#SIR you look like a BUG in those!!
arminsumi · 10 months
gojo n his cute dorky ears n lara croft lookin sunglasses n dumb santa claus hair n skii slope nose n ridiculously wide turtleneck 🙄
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6esiree · 4 months
“Oh, so your fingers worked when they were inside of me last night, but today they can’t text me back?”
I saw this on Instagram and tried to imagine how my five fav Hazbin men would react if you texted them this. I whipped this up pretty quickly so sorry if it’s crap, LOL <3
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Alastor only has a phone so you can contact him whenever you need to, and he usually answers right away, the only exception being when he’s busy. But the one time he accidentally leaves you on read because he’s out with Rosie, getting sidetracked by an interesting revelation, you decide to hit him up with this and, oh, he’s visibly horrified, flustered even, when he finally reads it.
“Is something the matter, Alastor?” Rosie asks, putting her teacup down as she notices the look on his face. “Oh my! Are you…blushing?”
“Excuse me for just a second,” Alastor says as he stiffly stands up, pushing his seat in and turning away, furiously typing at his phone.
“I am with Rosie. We will talk about this when I get home, understood?”
“Ok, I’ll be waiting for u <3.”
“Kiss your legs goodbye, ma chérie, because you will be unable to walk for a while.”
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Whenever you go out, you like to text Lucifer to see how he’s doing. This man answers FAST as fuck, that is why the one time he doesn’t you hit him up with this, trying to get his attention. When he finally checks his phone his heart instantly drops—I mean, what is he supposed to feel? He’s a blushing mess as he recalls what you did last night, but he’s also panicking, so he decides to call you.
“Hey, honey! I’m so, so sorry, I was in the middle of something. My fingers work just fine, by the way, I can show you if you come back home—“
“Christ, Luci! I was just trying to get you to answer.”
“Pretty please?”
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Husk takes his sweet ass time responding to your texts, so the best way to reach him is to call him. However, it’s just one of those rare occasions where you can’t do that, hitting him up with this to try to get his attention. Husk has company at the bar, that’s why when he finally sees your text he immediately turns his back to everybody, cursing under his breath as he tries to adjust himself through his pants.
“Oh, babydoll. Just wait until you get home,” Husk texts you back, pissed off but also slightly amused, especially when you answer him.
“Haha, ok…whatever u say old man :P.”
“You’re lucky Angel can't mind his own fucking business, otherwise I’d have something to say about that.”
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Unless he’s busy with something or he’s pissed off with you, Vox will answer your texts right away. The one time he forgets to tell you he has a meeting, you hit him up with this after trying to reach him for a while. Vox steals a glance at his phone, his screen slightly glitching when he’s asked to put in his two cents about something because he’s flustered. As soon as the meeting is over with, though, he teleports to your room, utterly embarrassed.
“I was in a MEETING! What in the Hell were you thinking?”
“Hey, I didn’t know that, I swear!”
“Yeah, yeah, now come over here, sweetheart. Let me demonstrate how well my fingers work on you.”
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Adam is 50/50 when it comes to answering your texts. Sometimes he’ll answer quickly, and sometimes he won’t, which can be frustrating. When you hit him up with this, it’s one of those times that he’s taking hours to see your texts, even leaving you on read when he finally opens them because his memory is shit. Adam is out with Lute, his eyes bugging out of his head when he decides to check his phone. I mean, hey, what’s up with that?
“Sir? Where are you going?” Lute asks him, watching him spread his wings, but Adam doesn’t answer, leaving before she can notice his boner.
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? You gave me a boner in public, you stupid—!”
“Well, start answering your texts then, Adam! And don't you dare finish that sentence, or no sex for a week.”
“I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much and I will answer your texts right away from now on.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
F.I.N.E || MV1
Pairing: Max Verstappen x teacher!reader Summary: When your student gets injured and you can’t get hold of her parents you try call an old contact number hoping he can help. Warnings: slight angst, fluff WC: 3.4K
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Max frowned at the unfamiliar number calling him. If it wasn’t for the fact it was a local number he would have ignored it but since few people had his personal number he decided to answer it. Immediately he was hit with the sound of high pitch cries and a soothing voice softly singing a lullaby that eased the knot of anxiety that had formed in an instant. 
“Hello, is this Max?” you asked when you realised the dual tone had stopped and the call had been answered. You shifted the child carefully on your lap and grabbed the old enrolment form to see the name again. “Max Verstappen?”
“Maxy?” the girl in your arms echoed with confusion.
“Yes, who is this?”
“Miss Y/L/N, I’m one of Penelope’s teachers. There’s been an incident and I found your number under her emergency contact list.”
“Oh no, sorry, there must be a mistake. You should call her mother or father. I’m not, we’re not, um, I shouldn’t be on that list anymore.”
You cringed as another piercing cry deafened your ear and you rubbed the little girl's back. “It hurts,” she whimpered.
“I know, sweetheart, someone will be here to get you shortly,” you replied softly and you hoped it was the truth. “Look, Max, I’ve tried every other contact number and no one is answering. Is there any way you could come down here? At least until I can get in touch with someone else.”
Max pinched the bridge of his nose but when he heard P’s shuddering cry he knew he had to go. “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.”
Max didn’t care if he got a parking ticket, he took the loading space right outside the preschool building. He likely would have gotten a speeding ticket too in his rush to cross the city but thankfully there weren’t any police in his path. 
Penelope wriggled in your arms as she spotted the stranger walking into the classroom. His eyes immediately found her and he crossed the space to where you sat holding her.
“Hey, P,” he greeted with a smile and knelt down at your height. “What’s happened, bug?”
Her little eyes welled up again as she lifted her bandaged wrist. “I fell off the playground.”
“I don’t think anything is broken but I would suggest having her doctor check to be sure.”
“I don’t know who her doctor is. I don’t even know what I’m doing here.”
“You’re contact details were-”
“Those must have been from when she started. Her mother and I haven’t been together for a while.”
“Oh, I see. I’m sorry to put this on you. I swear I tried every other phone number we have.”
Max nodded and his sigh sounded exhausted as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I just need to make a call. I’ll be back in a minute, bug.”
Max walked along the room, looking over the children’s artwork as he pressed his phone to his ear and waited. Eventually the call went to voicemail and his spine straightened tensely. “Kel, I’ve picked up P from daycare and I’m taking her to the hospital. Call me when you get this.”
You could see the man was stressed when he returned and his short hair pointed in all directions from the hand he kept nervously running through it. It was cute.
“Daniil is in Italy this week for work,” Max said as he returned to your side and picked up Penelope’s Prada backpack before opening his arms. “I’ll keep trying to get a hold of Kelly. Come on, bug.”
Lunchtime was coming to an end and children were starting to file back into the room, a few of the older ones stopping at staring wide eyed at Max. He was tall but not that tall or formidable to draw such a reaction but your question was answered when one of the boys ran to his picture on the wall. Timothée unpinned the drawing of a race car and ran up to Max, holding it out with a pencil.
“Sir, can you please sign this?”
Max looked used to the attention and took the pen with a polite, “Sure.” He stared at the picture for the moment after signing it and chuckled. “Is the RB20?”
Timothée nodded eagerly. “It’s my favourite.”
“Mine too,” he said as handed the picture back and smiled as it was crushed happily to the boy's chest. Max then carefully picked up Penelope, slowly so she wasn’t jostled, and his arms brushed yours. 
“If you need anything you have my number,” you reminded as the weight was lifted from your lap. “Children can be a little overwhelming if you’re not used to it.”
Max smiled fondly at Penelope and shook his head. “This isn’t new. I still have her room set up.”
“You do?” Penelope asked hopefully and Max turned his head as he cursed to himself. “Are we going to live with you again?”
“No, no, sorry, P,” he said softly. “I just haven’t had time to redecorate.”
“Oh.” You both winced at the defeated tone and you knew the fresh tears had nothing to do with her arm this time but you were saved by the bell as it spurred Max to toss the bag over his shoulder and look to the door.
“I hope you feel better soon, Penelope.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you,” Max echoed with a nod before departing.
All afternoon you were distracted with thoughts of the two of them until the final bell rang and you grabbed your phone. You had sporadically tried to contact Daniil and Kelly again but the calls went straight to voicemail every time and you found no returned calls.
Y/N: How is Penelope? Max: She is happy watching The Little Mermaid. She has a sprained wrist and the nurse complemented the bandaging so you should be proud. Y/N: And how are you? Max: I’m fine.
Max swore as the pot of water boiled over and he hissed as he grabbed the handle to find it was just as hot. He dropped his phone reaching for the teatowel and then P started calling out from the living room complaining that the movie was boring - the same movie she watched a thousand times and she had specifically asked for.
Y/N: My mentor used to tell me that stood for: freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional. Are you sure you are fine?
After turning the stove down to a simmer and wiping up the mess of water that had splashed across his floor he went and changed the movie to what would hopefully last longer than ten minutes before she changed her mind. Taking another attempt at making dinner, he grabbed a bag of pasta from his pantry and poured its entirety into the pot.
Max: I’m thinking I am definitely neurotic and possibly starting to freak out. Y/N: I couldn’t have that on my conscience. My offer still stands if you need some help. Max: You don’t have anyone you need to get home to? Y/N: My cat prefers his own company unless he’s hungry and he’s already been fed today so no. Max: I don’t want you to go out of your way. Y/N: I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing to follow through. Let me help. Please?
Max smiled at his phone before sending his address and looking around to see how tidy the place was. His jacket was tossed on the table instead of being hung up and Penelope’s bag was spilled across the entryway floor, not the first impression he wanted to make.
You entered the port address into your phone and locked the classroom behind you, feeling a little unsteady at the thought of seeing Max again. Penelope was a sweet child and she seemed comfortable with Max but you hadn’t really ever heard her talk about him before. You told yourself the only reason you were going there was to check on your student's wellbeing, but a small part of you wanted to see Max again.
You wondered if maybe he hadn’t heard your knock on the door or that you had the wrong apartment and you rapped your knuckles on it again before he called out. There was a crash and then a groan close to the door before it swung open and Max balanced on one leg.
“Uh, is everything okay?” you asked as he clutched his foot.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he rushed before he caught the teasing curl of your brow and he froze before a smile grew on his lips. “Right, freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional.”
“You’re a quick learner.” You stepped inside at his invitation and he closed the door behind you while you rushed towards the burning smell in the kitchen. “Oh, wow.”
“Fucksake,” Max grumbled as he grabbed a wet tea towel before reaching for the tray of garlic bread in the oven. “Ouch, shit!”
“You said a naughty word,” Penelope called out from the next room like it was something that she regularly commented on. “That's another 20.”
Max sighed heavily as he looked at a jar on the bench that was already filled with cash. “Shit.”
“I heard that.”
“Shouldn’t you be watching your movie?”
You giggled at the amusing conversation before turning the tap to cold and taking Max’s hand. “Wet towels and hot trays make steam.”
He watched you guide his hand under the water and flinched as it hit the burn mark on his palm. “I don’t usually cook, if you couldn’t tell.”
“The life of a bachelor. Keep your hand there.” You moved with ease around his kitchen trying to save what was left of dinner but paused at a huge pot of pasta that had swelled up and pushed the lid half off. “Are you expecting a dozen other people?”
Max shrugged innocently. “I didn’t know how much to put in.”
“Well the good news is the top half is edible,” you stated after finding a colander and draining the pasta until only a thick layer remained stuck to the bottom of the pot. “Do you have any sauce?”
“What were you going to have with it?”
“Garlic bread.” You both looked at the charred sticks still smoking on the baking tray.
“Do you mind?” you asked as you pointed to his fridge and the cupboards around the kitchen.
“No, please. Go ahead.”
You checked the fridge first and you were pleasantly surprised to find it well stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables. “Do you live off salads or does all this go to waste?”
“Neither, my nutritionist comes by twice a week and he prepares the meals.”
For a moment you had forgotten his profession. You had googled his name after Timothée couldn’t stop talking about meeting the ‘Max Verstappen’. “That must be intense, and restricting. Does your social life suffer?”
“It’s not so bad. I still get to go out for dinner and have a few drinks when I want.” He started to pull his hand out from under the water but you tutted and caught his wrist, holding it back beneath the cold stream.
“Keep still,” you warned with a voice you saved for children who weren’t listening. “It needs 20 minutes under there.”
“You want me to stand here for twenty minutes?”
“No, science wants you to stay there for twenty minutes.”
“Are you a teacher or a nurse?” he asked with a playful roll of his eyes.
“Depends if it's halloween.”
His loud laugh made you smile and you eased your grip on his hand one finger at a time to see if he would stay where he was. He did. “I’ll behave, Miss Y/L/N.”
“You can call me Y//N.”
“I kind of like calling you Miss Y/L/N.”
You checked to see if he was serious but thankfully there was a teasing smile on his face before you returned to the fridge to gather some ingredients.
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By some small miracle dinner can’t have been too bad since everyone cleaned their plates of the pasta, though you thought they were likely being polite since you could still taste the hint of smoke from the bottom of the pan. Penelope had spent most of the meal asking Max if he remembered what they used to do when she lived there, how they used to go travelling and shopping. You got to see first hand how much patience the man had as he answered each question despite how it made him uncomfortable.
“You miss her,” you commented after she had gone back to the tv. Max started to collect the dishes with you and sighed as he placed them in the sink. 
“It was a big change when they moved out,” he spoke quietly and you stepped closer so you could hear better. “She kept asking if she did something wrong.”
“That must have been hard for you.” His eyes widened and you wondered what shocked him, but you had a feeling it was the fact someone showed concern for him. Even though you didn’t know the details of the break up, it was clear he had and still did care for Penelope and you felt sorry for him. “Can I hug you? I’m a hugger and I feel like you could really do with one.”
“You want to hug me?”
You tried to shrug it off casually. “If you want to. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Everyone needs a hug sometime.”
“I do,” he said quickly, very quickly, before he cleared his throat. “I mean, I-I wouldn’t mind a hug.”
You smiled at his tentativeness and stepped into his personal space, slipping your hands into the narrow openings between his limp arms and his body to curl around his waist. It took a moment for him to respond before his own arms embraced the comfort and curled around your back too.
“You smell really good, Max,” you complimented as you rested your head on his chest and caught the scent of his cologne.
“Thank you,” he chuckled, the amusement relaxing him even more until his entire body curved into yours. “I think you have playdough in your hair.”
You hummed in agreement. “Highly likely. You wouldn’t believe the places I find that stuff at the end of the day, glitter too.”
His bold laugh made you smile and you didn’t care it was at your own expense, you were just happy to know it was because of you. Unfortunately you didn’t have the chance to hear it again as his phone rang from the countertop and you saw Kelly’s name light up the screen.
“I should let you get that,” you said as you stepped back, instantly missing the warmth and his scent. “I’ll go keep Penelope company.”
Max waited for you to leave the kitchen before he accepted the call, his calm state evaporating in an instant. “What the hell, Kelly? Where have you been?”
“My phone was on flight mode, I was on a plane. Is P okay?”
“Her wrist is sprained but she’s alright now.” Max pinched the bridge of his nose and reminded himself to breathe. “Why would you leave her alone?”
“She wasn’t alone. Maria was meant to pick her up after school and I should have been home in time for dinner but my flight was delayed.”
“Who is Maria?”
“Her nanny.”
Max had to suppress the groan at the news. He knew Daniil hated the idea of a nanny and he had offered to have more custody so that P would be raised by her parents and not a stranger, but Kelly had vetoed that idea.
“Do you want to go out for dinner? I owe you.”
“No, we’ve already eaten.”
“Some other time then.”
Max made a non-committal sound, his eyes darting to the living room where he watched Penelope explain the movie to you. You were so attentive and patient, asking questions that had Penelope thinking deeper and using such a simple interaction as a learning opportunity. He could see why you suited being a teacher.
“Maybe,” he lied, “just let me know when you’re almost here and I’ll bring P out to you, I don’t want to confuse her any more.”
“Right, of course,” Kelly sighed. “I’ll see you soon, Max.”
Max made the most of the time he had left with P, abandoning the dishes so he could sit on the other side of her and watch the movie about a chef rat. She had cozied into his side with a yawn and nudged his arm until he eventually draped it over her shoulder. It was completely innocent but you couldn’t help noticing the heat of his hand touching your arm, the warmth spreading like wildfire.
The fire was doused when his phone vibrated and the moment to leave had come.
While he grabbed Penelope’s backpack, you grabbed your handbag and prepared your own goodbyes. It was silly to feel sad the evening had come to an end but you knew that you would likely never see Max again. You weren’t famous and he didn’t have children, your paths weren’t meant to cross.
“Have a good weekend, Penelope,” you said as you knelt down and gave her a hug. “I’ll see you bright and early on Monday.”
“Bye, Miss Y/L/N.”
You rose to your feet wondering where you stood with Max until he opened his arms. “Anytime you need a hug, you have my number,” you offered as you stepped into his embrace, no matter how unlikely that prospect was.
“Or if I’m feeling fine?”
You giggled and nodded against his chest. “Especially if you’re feeling fine.”
The walk to the elevator was slow, as if no one wanted the strange evening to end, but there was no stopping time as it began making its way down from the penthouse to the ground floor. The doors opened and you instantly spotted Kelly in the reception area, her elegant and effortless beauty reminding you that you still had playdough in your hair.
With one last look at the man beside you, you gave him a small smile and stepped away. “Goodbye, Max.”
He didn’t respond as you headed to the valet area but he pulled his phone out of his pocket and yours vibrated a moment later.
Max: Are you okay?
Y/N: I’m fine.
Max: Me too. Emotional, you?
Y/N: Insecure.
Max: Want a hug?
You stopped and turned to see Max hand Penelope’s bag over before struggling to separate the girl from where she clung to his leg. She didn’t know, couldn’t see how it was hurting Max, but you could. So you waited, and when the mother and daughter had departed you stepped into the elevator with the subdued man, slipping your hand into his.
The elevator rose quickly and you watched Max’s throat bounce with the deep swallow he made before he choked out a broken, “Fuck.”
“I feel like I should remind you about the swear jar,” you teased as you bumped your shoulder gently against his arm. “But I’ll let you off this once because I have a soft spot for you.”
He looked down at you from the corner of his eye and you saw some of the sadness fading from them. “Does that make me the teacher's pet?”
You gasped dramatically and clutched your chest with your free hand. “I could never bestow such high praise after just one day.”
“What are your plans tomorrow then?” he asked with a smirk as the doors opened and he pulled his house key out of his pocket.
“I don’t have any.”
“Lovely, now are you going to answer my question?” He stepped inside the apartment and opened his arms. “Did you want a hug?”
Your smile chased away more of the shadows in his eyes and the last of it was erased when you stepped into his arms with an eager nod. “I will never say no to a hug.”
His chest bounced with a laugh and you felt him rest his cheek on your head with a contented sigh. “That is very good to know.”
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callofdudes · 4 months
So, uh, I was watching Bad Boys 2 with my dad and when the shootout scene happened and Marcus accidentally got shot in the ass I couldn’t help but wonder after I was done LMFAOing; how the COD boys (or the guys from 141 if you have a character limit) would react to and deal with having been shot in the ass? Especially if their S/O or best friend was there?
Ouchie ouchie. Here ya go anon! Sorry it took so long!
Getting shot in the ass.
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Fucking humiliated.
First off, it hurt and oh boy he would not talk to anyone. If you're not in the immediate vicinity of medical attention he is going to have to be taken care of by one of you.
He'd probably trust either you or Price. He loves Johnny but not enough to touch his whole ass.
If you're his spouse you will 100% try to make jokes to calm him down, and it doesn't end up making it any better. Simon laying on his stomach writhing in pain while you've got him pantsed.
He's never speaking to any of you again. He'd rather be buried alive than have you bandaging his whole asscheek so he doesn't bleed everywhere.
"Are-fuck! Are you done yet!?" He growled, turning into a whine near the end because he's in pain. Come on man...
"Almost Simon, just hang in with me ok?"
He whines, and you continue to as gently as you can patch the wound. And like a meanie you're trying not to laugh the whole time.
When you're done you'll pat his butt gently and help him up. "Fuck you, and fuck that last 20 minutes of my life." He winces, attempting to stand.
"It's an occupational hazard y'know-"
"In my ass. MY BLOODY ARSE!"
"Well it's not bloody anymore...??"
Yeah he's never speaking to you. Or the others. He'll go back to that coffin where he was safe and his beautiful ass wasn't being threatened 24/7.
When you get back if you tell anyone he's suffocating you in your sleep. Not like the medical team will let him go. Surgery to get the bullet out of his arse and then was hurting for weeks.
Glaring constantly because now he has one of those butt pillows that you'd sit on after a BBL. And the recruits are bugging him because, "Got a lift Lt??" "Thought it was already big enough."
His arse is a point of contention for him and now he's being pointed out for the masses.
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"You... You want me to help??"
"Nope." He dragged his leg, limping his way as blood spilled.
"You've uh, got a hole in your-"
"I'm very well aware!" He grimaced, trying to ease down on his side. "Other room." He demands.
"I can help-"
"Yes sir."
You step away and let Price undo his belt and survey the damage himself. The last time he was bleeding from his arse his military dad was spanking him upside down and sideways.
By the time he realizes he's going to need a little help he's already regretting his life. He's nearly had his balls shot off before, this shouldn't be news to him, but also, why....
Begrudgingly he calls you back in after messing with it enough it hurts twice as much as before.
So you grab some bandages and get to work.
"I'm very well aware of where my hands are going captain, you're fine."
"You're bleeding."
"Thank you for stating the obvious." He rubbed his forehead, sighing.
You feel less inclined to snicker at Price because the poor man is just trying to make a living fighting crime. He doesn't deserve this. His beautiful soft ass doesn't deserve this.
When you get back he is just wanting the bullet out by that point so he doesn't fight medical. They get the bullet out and he is taking painkillers like they're going out of style. (No, not in an unhealthy way)
Will probably stay between his room and his office. He wants to do work very badly and hasn't enjoyed sitting around doing nothing for long periods of time.
Can't wear his favorite pants now because they're tighter and the seam cuts right into the stitches. Sweatpants and butt pillow it is until he's out of this hell.
Most recruits know not to poke the bear, unlike you. Or Simon.
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"Whew, that was close." You panted and looked at Johnny with relief. "No kidding." But as the adrenaline wore off, Johnny felt lightheaded, and fell to his side.
"Ow-" He winced, his leg feeling numb. You quickly rushed to him and looked him over. He wasn't shot anywhere... Oh. Oh, no never mind, yes he was.
"You're shot."
Johnny followed your gaze and saw.
Surprisingly calm. Like, out of everyone he doesn't panic as much. Pulls up his shirt into his mouth and tells you to get it out.
You're hesitant because it's trying to pull a bullet out of someone's ass. And pulling a bullet out is never... Fun. But he trusts you, even if his cheeks are glaringly red from utter embarrassment.
But he doesn't want anyone else to do it for some reason, so you do your best.
Long story short, it did not go well. You ended up messing with the wound that his right ass cheek was so swollen. He looked like an idiot. Laying on his stomach in pain while waiting for Evac.
"I'm sorry..." You rubbed his shoulder.
You'd pulled his pants down further, while still being respectful. But man if he didn't look stupid, and it looked like it hurt. One cheek much bigger than the other, red and swollen.
Johnny promised to never get shot in the ass again. After he was put on bed rest because he had an infection. So uh... That was a fun adventure.
"Why the hell did you try to dig the bullet out of my ass??" He looked over at you when you visited him.
"You told me to do that! I told you it was a bad idea."
"Oh yeah..." He sniffled and crossed his arms, pouting his lip.
"Johnny.. come on, it'll get better."
"Well it can't get worse. Can it?"
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"Ow!! Bloody- shit!" He slid down a wall and looked down at his side, expecting the stinging pain he felt to have hit his leg, he was dismayed to find the bullet had got him in the ass.
"Oh fucking of course!" He groaned and tried his best to hold something over the wound while still getting bullets pelted at him.
"How're we looking, sergeant??"
Kyle looked back briefly and then adjusted his gun. "Fine! But I've got a bloody hole in my arse!"
"Say again?"
Kyle groaned. Falling out of helicopters, getting shot in the ass, what was next huh?
"I've. Got. A. Bullet. In my ass!!"
Mortified when the others get to him and see he was not lying. Kyle must have just about the worst luck because what the hell is this?? They got him to medical and they did indeed confirm he had a bullet where the sun don't shine.
His perfect, pretty, unscarred butt was now about to be dug into to get a bullet out. How humiliating. He had bad stuff happen to him, but this he refused to talk about.
"How're... How're you feeling?" You asked after he came out of surgery. Still high on drugs, Kyle glared at you. "Don't even..."
"Don't what?" You snickered slightly.
"Oh fuck off..."
You smiled a little and sat down. "Hey, you'll recover. It sucks, but you've gotten through worse."
"Bullet in the ass."
"Had a bullet in the ass."
"It was still there at one point. That was my reality, y/n!"
You lovingly shushed him with a glass of water.
Kyle did not say a word about it. Even when he needed a pillow to help him sit after the surgery, he never pointed it out. And the others saw the look, if they said anything Kyle would drag them behind a shed and suffocate them with said pillow.
And therefore, for everyone's collective safety, it was never brought up.
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k-hippie · 25 days
Now that we ( at last ) finished our global x11 update, time was coming to get a closer look, especially on the oldest files ...
There's a joke to be made with updating after EAxis mess. Maybe something like ... Si(m)siphus ... Really, once we start working on an update, it seems like *everything* needs an update and we'll never get to the bottom of it. Or ... worst ( or better ) we get an insight on something we couldn't figure out and now we just want to test a theory or two, just in case it'll crack the code ... aaand we'll be good to make an overhaul of something else. Anyway ! Here we are :)
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BRINDLETON BAY We are half pleased with the results here but those files needed to be updated ... Indeed ! The Cats & Dogs town is back into the fold with updated texture. We even removed the red pavement for more consistency. We aren't quite happy with the final result of this town and we'll probably come back later for finishing touch here & there but it'll do for the moment.
Please enjoy the return of Brindleton Bay among the family of the k-mods files :D
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SELVADORADA ( JUNGLE ADVENTURES ) It was long overdue indeed but working on Selvadorada is like working on San Myshuno, it is clearly not EAxis best hours ...
Anyway, we completely reworked both nature and urban files, finished the ruins, added the files we hadn't done ...
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We always have a soft spot for Strangerville, surely because it reminds us the Sims 2 Strangetown which was was so fun and irreverent !
You already have the k-505 nature we updated not long ago. Now, we remade the k-505 urban and put work into finishing touches, making sure we've covered everything that needed to be k-hippied :D
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K-505 : BASEGAME NATURE FILES UPDATE Which should actually be : What-A-Surprise-We-At-Last-Found-Files Somehow, we tackled the San Myshuno Pit Of Darkness Problem. Yes, you read that right, with one single file, two little adjustment and a lot of hair pulling ( "What do you mean EA stretch that file like peanut butter on a toast ?" ) Okay, with less sardonic comment, the k-505 base game mod actually got a new update that's even better. You know those rocks with grass on them ? Yeah, we cleared that. It's now better looking. No more funky hairy rock. And of course, as you may know if you read the previous post, we finally found the files guilty of the black/question mark deep down in San Myshuno ! So, do not hesitate to update all your files ;)
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K-101 : MAJOR UPDATE Technical lingo : we updated the specular files because it was bugging us to no end. Old wooden floor, cool. Old wooden floors that shined so much it looked new ? Not under our watch, no sir ! In addition, it solves a glossy problem for Mac users with an intel based computer. Damned ! we are so good ... :D All floors have seen their specular double-checked and done ... and by the way, all Jungle Adventures floors were added, all of them. Of course, if you notice something we may forgot, just tell us :)
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K-303 : SKIES & MOONS UPDATE As the title says : those are moon & night sky replacements. It is re-organized ( we redid the folders to do not mix moons and skies ) All you have to do is to place these files into you mods folder and tada ! a brighter and bigger moon for your Sims :)
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Voila, that's all for this week :) Hope it will be ok for you and your fun ! Next in queue, Britechester and Del Sol Valley …
All the k-mods : https://tech-hippie.com/k-mods/
k-303 Multifix stuff : https://tech-hippie.com/k-303/
if you think it good enough: ko-fi // paypal
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the--rebel--fae · 8 months
A/N: You my friend, caught my attention first because of such an adorable response. So ask and ye shall receive! Here's hoping I do Alastor justice.
(This is an adorable request btw)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word count: 745
The Hazbin Bunch
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Ever since you came to the Habin Hotel, it felt like everyone was a little family. You were an older demon, having died back in the forties. So you have been in hell for quite some time. 
When you first saw the TV commercial you wanted to see what it was all about. Especially since you heard that your old friend Alastor was involved. You haven’t seen him in years. Seven to be exact. And to know that he was back sent butterflies in your stomach. You never told him, but you always harbored feelings for the eccentric radio host. You never had the guts to tell him though since you feared messing up your friendship.
Little did you know, he had feelings for you as well. Alastor was already intrigued with you when you first met. Just the way you carried yourself and treated others. It was also a plus that you hated that infernal TV just as he did. Plus, you were a great conversationalist and probably the only one who could keep up with him when you had the time to dance.
Soon enough, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel Dust, Nifty, and even Sir Pentious became family to you. Almost as if they were your children. 
“Nifty my dear, if you truly want to kill those little bugs I suggest you swing your knife in a diagonal direction instead of a perpendicular. That way, they have less of a chance to escape.” You told the little red-headed cyclops girl as she chased around a few stray roaches.
Nifty paused briefly and looked up at you from your seat at the bar. “Ooh! That’s a great idea! Less chance for them to escape hehe.” She giggled creepily and then started back on her roach hunt. 
You shook your head and smiled fondly at the girl. Then turning back to Husk you regarded him with a warm smile. “Well, since I’m here I mine as well indulge in a small drink. What do you have in mind for me today Husk? I do so love the different drinks you concoct. If you worked at a bar back in my days on Earth, you’d be regarded as an artist.”
Husk chuckled as he started up your drink. “Weren’t you alive durin’ prohibition times though?”
You just waved your hand nonchalantly. “Ah, semantics. Besides, you know what they say. Nothing fun ever comes from following the rules.”
“How right you are Cher! Why if people followed the rules, things would be so terribly boring.” Alastor said as he popped out from seemingly nowhere.
Husk handed you your drink and you smiled as you took a sip. “Oh, hello Al. How was the radio show today?”
Alastor’s eyes lit up and his smile shone brightly. Most people would find it off-putting but you personally loved it. “It went splendidly, my dear! Thank you for asking.”
You were about to say something more, but then Charlie came down the main stairs drawing your attention. “Charlie, my dear! How are you, sweetie? Do you feel any better since the latest meeting with that infernal angel? Ad-what’s his name? The first man, I guess?”
Charlie met your gaze and smiled. “I’m doing a little bit better (y/n), thanks. But you don’t have to worry so much. That meeting was a month ago!’
You just chuckle. “That may be so, but I can tell how stressed you’ve been hun.”
Angel Dust clicks his tongue as he takes a seat beside you. “You know toots, sometimes it seems like you're the mom of this place with how ya act.” He then glanced at Alastor who unbeknownst to you was gazing fondly at you. “An if you're the mother of this joint, that’d make ol smiles here the dad.”
“Haha! You know, that doesn’t sound too bad Ma Cherie. I’d consider myself lucky to be assumed to be your husband.” Alastor said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
Instead of commenting, you could only blush furiously. Feeling the heat crawl all the way up to your ears, you tried your best to compose yourself and hide your growing smile behind your glass. Almost hoping that Alastor didn’t catch how much his comment made your long-dead heart soar. But he was no fool, he could see that beautiful smile of yours even as you tried to hide it behind the crystalline glass. 
Perhaps you truly were like a little family after all. 
Hope you enjoyed the story my friend! I gotta say, this was an adorable request. I had a lot of fun with it!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several page long one shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Hazbin Hotel!
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moon7jay · 9 months
please teacher heeseung x student reader..? 😩
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Teacher heeseung who can't take his eyes off of you in class, gaze pivoted to you and how your skirt sits so temptingly on your plush thighs
Teacher heeseung who maintains eye contact when you smirk at him seductively, inching your skirt up and pushing your chest outwards, just for him to see
Teacher heeseung who doesn't miss your suggestive gestures in class, whether it be getting in trouble on purpose so that he can scold you or standing a little close to him just to look up at him with those seductive doe eyes "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" But it will. It will happen again and again cuz something about the way he yells or reprimands you has u rubbing your thighs together. Something that doesn't go unnoticed by heeseung
Teacher heeseung who feels his pants tighten when you open your legs wide just to give him a glimpse of your bare pussy under the table, the sight so sinful it makes him ache in his jeans
Teacher heeseung who is aware that what he's doing is wrong but can't help himself from asking you to stay after class, pressing you against the black board, his hips snapping against u at an animalistic pace
Teacher heeseung who is so angry and frustrated, so done with your constant teasing and seduction that he's going harder than you expected. But it turns you on, your pussy leaking juices that drips down both of your thighs and soaks his balls
Teacher heeseung who presses you against every surface in the class, one leg up on the table, bent over backwards, missionary on the floor, mating press against the door-
It doesn't end
Teacher heeseung who is extra mean to you during class cuz he knows you like it, it makes you crave him more, the sex after class becomes more spicy when one of you is mad
Teacher heeseung who cannot get enough of your fresh, young pussy and the way it clenches around his hot, throbbing dick when he's buried deep inside
Teacher heeseung who loves being wrapped in your tight little pussy for hours after class, everyday, sometimes even two times a day when he's pushing you in the storage room between classes and pounding that hot cunt
Teacher heeseung who fucks your mouth like it's your cunt on days when you're on your periods cuz why should he compromise with the pleasure when you're willing to drop to your knees on his single command
Teacher heeseung who doesn't care that you are sore from yesterday, when his dick aches for your pussy he couldn't care less about anything else, taking you right on the classroom floor, groaning and moaning like an animal in heat
Teacher heeseung who passes you in all subjects with good grades, you just need to open your legs and give him your cunt to fuck whenever he wants it
Teacher heeseung who thinks it's all just sex but you have started to fall in love with him, his dick and body being the only thing which occupy your mind
Teacher heeseung who catches up on your obsession with him from the way that you stare at him dreamily during class, or extra efforts that u do such as bringing him lunch and complimenting his smile
Teacher heeseung who finds you cute but needs to put an end to this cuz he can't afford losing his job
Teacher heeseung who breaks your heart in two when he pushes you away and starts actively ignoring you in class, him being the first and only man you had actually fallen in love with left you distraught
Teacher heeseung who starts noticing when u start missing his classes, eventually stopping altogether, your empty chair bugging him in a way that is borderline obsessive
Teacher heeseung who loses his damn mind when he sees you sitting too close to another boy who he recognizes as jake from his class
Teacher heeseung who doesn't feel guilty when he's wrongfully failing jake cuz his veins are filled with nothing but hot anger and disdain. The sight of you smiling at another man driving him up the wall
Teacher heeseung who shows up at your house, finding the perfect opportunity when your parents aren't home, pushing you inside and taking you against the wall
Teacher heeseung who doesn't even prep you or give you a chance to protest before he's slipping inside your warm fuck hole and starts fucking
Teacher heeseung who is spewing filth, his cock hitting your cervix, bumping your womb painfully cuz of how deep he's fucking, reminding you that you belong to him and how he's gonna ruin jake cuz how dare he breathe the same air as you
Teacher heeseung who doesn't stop pounding in your wet heat even though u r begging him to stop, the overestimation getting to your head
Teacher heeseung who fucks you 5 more times in your own house until all you're capable of doing is babbling incoherent words
Teacher heeseung who groans "mine" in your ear before cumming inside of your abused cunt one last time. Marking his territory
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*is tired*
Courting Pursuit
Part 3
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Part 2
Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ mule deer reader, gender neutral (gn) reader, assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, Spanish translated, cussing, blood, Valentino's dialogue is pink italics in quotation marks, mentions of aphrodisiac(drug), italics= thoughts ⚠
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"Where's Gentle Giant?", Angel asked looking around for the tall deer.
"They have a name you know.", Vaggie sighed.
You were not seen at all today by the others and caused some slight worry among some of the group. Of course, Alastor could care less.
"I know but really, where are they? I didn't see 'em this morning."
Husk turned to look at the spider demon with a raised brow.
"They wake up at five in the morning to start breakfast early. You've been wakin' up early?", the cat demon asked.
Angel raised his arms up. "How could I not!? Have you seen them make breakfast? That's a whole meal on its own! Shaking their ass around to the music they put on, half buttoned up shirt, and those leggings.", he crosses his arms. "I didn't get to see shit today! Kitchen was empty!"
"I didn't get my bugs today!", Niffty piped in. "They usually give me bugs that they find in the kitchen after cooking."
The group continued to wonder where you had gone until Charlie came into the lobby with Sir Pentious.
"Oh, I gave them an errand.", the Princess said.
"WHY!?", the arachnid cried out.
"Shut up Angel.", the white haired woman sighed.
"They said they wanted to do something outside, so I offered them to pick up something from a shop. It's not that far.", Charlie reassured.
"Charlie.", the porn star dead panned.
"Yes?", the Princess smiled.
"How long have they been in Hell? I mean out there, not in the hotel."
"Less than a day..."
Everyone is quiet before rushing out of the hotel.
"Damn it Charlie! They might die!", Angel shouts.
"I didn't think it'd be that bad! Oh no no no no no-!", she apologizes as they all run down the road into the city.
Alastor just sighs and follows calmly behind the group.
What a way to start the day..
You were getting groceries for the Princess.
She said that most of the food was gone and with the help of Vaggie, you got a list of the things you needed to get.
At the store, you were a bit confused but you met a nice older woman that helped you learn what the aisle signs said.
"Muchas gracias." (Thank you very much.)
"De nada!", the woman waved her hand. (You're welcome!) "Qué demonio tan atractivo eres." (What an attractive demon you are.)
After paying and carrying all the bags, you made your way through the city and tried to go back to the hotel quickly.
But a tall bug stands in your way once you make it to the entertainment district.
"Ah~ The deer that appeared on the screens.", the tall moth demon smiled wide and approached you. "Valentino is my name and I want you to work for me. A face like yours is well liked among the sinners.", he said and reached out to hold your face.
"No quiero lo que me ofreces.", you quickly moved your head away. (I don't want what you are offering.)
"Ah, pero imagina todo el dinero que ganarás~" (Ah, but imagine all the money you'd be making~), he continued. "Todas las delicias pecaminosas que podrás darte.", his eyes glowed as he circled you like a snake, leaning in close to whisper in your ear. (All the sinful delights you'll get to indulge in.)
You grabbed the moth's face roughly and brought him down to eye level with you.
"I said. I don't want it.", you glared, shoving him away after feeling the groceries shift in your hold. "Adiós. Espero no volver a verte." (Farewell. I hope to never see you again.)
"¿¡Quién te crees que eres!? ¡No puedes darme la espalda!", Valentino hissed out and pulled you back by your arm, making you drop the bag. (Who do you think you are!? You don't get to turn away from me!)
Some of the groceries spilled out onto the street, now no longer edible as blood and grime soiled it.
The moth continued to yell and shout vulgar words, but you just frowned at the loss of food.
"Are you even listening!?", the tall demon shouted in your ear as he tightened his grip on your arm.
"No.", you said and looked at him with a dead stare.
It was the tipping point for him, his anger boiled over and he went to strike you with his hand.
Quickly, you lowered and tilted your head down just a bit before lunging forward. Your antlers stabbed into his chest and blood sprayed onto the top of your head and shoulders.
"¡Pedazo de mierda!", he shouted and grabbed your antlers, slamming you back into a brick wall. (You piece of shit!)
You felt your back sting with pain as he held you in place to remove your antlers from his chest. He managed to kick your stomach, knocking the air out of you. You tried to hit back but he moved out the way.
The moth demon sprayed some pink liquid on you before escaping.
It got in your eyes, making you close them as it felt like burning. The smell was sweet but strong, like a syrup that was too sweet. To the point that it made you feel sick.
After cleaning off the liquid, you salvaged what you could and continued your way back to the hotel.
"Where are they!?", Angel cried out.
The hazbin group returned from their search and met up in the lobby. Sir Pentious was still out with his egg minions.
"I didn't see them anywhere! I went to the grocery stores, checked alleys, and bars! Do you know how many bars there are in Hell!?"
"At least we didn't find a body, so we know they are still alive somewhere.", Vaggie muttered.
"Perhaps they've been eaten!", Alastor smiled cheerfully.
The group looked at him in horror.
Niffty not so much, but she was still upset about not getting bugs.
"That's not-", Charlie started.
"WHAT IF THEY WERE EATEN!?", the spider screeched.
"DAMN IT ANGEL, THEY WEREN'T EATEN!", the white haired woman yelled back.
"BUT WHAT IF THEY WERE!?", Niftty jumped into the conversation, smiling.
"You ain't helping Nift.", Husk grumbled.
"I swear to Satan-!"
"Calm down!"
The others stopped screeching at each other when hearing the entrance door open, all turning their heads to find the mule deer dragging their feet as they walked into the hotel.
Covered in blood, holding a bag of groceries.
"Hola..", they waved with a tired smile.
The spider called their name in relief and rushed over, checking them for injuries.
"Holy shit! What happened to you!?", Angel grabbed their head and brought it down to see their blood soaked antlers. "You've got blood all on top of your head!"
"Estoy bien, estoy bien.", the deer mumbled. (I'm ok, I'm ok.)
"¿Qué mierda paso?", Husk spoke up. (What the fuck happened?)
"Nada demasiado importante.", they gave a small reassuring smile. (Nothing too important.)
"Where are my bugs!", Niftty ran over and tugged on their pants.
"Glad you're ok.", the Princess sighed.
"Yes, yes. We're all glad that they aren't dead.", Alastor says as he walks over. "Now, lets have them cleaned up and well-"
Before the Radio Demon could touch them, the mule deer flinched back.
"Lo siento. No me encuentro bien.", they said and handed the grocery bag over to the spider. (I'm sorry. I don't feel well.) "Voy a descansar en mi habitación. Perdonadme.", they managed to get out before heading upstairs. (I'm going to rest in my room. Pardon me.)
Curious.. He thought as the others dispersed, but then noticed that the arachnid stayed put, staring where the mule deer was last seen.
"What is it now? Aren't you satisfied that they are safe and sound?", he asked.
"Somethin's not right.", Angel said. "They smelled like aphrodisiac was poured all over them."
"A what?", the deer demon replied, a bit confused. "That is a drug, correct?"
"Yeah.. And right now, it ain't a good one.", the fluffy demon stuffed the grocery bag in the fridge before running upstairs, shouting out the mule deer's name.
Curious indeed...
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As I was writing this during break, coworker walked up and asked what I was writing and I immediately hid my phone.
~Seline, the person.
Part 4
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+more in the comments+
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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beababoobies · 8 months
Oh my stars so I saw your post for Hazbin hotel requests can I PLEASE get a reader w Sir Pentious who is low-key jealous of his crush on cherry but he ends up getting w reader in the end?
I would love you forever 🙏
yurp, I gotchu. I love cherpentious with my entire heart but anything for y’all 🫡
Somethin’ Stupid - Sir Pentious
words : 1.77k, slight warning for ep 6 stuffs
God, this fucking sucked. 
Cherri, who was - and you don’t mean to be direct, or self-loathing - downright fucking gorgeous, had been bribed to take you all out to a bar - well no, that wasn’t the exact instructions, but it was clear enough that Charlie didn’t expect much more from her. So here you were, slouched back on a vodka-stained couch in the corner of this bar, Husk lounging beside you while Nifty giggled and played with his fur, and your oh so beloved Sir Pentious across from you. 
You kicked back another shot of whatever Angel had brought to you, pretending to find whatever Husk had just said funny (you were far too caught up in the way Sir Pentious was goo goo eyeing a certain Cherri Bomb.) and Husk spoke up, eyebrows furrowed. 
“What’s up your ass today, kid?” He said flatly with a swig of his beer, raising one of his eyebrows as you finally snapped your attention back to him, trying to smile non-chalantly as you watched your beloved little drunken ball of insecurity slither towards Cherri again from the corner of your eye. “ ‘ts nuthin, Husk. Leave it.” You say with an annoyed sigh as you watch Pentious stumble over his words to an annoyed and unimpressed Cherri. 
“- I’M HAVING SSSSEX WITH EVERYONE HERE!” He turns around and yells, which has both Nifty, Angel, and Husk snap their heads around with wide eyes. He gives you a sad look and you try to give him a reassuring one. That is until he gets dragged into a separate room, and you inhale sharply through your teeth, wincing at the way he screams before the door is shut properly. Cherri doesn’t even look like she cares. 
“Ah.” Husk says flatly, catching your attention again. “Should’ve guessed after your fuckin’ ramble last night. ‘But Husk he doesn’t even know I’m here!’ and all those fuckin’ ‘I’ve been here longer than he has and he won’t even talk to me!‘s. he’s just nervous around you, like he is with Cherri. Fucker has some self-confidence issues. Just do it already.” He says, looking almost annoyed as you flushed deep and slapped your hand over his mouth, which he quickly swatted away. 
“Shh! Jesus fucking Christ Husk, not so loud! Fuck!” You grumble as Angel giggles with a hand over his mouth from the other end of the booth, before taking another small sip of his cocktail. “Not a secret, toots.” He says with his casually shit-eating grin, gesturing to a very drunk Nifty who was giggling now too, nodding her head. Great. 
“Sometimes, when I’m out killing the bugs that think they’re all sneaky, and gross and cool at night, I walk past your room and you’re listening to super bad romance music. Which scares the bugs away and makes them surrender their lives. Which like, it’s supposed to be a fight! You’re ruining all the fun… ” She adds the last part with a annoyed grumble, but despite her unbelievably drunken state, she’s still speaking fast, high-pitched, and with the exact same creepy undertones. “And I walk past that bad boys room and he’s all rehearsing romance poetry he wrote. It’s so bad! Ehehe!” 
She giggles out, eyes falling on a bug on the floor, hopping quickly off of Husker’s head and falling face first onto the floor, before quickly picking herself back up and running after it. “Shit.” Angel groans, putting his cocktail down quickly and shuffling out of the booth. “I’m gonna make sure she doesn’t end up with some creep.” He grits out through his teeth, before disappearing into the crowd with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’d better help him out.” Husk says with a sigh as well as he placed his beer bottle down carefully, pulling himself up with a groan.
He turns back to you for a second, just looking over his shoulder, before smiling. “You should start considering the possibility of Cherri being a distraction.” He says, humming softly before he adds one last thing. “Please do check in on the awkward fucker though, I don’t know what kind of shit he’s got stuffed in him or is stuffing at the fuckin moment.” Husk says with a sigh, disappearing right into the ground of flashing lights and bumping bodies right after Angel. 
You took the last courage swig of your drink and stood up, doing a little tipsy stretch as you got up, before dejectedly walking over to where a very, very exhausted Sir Pentious was sitting, hyperventilating and sweaty. You let out a soft sigh as you walked over, kneeling in front of him and taking his hands away from his face, holding them softly in your hands, looking up at him with furrowed brows and concern.
“Hey Pentious, that was a lot wasn’t it?” You say softly and he nods, refusing to make eye contact with you. He looks grossed out, ashamed, everything. You let out a soft sigh and rub small circles into the back of his palm with your thumb, doing your best to comfort him in the loud and overstimulating bar scene. 
“They were very kind - I jusssst, kept ssssssaying yessss. I don’t know why.” He says softly, and you nod, standing up and helping him up too. “Let’s get you back to the hotel, ‘Kay? You can take a nice hot shower and go to bed.” You reassure quietly and he finally looks up from the ground, smiling at you quickly before nodding, but as soon as Angel catches his gaze again, he’s out of your grips and right back to focusing on Cherri. You grimace softly as you watch him rush up to angel and ask where Cherri is. You watch as he groans in defeat as she goes into another room with a random guy. 
Some part of you feels happy, relieved of some jealousy. Another part of you feels bad. That was all he was doing the entire night, trying to get her attention. You shook it off and walked over to where everyone had re-grouped, giving them a tired wave, and getting one in return. You let out a small gasp as you saw the dried blood from Angels’ nose all the way down or his lip, his new black eye. 
“Oh dear, what happened?” You cooed softly, reaching up to wipe some of the blood of his face, and he softly moved away, shaking his head in a polite ‘thank you, but not right now’ way, and you nodded. “It was just a run-in with Val.” He says with a sigh, wiping another fresh stream of blood from his other nostril onto the back of his hand. “Let’s get going - I’ll tell you when we’re back at the hotel, Toots.” 
An unceremonious end to the night; but not exactly the end to yours. Even when you got back, debriefing everything that happened with Husk and Angel while Nifty snored on the couch and Pentious took a shower, even when you had finally wished them a good night and made your bed, sighing as you let your head fall to your pillow, you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened with him. What Husk had said. 
“You should start considering the possibility of Cherri being a distraction.”
You repeated it in your head for hours while you tried to think about anything else, scrolling on your phone aimlessly through Hellflix, InstaScam, Crime Video, even YouCrude - there was no one to e-stalk, no new shows for you to binge, not even something you wanted to re-watch. No new uploads from your faves - just an endless amount of scrolling. 
Until about 3 a.m.
That’s when you heard it - shaky, nearly silent sobs from Pentious’s room, small sniffles. You checked the time, sighed, threw a shitty pair of smiley-face PJ pants Charlie had made for you on, and slumped over to his bedroom, knocking softly on his door. It went dead silent, not a mouse, no the small clinking or squishing of Nifty’s bug-killing sewing needle. 
“Who issss it?” He said in a shaky, tired, raw voice, and your heart absolutely melted, hand against the doorknob as you spoke. “It’s me, Pentious. I just heard you - uh - being sad. I know I’m not your favourite, but can I come in?” You say with a soft sigh, running your fingers through your hair tiredly. It takes him a minute and a soft hiccup before he rasps out a small “pleasssse, y-yeah.” And you open the door.
What you find is absolutely heartbreaking. Your favourite little serpent, curled in on himself, hugging his tail to himself, eyes red with tears that fall softly down his face, hat resting on his old worn down dresser, angry and frustrated swipes if his claws leaving him on top of torn up bedsheets and pillows, and you nearly cry with him right then and there. This sweet man who has been nothing but a pure angel, stuck with all the sinners, including yourself, down here. 
You walked over to him, sitting beside him on his bed, hearing the old mattress frame squeak softly as you sat down, putting your hand on his, gently cooing him until he took big, deep breaths, gently and encouragingly rubbing circles back into the palm of his hand.
“Tell me, what’s up? I’m all -“ you start confidently, being cut off by an annoyed but desperate call from Pentious himself, pulling his hand away from yours and groaning into his palms, shaking his head. “that ISSSSS the problem! You’re the problem-  you’re so pretty I can’t think sssstraight around you! And now you think I hate you!” He cries out, looking at you with desperate eyes, like he wants you to say something - anything, really. But you really can’t.
You’re completely frozen, hand frozen in mid air when it was going to rest on his shoulder to comfort him, eyes wife, lips pierced together and all you can do is stare at him like some stupid idiot. You are at a mental battle of grabbing his face and kissing him until you can’t breathe or slowly talking it out. He sighs dejectedly.
“I want to get closssser to you. Wanted to be your friend, at leassst. But… then I’d go and ssssspoil it all by ssssaying ssssomething sssstupid like…” he stops for a second, swallowing thickly. “…I love you.” He looks up at you again, nearly desperate for an answer. You finally get some words out of your closed up throat -
“I love you.” 
Frank + Nancy Sinatra My Beloveds &lt;;3
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clockmax · 1 year
← previous | next → | ﹗𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭﹗
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pairing: dilf!Miguel O'hara x babysitter!fem!reader
Summary: In a AU where his marriage doesn't work anymore, he spends time away from his house. In turn, his 'wife' hired you to keep watch over Gabriella. But soon, a infatuation bloomed between someone who you couldn't have.
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI. infidelity, mentions of divorce, age gap(19-31), drinking, no use of y/n, oral(f receiving), p in v, mating press, praising, slight breeding kink if you squint, not proofread uhh thats it i think
w/c: 3k
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You stood outside in the cold night, the sounds of crickets and other sorts of bugs in the night kept you from silence. It was cold, body shivering as you held your jacket close. Your breath was visible, the cold nipping at whatever skin was left exposed. Your body was flushed from the drop in temperature, winters air cruel. You were absolutely freezing. Yet you stood outside, watching as Miguel counted a stack of 10 dollar bills.
“40.. 50… 60..” The man mumbled, fingers sorting through the cash, “ 70.. 80, there.” 
His hands moved to your own, placing the cash in your shaking hands. Fingers find themselves delicately sorting through the cash, double counting. Miguel Looked down at you, watching as you re-counted the cash.
“That’s the agree amount, right?” He tilted his head, cocking an eyebrow.
“Yes-” *You nod, putting the cash inside your purse.
“Then that’s your pay, I hope Gabriella wasn’t too much trouble.” He gave himself a small chuckle, putting his wallet away.
“It was nothing, really, she isn’t any trouble at all, sir.” For some reason you just couldn’t take your eyes off him, watching his every movement. You felt your body almost become warm against the weather, heart beating faster than it was before. Christ, you couldn’t get more embarrassed on the inside about it though. A crush on your boss’ husband? Really? Even your friends poked at you for that.
“There’s no need to be modest, I know she can be a handful. Kids got so much energy that she doesn’t know what to do with.” 
His hands shuffled back in his wallet again, pulling out another 20, “There’s an extra 20, ‘cause I know,” Handing you the bill, giving a small playful wink.
His eyes happen to wander your body, looking at how you shivered and tugged your jacket closer, freezing hand putting the 20 with the rest of the cash. There was a slight twinge of guilt for having you outside when it was this cold. Muttering something to himself in spanish before he headed for his front door, turning back to you.
“Would you like to come in? I don’t want to leave you in the cold.” The offer felt a little weird, out of place for him. I mean he wasn’t your boss, his ‘wife’ if you could call her that was. But hey, practically the same thing, right?
“Are you sure?” You asked, looking up at him. The offer was still a little strange.
You two didn’t really talk much besides work and a few personal questions, but those were usually 2 minute conversations before you were on your way. Still, none of that stopped your eyes from looking at Miguel whenever you had the chance. It was a stupid crush, really. He was a married man with a daughter, plus he was older than you by a long shot. 
“It’s no worries, I’d rather have someone to talk to while I drink much rather than drinking alone.” Miguel opened the door, holding it as you entered inside.
“Thank you.” You nodded, taking off your coat.
You tried your best not to let your emotions get the best of you. All he needed was someone to talk to, nothing more. Yet your mind couldn’t help but wander with thoughts that, even if you were being interrogated, would never say out loud. 
You settled yourself in on a nearby chair, watching as Miguel walked over to the liquor cabinet, pulling out a bottle of whatever he was drinking, you couldn’t read the bottle, not from a totally different room. Soon enough he walked over to the couch, sitting down with his glass. 
“Will your wife get mad that I’m still here?” You asked, still a little hesitant. 
“Don’t worry about her, she’ll be gone for a long time,” His hands held his glass, taking a sip from it before setting it down, swallowing the liquid, “That’s how it’s been since she met her yoga instructor.”
You tilted your head, confused at the situation. You knew from what you were told that there was a rough patch in their marriage, but didn’t expect to be greeted with cheating.
“Aren’t you mad?” Mumbling a little, still hearable though. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” You quickly ducked your head, looking down in embarrassment for asking such a question.
Miguel let out a sigh, taking another swig of his drink.
“No, I’m not mad. Our marriage isn’t what it was, so we don’t really care about who sees who.” Taking another drink of the alcohol, the liquid running down his throat.
You moved your head back up to look at him,mind running wild with that. I mean, if they don’t care who sees who, you could make your move? But still, weird. He’s technically your boss, and still married, and with a kid. You’re just the babysitter, someone trying to make money for college. 
“Nevermind. What about you, how is college coming along?” He asked, trying to change the subject from that of his now broken marriage.
“Rough, barely making enough with as many jobs as I have to pay tuition.” Leaning back in your chair, hands balling up in your lap.
“Hope every penny is worth it. Everyone where you’re at is probably struggling too, don’t get in a fuss over it.” Miguel's eyes looking over your frame once again.. Eyes looking at your thighs for maybe a moment too long before looking back up at your face.
“I know I know, but some people are just so care free, able to go to parties while I’m wondering if I’m gonna be able to stay at college.” You whined, upset about the financial situation  you were in.
“Some people are just better at hiding it then others. I struggled in college, even being financially stable now, I was in student debt too,” Miguel sighed, “Look the message is a struggle always has a solution… 7 years of fatherhood and I still can’t give any good dad advice, if you can call it that.”
Miguel found himself getting another sip of his drink, getting up to get another glass full.
“You should relax though, don’t stress too much. Never does any good.” He’d tell you from the kitchen, refilling his glass.
“I’m just worried I’ll never get anything done if I don’t hyperfocus, forget what I need to do because I get too caught up with free time.” Your thoughts were racing, your worries about your current life situation flooding out of your mouth. 
“No no, get what you need done too. Just don’t let it take over your down time. You’re young still, a whole life ahead of you.” Walking back to the couch, taking a seat again as he took yet another drink, “You got a boyfriend?” He asked, nonchalantly, no hesitation.
“No,” You mumbled, a little embarrassed. 
“No?” Miguel Repeated, “I’m surprised.” “Why?” You turned your head, a puzzle expression painting your face.
“Cause you’re a young, pretty girl on campus, and no varsity jacket has come to take you away?” It sounded almost as if he was joking, teasing you for it. But he meant no harm.
“No, not yet. They already have themselves a girlfriend or something.” You sigh, sinking back into your chair. 
“Yea times have changed, but, there’s probably a guy out there waiting to say the right things to you.”
How you hated that sentence. Another guy. You wanted Miguel, deep down you wanted him, but you couldn’t have him. Not at this moment, at least. Not only could it put you out of a job, but complicate things. And what if his wife catches you? He said that she doesnt care, but what if she cares that the person she employed is sleeping with her husband? I mean, why would she? Their practically divorced anyways. Or maybe you’re just thinking too much. Your body tensing up. 
“I have my eye on someone, actually. Just having troubles about it.” You confess, looking down, kicking your feet.
“Oh you do? That’s rare. And troubles? Yea, I get that… Okay, what’s he like?” He questions you, sitting upright and fixing his posture. 
“He’s older,” You start off, hands shaking a little. Were you really about to do this? Tell him how you feel? I mean the doors open for you to tell him, it’s only a matter of how he’ll react. 
“Older? Like his senior year?” Miguel took notice of how tense you were, gaze softening a little. “You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”
“No.” You bluntly respond.
“Okay so not that old, I hope he’s nice to a sweet girl like you.” Miguel offered a faint smile, leaning back into the cushion. 
“He has a kid-” You usher out, mouth speaking faster than your mind.
For a second, Miguel is taken aback. That old? Seriously? 
“Has a kid? At that age?” I mean, for anything it could have been a toddler kid, no way a full kid at that age he was thinking of. “Well.. as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into.” He took another swish of his drink.
You gulped, body shaking as you tensed up, mind feeling dizzy from the whole situation. “No he’s not my age, what I mean is-” 
But you were quickly cut off, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.
“Yea, I got the hint.” Miguel looked at you, face stone cold as he held his glass. 
“Listen, uh, I’m flattered, really. But uh, that would be weird, right. I mean, that would be taboo even. I’m too old for a sweet heart like you. Don’t you have anyone on campus you’d rather be with?”
His expression was stone cold, and you sunk back into your chair. Not you really regretted yourself for telling him this. How you wish the ground would just swallow you whole right now, or simply pass away on the spot. 
“No, I just- I can’t get my eye off you and-” Quickly shutting yourself up, biting your tongue. You swore you were biting hard enough to draw blood, mentally cursing yourself for making this a conversation. He was right, Miguel was too old for you. But yet here you were, admitting those stupid feelings that you should have never brought up in the first place. 
“But what about your parents, certainly they wouldn’t approve? Hell, Dana would have a fit if she smelt your perfume where it doesn’t belong. Let alone knowing her divorcing husband is with, uh..” Miguel sighed, slumping, hand on his elbow as he clenched his glass so hard he could probably break it if he wanted to. 
Miguel sat back up, chugging the rest of his drink down before setting the glass on the coffee table, beckoning you over to him with his finger. “Come here,” He told you, almost as if it was a order. 
Within what feels like minutes of you moving through the room, air thick with tension as you make your way over to him. Yet no sooner does he have you sitting under him, frame tower over yours. 
Both of your lips were practically glued to each other, tongue exploring each others mouths as his hands felt up your body. You couldn’t help but feel his up too, hands tracing over each and every one of his well toned muscles. 
Miguels hand moved under your shirt, grabbing one of your breasts. His hands fondled the soft skin of your tit, rolling your nipple between his fingers. You let out a whine, muffle by the kiss. You felt your juices start to form a puddle in your underwear already, thighs clenched together to give your clit some friction. 
When he finally pulled away, eyes looking at yours. Christ this was wrong, but there was no stopping now. Miguel kissed down your neck, taking off your shirt. He kissed your breasts, sucking on them too. Making his way down your stomach, gently biting as if to mark it, hands working at your pants, tugging the material down and away. Getting on his knees infront of your legs, hands pulling them apart by your inner thigh. 
His eyes took a moment to look at your cunt, how pretty it looked, how your juices were moving past your slit. His eyes moved black up to you,
“You sure about this, Corazón?”
It was without hesitation that you nodded, opening your legs more, almost presenting yourself to him. Miguel quickly became fixed on your pussy, tongue licking a stripe between your leaking folds, tasting your sweet arousal. 
“Taste so sweet.. Didn’t take you for someone who likes older guys.” He mumbled against your clit, sucking on the bud. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing the soft flesh as he moved you closer to his face, burying himself in your cunt. 
He licked and sucked on your clit before moving down to lick your juices from your folds, tongue moving inside your soft walls. Miguel was eating you out like you were his last meal, arousal coating his mouth and dripping down his chin. You just tasted so sweet, he couldn’t get enough of it, groaning in your pussy, tasting you like you were some sort of desert. 
Miguel kept eating you out, noises almost sounding pornographic. He took in every moan and whine that left your mouth, feeling how his cock hardened just from the thought of being inside you next. You were so tight on his tongue, walls squeezing and contracting. You felt your orgasm approach, stomach tightening into knots. It wasn't long as he sucked on your clit, juices gushing out of your slit as your back arched, Thighs squeezed around his head as he kept licking up your juices, hand squeezing your ass. After a few more licks, he moved his head up , leaning over you again as he unbuttoned his pants and removed his boxers, cock springing free. 
“This is what you were after the whole time, isn’t it?” Miguel cooed, grabbing your legs to fold them up, knees practically meeting your chest. 
He lined his tip up with your entrance, slowly sinking himself in. It was a tight fit, almost too tight, sinking himself deeper into you. You whined and moaned, hands holding at his thigh.
“Ease up for me, pretty girl.” Miguel moved one of his hands down to your clit, rubbing the swollen tissue as your walls slightly eased up, taking the advantage to put himself balls deep inside of you.
He let out a groan once you clenched back down on him, hand moving back up to hold your other leg up. You looked up at Miguel through lidded eyes, mind clouded with lust. God, did you feel so full. His tip was prodding at your cervix, a vein gently pressing against that spongy spot inside of you. 
After a few seconds, his hips started moving. A fast yet not too rough pace. His hips snapped against your skin, the faint sound of clapping as well a few curses under his breath mixing in with your moans. Fuck, he was in too deep, and you were already cock drunk. Your hands found their way to his head, pulling him in for a heated kiss. 
Your noises were muffled in his mouth, the squelching sound of your pussy getting stretched out by him taking up the noise. How good it felt to finally have Miguel's cock in you, how many times you dreamed of this, touched yourself to the thought, yet the real thing was even bette.
“Good girl, taking me so well.” Miguel Praised, forehead touching yours, looking at how your pupils were blown wide, legs gently shaking. You couldn’t help but clench around him from the praise, letting out a mewl as you moaned again. Your second orgasm was building up already, and fast. 
“ ‘m so close-” You moaned, the pleasure feeling almost too good then it’s supposed to. This was so wrong, yet, it just felt so right.
“Go on, come for me, be a good girl and listen, hm?” He’d whisper, pace picking up slightly.
Miguel felt his own high approach, letting out a groan as he trapped your lips in a kiss again,the grip on your legs getting slightly rougher, pace getting rougher too. His dicktouched all those special places inside of you, juices coating his thick cock and dripped down his balls, some dripping onto the couch too.
Before you knew it, you were both coming. Walls tightening around him, practically milking Miguel dry as thick, hot ropes of cum painted your walls. For a few moments, you both stayed like that, coming down from your high. 
The reality then set in of what had just happened. His hands moved away from your legs as he pulled away from your body, eyes looking at your pussy, how he dripped out of you.
“Sorry-” You mumbled through your panting, body hot from the adrenaline, eyes looking down at the small mess.
“No it’s okat- let me uh, let me get a towel..” Miguel replied, fixing his boxers back on. He was only gone for a few moments before coming back with a towel, gently cleaning up the mess. Miguel folded the towel, gently placing you on top of the soft material.
The rest of the night was a blur, head reeling from the events. All you remembered was eventually landing in his bed, laying next to him. Miguel was fast asleep next to you, and you laid awake. All you could do was try and process everything. You slept with the person you had a stupid crush on, but also slept with a father, with a (almost non) married man. Oh you weren’t supposed to do that. What about morals? God this was such a stupid thing. You put your feelings over thought, and now, you were going to land yourself in such a difficult situation. Falling in love with someone who you couldn’t have.
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taglist: @pandoraslxna @deputy-videogamer @its-paprika @yuuuumii @buggiecrawls @l0vedi3n @projectdreamwalker @urbimom @chshiresins @1tsk1tty
©clockmax 2023 ━━━ do not repost, copy, or translate my work.
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tarrynightss · 9 months
Under Captain Price’s desk
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Synopsis: You give Price a blowjob underneath his desk, only for Soap to walk in. It would be better to stop before you get caught, but teasing Price is so much more fun
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: John Price x genderneutral reader
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One of Price’s hands is wound tightly in your hair, the other one gripping onto the edge of his desk like his life depends on it. You are seated underneath it, on your knees, your mouth sliding along his cock deliciously. The sinful sight of it alone has a flush appearing behind his beard. You shouldn’t do this, not right here in his office during the day, but Price was far too eager for your touch to stop you. Your eyes stare up at his, tears pricking at the corners when you take him deep into your throat, your hands bracing you against his muscular thighs. With the way his hips sputter up against your face you can tell he’s close, his face scrunched up in pleasure. All you hear are his soft groans before a knock startles you both.
Price pulls you off of his cock with lightning speed, quickly pushing you further underneath his desk and scooting himself closer to it as well. Your back is pressed against the wood of his desk, his cock smearing your own spit and his precum along your cheek as there is little space for either of you to move to. Your face is essentially sandwhiched against his crotch, but not without reason, as within seconds you hear the door to his office opening.
“I did not tell you you could come in,” Price says gruffly, trying to appear as casual as possible.
You can feel your heartbeat in your throat as you realize you almost got caught on your knees in front of your captain. A shiver runs over your spine as you imagine what could’ve happened, the thought surprisingly not all that unpleasant…
A care-free laugh resounds through the room, and you quickly pinpoint it to be Soap’s. “Don’t be such a hard-ass cap, got those files you wanted.”
Price’s hand in your hair strokes you gently, clearly telling you to stay still as you hear footsteps approaching the desk. You really, really should, but another shiver of excitement runs through you as you turn your head slightly, smearing his cock over your lips. You can feel the muscles in his thighs flex under your fingers, the hand in your hair tightening in warning. A smile pulls at your lips as you move one hand to grip onto his cock, bringing the head directly against your mouth.
“Great,” Price coughs, covering up a surprised groan when your tongue flicks out to lick his tip. “Leave them here and I’ll look through them later.”
You hear the thick folder hit the wood above your head. “You sure cap? There’s a lot here to sift through. Seriously, when you start reading what this guy’s been up to…”
As Soap rattles on you stop listening, instead focusing on licking from the base of Price’s cock back up to the tip, circling your tongue around it teasingly. You can feel him twitch in your hand with every movement, his hips slightly bucking when you close your lips around the head. He tugs on your hair again, warning you, but you don’t relent.
“You alright? You’re looking a bit flushed, heard there’s a bug going around,” Soap says, blissfully unaware of what is actually happening.
Price curses under his breath as he runs a hand over his face. You would chuckle about how stressed you have him if your mouth wasn’t currently occupied otherwise, sliding his cock deeper and deeper into your throat.
“I’m fine, just real busy,” Price tells Soap. His hand tugs at your hair, but this time it isn’t to warn you to stop, oh no. You feel the difference, feel the edge of roughness as he does it. You’re definitely paying for this later. “Let’s meet up in two hours, yeah? Then we’ll go over the details.”
Soap lingers for a moment more before you hear his heavy boots retreating back to the door. “Understood, sir.”
You can feel Price’s muscles relax as soon as Soap closes the door behind himself, leaving the two of you alone again. He instantly scoots back his chair, pulling you off of him as you whine.
“Fuck, you want to get me in trouble, don’t you, love?” He says, his brows drawn together in a frown.
He’s a little frustrated, but there’s also clear desire in his gaze as he stares down at you. And he could never get mad at you, not really.
You give him a sheepish smile. “I can’t help that you didn’t lock your door.”
He grabs onto your arm, tugging you up on his lap till you’re practically face to face with him, uncaring about dirtying your pants or shirt as his cock presses up against your stomach. “Right, because I should’ve known you would crawl under my desk, suck my cock, and then not even stop when one of my men comes in.”
“A true lack of foresight on your part, captain.” You bite your lip to hold back a chuckle.
He grabs onto your chin with one hand, and a heavy second passes before a lazy grin pulls at his lips. “You are dirty little thing, you know that?”
He groans in approval, pressing a soft yet hungry kiss to your lips before pulling away and slapping your ass.
“Now go lock the door, I’m not done with you yet.”
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New Soul 1
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Warnings: age gap, Auggy being a mean mean man, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
Ft. August Walker
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You’ve never been good in a crowd. You avoid them with a vengeance. Just as you avoid most people. That’s the old you. You’re breaking out of your bubble, or trying to. 
It’s hard breaking old habits. Harder even not to fall into lifelong doubts. You don’t belong. Everyone’s looking and laughing at you. 
Your mom’s voice rings in your head. Don't worry, honey, everyone else is just trying to get where they need to go too. They’re just as stressed as you. You hope she’s right. If they do feel like you, they won’t care about the tiny woman scurrying around with her bouncing suitcase. They won’t notice the frantic way you gnaw on your lip or pick at your fingernails. 
You look back over your shoulder. Your mom couldn’t come past the security checks with you. Now you’re on your own and as lost as you probably look. 
You turn and squeak to a halt in your sneaks, barely avoiding a collision with a man in a suit. You step back and crane your head up to see him. He’s a lot taller than you. Most people are at least a couple inches above you but he’s bigger than most. Not just tall but burly. 
“Sorry, sir,” you murmur. You step back as you take in his sheer size. He scowls back at you, his mustache curling with his lip. 
You gulp and step out of his way. Your bag jumps behind you as it rolls over his toe. Oops. 
“Sorry, er, again.” 
“Watch it.” His salty snarl follows you as you clamour away. 
You find your way to a blank space against the wall, just between the ATMs. You take a breath and exhale your nerves. It only stokes them. You focus on what your mom said. 
You’ll be okay, honey. If you need help, there’s lots of people around who can. Just ask one of the staff. 
You look around, searching out the white uniforms of the airport employees. There are those behind their podium like desks checking boarding passes but the lines of passengers have been called up. You’re just waiting your turn. You don’t want to bother anyone more than you need to. 
There are security guards in their dark sweaters. You hope one of them can get you where you need to go. You bend your boarding pass against your passport as your other hand sweatily sticks to the handle of your used suitcase. 
You approach one of the men with his arms crossed and a radio on his shoulder, “sorry, sir, hate to bug you but er... I’m looking for.... E3?” 
You show your pass and the broad man squints down at the lettering. He nods.  
“Down past me, take a left. Sign’s right above you,” he explains without moving an inch. 
“Oh,” you peer around him, leaning to the side, “thank you.” 
You swerve around him and follow his direction as best as you can. You go in a circle before you find your way but finally reach E3. As you do, your flight is called up for boarding. You sit and wait as those in need of assistance and families with young children at queued first. 
You grip the handle of your bag and jitter your leg. What are you doing? It’s too late to turn back. That hardly reassures you. As much as you want to break the gloom, as much as you want to learn to stand on your own, you’re terrified. You can’t do this. 
Your eyes catch another pair among those waiting in the seats. That same man you ran into earlier. He doesn’t look any more friendly than before. You avert your gaze and stand as the next boarding group is called. You’re up. 
As you drag your bag towards the forming line, the tall man in his suit does the same. You slow as you reach the tail of the queue at the same time. You nod and let him go ahead. He huffs and put his back to you.  
You bounce up on your toes and flat again. You keep up the nervous rocking as you wait. The man in the suit sighs repeatedly. 
You stare at the tailored fabric of his suit. He must be first-class. He knows where he’s going and what he’s doing. You envy him but then again, if you were big like him, you might be more confident yourself. 
Flimsy excuses. That's what your mom said too. Don't talk yourself out of an opportunity because you’re afraid. This is a huge opportunity. A whole new country!  
A whole new country. Your heart plummets again and your heels hit the floor. The man shifts to glare over his shoulder. You stop and stand flat, shuffling up behind him.��
He hands over his boarding pass as he reaches the front. You focus and listen in, rehearsing for your own turn. ‘Hi, yes, here is my ticket and my passport. Thank you.’ He’s waved through and you step up.
You drop your ticket and boarding pass and your bag tips over as you let go to scoop it all up. You're mortified to speechlessness. You stay silent and watch the clerk.
Your face is on fire as you stand and hand it all over. The woman checking the tickets smiles and scans you in. She gives it back, “have a good flight, miss.” 
You grab your bag and continue on. You cringe at yourself and follow the directions of the uniformed staff pointing you into the tunnel. It’s only the beginning. You still have to show your visa at customs when you land and find your way to your dorm building. After that there’s all that other stuff; classes, dorm mates, strangers... 
Why did you do this? It’ll help you grow up. Is that you or your mom answering? 
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clumsybriar · 3 months
Ghost X Fem! Reader — Savior To The Neighbor
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*Minors do not interact! I repeat do not interact if you are a minor!*
Ghost x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 16,687
Warnings/Notes: sexual themes at the end, smut, (y/n) is used, reader can be clumsy or needs saved often, she’s ghosts neighbor. Minors do not interact. (Re-read but not closely so mistakes could still be in the writing!)
What was it like being a neighbor to a 6’4 SAS Soldier? (Y/n) would describe it in three different words, ‘thankful’, ‘terrifying’, ‘embarrassing’. All three words she deemed as the correct response for being a neighbor to the War ridden soldier named Simon Ghost Riley.
Just like now, as he grumbled about having to kill a spider on her bathroom wall while it was all steamed up from her hot shower. Not only that but he had the distraction of the woman in nothing but a towel.
(Y/n)…was embarrassed. Dispising that he had heard her squeal like a little girl, and embarrassed that she had been caught in only a towel.
If he would have let her handle the situation though, the house would have been on fire as she kept ahold of her towel and the torch she had rushed off to get.
“Jesus, give me that.” He grabbed that from her hand as she nodded her head unsure whether arguing spiders deserved to be roasted with the SAS soldier was a good idea. “Torch your house and I won’t save you from that.” He grumbled. Oh but he would.
He was always grumpy, in her eyes, hence the word ‘terrifying’.
“Got a death wish?”
“No sir.” She uttered quickly.
“Good, then don’t grab the torch.” He told her raising a brow at her ridiculous idea. His skull balaclava hiding the rest of his facial features, she was sure she didn’t want to see them knowing his expression would be a sign he was judging her.
“But…spiders are from hell.” She uttered softly.
“They eat bugs, not you.” He looked her up and down as she flushed red.
Well, how did he know that? He didn’t know that? She was a very well informed person about spiders. The info wasn’t right, but he didn’t need to know that. Right? Right.
She was petrified of spiders and her in form was fear based off of her own fears.
“It wanted to kill me,” she said quickly. “It was looking at me with those beady eyes.”
“Did it slobber?” Simon asked.
“I’m sure it did…”
“No it didn’t, you're too big to be its meal.” He grumbled. “It’s more afraid of you then you are of it.”
“That’s a very under-thought statement.” (Y/n) said softly.
“Your right,” Simon corrected himself. “The spider is almost just as afraid of you as you are of it.”
“That’s probably pretty true.” She took a deep breath as he started to walk out of the bathroom with the dead spider in a tissue.
She got frantic following him. Who wouldn’t, her father used to tease her and act like he was throwing it at her, or joking that it’s under her pillow.
“You're throwing it away right? It’s dead right? What if it comes back to life? It’s a spawn of Satan, it might come back from the dead.” (Y/n) were panicking and he knew it.
“It’s dead, if it comes back to life, call a priest.” He uttered. “I’m leaving, have friends over, don’t scream unless you want a stranger to come bursting over here.” Simon warned her. “Always have a hard time telling Johnny to sit his ass down when you need…rescuing.” That was a judgment, he just judged her. Rescuing was not the word he wanted to use, she knew that. But he used a politer word than what he wanted to use.
She didn’t realize she was standing in her window that faced his backyard where Johnny was standing smiling at her.
“Oi, little lady,” Johnny waved. She screeched and stared at Johnny embarrassed. How much worse could this day get.
“Stop staring in her window,” Simon walked past the open window slapping Johnny’s head.
“Oh but Ghost, a Bonnie lass like that needs a good man to worship her.” Johnny said walking away with Ghost as (y/n) was left staring at the trash can.
She trotted back to her shower where she sat in the warm steaming water thinking about her embarrassing moment with her grumpy neighbor.
She knew it wasn’t the first time and it wasn’t the last time she would be saved by him.
After that save, she was in need of help three days later. she had a mouse scurrying in her house as she screeched.
Simon—with his sixth sense of whenever she was in some weird situation where she needed help—had already been halfway across his yard heading into hers when he heard her shrill screech.
“The lassie in trouble?” Johnny asked as he sat his cooler of beer on the porch.
“Yes,” Simon said as he walked into (y/n)’s house as if he was a resident there too.
“Oh, they're on a new level of no knocking now, just barging in.” Kyle hummed as he looked at Johnny. “He’s such a hero.”
“I think he’s in love.” Johnny hummed.
“How so, he seemed to lack enthusiasm.” Kyle asked, cocking his head to the side.
Johnny knew his best friend, that man had a sixth sense for the ‘young hot neighbor’ (soaps words). Simon—a man who would not go out if his way to help his last neighbor who was also a young and pretty woman—was helping (y/n), a new young and pretty woman. Maybe it was because she was a foreigner. Truly it could have been anything really. Johnny though had seen how Simon held his body, having puffed his chest out more and making sure he looked strong and attractive as if he was a peacock showing off his colorful feathers. Plus Johnny knew the last girl screamed and screamed more about things than what (y/n) did and he never came running over to help. Never ever puffed his chest out and looked bigger and more attractive.
Johnny knew there was attraction there.
“What are ya’ bloody screaming’ about?” Simon asked as (y/n) jumped, turning around and running into his arms. It was quick and there was no thought. She just ran and clung to him like her life depended on it.
“A mouse, Simon, a mouse!” She clung to him. Her eyes darted around as she looked for the little mammal that had made its home in her kitchen. “There is a mouse in my kitchen!”
“Alright mama,” he said carefully as he sat her on the kitchen counter. Her legs were pulled up as if she thought the mouse could jump that high and get her. Her eyes darted around as she squirmed a bit.
He left her there where she grew a bit frantic. She was nervous and wondering where he was going. Was he just leaving her here? She hoped not, she was so frantic and worried.
She didn’t hate mice, she just didn’t like them in her home. They were cute and all, just not cute scurrying across her floor.
Simon walked across his yard as Johnny and Kyle watched with a beer in their hands as he crossed back over with a live trap for the mouse. He had peanut butter on the trap as he walked back into her house.
“A mouse,” Kyle hummed.
“A mouse,” Johnny agreed.
Her eyes met his as he sat the trap in a location where the mouse would be able to get to.
“Alright, we’ll catch him this way.” Simon hummed. As he sat the trap down. She watched him. One thing was for sure his muscles didn’t go unnoticed as he was wearing a tank top. It was a hot day, if she had her way she’d be in something much cooler than what she was wearing. Everything felt suffocating in this muggy weather, and don’t forget the daily rain that would only make it muggier.
“Thank you.” (Y/n) said softly as she looked at the man who had grown to be a decent neighbor to her. There were many reasons for that statement, and one was because he saved her from a million spiders at this point, and bats in her home. Now she could add mice to the mix of animals he’s saved her from.
“Ya’ ya’,” he waved it off with his grumpy demeanor. “Let me know if the mouse takes the bait.” He said as he walked back out to his friends as they got everything set up for their almost daily poker game.
Almost daily because if they could play it everyday they would.
“Ye’ got a crush, mate?” Johnny asked as he looked at Simon.
“No,” he hummed as he cracked open a beer taking a large sip. “Why?” He asked so calmly. He eyed the two men up as they sat under the cabana Ghost had put up. It was mainly for at night time when they could zip up the sides and keep the mosquitos away while playing into the wee hours of the morning.
“Cause ya’ run over there when she’s in dire need of some help.” Kyle added.
“Ghost’s in love?” Price asked as he lit his cigar trailing his cooler of his own beer behind him.
“No,” Simon shook his head. “Far from it, I don't need love in my life to distract me from my work.”
“I don’t know, mate, ye’ seem to be fallin’.” Johnny laughed as he started to set up the cards.
“Shut up,” Simon grumbled at them.
Needless to say four hours later in the middle of the game she rushed out onto the porch shouting from her yard to his. “Simon!”
“Yes love?” He asked, unzipping the cabana cause the mosquitos were out. They had candles around them to keep the bloodsuckers away too.
“You caught something!” She said leaning over her porch.
“Get away from the edge like that.” He chided her. “You’ll fall off.”
“But…” she paused and backed away like he said.
“You're clumsy, you dimwit.” Simon grumbled out. Johnny could be heard chuckling at a comment Price made.
“Expressed his careingness in such a friendly manner.”
Simon would remember to make the captain regret those words.
“Mmm,” she brushed it off as she padded behind him into her own home.
Surely enough it was a little mouse that had been feeding off her little crumbs she had been dripping and trying to clean up as best as she could. It was like anyone’s kitchen, it wasn't going to be a hundred percent clean, it would still have crumbs that would need to be swept up, and swept up again until the person sweeping said forget it.
“It’s so cute.” She smiled as she looked at it kneeling down in front of the box.
“You screamed four hours ago ‘cause it was scampering across ya’ kitchen floor.” He uttered lost at her change of temper for it.
“Don’t want it in my house, it can live outside.” She smiled up at him.
That smile, oh god, that smile. Simon could feel his legs go weak. It was so cute, so pretty, so gorgeous.
“Ya’ ya’.” He uttered as he scooped the live trap up and went to release the animal in the very backs of their yards. She trailed behind him like a lost puppy. His chest was puffed out as she followed behind him asking questions. He would answer calmly but he was masking it with his grumpy attitude to make sure the guys didn’t get any wrong ideas. When she trailed behind him coming back the boys watched finding it funny how he had his chest puffed out showing off and she was oblivious, but it seemed to be working as she rambled on.
“He feels like a pretty bird puffin’ his chest out ta’ attract the little lassie as his mate.” Johnny giggled to Kyle who giggled some more.
“You two keep blabbering your mouths and we’ll all three be killed.” Price tried to keep them shut.
“Sorry Captain.” The two said in unison as Simon ignored the three of them
“Thank you Simon, I appreciate it.” (Y/n) said softly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek for the first time. She had never had this type of confidence before. Simon was frozen as a glare was etched onto his face. She was so embarrassed and upset at herself for making such a slip up like that.
What she wasn’t hearing was Simon’s friends, specifically Johnny laughing about him. That’s why the glare was etched into his face.
“He’s so in love, so is she, the two just have this connection.” Johnny giggled.
Simon wanted to strangle the ever living hell out of him, but it would have to wait.
“Anyways, thanks again.” She walked away quickly as she bolted into the house she had made a home about a year ago.
Simon stood still as he turned around slowly making his way back to the poker game.
“Got choked up there mate.” Johnny teased.
“I’m going to choke the ev’ah livin’ ‘ell outta you.” Simon grumbled as his accent got thick. Meanwhile Johnny giggled.
“Also forgot ta’ puff your chest to get the pretty mate.”
Oh Johnny was gonna be buried in his backyard tonight,
Days had passed and you had been avoiding Simon like he was a live wire about to catch you in fire. You were so embarrassed for kissing his cheek.
“A simple thanks would have been enough dummy!” (Y/n) huffed as she got out of her car grabbing her reusable grocery bags. She walked into the grocery store oblivious at the moment of the harsh world they lived in. She grabbed a basket and shopped around for a bit.
“What’s the difference,” she uttered to herself. She sat the one product down and went with the one that looked better in her mind.
She froze though, froze as soon as she heard a gun ring out. She ducked as she looked around seeing if anyone was close to her. Screaming came from the cash register area. And then the intercoms went on.
Everything was moving so fast.
“Everyone get down, we’ll shoot you if you try to escape or run, we’re not leaving until we have all the money from the cash registers and from the back.” A man shouted at the surround sound.
She almost screeched though when a man picked her up and covered her mouth as he took her to a secure area in the back of the grocery store where they stored delivery truck packages.
“Just me mama,” She felt a breath of fresh air having recognized the voice.
“Simon,” her voice was muffled as his mouth was over her lips clamping down on it tightly to keep her quiet. Almost as if this wasn’t the first time he had to drag someone who could possibly be screaming away.
“You’re safe.” He said as he took her to the exit of the building in the back where the gunmen had made a grave mistake and didn’t have anyone guarding the exit in the back. It was clear to Simon they were an armature crew.
“Listen to me,” Simon whispered. “You get out of here and walk half a block down, and call 999. Think ya’ can do that for me, (y/n)?” He asked softly.
She paused as she nodded but then looked back at him. “I mean yeah, but what about you?” She clung to his forearm.
He paused as he shook his head, “don’t worry about me.” He urged her to go out the door. “Don’t worry about me, I got to go help some people.”
“But it’s not safe,” she tried to tug him with her.
“I’m a trained SAS soldier, darlin’ I have a duty, I’m gonna go do my duty.” He pushed her out the door and latched it. She tried to yank on it to get him to open it up.
“Simon,” she hissed through the door. “Simon.” She gulped as she grabbed her phone and ran down the blocks like he told her to do. Her heart was beating and her mind was fuzzy and she was panicking a bit. Mainly about the people and Simon, hoping he was okay and safe and away from harm.
“Simon,” she whimpered as she made it to a shop bolting in looking frantic. “I don’t have service but someone needs to call 999!” She looked around seeing it was a metaphysical shop. The smell was one to instantly soothe and calm her mind just a hair. It smelled like incense and sage and things she remembered growing up with at her grandma's house. It was a sense of comfort in such a stressful and scary situation. “Please, the market, um…” she tried to remember the name. “The family run market, uh… Tillie's Market, men with guns and hostages. Please, many people are in danger.”
The shop keeper didn’t wait, she called 999 and quickly reached a responder who had cops and people at the scene quickly. (Y/n) had taken a look around as she waited unsure of what to do whether she should go back for Simon or if she should stay.
“I need to go back.” She uttered.
She didn’t wait for the old woman to call out to her. She left the metaphysical shop and rushed to the door she had escaped from.
The lungs in her air felt heavy, and the time seemed to be slow even if she was running faster than when she had escaped. She darted down the alleyway seeing a crying mother and her baby in her arms as she didn’t know where to go. (Y/n) could hear the sirens as it caused the baby to stir, she knew if Simon was right here at the moment he’d tell her to take them to safety.
The police were still a distance away.
“You're safe,” (y/n) cooed. “Please let’s get you to safety.” Her words came out in a rush. “Simon, got you two out safely, I assume.” She guided them down to the metaphysical shop.
And that’s what (y/n) did with the wayfinders who found their way to the back of the shop with Simon exiting and guiding them to safety.
She had caught Simon’s eyes on her a few times as he looked at her. He would grumble at her and urge her to stay at the shop where it was after but she refused. Continuing to do her duty if he was doing his.
“They figured out what he was doing.” A man was frantic. “They figured out he was sneaking people to safety. They didn’t even know he was there until they had caught him.”
“Simon,” (y/n)’s eyes widened. By now the police had set up caution tape and were negotiating with the criminals to let go of civilians. (Y/n) stayed put at the metaphysical shop biting her fingers now as a crowd of people sat nervously.
“Simon,” (y/n) uttered as the old woman urged her to sit behind the counter with her as others sat watching the tv thankful for Simon’s bravery.
“He’ll be fine, honey.” The older woman said softly. “I have no fear.”
“I hope so.” She took in the scent of the intense and natural drying herbs that hung from the old wooden ceiling.
The old woman wasn’t wrong, he was safe and the first thing he did was come searching for you. He rushed down the sidewalk looking everywhere shouting your name.
(Y/n) could hear him shouting. She stirred from her hazy daydream that was laden with fear and rushed out from behind the counter and stumbled out the door as she saw him there panting and breathing heavily. He had a bit of blood from getting hit in the head from the butt of one of the men’s guns but for the most part he was sound and safe.
“Simon.” She felt her eyes water as she looked at him.
“You’re okay?” He asked quickly.
“I’m okay.” She nodded as she rushed into his arms. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
“I’m okay,” he nodded as he held her tightly. He wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.
But she knew at some point the high of them finding each other would dwindle down and she would get a lecture, especially when she was doing something so dangerous and that was constantly sneaking down that alleyway and helping those to safety.
“Don’t you ever do that again.” Simon pulled away and grabbed her firmly by the shoulders. She squeaked out in a bit of surprise. “Do you understand me?”
“Simon?” She looked up at him.
“No, do you understand me? That was dangerous.” He said his tone was stern and she felt like she was a puppy who just made a mess in the house. She felt horrible, now she knew how the puppy felt. “I don’t ever want to see you do something reckless like that again!”
“But—“ she uttered.
“No buts, you’ll never do that again. It’s too dangerous!” He seethed at her.
“Yes sir,” she said quickly, averting her eyes.
He was panting as he slowly started to calm down. “It was dangerous and reckless, yet very brave of you to help all those people.” He said softly. “I worry, that’s all.”
“I know.” She looked down at her hands as she messed with her rings she always wore. “You scared me, that one man said they had found that you were smuggling people out.” She said softly as her eyes met back up with his.
“You're not gonna lecture me, no, no.” He tried to turn this around, looking down at (y/n). He had a slight frown on his lips and she could see it.
“It was also dangerous.” (Y/n) added nodding her head.
“Oh no, no,” Simon shook his head. “You're not lecturing me mama.” He looked at her cupping her face. He brushed her hair from her face as he saw her watery eyes.
“I was so worried.” She sniffled.
“I know mama.” He cooed softly. “I know.” He hugged her tighter to his chest. She clung to him crying as he tried to soothe her.
It had done this weird pattern of worry for one and another and calm one and another, to receive a lecture, back to calm and worry about one and another.
“Are you sure you're okay?” She asked softly.
“I’ll be just fine, something I can patch up on my own.” He told her softly.
(Y/n) knew she wasn’t going to let Simon do that by himself, no way! She could help, she was going to help. No ands, ifs, or buts.
That’s where the two ended up, in Simon’s home, cleaning up his cut as Johnny tried to help.
“Take off the mask,” Johnny's deep Scottish accent made (y/n) jump as she cracked her head on the cabinet below the sink.
“Johnny,” Simon grumbled. “Scared her.”
“I’m so sorry, lassie.” Johnny apologized quickly.
“It’s okay Johnny.” (Y/n) wiggled back out of the cabinet. “Not in there.” She said softly to Simon.
“Ah fuck.” He huffed as he rubbed his temple but hissed. “Give me a second mama, let me think.”
“Need a first aid kit.” Johnny hummed. “Brought the one from my jeep.” He held it up.
“Perfect.” (Y/n) giggled as she stood beside Johnny looking at the contents fluttering around and pulling things out.
“Just got a bad headache mama, don’t need nothing’.”
“LT, you took a hit to the head.” Johnny hummed looking at the man.
“Take your mask off and I can look at it.” (Y/n) cooed. He didn’t move for a few seconds as he leaned forward and breathed slowly as if he was trying to calm down something. A minute had passed and he didn’t move, Johnny had an idea of what was going on but (y/n) was fretting.
“You okay, Simon?” She asked softly. Her eyes remained on him as he let out a deep breath.
“Feeling a bit queasy mama, give me a minute.” He said softly. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Concussion.” Johnny hummed softly. He flipped the switch off putting the three of them in the dark.
“Should I take him to the doctor?” She asked as she looked up at Johnny.
“Nah, he should be okay in a few days, we get concussions all the time.” Johnny smiled. “Let’s just patch him up and get him tucked in bed like a wee’ baby.”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) quietly agreed as she rubbed Simon’s back.
An hour later they had Simon tucked in bed as Johnny got ready to leave.
“I’m gonna head out, don’t fret about him, he’ll be fine.” Johnny said as she nodded her head.
“Yes Johnny,” she said softly. She shut the door as she quickly and quietly walked up to his bedroom where he laid with a pillow over his head.
“Mama, what’s up?” He lifted the pillow off his head and looked at her.
“I was just gonna lock the doors and leave for the night, if you need anything let me know okay.” She said softly rocking in her feet.
“Could you do something for me?” He asked softly as she lit up, happy to help him in any way. She nodded her head and smiled at him softly. “Come rub my belly.” She nodded her head as she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his belly.
“Believe it or not, my mum used to sit and do this for me when I had an upset stomach.” Simon said softly as she rubbed her hands on his belly.
“Did it soothe your stomach?” She asked softly.
He chuckled as he nodded his head and licked his lips. She looked away flushed and red from embarrassment and from finding such a display of actions attractive.
“Yeah, when m’mum would rub my stomach it would go away and as soon as she would pull her hand away it would come back.” He hummed softly.
“Simon…” she stopped as she looked away embarrassed. She couldn’t express the feelings she was feeling right now, there was no way he would reciprocate her feelings for him. She was just some woman, who wasn’t probably good enough for the strong soldier.
“Yeah, mama.” He said softly.
She gulped quickly and thought of something to say because she had such a weak display of actions. “Um…I’ve gotten some really scary messages from my abusive ex.” She said softly as she continued to rub his stomach softly. “He’s been threatening to come and get me and drag me back to my country with him.” She said softly.
“You can stay over here mama,” he said softly.
She felt her heart swarm with love. She was grateful he would let her stay but she also knew he had no idea where she lived.
“That’s okay, I appreciate it, but he doesn’t know where I live.” She said softly. “I was just hoping maybe you could help me hook up cameras.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can get you some good ones and get them hooked up.” He hummed softly.
“Thank you.” She nodded, smiling as she bit the inside of her cheek as she looked away. She was feeling disappointed in herself for not saying what she truly wanted to get off her chest, but she also knew there was no way he would feel the same way.
Ever since the grocery store, (y/n) had been too afraid to go shopping alone. Especially without Simon nearby. So Simon had suggested they go together, and that’s what they did.
She stuck close to him as he pushed the cart for the two of them, it was easier just to split the cart and split the bill.
They went around the store crossing things off their list as they went laughing at silly things.
Simon was no longer her grumpy terrifying neighbor. She had grown over the last few months to stop being terrified of him. She rather enjoyed the moments she got to spend with him where he would often rescue her from something going array.
(Y/n) was stretched reaching for something as Simon’s phone buzzed. He didn’t care to look at it thinking it was Johnny.
“My mother used to buy these when I was a little kid.” (Y/n) tossed the snack into the cart that had so many memories and so many happy moments associated with them. “I didn’t think they would have them here.”
“Sure it’s gonna taste the same as when you were a kid?” Simon asked as he chuckled lightly.
“Oh god no,” (y/n) giggled with him. “They have had to change the recipe since I was a little girl. But it’s just the nostalgia of eating them for me, whether it tastes the same or not.” She nodded. “Did you have anything like that?” She asked softly.
“My mother used to make me an apple dumplin’, had a apple tree growin’ in the backyard.” He hummed as he pushed the cart while she listened intently. “And every year she’d pick the ripest apple and bake Tommy and I a damn good apple dumplin’.”
“Mmm,” she smiled. “My papa used to make apple dumplings.” (Y/n) said softly. “Of course I didn’t appreciate them until it was about three years before he passed, so I missed out on a lot.” She rocked on her feet as they stopped to grab something he needed. “Damn where they are good and damn do I miss those apple dumplings. I’d do anything to get an apple dumpling made by him again.” She smiled sadly.
“Sounds like we need to try and make some apple dumplin’s, mama.” He said softly,
“Sounds like we should.” She giggled. “Oh, I forgot to let you know, Johnny said he was stopping by with his sisters later on in the week and wanted me to let you know. He had stopped by when you weren’t home and came over to me to relay the message.”
“Oh dear god,” Simon took a deep sigh and used it to express his emotions. “You room the Mactavish’s.”
“M-me!” She pointed to herself. “Oh no, no, no!” She shook her head quickly. “Johnny is beyond enough for me, last time he stepped foot into my house he broke my vase that was full of flowers.” She giggled softly. “My house would be falling in.”
Her words were so sweet it made Simon melt a bit. His cold heart was thawing more and more everyday.
He knew as soon as he came running out of that grocery store that day, he was going to hightail it to (y/n) because he had to know she was okay. Yeah he had a tiny lecture, but he wanted to make sure she was safe and sound and the only way he could trust it was if he saw her and god was she a sight to behold rushing out of that metaphysical store crying for him.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I just put that new addition on.” He looked at her smiling underneath his mask.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I’ll have to move back to my country.” She giggled. “You wouldn’t have anyone to save constantly.”
She wasn’t wrong, he would be lonely then, lonely and stuck with a neighbor he didn’t care for like the last one who was always trying to impress him and wear skimpy clothing outside to get his attention.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll stick to keepin’ the MacTavish family at my home then.” He snickered.
The two walked to his jeep as they continued to giggle and chuckle about things off and on. It was a flourishing friendship at the moment, that was one thing that was for certain. Though it was quite obvious the two had a crush on one and another.
“I can get my groceries Simon, don’t worry about it, you have a lot to put away too.” She hummed as she fought to keep his hands off of her bags laughing as he would win and start tugging a bag into her home. She would chase behind him and open the door for him smiling as he carried a heavy load.
He would then start unpacking groceries with (y/n), wanting to be closer to her in the moment, especially since in his eyes she was so pretty doing such candid things.
“Simon, seriously, you don’t have to get my grocers unpacked for me either.” (Y/n) snorted. “Johnny just pulled in over at your house I can get this.” She giggled softly.
“Oh alright mama,” he hummed softly. She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
It made Simon pause as he looked down at her smiling, but she couldn’t see with the mask on his face.
“Thank you Simon for talking me shopping and helping me unpack.” She hummed.
“Anytime mama,” he smiled at her and paused looking back at her. She looked at him smiling seeing as he paused almost wanting something.
“Is something the matter, Simon?” She asked softly as her eyes looked deep into his. Simon’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly made his way back to her. They were lost in each other's gaze while Simon’s arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands rested on his thick muscles as she felt the butterflies swirl in her stomach, she was so excited, was he going to kiss her.
“Simon!” Johnny jolted the two out of their moment as they both backed away and looked embarrassed. “I should go.” Simon said softly before he left through the back door.
“Yeah,” she said, a bit disappointed. “I should uh, put these away.” She paused and knocked her hand on her granite countertop. “Not that this open space needs to know, maybe a ghost that lives in my home.” She hummed softly. “I should just stop talking.” She nodded her head and went to work.
Simon came to his jeep as he started to unpack the back as Johnny rushed out of his house.
“I was lookin’ everywhere fer’ ya’, mate.” Johnny patted him in the back. “We’re ya’ with the lassie?” He chuckled as Simon turned and glared at him. “Oh.” Johnny paused as he knew that look. “I interrupted somethin’, didn’t I?”
“Ya’, ya’did.” Simon nodded.
Johnny paused as he chuckled lightly. “Oh me’ were ye’ two kissin’!” Johnny howled with a bit of laughter. It was deep from his chest and sounded not like a chortle.
“I was gonna’ kiss ‘er, until ya’ yelled my name.” Simon huffed grumpily that his moment didn’t come forth with his girl.
“Sorry, LT.” Johnny snickered as he followed the man close behind up his steps into his home which the Scottish man frequented. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe next time.” Simon uttered.
“Hey who knows m—“ Johnny was interrupted when the phone went off and Simon grabbed his phone quickly.
“Eek—“ he could hear (y/n) scream as he flung the phone away and rushed out of the house. Johnny didn’t have time to think, but he sprung to action just like his LT knowing it came from (y/n)’s home and LT wasn’t pissing around.
“(Y/n)!” Simon rushed into the kitchen seeing that she had obviously put up a struggle. As she had knocked over her groceries and a mess was made down the hallway leading up to her stairs.
“I’ll make sure it’s clear down here.” Johnny said as he started to inspect the bottom floor. Ghost didn’t hesitate as he rushed up the stairs slowly peeking into rooms deeming them clear and safe.
“Let me go, you bastard!” (Y/n) shouted as a man grunted and grumbled at her to shut up.
Simon felt like he was ready to fight and rip this man apart whoever it was.
“Mama,” Simon rushed into the room tackling the man who was your ex.
“Get off of me you idiot!” The man growled.
Simon got a good look of the man as he memorized his face, one thing was for sure no one fucks with his baby. No one. And Simon was going to protect her for as long as he was allowed to and he hoped that was for an eternity.
Simon could feel his heart beating in his ear as (y/n) was quickly on the other side of the bedroom watching the two men brawl. It wasn’t before long Simon was sitting on top having won the brawl of dominance as he shouted for Johnny.
“Bring me some Zipties Johnny, got the bastard!”
What was this, Florida men capturing a crocodile? No it was just Soap and Ghost doing what they knew best, beating the bad guys (in the simplest of terms).
It wasn’t long before Johnny appeared with zip ties as the two men began to restrain (y/n)’s shitty abuseive ex.
It wasn’t long before Simon’s focus was on her again as he looked at her.
“Ya’okay, mama?” Simon asked as Johnny held the man in place by sitting on him while also calling 999. It was a weird sight to see, but at the moment they were both heroes.
God bless their teamwork, it really made the dream work.
“Why the fuck is this bastard calling you mama? Are you pregnant with his kid?” (Y/n)’s ex snarled at her as the young woman jumped back a bit. She was terrified of the man, terrified of what he had done to her and what he would do to her, that’s why she ran. Now she was wondering who gave up her location. Was it her mama who had too sweet of a heart and was also afraid of the man? Wasit her papa who slipped up and made a mistake while he was arguing with the bastard? Was it her shitty ex friend who found out and then told him? Oh god, it was making her head swirl and her stomach heave.
She didn’t want to think about it, off the mind, off the body, and off the soul.
“If she was it wouldn’t fuckin’ matter to you mate.” Simon snapped. “Mama, let’s get you in another room.” Simon cooed softly as he guided her to the spare bedroom. “You’re not stayin’ alone no more.” Simon said softly. “Either I stay with you some nights or your stayin’ with me.” He was stern.
“Yes Simon.” She bit her lip as she looked at the man nervously.
“Don’t look at him mama, he’s not a threat to you.” Simon brushed her hair away. “Come one sweet girl, hide yourself away from his sight. I’ve got ya.” She curled into his arms hiding away from the man who was her ex and had caused her a lot of caution in all her relationships. Something that Simon was tearing down piece by piece.
Things soon turned into a big long fiasco. Police questioning (y/n), Simon after, and then Johnny at the very end. Asking them what had happened, maybe what his motives were. It was questioning her sanity. That was a fact. She was ready to go see if a bear really did shit in the woods.
“Come on mama, you're safe.” Simon cooed softly as she had a meltdown. Good thing the meltdown occurred in his arms after being questioned. “You're okay.”
Her mind was buzzing all night long. Thinking about the what if’s, the why’s, the maybe’s, and the not so much’s. Simon knew she needed to change her mind right now before she lost any sleep in this. So as he was corralling her into his room—after a very long night of fretting for her safety—he kissed her passionately on the lips.
She didn’t know how to react, didn’t know what to say. But it was very obvious how she felt when she kissed him right back.
They had finally shared their first kiss. One that was needed a lot sooner than when it had arrived.
(Y/n) felt like she was floating, maybe it was a bit too much with the day she had, but she didn’t care, she liked it. Liked his lips on hers as he kissed her so tenderly, so passionately.
He loved it, he loved how she melted against his embrace as his lips merged with hers.
The two were currently feeling things out, like is this what he wanted, is this what she wanted? Was she into it as much as he was into it?
Answer: yes!
Weeks had passed and the two would sleep off and on at one and another’s house. When they were sleeping in hers, they were at his. And when they weren’t at his, they were at hers. It was back and forth making sure she was safe and she was okay, she didn’t mind as it kept her close to Simon, and she liked to be close to the man. He was her big strong hero and she wanted to keep it like that.
We’re playin’ poker, mamas,” Simon said softly as he looked back at her. “Wanna play?”
“Never played before.” She came down the stairs looking at him confused. There was another woman standing in his home. It wasn’t Moria and Kaitlyn, Johnny’s sisters who would visit often. She seemed more put together unlike the fun Scottish sisters (y/n) enjoyed hanging with. “I can teach ya, mama.” Simon said softly his eyes twinkling as he wanted her to be seated right beside him.
“Is Moria and Kaitlyn here?” She asked softly.
“Oh lassie, their comin’ tomorrow.” Johnny added as he started to introduce the woman. “Has Simon introduced you two?”
“No,” (y/n) said slowly, always unsure about people in the beginning.
Simon had learned that when she had met Moria and Kaitlyn, she was fearful of people and it had to do with her ex who created that fear. Simon had learned real quick that he would feed her lies and fears so she would stick close to him and never leave like mother gospel did to Rapunzel.
“This is Farah, mamas,” Simon said softly. “She is the commander of the Urzikstan liberation force.”
Simon knew she had been on edge since her boyfriend and tried to force in a position she didn’t like. Her fear and constant needing to be on edge was her body keeping her alert and ready to run if she needed to. The thing was, she had nothing to fear when Simon was right here, he wasn’t going to let anything hurt her.
“She’s good friends with the 141.” Soap added as he smiled.
“Nice to finally meet you, they all say good things about you,” Farah smiled softly as she reached her hand out.
“Nice to meet you too.” (Y/n) said softly as she shook her hand looking back at Ghost, he had on his balaclava like always. “Can I watch?” She asked softly, sticking close to his side. Johnny and Farah left the house with a beer in their hands as they giggled and joked about something. Simon rested his large palm on (y/n)’s hip as he leaned forward and nuzzled his face onto her head.
“Good girl.” He said softly. She tensed up subtly liking the way he called her a good girl. It wasn’t something she ever thought she’d get to hear from him, but then again she wasn’t so sure why she thought she wouldn’t ever hear this, he was so sweet to her. “Gonna be my good luck charm, pretty girl?” He asked as she wasn’t so sure what to even say.
“Maybe I could bring you good luck,” she smiled as she spoke softly following him out to the usual place they played poker in the middle of summer.
The two were seated so close to one and other it didn’t go unnoticed by the guests residing at the Riley residence. Soap who always sits beside Ghost was now sandwiching (y/n) in between the two large SAS soldiers.
(Y/n) had her leg lifted up and over Simon’s where he had tugged it as his large palm rested on her thigh rubbing her skin in a soothing manner. He wanted her calm and wanted her as relaxed as he could get her.
“Keep Johnny from cheatin’ and lookin’ at my cards, mama.” Simon hummed softly as she giggled nodding her head fighting Johnny off at times.
The night couldn’t go any better, it actually took a turn for the worse. All because of a simple slip up from Johnny and his terrible ways of phrasing things.
“(Y/n), lassie,” she looked at the Scottish man curious as to what he was going to say. “You got the LT running after you constantly saving your clumsy arse from things. When are ya gonna learn from him and care for yourself lassie?” (Y/n) froze up as she laughed nervously.
“Yeah, guess I do rely on him too much.” She fiddled with her lip.
‘Embarrassing, relying on Simon all the time. Embrassing and probably a hindrance.’ She thought in her head as Johnny continued to tease her. He wasn’t meaning to make her feel like shit, he was just play-teasing her. It wasn’t supposed to be taken in such a way where he was ridiculing her. She just panicked because she already felt like a problem. Simon was always rescuing her it had to be annoying.
‘Knew I was annoying.’ Her eyes got a bit glossy. She blinked a few times hiding them.
“Can’t have a big guy saving you all the time!” Johnny was a bit tipsy, he really didn’t mean anything ill about it. “Be a big girl and go take on the world a bit without Simon’s help, ya’, it’s not too scary.”
“Yeah.” She frowned slightly. “I-I’m sorry,” she looked up at Simon. “I-I’m gonna go to bed. Not feeling so good right now.”
“Lovie, don’t listen to him,” Simon said quickly. “He’s just drunk Dovie. You’re not a problem.” Simon nodded his head as he sat the cards down. “He’s a terrible joker when he’s drunk and doesn’t understand what he’s saying.”
“It’s okay, I’ve been a problem enough.” (Y/n) shut the cabana leaving the crew to hide in her house.
“Jesus Johnny!” Simon snarled conveying his anger at Soap.
“I’m sorry, mate, it was a joke.” Johnny uttered.
“Not a harmless one, now mamas is upset.” He was so protective of her. So madly in love with her.
So much so that when he found out she had locked him out of her house he tossed and turned all night not able to sleep. Worried she would need his help, he opened his windows and shut the AC off and listened Incase she called for him.
Meanwhile she was beating herself up for being so…immature. In her eyes she felt immature, felt so kiddish always needing rescued by some SAS soldier who was her neighbor.
“She won’t even come out and talk to me Johnny.” Simon snarled as he spoke to Johnny in his kitchen three days later. “What the fuck were ya’ thinkin’?”
“LT, it was a playful joke, everyone knows she’s a fully capable woman.” Johnny said softly.
“Yeah, well, now she avoids me like the fuckin’ plague.” Simon slammed the dishrag on the counter. He was having withdrawals, withdrawals from the most addicting drug he’s ever had in his life, (y/n). “What the fuck!”
“Let me go talk to her,” Johnny said calmly. “I’ll right my wrongs and things will go back to normal.”
Meanwhile she was in her head sitting on her bed trying to read a romance novel, but just not able to get into it.
‘He hates me, resents me, he can’t even have a relationship because I ruin it. Constantly needing his help. When was the last time he went on a date, pretty sure he went on them all the time before. I’m ruining his life.’ It went on and on in her head like this until a knock made it pause and she could hear Johnny calling for her at the front door.
“Lassie, m’sorry for what I said, I was trying joke in a playful manner but I made a hurtful joke.” Johnny was apologizing. “Open the door and we’ll talk. I owe you an apology in person.”
‘Don’t, he’ll make fun of you again, and Simon will be there and he’ll agree.’ Her mind shut her off as she hauled herself more into the bed. If she was quiet they wouldn’t know she was here…right? She hadn’t left her house the last three days, just got a shower are food and made sure nothing went wrong. When nothing went wrong it kept Simon away, and he could then find a social hour again and maybe find a woman he likes. Not some girl who screams and can’t take care of stuff on her own. Like killing a spider, the one from the shower. She was working herself up to killing it, just hasn’t been able to yet…it’s a work in progress…maybe.
She just kept her eyes on it and pleaded to any god that would listen not to let that bastard move while she was showing.
“Please let me see ya’, Simon’s about to break down this door and do a wellness check.” Johnny knocked louder.
“Johnny get the fuck out of the way!”
“No LT, she’s maybe coming downstairs, don’t kick it in!”
“Or maybe she fell down the stairs and has a broken limb…please not a broken neck, mama, I’m coming!” That was like his battle cry as Simon kicked down the door. He was like a new parent who locked his beloved kid in the car. He was in frantic mode.
(Y/n) could hear the crashing of the door biting off the wall. She jolted forward on the bed, she didn’t think he’d actually break it down. For god sakes she was just in boyshort underwear and a sports bra.
“Mamas!” His cries for her were getting loud as he stomped on the stairs and walked right into her bedroom like he owned the place. She stared confused, really not sure what else she should be feeling.
Her eyes met his brown ones as he let out a breath of relief.
Soap wasn’t too far behind as he fought his breath. “I’m so sorry lassie, I tried, I really tried.” Soap said as he was hunched over catching his breath from the hike up her steps. “We’ll fix your front door, we swear.”
Needless to say, that night her toes were curled while his toes were digging into his mattress to get better traction while he made her lose her mind.
That’s what (y/n) gets for making Simon worry like that for three damn days. He was claiming his stakes and his were her.
And when Simon was all done making her scream and cry, he rested beside her brushing her hair from her pretty sweat coated, tear stained face.
He had just gotten her all cleaned up while he looked at her proudly.
‘That’s my girl,’ repeated on his head while he smiled content.
“He’s right, you know.” (Y/n) broke the silence. “Drunk or not he was right, I need to learn to take care of myself.”
“The fuck you do,” Simon snarled as he nipped at her neck making her squeak in suspense. “Mama, I’m taking care of you from now on, that’s my god given duty.” He said while he kissed behind her ear. “Let me do my one and only duty I actually care about.”
“Okay,” she gasped out squirming a bit. “But let me learn to do some things, si.” She had never called him that before and his head shot up and he got the wild look in his eyes. He liked feeling her naked body below his squirming just like it had been a few minutes ago. He also really liked the fact that she called him Si, it made some gears churn in his head and he could feel his body buzzing and hearing up.
“I’ll let you try, but I’m gonna take care of ya’ at the end of the day.” He said sternly. “Like right now, lay down and call for me mama.” Simon trailed kisses up her neck,
“Simon,” she squeaked out in surprise but was quickly shut up as soon as her mind went blank from the rearing pleasure he was giving her. At this rate he was most likely going to break his own bed, but she wasn’t going to complain, not when she was on the receiving end.
On top of that, she was gonna be lucky if she could even walk tomorrow.
After a few days of trying to get Simon to back off a bit and let her learn how to handle some simple scenarios—not the spider in her bathroom that one was gladly done by Ghost. She was able to make it so Ghost wasn’t saving her twenty-four-seven.
He wasn’t being pulled away from poker games and things such as that.
She thought she had everything under control, until her faucet had fallen off in her sink as the water spewed everywhere. How she had no idea, it just popped off and chaos ensued.
She turned the water on and turned her back to grab her veggies she needed to wash and next thing she slowly processed that she was getting rained on and not from a leak in her ceiling. She went into instant panic as she turned around trying to shut the water off but it kept spewing.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She cursed as she slipped on the puddle forming on her laminated flooring. She groaned and quickly shuffled to the cabinets pulling them open as she tried to shut the water off down there but she knocked something and it spewed in her face.
Well at least it wasn’t raining…now it was just gushing in her face. She squirmed back but the water quickly stopped. She was confused, but then her ears picked up on Simon’s loud steps coming from the basement. He shut all the water off to her house.
She crawled on her hands and knees away from the sink as she stood up. She was sipping wet and entirely embarrassed by the fact that she had made it worse and didn’t think of shutting the water off from the start.
Ghost stopped behind her glad his mask was on. He quickly averted his eyes for her respect trying not to turn his head again to look at her pretty black lace panties. Made something in his stomach churn in a good way, gave him butterflies. Though it was game over when she turned around, he couldn’t not gawk, a white shirt and water didn’t go well, especially when one wasn’t wearing a bra.
A sight to behold. Now in this moment, he’d be smacking Johnny and telling him to not look but he himself couldn’t look away.
It didn’t matter if (y/n) and Simon had already done the deed. He still tried to be respectful, especially since they weren’t dating yet and surely as hell weren’t married yet. It would be different in those scenarios.
“Thanks Simon,” (y/n) brushed her hair back as his eyes remained on her chest. Not the makeup she was wearing running down her face looking horrible but somehow still making her so pretty.
“Didn’t expect to get wet today, I see.” He couldn’t help but utter out. He wanted to slap himself and see his mouth shut. What an idiot, what an absolute idiot. He still couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Not company also, it seems.”
She paused and took a minute to try and understand what he was saying.
“Yeah,” she snorted softly. “Not expecting any company, and not expressing to get w—“ she froze as she remembered she was wearing just her black lace panties and a white shirt that belonged to her ex who dumped her. It was a weird rock band shirt she had never heard of, but kept it because she could swim in it and liked to wear it on hot summer days—like today—and stay cool without having to wear a bra. “Don’t look!” Her screech was shrill and loud as she threw a towel at him. Simon had winxed as he quickly looked away.
“I’m an Idiot.” She uttered as she tried to walk past him to get a change of clothes. Ones that didn’t show her perky breasts when it got wet.
“Mamas,” Simon said softly with a bashful look in his brown, honeyed eyes. “I need you right now.” He said softly. “I’ll fix your leaking tubes, after…” she paused as she looked at Simon.
He what?
“What?” She asked embarrassed and flustered.
“Mama, don’t make me say it again.” He was also flustered.
“Say it.” She said softly. Her eyes lingered on his for a second.
“Mama, let me have you, please.” He looked at her. She could see his arousal not only in the physical action of his member but in his eyes. How they lingered in her body how they looked deep into her eyes showing his want and need for her.
He slowly walked up to her while staring at her back, he then put a hand on her hip and moved closer to her.
“Yeah, I want you…” he said in a low and gruff voice. His body was just behind her now. He then leaned down and put his face close to her ear. “Real bad.”
“Simon,” she was flustered as she felt his thumb rub her hips. She was red and embarrassed but she felt her own need pooling in her abdomen. It was a warm and tingly sensation, one he always pulled out of her.
He loved how her body reacted to his touch. Her breath hitched as she spoke his name. His large hand was still planted on her hip while his other hand came forward and put a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. “Say you want me too.” he whispered in her ear.
Her breath hitched as she gasped slightly, feeling his hands trail across her abdomen.
Her hands slowly found his hands as her fingers weaved into his large fingers. He breathed in her scent as he felt her small hands weaved through his much larger ones. He moved his lips up to her neck and gave it a light kiss.
“Tell me you want me…” he said again while his tongue traced her neck lightly.
She gasped as she felt his tongue glide across her skin. “Simon.” She gulped. She felt her mouth go dry as she tried to formulate a sentence.
He chuckled in her ear then gave her neck another light kiss. “Come on, baby girl, I know you want me too.” Ghost left a trail of light kisses up the side of her neck. He then grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him.
She could feel him pressed up against her, her eyes fluttered closed as small moans left her lips. She couldn’t think straight and she wanted to tell him, but she couldn’t find the words.
He let out a soft growl as he heard the little moans escape her lips. He couldn’t get enough and his lips left a trail of kisses on the back of her neck. “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
He pulled her hips back into him more. His body was now completely pressed against hers and she could feel the heat and want come off of him.
“Yes.” She said softly gasping as his large hands trailed her abdomen and slightly under her panties. Her hand was still grasping onto his as he held her sturdy against him slowly grinding against her.
He loved how her body reacted to his. Her soft little gasps and moans drove him wild and her body moving against his was driving him to the edge.
“You like that, sweetheart?” He murmured in her ear as his hand crept further into her panties. “You like how I’m touching you?”
Oh yes, yes she did. He was a god to her when he toyed with her like this.
“Please Simon, I-I…” she trailed off having always been bashful, but she knew Simon was a gentle lover as this wasn’t the first time the two had acted out of instinct. “I-I, want you t-too.” She gasped being at his mercy. “It feels good.” She whined.
He smiled against her neck as he felt his hand reach her most sensitive parts. Her body arching against him and her breath hitching as he made contact. He let out a soft growl as she told him that she wanted him too. The sounds she was making were driving him crazy. “Yeah?” He asked while he slowly started to apply pressure to her. “How bad do you want me mamas?”
She for this hips grind against her ass as she was being hit with so many pleasurable things. She almost felt dizzy and delighted all at the same time. “I-I…” she stuttered.
He bit down on her neck as she ground her hips back into him. He had to take a second to recover from the sudden movement before he started speaking again. His fingers started to circle her most sensitive part. “Mmm… you’re being so good for me, mamas… tell me how bad you want me.”
The man had skill, god did he have skill.
She arched as she tried to focus but his hands distracted her. She gasped and moaned as she couldn’t focus. She whined slightly as his hips still grinded against her.
Simon moved his lips from her neck to gently brush against her ear. “C’mon sweetheart….” he coaxed her again. “I need to hear you say how bad you want me.” He continued to move his fingers against her, slowly increasing the pressure as he heard her sounds getting more needy and desperate. His hips kept grinding against her, his grip on her waist keeping her against him.
“C-can’t think straight,” she uttered, feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed. Her head rested on his chest as her head was thrown back in ecstasy.
Simon chuckled softly and he heard the sound of her head falling back on his chest. Seeing her all flustered and a mess was such a turn on for him. He could hear how hard she was breathing and he could feel just how much her body was shaking. He continued to circle his fingers against her while his hips continued their slow but rhythmic motion against her. “I know you want me, mamas. I can feel how much you’re enjoying my fingers.”
“S-Simon, slow down.” You squeaked out. “C-can’t think—“ a deep moan interrupted her. “Bad.” She groaned out loudly. “So bad, Simon!”
Simon smiled as she had no choice but to surrender to him. He was having so much fun watching her struggle to form a sentence. It looked like the only words that came out of her pretty little mouth were his name and how bad she wanted him. “Mmm that’s it sweetheart, tell me just how bad you want me.” He could feel that she was starting to get close as she started squeezing around his fingers.
“So bad.” She pulled her hands away from his as her hand trailed up to her breast.
“That’s it sweetheart…” he could see her reaching up and he almost thought she was going to take his hand away, but as it moved higher he realized what she was doing. He was now breathing heavily as he watched her hand reach up to her chest. He slowly his grip on her waist, wanting to see how far her hand went on her own.
“Just like that.” She uttered as she bit her lip, eyes closing in euphoria. She started to lift her one leg up holding it there for Simon so he could feel her better. Her hand worked on her chest.
He grunted as he saw her leg go up. He grabbed her thigh and pushed against her more. He could feel her shaking in his grip and he could see how her body was losing all control. “F-fuck… mamas,” he mumbled in her ear while his fingers kept their steady movements against her. He pressed his lips to her neck again and started leaving a trail of kisses. “You’re so good, you feel so good.”
She could feel his fingers delve into her core.
She gasped and whined, her back arched as her head was thrown back. He leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
He pressed his lips firmly against hers and let out another low growl as he felt her arching against him. She looked so beautiful like this. In his arms, completely coming undone. He increased his pressure on her and continued his slow but firm circles around her core. He wasn’t surprised when she let out a needy moan against his lips.
“Simon!” she cried out. “Simon, I-i love you.” She gasped as the sensations were getting too strong for her to handle. She gasped when she realized she said she loved him, neither of them had said anything like this to the other before.
She almost felt embarrassed and could feel the pleasure dwindling down because she felt like she fucked up.
Simon froze as he heard her whimper out that she loved him. Never in their time being together had either of them said those words to the other. He was still holding her thigh up and his fingers were still touching her most sensitive parts, but he slowly removed his lips from hers and started to pull his hand away.
“What’d you just say…?” He asked gruffly as he looked at her.
Now she felt like she fucked up, she looked away bitting her lips. Tears welled in her eyes. Now she was being a big cry baby, how embarrassing.
She held them off as she tried to find the words to say. Did she say it was a mistake? Should she say she didn’t mean it when she really did mean every word she said. Did she come out and say she loved him again? It was all confusing.
Simon was completely taken off guard by her saying that. He knew they didn’t have any labels but what they had was more than just some casual fling.
He let go of her thigh and moved his hand to her chin. He grabbed her firmly and turned her head back to him so she’d look at him. He then reached up and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “Say it again, sweetheart…” he said softly as he looked into her eyes.
“I-I love you…” she said quietly.
“Again…” he said with more demand now. He needed to hear her say it again. He wanted to hear that she loved him over and over again. He moved his hand from her chin to cup her cheek and gently brush his thumb across it.
“Say it again, baby girl…” he repeated once more.
“I love you Simon,” she said with a bit more confidence.
A big and stupid smile appeared on Simon’s face as he heard her say it again. He leaned down and gave her a quick and soft kiss.
He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against him. “F-fuck…you...” His voice was barely above a whisper as he held her tight against him. He was obviously having a hard time finding the right words.
“I love you too, mamas.”
She felt her heart beat pick up at Simon’s words and also at the sight of Simon undressing.
Her eyes lingered in his body as she bit her lip. Her hands clung to her wet white shirt as she rang out the edges gently out of nerves and excitement.
Simon shrugged out of his shirt. The man’s physique was insane. A perfect mix of muscle and scar tissue. His eyes never left hers while she watched him and she could see the heat and need in them.
Simon looked at her and noticed that she was holding onto the edges of her shirt, he tilted his head slightly. “What’re you doing with that shirt, baby girl?” He asked curiously.
She looked down nervously at it, not sure what she should be doing seeing him stripped down into nothing.
He walked over to her and stood right behind her. He looked down at her. The shirt was practically see through but he was still disappointed there was anything blocking him from seeing her body. He pressed up against her. His chest against her back as she was once again very firmly pressed against him. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his finger up and down her arms. “Why aren’t you taking this off, sweetheart?” Simon asked quietly.
“T-take it off?” She asked softly, embarrassed.
He chuckled at her response. He was almost surprised she was so shy all of a sudden. Seeing her so embarrassed was a new but exciting feeling for him.
He leaned down in her ear and spoke with a low and gruff voice. “Yeah… I want you to take it off, mama. I want to see your body… all of it.”
She nodded as she slowly lifted the white shirt off, but it left her in her black lace panties.
As the shirt made its way over her head and her hair fell back he could finally see her. And god was she a sight to see. “Damn…” he growled quietly as he took in the view of her body. The way her curves were shaped, the way the lace hugged her body, everything. He took a moment to recover before he spoke again. “Turn around.” He commanded.
She did that, slowly turning around for him.
Once she finished turning around he just took a second to look at her. He had an almost wild look in his eyes as he looked her up and down.
He was practically salivating at the sight of her so he took a step closer to her. “You’re so damn beautiful, you know that?” He ran his hands up and down her arms. “Look at you. So good for me.”
“S-Simon.” She was so shy right now.
He smiled as she said his name and he saw how shy he was making her. It wasn’t often she was shy like this and he loved it. “You’re so damn cute when you’re all flustered and shy, baby girl.” Simon said with his gruff voice as he continued to run his hands up and down her arms. “And you’re so good for me,” he continued to murmur as he moved his hands down her sides.
She felt her breath hitch. If she wasn’t wet from the water, she would be soaked from his words.
He smiled as he could see she was really starting to get worked up based on the way her chest was heaving and he could hear her breathing getting heavier.
“Lay down for me, baby girl,” he said in a low voice. “Right here on the floor and I’ll take real good care of you.”
She felt the cold water touch her skin as she did as told.
He stood over her and stared down at her. Seeing her laying on the floor, her body now completely visible to him, was a stunning sight. He knelt down, his knee on either side of her legs, and positioned himself right above her. He didn’t move, he was just staring at her body. “God. You’re perfect,” he mumbled.
If it wasn’t for Simon and her nipples already being hard, the cold water would have done it as she gasped at the feeling.
Simon let his eyes take in her entire body as he knelt over her. Hearing her gasp when the cold water hit her skin was an absolute treat. “S-so damn cute…” he mumbled again as his hands slowly ran down her sides and came to rest on her thighs. He gave her a little squeeze before he continued his hands’ journey over her body.
He grabbed his shirt and bunched it up underneath her head as a pillow as he leaned down against her grinding his bare body against her clothed core.
Simon grunted as he felt his hips press against her. He continued the slow grind back and forth as he leaned down and kissed her, both of them still damp from the raining tap water that had spewed from her faucet about fifteen minutes ago. He could feel how warm and wet his body felt against hers. He continued to press his chest against hers and his hips continued to rub against her core. Both of their breathing was heavy at this point.
He then stopped as his fingers looped under her panties.
His fingers were looped around her panties and he was slowly pulling them down while she was still laying down beneath him. He leaned down to her ear and started to talk in a soft and low voice. “Lift your hips for me, baby girl…”
“Simon.” She gasped as she did as told.
He chuckled as he heard her gasp as she did what he told her to do. She was being so good for him right now. “That’s it…” he mumbled as he started to slide her panties down her legs. “God look at you. You’re so good for me, baby girl. So damn good.”
She felt his hands lift her thighs up some as he spread her legs taking a look at her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt embarrassed.
He looked down at her, taking in the view of her now completely exposed body. He had been anticipating this sight and it didn’t disappoint.
“Don’t close your eyes, sweetheart, open them for me…” he said in a gentle and soft voice. “I want to look at you.”
If she wasn’t throbbing before—trust me she was—she was surely throbbing now.
“Simon, you can’t say stuff like that.” She arched off the ground. As her hands reached for something of his.
Her arching her back had his chest pressed even closer against her and her hands reaching for him, searching for something on him, only turned him on even more. He chuckled, amused that he was making her so shy and embarrassed. But there was just something about it that made it more exciting. He slowly ran his hands back and forth along her thighs as he spoke to her. “Why not? I want to look at you, baby girl. You’re so damn Beautiful. I want to see all of you.”
She could tell this was a much more emotional and deeply bonding intimate moment then the time he had sex with her the night he broke her door down when she was hiding from him embarrassed at soaps drunk words about how she needed to learn to take care of herself.
This time around the two souls were bounding to one and another as he showed her sweet love. The love he wanted and could provide to her.
This time had been different than that night. It was a more emotional and intimate moment between them. They both knew how they felt about one another now.
Simon gently stroked her thighs, his hands moving slowly up and down her skin. He was completely captivated by her. He was captivated by the way her body reacted to his every touch. He moved his hands closer and closer to her inner thighs before running his thumbs across her core. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
He started gently kissing and biting his way up her body, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her skin. When he finally got to her neck he spent extra time there before moving up and kissing the corners of her mouth before finally capturing her lips with his.
He slowly and gently started kissing her, his tongue gently tracing her lips, seeking entry. His hands were resting at the base of her head, his fingers playing with her hair.
“You really think so?” She asked as her hands rested on his waist.
“Yeah, I do think so.” He replied as he hovered over her, staring down at her as he replied. “You’re so goddamn beautiful, mammas. Every inch of you.”
“Simon,” she got so lucky having him. “I love you.” She said softly.
The way she said his name, he loved the way it sounded coming from her mouth. Every time she said it, he felt a sudden rush of feeling. Feeling he’d never felt before he met her.
He looked into her eyes, hearing the three simple words come out of her mouth again. Those three simple words were everything to him and he couldn’t hear them enough. “I love you, sweetheart, more than you’ll ever know.” he mumbled as he looked into her eyes.
She smiled as he sat up looking down at her core.
He was big and the two both knew it. She had gotten pretty good at adapting to him. But it still took her a bit to get used to his fit. He knew he needed to be gentle.
His finger ran up her core making sure she was slick enough, and she was. He didn’t have to worry there.
He leaned down and kissed her core before cooing at it.
He leaned down on her and let his lips touch her most sensitive area. He gave it a gentle kiss before he looked up at her. “So damn beautiful…” he muttered. “So sensitive for me, huh?”
“Only for you.” She nodded.
He chuckled as she responded to him. “Damn right it’s only for me.” He grumbled before he took another moment to admire the view. “God,” He groaned. “Every part of you is so perfect, but this…” he mumbled as he looked down at her core. “This is my favorite part.”
His lips touched it one more time. As she giggled at his words. “And here I thought your favorite part was my lips.” She teased softly.
His lips caressed her one last time before he lifted his head and looked at her. He chuckled a little as she teased him about his favorite part.
“You’re pretty cheeky today,” he said with a small smile on his face. “Looks good on you. But don’t kid yourself, sweetheart. I love a lot of parts of your body—your lips included.”
She giggled some more as his head rested on her thigh. He looked at her softly smiling. “You like the way she clings to you.” She said softly.
The sound of her giggling caused his smile to deepen. He could probably listen to it all day.
He chuckled softly and ran his hands along her thighs. “Mmm, I love the way she clings to me. It’s like she's begging me to never stop.”
“Don’t blame her, she knows what she likes.” She hummed as she arched her back feeling Simon leave a hickey on her thigh.
Simon didn’t look away from her thighs as he continued kissing and sucking the skin of her thighs before he left a big hickey on them.
He chuckled as he looked up at her and saw her arch her back. “Mmm, she’s a smart one, ain’t she?” He said in his gruff voice. “She knows I’m all about giving her what she likes.”
“Simon,” (y/n) gasped as her hands touched her chest.
Hearing her gasp his name and her hands coming up to touch his chest was enough to have him aching for her. He didn’t wait for another moment.
He moved out from between her legs and came to hover above her. He had a wild and lustful look in his eyes as he looked down at her. “Say my name again…” he said hoarsely.
“Simon,” she chanted like a prayer as her head lulled back and forth. She felt his member poke at her.
The way she said his name, each time she said it was like she was chanting it, praying to it. It had his body on fire, the need for her was almost painful.
He leaned down and positioned himself right between her legs, his member rubbing her core, teasing her. It was a grinding motion and it was enough to make her squirm underneath him. “Again…” he growled softly.
“Simon.” She gasped out, eyes opening up to look at him as her head was thrown back and she arched.
As she said his name again, her eyes opening and looking up at him, the arching of her back, the gasping as she was on the edge, it was all driving him crazy.
He placed a hand underneath the small of her back and slowly started to press forward. “Again…” he said huskily. “Say. My name.”
“Simon,” it was more blissed out than before. She was gonna reach ecstasy if he kept teasing her like this.
The way she said his name this time, it sounded like she was completely lost in the bliss of the moment. It only drove him wilder.
He held his hips in place, continuing to tease her but not fully giving her what she wanted. “Just say it one more time, baby girl and you’ll get what you want.”
“Simon Riley.” She sighed, cupping his face as she brought his lips closer to hers kissing his lips and then trailing down his jaw. “Please, I need you.”
Hearing her say his name as she took his face in her hands and trailed kisses down his jaw, hearing the need in her voice as she said she needed him, finally pushed him over the edge.
He grunted, his body stilling for a moment before he moved, finally giving her what she was begging for. “I got you, baby girl. I got you right here…” he muttered before his lips met hers.
She felt the pressure as she arched her back. She moaned. Her eyes rolled back in her head.
“Ah, fuck, Simon.” She groaned out.
The noise she made when he entered her made his body ache with need for her. He had never heard anything so good.
He grunted as he felt her arch her back and felt her tighten around him. “Fuck—baby girl.” He gasped. “You’re so damn good for me, so good…” he muttered. “Mamas, that’s it. Take it, atta girl.” He gasped as her pussy fit him so well as he moved at a slow pace. “She’s just eager to greet me, eager to take me. Atta girl, mamas. Spread those legs.” She did as asked. “Mamas pretty girl is just sucking me in.” Ghost groaned.
He cooed to her more as he talked her through the pleasure and pain making her heart swell with love at his actions.
He started moving his hips, slowly and softly at first. He wanted her to get used to the feeling.
He leaned down and placed his arms next to her head so that he was hovering over her. “Shhh—just breathe, baby girl, I got you… you feel so damn good, so damn good.”
She could tell she was losing him to pleasure. She tried to ground him, but her core tightened on him when he hit a certain depth.
When she tightened around him he let out another low moan. He was getting completely lost in the feel of her.
He grunted as his movements started to get quicker and more sloppy. “W-wait baby girl… slow down…” he muttered as he was still trying to ground himself.
“Simon, you’re the one moving.” She mewled and arched.
He grunted when she said his name and she started to wither underneath him.
He realized she was right, he was the one moving. He slowed his movement down, trying to make them more softer and more controlled.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you just feel so damn good…It’s hard for me not to lose control.” He paused for her as she clung to him. His one arm lifted her thigh above his shoulder.
When he finally got completely buried inside her he had to stop himself again. He needed a moment. Being completely inside her felt that good. He grunted and his head hung down for a moment, trying to control his breathing. “Oh fuck!” he mumbled before he picked up his head and looked deep in her eyes.
He looked down at her and saw her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Even just the expression on her face was enough to bring him pleasure. He grunted and started moving his hips again. Starting off with a slow and controlled rhythm.
“You like that, baby girl?” He asked her in a low voice.
Her toes curled and her body pulsed and buzzed with heat. That should have been a good enough answer.
“Yeah,” her eyes rolled back in her head as she arched. “Right there Si!” She begged.
When she said his name again and arched back and begged for him to keep going, it only made him pick up the pace. He needed to hear her say his name again and again. “I got you baby girl. I’m gonna take real good care of you…” he mumbled and he started to thrust faster, making sure to hit the spot that made her say his name louder.
“Simon,” she gasped. “Oh god, so good.” She kissed his jaw with hit open mouthed kisses leaving a hickey here and there.
He panted as he continued to move his hips, each of her gasps and every whine and moan that escaped her lips only pushing him forward. He couldn’t even think, all he wanted was to hear her moan his name more.
“That’s right baby, keep saying my name.” He groaned, his head tilted back, exposing his neck more of her kisses.
Her hands dug into his biceps as she closed her eyes panting, “Simon, can’t think right.” She gasped.
The ecstasy was getting to both of them as they both had blissed out looks in their faces and their eyes couldn’t pull away from one and another.
He groaned and grunted as he felt her fingers digging into his arms. He couldn’t think straight either, all he could focus on was the way she was making him feel.
“Don’t think, baby girl,just let go.” He gave her a sloppy kiss. “Feel me inside you…hmm? Feels so good, right?” he mumbled through his moans.
She wasn’t sure if she could even find the words at the moment as she felt his hands grip the back of her head as his face rested against hers. He was being so sweet to her like usual.
He was completely lost in her. The way she felt around him, the way she gasped and moaned his name, the way she dug her fingertips into his arms. Everything about her drove him crazy. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted to show her how she made him feel. She was so damn perfect.
He grunted into her ear as he held her head up to him, their faces were pressed against each other as he continued to move inside her. “You feel so damn good, mamas. I need you so bad—only you.”
She gasped at that.
“How do you do it?” She uttered as her lips touched his as she spoke against them.
He kept his face pressed against hers, his voice was gruff as he spoke. “Do what?” he muttered as he continued to move his hips forward. He had a feeling he knew what she was going to answer, but he needed to hear her say it. “How do I do what, baby girl?”
She took a minute as she groaned and gasped feeling the intense pleasure.
He grunted as she gasped and their lips touched. Even a soft touch from her lips to his was enough to break his heart and heal it all at once.
He continued to thrust into her, a little faster this time, getting closer to his release. His body was on fire for her.
“How do I do what?” he breathed out, panting as he spoke to her. A few strands of his hair were sticking to his damp forehead.
“H-how—oh god—how do you make it feel so good?” She uttered. “How do you know all the best places to touch me and…” she groaned, trailing off as her body shook from ecstasy.
He chuckled a bit when she began to speak, then cut herself off with a moan. The way her body shook when he hit that right spot was one of his favorite things.
“Do you really think there’s a place on your body where I haven’t kissed or touched, baby girl?” he responded to her. He grunted as he continued to roll his hips. “I do it because I know you like it, I need to touch you. I need to hear you moan so bad.”
She was falling apart in his arms and it was driving him crazy. Seeing her struggling to speak because of the pleasure made him grunt when her body shook, the tightness around him making his body react to her.
“Simon,” she arched. The puddle they were laying in made things slippery still, but not enough to deter Simon.
When she arched her body he let out a moan and grunted loudly.
How was she even real? How did he ever manage to get her into bed with him?
The sound of her core as he moved inside her was like music to him. It was perfect. She was perfect.
Hearing her say his name again, caused his pace to quicken. “Say it again,” he panted out to her. “Say my name, sweetheart.”
“Simon,” she rocked with him gaining some friction. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him tighter to her.
Her could feel her perky nipples brush against his stimulating the two of them more.
Simon grunted as her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her body.
He was completely surrounded by her. Her scent, her voice, her touch, her taste. It was all driving him crazy.
“God,” he grunted as his eyes looked down at her while his hips rolled. Her flushed face was Divine, her parted lips made him want to devour her mouth, and her breathy words and moans made him feral. “You feel so good, baby girl. So damn good.” He mumbled against her skin before he pulled his head back and looked her in the eyes, continuing to pant as he spoke. “Look at me.” His words were hushed and breathy as he was feeling the heat of everything.
Her eyes met his as she gasped and panted squirming a bit underneath him as he kept hitting that specific spot with his hips rolling. She knew that he knew that was her G-spot.
Watching her react as he kept hitting that sweet spot with his hips made him smile. How was she so perfect?
He loved making her gasp and moan his name. It was addictive.
He grunted as his hips moved into hers a little harder. “You know I love it when you look at me, sweetheart. I could never get tired of seeing those beautiful eyes.”
“Having a man as highly addicting as you, telling me that—“ her head was thrown back as immense pleasure rolled over her body. “It just does something to me.” She whined scratching down his chest as his biceps now caged in her head.
The way her head was thrown back and the loud whine that she made caused goosebumps to rise on his skin. It was so damn good watching her fall apart because of him. He grunted and panted as her fingernails scratched down his chest. She left behind little red lines.
Looking down at her, seeing all her perfect features, how did he get so damn lucky with her?
“Does it, now? What does it do to you, baby girl?” he asked her through his grunts and pants.
“It makes my body feel on fire.” Her cunt tightened.
The feeling of her pussy tightening around him was something he knew he would never get tired of. He grunted and groaned as the feeling combined with her words, making him move faster.
“I’m on fire for you too, baby girl.” He grunted out to her. “I’m on fire for you all the time. You drive me crazy.”
“Yeah?” She cupped his face brushing the sweat away.
He leaned into her hand as she cupped his face. Even just a little touch like that had him aching for her. He let out a soft moan and nodded his head before he looked into her eyes. “Yeah,” he mumbled, panting and grunting. “I’m crazy for you, mamas. All the damn time, you don’t even know. I’m just trying to control myself from losing it for you all the time.”
Her hand touched her chest as her other hand touched his swirling around his nipples. It sent him into a tizzy.
When her hand touched his chest and her hand went to his nipple, he let out a loud moan. It was sensitive for him as well. He arched his back a little bit and let out a shaky gasp. “God, fuck! You’re gonna break me, baby girl. You know how sensitive I am there,” he grunted.
“Sorry.” She didn’t stop though, she kept rubbing and flicking with both hands now. So, his thumb found her clitoris and rubbed it in smooth circles.
He chuckled when she said she was sorry, but didn’t stop. It felt too good for either of them to stop.
He let out a low moan as his breath was shaky.
Her rubbing the sensitive skin of his nipple and running his thumb over her clitoris had them both whimpering. They were both really sensitive to each other’s touch.
His face hung down as he let out a loud groan. “Don’t be sorry, baby. I love it.” He hummed. “You’re just driving me crazy though.” He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, his own eyes looking very dark with desire.
“Simon,” she cooed softly. He didn’t think it was possible but her legs spread even more.
When she spread her legs more, taking him deeper, it got a loud moan out of him, and he buried his face in her neck. “Fuck, mamas, fuck,” he panted out against her skin. “You’re going to be the end of me if you keep this up. Can’t think straight when I’m with you like this. I’m addicted to you, maybe I’m obsessed with you.” He nipped at her neck.
“That feels good for you Simon.” She cooed softly as her back arched. “Feel so good, hmm?” She brushed a hand through his hair.
He groaned into her neck as her words. “It feels so damn good, mamas. Never felt like this with anyone.” Those words made her feel like she was soaring. “I need you, mamas. Always. All the damn time.” He growled out as his hips rolled into her faster. “No one else. ” he mumbled against her skin. He panted and grunted, continuing to move his hips. “Need you so damn bad. I’ve never wanted or needed anyone so damn much as I need you, baby.”
His words could push her over the edge, but add the sex itself and she was driven mad by the end of it.
She felt her abdomen tighten as her release was coming. She clung to him as her moans and breath got faster and louder. She couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t even see straight. Her eyes focused on Simon as she called out his name like a prayer to some god who she had devoted her whole life to. Simon was her god and she would devote her life to him if he asked.
There it was. His favorite sound.
He loved it when she said his name. He never could tire of hearing it, especially when she said it like that.
He panted and grunted as she panted and called out to him. Her body was clenching around him tightly, her walls squeezing him as her release approached.
He could feel her body reacting to him, how tight she was getting… and it made his mind go blank. Nothing else mattered to him. It was the end for him. He couldn’t keep it together anymore. Hearing her call out his name and feeling her squeeze him was too addicting.
“Oh god mamas.” He kissed her lips. “I’m close…
so damn close.” Every moan and every gasp she let out as he kept moving his hips was like music to his ears. He was addicted to the sound of her voice and saying his name was like a drug. His most addictive drug.
Then the bough broke. She could feel the flood gates release and her whole body was in euphoria. Was that a god before her? A god that made love to her in no ways a mere mortal could.
When she came, her body arching underneath him, it was all he needed. Feeling her squeezing him, listening to her moan his name, all of it sent him over the edge.
The curve in her back as she arched against him chanting and praising him through a prayer of his name.
He let out a loud and shaky moan as his body tensed, his release overtaking him. He buried his face in her neck.
“Oh god!” He growled as his thrusts were uneven just trying to ride though his own orgasm and hers. “Oh fuck mamas, that’s all you baby, that’s all you! Fuck!” he growled into her skin.
He continued to twitch as his body tried to ride through his release. He was gasping for air, his face still buried in her neck. She wasn’t in any better shape.
“God, mamas, never felt anything like that before.” he mumbled in between breaths, his body still shaking.
She let out a wail of a moan as she stopped twitching herself.
The sound of her moan made him shiver, he could have sworn she could have him coming again with a sound like that.
“Bloody hell,.” He muttered as his body went a little weak on top of her. “You’re gonna be the death of me, baby girl, I swear to god.” He chuckled.
He looked down at her smiling face and gave a weary smile back at her. He was so tired but seeing her smile just made his heart melt.
He started to kiss her face softly, peppering her forehead, cheeks and nose with gentle kisses. He was praising her. His perfect and beautiful baby girl.
“Okay, mamas, let’s get you cleaned up.” Simon picked her up softly carrying her up the stairs knowing she would need to relax. Aftercare was important to him and he was going to run her a nice warm bath while he fixed the faucet. He returned after about an hour.
“Such a good mamas.” He cooed softly as he found her sleeping in the tub. “Faucets all fixed mamas.” He cooed as he kissed her forehead watching her stir awake.
“Thanks, Si.” She smiled. “Let’s call takeout.”
“Good idea, mamas.”
Needless to say, if you asked her what it was like being neighbors to the 6’4 SAS soldier she would have three words to describe it.
‘Pleasurable’, ‘greatful’, and ‘hers’.
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maxwellatoms · 4 months
Good day sir. Hope I'm not bothering you My brother and I are rewatching The grim adventures and it's been fun. Miss cartoons that were just plain random fun. I'm curious about 3 things if I may ask - Jeff the Spider's design changed a few times, his first appearance was more simple, his second appearance was more detailed and gross looking, then after that he went back to a simple design. Was it because the "gross" design was too hard to animate? - I've noticed in some episodes a few characters with glasses would have green eyes, similar to Nergal Junior. Was there a miscommunication with the animation team? - Lastly, is there anything you wish you could've done differently in Billy and Mandy? Like doing certain episodes or characters different? Just retrospective sorta stuff I know this is probably asking a lot, but I just want you to know you're a great source of inspiration and one of the many reasons why I love spooky supernatural content. Keep up the good fight
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The reason that most of the characters changed over time was because I updated the models to help the overseas studios (and our own internal artists) get things on-model. I'll go deeper into Billy & Mandy's history with designs in "Billy & Mandy vs. The Entertainment Industry", but I went from wanting to allow artists to have complete freedom to tightening things down as time went on. The smart play would've to develop solid models first and then explain how, when, and why you can break the rules. That's the opposite of what we did.
Jeff was a more complicated character than most, with his double-mandible, multiple eyes, and eight limbs. I suspect that what happened in this case was that the overseas studio either didn't keep or didn't share the original Jeff model with their teams, and instead only used the "special pose" model of Jeff looking gross. Like a lot of the model stuff, it was a quality control issue. Back then when everything was analog (we still had to deliver on film up through the turn of the century) it was pretty hard to change anything once it had been done. So I'd always say, "next time" and then do a clarity pass over the designs.
Same deal. In the first few seasons, we had analog color correction, where you'd go to a big suite and some guy would run picture and you'd call out anything big that was bugging you. Chances are that we either didn't notice the error, or did and just couldn't do anything about it.
All of those early Mandy smiles were put in overseas, and I wasn't allowed to fix them. It bugged me so much that I vowed to find a way to fix stuff like that myself. I eventually figured out that I could export individual frames to Photoshop, tweak them, and then give them back to the editor. That way I could actually reanimate things that really bugged me but we didn't have the budget to fix.
Nah. It's fine.
Thanks and good luck!
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Found Treasure
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1000 Follower Special!
Saw I reached 1000 Followers and 5000 Likes! So a nice fluffy Buggy Twins fic!!
Buggy × Reader +TwinsDeeBee
Support me on Ko-Fi
"Bugs I don't know about this-" You say with a frown as you stare at the man before you, finishing his makeup in the mirror and Grinning widely.
"Well they said they wanted to join me on collecting some treasure and besides next week we are starting that little vacation. Might as well get some more cash before we go" He said dismissively. You frowned at hearing this and raised a brow-
"Besides its probably the safest place, it's literally just where I stash my extra treasure! Who would be there"
You couldn't argue his logic technically- making a fake treasure pick up for the boys who had been begging to do 'pirate stuff' with their father. This seemed fairly safe and with the boys Devil fruit abilties they could protect themselves.
"I guess- but I don't want them in real danger Sweetheart"
"They will be fine, I swear" He said as he turned to finally face you, smiling brightly in his signature look. He leaned in like he was going to kiss you but you held a hand up- Both of you still in this weird relationship if you two were actually dating or not. Which made things awkward at times- Like this.
Both of you sort of froze as tension filled the air- unsure of what to say or do at this point. Thankfully the noise of your guys sons came crashing in- both boys having insisted in doing face paint like their father and doing it themselves.
"Mom! Dad! Look!!" Bee cheered loudly as both boys stood before you. The makeup on their face was- Something. Bee had clearly tried to do something like a clown makeup a sloppy layer of white layered on his face with blue on his cheeks like blush and red on his lips in a crooked smile. Dee had declined the white layer of paint and put blue on his lips in a smile and red on his cheeks.
Buggy smiled as he stared down at his boys, smiling with pride- Despite the sloppy makeup he felt a sense of pride.
"Look at you two!" He said cheerfully as he fixed hats over their heads to cover their hair- smiling brightly at this as the boys looked up at him and smiled brightly.
Ge felt a odd peg in his chest at seeing them like this, like his chest got warm and fuzzy. Buggy gave a slight body shiver to get out of it and turned to head upstairs, shaken by that warm feeling.
"We will be back later (Y/N)-" Buggy said a bit shortly to you before dismissing himself. He knew the boys were following him as he headed to the Main Deck. Once there he saw the crew was on high alert and Cabaji rushed to him.
"Sir! Strawhat pirates are ahead of us! Just around the bend" Cabaji said as he passed the telescope to him, Buggy looking through quickly as he saw in the distance the Strawhats in that hellish ship he was trapped in sailing not far from his destination.
"Captian?" Cabaji asked again, Buggy glancing down at his boys who were excitedly waiting for him.
"Let them pass- I'm not wasting my time on small fry pirates" He said nonchalantly- choosing to not let his time with his sons be disturbed by those damn Strawhats.
"We dock at Coal Island" Buggy said quickly and turned away to go to his boys, missing the deep frown from Cabaji.
Once on the island Buggy walked them through things to do- Telling them to stay close to him as he walked him to the safe spot to dig up the extra treasure.
"Now boys, this should be quick and then we head back understand? I did see a ship passing and we need to-" He stopped as he heard silence and turned to see the boys gone. In less then 30 God damn seconds they were gone!?
"Boys?.. Boys!?" Buggy yelled out in confusion as he saw that his spawns were missing from his sides.
He ran around the island wildly, his stress spiking as he tried to find his children. Panic rushing through his system as he darted around wildly on the island searching for his kids. Even getting into some beef with a large bird- hearing chattering behind a large Boulder he froze, recognizing the tone of those little voices as his kids.
Blades out he jumped around the corner and damn near felt himself have a brain aneurysm at what he saw- lowering his blades he stared.
Buggy felt an acute pain in his temple as he watched his boys talk to the Strawhat pirate crew and being the social butterflies they were in making new friends.
"That's so cool! You're stretchy!?" Bee said excitedly as Luffy laughed and let the child pull on his arm to show his elasticity- Usopp spinning some stupid story to the overly energetic child.
Dee was looking up at Nami and Zoro in awe, shyly asking both of them questions. Nami about the weird tattoo on her arm, Zoro about the swords. Nami gushing at the adorable boy and ended up picking him up and holding him in a hug as he asked them questions. Sanji even gifting the two some cookies he had in a bag with a kind smile.
"For the love of- Boys come here now! Don't make friends with the enemy!" Buggy yelled and marched over red faced to take his boys from the Strawhat pirates.
The crew immediately getting defensive over seeing him and wanting to take these wondering children in bad face paint.
"Binky?-" Luffy said with a sense of indifference. Zoro's hand coming to his blade calmly, even Nami holding Bee closer like she was going to protect the little tyrant.
"It's Buggy Damn It!-" He yelled still marching forward.
"But Dad!-" Both boys started, Making the whole crew freeze and Buggy wanting to sob in defeat.
"Dad?!-" the whole crew parroting as the discovery was made. Buggy groaned at this as he rubbed his temple trying to figure out if a very late late abortion was an option.
"Yes these are my kids... Danny and Benny- Boys these are the bastard Strawhat pirates that seem to exist to be a thorn in my ass-" He deadpanned before taking Dee from Nami with a glare and set him down calmly next to him. Bee looking up at the irritated Buggy with a confused look.
"Wait, Someone actually let you ejaculate I to them?" Zoro questioned calmly as he gestured to the two kids with bad face paint on them.
"Dad what does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, which earned a snort from Sanji. Buggy glared at them all and sighed.
"Ask your mother later and Yes- I do have a social life" He deadpanned at Zoro for the sly insult to his abilties to have a sex life.
An awkward silence followed at this, Buggy gesturing for his kids to get behind him which they did- Still munching away on the cookies Sanji had gifted them.
"Listen I'm in no mood to fight- While I'd love a chance to beat you strawhat-"
"We wouldn't fight you infront of your children" Luffy said calmly as he gestured to the boys, Grinning proudly. Zoro nodded at this. "Nor are we going to say anything about them either"
The clown blinked in surprise at this feeling a bit confused over this. They had a chance to get the upper hand on him, Hell even an emotional weakness of learning of his kids. Yet they were just letting him go? And his kids without wishing to say anything.
Buggy felt conflicted... normally he would have used the fact that the Strawhats were distracted to attack them and get the upper hand but... he couldnt... he couldn't just let his kids be used as bait or have them in that type of danger... while he had always appreciated being raised on Roger's ship and the experience it had given him but- He couldn't never put his kids in that same envirment, he loved them too much...
He nodded at the crew for this, not having words for his gratitude nor wishing to vocalize it. Guiding the kids away he felt his mind racing at this point, walking them back to were his treasure was buried and the three of them retrieved his hidden loot. Letting the boys chatter and do as they pleased before heading back to the ship- Still mentally out of it from these feelings he was having.
"Hey Dad?" Bee's voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at his son holding his hand and the other holding the small bag of treasure since he wanted to carry something.
"Hm?" The clown hummed in question. Bee smiled proudly at Buggy as he squeezed his hand.
"I love you Dad!" Buggy felt a ping yo his chest like Bee had just shot warmth through him, feeling the squeeze on his other hand and looking to Dee who also smiled.
"I love you Dad" Dee said too, smiling brightly up at him and squeezing his gloved hand too.
Buggy felt hot tears well in his eyes, looking at both twins and using his Chop Chop abilities scooped them both in his arms with care.
"Love you guys too peanuts" He said with a smile as he walked them back to the ship. Ignoring the stares of his crew as he boarded his ship holding his boys with pride.
Walking down to his Cabin were he knew you were he kicked open the door with his foot and looked at you. Who was seated there surprised by his rather blunt arrival into the room. "Buggy?-"
"I'm in love with you, I-I don't know what that means emotionally but I'm fairly sure I love you and the boys more then I knew possible" Buggy blurted out, you'd never seen this side of him before. He almost looked afraid at this point like you were holding the one thing that could kill him, which in some way you were... his heart.
"I-I well.. We can always start back up Bugs if you want... and it's natural to love your children" You say shyly, Watching him set the boys down and walk to you. Pulling you up to your feet and kissing you, you felt every drop of emotion from his hungry lips as he devoured you heart and soul. Blushing cherry red you couldn't help but kiss him back, holding him close as you two shared in the passionate kiss.
Pulling away for air Biggy grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as he looked on you in awe.
"I love you" Hear him whisper, When you tried to reply you heard Cabaji call out for Buggy for assistance.
"You should um...take care of that" You say softly.
He smiled brightly as he gently released you. Calling back out to Cabaji as he reached over to remove the boys hats and ruffle their hair before heading out.
You stood there blushing as Buggy left, a wide smile on his lips as he headed upstairs to assist with his crew. You giggle as you turn to look at your boys, wiping some of the red from your lips
"Hey Mom?" Bee started, looking up at you like tye adorable God damn bean he was.
"Yes my heart?"
"What does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, staring up at you in question. You froze in your spot- hearing the fast footsteps from Buggy as he rushed to the Main Deck clearly wishing to escape you.
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rileyglas · 5 months
The List ~Pt. 7 - Condemnation~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: As you try to cope with Alastor's absence, you find solace with the King of Hell, who presents an interesting offer. However, some unexpected news from Husk forces you to rethink your plans.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), sassiness, cursing, fluff, eventual smut, actual plot, Lucifer is a cunning shit, slow burn, Husk is going to be in trouble, and of course 18+
3.2k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 (You're on it!) Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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The last few days (weeks?) have been a blur. It was a weird switch going from sleeping terribly because you longed to be near him - to sleeping constantly so you didn’t have to feel your body long from him. Anyone who came to your door was just told you weren’t feeling good. “Just caught a stomach bug, don’t come in! I would hate for you to catch it.”
Today you decided it’s time to finally leave your room. Charlie needs help and there are things around the hotel that need to be done before her meeting with Heaven. You aren’t one to let others down just because of your own emotional baggage.
You throw some makeup on to try to brighten your face. Usually, you wouldn’t be bothered but all the crying significantly darkened your eyes. I’d rather not let them see me like this. The less questions the better. Plastering a smile on your face, you head down to the lobby to get the list of ‘to-dos’ from Charlie. Surprisingly she isn’t there when you arrive, so you take a seat next to Angel on the floor. You lean your head against his leg as a silent ‘hello’.
“Hey toots, how ya feeling?” he says without looking up from his phone. “Better, thanks.” You say cheerfully.
“Good! Guess you and Smiles must have shared cooties ‘cause he ain’t been seen or heard from since Lucifer’s visit.” A pang hits your chest, but you try to brush it off. He’s probably just pissed off.
Charlie rushes down the stairs and scoops you into a lung crushing hug, “So so so soooooooo glad you’re feeling better! I didn’t realize how much you did around here! Could you do me a huge favor and go pick up a few things from the city and take them to my dad? He said he can meet you at this address. I have to go pack - Thank you!” Just as quickly as she came down the stairs, she hurries back, leaving you with a short list and an address.
For the first time in weeks, you leave the hotel without Alastor or his shadow close by. It’s not that you’re afraid of going out alone, but you realize you enjoyed his company more than you thought. You glance up at the radio tower as you walk away from the hotel and can make out a dark figure with glowing red eyes staring down from the window. Well at least that’s confirmation he’s still around.
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You pick up the few things from a local shop and walk across the city to the address Charlie gave you. This doesn’t look right. The building you walk up to is more of an abandoned warehouse for a drug deal rather than a cozy meetup with the King of Hell. Cautiously you walk through the door which looked like it had been kicked in already. Just as expected, it’s an empty building with piles of trash scattered about. Graffiti and posters plaster the inner walls. You triple check the address on the small paper and it matches.
Sooo now what?
After waiting and pacing for a few minutes, you hear someone call out to you. You turn to see Lucifer standing outside a portal in the middle of the building.
“You didn’t actually think I stayed within the city, did you?” he chuckles as he motions for you to enter into the portal with him. Once inside you look around to see a large open room filled with…ducks? And this guy was trying to give me a hard time?
“Is – is this your office, sir?”
He boots a few ducks out of his path. “Yes, this is where I work on – important – matters. Also, no need for formalities, Lucifer is fine. Those bags for me?”
You almost forgot why you were even standing in the King’s office. All the piles of rubber ducks grabbed your attention and now you wanted to look through them out of pure curiosity. Handing over the bags, you keep scanning around the room. Lucifer notices your curious glances, “Would you – like to see my most recent project?” he asks nervously. You feel your face light up at the offer and he can’t help but mirror your excitement.
He starts to show you all the ducks he’s created, their names, what they can do. His eyes glimmer excitedly every time you display even the slightest interest in one. What feels like a mere fifteen minutes ends up becoming a couple hours. As he shows you the last of his collection, a solemn look crosses his face.
“Thank you for this. I don’t get a lot of visitors and haven’t really been able to share my work since Charlie…grew up. Plus, it’s nice to see you smile, especially after our first encounter.”
Your breath catches at the memory of that night. Not so much the crying in the arms of the devil part - rather the grief you felt shortly after. “Oh – thank you for taking the time to show me. Truthfully, I haven’t had much reason to smile lately so it’s a lovely change.”
His smile drops. There's a long pause as he fights with himself to find the right words, “Did he…Alastor I mean…hurt you that night? You can tell me. I know Charlie is close with him, so you probably don’t feel comfortable -”
“He didn’t hurt me. At least not in the physical sense.” Frowning, you curse at yourself for being too honest. You can’t help but feel at ease in his presence. He was Lucifer, King of Hell and easily the most powerful in all the seven rings. What ulterior motives could he possibly have or need? He has no reason to be anything other than genuine in his worry for you. He made it all too easy to tell him anything. Rule #1 Never trust another Overlord/Demon
He looks at you pitifully. I hate when someone looks at me like that. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” You force a smile then hang your head towards the floor to hide the truth. The wounds were too fresh. The last thing you want is another breakdown in front of him. He’s seen enough tears from me. 
Two fingers pull your chin up to his gaze, “Your eyes tell me a much different story. Tell me, does he know of your power?” he asks delicately.
Weird, Alastor never really asked me to show him what I could do. He always just said he could ‘sense’ it. Your brows gather at the realization, “Not exactly. He knows I have it, just not what I can do fully.”
He lets go of you with a sigh of relief, “Probably for the best.”
“Wait, do you – “
“I do not know, though I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little curious. You must have something special to survive down here.” He flashes a devilish grin that makes heat rise to your cheeks.
Rule #2 Never tell a soul what (or how much) power you have. Can’t hurt for the King to know, right? “Well you were gracious enough to show me your special collection. Let me show you something that’s special to me in return.”
Taking his hand, you lead him to his chair and motion for him to sit down. “Do you have anything sharp?” you ask. He hesitates slightly before grabbing a small knife from his workbench.
“So - I don’t know how this will work with the whole ‘fallen angel’ thing but...trust me?”
His worried eyes are surpassed by a warm smile, nodding for you to continue. You kneel in front of him and take his hand palm side up, “Sorry, this might hurt a little.” He flinches as you slice into his skin and golden fluid gushes from the wound. I didn’t know angelic blood was so beautiful.
Flipping his hand over, you press your lips to his knuckles. A hiss leaves your throat from the sting as the cut heals and blood disappears. Lucifer pulls his hand away to inspect his palm. “Wow…that is…..definitely something,” he breathed in amazement. His hands find yours as he stands to help you up from the floor, but he doesn't let go. Eyes widened in curiosity, “Do you feel anything when it happens?”  
You shrug, “Depends on the wound. Stuff like that just stings. Other times it feels like my body is getting ripped apart.”
Lucifer hums, drawing nervous little circles in your palms with his thumbs, “The gift of healing is something truly amazing.” He seems to lose himself in thought but continues to ghost across your skin. The light touch from his tracing sends you into full body chills.
“You're beautiful.” he whispers under his breath.
You catch his attention to pull him out of his own mind. “I’m sorry?”
“IT’S beautiful - the gift. I mean you’re beautiful too I just - I mean …” You try to hide your giggles as he continues to stammer like a schoolboy. It was refreshing to see him flustered like this, vulnerable and unsure of himself. He stops to take a breath and recollect his thoughts, “I'm sorry I’m just trying to figure out what you, of all people, could possibly want or need from that…demon.” His voice sharpened bitterly at the word. He really likes to poke the sore subjects doesn’t he.
“I didn’t need anything. And I wanted…it doesn’t matter what I wanted. He made his intentions clear that night that I was only some tool for him. He never cared. And I knew better but yet here I am - “
Tears swell in your eyes as he said the word. Uhg not again…Rule #4 Never let your weaknesses show. 
Lucifer wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you against him. He softly presses a kiss to your forehead then to each cheek, taking your fallen tears with his lips. Your body freezes at the sudden affection. This feels wrong…
“Look, I know things are getting bad out there, but I can promise you safety - true safety. You can stay here. Away from the sinners, the exorcists, him…you can be here with me and away from all the evil that floods the streets –“ “No!” you interject louder than you mean to. He cocks his head at your sudden outburst, looking offended but softens when he sees tears continue down your face. “I see why Charlie likes you so much my dear. You both try so hard to see the best in everyone and want to help. It’s unfortunate such kind souls like yours are taken advantage of far too often.” You feel his grip tighten at your waist as he presses a hand to your cheek. This feels so very wrong…Rule #3 Never bring anyone too close
You grab his wrists, not to move them away but rather to make sure they don’t travel your body any further, “I have ways of keeping myself safe, Lucifer. I appreciate your offer but I can’t…I won’t…hide away. I refuse to be caged when there are people out there that need help.”
He lets out a low chuckle and rests his forehead on yours. His eyes close as he sighs, “Your determination and stubbornness remind me so much of her…”
“Who?” you whisper.
His lips hover above yours, “Lillith.”
This IS wrong. “Luci –“
Before you can say anything else his lips interrupt yours. His kiss is gentle yet unwavering. Your body aches from how tense your body has become. Any other sinner would kill to be in your position right now, but your mind is only focused on one person – and it isn’t the one kissing you. I hate this...
Like a saving grace, Lucifer’s phone begins ringing with Charlie’s adorable baby picture lighting up the screen. He pulls away and answers it reluctantly, “Heeeey you! How’d the m – oh? Yes, we will be right there.” He hangs up with a groan and intertwines his fingers with yours, “We will have to put this to the side for now. Apparently, the meeting with Heaven didn’t go well. Charlie needs us back at the hotel.” With his free hand he opens a portal into the hotel lobby and pulls you alongside him. 
Stepping into the lobby, his hand keeps a firm grip on yours. You walk in just in time to see Charlie bursting into tears and running upstairs with Vaggie and Alastor trailing close behind her.
“Charlie wait – “ Vaggie tries to stop her but halts at the banister, knowing she is far too upset to talk right now. Lucifer finally lets go of you and rushes to follow his daughter, shoving Alastor to the side as he makes his way up the stairs.
His face twists into a snarl at the King’s boorishness. Realizing he wasn’t alone Alastor glances over his shoulder to see you staring. A strange mixture of hurt and relief fills your body seeing him for the first time since that night. He didn’t look like his usually pristine self. He looked…tired? Disheveled? Why does he look like he’s been worse off than me? As if he’s suffered just as much? You notice his smile falter as he looks back at you before turning to see Lucifer making his way back down the stairs.
“She seems to need some time alone.” Lucifer announces with a hint of hurt in his voice. Ignoring Alastor, he walks over to you and takes your hips forcefully, making you flinch at his grip. “I think it’s best I take my leave for now. Promise you’ll at least consider my offer, please? I’d hate for you to..” he glares back at Alastor to ensure he was watching, “…get hurt in any way. You’re worth protecting my dear.” He places a long kiss to your forehead and vanishes in a stream of red ribbon. 
You rub your sides where he had grabbed you to take away the sting. Your face contorts uncomfortably at the remnants of his touch and kiss. Alastor takes a step towards you almost unconsciously. You snap to his eyes, silently begging for him not to come closer. You want nothing more than to run to him, to feel his touch, his warmth, his safety but you know it'd just hurt more. He stops, offering a nod as he dissipates into his shadow without a word.
Vaggie fills you in on what happened in the meeting with Heaven. Your stomach turns at the idea of the Exorcists targeting the hotel and your friends. You know you’re going to be needed more than ever come that day. I need to be stronger; they’ll need all the help they can get.
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You lay down for the evening hoping sleep would come easy but find your eyes only burning into the ceiling. The Extermination, Lucifer’s offer, Alastor…Your mind didn’t know what problem to try and figure out first. After lying awake for a couple hours, you give up and decide to go for a walk to clear your thoughts. As you walk through the lobby you give a quick smile to Husk who was closing up the bar for the night.
“And where are you off to so late?” he hollers, making you jump from the sudden break in silence. 
“Just need to clear my head, Husk. Have a good evening.” you continue walking towards the front doors. He quickly catches up and puts a paw on your shoulder, “Mind if I join? Some fresh air sounds pretty good right now.” You shake your head and step to the side for him to lead the way. 
The two of you walk in a comfortable silence around the small path circling the building. Distant yells and car horns fill the air from the city below. “Quite an exit from the King this afternoon. Sure got Al riled up.” Husk says casually. You stop dead in your tracks at the comment, “What do you mean?”
“If Al comes for a drink, it’s just that. A single drink. Tonight you would have thought he was trying to drown himself.” “If you came along to try to guilt trip me, don’t bother. He did this to himself.” you bite, continuing down the path in hopes he would drop the subject. 
Husk stops you again, “I ain’t trying to get in between whatever messed up relationship you two have, but as someone who is usually at the brunt of his bad moods, he hasn’t once bitten my head off since you came around. You have an…interesting…effect on that evil bastard.”
You shake off his hand, frustrated at the continued prodding. “That’s exactly what he is. Nothing more than a selfish, heartless -”
“He can’t be too heartless considering...” Husk stops himself seeing your head whip around. You walk back towards him, keeping your voice low, “Considering?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously and takes a deep breath, “Look he never confides in me. I mean he barely speaks to me other than when he needs something. The liquor really did a number -”
You grab his shoulders to stop his rambling, “What did he say?”
“I - I didn’t even know he had the word in his vocabulary -”
“He said…he loves you.”
If it wasn’t pounding so loudly in your ears, you could have sworn your heart stopped. Any air in your lungs felt as though it was sucked out, “What…”
“That was all he said before leaving for the radio tower. It about broke him seeing Lucifer with you. I never thought he’d say something like that out loud.” Husk says quietly, as if afraid someone else would hear the confession. You stare at him for a while, trying to process what he was saying. Your head starts to spin. Is he just trying to lie his way back to me? Why would he even tell Husk anything? Did he really lose his tongue from the liquor? “I - I need to s-sit down.” your knees buckle but Husk grabs you before you hit the ground.
“Woahh - alright yeah let’s get you inside.”
He helps you inside and sits you on the lounge chair in the lobby, “You okay kid?” 
You finally catch your breath and rest your head in your hands, “Yeah, just a lot to take in today. Thanks Husk. I’ll be good.” He takes the hint that you need a few minutes to yourself and starts to head to his room. 
“Actually wait - mind pouring me a double real quick?” you try to ask but it sounds more like a demand. Husk reluctantly walks back to the bar to pour your usual, “You uh - sure this is a good idea?”
No but fuck it.  
“Yes, it’s fine. Thank you again.” you slam back the drink, not letting a drop go to waste. You needed to feel the burn to ground yourself and prepare for what you were about to do. 
Husk leaves you in the lobby. You wait a few moments to allow the liquid courage to burn through your veins, then make your way to Alastor’s radio tower.
Here we go.
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @phamtasic @ohnah2022 
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