muzzleroars · 4 years
In reference to the one where Akira just snaps and goes against yaldi made me wonder if he wouldn’t develop a split personality one is akira yaldiboath creation and slave the other joker with his heart and senses returned to him and who becomes the embodiment of rebellion and have the two sides constantly bicker and argue with each other over even small things like what to eat and what movie to see to more serious things like killing there creator/warden and who’s the real Akira
oooh an interesting concept....especially since i have considered how bad end akira and canon akira would interact with each other. BUT this is the like the extreme end of canon akira, all of his anger and rebellion condensed into joker while all the broken and traumatized parts of himself are retained in akira...and BOY would they hate each other. i see this joker as like. the infallible leader of the phantom thieves, the one that never lets himself break and takes on all the burden of responsibility without complaint, while akira has been left so decimated by all the trauma he incurred over the course of the year (which accelerated drastically in the last couple months) that he was a shell of himself even before yaldabaoth stole his heart from him. bad end akira still has the same tireless work ethic, the same drive to be of use and to work toward reform, but his priorities have shifted so much - reform means helping people accept yaldabaoth and he can’t be alone, he can’t be the one to make all of his decisions anymore. i find akira interesting in the sense that i think of him as someone that needs control and autonomy in his life, like he HAS to make all of his own decisions and he is one of those people that won’t ever do something someone else tells him to do if he can help it...but at the same time, he burns himself out on it because he takes on loads of responsibility for others. and those others come to expect it of him, so they keep leaning on him and he keeps allowing it, needing to have control in his life, needing to help, needing to be needed. and subconsciously, that’s exhausting...he can’t keep it up, it’s destroying him little by little to be sixteen and taking on responsibility for other kids and even adults - their very happiness and even their LIVES depending on his next piece of advice or move. he’s taxed to his wit’s end by the time the bad end rolls around, and i think that’s one of the saddest parts - that akira leans on yaldabaoth, asks him to take responsibility, to parent him and make those decisions for him because it’s always, always been on him this entire year that he’s already incredibly vulnerable in. the thing is, the public in p5 want to be cared for, to have the burden of responsibility lifted from them, and that’s the point akira has reached BECAUSE of all the people around him that counted on him to an unhealthy extent (side bar: i in NO WAY blame the thieves and i don’t believe at all that they never appreciated what akira did and they truly, deeply loved him...but they’re traumatized kids too, and akira offered what seemed like such a strong shoulder to cry on that they couldn’t resist doing so even to akira’s detriment. but he hid that from them, and they had no IDEA he was doing this for literally every single person he met...the adults on the other hand?? they should feel bad for putting all this on an already traumatized sixteen year old lmfao). akira has to tap out, he’s not like yaldabaoth who is a being MEANT to take responsibility for everyone...and really, at that point, akira feels he’s the only one that could take responsibility for him because of that. this is the whole purpose of his creation, so akira can allow it and can let himself let go, but that destroys him because it’s a core part of who he is.
SO THAT WAS A BIG TANGENT, but it’s all to say that akira would fight back against joker because he CAN’T be that person again - he wants someone to care for him after all his hard work while joker is repulsed by the very idea of anyone else directing his actions. yaldabaoth needs to be destroyed, but akira doesn’t want his one parental figure ripped away from him and be back to making so many hard, even life or death decisions. it goes deeper than just truly believing in yaldabaoth’s words now and believing him to be a god - it’s about akira’s own survival and having someone that will finally take care of him (no matter how poorly it may be). but being able to do those decisions and live freely, even if it’s hard, is what joker fights for, what he believes is right and an essential part of himself no matter how difficult it may be. it’s who is and one of the reasons why bad end akira is so unwell - he needs that part of himself but he gave it up because he was so broken. so it’s really two parts that are totally at odds with each other fighting for what they need the most - akira needs to be cared for, joker need to be free, and he needs to let others be free too. joker can’t bear being hurt, being taken from and controlled, but akira feels a need to accept it in order to do what he needs to survive....VERY inch resting 🤔
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7ken3 · 3 years
(nsfw right below the cut, MINORS DNI)
tw; fem! reader / afab! reader, usage of "good girl", degradation, voyeurism, cunnilingus, creampie, mentions of weapons, scratching
notes; btw this is the continuation of the toji drab here n OOOOO now im KINDA getting the feel of things here- YUM ngl manager looks quite hot OOF btw i altered it a bit according to ur likings hehe
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The faint noises of somrthing wet pulls Toji's manager out of his train of thoughts, the soreness in his arms from all the carrying disappears. He isnt sure what that sound is but he is sure that it came from the man with a blanketed lump on him.
"Oh..." A loud thump follows seconds after he places the weapons on the floor. Brushing his hands on his pants, he stands up straight. "Fucking around I see, don't wanna interrupt so I'm gonna head out, tell her I said hi."
"Who says you were interrupting, idiot?" Toji sneers.
"You guys were screwing around, what am I supposed to do here? Watch?"
"Yeah, right," Toji rolls his eyes, "sit down."
He pauses in his steps, not believing what the latter said. "Are you... Toji are you fucking kidding me?"
"Who said I was?" He deadpans, cocking his head to the side, he continues, "So annoying. Now, sit."
"Toji!" You whispershouted, your fingers digging deep into his back while his firm grip on your ass only tightens. "You can't be serious-"
"Oh, I am serious." He leans back slightly to see your reaction, another hand goes over to caress your heated face.
"Someone's embarrassed now," he chuckles, "This is how we try out voyeurism, baby. Didn't we agree that a while ago?"
He leans in closer to your face, causing you to shy away. The slight soreness on your ass done by him now tended by his cold, tracing fingers. The memory of your late night discussion slowly seeps into your mind.
"Shit," he sharply inhales at the way you clenched around him. Pulling away, a gasp leaves your lips after he lands a smack on your ass. "Come on, show Mr. Manager here how good I can make you feel, yea?"
You could only nod, not really caring for his colleague as your mind could only be filled with thoughts of getting fucked. He slides the covers off, exposing your two warm bodies mushed together. He gets up from his seat and with each step he took, your hold around his body slowly loosens due to how his cock twitches in your heat.
"So needy, eh?" You teased by whispering into his ears. He smirks, now facing his seated manager.
"Come on, show me Toji. Hm? Show me how-"
You paused, your empty cunt needy for Toji's cock now twitches slightly when you felt another hardened cock resting right between your ass.
"Show me, show me- Damn, I'll show you alright." He pats his manager's inner side of his knee, "Open it up so her legs are spreaded."
You hitched a breath at the way the man behind you opened up his legs immediately, your folds now slightly exposed in front of Toji who began licking his lips, already positioned in front of you.
He grows closer to you as you held in your breath, and you twitch at the small kitten licks he's giving you.
"Is she just gonna sit here or what?" His manager heaves from behind, his cigarette scented breath fanning your neck. You look down to see the male fanning his hand at your direction.
"Play with her tits or whatever," his voice vibrates against your heat, making you squirm into the manager's firm chest as he inserts his tongue into your cunt. You felt a pair of calloused hands gliding over your skin before they gently cupped your tits.
"Okay," Toji straightens his back, positioning himself between yours legs as his tip teased your entrance a little. Once the tip is in, he pulls you closer, ramming his fat cock inside of you.
Both you and his manager groan, his clothed member throbbing hard against the layer of fabric due to the pressure of your back, while your tits now held at a much higher level, accompanied by his thumbs that would roll around your perked nipples.
"Toji- Ah, ah! So full!" You mewled, your nails digging into Toji's chest and his manager's pants. The squelching sound grows louder and louder with each thrust Toji does, and he seems like he isn't planning on slowing down either.
He grunts, you couldn't even count how many times his balls clapped with your slippery skin. "So tight and wet, only for who, hm?" He pounds deeper into your cum-filled cunt. "Tell me, who can make you feel like this? Who's cumslut are you?"
"Yours, Toji! Only for you- you!" You softly cried out while your legs began to tremble. He moans out, his body curves into you allowing him to place chaste kisses all over your shoulders. "More! Gimme more!"
"Always so greedy, eh? Bet he can't hear ya." His manager hissed out, sounding almost breathless and needy. "Who's good girl are you, hm?"
"Toji's! Toji's good, needy whore! Ah ha.... Mhm!" You flip your head back, a wave of excitement rushes all over your body while Toji continues thrusting in, a thumb pressing against your swollen clit. Tears slide down your cheeks as you desperately clung onto Toji's neck, uncontrollably giving his upper back scratches here and there.
"Gonna... cum! Gah!" He thrusts a few times before slumping over, groaning while you moaned, feeling something hot shoots out repeatedly inside you. His back twitches slightly when your fingers run along the red lines around his back.
His manager sighs, "Such a good girl..."
His hands letting go your tits as his head now rests on the head rest. "I better head off now, have somewhere to go in 10."
"You better, we gotta clean up."
"Um," you voiced out, already wrapping yourself in the blanket. "Thank you."
"Aight," he smiles gently, himself already halfway out the door. It soon closes, leaving both of you to turn to look at each other, grinning as you two were thinking the same thing.
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©  2021 seindou, do not repost or plagiarize.
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wren-writes68 · 3 years
oof just had a thought, so you know how Ghostbur burns/dissolves when in contact with water like rain and tears? imagine a tiny Ghostbur coming in contact with saliva, he would dissolve in a mouth like cotton candy. (if you wanted to avoid it being fatal, he could dissolve into mist that reforms back into Ghostbur after a period of time)
Ok fuck the three other promts I’m working on this is actually really cool
So angst huh
<warnings:panic attacks, blood, emotional manipulation, explosion mentioned, implied death, mouthplay>
“Ghostbur!” Tommy shouted as dream grabbed ghostbur tightly, “tommy what did I tell you about disobeying me” dream chuckled and tossed the tiny up into the air, catching him with a small “oof” from the tiny. “Dream please! He has nothing to do with this!” tommy yells and reaches to his dead brother, “oh yea well what if I were to drop him into the ocean, water hurts you right?” He asked looking down at the scared tiny in his hand.
It looked nothing like Wilbur, scared, scrawny, and more importantly sympathetic showing emotions Wilbur never had, ‘ghostbur’ was a disgrace to the destruction Wilbur stood for and there by Wilbur himself. “U-uh yea w-why dream” the scared ghost said trembling. dream laughed and dropped the tiny on a block next to him, one of the few block standing from him recently destroying logshire. Dream was broken from his though as tommy subtly spit in his direction, an obvious way to have some sort of power as dream controlled his every move. Dream of course noticed and smiled moving his mask so he could lean over and spit on the tiny ghost nest to him, eyes locked onto tommy the whole time. He however looked over when he heard a small hissing sound only to find that the spit that had gotten on ghostbur was burning through the ghost similar to water. “Hmm, this will be fun” he laughed.
Dream kept laughing as he roughly grabbed ghostbur and kneed tommy in the gut causing the teen to fall to his knees clutching his stomach, “what the fuck dream!?” Tommy yelled. Dream however ignored him completely and grabbed the teen roughly by his hair. Blond mud caked hair stained red as dream stared at tommy nails digging into his scalp. The boy looked absolutely delightful, tear stained face caked with scars and mud, scars trailing down his body, as seen through the tears in his signature outfit, leading down to his foot numb and infected from being uncovered. He chuckled quietly as he looked back at the boy into his fearful eyes, once bright, now dull and empty as dream took away the one thing he had left, and dream planed to make this good.
“Oh tommy you understand, this needs to be done. Wouldn’t you like to see Wilbur again.” A smirk spread across dreams face as tommy started screaming about something and tried to shake his head, dream hold on his hair preventing him from doing so effectively. “Oh toms-“ Tommy hated dream using his name, it was what his family once used before all this. “-don’t fight me, you know better. This, all of this is for the good of the server, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that” “…of course, sorry dream, you always know what’s right” tommy said defeated as he realized he would loose ghostbur. “Good boy toms” dream cooed bringing ghostbur to Tommy’s face “huh?” Tommy questioned “you saw what happened, open up” dream commanded pulling Tommy’s head back “dream. Please” he pleaded weakly as a last attempt “open” dream commanded roughly shoving the tiny on Tommy’s still closed lips.
“Hey it’s ok tommy I’m sure I have some blue he somewhere” ghostbur said as if he’d forgotten what was happening, which with the small ghost was something that happened, “I’m sorry ghostbur” tommy mumbled before a sharp tug at his hair made him open his mouth and dream forced ghostbur in snapping Tommy’s mouth shut, and putting a leather strap around it he’d had on him to repair a broken saddle.
“Tommy!?” Ghostbur shouted as he was thrown around his little brothers mouth, spit burning anywhere he was unfortunate to hit. Ghostbur eventually got situated floating in the small space he had, occasionally saliva would fall on him or the tongue would shift a little, but otherwise the ghost had found a safe spot to hover.
Where am I? Ghostbur looked around before lowering to touch the surface below him only to burn off some of his hand and recoil backwards bumping into more of the weird burning substance. This happened at least 5 more time 3 of which sent the tiny ghost into a short panic attack before tommy couldn’t take it anymore. Tommy broke the stare off he’s been having with dream, looking down as he brought his tongue to the little bit that was left of the ghost and ending it quickly. He felt the guilt almost instantly and broke down crying, “shh toms it’s ok, this was all for the best” dream said crouching down to remove the makeshift mussel “it’ll all be worth it once you learn how to be good” a small chuckle “won’t it.” Dream turned and left leaving a crying Tommy and a blown up logshire with a wicked grin and a smug satisfaction no man as cruel as dream should have.
Done, angst yes
And I don’t have many more notes for this other that this is a cool promt and I actually thought of a couple different ways to use this so there might be some more with ghostbur later.
Also sorry it was quick
(Not proof read)
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Can i request talking after a fight with kuko and a gender neutral s/o ? Tysm for all you do ❤️
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
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Pairing: Kuko Harai x reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: Oof, this one hurt me a little bit, but it’s fluffy in the end so it’s all good! Kuko always deserves more love so I’ll always write more for him hehe sometimes I feel like I need more dialogue in these but I can never quite get it right...ah well, hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You swung limply on the swing as the sun set behind you, the cold, winter air doing nothing to help the tears that were now dried up on your cheeks. There were a few families in the park, but the area was mostly empty, making the silence feel heavier. You stared down at the woodchips as you heard Kuko walk around you and sigh, sitting on the swing beside you.
“I’m an asshole,” he mumbled bluntly. “I…I fucked up and I’m sorry,” he added, glancing over at you. When he noticed your gaze was fixed on the ground, he opted to stare up at the sky as small snowflakes drifted aimlessly towards the ground.
“No…it’s my fault too. I should be the one apologizing,” you sighed, finally bringing your face up to look forward. You didn’t have the heart to look over at Kuko, knowing that you would break down crying once more if you did. “When I told you ‘I didn’t care’… that was a lie. I actually cared a lot about it,” you mused, swinging your legs back and forth slowly.
What had started as a small argument between you and Kuko regarding Valentines Day and whether or not you were going to celebrate it, ended up in a huge fight. Kuko had off-handedly said Valentine’s Day was a stupid holiday and you were too quick to agree, not realizing that you actually had wanted to do something for it. And although you tried hinting this to him, the day came and left without a single chocolate or rose.
It was your fault. You should have communicated better.
“No, it’s my fault too. I shouldn’t have said the things I did,” Kuko groaned, flopping his hands down onto his lap.
Once you had confronted him, Kuko was upset, of course. He demanded to know why you hadn’t told him and asked how he was supposed to know that you wanted to celebrate a made-up holiday. His language had been colorful, and although none of it was directed at you, it still hurt. You had stormed out of the house shortly after that, needing fresh air to clear your head.
It had worked. You weren’t mad anymore…just lonely and filled with regret.
“Maybe…maybe it was both of us,” you finally said, gathering the nerve to look up and meet Kuko’s gaze. His eyes were big and wavering, and you could instantly tell that he had also been crying tears of frustration. His hat was barely on his head and you could vividly imagine him hurrying to put on all of his winter garments before he rushed out of the house to chase after you.
“Yea…we should have sat down and talked about it properly instead of just using offhand remarks,” Kuko agreed, a frown deepening on his face as he pressed his eyes closed and cussed under his breath.
“I guess we both failed in the communication section,” you dryly chuckled, clutching the metal rope of the swing tightly in your glove. Kuko shook his head and took a deep breath from beside you.
“This sucks, if I had known you wanted to celebrate I would’ve gone all out with the flowers and candy and all that corny shit,” he pouted, grumbling at you. You slowly turned towards him with a raised eyebrow and then narrowed your eyes.
“Seriously?” you asked, almost in disbelief. You were still unsettled, but his comment threw you off guard and you were now more curious than anything else.
“Of course! I don’t like the holiday, but come on, it’s me! I’m not gonna half-ass anything. If my babe wants a giant ass teddy bear then I’m gonna get one for them,” he exclaimed, as if it was perfectly normal. You bit your lip and shook your head.
There was a moment of silence before he stood up from the swing and spoke.
“Come on. Let’s go home. We can ‘communicate’ more when we’re warm and indoors,” he mused, trying a small smile at you. You licked your dry lips slowly before nodding at him and standing up as well.
As the two of you walked back to the apartment, you fell in step, beginning to talk more about what had happened and instantly feeling more comfortable in each other’s presence. There was a bit of finger pointing and a little bit of self-degradation, but after a few teases and some laughing, you and Kuko were back on the same page.
It wasn’t a perfect relationship by all means, but you were both willing to try and that was all that really mattered.
“You know…everything’s gonna be on sale tomorrow anyways.”
“Ooo, does that mean you’re going to buy me everything I want?”
“Duh! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
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hanamakkiss · 4 years
One Dumb Deed Deserves Another
Iwaizumi Hajime x f!reader
Summary: Five times Iwaizumi and you meet.
Word count: 4k+
A/n: this took so long... but I quite like it! Pretty much just fluff and shenanigans. As u can tell I’m in love with him.
Your first meeting was nothing short of disastrous, Iwaizumi fondly recalls.
His peaceful morning walk through the park to campus was shattered by one very loud, very directed at him shouting.
“HEY! HEY YOU!!! THE GUY IN THE DENIM JACKET!!!! HOLD ON A SEC!” a high-pitched yet commanding voice echoes through the practically empty park, clueing him in that it was probably him you were referring to.
He pauses to look skyward, making a silent prayer for the strength to make it through the day, before turning around. He’s met with a red-faced young woman who was currently struggling to catch up to him.
You stopped a few feet in front of him, hands on your knees, panting, and he waits for you to catch your breath.
“Hi,” you look up, unabashedly grinning, and he finds you have a surprisingly sweet voice when not shouting. He quirks a brow, inquiring.
“Yea so, uh, I'm a photographer," you hold up the camera around your neck, "student, actually, and uh, I just took a photo of you? I mean, I did, cause your back looked really nice with the surrounding trees and sky, especially when you were staring at something, a bird maybe? And with a little colour editing the image would really pop, so the photo turned out really nice," you smiled shyly, looking at the photo in question (presumably).
“O...kay?” he’s not sure how to respond.
“Do you want to see it?” your smile is infectious.
His lips quirk up as he steps closer to you, peering over your arm (it really was a cool photo), “But you’re telling me all this why...?”
“Oh! Right. So, uh, I wanted to know if you would be okay with me using your photo in an assignment? I understand if you want to say no, but that would be such a pity, cause you look so cool here, and if no one else got to see it it would be a tragedy. But it’s up to you really! I could just keep it in my files maybe? If you would allow me!” your face has steadily gotten redder with every word that tumbled out of your mouth, and at the end of your spiel you were looking absolutely mortified, using your camera to hide your face.
“Hey, calm down, it’s fine, you can use it,” he latches on to your shoulders hoping to keep you grounded as you looked on the verge of hyperventilating, “Are you alright?”
“Yea! Yea, I’m fine, I just didn’t expect you to be so,” he tilts his head slightly, brows furrowing, “hot,” you squeaked out.
At your response Iwaizumi's face burns up. He knew people generally found him attractive, but to have it so bluntly said to his face, was not exactly something he was used to. Especially when said with such sincerity.
His hands immediately retract.
“Oh. Thanks, I guess? Uh, I’ll be seeing you then, good luck with your assignment.” He scratches the back of his neck.
“Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!” you gave him a low bow, nearly slamming into his chest in the process. Standing back up equally as suddenly, you rushed to introduce yourself, face still the shade of ruby.
He can’t help but chuckle, “Iwaizumi Hajime,” he offers.
Opening your mouth, you’re cut off by an alarm that blares from your bag. As you scramble to shut it off, your eyes bulge. “Shit! I’m gonna be late! Sorry! I need to go now!” You shoot him an apologetic smile before sprinting.
“Thank you again! I’ll treat you someday!” he sees you wave from afar.
Iwaizumi is just left in your dust, amused and wondering how would you, considering he never even gave you his number.
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Your second meeting was pure coincidence.
He was in line at the campus cafe, when the short person in front sneezed so hard they fell backwards into him.
Oof. His hands reached out instinctively to catch them.
“Hey, you alright?” he peers down into their face-
“I’m so sorry!” they tilt up-
and the two heads collide.
He grunts, rubbing his chin where it hurt. The hood falls off their head.
“It’s you.” he could almost laugh at the comedic timing, of course it’s you.
You look up, hands still covering your forehead, and exclaim excitedly, “Iwaizumi! Fancy seeing you here! How are you?”
He chuckles at your enthusiasm, ruffling your (already mussed up) hair, “I’m good, how did your assignment go?”
“It went great! My tutor only had constructive criticism for it. Speaking about that, let me buy you a drink,” you attempt to tame the mess he created, “as thanks,” you grin.
Any refusal on his part was washed away by your insistence, leaving the two of you on the side waiting for your morning brews.
“By the way, is it okay if I ask you something else?”
“Ever since that day, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” you tuck your hair behind your ear, shyly, (he tenses, vaguely aware of where this might go) “and I was wondering if you would maybe, you know, if you’re free, would you be willing to” you took a deep breath, “be my model?” your eyes were practically sparkling.
Iwaizumi feels light-headed. It's amazing how every other sentence from you gives me whiplash, he thinks, it must be a skill. He mentally heaves a relieved sigh, happy that he didn’t need to reject another date offer.
His silence causes you to fidget, looking away, “Uh, it’s really okay if you don’t want to, I just thought you would be a good fit for my next project, and you seemed like a nice guy, so I thought it would be worth a shot, and I could always-”
"No, no, I’d be glad to help you out," he finds he prefers you when your eyes have a shine to them, and it’s not like he had too much on his plate at the moment.
The smile you show him is infectious, and he really can’t stop his features from mirroring your own.
You actually remember to exchange numbers this time, promising to text him about the specifics of the photoshoot soon before (once again) rushing off for class.
As he’s walking, iced coffee in hand, he mulls over the fact that he’s entirely comfortable around you, despite barely even knowing you.
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Your third meeting was certainly a colourful experience.
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On the mentioned day, Iwaizumi finds himself sighing when Hanamaki ushers a mousy looking you into the gymnasium.
“Found this one outside muttering “Iwaizumi” in a panic,” he gives a good natured laugh, “figured she could use some help.”
“Thank you so much! There’s way too many people here, I thought this was just a practice match…” you trailed off.
Iwaizumi’s nostrils flare, “It is, and it’s all because of a specific bastard,” he jabs a finger in the direction of Oikawa, who was currently surrounded by girls.
You take a quick photo, “And who is he? Seems popular,” you inspect the photo.
“Oh? You’ve never heard of Oikawa Tooru? College superstar?” Hanamaki leans in towards you, smirk in place.
Seeing you shrink back, Iwaizumi instinctively moves closer. Makkis eyebrows lift.
“Oh! I’ve heard that name before! My friends talk about him sometimes! This is my first time seeing him though,” you happily snap another shot, “they’ll like these.”
He watches you review the photos when Matsukawa appears next to Makki, “Who’s this?”
“Oh right, let me introduce you guys,” and he calls over the rest of the team for a round of introductions, ending with Oikawa, who waves at you from across the court before calling everyone to start warm-up.
Throughout the game you stay near the sideline, careful to keep away from the ball’s trajectory (you can’t afford another camera), snapping as many impactful shots as you could. You managed to get a few good shots of everyone, and some satisfactory shots of Iwaizumi.
It comes to a close with him scoring the winning spike and you rush to get every possible second of it. As you watch the team celebrate the point through the lens he suddenly looks straight at you, and flashes you the biggest grin you’ve ever seen him sport.
And it’s like the world goes silent and you’ve forgotten how to breathe. The only saving grace you have is your fingers instinctively pressing the trigger, cementing this moment in time.
You’re shocked out of your reverie by the shutter clicking and you hurriedly smile and flash him a thumbs up, hoping the warmth of your cheeks was unnoticeable from the distance.
As soon as he’s done with the after match meeting he rushes over to you, followed by a couple of teammates who were interested in the photos.
“You alright?”
“More than alright! This was my first time watching volleyball and so close to boot! You were amazing! Spectacular! Especially that last point! I got some good shots of it! Wanna see?”
In your excited rambling you failed to notice the faint pinkness of his face, thrusting your camera towards him.
Soon a little group had gathered around you, jostling to get a better view of the shots you took. Scrolling through one by one each shot was met by rambunctious comments as they marvel at how they match looked through a camera. Nearing the end of your roll, Matsukawa makes a comment.
“Why are so many of these photos of Iwaizumi though?” his eyes hold a teasing glint that looks out of place with his mouth still in a fine line. (You choose to ignore the concealed assumption for the sake of your heart.)
Your mouth forms an O, looking straight at the person in question, “Did you not tell them?”
He avoids your gaze, “I didn’t, only said that you were our photographer for this match,” he scratches his neck.
You let out a mirthful laugh at his embarrassment, eyes twinkling, “To answer, the only reason I’m being your photographer is cause Iwaizumi agreed to be my model for school, and I’m doing it as thanks,”
"If you need a model, wouldn't someone like me be better?" Oikawa flashes you a cheeky smile.
You cock your head, appraising Oikawa. He preens under your stare.
"It wouldn't work for this project,” shaking your head slightly, “you know your own attractiveness, and have made it a part of your identity. On the other hand, Iwaizumi has confidence that solely stems from other aspects of his life, this causes him to radiate a kind of rugged charm that just pulls people to him. Like some kind of reliable pillar, it makes you want to depend on him. That kind of energy was exactly what I was looking for!" you beam.
The boys blink, clearly surprised at your answer. Oikawa is the first to break the silence, laughing.
"Wow, Iwa! I didn't know you had such amazing energy! Wonder if you would share any of that with me someday!" he pats him on the back harder than necessary. Iwaizumis’ face burns as he glares at his best friend, daring him to say another word.
At Iwaizumi's less than stellar response, you start to worry you’ve said something wrong, "Oh, uh, I didn't mean to imply you weren't attractive! In fact I think you're probably one of the most attractive people I know, uh and I didn't mean to call you a pillar! It's just a phrase!" you slap a hand across your mouth, eyes going wide. A pillar? Seriously? God, could this get any worse?
“Let me walk you out,” Iwaizumi grits out as his friends laugh.
Newsflash, it can.
You withdrew into yourself, resigned to just let him push you out. The walk to the gym entrance is silent.
Just as you were about to split, he speaks.
“Sorry...about them,”
You look back, surprised. “Uh…?”
He gives you an embarrassed smile, “They can be a bit much, but they mean no harm.”
Oh. It still takes you a second to realise that his earlier irritation was not directed at you, and you mentally sigh in relief. “It’s cool, they were nice,” you smile.
“You looked really uncomfortable in there,”
“Ah,” you rub your neck. “I’m just... not the best around big groups,”
The two of you shift awkwardly.
“I’ll be going now,” you make to leave, “Thanks again,”
“No problem.” He laughs, ”Think you gave me too much praise back there,”
“Nah, just cause you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there,”
The huge smile that accompanied your words causes his heart to skip a beat.
“See you around,” you give a little wave.
“Uh-yea, see ya.”
He watches you walk away, heart threatening to jump right out his chest. Before he can even begin to contemplate what just happened, an all too annoying voice interrupts him.
“You’re into her.”
“Am not.” He huffs toward the brunet.
Oikawa just laughs, “She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s into you too.”
“Keep talking and I’ll kick your ass.”
The taller boy skirts away, giggling. He doesn’t miss the way Iwaizumi’s cheeks pink.
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Your fourth meeting was Iwaizumi’s’ prayers answered.
After the match, the two of you don’t cross paths much, opting instead for online communication.
Due to both of you being terrible texters, the text conversation never goes too in-depth. Mostly keeping to studies, interests and random topics. It’s only when one of you calls the other, that the conversation intensifies, lasting several hours.
After one such call, Oikawa groans from the doorway. Iwaizumi instantly springs up from his bed.
“Why don’t the two of you get together already,” he drags out the last word.
“Why are you in my room.”
“It’s 1am, you’re messing up my beauty sleep.”
“You were eavesdropping,” he squints, tone accusing.
“The walls are thin! It’s hard not to,” Oikawa defends himself, “besides, you laugh like a goddamn horse.”
At Iwaizumi’s glare, he backtracks, hands raised defensively, “I’m kidding! Kidding! Goodnight Iwa,”
“Close the damn door!”
He sighs, finally alone and wonders how is he going to ask you out for a meal. (Just to hang out, definitely not a date)
When you text him again.
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Damn, this is as close as he’ll come to believing in higher power.
The next week, he rushes down to the gallery after his evening class. He makes it with half an hour to spare.
Looking around, he quickly spots some familiar portraits and makes his way over. He sees you engaged in conversation, and he likes to think that the way your face lit up upon eye contact has something to do with him.
You cut the conversation and step towards him.
“You made it!”
He lets out a chuckle, “Course I would, sorry I’m late, class got dragged,”
“No, no, glad you’re even here,” you wave your hand flippantly, drawing his eyes to the rest of your body, where you had worn a simple cocktail dress that fit you well.
He takes in a sharp breath, “You look great,” slips out.
“Oh, um, thank you, you don’t look too shabby yourself,” your smile takes on a bashful shade and he looks around at the other patrons, grimacing.
“Bullshit, I didn’t know it was such a formal event, otherwise I would have dressed better,”
Your eyes quickly scanned his outfit, dark wash jeans paired with a white tee and bomber jacket, “You look fine,” leaning in, you stage-whisper, “If you ask me, you look a lot more put together than most of the people I’ve seen today.”
“Earlier on someone even came in piss-drunk,” you laugh.
“No way, midday?”
“Yes! Security had to escort them out, total mess. It was entertaining though,” you gently guide him towards your portion of the exhibition.
5 portraits titled Magnetism hung neatly on a wall. Two of them of him, he notes.
“It’s just a student exhibition, so it’s not much,” you explain, chuckling.
He frowns, “Don’t downplay your skills, you worked hard and got selected right? That counts for something,”
Your face goes slack for a moment before morphing into a soft smile, “Thank you, I do have a bad habit of that.”
He feels a warmth creep up his neck, shitshitshit, that’s not good for my heart, quick-
“So what’s the inspiration behind your portraits?” He shifts his attention towards the exhibition (ie. away from your warm eyes)
This easily distracts you and you go into an excited monologue about your motivations and what you were trying to convey through the atmosphere, lighting and editing. He only manages to keep up with half of it (it has nothing to do with how cute you looked animatedly waving your hands around).
You move on to explain each photo and how they embodied a different aspect of Magnetism that you wanted to convey to the viewer, ending with the photo you took of him the day you met.
“Fun fact: this is my second favourite photo of you,” you grin cheekily.
He plays along, “Why so?”
“Caaaaause it led to us meeting!” Your playful demeanour shoots an arrow straight to his heart.
Now grinning, he continues the banter, “And is the other photo your favourite?”
“Nope! That’s the third, because it shows everyone’s trust in you,”
He’s a little intrigued now, “Then which is the first?”
“Thaaaat’s a secret!” You wink, cheeks flushed.
Andddddd there goes his heart.
He’s forced to come to terms with the fact that his infatuation with you has turned into a full blown, rock to the face, crush. And all in the span of a second.
He flushes, “Well, maybe another day then,” and turns back to the photos.
“None of these people are facing the camera. Why is that,”
“I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me that all day!” And you go into another spiel. He realises just how much he enjoys listening to you speak about your passions.
Soon the curator announces the closing of the gallery and the two of you make your way out. You make an offhand remark about still needing to cook. He immediately suggests grabbing a bite together and you are just as quick to agree.
After enjoying a wonderful dinner at a local restaurant, you stop him just as he tries to get away with paying the bill.
“Hey! I’ll pay half, let me see the receipt,” you reach for the check, only to have it pulled out of your grasp.
“Nah, my treat,” he continues to wave the check out of your reach. This goes on for a little while before you cry out in annoyance.
“Oh come on, you don’t have to, this isn’t a date or anything,” and he freezes at your words.
He’s caught off guard by how much he wishes it was, if only the little words would dislodge themselves from his throat and let him ask you out.
With him distracted you lunge for the check and succeed, happily scanning through and making calculations. Once done you hand it back to him and promptly transfer the money.
You leave the restaurant in high spirits while Iwaizumi feels kind of feels defeated. He still offers to walk you back to your dorm, which you agree to after minimal convincing.
The walk back is filled with conversation that flows naturally between the two of you, making up for your horrendous texting game. It’s something he finds he doesn’t mind, as long as he knows you actually like talking to him, he’s fine with waiting hours for a reply.
“So, this is me,” you come to a stop in front of an old building. It’s not far from his apartment, he makes a mental note.
“This is you,” he cringes inwardly.
Thankfully, you just laugh, “Thanks for coming to the exhibition and spending time with me, I really enjoyed that…uh...”
His lips turn up, teasing, “Not-date?”
You flush, “Yea, that not-date,”
Both of you stand in comfortable silence, unwilling to part. He knows how stupid this is, two idiots just skirting around a relationship, but he doesn’t know what he should do. Sometimes he wishes he was a teensy bit more like Oikawa, but the thought is vanquished before it could even begin to take root.
“So,” you break the silence, “see you around?”
He lets out a breath and nods, “Yea, definitely,” and you wave.
He waits until you’re safely in the building before making his way back, sighing way too much for someone in college.
He spends the walk thinking about how much he enjoyed that “not-date”, and hopes soon he could enjoy an actual date with you.
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Your fifth meeting was the end of Iwaizumi’s patience.
It’s been weeks since he’d realised his feelings for you. And he knows you feel the same way towards him too. You’re not subtle.
You are, however, extremely oblivious and respectful. Ever since he had mentioned early on in the friendship that he wasn’t looking for anything relationship-wise, you had dutifully dodged every single one of his advances. At this rate, your non-existent relationship was on the road to nowhere.
He’s sick of it, and at his wits end.
He finds Makki and Mattsun lounging in the living room.
“Hey, uh,” both heads turn his way. “I need some advice.”
“Well, my friend,” Makki moves, patting the newly vacated seat next to him, “you’ve come to the right place,”
As the couch dips under him, he takes a moment to register that Yes, he is really doing this, before he launches into detail about his feelings, frustration with the state of things and asks for help.
"Simply put,” Makki interjects, “you want to do the do, want to pound that duck, want to woohoo her-"
"What the fuck is a woohoo," Iwaizumi cuts him off sharply.
Mattsun's jaw drops. Makki gasps in delight, clapping his hands together, "A woohoo is when two sims who love each other very much-"
"Oh my god," he sinks his head into his hands, "you're referencing the sims, to talk about sex."
Oikawa sticks his head through the door, "Who's trying to woohoo who?"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Iwaizumi screams.
Oikawa dramatically places a hand on his heart and almost looks hurt before realisation dawns. “This is about little miss photographer, isn’t it?” He smirks when Mattsun wiggles his brows suggestively as a response.
Iwaizumi lets out a heavy sigh, resigned, "Yes, it's about her. Also, no," he looks to the strawberry blond, "I don't just want to have sex with her."
"So you do want to bang her," he could feel the smugness emanating from all three of them. The vein on his forehead threatens to pop. He passes a hand over his face, wondering if an aspirin could save him now.
"Just... just help me think of a way to ask her out,"
"Why don't you just ask her straight out? Always works," Oikawa supplied.
Iwa groans, “If I ask her out normally she’ll think its just as friends,”
A pause.
"Also I want it to be special, like a cute story for the future, you know?" he admits. Makki coos.
Silence falls as they brainstorm.
After some time Matsukawa pipes up, "I... might have an idea,"
All heads swivel towards him.
"She's a photographer, right?"
"Iwaizumi! Over here!" you excitedly wave him over.
"Thanks for willingly being my model again," you grinned, "somehow that physique of yours seems to get me better critiques. ...Wait a minute, does my tutor have a crush on you?" he sighed when you seriously pondered that thought for a moment.
You give him a brief rundown of your assignment and what you needed him to do. It was rather simple this time as the focus was more on lighting, you just needed him to walk casually and look at the camera every once in a while.
After the first couple of shots you see him reach into his pocket and pull out some sort of... banner? Your brows furrow as you continue snapping shots. Only when he fully unfurls it do you cease movement, letting your camera slip out of your hands entirely.
Thankfully, your camera strap works perfectly and the weight of it dropping against your neck brings you back to life, snapping your mouth shut.
Iwaizumi Hajime stands five feet away from you, holding up a small banner that reads “Please go on an actual date with me.”
“I- You- what….?” Is the best you come up with.
He grins, “It reads, I really like you, please go out with me,”
“You like…?” Seems like you’re full on malfunctioning now, and about to overheat too.
“I like you, have been liking you for a while now,” he rubs his neck nervously, “so, what’s your answer?”
You nod frantically, no longer trusting your mouth. His grin stretches impossibly wide.
You’ve always known you were a bumbling idiot and a mess. But now looking at his laughing face backlit by the setting sun, you can’t help thinking that maybe being an idiot wasn’t all that bad.
The shutter clicks.
This might just be your favourite photo yet.
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(Matsukawa is later asked how he knew you would like such a gesture. “Judging from the way you spoke of her, I figured she was into sappy shit, and that you probably was into it too.” He gets headlocked for a full five minutes.)
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insaneasgardian · 3 years
We’re Not Friends! ~ Thor Odinson
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Summary: “We’re not friends”, something the Avengers have grown accustomed to hearing from Thor and Y/N, but this simply worded phrase doesn’t mean the pair are enemies either.
Ship: Thor x Reader maybe a platonic Natasha x Reader
A/N: This is a request by @jennie22feona​. I AM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I really do apologize and I cannot even give you a good reason as to why this was stretched, but it’s out now, and I hope you like it! It’s not even that funny or good, oof, I feel so disappointed, I’m sorry!
Y/H/C = Your Hair Color
Y/F/S = Your Favorite Show
“Can you two NOT argue for an hour?!” Steve Rogers exclaimed exasperatedly, throwing his hands in the air. Thor and Y/N looked at each other with a little smirk that none of the other Avengers could quite read. “We’re not arguing,” the blonde and muscular Asgardian reasoned, “it’s just some playful teasing!”. 
Steve shook his head, “Yes, well whatever it is, it’s the reason you two don’t work well on missions when paired together”. The others nodded, but Loki piped up, “Um- no actually, the reason they don’t work well when paired together is because they’re always making heart eyes at each other, they’re actua-” the trickster was cut off by Natasha who refused to hear the theory that her best friend who she treated like a little sister actually had the hots for the god of thunder.
“Why can’t you two just be friends?” she asked quietly. “WE’RE NOT FRIENDS!” the pair instantaneously yelled, startling poor Clint who sat right in between them. “Of course you’re not” Natasha mumbled, seemingly annoyed, but she was glad. She would rather prefer that Y/N rather not be Thor’s friend than be his lover, she was protective over the girl that way.
“I told you that you shouldn’t draw attention to our hiding spot...” Y/N told Thor as she shot another of the enemy down. The mission was meant to be a stealthy one, but Thor had ‘accidentally’ summoned some lightning and alerted the many HYDRA agents of their presence. Thor struck an entire group of them with Stormbreaker before answering his colleague, “At least I’m getting this mission finished quicker”. The young woman rolled her eyes before taking out a batch of the enemy with nothing but a pocket knife.
“Learn to embrace your mistakes darling” Y/N said smugly
“Okay, come here so I can give you a hug” Thor retorted
And thus it began once again...
Tony turned to Sam temporarily retracting his ironman mask, “I’m telling you man, it’s not some basic playful teasing between those two, it’s full on sexual tension”. Agent Wilson stared at the bickering pair and nodded his head slowly, “I ship it” he announced to his mission partner. Tony chuckled, “Yea, well don’t let Nat hear ya saying that, you know how she secretly hopes Y/N remains eternally virgin and only makes time for her”.
With this little quip at the redheaded assassin, the falcon and ironman took to the skies, keeping close watch on the two lovebirds down below.
“Thorrrrr, must you always make it rain?” groaned a very exasperated Y/N from the couch in the Avengers tower penthouse, staring gloomily outside the floor to ceiling windows.
“Y/NNNNNN, must you always complain?” The god of thunder retaliated, he stopped pacing and spun on his heel to look at the girl. “I can’t control the rain my love” he informed her. “That’s a lie” muttered Loki from his place next to the addressed woman. 
Natasha huffed, “She’s not your love’ Thor” a slightly jealous and protective tone in her voice was evident. Loki opened his mouth to say something and Thor and Y/N glanced at each other, but they all stopped their actions when Pietro burst in through the door, “I agree, she is MY love!” he announced. Nat expressed her distaste for this very vividly.
Whilst the redhead tuned Pietro out, angry thunder clouds gathered in the sky and stormed so violently that the entire tower started to shudder. Bruce and Tony stumbled into the room through the elevator, “Take it easy Thor, I think I might lose it any moment now” The brunette doctor said through gritted teeth. The billionaire nodded avidly, “I don’t want to make another tower, I like this one!” he added. Thor promptly apologized and willed himself to calm down, but not before shooting Pietro a dirty look nobody could quite understand the reason behind.
Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff stood on the second floor of the training room, onlooking Thor and Y/N who were sparring with each other. “You know some of the guys are saying their friendly jabs at each other may be something more,” Wanda expressed, pausing to take a sip of water, “like sexual tension” she ended.
Her spy companion rolled her eyes, “Those guys are idiots, there’s no way Thor and Y/N like each other, they’re always arguing” she firmly said, “Almost like an old married couple...” the Scarlett Witch truthfully stated, observing her two friends on the ground floor try to pin each other down.
Nat stayed silent, expressing no emotion perfectly just as she was trained to. However, young Miss Maximoff saw several different thoughts running through her head... literally. “Maybe it’s time to just accept they were meant for each other” she whispered softly.
The other woman clenched her jaw as she watched Thor pin his opponent down, only to be flipped over and onto his back by her. “No” she said, before turning and walking swiftly out the training room.
“They’re actually not arguing for once” Bucky whispered to Clint. “And they’re actually getting along” he observed. Both of them were sitting at Tony’s bar area watching the god of thunder and the pretty Y/H/C haired agent watching Y/F/S together and laughing.
“About time” the voice of a certain witch remarked, Bucky and Clint turned to find the rest of their team watching the display in the common room. “What are you guys doing here?” the archer questioned and Vision was the one to respond, “We wanted to watch the rare event unfold,” he glanced nervously at Natasha, “and of course insure that it’s kept ‘PG’“. Loki shuffled nervously before speaking, “Perhaps now would be the appropriate time to tell you that-”
“Shhhh!” the group collectively shushed the god of mischief as they viewed Thor saying something inaudible to Y/N that caused her to turn a deep shade of pink. “What did he say?” Bruce asked, and Sam shrugged, “Complimented her hair or something?”. 
Tony was about to suggest something else that wouldn’t be considered very child-friendly but just then, Pietro uttered out a choked and horrified gasp and directed everybody’s attention back to the two team members on the couch. Sitting there with the TV volume on full blast in the background, Y/N and Thor were kissing each other
Agent Romanoff of course would have none of it. “GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the Avengers around her to flinch, and the couple on the couch to break apart. Everybody froze, Nat looked like she actually wanted to cry, Thor and Y/N looked confused, and everybody else just stood there awkwardly.
Finally, Loki broke the silence and cleared his throat before stepping forward. He spoke again, but this time nobody interrupted him because they were glad for the awkward silence to fade. “This is what I wanted to tell you... these two have been a couple for 6 months”. Disbelieving gasps and sounds of shock echoed from the throats of the audience.
“Wait, did you guys not know? It’s not like we tried to hide it.” Y/N asked from her place on Thor’s lap. Everybody save for herself, her boyfriend and his brother shook their heads. “Oh” was all the young lady could manage. Silence settled over once again and this time Captain Rogers broke it.
“So all that arguing...” “Playful couple teasing” Thor clarified, everybody nodded in understanding now as they looked around at each other. The entire team then proceeded to look at the black widow, whom they expected to look extremely devastated. She did, but much to their surprise, she sighed and went to envelope Y/N in a big hug.
“That was unexpected” Pietro commented, “What, finding out Thor and Y/N are a thing or seeing Nat be seemingly okay with this?” Wanda asked him. The speedster scratched the back of his neck, “Uhhh... both?” his sister nodded in approval, “Both is good”.
Natasha pulled away from the hug, “I never thought the day would come, and honestly I wish it never did, but if your happy, I’m happy” she said, causing everybody to let out a loud ‘awww’. “You’re acting like my mom” her best friend giggled, smiling up at her. 
“I just love you that much,” she responded before looking at Thor, “hurt her, and you’ll wish you stayed in Asgard for eternity. The Asgardian gulped, and looked terrified but nodded in understanding.
Then there was that damn silence... AGAIN
“So...” Y/N started, “Anyone else wanna make threats and hug me or are we done here?”
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Pairing: Sam x fem!reader
Summary: The team decides to make a pool of when you and Sam get together, completely unknowing of the fact you already are. Both of you come up with a plan to tease the hell out of them.
Prompts: 3. “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.” and 13. “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
Warnings: language, alcohol, sam trying 40’s talk, fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: This is my entry for my bro Laura’s 200 writing challenge (@justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​) Congrats on reaching 200 bro!! You deserve that and more! Also beware possible grammar errors. Hope you enjoy!
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Stark parties were, in your opinion, entertaining. It wasn’t the talking or the different stories you’d hear nor was it the music or drinking. It was because the guys would dress up with slacks and button ups and try to have a low key flex off. It was stupid yet highly amusing.
“Look at those idiots.” Natasha shook her head, making drinks behind the bar for you, her, and Wanda.
“Total goofs,” Wanda chuckled, turning around to see what they were doing now.
“Complete and utter fools.” You agreed, also turning to give them a glance. You sighed and shook your head as you saw Thor and Steve pointing in different directions trying to show off. Your eyes met a certain pair of soft chocolate brown ones, a small smile appeared on your lips and you turned your head back to face the bar, a shy blush slowly creeping up your cheeks.
“Hey,” you heard his soft voice call out next to you.
“Hey yourself,” you smiled looking up at him. 
“What’s a nice girl like you doin at a place like this?” He smiled bashfully, eyes dancing with excitement.
“Well, if you’d like to know, fella don up and left without another word. Gone without a single goodbye.” You faked a small frown, laughter bubbling inside you. 
“Oof doll I’m sorry. Where’s this fella at so I can give 'em a talkin' to?” His voice may have sounded stern but his face held pure amusement and joy. You couldn’t hold the act much longer.
“You know something bird brain,” you giggled, “You’re getting pretty good at that. Bucky must be a good teacher.” You winked at him causing him to roll his eyes playfully. You held each other’s gazes for what felt like forever, smiles toying on the ends of your lips. All of a sudden your favorite song comes on and your face lights up.
“Wanna dance?” Sam offered his hand to which you happily accepted. You took a sip of your drink before hopping off the stool and walking hand in hand to the dance floor with him, completely unaware of the goofy evil grins that rose upon Natasha and Wanda’s faces.
The moment your feet hit the dance floor, Sam had a strong grip on you, leading the dance. You didn’t mind, you’ve done it multiple times. Not that the team knew.
“Hey baby girl.” Sam whispered in your ear, goosebumps prickled your skin and a shiver ran down your spin. Another goofy smile appeared on your lips.
“Hey handsome,” you whispered back. No one knew of your secret relationship. You had started dating about a month ago after a mission. Sam almost got knocked out of the sky and it was then you realized your feelings for him were more than just platonic. The moment you got back you two talked about what happened and simultaneously admitted your feelings.
“Wanna hear somethin’ funny?” He had that gleeful smirk in place and it took everything in you to not kiss him right there. 
“Always,” you nodded as he led you into a spin.
“So I overheard Steve talking with Bucky in the bathroom,” you griminced a bit and Sam chuckled at your reaction. “It was something about dates and money. I heard our names being tossed around a couple times. I put two and two together and apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
Your jaw dropped slightly, a scoff leaving your lips. You shook your head in disbelief, not wanting to believe that was true. But they would do something like that. The more you pondered over it the more it made you laugh. Especially since you were already dating.
“Well then,” you chuckled, shaking your head again. They were literal children.
“Right?” He laughed along with you. “I have an idea though.” His eyes were full of mischief and it had you drawing closer to him.
“What’s that?”
“Flirt extra hard, kiss, say we’ve been dating for a month, steal the winners money.”
“I like that plan,” you nodded slightly. Wicked smiles plastered to both your faces as you parted ways, waiting for the party to die out to be left alone with the team.
“No no, you’re wrong!” Sam said defensively, chuckling along with the others.
“No I’m not! Look here, bird for brain.” Tony said, getting closer to Sam. “DUM-E is better than Redwing. And those are facts.”
“Incorrect facts!” Sam pouted, crossing his arms.
“No they’re not! Take it from a genius.” Tony cocked his head to the side, pride and cockiness just oozing out with hints of alcohol. You shook your head from your position on the sofa, laughing at them.
“How many times have you argued about this already?” Natasha asked with a sigh, clearly done with this topic.
“A lot. And still counting,” Tony smiled, stuffing a hand in his pocket and picking up his drink. 
“Yea. I’m pretty sure it was simple to build it anyway.” Sam retorted, knowing it would irk the genius. 
“Oh really? That’s what you think?” Tony nodded solemnly, quirking an eyebrow. “Hey Y/N/N, penny for your thoughts?”
“Don’t bring me into this Stark.” You threatened. You looked to Sam and he gave you a slight wink.
“Yeah Tony, just let her be.” 
“Cause you couldn’t handle her right?” Tony laughed, quickly muttering ‘I’m jokings’ while grabbing Sam’s shoulders, bringing him into a half hug.
“Oh I’m sure I could,” Sam gave you a flirtatious wink and blew a kiss, to which you giggled and covered your face with your drink, hiding the blush that threatened to show.
“Sammy, you couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.” The guys oohed and the girls chuckled. You bit your bottom lip and winked back at Sam, causing him to smirk. 
“Wanna bet baby girl?” He strode to where you sat on the sofa, hands landing on either side of the headrest, arms encasing you. Gradually, he leans down and captures your lips with his in a slow sensual kiss. You part for air and lock eyes, feeling everyone gaze on the two of you. 
His breath fans your face as you’re still only a few inches apart. A small smile dances on his lips as he leans down for another kiss. Your hands travel to his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. This time when you break, he catches your bottom lip between his teeth, a glint of heat and mischief shining in his eyes. He stands up fully and smooths down his grey button up, clearing his throat with a smirk. 
“What?” Tony voiced everyone’s reaction. They were slack jawed with their eyes blown wide. You and Sam shared a look, chuckling at how no one had expected that. 
“So who had today’s date?” You asked looking at everyone. They all had their brows creased, still trying to figure out how and why. 
“Uh, Bucky did. I think.” Steve said eyeing Sam. “Wait how did-”
“Pay up!” Bucky cheered, extending his hand out. Grumbles and protests soon filled the room as they started handing bills to the metal armed man. 
“Nu uh,” Sam shook his head. “Best give half to us.” Buck scoffed but when he saw Sam wasn’t playing he turned to you.
“I’m with Sammy on this one. If it weren’t for us you wouldn’t have that money anyways.” You crossed your arms, standing next to Sam. Bucky sighed, while counting half off to split. He sighed as he extended your share.
“Thank you,” you smiled as you grabbed the money. A scoff and chuckle could be heard and you looked up to see Natasha shaking her head.
“I don’t know how I missed it.” She chided to herself. “How long?” Your smile widened and you looked up at Sam to see him with the same look plastered on his face. Everyone else stared at the three of you in confusion.
“A month and three days tomorrow.” Sam said, intertwining your fingers. You leaned your head on his shoulder as the noise in the room escalated. ‘Unbelievables’ and ‘seriouslys’ were mumbled as well as congratulations. 
You smiled to yourself looking up at the man who held your heart. He looked down, a goofy grin on his face. Pressing a kiss to your temple, Sam played with your fingers. He could finally show you were his, and he was yours.
Permanent tags: @becausewhyknotme @disasterbuckley @imma-new-soul @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @damnyoudameron​ @agentpeggybarnes​ @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky @yougottakeeponkeepinon @this-kitten-is-smitten
Sam Wilson tags: (don’t have one for him yet) (tagging who may be interested) @thorfanficwriter​ @sebbbystaaan​ @stuckonjbbarnes​
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stuckonstarker · 4 years
| NFF | Rough Sex | Light Degrading |
Hope you enjoy !! I spent like 5 hours on this sleep-deprived last night lmao oof
Peter looked outside, the lightning sliced across the sky, thunder rumbled through the ground, and the wind whipped through the air, making a loud woosh. The lightning looked like a strobe light against the dark gray clouds, occasional flashes of purple peeked through the blinding white lightning. 
Peter was enraptured with the fierce beauty of the storm. It made adrenaline rush through his system. His spidey-sense sent shudders through his entire body. He was so preoccupied with the storm that he didn’t notice Tony approaching from the darkness.
“Hey,” Tony said, “we can bunker down in my lab.”
Tony’s voice made Peter jump. He turned to Tony with wide eyes: “I didn’t see you… what?”
“I asked if you wanted to come to the lab,” Tony said.
“Oh,” Peter said, “yeah.”
Tony gave Peter a reassuring smile. Peter trailed behind Tony like a lost puppy
The lab was sound-proofed, it served to soothe Peter’s erratic spidey-senses. He could still hear the muffled roar of thunder through the sound-proofing, though - damn enhanced senses - but of all the rooms in Tony’s house, the lab was the most secure. That thought pacified Peter’s worries. He sat on his stool - the one that Tony specifically bought for him because it was blue. Peter smiled at the memory. 
“So,” Tony said, sitting on his stool next to Peter, “what’s hanging, dude?”
Peter smiled, “Don’t call me dude, dude.”
“Have it your way,” Tony said then winked.
Peter’s heart did a backflip. He asked, “Do you think the storm will be over soon?”
“Soon, maybe 3 hours at the most,” Tony said, “that’s the worst-case scenario, though, I’m sure it won’t be that long.”
“What should we do in the meantime?” Peter asked, “Do you have anything we can work on?”
Tony shook his head, “Nothing we can work on now. Besides, you look too… spooked to work, we should just relax.”
Peter laughed, but he was suddenly hyper-aware of his entire body shaking. The more he focused on stopping it, the worse it got. 
Tony said, “It’s okay to be afraid, Peter.”
“I’m not afraid,” Peter said, “but my spidey-sense is just… acting up, I guess.”
“Would a drink help?” Tony asked, half-joking.
Peter shook his head, “I don’t drink. And, probably not.”
“I’m here for you,” Tony said, laying a comforting hand on Peter’s knee. 
The hand was definitely a paternal act of affection, definitely. But Peter’s mind wandered down a dark, dirty rabbit hole. Peter imagined Tony’s hand snaking higher and higher up his leg, rubbing circles into his thigh. Tony’s other hand cupping Peter’s cheek, guiding their lips together. Peter’s vision blurred, losing himself.
“Peter,” Tony said, worry peeking through his voice.
Peter jumped, eyes widening, “I’m sorry… did you say something?”
“Can I do something?” Tony asked.
Fuck me
“...No,” Peter said.
Tony pulled back, concern pooling his dark eyes. His stare was intense like he could see every thought that raced through Peter’s mind. They sat in silence. Peter’s enhanced hearing could pick up the muffled sound of the rain beating against the building.
Peter watched as Tony licked his lips, entranced with the movement. It stirred a warm want in Peter’s abdomen. Peter leaned toward Tony, those dark eyes luring him closer. Their eyes were locked and, for a moment, clarity washed over both of them and then they knew. 
Peter pulled back. 
“Peter…” Tony whispered, “do you need anything?”
Peter opened his mouth to answer when the lights flickered. They both looked up, the lab lights rarely flickered. Peter watched the lights intensely.
Tony said, “If the power goes out the backup generator will start.”
“Tony?” Peter said, looking at him.
Peter asked, “Can I have a hug?”
“Well, that’s easy enough,” Tony said with a smile, “bring it in then, Pete.”
Tony pulled Peter up into a hug. He clung to Tony, the comfort drowning out whatever lingering anxieties he might’ve had. Peter buried his face into Tony’s chest. It wasn’t fair how safe Tony felt, his sturdy frame and rich, coffee-like smell felt like home to Peter. Tony was wearing a tank top, so Peter took his opportunity to discreetly feel up his biceps.
Tony pulled back partially so that he could admire Peter’s face. His eyes darted around Peter’s features. Tony gently brushed a stray strand of curly brown hair out of Peter’s face. The movement was quick enough, but Peter still felt the phantom touch of Tony’s fingers linger on his forehead.
“You okay now?” Tony asked.
Peter nodded, “I’m better.”
“Good,” Tony said.
Tony tightened his grip on Peter, squeezing him in the hug before jumping away - like Peter had burnt him. Peter looked from Tony’s intense stare down to the stained tiles of the lab. 
Peter nodded, “Great.”
Tony’s lips formed a tight line, he looked away from Peter. He looked like he was contemplating something, but before Peter could ask, Tony said: “You seem distracted.”
“Huh?” Peter asked, before the words registered, “Oh, I - um - I… don’t know. Maybe? There are some things on my mind recently, well, not just recently - it’s been a while actually, possibly since I was born - but it’s not important… not that important anyway.”
“If it’s bothering you then I’m willing you wager that it’s pretty important,” Tony said.
Peter sighed, “I mean, it is a little important… but I wouldn’t talk to you about it.”
“Me?” Tony asked. He was actually hurt but covered it up with mock offense; Peter knew that classic Tony Stark move like the back of his hand. Covering up real hurt with fake hurt, playing off his emotions like a joke. Peter had seen Tony use it against all the Avengers, but Tony using it against him hits different.
Peter said, “It’s not you, necessarily, but… I mean, I wouldn’t talk to May about it either, so… It’s just very… teenagery, you know?”
“Sure,” Tony said like it didn’t matter, but he eyed Peter up and down.
Peter felt himself shiver under Tony’s scrutiny. He felt vulnerable when pitted against those predatory bronze eyes. It seemed like Tony could pick out every thought Peter had.
Tony pulled Peter close and leaned down so that their noses were touching. The close proximity made his face heat up. Making direct eye contact with Tony often felt like staring into the eyes of a tiger.
“Peter,” Tony whispered, “you can tell me anything.”
“I seriously doubt that,” Peter said.
Tony asked, “So, you doubt me?”
“I never said that,” Peter said, “but I don’t think you’d be a big help.”
Tony laughed, his shark-like grin reflected in his black eyes. Peter felt like a fawn being cornered by a coyote. Adrenaline pumped through his body alongside the arousal that began pooling in his stomach. He looked away from Tony, taking a deep breath he didn’t know he needed.
“Try me,” Tony said, a challenging edge to his words.
Tony grabbed Peter’s hips, pulling him close so that they were flush together. It was like a hug, with Peter laying his head against Tony’s chest, but Tony’s hands were right above Peter’s ass. It sent shivers rocketing through Peter’s body.
Peter whispered, “Tony.”
“Tell me what you need, Peter.”
Peter purred, “I need you, Tony.”
Tony’s eyes darkened, “See, now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Tony pushed Peter against the table, Peter’s heart raced in his chest. He looked up at Tony with wide, innocent eyes. He put his palm against Tony’s chest, his hands drifted down to Tony’s toned abs. Tony smirked, the cocky prick, and yanked off his tank top. 
Peter stared at Tony, his mouth open in awe. Tony soaked in the silent praise as he pressed Peter into a heated kiss. Peter stumbled, trying to keep up with the rough pace that Tony had set. 
Tony pulled away from the kiss just as quickly as he started it. Peter whined after him to no avail. Tony smiled at Peter and licked a stripe up his throat. The wet trail of Tony’s saliva made Peter cling to his shoulders. Tony gently bit and sucked on Peter’s sensitive neck, Tony’s mouth on Peter’s neck sent pleasant shudders through Peter’s weak body.
Peter felt Tony’s hands creeping underneath his shirt.
“Let’s get this stuffy thing off,” Tony said, leaving no room for argument - not that Peter would want to.
Peter nodded, “Yea.”
Tony practically ripped Peter’s shirt off. Tony’s eyes dragged over Peter’s bare torso slowly, taking in each and every detail of Peter’s flushed body. It made Peter aware of how exposed he was to his mentor, which made him all the hotter.
Tony flicked one of Peter’s nipples, making the boy squeak in a mix of shame and pleasure. Peter went to cover himself from Tony’s prying eyes, provoking a low rumble from Tony.
He grabbed Peter’s hands and said: “Keep these on the table, okay? Be a good boy for me, Petey.”
Peter’s mouth opened to say something when Tony’s expression stopped him. He obeyed, placing his palms flat against the table behind him. Tony’s smile turned something sinister at Peter’s compliance. Peter’s entire body felt hot, his face was flushed a rosy pink and sweat began to form on his forehead.
Tony put his hands on either side of Peter’s neck, slowly moving down Peter’s body, tracing his pecs, abs, and the ‘V’ that led to Peter’s cock. Tony’s fingers made Peter’s skin explode with goosebumps. Just his fingertips sent delicious tremors through Peter’s body and straight to his dick. Tony’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. Peter felt his body go fuzzy with desire at Tony’s dark expression.
“Tony,” Peter whispered.
Tony asked, “What do you need, baby?”
Peter whined, his brain refusing to form a coherent answer.
“Aw,” Tony said in a mocking tone, “my baby can’t speak, huh?”
Peter hummed in agreement.
“I’ll take care of you, darling,” Tony whispered, voice rough with lust.
Peter mumbled, “Thank you.”
“Good boy knows his manners,” Tony said as he began to remove Peter’s jeans. 
Peter was bare, his entire body exposed to Tony’s darkest desires. Tony gripped Peter’s hips and spun him around so that Peter was laying stomach down on the lab table. Peter’s knees felt wobbly and his mind felt clouded. Peter felt the warmth of Tony leave him. He whined in response.
“I’m just getting something,” Tony said.
Peter felt his wrists being bound together behind him on his back. He was going to be Tony’s. At that, the spark of arousal grew into a wildfire within Peter, making him long for release. He was overheating with desire. It felt like hell, it was amazing. Peter never wanted it to end, but he felt full of a passionate need to be filled.
Peter moaned against the table, his cheek was pressed flat against it so some drool dribbled out. If Peter wasn’t lost in the waves of want he would’ve been embarrassed.
“Such a pretty boy,” Tony said, “but not the smartest, huh? That’s okay, your looks got you this far, right?”
Peter whined in response.
“I’m going to get you ready, love,” Tony said.
Peter felt Tony’s first finger enter him. It was wet and awkward but it made Peter shiver in anticipation. He spread his legs farther, trying to be entirely exposed to Tony - who would take care of him. The second finger entered Peter soon after. It stretched Peter, doing scissor motions inside of him, making sure that he could take Tony’s cock. The sting was dull, practically not even there. The third finger made Peter feel woozy, reality around him fading. Tony brushed against Peter’s sensitive prostate making him moan. It sent sparks of firey pleasure through his veins like lava. Tony kept rubbing against Peter’s sweet spot with his fingers - the jerk was enjoying Peter’s cries of lust.
After finger-fucking Peter, Tony deemed him sufficiently prepared.
Peter’s whine was cut short when he felt Tony’s thick cock placed on his ass. Tony spanked Peter’s ass with his dick a few times, then he rubbed it against Peter’s entrance. Peter moaned, shaking his hips, lecherous desire turning into bratty impatience.
Tony pressed a hand into Peter’s back, a silent warning.
The tip of Tony’s dick entered Peter, he slowly pushed the rest of his long, thick cock into Peter. It stretched Peter wide, making him choke on a pleased cry. Tony’s dick felt massive inside of Peter’s tight heat like it was splitting the poor boy apart. The venomous flames of lust filled Peter with clouded desire to be fucked. He wanted - more than anything he’s ever wanted - to be fucked. Peter was sure that if he didn’t get dicked down he would die.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter moaned, “fuck me, please… oh, please fuck me, sir.”
Tony growled out a laugh, “Cute little slut needs to be fucked, huh? Is that what you need, darling?”
“Yes,” Peter cried, “please! Yes… oh my God.”
Peter’s entire body lurched forward when Tony thrust into him roughly. Peter cried out in pleasure, Tony’s cock hitting his prostate. Peter’s entire body felt like it was aflame, it made him moan. Pleasure shot through Peter’s body mercilessly.
“Is that good, baby?” Tony asked.
Peter moaned, “Yes!”
Tony grabbed a fistful of Peter’s unruly hair and pulled on it. Peter felt Tony’s cock deep inside of him, the endless pleasure blending with the shame making Peter mewl.
“Are you a good little slut?” Tony asked.
Peter nodded, as best he could.
Tony demanded, “Say it.”
“I’m a good little slut,” Peter repeated.
Tony pet Peter’s hair and gently placed him back on the table. Peter moaned as the cool lab table met his face again. Tony grabbed Peter by the hips and thrust inside him again, harder. Peter choked on a moan that could be mistaken for a sob.
Tony fucked into Peter, his cock hitting Peter’s sweet spot repeatedly. Hot lust had swallowed both of them, making them slaves to their lecherous desires. Each thrust sent Peter further to hell, the fires of sin enveloping him with his endless want. Tony’s cock rubbed against his inner-walls perfectly, sending him down a descent of shuddering, mind-numbing passion. Tony fucked Peter ruthlessly, chasing down his own release.
The only thing Peter could feel was Tony’s cock dicking him down relentlessly. Moans tumbled out of Peter without permission. Tony fucked into him, turning him into a cock-drunk whore. Every time Tony thrust into Peter it sent overwhelming waves of ignited pleasure throughout Peter’s entire body. Peter’s mind was stuffed with the mantra: I’m a good little slut, I’m a good little slut, I’m a good little slut. 
Tony’s cock forced itself deep inside of Peter, it made Peter scream: “Fuck!”
Tony roughly grabbed Peter’s hair, and fucked into him harder, like a punishment for the swear. Every thrust was purposely meant to make Peter cry out in desperate want. It worked. Peter’s body was dazed with the painful pleasure of Tony’s cock pounding into him brutally. Electric pleasure bombarded Peter’s senses, Tony’s cock was the only thing he could understand. An avalanche of ecstasy buried Peter in immeasurable lust. Every thrust sent a searing flash of pleasure through Peter’s entire body.
A tight coil of molten pleasure tightened and tightened until it could tighten no more, making Peter cry out for release. He could feel it, he could feel it closer and closer, but not close enough.
Peter cried, “Tony… Please… I’m so close, Tony!”
“Good sluts don’t talk,” Tony growled through forceful fucking, “but I’ll let you off this one time.”
Peter moaned, “Thank you.”
Tony’s thrusts became more sporadic, but not any less amazing. Peter’s voice was raw from screaming and moaning, the only noises coming from him were choked gasps of pleasure. Peter’s body tensed, his body shaking with an overwhelming need to finish. Tony slammed into Peter harder and harder, making Peter’s mouth fall open with pleasure, his vision fully blurring. The world around Peter became entirely focused on Tony’s delicious dick.
Tony’s harsh pace made Peter drool some more. He could feel the mind-numbing need to finish in his soul, it was a sweltering pleasure that was insufferable. Every movement was torture to Peter who was desperate for release. 
The endless pleasure was suffocating, the tightened coil in his stomach threatening to snap with each brutal thrust of Tony’s cock. Closer and closer, Peter could feel it coming quicker and quicker. He had nothing to bite down on, so his cries of pleasure were completely unrestrained. The flames of lust wrapped itself around Peter, licking him with the sharp flames of sinful desire. 
The pleasure, the pain, the searing, overwhelming, endless lust all exploded, erupting like a volcano. Peter came, his raw, fucked out voice screaming incoherent pleas. His entire body was set aflame. Tony fucked into Peter a few more times, Peter letting out little overstimulated mewls each time. Tony came deep inside of him, his hot cum branding Peter like a white-hot iron.
Tony pulled out, cum leaked out of Peter’s abused hole.
“Tony,” Peter whined, voice cracking.
Tony purred, “Sh, babe, I’ll take care of you.”
Peter nodded drowsily, content with that answer. The smoke from sex fogging up Peter’s mind, allowing him to be tranquil. Tony’s grip on Peter was gentle, taking care to be soft when untying Peter. Peter, on the other hand, purred. As long as Tony was around, he felt at ease. Tony would never let anything happen to him.
All of Peter’s limbs were lax and useless, Tony’s grip on Peter’s hips was the only thing holding him up. Tony lifted Peter up bridal style, making a dad noise. Peter snorted.
“What?” Tony asked, voice soft.
Peter smiled, “You’re funny.”
Tony said, “Someone tired?”
“Yea,” Peter said, “where are we going?”
“To clean you up,” Tony said, “but don’t worry about that, sunshine, I’ll take care of the hard parts.”
Peter smiled and nodded, but he was too drowsy to do anything else, so he just allowed himself to doze off. He was sure Tony wouldn’t mind. Tony was just nice like that. In his dreams, he felt like he was being placed amongst an endless blue sky of fluffy clouds.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Yeah same anon! And yea I know, I just meant Shouto wasn't passed out yet? But oof, I hope Dabi didn't actually scar him, that would suck, first his mom then Touya??? Everyone should just listen to Hawks, always. Every time, because he's the only one who ever knows what's going on in this manga! That's his role in the story! The Hawk that Watches Over And Reveals the Truth! Keigo Takami! Or more specifically, I guess to disclose what he sees via being englightened to it and all that fancy stuff.
Ahhh, I forgotten what this ask was talking about T-T I’m so sorry Nonnie!
Considering how hot Dabi’s flames are and how Shouto was in their direct line of fire, I’d be surprised if he didn’t scar. Which really would be a tragic thing to happen because damn this boy is being scarred by all his family members and you really hate to see it. Someone please protect my baby boy, Shouto T-T
And you’re right, everyone should just listen to Hawks. He certainly called it correctly and damn, is everyone going to be paying the price for it.
Man, the heroes took a giant hit and it hurts so much to see.
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alice-grace-and-ava · 3 years
Chapter 2:Rage You Damn Nerd
Three American transfer students join your favorite characters at UA high. Come see as they face the challenges that come with training to be a hero while battling their demons from their past. It’s time for them to push past their boundaries and go plus ultra!!!!!(sorry I’m terrible at descriptions)
English Thoughts Japanese
HI! This is Alice, and I wanted to go ahead and post this! Grace wouldn't let me stop doing the tags until it maxed out.................I would rather drink unsweet tea than do that ever again. Anyway enjoy!
“ Listen Alice” I nod my head and my eyes lower back to his chiseled abs “ look here”  Vlad king snapped his fingers in my face to bring my attention back to him.I'm currently sitting in his office, which is all of the teachers, and we are the only ones in the room. His cubicle is littered with fanart, a coffee cup, a mysterious bowl of some type of food, and a computer with a cat on the home screen.Why would a very well-behaved girl like me be in the teacher’s office? He wanted to make a deal with me but from how this is going so far I’m not sure I’m going to like it.“ If you behave, and I mean no hitting on me or other students- don't give me that look!” I feel myself deflate in the chair.“ You don't understand!” I flap my arms in defiance. “ And how do I not understand the fact that you won't stop calling me names, and quite frankly poor Shiozaki cant handle it any more” he challenges. I cross my arms and huff “ It's not my fault that everyone in the class is whiny babies” Vlad leans his head on his desk and is visibly exhausted. 
“ Oh, Alice!” I jump from my seat as Present Mic appears, he holds a cup of jasmine tea in one hand and a stack of papers in the other. 
“ Mic!” I excitedly respond, he smiles then notices Vlad King's exhaustion. 
“ Hey, Hey, Hey my guy what’s wrong?” The other loud blonde in the room questions.
 I slap the dying man on the back trying to show that he's okay, but he completely collapses onto the desk with an oof
“ Oh, that's not good” I quickly retract my hand and jump back.
“ What happened Alice?” Present mic sets his stuff on the desk and crouches down closer to the nearly dead man. I look away shyly “ He wants me to make a deal with him” I complain, and with a look from Mic I whine out the rest “but he wants me to stop flirting and making inappropriate comments!” 
“ Man Sekkijro you can't make Alice change her style like that, we try to help the students stay true to themselves and that's who she is so let her be herself”
What the hell Mic, I stand still and look away, I hate it when people try to act like this.
“ Listen Vlad king,” I say boredly, my morning now ruined by sympathetic people, and he jumps up to attention at my change. “ Let me come and go as I please, I'll do the bookwork, don't worry, and then I'll stop interrupting your lessons with my comments.” The look of relief on his face is laughable.
“ Yes! As long as you do your schoolwork you can skip class as much as you want!” 
I smile widely “ Deal!” I step closer to him and pat his chest “ but that won't stop me from acting up outside of class hours'' His skin drained of all color, Present Mic doubled over laughing. I took this chance to snatch his tea and skip out of the class, yes I skipped out of the room. 
I shut the door and stand in the hallway
It’s cold like always………. 
I feel a light shake and immediately felt around for the girls, relaxing more once their presence was stable. Grace seems to be in class while Ava on the other hand…
I smile, she’s by herself on the west wing- The wing known for its amazing vending machine- wanting my mood to lighten I reach out for her more.
I hone onto her sunflower energy and a twinge of power flows within myself
To say that the school day so far has been boring would be an understatement. The only interesting part of the day was when I got to repeatedly correct the present mic about slang terms in English class. I don't understand why I have to take that class anyway. It's an easy A, or it would be if the slang that Present Mic was trying to teach wasn't from the 80s. 
After English with the present mic, it was time for lunch. The entire school seems like it’s on the same lunch schedule so the lunchroom was packed. I was having trouble finding a seat when I heard someone yell out my name. When I looked around to find the owner of the voice I saw a group of kids from my class looking in my direction. Kirishima was holding his hand in the air and waving it around excitedly. 
I made my way over only to find that the only available seat was next to Bakuhoe. Reluctantly I placed my tray down and moved my chair as far away from his as possible before I sat down and began to eat my food. I could practically feel the entire group’s eyes staring into the side of my head. I glanced up from my food and was met with four curious faces looking at me. The first one to speak was the pink girl. “Hi, I don’t believe we’ve formally met. I’m-” “You’re Mina Ashido, the boy with the blond hair with the lightning bolt is Denki Kaminari, black hair is Sero Hanta, the redhead is Eijiro Kirishima, and the punk next to me is Katsuki Bakugou.” They all stare at me with various looks of surprise on their faces. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was supposed to put the last name first wasn’t I?” The one to speak up was Sero. “No- well yes, but I guess we weren’t expecting to know all of our names.” I glance around and see them all nodding in agreement except for Bakugou. “Let’s just say that where I’m from you learn names and faces pretty quickly for safety reasons.” Kaminari was the one to speak up next. “Why do you need to-” The sound of Into the Unknown resounds from the pocket of the shorts that were under my skirt. When I finally can get the phone out I see I have a text from Ava asking me to meet her in her classroom and to bring my backpack. “Sorry to cut this lunch short but I have to go meet my sister.” Mina excitedly jumps out of her seat and scurries or to me before stopping directly in front of me.”You have a sister that goes here?!” I place my hands on her shoulder and push her back slightly. “Yea I have two. Technically we’re not blood-related but in the words of Supernatural “family doesn’t end in blood.”
“Oh hello Alice, I just ate my last bag of cookies sorry. If I knew you were coming I would've given it to that cute kid…..”
 I am sitting on the bench in front of a vending machine Ava is sitting cross-legged to my right surrounded by food.
“Cute kid?” I smirk and poke her shoulder, she grabs my shoulder and leans in close.
“You have no idea how adorable he is, fluffy hair! Big ground eyes! And freckles, he has freckles!!”
I burst out laughing and reach up to pat her head, glad that I chose to visit her because she can entertain me. 
“Why are you laughing?” she wines out
“Because you’re amusing”
She huffs and opens up a honey bun to eat it, I stare at the cup of tea in my hand, 
“Alice, what’s wrong?”
Ava leans her head on my shoulder.
I glance down at a snickers bar, and a certain pomeranian pops into my head.
“It's nothing Ava, nothing at all, in fact, can you hold this cup please”
 I smile innocently and watch as she takes the cup without hesitation
We stare at each other
I grab a snickers bar and get the fuck out of there.
I hear her scream, then a crash of the coffee cup smashing into the ground.
Sorry Mic 
I start running through the halls, fear creeps into me as I hear her running up behind me. 
I hear her footsteps quickly closing in on me.
Dang, it! I should’ve rethought this, I know how fast she is, and yet I thought this was a bright Idea. A CHILD!
I reach out and grab the small purple-haired kid by the collar and yeeted him over my shoulder.
“Oh hello there goddess”
Glancing over and see the purple kid stuck to Ava, she tries to pry him off but he only continues to stick on her.
I laugh at my victory, knowing whatever Ava will try to do to get back at me Grace will stop.
I keep my walk at a fast pace, noticing how I can hear the voices of students grow louder. I open silver double doors and look around the room. A very nice cafeteria is filled with students, they sit at nice comfortable booths and chat. Scanning the room looking for my next victim
I smile as I hear a dog bark out annoyingly, the students sitting in the booth close to me quickly got up sensing my intentions. I calmed myself and plastered a smile on my face, I turn to see the Pomeranian sitting with 4 other people ( even happier when one of those is my dear Pikachu). I sneak towards the group, closing in behind the cute static brain, Mid rant the mutt stops and looks at me confused causing the others to look. Denki of course doesn’t notice as he is concentrating on his food, I wink at the group.
“ Pikachu I choose you!”
I yell and throw my arms around his neck. He lets out a scream and then goes into a coughing fit.
Everyone starts laughing, I slap my fellow blonde harshly on the back to assist him in not dying.
“ So who’s your friend?” the redhead asks as he wipes his eyes.
I climb over the booth and slip in between Denki and the redhead, right across from the mutt, I throw him a smirk. 
“ Ah, this is-”
“ Wait a damn minute you’re the annoying brat that-”
“ I’m Alice, I just transferred from America- Also I’m Pikachu’s friend!”
I interrupt the mutt and throw my arm around my now proclaimed friend.
“ What’s your last name?” the pink girl questioned.
I remove my arm and clap my hands together to rest my chin on them.
“ I don’t have one, and who are you Pinkie Pie?”
Sensing my tone the redhead jumped in.
“ Sorry, it’s just our friend said she has two sisters that go to school here, so we just wanted to know.”
The mutt aggressively set his juice box down on the table and they stared at him.
“ Didn’t you hear her, they’re not blood-related so of course the last name isn’t the same.”
 Ahh he gets bonus points
I laugh trying to change the mood.
“ Well, I’ll introduce everyone-”  I interrupt Denki 
“The first name only, I’ll only remember it”
He grins and points at the kid with weird elbows
“ Sero”
“Pinkie Pie”
“ Shark - and or Shark bait ooh ah ah”
They stared at me, the mutt chokes on his juice. 
“Should I even try if you’re going to give us nicknames”
Denki lets a breath out as I continue to smile, he points at himself
I nod my head, he hesitantly then points across from him
I don’t miss a beat.
“Mutt” I respond with a smile and seeing how he’s at the perfect level I slip the Snickers bar towards him on the table.
“It’s okay your not you when you’re hungry”
He turns to stone, then as if he was a newly awakened volcano he exploded. Everyone at the table jumps up as he starts to produce explosions.
“Welp gotta blast” I grin out and holding my hand out to give Pikachu a high-five, then leaping across the table and now on the run for the second time today.
I weave in between students standing in the cafeteria, standing in shock as they watch 3 people try to restrain a rabid dog.
I slip through the doors and a laugh escapes me as my daily entertainment has been fulfilled.
“ Oh it’s you”
I look to my left and my biggest smile of the day creeps on my face.
“Best Boi!” I jump to hug him, he stops me by placing a hand on my head, I let out a whine as I struggle to touch him.
“You’re very loud today” he states boredly.
“Yes of course I am! I was playing with the dog and also stole some candy, which I tried to give to the dog but he didn’t want it” I pout, Shinsou doesn't even look surprised at my confession.
“ Did you at least have lunch?”
I stop trying to hug him and stood up straight, dread fills me “ Grace is going to murder me”
I whisper to him, he chuckles and reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a slice of lemon bread.
“ Can’t have the problem child dying”
My eyes widen as I stare at his outstretched hand.
“You’re stalking me”
“what - You know what I’m not even going to try to argue with you, but why would you assume that”
I swipe the package from his hand and beam at him, “because it’s my favorite snack”
He stands there, head empty no brain, 
“Oh, Alice there you are! I was wondering if I could have my cup back, its a limited edition DJ Khaled cup”
I look at shinshou with a guilty look, Present Mic appears down the hall strutting my way
“Gotta blast again! By best boi”
I salute him and put the bread in my mouth, like a true anime girl, and hop out the window escaping.
When I met up with Ava there was a weird purple ball stuck to her skirt and she needed to get her spare skirt out of her locker. As it turns out Ava needed my backpack because she accidentally put the slip of paper with her locker combination in one of my folders, but the one folder she needed was at home. We ended up spending a good 10-15 minutes looking for it before we finally went to her teacher. Who was nice enough to give me a pass to class because I was running late. I made it to class five minutes after the bell rang but luckily the teacher wasn’t there yet. Just as I placed my pencil pouch on my desk the door to the classroom slams open to reveal All Might, the number one hero standing on his toes with his hands on the door frame. He leans forward so that his weight is supported by his hands, and he’s standing in what seems to be a pose imitating flying. His cape flows into the classroom, and if I look closely I can see the fan positioned in the hallway behind him that he’s using to provide the breeze for his cape.
“I am here!”
The sound of excited murmuring begins to resonate around the classroom. All might does a weird march as he makes his way behind the teacher’s desk
Sir why are you walking like you have something stuck up your butt.
“Welcome to the most important class at U.A high! Think of it as heroing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good!”
All might places one of his feet on the chair and turns so that his back is faced to us while he flexes to make his muscles even larger than they already are.
“Let’s get into it! Today’s lesson: pull no punches!” All might holds up a card that just says BATTLE. The class begins to talk in an uproar of excitement. “Hell yea finally some action!”  Bakugou’s loud voice in my ear sends a sharp pain through my skull. I turn in my seat so that I am face to face with him. “Bitch! Do that again! Yell in my ear again and see what happens to you! I know how to hide a body. They’ll never find you.” Bakugou slams his hands on his desk and gets closer to my face “ Are you threatening me!” A small smirk works its way onto my face. “It's not a threat. It’s a promise. Now if you don’t get out of my face I promise that I will punch you in yours.”
Before he can say anything else several slots in the wall open and shelves of number cases slide out. “ Part of being a hero is looking good so in each case is a costume based on the information that each of you provided before school started” the class once again starts to murmur in excitement. “ Young Grace, your hero costume just arrived this morning from your old school, so it is not with the rest of the classes. You will have to stop by the office to grab yours, so you are excused to go and collect that.” 
It didn’t take me long to get my costume and by the time I got back to the class the last person was grabbing their assigned case number and I was being ushered in the direction of the changing rooms.
After everyone was changed we made our way to the training ground beta. I couldn’t help but look around at everyone’s costumes. A green figure caught my attention. Is that midoriya? What the hell is he wearing? His costume was interesting, to say the least. It looked sort of like a mutant bunny. Wait a damn minute. Why does his costume look familiar? I try to figure out what or who his costume reminds me of until I feel a presence next to me when I look I see no one until I glance down to see Mineta standing way too close for comfort and staring at the exposed skin of my thigh. “Man, I love this school.” My face scrunches in disgust, but before I can do anything All Might begins talking again. All Might! My eyes dart back and forth between Midoriya’s costume and All Might. The more that I look the more the similarities stick out. Did he base his costume on All Might? 
“Alright, newbies each of you will step up and choose a letter from this box. This will determine what team you will be on. Since we have an uneven number of students one team will have three people instead of two.” One by one my classmates found their teams until it was my turn. I reached in and felt around until I finally was able to grasp a sheet of paper. Please not the same team as that pomeranian.Please not the same team as that pomeranian. I opened the slip and low and behold I’m on the same team as Katsuki Bakugou. Begrudgingly I walked over to Bakugou and Iida to wait for the rest of the class to finish drawing for their teams.
Once everyone was paired up for teams, All Might reached into the two boxes that had been sitting to the side labeled hero and villain. He raises his hands into the air in an extravagant manner while holding two balls. One with the letter A and the other with the letter D. “Team A will be the heroes and Team D you three will be the villains. Now go to your starting positions. The rest of the class and I will be watching. If things go too far I will stop the fight.” I follow Iida to where we need to go, but we each stop at All Might to get an earpiece so that we can talk to each other. 
Iida, Bakugou, and I were placed in a large room to guard a weapon. As we wait for All Might to announce the start I hear Bakugou grumbling to himself. “Yo hedgehog. What’s got your panties in a twist?” He doesn’t even spare me a glance. “Do you think that damn nerd has a quirk?” Iida speaks up before I have the opportunity to. “ Do you mean Midoriya? Of course, he has a quirk. How else would he have gotten into U.A. otherwise, and you saw him at the entrance exam.” Bakugou clenches his fist and the smell of caramel floods my nostrils. The static of the earpieces being activated sounds in our ears. “Let the battle begin!” Bakugou is the first to move, heading for the door right away. Iida starts to wave his hands around in a wild but robotic manner. “Bakugou where are you going? We need to stay-”“ You two just stay here and guard the weapon.” With that, he disappears into the hallway. “ Don’t worry Iida I’m still here.” He turns and looks down at me before his face turns a bright red color and he swiftly turns his head to look away from me. I glance down to try to figure out what has him so flustered, but I don't see the problem. When I look back at him he still refuses to look at me. “th-tha-. Let’s-um- let’s move  everything out of the floor so that when Uraraka and Midoriya come Uraraka can’t use her quirk.” After he gives instructions he just begins to move things around, while still avoiding looking in my direction. “Iida?” He hums while still moving things around. “Are you okay?” I start to move things around and off the floor. “I am fine Jackson, but thank you for your concern.” “Are you sure? Because you were really red.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see his back stiffen. “I am fine, I assure you.” I don’t believe you but I’ll leave it alone.
It takes us about ten minutes or so to move everything out of the floor and put them where Uraraka can’t use them. As we wait Iida starts to mumble to himself about how to be a good pretend villain. Slowly he starts to get louder until he’s taking in a boisterous voice in a stiff or of tone. I can’t help but to chuckle at his antics, and he turns and looks at me wide-eyed as if he had forgotten that I was here. He goes to speak, but I raise my hand to silence him when I hear something. It’s quiet for a moment before the faint sound of shuffling can be heard. “Did you hear that?” Iida looks at me with confusion written all over his face. “No, I did not hear anything.” The shuffling sound happens again. “There it is again.” Iida looks around. “Maybe it was Bakugou.” I continue to look around to try to find the source of the noise when a faint scent hits my nose. “ It’s not Bakugou. It doesn’t smell like caramel. It’s like a softer smell like flowers.” Iida looks around smelling the air. “Are you sure I don’t smell anything” I continue to observe the area before I spot a pink shoe peeking out from behind a pillar. “Trust me Iida if there is anything I am confident with it’s my sense of smell. And I'm also confident that Uraraka is currently hiding behind that pillar over there by the door.” A small squeak comes from the girl. 
As I go to take a step forward the building begins to shake and I end up on the floor. “Dammit, Bakugou! What the hell are you doing.” the earphone stays silent. “Bakugou I know that you can hear me!” A growl can be heard from his end of the line. “Shut the hell up. I’m handling my job. You handle yours.” The sound of static fills my ears, and I turn around to look at Iida. “Did-did he just turn his earpiece off?” All that he offers is a blank expression. The building shakes again this time a few pieces of the ceiling fall and we have to cover our heads. Once the building settles and debris no longer rains I wait a moment before I stand just to make sure that the building won’t start shaking again.
I start to dust off my pants when I notice movement out of the side of my eye. I look over to see Uraraka moving from her place behind the pillar and start running towards the weapon. “Iida!” The sound of his engines fills the room as I charge forward towards the brunette. “Got it!”  I throw myself forward and tackle Uraraka before she can get any further. It becomes a mess of hands flying between the two of us. Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! You are not pennywise and we don’t all float here!  The building shaking again distracts me for a moment, but it gives her an opening and she places a hand on my arm while activating her quirk. Slowly the floor starts to get further away, and I try to reach out to grab anything that can steady me without success. Instead of floating straight up like I had expected, I can feel myself start to float in the direction that Iida and I had been standing. Suddenly I feel my stomach sink and my body is no longer weightless as I slam down into the floor knocking all of the air out of me. I’m gonna remember that.
It takes a moment for me to regain my breath, but when I finally do Iida reaches his hand out to help me up. The sound of Urarka talking into her comm reaches my ears and I look over to see her grabbing onto a pillar. What are you- the building begins to shake again, but this time stronger than before. “Iida I would grab onto something if I were you.” Before either of us could move a giant explosion blasted up through the floor. To keep my balance I grabbed onto Iida. When the explosion stopped a cloud of dust remained. Something seemed to be moving within the dust and I squinted to try to make out what it was. The shape of rocks moving towards us became more apparent and the two of us ducked to cover our heads. From behind us, we heard the sound of Uraraka cheering as she came in contact with the weapon.
“The hero team wins!” It is what it is. The three of us walk down to the ground level where a medical bed is taking Midoriya away to Recovery Girl through the giant hole in the side of the building. All Might stands there amongst the rubble watching as the bed carries away one of his students. He turns to look at the remaining four of us and leads us in the direction of the observation room.  The class is silent as we walk in. All Might walks to his chair and turns to look at the four of us. “While the heroes may have won this fight the true MVPs were Iida and Grace.” Mummers fill the room as our classmates talk amongst themselves. “Does anyone know why?” Momo steps forward. “The two of them discussed a plan to ensure that their opponent was at a disadvantage. They were aware of their opponent’s skill and prepared for it. They were aware of their surroundings, Grace especially. While it is okay to separate sometimes on a mission it is best to stay together, and that is what they did.” I glance over at Bakugou, but he’s looking down with his hands clenched into a fist and his teeth clenched. All Might called for the next group to go, but I didn’t pay attention to who was next, instead I chose to sit in the corner of the room and take a nap.
After everyone completed the training exercise All Might excused us to go change and head back to the class. I was the first back in the classroom. Rather than sit at my desk, I perched myself on the windowsill to watch the world outside. Slowly everyone began to trickle back into the classroom, all except Bakugou, and the classroom began to bustle with noise once again. The door to the classroom opens and I turn to see who it is. Midoriya stands in the doorway with his arm lightly wrapped up. Everybody crowds around Midoriya, but I remain where I am staring out the window. 
A familiar head of blond hair emerges from the school. I move to grab my bag, but before I leave the window I notice a head of green hair that can only be midoriya chasing after Bakugou. The two of them seem to talk, well Midoriya seems to be talking, Bakugou seems to be yelling. Bakugou turns to walk away again, but All Might appears practically out of thin air. Bakugou keeps his back to the two of them as All Might talks to him. The interaction doesn’t last long before Bakugou starts to walk away again. All Might and Deku stand there for a moment before All Might places a hand on his shoulder and leads him back into the building. While Bakugou is still in sight I grab my backpack off of the ground and throw the window open. I jump out Alice style and a familiar tingling sensation radiates between my shoulder blades as a pair of blue and purple butterfly wings sprout. I flutter over just behind the angry blonde and will my wings away. I walk a little faster to stand beside him and then slow down so that I can walk beside him as he stomps away like a little gremlin. He doesn’t look over at me, but I can tell that he knows that it’s me. “What the hell do you want?” What do I want? Why am I even here? He's not my friend. He's not even an acquaintance. I step in front of him and stop causing him to stop as well. For the first time, I offer him a small smile. “Let’s go grab frozen yogurt. My treat.” I don’t give him time, I just grab his wrist and drag him to the shop that I saw on the walk to school this morning.
When we get there the young man at the front counter greets us in a bubbly tone as he hands us our cups to go fill up. I filled my cup with coconut froyo topped with strawberry boba, coconut shavings, and three cherries. when I walk to the register bakugou is already standing there with his cup half full of chocolate with some granola and a single cherry.” you sure that’s all you want? I don’t mind, Ava usually gets two full cups when I pay so if you're concerned about the price being too high don’t worry about it.” He scowls at me a growl bubbling up from the back of his throat.” Shut the hell up and weigh your cup.” I place my cup on the scale and raise my hands in mock surrender.” All alright, alright I was just being nice.” I reach behind me to grab my wallet out of my bag. When I finally find it and turn around to pay I see the clerk handing Bakugou money.” What are you doing? I was gonna pay for your stuff.”Bakugou shoves his money angrily back into his pocket and yanks his froyo off of the scale.” I don’t need some damn extra paying for my food when I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. Now grab you shit so we can go.” Bakugou doesn’t even wait for me before he walks out of the shop. I turn and thank the guy behind the counter before I grab my froyo and follow after Bakugou. We walk in silence as we eat until in the distance I spot a park and dash toward it.” Hey, where the hell are you going!” I spot a trashcan and as I dash past it I throw away my cup but continue my path to my destination. When I reach the object behind my excitement I throw down my backpack and practically throw myself into the seat of the swing. By the time Bakugou reaches me I've obtained a pretty good height.” What the hell was that!” I close my eyes as the wind whips past me.” I haven’t been on a swing since I was a kid! My mom used to bring my sisters and me to the park all the time before-.” A memory flashes behind my eyelids and I snap my eyes open. I stop kicking my legs and my swing slowly loses momentum until it just slightly sways. Bakugou looks at me with the same scowl on his face but a gleam of curiosity sparks in his eyes.” Why don’t you sit with me. Not on the same swing of course, but it’s a nice day out today. the fresh air will do you some good.” he looked down at me like I was stupid for a moment. To be honest, at this moment I feel stupid. In the end, he sits down on the swing.his swing slightly sways as he rocks back and forth on the heels of his feet. 
A nice silence settles between the two of us that lasts for maybe ten to fifteen minutes before Bakugou breaks the silence.” Why did you invite me to get frozen yogurt with you?” I look over at him, but he’s looking straight ahead. “First of all, just say froyo dude. And I guess you just seemed like you needed a pick me up.” He looks over at me, his signature scowl plastered on his face. “So what is this out of pity or something! I don’t need pity from some damn extra! I don’t need pity from anyone!” In his tangent, he stood from his swing and moved in front to stand in front of me. “ Woah, Woah, Woah. who said anything about pity. Because I know damn well that word never left my mouth. Did you hear me say ‘oh poor Bakugou’? No cause those words never left my lips. I tried to be nice because even though I don't know what it is that made you mad, frustrated, or whatever emotion you're feeling I know what it’s like to be suffering by yourself. When you're so blinded by whatever you're feeling that it feels like you're drowning in it, but I also know what it’s like to have someone with you even if it’s just sitting in silence together. I was trying to be nice, but you wanted to be an bitch. Do me a favor and get your head out of your ass because it ain’t a hat. Now if you excuse me I’m going home.” I push past him and grab my bag as I begin the journey home.
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Level 27
How’s everyone doing? Does it feel like summer yet? Can anyone else believe that it’s actually June? Cuz I don’t lol Hope you’re all doing well!
Tagging: @loudartanimeeclipse, @ihavenotfallenyet
Master List here! :)
Warnings: Medical speak
Happy Reading~
Level 27
Yoshimoto had taken you on a few more dates after your day-trip, and aside from the almost constant teasing from Shingen online and Yukimura at work, you were having a good time. It was still a little awkward, but you were convinced that it was because you were an awkward person; it had nothing to do with the teasing. You were an adult; you could handle being teased by your friends, right?
Either way, work was a welcomed distraction. As of July, your institutions had been ranked second in all of Japan for general pediatric care, and your Hematology/Oncology and bone marrow transplant division were awarded best in the nation. Meaning volumes had increased exponentially, and you were beyond busy.
More patients meant more procedures and more tests, and this past week had been particularly hard. You’d gotten no reading done, and your research for test development had all but been sidelined for at least the past two weeks. With a heavy sigh, you finished your last analysis of the day and made your way into the lab to clean up your bench.
“(YN) can you come here for a minute, please?” Your supervisor, Haru, asked, poking her head around the corner.
“Yea, be right there.” You turned off your aspirator and pulled off your gloves, wondering what it could be this time.
You had been on bone marrow procedures the week before, and with an average of five procedures a day, you wouldn’t be surprised if you had messed up something important. Leaving the lab, you rounded the corner and headed to your boss’s office, surprised to see Ieyasu sitting at her meeting table.
“Shut the door and have a seat and we’ll get started,” Haru stated, and you died a little inside. What exactly had you done?
Doing as you were told, you took the seat directly across from Dr. Tokugawa and waited for someone to start talking.
“I’d like to use your test.” Ieyasu started, pushing a folder in your direction.
“With?” You asked before you could stop yourself, thoughtfully thumbing through the research articles inside.
“Dr. Tokugawa and his team have been doing a great deal of research in relation to AML treatment and are looking for a reliable test for MRD,” Haru spoke. “He came to see what we had.”
“I’m looking to enroll high-risk patients on a drug’s new study arm, the results so far look promising, but the institution has to be capable of running its own MRD.” Ieyasu leaned back in the char and folded his hands together.
“I’ve been working off of split samples for almost a year now; we’re close to validation, though, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” You offered, starting to feel a little giddy.
“What do you need my team and I to do to get this thing validated?” Dr. Tokugawa asked your supervisor, turning his attention to her.
“I can go speak with our head hematopathologist and (YN) can go over the panel with you to make sure the markers are what you need,” Haru explained. “If not, we can add fluorochromes or another tube to be validated with the rest of the assay.”
“Good. (YN), I’ll send you a meeting invitation. Please bring all the relevant material.” Ieyasu smirked and bowed before heading out of the room.
“Oof, you’re going to have fun with this one.” Haru jokes, reaching for her phone to call the Hemepath.
What she didn’t know was that you might have a good time. This was going to be a challenge, a fun nerdy challenge that had you intrigued and excited. Which made sitting at your desk and waiting for the email that much harder, but in twenty minutes, what you assumed was the time it took Ieyasu to walk back to his office and log back onto his computer, the email invitation came through.
Quickly, you accepted it and wandered back into your supervisor's office. “Noon tomorrow, I’m meeting with Dr. Tokugawa and Dr. Togo to go over my data.”
“Sounds good, need someone to go with you?” Haru asked.
“Nope, I’ll be good. If I don’t come back though, assume I’ve been eaten and help yourself to my snacks.” You joked, heading back to your desk to finish up for the day.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
RWBY Ancestries Chapter 5 Part 3 of 3
- Mantle, 12 minutes After Wyvern Arrival -
Jaune is sprinting like a madman, using his semblance to fuel his stamina so that he wouldn’t tire out. He was on a mission with one set goal. Get to Ruby’s position. He didn’t have a second to lose, if Cinder Fall was here in the kingdom and not dead as the presumed back at Haven, then they were in trouble. If one thing one certain it’s that she’ll be after two things. The relic or the silver eyed leader. He was more than willing to bet that he knew what she was aiming for at the moment. He wasn’t gonna let that happen.
Jaune:(Looks at Ren’s Scroll for the coordinates) Come on, Jaune! Come on! You’re almost there. Just at the home stretch. Keep going!
He was certain that he couldn’t fight off Cinder by herself. So he needed to be smart and get Ruby’s team out of their predicament. Hopefully their ship won’t be in as bad shape as his team’s ship was. He was just glad that he told his team to contact Ironwood and alert them of Cinder’s-
Jaune/Ren: Oof!
Jaune: Wha-Ren? What are you doing here? You’re supp-!
Jaune: Oof! Ow! What the hell Ren!
Ren: That’s to knock some sense into you. What do you think you’re doing just running off like that. Are you trying to get yourself killed?!
Jaune: No, I’m trying to save my friends! I thought that was something we both understood. I need to get to them before Cinder even knows Ruby is here. Did you at least contact Ironwood?
Ren: No we were too busy chasing after you.
Jaune: You didn’t- Ren! We need Ironwood to know this, that’s what I told you to contact him- Aggghhh! I’m wasting time! (Proceeds to run back the direction he was going before being grabbed by Ren) Hey! Let me go!
Ren: Jaune you need to stop! You’re not thinking straight!
Jaune: Cinder Fall is out in the streets of Mantle, probably planning to make Atlas another Fall of Beacon and you want me to calm down!
Nora: Will you two stop arguing!
Jaune turns to see that his other two teammates have followed him as well.
Jaune: Nora? Oscar? You followed me too! Guys I asked you to do one thing, just contact Ironwood and wait for back up, instead you guys come running like maniacs towards a dangerous killer who’s not only a trained assassin but also a Maiden! Do you not realize how dangerous you the circumstances you’re putting yourself in?
Nora: You mean like you?
Jaune: Yea like-! Argh! Come on guys, now’s not the time for this!
Ren: Well we’re not letting you go alone! So let us come with you!
Jaune: Guys that’s- I can’t let you risk your lives like that.
Nora: And we can’t let you risk yours.
Oscar: We’re a team aren’t we?
Jaune: ....Yeah we’re a team. I just- I don’t want any of you to get hurt.
Ren: We know the risk. So let’s work together.
Jaune considered it and weighs that going as a group would make them have a better chance of surviving. Still he saw from Ren and Nora’s face that there really no room for argument.
Jaune:(Sighs) Ok. We’ll go together. Now come on we need to hurry!
Ren/Nora/Oscar: Right!
Once letting him go, all of the new team JNPR set off to retrieve their sister team before the enemy gets to them. Unknowingly being followed by said enemies.
- Airship Crash Site -
Near the airship where the coordinates state Team JNPR lost contact with Control, the veteran huntsman and specialist investigate the area. Qrow comes out of the airship taking out the second body of the pilots who perished in the crash.
Winter: Have you found anything yet?
Qrow: No, I checked the ship and besides the two pilots we found, there’s no sign of team JNPR.
Winter: The ship has sustained damage. You don’t think that they could have-?
Qrow: Look ice queen I know these kids, they’re tougher than they look. They wouldn’t have been killed in a crash like this. But that doesn’t explain where they are now.
Winter: Well any thoughts on what they would be doing in a situation like this?
Qrow: Mmmmm. Well they would try to reestablish communication to Ironwood but we both know that hasn’t happened yet. So they must’ve went to check where the other ship landed.
Winter:(Suprised) Wow. That’s actually a very believable observation.
Qrow: Thanks...but there’s one problem.
Winter: What’s that?
Qrow:(Picks up a glass arrow) I have the suspicious feeling that their leader may be planning to do something very stupid.
He fells a weapon cocked behind his head and sees three more other huntresses arrive at the scene.
???: Not as stupid as you’ve been.
- Schnee Manor -
Whitley looks at his reflection in the mirror, he had just finished cleaning all the blood from his nose, now comes the worst part. Resetting the nose in place. The strike from his Father was stronger than usual today so it offset the nose a bit. He took a breathe in and breathe out, he puts his hands on his nose and closing his eyes, then quickly resets the nose with unsettling ‘crunch’.
Whitley: Argh! Ffffffmmmm! Ah, oh gods....that always hurts like a b-bat.
*Knock. Knock. Knock*
Willow:(Whispering) Whitley! Whitley please open the door!
Whitley looks to the door with the upmost confusion, because he could have sworn that his mother was knocking, asking for him. At first he tries to dismiss it as her being too out of it after she drank a bit too much, and she would want to sneak into his room and sleep on his bed if she made too much of a mess on her bed, usually from vomiting. After turning ten she would always try to sneak to his room in a drunken haze for reasons he couldn’t fathom other than to hold him in her sleep. It was something that he always cherished as a young child. However after she became a drunkard, that ritual lists it luster and became a sad reminder that she had to be a drunken mess to actually show emotion to her children. Something Father told him when he turned twelve and had the help do their best to keep her away from her children when she was like this.
Before he could return to apply some make up to the injury on his face and nose, his mother started knocking once more, a bit more urgently than before. He sighed and got up, he knew she wasn’t going to leave and apparently since all the help went home by now he was forced to confront the drunken woman at his door. He reaches the door and opens to see something a sight he’s never seen, his mother looking very much sober and looking terrified.
Whitley: Mother? What’s-
Willow: Whitley! (Brings the boy into a big embrace) Oh thank the gods! I feared they got to you! I made it to you, I was so afraid I wouldn’t make it in time.
At this point Whitley Schnee’s mind stopped working. He couldn’t fathom his current situation, his mother who he always knew to be drunk and disconnected from her children was now hugging him and concerned about his safety. Before he could stop himself he rested his hands on his mother’s shoulder blades and part of him thought he was dreaming. He had been knocked out by his father and was experiencing a dream of where he had a grieved mother return into his life and ask for forgiveness for her absence. If it was a dream, he secretly wanted it to ok ast a little longer. Before he could truly savor the moment, his mother released her hold to cup his face so she look at him directly. What he saw then was the first time he has her sober face in a long time.
Willow: Whitley I need you to listen to me carefully, we need to leave the mansion immediately. We don’t have much time before they realize we eMate here as well.
Whitley: M-Mother what are you-?
Willow: Whitley we don’t have much time we need to leave the mansion! There are intruders in here, they’ve attacked your Father already. So we must leave at once!
Whitley: I-I.....Look Out! (Quickly pushing his mother and him to the opposite wall of his door)
Both Schnee’s look towards the direction of the shot and see a group of four intruders. The forefront is the man Whitley recognizes as the man who came to the manor some days ago. The same man is now pointing a gun in the direction of his mother and him. He feels his arm getting tugged before he is rises to his feet looks at his mother with a worried expression.
Willow: Whitley! Run now!
Now both Schnee’s are running away from the group and down the hall. Arthur Watts keeps a neutral face and gestures for the others to listen.
Watts: It appears we are not alone...Tyrian, Mr. Black, you both know what to do.
Both nods and makes chase after the two family members but only Tyrian has a cheerful demeanor about this. Probably hoping to add to his kill count tonight.
Tyrian: Oh, what good fun today! Hahahahahhaha!
- Mantle, Team JNPR -
The team of four make haste to reach their sister team, according to Ren’s scroll they are very close. As they near the end of a street, Oscar starts to fall behind as he begins feeling a familiar sensation overcoming him.
???: 'Oscar, Oscar! Can you hear me!'
Oscar: ....Ozpin?!
Ozpin: 'Yes it’s me, listen I haven’t much time, you all need to lead away from team RWBY’s location. You’re all in great danger!'
Nora: Oscar what’s the hold up?
Oscar: Coming! 'Yeah we know about Cinder, that’s why we’re going to help Ruby and her team.'
Ozpin: 'No you have no idea what you are walking into! Yes while I do sense Cinder’s presence nearby, that is not what worries me. I’m sensing a presence I haven’t felt in millennia, a darker presence. You need to warn them!'
Jaune: Oscar! What’s wrong?
Oscar: Guys I think-
Ren: Look out!
Jaune looks ahead an sees multiple fire balls heading towards them. Quickly he grabs Oscar, pulls the boy behind him while he takes Crocea Mors and raises the shield up. His other two teammates dodge to incoming attack and readies their weapons. After lowering his shield and he sees the perpetrator. On top of a building was a black haired one eyed woman who he could never forget. Cinder Fall, herself in the flesh. He lets go of Oscar and unsheathes his sword witb a tight grip.
Jaune: So we were right, you are alive.
Cinder descends from the building with the aid of her magic by means of a small tornado of wind. She looks towards the four of them then smiles.
Cinder: Well if it isn’t the blonde knight and his loyal team of hunters. It’s been some time...Jaune Arc.
Jaune: ...
Cinder: What no words, no ‘hello’, or at least a little bit of surprise at seeing me? I’m hurt.~ You could at least try to make another heroic speech to defeat me.~ Oh wait. My mistake that’s the other one.
Jaune: ...
Cinder: My, my.~ It seems like someone has learned to keep their mouth shut. Kind of wish Little Red can take your advice.
Jaune: No. I’m realizing how much you love to hear yourself talk.
Cinder:(Scoffs) Well at least your hatred is still intact. That’s good.~ You’ll need it. (Materializes a Fire Sword)
Team JNPR gets ready to face her but Ten begins to feel a another presence approaching fast. He looks towards Nora and senses the presence coming from above!
Ren: Nora! Dodge!
Nora dodges out of the way just in time to evade a shorter girl with mismatch hair and a top hat lodge a long blade towards the ground. With a scowl, the girl advances on the pink bomber and performs a spin slash which Nora barely evades as well. Backing up, she goes towards Ren and he advances by shooting his grappling blades moving towards the opposite building and land a two legged kick only to see the girl shatter like glass on impact. Upon stopping he is confused then he senses a blade coming towards his head so he ducks and rolls to face her then shoots Stormflower at the mysterious woman again only to have he shatter once more. He looks on confused then gets suprised when a heeled boot kicks him in the face knocking him back towards his partner.
Nora: Ren!
The dichromatic girls approaches the two of them and smiles sinisterly. She looks towards Cinder and they both share a nod. Cinder shoot out two more fire balls. Jaune goes to block but they miss him altogether, confused then looks backwards to see the projectiles heading towards his other friends. He sees the attacks connect both Ren and Nora, because of their low aura level it nearly shatters the two’s aura. Then he sees their opponent shatter on instant then goes behind each of them and knocks them down by means of a back kick towards Nora and a sword swipe towards Ren.
Jaune: Nora! Ren!
He looks back towards Cinder only to see that she has closen the gap between them and pushes both Oscar and him back by means of a wind gust. Oscar is sent rolling down the street and towards the other girl. She holds a blade down towards his neck to hold back the two recovering Ren and Nora. They all see this and get up to him but she edges her blade closer towards the boy’s neck and without even saying a word they got her message.
Cinder: Excellent work Neo. As always.~
Jaune knew they were in trouble. With Oscar as a hostage, Ren and Nora’s Aura weakened, this wouldn’t be a fight they could win by conventional means. He looks at Cinder and sees her having that same smug face that haunted him for two years now. He makes a scowl towards her but doesn’t attack knowing that she will order her henchwoman hurt Oscar. It wasn’t a risk he would take.
Cinder: Such hatred in your eyes.~ But this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen them. I wonder what Nikos would say if she saw you with that face.~
Jaune:(Growls) Don’t day her name...
Cinder:(Smiles smugly) Stroke a nerve? Finally, was beginning to get bored.
Jaune:(Scowls further)
Cinder: Try as you may but I have the upper hand here. I underestimated your strength before and I don’t plan on making the same mistakes I made last time at Haven. So drop all your weapons or I’ll have Neo here gut your little friend like a fish. And that’s not a threat it’s a promise.
Jaune: ...(Drops Crocea Mors on the ground) Guys do as she says
Ren/Nora: (Drops their weapons)
Cinder: All of them! (Eyeing the green ninja’s dagger)
Ren: (Unsheathes his Father’s dagger and drops it as well)
Cinder: Good.~ (Looks back at Jaune) Now to ensure that you lot won’t try anything, I’m going to have Neo here guard your friends while you lead me to Little Red’s ship you were in such a hurry to get to.
Cinder: I’m sorry but you have no power for negotiation here.
Jaune: I’m not going to take you to Ruby. I’d rather die.
Cinder: How sweet.~ Unfortunately it’s not your life on the line. Neo!
Jaune: Wait!...Don’t. Please don’t hurt him, he’s got nothing to do with this.
Cinder: When and if he’ll get hurt will be entirely dependent on you I’m afraid.~ I’ve waited long enough for this and I won’t be denied any longer. Either you take me to Ruby or you will have another death on your conscience. So, what will it be? The boy or the Rose?
Jaune: ....heh. I just realized something.
Cinder:(Loses her smirk) What’s that?
Jaune: You can’t see shit from your left side can you?
Cinder: What? What’re you talking abo-!
Out of nowhere Cinder Fall is kicked from the left side of her face and knocked back from the impact. She looks to see in front of her Qrow Branwen standing with Harbinger at the ready. Winter Schnee comes up from behind him and points her sword her way.
Cinder: Neo! Kill the boy!
Before that Neo is striked by a large blunt weapon and knocked back as well. She looks up to see a crossbow type weapon pointed at her along with three other weapons pointed at her face.
Robyn: I wouldn’t move if I were you. And don’t try any of that tricky shit either.
Qrow: Thanks for the assist Hill. Would vote for you if I could. Sorry Fall, but things won’t be going your way today.
He looks towards Jaune and nods his head to signify that they have the situation handled. So Jaune smiles then proceeds to pick up Crocea Mors and run towards the other airship. Cinder wasn’t having that.
Cinder: NOOO!!!
She fired a fire ball after him but it’s blocked by a glowing Alpha Beowulf, leaving Jaune to keep running. He looks back momentarily to look at his team and they all give him a nod that they’ll be okay. So he nods and starts running once more and picking up the pace. He trusts that the others will keep Cinder and ‘Neo’ busy long enough for him to reach Team RWBY. Hopefully with their added help they can turn the tide. They still had a Wyvern to worry about so he needs to get there-!
Jaune stops in his tracks. He goes completely still, because in front of him is somebody who immediately sent chills down his spine. Standing in the middle of him and the airship was mankind’s greatest enemy. The mastermind behind this war. The Queen of the Grimm, Salem.
Salem:(Smiles) Jaune Arc...I finally found you.
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Wonderland Ball (3/4)
Chapters: 1  2  3  4
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At the opposite end of the room, Queen Alice, finally done with greeting her audience members, sighed back on her throne in content. “This is the best outcome of any party Fairy Tale Island has had. I mean you’re amazing, Hatter!” she grinned at her dearest friend. 
“But of course, Alice dear.” he tipped his hat, “Throwing parties are my specialty after all.” 
“I was the one who brought the guests over,” the Cheshire Cat intervened. “Wasn’t easy, you know?” he smiled at the Hatter who only frowned back.
“Oh, yes. Tell me, how did you manage to get the Fearless Seven to come?” Alice excitedly asked him. 
“He transported them here without warning,” a short witch with a grey bun walked into the scene. “I saw the whole thing myself from my room.” she calmly mentioned. 
Alice gasped at the Cheshire Cat, who now had his tail in between his legs, “Is Zeniba telling the truth?” 
“Well, in a sense yes.” he mumbled. 
“He was also rude to Prince Jack’s wife.”
“Yea, called her a servant.”
“You know I don’t fancy you two being here.” the Cheshire Cat frowned at the twins who had just entered. 
“Cheshire, how could you?!” Alice scolded then turned to her friend in the white suit.  “Rabbit, could you call her for me please? I want to apologize on his behalf.” 
“Wife isn’t here, miss. He failed to include her in his transportation spell, just like how the F7 fails to be on time.” he grumbled. 
“You left her behind?” she stared at him. 
“I wouldn’t say left, more like, dis-included?” he looked sideways. “Alice, with all due respect she wasn’t even a princess. He married a commoner.” 
“Your point?” Alice challenged, “Royalty or not that is his family, now both of them will be apart from each other on Christmas Eve. I want you to write an apology letter to this woman and apologize to Prince Jack yourself. That’s an order.”
“Oooh, someones in trouble.” the Mad Hatter grinned. The Cheshire Cat glared at him before bowing at Alice,
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” 
“Your Majesty, Prince Howl is here,” Zeniba smiled, a young blonde man charmingly smiled at her. 
“I’ll take care of this. Hatter, make sure he follows through.” Alice told him before standing up and greeting the wizard. 
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Once midnight had struck, the ball had come to an end, and the others went back to their suite. Exhausted from all the mingling and formalities, the group immediately fell apart when they got to their beds. 
“I think I might have bruised my arm when I threw Peter over the table.” Arthur examined his bicep. 
“Shut it, at least you weren’t chased around by two she-demons who want to put a dress on you.” Hans grumbled. 
“You think Papa sent Jiminy on purpose?” Noki asked.
“Please, I don’t want to think about it.” Kio responded. 
They all awoke the next morning and spent the day in the Wonderland Palace. They had high tea in their suite, played several games, and even got a chance to meet with Queen Alice herself. They were wrapping up the conversation when Alice stood up, 
“Prince Jack, may I speak to you?” 
“Of course, Your Majesty.” 
She pulled him off to the corner of the room and it took Jack by a great surprise when she bowed; not as a greeting but as an apology. “Your Majesty? Please raise your head!” he told her.
“Prince Jack, you have my deepest apologies for how my right hand man treated your wife. I’m sincerely sorry she could not be here. His actions do not reflect Wonderland’s beliefs and morals.” 
“Your Majesty, I am not upset with you. You weren’t the one who said those things after all. Though I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed with how he treated her.” he sadly told her. 
“Apologies are in order from him. Please, allow me to let you and your friends leave early.” she said. And that’s what happened. The Cheshire Cat appeared right beside her and waved his hand, the purple mist covering them as they were transported back to the gates to the White Palace. 
“I will never get used to that.” Briar said, holding her head. 
“Well at least we’re back. That was exhausting, not gonna lie.” Pino said, twisting his back. 
“Do you hear music?” Gwen asked them. The others nodded and followed the sound that echoed through the halls. It led to the doors of the ballroom they saw bright lights that's shone through its cracks. Briar opened them to see a sight that none of them would have expected.
Townspeople, man and woman, kids of different ages, running around, singing, dancing to their heart's content. Elders gave gifts to their grandchildren, grandchildren played around with ribbons that were attached to a large pole, adults ate and drank while watching the band perform. 
Somehow, snow was falling from the ceiling and people of all ages were making Snowmen, sledding, having snowball fights, or creating snow angels. It was full of laughter and fun, a different energy radiating from the Wonderland Ball. 
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you, be of good cheer!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
“What is this…?” Snow felt a small smile coming to her lips from the excitement and liveness everyone was exerting. 
“Are these all the people from Golden Goose?” Merlin questioned. 
“Why are they all here?” Hans looked around. 
“Oh, Your Highness'!” Isabella, in a lovely green dress, curtsied to the thirteen princes and princess’ “Welcome back!” she beamed. 
“Isabella, what is all this?” Jack asked her.
“Golden Goose's annual Christmas Eve Party, Miss Audrey had the suggestion of moving it to the palace ballroom so that it would be much bigger! She planned all the songs, the presents, and hosted the whole event.” 
“She did all this?” he looked around at the green and red festive lights. 
“You bet your high privileged ass she did.” Frost floated down to the group. “With my help and Isabella’s, this was all possible through her hard work.” he threw a snowball directly at him. A few sparkles appeared on his eyes before Jack started laughing, but quickly regained his composure. “Oof, tough one.” Frost laughed. 
“Where is Audrey?” Arthur asked. 
Frost smiled, leaning on his staff and gestured to the crowd behind him. 
There'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
They'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Christmas's long, long ago!
Amongst the crowd Audrey was singing along with the band, playing with the children and dancing with adults. Her hair was up in a bun, loose hair stands out, and wore a red dress that extended just below her knees. Her see-through heels made it a bit difficult for her to walk, but Isabella made them just for her.  Not a trace of sadness or jealousy was on her face as she sang an unfamiliar song to them. 
“It’s a traditional song from the outside world.” Frost told the group, “She’s been playing a lot of Christmas carols from out there. Honestly much better than the ones they have here.” 
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
There'll be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
The crowd applauded as the song ended, as did the group. Frost threw his staff up lightly after clapping, “Well your highness’ I have to help a big red man deliver his presents for Christmas and I’m already on the Naughty list. Probably,” he went to the nearest window and opened it, “later nerds.” the wind started blowing in his direction. 
“Snow Queen said hi by the way.” Jack called out.
“Wait, what?” Frost turned back, “No wait! Just when the conversation was getting interesting!” but was then blown away by the winds. 
The group had decided not to interrupt the party and went back to their rooms, hoping to greet Audrey after. After the party had ended, Audrey made her way to the parlor exhausted and removed her gloves. 
“I didn’t know you could sing. You always refused to.” 
Audrey turned around to see Jack smiling with his arms crossed. “Jack! You’re back!” 
Jack beamed as he welcomed her with open arms as she ran towards him. “I missed you so much, I’m so sorry you got left behind..” he buried his head on her shoulder, trying to make sure he didn’t ruin her hair. 
Audrey shook her hair, “It’s fine. I got to plan this party and meet everyone from Golden Goose. Oh Jack, they’re all so lovely and their traditions every Christmas are amazing!” 
Jack nodded, “I’m glad you enjoyed it, but it’s not okay. You should not have been left behind, that was rude of him to leave you out.” 
Audrey shrugged, “I guess, but at least something good came out of it.”
“Yes, you won’t have to spend Christmas with them next year, don’t worry.”
“What do you mean?” Audrey laughed.
“Spending the evening with commoners is hardly the right way to celebrate Christmas, there should be balls, and elegance.” he told her.
“Well, sure but there’s nothing wrong with their traditions.” Audrey’s smile thinned down. 
“It’s hardly fitting for someone married to nobility. You should be spending it with all of us at these balls.” he raised a brow.
“I’d love to spend it with all of you, but the traditions you just saw are not ‘hardly fitting’, they’re wonderful.” she frowned. 
Jack rolled his eyes, “Audrey please, why spend your holidays in the cold filthy streets when you can spend it warm and cozy in a palace.”
“There is nothing wrong with where they live.” she said now angry, “Their happiest memories are on those streets. And mine are too, wandering around several towns, I’ve seen the joy they all have.” 
“That’s impossible, no one can be truly happy there.” he firmly told her, “I don’t want you to live or be treated like a commoner, you deserve much more than that. For goodness sake, you’re married to a prince!” 
“What’s wrong with being a commoner? They’re the same as you, they just have a different lifestyle!”
 “Commoners don’t have all these riches you see around you. They’re not as well off as we are. We can easily afford anything we want. If we have the money then we can spend it, what’s wrong with that?!”
“Nothing! Nothing is wrong with the lifestyle of a noble but neither is the lifestyle of a commoner! They’re two different things but that doesn’t mean that either status is worth greater or less of value, they all deserve equal treatment!” Audrey stared him down, “Maybe if you actually experienced the life of one you see that we aren’t as pitiful or filthy as you think we are.”
That crossed the line for Jack as he looked at her one more time and stormed out of the parlor. The twelve people who had their ears pressed to the door heard footsteps coming and they quickly hid behind the large curtains. Jack pushed the door open with violence as he marched through the halls. Audrey on the other hand, not realizing the error both of them had made, made her way outside of the parlor and walked the opposite way.
Once the two were out of sight from each other, the twelve princes and princesses came out of the curtains. 
“That can’t be good…” Gwen frowned.
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muzzleroars · 4 years
tbh from talk in the lokiarsene discord, it was actually said that scramble's development was complicated and wasn't actually developed by atlus, but atlus had to step in and develop the story as they didn't like the direction it was going in on. they /spent/ two whole years trying to nail the main scenario down and development took three and a half years, however if you look at something that morgana said, it mentions something happened in February, which is hint hint: MARUKI
oof yea sounds like they had a lot of issues with it in that case and it makes sense that its development took longer than royal’s all told. interesting that atlus had to step in and get involved…i wonder what the problem was on that?? but i’m sure with this timeline it actually was meant to come out before royal, but it got stalled out in development and unfortunately ended up coming out later instead. i do remember morgana’s line tho, how he mentions that the events of p5 took place six months ago. i personally didn’t put a lot of stock into it because i figured he meant half a year in a more vague sense, as 8 months is closer to half a year than a full year ago. morgana’s exact lines in this portion of the game are 「ああ…半年前と同じだ。異世界が現実を侵食し始めている。」roughly translated, he’s saying “yes…this is the same as half a year ago when the metaverse was starting to encroach upon reality.” it seems to me like he was more talking about yaldabaoth’s encroachment upon the world, and not maruki’s, as the scenery in this portion of scramble is reminiscent of tokyo in vanilla p5′s endgame. his use of “half year” as opposed to exactly “six months” makes me believe there’s wiggle room in what he says. again, it makes more sense to round 8 months down to half a year than up to a full year as it’s closer in time, and “half a year” may sound better than the exact number of “eight months” when spoken (as in it flows better in dialogue). BUT REALLY i’m only arguing the point this much because i prefer scramble to be a sequel/spin-off to vanilla rather than royal since??? no mention of goro or sumire would be completely bizarre in that case and it would really bum me out :( goro was such an integral part of the royal, it would be really disheartening if this is meant to take place in the same timeline. and while his fate is still up in the air as of royal, we were given a hint that he survived and so to not even have a mention of him would be terrible to me. and then there’s sumire, who is certainly fully alive and well, and she doesn’t get a mention either??? let alone letting her on the team?? if this was a sequel to royal, i would totally expect both of them to be on the team bc there’s no reason not to include them (sumire is alive and goro is far too popular to keep dead + it would be a wonderful surprise for the fans to confirm his status) the only way i would understand this being in the royal’s timeline is if atlus is trying to streamline p5′s canon. the manga adaptation is now a p5r adaptation it seems, so i wouldn’t be entirely surprised, but it’s still too messy imo there would have been no way to optimize scramble for royal, as it was probably set in terms of plot and far along in development by the time the royal was being worked on, so goro and sumire couldn’t be added effectively. morgana’s line here could be an easy fix to hint at the royal timeline rather than vanilla p5, but i don’t think so. i’m instead just hopeful these timelines will stay separate and royal will get its own follow-up/spin-off in the future.
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starrywonn · 5 years
february spring
request: can you do a han jisung bullet point scenario with a fantasy au??? like he's the prince and y/n's his knight or something oof :'>
a/n: i had to rewrite this like four times that's why this took so long anyways this is my first request in a REALLY long time :”))) i hope you enjoy it!! pairing: prince! han jisung/knight! reader genre: fluff scenario type: bulletpoint scenario word count: 1.6k
warnings: cursing (like one time)
sunlight pours into the window of your bedroom, piercing your eyes
you immediately get off your bed to get prepared for the day ahead
you dress in your plainclothes and make your way towards the stone castle that made your residence seem like a dwarf
the thudding of your running feet fills the empty corridor
the armoury was chillingly silent
you hastily put your armour on and place your sword in the sheath
you speed walk to the prince’s room
just on time
the prince had just woken up, his hair an absolute mess, eyes droopy and low
“mornin’ y/n”
“morning. i see you had a good night’s sleep?”
“only the best,” he says airily
you wait patiently outside the bathroom as he gets ready
he comes out of the bathroom with a completely different aura
his hair was now neater, his cream coloured night clothes replaced with a deep blue tunic and trousers
"ok let's go. you're gonna be late"
despite only recently beginning to guard jisung, you had already fallen into a routine
he was about your age which shocked him at first
his guards were always way older than him
it was insane that someone his age was already one of the top fighters in the land
he always pestered you to tell him how you got that good but all you would tell him was “lots of practice”
he’d give you an annoyed look but after a while, he stopped asking
getting back to the task at hand, you quickly think of the lessons he had to go to
out of the large array of classes, he had ruling, sword fighting, horse riding, etiquette and archery today
sometimes, it felt like you were babysitting him more than you were his bodyguard
you had to attend all the boring lectures with him too zzz
finally, it was his last class of the day
ah, archery
what pain it caused jisung
every time you see him shoot, you kind of want to lose it
his face was always scrunched up in a weird way whenever he tried to shoot
give him a sword and he’d best anyone any day but archery was a different story
but at least this one thing deflates his stupid huge ego so he doesn't get his head stuck up in the clouds
“y/nnnnnn can’t you just teach me??? all my teacher does is get me to copy you. you might as well teach me right??”
you? teach him?
“well, technically, i'm not qualified to”
jisung pouts at you
“but if you want me to, i GUESS i can” you say as you roll your eyes
“you can’t take it back!!”
dinner comes around
all jisung does is sit at the table, scarf down delicious food and give you mischievious looks
you glance large mounds of food dished on gold and silver platters
but you can’t eat any of it! too bad
so obviously, your best choice is to go back to staring at the wall
you’re so out of it that when the king calls out your name, you almost jump out of your skin
“yes, your majesty?”
“i asked if you would be alright to teach jisung archery from now on.”
“of course, your majesty! it would be such an honour to be able to do so”
jisung gleams towards your direction and you shoot back an annoyed look
“very well! i will make the necessary arrangements.”
the dinner was finished without much fuss and as you walk jisung back to his bedchambers, he seemed to be almost skipping
was he really that happy to be coached by you?
“good night y/n, see you tomorrow!!”
“good night”
the next thing you know, it's the next day and you and jisung were in front of the archery targets in the fields
jisung was showing you how he usually shot
immediately, you could see his mistakes
“you have to take into account the wind. aiming for the centre doesn’t mean that you will hit it.”
jisung nodded, adjusted his bow and shot again
he finally hit the target
it involved lots of death glares, cursing the gods and jisung almost breaking the bow more than once
but after two weeks, he could hit bullseyes repeatedly
least to say you were proud of him
but also a little suspicious that he failed with his other coaches on purpose
jisung proudly announces his achievement to nearly everyone he meets
the king and queen were over the moon and immediately wanted to reward jisung
“if there’s anyone you should reward, it’s y/n. they’re the one who helped me,” jisung pointed out
“ah, y/n! is there any way we can repay you?”
you froze
you never thought about being repaid at all
you shook your head
“it’s alright, your majesty. i just did my job. in fact, it’s prince jisung who shot those bullseyes so i can’t say i really did much”
the king waves off your excuse, “nonsense! if you ever wish for anything, let us know! we’ll be more than happy to get it for you”
“thank you, your majesty”
as jisung makes his fortnightly visit to the villages, he brings up the spring festival
his horse is in a slow trot
he goes off on a tangent and rambles on and on about everything under the sun
he gestures so much you get dizzy looking
but you can see the sparkle of anticipation and excitement in them as he talks animatedly
it's cute, you think to yourself
wait, hold on, you’re not supposed to think this way about him
you shake your head, willing yourself out of it
“so of course, we’ll be attending as guests-of-honour but i want to experience the festival for real”
“for real?” you quirk your eyebrow
“yea! for real! like going out to the streets and like, getting to eat all the snacks we want kind of real?”
“but what about your parents? wouldn't they want you there with them?”
"who cares what they think! getting to go to the festival is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"and how would manage to avoid everyone?"
your jaw drops as he explains his plan
this boy really has a wild imagination
“wouldn't asking be easier?”
“c’mon y/n!! don’t be such a party pooper!! it’s an adventure!! let’s just try it!!”
you sigh
“fine. one 'adventure' wouldn’t hurt right?”
jisung pumps his fist in the air, gleaming
“but, on one condition. you have to make sure to stick with me the whole time. because if you get lost or injured, it's on me”
jisung eagerly nods
training sessions were spent secretly planning the best route around the festival
jisung gets to play the fair games and you get to steal his snacks
it's a win-win situation here
the day of the spring festival comes within a blink of an eye
you wait behind the balcony doors where the royals are announcing the start of the festival
the resounding cheers are audible through the thick walls of the castle
you follow behind as the royal family walks to the town square
the townspeople rush to invite the king and queen to try their goods
jisung and you exchange a look
it was time
the two of you rush back into the castle
you change back into your plainclothes and stand outside jisung's room
you crack open the door
"hurry up jisung!!!!"
"i'm coming!!!!"
he pulls on the door and you nearly fall with it
"geez, 'sung" you mutter
when you look at him, jisung almost looks like a regular teenager
but there's something still a little off
you reach over and ruffle his hair
"that’s much better. now let's GO"
you grab a hold of his hand and drag him out of the castle
for once, you let yourself go, having fun as a kid your age would
you both stuff yourselves with all sorts of snacks till you're sure that if you take another bite you would probably puke
you and jisung walk out to the quieter parts of town
he grabs your wrist and leads you into the forest
you end up on a small clearing that overlooks the villages
jisung sits near the edge
you follow suit, slightly confused
in a small whisper, he says, “look up”
the stars are bright, dotting the pitch black sky
jisung sighs
"it's beautiful right?"
you hum in silent acknowledgement
"i used to come here when everything was too much," he pauses, "it's harder than people think. being a prince i mean. just so many people trying to take advantage of your position or waiting for you to fail"
"yeah, it's scary" you pick at the grass around you, "but you're getting through it pretty okay right? you’re trying your best and that’s what matters. plus i'm here with you now. i'll fight those assholes if i have to"
he lets out a small chuckle
the two of you sit in silence
everything seemed so small from where you sat, the chatter and noise in the village replaced by the chirping of crickets
"i like you"
his words break the silence softly, passing like the fluttering wind
they hold an air of absent-mindedness but in your mind, they're heavy with meanings and implications
your throat suddenly feels dry
when you look over to him, he's still looking at the night sky above
his eyes seem to hold the universe and the moonlight gives his face an angelic glow
it finally hits you that when he wasn't being an absolute dork, he was actually… handsome
the starlight clouds your judgement for a split second and you lean over, pressing a small kiss onto his cheek
"i like you too"
his hand finds yours and in the february spring, it's you two against the world
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My incompetent-ness immortalized in chapter form
Okay so y’all know I’m writing a fanfic for Sabre’s old Fallout series. I haven’t fully plotted it out yet, but awhile back I started writing the first chapter for the hell of it because this specific part isn’t really tied to the overall plot and my gosh. I was rewatching the last episode of Fallout MC yesterday and I got SO MANY things wrong. Like the situation and environment is so off. My goodness. I’m so dumb. So since this doesn’t match up with the end of Fallout MC whatsoever I thought I would just post it. It’ll probably be 4 years before you see the actual first chapter but have this anyways.
Edit: I just realized I should probably put some trigger warnings on this oof. So yeah, uh, warning: Blood, guns, death and violence. And also characters in this are mentioned as being a part of a gang and refered to as so many times.
(Word Count: 1433)
Sometime in the future, nearly 200 years after a massive nuclear war that nearly destroyed the earth, 3 raiders, gang members, were sorting through loot they had just obtained. 
As the thugs discussed their quarry, three other figures appeared at the top of the drop-off of the old, dried up waterway that the three khan members were sitting in. One of them, who was wearing a blue jacket pulled out an impressive looking sniper rifle and looked at the person  adjacent  to him who nodded back at him.
The two other figures cautiously climbed down the manmade cliff and the third kneeled and shakily aimed at the leader of the small ragtag group who was wearing a white mask with red markings.
A bush behind the self-acclaimed demon was uprooted and he and his associates leaped up to locate whoever it was who fired at them.
The thirty year old swore under his breath and ducked for cover as the thugs started firing at him. The brown haired man braced himself, hearing the muffled gunshots and even feeling one of the bullets hit the rock he was hiding behind as he waited for a chance to split.
The gunfire died down for a few tense minutes before he heard some bushes rattle to the left of him and one of the thugs fire off a shot. He took this as a chance to bolt and ran off to his right heading for the nearest building. 
He slid into the weary skyscraper as he heard several bullets trail him, pulled himself up and leaned against a wall but flinched and immediately walked into the center of the room when he felt the wall shift slightly under his weight.
“Oh jeez..” He breathed. “I sure hope Shark and Sabre are okay..”
Meanwhile down in the waterway, The leader of the sub-group glared at the building the man was hiding in. “Guess we’re gonna have to push, boys.” Looking at his henchmen. “What about that bush?” Asked one, wearing neon orange goggles. “Oh please, Encline, it was probably just a bird.” Said the other. “Even so Burns, keep an eye out. When there’s one rat there’s often another.” Their leader replied.
He loaded his gun and began to make his way to the slope before he heard the most unconvincing and shrill fake bird call. 
“What the-”
Suddenly a spear came from the left of them, almost hitting Encline. Their leader shot off about 4 rounds into the direction of where the spear came from, 3 of which barely missed the thrower.
Another man wielding an axe ran from behind them and almost hit the masked man before he used his shotgun to block it. Another spear came down at the sniper who dodged it and fired off another shot into the bushes which once again missed.
Burns lifted his gun to help his leader but before he could pull the trigger an extremely loud gunshot was heard and the rugged man stopped in his footsteps before he totally collapsed. Encline’s attention totally shifted from the 19 year old in the bushes to his fallen comrade. “BURNS!!!” He rushed over to him and impulsively tried to feel his heartbeat but he was already dead. The sniper clenched his fist, taking in the loss before he looked into the direction of where the shot came from and realizing that the quote on quote "rat" that had been firing at them earlier had returned.
His despair quickly turned to rage as he pulled out his gun and started firing at the man who was scrambling for cover. 
Encline heard a thud from behind him and looked to see that the fight between his leader and the 16 year old had escalated to the sub-group leader being on the ground and the boy about to smash his chest in with the axe. Encline swiftly took a shot at the boy, hitting his far side.
The sniper tried to reload his gun to finish the job but not before another young man wearing a black T-shirt hit him over the head with a stick. As the two struggled for the stick, the leader climbed to his feet and glanced over to his second in command who was fighting over a piece of wood and the man who killed his third who had re-appeared on the top of the cliff and was re-loading his gun. 
The blonde quivered, snapped his already wrecked shotgun in half, threw it at the 16 year old and bolted.
Encline kicked the dark brown haired man in the gut and tried to go after his leader but another, third gunshot and Cthulhu stumbled to the ground, blood pouring out of his leg. "CTHULHU!!!!" Encline screamed again, pulling out his gun and firing in the air 5 times which made his three opponents scramble. He rushed over to his leader, helped him up and sent off more false shots.
"We'll be ba-" "SHUT UP CTHULHU!" Encline yelled between clenched teeth. The three men hid(well, two of them hid. The other was laying on the ground hoping he wouldn't get shot again) for about 7 minutes before one, the young man wearing the T-shirt called out "Shark!? Is it clear??" 
The only reply he received was a loud moan. “Shark?!??” The young man in turn peaked his head out from behind the fallen piece of building he was hiding behind and saw that the two gang members were no where to be seen. He walked out, cautiously examining the environment to make sure there really wasn’t anyone still there. 
“I think they’re gone.. Shark are you OK?” He said before rushing over to his friend. “Ugh... probably...” Shark replied, struggling to push himself up onto his knees. “Are you guys hurt?” Called out the man at the top of the drop-off before sliding down. “I’m fine, Maus, but they got Shark pretty good.”
 Maus climbed back onto his feet and walked over to the two other men, granted with a slight limp. “I don’t think they hit any of his organs, but he’s still bleeding pretty steadily.” “Do.. you have anything we could use to patch him up?” “No, those raiders took everything we had on us, you know that.” “You’re right... but do you think they left anything behind?” “Yea.. How bout’ you check those chests and I’ll go see if he had anything.”
 The two nodded at eachother and Maus went over to the chests and began to rumage through them while the other kneeled down to the body, took a deep breath and and began to strip it down and search through its inventory. “Find anything?” He asked, pulling out some pistol rounds from the corpse. “Nope, it’s really only guns, infact most of them are ours.” Maus replied. “Is my pistol there?” Shark asked through clenched teeth. “Well actually-“ The 19 year old said before spying a reel of cloth.
 “Wait, I think I found something!” “What is it?” Maus asked. “It’s a roll of bandages.” He said before pulling it out of what was Burns’ jacket. “Oh thank God...” said Shark who was starting to feel pretty light headed.
“Well, What are you waiting for, man?” Maus said. Sabre nodded and knelt down to his friend and began wrapping it around the boys body. “Hey Maus, do you have anything I could use to clip this together? I think it clings to itself but I want to make sure.” “Nope.” “Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to hope it doesn’t unravel.” The dark brown haired man pulled the bandages tight and pinched the two ends together.
“I think that’s it.. Shark how do you feel?” Sabre said as he pushed himself up. “Not good....” “Do you think you’ll be able to walk?” “..Probably.” Shark said straining to pull himself up before almost falling down. “Hey, be careful!” Maus said catching his friend before he fell. “Ugh, thanks Maus.” “No problem, just be careful with yourself.” Shark nodded in reply.
“..Maus did you grab the guns in the chests?” Sabre asked. “Yeah, I did.” “Okay, we should probably go and check in with Ryan. But Shark, do you need to sit down and take a breather?” “Nah I’ma.. I think I can make it.” “You sure?” “Yeah.. I’m.. I’m sure.” “Well, if that’s the case, we should probably get going.” the thirty year old said. “Yeah.. probably.” “Alright, let’s go.” The green eyed man replied, starting to make his way up the incline.
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