#SHIELD doesn't get destroyed by Steve rogers
Why don't we ever talk about how Steve is actually a pretty good judge of character?
He meets Sam, jokes around with him for 5 minutes, and decides he's going to trust the man with his life which turns out to be one of the best decisions he ever made and he entrusts the Captain America title with him.
He meets Natasha in Avengers and doesn't hesitate to take her word for anything during that movie. All it took was one head nod from Natasha vouching for Clint and he's suiting up beside him, ready to go into battle. His trust wavers a bit in The Winter Soldier because, due to her experience as a super spy, Natasha still holds things close to her chest but when it counts, Steve knows who she is and knows he can trust her to have his back. It's why it hurt so much to see her on the opposite side in Civil War, but even then, he never loses trust in her. I could gush about how important those two are to each other all day so we're just going to move on.
It was pretty clear to me that Steve never actually trusted SHIELD that much and went there because of Peggy's legacy and because that's where he felt like he would get the most fulfillment. He always kept people at SHIELD and Nick Fury at arm's length, actively arguing with Fury about Project Insight when he found out about it. He didn't hesitate to knock the whole thing down once he found out about Hydra.
Steve always butts heads with Tony because they're too different, but at the end of the day, Steve knows Tony is going to do what's right, even if he's misguided on the way there.
He took Wanda at her word that Ultron's values were the same as Tony's, even if they were on completely opposite ends of the spectrum and Tony wanted to protect the world while Ultron wanted to destroy it. Wanda goes onto become an Avenger.
While Steve was motivated by his friendship to Bucky in saving Bucky, he was never wrong that the person he knew--the good man--was still there and that Bucky was worth saving. It took just a few moments where Bucky hesitates in killing him to prove that to him, even while everyone else around him was telling him that Bucky was no longer there. Steve wasn't wrong about this one, either.
In summation, if Steve Rogers doesn't trust someone, I'm not either.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 5 months
@thealmightyemprex @professorlehnsherr-almashy @themousefromfantasyland @piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie
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So, when I was a kid in the early 2000s, the predominant superhero shows were based on DC Comics Characters (Static Shock, Teen Titans, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited) but there were two Marvel Comics animated adaptations that I followed: one was Spider Man: the New Animated Series, and the other, most important one, was X-Men Evolution.
That ladder focused mainly on that specific team's characters, but there were some characters from other Marvel teams that were inserted in important roles, without needing to be big crossover events.
One that stuck with me was the episode Operation: Rebirth.
In this episode Logan is being chased through the woods on his motorcycle by a military-like group. He ends up cornered on a cliff. (White) Nick Fury shows up in a helicopter and calls Logan Weapon X. Wolverine tells him Goodbye and that he doesn't work for S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore. Fury won't let him leave and Logan gets mad. He asks Fury what he wants. Fury tells him that "Rebirth" has been stolen.
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Logan tells him that it's impossible, that Rebirth was destroyed. Fury tells him that there was a second one, a backup. SHIELD is unsure who took it, but there were magnetic pulses that bent metal. Of course, Logan knows it's Magneto right away.
At the Institute, Logan tells Xavier about Rebirth. A machine created to "enhance" humans and create super soldiers during World War II. It was only used on one man, Steve Rogers. A flashback shows Rogers during the Rebirth experiment and then later as Captain America fighting in the war. A younger Logan meets Captain America for the first time. Xavier interrupts to say that he didn't realize that Logan was that old. Logan goes on to tell him that Rebirth ended up destroying Rogers and now he believes that Magneto has it.
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Xavier tries to find Magneto using Cerebro, but fails. Tons of other mutant signatures turn up though and the he, and Logan talk about a massive mutant population boom. Kurt and Rogue are eavesdropping and get caught. Rogue tells them that she remembers some info that she drained from Magneto in New York and she thinks that he's hiding out at a base in the Sahara Desert. So Logan, Kurt and Rogue head out to the Desert.
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On route, Logan has another flashback to WWII. He's teamed up with Cap. America on a mission to free some POW's in Poland. The mission is successful and the boy that Cap carries out of the camp uses his mutant powers to deflect some bombs that come hurling towards them.
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Wolverine asks the boy what his name is and he tells him that it's Erik Lehnsherr.
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Back in the present, Kurt asks Wolverine why there was only one super soldier created using Rebirth and Logan tells him that the process actually caused a "cellular breakdown" that was killing Captain America. In another flashback Wolverine and Captain America destroy Rebirth to keep anyone else from suffering.
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"There was a price to pay. Captain America was dying."
The team gets to Magneto's base and find someone inside the second Rebirth machine. Sabretooth attacks Wolverine and Kurt and Rogue try to get to the machine to destroy it. Both of them are trapped by steel beams while Sabretooth and Wolverine continue to do major property damage going at each other. Kurt teleports to Rebirth and is about to set the bomb when Magneto calls out to him from the chamber.
Magneto tells Kurt that he's using Rebirth to replenish himself, that without it he's going to die and if Kurt blows up the controls he will be killing Magneto. He asks Kurt if he's that much like his mother. Kurt is unable to blow up the machine and Magneto turns young again as Rebirth rebuilds his cells. Turns out Rebirth doesn't harm mutants the way it does humans.
Wolverine is finally able to defeat Sabretooth and pulls Magneto from Rebirth. He arms the detonator and Rebirth explodes. Magneto is furious and creates a huge metal monster that attacks the X-men. He decides in the end to release them though, because Kurt spared his life.
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"However you spared my life, I will spare yours. There's a small boy from Poland that owns you that much."
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Later Logan visits Captain America alone: he is encased in a cryogenic chamber, waiting for them to find a cure to the damage done by Rebirth. Fury comes in and tells him it's time to go and to remember that he was never there.
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"Remember you were never here.
Yeah, I know the routine."
What makes this episode fascinating to me, specially in how it portrays Captain America, is that it took the risk of grounding him in the historical period when he was created, World War II and the Holocaust:
Is more safe for a blockbuster movie made to entertain mass audiences to show Captain America fighting the fictional Red Skull and Hydra, fictional villains that you can easily market in toylines and merchandise.
But to have him actually fighting the Nazis, and rescuing people from the Nazi Concentration Camps, you remember that this character was created to encourage readers against the Nazis, at a time when the United States acted neutral on the face of this real, absolute evil.
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And this episode inserts interesting ideas that could be incorporated in future movies and comics, like Logan meeting and helping to rescue Magneto was he was still a vulnerable boy, and rather than having Captain America be frozen in an Iceberg in a plane accident and waking up alive and well in modern times, ironically becoming terminally ill due to the same serum and machine that gave him his powers, and choosing to be frozen in a chriogenic chamber, sleeping, like the King Under the Mountain, waiting for a cure to his illness, after making sure that no other person would go through his tragic fate.
He is presented as an every man from the 40s who went to sleep as an heroic simbol of hope for future generations to become heros and fight for the opressed in their own unique ways.
He passes his legacy, but not necessarily his mantle: anyone can be a hero, but only he could carry the weight of being Captain America.
And this is bittersweet, tragic mix of vulnerable mortal and mythological symbol what makes this portrayal by X-Men Evolution my favorite version of Captain America.
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quinn-joseph · 1 year
"Worth all this" - Bucky Barnes x f! Reader (Angel Salvadore) / requested by anonymous
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This takes place after Cap: Winter Soldier and before Civil War, I know her character doesn't live but she's still alive in this.
Word count: 2.1k
You arrived at the SHIELD base in the midst of chaos, as you saw countless agents running in different paths, in addition to the high security that inspected the place. Of course Bucky Barnes would be responsible for installing his own Armageddon on HYDRA's biggest rival company. When you got the call from Steve Rogers, you didn't expect to hear about the Winter Soldier again, or at least, not in that way.
Captain America was waiting near the entrance next to Sam Wilson, who kept an unfriendly expression, considering that what he had in mind was not exactly trying to save Barnes, but killing him to avoid another massacre.
When you got closer, Rogers handed you a comm to keep in touch, and Wilson introduced himself as you have never met them before. Until then, you only knew about the Avengers from the TV and from all the conversations you heard. You greeted them both as the base crumbled around the three of you.
“So, what's the plan?”, you asked, your wings were ready for the battle that would begin in search of Bucky, who was out there nowhere to be found. Steve sighed, a shadow of regret flitting through his eyes as he spoke about the man who used to be his best friend during the 2940s, and before the super serum.
"Bucky wants to destroy SHIELD, he's in contact with HYDRA", he replied with disgust. You already knew about the feud between the two, you knew that during the last decades, the soldier has been in charge of working in the organization's operations. Especially because, not much more than three years ago, you faced him during an assassination attempt before definitively joining Magneto.
“Do you have a plan?” When you questioned the two men, they were getting themselves ready. Wilson explained he planned to keep the agents busy and away from Barnes, who was on one of SHIELD's ten floors.
“To capture him and maybe keep him in cryo. The only way to stop him, for now, is to freeze him," Rogers sounded bitter. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to do with his former friend, but his brainwashing made it impossible for anyone to get that close. And you knew that.
As you walked through the aisles, you started focusing on a plan that wouldn't involve killing him or even getting yourself killed, which was most likely to happen. You spent almost over fifteen minutes looking for Barnes, when Wilson warned you and Steve that the soldier was in one of the rooms, getting some drive and documents for HYDRA.
Watching all around yourself as you had the impression of seeing his shadow through a door and lowered your pace, you decide to slowly walk as you reached a door on the other side of the aisle. You got a pocket knife out of your combat boot and traced his metal arm.
If you could hit one of the engines, it would slow him down a little. Your tattoo from your back turned into wings, giving you more time to figure out how you could stab his arm in silence. The Winter Soldier, on the other hand, would notice any noise from a certain distance, so that would make him become way more alert than the usual, but you didn't know until you aimed the knife and shot it against him.
The robotic arm calmly reached the object and, in a sharply sudden movement, he threw the knife back. You looked to your left side, the sharp device taped to the wall still quivering. Barnes kept you a machiavellian glare, and ran when he saw the elevator open.
"Shit", you thought, wings nimble in an attempt not to let him get away. Inside the cubicle, you grabbed him around the neck with your legs and pinned him hard against the wall, throwing punches at his face and, unsuccessfully, at his shoulders. He was rock hard, and his left arm kept an almost crushing pressure on your leg. He didn't want to kill you, you could tell, at least from the way he held you.
Until that moment, that was what you tried to rely on, but he threw you against the elevator's wall and pressed his metallic hand against your neck. Bucky still had the same murderous look, the blue eyes sporting a paler, less vivid color. As you panted trying to get all the air you could into your lungs, you tried to hold it together on him, both hands wrapped on his collar to keep it from being choked. You had, you know, a greater weapon than any other object. Acid saliva would be a great ally, but you didn't want to use it to solve the problem.
"Bucky, it's me. Angel, remember?", you asked in a sincere tone of voice, keeping your eyes on him. For a second, his eyes flickered, his pupils dilated and on the back of his mind he could tell he saw you before. The soldier didn't show any emotion when you explained who you were.
"I don't know who you are", he replied in a thin voice, his left arm removing the space in your glottis, making you feel suffocated.
"Oh, but you'll remember", you used the moment to your advantage and dispersed him hitting your knee into his stomach, pressing the button for the elevator door to open. Barnes hesitated for a few seconds, but he pulled himself together as soon as he saw you, while you were running to take him to where Sam would be waiting for him.
"Angel, do not engage," Steve snapped into his earpiece, but you were too busy getting out to avoid being forced to death by the Winter Soldier.
"Too late, Captain. Do any of you know the code with the letters? I'll speak in different words with a letter between them. He's got a ultrasonic ear", you asked. The way you had of communicating with the two of them without Bucky knowing what it was about was strange, but it might work.
"What?" Cap didn't seem to understand, but Wilson got the message.
“Oh, she's going somewhere,” he said. "What's the plan?".
"I'm trying to get you to the helicenter," you explained, as you took a deep breath. "He's very difficult to engage, but I'll try to do it my way".
"If it's necessary, use that acidic saliva on his face at least once", the Falcon said it in a playful way and you laughed. Rogers was worried about his friend's attitude, but he found out it was only a joke to try to break the tension.
"Okay, I'll use myself as bait. Try to track me down."
Sam managed to use one of his mini drones to reach you, since you were five floors above them and the helicenter was two floors away from you.
You used your wings to keep yourself in the air as you were throwing several kicks and punches, while he tried to get rid of the attacks. Barnes was never able to control the brainwashing, and as much as he was trapped inside himself with no way to get rid of the Winter Soldier, he had no other option. What he could do, though, was hold himself out and control his mind to not kill you.
While shooting kicks and punches at him, you brought him to the nearest floor, guiding Steve and Sam, who have already followed the way to find you. Bucky used all his strength and the suspension down with the metal arm, knocking you to the ground.
"For God's sake, Bucky, it's me! It's me, Salvadore," you mentioned when you noticed him keeping the pressure around your neck tighter. The man's grimace frightened you, and you thought about giving up and abandoning him to run away. But if he ran away, countless people could die and you would be the one to blame. He stood millimeters away from your face, one hand still around your neck, while the other one he used to search in his holster for his own weapon.
"I. Don't. Know. Who. You. Are", he repeated the words, as he slammed your body against the ground.
"So I'll help you", you were thinking for a few seconds, but used his distraction to your advantage, while you tangled your legs around his robust body, forcefully taking the gun from his hand. Already loaded, you fired the gun beside Barnes' ear, who recoiled just enough for you to collide with the man's head, shoving the gun on him. You got rid of his weight as he fell beside you unconscious, and you saw Rogers and Sam running towards you.
"We heard a gunshot, is everything ok?", Cap asked as soon as he crouched down, in a protective tone, checking on you. Sam studied the unconscious Barnes and celebrated.
"It was either that, or my acidic saliva," you playfully explained.
Bucky woke up feeling a huge weight on his head, his ear was ringing, and one of his arms was trapped in a vibranium cuff. He looked around, the room quite distinctive compared to a standard hospital room. SHIELD had their eyes on him, but at that moment, the three of you were alone with him with the help of Sharon Carter. The soldier let out a grunt in response to the throbbing pain in his head. He looked to the left side and saw you sitting in an uncomfortable chair, while looking at the full moon through the window.
He sighed, he was tired and he knew he remembered her from the first moment she appeared. On the other side of the room, Steve and Sam approached him, both with their arms crossed.
"Bucky?", the blonde asked, he nodded with his head down. Steve stared at Sam, both looking at each other, and Salvadore got to her feet, getting closer to the bed.
"You wore newspapers in your shoes," he replied, amused but still bitter. Rogers knew that no one would know as much about him as his former friend.
"Good to see you again, Bucky", you looked at him and received a pleading look. Your faces spoke to each other. "Do you remember me now?"
"I remember everyone," the tone that came out of his mouth couldn't almost be heard. His face was still staring at the floor. "All the ones I killed and the ones I almost killed."
He glanced at Steve and Sam, the last time they saw each other was at the assassination attempt with the Hellicarriers in Washington. At the time, Barnes brought Cap back from the water, where they both nearly drowned.
Both Steve and Wilson noticed you would like to talk to the soldier in front of you and left the two of you alone in the room. You dragged a chair next to him and sat down.
"Next time you don't cooperate, I'll do as Sam said", your hand reached the shoulder of his bionic arm, where you deposited a suggestive slap, he laughed softly.
Barnes looked up and stared at you, blue eyes sparkling, flickering. You noticed how different he is when he's brainwashed. His pupils, hiding the ocean behind all of that darkness he had. When he's James Bucky Barnes, you're able to see through them, as clear as water.
"Thanks for saving me. I don't know if I'm worth all this," he said. You understand that living inside a head like his leads to endless questions about life, getting second chances, receiving your redemption.
You bit your inner lower lip and placed your hand on the man's chin, lifting his neck in a demonstration that he cannot lower his head and bow down for HYDRA to control him.
"That's not you, Bucky. You're here and now we're going to help you get out of this whole thing."
"All they have to do is say the damn words, I have no control over that", the taste in his mouth was bitter, and so was the tone in his voice.
"You'll be fine," you assured. With his free hand, he took yours. "I'll let you rest".
On an impulse, as you made your way to place a kiss on his forehead, he pulled your neck up and laced your lips with his in a lingering, wet kiss.
The air in the room seemed to have dissipated and it seemed increasingly difficult to breathe during those few seconds. With his forehead against yours and his hand tangled in your hair, Barnes let out between his lips on yours: "I can't thank you enough."
You knew you did the right thing when you decided to agree to help Steve and Sam capture Barnes. You knew that there was an exchange of energy before that had been there for a long time, bound to happen at any moment.
The first time around, things didn't work out the way they should have, but you knew the man behind the Winter Soldier, you knew that behind that stout body, that metallic arm with the imprint of his long past, he was worth all that.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
Stark Supremacy vs The Resistance or Avengers:Dissembled
Tony Stark’s suit of armor around the world phase goes into complete and full effect. Get the right event to trigger it and I think Tony could be sent into Superman mode where he establishes a regime for the world’s protection. Tony takes full control of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world by force. Captain America would rise up and lead a band full of heroes who are willing to do what’s right and stop Tony Stark and the regime.
Final boss fight. We choose between either Cap or Iron Man. If we choose Cap, then we fight Superior Iron Man, if we choose Iron Man, then Cap.
Avengeance:Fall Of Midgard. A villain like Norman Osborn or Red Skull sneaking into Asgard with Loki’s help to kill Odin and Lady Sif. Events would manipulate the death of Jane Foster. Blaming Asgard and Midgard for not dealing with Loki and his associates for their many schemes, Thor decides to make changes. Thor is broken and the once Mighty son of Odin, turns back to his old ways and becomes a despotic king of Asgard. Thor wages war on Midgard. Years later Thor has taken over the entire world as well as Asgard, and rules it with an iron fist. Villains that don’t agree with him or opposes him are seen as threats are sent to the negative zone. All mutants are forced to register to work for the regime or be depowered permanently and imprisoned.
Final boss fight is Odinforce Thor.
The Illuminati decides they must take power in order to save the world and metahumans/mutants from themselves. Those who bow down are saved, the villains will be put under mind control or sent to the negative zone and those who oppose them lead a Resistance.
T'Challa is assassinated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and attacks Wakanda and Wakanda demands justice. Shuri is consumed by grief and vengeance and it doesn't help that Killmonger and M'Baku are there whispering in her ears demanding Wakanda invade and take over. It's the might of Wakanda vs the world.
Dark Reign trilogy concept from this reddit post
AVX:Half the X-Men are sent away on a mission and when they are away, a SHIELD led by vile Anti-Mutant leaders bombs the X-Mansion, killing a lot of X-Men and innocent mutant children and then the bombing of Genosha Charles Xavier begins to realize Magneto was right this entire time, Mutants must rise up and take over. The Avengers must stop them, but with many members going rogue to try and stop this war.
Marvel Zombies, what more can you say?
Just the thought of Blade turning the world into his Vampire kingdom and doing Marvel Zombies, but Vampires has all sorts of fun!
Something happens to cause Peter to remember. Lets say Paul(ugh) turns out to be a son of Mephisto there to keep Peter and MJ apart. He remembers what he did and he will go to any and all lengths to undo the stupid fucking deal. It's all out war on Mephisto, his realm, any and all demon or would be hero who dares to stand in his way.
Hail HYDRA. Basically, It's Marvel's version of The Savage Time. HYDRA builds a time machine and Red Skull goes back in time and has American Nazis kidnap Steve Rogers and has Steve indoctrinated by Nazis, he infiltrates the super soldier program, becomes Captain America and then kills everyone involved. Captain America becomes Captain Hydra. Then our heroes see the effects of this new horrifying world. Hydra rules the world. Red Skull is the infinite Fuherer and Captain Hydra is his right hand. Eventually they are almost caught, but the resistance leaders Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson come to their rescue. Our goal is to go back in time and stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.
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themculibrary · 6 months
70k Masterlist 2
part one
accepting the tides (ao3) - Emma_Anacortes T, 78k
Summary: Tony had dragged Peter from the depths of despair after May’s death. It was normal that he’d grown to care a little about him, right?
Yeah, okay. He freaking loved the kid.
So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peter’s life. Naturally he’d feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter?
All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tony’s gonna give him hell.
A Few Tricks Up My Sleeve (ao3) - notapepper leo/jemma T, 70k
Summary: Take two competing performers on the birthday party circuit in a small town. Add a pinch of false assumptions, a dash of miscommunication, and a smidge of sexual tension, and presto! One hot, fresh, snarky, fluffy Kids' Entertainers AU, comin' right up!
Carry The Ocean Back To Me (ao3) - EclecticMuse leo/jemma M, 71k
Summary: Leo Fitz is a poor shipyard worker from Glasgow, looking for a fresh start. Jemma Simmons is a daughter of the British nobility being forced into a marriage she doesn't want. When the two of them cross paths on the world's greatest ocean liner, they both feel like they've finally found a kindred spirit in each other. But with the ship sailing toward its infamous destiny, things are bound to get complicated. AU of the 1997 film "Titanic".
Cosmic Love (ao3) - emquin steve/tony N/R, 74k
Summary: Set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Tony and Steve have been broken and torn apart by the Accords and the choices they've made. But those that are meant to be have a way of making their way back to each other specially since it won't just be the two of them any longer.
First, Do No Harm (ao3) - BarqueBatch, SkyisGray steve/bucky E, 77k
Summary: James Barnes should be just like any other patient Steve sees in his Brooklyn clinic, but the mob enforcer bleeding all over his waiting room chair apparently didn’t get the memo.
god loves everybody, don't remind me (ao3) - napricot M, 70k
Summary: N’Jadaka didn’t believe in the gods of his people. But belief was not a prerequisite of the gods’ attention, and the blood of the Panther tribe ran in N’Jadaka’s veins. Bast took hold of his soul in her mighty jaws and lifted it free of his body. She gave him a warning shake, just as she would a misbehaving kitten, and set him back. With one careful claw, she tweaked his path through time into a twisting loop. Wayward and abandoned though he was, N’Jadaka was still of her tribe. He could set things right, if given the chance.
Erik gets a do-over. Erik gets a lot of do-overs. Or: Erik Killmonger's own personal version of Groundhog Day, only with a lot more murder, dying, trips to the ancestral plane, awkward family conversations, and divine intervention.
Holiday Spending (ao3) - isfan bucky/tony T, 70k
Summary: Winteriron collage au w/fake relationship; Tony asks Bucky to be his fake boyfriend, either to shake off some matchmaking friends or to piss off Howard. Turns out Bucky is all Tony ever wanted in a boyfriend. Too bad it’s not real (extra angst if Tony paid for Bucky to act as his boyfriend, now Tony wonders if it was all for the money). Happy ending?
James Barnes, Agent of SHIELD (ao3) - Kala_Sathinee steve/bucky E, 75k
Summary: Bucky never fell from the train. When they storm the final HYDRA base, he’s there at Steve’s side. But Steve still goes into the ice, and Bucky is left to deal with a world without him. A world in which he tries to find a purpose.
Love Alight Like Electric Touch (ao3) - dioncchusmic steve/natasha, steve/wanda G, 71k
Summary: Liberal lawyer Natasha Romanoff is doing everything that she can to prevent the community ballet center from it's destruction, wherein the said ballet center is bought by SHIELD Industries, aka Steve Rogers' company.
They come into an agreement that he won't destroy the community ballet center as long as she works for him as his Chief Counsel, what happens when Natasha agrees and finds out more than what she's bargained for?
Oh, Hey There, Mister Blue (ao3) - iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid T, 75k
Summary: There are certain things one learns to expect when dealing with the Mad Titan. Ending up on an unfamiliar ship surrounded by a bunch of aliens is one thing. Loki can handle that.
Ending up on an unfamiliar ship surrounded by a bunch of aliens who are actually on his side is quite another.
Re-Engineered (ao3) - Opy3332 bucky/tony M, 73k
Summary: “Tony blinks. He blinks and his entire world changes.”
Tony is sent back in time from mid-Infinity War to just after returning from Afghanistan.
How different is Tony Stark, and the MCU, with all that knowledge of the future?
Haunted by the guilt of Rhodey’s injury, the betrayal and pain of Steve, the fear of Wanda, the loss of Jarvis, and the foreknowledge of Thanos, this Tony is one the universe hasn’t contended with before. And he is more than ready to re-claim his title of genius, billionaire, and philanthropist in ways unexpected.
Reverse Games (ao3) - MsMoonstar G, 75k
Summary: Thor and Loki have been arguing since they arrived back on Earth and the Avengers are tired of it. Tony Stark comes up with a brilliant plan to make the two Agardian gods get along.
Second Time Around (ao3) - BeneficialAddiction clint/phil T, 74k
Summary: Upon learning that Phil Coulson is still alive, something breaks in Clint, maybe permanently. Leaving behind his team, his home, and his identity as Hawkeye, he falls back on an old name, living separately from the Avengers until SHIELD demands they begin looking for someone to take the missing archer's place and their sights turn to the rogue assassin Ronin.
What are the chances of being recruited by a shady government division of superheroes twice?
The First Avenger (ao3) - shestepsintotheriver steve/bucky M, 73k
Summary: "Steve Rogers neither begins nor ends with Captain America. Before all that, before the fame and the horror and the loss, Steve is just another hungry kid from Brooklyn. Braver than most—or more bull-headed, depending on who you ask—but pretty average. Discounting the bad heart, the bad lungs, the bad temper, or at least that’s what Bucky always says when Steve does something really stupid, but he'll always add ‘the best guy I ever known’ at the end of the list."
The story of the First Avenger with almost all the bits from the movie, then several additions to canon.
The Many Doors of Níu Heimar (ao3) - nixajane loki/steve M, 77k
Summary: In the weeks before Thor's coronation, Loki almost dies, not once, but twice. (An AU in which events conspire to keep Loki from the choices he made in Thor, a war is on the horizon and the chosen battlefield is Earth, and the Avengers assemble with an extra teammate and one less villain to fight).
Time Falls Away (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony, steve/peggy M, 79k
Summary: The Battle of New York: Tony flies himself and the nuke through the wormhole and when his suit shuts down and he starts to fall, he knows he's going to die. But then he wakes up in an alley in Brooklyn, two strangers staring down at him in confusion and Tony is sure he is dreaming when he shakes hands first with pre-serum Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes. Trapped in 1942, Tony befriends Steve, and falls in love with Bucky but America is at war, and Bucky and Steve ship out to join the cause. Tony knows all the stories about the Howling Commandos and knows what’s coming for the soldiers, and has to live through history as first Bucky falls, and then Steve disappears. Tony is left alone in the 40's, crying himself to sleep in the house he had shared with his best friend and his lover. But then he wakes up on the pavement in New York, the Hulk roaring in his face, Steve staring down at him, and he has to wonder if it was all a hallucination. When Tony fell through the sky, did he fall through time as well? Why does Steve act so cold towards him? Were he and Bucky really that happy together?
Did it all really happen, or is Tony in love with a life he can only have in his dreams?
Under My Skin (ao3) - Poetgirl925 skye/grant E, 70k
Summary: AU Skyeward. As a specialist, Grant Ward values control and order in his missions. But when he's paired for a long term undercover op with Skye, a former Rising Tide hacker he previously butted heads with, his infamous control is tested. Posing as a newly engaged couple, they're wary partners in a mission that could prove fatal if they can't learn to trust each other.
Unwanted Celebrity (ao3) - Kryptaria, zooeyscigar steve/bucky T, 72k
Summary: Fifteen years ago, a skinny kid from Brooklyn went to an arts summer camp, where he met child movie star Jimmy Barnes. Their unlikely friendship faded as the years passed. But now, a threat to Barnes' career brings Steve back into his life, in the most unexpected of ways. Or, the one where Bucky is a smooth celebrity, right up until Steve the snarky photographer shows up, and Bucky's whole world gets blown to pieces.
Walls Come Tumbling Down (ao3) - lambchop33 steve/bucky E, 74k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a successful contractor with an unsuccessful dating history. His boyfriend of many years cheated on him, and he's determined not to repeat that mistake. Enter Steve Rogers, the gorgeous neighbor he discovers in his new apartment building. Companion piece to The Match Game, told from Bucky's point of view, from the beginning. And in the beginning, the thoughts inside Bucky's head are radically different from those inside Steve's head, save for one thing. Bucky thinks Steve is hot, so he's got that going for him. But at this stage, that's all he's got.
Who Has Known Heights (ao3) - MountainRose, szzzt steve/tony E, 72k
Summary: Before his injury, Tony had been a fast, intuitive flier: agile in the air, as those of his wingshape usually were, able to tumble and swoop and then trade back the speed for lift, and always get the best of the bargain.
That was how he referred to it; not 'abduction' or 'captivity' or 'maiming' but injury, the most neutral word possible. Though Steve had never, not once heard him call it an accident.
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waywardxrhea · 9 months
Part Sixteen - The Past Catches Up
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health issues/crisis, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence, (potentially smut later on).
installment list
Word count: 7.9k
This one is a tough read, so I am giving everyone a fair warning right now that in this chapter Emma faces an intense mental health crisis over her past that explodes in her face. There is a lot of hurt in this chapter, but also some comfort in the form of Clint Barton being an awesome father figure. Read on at your own risk.
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The team gets to work, looking into databases and trying to locate anything that Ultron got into or any clues about where he could be. Emma stands up from her spot on the bench when her feet are finally mended and she thanks Helen for the aid. She debates on approaching Steve to talk things through, but decides against it and instead goes to Tony who is standing near his tech table.
Emma hands him the drive once she gets to him and says quietly, "If it makes you feel any better, not everything is lost. I still have the AI chip you were working on. I know it's no JARVIS, but it could be a start for now."
"It's not that, I have plenty of other AI to replace him with, plus yours is made especially for you. It's just the fact that it all happened. I just..." Tony sighs as he takes the drive from Emma. He changes the subject quickly and tells her, "I was actually done with the physical drone itself as of a few hours ago. I just didn't tell you that because I didn't want it destroyed with everything else in the fight. Now, all we have to do is add in the chip and you'll be good to go, you know assuming he didn't destroy the damn thing."
Tony leads Emma to the other side of the lab and shows her the new drone - sleek, shiny, and untouched by Ultron. "Oh it's amazing, Tony," Emma breathes with a small smile. After a second of thought, the smile falters and she says, "Although if...if the team doesn't want me on board anymore I would understand."
"Don't you listen to Rhodey, I'll talk to him about it. He just acts all high and mighty since he's a colonel. I think he sometimes forgets that I have done many, many illegal things on dares. He'll get over it." Tony touches the surface of the drone and a compartment opens up revealing a pair of glasses which he hands Emma and tells her to put on. "The AI and all of the drone's capabilities can be accessed with those glasses. They're pretty fashionable if I do say so myself. Sexy librarian is really in right now."
Emma smiles a little bit at the joke that earns a confused look from Bruce as he approaches to see what Tony had done with the drone. Tony brushes off the look and continues, saying, "You'll also have the mini control tablet that you will strap onto your arm which will grant access to your vitals for the purposes of that music feature we have set up for you." He pauses and looks to Bruce and ponders out loud, "I really should work on a version of that for Big Green shouldn't I, Banner?"
"I don't think it would make a difference, to be honest," Bruce replies.
"Ah, well, moving on! On the new and improved drone, there is a 360-degree camera so you can see all around you at all times so there will be no surprise attacks, I updated the stealth tech so nothing should be able to detect it, not even something powered by the scepter, and last but not least, I did add in some blasters in case you need them."
"Wow, I really don't know what to say...thank you, Tony. For believing in me," Emma says quietly.
"You're welcome. Now I've been working on a name and I think I settled on SAM which stands for Saving Asses Mundanely."
Emma smiles at the name and laughs, saying, "That's great, thank you again."
"Now, I know it's been a crazy night, but I need you to get yourself used to that drone as soon as possible because we need to go out and kick some robot ass and you're coming with."
Emma nods, grabbing her new tech and heading off. She stops by Maria and tells her, "I'm going to swing by my place real quick to change and head right back. Do you need anything?"
"Emma, I'm going with you, you're not going out by yourself," she replies, putting her jacket on and starting the walk down the halls with her. "You don't need to be alone right now anyway," she adds, having witnessed Emma's emotions while they were discussing things in the lab earlier.
Emma nods as she places the drone into an empty conference room before heading to the exit with Maria. She doesn't want to talk about it, but the problem isn't going away any time soon, so she asks, "How the hell did Ultron know about my past? You and Fury kept it off SHIELD books and files. And he said it himself, I was never caught! Now here it is coming back to bite me in the ass all these years later..."
"Emma, he swept everything which I'm sure included any sort of signature you may have accidentally left that led back to you. The cops may not have been able to find it, and I thought we erased it all back at SHIELD, but the past has a way of showing up when you least expect it."
"So much for..." Emma says with a sigh, "well forget it. It doesn't matter anymore anyway."
"What doesn't matter?"
"It's nothing," Emma replies with a bit of desperation in her voice, not wanting to think about it as they exit the building and enter the cool night air.
"Emma. You can be honest with me."
Emma sighs and says, "It's just...if there was even a small chance of things happening between me and Steve, that isn't going to happen anymore. Not after that bombshell." Maria laughs for a second in response and Emma shoots her a glare, her voice breaking a bit with emotion as she says, "It isn't funny, Maria."
"Emma, you have got to be kidding me, right?" When Emma doesn't respond, Maria continues, telling her, "Steve held your hand when Ultron first showed up. Do you not remember that?"
Suddenly, that moment floods back to her. Steve's warm hand in hers. She felt safe if only for a fleeting second. "I guess at the time, my mind didn't process it...but that was before Ultron told everyone about my past. You should have seen the look he gave me." Remembering the look of almost... betrayal and disappointment on Steve's face, Emma could feel her heart breaking yet again.
"Emma, it isn't like that," Maria tries to reassure her.
"But how can you know that? He hasn't spoken a word to me at all since it happened." Emma pauses for a second, letting her heart speak before her mind gets the time to process what she was saying. "To think I was actually going to say something to him tonight...this whole situation just proves that the universe is out to get me and it isn't meant to be."
"Oh come on now," Maria says as they get into the car to go to Emma's.
Emma sighs, saying, "Sorry, I sound like a whiny teen. In my defense though, I never got to have this experience as a teenager, so it's justified." Emma tries to laugh at her own joke, but can't even convince herself to laugh.
"I'm here to listen if that's what you need, but I can also give advice if you need that too. Whatever you need, okay?"
"Okay," Emma replies as they drive the city streets. "I just feel so overwhelmed the past few days and I can't shake the feeling that I'm just a hindrance to the team. I know Tony says they need me, but do they really? They would be just fine without me."
"The team would function just fine without you, yes, and I don't mean that in a harsh way, but the team operates even better with you there. They have someone watching their backs in the heat of battle. You keep them on their feet and keep them safe. You also provide a great source of information to the media. Favor for The Avengers goes up every time you do a story about them and what they do as a team for the greater good of the world. What I'm trying to say is that they need you as much as you need them. I know it can be hard to see sometimes, but maybe you just need to take a step back and evaluate yourself in terms of the team's dynamic."
Emma nods as she takes in the words. They drive in silence as Emma tries to process everything that happened that night. When they get to her apartment, Emma goes into her bedroom and changes into some comfier clothes. After she changes, she finally breaks her silence, saying, "I get what you're saying, yeah. Thank you, Maria. I can't promise I won't continue to be down in the dumps for a bit, but you've given me something to think about."
"Atta girl," Maria replies with a smile and a soft punch to Emma's arm as she reemerges into the living area. The two head back to Avengers Tower for the night, Maria heading off to try and track Ultron and Emma getting in tune with her new drone.
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The next morning, Emma finishes up another round of shooting down target dummies with her drone's blasters in the training area. As the target hits the ground with a crash, the door opens revealing Barton. He takes in the room that is littered with the fallen objects and whistles before asking, "Wow, what happened in here, Baker?"
Emma lets out a small laugh and replies, "A lot actually." She pauses as she calls SAM back to her and takes off the control glasses. "I couldn't sleep, so I just...did this all night."
"I will say, I'm damn impressed. This is good progress for only a few hours of work." He picks up a target and examines it while casually asking, "Why no sleep?"
"I just-" Emma starts and falters, not sure what to say. "I was just...feeling a lot after what Ultron told everyone about...about my past. I just feel like everyone kinda hates me now..."
"Well I can't speak for the whole team, but I will say that I frankly don't think someone's past should be what we judge them on. If you're a good person now, which you are, I think that's what matters. You have a good heart, Emma, okay?"
"I just feel like not everyone on the team has that same point of view..." Emma replies and frowns while kicking some debris.
"Well then screw them. If you don't want to talk about it with me, that's fine, but if Fury and Hill thought that what you did was too bad, you wouldn't have been taken on as a SHIELD agent. Clearly, they thought that the skills you had were useful and helped you use them for good. Tony did too, you heard him yourself. Hell, Natasha knows first-hand about having a past to clear up, she isn't judging you either." Clint takes a few steps towards her and rubs her tense shoulder as he tells her, "See, that's a good chunk of us that are in your corner. Everything'll be okay."
"Thanks, Clint," Emma replies with a small smile. She's happy that she has some people on her side, but she still can't shake the feeling that Steve won't be able to see her side of things...
"But hey, what I came in here to tell you is that Hill got some intel on what Ultron's been up to since he left. We're heading out on a mission."
"Am I invited?"
"Don't be like that. Of course you are. Start getting your stuff together, jet's taking off soon," Clint tells her with a gentle pat on the shoulder.
Emma nods and activates the pack mode on the drone so she can wear it on her back while she heads out of the training area. She informs someone of the mess in the room and apologies for it before she starts gathering all of her reporting supplies for the mission.
She retrieves her laptop, notebook, headsets, and cameras for the mission from her little office before heading to the loading zone for the jet. Everyone is bustling around getting their equipment and themselves ready for the mission when she arrives. "I see you've figured out my hand dandy pack mode on the drone?" Tony asks, falling into step beside her.
"Yeah, I figured out a lot about it overnight," Emma replies as they walk into the jet. "The uh...the program we set up works well, by the way, thank you."
From where Steve is setting up on the ship, he hears Emma make this comment to Tony, and he gets curious about what had happened, but he quickly refocuses himself on the mission. He couldn't lose focus, not now. He was already distracted enough having the bombshell of Emma's supposed past being thrown at them. How could she not have told him something like that?
Meanwhile, the conversation with Tony and Emma continues. "I knew it would. Did you get yourself upset on purpose to see if it would work? You know, in the name of science."
Emma replies half-heartedly, "No need for faking that. All real, all...painful, but I didn't lose control." Not wanting to talk about it and relive what happened the night before, Emma parts ways from Tony, going to her little corner of the jet to set up her equipment. She activates her AI glasses while doing so so that they could get hooked up with her existing tech.
While Emma sets up, she can't help her mind flashing back to the hours before when she began her training with her drone. She remembers the pang of guilt she felt when she walked into the training area to see one of Steve's previously standing punching bags knocked to the ground. She felt in her heart that she was responsible for his anger because she hid her past from everyone. She remembers the hot tears pricking the back of her eyes when she saw this, and just like it had at that moment the night before, SAM begins playing soft violin music to calm her down. When the music softly plays in her ear, Emma is brought back to the present and continues her set up with assistance from SAM in connecting to Maria back home and making sure any footage will be sent right back to her at the tower.
Throughout the flight, Emma keeps to herself, occasionally receiving the company of Clint trying to make her smile with a joke which only works occasionally because her mind is so clouded. "Oh come on, that one usually kills at the bar!" Clint laughs after another joke.
Emma smiles a little bit and comes back with, "I have a feeling that may be because of the adult beverages being served at said bar."
From her seat nearby Romanoff laughs, saying, "Ooh she got you there, Clint." Emma looks over to her and she smiles before heading off to check on the mission details. Ironically, after the past two days' events, Emma thinks that maybe Romanoff was finally starting to accept her.
Later on, the team is getting close to the landing point in South Africa and everyone starts to suit up. All except Bruce. He walks up to Emma and sits across from her, asking, "Hey, I'm hoping we don't have to call a Code Green, but in case we do, did you bring the tea for after the mission?"
Emma curses and apologizes, starting to ramble by saying, "I'm so sorry, Bruce, I totally forgot...I didn't have time to go get more before we left and-"
"Hey, it's okay, I understand. It's been a busy morning. The lullaby will work perfectly fine if we need to use it," he tells her with a smile. "But hopefully we don't even have to break out the other guy."
"Here's to hoping," Emma replies as she gets up to set the team's suits up with their cameras. She puts off getting to Steve because she is trying to find the words to say about the night before's events: the hand holding, the bombshell, the punching bag in the training room. The music appears again in her ear as her mind races and she brings herself back to reality.
Emma gets to Steve and sets his camera up and is about to say something when Tony shouts, "Okay people, we don't have time to lose, let's get moving!"
"I think you're forgetting who's in charge here, Stark," Steve tells him, heading off right as Emma finishes with the camera.
Emma visibly deflates as the team rushes out of the jet. From behind her, Bruce sucks in air through his teeth and says, "Wow, you could cut the tension with a knife right there."
Emma takes a breath and shakes her head, telling him, "Not the time, Banner..."
"Okay, okay," Bruce says, putting his hands in the air.
Emma returns to her setup and Bruce follows, wanting to watch the action unfold and see if the Hulk would be needed if things got rough out there for the team. After ensuring that the team got inside, Emma puts SAM into stealth mode and maneuvers quietly into the ship that they had gone into. 
From above, she sees the team split up and form flanks on all sides of Ultron and the Maximoff twins. The Maximoffs were the two enhanced kids that they had encountered in Sokovia and Ultron had moved quickly getting them on his side. From the intel the team gathered, it turns out they were HYDRA's secret weapon.
Keeping an eye on all the cameras on her monitor as well as on the footage being shown in front of her glasses, Emma takes up the flank opposite of Romanoff, careful to avoid any hanging chains so she would have the element of surprise on her side.
As she moves into the area though, suddenly, Ultron uses a sort of forcefield to grab and throw Tony into a wall which engages everyone into the battle immediately. Emma begins shooting at the incoming droids with her blasters, eliminating as many as she can so the team wouldn't be overwhelmed. From beside her, Bruce pipes up, "Try and stay away from any platforms because once that kid gets moving he's almost impossible to dodge. We can't lose this drone so soon."
A bit of frustration at the comment seeps into Emma's mind, but she ignores it and flies her drone into the upper ceiling level and keeps an eye on things from up there while still shooting at enemies, robot and human alike. Emma sees Steve knock down the male twin, Pietro, and she moves her drone to hover in front of him, revealing it to him and pointing a blaster his way. He sees this and in his stunned state stays in his place on the ground.
The gunfire in the ship gets louder and Bruce asks into the coms, "Guys, is this a code green?"
When no one responds due to their fighting, Emma tells him, "It looks like they're okay for now." Bruce nods, but wrings his hands together and lowers the ramp of the jet to see what he can of the fight outside.
Over the coms, Steve asks Thor what his status is and he replies, "The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately I am mighty..."
Emma turns her camera around and sees that Pietro had finally gotten up from his position on the floor and she calls on the coms, "Watch out, we have a runner."
At the exact moment, Steve gets knocked to the ground by the speedster and he cracks off without thinking, "Little more warning next time would be great."
Emma takes a breath and piano music begins playing in her ear, calming her and bringing her back to her senses. She replies quietly, "Won't happen again," and begins shooting at enemies once more. 
Emma had been paying more attention to her own fight than the others so when she stops and sees everyone in a state of almost being stunned she asks, "Guys, what the hell is going on? Is everyone okay?"
"Things are getting dicey, Baker." The reply comes from Clint which makes Emma turn her camera toward him.
Right after he sends a shockwave arrow into the ship, the female twin, Wanda, comes up behind Clint trying to use her powers on him. "Barton on your six!" Emma shouts and tries to find a shot at the girl where she wouldn't hit Clint in the process.
He ends up shocking her brain with one of his arrows and tells her, "I've done the whole mind control thing, not a huge fan."
Right after this encounter, Pietro runs into the area, knocking Clint over the railing and through some glass. "Are you okay, Barton? I can head after them," Emma informs him as she begins looking around to see which way they went.
"I'll be fine," Clint replies through his pain, "go give em hell, Baker."
She switches off her end of the coms for a second, telling SAM, "Find where they went and fast."
"On it, boss," SAM replies and scans the area, guiding Emma to where the pair ran off to. "They are outside the ship. She seems to have taken a hit from Mr. Barton's arrow. Go now so you can keep them down."
Emma nods and quickly navigates out. When she finds them, she sees they are positioned right in sight of the jet. When she sees Wanda say something to Pietro and nod at the ship, Emma's eyes go wide and she tells Bruce, "Banner, close the ramp right now."
"What for?" Bruce asks but it cut off by a streak of silver zooming into the ship.
Emma reacts quickly, mumbling a command to her AI, "SAM, whatever happens, keep the cameras on the fight. Forget about me if something goes wrong." She then turns her coms back on and informs Clint quietly, "They're in the jet I don't kno-"
Before she can finish her sentence though, there are a few wisps of red flying her way, and she is suddenly swept back to the Avengers Tower in New York. Emma looks around confused for a second and then sees the team sitting around the table that held Mjolnir the night before. Something overcomes her and she is thrust into the middle of the group, her body being forced to try and lift the hammer.
Rather than the playful banter of the previous night though, the words coming her way are harsh and unrelenting. The taunts start off with Tony saying, "You'll never live up to it. You've become so dependent on my tech to even operate normally in your daily life. Without me you wouldn't have a job. Without me you're rendered useless. You'll never be worthy."
Then comes Romanoff. "You're not one of us. You never will be. We're all trained in our craft, immaculate at our jobs, all you do is get in our way. You're just dead weight."
"I have half a mind to get you arrested right now," says Rhodes.
"You've got no skills with this tech, all you do is destroy it," Bruce calls from his spot on the couch.
Thor's laugh fills the room as Emma's body tugs at the hammer, desperate to make it move. "You'll never be worthy! You're just a puny mortal incapable of knowing what we're up against. You could never understand the fight we're in."
Tears begin to stream down Emma's face as she pulls with all her might, but it doesn't budge. Finally, from behind her comes Steve's voice. "Try as you might, there's not a single thing you do for this team. All you do is distract us and get in the way." Emma's limbs go numb as the words leave his mouth and she lets go of the hammer's handle. She turns to Steve who throws a look of hatred her way as he spits, "I can't believe you. You're a criminal and a liar. To think I loved you."
Emma's heart shatters into pieces at the last comment and she falls to her knees in the vision. As she falls, weeping, her senses back on the jet begin to come to. She hears music slowly emerging into her ears as she opens her eyes which are wet with tears. Emma quickly wipes her eyes with her sleeve and shakes her head trying to regain all of her senses.
In front of her, the team begins to shuffle into the jet, everyone distant and disoriented from the fight or their own visions given to them by Wanda. No one speaks. Emma slowly disengages her tech as Clint sits her drone on the table across from her. He pats her shoulder before heading off to begin flying the jet.
After shutting down all of her tech, Emma looks around at the team. Everyone seems to have taken a huge hit in that fight... Her eyes land on Steve last, and she feels her heart break again as those words flood into her mind liar, criminal, and the ones that hurt the most to think I loved you...
Emma lays her head down on the table and tears fall from her eyes again. The thoughts in her mind race, telling her that she is useless, incapable, dead weight, and going further back, a burden, waste of space, and a mistake. Even though she knows it would help, Emma doesn't bother putting in headphones or her glasses on to try and calm down because maybe all those thoughts were right... Maybe the vision was a manifestation of the truth of what the team thought of her...after all, Wanda had been in their minds before she got to Emma.
A few minutes later, Emma's tears stop briefly and she cues up the footage of the battle that she missed while she was out, the footage that SAM caught on her orders. As she watches the Hulk smash through numerous buildings and stalls in a market, she closes her eyes and shakes her head in disbelief. She not only saw the total destruction on the screen, but the broken man sitting on the floor of the jet, full of remorse.
When Emma finishes up watching the footage, Maria comes onto a screen to chat with Tony about the incident. From where she is in the back of the jet, Emma can't exactly make out what Maria was saying to Tony, but judging by their grim expressions, it can't be good. After Maria ends her call with Tony, Emma is tempted to call Maria up herself to see what the damage was, but she can't find it in herself to do so. More thoughts of her insignificance to the team fill her mind as Emma puts her head down once more, hoping to get some rest and try to escape her own thoughts.
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A few hours of rest later, Emma feels a tap on her shoulder, waking her up from her slumber. She lifts her head and blinks a few times to orient herself. When she finally makes eye contact with him, Clint tells her, "Come on out, we're at a safe house."
Emma stands up and stretches before putting her drone into pack mode and hoisting it onto her back. She allows the rest of the team to clear out of the jet before she does, not wanting to get in the way. Once she emerges, her eyes are met with beautiful scenery of the countryside. There's a barn and a farm house and huge fields surrounding them, the beauty of it all almost making Emma forget the events of the last few days. Almost.
Although beautiful, Emma can't help but have her mind torn to a memory from her childhood. It's a brief memory, but it evokes a feeling of fear from Emma. What she remembers is flashes of the old farmhouse her parents had rented one time during their many years of moving. She remembers indistinct yelling and peeking around corners to see what was going on, curious but not wanting to get in the way. Emma shakes her head and follows the group into the house, trying not to think about the memory that had just resurfaced.
As they walk into the living area, Clint calls out, "Honey? I'm home." After he does, a very pregnant woman emerges into the space and Clint continues with, "Hi. I brought company, sorry I didn't call ahead."
As they kiss hello, Tony says, "This is an agent of some kind."
Clint turns to them all and says, "Gentlemen, Emma, this is Laura."
"I know all your names," Laura tells them with a laugh and a small wave.
There are suddenly stomping footsteps coming their way and a couple of kids run and give Clint a hug. At that moment, Emma's mind flashes to another memory. She sees her father coming towards her with a belt in his hand and anger in his eyes. Emma's limbs feel numb and her head begins to spin as her anxiety begins to spike again. Without even thinking she says quietly, "I'll be back," and walks into the fresh air outside.
In the living room, Thor stays a bit longer before heading outside himself. As he leaves, Steve notices that Emma has left too and sighs in frustration at the two of them. Clint senses the tension in the air and looks at Steve and says, "I'll go help her, you talk with Thor."
Outside, Emma makes her way to the barn and sits on the ground with her legs pulled to her chest. Her breathing is quick and ragged, feeling as if she couldn't get enough air in her lungs if she tried. Suddenly as if some sort of floodgates opened, dozens of repressed memories from her childhood fill her mind, unrelenting. She hears the word useless shouted many times as well as other derogatory terms thrown in the mix. One phrase that stands out the most in the chaos was her father yelling at her young teen self that she would never be worthy of love.
The tears flow freely as Emma tries to will herself out of existence. She just doesn't want to hear all those words anymore... At that moment, Emma feels afraid again. From the vision Wanda showed her plus this, she just feels worthless, like she was nothing, just a burden on her friends and on society.
What felt like hours later but was only merely moments, a presence approaches Emma. Irrational thoughts making Emma think it was her father, she pulls her legs closer to her body and whispers, "Please don't hurt me. Please no. I didn't do anything, Dad... I'll do whatever just please-"
Clint's heart breaks at the sight and he softly says, "Hey, hey, hey, it's just me. It's Clint. I'm not here to hurt you." At the sound of Clint's voice, Emma slightly loosens her grip on her legs, but keeps her head down. Seeing her relax the slightest bit, Clint asks, "Can I sit?"
Not capable of speaking through her crying, Emma simply nods and Clint takes a seat next to her on the grass. After a few more moments of relative silence, Clint gently puts a hand on Emma's back. She tenses up for a second before relaxing as he rubs gentle circles on her back. Clint smiles and that smile is evident in his voice as he tells Emma softly, "That always helps the kids calm down too."
A few more moments pass and Emma's breathing and crying finally stop enough for her to say quietly, "I can see why, it's really soothing." She thinks for a second and says, "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Just...for everything. How I'm always in the way, how I keep messing up, how I'm just a distraction and liability during missions, how I'm not trained and just stumble through missions like a complete amateur, how I'm just...useless."
Clint stops rubbing Emma's back and looks at her, saying, "Emma, you are not what that little witch showed you."
"Sure I am, Clint... everyone thinks it. I see the way the team looks at me."
"That's a load of sh-" Clint stops himself and thinks what he would say if it were his kids. "That isn't true Emma. You are strong and capable. The reporting you do is legendary, you may not know it, but it is. Everyone at SHIELD knew your name because of it. They all appreciated your work and now everyone who follows the Avengers knows your name too. Today during the mission you kicked some butt and saved me from getting my mind controlled. I just wish I could have done the same for you."
Emma lifts her head and nods, considering his words before saying, "I know you're just saying that, Clint... Besides, I'm not sure the whole team would share your point of view on my work on the mission today. Cap got hit on my watch because I wasn't paying attention for half a second. I captured the footage of Hulk in that city. I'm sure I'm not too popular right now..."
"You can't help what the Hulk did, Emma. All you did was capture the footage." Clint pauses for a beat and then asks, "What did she show you anyways?"
Emma sighs and a few tears escape from her eyes before she tells him, "Just...she showed me a vision and it was like we were back at the tower trying to lift Mjolnir. Everyone was telling me how useless and incapable I was...I couldn't handle it. It reinforced what I was already feeling about how you all think about me. It also reminded me of the past. Seeing you and your family was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did."
Clint nods solemnly, asking, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Do I want to? No, but for some reason I feel like I should..."
"Then go right ahead, I'm all ears," Clint says and leans back against the barn.
"I'll spare you the details, but it's just...my father was a very angry man who hated the world and everything in it. My mom was absent most of the time, and when she was there all they did was fight. I never really had anyone to comfort me when I was upset or that I could go to when something bad happened. That's why I never told anyone who didn't need to know about my past... I grew up not being able to express my feelings or concerns without getting berated. 
“Even after years of my grandparents helping me move past that, it's still really hard to do things like expressing my feelings or telling people things that may upset them or make them think less of me. You know, I honestly don't even know how I'm telling you all of this right now. My mind is completely fried and I just feel very vulnerable right now..."
Clint is silent for a moment as he takes in what Emma had to say. Panic fills Emma's mind again and she quickly says, "Oh no, I said too much didn't I? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No, no, it's okay, Emma. It's just a lot to process." He sits for a second more and then continues, saying, "I want you to know that you are loved. Whether you choose to believe it or not, you are loved. Knowing now what you've been through, I am that much more impressed with you and how you turned out. It sounds like your grandparents turned things around for you and they finished out raising a fine young lady."
"But what about my past with...you know," Emma tries to say.
"Emma," Clint says and looks her in the eyes. "It takes a lot of courage to forgive yourself, to put the past behind you and move on, but I believe that you can do it. I know that you are a capable young woman who can do whatever she sets her mind to, and that will take you far in life. Besides, there seems to be a lot of secrets being kept between all of us. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end."
Tears fall from Emma's eyes again and she leans over to give Clint a hug. She quickly pulls away and says, "I'm sorry, I just haven't had a father figure in years and it's nice to have again..."
"Hey, it's okay," Clint says and wraps his arm around her. "Whatever you need I'm here. Just try and keep your head up, okay? And if you need to take a step back, know that I'll back you 100%."
"That means the world, thank you," Emma says and sits back up. "Now you go be with that family of yours. They deserve to have their dad in there with them."
"You heading in too?" Clint asks, offering his hand out to her.
Emma shakes her head, telling him, "Not right now, I need some fresh air still. And I'm not sure I'm ready to face the team just yet."
"Take your time. There's a couple trails out there in the woods if you're up for it. There isn't usually anything too dangerous out there so it'd be safe if you wanna explore."
Emma smiles and nods, saying, "I think I'll do that. It'd be good to clear my head."
"If you aren't back in two hours I'll send a search party," he jokes as he walks off.
"Honestly, if I disappear just leave it be," Emma says, but Clint doesn't hear her.
After a few minutes of deep breathing and listening to the sounds of nature, Emma stands up and makes her way into the woods surrounding the Barton Ranch.
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After a little while of clearing her head and listening to the peaceful sounds of nature, Emma is about to head back to the house when she hears the leaves on the trail behind her rustling. She stops and slowly turns her head to see what the source of the noise was only to see Romanoff on the trail.
Emma clutches her chest and lets out a breath, trying to make her heart rate slow back down to a normal speed after thinking she was about to be attacked by a bear or something. "You okay?" Romanoff asks. "Clint said you'd been out here for a while so he sent me to come looking for you."
"Okay is a relative term," Emma tells her quietly.
"What's on your mind?"
"It doesn't matter..." Emma says, not wanting to bother her with her problems, she already feels like she's been burdening everyone else with them.
"Yes it does, Emma," she says. She pauses and adds, "You can trust me."
"It's just a lot of family trauma resurfaced thanks to what that Wanda girl showed me, but I don't wanna bother you with it all and bring up bad family memories for you too," Emma replies.
"Oh that ship has already sailed, Baker," Romanoff tells her as they both walk back down the trail toward the house.
"Well I just didn't..." Emma pauses and contemplates her words for a second before saying, "You just always say that I remind you of your sister and you've never seemed to like me too much, so I just didn't wanna go there and all..."
Romanoff stops in her tracks and says, "Emma, I haven't gotten close with you because you remind me of my sister. I haven't seen her in years, hell I don't even know if she's still alive, but I miss her every day. I've just felt like if I got close with you it would just remind me of her and how much I haven't done to save her, of how much I've screwed up in my life..."
"Oh, I had no idea," Emma whispers, feeling awful now for assuming all these years that she hated her because she reminded her of her sister.
"It's okay. I don't tell many people because of the business we're in and the business I was in before I joined SHIELD." They resume their walk before the red head says, "Speaking of past business though, about what Ultron said back at Avengers Tower..."
Emma tenses up and says, "Natasha, there is a reason I did what I did and-"
Natasha quickly interrupts Emma and tells her, "If you think I'm about to judge you about what happened, I'm not. If there's anyone in the world who understands how it feels being called out about your past, it's me. If you don't want to talk about it though, I'll respect your decision."
"Maybe another time, there's just a lot going on in my head right now. It isn't a fun place to be."
"I understand," Natasha replies with a nod as they get back into the house.
Natasha parts ways with Emma as they enter and Emma runs right into Laura Barton saying, "Hey, I'm sorry for running out earlier. I've just been going through some stuff lately."
"You're okay, Clint told me you were pretty stressed out, I get it," she replies with a smile.
Emma smiles back and then tells her, "It is nice to meet you, though. Between you and me, I had the same type of setup for my grandparents when I was at SHIELD. I'm glad you guys get to stay off the books and off the radar. It's safe that way."
Laura nods, saying, "It is. It can be hard some days, but it's worth it." She pauses and then tells her, "If you want to go wash up, I think the shower is free. The water should be reheated by now. Go relax and destress, and if anyone asks, you're still out exploring." Emma nods and follows Laura's directions to the bathroom where she takes a little bit longer to relax.
When Emma reemerges from the bathroom, she follows the sound of voices to the kitchen and dining area to see Nick Fury talking with the group. He stops his chat with Natasha and says, "Now look who decided to show up. Having fun exploring?" He shoots Laura a look and she laughs with a shrug.
Emma is suddenly hyper aware of the eyes on her and she feels guilty for being caught in yet another lie. She tries to ignore the voices in her head and forces a smile as she replies, "I had a great time."
"Well now that everyone is present, it's time we talk about what I'm actually here for," Fury announces.
Emma quickly surveys the room and decides to take a seat near where Tony and Clint are playing darts. "Did you like the woods?" Clint asks as she sits. "Oh and grab some dinner, it's been a long day."
Emma nods, telling him, "The woods were very serene, I'm trying to mentally be there right now..." She pauses for a second before adding, "And I'm not too hungry right now, thank you though."
Off-handedly, Tony suggests, "If you're stressed, use the glasses." Although unintentional, the comment stings Emma because it was almost like he was referencing what Wanda made him tell her in the vision.
She tries to shake the thought from her mind as Fury begins speaking, telling the group, "Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. All my contacts say he's building something, but with the amount of vibranium he made off with, I find it hard to believe it's just one thing."
"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asks.
"Oh he's easy to track. He's everywhere, multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. That still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though."
While Fury is talking, Clint sneaks off and makes Emma a plate of food. He sits it in front of her and gives her a stern look that earns a half-hearted smile from Emma as she takes a small bite.
"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony asks while throwing a dart.
"He is, but he isn't making any headway," Fury replies.
Tony stops what he is doing and says, "I cracked the Pentagon's firewalls in high school on a dare. How is he not making any headway?"
"It's almost like you expect him to be as good as you, Stark," Steve tells him, crossing his arms.
Fury gives both of them a look before continuing, "I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that." The statement hits Emma and she realizes that that was where Ultron had gotten the information on her, it had to be.
"So, what'd they say?" Clint asks, almost as if reading her mind. Emma is happy he asked because frankly, she doesn't want to speak up during a team meeting right now all things considered.
"Well that's the thing. He's after the missiles but he can't get to them because the codes are constantly being changed."
"By whom?" Tony asks as Clint throws a few darts, hitting a bullseye and barely missing Tony's face.
"Party unknown," Fury tells him.
"So we have an ally?" Natasha asks.
"Ultron has an enemy. Not the same thing. I'd pay money to see who it is though."
The gears in Tony's head begin to spin and he says, "I might have to visit Oslo." He then turns to Emma and says, "I can show you my little hacking tricks, Baker."
Steve turns his head slightly to see Emma's response. In a slight panic, Emma turns her head down and doesn't say anything, the conflict inside her mind starting up again. She could go with Tony and gain some knowledge that could be useful in the future, but she would be disappointing Steve and further driving a wedge in their relationship. The thought of not being able to salvage what she had with Steve kills her, so internally she tells herself that there is no way she would go with Tony.
When Emma tunes back into the conversation after arguing with herself, Fury is saying, "Ultron thinks that the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. Now, whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction, all this laid in a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
At the last comment, Natasha smirks and says, "Oh Steve doesn't like that kind of language."
Fury ignores the comment, sits down, and asks, "So what does he want?"
"To become better," Steve replies. "He keeps building bodies."
"Person bodies," Tony corrects. "The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking. He just keeps coming back to it though."
Natasha looks at Bruce and Tony and tells them, "When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed."
As Bruce looks at a painting one of the kids gave to Natasha, he mumbles, "They don't need to be protected. They need to evolve. Ultron is going to evolve."
Confusion is drawn on everyone's face and Fury asks what they are all thinking, "How?"
"Well has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Bruce asks. Of course...Helen had the tech to generate tissue, Ultron would be trying to make a body, but not out of metal this time.
a/n: this one was tough, y'all. If you are ever feeling the way Emma feels in this chapter, please don't hesitate to reach out to a professional or even just a hotline that can help you get through a crisis. Stay well my loves.
link to the next part
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princesssarcastia · 7 years
Captain America 2: oh fuck not again
I really need to just stop re-watching this movie because then shIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS
so I was watching it, again, and I thought about how could they possibly have resolved that situation without completely destroying SHIELD, without releasing all of their files and compromising every one of their agents for the sake of flushing HYDRA out of the system-
and then this happened.
It took almost fifteen minutes for Natasha to walk on her own, and by then they were almost to the nearest town.  The woods around them were quiet, which only made Steve’s ears ring louder; he couldn’t imagine how Nat’s hearing was faring right now.
She took charge once they reached the downtown area, pulling on his arm silently until they were tucked away in an alley with no outlet; there was a chain-link fence in the middle of it that they could scale easily enough if they needed to.
Almost immediately, he could see her legs starting to shake.  She leaned against the brick and slowly slid down, letting the dumpster next to them hide them from view from the street.  He braced himself against said dumpster and then sat down next to her, facing the alley on the other side of the fence.
For a few minutes they simply sat there, chests heaving; Steve almost couldn’t wrap his mind around everything Zola had said.  
Natasha reached into her pocket and he almost flinched, but she didn’t acknowledge the movement, pulling out–
“Are you sure you should still have that?  I can’t believe SHIELD doesn’t put tracers in their agents’ phones.”
A faint smirk appeared on her face.  “Who says this is SHIELD issue?”
He stares at her for a long moment before it hits him.  “Stark,” he says, throwing his head back into the dumpster, “of course.”  
She laughs.  “Not many people could make a phone that detects incoming missile strikes, Rogers.  Though you're probably right about the tracker; Stark always builds a backdoor into his tech, after what happened in Afghanistan.”
“Then how can you trust it?  He helped build the Insight carriers, Nat.  If what you’re saying is true, there’s not way he isn’t neck deep in this.”
“Just because he has backdoors doesn't mean he’s using them.  If he was, I’m sure he would already be here.  A missile strike in the middle of Jersey isn’t exactly subtle.
And he didn’t actually help build them; he just gave our engineers blueprints for repulser tech.  He might still have an in to SHIELD systems anyway; Fury always thought they never quite got JARVIS out of them after he hacked the Hellicarrier”
Steve snorted and turned his head to the side.  Yeah, that sounded more like him.  He didn’t really want to believe one of his only friends in this century was capable of being part of HYRDA.  Then again, he didn’t want to believe HYDRA still existed either.
“We have to find a way to stop Project: Insight from launching.  If HYDRA gets those carriers in the air, there’s no telling what will happen.”
“I know,” she said, putting her phone up to her ear. 
“Wait, who are you calling?” he asked.
Nat raised her eyebrows at him, as if to say seriously? before clearing her throat.  “How am I not surprised you’re still up, Stark.”  Her voice was slightly deeper than it was a second ago; smoother, too.
Steve could barely catch the voice on the other end, something like well, there was that time you stalked me for almost a month.
“That wasn’t stalking, that was monitoring.  You were dying, you know.”
Now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows; he hadn’t known that.
“Look, I’m calling because Steve and I need a favor.”
She turned to look at him, eyes searching, and he nodded.  “Tony, how fast can you get to DC?”
Here’s where it gets more nebulous, folks.  I may come back and actually write all of this out, but for now its late and I need to get this plot bunny out and sleep:
Of course, they still have no place to meet but Sam’s place; he’s the only man in DC Steve still trusts, and that no one would suspect of being involved.
Tony somehow gets there stealthily; maybe he’s pissed that Nat wouldn’t even trust his tech to be secure enough for this conversation.
They still come up with a similar plan of action: kidnap Sitwell, make him squeal.  Tony is waiting in the car for him, working with JARVIS to infiltrate every aspect of SHIELD’s system, including Insight and HYDRA’s files, only without alerting them to their presence.  Insight is easier; despite only offering blueprints and suggestions, he still managed to get a foothold in the insight carriers.  HYDRA files, though, personnel they’ll need to get rid of, like STRIKE, those are locked down hard; he’ll need an on-site access point to get at them.
Bridge fight goes the same; stark heads out to pick up the armor from wherever he left it.  the mark (IV? V? whatever the suitcase armor) doesn’t have enough oomph, and besides, he didn’t fly here in it.  he does, however, track them back to Nick Fury’s Secret Bunker™.
Steve is still horrified at seeing his best friend like that; Natasha is still hurt by Fury’s lack of trust in her; Sam still has very little idea what is going on.
Here’s the big change: SHIELD stays.  Fury and Hill refuse to see their life’s work thrown away.  Steve remembers what it started as, what Peggy and Howard meant for it to be, and maybe this wouldn’t be enough, except Tony is there, this time, and his presence makes the idea of saving it plausible, in the moment.
He gets to work completely infiltrating the insight carriers, along with a little help from Nick and Maria and Natasha’s help, because the former two have the clearance and the latter is a hacker in her own right.  
And now, this time, here’s the plan: 
With Tony in the Insight systems, they can put all three carriers on lockdown the second those targeting chips are replaced; give SHIELD, the real SHIELD, back their ships.  (though tony might find a way to sabotage them anyway, and Steve would help, I think.  as we all know, Tony has a thing about people he doesn’t know about using his tech.  mainly that he blows up that tech, and those people).  JARVIS can upload into them and land them safely, because every person on those carriers is going to be dead by then.
Steve doesn’t have time to make a rousing speech because he’s too busy infiltrating one of the hellicarriers, Sam by his side.  Tony takes another one on in the suit, Maria and a team of people from the Secret Bunker™ get the third.  Their missions are to go through their respective carriers, replace the targeting chips, and take out every person on them one by one
(I'm fudging it up a bit here and hcing that these carrierS are like admiral Marcus’s ship in stark trek: into darkness: designed to be manned by a minimum amount of crew members)
Natasha’s mission is much the same, except this time, she’s not their to dump all of SHIELD’s files: she's there to give tony and JARVIS the on-site access point they need to grab all of HYDRA’s personnel files and give them a hit list.  another thing about this bit: pierce’s taunting of her, instead of about her revealing herself to the public, is about how remarkably similar her time with the Red Room is to Bucky’s time as the winter soldier.
for the sake of the sake rumlow is on Steve and sam’s hellicarrier; sam makes the sacrifice play to take care of him while Steve goes on to the targeting system, where he runs into, you guessed it, Bucky.
Steve and buck’s fight is much the same, except this time more destructive, allowing them to still fall out of the room and into the river, allowing Bucky to be saved by Steve and then save him, all the others too preoccupied to realize just how bad Steve’s fight is going.
meanwhile all of the masses inside the triskelion have no fucking clue what’s going on, be they HYDRA or actual SHIELD, because Insight was supposed to launch and kill millions of people kill dozens of people and neither of those things are happening.  Natasha kept that shit locked down in the conference room, keeping Pierce from ringing for help, and without the physical destruction of the carriers (because they couldn't destroy the carriers for stealth/element of surprise) or Steve’s patriotic speech™ Hydra doesn’t have the green light to act freely.  they know something is deeply wrong, of course, but not what.
after this its even more nebulous.  how exactly do they go about getting rid of the hydra members? well, JARVIS will have cracked their conveniently meticulous personnel files (meticulous records were the detriment of the real nazis too, remember) so they know who to trust.  maybe their is a cost to SHIELD here: they have to release the names of all of their rogue agents to the other intelligence agencies: FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, Interpol.  They also have to release the names of all of those agencies/countries’ HYDRA rogues, though they have less of them. that’s the cost: SHIELD becomes more open, gets pulled out of the shadows and into the public eye, because some of these people are too public to just have murdered (senator stern, for example) and have to be put on trial, have to have their evidence publicly displayed.  SHIELD becomes more like the agency it is in the comcis.
I don’t know about the interim, but the end result: SHIELD is still standing, HYDRA is on the run, gutted to its core, and the bond between Steve and Tony is a little bit stronger.
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romanoffsbish · 3 years
Chapter 12: Suit Up
Chapter 11 | Masterlist | Chapter 13 | Words: 1,395
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Nat's POV
I arrived to the meeting room at 8:30AM to get it all set up.
"Hey there boss!" Wanda jokingly condescends in greeting.
"Witch, welcome!" I snarl back playfully.
"Listen, word on the street is Tony's trying to sabotage everything by further turning Steve against Y/N." Wanda says getting straight to it.
"Well, he can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Steve knows how to behave so we should all be okay."
"Nat, I just think we need to be safe.."
"What's it even about? What could he possibly even have to have added fuel to the dying fire?"
"Apparently he's convinced that she's broken into your room."
"That's ridiculous!" I laugh out, knowing that nobody can get into my room if I don't want it.
"Oh, Tony's just an idiot, I'll fix this." I state nonchalantly. I receive a nod and raised eyebrow in response as Wanda just takes her seat.
He clearly saw her go in to get my suit, and tried to use it against her. I'm truly offended that they would ever think they could 'break in' to my room.
Who do they think I am? An idiot?
"You are an idiot sometimes." Wanda interjects.
"Hey! Stay out of my head." I growl.
"Your thoughts are screaming. I'm not actively trying to hear them. So maybe try shutting them up because some of your thoughts are even too dirty for me..."
"Listen, I'm just nervous... I need this to go well."
"I understand Nat, I'm on the same team here."
"I just need everyone to see her the way that we do." I mumble.
"I want that too..."
An uneasy silence falls over the room while we await the others. A minute passes and then Steve walks in.
"Hey ladies!" Steve greets as he walks in.
"Rogers." I curtly greet, Wanda just nods.
"Is something the matter?" Steve questions us.
"Not for us, are you projecting? Is something bothering you?" I pettily question.
As he's clearly about to say something I don't want to hear Y/N walks in with a beaming smile.
"Hey guys." She greets enthusiastically.
Steve seems to just scowl and sink into his seat.
"Hey Y/N/N!" Wanda greets back with a similar enthusiasm.
"Welcome to the meeting Stevens. Also, thank you for bringing me my suit from my room earlier, I never got the chance to thank you." I say in an attempt to remedy any further doubts Tony put into Steve's head.
"Of course Agent Romanoff." Y/N says, obviously moving into a formal tone, but just hearing it makes me internally cringe.
"So, today's mission is characterized as a 'simple' extraction, but it very much could go haywire. Hydra's unpredictable, and in this sense, they're further off their rockers. They've taken a handful of civilians as hostages to run trials on them. We're meant to go in and take out the enemy, while extracting the hostages. Upon retrieving the individuals we're meant to also destroy the base. Steve, you're taking point with Y/N to directly save the hostages. I'll be initially placing the bombs on the perimeter. Wanda's our eyes, ears, and backup muscle power. The base is expected to be pretty guarded. Keep your guards up, be prepared with loads of ammo, and leave all distractions behind." I finish, glancing at Steve with an intimidating glare.
After a moment of silence, I make sure to open the floor to questions.
Before anyone inside the briefing can say anything Tony comes through the speaker.
"Ooh! Are we finally returning the plant to sender?"
I am internally combusting, especially after seeing Y/N's resolve fall for a millisecond, as well as Steve eyes fill with slight amusement.
I keep my stoic face and go to reply.
"That fern by your lab is pretty tacky, did you keep the receipt?"  Wanda condescends.
"Stark, you're not on this mission, leave your petty antics out of my briefing!" I assert.
He seemed ready to reply, but the glare I sent the camera seems to have shut him up. Good!
"So, Agent Romanoff, is it just the four of us?" Y/N inquires.
"No, it's us four, and a quinjet of SHIELD agents. It's not crucial enough to require all the avengers, but it's also not safe enough to not have an array of backup." I reply.
"That's good. Thank you. I know this base well, and it's not going to be an easy feat." Y/N replies.
Steve seemed to perk up at this information.
"So, Stevens, you know this base?"
"Yes, it's where I spent the last twenty years of my life. Pretty poetic that it's my first mission." She chuckles out trying to ease the tension.
Steve seemed ready to add onto Tony's snark, but Wanda and I both sent him quite the glare.
"Any other questions? About the mission that is." I flatly inquire.
"No ma'am." Y/N replies with a sweet smile.
"All good here." Wanda quips.
"Nope." Steve coughs out timidly, clearly affected by my tone.
"Well, if that's all, go suit up, and meet down by the hangar. Wheels up in thirty." I assert.
Everyone leaves, and I allow about sixty seconds to pass by before I run out and towards her room.
I could feel Steve's animosity radiating off of him, and I'm starting to understand Buck's reservations. However, I can handle myself, so I push back the sinking feeling in my gut.
I stepped into my room and sat on my bed, just giving myself a minute to breathe. I'm already in my suit, and I have all my weapons prepared to go.
As I closed my eyes, I took in a deep breath, and as I went to release it, it turned into a shriek as my door slammed into the wall.
"Shit! Nat, what the hell." I squeak out.
"I remember saying suit up, not take a nap." She jokingly quips, sending her signature smirk.
"Well, Agent Romanoff, I'm extremely prepared, so I chose to meditate." I quip right back as I point to my readied weaponry.
Her face softens slightly as she closes my door and approaches me.
"Hey, are you sure you're ready? Please don't feel pressured into this mission. It's okay if it's too soon, I don't want you getting hurt out there." She starts to say, reaching up to settle her hand on my shoulders, and I can see the panic building up in her eyes.
"Natty, calm down. I'm just your average amount of nervous as one should be going into a mission." I reply, reaching up to push the hair  that's fallen behind her ear. 
"Promise?" She questions, with worried eyes.
"Promise!" I reply, reaching my pinky up so we can seal it.
"Dork." She laughs out, while linking our pinkies, bringing it up so we could kiss our own hands, to double lock it in.
"Softie." I say, reaching out and pulling her in for a hug, where I feel her completely melt into it.
She clings to me, and doesn't seem to be willing to let go. A whole ten minutes flies by, while I am running my hand up and down her back in an attempt to reassure her.
"Natty, you got to let go now." I giggle, knowing we have ten minutes before we're expected downstairs.
"Two more minutes, please." She pleads, in the softest, most vulnerable tone I think I've ever heard her use.
"Okay, just so long as we're not late." I whisper in response, placing a gentle kiss to her temple and rocking us side to side.
Much like last time, I have to stand up, and physically remove her from me.
Before I could speak, there's a quick knock on my door, then it slams open much like before.
"Let's go lovebirds!" Wanda jokes, while contradicting herself by walking in and pulling us into a bone crushing hug.
"Remind me to lock my door from now on." I mumble as we pull back.
"Ha! I can pick locks."
"I can use my 'wiggly woos' to undo it."
"So, what I'm hearing is that I'll never have privacy again." I groan, throwing my weaponry over my shoulder and departing.
"Exactly!" They giggle out in unison, following me down to the hangar.
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stuckysdumbbitch · 3 years
Hey red I wanted to request something a bit angsty basically the reader is dating mob!Steve and he's not paying attention to her so she starts acting bratty but he doesn't care because he's busy and then he forgets her birthday or something like that and she just gets so pissed and does something that makes him see red so he punishes her but then she tells him how he doesn't care about her anymore and forgot her birthday
If you choose to do it you can make an ending you like , thanks for reading 💞
ohhh i liked this
warnings:18+ content, attempted rape, nonconsensual drugging, sex pollen, cockwarming, overstimulation, thigh riding, dubcon, emotionally manipulative steve.
birthday sorrows
You never expected to be grinding against your boyfriend’s number one hit man at your birthday, but there where you. In the middle of the dance floor of Steve’s money laundering club with Mr Freezy’s big meaty hands pinning your hips against his raging boner as you allowed the three shots of tequila tan over your body.
You had asked-no, begged Steve to take you to the club, believing he was playing the “oh I forgot your birthday” game. But he was stern, growling about having to work. He spent the days sealed shut in his office, running on caffeine and bolted windows.
“Let’s go outside, wanna give you your birthday present.” Pronge grunted against your ear, his hot, whiskey-scented breath fanning over your flushed cheek. Your eyes lighted up at the word “present”, so you allowed the 6 foot something assassin drag you to the dark alley.
The cold of the night bit into your legs, the tiny silver skirt doing little to shield you. Your head hit the wall, somehow keeping you standing as Pronge came closer and closer to you. His hands ran down your arms as you felt your private space get smaller and smaller, his chest pinning you down.
“Hey, what’s happening there?” A known voice called out, your head rolling to the side; suddenly blinded by the bright lights of Steven Roger’s SUV. Only then was when you understood the seriousness of the situation, and you sighted in relief.
Pronge’s warmth quickly separated from you, and your body was ready to slam head first into the ground if the same hit man hadn’t caught you.
“Relax Rogers, I was just giving the very needy birthday girl her present.” Pronge laughed, his hands uncomfortably tight around you. In your drunken haze, you didn’t notice how his frown fell into something sad and remorseful.
“Pronge, I think I’m going to puke-” You stuttered, internally confused; you had eaten well and barely drank.
“Let’s get you home,” Steve mumbled, wrapping his arms around you to hang you over his shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow Pronge,”
You huffed when Steve buckled your seatbelt and began driving home. The air was cold, filled with his repressed emotions and your pouting.
“Will go out tomorrow, okey?” he muttered, and you knew it was the closest to an apology you will have.
“Wanted to go out today,” you groaned, feeling the familiar warmth seep down your thighs. Great, Pronge had roofied you with sex pollen.
Your clothes began unbearably hot, scorching even as your nipples peaked against your dress. Steve ignored you when you dropped your panties, but when you suddenly became naked in the middle of a highly crossed road he almost crashed driving into the most unknown, deserted parts of town.
“What do you think you are doing?”Steve growled, turning to face you as he parked in an alley. You smirked, hiking your leg onto the seat to show your soaked petals, one hand wandering dangerously to your clit.
“I think Mr Freezy wanted to give me his special cream,” you mewled, your eyes falling almost close as your head bobbed to the side. Hard hands groped your waist, pulling you over his pant clad thigh.
“You little slut, getting drinks from the first guy who comes near you; all you need is some cock and then you are all happy? I should have let Pronge get you, he would destroy your slutty pussy and then leave you there, little bitch.” his words pierced your ears, riling you up as you grinded against his thick thigh, the scratchy material rubbing you raw.
But like a little bunny, you continued to ride his thigh carelessly; your sweet relief flooding the material as you clenched your thighs over his. He didn’t stop though, continuing to force the roll of your hips until your next orgasm.
“Stevie, hurts-“ you sniffled, but his hands were wobbling your hips on top of him.
“Little bitch wanted this, so this is what you are getting.”
He didn’t stop until you came two times more, pushing your puffy core against him and holding your there some seconds until you cried for him to stop. You shivered, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Shhh, that’s it baby, it’s alright”
“you don’t care about me anymore?” you huffed, fresh tears pouring down.
“I do baby, I do care; and tomorrow it’s going to be aaaall about this pretty little pussy, daddy’s very sorry.” He faux pouted, groping your ass; you winced.
“you punished me.” you meekly reminded.
“even birthday girls get punished; let’s get home and get a nice, warm bath.”
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Oh ho ho ho prepare thyselves, I have some thoughts about Loki's appearance in the latest What If... episode
Let's jump into this.
Okay. So Loki shows up with an (if not the) entire contingent of Einherjar and the Warriors Three (Four, really), giving the same damn speech he did during Infinity War, minus the "Odinson" portion.
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Okay. So Loki shows up with an (if not the) entire contingent of Einherjar and the Warriors Three (Four, really), giving the same damn speech he did during Infinity War, minus the "Odinson" portion.
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This isn't a mistake. Loki, at this point, damn well knows who he really is and why. And assuming that events up to this point follow the same trajectory as the "sacred timeline" (does anyone else think the "Watcher" is just Kang hanging out with a bowl of popcorn overlooking the multiverse because that's how I'm reading it...) Anyway, assuming everything we see in the first Thor movie holds true up until Thor's murder...
And that's just the thing, isn't it? It's Thor's murder that is the "nexus event." Loki comes screaming down to Midgard, apparently having secured the loyalty of all of Asgard as its acting King (he's still holding Gungnir, after all) so something must have gone on behind the scenes for everyone to start trusting him. Even when they obviously know he is Jotun.
AGAIN, HE LEADS WITH THE WHOLE JOTUNHEIM THING. Doesn't deny it, proclaims it in front of the entire Asgardian army. This...this is a very different Loki than we saw in the first Thor movie. Whatever shame he held about being Jotun, he's at least come to partial terms with it. And it's not the reason he ends up taking over Midgard/Earth (more on this later).
Loki isn't on Midgard because he wants a kingdom. He's the "rightful" King of Jotunheim, not the actual one. And he's actually quite forward about the fact he's rallied the entire Asgardian army to avenge his adopted brother's death. He loves Thor that much. (As if Asgard would deny him this. Of course not, they'd want their "pound of flesh," or more, just like Loki does.)
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Remember the Loki series? When Classic Loki just wanted to see his brother again? This is the same thing.
Now here's what I find really fascinating.
When Loki goes for his show of strength, when he declares he will reduce Midgard to ruins (specifically, "ash and ice") if he doesn't get the "pound of flesh" aka the entire corpse he deserves (and just...the meta of this...the pound of flesh being a reference to Merchant of Venice and Tommy H being a Shakespeare expert is just perfection on every level)
Anyway, Loki goes for the bloody Casket of Ancient Winters.
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Again, Loki has Gungnir, which is not only a weapon no one would laugh at, but a symbol of the Asgardian monarchy, and yet he takes them all out with the Jotunheim Casket. I mean, fascinating. And Loki doesn't turn blue while handling it, which I believe (contrary to some internet opinion) means he has mastered the Casket as its wielder. Meaning he's come to terms with his identity. Even if he still hates Odin, who may be dead or alive at this juncture (Frigga is most definitely alive, or else Loki would be having a breakdown). I find this choice utterly fascinating.
So I want to reiterate that through this entire exchange, Loki is on Earth for a single purpose: vengeance. He wants his brother's killer. He shows no signs of desire to take over the planet, to subjugate its people, and he has never met Thanos (in any iteration) because he never let go on the Rainbow Bridge. It's not until later, not until Hank Pym spills some beans regarding Fury, that Loki seems to switch tracks.
So Fury and Loki strike a deal and Loki (illusioned as Fury because that is most definitely one of the powers Loki has) outs Hank Pym as the murderer of the proto-Avengers, who is on a revenge tour due to his daughter's death during her SHIELD days (which was likely an alt-universe Bucky Barnes/aka the Winter Solider seeing as it was in Odessa and that's just an entirely different story to deconstruct).
But here's the interesting part:
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Remember, Fury is not Fury here. I doubt the real Nick Fury would ever refer to Thor as a "Prince of Asgard," and so we know this conversation is happening between Loki and Hank (and wow, I a) never thought I'd type that sentence and b) I cannot believe Marvel got bloody Michael Douglas to play this character, holy hell).
But the important thing to remember here is Hank's point of view. The way he casually says Fury would have recruited Thor for his initiative. Hints that if Fury had done so, he would have considered Thor as an expendable hero. Outright says he would prefer Fury's death over Thor's and this is the moment I believe Loki decides to conquer Earth. Because he cannot trust these warring factions and his brother is dead because of it.
And Loki wipes the floor with Hank. Think about it. Hank has managed to kill all of the Avengers minus Steve Rogers (only due to the fact Steve was doing his popsicle impression at the time). He managed to kill Thor.
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And Loki destroys him within a few minutes. I mean, what a testament to our deity of mischief.
But has Loki really gotten his pound of flesh? Hank is taken away, not dead. Thor is still gone, forever. And there was enough logic in what Hank said during their confrontation (after all, Loki would know about being used as a weapon, or at the very least a means to an end. He had that conversation with Odin. He will not stand to see it repeated with Thor). There was enough in that exchange with Hank, there was enough in the negotiations with Fury...that Loki directs his army (his legitimate army who does not rebel against him) to take over Earth in what we can only assume is a mostly peaceful coup (minus some frigid temperatures here and there, but you know, we can just say Loki was counteracting global warming at the same time.) No Chitauri, no Thanos, no utter craziness.
Just...retribution on this planet for making Loki lose what was dearest to him.
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bulkyphrase · 3 years
Long Stony Action/Adventure Podfics: a very specific rec list
Do you like podfics that:
feature the pairing Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (from any universe)
include fighting villains, solving mysteries, and/or traveling to exciting and dangerous new places as a major part of the plot
and are at least 3.5 hours long?
Then this is the list for you!
(Also, send me podfic or fic recs because it sounds like you have excellent taste.)
[PODFIC] Relativistic Heat Conduction
read by Pywren (Explicit, 8 hours) tumblr: @phyrrhicvictory
Summary: Ultron has attacked, obliterating most of the world's superheroes and resistance in a matter of hours. The remaining heroes band together and share what strength they have to get through it, to survive, and defeat Ultron once and for all. Steve Rogers grieves in the wake of the disaster and the heroes' defeat, and no one knows if he will be able to provide the leadership they need--but Tony Stark isn't about to let him slip away that easily.
Based on Relativistic Heat Conduction by BlossomsintheMist (@blossomsinthemist)
[podfic] Let Us Not Forget This
read by DuendeVerde4 (General, 4.5 hours) tumblr: @duendeverde4
Summary: Steve Rogers knew, knows, will know Tony Stark, the adventurer, the scientist, the futurist. And Tony Stark - well, he's not really fond of the idea of this Captain America fellow being assigned to tag along as he, Rhodey, Pepper, and Jarvis race to find a powerful relic before the Nazis do, but he just has to go with it. What he doesn't - and can't - realize is how deeply Cap is tied into his life in ways he can barely even understand.
Based on Let Us Not Forget This by citsiurtlanu (@citsiurtlanu)
The rest are below the cut!
I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you [Podfic]
read by badfinch (Teen, 7.5 hours)
Summary: Six years ago, without the Avengers Initiative there to save the day, scientist Dr. Eric Selvig sacrificed himself to save the world, the almighty demi-god Thor was lost to a terrible storm, and vigilante Iron Man – spotted with a nuclear weapon trying to take advantage of the situation – was forever labelled an enemy of SHIELD.
This is a comic book office AU, where Steve is defrosted a year too late, Thor has forgotten who he is, and no one knows Tony is Iron Man.
Also includes: office pranks, inappropriate post-it notes, and superheroes who like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Based on I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you by Mizzy
[Podfic] Even the Light is an Illusion
read by Liannabob (Teen, 9.5 hours) tumblr: @liannabob
Summary: Death threats are an unfortunate side-effect of being Tony Stark, so he's learned to ignore them. The problem is, when someone really wants you dead, hiding your head in the sand just kinda exposes your ass.
But it's not just Tony's behind on the line. Whoever wants him dead wants him to suffer first, and they're willing to do anything to make that happen. Tony knows there's only one way out. To save Steve, the Avengers, and the general public, Tony has to die. Of course, death isn't always the end, and Tony does what any other self-disrespecting scientist would do: he finds a way to fake his death and avenge his own murder.
The trouble is, terrible decisions usually have a terrible price, and this one is no different. Tony has a chance to save the day, but the cost may be more than Tony was ever expecting to pay…
Based on Even the Light is an Illusion by Mizzy
[PODFIC] Maybe this Time
read by Pywren (Explicit, 3.5 hours) tumblr: @phyrrhicvictory
Summary: Tony’s better now. You can even say he’s superior. But all the money, alcohol, and sex can’t stop the incursions, and when his world is destroyed, he ends up on an earth ten years younger than his own.
One where Steve goes by the name of Nomad.
If there’s one thing Steve’s good at, it’s reminding him of what really matters, and maybe that makes Nomad the person Tony needs if he's going to save the universe.
Based on Maybe This Time by msermesth (@msermesth)
[Podfic of] When The Lights Go On Again
read by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid, kalakirya, KD reads (KDHeart), lattice_frames, lavenderfrost, miss_marina95, Opalsong, paraka, Superstitiousme, vassalady (Explicit, 19.5 hours)
tumblr(s): @dr-fumbles-mcstupid, @podficcerbynight, @kd-heart, @latticeframes, @missmarina95, @vassalady
Summary: Aliens have invaded earth, and the Avengers are scattered. While Steve leads the resistance, Tony once again finds himself playing captive scientist. In the midst of a violent alien regime, separated by seemingly insurmountable boundaries, Steve and Tony have nothing to keep themselves going but each other.
Based on When The Lights Go On Again by seanchai and elspethdixon
[Podfic] Straight on till Morning
read by M_Samro (Explicit, 11.5 hours) tumblr: @msamro
Summary: Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
Based on Straight on till Morning by Sineala (@sineala)
Descent [Podfic]
read by tinypinkmouse_podfics (Explicit, 7.5 hours) tumblr: @tinypinkmouse
Summary: A hundred years ago humanity fled to the skies to escape the Darkness spreading across the land. Now the Flying Cities are mysteriously sinking, imperilling every man, woman, and child who lives there. Together with the transmution mages Henry Pym and Lady Janet Van Dyne, and joined by the amnesiac immortal Dr. Donald Blake, High Wizard Anthony Stark mounts an expedition down into the Dark, determined to uncover the secrets of the magical calamity that wiped humanity from the face of the Earth.
Based on Descent by Teyke (@teyke)
[Podfic of] Waking The Dragon
read by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid (Explicit, 7 hours) tumblr: @dr-fumbles-mcstupid
Summary: Since humanity first started spreading across the land, pushing dragons back by sheer numbers, tensions have been high between the species. War is nearly endless, and Prince Tony, the half-human heir of the dragons, is sick of it. When King Howard of the dragons is poisoned, the fate of everything sits in the balance. In desperation to save his own life and to prevent decades of fighting over the throne, Tony sets off to find a cure.
Down in the foothills, Legati Steven of the human army finds himself with a missing friend and assassin, a suspiciously cagy adviser to the ruler and a desperate need to be less interesting. In the interests of scuttling his own career, he starts on his own mission to find his answers. When he runs into Tony, they discover just how complicated things really are.
Based on Waking the Dragon by tsukinofaerii
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xanderxciv · 2 years
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If you dont know the joke this whole thing stems from, check out, The REAL Spider-Verse of Madness on TikTok(or YouTube, its there too).
On Earth-1827, World War 2 went on like normal. Steve Rogers didnt get to fight on the frontlines, but was one of the greatest military minds the United States has ever seen. And Bucky Barnes was his right hand man.
Fast forward to the 1964, the Cold War, tensions are high between the US & the Soviet Union. Project Gladiator is commenced in a joint operation between the US & Germany(they were right in the middle of the 2 superpowers at the time), to have super humans in place so nukes would be a very last resort.
On the US' side, Steve, Bucky & others chose "The Tommygun" Thomas Acres. Same morals as Steve, but with Bucky's viciousness. He stood out because in a mission during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, he stopped things from getting heated between his platoon & a Russian one. Unfortunately, his former superior had him thrown in the hole for that, despite the lives saved.
On Germany's side, Jaegar Asher Erlösung, was chosen. The middle name stands out because he's part Jewish. His father was German, his mother was Jewish. His father served during late WW2, but was one that was a part of Operation Valkyrie, to kill a certain you-know-who, because prior events during the war, he was never with that. In fact, he helped his wife & a few other Jews flee Germany. That real operation unfortunately failed, Jaegar's father was executed.
After WW2, no one's trusting Germany. Jaegar knows the atrocities will never go away, but intends to help his country get a better image, a long road of redemption. His morals are like Steve's as well, difference is he wont kill unless its absolutely necessary, because he doesn't want anyone to think he's just as bad as the German soldiers & higher-ups in WW2 that committed war crimes.
Project Gladiator was a success, The Summer Marine & Lieutenant Germany were born. For 3 years, the two succeeded mission after mission. With the first one being a mission that was off the books, getting all US troops out of Vietnam. Notes on the serum were intentionally destroyed, so Russia or anyone else couldnt replicate it exactly(didn't stop Russia from trying, they messed with gamma radiation later on).
The two got along very well, mainly because the stuff they had to put up with were similar. Jaegar had to earn trust from EVERYONE & keep that positive image for himself & all of Germany. Thomas, although he was handpicked by Steve & Bucky, he was a black soldier in the 60s. So, alot of white soldiers were jealous of him. He had to keep a positive image & not beat the absolute shit outta racist soldiers, for himself & all black people.
The two got the Adamantium shields(yes, we're switching Vibranium & Adamantium), from research lab of Z.M.E.I in Africa, that they stormed alongside soldiers they resuced in Vietnam. Z.M.E.I stole that from Dorado. And the two did bump into the 5th White Puma, D'Aapo, and let the two keep the shields because they earned his respect.
In 1967, the two were deployed to stop Z.M.E.I from succeeding at their plan of world domination. They had different goals compared to the Soviets & didnt give af about what they were doing. They had one of the Infinity Stones & tried using it as a power source for mechs, that were basically man-driven Sentinels. Thomas & Jaegar stopped most of the mechs from launching. One remained & it had to be stopped from landing in the US. They destroyed it while it was over the North Pole, but Thomas seemingly sacrificed himself. All that was left of him was a severed left arm.
But what really happened was the explosion sent Thomas to 2008. He & his shield were found in a frozen state. The first person he saw, was his son, who is an agent for the organization that found him, S.P.E.A.R., lead by Don Sorrow.
The Tungsten Gentleman Richard Lanister, hooked Thomas up with a metal arm.
In those 41 years, Jaegar continued as the Lieutenant Germany. Once he started to get old, it was time for the mantle to be passed on. He had a son too, difference being it was after becoming a supersoldier. The powers were genetic, his son wanted to follow in his footsteps, so he was trained for years, and by 2008, was the 2nd Lieutenant Germany.
The US tried making another super soldier in those 41 years, they had the remaining arm to research, and Thomas' son was ready to volunteer for the project. Richard's father, Edward Lanister, was the lead mind behind it. Was so close to replicating it exactly. But Z.M.E.I also continued after the Cold War, and had him assasinated by one thats curently only known by the codename, The Jade Mongolian. The project was locked away.
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter twelve
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2588
This is technically a reader insert but without the (y/n) and all that. She also has no name mentioned so feel free to imagine as you please.
Follow the reader through the events of the Captain America movies and experience her love for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: none
Note: Normally I am the type of person to be date accurate when writing things and if you are too, I'm sorry. I messed up on the dates, so the battle of New York happens like a month after it should. This is also a short chapter because it's a filler and I'm trying to just get to the Winter Soldier but have everything make sense.
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A few days later I had received a small archivist job in the WWII department of the Smithsonian. Thankfully the made-up resume and a few fake SHIELD recommendations came in handy. I would officially start the following week after a few background checks were cleared. In my free time until then, I unpacked all the boxes in my apartment. It started to feel more homely and warm when all of my things filled up the space. When I didn’t feel like unpacking anything, I started taking long walks to the VFW building. I hadn’t joined in on any of the meetings yet, I just stood by the doorway and watched, listening to the stories people told.
One day that week as I stood back in the hallway after the meeting had ended, a man came up to me. He was a little taller than I was and had the brightest smile I had ever seen. I had watched him in the meetings before, he was usually the one hosting them, giving advice to all who needed it.
“I’ve seen you standing out here for the past three days, why don’t you come have a seat next time? It would be more comfortable than standing out here for an hour.” He said as he leaned his back against the wall right next to me.
“I have thought about it, but I tend to get here after you have started. I don’t want to interrupt anything by just barging in.” I said over my shoulder at him.
“You won't interrupt anything, just come on in next time, we’d be happy to have a new face around,” He pushed himself off the wall and walked down the hall.
After that, I ended up joining the meetings and even spoke a few times. I learned that the man who came up to me that day was Sam Wilson, pararescue, who had served two tours in Afghanistan. From the first day he came up and talked to me to now, we quickly became friends.
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The days had turned into weeks and I was finally able to live relatively by my own means. The Smithsonian was great, in the archives, no one was really around and I could spend a whole day without any interruptions, which allowed me to just concentrate on what I was doing. After closing, I normally walked to meet Sam, who was usually way too excited to see me, even though we saw each other almost every day without fail.
“You’re late today.” I jumped, startled out of my thoughts at the sound of someone talking to me. I looked up, spying Sam standing next to one of the small trees outside the VFW building.
“What do you mean late?”
“I mean you usually get here at three-thirty. It's four right now.” He said looking down at his watch.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize. I've just been lost in my thoughts lately.” I sighed.
“I know we’ve only been friends for what? A month? But I already know when something is bothering you, What is it?”
“Nothing really, just my brother. Since moving here he's called at least twice a week to check up but it’s been radio silence for the past two weeks, he doesn't even answer when I try calling him. I'm just a little worried that something bad is going on, considering his job.”
“Well, maybe he’s just really busy at the moment, or he's somewhere he can't call you. You know how it is being out on those military missions.”
“I know, it’s just the last time we were apart on a mission,” I trailed off and looked up at Sam, he raised his eyebrows, quietly waiting for the end of the sentence. “Someone close to us passed. It’s still fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday. I was there that day and I was too far away to even know what had happened, now my brother and I aren’t even in the same vicinity as each other, there is no telling what could happen and it makes me nervous.”
He gave me a small apologetic smile and patted my shoulder before leading me from the tree where we stood to where his car was parked. “What do you say we hang out at mine and just watch some tv? Get your mind off things? Or we can talk about it, either way, it’s better than dealing with it alone.” I nodded my head and grabbed onto the car door handle as he unlocked it.
Walking through the front door after him I took a quick look around. It was cozy, way more decorated than I thought it would be for a man in his early thirties living alone.
“Make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink?” He asked neck-deep in the fridge.
“Okay, I’ll just have some water,” I called out as I made my way further into the living room. The couch was backed up to the wall a few feet away from the dining room table. I sat down on it and scooted as close as I could to its right arm. A few moments later Sam came over with two glasses of water and a bag of chips. He handed me my drink before crashing down into his own seat. “Thank you,” I said before taking a long sip.
He nodded as he said “No problem.” Before he got himself really comfortable he searched around for the TV remote. As he pressed the ‘on’ button the TV came to life. “What in the world is that?” He sounded concerned so I quickly looked at the screen.
“Breaking: Attack on New York City. This afternoon at 2:15 several unidentified aircraft descended onto Earth's surface. Strange beings, some are calling aliens, Accompanied these ships and are causing havoc in Manhattan. Eyewitnesses have stated that they have seen Iron Man, and what seemed to be Captain America, leading a team of three others fighting back against the invaders. The battle seems to be over but updates are still coming in, let's take a look at some footage of the downtown destruction.” My eyes went wide and my heart stopped as I listened to what the reporter was saying. I kept my eyes glued to the screen as it changed to show a destroyed street. As the camera panned around I spotted Steve fighting against two of the creatures, before the clip quickly changed to show one of the large ships crashing into the New York skyline.
“Oh God Steve, what did you get into?” I murmured to myself.
“You say that like you know him personally.”
“Uhh.” I just gave him a wide-eyed look of surprise. “I do, he’s my brother.”
“Now really isn’t the time to be joking about things,” He gave me a pointed look.
“I swear I’m not joking, he really is my brother. I can explain later, I need to try and get a hold of him.” I pulled out the small flip phone from my pocket and dialed the number for Steve's cell phone, it rang and rang but no answer. I hung up quickly and dialed the number Fury gave me at the beginning of the month. After two rings he answered.
“I assume you are looking for Captain Rogers.”
“Where is he? Is he okay?” I tried to keep the worried tone from coming through in my voice.
“He’s fine. He is in the middle of a debriefing. I’ll tell him you called.”
“Okay, thank you.” As soon as the words left my mouth he gave a quick hum and then hung up. I looked over at Sam whose eyes hadn't left me at all. “Everything is fine, he's in a debrief so that means that whatever happened in New York is definitely over.”
“That’s good to hear, hopefully, those things don’t try to come back again.” He shook like a shiver ran down his spine. “Now please explain how Captain America, a man from the 1940s, is your brother.”
“I can hear the skepticism in your voice.”
He held his hands up in defense, “Hey, I'm not the one saying I'm the sister to a 90 something-year-old man.”
“Look, it’s a long story that I would rather not get into now but the short version is that I was born in 1921, Steve is my older brother, we both ended up taking the super-soldier serum and fought against HYDRA in the second world war. We ended up crashing a plane into some Ice in the Atlantic ocean and were found and unfrozen last October.” “If you are really Captain America’s sister, then why are you never mentioned in anything?” I looked at him and shook my head.
“Well for starters it was the forties and I was a woman fighting on the front lines. Credit is never given where it is due. But there is also the fact that I was a part of the SSR, which was very secretive, after I died.” I put my fingers up in air quotes, “They should have erased most, if not all the files on me, per protocol. The only reason Steve is well known is because of his time going cross country selling war bonds.” I paused for a second before quickly adding, “I’m sure if you look hard enough, you’ll find me in the history books somewhere.”
Sam just sat there not really saying anything. This was the first time I think he had ever been quiet for more than five seconds. I let out a deep sigh and stood, grabbing my bag from the floor. “Thanks for having me over, but I think I need to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stood and walked me to the door.
“Don’t be late. I’ll see you.” Sam waved me off and I headed down the street.
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About half a year later while sorting through some archive files, I came across Peggy Carter. I felt a pang in my heart as I stared at the photo of her standing next to Howard Stark. Other than Steve and Bucky, those two were my closest friends. I fell down a rabbit hole after that, finding any information on the two that I could find. They had both helped found SHIELD in 1965, they had both gotten married and had children of their own. Peggy's children had stayed out of the public eye, but in true Stark fashion, Howard’s son evidently took over the family business and was living the high life. I pulled out a newspaper from the stack I had on the table in front of me and was shocked at what I saw. The title read ‘Howard and Maria Stark Die in Car Accident’, I knew Howard most likely wasn’t alive anymore but seeing the photographs of the wrecked car in the newspaper cast a somber mood through the room.
I laid the paper down on the table and ruffled through more of the papers before determining that we had no information on if Peggy was alive or not. That sent me into a frenzy of looking through phone books to try and find her and calling every retirement home in DC that I could. The only lead I had to go off of was a small interview from a newspaper, talking to Peggy about the seventieth anniversary of V-E Day, stated that she was living in Washington, DC.
After eight failed calls, finally, on the ninth, I had finally found a home which had a Peggy Carter as a residence in room 204. I rushed to pack up my things and left my office early. I ran down the back hallways as fast as I could without drawing too much attention. When I made it out of the building I ran full speed to the road to hail a cab.
Amazingly the traffic was almost nonexistent and I made it to the retirement home in only ten minutes. I fumbled out of the cab and I raced through the front doors of the building. I must have startled the women at the front desk because as soon as I rounded the corner to the staircase, they were yelling after me. I took the steps three at a time in my haste to get to the second floor. I stopped running when I was outside of room 204. I couldn’t see anything clearly through the frosted window so I knocked hesitantly and slowly opened the door and stepped in.
There in the middle of the room, against the wall was a single bed. A woman laid there quietly with her eyes closed. The closer I came to her the more familiar she looked. I let out a relieved gush of breath. There she was, older now, but still the Peggy I once knew. I nervously grabbed one of the chairs in the corner of the room and brought it over to her bedside so I could sit. Gently I gave her a small tap on the hand before just holding it in mine. She stirred but her eyes never opened.
All of a sudden one of the nurses from downstairs came into the room, with an angry and shocked expression.
“Ma’am, You can't be in here. If you want to see a patient, you have to sign in.” I ignored her, my eyes trained on Peggy's face. The commotion of the woman barging into the room had made her open her eyes and look around. I just watched as she scanned the room, first to the door on the left, to the wall in front of her, past me sitting on her right, then to the window behind me.” Her brows raised and she lifted her hands to her eyes to rub. The shock on her face was evident as she turned her head to stare directly at me.
“Hey Carter, long time no see huh?” I gave her the biggest smile that I could.
“Is it really you?” She reached her hand out to mine and grabbed hold.
“It is, it’s really me.”
“Ma’am, I mean it, you can't be here.” The nurse tried again, this time Peggy shot her a glare.
“Ms. I’ll have you know this is one of my best friends and she can be in here if she wants to. Now leave us alone.” The young nurse nodded her head and rushed out, even in old age she could still put on that commanding tone that struck fear in every man. She slowly turned back to me, almost like if she looked back for me, I would be gone. “How? How are you here?”
“It’s a long story Peg, are you sure you want to hear it?”
“Look where I am, I have nothing but time.” She laughed out and I let out my own small laugh as I shook my head.
In addition to what I had been doing, like hanging out with Sam, after that first visit, I made it a priority to see Peggy once or twice every two weeks, depending on how she was doing. Dementia had put a lot of stress on her, and seeing me after almost seventy-five years and looking relatively the same as I had when frozen took out a giant toll on her.
And that's how the next 10 months went until Steve eventually moved into an apartment directly under me.
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Tag List: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @underc0vercryptid-reads @geek-and-proud @intothesoul @leyannrae @starkleila
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phdna · 3 years
there's Something in me that's ruined by the fact that bucky was in on steve's plan (tho to what extent we don't know, bc writing differences etc and the look on bucky's face when steve didn't immediately come back in endgame destroyed me) and yet he's the one who is clinging to steve's memory so strongly, and that's not to say that sam doesn't care bc that's nowhere NEAR the case, but I think that moment where bucky takes out steve's book and starts fiddling nervously with it says so much about how much he's physically been carrying his mourning, about how he's been clinging to steve's memory and actions as ~the good~ in his version of the world, and how hard it is to let that go even if he was the one with the warning, much like it's hard to let go after losing someone with a long term illness, tbqh I think it's the most telling thing about their bond since he pulled steve from the river
I, uh... Ended up writing a mini essay. Sorry for that.
Also I’m taking the liberty of tagging @angry-carlisle-jr just because this somewhat ties in to this post.
Oh boy, YES. I’m sure Steve being gone hits Sam hard - losing someone you’d die for has got to hurt, no matter how well-adjusted you are. And we can really see how much Sam is missing Steve. But Bucky... It’s just different, isn’t it? Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Does Bucky even properly remember not having Steve in his life?
I think it’s a clear display of how much Bucky is yearning for anything Steve-related that not only does he treat this notebook almost like a lifeline, but he’s also irrationally obsessed with the shield, even though the shield represents Captain America more than it does the little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. But he’ll take whatever keepsake he can find, because Steve is the one person he trusts unconditionally, and if he can’t trust anyone - including himself - bits and pieces of Steve is all he has left to orient himself. He’s clinging on to the things Steve told him, to the way Steve saw him, to the things Steve left behind, because that’s the closest thing to an anchor he has, and he’s obviously feeling so... adrift. No family, no friends, free to do what? If he lets go of the one thing he has left, where does that leave him?
And like. Of course this would happen. Of course! Bucky already had enough on his plate without having to add “coping with losing all the family he had left” to the things he has to deal with! And we can argue all day whether it was in character for Steve to leave (I don’t think it was - not in the way it happens in canon, anyway, but I can see other ways in which it could have been) - but I think it’s hard to argue that Bucky wouldn’t have wanted Steve to go. Not wanted as in “I’ll be happy if you leave” but as in “Leaving will make you happier than staying, and I care more about your happiness than mine.” Putting Steve’s wellbeing above his own is what Bucky does. Once the possibility of a happier timeline for Steve existed, Bucky would’ve never forgiven himself if he’d been the reason why Steve chose to give up that timeline.
What hits me so hard about all of this is how Bucky’s devotion is just so... pure. He’ll break through brainwashing to save Steve, but if Steve ever wants to leave, he won’t stop him, even if he knows that’ll make him miserable. I don’t think even Steve, loyal and loving as he is, could do that! And I don’t ever get the impression that Bucky even resents Steve or anything. He’s lost, and mourning, and struggling, but I feel like if Steve were to magically appear to double check if Bucky was still okay with his decision, Bucky would somehow find the strength to say that yes, of course, he is, it’s what Steve wanted, he’ll be alright. And that’s what utterly destroyed me about that scene. Like, Bucky will give up any and every thing he has for Steve’s sake, including the most precious thing he has, which is Steve himself. I mean, GOD!!! I didn’t think Bucky could top “break through brainwashing, jump off a helicarrier, dive into a river and use a broken arm to swim so he can use his other arm to pull Steve to safety” but maybe “being willing to lose the person he’d do all that for if that means Steve has a shot at living the peaceful life Bucky wishes he himself could’ve had” takes the cake, you know. Just ugh! How unconditionally can someone love someone else!!! This is literally too much for me to fully wrap my head around!!!!! And then I think - what is grief, if not love persevering? And then I try to imagine the amount of grief that’d come with this kind of lifelong, indelible, all-encompassing love, and I think “that’s a price Bucky is willing to pay for Steve’s happiness” and I just... I can’t deal with that.
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margokesses · 4 years
Okay so sam and miles both taking the mantle of spiderman and captain america are similar in the fact that they're both black people getting the mantle from white men. (Also them getting compared to their white counterparts is because of racism but that's another topic). And they're stories deal with trying to do their own thing with that mantle. But I would argue there's a lot more differences
Miles wasn't originally liked when her first appeared in the comics (mostly due to racist white fanboys who were mad bc peter died). But I feel like with itsv and his game and his current run of comics are changing the perception of him. And I feel like now he's more accepted because of the whole "anyone can be spiderman" thing and the multiverse. But there's also the fact that miles story begins with him getting his powers. His is an orgin story. We don't know anything about miles before that point so of course people are gonna be like "oh what's he gonna do with his new powers compared to peter?". Also there's the fact that the spiderman mantle isn't that much pressure compared to captain america? Like all you have to do is be a friendly neighborhood spiderman and protect the city.
With sam wilson its different. Sam's story begins before he gets the mantle. He's known as steve rogers partner. So when he gets the mantle its more of "what is he gonna do with this new shield?". You already know what he's like. And there's also more responsibility but onto him because captain america is a symbol. And in the comics he decides to do more than that and take a stand and that leads to him being not well liked in the comics universe (outside of racism). His story is less of an origin story and more of a interpretation.
I would also argue that in the comics we knew that sam cap was gonna be temporary until steve came back. I highly doubt that's gonna happen in the show. But sam's story being temporary is why he doesn't have much to go off on or do much. Compared to miles where he wasn't temporary. When peter came back to life miles was already spiderman. And he gave him his blessing. And when 1610 (the universe where miles came from) got destroyed he got sent to the main marvel universe where he's still spiderman and 616 peter doesn't mind it (probably bc the 616 has like 7 spiderpeople in it already). He has more things to go through compared to sam. He's allowed to be a more fleshed out character with his mantle. Where sam doesn't get that. When steve gets the shield back he goes straight back to being falcon with no real changes made to his character or the cap mantle in general. If miles loses the mantle he's can just miles...
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Captain America: The First Avenger
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We Are Looking At The First Movie With The First Avenger, Captain America...
When I Saw The Trailer For This Movie, I Had No Idea Who Captain America Was, I Had Seen The Original Movie With Matt Sallenger When I Was Younger But I Had Absolutely No Memory About It Whatsoever And After Watching The Nostalgia Critic's Review Of It, I'm Glad I Don't...
So I Went To The Comics And Bought An Omnibus Of Captain America Comics With The First Few Issues, And I Liked It To The Point I Couldn't Wait To See The Film In Theatres, However, When I Saw The Captain America Costume I Started To Not Hold Out Much Hope For The Movie As It Didn't Look Like Captain America From The Comics
And The Idea Of The Human Torch Playing Cap Instead Of Someone Who Hasn't Been A Superhero Just Added To That But Luckily, When I Saw The Film I Absolutely Loved It But Is It As Good As I Remember It?...
Let's Find Out As We Watch Captain America: The First Avenger...
The Film Starts In The Arctic, As 2 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Are Taken To A Ship That Has Been Uncovered By A Russian Oil Team, Lasering Their Way Into The Vessel, The 2 Agents Find The Vessel Iced Over. Discovering What Looks To Be A Red, White And Blue Shield Covered In Ice, One Of The Agents Tries To Contact Nick Fury, Saying That He Has To Know About What They Found...
But Before We Can Find Out, We Go To A Flashback In Norway In The Year 1942, As A Hydra Tank Barges Into A Church, So The Leader Of Hydra, Johann Schmidt (Played By Hugo Weaving) May Enter With Soliders To Find The Tesseract...
(Imitating Agent Smith From The Matrix) Mr. Anderson...
Searching A Tomb, Schmidt Finds Something That Looks Like The Tesseract But As Schmidt Points Out, The Tesseract Was The Jewel Of Odin's Treasure Room And It's Not Something Someone Buries...
Asking The Caretaker Where The Tesseract Is To The Point Of Threatening To Destroy The Entire City, The Man Points To A Big Wooden Wall Carving Of Yggdrasil, The Tree Of The World, Which Is Where Schmidt Finds It...
With The Caretaker Telling Schmidt That He Contol The Power Of The Tesseract And He Will Burn For It, Schmidt Kills The Caretaker Before Walking Out...
Meanwhile In New York, We Go To An Army Enlistment Center Where Steve Rogers (Played By What's Left Of Chris Evans After Playing This Character For Many Movies) Attempts To Join The Army Only To Not Get In Due To His Bad Health..
Going To A Movie Afterwards, Steve Gets Mad At A Guy Who Doesn't Care About The Newsreels And Wants The Cartoons To Roll Which Leads To A Fight Outside Between The 2 Of Them...
Saved By His Best Friend, Bucky Barnes (Played By Sebastian Stan) Who Got Himself Enlisted And Is Shipping Out Tomorrow So, That Night Him And Steve Take 2 Girls (One Being Possibly An Ancestor Of Clara Oswald) To The World Of Tomorrow Expo Where They See A Science Demonstration Done By Howard Stark (Played Here By Dominic Cooper)...
Going To An Army Recruitment Center At The Expo, Bucky Tries To Stop Steve From Enlisting Again (As He's Been Lying On His Enlistment Forms And That's Technically Illegal) But Not Willing To Sit On The Sidelines Anymore, Steve Tells Bucky That He's At Least Got To Try No Matter What The Cost...
Telling His Friend To Be Careful And To Not Do Anything Stupid, Bucky Leaves, Overhearing His Conversation With Bucky, Steve Is Confronted By Dr. Abraham Erskine, A Scientist Who Works For The SSR Who Offers Steve A Chance To Get What He Wants...
Meanwhile At Hydra HQ, Johann Schmidt Has Arnim Zola (Played By Toby Jones) Work On A Machine That Will Transfer The Power Of The Tesseract Into Weaponry For Hydra....
Activating The Machine, Arnim Zola Is Cautious When Raising The Energy For The Transference But Schmidt Is A Patient Man And Places The Machine At Full Power Which Causes A Interesting Effect But It Works...
With The Energy They Have, Zola Tells Schmidt That It Could Not Power All Of His Designs But Change The War As Well As The World...
A Few Days Later At The SSR Base Camp, Steve And A Bunch Of Other Guys Are Briefed By Agent Peggy Carter (Played By Hayley Atwell) And Colonel Phillips (Played By Agent K Himself, Tommy Lee Jones) Who Tell Them About The SSR And How They Will Be Choosing A Man To Be The First In A New Breed Of Super Solider...
Cue The Training Montage!
Well, I'll Admit Steve Isn't Mulan But He Got The Flag!
With Erskine Deciding That Steve Is The Right Man For The Job, Phillips Fights Erskine On It As He Believes That Steve Is A Loser And That A Man Named Hodge Is Better Decision As He Passed All Their Tests, But Looking For Qualities Beyond Physical For This, Phillips Decides To Throw In A Dummy Grenade Which Steve Gladly Takes For His Fellow Soldiers, Saying That He's Still Skinny, Phillips Walks Away...
With The Experiment Happening The Next Day, Erskine Pays Steve A Visit In His Bunk Where He Asks Erskine Why Him? This Leads Erskine To Tell Steve How He Was Recruited By Adolf Hitler Himself To Join The Nazis But Telling Hitler That He's Not Interested, Hitler Instead Sent Schmidt Who Shares A Passion With Hitler For The Occult And Myths...
However Unlike Hitler Who Believes It To Be Fantasy, Schmidt Believes It To Be Real And That There Is Some Great Power Left By The Gods Waiting To Be Seized By Man. Hearing About Erskine's Formula, Schmidt Could Not Resist Taking That Power For Himself, But When Schmidt Took It There Were Unfortunate Side Effects...
Saying That The Formula Amplifies Everything That Is Inside Of The Person, With Good Becoming Great And Evil Becoming Worse, He Says That That Is Why Steve Was Chosen Because A Strong Man Who Has Known Power All Of His Life Will Lose Respect For That Power Where A Weak Man Knows The Value Of Strength And Compassion...
Before Tomorrow, Erskine Has Steve Promise Him One Thing, That He Will Stay Who He Is, Not A Perfect Solider But A Good Man...
Back At Hydra HQ, Schmidt Tells Zola That His Men Have Located Erskine And Tells Zola To Give The Order To Kill Him...
Taking Steve To The SSR's Hideout, Peggy Takes Steve Into A Lab Where The Experiment Will Happen...
Meanwhile At Hydra HQ, Schmidt Is Visited By Some Of Hitler's Generals Which Leads To Him Showing Them The Results Of His Work By Saying That Hydra Is Developing An Arsenal To Destroy Schmidt's Enemies In One Stroke Including Germany, Which Leads To Him Wiping The Generals Out With One His New Weapons...
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I Guess We Can Change The Name Of The Musical To Springtime For Red Skull...
With The President Retasking The SSR To Go After Hydra, Steve Wants In But With Erskine's Death, Phillips Considers The Project A Failure As Erskine Promised Them An Army Of Super Soliders And That Just Having Steve Is Not Enough To Win The War.
However, A Senator Believes Different After Both Him And The Country See Steve In Action And Offers Steve Another Opportunity To Serve His Country...By Selling War Bonds....
(Start At 0:22)
And What Can I Say About This? I Absolutely Love It! There's Only One Other Thing That Could Top It And That's If They Played This...
Doing A Performance At An Army Camp That Goes Horribly, Steve Runs Into Peggy Who Reminds Steve That Erskine Wanted Better For Him Than To Just Be A Performing Monkey, Seeing Wounded Soliders Come In From The 107th, Steve Remembers That That Is Bucky's Troop Which Leads Him To Talk With Phillips About If Bucky Survived And Phillips Makes It Look Like He Didn't...
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Asking If Phillips Is Planning A Rescue Mission For The Ca, Phillips Tells Steve No As They're 30 Miles Behind Enemy Lines That Are Heavily Fortified And They'd Lose More Men Then They'd Save, But Unable To Accept That Steve Plans A Rescue Mission With The Help Of Peggy And Howard Stark, Who Takes Steve Into Enemy Lines On Board Stark's Airplane...
Parachuting Into Enemy Lines, Steve Boards A Truck That Takes Him Into Hydra Base, Once Inside, Steve Rescues The Missing Soliders Including The Howling Commandos (With Two Of Them Played By Damien Dahrk And Spider-Man's Principal?)...
(Start At 0:31)
With The Soldiers Fighting Hydra And The Base Exploding Around Them, Steve And Bucky Go Up Flights Of Stairs Only To Be Confronted By Schmidt...
(Start At 0:30)
Back At The SSR Camp, It's Believed That Rogers Is Dead But...Yeah, Steve Survived As Well As The Soliders From The 107th Including Bucky...
Meanwhile In Washington, Steve Is About To Get A Medal For Valor By The Senator But Of Course He's Not There...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Returning To The SSR's Headquarters In London, Steve Shows Peggy The Locations Of The Hydra Bases That He Saw On Schmidt's Map While Bucky Tells Them About The Weapons Factories However, Hydra Has Shipped The Parts To His Main HQ Which Is Not On The Map...
Phillips Tells Carter To Coordinate With MI6 (Which Makes Me Wonder If Captain America And James Bond Have Ever Teamed Up) To Look For Schmidt's Main Base, While They Send Rogers To Deal With The Other Bases...
With Phillips Putting Together A Team To Help Steve, Steve Already Has People In Mind Which Leads Him To Recruit The Howling Commandos And Bucky To Help Him...
The Next Day, Steve Goes To Meet With Howard Stark, But While He Waits, He Talks With Margaery Tyrell Which Leads To Her Kissing Steve (And Who Wouldn't Want To Kiss Her) Only For Them To Be Spotted By Peggy Despite Steve Thinking That Her And Stark Had Something Going On...
When Stark Talks With Steve, He Tells Him That There's Nothing Going On Between Him And Peggy Before He Shows Steve Some New Shields Until Steve Finds A Prototype Made Out Of Vibranium...
(Imitating Black Panther) Wakanda Forever!
Which Will Work...
(End At 2:02)
Not Happy With What Is Going On With His Bases, Red Skull Tells Zola To Finish His Mission Before Captain America Does Or Else...
Attempting To Get Zola Back To His Headquarters As Quick As Possible, Zola Ends Up Boarding A Speed Train That Unfortunately Passes By Where Cap And His Crew Happen To Be...
Using A Zip Line, Cap, Bucky And The Other Howling Commandos Board The Train Only To Be Confronted By Hydra Soliders With Major Weaponry...
Major Weaponry That's Powerful Enough To Burst Open A Wall...
After Dealing With The Soldiers, Another One Enters And Blasts Bucky Out Of The Train Only To Leave Him Hanging By A Handle, Attempting To Save His Best Friend Steve Tries To Reach For Him But Unfortunately The Rail Breaks And Bucky Just Falls To His Death...
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But In Good News, They Capture Arnim Zola...
Phillips Interrogates Zola Who Doesn't Say A Damn Word Until Phillips Gives Him A Letter That Shows Him That The Red Skull Has Turned On Him And Believes Zola To Be A Liability Which Leads Zola To Spill His Guts On Red Skull's Plan...
Finding Steve In A Cafe That Him And His Friends Went To Before It Was Destroyed, Peggy Finds Steve Having A Few Drinks To Try To Dull The Pain Of Losing Bucky But Like The Flash, Due To His Powers He Can't Get Drunk...
But Peggy Tells Steve That It's Not His Fault And If He Believed And Respected Bucky Then He Should Honor His Decision. Understanding That, Steve Swears To Go To Go After Schmidt And Destroy Hydra...
Steve, Peggy And The Howling Commandos Fight Hydra's Soliders Off, But Eventually Steve Catches Up With Red Skull Only To See Him Take Off In His Massive Plane, But When Phillips And Peggy Commandeer Red Skull's Car, They Attempt To Catch Up With It...
(Captain America) You Remember The Little Red Button?
(Phillips) You Don't Have To Tell Me Twice!
(Pushes Little Red Button)
Catching Up With Red Skull's Ship, Steve Kisses Peggy Goodbye, Before Hopping On Board...
As Steve Sees Missiles Targeted For Every City On The Planet, More Soliders Appear To Fight Steve, With Him Defeating Every Single One Of Them, Before Facing Off Against Red Skull...
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(Start At 0:28)
With Peggy Contacting Steve On-Board The Plane, She Tries To Direct Him To A Site To Land But There's Not Enough Time And He Has No Choice But To Force The Ship Down...
Peggy Talks With Steve For As Long As Possible Till His Ship Crashes....
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We Get A Montage Of What Happened After The War Including A Scene Where Howard Stark Finds The Tesseract In The Ocean And Peggy Keeping A Picture Of Steve Before Cutting To The Future! As Steve Wakes Up Years Later In A Hospital (That Looks Like It's In The Past) By A Woman (Who Is Supposedly Sharon Carter Except Instead Of Emily Van Camp It's Amanda Righetti From The O.C.) Who Is There To Tell Steve What's Going On...
However, The Game Playing On The Radio, Is A Game Steve Went To Years Ago...
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(Start At 1:17)
After The Credits We Get A Sneak Peak Of The Avengers Before The Movie Ends...
And That's Captain America: The First Avenger And I Absolutely Love This Movie...
The 1940s Setting Is Fantastic, I Love The Story, I Love The Characters, I Love The Villain Despite Everyone Saying That He's Lame And Honestly I Have No Idea Why Hugo Weaving Did Not Want To Come Back For A Sequel As Red Skull Is Such A Good Character And A Great Villain In This Movie, I Love The Effects In The Movie With The Hydra Weaponry, The Costumes Are Great And It Is One Of My Favorite MCU Films And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke Saying That Next Week We're Tackling The Avengers!
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