#the one with nick fury and how Steve rogers was dangerous
levans44 · 9 months
Apartment #3 - Chapter 2
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pairing: steve rogers x undercover!reader
warnings: 18+ SMUT*, Neighbors to Friends to Lovers, lots of angst, heavy mutual pining, hurt/comfort, eventual smut/romance/fluff
summary: as an undercover agent at SHIELD, her newest assignment involves moving in across the hall from her target. she's strictly ordered to keep her distance—no personal contact besides the absolutely necessary. the only issue? her new target neighbor turns out to be Captain America.
Jessica Grace Parker December 4th, 1989 569 Leaman Place Apt. #3, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Registered Nurse NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
It’s the undercover alias she’s been assigned as a member of SHIELD’s Special Operations unit. The mission objective was rather simple—monitor the target and report updates as necessary.
She’s gone undercover more than a dozen times, so it’s not the details of the assignment or the temporary relocation she’s concerned about.
It’s just that her target was well… more unusual than most.
author's note: an idea that's been living in my head ever since steve asked sharon for that cup of coffee in their apartment hallway. as a SHIELD agent, the reader's real name has been [REDACTED] to preserve anonymity.
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“That the last of everything?” 
“Yup.” She grunts, unloading the last box of her belongings off the back of Thomas's truck and onto the sidewalk. She dusts off her hands, stepping back as her coworker closes the trunk and locks the vehicle. 
“Should you even be here right now?” She murmurs, glancing around nervously, though there are no pedestrians around. This mission was, funnily enough, one of SHIELD’s most coveted. Very few people knew about its existence—aside for Nick Fury, only Thomas and a few other couple agents in special ops were in the loop.
“Eh, what Fury doesn’t know won’t kill him.” Thomas dismisses her with a flick of his wrist, sliding the shades off his face as he surveys the neighborhood. She follows suit, getting a good first look at her new home.
 569 Leaman Place was located at a charming little street in Brooklyn Heights—idyllic brownstone row houses with red mahogany doors, bay windows, and black awnings. The entire area seemed like a welcome departure from her old neighborhood in Manhattan—low-rise architecture and narrower streets, lots of warm sun with lush greenery shielding the sidewalks. She could already envision herself sitting outside at one of the cute cafes around the block, sipping on an oat milk latte and spending a leisurely afternoon people-watching.
Yup, she wouldn’t mind living here for a while. 
“How are you feeling about the assignment?” 
Thomas’s question catches her off guard, breaking her out of her daydream as she glances up, squinting under the bright sunlight.
“What, you mean spying on a national hero? Not too psyched, to be honest.” 
“Don’t forget he’s also technically your superior advisor.” He eyes her amusedly, helping her pick up the boxes off the sidewalk and up the stairs of the row house. 
“Right.” She mutters, groaning a little at the reminder.
As soon as they drop off the last of the boxes at the entrance, Thomas's phone buzzes with a notification.
“I should be heading back. You want me to call someone to help with this?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Go take care of… whatever that is.”
Cut to half an hour later, when she’s panting and slugging up the stairs of her new apartment, lower back aching from the crushing weight of the box in her arms. 
Good lord, maybe she should have thought twice about refusing help—with no elevator or AC, the four flights of stairs between the lobby and her unit seemed longer than a hike up Kilimanjaro. 
She grunts, slamming the box down as soon as she reaches the fourth floor. The wooden floor creaks dangerously beneath her, and the sound of the ceiling fan in the hallway is almost deafeningly loud once she takes a second to catch her breath. 
Guess some things are better from the outside. 
She takes a proper look around the inside of the building—from the faded hardwood to the old carpeting, she’d guess that it was at least a century old. 
Out of all the places to live in the city, Captain America chose this place?
She pushes the box away from the stairwell, dragging it across the straggly carpet into a corner. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she stands up, giving her back a much-needed stretch. Then, with a loud sigh, she begins turning around sluggishly, dreading the trip to retrieve the rest of her stuff downstairs, when a voice sounds from the top of the staircase. 
“You alright?”
She swivels around, coming face to face with her mission target.
Her eyes flit over his tight compression shirt and a pair of grey sweats, a light sheen of sweat on his neck catching the dull lighting of the hallway as he tilts his head back for a sip of water. 
“Hey.” A flash of blue as his eyes meet hers, giving her a nod and a smile. Polite, and a little stiff. Valid, given she was a stranger.
She blinks, reciprocating his greeting with a jaw that feels a little loose at the hinges. He takes another moment to survey her closely before his eyes suddenly grow, brows raising in what she can’t tell is realization or surprise. Her stomach tightens, panic seizing in her throat.
“Oh! Are you…”  
The flight or fight instinct inside her flares up—could he really be recognizing her? Perhaps from a millisecond interaction at SHIELD headquarters? Maybe they had attended the same meeting? Passed each other in the lobby? Sat in close proximity during a press conference?
Shit, an hour into the mission? This must be some sort of record.
“…are you moving into that unit?” He sticks his head down the hall, gesturing to the second door on the right—the only one without a welcome mat out in front.
Faded, dark mahogany with the number 3 plated in dull gold.
Thank god. 
“Yeah, yes, I am.” She nods, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, though he doesn’t seem to notice.
She notices the friendly smile that starts to bloom on his face, wide and warm, small lines crinkling the corners of cool blue eyes.
“Oh, that’s great, are you new to the neighborhood?”
“Yeah, I just moved from Midtown.” 
It wasn’t a complete lie, considering how she did use to live in a SHIELD-commissioned studio apartment in Manhattan. God, she was dearly gonna miss that under-5-minute commute to work. Now she’d have to suffer through a 40 minute train ride every morning, wearing hospital scrubs she would have to change out of as soon as she got to her desk job at SHIELD. 
He gives her another nod, holding eye contact for a curiously long time. Her eyes start to falter during the brief moment of silence when his brows raise in realization. He shifts his weight to his right foot, stepping forward, and flashes an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, I’m Steve. I live just down the hall.” He gestures to the door across from hers, wiping his hand on the bottom of his shorts before extending it in greeting.
She glances down at his hand, blinking.
Out of all the details during this first encounter, she’s most surprised by the way he introduces himself—just Steve, an ordinary 30-something-year-old returning home after a run.
It strikes her, then, like whiplash.
To her, Steve was Captain America, someone she’s spent the last few days reading about tirelessly, nailing down every detail. 
To Steve, she was just… a neighbor. Someone new to the neighborhood, moving in down the hall. 
And with that reality finally sinking in, she accepts Steve’s hand, tentatively slipping her fingers into his palm. 
Ah, the famous Captain America handshake.
It’s firm, warm, resolute—nothing short of what you’d expect from America’s hero. She thinks briefly of her friend from work, Thomas, who refused to wash his hands for two whole days after getting a handshake from the man standing in front of her.
Up until this point, Captain Amercia had been little more than a public figure for SHIELD—a glorified symbol of all the values her company supposedly stands behind. 
Now, meeting Steve Rogers in the flesh, as he towers over her with his 6-foot-something frame, she starts to understand just why this man had been revered among family, friends, and coworkers alike.
(“He was more godly than, like, Thor, I swear.” Thomas had raved.)
“Jess.” She offers quietly, retracting her hand.
Ugh. Jess. Something about her new identity didn’t sound right. A little too doe-eyed, Zooey-Deschanel-esque for her liking, but perhaps even that had been an intentional move on Fury’s part. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Jess.” Her fake name rolls off of Steve’s tongue so smoothly, slow and sweet, and she has to swallow down a sudden wave of nausea that hits the back of her throat.
Steve lingers, gaze flitting over to the messy array of boxes shoved into the corner behind her.
“Do you need help with your boxes? I noticed a few of ‘em were still downstairs.”
“Oh, I…” On one hand, she’s not sure if this would violate the whole ‘minimal contact’ clause of her mission assignment. But then again, her back feels like it’s seconds away from splitting in half, and how could she begin the mission if she can’t even move into her new place?
“It’s really no trouble, I promise.” Steve smiles reassuringly, as if sensing the conflict on her face. Misjudges her pause for polite hesitation. 
“… thank you.” She manages to breathes out.
Steve nods, jogging down to the first floor and re-appearing up the stairs in a flash, carrying all of her remaining boxes up in one trip. 
“Thank you for this, really.” She murmurs, shuffling down the hall to her door. She spares a quick sideways glance at Steve, who’s carrying four boxes at a time without so much as breaking a sweat. She’s barely keeping up with the smaller one in her arms, her bag hanging from her arm and her keys balanced precariously on top of the box. 
When they reach apartment #3, she leans forward to set her things down, the keys slipping to the floor in the process.
“Shoot.” She mutters, face burning with embarrassment as she quickly bends down, but he’s quicker.
“I got it.” 
And apparently superhuman power also mean superhuman reflexes, because he’s down at the floor picking up her keychain before she even has the chance to blink.
“… here.” 
There’s a slight pause in his movements when he hands her back her keys, and when her eyes trail down to what’s in his hand, she immediately understands why.  
A shiny Captain America shield keychain sticks out from the rest of the dull array of metal—the red, white, and blue plastic of honor hanging proudly from his fingertips.
It was a sick little joke played by the tiny group of people in her department that knew about her new gig—‘a good luck charm!’ Thomas had taunted. She had rolled her eyes, adding it to her keychain jokingly, and meant to take it off long before she was set to relocate to Brooklyn.
She feels her entire face burn a deep crimson as she tries to remain poker-faced, clearing her throat as she takes the keys from his hand and hastily shoves it through the door.
“Just… y-you can just set those down anywhere, thanks.” 
She steps aside for Steve to walk in, gripping at the doorframe as she makes a mental note burn the keychain into next week, alongside Thomas and the rest of her coworkers. 
By the time Steve sets down the last of her belongings in the middle of her empty living room, her cheeks are still flushed ripe with embarrassment.
“Thank you for your help, really.” She gives him a polite smile at the door, unable to make full eye contact. 
“No worries, let me know if you need anything else.” He smiles, and she finds the tiniest piece of respite in noticing that if he had seen what was on her keychain (which was virtually inevitable given the circumstances), he didn’t seem at all bothered. 
“… well, I’ll see you around Jess.” He smiles, giving her a small wave.
“Yeah, you too.” She nods, trying to conceal the tight lines around her lips. Steve steps back in the direction of his apartment, fishing out his keys from his pocket. She starts to turn around, fingers trembling with the details of her first encounter with Captain America, when she hears his voice calls out again from across the hall. 
“Oh, I almost forgot…”
Shit, what?
When she turns back around, he’s leaned against the faded doorway of apartment #4, flashing her a charming smile—classic all-American, pearly-whites and all.
“…welcome to the building.”
Apartment #3 Masterlist
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Hi✨. How are you?. Hope You re feeling great today, love u so much 🙂💐. It's me again jeje. Just LOVE your writing SO MUCH.
Am thinking of a one shot, male reader x Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers, R is a shape shifter, but something happends fighting with Hydra, they experiment on him a few days and when the Avengers rescue him, change of shape because of a strong sound because he is scare.
He ends up changing to a puppy, being scare of everything and everyone talking to him and trying to touch him.
So Bucky or Steve take care of him for a few days until he changes again to a human.
Love u 💞
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Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Shapeshifter male reader
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What about both? ;)
Im doing great, thanks for asking. Hope you’re doing well too.
I tried to shake the shapeshifting abilities origin up a little, hope that’s alright ^^
Sorry for the super long intro, I just got way too carried away with this haha
-          You were one of the last members to join the avengers, it was first after the attack on New York by the chitauri that you responded to the request SHIELD had sent you.
-          You weren’t fully human, the child of a Skrull and a human. Normally Skrull could only shapeshift into other humanoid like creatures, but because of your mixed blood you could transform into animals and alike. Your normal form also looked mostly human, except for slightly sharper ears, slimmer pupils, and sharper canines along with the teeth around them being sharper. You hid these features using your powers.
  -          You were raised on earth by your parents, your Skrull parent taking the form of a human. You had known Nick Fury your entire life because of his connection to the Skrull, and him wanting to keep in contact incase you or your family ever were put in danger.
-          As time passed you mastered your abilities, you realized that a normal life just wasn’t for you. So, you started to do missions for Nick and taking a vigilante like position before that was a common thing to do. You worked in the shadows most of the time, and after getting hurt a few too many times Nick demanded you be trained, which is how you met Natasha and Clint.
-          The three of you would fight together at times, and they were both shocked when you used your abilities around them for the first time as they assumed you were a normal human like them. You didn’t tell them you were part alien, so they just assumed you were a meta.
  -          You ended up joining the avengers, and in the beginning the others were cautious about you, all except for Natasha, Clint and interestingly enough, Thor. You had an inkling that he somehow knew of you being part Skrull, as he referred to you as his fellow brother from space.
-          But as time passed and you all went on missions together and lived together you became closer. Through this you got to know Steve more, and as time went on the feelings of friendship became something more.
-          You didn’t confess to him because you couldn’t imagine him wanting to be with someone like you, and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
-          Though you would turn into a large dog at times so Steve would cuddle you. Natasha and Clint could see right through you and the archer would tease you about it. This resulted in you transforming into a tiger and chasing him around the tower.
  -          When Bucky came along, he came to the tower instead of hiding away, which made it, so the civil war didn’t happen at all.
-          Bucky was very uncomfortable around people and twitchy as he still had the trigger words inside his head. He was only comfortable with Steve.
-          After a mission, Bucky was extremely tense and looked like he was gonna have a panic attack, so you transformed into a cat and curled up beside him. He ended up petting you with his nonmetal hand and it helped him calm down.
-          This became a ritual that after missions and alike, you would go to Steve and Bucky’s shared floor and cuddle with Bucky and sometimes Steve in the form of an animal.
-          When the trigger words were removed, the three of you kept this up even though you didn’t need too.
-          Before you knew it you fell in love with Bucky as well, which made you turn into a snake and curl up in the bottom of your closet. You wouldn’t confess because Bucky was way out of your league you told yourself.
-          Little did you know the two super soldiers felt the same way about you, and when they realized they both liked you they decided to confess to you together, and you could decide if you only liked one of them, both, or neither of the and they would respect that.
  -          The day they were planning on confessing you were kidnapped by Hydra. They too thought you were a meta and wanted to harvest your DNA or turn you into a weapon they could use.
-          This resulted in you being tortured and experimented on for days or weeks as the avengers and SHIELD try to find you with everything they can.
-          When they finally find you, its Steve and Bucky that find you first. You’re strapped to a table in nothing but pants with all kinds of new scars and cuts and bruises.
-          When they come close you whimper like a scared animal but don’t transform as you can’t when your strapped down. They move slowly and quietly reassure you that your safe.
-          When you’re free they sit you up and are about you patch up your worst cuts and bruises when gunshots are heard. You yelp and transform, not even focusing on what form your taking.
-          You end up transforming into a puppy and curl up in a ball with your face under your paws, shaking all over.
  -          The super soldiers bring you back to the helicarrier and you are treated to the best of their ability, as you make loud painful and scared noises when anyone but them try touching you.
-          They try to ask you to transform back, but you just whimper and cover your face with your paws, hiding away into Steve’s chest whose holding you.
-          When they get back to the tower the avengers try and figure out what to do. That’s when Fury arrives and tells them to give you time because its normal for your species to take the form, they’re most comfortable with.
-          That’s when it comes out you’re part alien, but at this point all the avengers don’t care much and don’t see you any differently. It’s agreed that Bucky and Steve will take care of you as you’re only calm with them
  -          And so, the two super soldiers take care of you. It results in a lot of cuddling and kisses on your furry forehead.
-          You take a lot of naps on their chests or laps, just sleeping off the pain medication and stress. They made sure to take care of your cuts and bruises and change the bandages.
-          They also get you your favorite snacks as you can still eat human food in other forms.
-          At some point they have to wash you, so they do it by putting warm water in the sink and carefully cleaning your fur and paws, making sure to not get soap or water in your face or ears.
-          You end up spending nights in bed with them, and if it was any other time you’d be blushing and freaking out by seeing them both shirtless and being in bed with them, but you’re still exhausted and sleep on the pillows between them.
  -          One morning you wake up feeling way too hot and like your being squished between something. That’s when you wake up more and see Bucky’s face Infront of you and feel an arm around waist from behind.
-          That’s when you realize you have transformed back into a human. You try to wiggle out of Steve’s hold, feeling very embarrassed and like you have ruined your relationship.
-          Steve and Bucky wake up, and Steve pulls you in close again, until your snug in his hold and he kisses the neck of your neck softly. You blush and swear you’re dreaming, especially when Bucky leans in to kiss you on the nose.
-          You start stuttering, the control you had to make yourself appear human all the time slipping away, revealing your ears, pupils, and teeth. Bucky just chuckles softly and kisses you on the lips carefully before telling you to go back to sleep and when your all fully rested, you’ll talk.
-          You’re still blushing when Bucky scoots in closer to you and wraps his arm around you as well, but as both soldiers fall asleep, even if you don’t mean too, you fall asleep too, still half convinced it’s a dream.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Secrets chapter 4: The Beginning or the End of Everything? Part III
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC, Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 1052 words.
Summary: Sometimes keeping secrets can be dangerous or a heavy burden, which is what Kathleen has been doing for years. She will also be in charge of guiding Steve Rogers into this century; meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be looking for a way to kick-start the Avengers Initiative by integrating her as one of the superheroes, but that won't be the only danger they face.
Warnings: None
A/N: After long time working on this longfic, I finally post it. If you wanna be added to the taglist, let me know.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too. Secrets masterlist. Previous chapter. Next chapter.
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𝟸 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒽𝓈 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇
 It had already been two years since she joined S.H.I.E.L.D., and her missions so far have been successful. At the moment she was in her office reviewing the proposal for the Insight Project, the board of Directors had rejected it. She didn’t understand the reasons. Everything seemed in order. She sincerely preferred to do that over the other missions. He knew she helped people by stopping those criminals, but that didn't mean she liked being on some missions. She preferred to do office work or go on some missions with Brock.
Despite everything, she was still checking everything related to the project. According to the manuals and protocols, everything was in order; therefore, it didn't make sense that it had been rejected... Unless it was for monetary reasons.
Fury entered the office with a folder, and without saying a single word, she turned to see it. She knew that it could only be something too important, so much so that the rest of the missions would be postponed until further notice and the personnel would participate more. She took it and began to leaf through the content, but she didn’t understand well what it meant. In truth, she began to believe that it was a joke by Nick, although she was no longer a little girl to laugh at the jokes that Nick used to make.
"An hour ago, some Russian tankers sent us these photos; I need you to analyze them; you have less than two hours; it's urgent, as it can't fall into the wrong hands," Nick ordered her.
Kathleen nodded and got to work. She also called Cameron; she would need some help. Together they managed to get the results in less time than she required, but she could not believe it. He was most likely dead; no one would resist even those conditions and probably not even the magnitude of the impact; it was the ship, but she was not so sure if he would be in there. The best thing to do was to send someone to check and, if possible, get what was left and try to recover it because if any of the enemies did it before them, they could try again to replicate the serum or use it for some experiment, and that meant more problems.
Now more questions popped into her head. How would they break the news to the world? What would happen now? Would they examine the discovery? Should she worry?
Probably, there would be a memorial or some ceremony to thank him for his service or something, she didn't even know why she was worrying about the situation, she just had to do her job.
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It was three in the morning when Nick Fury's phone rang, and he immediately answered to receive the news that Captain America had been found, or at least his frozen body. Under those conditions, they could not be sure if he was alive or not, so he gave precise instructions: they had to get him out of there and take him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities in New York so that the doctors could take care of him and he would be submitted to some tests before telling anyone else since he didn’t want rumors to spread to the population.
He knew who was the perfect person for what was coming, plus it would be easier to know what was really going on, although he was sure she would not give any statements to the media, so they could prepare whatever was necessary.
A few minutes later, he spoke to Kathleen to assign her to the mission, which was simple: to be present while they took the Captain out of the ice to try to read his mind and thus be able to corroborate if he was alive, as well as to be by his side during the transfer and the doctor's examination, and in case he was alive, she would have to help him adapt to the present time.
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Kath's mobile phone rang, she mumbled something unintelligible, and she wanted to continue sleeping, but if Nick was talking directly to her on his personal mobile phone instead of his work one, it was really something exaggeratedly important. She moved Brock so she could answer; she had lost count of the times they had been together.
Although they weren't in a romantic relationship as they had agreed, they had repeated that night of the mission several times, sometimes at her place, sometimes at his apartment. Although neither of their feelings had changed.
Even Brock was thinking of trying to have a relationship after a while, to convince her, although first, he had to find a way to keep her safe.
She got up and dressed as quickly as possible to arrive on time as soon as she heard the news. She left a note with a vague explanation for Brock to see when he woke up; she still had to go through some documents with Fury so they wouldn't have any problems since it was something secret and no one could find out that they had found it to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
She opened a portal to get to the place where they found him as quickly as possible. She gave the documents to the Lieutenant, they had already taken him out of the ship and were preparing everything to take him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities, although Kath didn't know which ones, so she had to hurry, otherwise, she would have to give explanations to Fury.
Someone tried to stop her, but she practically threw the document Nick had given her and went up to the ship with them. She couldn't perceive much, not counting the noise of the others' minds; she had to concentrate. She couldn't have Cerebro with her; she didn't want anyone to know she had him, so she had to think of something different to see if she could catch any thoughts.
She reached over and put a hand in Steve's hair; it still had some ice in it; however, she had no idea how they had gotten it out of there, and since it wasn't completely thawed, she started to pick up some slow and vague thoughts that meant he was alive.
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@saiyanprincessswanie  @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
@navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke  @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940  @tenaciousperfectionunknown  @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes  @sapphire-rogers​ @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose​ @hallecarey1​  @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @mylifeispainandiloveit​  @writingshae​ @alexxavicry​ @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch​  @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @jtargaryen18​  @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - February 12
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Hey friends, this week has been--really not good. I didn’t read much at all--I apologize for that. Hopefully we’ll get more next week. 
Submission Hold by Letterblade
"Tony," Steve says, somewhat gently. "So you're saying, what, that you like it when I hold you down?"
Sacrifice Play by Amonet
“I like you a lot actually,” Tony says because he can’t lie when Steve looks at him like that. “Maybe a bit too much.”
Tony hadn't expected to have to explain to Steve why he tries to save the Captains life every time he gets himself in danger because it isn't like Steve cared about him, right? Turns out, Steve wants to solve this problem right now and he doesn't let Tony make excuses. Misunderstandings ensue, get resolved and maybe they've both been wrong all along?
Open Your Eyes by missbecky
Steve and Tony's friendship finally appears to be heading for more. Now if only Steve could find the right time to tell Tony the truth. In which many things are resolved, Steve is clueless, there are Christmas presents and mistletoe and kisses, and oh yeah, Tony makes it snow.
I've Got Something So Sweet by Reioka 
Tony bakes when stressed, and the holidays are apparently some of the most stressful weeks for him. Steve reaps the benefits, even if everyone does give him the side-eye for eating so many sweets.
Folded Hearts by FestiveFerret
As if the box of ornaments Tony was unloading had read his mind, the next one he pulled out was a small, delicately folded, origami swan, the creases worn to white on the blue and red paper, its beak permanently crooked.
Tony's heart ached as he cradled the tiny bird. Steve Rogers. He hated to use the phrase "the one that got away," since he and Steve still texted regularly, but man, it sure felt like he was.
(Un)Fortunate Circumstances by lomku
Or how Steve wakes up from the ice in the SHIELD facility, runs into Tony, and kind of kidnaps him in his bid for freedom.
Flipping Through Channels by KandiSheek
When Loki hits Tony and Steve with an illusion spell during their fight, Tony is prepared for torture, nightmares, the whole shebang. What he's not prepared for is being trapped in a kitschy eighties rom-com with him and Steve as the protagonist and love interest.
And why the hell does Loki want them to kiss so badly?
There's a First Time for Everything by viklikesfic (v_angelique)
"What are you, Cap, some kind of masochist?"
Later, Steve will blame his response to Stark's quip on the heavy-duty painkillers Bruce is administering via IV in serum-resistant doses. He smirks, hissing just a little at the way the motion pulls at the cuts on his face, and looks at Tony dead-on with his one open eye.
"Buy me a drink and maybe I'll tell you."
the slowest runner in all the world by silkspectred 
Tony was pregnant in Siberia. Steve didn't know.
[This is the main story that frames all the others.]
oscillations by silkspectred
Steve and Tony rebuild their relationship.
Just For Now by complicationstoo
Tony and Steve have never gotten along, but when Tony lies to his mom about bringing his boyfriend to his cousin's wedding, he needs someone to play the part. Lucky for him, Steve agrees, and the two might just get a little more than they anticipated out of it.
Together by tinystark616
Carol has rescued Tony from space, and now he has to confront his feelings for Steve while processing the trauma of losing the fight to Thanos. Tony realizes that the Steve that came back to him isn't the same Steve he used to know, but that he has changed as well.
Tomorrow Belongs To Me by valtyr
Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn't think much of it, and it's dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole monument at Arlington he's rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Sleep Sisyphus (Guard your Star) by Diomedes
Howard says Stark men are made of iron and this is not one of his lies.
Iron is useful: it can be forged into weapons and bridges and keys alike. Iron is blood and magnets and the spinning core of the Earth. It is fool’s gold, it is armour. It is the heaviest element found in the heart of stars but much too heavy for a boy’s heart to carry.
Tony will never forgive his father this inheritance.
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she-wolf09231982 · 11 months
Chapter 2-The Prodigal Soldier Returns
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Summary: The day of the Super Solider Serum infusion arrives, and you may or may not emerge as the next gender bend Captain America. Either way, you survive Howard Stark’s experiment, and carry the torch supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…and possibly intergalactic.
58 years later, Nick Fury and agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. discover Steve Rogers still alive and cryogenically preserved in ice. Rogers is returned immediately to New York for rehabilitation and recovery from his 66-year slumber under ice. When Steve is finally acclimated to his new 21st century life, he eventually bumps into you at the compound.
Author Note: Steve Rogers x Female!Avenger, Captain America x Female!Avenger, Y/N, L/N=Wolf, Reader!EnhancedAvenger, Avenger name She-Wolf, Avengers, Marvel movie references, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D., story begins in 1953 ends in 2011, Military and Medical terminology, Pre/Post Captain America: The First Avenger, Pre Avengers
*Bold Italics represent character thoughts and flashbacks
The lab room suddenly became chaotic. Alarms started to sound off on the heart monitor connected to the Vita-Ray Chamber and red warning lights flashing. Your face began visibly wincing from pain in the window of the encasement you were locked into.
The serum made your blood pressure spike, edging you close to what could be a heart attack.
“Howard! Cut the infusion! Her heart rate is dangerously high!” Peggy called out over the commotion of white lab coats running around.
Howard Stark began to rush over to the main controls to shut down the serum transmission when he suddenly heard your voice through the container.
“NO! Keep going!” You pushed. You’ve worked too hard to stop now.
Peggy and Howard exchanged concerned glances.
“Stark, she’s only at 70% completion. If she’s already struggling now imagine what will happen to her at 100%.” Peggy cautioned.
Howard looked at the serum percentage meter indicating how much of the I.V. was imported into your blood stream. The meter continued to rise… 75%...80%...85%...
He glanced at your face in the viewing window of the chamber. Your eyes shut tight; jaw clenched doing your best to not black out.
“Stark??” Peggy yelled.
Your heart can take no more. Your heart rate reaches its limit causing you to go limp inside the box.
“Shut it down!!” Howard called out as he raced to the Vita-Ray Chamber door to force it open as fast as he could. Peggy joined him to assist.
You had flat lined. The sound of a steady drone from the heart monitor filled the room.
The extreme heat of the chamber had expanded the metal from within, making the door almost impossible to open.
One of the lab coats brought a crowbar to pry the latch. After a little bit of muscle and leverage, the door sprung open. Steam projected outward overflowing the room, blocking the view of you. Howard and Peggy began fanning the air so they could see you.
There you were, still vertically strapped in, head resting on your shoulder, eyes closed…still not breathing.
“…Howard.” Peggy said with breathy distress while looking at you.
Howard walked up to your lifeless form, placed two fingers to your carotid artery on your neck to locate a pulse. As soon as he pressed into your skin your eyes sprang wide open.
You gasp loud and harsh, frightening everyone in the room, causing Howard to fall backward into Peggy.
Exceptionally confused and panicked, your eyes darted side to side trying to get a grasp on what had just occurred. As the heart monitor machine came back to life beeping frantically, the lab started humming again, everyone calling out results and observations over eachother from their stations.
“Heart rate is detected and, on the rise…”
“Oxygen levels at 100%…”
“Blood pressure is getting high, Mr. Stark…”
“Her muscle mass increased by 70%!!”
“If we don’t calm her down, she may go into shock, Agent Carter…”
Peggy took the initiative.
“Everyone, simmer down!” She commanded the room. All the lab coats froze.
She walked over to you and in a soothing tone, spoke to you.
“Y/N, you’re going to be alright. The experiment was a success. You did it.” she said calmly.
She held your face firmly between her hands, so you focused on her. Your breath was short and fast as Peggy continued.
“Deep breaths, Wolf. In…” She inhaled with you.
“Out.” She exhaled with you.
You repeated this until you finally relaxed.
Howard approached you. “Y/N, how do you feel?”
You took a minute to assess yourself.
You noticed your white pajama set was suddenly quite snug. Some parts were even torn especially in the shoulder and thigh area. The hem of your pants that once hung closer to your feet were now shorter revealing your ankles and calves.
“I feel…taller?” You respond first. “And sweaty.”
Stark’s mouth curved into a triumphant grin. The serum worked. And it showed.
Your body was evidently more toned, developed muscles straining against the fabric of your white outfit. Pants now hanging at your calves instead of below your ankles, you’ve obviously grown at least 5 inches. You were a colossus compared to former your self.
Howard offered his hand to help you out after releasing the safety harnesses, but you stumble out like a newborn giraffe as both he and Peggy catch you before you hit the ground.
“Get a wheelchair over here now!” Stark called out.
He looked back at you. “This is the beginning of something big, Y/N. You are going to be part of some of the greatest stories in America’s history.”
You only nod at first since you are too weak to be excited about anything yet.
“Mr. Stark, I’d like to take a nap first if you don’t mind?” You finally responded.
The room chuckled in unison.
You spent the next 58 years battling local crimes in New York, and eventually deploying overseas mostly assisting medical squadrons or rebuilding critical structures for allies and joint forces in combat zones. You were utilized during conflicts such as The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and The Global War on Terrorism. You were especially useful during Operation Iraqi Freedom clearing potentially hostile locations with Special Forces and patrolling with convoys to secure safe passage for American military to travel.
The Super Soldier Serum’s organic preservatives left you looking and feeling your best since the infusion in 1953. You didn’t look or feel a day over 25 in over five decades because of it. However, you were only able to withstand 90% of the serum’s deposit, therefore you weren’t at full potential of your superhuman capabilities, unfortunately. Nonetheless, you were still a success story in Howard Stark’s eyes.
Sadly, in December 1991 while you were tasked to a recovery detail in Eastern Europe, you returned to American soil to be met by an Agent Nick Fury with grave news. Howard Stark and his wife, Maria, were killed by a HYDRA assassin while you were away. This information absolutely ruined you. You didn’t take Howard’s death very well. You progressively became a shell of your former self, sinking into a depressive state. Since then, you became quite an introvert and kept a low-profile spending most of your time at the gym, in the library reading, or in your sleeping quarters.
Through it all, you still led a life of service to your country when called upon in memory of your surrogate father. Nick Fury assumed command of S.H.I.E.L.D. by this time and took you under his wing, making sure to commission you with new assignments to continue Stark’s legacy.
Even though you were one of Howard’s greatest accomplishments in decades, a resurfacing discovery by S.H.I.E.L.D had the entire compound particularly energetic today. You were leaving the gym and noticed all the lab coats buzzing back and forth whispering to eachother. You also hadn’t seen Fury in a few days, which was unusual because you would usually get a debrief from him of your assignments every night for the following day.
As that thought crossed your mind, he appeared before you.
“Y/N, just the woman I’m looking for. Come with me.” He ushered you down the hall.
You were utterly perplexed, but continued to follow him down the halls having no idea where he was taking you.
“Director Fury?” You began.
He continued walking at a brisk pace. “Hm?” was his response.
“Forgive me if I’m not up to speed on what’s happening here, but….”
You tread lightly about asking too many questions because Fury’s mind was obviously busy, and you weren’t sure if he was really listening to you. You pause as you arrive at a long observing window that peered into what looked to be a hospital room. He gestured towards the window.
“Have a look for yourself.” He invited.
You walk up to the glass and look through. In the hospital bed laid a man peacefully asleep.
Your heart stilled as you stared at this alluring stranger.
He had a thick head of blonde hair, disheveled strands laying softly across his forehead. A chiseled jawline, perfect nose, flawless skin, and the longest lashes any woman would be jealous of. And dear God, arms that look like they could crush concrete.
You stood there with your mouth agape staring at this brawny, angelic creature in front of you.
Fury tilted his head to the side observing your reaction. He was mildly entertained by your moment of shock that rendered you completely speechless.
“You know who this man is, Y/N.” He finally tells you.
You shake your head to snap out of your hypnosis. You look at Fury and raise an eyebrow at him. Clearly indicating you didn’t understand.
“Is that a question or a statement, sir?” You ask.
Fury chuckled as he continued.
“This, my friend, is the one and only Steve Rogers…TheCaptain America.” He explained.
You narrowed your eyes at him in disbelief.
“But sir…” You began.
“Yes, I know, but we discovered him conserved cryogenically under ice a few days ago.” He explained.
You look back through the window.
“Alive? But…how?” You manage to ask.
“Well, blood tests revealed that his blood contained excessive amounts of glucose as a result of his liver processing his glycogen storage, thus lowering the freezing temperature of blood-borne water and creating a 'cryoprotectant'. This process is similar to those of hibernating bears and wood frogs that metabolize glycogen in their liver to circulate ample amounts through their body to reduce the osmotic shrinkage of cells and prevents them from freezing. This, however, has never been seen before in humans.” Fury explained in a ‘matter of fact’ manner.
Your confusion must have reflected on your face because he reiterated by simply saying,
“Howard Stark’s preservative components in the serum allowed Rogers to survive freezing temperatures.”
You nod, “I see. You could’ve just led off with that, sir.”
With Captain America resurrected, the atmosphere at the facility completely shifted. Agent Phil Coulson addressed the public to officially confirm Steve Rogers’ return. Which was an absolute honor for him since he was a huge fan of Captain America and everything he represents. All the lab coats walking around were all a flutter about Captain America’s presence in the building…especially the females which made you utterly nauseous.
You, on the other hand, thought everyone was being overdramatic. You were particularly curious about what would happen next, though. What did this mean for S.H.I.E.L.D.? For America? Where did this leave you? Questions stirred relentlessly in your head for days. Every thought of what could happen next now that Steve was back didn’t have a good outlook for you no matter which way you spun it. These intrusive thoughts keep your brain busy, causing you to lose sleep at night.
You became very irritable with the few people you came into contact with throughout the day, so you decided to spend more time training in the boxing gym hitting the heavy bag. Fury frequently gave you direct orders to hit the showers and sleep it off, which you begrudgingly comply with out of respect.
Fury knew you were less than pleased by Steve’s return, and he was correct in assuming so. Your mental and emotional balance was already thrown off by the passing of Howard and Maria. Now you felt your livelihood hung by a thread because of the sudden homecoming of the prodigal soldier. You felt resentment and anger with every passing thought. And as assignments grew scarce, there were less deployments to redirect your attention leaving you with little to no outlet for your concentrated emotions.
One sleepless night, you once again find yourself hooking deep punches into the midriff of a 100 lbs (45.359 kg) Everlast boxing bag. Your hands only ever wrapped in sports tape, your knuckles are constantly bruised and swollen by the excessive number of times you spend pummeling the cylinder sack.
Sweat beading on your forehead and soaking through your shirt, hissing out loud every time each hand makes contact, you’re so deep in the zone surrounded by fire and wrath that you didn’t notice Steve had entered the room. He stood there watching you intensely while holding his gym bag in one hand, as he held a towel in the other. You deliver one final blow to the bag, sending it across the room like a projectile into the brick wall opposite you. You stood there panting, staring at the pile of other destroyed boxing bags that you’ve launched with your fits of physical rage.
“Wow.” Steve said impressed with a half-smile.
You turn your attention to him, meeting his blue eyes from where you stood. Your eyebrows furrowed still trying to catch your breath. You realize it was only him, so you turned away without responding, (not before pursing your lips together in disdain while rolling your eyes). You pick up your hand towel and wipe your face, then retrieve a new heavy bag, lifting with one hand effortlessly hanging it, replacing the one you just demolished.
Steve coughed awkwardly, sensing the thick air in the room between the two of you.
You started to stretch in front of one of the mirrors that had a ballet barre, completely disregarding the man behind you.
“We haven’t formally met yet.” Steve stated.
You let out an audible exasperated sigh. You barely glance over your shoulder, almost acknowledging him, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m Steve Rogers. Brooklyn. It’s good to finally meet you…”
His voice was smooth and resonating…Like honey. He spoke deep from the chest and his voice projected, yet he didn’t need to yell. His voice just traveled through the room to you like music and almost had you melting into a puddle.
“Get it together, idiot…” You told yourself.
You decided to remain cordial. Even though you’d rather not engage with him at all, it’s what Howard would’ve wanted.
“You know who I am?” You finally responded with your back still facing him.
“I know of you, yes. Word is you were my protégé after I disappeared.” He replied.
“Is that all that was said about me?” You asked.
“Of course not.” He assured confidently.
You turned around while dabbing your neck with your towel, then draped it around your nape holding each end with your hands. You looked at Steve and started to walk towards him. Steve was positively handsome, and although he appeared intimidating and confident, he still had little experience interacting with women…especially if he found them attractive. As the gap closed between the two of you, his heart proceeded to beat faster. Your supersonic hearing picked it up right away, and you relished the effect you had on him.
Steve tried to diffuse his ascending apprehension as you stood feet from him.
“Um,” he started to scratch the back of his head bashfully, “if you’re up to it, maybe you can show me around the compound sometime?” He suggested.
You raise your eyebrows and inquisitively squint at him. Your mouth involuntarily curled into a grin because he looks so stinkin’ cute standing there tensed up in suspense, holding his breath, waiting on your response.
“Sure, Cap.” You say curtly. Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Wanna start tomorrow?” You ask him.
“Uh, sure.” He replied.
“Meet me here at 0800?”
You nod at him, shoulder your backpack and breeze past him without another word, leaving him slightly stunned and bewildered.
He watched you leave until he couldn’t see you anymore.
“Phew…that was exhausting.” Steve said out loud to himself.
You chuckle to yourself because you were totally close enough to hear that.
You kind of felt bad messing with him, but you’re the one that has seniority here. Even though he’s older than you and is the original super soldier, he’s “the man out of time” having been asleep under ice for almost 70 years. The horrific things you’ve seen and experienced during those years have hardened your heart and you weren’t one to coddle anyone anymore. Not even America’s favorite poster boy from Brooklyn.
At 0745, you walk into the gym and see Steve sitting on a stool in a corner of the boxing ring. You shoot a perplexed look at him and smirk.
“How long have you been here?” You call out to him.
He looked up.
“Long enough.” He said simply smiling back.
“Waiting to go a few rounds with me, Cap?” You ask almost too flirtatiously.
Steve scoffed then stood up.
“No ma’am, I would never hit a lady.” He responded.
“I’m no average lady, Rogers.” You replied sternly. You weren’t about to let him categorize or underestimate you.
Steve’s smile faded to a look of fascination and curiosity.
“Should we head out then?” You ask.
Steve nodded and exited the gym with you.
“I never knew a place could have so many…levels.” Steve said as you walk off the elevator where the living quarters were.
Up until now, you were the only one residing in dorms. Now Steve shared this building with you but had his room in another wing. It had a common area, an impressive kitchen, dining and living room and a full gym on a separate floor.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously spared no expense.” You stated.
Steve nodded in agreement. He continued to admire the surroundings.
“So? What do you think, Cap?” You finally ask.
Steve looked at you confused.
You gesture to everything around you.
“All of this. What do you think?”
Steve let out a puff of breath and looked around again in thought.
“Well…” He started “it’s going to take a lot getting used to.” He finished.
“Mmhm.” You hum.
He continued.
“But I’ll manage.” He added confidently.
“I sure hope so.” A voice rang out from across the living room area.
Director Fury stood at the doorway, then proceeded to walk towards you.
“Director.” You greeted as he approached. He nodded at you.
“I see you two are getting along just fine.” Fury said with an almost visible smirk.
You released a faint laugh.
“Y/N has been very hospitable.” Steve responded earnestly then looked at you with a soft smile.
You felt yourself blushing when your eyes met his.
“Snap out of it, you idiot.” You scold yourself.
“Good, because one day, you’ll need to work as a team.” Fury explained.
You snap your head at Fury with anger rising in your chest like lava.
“Director??” You ask almost with panic in your voice.
Nick Fury released an irritated sigh, rolling his eye before facing you.
“Y/N, we discussed this. Why do you insist on acting this is the first time you’re hearing this?”
“Because, sir, I never agreed to it.” You pointed out.
“Last time I checked, Wolf, my title is ‘Director.’ I don’t need your consent nor your approval.” Fury retorted in a very parental tone.
Steve just sat, arms folded across his chest while his eyes flitted between you and Fury like he was watching a tennis game.
“With all due respect, Director, I refuse.” You declared.
“Excuse me?” Fury dared you to repeat.
“I refuse.” You restated boldly.
Fury began to open his mouth to reprimand you until Steve cut in.
“Ok now this is escalating quickly.” Steve said while inserting himself between you and Fury.
“Director, perhaps allow Miss Wolf and I to build more rapport before talking about working in the field together? We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” He suggested.
Fury studied Steve, then looked at you.
“Fine. Understand this now, though, when you two are called upon, you will be responding…together.” Fury declared.
You only respond by crossing your arms. Fury turned on his heel and exited, leaving you there with this annoyingly reasonable and infuriatingly gorgeous super soldier.
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scarlettrue · 10 months
I definitely think that is an avenue to explore for writing, but I saw in an interview that Cobie did after the first episode of Secret Invasion about Maria that regarding Maria's "backstory" and minor development on screen that Maria "had parents and siblings." I'm not sure if that's something they told her and cut out of the show or something Cobie did on her own for trying to figure this character out.
I think it's telling that the scene only her mom is there that could indicate either a biological or non biological mother/daughter relationship. Both are powerful things to explore but I think killing off Maria in the MCU by her father figure (or what she believed was) and keeping her orphaned/child abuse by her father comic book back story was probably a little too dark for the MCU.
Personally, for my own writing I actually really like the idea that Maria and Elizabeth both escaped the abusive father/husband and that they had a very strong mother/daughter bond because of it--whether it was biological or not. However I still think this means Fury could have co-opted Maria's need paternal approval much like he did with other orphaned women. TBH post Secret Invasion, Fury making talented yet vulnerable people do his work makes him look like a horrible manipulative monster and going back and watching old MCU projects it's hard not to see that in him now even if the characters are blinded by it. Maria especially so because maybe from her background of abuse she so severely believes in justice and helping people and she's drawn by her admiration of people like Fury and Steve Rogers too! (Which Cobie confirmed that Cap was always Maria's favorite Avenger)
but i think it's clear that Fury basically saw a young woman who was very skilled and desperate for paternal approval and was just like bingo! this person will do everything i say and stand up to me very little--especially when she is younger and we actually see that development in the movies where Maria never goes against him and then in then in Secret Invasion tells Fury basically 'Hey, don't do this' so Fury's absence from Maria's life actually helped her grow a lot, even if in the end she still went back to her old ways of following blindly. Another reason why her mother was so infuriated as she clearly stated at the "funeral" scene and IMO good fuel for the theory of 'i saved my daughter from a dumb dangerous man and now a dumb dangerous man gets her killed'
I do agree that her mother’s reaction is very much one of “I worked tirelessly to make sure my daughter had a better life, only for it to be cut down by a mediocre man or and the hound he trained” (because Gravik is also a victim of Fury’s CIA tendencies)
The whole showing an abusive dad thing I’d say isn’t too dark for the MCU considering that Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 came out and that has some very gruesome and hard to watch animal cruelty stuff, so I’d say the MCU is willing to get dark with it (as I would intend to)
I feel like Secret Invasion needed more focus on Maria as a main character because I wanna truly understand what the loyalty to Nick Fury has done. I interpret that she’d be tired of the secrecy and abandonment and the selfishness of Fury and the other people she has to work with, and probably the general xenophobia and racism lobbied at the Skrulls from people who already knew about them, and how much worse it’d get, and how the Skrulls experiencing it is pretty much on Fury.
I feel like Cap is the one stable person she’s looked up to. He has blood on his hands, but he’s the closest to Maria’s moral compass in my personal opinion (because I think Maria is generally a much kinder soul despite her job because she’s seen fellow agents, Fury included, do absolutely atrocious things to innocents and refuses to stoop down to their level).
I think Maria would be someone who doesn’t need Fury by the end if she didn’t die in Secret Invasion, which is really important I think. But Marvel unfortunately fumbled big time.
Also I’m sorry if some things don’t make sense because I agree with you on a lot of this, like you’re spot on and practically reading my mind in some cases.
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cosmolog · 1 year
Imagine No Way Home ended with this scene.
Side Note: Y/n is a superhero who can teleport and slow down or even freeze time.
This imagine was literally me writing this while listening to this song and thinking, "every time I turn around you disappear" hmm, teleportation powers, she shall have!
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Peter sat on a bench in a local park, the same park in which he helped Tony fight an alien from space. He remembers that moment with sadness. That was the start of his space journey, one which led to him blipping along with half the universe.
He remembers entering that afterlife place, seeing all those people freaking out at what had just occured. Until Strange had called up all the heroes and told them of the plan. The plan that led to the end of the war, and the end of Tony's life.
After that, Peter had gone back to being Spider-Man, though it ended in him making a fake friend and the betrayal of said friend.
Then all that led to Peter's identity being revealed to the entire world. Most people hated Peter for 'killing Mysterio', but only the people who truly believed in Spider-Man had the common sense to think, 'He wouldn't do such a thing. He's Spider-Man!'
And after visiting Strange about it, all went to shit. Spider-Men and their villains from different universes started leaking into Peter's universe.
So in order to set things right, Peter told Strange to make everyone forget he existed. Which worked a treat after some lovey dovey stuff.
So now, nobody knew who Peter was. He had tried and failed to tell his friends what happened, he didn't want to ruin their lives all over again.
Anyways. Present day.
As Peter sat, his eyes drifting between all the people around him. Some kids were playing with their dog, their mother keeping a watchful eye on them, a man was reading the New York Times, a woman doing a photoshoot with a guy behind the camera, the clicks of each shot rang through Peter's ears.
Suddenly, he felt another person sit down beside him, on the other end of the bench. "So this is what you're going to do all day" The girl, around Peter's age, spoke, also looking around the place.
Peter glanced at her. "Sorry, uh. Are you talking to me?" He asked, not seeing a phone to her ear.
She smiled, meeting his gaze. "I sure am" She replied.
"What do you mean by saying this is what I've been doing all day?" He asked. "I don't even know who you are"
"Apologies, Mr. Parker. I'm bad at communicating with fellow people. I'm Y/n L/n" She answered.
"How- How do you know me. Strange casted a spell, you're not meant to know me" Peter rushed, beginning to freak out.
"Did I forget to mention I'm not exactly human?" She asked, mentally kicking herself. "I'm sort of a superhero...? I don't know what else to call it. I can teleport and freeze time meaning my body can rip itself apart only to be put back together every time I teleport" She teleported all the way to the edge of the park, where Peter could spot her waving, before teleporting back to where she originally sat.
"Does it hurt?" Peter asked.
"No...Not really" She replied. "I got these....abilities when I touched a blue box. Which was I don't know how many years ago" She replied, crossing one leg over the other. "I was pretty stupid back then"
"We could've used you in the fight against Thanos, your skills would've come in handy" Peter said. "Why didn't you help?"
"Because I didn't even know there was a fight. You were on another planet. Plus, I don't want to be a superhero like you or have responsibilities like Steve Rogers" She said. "I just want my powers to be something I can use if I ever need to get away from danger or get others out of danger"
Peter paused for a moment. "How come Mr.Stark or Nick Fury didn't find you?" He asked.
"Have a good think about that one, Peter. Teleportation is very handy if nobody else can move as fast as you" She chuckled. "Nick Fury did find me once, he tried to make me join the Avengers and I wanted no part in that, even if they offered me all that money. I don't like feeling like people own me. I don't like being used as a human shield" She said.
"Okay, I see where you're coming from but I don't do it for the paycheck, heck, I don't get payed at all now. Being Spider-Man is great, I get to do my part ensuring the safety of everyone in New York and the World. And when I'm me, I get to hang out with my friends and go through normal life things like having a girlfriend. Well, at least I had a girlfriend and a life. But it's just Spider-Man, he's all I can be now. Everyday I wake up, and it's Spider-Man who goes about his day. I feel like Peter Parker stopped existing the moment I put on that suit for the first time" Peter ranted.
Y/n nodded in understanding. "Well...I remember you. So Peter Parker does exist, I'm living evidence of that. And I believe in you, always have always will"
"How do you know me?" Peter asked, titling his head slightly.
She shrugged. "This is gonna sound weird but I've seen you before, first in my dreams, then at school. And the thing is, my memory is so incredibly enhanced thanks to the tesseract, that not even a spell from the former Sorcerer Supreme could tamper with my head. It's very interesting, most of the stuff I know now, I just know because of that blue stone. I know everything there is to know about the universe. I can go anywhere I want. So you could say the stone protected me. Well, some of it, the rest is destroyed"
Peter huffed. "Huh" He muttered.
She suddenly sat up, leaning towards him, a smile on her face. "So, do you wanna catch some bad guys?" She asked.
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3! 
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveller, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 29: I love you. 
“She has head trauma and other injuries, she needs to rest so I gave her a pill.” Dr. Banner told Loki and Tony, who were outside the hospital room, in the hospital wing of the compound. “She'll be asleep for a while longer.” He said and left, both the men nodded bidding goodbye and stayed there, standing still.
“Thank you,” Stark broke the silence.
“What?” The god asked, confused.
“Thank you… for finding her.” He did not. She found them. Yet he didn't have the strength to fight, so he just nodded.
“Of course, I lo-” He cut himself off, eyes widening. Iron man looked at him with a sad expression, knowingly.
“You should tell her when she wakes up. She'll need it.”
Loki nodded. She would need much more than that. 
“Loki,” Y/N said, opening her eyes. The god almost stumbled over his own feet as he got up from the chair and got closer to her bed.
“Darling, you are okay.” He felt as if he finally could breathe.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” She said, jokingly. He smiled sadly at her, he couldn't find it funny even if he tried with all his might.
“Y/N I-”
“Don't speak.” She cut him off and he frowned.
“Don't say what you were going to say. That word.” She was right, he was going to say it, yet he did not understand why she stopped him.
“Why not?” She scoffed.
“Are you really going to pretend I didn't blow up like fifty people?” He widened his eyes, shocked at her coldness when she mentioned it.
“Y/N, you were in danger.” He said cautiously. He had a feeling he knew where this was going.
“Yeah, uh huh.” She said with a mocking smile. “And I killed fifty people with one snap of my fingers.” He looked at her, she looked completely drained of life. Yes, she had killed a few people, but she did not do it on purpose, she had some sort of healer and chaos magic that made her blow up all the people in the building she was in.
“I,” she cut him off again, “killed fifty people.”
“Could you stop repeating that?” He asked in irritation but his expression softened when he saw the look on her face. It was sorrowful, full of guilt and fear. Her lower lip trembled.
All of a sudden she broke down completely. He had never seen her cry like this. Damn, he had never seen her cry at all.
“Love, it is alright.” He said, wrapping her in his arms tightly.
“N-n-no it's not! I'm a monster!” She cried out in anguish, trembling from the emotion.
“That is not true.” He said, tightening his grip around her. “You are kind. You are the kindest.”
“Loki, I literally killed a whole building of people!” She sniffled and continued to cry. “I probably killed innocents too…” She mumbled in between her sobs.
She tried to pull away from him but he didn't let her go.
“Loki,” she gasped, “let me go.” He didn't. “Let me go!” She raised her voice.
“Let. Me. Go.” She said now, threateningly. He did, only because he didn't want to make things worse.
“Y/N, breathe.”
“I- I can't…” He realized what was happening. She was having a panic attack.
“Darling, look at me. Everything will be alright.” She began panting. “Y/N, look at me.” She did. “Tell me five things that you can see.”
“I-I-” She stuttered, she looked terrified. She had probably never experienced that before. “You, door, sheets, bracelet, water.”
“Good, now tell me four things you can hear.” He started to caress her hair and put some calming magic on her.
“Your voice, my voice…” She frowned, feeling calmer and beginning to slow down her breathing. “The cars, my heart.”
“There, good girl. Now tell me three things you can touch.” He continued caressing her hair.
“Sheets, your hand, my hair.” She was almost breathing normally now, between the magic and the grounding exercise her panic attack was disappearing quickly.
“Two things you could eat.”
“Ice cream, cookies.” He smiled softly at her.
“Now one thing you can smell.”
“Hospital.” He chuckled, stroking her cheek now.
“How do you feel?” He asked with the calmest voice he could muster.
“Better,” she responded. “Thank you.”
“Of course my sweet.” She smiled and in the middle of it began to yawn. The magic, he thought. “Rest darling, I'll be here when you wake up.” She nodded.
“I love you,” she said sleepily.
“I love you too,” he said, but she had already fallen asleep.
“How is she?” Natasha asked, worry evident on her features. Loki looked at Y/N through the crack in the door, she was sound asleep.
“Not well.” He responded. “She feels a deep sense of guilt and had a panic attack when I tried to tell her-” He cut himself off.
“Tell her what?” She asked, frowning.
“That I… love her.” The spy widened her eyes.
“Oh,” she thought for a moment. “She thinks she doesn't deserve it now.” She finished knowingly. Loki looked at her, cocking his head. He hadn't thought about it like that, he assumed she didn't want him out of all people to love her because he was a monster.
“I… hadn't thought about that.”
They fell into a tense silence.
“How do I… make her understand that she deserves the universe?” He asked her, being honest about his emotions for once. He truly was worried about Y/N, much more than he was about keeping himself safe of vulnerability.
“You can't.” She said disappointing him. “But,” she began, “you can stay next to her and remind her every day until she finally decides to believe you.” He nodded thoughtfully.
“Perhaps…” He said, sitting down. She sat down on the chair next to him. “It is not her fault. She was terribly scared and had no control over her emotions fueling her powers like that.”
“I know,” Natasha said, tentatively putting a hand on his shoulder. “But I think that if anyone has the chance to convince her of that, it's you.” She smiled softly.
“Thank you.” He said, swallowing hard.
“Of course. She is my family, and since you are her family, you are mine too now.” That made him almost unable to swallow the knot in his throat. It was nice to be considered.
“Love, you need to eat.”
“Loki,” she began. “No.”
He sighed in exasperation.
“Y/N, by Norns, eat or I will turn you into a frog.”
“Loki!” She exclaimed, laughing. He shrugged and pursed his lips. She rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said, sighing in defeat.
“Good girl.”
Y/N felt herself blush but acted nonchalantly as she sat up on the hospital bed. Loki handed her the tray of food.
“Did you eat?” She asked.
“Darling, I appreciate your concern, but it is me who should be the one worried about you.”
“I always worry about you.”
“I love you,” he said suddenly. It had been two days since the panic attack happened and they had not mentioned the subject as Y/N fulfilled her stay at the hospital room, recovering from the head trauma Ingrid caused in her apartment.
“Loki…” She began but he cut her off.
“No. I love you.” She looked at the food in her lap.
“I don't deserve you, I don't deserve your love.”
“Love, this is not about deserving it. Even though for the record, there is no one that deserves more love than you do; it is about me telling you that I love you, whether you agree with it or not.” Tears began to form in her eyes.
“Are you not repulsed by what I did?”
“My sweet girl, you did not do it with ill intent. You were trapped in a horrifying situation, your powers were protecting you.”
“But I killed so many people. I took so many lives as if they were nothing.” She said, sniffling.
“Do you think my mother was kind?” He suddenly asked. She looked up and nodded.
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Well, this happened to her too.”
“What?” She asked, surprised.
“Yes,” he told her. “She was with me and Thor when we were children, when a group of men came to attack us… She blew them up in a second.” Y/N looked at him completely dumbfounded. “The wrath of the kindest is the most frightening occurrence, she used to say.”  
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Do you still think her kind, after what I just told you?”
“Y-yes, of course. She was the kindest, and she had a good reason for doing what she did.”
“So did you.” He said to her, trying to make her understand. “So did you.”
They stayed in silence for a bit.
“Okay,” she said suddenly, surprising him.
“It's going to be hard, but I trust you. We will deal with this together, if it's okay with you…”
“Darling, it's exactly what I want.” He put a hair behind her ear. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Loki.”
~taglist~ @mischief2sarawr  @midnights-ramblings @mealoncholy-hill @paetonnn 
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iliketowrite1996 · 2 years
This Change in Me 1/6
THEMES AND TRIGGER WARNINGS- affection, characters missing for periods of times
DISCLAIMER- I own no right to any characters or places associated with Marvel 
I  had never really thought about all that goes into being a superhero. After all, it’s not like I’m a second grade teacher by day and a crimefighter by night. Beyond the uniform and the spandex is something more, as I am starting to realize- motivation.
Beyond the powers, the serums and the special abilities lies determination- a willingness to take a risk . To fight for what is right, and for those you love.
I’ve never felt that. I’ve always had an admiration for heroes, but never the desire to be one.
Until  a week ago.
‘’How does a whole team,’’ Cassandra begins, her words painted with impatience, Southern accent getting thicker as her dark eyebrows furrow, ‘’just… disappear>’’ Her words contain venom in them, acrylic nails tipping against the metal table as she wants for what we all are waiting for- a real answer.
‘’I’d love to know the same,’’ Rochelle begins, her brown eyes trained on Nick Fury. 
In this room are the wives and girlfriends of the Avengers- Pepper Potts-Stark, Rochelle, Wilson , Cassandra Barnes, Laura Barton, and Alicia Rodriguez- Rogers. The girlfriends of Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, James Buchannan ‘’Bucky’’ Barnes, Clint Barton, and Steven Rogers, respectively. 
‘’Ladies, I assure you that we are doing everything we can to locate them,’’ Fury attempts, earning himself a scoff from Cassandra.
‘’Would have been a lot easier if we’d gone with the back up system like I’d suggested,’’ Natasha doesn’t even look up from the computer that she is tapping away on, diligently searching for a signal from any of the men,
A week and a half Tony, Sam, Bucky, Clint, and Steve were sent on a mission. Realizing that they needed help, they called in reinforcements. That’s where Peter Parker and my boyfriend, Shang-Chi, come into play.
Shang-Chi and I  have been dating for three years. Him being an Avenger came at no surprise to me. After all, who hadn’t seen the viral video of ‘’bus boy’’? Meeting him and seeing a viral video of him, however, are two different things. Despite his very impressive fighting skills, Shang-Chi is very lovable, very kind, and very dependable. He’s always someone that you can count on, which makes me understand how he was added to the team.
It also  reinforces in my mind, yet again, how a simple day to simply be together and get a little shopping done for my classroom, turned into him getting called on a mission as back-up…
Only for you to find out that he’s missing three and a half days later. 
‘’All I know is that I want my husband back, and I want him back now,’’ Alicia informs, ‘’They told you this mission was going to be dangerous, and you insisted without the proper back up. That’s on you. Now fix this mess.’’
The confidence and authority with which Alicia speaks is very much like the way that Steve speaks. It’s  more of a demand than a request, and Fury knows it just as well as I do. Her posture shows confidence and there’s no getting her to back down, which shouldn’t surprise me. After all, Steve met her as she trained new recruits, noting her firm but fair disposition.  
At least, that’s what Shang-Chi told me as we made dinner together one night about a year ago, himself invested in the ins and outs of other people’s relationships. 
‘’Alicia, we are doing everything er can to locate our team.’’
‘’They should not have been out there in the first place,’’ Pepper reminds, moving to sit next to Natasha, ‘’This is the last known location from three days ago Why weren’t we notificied the minute that they went missing?’’
‘’Do you think we’re going to contact you every single time they go missing? It’s part of the risk. It’s just never been this long,’’ Fury reminds, ‘’You know that.’’
‘’I want to know why you waited three and a half days,’ Laura beings before pointing at all of us, ‘’When they all have families.’’
Rochelle rubs her seven month pregnant stomach at that, ‘’The last time people just disappeared,  they were blipped. A giant alien crashed to earth again?’’
‘’Be real,’’ Cassandra  speaks again, folding her arms in front of her chest, ‘’And theny ou sent the kid, and her boyfriend out there? After you’d lost them? Did that seem wise yo uoi, Fury?’’
‘’You should know the risk associated. You are not that far removed from the field, agent,’’ Natasha begins,standing and stretching, ‘’But arguing is getting us nowhere. We are organizing a search team for them now, and that is why we have called you all in.’’
‘’We have an idea on how to locate them. However, sending in other members of the agency may alert them that they are there to rescue them. So I’ve thought of another idea.’’
Captain Marvel
‘’Wait, Ms.Marvel is coming here,’’ I pipe up, earning looks of distress and abit of annoyance from those around me, ‘’Sorry.’’
‘’You’re not the one who needs to be apologizing, sis,’’ Rochelle reminds you, ‘’So, Fury. What is this brilliant plan of yours?’’
‘’To spend the next few days training a group of highly capable individuals, ‘’ Fury says, ‘’Some experienced with this line of search and rescue, and others fairly new to it. But all with the same motivation- to find them.’’
Something in my stomach begins to turn, something similar to nervousness but without the usual side of nausea that I so often associate with THAT emotion.
‘’We thought who could be better to search timeout than the people that mean so much to them, and who they mean so much to,’’ Natasha brings an edge of nervousness to her statement, gently craving through her false sense of confidence.
‘’And who would that be,’’ you hesitate to ask, mouth dry as you feel that you already know the answers.
‘’Ladies… how do you feel about being temporary Avengers?’’
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @starsshines-blg @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @ashanti-notthesinger@mcusocialimagines @priya212 @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines    @vicmc624 @lovely-geek @battoddster @niffala  @angstlover  
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marvelfracturedrpg · 5 months
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RACE – Mutant
POWER /ABILITY – Biokinesis
OCCUPATION – healer , without occupation
“I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of what I can do… and it scares me what I might be capable of."
Once upon a time
osh was born the same year that the anti-mutant bill almost came to pass. His parents were loving and kind but detested the ‘dangerous monsters’ that could destroy the world. They surrounded themselves with people who were like-minded and raised their third-born son to see mutants the same way they did. Josh, even as a little boy, loved to please and followed his parents’ instructions to the letter. He went to school, made friends with other students his parents approved of, joined the sports teams they told him too and did everything they asked of him. He was their golden child, no matter how strict they were he didn’t disappoint. And despite how stressed he often was by these expectations, he was happy; his parents loved him, his brothers loved him, he was popular in school and in the top five percent of all his classes. Life was busy, but it was good.
To please his parents further following the terrorist attack at the white house he attended several anti-mutant rallies and even went as far as joining a more militant group called ‘The Reavers.’ While protesting against mutants a fight broke out and when he tried to stem the bleeding in a friend’s wounded leg he ended up healing the wound entirely. Disgusted, the Reavers turned on him and attacked. Josh fled home to the parents he loved… the parents who showed him nothing but disdain and rejection now, they disowned him. With nowhere left he could go, Josh ended up at the Xavier Institute. He wasn’t there long before an incident with Wolfsbane left him mortally wounded; luckily, he was able to heal himself with one side-effect: his skin turned gold. Now, an even more obvious mutant, Josh found it even harder to accept what he was and the place he was in.
Josh was in New York during the Skrull invasion. His goal was to help any injured civilians and heroes, but disaster struck. When the National Guard turned and began shooting at them, Josh was fatally struck and killed. At least, momentarily. Josh woke up in a fugue state and killed the Skrull Steve Rogers with a single touch. Nick Fury carefully brought him back and gave him to Charles Xavier at the X-Mansion where he was kept under observation until the mutants can find a way to help him.
Josh eventually came back to himself but the trauma of his death and his fear of his powers proved to be too much. One evening, he left the school, taking nothing and telling no one. He’s spent the almost eight years living as part of a secluded sect of Buddhist monks in Japan. News of Clint’s capture and Zemo’s resurrection reached even him though, and have been enough to cause his return to the life he wanted to leave behind.
0 notes
lilyevanstan1325 · 6 months
🔥 Dangerous Game 🔥
Chapter 21
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Amaya POV
“Ok Nick, I got it.Don't stress yourself too much, at your age it's not good for you” I answer seriously while Natasha next to me chuckles amused.
"Have I to laugh?" Fury replies, his voice sounds bored in my ears.
“I would say yes.You know I'm an extremely funny person, my jokes are always quite successful among my friends"
"Oh, do you have friends?" he retorts, making me laugh.
"Do you see?You got this humor from me” I chuckle.
“Seriously Snow be careful with those two and when you're in Washington I want you, Natasha and Steve in my office.Agree?"
So saying I hang up.
"It's all right?" Steve asks as he approaches followed by Bucky.
Both are majestically beautiful.
Steve is wearing a jeans and a simple white t-shirt while Bucky is in total black as usual.
Sexy as hell.
“Yep!Fury reminds us to be careful and once in Washington he wants to see us in his office” I tell him, pointing first to me and then to him and his wife.
"Did he tell you why?" asks Nat curiously.
I shake my head in response.
Mine is a lie, I already know what Fury wants to talk to us about but I really don't think it's my duty to tell them.
The old Nick plans to retire as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and he offered me to replace him.
And although I'm flattered by it, I can't accept it, I don't think I'm the most suitable person.
But someone else is…and I proposed Steve's name.
I really hope he accepts.
"Hey Snow" calls a voice behind me, waking me from my thoughts.
I turn around smiling.
“I didn't know you were part of the mission too” I tell Sam as he approaches us.
Once at my side he wraps my shoulders with his arm and then gives me a kiss on the top of my head obviously getting a disapproving look from Bucky.
"Hey man, don't look at me like that" Sam teases, tightening his grip around me.
I roll my eyes.
Here we go again.
"Anyway, to answer your question Snow, I didn't know anything either but since I got rid of my commitment with Stark earlier than expected, Fury asked me to help you" Sam resumes.
"Excellent" I reply, giving him a smile and then freeing myself from his embrace, I go to one of the guards who is in front of the RAFT entrance door.
“How long does it take for the inmates to be ready?We have to be in Washington in a few hours” I ask quite impatiently.
We have been here for almost half an hour now but not even the shadow of those two idiots.
“They're almost ready Agent Snow.An agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. is making a final check on the security protocol.They'll be out in a few minutes”
For a moment I remain speechless from the words of the guard.
"Sorry?How did you say?An agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
The guard looks at me confused.
I turn around looking for Steve.
"Steve please can you join me?"
I scream in his direction and in less than a second he is already by my side.
"What happens?" he asks me making his eyes bounce between me and the guard.
"You and I are still in charge of this mission, aren't we?"
Steve nods in confusion.
"So why have I just been informed by a guard that in there, along with the two inmates, there is an agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. that is supervising?"
Steve looks at me again, in his eyes there is the same confusion present in mine.
The guard moves uncomfortably under Steve's serious gaze.
"I received direct orders from Director Fury to have Agent Scott enter the RAFT to pick up the prisoners" he stammers anxiously.
Steve jerks his head in my direction.
"What?!?!?" I ask with perhaps a little too much aggression because the guard takes a step back.
Now this poor man seems to be more scared of me than he was a moment before by the famous Captain America, in fact, pretending indifference, he takes a step to the side positioning himself a little closer to Steve.
Away from my wrath.
The guard seems to want to give an explanation but in the meantime the large armored doors of the prison open.
Lucas Scott comes out of them, looking more beautiful than ever, his blond hair shines in the intense light of this morning at the end of August.
And even if the heat is stifling enough to stick your clothes on you, him in his haute couture suit and perfectly knotted tie looks like a model straight out of a fashion catalog.
Damn Fury!
He wills pay for this.
Lucas approaches with sure-footed and obviously he is not at all surprised by our presence.
Behind him are at least a dozen gunmen, each carrying an AK-47, all meticulously aimed at the two handcuffed men.
Pierce and Rumlow.
Rumlow's eyes are immediately on me, he gives me a slimy smile that makes me shiver despite the scorching sun beating down on my skin.
“Captain Rogers.Agent Snow.My men and I are ready to get on your jets”
Lucas speaks coldly, right now for him we are just people he has to work with.
He refers to us as if we were soldiers, mere subordinates.
Obviously I didn't expect him to jump for joy seeing me again but I don't understand why he has to behave so coldly even with Steve, he has always respected and treated him as a friend.
I feel the anger cloud my brain, the blood is pumping furiously into my heart.
Between Fury's lies and Lucas' behavior I feel like I've been outclassed, like I have no authority.
“I don't know what you think Agent Scott but Captain Rogers and I are in charge of this mission.Here you don't give orders, you just have to follow them"
I speak abruptly, spitting the words between my teeth.
And if so far he had done everything to avoid my gaze now Lucas is forced to look at me, his gaze runs all over my figure as if he were studying me.
"Do you have something to say?" I ask, taking a step closer to him.
"Fury..." he begins but I cut him off immediately.
“I don't give a shit what Fury might have told you.I am in charge, me and this man by my side.Your little part ends here.Now tell your men to get on the jets.Move"
Lucas looks me intently in the eyes and without showing the slightest emotion he just murmurs "Yes ma'am" and with a nod invites his men to escort the two prisoners on the jets.
Steve who hasn't breathed a breath since Lucas appeared through those doors approaches me until he is by my side.
"Are you okay Amaya?" he asks me in a gentle voice.
His big hand just squeezes my shoulder.
I lower my head looking at my feet and run my hands through my hair, snorting loudly.
“What the hell does Fury think doing?Why didn't he tell us anything?" I ask, looking up at my friend.
"Maybe because he feared your reaction?" he tries to make me think.
"Yes, ok but what is the need?Are we five not enough?Do you think we can't handle these two assholes?" I ask as I watch the blonde next to me direct his gaze behind him, distracted by something.
I fearfully follow the trajectory of his gaze, already knowing what I will find.
Bucky keeps his hands clenched in fists, his glacial gaze is turned towards the shoulders of Lucas who is barking orders to his men.
Sam talks to him calmly, surely he will be trying to make him think and stop him from punching what he insists on calling a rival.
Sam gets even closer to him by placing a hand on his shoulder, he's really working hard to keep him at bay.
Of this I'm sure but obviously Bucky is stubborn and conceited and that scares me.
Too much.
Bucky runs a hand through his hair shaking his head at Sam's words and as soon as his eyes perceive mine, planted on his figure, he gives me a bitter smile.
I pinch the base of my nose between two fingers.
“Oh my fucking God!Please tell me it's a nightmare” I murmur, looking away from this absurd pantomime and plunging my face into my hands.
"A day.I would like to live just one fucking day without any fucking drama" I exclaim exasperated.
Steve chuckles in amusement.
"I don't find anything funny in it Captain" I mumble wearily.
"Stay calm.If you want, I'll talk to Bucky” Steve reassures me.
"No way!Don't try!We are not five, we are adults and we are working.Bucky must learn to trust me, my love.We can't go on like this" I answer, turning my back on him and walking already exhausted towards the jets.
This is going to be a really bad day.
I move further and further away from Steve and pretending a certainty that does not belong to me at the moment I reach out to the rest of my team.
“Natasha, if that's okay with you, could you fly the jet that will host Pierce?Could you Steve instead pilot the other?" I ask.
They both nod.
"Thank you.I feel safer to make them travel separate.I know they can't do anything but I prefer those two to stay as far away as possible” I add.
Sam nods and then asks me “What about us?How do we divide?"
"I'm going with Steve" I exclaim confidently.
I'm not going to let Rumlow fly without me for even a minute.
Sam nods and then looks at Bucky.
"This means that I will go with Romanoff" Sam muses aloud as he stands alongside the former Russian spy.
Bucky watches me and without saying a word passes me and gets on the jet that will carry Rumlow.
I sigh shaking my head and followed by Steve I head for the jet.
Fortunately Lucas decides not to follow us and out of the corner of my eye I see him as he greets Natasha with a nod and gets on the jet with her.
Steve waits for everyone to take their seats to start the engines and take off.
Rumlow is sitting right in front of me, flanked by two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and both his wrists and his ankles are constrained in large steel chains.
His slimy gaze continues to be planted on me but I'm not intimidated.
I return his gaze without fear.
Bucky at my side is as tense as a violin string but I honestly don't know what to attribute the stiffness of his posture to, if he's nervous about our closeness to Rumlow or seeing Lucas again.
I feel like an epic headache is about to explode.
And the deafening silence that reigns inside the jet's cockpit doesn't help.
I let my gaze wander for a moment observing the other four men armed to the teeth who stand behind the prisoner.
Then I turn my attention back to Rumlow.
I smile bitterly.
"What are you thinking Snow?" he asks me with his strong New York accent.
"Shut up!" exclaims the guard beside him hitting him with the butt of the rifle straight in the stomach.
Rumlow groans as he bends his torso slightly forward.
"Stop it" I bark at the agent who looks at me as if I were crazy.
I return my gaze to Rumlow and smile at him almost amused.
Bucky by my side is tense more than ever but he doesn't dare intervene, his lips are closed in a straight line.
"I was thinking that I made a big mistake when we were in that old abandoned warehouse" I reply and we remain to carefully observe each other.
"I should have put a bullet in your head when I had the opportunity" I add calmly as if we were talking about sports or the weather and not taking the life of another human being.
"You see it?You're not that different from me honey.You are and will always be a murderer" he replies.
I know what he is doing.
He wants to make me nervous but his words have no effect on me.
I know who I am.
I laugh in response and his gaze hesitates for a moment, unable to decipher my reaction.
"If I was like you you wouldn't be here Brock" I answer and then get up and walk towards Steve.
"How soon will we land  Rogers?" I ask, stopping behind him and placing a hand on the back of his seat.
“We'll be in Washington in 10 minutes” he replies.
I nod and then take a seat next to him.
Steve turns to me.
"How is the situation behind?" asks slightly worried the Captain.
“Rumlow is the usual idiot.No a big deal” I murmur crossing my arms over my chest and sinking into the leather seat that creaks under my weight.
Steve nods but his gaze remains tense.
His perfect jaw is tense, his eyes as blue as the ocean stir a thousand worries.
I know perfectly well what worries him.
“Steve I asked you to escort Rumlow with me to prevent Natasha from staying with him.Pierce is incapable.He is harmless.Rumlow only needed his financial backing.Nat is safe”
Steve nods and then sighs.
"I know it.I understand your choice and accept it.Although the most selfish part of me would have liked to fly with her” he admits with a chuckle and scratches at the back of his neck.
As if his worries were a stupid thought…but it isn't.
I understand him.
If only I had any chance that Bucky ever agreed to fly with Natasha I would, I would have pushed him to go with her.
I hate that he and Rumlow are so close.
They are two hotheads and nothing good could ever come from their proximity.
"Here we go" Steve exclaims after a few minutes of flight catching my attention again.
I look in front of me where a long landing strip opens up where the two vans that will take us to the courthouse in Washington are already waiting for us.
We land gently, Steve as always is a great pilot, and after a few moments we are all together again.
Steve immediately joins his wife, whispering something in her ear.
Natasha smiles softly and nods in response.
Bucky remained on the sidelines and his cold and icy gaze is divided between the prisoners and Agent Scott.
Sam approaches me smiling.
"What a mess, huh?" he chuckles giving me a shove.
I roll my eyes in response.
Then I turn to my friend who suddenly got serious.
“I had to hold him back earlier.Literally.That man has serious self-control issues" Sam murmurs, indicating Bucky with a nod of his head.
“For a moment I was afraid he was going to punch Lucas” he adds.
"Do you think I don't know?" I reply angrily.
Sam raises his hands in defense.
“Woah calm down!I don't mean it's your fault”
He tries to apologize but I stop him immediately with a wave of my hand.
"I know it.Sorry.It's just that this situation makes me nervous.I just want to finish fast and go back to New York”
Sam smiles and kisses my forehead.
"It's going to be okay Snow" Sam murmurs softly as I rest my head on his chest.
The strong, steady beating of his heart helps me relax.
"The vans are ready" Steve exclaims.
I raise my head and find him beside me.
I didn't even hear him coming.
"Okay" I exclaim as I approach the vehicles with my friends.
"Steve you go with Natasha" I tell him smiling.
"Are you sure?" he asks me seriously.
I smile again, nodding in response.
“You two and Wilson can escort Pierce.Bucky and I will take care of Rumlow” I say turning to Bucky and smiling at him briefly.
I am tired and at this moment I would like only support and comfort from my man.
We both stand still and watch our friends go away.
I cross my arms across my chest, carefully observing every move of every single person present.
Pierce gets into the van, his gestures slowed by the chains surrounding his ankles.
Right after he is followed by two agents and then it's Natasha's turn, Sam and Steve go up last.
I frown in confusion.
One man is missing.
I point my gaze to the other van just in time to see Lucas, together with two agents, escort Rumlow inside the van but without coming out of it.
I shift my gaze to Bucky and find him observing the same scene I just witnessed.
"James?" I whisper.
His hard, icy gaze moves immediately to my face.
I observe for a moment his beautiful features.
The perfect jaw, the long hair pulled back into a messy bun that touches his neck.
Some rebellious tufts brush his cheek.
It's nice to hurt and as always I feel butterflies stirring in my stomach.
I really love this man too much.
"Do you love me?" I ask him in a choked voice.
His eyes after a moment of confusion soften.
Anger and tension disappear, leaving room only for an infinite sweetness.
His big hands wrap around my face, his thumbs gently caress my cheekbones and then I see his face drop towards mine.
I close my eyes waiting for that sweet contact that today I have missed more than ever.
My hands go up his chest until they cling to his tags.
And just as I imagined a moment later his lips are on mine.
A light kiss, full of love.
He kisses me a couple more times, always kindly.
Then he walks away from me and my eyes slowly reopen.
"I love you more than anything else in the world, my little robin" he replies, smiling with so much love that I feel my legs trembling.
“Don't think I'm angry with you Amaya...it's just that I'd rather you weren't here” Bucky admits with a sigh.
I laugh staying close in his embrace.
"I bet you're more worried about the man without handcuffs" I tease him.
His laughter reverberates through my ear resting on his broad chest.
"More or less" he replies laughing.
We break away from our embrace and holding hand we walk towards the van.
A man is holding the hatch open for us.
Once on board, the driver immediately starts the engine.
For the first few minutes an awkward silence envelops us.
Embarrassing only for some of us because Rumlow is smiling radiantly, he looks like a child anxiously awaiting Christmas morning.
"This trip will be less boring than I could have imagined" he chuckles amused getting a death stare from every person present.
We travel in silence for about ten minutes until Rumlow's voice sounds amused inside the cockpit.
"Did you really leave a good man like Lucas for someone like Bucky?" he asks, giggling amused.
“I mean Lucas is a perfect agent, a sweet and good guy.How could you have preferred your parents' killer to him?I really don't explain it” he adds, pretending to be confused.
The agent to his right quickly pulls out a truncheon to silence him but I block him with a wave of my hand, I really want to see where he wants to go.
Bucky moves nervously by my side, I try to calm him by placing my hand on his thigh, squeezing hard.
Lucas' eyes do not miss even a moment of my every movement.
And our gazes, in a completely instinctive motion, meet and intertwine.
All this under the smug gaze of Rumlow.
I remain silent, trying to curb my impulse to punch Rumlow until that hateful smile disappears.
“Is it about sex?Does Sergeant Barnes fuck you better?" he insists.
Bucky grinds his teeth and I tighten my grip on his thigh trying to make him understand not to give weight to his words.
I am so focused on my boyfriend that I am not aware of Lucas' reaction in the least.
It is as if everything happens in slow motion but despite this I still could not stop it.
His gaze always so kind are contracted with anger, his right hand is tight around Rumlow's neck while with his other he takes the gun from its holster and points it straight at the center of his forehead.
The guards next to the prisoner watch the whole scene with their mouths open, also incredulous at the violence with which Agent Scott is reacting.
Rumlow continues to smile as if he enjoys his reaction.
"What is it...did I hit on the key to the whole thing?" he mumbles as Lucas's hand tightens even more his grip around his neck.
I get up quickly throwing myself between the two men.
"Lucas?Lucas listen to me!He's not worth it, believe me”
I try to make him think by trying to catch his eye.
I place both hands on his chest with light pressure and Lucas suddenly seems to recover.
He blinks quickly focusing on the man in front of him, then turns in my direction and as soon as he notices our proximity he walks away as if burned.
"Don't touch me" he hisses, violently pushing my hands away from his chest.
I involuntarily whimper in pain from the thrust and that's enough for Bucky's ears as he stands up and approaches hard-nosed in front of Lucas.
"Touch her again and I'll break your neck" he murmurs between his teeth.
The two men are chest to chest and I'm sure if I don't separate them it won't end well.
I grab Bucky by the hand and pull him back but he looks like he is pinned in place.
"James?Nothing happened, he didn't do anything to me” I whisper.
Lucas and Bucky continue to challenge each other with their eyes as Brock throws his head back laughing.
“God this is better than I ever imagined” he chuckles.
I drop his words and focus on Bucky again.
"Babe c'mon, let's sit down" I pull him back to me and he lets himself be dragged back onto the seat.
After making sure he has calmed down sufficiently I sit next to him, Lucas sits in front of us turning back to Rumlow.
"Another word.Just another word" threatens him but the man in handcuffs doesn't care in the least, his attention is back on me.
We remain to observe each other and despite the surreal situation that has arisen I have only one question that buzzes non-stop in my head.
“I have a question for you.Why did you do that?" I ask straight away.
Lucas and Bucky whirl in my direction, neither of them expecting me to interact with Rumlow.
And seeing his expression not even him expected it.
"What do you mean redhead?" he asks me intrigued by my curiosity.
"Why did you do that.You had everything.Respect, access to confidential files, a great salary.You could have had a brilliant career.But you chose to be on the side of the bad guys.Why?"
"Who says we're the bad guys Snow?"
I smile.
"Answer a question with another question.Coward” I spit through my teeth.
Rumlow stiffens.
“I'm not a coward.You are.You are so afraid of your own government that you don't dare to rebel.We had courage instead”
I have the point.
“This I grant you.It takes courage to have your men slaughtered.Men who trusted you.Men who followed and obeyed you for how long?Six years?"
"Eight" Rumlow interrupts me.
I smile.
"Eight years.Eight years and you sacrificed them as if they were meat for slaughter.On your conscience you have dead, widows, orphans, parents and friends who cry for them...how can you live in such peace with yourself?" I ask sincerely curious to know how the mind of a madman works.
“They are collateral damage.It's all for a just cause, for a greater good” he replies with a fiery gaze.
"Collateral damages?Superior good?Jesus Christ Rumlow are you serious?I'll tell you one last thing" I murmur staring him straight in the eye.
“If it had been up to me I wouldn't have granted you any trial, you don't deserve it.You don't deserve to live and if only I had nothing to lose I would have already killed you with my own hands.You will pay for every single life you have taken from this world and I promise you that I will do anything in my power to make every single day of your life be a fucking hell”
Bucky grabs my hand intertwining our fingers, I know he's trying to comfort me and calm me down.
I reciprocate the squeeze.
Rumlow no longer speaks and the entire journey continues quietly to the courthouse.
Once on the spot, Steve and I make sure that everything goes ok, together with the armed guards we escort both prisoners to the courtroom where the trial will take place and once we are sure that everything goes ok we head to the Triskelion.
We are about to get into the van that will take us to Fury when I notice a person out of the corner of my eye.
"I'll be right back" I say to my friends, walking away quickly.
"Where are you going?" Bucky yells behind me but I'm already too far away to answer, too far away and too focused on my goal.
Stopped in front of the entrance to the court is Lucas who is talking to some men.
"Lucas?Do you have a minute?" I ask him staying a few steps away.
He turns his gaze towards me, he seems tempted to ignore me but after a few moments he apologizes to his interlocutors and joins me.
“Sorry gentlemen.I'll join you in a minute”
I hear him murmur.
When I find him in front of me, I feel as if I have lost word, I just observe him without knowing what to say.
"Do you need something Snow?" he asks me coldly bringing me back to reality abruptly.
"I...I..." I stammer.
Lucas snorts impatiently.
"I have no time to lose.I have work to do” he exclaims, turning his back on me and walking away.
“I'm sorry” I yell behind him pinning him in place.
"I'm sorry" I repeat, moving a few steps closer.
Lucas keeps his back to me.
“I didn't want you to suffer.I was wrong and I regret it every single day.You were close to me and I broke your heart...but I swear it was not my intention!I didn't want to” I whisper in pain, feeling all the weight of my guilt fall on my heart.
“I know my apologies are useless but I've always cared so much for you…I care so much for you.Hurt you was the last of my intentions" I add, lowering my head and with hunched shoulders I turn to go back to my friends.
"I'm sorry too" Lucas whispers behind me.
I turn slowly in disbelief at the words that have just left his lips.
"You have nothing to apologize for Lucas"
"It's no true" he interrupts me.
“I was aware of your real feelings Amaya but I ignored them, I wallowed in a lie hoping you might change your mind about me someday.I was presumptuous and took my frustration out on you.I blamed you without you having a fault, taking it out on you was easier than facing reality.I wouldn't blame you if you hated me”
I look at his eyes, so clear and sincere.
“That's ok Lucas.I don't hate you, I could never do that”
I smile at him trying to make him understand how sincere I am.
For a moment we remain closed in an embarrassed silence but then Lucas smiles at me and holds out his hand.
"Friends?" I answer uncertain.
"Just friends, I swear" he adds with a laugh.
I laugh too, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
"Friends" I repeat pulling him towards me and hugging him.
"I'm sorry" I repeat with my face sunk into his chest.
His expensive cologne tickles my nostrils.
"I'm sorry too Snow"
We part smiling and Lucas's gaze goes to the van behind us.
I follow his gaze with a sigh.
"Are you going to have problems because of me?" Lucas asks me looking into my eyes.
My gaze remains fixed on Bucky who is watching me with a death stare.
I shake my head returning my attention to the man in front of me.
“Bucky still has some trouble trusting people.Including me” I say shrugging.
Lucas lifts a corner of his lips.
“I hope you will forgive me but Barnes is an idiot.The ways you have shown him that you love him are countless and even of some importance and yet he continues to do so.Instead of him I wouldn't be so pissed off”
I laugh.
“Yeah, he's often an idiot but...he's my idiot” I admit.
Lucas laughs with me.
"Ok, now I have to go before he decides to come here" I say holding out my hand to Lucas again, he grabs it and squeezes it tightly.
“Yeah, I think it wouldn't be great if we got into a fight now”
“I guess” I reply laughing.
We say goodbye one last time and aware that now Bucky's anger would await me, I return to the van.
Bucky waits for me with his arms crossed outside the vehicle, I walk past him without saying anything.
A moment before being able to step on the van his hand in Vibranium tightens around my wrist.
"So?" he asks furiously.
I jerk my wrist out of his grip but to no avail, his fingers are locked around my wrist.
"So what?" I ask angrily.
Bucky's gaze tapers.
"What did you say to each other?"
I look at him in shock.
“I don't think I have to tell you what we said to each other.I needed to talk to him.To apologize to him.He is a very important person to me”
A flash of pain passes through his eyes.
I know how insecure he is but I don't want to lie to him.
We promised never to do it again.
“No more lies, remember?Lucas was important to me and he always will be, he's a good friend but nothing more.And I can't help it if you can't accept it.If you find it hard to believe.That's it”
Bucky lets go of my wrist like he's just burned.
"You don't owe him any apologies" he mutters grumpily looking everywhere but not in my eyes.
I laugh at his statement, catching his crystalline gaze again.
"Don't be ridiculous.I dumped him immediately after having sex with him.I ditched him for the man I told him several times not to worry about.Apologies are the bare minimum.Now if you're done being a capricious child, I have work waiting for me”
So saying I turn my back as I get into the van and sit next to Sam.
My friends watch me without knowing what to say, in their eyes I can clearly see their pain for me.
Obviously they have heard everything and the tense air that has been created makes them uncomfortable too.
"I'm sorry guys" I whisper a moment before Bucky goes up and sits next to Steve.
Away from me.
I lean my head against the side of the van, closing my eyes.
I almost regret not being Agent Zero anymore.
Bucky POV
We arrive at the Triskelion in less than fifteen minutes.
Amaya kept her eyes closed the whole trip.
I know she is not sleeping, she is simply avoiding any eye contact with me.
Once we get out of the van, we head inside the large building.
Amaya greets many people by giving them only a slight nod, so do Steve and Natasha.
They are practically at home here in Washington.
Sam greets us by telling us that he would go up to the accounting floor to say hello to an old friend.
And I honestly don't know what to do, I don't know anyone here in DC so I just follow my friends with my head down.
I think about what happened before and obviously I feel terribly guilty, I feel guilty for treating Amaya that way.
It's just that I just can't accept that she and Lucas can resume having a relationship, even if it's just a friendship...and all this because I'm fucking jealous.
We keep walking until we reach the elevator.
"Amaya!" exclaims a girl approaching us.
Amaya smiles at her and the two women embrace.
"Hi Dana" she smiles at her amiably.
The girl smiles back and then turns to Steve.
“Captain Rogers, Natasha.I would like to congratulate you on your recent wedding.You are really a wonderful couple” the girl squeaks visibly excited to be able to speak to two people of the caliber of Steve and Nat.
"Thank you.You are very kind” Steve replies as Natasha smiles at her.
Dana turns back to Amaya and her gaze rests on me for a moment.
"Hi" I greet her politely.
"Dana he is..." Amaya hesitates uncertainly as if she doesn't know how to introduce me.
"This is Sergeant Barnes" she mutters at the end.
Sergeant Barnes.
Can't she even present me as her boyfriend?
If she had punched me in the nose it would have hurt less.
“Nice to meet you Sergeant.I am Dana"
"My pleasure" I reply leaning forward and grabbing the hand she is holding out to me.
Then the elevator doors open and we all go inside.
“Dana how are you?How is Michael?" Amaya asks gently.
"We're fine.Two weeks ago we moved in together” the woman replies visibly excited.
"That's great" Amaya exclaims in response.
The two women exchange smiles and the elevator doors open again.
We have arrived at our destination.
Dana reaches the desk located in front of Fury's office door.
Now I understand .
She must surely be his secretary.
She fumbles at the PC for a few minutes and then grabs the phone by typing a couple of numbers.
"Director?Agent Snow is here" she exclaims confidently.
"Ok" she murmurs after a moment putting down the phone.
“The director will see you shortly.You can take a seat here.Can I bring you something while you wait?Coffee, water?" asks Dana politely.
We all refuse and she walks away devoting herself to her work.
The four of us sit in silence until Nat stands up.
"Where are you going babe?" Steve asks.
"I've changed my mind and I'd like a coffee, can you come with me?" she asks him.
I know what she is doing, she wants to leave us alone.
I thank her with my gaze and she gives me a short smile.
Amaya for her part doesn't seem so keen to be alone with me.
Once we are alone I get up from my chair to go and sit next to her.
Amaya moves uncomfortably in place but she doesn't move away, she just stays silent.
"I was an idiot, I'm sorry"
"You know what's the thing that hurts me the most Bucky?" she asks me without even looking into my eyes, completely ignoring my apologies.
“That despite everything we have been through, although I have forgiven you, although I have shown you both with deeds and with words how much I love you, you are always convinced that I can cheat on you with Lucas.Do you really have so little respect for my feelings for you?"
I start at her words and with confused look I turn completely towards her.
"I don't think that" I tell her sincerely.
It's true that I tend to freak out seeing her with him but I honestly never thought she would ever cheat on me.
I'm just jealous of him.
Simple and stupid.
I know that she loves me but I also know how much Lucas loved her and God only knows that he is not in love with her even now.
“So why are you acting like a fucking kid?Listen to me James, I love you but if we have to go on like this I don't think it will work between us” Amaya whispers looking down at her hands.
She tortures her fingers nervously and her poor lower lip is repeatedly battered by her teeth.
Her pain shines through in her every gesture, in her every breath.
And I...I feel my heart shattering, a heart that in recent times had started beating just for her.
My little, sweet and fragile robin.
"Are you serious?" I ask in a choked voice and she nods unable to speak.
I feel a lump tighten my throat.
"Amaya I..."
I am about to answer her but the door of director Fury's office opens.
I forget what I was going to tell her.
"I'll wait here" I just mutter aware that Fury has specifically requested the presence of Amaya, Steve and Natasha.
Amaya gets up going straight into the arms of the man in front of her, they exchange a short hug and then enters his office without ever looking back.
Meanwhile, the Rogers also arrive and the two are preparing to quickly enter the office.
As soon as the door closes behind the director I get up and start walking back and forth under the watchful eye of Dana.
"Can I get you something Sergeant?" she asks me with a friendly smile.
Her blonde hair falls in soft waves on her shoulders and her eyes as blue as the sea stare at me intently.
“No thanks” I reply as I approach her desk.
She interrupts what she is doing by looking at me curiously.
"Is there anything else I can do?" she asks me while remaining polite and professional.
I shake my head while standing in front of her workstation.
Established that I do not want anything, she brings her attention back to her PC keyboard and gets back to work.
"How long have you and Amaya known each other?" I ask on impulse, regretting it almost immediately.
Why the hell did I ask her?
Now she will think that in addition to being strange I am also a meddler.
Dana smiles.
"I've been working for Fury for five years, so we've known each other for a while" she replies.
She then crosses her hands under her thin chin and leans forward.
"You're still together, right?" she asks, taking me by surprise.
"Yeah...we had some problems but now we're together again"
Dana smiles and then returns with another question.
"So is it all true?"
"What would be true?" I ask not following the thread of her speech.
"That you ran away together on the night of Captain Rogers' wedding" she murmurs as if she revealing a secret with scandalous implications.
I lean my head back bursting out laughing and the poor secretary's cheeks turn red.
"Sorry if I was intrusive but here in Washington people don't talk about anything else" she chuckles embarrassed.
I wave a hand in front of her face.
"Don't worry.Everything is fine.So…have we been the best gossip in recent times?"
Dana laughs and nods happy to have found complicity with the person directly involved in the gossip.
“It's so romantic” she then sighs.
"Romantic?" I ask giggling.
"Absolutely yes!" the blonde eagerly replies from across the desk.
"That is, your love story is wonderful.Passion, intrigue.A love that seemed over but then you found each other again.A love like this is really something rare.Soul mates” she adds, sighing dreamily.
"You believe?" I ask, revealing a little of the uncertainties that are currently overshadowing my heart.
Dana leans even further forward.
“Amaya is a very pragmatic woman and rest assured that if she has exposed herself so much to you it only means one thing…that she really loves you.We often found ourselves talking about men, at least I talked about them and she just listened to me.She never got too out of balance, her life was just work and work...but since you entered her life I have seen a change in her.A positive change” Dana murmurs softly, almost touched that her friend has finally found someone to love.
We smile then a voice behind me captures my attention.
“Stop hitting on the poor woman Barnes!Or I'll have to report it to your girlfriend” Sharon exclaims, joining me.
She is wearing a black dress and her vertiginous heels are ticking on the marble floor.
When she reaches we hugs.
"What are you doing here?" she asks me after saying goodbye to Dana that diligently got back to work.
“Fury has summoned Amaya, Steve and Natasha.I wait for them to finish”
Sharon smiles at me.
"What do you say if we have a coffee together while waiting?" she asks.
And even if I don't feel in the right mood, I can't deny it.
"Of course!Let's go"
We leave the Triskelion immersing ourselves in the sweltering heat of the city and head to the bar, sitting on the sidelines and finding some relief from the scorching heat thanks to the air conditioning.
We place our order and start sipping our coffee in silence.
“So...you want to tell me what's going on?Or do I have to take the words out of your mouth?" she asks me leaning her back against the chair and crossing her arms to her chest.
I laugh pretending to be casual.
"There's nothing wrong Sharon, really" I murmur but her gaze leaves me no way out.
"Really?" she asks, narrowing her gaze.
I roll my eyes but still don't answer.
Sharon remains silent.
She knows me all too well and she is waiting for me to decide to speak.
"What do you know?" I ask fiddling with a sachet of sugar.
Sharon smiles.
“I know about poor Agent Scott's broken heart.Of your love escape in Wakanda"
I sigh letting my gaze wander between the tables.
"Are things not going as you hoped?" Sharon asks softly leaning her elbows on the table and leaning towards me.
“I think I'm screwing everything up Sharon...again!I have a horrible temper.I'm afraid Amaya is getting tired of me”
Sharon laughs.
“Do you find it funny?Do you think it's the Karma for what I did to you?" I murmur sadly.
Sharon shakes her head.
“Don't be stupid James.I laugh because you are absurd.How can you think Amaya is getting tired of you?That woman loves you so much.And you love her.What's the problem?"
I scratch the back of my neck embarrassed.
“I freaked out this morning.Lucas was on a mission with us, she rushed to apologize to him and when I saw them laughing and hugging each other I lost my head” I admit full of shame.
"I understand" Sharon murmurs and then takes another sip of coffee.
"You and I are friends, right?" she asks me.
I nod.
“Why can't Lucas and Amaya be?Even if it annoys you to admit it he was very important to her and you have to accept it"
"Yes I know but it's not easy..." I burst out like a capricious child making Sharon roll her eyes.
“Do you know that it was Amaya who begged me to forgive you?Literally” Sharon says, looking at me with a sly smile.
"Mmh mmh" she nods.
"The day of the attack on the Triskelion.She told me that I was too important to you and that she didn't care if I hated her, the important thing was our friendship" Sharon murmurs, pointing first at her and then at me.
I am shocked.
Amaya had never mentioned any of this to me.
"She put sideways her feelings because she loves you so much that she just wants your happiness" adds Sharon placing her hand on mine on the table.
And only in that moment do I see it.
"And this?" I ask with a toothy smile.
I grab Sharon's left hand looking at the huge solitaire that shines on her ring finger.
I watch her as she blushes and chuckling pulls her hand back from my grip.
“His name is Josh.We met on New Year's Eve and it was love at first sight.Last week he proposed” she announces excitedly.
I'm really happy for her.
"You couldn't wait to slam it in my face, wasn't it?" I tease her by nodding my head towards her hand.
Sharon laughs heartily, her eyes sparkling with pure joy.
"Maybe" she replies with a sly smile.
We laugh together.
“I'm really happy for you Sharon.Really"
"Really?" she asks hesitantly.
"Of course!You are one of the dearest people I have and knowing that you are happy fills me with joy.You deserve all the happiness of this world Sharon” I answer her with my heart in hand.
"So you will come to my wedding?"
"You can count on it" I answer with a wink.
We stay a while longer chatting until my phone rings.
I check the display.
It's Amaya.
I reply immediately apologizing to Sharon.
"James where are you?" she asks me in a dull voice.
I close my eyes sorry.
I am making suffer the only person who does not deserve it.
“I'm with Sharon.Are you done with Fury?"
"Yup.Nat is preparing the jet to return to New York.You...are you coming with us?" she uncertain question.
As if I could ever let her go without me.
"Wait for me doll, I'll be right"
I end the call and surprise Sharon staring at me intently.
“Fix things Barnes.Amaya is your soul mate, don't screwed up"
I return to the Triskelion with Sharon and after saying goodbye I head to the top of the building where the runway is located with the jet ready to take off for New York.
They are all on board already so I am going to go up quickly.
Natasha is already at the controls while Steve and Amaya are sitting in the back seats.
"It was time Barnes!" Nat exclaims over the sound of engines starting.
I take a seat next to Amaya, fastening my belt.
Once we have gained altitude I turn to Steve who seems quite nervous.
"What's up brother?Are you ok?"
Steve moves uncomfortably in place.
My gaze goes to Amaya who is giving our friend a sweet smile.
Natasha puts on the autopilot and joins us sitting next to her husband, giving him a look full of pride.
"What happens?" I ask sincerely confused.
Amaya answer to my question.
“Fury has decided that he's time to enjoy his retirement.And he asked me to replace him”
I open my mouth in amazement even if all it makes sense.
Amaya was like a daughter to Fury and it's more than understandable that he wants her to follow his footsteps.
But that doesn't explain Steve's mood.
"And?" I urge Amaya to keep going.
"Amaya refused, proposing Steve in her place" continues Natasha visibly excited.
I turn my gaze to my best friend.
"Are you the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" I ask excitedly.
Steve nods smiling.
"Oh my God man that's great!" I exclaim laughing and undoing my belt I get up to go and hug my best friend.
The S.H.I.E.L.D. is lucky to have a good and righteous man like Steve in charge, I'm sure he's going to be a really good director.
The flight proceeds pleasantly even if Amaya and I interact as little as possible.
She is right.
We cannot go on like this, we absolutely have to face this situation and make a final decision.
After returning and celebrating Steve's new role at S.H.I.E.L.D.  we go to our room.
The day was really long and hard.
I follow Amaya to her bedroom door and stop behind her.
“If it's not a problem for you, can I come in?I left Alpine in your room this morning” I murmur.
Amaya looks at me dazed.
"Sure.Why do you ask?"
I shrug just staring at her.
Amaya shakes her head and opens the door.
As soon as we cross the threshold Alpine runs towards us, rubbing on the ankles of both and meowing softly.
I drop to my knees to be able to pick him up.
“Hi buddy” I whispered to him as I caress his little head.
He in response begins to purr.
Amaya approaches us stopping a step away from me, she reaches out her hand just enough to caress Alpine.
I observe her from above enjoying her beauty.
Her red hair like the flames of hell is gathered in a messy bun, her long, light lashes almost brush her cheekbones every time she blinks.
On her lips there is the shadow of a very sweet smile.
Alpine nibbles the tip of her finger making her laugh heartily, her head tilts back as she squints in amusement.
Her crystalline laughter fills the room and rings like a choir of angels in my ears.
This is my second favorite sound, first place goes to the sound of her moans whispered in my ears.
Amaya lifts her intense green gaze at me and smiles at me briefly, as if she is tired.
"I'm going to take a shower" she whispers awkwardly but before she can turn her back I grab her by the wrist.
Holding her tightly, I gently rest Alpine on the bed and then bring my attention back to her.
“Wait Amaya.We need to talk”
She stiffens but continues to keep her gaze fixed on mine.
I let her go and sit on the edge of the bed, she imitates my gestures and sits beside me.
"You're right.We can't go on like this Amaya” I murmur with my heart galloping furiously in my chest, rumbling in my ears.
We remain silent until a shy whisper from her rouses me from my fears.
"What did you say?" I ask.
She spoke so softly that not even my hearing could decipher what she said.
"Have you decided to leave me?" she asks this time in a higher tone.
Her voice trembles even though her gaze is serious.
I turn completely to her with an incredulous look.
"What?No!What...what are you thinking about Amaya?"
I watch her as she lets out a shaking sigh.
“Amaya I want to apologize to you, I really hope you can accept my apologies.Today I was unforgivable.But I know that words alone are not enough.I need to work on this side of my character, we both need someone to point us on the right path to make our relationship work”
Amaya stands up just to sit astride me.
She strokes my cheek, bringing a lock of hair behind my ear.
"I'm serious when I say I want you all my life but I think we need help" I say.
"What do you mean?" my little robin asks me while her fingers play with the tags around my neck.
"I'm saying that maybe doing couples therapy isn't such a bad idea.Maybe you could ask your therapist if she is still willing to help us” I tell her.
I'm hesitant, I've never had a good relationship with psychologists and shrinks but for Amaya I would do anything.
And I've come to the conclusion that we can't do it alone, we both have problems and skeletons in the closet that are completely different from any other couple.
Professional help is the best way to go.
"Really?Are you serious?" Amaya exclaims, opening her eyes wide in amazement.
I nod smiling at her.
“I love you Amaya and I can't lose you.I can't.I want to do everything to make what is between us work.Do you agree?Do you want...do you want to give me this chance?" I ask scared, waiting for an answer from her.
Amaya throws her arms around my neck and squeezes me tightly.
"Yes, of course I agree" she whispers in my ear.
She detaches from me and smiles at me, her eyes are bright but shine with hope.
"Together we will do it"
"Together we will do it" I whisper on her lips repeating her words.
And then I kiss her.
I kiss her softly.
All I want is to live with my little robin, to live together happy and free from all worries.
I squeeze her back against my body dipping my face into her neck and inhaling her sweet scent deeply into my lungs.
"I love you Amaya" I whisper on her delicate skin.
"I love you too James"
"Forever my little robin?"
"Forever.I will always be yours”
And with this exchange of sweet hopes I am sure that we will face with determination all that life has to offer us.
"So...what do you think if we take that shower together?" Amaya whispers sensually, bringing her lips to mine.
I get up of bed holding my beautiful woman in my arms.
"I was hoping you would say it" I answer her kissing her and with her in my arms I go to the bathroom.
Once I cross the threshold I put her back down and watch her as she sensually undresses.
When she is completely naked she invited me to follow her in the shower.
On her body, her small and firm body, the water flows gently flowing between her breasts and then disappearing between her thighs.
She lets down her hair and winks provocatively whispers "Do you want to get a move Sergeant or do you want to stand there staring at me?"
I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue and then run my teeth along my lower lip.
"Oh doll get ready because tonight you're gonna scream a lot"
Amaya looks at me with her beautiful languid eyes.
“I was hoping you would say it” she whispers, smiling slyly.
I smile too and take off my t-shirt.
Maybe after all God doesn't hate me that much.
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🔥 Masterlist 🔥
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Secrets Chapter 13: Recruiting the Captain
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC, Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 1495 words.
Summary: Sometimes keeping secrets can be dangerous or a heavy burden, which is what Kathleen has been doing for years. She will also be in charge of guiding Steve Rogers into this century; meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be looking for a way to kick-start the Avengers Initiative by integrating her as one of the superheroes, but that won't be the only danger they face.
Warnings: Jealous.
A/N: After long time working on this longfic, I finally post it. If you wanna be added to the taglist, let me know.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too. 
Secrets masterlist.
Previous chapter.
Next chapter.
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A month had already passed since the fight that night. They went to the cafeteria that Steve usually goes to. The blonde waitress that always serves him didn't look very happy to see him arrive with someone else, specifically with a woman. They occupied one of the tables outside, which was the one that Steve always chose.
"So, this is one of the places you often come to," commented Kathleen as Steve raised an eyebrow. "You read the files," he said as he nodded toward Stark Tower.
The waitress approached them, and with a smile and a flirtatious look, she took Steve's order and reluctantly took Kathleen's, while Kath held back her laughter as she listened to the waitress' thoughts.
"Her name is Beth, and she likes you," she said to Steve with a hint of jealousy.
"You shouldn't read other people's minds," the soldier scolded her.
"I know, besides, didn't you see how I looked, if you heard what I was thinking you would laugh too, she thinks we are boyfriend and girlfriend or something " the woman smiled mischievously.
"No, Kath, don't even think about it; I may not be able to read your mind, but I know you," he warned her, and she pursed her lips.
"Do you like him?" asked the woman with a hint of jealousy and venom.
"Are you jealous?"
Why should I be? "I only care about you," she cursed mentally. She couldn't let him realize it when even she didn't understand what she was feeling.
After taking what they ordered, they went to the gym, where Steve had signed up for the motorcycle that S.H.I.E.L.D. had provided for the soldier. Now Kathleen was calmer to see that he was riding something rare or dangerous.
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A few nights later, the doorbell rang several times, and the mutant went to open the door, sure that Steve had forgotten the keys again; however, she got a big surprised to see Fury at the entrance with a scary, serious face.
"Uncle Nick, is something wrong?" She was absolutely sure that something bad had happened; it was too late for it to simply be a courtesy visit, especially since she knew well that if he showed up in person himself, it was definitely not a good thing, so she let him in.
"We lost the Tesseract; I need you and Rogers to get it back," Nick reported, and she bit her lip nervously. "Kitty, where the hell is Rogers?" Fury had enough problems without adding to them, and the last thing he needed was to have lost the Soldier.
"In a gym, boxing I guess," she rolled his eyes. "He's got a habit of doing that and spending hours in there; we need to go get him," she said as she grabbed her bag and climbed into the van with Fury.
"So, you plan to start Project Avengers, even though the council cancelled it.” Turn right at the light," Kathleen said to see if she understood what Fury was planning. "So, Project Insight..." She knew that this project was a replacement for the other one.
"It will go on; you must make sure that the first part is a success; I will take care of the board," the director assured her as he turned around as the woman had indicated.
"Does my aunt know about all this?" She asked, and Fury nodded, "Do you think all that is enough to stop him if he were to come?" Does Loki work for him? She looked at him curiously, still not quite understanding the strategy.
"I'm almost certain that Loki works for him, as well as Thor, and that they will come too. I hope so, but if not, if things get complicated, we can call her. "Are you still talking to her?" He turned to see the woman.
"Of course, although to be honest, I miss her; it's been a while since the last time I saw her; she's in the next block," he answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Have you mentioned any of this to Rogers?" He stopped the car and grabbed her arm before she got out.
"No, no one must know anything about this; that has been made very clear to me, and the only thing that worries me is if things don't go as we expect them to," he said, and they both looked at each other and got out of the car.
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Kathleen decided to wait outside. Maybe Fury could convince Steve; as far as she knew, he didn't want to fight again, and he still hadn't decided what he wanted to do with his life. She checked her cell phone; she wanted to know if Brock had texted her about it. There was nothing, and with that, she verified that Nick hadn't told anyone else. She sighed when she saw him leave alone; she didn't convince him.
"I'll go convince him, I know exactly what to tell him, Uncle Nicky, we'll be at the Helicarrier tomorrow, don't forget to send someone for us," she put her hand on Fury's arm.
"What if he doesn't accept?” He seems upset," Nick replied.
"He'll accept it, even if I have to manipulate his mind a bit for that. Leave it in my hands." He let go of Fury and went to catch up with Steve.
"Hey, it's time to go home," he said with an innocent tone.
"You're not going to convince me, Kath," he said, turning to face her with his arms crossed.
"I haven't told you anything; let's just go home; it's late," he smiled, making a scolded puppy face.
Steve sighed and motioned for her to follow him to where he had left the bike. He helped her up and felt her blush as she leaned her head on his back.
"Stevie, do you really not want to participate?" She said, using a tone somewhere between sweet and slightly womanish, "Stark is going to participate too.” Don't you want to meet him?" she asked. "And there will also be other interesting people," she added, looking at him innocently.
Kathy, don't start. He stopped when he saw the file on the tablet she was offering him; someone had tried to replicate the serum he had been injected with. "Do you really think it could be useful?” Tell me the truth," he said, taking her arm to look her straight in the eyes.
"Of course, I do, besides, the world deserves to know that Captain America did not die and is still protecting the world, in case someone thinks of doing something crazy again," she let go of his grip, she was not planning to say that, but she was not so conscious of what she was saying because she felt nervous to have him so close.
"Are you going to participate too?" she asked him.
"Yes, my powers could be useful, they're coming for us early tomorrow morning to take us to the others, I think you have a lot of reading to catch up on," she handed the files to the Captain. By the way, Steve "she called and he looked up. “Don’t think that Stark is the same as his father when you knew him; in fact, I think that even his father changed a lot, and both of them made enough enemies that almost nobody wants to work with them because of the things they did, so don't get your hopes up too high," she informed him, and he looked at her confused and nodded.
"Kath, I will participate." He pulled out the files she had gotten for him some time ago. How did he die? She showed him Howard's file.
"A car accident on his way to the airport with his wife," he answered, looking at the other file. "Did you love her?" A part of her feared she knew the answer.
"She's the first woman who didn't reject me or look at me with disgust before I was injected with the serum; isn't she beautiful?" She looked at the woman.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Steve," she replied bitterly. "Are you sure she loved you?" He had always suspected there was something dark about Carter, not to mention everything she knew.
"Yes... I guess, she waited for her ideal mate," he didn't understand Kathleen's position.
"If I had been her, I wouldn't have married someone else, much less if they didn't find your body without knowing if you were alive or not." Kathleen felt how anger and jealousy took over her body. She tried not to show any emotion on her face. "But well, you should read those files; you need to know all that information for our mission." She came closer to kissing him on the cheek, suddenly feeling how tears were accumulating in her eyes. She went to her bedroom, leaving Steve in the living room with the documentation.
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fancoloredglasses · 1 year
Captain America (The Hulk was the exception to the rule for 70s Marvel TV)
(Thanks to Nostalgic Trailers)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney and Universal. Please don’t sue me]
With the success of The Incredible Hulk (as well as The Amazing Spider-Man, which wasn’t as successful), Marvel wanted to increase their television audience. After all, DC had prime time live-action series involving Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman (and a Saturday morning live action series involving Captain Marvel) by this time and Marvel needed to catch up.
What followed was three TV movies that were...interesting. The first starred the Sorcerer Supreme himself...no, not Wong!
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(Thanks to SyFy)
Dr. Strange, who looks more like a porn star than a super hero.
The other two revolve around that Star-Spangled hero himself...
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Captain America! Or rather, his son...but we’ll get into that in a moment.
The film, released in 1979, was intended to pilot a TV series, much like Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD was supposed to over a decade later, with similar reviews and result.
Despite how bad the film was, it had enough of a blessing from Marvel that a second film (which was about as bad) was released later that same year!
I’m sure you notice one major change in Cap’s regular outfit in that he’s wearing a motorcycle helmet, but there’s a second change as well (which saw a cameo in Iron Man II)...
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Instead of the Adamantium/Vibranium alloy Cap’s shield is supposed to be, it’s plexiglass!
There’s plenty more to nitpick at, but let’s get to the action. If you would like to watch it, it’s available on YouTube (in theory; it wasn’t loading for me, so I went to Amazon and breached the paywall)
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We open with former Marine (yeah yeah, I know. “Once a Marine, always a Marine.” I’m just reporting what the film says) Steve Rogers touring the California coast in a van that is rather appropriate.
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The only vehicle I’ve seen more appropriate was Billy Batson’s RV with the lightning bolt emblazoned on the hood.
He stops by an old friend’s place (a friend so old we never catch his name) to get his mail (what, is he living in his van? Oh, I guess he explains that he is) Among the mail is a telegram (a quick Google search says the Post Office stopped sending telegrams in 1977. This movie was released in 1979. Guess the writers were a bit out of date) from someone named Simon Mills and a letter that causes Steve some concern.
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Meanwhile a car pulls up across the street from Steve’s buddy. The driver sends a message via CB (this was before cell phones became popular, kids!) and watches the house.
It turns out the letter was from a man named Jeff Hayden, who needs to see Steve right away. Fortunately, Hayden’s in East of Nowhere, California, with Steve being in Middle of Nowhere, just up the road (So why did he send a letter instead of talking to Steve’s buddy directly?) It turns out Hayden will be busy until 9, so Steve decides to visit Mills, who’s on the way (HOW CONVENIENT!) As Steve leaves, the guy across the street follows him (fortunately Steve has a very distinctive van)
Eventually, the man passes Steve (makes sense. If it was just the two cars on the road, Steve might think he was being followed) and gets enough ahead that he could pull over and wait for Steve to pass him again.
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Up ahead, the other end of the radio is flagman for a road construction team. He then diverts Steve.
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A mountain road…in a van? Seriously?
As soon as Steve is out of sight, the construction team calls it a day and leaves.
Up ahead on the mountain road…
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Y’know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say someone was trying to kill Steve. Maybe they have a thing against Marines?
Steve hits the oil slick and immediately loses control of the van! (Now, I know vans handle like a brick, but you’d think the car would simply go straight instead of turning (which is dangerous enough on a winding mountain road) not spontaneously start swerving and spinning all over the road) Eventually, despite some fancy driving by Steve…
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Fortunately, it’s not that far a drop (maybe 20 feet) Unfortunately, the van is trashed and Steve somehow ripped his shirt. Fortunately, his bike (that was strapped to the back of the van) is intact and he continues his trip to see Mills.
It turns out that Dr. Mills is a scientist with a government research facility and was a protégé of Steve’s father. He’s eager to show Steve his work (isn’t Steve a bit old for “Take Your Friend’s Kid to Work Day”?)
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Oh, that certainly didn’t age very well, did it?
It turns out that Steve’s father was trying to unlock a person’s potential. Where have I heard that before?
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Ah…right. So instead of gamma radiation, Mills is using steroids.
He explains that he’s tested the serum (code-named FLAG) in rats, and they become superhuman (super-rat?), but quickly die because FLAG was keyed to Steve’s father. Mills asks to run some tests on Steve (so he can get super-rats for more than a couple of weeks?)
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Mills then introduces his head researcher, Dr. Wendy Day. Then he explains that Steve’s father used himself as FLAG’s human test subject, becoming a champion for those who the law couldn’t help.
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Steve realizes that they’re asking him to take up what his father started and decides that’s not what he wants to do and leaves.
That night, Steve arrives at Hayden’s place and lets himself in (the door’s not locked? I know the 70s were a different time, but c’mon!), but Hayden’s nowhere to be found. Steve finds Hayden’s study and discovers it ransacked (or that it’s the maid’s day off)
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Then he finds Hayden, who whispers the name “Catherine” to Steve before passing out. He tries calling for help, but the phone in the study is disconnected, so he goes looking for another phone. While Steve is calling for an ambulance…
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Someone comes out of the closet (so to speak) and takes a calendar from the desk before leaving (you’d think he’d have to pass Steve to leave)
Later, at the Andreas Oil Company, a limo carrying a man named “Mr. Brackett” goes through the security gate to the offices.
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In the conference room, he and his associates (“Harley” and “Sandrini“) talk about killing Hayden, something about missing film, and that they’d tried to kill Steve (this isn’t getting complicated at all!)
Later, Brackett talks with a scientist named Lester, who tells Brackett that without the missing film, he can’t finish building the neutron bomb he’s building.
Back at Hayden’s house, Mills has shown up and starts grilling Steve. When Steve asks what his interest is in all of this…
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During interrogation by Mills and the FBI, Steve notices that the calendar and a mini-camera are missing (I’m guessing that “missing film” was supposed to be in that camera)
Then Hayden’s daughter Tina shows up and Steve tells her the bad news. This apparently makes her so upset they sedate and hospitalize her. Apparently, the answer to severe emotional trauma in the 70s was drugs and placement in an unfamiliar location surrounded by strangers. Yeah, that’ll help.
Mills once again tries to rope Steve into the FLAG project, but first Steve wants to know what Hayden was working on that got him killed.
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[For those who don’t know, a neutron bomb is one that destroys all life in the blast radius via low-yield radiation, but would leave all structures intact so it could be quickly repopulated.]
The pair debate whether Hayden was selling nuclear secrets before he was killed. Steve refuses to believe it, but although Mills doesn’t say Hayden was a traitor, he doesn’t say he wasn’t either. With that, Mills takes his leave.
About that time Hayden’s phone rings. Rather than letting go to the answering machine (since, you know, it’s not his phone) Steve answers it. Good thing to, as the person on the other end was looking for him (you mean he didn’t contact Steve’s buddy from the beginning of the movie?) and says he has information about why Hayden was killed.
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I would say so, considering that’s Harley (remember him?)! Harley wants to meet Steve alone in about 20 minutes. Either Harley’s lying and will try to kill Steve, or he’s telling the truth and will wind up dead (and the person who killed him will try to kill Steve)
Steve arrives at the location for the meeting (did he at least bring a gun?) to find it’s a setup (told ya!) Steve jumps on his bike and drives off, Harley and Sandrini in pursuit.
After showing the same chase scenes over and over (which were pretty much nothing but headlights and taillights, since this scene happened at night) for two minutes, a truck drives into Steve’s path. He swerves to avoid it and…
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Steve drives over a cliff! (why does this seem familiar?) Fortunately, the driver of the truck was just in the wrong place and the wrong time and not actually working with Harley. He gathers up what’s left of Steve and takes him to the ER.
Unfortunately, the damage is bad enough that his chances are slim at best.
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So Steve’s only chance for survival is a steroid that kills lab rats in a matter of weeks? Sure, why not? Fortunately for Steve, it works and he recovers.
During recovery, Mills tells Steve about the surgery. Steve is a bit pissed (given the choice was dying on the operating table or maybe dying from the serum at some unspecified time, I’m not sure why he’s complaining) and still doesn’t want to help with the FLAG program.
However, he may not have a choice…
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…since Harley wants to have a little chat away from the hospital.
Once Harley and his buddies bring Steve to someplace nice and secluded (namely, a meat packing plant), they want to know what Hayden (remember him?) said to him before he died, but Steve plays dumb (I’m not entirely sure it’s that hard) Harley tries roughing Steve up a bit, but…
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…the FLAG serum kicks in and Steve snaps his restraints! He makes quick work of Harley and his goons before running off among the rest of the sides of beef. The Bad Guys quickly recover and go in looking for him.
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Steve them makes even quicker work of them, leaving them hanging around for the cops to find.
The next day, Simon (that’s Mills’s first name in case you forgot) and Steve have a heart-to-heart about Steve’s father. Once he was injected with the FLAG serum he started going after those who threatened the ideals of America.
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Simon offers Steve a job with his agency, using his new abilities much like Steve’s father did. Steve doesn’t commit, but gives Simon a drawing he came up with.
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That evening, we switch back to Brackett and Sandrini (remember them?) discuss something happening in Phoenix (ya think it might have something to do with that neutron bomb?), but they still need the film from Hayden’s camera.
The next day, Simon suggests that Wendy (remember her?) try to see if Tina (remember her?) can help figure out who wanted to kill Hayden. He then tries to convince Steve with some new toys, starting with his newly-repaired van…
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…complete with a hidden compartment containing a star-spangled jet-powered motorcycle.
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As well as a red, clear, and blue shield that even Simon can do trick throws with. Simon has Steve take the bike out for a test ride. As he does so…
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…Sandrini’s goons fly up behind him and start shooting! After a lengthy chase that shows haw badly these goons need to get to a firing range…
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…Steve grabs hold of the chopper’s runners and climbs aboard, making short work of the shooter. He then forces the pilot to land where Simon and a squad of MPs are waiting.
Later, Tina gets a visit from…
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What, you thought it would be Steve? Turns out Hayden was working with Brackett before he figured out what Brackett was up to. Too bad he didn’t share that knowledge before he died.
Brackett tries to convince Tina to tell him where the film is.
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Unfortunately, he’s very convincing.
Then Wendy shows up to introduce herself and take Tina to lunch.
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Unfortunately, Brackett has other plans.
Later, Brackett calls Simon and tells him not to interfere or he’ll kill Wendy and Tina. However, Steve’s FLAG-amplified hearing picks up background noise on Brackett’s end.
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Later, work on the neutron bomb has finished thanks to the film. Brackett monologues their plans, which involved detonating the bomb in Phoenix of all places.
Meanwhile, Steve relays what he heard to Simon. Simon says a tanker implies an oil or gas company. He then remembers that Hayden has gotten grants from the Andreas Oil Company (remember that from the beginning of the film?), owned by Brackett! The FBI is ready to swarm Andreas, but Steve wants to do this quietly so Beckett doesn’t kill Wendy or Tina, so volunteers to go in alone.
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Fortunately, Simon was waiting for Steve to come around.
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Meanwhile Brackett has been fitted with a deadman device that will trigger the bomb if his heart stops. Let’s hope he’s been taking care of himself!
The next morning Steve arrives in his van at Andreas Oil and sneaks in (in a van that conspicuous?) and scouts the area (and not one security guard challenges him?) before driving off.
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(Thanks to Deadpool)
Then, after pulling to the side of the road (not even into an access road? Just…right there in plain sight?) and…
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…Captain America jets into action!
Cap manages to get to the outside of the plant when a guard FINALLY shows up and sounds the alarm.
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Fortunately, Cap has an interesting way of evading security by jumping higher than they’re looking.
Then Cap spots a researcher and chases after him. Fortunately for Cap (not so much for the researcher), he’s in on the plot and tells Cap where to find Wendy and Tina. Then Cap forces him to take him to Brackett’s office. After stealing incriminating files, Cap frees Wendy and Tina and they all return to the facility.
After about 2 minutes of research, Team Cap deduce Brackett is going to use the neutron bomb on Phoenix to steak the gold reserve there ($1.4 billion in gold, or about $6.2 billion in today’s money) So they’ll kill over 1.3 million for $1.4 billion (a bit over $1,000 (in 1979 money) per death. Guess life ain’t so cheap after all) Simon gets a hold of a helicopter and he and Steve head out to catch Brackett en route to Phoenix.
Eventually (after wasting over 2 minutes of screen time looking for the damn thing) they spot the truck carrying the bomb inside (with Brackett happily relaxing next to it, not even wearing a radiation suit)
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You’d think the driver (and Sandrini) would notice a low-flying helicopter tailing them.
Simon heads off the road to allow Captain America to get out on his bike.
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Now I know that driver and Sandrini aren’t paying attention. There’s no way they could miss a star-spangled motorcycle with matching rider following them!
Cap climbs onto the trailer (let’s hope Simon has a tracker on that bike so they can get it later) and makes his way to the cab. Cap finds a vent and looks in to see Brackett with the bomb, so he pulls one of the cab’s exhaust stacks and points it toward the vent.
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Bet Brackett wished he had that radiation suit now, doesn’t he? Brackett radios the cab and tells them to pull over. Unfortunately, the exhaust floods the trailer, causing Brackett to pass out (let’s hope it doesn’t kill him, or else a lot of people will die!)
Once the rig stops, Cap makes short work of the driver and Sandrini before entering the trailer. Inside, he finds the deadman device on Brackett so works on trying to keep him alive. Fortunately, Simon flies in and treats him, so he’ll live.
In the wrap-up, Steve says that if he’s going to honor his father as Captain America, he wants to look like he did as well.
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Still not sure about the helmet and the red, clear, and blue shield, but that looks a LOT better!
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daniel306gaming · 1 year
¿What if Project Insight succeeded in Captain America the Winter Soldier?
To: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, the Russo Bros., Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios                                                                                                                    Intro
¿What if events went differently in the MCU? ¿What if Project Insight succeeded in Captain America the Winter Soldier? In today’s fan fiction we’re going to be exploring what would have happened if Hydra’s long awaited project became a success killing Captain America, the Avengers and most of the heroes of the MCU respectively. ¿How can this affect Civil War going forward? This an original what if created by me following the mythology of Captain America and the Winter Soldier and the timeline of the MCU. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.                                                        Prologue
Since the beginning of time, the age long argument has been whether man gets to control his future or not. The answer is yes and no. Man gets to control his future by the choices he makes. An individual alias a third party, can alter the future of another man by changing his choice slightly. Even if a choice is made a few minutes or seconds earlier this results in a whole new story for the individual and the people who his choice affects. Project Insight was originally supported by the World Security Council and the United States Department of Defense. It was a project designed to eliminate any potential threats to the citizens of Earth before they actually happened. It consisted of three heavily armed satellite-linked Helicarrier which would take out their targets before the targets would be aware of it. In your universe Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff managed to foil the plans of Hydra by changing the systems of the Helicarriers to fire at each other hence terminating Project Insight. In the Agents of Shield timeline Project Insight was successful by the thought by the thought of the Shield agents from the future timeline. In this fanfic timeline we will explore a new universe where Hydra’s long-awaited plan of Project Insight becomes a success. I am one of the Watchers and i am ur guide to these vast new realities. Follow me and pounder the question. What if...
                                                           Act 1
The events of the Winter Soldier were playing out the same as in your universe. With over 715,854 individuals targeted by Project Insight Hydra's main commanding office Alexander Pierce told Nick Fury that Project Insight would kill around 20 million people in total on Earth as the algorithm of Project Insight was already hacked with Arnim Zola’s algorithm but instead of targeting individuals that are in danger to the world individuals that were a threat to Hydra was targeted. In this universe the movie would mostly play out the same but these are the moments that change the timeline. The Winter Soldier managed to successfully kill Nick Fury in the interrogation scene. Hydra had discovered Natasha Romanoff disguised as a Hydra agent and shot her down dead. Maria Hill and Sam Wilson tried to fight off Hydra but they were killed and when Steve battled Bucky just at the moment that Steve was about to stop the Helicarrier machines from activating the targets Bucky shot him in the head killing him for good. The heroes have failed. Project Insight then became active and the Helicarriers aimed towards all of their targets. Alexander Pierce gave the command and the Helicarriers started killing all the individuals who were at threat to them. Tony Stark who was still recovering from the events of the Mandarin and Aldrich Killian at his home was shot and Stephen Strange who had yet to become the Sorcerer Supreme was also killed. Other victims include Hank Pym, Rhodey Rhodes, Pepper Potts, the Agents of Shield, General Ross, Jane Foster, Erik Selvig and Clint Barton who were all key members and allies of the Avengers that disintegrated from the attack. Although Bruce Banner was not in his Hulk form and got shot in the head because he wasn't aware that he was being targeted the gamma radiation in his system managed to save him unleashing the Hulk and becoming a fugitive from Project Insight but even the President of the United States was also killed. The news then reported a massive number of individuals who were killed on television but the Avengers were destroyed as there were no surviving members except for Thor and Hulk. A few hours later Hydra began a military lead by Brock Rumlow alias Crossbones while Bucky Barnes who was still brainwashed under Hydra was given the mantle of Captain America or better yet Captain Hydra wearing a green uniform with a shield and taking charge. Soon the whole of the US government crumpled as anyone who posed the threat soon came under Project Insight’s algorithm and were killed. Shield no longer existed and Hydra’s sleeper agents took control of Shield’s base. Thor was still in Asgard after the events of the Dark World and therefore he wasn’t aware of what was going on. Baron Strucker continued with the research of the Mind Stone on the Maximoff twins but Hydra was still in possession of the Mind Stone from Loki’s scepter so as a result Wanda and Pietro continued to be loyal members of Hydra along with Crossbones and Captain Hydra. Arnim Zola continued to supervise over Hydra and had a physical body just like the original comics. Hydra soon took over Stark Industries and began to deploy its scientists there. They started equipping their soldiers with Stark tech while Darren Cross alias Yellowjacket worked closely with Hydra to deploy Yellowjacket units to the US government but Darren managed to perfect the weaponized suits after Hydra handed him the paperwork of the Ant-Man project by Hank Pym after his death therefore Hydra continued to rule and terrorized the world with their one world government.
                                                                                              Act 2
2 years have passed since Hydra's invasion of the world and it’s now 2016. Ultron and Vision were never created as there was no Avengers and therefore the Ultron project never came to be. The events of Doctor Strange would then take place as Kaecilius attempted to steal the Time Stone from the Ancient One but with Project Insight activated Hydra reported that the Ancient One and Kaecilius were a threat too. The Helicarriers then shot both of them down killing them for good while Pierce dispatched Wanda and Pietro to get a hold of the Time Stone as another artifact to their collection in addition to the Mind Stone. As Wanda and Pietro arrived they saw the Ancient One and Kaecilius with his other minions already dead too. They were about to retrieve the Time Stone before they were being halted as a man came out of the shadows and said that the Time Stone needs to be in the custody of the Sorcerer Supreme. Someone who is known in the Mystic Arts introducing himself as Baron Mordo and that he would be willing to work with Hydra to eradicate the over-existing number of sorcerers on Earth but he cannot hand it over the Time Stone as if it falls into the wrong hands it could activate Dormammu who is a powerful being that would consume the whole of Earth. Pierce decided to allow Baron Mordo to wield the Time Stone in exchange for loyalty to Hydra to which he accepted.
                                                                                           Act 3
Meanwhile king T’Chaka remains the king of Wakanda as he was not assassinated in the bombing of Vienna due to the absence of the Civil War storyline but Okoye and Shuri told T’Chaka and T’Challa of the emergency of Hydra and its tyranny around the world. They said that they cannot reveal Wakanda to the world as they have been isolating themselves for over 2,000 years while Thor returned to Earth and he was shocked to see what had happened but he decided to keep a low profile as he didn't want to escalate the situation. Thor did some research and came across the Sanctum Sanctorum as he also wanted to know where his father Odin was. He decided to seek help from there as Baron Mordo introduced himself to Thor as the Sorcerer Supreme but Mordo also alerted Hydra that the God of Thunder has arrived on Earth saying that Odin is somewhere on Earth and he would only help him if Thor were to pledge his allegiance to Hydra. He said that Hydra are the new protectors of Earth as Thor remembered Steve Rogers telling him how Hydra was evil and how they were involved with the Tesseract. Thor then attacked Baron Mordo as he managed to trap him in the Mirror Dimension but after releasing him from the Mirror Dimension Wanda put hallucinations inside Thor’s mind and Hydra arrested Thor. They figured that since he is a god he would be better to have him on their side instead of killing him.
                                                                                           Act 4
Meanwhile, in Wakanda Killmonger has obtained the secret entrance to Wakanda from Klaw after killing him and Killmonger went to meet with king T’Chaka just like the original Black Panther film. He challenged for the right to the throne but the current leader of Wakanda was not T’Challa rather his father T’Chaka as before he challenged he told Wakanda to reveal themselves to the world because while Hydra is ruling the world Wakanda could rise and share their tech with Hydra. T’Chaka disagrees and said that Hydra would then betray Wakanda. Killmonger decided not to challenge for the throne yet but he left Wakanda and decided to inform Hydra about the country instead. At first Pierce was doubtful about Killmonger since he was just an assassin but then Killmonger told them about the vibranium technology which was originally used for Captain America’s shield saying that in exchange for the vibranium technology and control over Wakanda he wants to be the new ruler of the country. Pierce felt that it was a fair deal and told the Hydra army to focus on Wakanda. As Wakanda was out of scope then Project Insight were not able to enter Wakanda yet as they would have to manually wage a war against them first to gain viability of wakanda but Hydra eventually waged a war against Wakanda to obtain their vibranium resources led by Captain Hydra and Crossbones. Hydra’s soldiers who were already equipped with Yellowjacket suits along with Wanda, Pietro and Mordo were also deployed and the war was broadcasted live on tv.
                                                                                      Act 5
Meanwhile, Thor was still held captive and Odin was still on Earth. Odin warned Thor of Ragnarok in his dreams but Thor was still powerless to do anything while the Guardians of the Galaxy would still be formed unaffected by the events on Earth and Captain Marvel was still alive unaware of Project Insight but she will be an important asset to our story later on. Loki was still ruling over Asgard disguised as Odin but as Thor and Loki never met they weren’t aware of the impending doom of Ragnarok. Odin soon died and went to Valhalla. While Wakanda and Hydra were at war Hela was freed from her prison. She went to Asgard while being confronted by thousands of Asgardian soldiers and the Warriors 3. Hela knew that Odin was dead as she told the other Asgardians that Odin was already dead and that she was proof of Odin’s death. She then killed several Asgardian guards with ease who wanted to arrest her as she then threw her necroswords to Loki and removed his disguise. Everyone was shocked to see that it was Loki all this time as Hela then told the others that she wants to continue the conquest of the 9 realms and that they should begin with Midgard. She said that as Loki's elder sister she would not want to slaughter him unless he poses a threat to her as Loki, the Warriors 3 and the other Asgardians decided to submit to Hela. Loki said that his brother Thor was still imprisoned on Earth but Hela said that she would want to have a reunion with Thor as well so that  they can continue Odin's legacy and she told the Asgardians to prepare for their conquest reviving her undead army and her wolf Fenris.  As Asgard survived and there was no Ragnarok due to Hela being the ruler of Asgard Thanos was not able to hijack the Asgardian spaceship as in your universe. Nevertheless Thanos decimated Xandar and obtained the Power Stone. With an Infinity Stone at hand he decided to shift his targets to the Soul and Reality Stones first. Back on Earth Wakanda was already being bombarded continuously by the Hydra Helicarriers as they were on the brink of breaching the defenses when suddenly a portal opened in the sky but both Wakandans and Hydra were shocked to see what was going on. They heard a declaration from a woman who proclaimed herself as the new queen of Asgard and that she has come to rule Midgard. The conquest of the 9 realms have begun as Hela then brought 4th her troops from the Bifrost Bridge but Pierce instructed the Helicarriers to shoot at the Asgardians for now and the Asgardians were decimated at first from the high-powered cannons from the Helicarriers. As Hela and the rest were unable to pinpoint the exact location of the Helicarriers Loki said that their best bet would be to use the Tesseract to immediately teleport to Hydra's base. Hela agreed and while the Helicarriers were targeting the Asgardians Wakanda’s barrier was almost on the verge of destruction. Loki and the warriors 3 teleported themselves with the Space Stone to the Hydra base where the main command center of the Helicarriers were located. They killed the Hydra agents who were guarding it and also found Thor who was still brainwashed by Wanda’s hallucinations but Thor was still not in a good shape for combat. Now I could have Hela destroy Hydra but no because I wanna keep them around for the next significant event.
                                                                                            Final act
Meanwhile, the Mad Titan has collected the Reality and Soul Stones after decimating Knowhere and sacrificing Gamora. Thanos now had 4 stones in possession and knew that the last 3 stones were all on Earth. Ebony Maw told him how Hela and the Asgardians were at war with Wakanda and Hydra. Thanos saw all this and told his Black Order to prepare their armies as they would now head to Earth to retrieve the Space, Time and Mind Stones respectively. Back on Earth, Hela escaped the Helicarrier along with Thor, Loki and the Warriors 3 and started battling Wakanda and Hydra. Hulk then entered the battlefield using a massive clap to kill several Hydra agents. Just then the sky turned black as all 3 sides saw a massive ship entering the atmosphere. They could not believe it. Everyone on Earth was just witnessing the return of the Chituari. Thanos and his armies then came 4th and Pierce told them that they were trespassing on Earth telling them to go back to where they came from. Thanos ignored the speech and used the Power Stone to lift the Helicarriers before dropping them on top of all the Hydra agents thus destroying Hydra and Project Insight. Thanos then bombarded Wakanda with his own ship. Loki then interfered and tried to bargain with Thanos about giving him another chance to help him. Thanos said that Loki failed him in 2012 and knew that it was pointless as he was the God of Mischief and was unpredictable. Pierce then shot Thanos but it was pointless while Loki tried to stab him but failed. Thanos then grabbed both Loki and Pierce by the neck choking him to death in front of everyone live on tv obtaining the Mind Stone from Loki’s scepter. Thor was furious at Thanos for killing his brother and threw his hammer but Ebony Maw managed to deflect it. Thanos used his sword imbedded with the Power Stone to kill Crossbones and Quicksliver. Just then the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel arrived on Earth seeing everything that had happened. Carol Danvers was horrified to see Earth and saw that Fury was killed by Hydra. Nevertheless, Hela and Thor went to Asgard to face Thanos as their power grows more stronger there while the Wakandans and Asgardians dealt with the armies. Captain Marvel eventually destroyed the Sanctuary II and Captain Hydra fought with Corvus Glaive, Hulk against Cull Obsidian, Mordo with Ebony Maw and Wanda with Proxima Midnight. Thanos used the Power Stone to decimate Asgard returning to Earth. Hela and Thor escaped on time seeing most of Thanos’s armies being decimated. The Black Order have been killed by Captain Hydra and the others before charging at Thanos overwhelming him. Thanos used the Power Stone to decimate most of the Wakandans and Asgardians. Thanos then got hold of the Tesseract destroying it unleashing the Space Stone. Mordo then realized that Thanos would eventually win meaning that the world would now be doomed.
Realizing that they would lose if Thanos got the Time Stone he decided to unleash the unexpected and contacted Dormammu who was not imprisoned due to Doctor Strange’s death 2 years prior. Dormammu then consumed the entire universe including Earth and Thanos. This universe was destined for failure. In the further end of the universe Silver Surfer informed his master that Thanos was defeated and Dormammu had begun consuming the universe into the Dark Dimension. He then told the Surfer that soon they will be the ones victorious and it would be the herald of Galactus himself that would come on top…
                                                                                      THE END!
And that is going to be ¿What if Project Insight had become a success in Captain America the Winter Soldier? And what if Hydra had won against Captain America and the Avengers. Like I said earlier this the first post of 2023 because the release of the 1st season has been delayed although it is complete but I’ll address the delay when I finally dropped the season so be on the lookout for that and more what ifs coming soon because this year will be really big and I’m coming in charging with many fan fictions and there is a standalone fan fiction that is going to be a fan fiction movie in the style of the 1st season and upcoming the 2nd season but it is not part of either season so this things are changing and im going to be changing my style a bit and finally be able to drop Star Wars fan fictions and more DC fan fictions especially after James Gunn’s announcement of the DCU. Anyways with that being said take care and have a fantastic day. Peace out!
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princesssarcastia · 7 years
Captain America 2: oh fuck not again
I really need to just stop re-watching this movie because then shIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS
so I was watching it, again, and I thought about how could they possibly have resolved that situation without completely destroying SHIELD, without releasing all of their files and compromising every one of their agents for the sake of flushing HYDRA out of the system-
and then this happened.
It took almost fifteen minutes for Natasha to walk on her own, and by then they were almost to the nearest town.  The woods around them were quiet, which only made Steve’s ears ring louder; he couldn’t imagine how Nat’s hearing was faring right now.
She took charge once they reached the downtown area, pulling on his arm silently until they were tucked away in an alley with no outlet; there was a chain-link fence in the middle of it that they could scale easily enough if they needed to.
Almost immediately, he could see her legs starting to shake.  She leaned against the brick and slowly slid down, letting the dumpster next to them hide them from view from the street.  He braced himself against said dumpster and then sat down next to her, facing the alley on the other side of the fence.
For a few minutes they simply sat there, chests heaving; Steve almost couldn’t wrap his mind around everything Zola had said.  
Natasha reached into her pocket and he almost flinched, but she didn’t acknowledge the movement, pulling out–
“Are you sure you should still have that?  I can’t believe SHIELD doesn’t put tracers in their agents’ phones.”
A faint smirk appeared on her face.  “Who says this is SHIELD issue?”
He stares at her for a long moment before it hits him.  “Stark,” he says, throwing his head back into the dumpster, “of course.”  
She laughs.  “Not many people could make a phone that detects incoming missile strikes, Rogers.  Though you're probably right about the tracker; Stark always builds a backdoor into his tech, after what happened in Afghanistan.”
“Then how can you trust it?  He helped build the Insight carriers, Nat.  If what you’re saying is true, there’s not way he isn’t neck deep in this.”
“Just because he has backdoors doesn't mean he’s using them.  If he was, I’m sure he would already be here.  A missile strike in the middle of Jersey isn’t exactly subtle.
And he didn’t actually help build them; he just gave our engineers blueprints for repulser tech.  He might still have an in to SHIELD systems anyway; Fury always thought they never quite got JARVIS out of them after he hacked the Hellicarrier”
Steve snorted and turned his head to the side.  Yeah, that sounded more like him.  He didn’t really want to believe one of his only friends in this century was capable of being part of HYRDA.  Then again, he didn’t want to believe HYDRA still existed either.
“We have to find a way to stop Project: Insight from launching.  If HYDRA gets those carriers in the air, there’s no telling what will happen.”
“I know,” she said, putting her phone up to her ear. 
“Wait, who are you calling?” he asked.
Nat raised her eyebrows at him, as if to say seriously? before clearing her throat.  “How am I not surprised you’re still up, Stark.”  Her voice was slightly deeper than it was a second ago; smoother, too.
Steve could barely catch the voice on the other end, something like well, there was that time you stalked me for almost a month.
“That wasn’t stalking, that was monitoring.  You were dying, you know.”
Now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows; he hadn’t known that.
“Look, I’m calling because Steve and I need a favor.”
She turned to look at him, eyes searching, and he nodded.  “Tony, how fast can you get to DC?”
Here’s where it gets more nebulous, folks.  I may come back and actually write all of this out, but for now its late and I need to get this plot bunny out and sleep:
Of course, they still have no place to meet but Sam’s place; he’s the only man in DC Steve still trusts, and that no one would suspect of being involved.
Tony somehow gets there stealthily; maybe he’s pissed that Nat wouldn’t even trust his tech to be secure enough for this conversation.
They still come up with a similar plan of action: kidnap Sitwell, make him squeal.  Tony is waiting in the car for him, working with JARVIS to infiltrate every aspect of SHIELD’s system, including Insight and HYDRA’s files, only without alerting them to their presence.  Insight is easier; despite only offering blueprints and suggestions, he still managed to get a foothold in the insight carriers.  HYDRA files, though, personnel they’ll need to get rid of, like STRIKE, those are locked down hard; he’ll need an on-site access point to get at them.
Bridge fight goes the same; stark heads out to pick up the armor from wherever he left it.  the mark (IV? V? whatever the suitcase armor) doesn’t have enough oomph, and besides, he didn’t fly here in it.  he does, however, track them back to Nick Fury’s Secret Bunker™.
Steve is still horrified at seeing his best friend like that; Natasha is still hurt by Fury’s lack of trust in her; Sam still has very little idea what is going on.
Here’s the big change: SHIELD stays.  Fury and Hill refuse to see their life’s work thrown away.  Steve remembers what it started as, what Peggy and Howard meant for it to be, and maybe this wouldn’t be enough, except Tony is there, this time, and his presence makes the idea of saving it plausible, in the moment.
He gets to work completely infiltrating the insight carriers, along with a little help from Nick and Maria and Natasha’s help, because the former two have the clearance and the latter is a hacker in her own right.  
And now, this time, here’s the plan: 
With Tony in the Insight systems, they can put all three carriers on lockdown the second those targeting chips are replaced; give SHIELD, the real SHIELD, back their ships.  (though tony might find a way to sabotage them anyway, and Steve would help, I think.  as we all know, Tony has a thing about people he doesn’t know about using his tech.  mainly that he blows up that tech, and those people).  JARVIS can upload into them and land them safely, because every person on those carriers is going to be dead by then.
Steve doesn’t have time to make a rousing speech because he’s too busy infiltrating one of the hellicarriers, Sam by his side.  Tony takes another one on in the suit, Maria and a team of people from the Secret Bunker™ get the third.  Their missions are to go through their respective carriers, replace the targeting chips, and take out every person on them one by one
(I'm fudging it up a bit here and hcing that these carrierS are like admiral Marcus’s ship in stark trek: into darkness: designed to be manned by a minimum amount of crew members)
Natasha’s mission is much the same, except this time, she’s not their to dump all of SHIELD’s files: she's there to give tony and JARVIS the on-site access point they need to grab all of HYDRA’s personnel files and give them a hit list.  another thing about this bit: pierce’s taunting of her, instead of about her revealing herself to the public, is about how remarkably similar her time with the Red Room is to Bucky’s time as the winter soldier.
for the sake of the sake rumlow is on Steve and sam’s hellicarrier; sam makes the sacrifice play to take care of him while Steve goes on to the targeting system, where he runs into, you guessed it, Bucky.
Steve and buck’s fight is much the same, except this time more destructive, allowing them to still fall out of the room and into the river, allowing Bucky to be saved by Steve and then save him, all the others too preoccupied to realize just how bad Steve’s fight is going.
meanwhile all of the masses inside the triskelion have no fucking clue what’s going on, be they HYDRA or actual SHIELD, because Insight was supposed to launch and kill millions of people kill dozens of people and neither of those things are happening.  Natasha kept that shit locked down in the conference room, keeping Pierce from ringing for help, and without the physical destruction of the carriers (because they couldn't destroy the carriers for stealth/element of surprise) or Steve’s patriotic speech™ Hydra doesn’t have the green light to act freely.  they know something is deeply wrong, of course, but not what.
after this its even more nebulous.  how exactly do they go about getting rid of the hydra members? well, JARVIS will have cracked their conveniently meticulous personnel files (meticulous records were the detriment of the real nazis too, remember) so they know who to trust.  maybe their is a cost to SHIELD here: they have to release the names of all of their rogue agents to the other intelligence agencies: FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, Interpol.  They also have to release the names of all of those agencies/countries’ HYDRA rogues, though they have less of them. that’s the cost: SHIELD becomes more open, gets pulled out of the shadows and into the public eye, because some of these people are too public to just have murdered (senator stern, for example) and have to be put on trial, have to have their evidence publicly displayed.  SHIELD becomes more like the agency it is in the comcis.
I don’t know about the interim, but the end result: SHIELD is still standing, HYDRA is on the run, gutted to its core, and the bond between Steve and Tony is a little bit stronger.
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teenageheartthrob · 2 years
He Yells At You (Stucky x Reader)
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Category: angst, fluff
Ship: Bucky x Reader x Steve (Stucky x reader)
Trigger Warnings: Yelling/arguing, PTSD mentioned
Summary: Steve yells at you when he's stressed, but there's more to it than he knows
Word Count: 2,216
Bucky Barnes was exhausted. Bucky Barnes was not about to waste time on something as small as asking questions nicely.
A week long mission that had turned into two, had kept him away from you and Steve Rogers for far longer than he would've liked. Preferably he would have told Nick Fury to suck it, along with some other vulgar acts his far too active imagination would produce.
But a job is a job, and if two weeks in Mexico City would keep people like the weapons dealers he was detailing away from either of you, it was worth it.
On top of that, one of the mobsters had clued in to the soldier's lurking, causing Bucky to have to cut all radio and comms contact with Shield to avoid being caught.
Getting home wasn't easy. Bucky set the Quinnjet to autopilot, ever grateful for Stark's myriad of technology, hoping to get some shut eye. But of course that didn't go as planned either. So Bucky Barnes arrived home at the avenger's compound, a week late, 43 hours sleep deprived and hoping more than anything that both you and Steve would be willing to crawl into bed with him at 12:30 pm on a Thursday afternoon and call it a day.
When Bucky opened the door to Steve's room, where he expected you both to be, all he found was his boyfriend, muttering to himself and running his hands through his hair wildly.
He soon discovered the cause of this stress as he quizzed a very distressed Captain Rogers on your whereabouts.
"I don't know..."
"Why don't you know, Steve?" Bucky asked his partner, voice growing dangerously quiet.
"She said she needed space..."
"And why would she say that?" The brunet inched closer towards the blond, anger radiating from him.
"I yelled at her," Steve admitted shamefully. "Jesus, Buck I don't know why I did it, it just happened, I would never hurt her!"
Bucky continued to close the gap between him and Steve, swallowing his anger to let the blond finish.
"I was upset and I was worried about you, no one had heard from you in days. Fury told me he couldn't say anything about it. I just kept thinking about that time on the train..." He paused, tears beginning to fill his eyes, "she was just trying to help...I told her it would be better if she was somewhere else for a couple of hours..."
Bucky couldn't believe what he was hearing, first and fore mostly because he didn't realise how badly these missions affected Steve compared to himself or their other half. Even when you were on a mission, Steve never showed signs of any emotions even close to the ones he was seeing now. Granted, he always breathed a visible sigh of relief when either himself or you would walk safety into their room and would spend the night telling both of you how much he loves you. But the former winter solider hadn't put the pieces together until just now.
An illness he knew all too well, how hadn't he seen it before?
He said nothing, he had no idea what to say, instead opting to bundle his broken boyfriend into his arms. Steve wept silently into Bucky's shirt, guilt eating away at him for what he'd done to their girl.
"I drove her away Buck, she's gone."
"Don't do that to yourself, she's still here, she's still our girl. I'll go talk to her," Bucky muttered, pulling away from Steve, leaving a gentle kiss in his blond locks. Steve tensed noticeably when Bucky's hand touched the door knob, tears beginning to spill from his eyes again.
Already knowing what his partner was asking, the brunet simply offered his outstretched arm with a tender smile. "Let's go see our girl, hey, Stevie?"
Steve smiled weakly as the two made their way to your room. Bucky caught a glance at Steve out of the corner of his eye, only just now noticing how hollow his face looked. How long had it been since he last ate?
"Stevie, honey, before we do this," Bucky whispered, taking both Steve's hands in his own, stopping outside your door, "I need to know when all this happened."
Steve said nothing, staring at the ground with a harsh swallow.
"Steve, please, baby..."
"Three days ago," he managed to choke out, the sound just loud enough to echo through the cold, ever expanding hallways of Stark tower.
Bucky felt a deep ache pounding at his chest. "Okay baby," he said softly, knowing what that meant for both of his love's wellbeing for the last three days, "we'll deal with that later."
Guilt began to well up within the brunet as he thought about what he had been doing for the last two weeks. Being a gun for hire? An overqualified spy? That was no competition to the time he spent with the both of you. You two were his everything, without you he would not exist. He would still be a weapon of HYDRA, a man unloved and forgotten, abandoned by all those accept war-crazed fanatics and murderers.
Shaking himself out of his daze, Bucky forced himself to repress his guilt, knowing you and Steve would need him now more than ever.
Steve... in all their years together Bucky had never seen him more heartbroken, even when Peggy died.
A metal hand left Steve's to rap two knuckles gently against your door. Bucky's flesh hand squeezed Steve's reassuringly.
"Y/N, sweetheart? I'm home."
No response was heard, save for the shuffling of linen on bare legs.
"Stevie is here with me, can we come in?"
You opened the door, your state as noticeably troubling to Bucky as Steve's.
A half-hearted nod was all the assurance the pair needed to shuffle themselves the few steps through the doorway into your room, Steve practically latching onto Bucky.
Bucky breathed in the scent of your room, almost having forgotten it during his mission. Cherry blossoms, milk and honey and old books. Three things he would forever treasure.
Steve, having released Bucky's hand, closed the door behind him, heart shattering as you caught his eye. Both of you had been through hell, neither realising it.
You sat tentatively on your bed, balling your hands up in the sleeves of your knitted grey sweater, goosebumps dancing up your bare legs. Normally you would be decked proudly from head to toe in either of your partner's clothes, usually stealing one of Steve's hoodies since they were larger and always smelt of him no matter how many times he washed them. Of home.
Over the last three days however, you had to physically restrain yourself from throwing on the only thing that bought you comfort.
You thought your relationship was over, he yelled at you after all- The one thing you had asked both of your boys since the very beginning of your relationship, hell, your friendship, never to do to you.
You were just trying to make the imminent separation easier on yourself, but god did you miss the comfort of Steve's jumpers. You always joked with him that it was like he was hugging you when you wore it.
Bucky had joined you by now, sitting at the foot of the bed, trying to respect your boundaries, giving you the space you had communicated you needed. He had been gone too long. All he wanted was to hold you and Steve in his arms and hear about how Tony nearly killed Thor for opening a portal to Asgard in his living room, or how Bruce blushed when an intern flirted with him during an interview. The soldier swallowed his sadness and instead turned his attention to Steve, more specifically his missing presence behind him.
He opened his mouth to comfort his lover, only to have the words robbed from his throat.
"Steve..." you breathed. You were upset, no doubt about that, but seeing him so broken, so vulnerable was something that scared you half to death.
The world would be shocked to see Captain America as he was in front of you now, more so to find out that he was usually the strongest emotionally out of you three. Sure you were all tough but Bucky's flashbacks can send him into a spiral for days and you, you couldn't even handle being yelled at by your boyfriend.
But you and Bucky knew him better, saw a side to the world's greatest superhero that no one else ever saw. Looking at him now, all you could see was a scrawny boy from Brooklyn, too nervous to even hold your hand, two months into dating.
"Steve, please...come here, baby." A flushed and tear stained face turned away from the door to meet your own. He moved hesitantly, in a way you'd never seen him act before, not even on a mission. Not even when Bucky didn't remember who either of you were or why you kept calling him 'James'.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I don't know what happened, you know I would never, Y/N, you know I would never," Steve rambled on, crawling into Bucky's arms, petrified of your rejection that he was sure was coming at any moment now.
Gingerly, you reached over to cup his cheek, wiping away tears that fell from his beautifully pale blue eyes. You loved those eyes, they meant safety, and despite the current circumstances, you felt safe. You always did with them.
You felt a hand on your cheek and involuntarily leaned into it, the familiar feeling of vibranium calming you as a thumb wiped away tears you didn't even know you had been crying.
"Stevie," Bucky whispered in the blond's ear, "it's okay, she's still here. Go to her, baby, our girl needs you, you need each other."
There was no hesitation in his actions this time, he launched forwards, practically knocking you off the bed. You managed to shuffle yourself into the middle of the matress and onto your back as one of the loves of your life sobbed and hiccuped into your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
You squeezed your eyes shut, soaking Steve's strawberry scented hair as you cried with him.
Bucky, in some odd way felt comforted by his lover's crying together. He knew no matter what you three went through, war, destruction, loss, that you would always have each other.
Knees shuffling against sheets and bed creaking, he joined you at the head of your bed, embracing you both as though you would disappear, if he let go even for a second.
Half an hour passed before another word was spoken between any of you.
"Steve," you whispered, voice raw. The words stung your throat as you tried to settle your boyfriend's nerves, "I forgive you."
"No, Y/N don't. You shouldn't-"
"Steve, I forgive you. I understand why it happened and I know you didn't mean it. We just need to figure out a way to manage this when one of us is away."
"What do you mean 'this'?" Steve quizzed, lifting his head from the crook of your neck.
You and Bucky shared a knowing look over your shoulder. Your boyfriend smiled sadly at you and placed a reassuring kiss on your shoulder. "You tell him."
"Tell me what?" He whimpered.
You sighed heavily and let your head fall backwards onto the pillow before recomposing yourself.
"Steve, sweetheart. I..., we, think you have PTSD. You freaked out after Bucky went radio silent for a few days and I heard you talking in your sleep about Danube."
You paused, hesitantly, watching for any sign of a reaction from the blond.
"Can we talk about it in the morning?" He asked after a few moments, "I haven't held you in days..."
"Of course baby," Bucky answered contentedly for you both, worry washing off of him instantly, "come here love, you're in the middle tonight."
Steve crawled between you and Bucky, hands making fists in your shirt and head returning to the crook of your neck. You played with his hair and closed your eyes to rest a moment as Bucky's hand traced shapes along Steve's back.
Light snores were soon heard coming from Steve, happy he was finally calm, you opened your eyes only to be met with a pair of blue ones staring back at you.
"Hi," you whispered back smiling.
"I missed you so fucking much, I'm so sorry for putting you both through this..."
You shook your head as much as you possibly could with a 240lbs man sleeping practically on top of you. "I'm just so happy you're home."
"Right where I belong," your soldier smiled at you with a heart full of love.
He placed a kiss on Steve's head and draped a hand across both yours and Steve's waists, curling his front around the later's back. Closing his eyes, he let sleep wash over him.
That was all you needed to know that everything was going to be okay, and you always would be as long as you had your two superheroes by your side.
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