak. as her hands explored your sides you feel all the self respect and awareness leave your body. you're no longer acknowledging how gravely stupid you're acting and instead are focusing on how good it feels when she kisses your neck.
as she inches her hands past your dress and up your thighs suddenly the reality sets it, you're very much still in public. you look over her shoulder and quickly realize the people who had seen you screaming at each other moments ago can most definitely still see you now. you quickly push her off of you, readjusting your clothes as she stares at you in confusion. when you're done fixing yourself you point to the rest of the back yard in explanation.
she groans a little and you almost want to laugh at how frustrated she looks, her expression the same as a petulant child when you take away their favorite toy. you gently pull at her shirt and whisper “let’s just go back to your place,”
ellie has never been more happy to be sober as she drives you two back to her apartment in your car, a possessive hand resting on your upper thigh as she steers. the reality of what you're doing was starting to set in during the 15 minute drive. you think about telling her just to drive you home multiple times but when you go to stare at her the sight of her makes the words hang vacant in your mouth. why does she have to be so attractive?
she finds herself also sneaking glances at you during the ride. she didn't realized till then how much she missed the simplicity of your presence in the passenger seat. when you two were together previously you didn’t exactly go out on dates or anything. a typical night for you two was driving to a fast food place, fighting over the aux, making out in her car, going back to her place, smoking a little, and then ending off the night fucking. as much as she hated to admit it in the month you were apart she found herself longing for that routine again.
when you reach her apartment building as she moves to exit the car you feel yourself lingering in your seat for longer, contemplating stopping this for the last time. you stare up at the gray brick of her complex and remember how alone you felt exiting her building that day, your tears dampening the clothes you had taken back from her. although this memory should be be a reminder of how she hurt you, instead it makes you get up from your seat. you don't want that to be the last memory you had of here.
you make your way through the empty common place and soon reach her elevator. as soon as the metal doors shut her lips are on yours. you feel the cool metal of the elevator’s handrails pressing into your back as she pushes her body towards you. her hands are in your hair lightly tugging at the back of your head as you grasp onto her neck, wrapping your legs around hers. you hear the ding of the doors and she quickly grabs your hand to lead you to her place.
as soon as you're in her apartment doors she's pushing you towards the couch, articles of clothing coming off of the both of you as you make your way to the plush cushions. you're staring up at her the top half of you naked as she’s removing her shirt when the irony sets in. she's about to fuck you on the couch she had just dumped you on
you move to inch the rest of your dress which is gathered at your hips down when you feel her tug it off of you in one fast movement. she watches as your chest rises and falls once again but this time in anticipation. she quickly grips the back of the couch above you as she begins spreading your legs apart with one hand. you gasp as she reaches your panties, rubbing slow circles into them as she plants heavy kisses onto your neck.
after a few seconds your gasps intensify and she begins pulling the fabric down your legs, leaving your bottom half completely bare for her. your eyes grip shut in pleasure and shyness as she brings her hand back up against you. you feel her stop suddenly as she uses the hand previously resting on the couch to bring your face towards her.
“look up at me,” she firmly whispers as she resumes rubbing into you, her calloused fingers brushing up against your clit as you writhe in pleasure, now staring into her green heavy eyes. you feel her fingers slide into you slowly, quickening pace as you moan beneath her. your eyes follow her as she lowers herself towards you, using her other hand to grip your hips which were now moving with her fingers. you feel your orgasm beginning to build as she starts using her thumb to rub circles against your clit.
as you reach your peak you finally allow yourself to close your eyes, riding the high against her long fingers you had been fantasizing about since you saw her gripping her cup earlier in the night. once you finish she slowly pulls out of you, admiring you as you pant against her couch cushions. once your euphoria wears off theres an awkward pause. I should probably go.
“I-” you start but you’re quickly cut off by one of her hands raking through your hair, which was now slightly damp with sweat.
“let’s go to my bed i wanna taste you,” she whispers and then pushes herself off the couch towards her bedroom. fuck it
you follow
you awake the next morning and the only word that comes to your mind is fuck. you're laying completely bare and under ellie’s sheets, her back turned against you in a peaceful slumber.
why the fuck did i do that? what is wrong with me?
as you contemplate just how little self respect you seem to have you feel her shift beside you, facing you with a light smile. you hate how good she always looks in the mornings.
“morning,” she mumbles against your shoulder sleepily. you need to get out of there now. after a few moments you begin to sit up, gripping the sheets around your chest as you try to recall where you had flung all your clothes the night before. she's more awake now and staring at you.
“what’s up? do you wanna get bagels from that place across the street?” she asks, still examining your facial expressions trying to read what they mean. you used to go the bagel place all the time when you would stay at her place.
“ellie no,” you reply, rising from her bed and making your way towards the living room in search of your clothes. she quickly follows, throwing on a large shirt she had laying on the floor of her bedroom as she watches you in amusement while you're picking up your garments one by one across her apartment.
“why not?” she muses, the casualty of her voice driving you insane.
“because. this isn’t a thing,” you say, quickly throwing on your clothes and gesturing between the two of you. “this won’t happen again,”
“why not? you seemed to enjoy it last night?”
“that’s besides the point okay,” you snap back in exasperation, now frustrated and trying to find one of your shoes. “you’re not good for me. no actually you’re not good enough for me,” “and why is that?” she asks, not offended in the slightest bit which makes you even more angry.
“you fucking know why. you never have been. this has never been more than sex to you and i'm tired of it,” you spit out as you finally grab the missing shoe. that last part makes ellie pause. deep down she knows it's not just sex for her, and in fucked up way she's glad that you haven't picked up on that yet.
“oh don’t act like you’re above that, were you ever gonna talk to that girl you were all over on the couch last night or does the line only draw at casual sex when it comes to me?” she snaps back at you, no longer amused by the back and forth between you.
she's right, you weren’t planning on ever seeing that girl again. but what she didn’t realize was the fact that you were acting that way because of her. how could you be expected to commit to something when your last fling disposed of you like you were nothing?
“I’m leaving now. please don’t text me,”
she rolls her eyes at you as you make your way towards her door. “yeah sure. I’ll see you soon,”
you slam the door in her face, knowing it's probably true.
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luvclerc · 9 months
not standing on business
☁︎ summary: a relationship where a break up doesn’t mean they stop seeing each other
୨୧ pairing: lando x reader (ft, jaehyun nct)
☁︎ faceclaim: ningning
୨୧ note: tw — toxic relationship?; inspired by madeline argy & central cee
YOUTUBE: y/n l/n on toxic relationships
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can i come see you?
i’m in front of your place
fine, but this is the last time
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liked by lilymhe, lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and 4,282,019 others
youruser mini recap of this week 📸
view all 56,928 comments
scuderiaclren she went on a podcast and told the world she and lando were toxic only to get back together with him 😭
yndaily okay and.. i would go back to him too
lilymhe 👀
updatesyn gaslighting myself into thinking it’s not him but it’s actually a new guy she met
landopiastri girl bffr those curls belong to one person and one person only 🧍🏻‍♂️
ynfanns somebody needs a lesson in standing on business
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liked by oscarpiastri, carlossainz55, alex_albon and 5,292,013 others
landonorris somebody photobombed
view all 46,357 comments
maxfewtrell let’s address the elephant in the room
mc1ren in max we trust
dailylando lmaoo if max is confused then it’s over for us
f14ever yn wasn’t lying when she said it was hard to let each other go
piatrees not the soft launching
loveln oH have we not learned nothing
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 4,291,082 others
youruser hello miami 🤍
view all 42,839 comments
landonorris the elephant in the room
maxfewtrell you’re an idiot
ynnnlovee mom and dad gave up on soft launching
myyn somebody needs to get yn a therapist
scuderri16 this is a sign i need to break no contact with my ex
danielricciardo whos that with the nice looking helmet
dailymclaren not daniel trying to stir the pot
youruser my man
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liked by youruser, danielricciardo, oscarpiastri, and 4,982,184 others
landonorris helmet man
view all 43,872 comments
updatesmclaren crying screaming throwing up
youruser the 3rd picture?? we are done
landonorris we’ll be back next week everyone
ferralaren landos comment??? oH their never leaving each other alone
carlossainz55 helmet man is mid
danielricciardo mom and dad?
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liked by lilymhe, charles_leclerc, alex_albon and 4,293,029 others
youruser after one therapy session 🧖‍♀️
view all 54,827 comments
mclaren4 guys don’t get too excited they’ll be back next month
lilymhe giggling and kicking my feet 🥹
otplnyn where does she find all these hot ppl 😭
lando44 oH that’s not lando
oscarpiastri what an upgrade
formulapitstop OSCAR???
ynupdates queen took a lesson on standing on business
f1gossip lando and yn have unfollowed each other, is this the end??
note: part 2 or..?
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mirisss · 8 months
SKZ reaction to their gf being in a car crash
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SKZ OT8 x female! reader
SKZ reaction to their girlfriend being in a car crash and taking care of her
Thank you for the request, hope you like it! 
Wordcount ≈ 1.5k
Warnings: Car crash, broken leg, bruises, a little angsty, mentioning of anxiety, 
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(Y/n)’s POV
“Hey, I’m going to be running a bit late. I have a bit left that I need to do on this project, so I’ll order some food and eat here,” “Are you sure? How late do you think you’ll have to stay?” “I’m not sure, Binnie, I think I need another 3 or 4 hours before I’m done,” “Mmm, okay, do you want some of us to come and pick you up?” “No, I’ll be fine and besides you guys have had a long day, I’ll text you guys when I leave,” “Alright, be careful,” “Love you,” “Love you, too,” 
After hanging up the call with Changbin, I got back to working on my project. If I did this project great then I could be in for a promotion at work. And if I got this promotion, my life as the girlfriend of a very successful kpop group would be a bit easier. With this promotion, I could go with them on tours, at least more than one stop. So I had to get it. I needed it. I ordered some food and got back to work, most of my colleagues had left the building leaving me and a handful of others behind. 
3 hours and 25 minutes later, I was finally finished. I submitted my project, packed up my things, sent a text to Seungmin as he was the last person I texted with, letting him now that I was leaving the building. I went down to the garage and got into my car. Seungmin responded as I started the car, saying he and all the others missed me and were waiting. 
I began driving, I couldn’t wait to get home to my boyfriends. I was exhausted and missed their embraces. I came to a stop light, the streets were surprisingly empty, even at this late hour the streets were usually filled with cars. The light turned green and I began driving, suddenly I noticed headlights of another car approaching from my left, the car was speeding, seemingly out of control, I realized that no matter what I did, we would collide, still I tried to step on my gas hoping the other car would miss me. The last thing I remember was a loud bang and feeling pain. 
Third Person POV
Over at the SKZ dorm, the boys were waiting eagerly for (Y/n) to come home. They had prepared snacks, blankets, and a movie. All of them ready for a cuddly movie night. They kept checking their phones and out the windows, expecitng to see either a call, a text, or (Y/n)’s car. Yet no matter how many times they checked they found nothing. 
“It’s been 30 minutes since she texted, it only takes 15 minutes here, and that’s on days when the traffic is bad,” Minho noted, concern evident on his face, his body was restless. Changbin was pacing around the room, feeling like he should have gone and picked her up even if she said it wasn’t necessary. “I’ll try calling her,” Hyunjin said as he held the phone up to his ear, whishing she would pick up, however he was disappointed as he was met with (Y/n)’s voice mail. 
“Her phone could be dead and she’s just buying snacks,” Han said, trying to be hopeful, yet his hands were shaking, his breathing irregular, anxiety taking over his body as he feared the worst had happened. “Yeah, she’s gonna come any second now, I feel it,” Felix said, he sat beside Han, trying to find comfort in his bandmate and boyfriend. Jeongin stood by the window, staring down at each passing car, analyzing each one to try and find the one belonging to his dear girlfriend. 
Another 30 minutes passed by, an hour since (Y/n) said she would be coming home. Yet there was no sign of her. A few minutes more passed by when Chan received a call from an unknown number, he answered it, half expecting it to be from a fan who had managed to get a hold of his number. He was surprised that the one on the other line was a doctor, or at least someone working at the hospital. 
“Hello, is this Bang Chan?” “Yes, who is this?” “I am calling from the hospital, your girlfriend (L/n) (Y/n) has been in an accident,” “WHAT?” The other boys all stood up, shaking with fear and worry at Chan’s shout. “There was a car accident, miss (L/n) is still being examined, could you come over to the hospital?” “Of course, I’ll, or we’ll be there as soon as we can,” “Only her boyfriend will be allowed inside the room,” Chan gave an awkward forced chuckled. “You see we’re in a poly relationship,” “Oh, I’m so sorry, of course all of you will be allowed inside then,” 
Chan hung up and explained to the other’s, they all left the dorm within a minute. Hearts racing, minds expecting the worst. Was she badly hurt? Was she even alive? Would she be okay? When they arrived at the hospital they all rushed to the front desk, asking for (Y/n). As they came upon the door that lead them to the room (Y/n) was in, a doctor just stepped out of it. “Excuse me, is (L/n) (Y/n), in there?” “Yes, might you be her boyfriends?” “Yes, doctor,” “She just woke up, she’s a bit shaken but she’ll be fine,” “How badly hurt is she?” “Considering the circumstances, not bad at all. She has a broken leg and some bruises over majority of her body, but other than that, she is physically fine, mentally though might be another story. First and foremost, she needs support from those who love her,” The doctor gave the boys a kind smile before she left, allowing the boys to step inside. 
“(Y/n), we were so worried,” Jisung began crying the second he layed eyes on her, the cast on her leg, the bruises on her arms and even her face, he just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. (Y/n) too began crying as she saw the worry and tears on her boyfriends’ faces. “I’m sorry,” “No, don’t apologize, darling, it wasn’t your fault,” Minho wiped away some of the tears that stained the girls cheek, his smile only causing her to cry more. Relieved to finally be within their presence again, close to the people she loves and feel safe with. 
2 hours later, (Y/n) was allowed to go home as the doctors had examined her and ruled out a concussion and other injuries. Bang Chan was given a long list of things that (Y/n) wasn’t allowed to do for a few days and how to care for her leg. Changbin had sent an email to (Y/n)’s boss, letting them know of the accident and that (Y/n) wouldn’t be able to work for 2 weeks, and after those 2 weeks she would only be able to work from home for another 2-3 weeks. 
(Y/n) was given crutches to use for moving around, she struggled a bit with them as she wasn’t used to it. In the end, to get out to the car, Felix and Seungmin ended up acting as her crutches, half carrying her. Jeongin sat beside (Y/n) in the car, holding her hand as she seemed a bit stressed over the situation. He could only imagine, she was just in an accident and now she had to go in a car again. “Hey, you’re okay, we’re here with you. Want me to sing to you?” (Y/n) couldn’t give a verbal answer but she simply nodded her head and squeezed his hand. 
Jeongin began singing lowly, the rest of the boys soon followed and joined in on singing, all to help (Y/n) calm down. (Y/n) closed her eyes and focused on the sweet voices of her boyfriends, the warmth they brought her overpowered her fear from the accident. Soon enough she felt her heart slow down and her breathing followed right after. Relaxation and safety soon consumed her mind as she focused on the singing. Before she knew it, the car was parked, they were home. The boys helped her out of the car and supported her all the way to their dorm. 
“Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ve got you,” Hyunjin said as he handed her some of the snacks they had prepared earlier. “I’m so happy I have all of you,” “We’re happy to have you too,” Felix answered. And so, the nine lovers spent the night cuddled up on the couch, finding safety in one another, happy that they get to experience tomorrow together.
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discopaddock · 9 months
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PAIRING: felix catton x fem!reader
GENRE: angst, pure angst
WORDS: 1,3k
WARNINGS: death (only mentioned), heartbroken reader, abuse, alcoholism, lies, felix is stupid, toxic relationship, ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO SORRY FOR ABY MISTAKES.
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Felix never understood why she never said anything about her father. He asked about him many times, but she always found a way to change a topic or acted like she didn't hear his question.
“I just don't wanna talk about it, Felix” she said as they were driving to her family house.
The girl saw that something was odd with her best friend, since he came back with Oliver from Liverpool the previous day.
“Why?” he pushed, but didn't answer for a longer moment.
“Ask my mum about it” she said finally, when he parked at the driveway. The girl didn't wait for him and left the car to open the door and step in. Felix locked the car and ran after her to see her hugging a woman, whom she looked alike.
“Hello” he said awkwardly standing in front of them.
“Ah, mama! This is Felix, been telling you about him” she announced and grabbed him by hand, so he stepped close to them.
“Nice to meet you, young man, I've heard plenty of stories about you” the woman said, smiling at him.
“Nice to meet you too” he replied and grabbed her for a hug.
“Go to the living room, kids, I'll make the tea” her mother announced and the girl took Felix to the room.
“Is that you?” he asked, pointing at the photo on the shelf, next to the books.
“Oh, yeah, it's little her” the woman said, as she entered the room. “This was taken at her first music competition” she added, making her daughter red. “She won it, I'm still so proud of her.”
“You didn't tell me you were taking part in competitions?” Felix turned around to his friend.
“You never asked,” she answered and stood up from the couch. “Then we were karting with girls” she said, while showing the photo of her at the karting track next to a kart.
“Oh, and this one is from the Grand Prix two years ago, when you were a marshall,” her mother cooed, pointing at another photo.
“I told you about that,” the girl reminded Felix, making him laugh. Yes, she had told him about it one time. “Come on, I'll show you around” she said and grabbed him by hand and took him upstairs.
“Your room?” he asked, watching her open the door.
“Yeah, welcome to my kingdom” she said and let him in.
“Yeah, it's definitely your room,” Felix laughed. He could see that she was the owner of it. The books that she's been telling him about, the film posters she told him she had watched, the Formula 1 related things - everything that was in that room was her.
“What happened yesterday?” the girl asked, when they were lying on her bed for a while. The bed was small, 90x200 centimeters and his legs were sticking out of it. He found this funny and was laughing until she asked.
“He's a, um” he started, not sure if he wanted her to know that. But she never lied to him, right? She wouldn't do that like Oliver did. She would never. “He lied to me. To all of us” he said finally.
The girl looked at Felix, not understanding what he meant. She saw how they were treating each other the previous day, but she didn't ask since he came to her room and started kissing her, banning her and himself from talking till breakfast.
“What has he done?” she asked and raised her head. She was worried about him. He was her best friend, her other half and she was really jealous of Oliver for the whole time, which Farleigh found hilarious and was making jokes about it to Felix when she wasn't around. And Farleigh liked her more, if he had to choose between her and Oliver who was better for his cousin, he would choose her without hesitation. She was normal in his opinion, not a liar like Oliver.
The girl loved Felix. She gave him her whole heart. But he didn't see it. His heart didn't belong to her, but her heart belonged to him. And it hurt her a lot.
She tried to leave him, for her own good, but she couldn't. He was so magnetic, so majestic that she just couldn't leave him.
Farleigh and her own friends saw how she felt and how Felix was blind about it. Farleigh tried, he really tried to do something but his cousin was as if he didn't have eyes and couldn't see anything about her.
Farleigh told her he felt sorry for her and that she should really leave him for her own good and that he knew it was hard, but she still couldn't. And Farleigh saw it.
Gosh, she spent the whole vacation with him and Venetia because Felix was always with Oliver and he seemed like she wasn't there until yesterday. She was his second choice and she knew it.
So she decided that it would be her last try to cut contact with him. For her own good.
“Felix, I'm not coming back to Saltburn with you” she announced, when he stopped talking about that liar.
He was shocked. Why would she say that? What has gone wrong?
“What? No, no, no, you're coming back” he replied, feeling betrayed.
“Mama said that the great-grandma is feeling worse and worse, Felix, I can't be not around her” she said the half of the truth. This was one of the two reasons she wanted to stay at home. “I can't do that to her,” she mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.
He would understand, right?
“I can drive you at any time here, I promise, just come back with me” he assured her and grabbed her face in his hands gently. “You can just leave me,” he said, looking into her eyes.
“Felix, you don't understand” she shook her head, as he made everything about himself. “I can't leave her now, I don't know how much time she has left,” she added. “You should stay for tonight and go back home tomorrow, it's getting dark” she said and he only agreed.
He didn't want to leave her, especially now.
During the night, Felix was walking through the house and looking for the water. He stood in the kitchen and saw his friend’s mother looking for something in the cabinet.
“Good evening” he mumbled and she answered. He got the water and stood for a moment. He had a battle inside if he should ask about that. And his curiosity won, so he asked: “I'm sorry for being rude, but anytime I asked your daughter about the father she never answered and recently she told me to ask you about him, so could you tell me something?”
“Oh, he was, let's say, not a good person” the woman started and sat on the chair. “I completely understand why she doesn't want to talk about him. She has some kind of trauma and she used to go to therapy, when she was younger” at these words he furrowed his brow. “He was an alcoholic and violent towards us, so you know” she stopped talking, not knowing what to add more. “Oh, and when he died it really hit her, even though she didn't talk with him for years.”
“I'm so sorry you had to go through this,” he said and wanted to hug the woman. He would never have thought that something like this happened to his best friend.
“It's okay now, young man, don't worry” she said and hugged him. “She's doing great,” she assured him.
He felt so stupid. He was such a dick for her sometimes.
Now he wanted only to make it up to her.
So when he was leaving he promised the girl that he was going to do everything for her, because she deserved it.
But he broke the promise. He never had done that, because he died and left her alone, without making anything up to her.
He was such a liar.
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coolprettyleo · 2 months
the jokes weren't funny. - connor bedard ☆
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wc: 627
tw: filming, drama, sadness, mean comments
ryan leonard x ex oc
connor bedard x oc
death by a thousand cuts au
frankie hughes felt like she couldn't catch a break for the life of her.
no matter how many times the girl thought her life was finally getting better, it only seemed to turn around and smack her right back down.
she sat in the las Vegas hotel room in tears as she read through the comments about the latest TMZ article that, of course, had to do with her.
someone had filmed her and connor outside the bar last night as they waited for their Uber, and the video was quite interesting, to say the least.
it started off with the two of them drunkenly dancing around from the muffled bar music, obviously intoxicated, which seemed to cause a stir amongst the media, seeing as they were both underage and were supposed to be 'role models'. it only got worse because the two young adults seemed to forget they were in public and made out with each other against the wall a little later on into the video.
the comments were brutal, and she couldn't help but think she deserved every single one.
what happened to her and ryan? they were so cute.
omg she's cheating
puck bunny at its finest
leonards too good for her anyways
why do i ship
maybe it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but people still believed she was with ryan. they hadn't given anyone to believe they were over, they hadn't unfollowed each other or removed the pictures of each other from their social media, so it was understandable why the world thought she was a cheater.
she had definitely felt like one. her heart still belonged to ryan, but she was sure he would want nothing to do with her once he caught sight of the video.
she felt completely helpless, so she resorted to doing nothing but curl up into a ball and cry. wondering why the hell she was the way she was.
she was cut off from wallowing in self-pity when her manager, darcy, called. knowing it was going to be nothing but a scolding, she answered because she most likely had a solution.
"hello?" she answered a bit timidly.
"hello. I'm assuming you've seen the video, and I'm calling to tell you it's going to be fine. you were bound to have a scandal at some point; I'm just happy it isn't rehab yet. anyways, we have two choices, we can put out a statement on your behalf, or you unfollow and remove every picture of ryan from your feed," darcy rushed out.
"I don't- I don't want to do that," frankie said, feeling tears begin to sting her eyes. she felt like that would make the breakup so much more real, and she knew she wasn't ready to do that yet.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, honey. you're still on the rise, and a big scandal this early into your career won't go well. it's better to put out the fire before it gets bigger," darcy explained to her.
"I just feel like it will blow over if we, like, let it," Frankie said.
"it wouldn't just blow over! unless..." darcy thought as frankie waited. anything would sound better to her at this point.
"i mean, i would have to get in contact with his team, but I'm sure they'd be on board. the internet loves a good crossover, just look at taylor swift and travis kelce-"
"what?" frankie asked, confused as to who or what she was saying.
"we could make the public think you and ryan have been separated for a while now," she said
"and how would we do that?" frankie asked, scared to hear the answer.
"you get into a pr relationship with connor bedard, of course!"
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hello there could i request jack x actress!reader where they’re co-stars on a show or film and they obviously have feelings for each other but it’s like “everyone knows about it BUT them” kinda thing lmao they act like a couple but neither of them has brought the subject up
let’s just say they were nominated for an oscar and at the vanity fair after party jack’s talking to a girl when he sees the reader talking dancing a little too close to an actor (who’s literally just a friend) and he just goes up to them like “hey can i steal you for a second? great thanks lets go” and just drags her to a more private part (maybe a romantic balcony?) and he’s like “wtf was that???” and she’s like “well i can ask u the same mr.” and it’s just angry love confession and they kiss (no smut pls!!) please and thank you so much 😁
angry confessions are the best😫 hope you enjoy it! 🫶🏻
you belong with me — jack champion
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word count: 1,729
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack belong together and, while everyone knows it, they acknowledged it. though, at the vanity fair party, the very awaited thing happens.
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EVERYONE JUST KNEW Y/N AND JACK BELONGED TOGETHER. And every person who knew them agreed in something—it was very frustrating to see them act like a couple and completely deny there was something going on between them.
The cast of Avatar watched their bond born and blossom. It had been two years since they finished filming that movie, and the cast thought that, by now, they had already admitted their feelings, as they continued to work together after Avatar. And, by the way they were acting around each other throughout the Oscar ceremony, they were sure they were finally a couple.
“Holy shit, Jack, Andrew Garfield is two tables away from us” she said excitedly. “Oh god, is that Margot Robbie? Jack please pinch me I think I just saw Robert Pattinson, also known as the love of my life”.
“I’m not going to pinch you, and your fan girl side is absolutely adorable” Jack said, leaving a kiss on her nose. Y/N laughed and hid her heated cheeks on Jack’s neck.
“I’m so happy for you two!” Zoe told them. The whole table was looking at them as if they were the most adorable creatures in the world.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked confused.
“It was very obvious, you two had always acted like a couple around set. We all knew you would eventually get together” Sam said.
“Oh! No, we are not together. We’re just friends. And we do not act like a couple” Y/N said. The whole table let out a groan.
“I can’t with these two anymore” Stephen sighed.
Jack and Y/N exchanged glances, but said nothing, letting the ceremony continue.
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AT THE END OF THE CEREMONY, THEY ENDED UP GOING TO THE VANITY FAIR PARTY. How could they not? Especially after Avatar won an Oscar. They had to celebrate. And above all, Y/N and Jack wanted to get Zoe’s words out of their minds.
“Y/N?” a voice that sounded familiar asked. The girl turned her head around to see one of her ex co-stars, Nick.
“Oh, god. Nick! Hi. It’s been so long” she said excited. He was one of the first people she worked with, and one of her first friends.
“You look amazing!” he said, looking at her emerald dress.
“Thank you, you too” Y/N smiled politely.
“Wanna dance?” Nick asked. Y/N looked around, Jack was supposed to bring some drinks, but he was nowhere to be seen. She was about to decline, when she caught his figure. Jack was talking with a very gorgeous girl, who had her hand on his bicep and was smiling at him in a flirty way.
“Actually, I’d love to” she clenched her teeth, eyes not leaving the scene as Nick led her to the dance floor.
“You okay?” Nick asked. Y/N blinked, finally looking at him. She faked a smile and nodded as they made a conversation.
Hearing Y/N’s laugh, Jack’s head turned around and closed his hand in a fist at the scene in front of him—his Y/N dancing with some boy and laughing at something he was saying. And his hand was on her waist. Her. Waist. Not caring about being polite to the nameless girl—who can’t seem to get her hand off his bicep—anymore, Jack marched towards the dance floor.
“Hey, can I steal you for a second?” Jack asked, not bothering to greet the boy dancing with Y/N. “Great thanks, let’s go” he said before Y/N could even open her mouth.
He led her to the large window at the end of the room, which led them to a beautiful antique balcony. “What the fuck was that?” Jack spat angrily once he closed the door, blocking the sound of the party. The chilly wind of the night embraced them.
Y/N looked at him in surprise, then in annoyance and crossed her arms in front of her chest “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That… in there” his tone was hard “You were dancing with him, and giggling and flirting… what was that?”
Y/N scoffed “I could ask you the same question, mister. I mean, what was going on there between you and Mrs. Clingy?” her nose scrunched as the image of the girl touching Jack crossed her mind.
“Nothing was going on between me and-” he paused and frowned “Mrs. Clingy? What?”.
“Oh, Jack your hair looks so pretty tonight! Oh Jack, your suit is very stylish and the fabric is so soft! Can I touch it? Oh Jack, have you been going to the gym lately?” she imitated the girl’s pitched voice, while touching his arms “Holy fucking shit, the mice from Cinderella sound less annoying than her”
“That is not what she was saying at all!” Jack rolled his eyes. Lies, that kinda was how the conversation went “What about your boy, then? As if he wasn’t being all clingy, with his arms on your waist and showing you his charming smile, which in my opinion isn’t as charming as the girls on twitter say”.
The girl furrowed her eyes “The girls on-? never mind” Y/N sighed “We were literally dancing! What was he supposed to do with his hands?!” she exclaimed in a loud voice.
“Well, why were you dancing with him in the first place?” Jack asked, his tone matching hers.
Y/N moved her arms frenetically, it was something she did when she got frustrated “He’s my friend! We did a movie together a long time ago, we were catching up”
Jack let out a dry laugh “He sure as hell doesn’t want to be your friend”
“Oh, you read minds now!” she said sarcastically.
“I’m not stupid, I certainly can tell when a guy wants a girl”
“You’re totally wrong, but if he did, what is the problem?”
“There’s no problem!” he forced a laugh. “Why would there be a problem? You can flirt with whoever you want, dance with whoever you want, date whoever you want!”
“Then what is this discussion for?!” Y/N looked at him, she was basically breathing flames when she talked. “There clearly is a problem—you can flirt with girls but for some reason I can’t flirt with boys?? And you have to drag me away to cause a useless fight and can’t even tell me what’s the real reason”.
“So you were flirting!” Jack pointed an accusatory finger at her.
She let out a groan of irritation “That’s what you got from all that?! Really?! Why are you being so insufferable right now?”
“Because I fucking love you!” Jack’s statement was as loud as the beats of her heart when she took in his words. “And I can’t stand seeing you dance with him, looking so fucking angelic. It drives me nuts how he gets to hear you laugh and your sweet voice. I want you to dance with me, I want you to laugh with me, I want the hand on your waist to be mine… and you know what else I want?” he asked, his voice gradually lowered as he spoke, and now it was soft as silk. And his face was only inches away from hers. Y/N was speechless, so she just shook her head “I want to kiss you, and I want everyone to see—especially him”.
“You are so… frustrating” she sighed, now her tone was calmer “He is just my friend, I promise. And I don’t want anyone but you, Jack. Ever since I met you on set, you have been the only boy on my mind. I don’t care how charming his smile is” she said, and Jack whispered ‘not that charming’. “He is not you”.
Jack smiled at those last words. He brought his hand to the side of her face, to pull away a strand of hair that fell from her ponytail “I’m sorry for acting like a jealous boyfriend. I had no right, it just… it pissed me off as much as it scared me”.
“Scared you?” she asked confused, leaning into the softness of his palm.
“The thought of you being with someone else, and losing you before I even got to tell you how I felt… it scared me” he confessed.
Y/N basically threw herself in his arms “I love you, Jack. And I’m sorry too, I also acted like a jealous girlfriend. And if it makes you feel less guilty, I was two seconds away from leaving the place with brunette strands of hair as a trophy”
At that, Jack bursted out laughing “You remind me of that villain bunny from The secret life of pets”
“Jack!” she laughed, pushing his shoulder gently.
“You’re so cute. I love you” he smiled as he left short kisses on her cheeks.
“Just for the record, you are also the least intimidating-looking guy ever. You are literally a golden retriever”
He grimaced “I’m a cat person”
Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling from ear to ear “Just kiss me, dork”.
Jack’s hands grabbed her cheeks as she raised her head to meet his lips. Their chests tightened as they became addicted to the softness of each other’s lips and the taste of cherry that Y/N’s chapstick provided. Her fingertips lost between his long curls as his traced circles on her blushed-covered cheeks.
They cursed the oxygen as they pulled away, breathless and complete mesmerised by the other, as if there were under the influence of some kind of spell. The magic broke with the sound of an opening door, and Y/N couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the sight of the brunette girl.
“Jack! I have been looking for you” her high pitch tone made Y/N’s jaw clench. “Oh, sorry. You don’t mind if I steal him, right?” she asked Y/N, a fake smile plastered on her face.
Y/N mimicked her smile “He’s busy right now. Come back never”
Jack tried not to laugh “Sorry, I want to be here with my girlfriend. There’s a guy on table 5 called Nick who is totally your type, though, you’ll like him”
The girl, clearly confused, turned around and left them alone. Y/N looked at Jack “Can we get out of here? I hate parties”.
“Sure, love. Movie and ice cream?” he asked, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. Their hands, as always, fitted just right. Like they were made to go together, like they belonged together—just like Y/N and Jack.
Y/N smiled and kissed his knuckles “You know me so well, I love you”.
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mama2bears · 11 days
The Storms of Life Chapter 2
Warnings: None...just Tyler and team being sweet
Pairings: Tyler/F. Reader
Chapter 1
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Boone had choose to ride in the van with Lily, giving you room in the front seat and the kids in the back seat. Dexter and Dani followed behind.
“You guys like fireworks?” Tyler asked, peeking into the rear view mirror.
“Boom Boom!” Little Harley shouted.
“They're loud! And Cool!” Billy grinned.
“Ready for a show?” he flashed you a grin.
“You really are going to shoot fireworks off the back of your truck?” you asked.
“Yep. I normally shoot them off in a tornado.”
“You're crazy!” you laugh.
“I've been called worse.” Tyler shrugged with a smile.
Dani and Lily stopped their vehicles on the side of the road, “Here we GO!” Tyler make a sharp left and went flying though a open field stopping towards the middle of it.
“Alright...who wants to hit the BOOM button?” Tyler asked. “ME ME ME!” Both kids raised their hands and he laughed.
“Okay...here's what we will do.” he said. “You both come on up here in the front seat. One of you can sit with me and one of you with your mama.”
Billy crawled over to Tyler and settled in his lap while Harley wanted her mama. “Okay guys..get ready... You both are going to mash this button at the same time...then we're going to jump out of the truck to see the show...sound good?”
“Yeah!!” the kids giggled.
Billy put his hand over the red button first and little Harley put hers on top of her brothers. “one...two...BOOM!” Tyler called.
The kids mashed the button and Tyler and you jumped from the truck, each with one of the kids and watched the fireworks shooting off the truck. “AWESOME!” Billy danced around. “Pretty!” Harley smiled.
Tyler held Billy's hand as he walked over to you. “So...am I still crazy?” he asked.
“Yes!” You laugh, “I never thought anyone would even TRY to shoot fireworks off of their truck. And you do THIS in middle of a tornado?” you ask.
“Yep.” Tyler nodded.
“Boys...you all never grow up.” you laugh.
Tyler shrugged, “Maybe we just know how to have more fun.”
Once the fireworks were over he helped you secure the kids in the backseat again and opened the door for you.
“Thank you.” you nodded.
He jogged around to the drivers side and headed out the field, back to the road. “You guys are going to love my mom. Her name is Cindy. You guys like animals?” he asked.
“Yes...” both kids grinned.
“We have about a hundred acres. It was my granddad's farm and he passed it down to my dad. I suppose someday I'll be running it. We used to raise bulls for the rodeo, but after my dad passed, we just have our pets. Sometimes we might board horses here and there.”
“You live there now?” you asked.
“Yeah. My dad passed a few years back. It's just my mom and me now, so I help her whenever I am not out chasing.” Tyler turned into a long gravel driveway, “Well...here we are.”
He pulled up next to the front porch. Dani and Lily parked the other vehicles behind his truck.
Cindy was standing on the front porch waiting for you. Tyler got out and jogged over, opening the door for you and helping you out, then he opened the back door and lifted each kid out.
Four dogs meet you at the truck with wagging tails, “The shepherd is Flash because he's so fast. The blue heeler is Chase because he loves chasing everything..cats, chickens, goats...you name it. The yellow lab is Jake and the black lab is Bear. They'll all friendly dogs unless you are an animal that don't belong here. They protect the goats and chickens from the coyotes.” Tyler petted each dog as he introduced them.
“Mom, this is Y/N, Billy, and Harley.” he smiled. “Guys, this is my mom, Cindy.”
“Hello. Nice to meet you.” you smile.
“Hi Ms. Cindy.” Billy smiles at her.
“Hi.” Harley says shyly from behind your back.
“Well hello!” she greets you and the kids. “You know what...I was just fixing to make some cookies...who wants to help me?”
“Me!” Billy raised his hand.
“I like rocket rip wookies.” Harley smiled.
“Chocolate Chips are my FAVORITE!” Cindy smiled.
“Hey, if I help do I get cookies too?” Boone asked.
“YOU can have dinner if you help make it.” she shot Boone a playful look, “And I suppose a cookie too.”
“Hey, I am gonna show Y/N around a little bit.” Tyler said., “We'll be out in the barn if you need us.”
“You two go have fun. I'll bring the kids out to see the animals after the cookies are made.” Cindy shooed you and Tyler away with a wave of her hand.
“If you don't mind me asking...what happened to your house?” he asked softly, shuffling his feet on the ground as you two slowly walked to the barn.
“We used to have a little farm.” you tell him with a sigh. “It wasn't much, we had two horses, a dog, a few cats and some chickens. The kids aren't old enough to really remember it. After my husband and parents died I had to sell the farm. We couldn't afford the payments. My parents had a loan out on their house so it had to go to the bank. The life insurance just wasn't enough to save either house.” you fight back the tears. “We took the money we got and brought a house just outside of town...six months ago a tornado blew it away. There was nothing left.” you bite your lip and Tyler gives you a gentle hug, “I am so sorry. You didn't have insurance?” he asked softly.
You shook your head, “not nearly enough. A company called Storm Par came by and offered a cash offer. They said they were trying to help and I didn't know what else to do. I took the cash offer but it wasn't enough to get another house. A single parent working a dead end diner job I couldn't afford mortgage payments...so we got what we could fit into the car and that became our home.” silent tears rolled down your cheek. “Later on down the road, I found out that Storm Par pretty much stole the property. Even with the house gone, the property was worth a lot more then what they paid.” you wiped the tears away, “I love it here in Arkansas, I really do, but I just don't know what's right anymore. I married young, had children young, and now here I am a single mom, a widow, and homeless. What's next?”
Tyler offered you a smile, “You just need a few good friends to help you, that's all. It's takes a village to raise kids.”
“I need a village right about now.” you sigh.
“How about a handful of tornado wranglers?” he raised an eyebrow at you.
You shrug, “I'll take what I can get.”
“Great.” he stopped in front of a gate to the pasture. “How about this. I'll give you a ride into work tomorrow and just call me when your done with your shift. I don't expect to be out chasing storms tomorrow. Between all of us we can get you back and forth to work each day until you are able to get another car.”
“Thank you. That would be such a relief. They told me if I missed one day or was late again they would fire me. I definitely can't afford that.”
“Sounds like you may need a better boss.” he said.
“A better boss and a better job, but there's just nothing around here. I married just out of school and then life gets in the way. I never had the chance to go to college or anything.”
“Tell me...if you could do anything...what would be your dream job?” he asked, leaning against the fence rail.
“Photography.” you say without a second thought. “I used to love taking pictures.”
He nodded, “What did you take pictures of? People? Animals?”
“Everything! People, animals, flowers, storms, houses, even food.” you laugh.
“And you never got into photography, why?”
“Couldn't afford a camera, had to start work full time right out of school so never had time to devote to taking photos or taking classes or anything like that. It's like sometimes I wonder if there's life out there or has it already passed me by.”
You turn, hearing Billy and Harley yelling happily, “Mommy Mommy! We made cookies and had milk and now Ms. Cindy is gonna let us pet the horses!”
Laughing, you wrap your arms around your children hugging them close, “You know how I just said that I wondered if there's life out there?” you say looking up at Tyler. He nods and you smile, “This is it. These two little monsters here are my life...and I wouldn't trade them for the world.”
You and Tyler tag along behind his mom as she shows the kids each animal and even gives them a bottle to feed the goats with.
“So, have you always wanted to be a storm chaser?” you ask.
“No.” he said quickly. “I got started off in the rodeo. I was a bull rider. Then I got my head stomped on by one too many bulls and figured collage would be better for my brain.” he smiled, “I still wanted that thrill, that excitement. So I studied meteorology and met my team and then here we are. I love what I do, but definitely wasn't on my radar when I first started out.”
“Can we ride the horsey?” Harley was asking you with her big round eyes. “I love the horsey.”
“What one is your favorite?” Tyler scooped her up in his arms as you both walked over to where the horses were. “Dat one!” She pointed at a paint with one blue eye and one brown eye. “We call that one Baby.” he said. “She's a real gentle horse.”
“I love this one.” Billy was hugging the muzzle of a large black horse. “That there is Tucker. He's a good boy too.” Tyler said petting the side of the horses neck. He pointed to a tan horse out in the field, “That one there is Denver. He's older and a bit more shy, but very gentle.” he turned and looked at you, “You said you had horses at one time...did you ride?”
“Been a few years.” you answer.
“It's like riding a bike, you never forget.” he chuckled, “What you say we take the kids for a ride?”
“Can we mommy? Can we?” the kids started begging.
“I guess so, if it's okay with Mr. Tyler and Ms. Cindy.”
“You guys go have a good time. I am going to help Boone and the guys get some burgers and hot dogs on the grill.”
“Let's go.” Tyler handed you the reins for each horse and you were showing the kids how to put them on while he got the blankets and saddles.
“Harley, since you like Baby so much, would you like to ride with your mama on Baby?”
She nodded with a big smile. Tyler double checked the saddle and made sure it was tightened good, then held the reins while you placed Harley in the saddle, then pulled yourself up in one quick motion.
He handed you the reins then scooped Billy up in his arms, “It's you and me on Tucker. Is that okay with you buddy?”
Billy nodded leaning over to pet the horses long mane. Tyler placed him gently in the saddle then swung up himself, grabbing up the reins.
He made sure to keep the horses side by side as he lead you though the pasture and to a field of wildflowers. “It's peaceful out here.” he said, “I like to ride out here sometimes just to clear my mind.”
“It's beautiful.” you say.
“Can we pick some flowers for mommy's birthday?” Harley asked.
“When's mommy's birthday?” Tyler asked with a sly grin, looking from you to your daughter and back again.
“I...um...I think tomorrow?”
You laughed lightly, “No sweetie, it's not tomorrow. It's Friday, and I don't need any flowers. How about you draw me a picture?” you ask.
“Are you still gonna spend the day with us like you told our baby sitter?” Billy asked.
“Oh honey, I don't know right now, okay? We'll see how things go, but just as soon as I can I will spend the whole day with you. That's all I want for my birthday.”
“You know what.” Tyler said stopping his horse, “I think we need to pick your mama some wildflowers for her birthday now. Then maybe tomorrow you guys draw a picture?”
“Yeah! Thank you Mr. Tyler.” Harley smiled.
“There's no need for picking the flowers.” You protested, even as Tyler was already off his horse and lifting Billy down. “Sure we do.” he grinned, taking Harley from you and holding the reins while you dismounted.
He stood next to you as you both watched the kids running around picking all the flowers they wanted. “I loved growing up here. It was such freedom. Such peace and quite.” he said quietly. “I thought the whole entire world was at my back door.”
“I've always lived in the country.” you said. “I grew up on a little farm too. I don't like cities. Too big, too noisy. I can't hear my self think.”
“Ain't that the truth.” he grinned.
“Okay, we got flowers.” both kids came running back with a handful each.
“They are beautiful.” you hug each one and give them a quick kiss on the cheek, then turn to Tyler. “Thank you for this. You didn't have to do any of this. You have completely taken their mind off of everything that has happened and put them more at ease, gave them a little bit of normalcy in this chaos. How can I ever repay you?” you ask.
“Oh, I don't know.” he shrugged, lifting Harley up into the saddle and waiting for you to mount the horse before handing the reins back to you. He placed Billy back in the saddle and swung up, turning the horse around and you both start heading back towards the house at a slow walk.
“Maybe consider coming to work for me?” he asked after a moment.
“W..what?” you stumbled.
“You said you wanted to be a photographer, right?”
“Yeah, but I don't have any training...”
“Naw, I don't believe in that training crap. No one on my team has a former education, but they got more experience then any storm chaser out there. I could use a photographer on the team. Just get the shots. Boone and Lily handles the videos, but we can always use stills to sell. Also you have a vast amount of experience. You can post to our YouTube channel with support and advice to help others who are facing what you already faced. You've lost two homes, your husband, and your parents. All from a tornado. You know what a rip off Storm Par. You can bring comfort and support to people that we can't. You can reach out to people across the world on You Tube with your story.”
“I don't have a camera or anything. And I don't know who would even care to hear my story. It's just one of many.” you start.
“If you come to work for my team, then it's my responsibility to provide a camera. You'd be surprised at who would want to hear your story and how many people you can help with it. You have actually experienced this, and maybe you could put a dent in Storm Par's scam game.”
“I can't be on the road so long. I can't leave the kids.”
Tyler nodded, “I know and I wouldn't ask you to. We'll talk to my mom and I am sure she'd be happy to watch the kids when you are gone, but we will stay just within a few hours. Even if the team and I travel further away, I'll make sure you are home every night with the kids. What do you say? Wanna join the team?”
“What's the pay like? I don't think it can get much worse then the diner, but I am going to need a another car and I need to start saving to try and find a place to rent or something. I most defiantly can't take any kind of pay cut or lack of work.”
“Let me talk to my team tonight and see what we can come up with, okay? I'll make you an official job offer by tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me. Thank you, for even considering me.” you smile
“No problem.”
The rest of the ride was in silence.
“I am going to get the horses put up.” Tyler said, “Then after dinner would it be okay if I took you to the store and got a few things that you will need for the kids?” he asked.
“I couldn't ask you to do that. We'll be okay.” you protest.
“Hey...it's okay to get a little help. It takes a village, remember? You pretty much lost everything you owned in a tornado. Let me help with a few things. Some clothes, toys, things like that.”
“I'll pay you back, for everything.”
“Don't worry about it.” he smiled, “we'll work something out later.”
“Thank you. You are like a angel sent from heaven or something.” you hold back the tears that threatened to fall. No one has ever reached out to help you like this and you truly were grateful.
Tyler laughed, “Oh I know plenty of people that will disagree with you on that one.”
“Y/N...bring the kids and come on over here!” Cindy was calling to you, “I've got those rooms ready for you.”
“Go ahead, I'll meet you at the house in a few.” Tyler smiled, watching you and the kids walk up to the house. 'What the hell has that tornado blew into my life.' he thought grinning. Things just felt so natural with you and he couldn't explain it. It felt like you belonged here.
“My room is downstairs,” Cindy was showing you and the kids around the house. “There's the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The washer and dryer is right behind that door there.” she pointed and lead you upstairs.
“Tyler's room is on the far end of the hall and there's a bathroom next to his room. There's two other bedrooms on this end with a bathroom.” she was explaining. “When they first got started, the team used to sleep here, so there's two twin beds in each room. I've cleaned them up, put fresh sheets on each bed, and got the bathroom cleaned for you. You and the kids can have your own bathroom down here on this end.”
“I wouldn't want to take the rooms away from the team.” you started.
“Oh no, you wouldn't be. That was a few years ago when they were just getting formed. Everyone has their own place within about an hour or so from here now. They don't stay here over night anymore. They take whatever chance they can to go back home between the storms.”
“Thank you so much.” you smile, giving a hug to Cindy. “How much am I going to owe you for all this?”
“Oh dear, don't worry about that. Maybe you can help me around the house with the animals and cleaning, cooking, and stuff. When you aren't working that is. I'll be happy to keep the kids here with me when you're working. You won't owe me a thing for that. This big old house gets empty when I am here all alone. Frankly, I am going to enjoy the company.”
“I'll be happy to help anywhere I can.” you promise. “Thank you so much again. I don't know what we would have done if Tyler didn't come by at just the right time or if you weren't kind enough to open your home to us.”
“We all need somebody, sweet girl.” Cindy patted your back, “Come on now. Let's eat!”
* * * * *
After dinner, everyone helped clean up and then the rest of the team headed off to their own homes for a few days before the next storm system developed. Cindy had offered to watch the kids and get them ready for bed while Tyler took you to the store and picked up some things that would be needed in the foreseeable future.
“Mr. Tyler, this is too much.” You were saying as he loaded two car seats into the shopping cart, which was already filled with clothes, boots, toys, bath stuff, and various kinds of drinks and snacks.
“You can call me Tyler, you know.” he smiled at you, “We are friends now...I would think.”
“We are.” you agreed, “But this is all too much.”
“It's all things you need. You and the kids need pajamas to sleep in, you need several changes of clothes for the week, you need brushes and bubble bath and things like that. Things guys know nothing about, but I know you need it.” he smiled. “It's not safe nor legal to drive without the kids in a car seat. You've GOT to have a car seat if we take them anywhere. The kids will need snacks and juice boxes and things like that. They are going to need several toys. Not just one, but they need several to choose from.”
“They've done without for a while now. We're used to it. We can get by until I get on my feet again.”
“I know you guys can get by and I know you can get on your feet again.” he said, “Let me help you along the way though. This is just some stuff to get you settled into mom's house for a while. That's all.”
You nod and wrap your arms around him in a hug, “Thank you Tyler. You really are a life savior.”
“No problem. I am happy to help out.” he said, “That's how my mama raised me.”
Tags: @emma8895eb
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You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 29
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TBH! At this point, this is a joint collab with @paigereeder 😭. GOAT!
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Thursday, September 2nd 2021 
Airielle’s peaceful slumber was interrupted by her phone ringing. Groaning, she snatched her phone off the floor next to her and squinted at the screen to see who was calling her. “Oh my god.” She muttered before accepting the call. 
“Why in the fuck didn’t you tell me Christopher popped the fuck back up. I knew I should’ve killed that motherfucker when I had the chance.” Her older brother Isaiah seethed over the phone and Airielle sighed closing her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Airielle!” He shouted into the phone when she didn’t respond. 
“Because I had it under control.” Airielle looked behind her as Josh started to shift in his sleep, sighing she threw the covers off of her and walked into the living room to finish her conversation. 
“Uh-huh, sure you do. He broke into your spot -” 
“And I moved, problem solved.” She shrugged, eyes glancing around the living room just taking in how much he had actually gotten rid of. “Shouldn’t you be working?” 
Isaiah snorted. “I took the day off.” 
“Hmm,” Airielle hummed. “And that’s why you’ll never be Dad’s favorite” 
“Eat my - “ Airielle hung up before her brother could finish his statement. Rolling her eyes she threw her phone on the island. She looked up when she heard Josh shuffling into the living room. 
“Everything Aight?” Josh mumbled as he walked closer to Airielle and kissed her cheek. 
“Yeah, my brother being a pain in my ass.” She replied, rolling her eyes when he chuckled. “What you got going on today?” 
“Nothing. I gotta do some laundry and gotta pack. Got Smackdown and the House show this weekend.” 
“You wanna go get some breakfast first?” She asked, tapping the screen on her phone to see what time it was. “I’m kinda craving waffles.” 
“You already know the answer to that.” Airielle rolled her eyes with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest. 
“Can you believe it’s about to be a year since we met?”  It's crazy to think about all the ups and downs they went through in a year! If she could go back and change anything it would definitely be breaking up with him after he asked her to move in with him. That would have saved them months of heartbreak. 
“You wanna hear somethin’ wild?” He waited until she lifted her head from his chest to continue. “That wasn’t the first time we actually met.” 
Airielle furrowed her eyebrows together and tilted her head a little. 
“We actually met back in 2019. Me and twin had a meeting with Hunter, down at the PC and I saw you there. I mean I was looking, respectfully, but I was still looking.” He laughed when Airielle rolled her eyes again.  “Hunter told us he was taking us off TV after Jon’s latest arrest but he still had - 
“Y’all cut a promo for us.” She whispered as the memory of their first meeting came rushing back. “I remember y’all looking so pissed but still came and cut like one the best promos I ever heard.” 
“Mmhmm.” Josh hummed while nodding his head. “I remember trying to come talk to you, but you weren’t even trying to give ya boy the time of day. I mean I understand why now but shit, back then I thought you were like this stuck up bi-” He stopped himself when she narrowed her eyes at him. He cleared his throat. “You know what I mean.” 
“I mean I was a bitch to you when I came to the main roster.”  Josh nodded his head in agreement and Airielle sucked her teeth, pulling away from him. 
“What? you said it, not me.”  Just as she went to smartass him, his stomach released the loudest grumble she had ever heard. They both stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. “You the one who brought up waffles, I mean you already know how I get down.” Airielle sucked her teeth and pushed him away from her before walking back towards his room so she could grab her clothes to shower. 
“I feel like they just need to go ahead and sponsor your greedy ass Uce.” She chuckled, her back to him as she shuffled through her bag looking for something to wear to breakfast. She stood up straight and gasped as she turned and bumped into Josh. 
“Whatchu’ just call me?”  Airielle bit her lip to stop herself from smiling at the look he was giving her. “Airielle, stop playing with me.” 
“You wanna go get waffles or not?”  Josh tilted his head as he stared at her. He was really contemplating on not going to the Waffle House with her because who the fuck did she think he was. Uce, had she lost her damn mind? He wasn’t her damn Uce. He went to tell her that they weren't going to breakfast but his stomach growled again making her smile. “That’s what I thought.” 
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liked by trinity_fatu, c_smith and 200,000 others
AirielleJones: Me and UCE out to eat! ❤️🤭
view all comments:
uceyjucey: you still playing huh?
↪ AirielleJones: @ uceyjucey; love you too UCE 😘
trinity_fatu: HAHA!!
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“You gon glare at me throughout breakfast or what?”  Airielle asked him as the waitress walked away to put in their orders. “Why can’t I call you Uce?” She pouted. 
“Cause I don’t fuck my family Airielle.” 
“Boy –” 
“Oh my god. Look at you! You’ve gotten so big.” A new voice interrupted their conversation. Both Airielle and Josh both turned towards the new voice. Josh narrowed his eyes as he looked at the woman. She was older than both of them, with dark brown skin; for some reason, her facial features reminded him of Airielle. Josh turned to look at Airielle to ask if she knew who the hell this lady was but he stopped short once he saw the look on Airie’s face. He had only seen that look one time before. 
A couple weeks before she broke up with him she had this same look when he had tried to initiate sex but she wasn’t in the mood for it. That’s the same day he found out Christopher used to force her to have sex with him. He remembers her telling him that her old therapist called it dissociating. Josh immediately stood up and stepped in front of this lady, blocking Airielle, who was still sitting in the booth, from her view. 
“You good?” Josh asked the woman, straightening his shoulders so he was standing at full height. 
“Are you her bodyguard or something?” Another voice piped up from behind the older women and Josh definitely knew that they had to be related to Airielle in some sort of fashion because this girl and Airielle could pass off as twins. 
“Yup. Now answer my question, Y’all good?”  
“You must be Joshua.” The older woman said. Holding her hand out to him. “I’m Abigail and this is my daughter Janelle.” 
“Cool, y’all can leave now.” He said eyeing her hand with disgust. Whoever this woman was made Airielle uncomfortable and he wanted her away from them ASAP. Abigail’s hand hung in the air awkwardly for a moment before she withdrew it and cleared her throat, forcing a smile on her face. 
“Airielle please tell this man that I am your mother and I just want to talk to you.” Josh’s eyebrows shot up at the news. “Please solèy –” 
“Don’t call me that,” Airielle spoke up. “You have no right to call me that.” Airielle stood up from the booth and grabbed Josh’s hand. “I want to leave.” Josh nodded his head immediately. Breakfast forgotten, he ushered Airielle back to his car. 
“You okay?” Josh asked as he pulled out of The Waffle House parking lot. 
“No,” Airielle said. “Pull over.” As soon as the car came to a stop, Airielle threw open the passenger door and threw up nothing but stomach acid. “Fuck!” she cried out. 
Josh handed her a bottle of water and she thanked him, swishing it around in her mouth before spitting it out.  “That was–” 
“If you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t gotta talk about it.” 
“I know.” Airielle smiled and grabbed his hand, stroking the back of it with her thumb. “But I wanna be more open and honest with you.” Josh bit his lip and nodded. “That was my birth mom and her daughter I guess.” 
“Y’all not close. I take it.” 
“Nah,” Airielle shook her head. “She left when – well right after she gave birth to me. She never wanted me, never wanted a daughter, but I see a lot has changed in the past thirty years. I remember growing up, she would always send my brother’s gifts and cards on their birthdays but never mine. I didn’t really care because I didn’t remember her anyway. But um- one day I was just curious as to why she seemed to ignore my existence so I got her address off of one of the packages she sent my brothers and wrote her a letter.” 
Airielle quickly wiped away her tears. She hated crying over this woman. Josh squeezed Airielle’s hand gently. “She wrote me back. Which kinda shocked me but I was happy that she did. I was thinking she was just gonna tell me that she was just feelin' guilty about leaving me but, she said the complete opposite. She wrote me 4 pages, front and back, telling about how many times she unsuccessfully tried to abort me. How she tried to give me up for adoption without my father knowing. How she had a plan to tell my dad that I had died during childbirth.” 
Josh’s jaw was damn near on the floor as he listened to Airielle. No wonder she’s so emotionally challenged  He thought. 
“She blamed me for the fact that she couldn’t see her boys grow up, she blamed me because my dad chose to raise me instead of be with her. The final thing she wrote to me was, I wish you would have died. Do not contact me again. So I didn’t, I ripped the letter up and burned it. Never told my dad or my brothers about it and obviously neither did she.” 
“What the fuck.” Josh whispered, his hand tightened into a fist on his thigh. Abigail or whatever her name is better than her lucky stars that Josh didn’t put his hands on women. 
“Yeah I mean, I just wanted my mom, but she didn’t want me..” Airielle shrugged as she tried to stop the tears but it was too much. She had pushed Abigail and her hurtful words into the back of her mind in the folder with Chris and her unborn baby. Seeing her today just opened up a wound that Airielle thought had semi-healed. 
Josh pushed his seat back and pulled her over the center console so she could sit in his lap. He held her tightly as she cried into his shoulder. Josh gently stroked her back, his voice low and soothing. “It’s alright. I’m right here, okay? We gon’ get through this.”
As her crying eased, Josh kept her close, feeling her heart slow against his. He didn’t let go, knowing she needed this more than anything. He wasn’t just comforting her; he was vowing to stand up for her in every way he could.
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Whew.. Miss Abigail is a trip!
What do y'all think about this chapter??
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Abigail Noelle Roy
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Janelle Noelle Roy
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@theninthwonder @raya-hunter01 @abadbitchblogs @jaethaone @black-yn
@mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni @zillasvilla @thatone-girly
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MMMMore incorrect quotes from Merlin Academy! (with ships) Long post
Maleficent: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?
Hades: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.
Maleficent: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
(gasp the IT-couple has broken up. I have a feeling it could be like Jade and Beck but they are both Jade)
Fay: Fight me!
Hades: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle?
Morgie: Why is Hades crying?
Maleficent: Fay kicked them really hard on the ankle.
(Maleficent was impressed)
Fay: Why are we friends?
Maleficent: Poor decisions on your part.
(like either of you don't like each other. Ha ha)
Fay: So, I heard you like bad girls… I time travel in Animal Crossing.
(I don't even know what that means but okay)
Fay: Maleficent.. I'm gonna cry!
Maleficent: Please don't.
Fay, crying: Request denied.
Maleficent: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
Maleficent: *Picks up Fay*
Maleficent: I’ve only befriended Fay for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
(Only she is allowed to bully Fay)
Uliana: I'm bored.
Maleficent: Wanna commit first degree murder?
Uliana: Sure!
Ella, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Bridget down!!
(She is the mom of the group for some reason)
Ella: Don’t say a word.
Bridget: Fergalicious.
Ella: Bridget, I said no words.
Bridget: Oh, I see how it works. Two weeks ago, we’re playing Scrabble, it’s not a word, now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you.
Bridget: Can you cut me some slack, Ella? I’m sort of in love.
Ella: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Bridget: I’m in love with you.
Ella: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Charming: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?
Bridget, looking at Charming: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?
Bridget and Charming in unison: *sighs* Ella
(🎶I'm sorry that you 🤭 seem to be confused 🤔 she belongs to me 🧐 that girl is mine 😑 🎶 honestly that song has been playing in my head for a while for no reason) (it's now making me realize how Bridgella is kinda giving "it's over isn't it" idk why)
Ella: A mouse!
Maleficent, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Hades, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Bridget, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Morgie gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Hook: His name is Remi, dummy.
Ella: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(I just had to. Also she is excluding Bridget from that statement)
Hook, to Morgie: I'll be under the mistletoe when you start feeling desperate!
Uliana: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Uliana: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
(I mean that thing with the flamingo feathers was your fault 🤷)
Bridget: Hey, Ella, have you thought about having children?
Ella: ...
Ella: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it.
Hook: But we're not childr-
Ella, already distracted: HADES, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
(again. She is the mom of the group for some reason. Give her a rest)
Morgie: Hello friends!
The Squad:
Morgie: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
(you'd think it was Hades and Hook. But they are just as amused and surprised. Idk how Morgie made that happen)
Uliana: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Morgie: But ya' didn't!
(canon? It is now)
Hook: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Ella: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one?
Hook: Seize the dick.
(Slay King Slay)
Bridget: *Gets down on one knee*
Uliana: Oh my god! It’s finally happening!
Bridget: *Collapses*
Uliana: The poison’s kicking in!
(Yeah. Honestly. It's got something. But idk)
Fay: Where have you been all day?
Bridget: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
(like having broken up without actually dating because it was just a one sided homoerotic friendship)
Ella: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Bridget: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Ella: Holy moly-
(See what I mean. Also canon)
Hook, Hades and Morgie in the back of Ella's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Bridget/Fay: We have food at home.
Ella/Uliana/Maleficent: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Hades/Hook/Morgie: YAYYYYYY!
Ella/Uliana/Maleficent: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
(Ha Ha. Sad)
Hades: Legend says that when you can’t sleep, it means you’re awake in someone else’s dreams.
Hades: When I find out who you are, I’m going to punch you in the face.
(um. It's not me....I swear)
Uliana: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(not like you can easily punch others with your eight arms)
Uliana: Stop failing.
Hades: Don’t tell me what to do! I'll fail right now!
Hades: *Succeeds*
Hades: Dang it!
(he finally realized he's a god. But still failed not to listen)
Bridget: Morgie told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
(omg I'm a navy ginger)
Ella: *sneaking in through their window*
Bridget: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Ella: I was with Charming?
Charming: *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
(Gasp. What was Ella doing 👀)
Ella: I can’t believe we have to be stuck in this room together!
Uliana, swallowing the key: Truly (poor) unfortunate (soul).
(oh. She was stuck with Uliana...ALSO WHAT- ULIANA?! THE KEY? 😭 Nah)
Uliana: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Ella: *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
(new HC: Ella can't read. Or more like, has a hard time with it. Idk lol.)
Ella: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck.
Morgie: Don’t mansplain this to me!
Uliana: Wh- I’m a woman! I can't mansplain anything to you!
Morgie: …Well, I’m a feminist, and I believe a woman can do anything a man does!
(he's got the spirit)
Hook: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Morgie: Dude, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Hook: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Morgie: Well, I mean yeah.
Hook: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Morgie: Wait, you just made them?
Hook: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Morgie: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time James.
(Morgie uses Dude romantically. And when he's annoyed at Hook he calls him by his first name)
Bridget: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
(that's me with movies/series. She's definitely not talking about Ella and Charming)
*The Squad when asked about their earlier confession of love*
Ella: Yeah, you're lucky. I like you.
Bridget: I'd understand if you didn't feel the same way...
Fay: *has a panic attack* What confession?
Hook: *winks* I know, babe. You like me too.
Hades: So what? Are you going to date me or not?
Uliana: It was a dare.
Maleficent: Your smile is like a magic spell, and it's annoying me daily
Charming: Let's flip a coin. Heads I'm yours. Tail you're mine.
Morgie: Relationships are like a walk in the park. Jurassic park.
(I added the last three myself because I wanted them all to have one. What do you think? Accurate?)
Ella: Here's two facts about me.
Ella: 1. I hate hot people/royalty
Ella: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Fay: You saved me! Why?
Hades: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
(people being Maleficent, also Ella and Bridget)
Hope you liked it!
Does Uliana have a crush on Ella? Maybe. Does Ella like her back? Absolutely not.
Ok byeee
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marlynnofmany · 1 month
Crinkly Collectibles
I opened the door of my quarters to a wall of muscles and silks. The Frillian twins were about to knock. Blip pulled her hand back just shy of knocking me in the face, which I appreciated, and she looked a little embarrassed about it.
“Hello!” she said, straightening up. “We would like to borrow your tiny predator.”
I glanced back at the mismatched orange-and-black cat who was currently licking her butt on my bed. “Telly? Why?”
Blop said, “We suspect there were small pests hidden in the packaging of the collectibles we just brought onboard.” He looked over his shoulder at the empty hallway and lowered his voice. “We’re hoping to resolve the problem before the captain has to know.”
“Gotcha,” I said. I took a step toward the bed before I thought to ask, “Are you sure the pests are safe for Telly to hunt? No spines or poison?”
They looked at each other uncertainly, waving their head frills in a complicated body language that I couldn’t pick up. “Reasonably sure,” Blip told me.
“How about one of you borrows a medscanner from Eggskin,” I suggested, “While the other brings me up to speed on the details.”
“On it.” Blop was gone in a flash of silk.
I wondered idly when they would go back to their other favorite fashion choice of elastic bands, the polar opposite of their current getup, then I refocused when Blip started explaining.
Apparently they’d just picked up an exciting new set of collectible whatsits on our last stop — Blip went on a tangent about how she’d never seen this model before, without actually describing them in any detail — and now the things were never where they left them. The twins had found them scattered around their quarters several times, with no reason to suspect any crewmate of messing with their stuff on purpose.
Did they still have the packaging that pests might have come in? No.
Had they kept the door closed, so any pests couldn’t get out? Also no.
I asked, “Are you sure you shouldn’t just tell the captain? We don’t even know how many there might have been.”
Blop came trotting up with a handheld medscanner while Blip waved her hands and frills in what was probably supposed to be a reassuring way. “It’s probably zipperbugs. They never venture far until they’ve eaten everything they like in a small area.”
“What are they eating in — You’ve got a stash of shrimp sticks in there, don’t you?” I asked, remembering their favorite snack.
They chorused, “Of course,” then both spoke at once about how those had been scattered at first too, then hidden in what they hoped was a secure location. They hadn’t checked yet to see if there were signs of gnawing on the container.
Since Blop had the scanner and they were both fretting about this, I hurried to scoop up Telly with only minimal meowing complaints, and followed them down the hall to their quarters. Telly rearranged herself in my arms and sniffed the air curiously as we walked. I kept an eye out for anything scurrying that she might launch herself towards.
The door was at least closed right now. Blip opened it quickly. I was wondering what the sudden rush was when I heard the distinctive tentacle-slap of an approaching Strongarm crewmate. The twins really didn’t want word of this to get out. Not that I blamed them.
I followed Blip inside with Blop right behind, and the door shut before anyone saw. Frills drooped with relief. I looked around the somewhat messy quarters for a sign of pests. All I saw were various belongings that could stand to be put away, and a long shelf of little palm-tree-shaped things set out for admiring. Several of those were also on the floor.
I was about to ask if those were the collectibles when Telly kicked off my chest and tackled something.
The Frillians shouted. Blop aimed the scanner. Telly lay on her side and rabbit-kicked a small thing that crinkled.
“There’s nothing there!” Blop exclaimed. “It’s only picking up the one animal!”
“Hey, she’s chewing on the Model 5! Give that back!” Blip reached for the little collectible that apparently made an excellent cat toy, then pulled her hand back when that just led to a claw swipe.
“Telly, drop it,” I scolded, nudging the cat with my shoe. When she rolled over and attacked my ankle instead, I deftly grabbed the toy. “That is not for you.” When I checked it for damage, I saw firstly that it was fine, secondly that it looked more like a sea anemone than a tree, and thirdly that it smelled strongly of shrimp. Spicy ones; it made my eyes water a little.
Blop scanned the room one corner at a time while Blip took the collectible from me. Telly was putting her hind feet to work at kicking my ankle, having a fine old time, but I was wearing thick socks so I let her. That gave me a moment to pick up the handful of other whatsits nearby.
Blip asked, “How do we get her to hunt the pests instead?” She put the Model 5 back on the shelf and took the others I’d gathered.
At the same time, Blop said, “I’m not picking up anything on the scanner! Did they already leave?” He and Blip both rushed to check on their stash of shrimp sticks.
All the heavy footsteps disturbed Telly, who scrambled onto a chest of drawers where she was above foot level.
This put her at the perfect height to jump onto the collectible shelf, which she promptly did. She swatted three onto the floor and leapt down after them.
I moved to take them away from her while the Frillians were busy being confused about the pristine state of their shrimp sticks. They hadn’t noticed Telly yet.
“Do you have the scanner on the right setting?” Blip asked.
“Yes, I double checked!” Blop said. “They aren’t here! They must have left already. Maybe it’s not zipperbugs. We’ll have to tell the captain after all.”
“Guys,” I said, holding a cellophane-and-rubber seaweed toy at arm’s length. “I think we may have found your pest.” They turned to look just as Telly sprang up to pull it from my hand.
They both shouted some more while I got the toy back. “What! No way! was it her from the start? What a jump!”
“You may want to keep your door shut,” I said, giving her my foot to fight again while I stretched to put the toy back on the shelf. I’d have to wash the smell off my hands. Which gave me an idea. “Hey, can you spare one of those shrimp sticks?”
They could. I opened the door, then wiggled the shrimp stick in front of Telly. “Here, kitty kitty. Fetch!” When I tossed it out into the hall, she bounded eagerly after it.
A started burble sounded, followed by Mur’s voice. “What was that? Did the cat just catch a pest?”
“Nope,” I called out to him. “Just a shrimp stick. No pests here.” I smiled at the Frillians, who were still processing all this. “I’ll take her back to my quarters for some proper cat toy time. Don’t forget to put the scanner back.”
I left the Frillians to tidy up their quarters in a mix of relief and exasperation. Out in the hall, Mur tentacle-walked past Telly, giving her a wide berth as she chewed happily on the treat. She didn’t mind when I picked her up again. As far she was concerned, this was probably a great day with no worries whatsoever.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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shdysders · 11 months
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: in which tara finds herself getting a visit from you.
warnings: mentions of shooting & death
word count: 1200+
author’s note: so this is my first time actually posting my work for real people to see, so hopefully i’m not embarrassing myself. this imagine is not proof read or anything like it, so if you notice any mistakes or errors, please let me know!
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"Hello Tara." Your ice cold tone caught Taras' attention, making her focus shift from the book placed between her hands to you.
When Tara had turned her head to where the voice came from, she immediately regretted her decision. Even though she knew who the voice belonged to, the sight still scared her.
You were standing there all pale and lean, your big eyes that was always squinted when you smiled, now looked empty.
"Y/n?.." Tara swallowed thickly, her heart racing faster by just the sight of you, standing in her bedroom. She tried moving further up the bed, feeling the need to get away.
"What are you doing here?" She asked you, heart racing as she locked eyes with you, feeling mixture of fear and confusion, her question made you tilt your head in confusion.
You started to slowly walk around Tara's room, making her jump off of her bed, her feet landing on the floor quicker than she could process.
"Please-" Tara almost yelled out when she saw you began moving, a bit too close for her liking.
You immediately stopped when you heard her loud voice, furrowing your eyebrows at your girlfriend.
"Please.. don't walk any further." She tried to speak calmer, but your hurt expression made Tara want to delete what she just said.
"I just came to check on you.." You spoke coldly, meeting Tara's brown eyes.
The look in your eyes scared Tara, there was no emotions behind them. The first thing she fell in love with you was your eyes, now the sight of them made her want to crawl out of her skin.
The frightened look in Tara's eyes made you want to laugh, how could she look scared after what she did to you? If anything, you should've be the scared one.
Tara who was now trembling with fear, but eventually she managed to find her voice, who came out more shaky than she liked. "Please, just leave."
An evil stare flashed through your eyes, but instead of leaving, you kept on adding salt to the wound.
"Don't you miss me?" You asked, voice trying to sound pity.
Tara didn't answer, she just stood there biting her lip, tears threatening to spill from her eyes because of sight you. But you didn't stop.
"Don't you miss...the way I would kiss you or....the way I would touch you." Y/n spoke slowly, now talking small towards Tara again.
"Stop." She responded quickly before you could talk any further, shaking her head and closing her eyes, telling herself it was not real.
The tears were now beginning to roll down Tara's cheeks, and her whole body was shaking too much to wipe them away.
"Don't you miss how we would lay on that exact bed and make love to each other." You kept going, making Tara full on sob.
"Please....stop." Tara voice cracked with emotion as tears streamed down her face, she tried to contain her sobs, covering her mouth with her hand, hoping to keep them hidden from Sam.
"Stop what?" You asked confused, face stiffened, not even two meters away from your girlfriend.
"Tara, why would I stop?"
Her cheeks were drenched with tears as she walked into the wall, her whole mind going blurry.
"You didn't think about stopping when you pulled that trigger, did you?"
That sentence made Tara feel sick to her stomach, like she couldn't breath and the room suddenly felt smaller. She tried to tell herself it wasn't real, none of it was. The real you would never say something like that, right? the real you would never say that if it never actually happened. But it did. It did happened.
"I'm sorry.." Tara sobbed out, louder this time. Silently repeating it over and over again, hoping that you would hear her. But Tara knew darn well that not even thousands of apologies wouldn't bring you back. Nothing could, and it was all her fault.
But when all you did was to look at Tara with those confused big eyes and a tilted head, she felt the need to continue talking.
"It was an accident.." Tara stammered, shaking her head, tears flowing continuously. Each new tear replaced by the last.
It was, it was an accident, she thought it was ghost face, and by the previous attacks she had suffered from, she learned to never ever hesitate.
But that turned out to be the biggest mistake she'd ever make, and she now had to live with it forever. You never let her forget, not when she was sleeping nor when she was awake.
You'd always show up, either flashing her your toothy smile that she'd admire every second of the day, or the evil stare she'd never seen before.
She couldn't tell Mrs Davis either, the therapist that her older sister basically forced her to see against her will.
Because if she did, she'd ask how you died, who had killed you and if that person was charged.
She couldn't bare to tell Sam either, she would go all into mom-mode, being even more protective than she already was. But it also felt like a betrayal to you, she had never asked you how you'd feel about it, but she just couldn't.
Because if she told anyone at all, there would be a chance she would never see you again, and she didn't want that. She'd rather see your evil stare, making her relive that night, or making her bawl like a baby every day, than never seeing you again. She would rather die, than never seeing you again.
But maybe that's what she deserved? Dying. She ended your life. the person she wanted to spend her whole eternity with. You wouldn't be able to turn 80, nor 20, because she had taken that away from you.
"How can you live with yourself knowing you caused this?" You had said one time, pointing to your heart, exactly where the huge red spot had been situated. And to be honest, Tara couldn't live with herself, she wanted to disappear knowing she had taken someone's life, your life, in fact.
Being haunted by you wasn't exactly helping either, although in some ways it did. Just having you close to her made her heart swell more than it should've, just like the times when you where actually there.
Just when she was about to say something again, you were gone, as if you vanished into thin air in the blink of an eye.
Like it had been the majority of the times she saw you, she was about to say something, but when she looked up, you would be gone.
She stared dumbfounded at the place you were just standing at, marks where her tears had been just seconds before was burning onto her skin.
Tara's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door, her sisters voice calling her name going through the thin wooden door, making her jump.
She was back to reality now, a reality that you weren't in. Maybe you would come visit tomorrow, or maybe in a few minutes again?
Tara would never know, but neither would you, because the version of you that Tara kept seeing, wasn't the version she fell in love with. It was the one that her hallucinations and trauma wanted her to see, it wanted her to see the worst.
But no matter how traumatized she was, by the opposite version or the right version of you, she would never forget you, or the reason why she is feeling haunted.
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gingiesworld · 10 months
Goodbye My Love
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x GN! Stark Reader/ Wanda Maximoff x Jarvis Stark
Warnings: Angst. Violence. Domestic abuse.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @natleft (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Word Count: 4.2k
Y/N Stark had always lived in the shadow of their older brother, every accomplishment Y/N had received, he had to outshine them. Although the two of them were polar opposites, Jarvis followed in their father’s footsteps and joined the family company while Y/N found themselves going to UCLA on a football scholarship.Although they only missed one person, besides their mom and Morgan.
Wanda Maximoff was their best friend growing up, all the way through high school, she had a short relationship with James before they all graduated while Y/N met Christine when they were in college. Although they never truly loved Christine how she deserved because their heart belonged to someone else. So their romance was short lived and Y/N went through college having one night stands, no strings attached.
But the moment they came home, Wanda greeted them at the airport, hugging them tightly as she told them about all of the things they had missed.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” They questioned when they noticed the ring on her finger.
“Uh, Jarvis.” She spoke unsurely.
“How did that happen?” They asked her, trying to hide their hurt which Wanda failed to see.
“It was a couple of years ago, we bumped into each other and we got to talking and everything else is history.” She told them. “We also live in an apartment in the city.”
“Oh.” Was all they could say which caught Wanda’s attention.
“Hey, be happy for me.” She told them. “I love him and he has changed.” They just nodded with a tight lipped smile. “He really has.” Once she noticed they weren’t going to say anything, she changed the subject. “When will you know who you play for?” She asked them as they smiled.
“We will find out a couple of months before the season starts.” They told her, a smile on their face which she returned as she held their hand in hers, how they have done it since they were children.
“Are you excited to see everyone again?” She asked as she drove to the Stark’s Mansion.
“I am excited to see my mom and Morgan.” They told her honestly.
“What about your dad? I’m sure he has missed you.” She told them as they shrugged.
“I don’t think so.” They told her. “He never called or even said hello whenever I spoke on the phone with Mom and Morgan.”
“I’m sorry.” She whispered as they shrugged.
“It’s ok.” They told her, a nervous feeling taking over them as they approached home.
“Y/N/N!!” Morgan screamed as soon as they stepped out of Wanda’s car, running straight into them at full speed. “I missed you.” She mumbled as she hugged them tightly.
“I missed you more.” They held her for a moment longer before smiling up at their mom. “Hi mom.” They greeted her as they gave her a sweet hug.
“Come on, let’s head inside.” She told them softly, Morgan taking Wanda’s hand as she dragged her through the house. “Your father and Jarvis are at work if you want to go see them.” She told them as they shrugged.
“I would rather spend the day here with you girls.” They told her honestly, following her into the kitchen.
“He has missed you.” Pepper told them as they just scoffed. “He really has. Your father is a tough man.”
“I know he doesn’t care about me mom, you don’t have to sugar coat it.” They told her.
“Y/N, he loves you.” She told them firmly as they shook their head, a dry chuckle leaving their lips.
“He tolerates me, there’s a difference.” They told her. “He never wanted me to follow my dreams, he never thought I would make it.”
“He just wants what’s best for you.” She told them as they gave her a tight smile.
“I’m going to go and spend some time with Morgan and Wanda.” They told her, giving up on the conversation in regards to their relationship with their father.
“Hi, can I join you?” Y/N asked the two as Morgan nodded.
“But you have to wear a crown because we are princesses.” She told them as she handed them a small plastic crown.
“Don’t you have one with pink diamonds?” They asked her. “Pink brings out my eyes, don’t you think Princess Wanda.”
“Yes.” Wanda chuckled as Morgan swapped crowns with them. Y/N felt at home, spending time with the most important people in their life.
“Everyone has missed you.” Wanda told them as she led them through the bar, holding hands as she soon led them to all of their friends.
“Here they are!!!” Bucky’s voice boomed as he caught sight of the two. Soon wrapping his arms around Y/N and hugging them.
“We’ve missed you.” Nat told them as she pulled them in for a hug.
“I’ve missed you guys.” They beamed as Wanda went to get the two of them something to drink.
“How was life on the west coast?” Steve asked them as they thanked Wanda for the drink.
“It was awesome.” They told them everything from the moment they started their first year of college.
“You see if you’re drafted in a couple of weeks right?” Bucky asked them as they nodded.
“I do.” They rubbed their hands on their bottoms. “I just hope I do get drafted.”
“You were the best Wide Receiver our high school had ever had, you brought us to the state championships each season.” Steve told them. “We know very well that you will be picked.”
“You have always been fast.” Wanda remarked as everyone agreed.
“Thank you.” They smiled before they decided to head over to the bar.
“I'll take it, you know.” Nat told them as she stood beside them.
“I do.” They nodded as they thanked the bartender for their drink. Watching as Nat ordered a couple of shots.
“Why didn’t you ever tell her?” She asked them as they shrugged. “Y/N, you two would have been the perfect couple.”
“But we aren’t.” They told her. “I never told her because I never wanted to lose her. There was always a chance that my feelings weren't reciprocated and I valued our friendship more than anything else in this world.” They took one of the shots and threw it back. “But I only want her to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted and if that’s with Jarvis, then so be it.”
“I have to go.” Wanda told them as soon as the two came back. “Jarvis just messaged and asked where I was.”
“Did you tell him you’re out with friends?” Nat asked her as Wanda nodded.
“He said that he needed me home.” Wanda told them before kissing Y/N’s cheek. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Sure.” They nodded with a small smile, they watched as Wanda disappeared through the crowd towards the exit.
“I really don’t like him.” Bucky mumbled as Y/N nodded with a chuckle.
“I know what you mean.” They agreed, thinking back to their childhood and how he would try his hardest to outshine them at everything, especially when it came to showing interest in the family company.
“Where were you?” Jarvis questioned as soon as Wanda entered their apartment.
“With Y/N, Nat, Steve and Bucky.” Wanda told him. “Everyone wanted to celebrate Y/N coming home, so we went to Jamie’s.”
“Wanda, you know what I think of that place.” He rubbed his temples as her heart beat out of her chest, her nerves slowly taking over her shakey form. “Besides, it’s only Y/N. It isn’t like they matter much.”
“They are my best friend.” She told him firmly.
“Stop living in your childhood.” He told her sternly as he gripped her arms. “You are 22 years old! You aren’t the same teen you were four years ago!” All Wanda could do was nod, sighing as he let go of her arms. “Start dinner. I am famished.” He told her before retreating to their shared room. Releasing a shaky breath before she headed towards the kitchen, she knew that Y/N disliked him for a reason, especially with how he has been with her the past few months. Although, that is something she will never tell anyone, too afraid of what could happen.
Y/N had noticed the past week that Wanda had been distant from them and their friends. So as they were making breakfast, they knew they would visit her.
“Thanks.” Tony mumbled as he grabbed a cup of coffee, barely sparing Y/N a second glance.
“I’m going to see Wanda this morning.” They stated as they finished their coffee.
“What?” Tony questioned.
“She is my best friend.” They reminded him.
“She is Jarvis’s fiancèe.” He pointed out as Y/N nodded.
“I know that, she told me.” They told him firmly.
“I don’t want you to ruin this for your brother.” He told them as he stood up, trying to tower over them. “She is a good woman and I am sure the two would be amazing parents.”
“I’m pretty sure that Wanda isn’t thinking of children just yet.” They reminded him as they grabbed their keys. “They are still young and they aren’t even married yet.” With that Y/N left the house, leaving an irritated Pepper to scold him.
“Please just stop.” Wanda whimpered as Jarvis continued to slap her across the face.
“Seriously Wanda!! Y/N won’t ever give you the life that I will.” He yelled before she kicked him off of her.
“Please just go.” She sobbed as she scrambled to her feet. Trying to grab anything that would help her overpower him.
“Do you seriously think I wouldn’t know what you are hiding from me, from everyone, from yourself?!” He yelled as he started to advance on her again. “I know about your feelings!! I know it very well!!” He raised his hand ready to strike, only to freeze at the sound of a gunshot. The sound made Y/N run towards their apartment, breaking in to find Wanda frozen in place as Jarvis was squirming in pain. They approached her and took the gun from her grasp.
“Run.” They told her firmly. “Leave right now!” They yelled as she soon snapped into reality.
“Oh my god.” She whispered as she looked at Jarvis.
“Leave! NOW WANDA!!!” Y/N yelled at her, just as the sirens were getting closer. Wanda left the apartment, running straight for her friends apartment, knocking on it rapidly.
“Wanda?” Yelena questioned tiredly as she opened the door.
“Is Nat here?” She asked as Yelena let her inside.
“Yeah, she’s just in the shower.” She answered, grabbing Wanda a blanket to cover herself up and a bottle of water.
“Wanda, what happened?” Nat asked as soon as she spotted the brunette sitting on the sofa.
“I shot him.” She whispered as Nat sighed. “I shot Jarvis and Y/N told me to run.”
“What?” Yelena questioned as Nat shook her head with a dry chuckle.
“How could they be so stupid!” She yelled, causing Wanda to flinch. “This will ruin their future, their chance at playing pro.”
“I don’t understand.” Wanda muttered as Nat grabbed her bag and keys.
“Wanda, stay here with Yelena. Do not leave this apartment until I say otherwise.” With that Nat left the two of them.
“Do you think Y/N took the fall?” Wanda questioned as Yelena only nodded.
“They would do anything for you Wanda.” Was all she told the brunette before putting the chain on the door.
“HOW COULD YOU?!” Tony yelled as he sat opposite Y/N who was sitting in handcuffs. “Your own brother!”
“He hasn’t been a brother to me at all!!” Y/N told him, just as angry. “Just as you haven’t been a father to me either!!”
“You’re lucky that I am going to let you rot in here for as long as I can.” He growled as he got in their face. “He is my son!!”
“Yeah, he seems to be your only child, the only one you care about anyway.” They remarked as he was about to hit them.
“Mr Stark, I suggest you leave now or I will be putting you in some fancy bracelets too.” Nat told him firmly as she entered the room, escorting him out before she shut the door behind her. “I need you to tell me why you did it.” She said as she grabbed her pen.
“I already told Captain what's her name, everything” They told her.
“Oh, you broke in to find him hitting his fiancee so you shot him? Not like you could just take him down with sheer force anyway.” She spoke sarcastically. “I want the real story.”
“That is the real story.” They told her.
“Y/N, I am trying to protect you and your future, if you aren’t honest with me, I can’t protect you.” She tried as they just shook their head.
“That is the truth, Detective.” They told her.
“Ok.” She nodded as she rose to her feet. “Captain Carter will come and read you your rights.” With that she left the room, finding out more on Jarvis’s condition before heading home.
“Are they ok?” Wanda asked as soon as Nat walked through the door.
“They are fine.” She told her honestly. “They are keeping to their story, so there isn’t much more that I can do to help.”
“So?” Yelena questioned as Nat took a seat.
“Well, Jarvis is currently in a coma. The bullet had pierced a lung, so he has had to have extensive surgery to repair the damage, but the chances of him waking before the sentencing is rather slim.” She rubbed her brow. “Especially since Mr Stark would want it over as fast as possible.”
“What if I confess? Tell the truth?” Wanda tried as Nat shook her head.
“That won’t work. Not now anyway.” She told her. “The media has already started to leach on the story of sibling rivalry. The press will be sniffing around the hospital, trying to get an update from the doctors or the family. Y/N is already moving to NJ Pen tomorrow morning.”
“So there’s nothing.” Yelena stated as Nat sighed.
“Nothing.” She told them. “They already have a weapon and a confession. Unless Jarvis says otherwise, then everyone will know Y/N to be the one who tried to kill their own brother.”
Wanda was beside herself, with Jarvis remaining in a coma and Y/N being in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. She hated herself, wondering every night how her life had turned into this.
“Are you ok?” Nat asked her as she entered the kitchen.
“Yeah.” Wanda nodded as she stared at the glass of water in her hand.
“Talk to me.” Nat spoke tenderly as Wanda scoffed.
“About what? How my fiancè abused me. He would hit me and call me names or that I shot him in fear of losing my own life and my best friend is taking the fall.” She spoke angrily. “I just wish I knew why they took the blame for something I did.”
“They love you.” Nat told her sincerely. “They have since high school. I can’t exactly tell you the moment they fell in love with you but we could see it whenever they looked at you. They would do anything for you Wanda and it shows.”
“But.” Wanda tried as her eyes filled with tears. “I never knew.” She whispered shakily as Nat gave her a tender smile.
“They never wanted you to know, because they thought you would feel the same.” She told her honestly.
“The draft was last night.” Wanda mentioned. “They never got picked.”
“Well, the managers would have gotten wind of the shooting and the trial.” Nat spoke honestly. “So that would have definitely made sure they never made it.”
“I hate this.” Wanda whispered as she rubbed her brow. “I hate how this whole thing has turned out.”
“You have a visitor.” The guard told Y/N as they kicked them awake.
“What?” They grumbled as they stirred.
“Visitor!” The guard yelled as they grabbed them, dragging them through the corridor towards the visiting quarters.
“Mom?” Y/N murmured as they saw Pepper sitting at the otherside of the glass, watching as Y/N picked up the phone.
“Why did you do it?” She questioned as Y/N sighed.
“I already told the police everything, I’m sure that Tony had already gotten a copy of my statement.” Y/N told her coldly.
“You know what I mean.” She told them firmly. “I know you didn’t do it, I just want to know why you are lying to everyone and putting your future at risk.”
“I can’t discuss this with you mom.” They told her sternly.
“Just tell me!” She yelled, gaining the attention of the others. “Jarvis could wake and tell the truth.”
“I doubt he would if he finds out that I will be serving time here.” They told her. “He hated me, he hated me because my dreams strayed away from what the Stark name was famous for.”
“You know that’s not true.” Pepper told them.
“You know what you just said is a lie.” Y/N told her. “Neither Dad or Jarvis attended any of my games to support me. They were too busy with something to do with the company. The only people who thought and believed I would make it pro weren’t even blood related.”
“Y/N.” Pepper tried as Y/N shook their head.
“Just leave it mom. Don’t come back here to visit, it will only hurt you more.” They told her firmly. “Besides, Morgan will need you now, more than ever.” She watched as Y/N was dragged back through the doors towards their cell, her heart breaking at the sight of the aggressiveness the guards were showing towards them.
Jarvis remained in the coma, even after Y/N was sentenced for 20 years imprisonment. Wanda had already returned the ring to Pepper, telling her that she was ending things with Jarvis, of course Pepper had no objections, knowing the kind of man her son grew up to be.
“Wanda, you need to eat.” Nat told her as she handed her a PB&J.
“I’m not hungry.” Wanda whispered as she placed the plate on the table.
“Look, I know this is hard right now.” Nat tried as Wanda chuckled lightly.
“You have no idea!” Wanda spat. “Y/N is serving almost a life sentence because of a crime they didn’t commit!! They are doing that for me!!.”
“Because they love you!” Nat shouted. “Look, I understand that this is so freaking hard right now, but they need us all more than ever right now. So if you want more answers, go and visit them!”
With that, Wanda knew exactly what she needed to do. Deciding to make an appointment to visit them, needing to hear the truth from them herself.
When the day came around, she gasped as she saw the cuts and bruises on their face. Picking up the phone as she reached for their face, only to be disappointed by the cold glass.
“What happened to you?” She questioned firstly making Y/N chuckle.
“It looks worse than it is.” They told her, a gentle smile on their face. “How are you? Nat told me about ending the engagement.”
“I am ok.” Wanda told them. “I am just worried about you and rightfully so.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” They told her as she shook her head. “I know being here is a little rough, but it is better me being here than you.”
“Y/N, why did you do it? Take the fall for me?” She asked them.
“If you had to ask me that, then you don’t really know me at all.” They told her.
“I do know, believe me, I do, but I want to hear it from you.” She told them. “I deserve that at least.”
“Wanda.” They tried before she cut them off.
“Just tell me! Please!” She pleaded with them, earning a sigh in response.
“I did it for love.” They told her. “Because I love you and I have always loved you forever.” She watched as they looked down. “I know you won’t ever feel the same and I made peace with that years ago. So please just leave here and don’t come back. Move on with your life ok.”
“No.” She shook her head as Y/N nodded.
“You deserve to live your life Wanda.” They told her. “Please just live it and forget about me.”
“No.” She tried once more, the tears falling as she shook her head.
“Yes Wanda.” They told her. “Goodbye my love.” She watched as they walked away, not even sparing her a second glance as they left.
“What?” Nat questioned as she picked up a devastated Wanda, listening to her as she tried to explain everything. The next thing Nat decided to do was get onto their lawyer. Wanda listened as best as she could before Nat finished the call. “They’ve requested for their own visitation rights to be terminated.” She informed Wanda.
“What?!” She yelled as Nat nodded, rubbing her forehead. “They can’t do that.”
“They can Wanda.” Nat told her. “And they have done that, we just have to respect their wishes.”
“But I love them Nat.” Wanda told her. “I do and I can’t go 20 years without seeing them or hearing their voice.”
“We will have to Wanda.” Nat told her. “It’s just 20 years right.” She tried as Wanda sighed. “Look, we can’t do anything Wanda, maybe write to them. Maybe they will read your letters but just respect their decision, that is all I am asking of you.”
The first year was extremely hard on her, she struggled to write to them, struggling to find the words to say until she just started to pour out the words that came from her heart.
Dear Y/N,
I know it’s already been a year without seeing you, and believe me, it has been the hardest year of my life and I know I have 19 more to go. I know that sounds incredibly selfish but I get to be selfish right now because the one person who I have always had in my corner regardless doesn’t want to see me, and that hurts me so fucking much.
I just need you to know that I miss you every damn day.
Love Wanda
Dear Y/N
I still haven’t received any confirmation that you have received my other letters, because I haven’t really received anything from you. I got myself a new apartment, in that building we both always admired when we were younger. I know it’s a bit pricey but I have plenty in my savings, and life is short so I may have splurged. I was also promoted at work, you are now looking at the new Head of Trauma at NY Pres. You always said I would make it and I did.
I just hope you’re ok and I want to know that you are safe at least.
Love Wanda
Dear Y/N
It’s been five years now. I have sent letters every week for five years. I have even tried to move on and I can’t. Well, I never really told you the truth, I love you. I am in love with you. I should have told you before but I was scared of losing you. I know that seems funny now because I have lost you. Well, it feels like I’ve lost you because you won’t talk to me.
I have lost the biggest supporter and the love of my life and that hurts. I lost you because of a mistake that I had made and you won’t talk to me, but I guess you have your own reasons for the distance between us.
Love Wanda
Y/N placed the recent letter in the pillowcase with all of the others she had sent, sitting on their bed as they waited for the food call.
“Who is this Wanda chick?” Brock questioned as he jumped down beside his cellmate.
“She was a friend.” They answered shortly.
“You have been here for five years and you still haven’t told us much about you, other than you’re a Stark.” He smirked as they shrugged.
“There’s not much to tell.” They murmured as Brock chuckled manically.
“That doesn’t sit well with me.” He sneered as Y/N shrugged. “You have another fifteen years left here, you have no visitors which tells me that no one really cares whether you live or die.” As soon as the cell opened he pushed past them. “Watch your back, Stark.” Little did he know that that was the last time he would speak to Y/N, the last time he would see them as he lay cold on the floor with a shiv in his neck as a riot took over the cell block.
AN:: There will be a part 2 guys. Thank you all for the likes and the reblogs, it means a lot to me.
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yarafic · 2 months
Imagine 》 Going shopping with them
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It was a simple Friday afternoon, I'm making my way to the grill to ask six of my favorite best friends to help me choose a dress. 
I walked inside The Mystic Grill seeing them waiting there patiently and also death glare each other.  I slipped out a soft laugh and I made my way towards them.  Damon looks up and sends me a smile.  They all turn and waved at me, I said my hellos' .
"Are you ready boys ." I said.
"Yes, darling but what are we will be doing."Kol asked.
"We will be dress shopping because I'll be needing a dress for the Miss. Mystic Falls Competition ." I said while getting up.
Jeremy groans and says "Really for a dress? "
"Yes for a dress and no buts.  C'mon let's go. "
They got up from the booth and we made our way to the mall. 
As we walked inside the mall, everybody stared at us. Wondering why on earth  there's 6 guys walking behind a girl like lost puppies. We walked inside  the store and began ranging through the dresses. Klaus came with 4 dress in hand, in all shades of blue. But non catched my eyes, I shook my head no. He went back to look for more, Stefan and Kol came with 4 other dresses for me to look at them. I looked at the two dress Kol had in hand, there's a yellow and light purple. I grab the purple and said I was going to try in on. As for Stefan, I got the dark red dress he was holding and well for the other dress he was holding,  let's just say I'm not a big fan of pink. 
Elijah, Klaus and Damon came with dress of different color variety, I picked the dresses that I would like  and the others, they put them back where they belonged
As I was fitting on the dress, I could hear Jemery groaning of fustration and mumbling how he was going to kill himself. Then Kol being himself, he said "Go ahead no one is going to stop you."
They began to have an argument but then Elijah told them to shut up or he was going to kill them.
I giggled softly, while putting on purple dress, Kol hand me. I walked out the dressing room to show them the dress when I walked out Damon and Stefan shout out " Who decided on this dress."
All eyes shifted to Kol then Kol said "What she looks amazing."
"Yes, she looks amazing but not hot, so that's not the dress."Klaus said
I nod and turn around, walk into the dressing room.
There was one more dress and it was the dark red one. I walked out of the dressing room and showed them the dress.
" I think this is the one." I simply said
They all groan except for Stefan, he had a smile across his face.
"Why are you guys groaning. The dress is beautiful. "
"It is but if Stefan hadn't choose it."Kol muttered.
I shook my head at their silliness and I turn around to change.
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Ahhh hello! I saw you mention Kurt and immediately came to the ask box LMAO I love him so much😭
Anywasy, imagine if he met a reader who also has a physical mutation (I always imagine her having like a chameleon mutation so she has the hands of a chameleon etc.) and they both bond and get super close because they both know what it’s like to be judged for their physical mutations 😭
Anyways I just love the thought of them feeling less alone cus they have each other
Have a good day❤️
Shades of Us
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the grounds of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Inside, the common room was buzzing with the usual evening activities. Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, was sitting quietly in one corner, his tail wrapped around his legs as he read a book. His golden eyes flicked up periodically, watching the students and teachers move about with an ease he admired but sometimes felt distant from.
In the midst of this bustling environment, a new student had recently arrived—someone with a chameleon-like mutation. Your arrival had been met with a mix of curiosity and hesitation from the other students. Your hands, covered in delicate, scale-like patterns, were an unusual sight, and your ability to blend seamlessly with your surroundings made you both fascinating and enigmatic. Despite your unique traits, you kept to yourself, finding solace in the quieter parts of the mansion.
Kurt had noticed you from the start. Your subtle movements, the way you shifted colors to blend into the background, and your quiet demeanor piqued his interest. He had seen how the other students occasionally looked at you, some with curiosity, others with barely concealed judgment. It was a look he knew all too well.
One evening, as he was making his way through the mansion’s halls, he saw you sitting alone in a sunlit alcove, sketching in a notebook. Your fingers, with their chameleon-like grip, moved delicately across the page. The sight tugged at something in Kurt’s heart, and he decided to approach you.
“Guten Abend,” Kurt said softly as he approached, his tail swaying slightly. He didn’t want to startle you. “May I join you?”
You looked up from your sketchbook, eyes wide with a mix of surprise and curiosity. You nodded, motioning to the empty space next to you. “Of course.”
Kurt took a seat beside you, his tail wrapping around his legs as he settled in. He glanced at the sketches on your notebook, admiring the intricate details and vibrant colors. “These are beautiful,” he remarked sincerely. “You have a real talent for capturing the world.”
You smiled shyly, a soft blush coloring your cheeks. “Thank you. I just like to draw the things I see around me. It helps me feel less… invisible.”
Kurt nodded, understanding more than you might have realized. “I know that feeling well,” he admitted quietly. “Sometimes, it feels like people only see the surface, not what’s underneath. It’s like being judged for something you can’t change.”
Your gaze met his, and for a moment, you saw a reflection of your own struggles in his eyes. “Exactly. It’s comforting to meet someone who understands.”
Kurt’s golden eyes softened, and he reached out, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “I understand more than you know. We’re both used to being seen as different. But here, we don’t have to hide who we are.”
The sincerity in his voice was comforting, and it made you feel a bit braver. “It’s nice to be around someone who doesn’t judge,” you said softly. “Someone who sees the real me.”
Kurt’s smile grew, and he leaned in slightly. “And I see someone who is incredibly special. Your abilities, your art—they’re all part of what makes you unique and wonderful.”
The warmth of his words, coupled with the kindness in his eyes, made you feel a sense of belonging you hadn’t felt before. “Thank you, Kurt,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
As the evening wore on, you and Kurt began to share more about yourselves—your past experiences, your dreams, and the small things that made you who you were. The conversation flowed easily, a natural connection forming between you as you both found solace in each other’s company.
Eventually, the conversation shifted to your powers. Kurt was fascinated by the way you could blend into your surroundings, your skin changing colors seamlessly. “It’s like you’re a part of the environment,” he said, his voice filled with admiration. “It’s something I can’t do, but I find it amazing.”
You laughed softly, a genuine, relaxed sound. “It’s not always as great as it seems. It’s easy to disappear, but sometimes I just want to be seen for who I am, not just what I can do.”
Kurt nodded in understanding. “I feel the same way. My appearance can be… jarring to some. But here, with you, I don’t have to worry about that. We can just be ourselves.”
The night grew darker, and the two of you eventually decided to take a walk outside. As you strolled through the garden, Kurt’s tail gently wrapped around your waist, his touch light but reassuring. It was a gesture of affection and solidarity, a way of saying, “You’re not alone.”
You looked up at him, surprised by the tenderness of his touch. “Kurt, you don’t have to…”
He smiled down at you, his eyes filled with warmth. “I want to. It feels right. And besides, it’s nice to have someone to share this with.”
As you walked together, the world seemed a little less daunting. The shadows of the evening wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, and for the first time in a long while, you felt truly seen and appreciated.
The connection between you and Kurt grew stronger with each passing moment. In each other, you found not only understanding and acceptance but a deep and genuine bond. You both knew that the world could be harsh, but in each other’s company, you found a sanctuary—a place where you could be your true selves, without fear or judgment.
And as the night deepened, you both embraced the comfort of the other, knowing that, together, you were no longer alone in a world that often felt indifferent.
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Hidden Feelings
Jack Champion x Actress!Reader
Warnings: Some Angst but mostly Fluff, Insecurities, One year age gap (Reader is the same age as Bailey), and Rumors.
Summery: Y/N L/N and Jack Champion are apart of the young cast for the long waited Avatar sequel, Avatar The Way Of Water. Jack has had feelings for Y/N since the day he met her of set while Y/N just started having feelings for Jack when the press tour began. Their co-stars Jamie, Bailey, and Trinity know about their co-stars feelings for one another but both of them are too shy and scared to admit it to each other since both have reasons why they are keeping those feelings to themselves. Will Y/N and Jack ignore those worries and admit their feelings or will they stay hidden?
Word Count: 3,422
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a good Friday so far! I am so happy I am finally able to release something to you all since I am so behind on my writing due to many reasons that I am not going to get into. I am almost done writing a mini Ethan Landry series so I will be typing that up soon! I hope you all enjoy this one shot and I will hopefully be able to be more active on here while you all wait on my next series! I hope you all have a wonderful and day and wonderful weekend! Love you all!
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Y/N has just arrived at the studio where she is doing interviews with her co-stars for the new movie Avatar: The Way of Water. Y/N plays a Na’vi who belongs to the Metkayina which is an oceanic group of Na’vi. This isn’t Y/N’s first movie role since she’s been acting since she was eight years old but this is her biggest role so I guess you can say that this is her big break.
Y/N had just got her make up done and was following a director down the hallway to one of the lounge rooms. “Here you go, Ms. L/N.” The director said, opening the door for her. When Y/N walked in she only saw her one co-star Jamie. “You can stay in here with Mr. Flatters and we will let you both know when it’s both of yours turn for the interview.” The director told her with a kind smile. “Thank you.” Y/N said returning the kind smile. “You’re welcome.” The director said and walked out of the room closing the door behind them.
Jamie was doing something on his phone as he sat down on one of the couches. “Well, it’s about time you showed up.” Jamie said to her in a teasing tone as he looked up at her from his phone. “Oh, shut it! For once you aren’t the last one here.” Y/N told him walking over to one of the chairs and took a seat.
This is the fourth day of interviews. Tomorrow is the last day of interviews since Saturday night is the world premiere for the movie. There are multiple premieres since this is a long waiting sequel to one of the best movies ever made.
“Where is everyone else?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone referring to their other young co-stars. “Jack and the girls are already on set doing their interview.” Jamie answered, putting his phone into his pocket. Since Y/N’s character and Jamie’s character are love interests they are partners for interviews while Jack is partnered with Bailey and Trinity. Y/N just gave him a nod.
“Were you worried about your boyfriend?” Jamie asked her as his lips curved into a teasing grin. “Jamie!” Y/N hissed shooting a glare towards him. Y/N has the biggest crush on her other male co-star and best friend Jack who plays Spider. The young cast members basically grew up together on the set and Y/N has a strong bond with everyone including Jack. She didn’t start to have feelings for the brunette curly haired boy until they started doing the press tour for the movie. They have been spending so much time together that she can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be more than friends with Jack. The only person that she has told is Jamie since he figured it out himself, but he did blab the secret crush out to Bailey and Trinity since he couldn’t resist plus Trinity pulled it out of him.
“What the hell is up with you today? Is it annoy Y/N Day or something?” Y/N asked him in annoyance. Yes, Jamie loves to pick on her, but he usually isn’t this annoying. It may be strange since they play love interest on screen but her and Jamie have a brother and sister bond. Jamie sees her as a little sister, and she sees him as a big brother. “No.” Jamie said as he shook his head. “But it is convince Y/N to tell Jack her feelings day.” Jamie added which made her roll her eyes at him. She should’ve known that was coming.
“C’mon Y/N! You need really need to tell him!” Jamie told her wiping the teasing look in his eyes away as they changed to serious. “What’s the point when he most likely doesn’t feel the same way!” Y/N told him with frustration in her tone. “And why do you think that?” Jamie asked as leaned up in his seat on the couch. She was sitting across from him. “Well, for starters I’m one year older than him.” Y/N said looking down at her hands that were resting on her lap. “That’s not a valid reason.” Jamie told her in a stern tone. “C’mon, what’s the real reason?” Jamie said reading his best friend’s mind like a book. Y/N just stayed silent as she avoided Jamie’s strong gaze.
Jamie let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to her. “It’s okay Y/N, you can tell me.” Jamie reassured her as he squatted down in front of her so he could look into her eyes. “What if I tell him and it ruins our friendship because he doesn’t feel the same way.” Y/N told him looking at him with soft eyes. “I think that’s a chance you should take. You never know unless you give it a shot.” Jamie told her with a soft smile. Jamie may love to get under her skin sometimes but when it comes to stuff like this, he’s always there for her to give her good advice but then again it does make sense since he’s the oldest out of the young cast. Before Y/N could say anything back a different voice spoke.
“Give what a shot?” Trinity asked, walking into the room with Bailey and Jack behind her. “Oh, this new tea that Jamie has been telling me about.” Y/N said quickly standing up and finally able to change the subject. “Right, Jamie?” She said as Jamie stood up. “Yeah, I’ll have to tell you all about it later.” Jamie said giving her a side glare for lying.
“Hey Y/N.” Jack said to her with a smile that just makes her heart melt. “Hi.” Y/N said in a shy tone which made her curse at herself in her mind. She spent two years filming a movie with this guy, why is she being so damn shy?
“What took you so long to get here? We thought Jamie was going to have to do the interviews by himself.” Bailey said to her with the same teasing smile Jamie gave her when she first got here. “It was my mom. She made me try on like a hundred outfits till we both agreed on this one.” Y/N explained with a heavy sigh. Don’t get Y/N wrong, she loves her mom but when it comes to what she has to wear, her mom gets very bossy. “Well, I think you girls picked right since you look beautiful.” Jack told her which made her cheeks turn bright red. Bailey and Trinity shared a knowing look while Jamie couldn’t help but cringe at Jack’s comment. He really needs to teach this boy how to flirt.
Before Y/N could thank Jack, the director called her and Jamie’s name saying it’s their turn to do the interview. “We’ll finish this conversation later.” Jamie said taking Y/N’s hand and following the director to the set with her following.
Jack let out a sigh as he walked over to the couch and plopped down on it. “You are such a lovesick fool.” Trinity told him with a teasing grin as Bailey giggled. “Trinity!” Jack hissed with frustration. “You know she’s right! You need to tell Y/N that you have liked her ever since the day you met her.” Bailey told him in a stern tone as she put her hands on her hips. “Why should I? Just tell her just so she can shut me down, yeah, no thanks.” Jack said as he folded his arms over his chest. “And why would she turn you down?” Trinity asked in a curious tone walking over to him and flopping downright next to him which made him let out a groan.
“Because she obviously likes Jamie!” Jack answered which made Bailey roll her eyes. “In the movie! They are just best friends!” Bailey told him for like the hundredth time. “That’s not what the internet says.” Jack mumbled but the girls heard what he said clearly. “Okay, so you rather believe the internet than your friends who actually know Y/N!” Bailey said starting to get annoyed with him. “Ugh! Can we not do this! Can we just please drop this topic and talk about something else.” Jack said with a groan of frustration. “Fine!” Both of the girls said at the same time.
Jack doesn’t want to believe the rumors that are flooding the internet that Y/N and Jamie are dating but at the same time he can’t help but think they are true. He sees the way they are around each other. The way they mess around with each other and how they bicker like an old married couple. How can people not ship them in real life?
Y/N and Jamie were sitting next to each other answering the interviewer’s questions about their characters and the movie. “Okay, I have just one more question that of course I have to ask.” The interviewer said with a big smile on their face. “Here we go.” Jamie whispered to Y/N since they both knew what the question was.
“Online there are a bunch of rumors going around that you two are more than friends. Are those rumors true or false?” The interviewer said to them in a curious tone. “Even though I can see why people are saying that I have to say that those rumors are completely false.” Y/N answered the same question with the same answer every time. “Jamie and I do have a strong bond since we spent the most time together to build the chemistry for our characters but off screen, we are just best friends.” Y/N added to her answer. “Also, she has a crush on someone else.” Jamie added in with a devious smirk. “Jamie!” Y/N hissed looking at him with a glare giving his arm a smack.
“Oh really! Would you like to say who the mystery person is?” The interviewer asked in a curious tone as Jamie tried to hold his laughter in. “Not really since I would rather, the person find out from me in private not from an interview.” Y/N answered as she tried to keep her cool and not rip Jamie’s head off. “Okay, I understand.” The interviewer said with a nod of the head which made Y/N relax. She was scared that the interviewer was going to pressure her into telling who her crush is since some interviewers are very pushy.
“Thank you so much for answering my questions.” The interviewer said to them with a kind smile. Both Y/N and Jamie said you’re welcome and thanked the interviewer for being nice and kind. The interviewer closed the interview by saying when the movie will be out in theaters. “And we’re out!” The director shouted. “Okay, we’re going to be taking a thirty-minute break so Y/N and Jamie you free to go back to the lodge room you were previously in.” The director told them which earned them a nod from both of them. Before Y/N and Jamie left they thanked the interviewer again and walked out of the room together.
“I hate you.” Y/N hissed at him folding her arms over her chest as they walked down the hallway. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” Jamie said wrapping one of his arms around her shoulder.
It was the next night and the cast had just finished doing their last interview and were back at the hotel resting for the world premiere tomorrow. Y/N was hanging out with Bailey and Trinity in her hotel room. They were just having a girl’s night in which they have had many of.
“Y/N, do you have a crush on Jack?” Trinity asked her, which took her by surprise. It also took Bailey by surprise, but she was also confused because she already knows the answer to that question. Y/N was going to lie but to be honest, if she doesn’t tell her about it, Jamie will tell her since he’s such a blabber mouth. Why does she tell Jamie stuff, she has no clue. “Yes, I have grown a huge crush on him for a while now.” Y/N confessed answering the question. “Great because he has a crush on you too.” Trinity told her which made Y/N’s heart rate speed up.
“Trinity!” Bailey said taken by surprise since she wasn’t expecting her to just tell Y/N that. “What? She deserves to know!” Trinity said to Bailey who knew she was right since Jack is too shy to tell Y/N his true feelings. “Jack, likes me back.” Y/N said still in complete shock. “Yes, he’s actually liked you ever since we started filming the movie.” Bailey told her which made Y/N’s eyes go wide. “Holy crap! That long!” Y/N said in a surprised tone. “Why didn’t he tell me?” Y/N asked. “Because he thinks you like Jamie even though we told him like a hundred times that you two are just friends.” Bailey explained to her. “Stupid rumors!” Y/N hissed with frustration.
“I need to go tell him.” She said standing up from her seat on her bed. “Wait, Y/N!” Bailey said quickly standing up from the couch she was sitting on with Trinity and grabbed Y/N’s arm. “Jamie may have told us that you wanted to tell Jack in a romantic way so how about you tell him at the premiere.” Bailey told her. There is going to be an after party after everyone sees the movie. There will be lights and music so that could be a romantic place to tell Jack how she feels. She knew it would be perfect. “Okay, I’ll tell him tomorrow at the premiere.” Y/N said with a smile on her face which also made Bailey and Trinity smile as well. Y/N was excited for tomorrow night but was also a tiny bit nervous as well.
It was finally the night of the world premiere of Avatar and Y/N was getting finishing touches on her make up. She was getting ready with Bailey and Trinity. They were both already to go but they wanted to wait with Y/N so they could head downstairs into the lobby together.
Bailey was wearing a stunning puffy purple dress and Trinity was wearing a strapless black dress. She also had long black gloves that go with the dress. Y/N was wearing a hi-low black and white dress. The top of the dress was black and had off the shoulder sleeves and the hi-low flowy skirt was white.
When Y/N’s make up was done the girls made their way down to the lobby where Jack and Jamie were already waiting at. When the girls met up with the boy’s Y/N and Jack’s eyes immediately locked. They were both starstruck at each other’s appearance. Y/N thought Jack looked extremely handsome in his suit and his black bowtie was so adorable since he is more of a bowtie guy than a tie guy. Jack was completely blown away by Y/N’s appearance. She looked like a beautiful princess to him. Bailey and Trinity shared a smile because of Jack’s reaction. Jamie gave Jack a little nudge which made him step closer to Y/N.
“Hi Jack.” Y/N said with a soft smile looking up into his brown eyes. “Wow you look just… wow.” Jack said, trying to find words. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. “Thank you!” Y/N said as her cheeks turned a shade of bright red.
When the limo arrived, they all packed into the back of the vehicle and of course Y/N and Jack sat next to each other. On the way to the premiere the friends talked about how excited they were. Y/N took one of Jack’s hands which took him by surprise, but he didn’t let go. He actually gave her hand a light squeeze.
Right when the whole cast got to the premiere, they started taking photos on the blue carpet. Of course, the carpet is blue instead of red because well Avatar. Y/N took some photos of just herself. She took some photos with the whole cast and just the young cast as well. In all of the group photos Y/N made sure she was posing right next to Jack. After photos the cast started to do their own separate interviews. Y/N was telling a reporter about her character and gushing over her character since she is so in love with her character and was honored to be playing a character with so much love and kindness.
“Now we know you have been working on this movie for more than two years, so you basically grew up on set. What was it like growing up on a movie set?” The reporter said into their microphone and then leaned it towards Y/N for her answer. “It was actually pretty fun! I mean growing up on a movie set isn’t for everyone, but James made it really fun and memorable. Plus, I grew up alongside really great and amazing people.” Y/N answered the question into the microphone.
“Who do you think you were the closest to onset?” The reporter asked into their microphone and then shifted it back towards Y/N. “Um, I don’t think I was the closest to just one person since I have grown close to everyone and developed a tight bond with everyone.” Y/N answered into the microphone obviously not being able to pick just one of her cast mates.
“Okay, last question. Who do you think of the young cast members had the biggest glow up or who has matured the most?” The reporter asked into the microphone and then leaned it back towards Y/N again. Y/N’s cheeks turned bright red. “Jack.” Y/N answered with a big smile. “Wow, no hesitation.” The reporter said with a smile. “He grew up very handsome. He’s the one that I think had the biggest glow up and he’s just so fun to be around. He’s always there when you need him to be.” Y/N answered into the microphone as her cheeks got redder and redder with every word she spoke. She looked over to the side and saw Jack doing an interview as well. “He’s the best person to be around.” Y/N said as she looked at him with awe.
When everyone went into the theater to watch the movie Y/N sat next to Jack. When a romantic scene would come on, she would take his hand and hold it tight just like he did to her hand in the limo. The reason why Y/N has been holding his hand any chance she gets is to drop a hint that she feels the same way about him so that when she tells him it won’t be a complete shocker.
Right when the movie ended everyone headed to the after party to celebrate the launch of the long-waited sequel. Y/N was talking with Bailey when a slow song started to play. She looked over and saw Jack talking with Jamie and Trinity. She knew now was the perfect time to tell him her feelings. Bailey wished her good luck and watched Y/N walk over to Jack.
“Hey Jack! Wanna dance?” Y/N said to him with a sweet smile on her face. Jack couldn’t get any words out, so he just nodded his head. She giggled as she took his hand and walked out onto the dance floor. As they slow danced their hearts were beating out of their chests. “I know you have a crush on me.” Y/N blurted out which took Jack by surprise. “Y-you do?” Jack stuttered since he was in shock. “Is it that obvious?” He asked as his cheeks turned a bright red. “No, um Trinity told me.” Y/N told him. “Damn it! Of course, she did!” Jack said with frustration in his tone which made Y/N giggle. “Jack, I like you back.” Y/N confessed which made his eyes go wide. “You do? But I thought you liked Jamie.” Jack said in a surprised tone. “We’re just best friends and that’s it.” Y/N reassured him. “Oh well, in that case…” Jack started finally getting the confidence he needed.
“Would you like to go out on a date with me?” He asked her. Y/N smiled as she leaned up and connected her lips with his which took him by surprise, but he returned the kiss. When they released themselves from the kiss, they rested their foreheads against one another. “I would love to go on a date with you.” Y/N answered his question with the biggest smile on her face.
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