#SOLAR BEAM GO! fucking explodes
torchickentacos · 2 years
 Throwback to that time Drew tried to kill team rocket
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ameliagiovanna0 · 4 months
Hear me out
If this ⬇️
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is how Tim looks at Lucy when she says yes to dinner with him, how the hell is he going to look when she tells him she loves him or, better yet, when she says yes to marrying him?
Someone help me because this was before they'd even gone out. Yes, they'd kissed a couple of times, but it was under the pretense of UC work. He beamed like the sun when she said yes to dinner. He's going to fucking explode when she tells him she loves him, so God help the inevitable solar flare when she says yes to marrying him
He's so in love with her and it makes me all warm and fuzzy
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Sneak to Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #42: “The Cavarly Has Arrived”
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Miss Frankie was walking through the metal detector at a boss stop until suddenly, she feels a headache.
Miss Frankie: grunting; suddenly realizing something Oh no, it’s happening again! Wolverine claws pop out in two of her hands that ends up catching a robber as she screams
Citizen Man: Holy shit! What happened?!
Police Officer: Damn, whoever did this is a Mighty Solar! Thank you Mighty Solars!
The citizens cheers as Miss Frankie ran away in fear as she hide behind a wall and starts breathing in and out as she looks at her claws. Meanwhile at school, something strange happens to Principal Cooke, Ms. Perez and Frankie as they were busy with their students.
Principal Cooke: suddenly rapids up to get a cup of Jo Huh? What the?!
Ms. Perez: getting an eraser out while teaching her class until suddenly, the lights went out and she started glowing without the students watching and gasp. She hides underneath her table as she panics. She stops glowing but suddenly develops a glowing sun orb from her hands; whispering What’s happening to me?!
Mia: was getting out a labtop but then suddenly, her eyes started glowing as she screams. She then suddenly sees the whole background go black and she sees a mysterious bunch of henchmen attacking three civilians. Mia sees the address as she gasp and the whole background switches back to normal as she started panting and two teachers came in There’s a robbery at Rakeslide Dr. 3901!
Female Teacher: What?! Oh my God! Call the police!
Mia, Ms. Perez and Principal Cooke head outside as they panic. Meanwhile, at Kevin’s house.
Kevin: was walking the dog until he went all digital and transports to the outside of his house as he panic
Kevin’s Wife: offscreen Kevin! What’s wrong? Is everything okay?
Kevin: Yeah! Definitely! takes the dog inside Good boy!
Kevin runs off as he started to panic. Meanwhile at Jaime and Darcy’s house, Darcy was dusting off a table lamp with a feather duster, until suddenly she sees Jaime being set on fire.
Darcy: Oh my God! Honey, you’re on fire!
Jaime: Aaaaahh! Oh my God! What the fuck’s happening?! runs outside to tuck and roll, only for the fire around him to disappear as he sighs in relief Oh thank God! suddenly feels a hit What the?!
Darcy: her hands glowing as it shoots beams from her palms What the fuck? Jaime, we gotta do something!
Jaime: Let’s go the Mighty Solars!
Meanwhile, Randall is in shock after he somehow develops a black hole portal that shows people staring at him. Randall screams, runs out of his trailer in fear and start to have a panic attack. Later, at the sweets cafe, Sherbet was busy getting a soda float ready for a costumer. Until…
Sherbet: Hmm. suddenly her hands starts to develop scotch mints and grape soda fizzling from her hands as she gasp What’s the fuck is going on?! What’s happening?!
In panic, Sherbet accidentally combine the mints and soda as it makes a big purple fizzling yet delicious mess as it explodes and has the costumers panicked and a bit traumatized.
Sherbet: Oh my God. I gotta go find the Mighty Solars!
Sherbet takes off her employee outfit and heads out to find the Mighty Solars.
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blue-kyber · 2 years
You guys might be sick of this, but I don't care. I'm proud of my work, and will shout it through an empty toilet paper roll for that bass free 1920's gramophone sound effect.
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Will had fallen asleep in his normal clothes on one of the wide half-moon couches in front of the slanted windows. The first beams of light crossed over his eyes, pulling him out of his nightmare of the gargantuan keth city ship he’d witnessed before they left Earth’s solar system.
He sat up and rubbed away the sleep. Why did the sun have to be so glaringly bright?
He slipped on his glasses, shielded his eyes, and squinted through the space between his fingers. 
It was morning, but the sun didn’t cause the eye-blazing light. 
A vessel half the size of the Intrepid hovered like a stalking predator, shining a floodlight through the windows. 
The other kids were waking up to it as well and groaning at the discomfort. 
Terra sat up, having fallen asleep head-to-head with her friend. She and many of the others had changed back into their regular clothing. 
Mumbles of confusion and panic bubbled up throughout the room. 
“What is that?” someone’s voice quivered.
“Don’t move,” Derek whispered, ”Its attack might be based on movement.”
“It’s a ship, you idiot, not a t-rex,” Nick whispered back. 
“You never know.”
Regardless, fear and curiosity kept Will and Terra paralyzed in place. 
The light suddenly shifted to the ground multiple floors below them, and bolts of red particle beams rained down. 
Everyone screamed and scrambled away.
“The keth?” Kathryn cried out in panic, “Did they find us?”
Without the blinding light, they got a clear look at the sleek design, “It’s a Regent ship,” Derek gasped. 
“Why are they firing on their own people?” Nick exclaimed, “What the hell is going on here?”
Helplessness ensnared them all. They were locked in this section within the main living area exposed entirely to windows. Any of those shots could crash through and mow them all down.
Some of the kids banged on the door, begging to be let out. 
The control panel suddenly burst into sparks, sending the kids scattering back in yelps of surprise. 
A loud, dissonant klaxon blared to life as the room’s interior lighting shifted to red.
Chaos exploded throughout the room. 
Children ran and hid behind couches, chairs, the table - anything they could find. A couple, including Li, held up their fists, ready to fight, and some were too shocked to move. 
The doors ‘wooshed’ open. The two black and blue armored troops that had been assigned to guard the door outside collapsed in a heap. Their helmets rolled away, revealing one to be masakan, and the other to be o’alli.
Captain Linell strode through with four fully geared up and helmeted troopers. Lieutenant Nashea joined her. Captain Linell addressed the frightened kids with stern urgency, “Get your things as fast as you can and follow me.” 
No one moved. They were too stunned to see the captain of the Intrepid burst in, and still trying to process the situation. 
“I said move! We don’t have much time.”
“Captain?” Anahita could barely speak, “What’s going on?”
“Our divergence here wasn’t approved by the Chancellor. I’m getting you all out. Now, please. They need your leadership, Anahita.” 
Speechless, the young girl’s head bobbled up and down. She swallowed to clear her voice and put on her bravest tone even though she felt the tightness of fear in her chest. “Everyone! Get your stuff and go with the captain! Stay together!”
“I knew we weren’t supposed to fucking be here,” Li swore. 
“Language,” Captain Linell scolded, then she and the officers went about helping the kids and rushing them out the door. 
Li blinked, “Did you just--” he turned to Anahita, “Did she just--”
“Yup, she did. Help me.” Anahita ordered. The two corralled the kids under age ten. 
Captain Linell picked up a six year old and handed him over to an officer, “We can get you all onto the Delphi. We’ve cleared a path, but it won’t hold.” She handed a gun from her hip holster over to Li, handle first, “It’s a pulse pistol. Point this end at the other guy and shoot. It’s set to stun.’ Do not touch the settings.” 
He looked from the gun to her, “You sure you want to give me a weapon?”
“I’ve been watching you over the past week. You’re a warrior. You’re brave, and you have heart. I’m trusting you to help me get everyone to safety. You are their protector. Now is that a job you think you can do, Mister Chen?” she locked eyes with him to ensure he understood she was trusting him to guard the children with her on their escape. 
His martial arts training kicked in, and he knew she was taking a risk with him. He was only one of six seventeen-year-olds. He had earned the respect of the three eighteen-year-olds in their group of fifty. Above all else, Li Chen had always fought for those who couldn’t fight for themselves. 
He accepted the gun, dropping his delinquent bravado, “Yes, captain.”
“Good man,” she gave a smile of approval.   
Will and Terra were in the last cluster of kids to run out into the hall, “They’re trusting you with a weapon?” Will sassed toward Li.
“Shut your pie hole, nerd,” he pressed his palm against Will’s back to move the younger kid forward.
Will could feel his hand trembling. Li acted tough, but he was just as scared as the rest of them.
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Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @thewriteflame @writingventriloquist @ren-c-leyn @asher-orion-writes @aninkwellofnectar @winterandwords @raevenlywrites @nanashi23 @athenaannarose @the-tired-writer @space-cadead@cljordan-imperium
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vulcanhello · 2 years
obsessed with star trek new earth btw. the most fucking insane storyline imaginable specifically designed to torture kirk. first he spends months and months trying to get these lame ass colonists to their planet but there’s SABOTAGE and a guy who is specifically trying to get revenge on kirk for catching him stealing kirk’s shuttle and there’s these annoying orions AND there’s a whole insane war happening in the solar system of the planet that no one knows about AND there’s a communication blackout every 20 hours and the colonists are fucking annoying as all hell. and when they finally get to this beautiful new planet kirk is finally getting a chance to relax he’s chillin at the beach and spock beams down to tell him captain. the moon is going to explode in approximately eight days captain. and this is only book two of SIX
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The Dragon Ball scene where Gohan and Cell are having their last stand and they are doing the energy beam battle between Cell's Solar Kamehameha and Gohan one armed one but it's Veigar as Gohan and Mordekaiser as Cell post Mordekaiser's return.
And the iron revenant is winning, overpowering Veigar with his own overwhelming power, and all hope seems lost, Veigar PTSD fucking up with him as everything seems lost until...
In his mind, clear as day, he can hear her, the one and only hero he ever Tolerated.
Senna, Sentinel of Light, from across the black mist, sparking one last glimmer of hope in him.
"Going down so soon already, against the likes of that? If I didn't know better, I'd say you're not the great and powerful villain you say you are."
"What? No, I-" He stammers, loses his focus, even as fear and shame simmers beneath him... Soon turning into rage, "Of course I am, I am Lord Veigar, I am a villain, no, THE greatest villain of all time, I am invincible!"
His power grows tenfold, his darkness, his magic growing alongside his hubris as his eyes sparkle of renewed resolve.
"That you are Vigz, so what are you going to do about it? Are you going to lay down and take it? Be blasted away at the speed of light? Or are you going to show me, the world, exactly what you're capable of?!"
"Yes, Yes! I am the darkness that lurks within the heart of Yordles, made manifest to shatter the chains of do gooders!" Is delusions grow, giving him newfound power, even as he still struggles against his enemy, his monster, his villain's power, "He is just some oversized tin can compared to Me, I am magnificent, I am enormous, I shall bathe the stairways of my castle in his blood, bring his legions to their knees, turn him into a Owlcat and fees it to my minions!"
"How adorable, the little fuzzball has some spunk left in him!" Mordekaiser mocks, as sharp as the memories plaguing Veigar's mind, "Maybe you weren't as much of a failure as I thought you were!"
"What- DID YOU CALL ME?!" He yells, rage and hubris and delusions condensing into one, perfect moment if clarity, as a memory from beyond time, before the pain and the madness, appears...
Of a young, tiny Yordle, eyes filled with hope, heart filled with wonder...
And the magic he learned , at the top of Mount Targon.
To heal...
And to burn.
"Remember Veigar," Senna's voice says, perhaps another delusion, or maybe something else, "There is no darkness..."
"Without light."
The Darkness explodes in bright Starfire, the concentrated power of the cosmos erupting from Veigar hands, his staff shattering by the sheer power of it as he glimmer in bright, morning light, the silver light of the moon coming short behind, empowered by the stars, the power overwhelming even for one such as him as he screams, tears forming on his eyes as in one, terrible moment of self reflection, he contemplates what could have been...
Only to be snuffed out almost instantly, as a deranged, full toothed smile appears on his furry lips.
"Mordekaiser!" He yells, more like screams "Next time you pick a fight with another Villain... TRY TO PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!"
Darkness and Starlight explode forward in one, perfect dance, almost overcoming Mordekaiser's energy beam, almost...
Except it doesn't seem to be enough still, it would take far more than that, even for Veigar, and yet, in that one, perfect moment, as Mordekaiser is about to empower his beam to overwhelm Veigar...
A purple star of energy erupts from the Shadows, striking Mordekaiser, engulfing him in a explosion, a nuisance more than anything...
"Veigar, Now!"
But enough for Veigar's efforts to overcome him in one, final moment, engulfing him in Starfire...
And Obliterating him from existence, as the Iron Revenant screams, his spirit destroyed, his armour shattered, his soul forfeit.
Right as Veigar, his victim, his enemy, becomes the greatest mage of all time.
The one who saved the world, from the monster who made him this way.
A Real Villain.
(In the sidelines, A Yordle surrounded by mirrors smiles.
She turns toward her reflection, depicting a different woman, in a different place, and says...
"My Work here is done.")
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loominggaia · 2 years
How’s your health and the renovations going?
Thanks for asking! Health-wise I'm doing better than I have in years. Still definitely have problems going on (I fainted at the post office like a week ago...not fun) but a hell of a lot better than I was, say, a year ago.
Renovations are slow and steady. Our main roadblocks right now are money and bad weather. If it weren't for all the generous donations you guys gave a while back, I'd seriously be up shit creek without a paddle. My car still needs some work but since I took it to the mechanic it's at least running now, which is essential out here in the country. You guys really saved my ass. Thank you again.
We can't afford to work on the house just yet (it needs to be totally gutted, which we can't do while my mom's still living there) so for now we're focusing on the outside of the property. I'll have more pictures when the weather clears up, but here's a list of what we've accomplished so far:
-At least 100 bags of trash removed from the house. ($120 for dump fees, the rest of the trash we just burned)
-4 box trucks full of junk hauled out of the yard. ($1k for service)
-3 leaning trees cut down. ($1.5k for equipment and labor)
-6 mice e-rat-icated. ($40 for reusable traps)
-At least 10 pickup truck's worth of yard waste and sticks burned. (free, did it all ourselves)
-Another pickup truck's worth of firewood salvaged and stacked. (free)
-70-year-old cabin completely renovated and made livable, including laying conduit for electricity and internet. ($2k)
-Lawn reseeded. ($20)
-Rescued the barn from bramble overgrowth. Brambles were cut and removed from all sides, including the roof. ($40 for tools)
-Brambles also removed from the back half of the house. They were growing into the foundation and damaging the siding. (free)
-Pavers laid between muddy patch between house and cabin, as it was a major slipping hazard ($200)
-Invested in portable black tanks for RV so it doesn’t have to be pumped as often ($650. Now I’m paying 50/month for pumping service instead of 150 which saves a ton of money in the long run)
-Lots of random cleaning, maintenance, and foliage pruning.
-Get brakes on my car fixed ($100-$200 probably)
-Get mom's car fixed (no idea how much that shit will cost)
-Get the house's septic tank pumped ($600 or more depending on how bad it is. Apparently hasn't been done in 20 YEARS...)
-Get a carport to protect the RV I'm currently living in ($5,500)
-Bury the water line to the RV ($100-ish for conduit and many hours of horrible digging I'm not looking forward to)
-RV skirting to keep pipes from freezing/keep critters out ($1k-ish probably because I'm going to use salvaged materials as much as possible)
-Redo the plumbing in mom's bathroom because her sink pipes keep exploding and the toilet keeps overflowing (Going to cost several thousand, I don't even want to think about it...)
-Getting a proper foundation under the cabin. (At least $2k)
-Solar panels to cut down electric bill because utilities are fucking insane in this area ($1k)
-Gut the house down to the studs (Going to do as much as we can ourselves, but we'll still have to pay a few thousand for help)
-Demolish parts of the house and rebuild what we can ($20k-$50k, probably more)
-Remove fallen trees from the yard ($500 for chainsaw + gas)
-Cut back the rest of the bramble menace (Won't cost money, just a shitload of time and hard labor)
-Cut down a few more concerning trees (Some of these we can do ourselves, others will cost a few thousand to hire a professional)
-Put a support beam in the garage and fix the roof because it’s collapsing and becoming a serious safety hazard ($5k probably)
The combined income of my household is less than 2k/month. It is going to take a LONG time to accomplish even a small fraction of this stuff unless we happen to fall into some serious money.
Every little bit helps. If you would like to contribute to this monster project, you can donate via Paypal to [email protected]
Or buy stuff from my shop.
Or buy a print copy of the first LG book.
Or order a commission.
I'll keep you guys updated on what we accomplish here on the property! Thank you so much!
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dearophelia · 3 years
and some things you just can’t speak about
long live :: the tower :: and some things you just can’t speak about
Quentus is five when the Reapers come. [it’s sad turian kiddo hours here tonight. warnings for war and parent death. i’m so sorry.]
He’s five when they come.
Quentus lingers upstairs against his father’s strict orders to come down to the basement now. Ducking down so he’s almost hidden, he peeks out through the front window as a red laser beam shoots out from the hulking ship. The beam whines so harsh Quentus feels it in the space between his ears. Suddenly, a little pastry shop down the street explodes in fire and brick.
He inhales sharply and drops all the way down to the floor. As fast as he can, he scrambles on his hands and knees for the basement door. His hand slips and he tumbles and bumps his way down the steps. Dad doesn’t even scold him for staying upstairs, just pulls him up from the floor and into a tight hug. His subvocals rumble in a panicked hum that makes Quentus sniffle and start to cry.
Dad holds him, letting him cry before pulling away. He gives Quentus a little nudge, urging him deeper into the basement. Once sure that Quentus is safe, he climbs the stairs to close the door. A simple sheet of metal can’t protect them from the monsters descending from the sky, but it feels safer with the door closed.
“What are they?” Quentus asks, wiping underneath his eyes.
Mom shifts Nico from her hip to Dad’s arms and then kneels in front of him. There’s a soft, calming hum coming from her throat, but it’s choked with worry. “They’re called Reapers,” she says quietly.
“The bakery’s gone,” he says. All those pretty pastries. The lafka and trilap he and Nico like. The kindly older woman behind the counter who snuck samples out to kids when their parents weren’t looking. All gone.
Mom nods and draws him in close.
They’re silent for the rest of the evening. Quentus curls up on a pile of pillows in the corner and tries to sleep. He counts sixteen flashes of red before sleep finally comes.
Two weeks pass. Mom and Dad take turns venturing upstairs to bring food and supplies down. They’re both silent each time they come back, subharmonics tight and controlled with what they aren’t letting their sons hear.
Quentus wants to see the sun through more than the small basement windows. But he knows better than to ask. Mom and Dad are so on edge, so hypervigilant, that he doesn’t dare ask, even if he can carry an armful of cans down the stairs.
“We should’ve left with the Initiative,” Dad says quietly one night, his voice full of sharp regret. He hangs his head and stares at his feet.
Mom sets her hand on his shoulder. “We didn’t know,” she says, just as softly.
“Avi had a spot for us. We could have left. All of this…” the rest of his words disappear into a strangled breath. He turns toward Mom and lets her pull him into a hug. Quentus can’t make out their murmured words, but Dad’s shoulders shake as he clutches at Mom, like he can’t hold her close enough.
The mattress shifts beside him and Quentus scoots over, making room for Nico. His younger brother looks up at him with wide eyes, fear rumbling through his subvocals. Quentus settles an arm around Nico’s shoulders and lets him cuddle into his side. He can’t make the same warm, comforting rumble that Dad uses to soothe them after a bad dream, but he can give Nico a hug.
Quentus doesn’t know what the Initiative is, but Dad doesn’t mention it or Uncle Avi again. By the end of the fourth week, all of their belongings that matter have been moved down to the basement.
Quentus is dismayed to discover that, despite the Reapers invading and slowly turning their street into rubble, he is not exempt from schoolwork lessons.
Mom works with him on his math one day while Dad’s out scavenging for supplies. The sun sets, Quentus has finished two sets of problems on his own, and Dad hasn’t returned.
She makes dinner – their fresh food is long gone, but she manages a decent dinner with canned vegetables and dehydrated meat – and plays games with the two of them until bedtime like nothing’s wrong. Quentus desperately wants to ask about Dad, but there’s a fragility to the way she’s holding herself. He squeezes her a little tighter when she hugs him goodnight.
Three nights later, there’s a noise upstairs. Mom turns off the lights, grabs a gun, and takes up position at the bottom of the stairs. “Hide,” she orders him and Nico.
Quentus grabs Nico’s arm and drags him out of sight into a closet. He keeps the door cracked and keeps his eye glued to the tiny open space.
The basement door opens, then closes, and a figure walks down the stairs. He pauses at the bottom, in a patch of moonlight.
“Torbin,” Mom breathes. The gun clatters to the ground. “Where the fuck were you?” she hisses, equal parts anger and relief in her voice. She stands up and immediately wraps her arms around him.
The bag of supplies in Dad’s hand falls and he holds her just as tight. “I’m sorry,” he whispers as Mom’s subvocals break, “there was a Reaper patrol. I couldn’t get back.”
Quentus barrels out of the closet, Nico right behind him, and they both rush into their father’s knees. Dad bends down and rests his brow against Quentus’, then Nico’s.
“I love you,” Dad says, desperation thickening his voice as he hugs them both.
Quentus can only whimper.
Six months pass and all Quentus wants is to play outside again. To see something other than the walls of their basement. To see and talk to someone other than his parents and younger brother.
He misses his friends.
Some of them might be alive – he’s heard his parents talking about people they’ve met out scavenging, and some of the names are familiar – but he’s not allowed upstairs, much less outside. It’s safer apart, Dad said patiently, when Quentus finally yelled about wanting to see the sun and play with his friends. They’re less likely to notice us in small groups.
So he reluctantly pokes at his schoolwork, tries not to be too annoyed when Nico does his reading lessons out loud, and makes it halfway through an entire math book before Mom realizes he’s been cheating. She gives him a look, sighs, and makes him start over again, this time with the answer key removed from his omnitool.
Mom passes time by building solar battery panels from spare parts she and Dad bring back from scavenging. She trades them for vitamins. Dad sews up wounds and sets broken bones in their kitchen, accepting whatever he can in payment even if it’s nothing more than thanks. Days pass with the rise and fall of sun in tiny shadows on the floor. Quentus has stopped jumping at every horn and blast outside.
One of Dad’s patients pays him in a media OSD. Quentus smiles for the first time in months when he discovers an entire directory of comic books. Mom lets him skip a day of lessons. He curls up in his tiny bed and devours each issue, even the volumes and stories he doesn’t know.
Math is still stupid, dehydrated meat is still tasteless, and he still misses his friends. But at least he has new comic books, even if he goes through them all in a week.
A little over a year into living in the basement, Quentus wakes up to violent red light and unbearable heat. The whole house shakes and glass breaks upstairs.
“Get down,” Dad says, climbing over him to shield Quentus with his own body. He tucks his hands over his head, arching his back so his strong plates take most of the blow.
Through deafening crashes and a demonic horn that grates all the way down his spine, Quentus hears Nico crying beside him. He looks over: Mom’s curled over Nico the same way Dad’s protecting him. She closes her eyes and tucks around him tighter as the ceiling collapses onto them.
The silence that follows is worse. The four of them hold still, waiting for the rest. Quentus tucks his head into Dad’s carapace like he did when he was smaller. Dad hums quietly and Mom joins in – a warm, safe noise, and Quentus tries to pretend that they’re just cuddled on the couch, reading before bedtime. It doesn’t work.
Mom’s breath hitches when the mechanical noises begin. Something’s walking in the remains of the upstairs – many somethings. They communicate with beeps and electric whirs and growls. Quentus slams his eyes shut and doesn’t see the look that passes between his parents.
Dad pulls away. Quentus opens his eyes, lifting a browplate in confusion.
“Hide,” he whispers, gently bumping their brows together. “Take care of your brother.”
“Dad?” his voice sounds so small.
“I love you,” Dad says. “Remember that.” He presses his mouthplates to Quentus’ crest and then pulls away to gather Nico in his arms.
Quentus doesn’t even have half a second to process his father’s words before his mother wraps her arms around him. Her subvocals rumble with deep, aching grief as she hugs him tight.
“I love you,” Mom whispers fiercely. “Stay together. Don’t let them find you.”
Pieces of concrete and stone start to lift away. The mechanical noises grow louder. Something screams and it makes Quentus want to curl up in his mother’s arms and never ever leave.
“Hide,” she urges, letting go. He reaches for her, but she only grabs his hand, leading him toward the closet. “Stay here,” she says, stepping out of the way for Dad to set a crying Nico beside him in the small room. “Keep the door shut,” she orders, “and close your eyes.”
His breath shakes and he starts to cry just like his brother. “Mom?”
She leans in and briefly rests her forehead on his, then Nico’s. “I love you, so much.”
Light shines in from a newly-made hole by the stairs.
“Andi,” Dad says from the other side of the room. He slides a brand new heat sink into his rifle.
“Close your eyes,” she says softly with a smile, just like when he’s having trouble sleeping. She shuts the door, leaving Quentus and Nico in darkness.
With one hand clamped over Nico’s mouth and the other over his own, Quentus squeezes his eyes shut as gunfire erupts in their basement.
And then, after what feels like an eternity, silence.
Based on the path of sunlight through the small crack at the bottom of the door, three days pass before Quentus works up enough courage to pop the door open and peek out. He doesn’t see anything, so pushes the door the rest of the way open.
There’s dried blood by the stairs, staining the floor a dark blue. The basement is empty.
They’re alone.
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darkskyatnight · 3 years
In Destiny 2, fuck class dissent. Titans, Warlocks and Hunters deserve to be best buds, not pitted against each other. For instance, I'm a Hunter.
I appreciate Titans because they're the commanders, the best at strong arm combat and tactics. They're the cleaners, the ones who can quickly wipe out entire squadrons of combatants, and with one single push in a strike or the Crucible can change the tide of the battle. They're the strong combatants who can shield their friends and give them extra health within an invulnerability bubble, allowing a second wind to happen. The Titans are the ones who, yes, they punch, but when they punch they give themselves extra health and extra power which turns them into absolute juggernauts. Let's not even mention the Thor flame hammer that will slam you down to the ground by your pelvis and burn you to ashes.
Warlocks, despite their stereotype as nerds are the most dangerous Guardians sincerely due to the fact that these people fuck with SPACE. The Warlocks literally bend the Void and use paracausal entities to fuel their Light and their Dark. These motherfuckers are quite literally terrifying, and that's why you stay on their good side. The Warlocks can bend Solar and Arc energy into weapons of mass destruction in a much different way than the other two classes. The flame swords are waves of fire that if you dodge, you'll just get hit with another so it's futile to even try. These Warlocks are literal gods of thunder with their Arcbeam which rains pure lightning in a devastating beam across a battlefield with accuracy even Shiro's jealous of.
Hunters. Us Hunters are the ones you go to to get shit done. Like, you want someone dead, you call a Nightstalker, who can go invisible with the throw of a grenade and follow their prey with them none the wiser. They can stick to the shadows, then jump out and fire a single immobilising arrow that paralyses enemies for a horrible fate. Then you got Arcstriders, the ones who know seven different ways to kick your ass with a staff and look elegant while doing it. They'll pop an Arc nade and stick it to a Knight, not even stopping to watch it explode before they're off again. And then there's my class, the Solar blades. We can run into a situation with knives only and win entire encounters with daggers cutting our enemies to total shribbons, moving on with even more Knife that gets thrown and can kill smaller enemies in one. Our Blade Storm is an actual rain of fire that stabs enemies and burns them to atoms en masse.
That's not even mentioning our new Darkness abilities. So, all in all, fuck class dissent, all three classes are amazing and deserve to support each other.
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Bring on the Mania Pt 7
"I can't believe you're a designer."
"I can't believe you've been living under a rock."
After their encounter with Vil and Rook, the pair made their way back to Ramshackle. But not without Amane playfully scolding the girl.
The girl flushed at his response. "W-Well, I don't really watch fashion shows or anything related to it. But after coming here, I do now." She confessed.
He quirked a brow. "Only now?"
"Well, yeah." She said, re-adjusting the crate on her arms.
"I don't really pay attention or follow the trends, too much of a hassle. But, I am beginning to watch them after meeting Vil. Just want to support him, even if I can't understand everything."
Amane blinked at her answer, felt the corners of his mouth twitch to a smile. Despite admitting her lack of knowledge of the subject, she still made an effort to understand it for his sake. She's so sweet.
Though; that begs the question...
"So, you don't have a preferred style?" He asked.
"Not really. I just wear what makes me feel comfortable. My mom doesn't care as long as I'm happy, and my grandparents just remind me to wear shorts under my skirts."
What felt like an hour, they finally spotted the gates of Ramshackle. Beyond the gate, Valerie could vaguely make out Gerald's ghostly form watering the flowers he planted last month.
"Hey, Gerald."
Her loud voice made the ghost pause and lookup. Upon recognizing her, Gerald placed the watering can down and flew over to open the gate. When his eyes landed on their items, he smirked.
"Ya, feeding an army, kid." He joked.
"Nah, just a chubby and over-indulgent trash cat." She retorted. The ghost chuckled.
Gerald flew overhead and opened the front door. He even offered to carry the two other bags for Amane, but the demon declined, saying it was good exercise. The ghost went back to watering.
When they entered Ramshackle, they found Grim on the couch. Taking a nap with an empty tuna can next to him. When they entered the kitchen, they found Lisha picking on some stray beetles on the counter. When the little strix noticed them, she grabbed a piece of paper next to her and flew over to Valerie. Dangling it for her to read. What it said made her bit her bottom lip.
Crowley may be the closest thing she had for a father, but sometimes she wants to shove a transformation down his throat. Turning him into a real crow, and breaking a wing, so Grim can hunt better,
She shook her head from those morbid thoughts, not the time.
"Sorry, Amane, but I have to do something. I'll come back as soon as I can to help you." She said, putting the crate down.
"Oh? What happened?" He inquired, placing the bags on the counter. She sighed.
"Crowley asked me to clean his office; while he has something to attend to."
"The fuck? Why would he do that?" Above all things crow shit makes her do...
"It's okay. In fact, I was first a handywoman and cleaning lady, along with Grim. But after a certain incident, we became students." She explained, running her fingers through her ponytail.
"Okay, let's go." He announced. The girl sputtered.
"I-I'm sorry, w-what?"
"Let's go to Crow shit's office. I wanted to see more of this school again. It's been ages." He answered, taking her hand and leading her to the door.
"W-Wait! Amane, I have frozens!"
"Don't worry, we'll handle it." As if on cue, Bennett and Wilbur floated down and began arranging.
"Well, you heard your ghostly guardians. Let's go!"
"Alright, I'll be quick, don't cause any trouble." The opal-eyed girl begged. Standing in front of the office.
"No promises, Sugar tits." The hetero-eyed male winked playfully. The brunette rolled her eyes and went inside.
With the two monsters back in Ramshackle, the demon was alone. Free to flirt with any one of these gorgeous boys without Lisha clawing his eyes out; or having her turned into her original form and trying to eat him.
He smirked.
"Get ready boys, this demon is on a hunt."
For the past hour, Amane happily flirted with several students; some even try to give him their numbers or ask for his. But he turned them down, he may love good-looking guys, but he ain't touching that.
"Oh baby, maybe if you and your dick grow a few inches, then I'll see." The incubi playfully boop a pouting student's nose before happily running away.
He turned to the corner to catch his breath, but the grin never left his face. This was too much fun!
In the corner of his eye, he found something glinting under the sun. Curious, he walked over. It was a blue tablet; it looked like it was charging. Intrigued, he pressed the power button. What he didn't expect was a voice on the other end.
"W-What a-are y-you d-doing?"
Idia felt the world finally turned against him. First, he forgot to charge his tablet last night, making him replenish it in solar mode. Next, he missed a rare event that won't come back in six months. To top it all off. A normie found his tablet.
"Oh fuck, it talks." The person on the other side of the screen said in surprise.
'Ugh, go away. Talking to people like you drains all my health.'
"Hon, if you don't reply. I'm just gonna grab this thing and drop it somewhere-"
Idia could feel their smirk from the screen. He wants a restart.
"The name's Amane Mania, you?"
The flame-haired male wanted to deny but decided he should if he tried anything.
"I-Idia S-S-Shroud."
"Idia, huh? What dorm are you from?" Amane questioned.
"I-Ignihyde." Idia could feel a severe drain of his energy.
"Ah, Ignihyde. A bunch of shut-ins, but high in sex drive." Amane sighed blissfully.
"What!?" The man barked in laughter.
"When I was still here, I had an occasional fuck with guys. What they lack in skill, they make up for enthusiasm."
There was silence from Amane's end; before purring his following sentence.
"Let's test that with you~" Idia's hair flared up. But, he didn't stop.
"Would you like me to call you daddy or master?"
Great seven's he cannot handle this. Please, Lord of the underworld, save him.
Fortunately, his prayer was answered.
"Excuse me!"
Startled by the loud voice, the incubus turned around and faced a...Kid?
"That's my brother's tablet. May I have it back, please?" Innocent amber eyes stared at him.
"Umm, sure. Give me a moment." Though still confused on why a child was here, he was not going without the last word.
He whispered to the tablet, making sure the kid didn't hear him.
"Until next time, Dom switch."
Amane could have sworn something exploded on the other end, but he paid no mind. Instead, he gave the tablet to the young cyborg.
"Here ya go, Kid."
The child beamed. "Thank you!" Then zoomed off.
"Anything interesting happened when I was gone?" Valerie asked.
Just as she said, the girl didn't take too long and now walking back to Ramshackle.
"Well." He began his retelling his meeting Idia and a short cyborg.
"Oh, that's Ortho. He and Idia are considered one student. Like, me and Grim."
"Except, the little guy had a better personality than the gremlin." Amane retorted, earning a playful slap on the shoulder.
"Hey! Cut Grim some slack. Yes, he can be too much sometimes, but he has his moments." She defended. Amane just pulled her hood to her face.
"My~ Is this the infamous Amane I've been hearing so much about?"
"Fucking crack whore hell!"
The suddenness of the interruption causes the incubus to cling to the girl like a frightened cat.
Hanging upside down in mid-air was Diasomnia's playful vice-dorm leader, Lilia Vanrouge. The vampire had an amused smile on his face when he perceived Amane's shocked expression.
"Fufufufu, forgive my sudden appearance. I was merely interested to know the demon who cooked that delectable food Sebek brought."
The shock quickly wore off his body, replacing it with a familiar smugness Valerie knew.
"So, my cooking became legendary already? I'm flattered." The incubus fluffed up his hair and shot Lillia a sensual look. The ex-soldier chuckled.
"I believe we haven't been properly acquainted." Lilia landed in front of them, took Amane's hand, and kissed his knuckles. Flustering the demon and surprising the girl.
"My name is Lilia Vanrouge, a pleasure to meet you." His eyes were half-lidded, his smile fanged and filled with flirtatious mischief. For the first time Valerie has met him, Amane was blushing.
"Amane?" She called out hesitantly.
That seemed to snap him out of it; the poor man tried to laugh it off.
"Well, aren't you a gentleman? But I welcome change of pace." Amane smirked.
Recognizing the voice. The young brunette peered behind the senior. Jogging his way over was Silver.
"Finally found you, old man." The young knight huffed, relieved that his search is over.
"Good morning, Silver!" The girl beamed up at him.
The aurora-eyed male smiled softly in her direction; he took her hand and placed a lingering kiss.
"Good morning to you too, Valerie."
Lilia let out a small gasp as if realizing something.
"Oh, Dove. I forgot to greet you as well. Let me fix that."
Coming near her face, he gave her cheek a sweet kiss. The girl smiled, especially feeling the strands of his hair on her face.
"Lilia, your hair is on my face." She giggled.
Standing on the side, Amane could only freeze and stare with wide eyes and raised brows. A man was kissing her cheek, which lasted longer than necessary, and not even the slightest bit affected.
Just how dense is she?
"Okay, old man. That's enough."
Silver forcefully removed the shorter male off the girl. Jealousy bubbled in the pit of his stomach. But he tried his best to ignore it.
Lilia pouted. "Your no fun, Silver."
"Remember why we needed to find Valerie, and it's not just to thank Amane for the food." The silver-haired male sternly reminded.
"Yes, yes, I know." Lilia waved him off. Reaching to his coat pocket, he drew a small velvet pouch with a yellow rope. The sound of coins jingling can be heard within it.
Valerie groaned.
"You two know how I feel about this." She complained, rubbing her temples.
"I know, Valerie. But please, accept it just this once." Silver coaxed the girl, giving her a reassuring smile. However, she shook her head.
"Tell him, I appreciate that he's trying to help me. But like all the other times, my answer will still be no." The vampiric fae sighed at her declaration.
"You are absolutely stubborn, Dove." He said, pocketing the pouch.
"But then again. It is one of your charming points." The raspberry-eyed male flashed her a fanged smile.
"We'll be going now. We at least completed one thing needed. Though once we inform him that you refused again..."
"I'll deal with him once he comes to Ramshackle." She can already picture his pouting face in her mind.
Lilia nodded and gestured Silver to follow, giving the girl one last kiss on the cheek (Lilia) and hand (Silver). They walked away.
"Hold on." Amane broke in. "Someone wanted to be your sugar daddy?"
"My, what?"
A hoard of bats attacked the poor demon.
"H-Hey! Be gentle." Amane hissed as the cotton swab touched his face.
It took a while to get the bats off him. Thankfully, they left on their own accord, and an injured Amane too. Bite marks littered across his body, more so on his body; the skin on his arms was punctured and bleeding. Some even left small scars on his legs and stomach.
The midnight-haired male never felt so relieved for the girl's abnormal strength, carrying him bridal style and dashing all the way to Ramshackle. Without breaking a sweat or looking remotely tired.
Currently, the man was having his face nursed by Wilbur. His arms, legs, and stomach were neatly wrapped in bandages. Meanwhile, the girl was in the kitchen preparing lunch.
"I am being gentle. You keep fidgeting." The ghost remarked, dabbing Amane's face.
"What did you even do?" Grim chimed in.
On the coffee table, Grim and Lisha were waiting for his answer. Concern shone in the little Strix's eyes while Grim looked bored.
"I...Might have said something wrong." He confessed.
"Not surprising." The feline snorted.
"I told you to stay still." Wilbur chided.
"I dearly hope you won't influence Valerie too much."
Speaking of which.
"Hey, Grim. I need to ask ya something." Amane gritted his teeth, feeling another sting of pain on his face.
"Oh? So you require my wisdom? The great Grim will happily provide, what is it?" A smirk formed on the monster's face. Lisha rolled her eyes at his cockiness, and Wilbur chuckled under his breath.
"Where does Valerie get her money? I know Crow shit gives her allowance, but I'm not convinced."
"Mmm? that's it?" Amane nodded. "Alright, I'll tell ya."
"Yeah, bird brain gives her money. But we do random jobs to earn extra; she even works part-time in the Monstro Lounge sometimes." Grim explained.
Amane carefully regarded this new information and came to one conclusion.
"So, in other words. Valerie is deadass close to being broke."
"Pretty much."
Amane grimaced. This girl seriously needs help.
Loud knocking brought their conversation to a halt. Amane tilted his head, brows furrowed. Please don't tell him it's crow shit.
"I'll get it!" Bennet's voice rang through the air. There was a thick wave of silence; before a sound of footsteps and Bennet's uneasy voice were coming to the lounge.
"H-Hey, now wait for a second"
"Where is the child of man?" A deep voice interrupted the ghost.
Entering the lounge was a tall male with black hair, lime green eyes, and horns on his head. Behind him was Bennet, who shifted his eyes to Amane.
Lime green eyes fell to the demon, raising a brow.
"And who might you be?"
Amane had to seal his mouth shut to keep himself from drooling. This male before him is positively gorgeous! Tall, dark, and cool air of mystery, piercing green eyes stared into his very being, made him chew his inner cheek. Damn, he wanted to see those in the bedroom, and judging by his size, he has to be packing under his pants.
"The name's Amane Mania. I'm pretty famous here for my notorious good looks."
The demon flashed him a flirtatious smirk but cringed when he felt something stick to his face. Weakly glaring at Wilbur, who held a pack of band-aids. The ghost gave him a warning glare, but Amane stuck his tongue out at him.
"Ah." Realization dawned on the tall male.
"The demon currently living with the child of man and the one who cooked that exquisite meal."
"Damn straight. Now, I would like to know your name, handsome."
Everyone, save for Lisha, stared at Amane like he actually said, something prude.
"A-Amane." Wilbur stammered.
"You...Don't know who he is?" Bennet questioned, just as stunned. Amane shook his head.
"Even you, Lisha!?" Grim shouted in surprise. The little strix shrugged her wings, just as confused as the incubus.
"Interesting." Mused the ebony-haired male.
"Oh! Malleus, you're here."
The lime-eyed male, Malleus, straightened his posture when he heard her voice. Valerie peeked through the door with messed-up hair.
"Child of man, may I have a word with you?" He inquired.
The tone of his voice made the girl fidget in place. His stare prompted her to clutch her apron.
Looks like he's upset with her rejection.
"Fine, but let talk outside." She answered. She took off her apron and gave it to Bennett. She followed the tall male out, leaving the rest of the inhabitants to process what they witness.
The pair walked a safe distance away from the dorm; and sat on a bench underneath a tree large enough to shade them.
"Why did you reject my gifts? You need the money, correct? So, why?"
As soon as they sat down, the fae prince wasted no time questioning her. Confusion and hurt shone in his eyes, completed with a pout.
Valerie sighed.
"Malleus." She began. "I know you want to help me, and I'm grateful for it. But please understand, you giving me money so freely? It makes me...Um, well." She paused to find the right words.
"I feel like I'm leeching off you-"
"You're not." He firmly objected. Taking hold of her hands. Eyeing down at her in all seriousness.
"Even so, accepting money; I didn't earn leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."
Silence befell the two students. Malleus seemed to contemplate on her words, rubbing the back of her hand in small circles. After a few tense seconds, he sighed in defeat.
"Very well." He conceded, reluctantly pulling her hands away.
"However. If I ever find you struggling even more as it is, please don't refuse what I give you."
His tone made it clear that he was not giving her a choice, but there was a tinge of desperation.
"Okay, fine." The fae smiled in relief.
"Although. If you want to properly earn the money I give you, you can always come and cook for Diasomnia. I cannot count how many times Sebek has eaten Lilia's cooking for my sake."
The smile faded from his face to a tired frown upon remembering the times Lilia made those horrendous concoctions and insisting for the entire dorm to try. Out of everyone, Sebek suffered the most.
That earned a sympathetic smile from her. "I'll think about it."
She stood up, re-arranged her hair into a neat ponytail again, and faced him.
"Would you like to join me for lunch, Tsunotaro?" Her smile radiated warmth like a fireplace.
Ah, that nickname such fond memories. Enough to muster a small smile and a response.
"I would be delighted."
"So...He's a prince."
"And one of the top five powerful wizards."
"Yes. I'm surprised you didn't know about this."
"Eh, not into that sort of stuff."
Meanwhile, the residents of Ramshackle were busily explaining who Malleus was to the two ignorant demons.
"You could at least know he was royalty. Doesn't your family branch over Twisted Wonderland?" Gerald asked. He got back from the kitchen, and here he was.
"I honestly have no fucking interest that shit." Amane's heated reply stunned the ghosts. This is the first time they saw him this angry.
Those who had witnessed it reacted in their own way. Lisha had an understanding look in her eyes. Grim, however, yelped in fear and accidentally shot a fireball at him. Who immediately dodged.
"What the fuck, you little shit!"
"You were about to go on demon mode!" Grim argued, swatting the flames with his tail.
"No, I wasn't!" Amane protested. He grabbed the bowl of water Wilbur used to clean his face and splashed it on the burning couch. It worked, but now they were left with a charred piece of furniture.
"Oh, boy." Gerald muttered under his breath; as he scanned the mess.
Valerie won't be happy with this.
"I'm back!" Speak of the devil.
"I hope you won't mind that Malleus will join-" Valerie blinked.
Yeah, this is real.
She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply; before letting it all out.
"Alright." She finally said. Opening her eyes, she surveyed their tenses expressions.
"Grim, what did you do?"
"Why me!?" The monster complained.
"You're the only one who does fire magic." She deadpanned.
"I thought he was going on demon mode, that's why." The cat explained, pointing an accusatory paw at the incubus.
"No, I wasn't, ya little shit!" The midnight-haired male furiously retorted.
"You were!"
"Why I oughta-"
"Okay! That's enough." Valerie interrupted, stepping between the demon and monster. Both looked more than eager to fight.
"Since this is clearly an accident, and Grim just went on instinct. So Grim, please apologize to Amane." She calmly instructed the monster, who looked offended.
"What? Why should I-"
"Do it, or I'll make you go on an all broccoli and spinach diet for two weeks." Her smiling face did not match the threatening tone in her voice.
If Grim was human, he would have paled at the thought only to eat those for two weeks straight.
"Sorry, Amane." The monster mumbled, but it was audible enough to hear. Valerie smiled at her accomplishment.
She turned to face everyone and clapped her hands.
"So...Ready to eat?"
Lunch had been thankfully more tamed. Even Grim didn't give his (loud) compliments on her cooking. Looks like her threat left him silent. She did well on lunch.
Kung pao shrimp, roasted salmon with green beans, and tomatoes. A chicken and radish salad, followed by pink lemonade.
"You're an excellent cook, Valerie." Malleus complimented. Taking another bite of his salmon.
"Thank you." Valerie smiled.
"Yeah, not bad. You're almost better than me. Almost." Amane emphasized the last part with a teasing grin. To which the girl rolled her eyes.
After lunch Amane's phone went off, taking it to the lounge with Lisha on top of his head. Leaving Grim and Valerie to do the dishes, Malleus decided to stay and talk to his favorite human more.
Once that was done, she scooped Grim onto her arms, walking out the kitchen with the fae prince in tow. Making their way to the lounge, they paused when they heard Amane's voice. There was slight aggravation in his voice.
"I see. In that case, please forward it to my assistant."
Valerie peered from the entrance. The man sat on the couch, running his fingers through his hair. He finally turned his head, nearly jumping out of his skin when he saw her head.
"Lover of cow tiddies!- Don't do that!" He cursed. Amane slumped on the burned couch, mentally drained from the call.
"Is something troubling you, Mania?" The fae prince questioned. Taking a seat on a nearby chair, and the girl sat next to the demon.
"Nothing to sweat about. But it looks like I have to cut my time short." The incubus confessed, tiredly rubbing his face. Lisha rub his cheek in comfort.
"Huh, why?" Valerie's face wrinkled in concern. But the demon chose to ignore what she said.
Amane got up and dragged his feet out of the room. Disregarding the concern or curious gazes of the others.
The girl wordlessly watched the man walked out. As much as she wanted to help him, she knew it wasn't her business and might anger him.
"You care for him quite a lot." A deep voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
Malleus has been observing her reactions ever since they came back to the dorm. Safe to say, he was a bit jealous of the demon. The fae prince had been vying for her attention since the VDC. Even more when she saved him from his overblot.
The girl rubbed her arms. "Y-Yeah, he opened his heart towards me the last time he stayed here. So I have to be worried for him."
The lime-eyed male stayed silent.
"You didn't forget anything, right?"
"Nope, and don't worry about cleaning the room. I already did that."
The pair stood in front of the entrance door. Amane carried a small bag filled with the items be brought and bought. In the background was Malleus, who was holding Grim at the moment. Lisha was on top of the incubus' head.
"Really? How sweet." Valerie gave him a small smile. Appreciating the gesture.
"You suffered enough bullshit from this school. It the least I could do." The hetero-eyed male playfully pinched her cheek, earning a whine from her. Making him snicker.
"See ya next time, Sugar tits, and you too ya, fat gremlin."
"Quit calling me that!" The monster fumed. Long and slender fingers scratched under his chin, causing him to purr in content. Malleus let out a mirthful chuckle at the action.
Retrieving his hand, Amane gave the girl a mock salute and stepped.
Valerie hummed as she fixed her hair into her signature style, albeit replacing her pink ribbon with a black one.
It was getting dark, which meant it was time for her shift in the Monstro Lounge. Malleus left hours ago after watching some historical movie, knowing fully well Sebek and Silver would go out and bring him back to the dorm. Meanwhile, her little monster was sleeping peacefully on her bed.
Valerie checked herself on the mirror for the final time. She was currently wearing a female version of octavinelle's dorm uniform. Except, she replaced it with a black mini pencil skirt, lavender stockings with garters, and black kitten heels.
Once she deemed herself presentable, she grabbed her phone from the bed to check the time. However, when she opened it, there was a text. Her eye twitched when she noticed it was from the headmaster.
"Please don't let this be another errand." The poor girl prayed before reading it.
'Ms. Kemonohito, I'm happy to inform you that all your student debts have been by none other than Mr. Mania. He will also pay for your schooling and accommodations from now on. Ahh, it brings my heart such joy that Night Raven alumni can be as kind as their headmaster.'
Valerie had to re-read the text five times to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks. She stood there, frozen in shock.
Just why?
A loud knocking brought her out of her dilemma.
"Come in."
Opening the door was Gerald, who held a folded piece of paper.
"I accidentally phased in Amane's room and found this on the bed. It had your name on it." The ghost informed before heading out.
Valerie eyed the piece of paper in her hands; it felt hard. Carefully unfolding it, she let out a small gasp.
Credit cards. Amane's credit cards, there were about five of them in her hands. Quickly, she read the note, desperate for an explanation.
'Hey, Sugar tits.
I hope ya like the gift I left ya. I know what you're thinking, 'I can't accept this!' But I really want you to have it, you deserved it. You've been thrown into an unknown world; and placed in the care of an arguably competent man. Which I know by experience can be utterly useless in some situations.
I also took the liberty of paying for your academics and housing of that dorm of yours too. Don't worry about paying back; it's alright, really. You worked your ass since you got here. You are tired, I can see it. Lorelei is good at hiding it too.
Also; If you are worried about earning money, I think I can arrange something, but it's a surprise.'
-Love your new reliable (and gorgeous) guardian, Amane.
A smile threatened to form her face when she finished reading it. This man, whom she known for a short while, was going above and beyond to help her. This feels like those found family tropes in media.
As thoughtful as it was, Valerie recalled a certain fae making a similar promise, and it made her stomach churned. She wasn't sure how to break the news to him. She already made him upset with her rejection, and she raised his hopes up with her promise.
The opal-eyed girl just hopes he'll take it well.
Taking a deep breath, she texted Azul that she's unable to work tonight due to feeling unwell and needed time to rest. Once she has his confirmation, Valerie flopped on her bed.
"Oi! Henchwoman! What the heck and aren't you supposed to go to work!?"
Grim growled, obviously not happy from being woken up.
The girl simply just pulled her little monster close; and buried her face on Grim's fur.
"Not tonight. Actually, I'm going to tell Azul I won't be working in the Monstro Lounge anymore unless he needs a favor." Her reply was kinda muffled. But audible. This confused them.
"Eh? Really? Then where will you get the money?" The cat monster implored. The girl merely raised her head and smiled at him.
"Let's just say; we got a certain weirdo taking care of us now."
"U-Uhhh, Malleus?"
"Listen, I really value your generosity and concern for me. Trust me, I was just surprised. Please believe me-"
"I do."
"Really!? Your not mad?"
"I am disappointed that I won't be able to help you, but I am thankful to him and his ability to provide for you."
"I'm not."
"No need to be jealous, Azul."
"Be quiet, Jade."
A/N: Finally done with this chapter! Sorry for the long wait, I know this long over due but I hope you like it.
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bensiskos · 3 years
hi can i ALSO get some facts about Miyar and Adem, bestie
Adem has a snake for a pet (small corn snake) and he lets Miyar watch them feed the snake and Miyar is like. Fascinated and goes on this whole long winded cardassian speech abt how life is fleeting and Adem Listen the crickets can be seen as a metaphor and watch the snakes eyes glisten as she kills do you think she knows how many creatures she’s killed,,,,,,,,, and Adem is like. Dude it’s a snake are you good
Anyway Miyar gets to hold the snake and she very nearly cries because she’s never felt a real connection to a pet animal since her childhood meanwhile Adem is just. She’s just chilling <3
Adem and Miyar don’t usually get to go on missions together as y’know. She’s a doctor and they’re a pilot and ALSO because the one time captain T’athy put them together they very nearly got trapped inside an old bajoran grain processing machine and got it exploded because Adem wanted to know how it worked and Miyar is an enabler but luckily Dave was able to beam them out in time <3
Miyar’s least favorite person on the ship is Matos, the bajoran first officer, she’s very scared of them and will do everything in her power to stay away from them. Matos goes into sickbay sometimes just to fuck with her <33 like. They’ll go in and be like. Hey I got a scratch do u mind fixing it and Miyar is like. Yes sir of course do u want dermal regenerator version A or B ma’am
Adem’s least favorite person on the ship is solar, the Vulcan botanist, because he wants to be friends with him so badly but can’t admit it to themself so she just stands there consumed with hatred. His internal monologue when they have to work with solar is just. Wow can’t believe this guy just came in here and gave me the coordinates I needed on time. Fucking disgusting how dare he. I want to platonically hold his hand so badly. I bet his hair looks nice if he ever puts it up. Arrogant Vulcans Ugh
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f4liveblogarchives · 3 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #227
Thurs Apr 30 2020 [06:34 PM] Wack'd: Another story catalyzed by space objects falling to Earth [06:35 PM] Wack'd: This time a meteor lands in a lake in Pennsylvania [06:36 PM] Wack'd: One of Reed's science friends calls Reed and is like "hey, I know you're big into meteors, wanna come do science and hang out" [06:37 PM] Bocaj: Space needs to stop dumping its junk in our yard [06:37 PM] Wack'd: I mean hey, we do it too. It's reciprocal pollution [06:37 PM] Umbramatic: The Great Space Junk Exchange [06:38 PM] Bocaj: When has a thing earth sent v'gering into space ever caused a problem [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: ...what the fuck were the dinosaurs polluting space with to get what they did [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Its not like we send a hulk of stuff and crash it into gladiator planets [06:38 PM] maxwellelvis: @Umbramatic Tobacco [06:38 PM] Wack'd: @Umbramatic : *Land Before Time* videocassettes [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: dbtgfrh ojgifmhk  hjnl;.'; [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Ha [06:39 PM] maxwellelvis: The real reason the dinosaurs went extinct. [06:39 PM] Wack'd: So anyway the team is going on vacation! Johnny wants to get a tan and Sue is like "let's bring the grill" and I'm like "you're. You're going to Pennsylvania" [06:39 PM] Wack'd: Like yes the caption specifies it landed at a resort but like, c'mon [06:39 PM] Bocaj: CAN Johnny tan? [06:39 PM] Bocaj: He's exposed to heat and light every day of his life [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Can Johnny Storm get a sunburn? [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Also: why isn't his name Blaze? [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Maybe he can choose to but it's unpleasant to use his powers for it and he prefers the old-fashion way [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Hm, acceptable handwave [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Like there's a difference between being exposed to solar radiation from billions of miles off and setting yourself on fire [06:41 PM] Wack'd: Ben is grumpy because Alicia is bogged down with work and can't make it, and his only other friend will be busy with science [06:41 PM] Wack'd: (You'd think he could hang out with Sue and Johnny and Franklin but whatever) [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Sandman stopped taking his calls? [06:42 PM] Wack'd: Sandman tries to beat him up on the regular, what're you talking about [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh, right, you're not reading Two-In-One. [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Okay, there's ONE thing in Marvel Two-In-One that causes an actual change to the status-quo in Marvel; there's an issue where Ben goes to a bar and finds Sandman is also there. So he sits down with him and they talk. [06:43 PM] Wack'd: "Yer off yer meds again, aren'tcha, Flint" [06:43 PM] Bocaj: One of my favorite scenes in the DCAU [06:44 PM] Bocaj: Get rekt that scene of Batman talking to Ace, psychic meltdown [06:44 PM] maxwellelvis: By the end of the issue, Sandman has gone legit, and for like a decade, he stayed so, until eventually some Spider-Man story needed him back on the Sinister Six. [06:44 PM] Bocaj: (Because it implies that Only Batman can human at people is why) [06:44 PM] Wack'd: Decade does seem to be where Marvel status quo changes top out sadly [06:44 PM] Bocaj: I think it was after the clone saga [06:45 PM] Bocaj: During the panic mode 'shit roll it back roll everything back fuck fuck fuck' kneejerk [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Gotta remind people of the good ol days after that stinker, yeah [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: Then it was close to like, two decades or something. [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: That's an astonishingly long time in comics. [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Oh wow [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Funfact: Sandman was an Avenger [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Huh! [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Reserve, but still. [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Nice [06:46 PM] Wack'd: If nothing else the idea of him as a sympathetic crook seems to have stuck [06:46 PM] Wack'd: Which is not nothing [06:46 PM] Bocaj: Sam Raimi intensifies [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 #86 is the relevant issue. [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: So it hasn't happened yet at the time you're reading, is the other reason you hadn't heard about it. That issue was in 1982, so about a decade and a half, give or take. [06:47 PM] maxwellelvis: And you weren't far-off with that JLU joke, @Wack'd, says here that a big thing in the issue is Sandman dealing with the trauma of having been merged with Hydro-Man. Which is probably why he's receptive to the idea of going legit. [06:48 PM] Wack'd: Alright then [06:48 PM] Wack'd: ...anyway Sandman isn't. In this one. So [06:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, this was a lot more explaining for a dumb joke than I anticipated. [06:49 PM] Wack'd: Back to the story at hand [06:50 PM] Wack'd: Ben decides he's gonna go fishing. He's got a floppy hat and a vest and everything. Also: more womanly stereotypes!
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[06:51 PM] Umbramatic: i love ben's fishing outfit [06:52 PM] Bocaj: He looks so happy [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Fishing hats like that always make me flash back to that M*A*S*H episode where Col. Blake salutes while wearing his hat and hooks his finger on it. [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: "What are you trying to DO to me?!" [06:52 PM] Bocaj: Oooow [06:52 PM] Wack'd: They fly into Pennsylvania and things have. Escalated.
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[06:52 PM] Bocaj: "I don't want to hoard gold, I want to turn people into dinosaurs" "HE KEEPS SAYING THAT" [06:53 PM] Wack'd: For the record earlier cutaway panels show this is a bird that got mutated by the meteor but I got distracted and forgot to post it [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that pterosaur's wings make me viscerally angr--AND THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Somewhere a paleontologist is weeping [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: OR [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh cool, I didn't know the writers of *Dino Squad* ghostwrote this issue [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that's me, i'm the weeping palentologist [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: The bird didn’t mutate, it simply regressed to an earlier form [06:54 PM] Bocaj: HROINK! [06:54 PM] Umbramatic: if it did that it'd be more like a velociraptor [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: Hroink indeed. Hroink indeed. [06:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Pterosaurs and birds are completely different groups of archosaurs, that's a mutation, Mousa. [06:55 PM] Umbramatic: YES [06:55 PM] Wack'd: Not really sure why this merited a silent panel
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[06:55 PM] Bocaj: Just put up an invisible force slide [06:55 PM] Mousa The 14: Artist showing off [06:56 PM] Wack'd: How bad he can draw children? [06:56 PM] Umbramatic: i dunno which makes a better reaction image, franklin's face or the pterosaur's [06:56 PM] Mousa The 14: Or to show Franklin is about to use. THE POWER [06:56 PM] Bocaj: Its not the worst tiny adult i've seen in comics [06:56 PM] maxwellelvis: Unless it leads to another god-child moment, it's a rather pointless reaction image. [06:56 PM] Bocaj: I'm not saying that its all Franklin's fault but I blame Cable on him [06:56 PM] Bocaj: God-child arms race [06:57 PM] Wack'd: So the monster explodes, and Reed collects its gem--EUGH
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[06:57 PM] Bocaj: I don't like this. [06:58 PM] Wack'd: Ftr Gideon Carruthers is Reed's science friend. We already have a Gideon so I'll call him Carruthers [06:58 PM] Umbramatic: -screaming- [06:58 PM] Wack'd: To disambiguate him from the rich doofus [06:58 PM] Bocaj: I'd laugh my ass off if he looked just like gideon from gravity falls [06:58 PM] Bocaj: or even gideon from Scotts Pilgrim [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: I know there's some sci-fi parasite this reminds me of, but I can't think what. [06:59 PM] Bocaj: Captain N mother brain? [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: Parasite [06:59 PM] Bocaj: She was a parasite on my peace of mind [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Sue takes a moment to check that Franklin isn't traumatized but he's like "we fought and won, just like in the comics!" And then uh
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[07:02 PM] Wack'd: Were comics caught up in the Satanic Panic or whatever? Like [07:02 PM] Umbramatic: -screams- [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Seems more like a 50s thing [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Also yeah that sure is a Franklin [07:02 PM] Bocaj: I think Wertham argued that kids couldn't distinguish comics from reality and yeah that was way before this I think [07:03 PM] Bocaj: I think in his book he cited an incident that I don't know if legit or not where a kid tied a blanket around their neck like a cape and jumped off a roof [07:03 PM] Wack'd: Eesh [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Not sure that could be laid at Superman's feet. He very clearly says 'I have alien powers from being an alien' [07:04 PM] Wack'd: Can't wait to see this kid's mutt mutate into MCGRUFF, THE CRIME DOG
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[07:04 PM] Bocaj: Duff Dog Oh Yeah [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Suds McDuffie [07:04 PM] Wack'd: This is cool too I guess
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[07:05 PM] maxwellelvis: I was going to say, I think a dire wolf is more likely. [07:07 PM] Umbramatic: awoooo [07:07 PM] Bocaj: Werewolves of Slyvania [07:07 PM] maxwellelvis: I really wish the LOTR movies had modeled the Wargs more on dire wolves than hyenas. [07:08 PM] Wack'd: Okay I think we can safely dismiss the idea of these mutations having some kind of basis in scientific reality
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[07:08 PM] Wack'd: Paleontologists rest easy [07:08 PM] Umbramatic: FOREHEAD BEAM [07:08 PM] Bocaj: You've never seen a dog shoot a laser? [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: pidge shoots lasers all the time [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Anyway this time instead of the monster exploding Reed spots the parasite on the back of its neck and grabs it before self-destruct is triggered [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Kid gets his dog back and dog stops being a fiend [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: we have to prevent her from doing it to the neighbors [07:09 PM] Bocaj: Duffer... will live [07:10 PM] Wack'd: Reed I, uh, think the forehead laser puts a serious hole in your theory!
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[07:11 PM] Wack'd: Also the fuck is the "evolutionary agent"? Is he claiming we have, like, an evolution gland that pumps evolution juice into our bodies that makes us not be weird history monsters? [07:12 PM] Wack'd: Okay so Reed elaborates that the forehead laser is because the parasite gives its hosts psychic powers to make them more powerful so they can steal gasoline to eat [07:12 PM] maxwellelvis: Well, sure, I can see how that- huh? [07:13 PM] Wack'd: "It makes a bizarre kind of sense," says Carruthers, who is also identified as a geologist and so I guess is just rolling with this [07:13 PM] Bocaj: Carruthers: "Its not a rock so i don't fuckin know" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: Sue is upset that Franklin is in danger and weird shit keeps finding them and Reed is like "we do have some quiet times, they just happen off-panel" and Sue is like "you're right, I'm sorry I snapped" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: And she wants a normal life and yadda yadda [07:14 PM] Bocaj: Like that time she played horsey [07:15 PM] Bocaj: REMEMBER THE HORSEY TIMES SUE [07:15 PM] Wack'd: Sue, hold on to your memories of like the first two pages of each recent arc [07:15 PM] Bocaj: Yeah! [07:16 PM] Umbramatic: thbijgthp oknjlph;[m'n [07:16 PM] Wack'd: So they send Ben down in scuba gear to get the meteor which does actually kinda look like it could be a Steven Universe corrupted gem. Unfortunately he brings something back with him
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[07:17 PM] Wack'd: Remember: if a character says they want to go fishing in act one they need to catch a giant sea monster by act three [07:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Shai-hulud [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: poor ben [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: he just wanted to turn fish in to blathers [07:18 PM] Wack'd: Reed, being the smart intelligent thing he is, puts this round item down on the floor of a rocking boat [07:19 PM] Wack'd: It cracks open and [07:19 PM] Wack'd: And then Sue was the reverted evolution thingy
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[07:19 PM] Bocaj: So whats the 'reverted evolution' of Sue [07:20 PM] Bocaj: Issue 1 Sue where she didn't ever contribute anything? [07:20 PM] Wack'd: Uh. Angry, I guess?
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[07:20 PM] Bocaj: My idea was funnier and plausibly unfair [07:20 PM] Wack'd: True [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Hope this isn't another situation where Reed is justified in belting her [07:21 PM] Wack'd: Also Reed opens the cracked egg and finds five grooves for parasites to be in like seeds [07:21 PM] Wack'd: So after Sue there's one unaccounted for [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun dun [07:22 PM] Wack'd: Immediately resolved by it dropping out of a tree and on to Carruthers' neck [07:22 PM] Umbramatic: oh [07:22 PM] Bocaj: Whats tension anyway [07:23 PM] Wack'd: Hm. Reverting made his skin darker. Don't like that
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[07:24 PM] Bocaj: I do like the resigned "Yep -- I wuz right" from Ben [07:24 PM] Bocaj: Don't like "uglier than the hulk" paired with the thing you said [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Carruthers goes after some oil because these things eat oil remember, so Johnny blows up the oil and Carruthers goes flying like in an action movie or a Looney Tune [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Thus knocking him out so Ben can get the parasite off him before he explodes [07:26 PM] Bocaj: Yaa~aaay [07:26 PM] Wack'd: Oh. Oh fuck [07:27 PM] Wack'd: I've been sitting here thinking "but why are the monsters blowing up anyway? How does that benefit the parasites? Surely they'd want to keep the host alive to keep collecting oil" [07:27 PM] Wack'd: Adding to that, Reed postulates time is a factor as to why some explode and some don't [07:28 PM] Wack'd: But, uh. I thiiiiiiink it might be a lot simpler than that
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[07:29 PM] Wack'd: If I'm right, Franklin blew up the dragon and the sea monster. He wasn't around for the dog and Carruthers [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun DUUUUN [07:29 PM] Wack'd: (And probably wouldn't have blown them up if he had!) [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Geez Franklin, geez [07:30 PM] Wack'd: And now he's like "do I...blow up mommy? No, right? I feel like that's probably a no" [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Sue is not entirely mutated, just got some weird facial deformities and is a little out of it. Reed says its maybe her cosmic ray blood [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: *screams* [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: @ the franklin face [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Haha! VINDICATED
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[07:33 PM] Wack'd: Honestly kudos to Moench here for successfully constructing a mystery I didn't know was a mystery until the reveal happened [07:33 PM] Wack'd: That's some good writing right there [07:34 PM] Wack'd: Less good writing: this
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[07:34 PM] Umbramatic: so nice work [07:35 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Franklin blows up the parasite without hurting Reed or Sue and is very proud of himself [07:36 PM] Wack'd: And Reed concludes "uh maybe we should figure out exactly hat Franklin's deal is" before the whole team hightails it back to New York [07:36 PM] Wack'd: A happy ending maybe
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[07:37 PM] Bocaj: OR IS IT? [07:37 PM] Wack'd: Nope, turns out they have another son [07:38 PM] Bocaj: Benjamin Jonathan Richards you were named after the two bravest men I know [07:39 PM] Wack'd: LETTERS! Everybody loves some letters [07:39 PM] Wack'd: Eric L Watts wants Johnny to fall in love with another superhero and Ben and Alicia to get married. I like one of those ideas [07:39 PM] Bocaj: Is that the one what did happen eventualy? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: I mean both of those happen eventually [07:40 PM] Bocaj: Or is it the one, due to the vagaries of gendered language, that has Johnny come out as queer? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: Ha [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Lyja isn't a superhero when she and Johnny meet, though. [07:41 PM] Wack'd: Someone wants to know how Sienkiewicz is pronounced! It's sinKEVitch [07:41 PM] Wack'd: @maxwellelvis He does also date Medusa, so [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He's dated Crystal and Medusa [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Good golly [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He dates Nova, not that one, who probably counts if Silver Surfer do [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Huh. This list of romantic partners I've found for him is shorter than you'd expect [07:42 PM] Wack'd: People are kind of tetchy at how much Reed stretches now. Two different letter writers are like "He's not Plastic Man!" [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Hah. [07:43 PM] Wack'd: And people really like the more domestic stuff, specifically how Sue is written [07:43 PM] Wack'd: I'm sure the fact that all the letter writers are dudes is a coincidence [07:44 PM] Bocaj: I'm kind of but not really but a little surprised that Carol and Johnny haven't gone on at least one date. They have a venn diagram social circle and Carol dated Spider-Man briefly which is a similar kind of energy [07:44 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey, look who's making her *Fantastic Four* debut
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musashi · 4 years
Coming in with asks now that I’m properly awake! You don’t deserve any of what’s happening to you right now at ALL and I hope you’re able to find some peace and a rejuvenated fire soon 💛 OK HERE WE GO: What part of Venomvale are you proudest of so far? Any memories of how Pride was celebrated in the Pokémon world? Favourite poison-type move? Favourite Orange Islands gym leader? What was the name of your original PMD team? How would you compare May and Dawn’s appeal styles?
What part of Venomvale are you proudest of so far? 
the meltdown site on the northeastern part of the island!
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there aren’t a lot of buildings in NH yet so i really struggled with how to properly convey what it was but i think i did an okay job!!! the oil barrels in this game are the best thing nintendo ever did for me and i put a single tree beside the pond to drive home that no nature really survived the radiation as you near the epicenter. honestly venomvale’s backstory is something i’m very proud of and watching it come to life has been rad.
Any memories of how Pride was celebrated in the Pokémon world? 
oh man i know i’ve answered this before but i cant!!! find it fghfd. basically, every major city in every region went apeshit, but the BEST of all was slateport pride because of a very beautiful aligning of the planets: the hoenn grand festival takes place mid-june in slateport. you’re more or less not allowed to be straight if you’re a coordinator. this means all the gayest fucking trainers are in slateport right as pride is ramping up, and all of them are on a high from the festival happening. all this said, slateport pride goes HARD AS FUCK. slateport’s also already just like... a historically gay town. slateport’s the san fran/seattle of pokemon. the people there go harder than anywhere else.
also, every few years, ho-oh will fly over a parade of its choosing. as the rainbow pokemon, it frequently appears to bless pride. where is random. when is random. but its not unheard of to see ho-oh, and if you do its bragging rights forever.
Favourite poison-type move? 
baneful bunker mfdhgdhdf
Favourite Orange Islands gym leader? 
god theyre all so forgettable xD but luana is cutest, so
What was the name of your original PMD team? 
team inu-tachi! that was the fan name for inuyasha’s squad so that’s what i named my team, a blaziken named inuyasha & a meganium named kagome. all the pokemon they recruited were also named after inuyasha characters, which was really fun cause i got to think hard about which character i thought each pokemon resembled x3 i’d do a lot of one-off villains or characters of the day!
How would you compare May and Dawn’s appeal styles?
oooh thats a very good question. admittedly, it’s been a long while since i’ve actually paid attention to dawn in a sinnoh contest because jessilina’s usually stealing all my attention. 
i'd say that them being in different kinds of contests means there’s going to be a big difference by nature--super contests and contests are pretty different. super contests have a lot more gimmick to them (ball capsules/seals, costumes, the like) and are overall more about flashiness and glitter, something dawn excels at! dawn is very good at aesthetic enhancements and putting on a show thats pretty to look at, which is probably why she has such an eye for fashion design later on. she’s really good at throwing a look together!
may’s more about, like... the performance itself? unexpected combinations, and appeals the audience can get involved in. she uses a lot of moves that rely on chance (like munchlax’s metronome, and skitty’s assist) which take major risks but engage the audience and leave anticipation that can often pay off. even when they’re planned, they’re immersive--there was one appeal that was... i think solar beam then focus punch with munchlax, and she basically had it strike the beam so that the blast exploded at a certain frequency that literally, like... rang across the whole stadium and produced this tambor as if a triangle had been struck. she plays to senses other than sight.
i worry that i make it sound like may has more ~depth~ as a coordinator but really may’s tactics are unheard of! you are much more likely to see a coordinator like dawn who considers what move combinations will look the nicest/better show off a pokemon’s strength. i talk a lot about how harley & jessie are considered avant-garde as coordinators but i rarely talk about how may’s kinda weaseling her way into that category too xD
ironically, dawn is more about... well, coordination. right there in the name. dawn knows how to complement herself and her pokemon. may is much more about performance. she wants everyone in the building to feel like they’re a part of a show, sometimes including herself!
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #209: The Resurrection Stone
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July, 1981
“The Resurrection Stone: will it save the universe -- or destroy it?”
Well, the universe hasn’t been destroyed, at least circa the comics I read this morning. But it hasn’t really been saved either.
Still, pretty intriguing tagline. Pretty intriguing cover.
And written by J.M. DeMatteis. One of the Kraven’s Last Hunt guys. He doesn’t seem to do a lot of Avengers.
Let’s see how he do Earth’s Mightiest Team of Specifically This Four On the Cover.
We start with some silent intriguing intrigue as an alien ship crashes into Nevada and an alien crawls from the alien wreckage. Instead of distributing rings to people, he gets shot by a green guy who likes purple. I sure can’t think of several people that this applies to.
The shooter checks some possibly alien PDA but then beams up as the ship explodes.
How baffling.
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Ok, J.M. DeMatteis. You have my interest.
So we start chapter one-
Chapter one? What is it with fill-ins and putting chapters in Avengers books. That three dooms one from a while back also did this.
Anyway, chapter one of this normal length Avengers adventure: “Love... and Death!”
So on specifically April 10th, 1981 2:17 PM (a fact which we must firmly ignore in these sliding timescale days), Beast has brought an old flame to Avengers Mansion to meet Wonder Man, Vision, and Scarlet Witch.
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Presumably all of the other Avengers couldn’t make it. Or Beast didn’t want them meeting Vera.
Oh, and she’s not a new old flame.
Vera Cantor goes back to X-Men #19 in 1966. She knew him before he blue it! And she was the one who got away because mutant biz kept getting in the way.
But they had a chance meeting in a Soho bar and they’re giving it another shot!
I guess Beast is finally settling down from his wild party dating multiple women at a time days.
And y’know what? He and Vera are cute together.
Beast is exuberantly in love with her. He’s apparently been talking about nothing else for weeks.
Scarlet Witch: “Vision -- just look at the Beast’s eyes -- I’ve never seen them sparkle so. He must be in love.”
Beast is so excited he’s bouncing on the couch and jumping all over the place and bumping into Jarvis. Knocking the tea tray out of the butler’s hands.
Beast, pls. Reign in.
He does manage to catch the tray in his feet though. No spilling.
Its a bit weird that Jarvis is here to be bumped into. He’s supposed to have one of his days off to visit his mom and get some of that “near-mythical Yorkshire pudding.”
But he brushes off the question with concern over the bad impression all of this is giving the guest.
Vera doesn’t mind though. She’s used to his obstreperous (“noisy and difficult to control”) nature and finds how energetic he is to be part of why he’s so cute.
The blue fuzz surely does not hurt!
Oh. And then Vera takes a sip of the tea Jarvis brought and immediately keels over dead.
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The butler did it??
Jarvis. You made it too strong!
No, no. Surely not. Jarvis would never make such an error or miss out on Yorkshire pudding.
“Jarvis” is actually... A SKRULL!
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Beast wastes no time slamming the Skrull into the wall but said Skrull says ‘hey you want the woman to live again maybe keep your hands to yourself.’
And Beast backs off, sensing some truth in the Skrull’s tone.
The Skrull: “Ah -- that’s a bit more like it. Even in this vile atmosphere, I do so value my ability to breathe!”
By the by the by, this guy goes unnamed until 2008 in a Secret Invasion infobook but I’m not about that. His name is Jaddak.
Jaddak channels his inner-Darkseid and sits in the comfiest chair provocatively and begins on THE TALE OF THE RESURRECTION STONE!
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Seems that millennia ago there was a space civilization in space that merged high science and high sorcery to bring an epoch of peace and plenitude to all then known worlds.
The epoch of peace and plentitude looks a lot like someone jammed Medieval knights and castles into rocket times.
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Which I guess fits the whole union of science and magic thing.
And then the greatest scientist-wizard, Tus'Au, invented the Resurrection Stone and ruined everything.
The stone, as the name implied, could bring life back to the dead. And while that doesn’t seem too impressive by today’s standards where plot devices to resurrect the dead are so numerous (including just teleporting out of heaven) that it doesn’t bear counting, remember that this was an earlier, more innocent time. A filler time.
Everyone wanted this Resurrection Stone and a great war ignited that eventually ruined a thousand, thousand planets.
Amidst that nonsense, the stone itself was lost forever.
Until an Anthigorite archeologist named Krru, like, did some serious research. Around about 5,000 years worth of research. And thanks to all his book learning, he eventually found the stone.
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Which was unfortunate because Jaddak had been stalking him this whole time, sure that he’d eventually find it.
He chased Krru over twelve solar systems, finally blasting him out of the sky over Earth. But when Jaddak searched Krru’s ship and checked the recorder-log, as we saw in the opening two pages, he learned that Krru had decided that the Resurrection Stone was inherently corruptive and should have remained lost.
You know an ancient magical stone is bad news when an archeologist goes ‘actually you don’t belong in a museum.’
So when Krru was shot down, as a last ditch effort, he broke the stone in two and sent both halves into Earth’s past so they’d be lost forever.
I have so many questions.
If they were sent to the past then they’d be in the present now unless destroyed in the past. That’s how time works.
Two, dick move, Krru. You think this thing is inherently corruptive and you drop it into Earth’s past, possibly altering the timeline? Fuck you.
But with the stones in the past forever inaccessible clearly, Jaddak decided, hey this should be the Avengers’ problem and not mine.
Jaddak: “I knew then that I needed... pawns. Powerful pawns.”
Wonder Man: “Pawns... as in -- Avengers. And that’s why you struck down an innocent woman?!”
Jaddak: “It seemed a splendid idea at the time!”
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Ok, I know. I know. This is a terrible situation in-universe but also out of universe because they brought back Vera only to immediately stuff her into the fridge.
But this skrull going ‘look it seemed like a good idea at the time’ cracks me up.
Seemed like a good idea doesn’t cut the mustard with Wonder Man who just hauls off and punches Jaddak into the bookcase.
Vision even verbally pats him on the back for it.
Vision: “Well played, Simon. -- There was no need to listen to this madman's rantings any longer.”
But as the Avengers congregate to stomp on Jaddak’s head a few times, I presume, Beast stops them.
Cradling Vera’s body he says he’ll do anything to bring her back.
And that brings us to chapter two: “DOOM in the DARK AGES!”
Let me just get ahead of any hypothetical questions I wouldn’t even be able to hear until after the fact anyway. Tragically Doctor Doom does not show up.
Whoof, a lot of exposition at the beginning of chapter 2. Because a lot of stuff happened off-panel, between pages.
Real Jarvis had been contacted to make sure he’s okay. The four Avengers took a Quinjet to the Fantastic Four and told Reed Richards what’s going on. Reed went ‘sure I’ll lend you Doctor Doom’s time machine and send you to the coordinates a SKRULL gave you.’ And Jaddak went to go wait in his spaceship with Vera’s body.
So now the Avengers are in September 16, 1348, England. Prompting Vision to start giving a lecture on the bubonic plague.
Scarlet Witch: “Darling, please. Not now.”
Save it for the bedroom, Vizh.
The locals respond, understandably enough, with hostility to the people that just appeared in thin air dressed like clowns. They call the Avengers demons and unholy creatures and tell them to tell a wizard Devlunn to fuck off and that he can’t have any more of their dead.
Wanda decides that explaining time travel and superheroes from the FUTURE is more trouble than its worth. Instead, she plays along.
Scarlet Witch: “Devlunn? We are far greater than that upstart! He is a mere wind -- we are the storm!”
And then she fires off some of her bolts to cow the villagers so she can ask if anyone wants to take her to “this weakling Devlunn.”
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See Wanda figured out based on the one comment that someone toying with the dead might be linked to the half of the Resurrection Stone they’re here to find. Or one would hope someone toying with the dead has a dumb magic reason for it!
One of the villagers does volunteer to take Wanda to Devlunn.
Villager: “I pray you four are as powerful as you appear -- for it will take great magicks indeed to best this lunatic child.”
Because, yup, Devlunn is a ten-year old child.
And yup, he has half of the Resurrection Stone.
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He also has a big crowd of locals begging him to return their dead since they did promise to follow him and give him all that they own. Really, that’s a fair trade for some moldy old corpses, right?
Devlunn: “Why should I listen to you? When this talisman fell from the sky and whispered to me -- I knew then it could make me a god! And gods do as they please!”
Beast: “No one should play god, Devlunn. -- Least of all obnoxious little boys! C’mon guys -- let’s get this over with!”
And Wonder Man punches the tower Devlunn is standing on and Vision SOLAR BEAMs it and a ten year old child falls off a tower.
And then he just stops in midair and floats.
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Not sure why the Resurrection Stone also has flying powers. That seems beyond the scope of what it was designed to do.
That’s like if you had a scroll of fireball that also did your taxes.
Yes, that would be amazing. But the two things aren’t related things.
Anyway, Devlunn takes these four weirdos in stride.
Devlunn: “Ah -- so I’ve impressed you with my little trick! Good! For, you see, I know who you are! You are spirits from heaven to test me to see if I’m worthy of godhood -- to see if my talisman can do more than merely hold me on high like some wingless bird! You wish a show of strength -- a little play! And what you wish -- Devlunn-the-god shall grant!”
And then he sicks a horde of zombies on the fearless foursome.
The four realize the truth of Devlunn’s half of the Resurrection Stone. Because this is a cool magic artifact that conceptually splits in half instead of just physically or in terms of output or whatever.
Devlunn’s half gives life to the dead but only life without the spark of the soul. Aka, zombies.
Also, not very impressive zombies. They’re more pitiable than formidable. And Devlunn isn’t much of a necromancer.
The Avengers fight them. Well, except for Vision. Vision just lets them flail against him ineffectually.
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Beast rushes through the pack of zombies, even grabbing one with his thighs to toss out of the way?, towards Devlunn and then takes the 1/2 Resurrection Stone like candy from a baby.
Revealing Devlunn to not be a great and powerful wizard but rather a very sad child.
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Devlunn: “My stone give it to me! Give it back, I say! I was... nothing until it came to me! My family -- my friends -- all died! But the stone made me important! It gave me control over death! It made me safe! Please give it back! Please -- I want to be a god! I have to be a god!”
And then he collapses to the ground and starts crying while the Avengers are whisked away into the future by Reed.
So, that’s sad.
And I don’t imagine chapter three (“Rosenblatt’s Dance!”) is going to be any cheerier.
It’s now April 13, 1945. Dachau.
So. Yeah.
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The Avengers blink into existence right in the middle of some Allied troops chasing some Nazis. And not being ones to miss a chance to go ape shit on some Nazis, Wonder Man goes ape shit on some Nazis.
Unlike the dark ages peeps, the Allied soldiers see some random people with superpowers wearing bright clothes and go ‘ah, superheroes’ and ask if they’re with the Invaders or the Liberty Legion.
Wonder Man: “Right. I’m... uh... Captain America.”
Phew. Timeline secure.
Anyway, they’re glad to see some superheroes because they’ve got a messy situation at Dachau. And its nothing that punching Nazis can fix.
So, yeah this is set at a concentration camp so its not going to be particularly happy.
The one who has the other half of the Resurrection Stone is a man named Rosenblatt. And this half of the stone also has half the power of the full stone. But in this case it returns the soul to a lifeless husk.
And Rosenblatt has used it to revive his dead wife and daughters and he’s joyfully dancing with their lifeless bodies while they beg him to let them go and free them of this existence.
It’d be really messed up if the usual superhero methods had to be applied here but thankfully the less employed but still common superhero empathy is in the quiver.
Beast approaches the guy and just talks to him.
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Beast: “You have to set their souls free.”
Rosenblatt: “Are you the devil, come to take them? Well -- they’ve been in hell long enough. They’ll never be yours!”
Beast: “Look at them, my friend -- they will never be yours either. Not the way you knew them. The way you cherished them. Give me the jewel. P-please...”
And his words get through to the man who hands the half Resurrection Stone off to Beast.
And as before, the instant they have the stone, Reed yanks them forward in time.
Y’know. This only occurred to me on my second read. Maybe if Reed hadn’t instantly pulled them out of that time, it would have occurred to Beast ‘hey wait I have both halves now, I could combine them and bring this guy’s family back to life for real and not in some cursed half existence.’
Doesn’t really work with how the book goes, but it’s a thought.
And now for the thrilling conclusion: Chapter 4 The Cost!
April 10th, 1981, SPACE.
So we’re back in the then present.
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A Quinjet flies into space, as Quinjets can apparently do, to meet with Jaddak’s spaceship. Jaddak contacts them over the space Zoom and tells Beast that he’ll have to teleport over alone with the Resurrection Stone.
The other Avengers think this is reeeeeaaally fishy and don’t really like the idea of letting Jaddak get the Resurrection Stone but they can’t tell Beast what to do. This is his weird fill-in issue quest and it has to be his decision.
So Beast teleports over alone. And finds himself in a chamber with a video screen. Skrull ain’t taking any chances.
He’s hidden behind an unbreachable wall. Through the video screen he tells Beast to deposit the stone in a portal which will send it over to the skrull who will test it for authenticity.
Then, he’ll use it to revive Vera. Swearsies.
Beast: “And why should I trust you?”
Jaddak: “Because I am a Skrull. Treacherous and savage as my people are -- we value honor more than life.”
Beast pauses to consider the power of the Resurrection Stone. Thinks about Devlunn and his zombies and Rosenblatt’s dance.
Beast: “Vera... I’m sorry. But this power is too much for any man to hold. I hope you can forgive me for what I’m about to do -- and I hope I can forgive myself!”
And then Beast slams the two halves of the Resurrection Stone together, KRUNCHing them into dust.
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Jaddak: “Y-you crushed it! But that is... impossible! My plan was perfection! The vagaries of human love should have assured me victory!”
Wonder Man: “There are higher forms of love, Skrull -- but don’t strain your brain trying to figure out what they are!”
Because, yes, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, and Vision are also here now.
Vision intangibled onto the ship while Jaddak was distracted and used Jaddak’s own teleporters to bring the other two aboard.
As for that unbreachable wall?
Nah. Totally breachable. Wonder Man peels it open like nothing.
Jaddak tries to use Vera’s dead body as a hostage but Scarlet Witch blasts the gun apart in his hands with a SQUAKK.
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So there may be a bird that used to be a gun loose on the ship.
And that just leaves one thing to take care of.
Beast jumps at Jaddak and starts slamming him around.
Scarlet Witch protests that Beast is going to kill Jaddak but Wonder Man tells her that Beast has to left off some steam.
Wonder Man: “He has to vent some steam or he’ll really snap! Besides you know Hank as well as I do -- that Skrull will get some much-needed lumps -- but that’s all!”
Beast: “Yeah. That’s our Beastie. A hero to the end. Can’t even bring myself to play the old ‘eye for an eye’ game. Not that it would do me one stinking bit of good. I’ve lost her -- forever.”
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AND THEN AN EPILOGUE. Later that day at the Baxter Building.
Reed has been involved between panels this whole story and now he gets exposition exposited to him to fill in the gaps and in return he’s going to exposit too.
Wonder Man explains that he, Wanda, and Vision always intended to destroy the Resurrection Stone if Beast went through with the deal with Jaddak. Not that they thought he would. Knowing Hank McCoy and all.
But its a subversion of the ‘this is something he must do himself’ trope. Where they left the decision in Beast’s hands but also planned to go over his head if he made the wrong decision and put the scary power of phoenix down in the hands of the Skrulls.
Gotta keep your friends honest or something.
So now Reed has news. Weird news about Vera.
The poison that Jaddak used was super rare, so rare that Jaddak didn’t even know how it worked. He just had to be a murder hipster and goofed up.
Its actually a slow-acting poison that takes days to fully kill someone so Vera is technically only mostly dead. She could theoretically be cured one day.
So Reed has thrown her into a suspended animation tube and hopes to come up with an antidote eventually (which he doesn’t but Vera ends up cured anyway in Defenders #105 about a year later in another story by J.M. DeMatteis).
What is it about weird filler stories and having someone end up in a freezer tube to be maybe cured later?
Reed Richards: I know it’s not much of a chance, Beast -- but at least there’s hope.”
Beast: “There’s hope -- !”
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Follow @essential-avengers​ because one day I’ll be up to date on that blog and it’ll have Essential Avengers stuff and no miscellaneous reblogs of other stuff. Wouldn’t that be nice? Maybe? Also like and reblog if you like to reblog.
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voiceofrasputin · 4 years
(Mun note: Hope you don’t mind a random event starter! With Ana’s full powers returned, she’s very excited and won’t leave me alone!)
Ana looked to the sky, and hissed through her teeth as she saw the even larger island descend. Fuck, and this was after power had been lost, and after all of the initial chaos that these “NULL” shitheads had started. Damnit, where was Rasputin and his Warsats when she needed him-
Oh. It just... stopped. Well, at least she, along with everyone else who lived here, didn’t have to worry about being crushed alive. (In reality, she’d come back, but she hadn’t seen any other Guardians yet, and she didn’t like the thought of being alone, with only Jinju for company.) Maybe things wouldn’t go straight to hell-
Uh oh. Those pink beams couldn’t be anything good. She tensed, mentally telling Jinju to stand by for a resurrection, just in case those were guiding beacons for some sort of missile-esque weapon (or weapons)-
Oh, fuck. That was even worse! 
Formless things manifested from wherever the beams struck, and shapeshifted into... well, it seemed anything was fair game. Some things, admittedly, she didn’t recognize, some things looked like they came right outta some cartoon or book, but there was no mistaking the forms of Fallen, Cabal, and especially no mistaking the forms of various Hive. She doubted they were the real deal, but upon seeing them fight, it was obvious that they were just as much a threat as the real deal. Shit, how was she going to stand a chance against an army like that with just her strength, regeneration, resurrection, and a Traveler-damned wooden pole for defense-
Until she felt it. Just like when the Light returned after the Young Wolf killed Ghaul and woke up the Traveler. Her powers were back! Eyes aglow with Light, a downright demonic grin came across her face. It was only widened when the full array of her weaponry appeared all around her. The IKELOS weapons all around her, Sleeper Simulant on her back, and Polaris Lance in her hand... it was as if she’d never lost them in the first place! She had Jinju transmat what she couldn’t carry on her person away, just in case. Now, time to look for some trouble-
Well, that didn’t take long. A Cursed Thrall was about to sneak up on some old guy in a large suit of blue armor (almost like a Titan, but she wasn’t sure he was a Titan), and he didn’t seem to notice... 
“HEY! OLD MAN! WATCH OUT!” She called, before drawing one of her knives, infusing it with her Solar Light, and throwing it with an aim only years upon years of practice could grant her. It landed square in the center of the Cursed Thrall’s forehead, leading to the Hive creature exploding violently with a pained shriek. The explosion proceeded to also take out quite a few of the surrounding creatures, and after the explosion finished, Ana deftly maneuvered from her perch closer to the armored man, and smiled at him.
“Do you know your way around guns? I’ve got a few I can lend to you for the moment, if you want. If nothing else, two fighters is better than one, especially against a swarm of Hive!” She offered. 
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rawbiredbest · 5 years
It’s All in Your Head
Contains: Fluff, Angst, Unconventional Relationships, Telepathy, Demons Fandom: Marvel (comics) Relationships: Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom Characters: Stephen Strange, Victor von Doom, Wong, Boris Word Count: 6103
Out of the blue, Stephen Strange and Victor von Doom find themselves telepathically connected.
No squealing, remember that......
Content warning for canon typical violence, profanity, implied sexual activity, and a single usage of homophobic language by a very bad individual.
Graciously commissioned by @osheets! Wanna do the same? Check my info!
Read here or on AO3!
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The breakthrough comes with rapturous spontaneity. It’s like Victor von Doom has been standing on the shore of a Latverian loch, and in the blink of an eye, the grains of sand have become an orchestra, the surf their masterful conductor, and he the sole audience. He has captured their forms in glass and steel, multiplied ten million fold in the casings of complex machinery, and the entire laboratory sings the path to a bolder, brighter future. In all of his years of experimentation, innovation, desperation, he has never heard this music before. It pours from every screw and bolt, vibrates along every copper wire, thunders out of every piston and valve. The engineers below him, controlling and monitoring the device, are Gods of melody and time. Doom himself has transcended divinity, rising high on sublime notes of praise. He is Emperor, Encapsulated Universe, and his feet do not touch the floor as he glides to the heart of his machine, his veins coursing with silver beauty. Hydrogen atoms dance into the arms of their palladium partners, and their heat is love, love for each other, love for nature, love for him, and it is a primordial force unlocked from decades of ridicule and shame, and he has set it free. Genius. Monarch. Ultimate.
And then it goes. Slowly, a receding tide. It slides from his bones, leaving them aching. He braces himself against a panel, cold sweat sticking to his brow. His heart hammers in his chest, a lone drum holding a marching beat long after the band has departed into the moonless night. The engineers gape at him, oblivious to the miracle that has deafened their ruler.
Doom touches the shielding glass of the operating CMNS reactor, and its vibrations are an idiot hum. He blinks salt from his eyes, breath condensing on the machine.
Four thousand, five hundred and six miles away, a doctor and his best friend leave Madison Square Garden, wearing concert merch, beaming like loons.
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To Stephen, it’s a tsunami.
He’s watching TV. The nightly news. He could tap into the Eye and view the entire world as it turns, but he doesn’t want to. It isn’t very often he feels human, let alone vegetable, so any opportunity to vegetate he takes with gusto. Stretched across his couch, he tugs down the hem of his shirt, leans his head on his hand, and waits to absorb the country’s woes.
He gets a sharp pain on the nape of his neck instead. He swats at the spot, looks at his palm. “Ow.”
Wong looks up from the email he’s writing. “Are you okay?”
Strange frowns, settles back down. “I think there’s a mosquito in here.” They’re talking about the Amazon fires. Stephen’s heart aches for the birds who will drop from the sky, their lungs full of smoke, voices forever silenced.
And then pain rips down his back, like his spine is torn out by an iron hand from his neck to his waist.
He can’t help but yell then, clutching the cushions. A heavy ache lingers in his vertebrae. Gingerly he sits up, breathing hard, eyes clenched shut. Something a bit like petrichor, a bit medicinal, a bit hot fills his nose.
Wong runs to him, but Strange raises a hand. “I’m fine,” he says, though he already braces against the thick lump rising next to his heart. As it crests, it dissipates throughout his body. He forces his eyes open, expecting to see the black trails of tiny spiders beneath his skin. Nothing but unmarked flesh.
“Should I call Doctor Carter?” Wong asks, thumbing toward the antique phone. It’s enchanted to call anywhere, anytime, any-plane.
“No, no.” Stephen leans on his knees, rubbing his temples. The pain is moving, changing. “This isn’t exactly her--”
--forte, he wants to say, but he is cut off by trees. Huge trees. Trees that consume the sky in fractal tangles of evergreen. Primordial, pristine trees, the definition of trees. The little things that crawl beneath and flit between, some carrying light, some with rigid jaws.
It’s a psychic attack. Strange has weathered them before. This one is weird. As he waves for Wong to get the Eye, he endures the spikes of pain that impale his senses to grab a closer look. This entity is lumbering, gigantic in scope yet wet around the edges.
It’s being born, he realizes. It’s waking up.
It hurts, it hurts but he’s curious. He sees New York now, its spires and streets lined up like so much circuitry. He feels the rough brush of concrete, hears the car horn concerto, smells the burn of rubber, and all throughout are rules, parameters, reasons. The thing is learning, feasting on information, and gathering more at an exponential rate. A tidal wave of green descends on the city, picking and plucking at this imaginary world.
And as it eats, thousands and thousands of hungry mouths devouring America, it hates. It hates the excess, the cruelty, the inefficiencies. It roars, barreling down the Sanctum, thousands upon thousands of tons of incomparable loathing.
Wong presses the Eye into Stephen’s hand.
“Pardon my French, dear friend,” Strange says.
The Eye bursts open, and the Sorcerer Supreme throws every ounce of his mystic might at the slavering invader. The living room cascades with dancing whorls of light as he raises his arms, funneling a solar flare, and cries a spell that every New Yorker knows by heart.
Utter obliteration. When he opens his eyes, glittering motes trickle from the ceiling. The pain is gone. The TV has gone to commercial.
The phone is ringing.
Wong answers it as Stephen sinks to the couch. He slips the Eye around his neck, and its weight comforts. He thinks he’ll sleep with it tonight.
“It’s for you.”
Strange massages his ear. Vulgarity is embarrassing, but faced with an immaterial infant in the depths of an unholy tantrum doing everything in its power to cram a fork in a magic electrical socket, seemed like a good idea at the time. He takes the phone. “Hello?”
“Doctor! The master -- Victor -- something has happened, I do not know-- I--”
“Boris?” Stephen sits up. “Boris, it’s all right. Slow down. What’s going on?”
Behind the old retainer’s words, a siren wails. “The master--” He hesitates. “His newest Doombot. He turned it on for the first time. All was well, and then it exploded! And now Victor -- he is breathing this flame, this plasma! It burned through his mask! Doctor, what do I do!?”
Strange inhales deep. Counts to three. Lets it go. “He’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? I do not mean to doubt you, but--”
“It will pass. Give him an ice pack and put him somewhere dark and quiet for a few hours.”
“I trust you, doctor, but please, when you can, come and see him. The violence of it, it scares me.”
“I know. It’s fine. Just something he ate.”
Boris thanks him and hangs up.
Stephen wishes the couch would eat him as he heaves a sigh. “Wong,” he asks, “Is it too late to rescind discovering my bisexuality at the ripe age of however old I am now?”
“I don’t know,” Wong replies, “To both parts of your question. I lost count in the five hundreds.”
Strange curses again.
- - -
“So. We have a telepathic link. Any idea how it got there?”
He may as well be speaking to a wall of granite. Doom, arms folded, sneers at him across the table.
Stephen links his fingers together. “I have nothing. It’s rather disconcerting. I don’t believe it’s malevolent, which is always a plus, but it’s unremarkable, which isn’t. So I’d appreciate any insight, Victor. Whatever you’d like to...you know. Get off your chest.”
Doom’s eyes are cold.
“Anything at all. Need to vent? I know you can get heated.”
The table weighs over three hundred pounds, yet Doom flings it at him like a feather. Strange cuts it in half with a bolt of solid light as Crimson Bands constrict around his other arm. They serpentine and splinter into smaller tendrils, their tips unhinging into fanged blooms, and a thought comes to Stephen as the king charges him: he was born in a forest. It’s nature’s fury that fills his head, a cacophony of hellish noise, the wild hunt calling for his spilled blood. Doom’s rage in concentrated, psychic form, howling down their link.
The Daggers of Denak, blades spinning, do an admirable job trimming the vines, their severed heads still snapping, and Strange summons the Winds of Watoomb to push Doom away. The gale staggers him yet he presses forward, arcane runes flashing a ice blue aegis on his gauntlet. Step by step, forcing him back towards the wall.
He lunges. Strange is ready for it. Doom’s arm comes up, Stephen’s arms fan out. Before the king grasps his throat, he calls a pair of razors into his palms. Victor’s grip is suffocating. Strange holds his head between two guillotine blades. An impasse.
Doom’s voice rasps, thin and scorched. “That. Hurt.”
Stephen sips the tiny breaths he can. Something’s pressing into his belly. Sweat beads on his brow. It’s a gun. It’s the stupid gun Doom carries in the stupid pouch on his stupid belt. Why does he even have it? For shooting idiot sorcerers, he thinks. He swallows hard, knows Doom can feel it through the metal. Not so evenly matched as he thought.
And then he notices it. Hiding deep under the screams is a layer of fire. Reaching through the link, he touches it. Color rushes to his cheeks.
“Seriously?” he ekes out, “This is turning you on?”
Doom’s grip loosens. A minuscule amount, enough for Strange to squeeze a few more words. The fire leaps into his psychic palm, eager, aggressive.
“There’s no shame in it. You’re good at what you do, Victor. Very few people can put me in check. Look at you. You’ve pinned me to a wall like a butterfly. That’s impressive. I--”
The king leans closer. Stephen smells ashes on his breath.
“Hoary hosts.”
The gun is holstered. A steel thumb strokes his cheek.
“Reap what you sow,” Doom mutters.
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The aches and bruises will last for days, but the coolness of Doom’s armor against the carpet burn on his back is soothing. He rests a hand in the king’s own. Anything else feels too strenuous. “Was that your first time having telepathic sex? It’s intense, isn’t it?”
Victor takes in the state of the room. Paintings smashed, furniture so much firewood, stone walls fractured and cratered. How much destruction is his? He has no idea. One or the other had to have held back. The castle is still standing, after all.
Neither man speaks. Stephen ventures a glimpse down their link and gets only an image of black curtains. Doom’s already set up defenses. Though some of his own are raised, he lets some satisfaction flow between them. An olive branch.
A quiet, amused huff. “At times, Strange,” Doom says, and already his voice sounds better, “Your physical merits outweigh the strenuous mental exertions you put me through.”
“I never much cared for the medieval aesthetic myself, yet here we are.” He grunts as he looks over his shoulder, thighs twinging. “How drunk were we that night?”
“Doom was sober.”
“Oh no, your golden goblet saw plenty of refills. You were, at the very least, tipsy.”
“You question Doom’s memory?”
Stephen cups his chin, looks deep into dark brown eyes. “I question, my lord, why you claim to remember, with crystal clarity, a night you could have easily decreed never happened at all.”
Nothing comes. No biting remark, no caustic humiliation. Doom only holds his gaze, and under the black curtains flashes something bright, something strong. It lasts for only half a second before the king gets up, using Strange’s shoulder for support. “This link shall be insufferable. Do your part to get rid of it.”
Stephen frowns, annoyed that his legs work. He wonders if Victor left any of his clothing intact. “Right. Ground rules. Stay out of my head, and I won’t make you cough up another star. Deal?”
“Stay out of Doom’s head, and you shall not know pain unending. You have a deal.”
- - -
This lasts for two months.
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On Day 51, a current of malicious satisfaction slithers through Strange’s mind. Gooseflesh rises up his back. The half-chewed wad of pastrami and egg in his mouth goes sour. He spits it out, bracing himself on the dinner table, and without thinking of thinking, he thinks: what have you done now?
The smirk on Doom’s face reminds him of the crocodiles at the Bronx Zoo. The thing Victor is smiling at reminds him of shop class. He can’t begin to make heads or tails of it. Like many of the king’s devices, it could have come off the set of a sci-fi movie. Sleek and chrome, rigged with multicolored wires, pumps, and gauges, a porthole reveals the heart of the machine, a vile purple light. Stephen’s gut tells him that color would eat him alive if it could, tear into his flesh and drip his blood from its teeth. Stephen trusts his gut.
Strange, Doom replies, smile quickly fading into a scowl, We had an agreement.
You broke first. I felt you. My spidey sense tingled.
Victor’s gauntlets ball into fists, and he sends a wave of serrated anger barreling toward the magician. A chained wolf, barking and snarling. An executioner waiting for the condemned to dig his own grave deeper.
Stephen curses. He didn’t mean to think that out loud. Look. Just tell me what it is and I’ll leave you alone.
The black curtains rustle, then lift like a wing. Swimming in the purple light are mathematical equations, coiling around metal rods. It makes perfect sense to Doom, but to Strange it’s a form of gibberish undecipherable by any eldritch tome.
Then he hears it. It’s not coming from the machine. It’s from Doom. Subvocalized lyrics. A silent song. He could recognize the tune anywhere.
He bought its album at the concert.
This is cold fusion.
Stephen snaps back to attention. Cold fusion. Should I be worried?
Victor folds his arms. That I built a safe, eternal form of energy for myself and my people? Yes, Strange, cower and quake. Your country shall never have it so long as I draw breath.
There are many dangerous rebuttals to that he could say. Names he could drop. Yet Doom promised pain unending. Fifty-one days into their connection, Strange has no leads into its inner workings. Finding out if he could make good on his word is a risk Stephen is unwilling to take.
I don’t like this, the sorcerer thinks, but I have to believe you. Don’t misbehave.
His own mental defense is a never-ending subway express train, its doors and windows a veil of golden thorns. Sighing, he sits back down. What’s left of his sandwich has the appeal of wet newspaper.
Doom was right. The link is awful.
- - -
On Day 60, despite the blazing fire in the hearth, Victor’s feet send ripples through a puddle.
He regards it from his antique armchair throne with indifferent curiosity. Through the filters in his mask, he smells the green, pungent scent of foliage rot and seawater. In the puddle itself swim millions of plankton. A frenzy of eating, fucking, dying, and birthing unfolds beneath his alloy soles.
From the corner of his eye, he watches the puddle extend an arm of water across the floor. Sliding under a wall, a line of slithering damp turns the paint a moldy gray. Moisture fans across the entire side of the room in a pattern like falling stars, like skeletal hands trailing through a river. The scent grows stronger as the puddle expands. He rises before it consumes his chair. The leather sinks until it is a speck of mahogany in the brine. Gloom washes over it and it is gone.
Doom folds his arms. A breeze teases the tail of his cloak. Murmuring a quiet word, he puts out the fire with an arc of a finger, and turns around into another world.
It is eternal night. It has no sun, and what few stars can be seen are lucky glimpses through a lush canopy of branches and black, web-like leaves many hundreds of feet above. The grass under him has a sticky grip, but gentle. If grass could want for anything, it would like to give the king safe passage on his journey. He isn’t the sustenance it’s looking for. That comes on the wind, in the form of tiny shards of detritus falling from forest layers high overhead. It shimmers as it tumbles down, the only source of light in this hadal garden.
He doesn’t need to go far. Half-concealed behind a root far taller than he, Doom watches himself and Stephen Strange on the next mound over.
The magician talks with grand gestures, sweeping an arm over trees as dark as ink. Doom remembers himself speaking little, allowing Strange to tell him the highlights of the world. No recorded examples of predation. Negligible changes in evolution for millennia. A slow world. A place of peace.
Stephen steps into the water. Waist deep, he holds out his arm. His garb drips off him, revealing pale skin. He smiles, bare and inviting.
The other Victor undoes his belt.
“And you complain when I get you out of the house.”
Doom peers at the Stephen Strange sitting in lotus position beside him. “You drag me into your affairs with no concern for my well-being or sanity.”
“Please. The times you dig your heels in are cursory, at best. And then we end up doing things like this.”
Across the mound, the other king’s armor sits in a neat pile, and the two doctors stand in each other’s arms, their lips meeting and parting only to inhale.
Victor kneels on the grass. “Even you are capable of stumbling onto a good idea.”
Stephen’s lip curls upward. “I think about this often. This place is beautiful. This memory pleasant. I took effort not to broadcast this to you. My apologies if I disturbed you.”
Doom looks away. “You did not.”
“Oh? Your Royal Highness, we had an agreement.”
“Am I not allowed to reminisce myself?”
“Ssh. Meditate with me.”
He closes his eyes. Strange’s hand creeps into his own, and he lets it stay.
Perhaps he was wrong. The link isn’t so bad.
- - -
Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!
Stephen rolls molasses slow toward awareness. The bedroom is pitch black, swimming in unholy hour of the morning disorientation.
Your wife is in trouble!
He cracks an eye open, shifting in the sheets. “Clea?”
No! Your big green wife! Get up, right now!
Those aren’t his thoughts. It’s a voice he’s never heard before, coming from inside his head. He holds very still and feels something slither over his brain.
He snaps wide awake.
I’m sorry we have to meet like this, the voice says, but we must hurry. The whole world is at stake!
In any other circumstance, Strange would interrogate the voice within an inch of its life, but its fear is genuine. Swinging out of bed, he yanks some pants on, startles the Cloak of Levitation from of its own sleep, and pulls open a portal to Latveria.
Curse me for a novice! the voice squeaks, That can’t be good!
Enormous rends in reality drape over the castle. Shimmering in the air, some bisect the stone in clean, monomolecular cuts. One vomits a steady stream of magma, causing a massive fire in the castle courtyard. Through each of them Stephen sees other dimensions. Another hole fans out from the keep itself and drops a mass of red crystals that crush an entire rampart.
Please! Hurry!
Stephen slams the portal shut, imagines his destination, and wrenches open a new one directly to Doom’s lab. The room is bathed in sunset colors and thick, acrid smoke. At its heart lies the fusion reactor, which is now anything but cold. The purple light pounds waves of energy, reverberating off its containment and magnifying a new tear in the world.
Victor stands in front of the machine. His motions are jerky, abrupt, a marionette controlled by a mob of children. He lifts a twitching hand and the tear throws itself through the castle to join the others outside.
Sister-Brother! the voice cries, Stop!
Doom’s arms drop, strings cut. The voice that comes from his mind is higher than the other.
No, I don’t think so, it says, I think I’m going to continue. You’re more than welcome to burn.
“You’re the link,” Strange says.
Just figured that out now? Sister-Brother asks, Wow, Brother-Sister. You sure drew the short straw. My host is incredible. I’ve mapped every gyri and sulci in here and it’s gorgeous. I’d stay forever if I could. It’s almost a shame he has to die.
Stephen glares, raising his hands, fingers glowing with magic. “As Sorcerer Supreme, I command you to release Doctor Doom!”
The laugh that echoes down the link is nails on a chalkboard. You have no idea what we are.
“You’re playing with fire. You’re threatening the dimensional stability of all of Doomstadt. And when I find you, you’ll have hell to pay.”
This host has already seen hell, Sister-Brother chides, What better place to grow up than in a body demon-touched? Have you considered that I’m doing him a favor? This is how it plays out. This is fate.
Doom turns around without his mask.
A bloodcurdling shriek ricochets across Strange’s mind, his hand thrusts forward with a will not his own, and a thunderbolt connects with the king’s head. Victor flies against a control panel, smashing it with the weight of his impact. Groaning and creaking, the reactor starts to power down, sprinklers in the ceiling damping the flames.
His face, Brother-Sister whispers, Gods, oh gods, what’s wrong with his face...
Stephen contains his screams until he kneels at Doom’s side, hefting his body into his arms. The scent of burning meat fills his nose. He howls for someone, anyone, to help him, royal blood seeping onto his chest.
- - -
He awakens to the beeping of the heart monitor.
Doom feels like mountainsides have taken residence on his eyelids. Slowly sliding them open, he takes inventory. The room is bright, sterile, no windows. He’s propped up in a bed. His hands are bare yet weigh like continents. He looks to his left.
“Hello,” Stephen says.
The sorcerer looks terrible. Ashen skin, reddened eyes, a frown threatening to rip his mouth off. The clothes he wears belong to any servant of the castle. The hands clasped together between his knees shake worse than Doom has ever seen.
“You’re on a morphine drip. You’ve been unconscious for the past twelve hours. You’re in the castle. We set up a makeshift triage room. For a while...” He takes a deep breath, steeling his voice. “We didn’t know if you would make it.”
Doom thinks, and his head is wonderfully quiet.
“Thank every deity you know that your skull is almost as hard as your armor. You’re going to be in a lot of pain for the next few days, but the alternative...I don’t want to think about. And I got rid of the link.” Strange picks up a jar from a nearby stand. “Meet Brother-Sister and Sister-Brother.”
Floating in cerebrospinal fluid are two worms. One is storm cloud gray bracketed by navy blue. The other is dark yellow-green with flecks of red. Flat as ribbons and only an inch long, they give each other a wide berth.
“Pineal parasites,” Stephen continues, “Stuck to the undercarriage of our minds, learning how to be through our eyes. They talked together through us. Saw magic through us. Deciphered grand machines through us. And now they’re ready to go home. That’s what yours was trying to do. They were looking for a place where nothing changes and nothing happens because all who go there are hijacked and killed. Not such a good idea after all, was it?”
Doom blinks.
Putting the worms down, Strange digs his wrists into his eyes. “Victor, I swear to you on everything I am I had no idea. I thought you’d like it. I thought you could forget being so angry, forget the Four if only for an hour, and be happy. Now you--”
He stares at the door, fist to his mouth. Swallowing his heart, he says, “I’m bringing them back. They’re not at fault. They’re just following their life cycle. Despite what they’ve done, they deserve to live.”
Birds that will choke on ashes, he thinks, Countless trees turned to dust. No more. No more death.
“The best doctors in your kingdom are here for you. I’ll be back.”
“Doom will go with you.”
Victor’s voice is quiet but steady. Stephen shakes his head. “No. You’re in no shape to get out of bed, let alone travel dimensions.”
The monarch shuts his eyes. Heavy footsteps pass through the door. A doppelganger in emerald and steel, the Doombot bows its head to its ruler.
“Doom will go with you,” Victor repeats.
Strange blows a ragged breath. By Doom’s creased brow, that wasn’t easy. “Okay. Rest now. Don’t do anything until I return.”
Victor says nothing. Stephen waits until he drifts to sleep, presses a kiss to rough lips, and departs, robot in tow.
- - -
Q-4301 is indistinguishable from the real deal, from its ramrod straight spine to its folded arms, yet there’s no look of wonder in its lenses, no human, if royally restrained, sense of adventure in its copper and silicon heart. It doesn’t care about the bits and pieces of gold falling from the alien canopy, the grass patting its boots. It stares at Strange, emotionless, and that very lack of feeling gnaws at the pit of the sorcerer’s stomach.
They’re on the same black water island mound as before. He can pick out the tree Victor pressed him against from all the rest. Had the microscopic eggs that birthed the parasite twins been attracted to their sex, or had it been sheer luck? He doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know.
In his hand is a candle made from the blood of priests. “Do you have them?” Stephen asks.
Q-4301 lifts a corner of its cloak. Sewn into the cloth is a glass vial. Brother-Sister and Sister-Brother are inside.
Strange nods. “I don’t know if Doom programmed you to feel fear. Either way, let me do the talking. If all goes well, you won’t have to do anything.”
The Doombot says nothing. Taking a deep breath, Stephen snaps a spark between his fingers and lights the candle.
The world goes silent. The wind ceases, and so does the steady fall of golden bits and bobs. The grass curls into tight nubs. The only indication that time has not stopped entirely is the gleam of flame like an undulating eel on the surface of the water. Stephen’s breath is deafening in his own ears.
The voice that speaks is low and obsidian slick. “Well, well, well. Look what the fags dragged in.”
The demon, descending from the trees, blends perfectly into the dark. Its teeth are yellowed and pitted from a diet of rot. It moves on long, soundless talons. Its eyes are cherry red, pupils like mouths.
“Doctor Strange,” the khat murmurs, “You honor me with your presence. I’ve heard so much about you. You’re a cautionary tale among khat-kind, you know. A warning about too much power in frail, mortal meat. Like stuffing a sun into a stomach, it’s only a matter of time till it bursts.”
Stephen purses his lips. “Cut the shit. I have something for you.”
The khat’s grin splits up to its ears. “A gift? Is it your heart? Your humanity? Your soul? Please tell me it’s your soul. I would so like your soul.”
“Come closer and I’ll show you.”
The demon pads on water, leaving no ripples in its path. “Is it the thing beside you?” Nostrils flaring, it sizes up the Doombot. “Not the usual breed of lost lambs you lead to slaughter. What sort of lies did you tell it to follow you? An offer of redemption, perhaps? Anything desperate enough to flaunt about in a green skirt would listen to you.”
“Desperation is for the weak,” Q-4301 snaps.
Strange swallows the ball of curses on his tongue and hopes it doesn’t show. Doombots fall for bait. Exactly like the original.
The khat stops. “Everything has weaknesses. You were once a babe in your mother��s arms, no? Look at your companion. The Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, can barely keep a friend around, let alone alive. No, no, no, there has to be a reason he wants you here.” It lies on all fours, rests its cheek on its fist. “What sort of gift was it again?”
Stephen starts to speak. Q-4301 beats him. “The only gift a demon like you deserves.”
Red eyes narrow in amusement. “Oh, it’s too much for a single khat to bear! Let me call my brothers. We shall find out together.” Rising into a crouch, it takes a deep breath.
There’s still time to salvage the plan. Strange shouts, “Do it!”
Q-4301 lunges into the water, tears the vial from its cloak, and thrusts its arm out. As predicted, the khat opens its toothy jaws and swallows the punch up to the Doombot’s shoulder. Payload delivered, they need to flee.
The portal spell is halfway done when Stephen spots Q-4301 motionless.
For a second, the khat too is still. Then, beaming around the steel in its mouth, it bites, and tears Q-4301′s arm off.
No robot could replicate the spray of blood and scream in agonized terror.
Strange doesn’t realize he’s also screaming. The khat snatches Q-4301′s shoulder and slams it beneath the surface. The water boils in the struggle. Shadows like hellish stalagmites reach for the leaf-choked sky as the sorcerer calls his magic. Black muck splatters the trees, the grass, Stephen’s legs as he gathers flame in his shaking palms.
The blast turns the water to steam as the garden sees more light than it has in billions of years. He looks for a target, finds nothing but the bare riverbed quickly flooding to fill the void.
The khat geysers up behind him, grabs his leg, and wrenches him into the water. The Cloak of Levitation has enough time to flip him face up before a heavy paw pins it down. Eyes stinging, heart hammering, Strange fends off the khat’s snapping jaws with novas in his palms. It takes all his training to anticipate where the teeth will be, vision obscured by plumes of bubbles, and not lose a limb.
Claws curl in his suit and drag him through the brine. His head connects with a tree root and all of reality goes sideways. His breath whooshes free, and sour liquid fills his throat.
The demon hauls him out, shoves him against a tree. Three blurry khats grin in Stephen’s eyes. Dozens of fangs.
“The gift is all three,” it says, “Your heart, humanity, and soul. Why were we ever warned about you? You’re nothing.”
It opens its mouth.
Stephen shakes water and blood from his eyes. The khat is frozen save its eyes, which widen in shock. Two voices erupt from its gullet. One, higher-pitched, screeches an incoherent string of profanity.
By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, the other cries, I demand you let him go!
If he squints, Strange can see two ribbons in the khat’s belly. One yellow-green and red, the other gray and blue.
“What have you done,” the demon barks, “What have you done to me!?”
The claws pry open. Stephen beats a hasty retreat, flying to the unfinished portal. As he works to complete it, something moves at his feet. The grass scuttles bits and pieces of shattered human along pathways only it knows. He reaches down, grabs a fragment, and rage flows through him hot enough to make his skin glow, heat radiating from him in convection circles.
The khat breaks free of the parasites’ control, smashing its head against the tree for good measure. Screaming, it leaps for him. Strange sidesteps into another world -- home -- closes the portal, and waits until his ears stop ringing.
His anger he keeps. He storms through castle halls, eager to strike while the iron is hot.
- - -
Doom must really try this relaxation thing more often. It isn’t bad. Balcony doors open, letting in sunshine and a floral breeze, he reclines in his seat, sips his tea, and listens to the vinyl spinning on the antique phonograph.
I’m coming down, coming down like a monkey, but it’s all right Like a load on your back that you can’t see, oooh but it’s all right
The song has been in his head for months. It’s nice to hear it in the open. Doom smiles. Stephen has good taste in music.
The chair spins around and Doom is confronted by a feral magician. Strange notes the king’s simple garb: no steel in sight, just a cotton shirt and pants. He aims for Victor’s face but his quaking hands botch the throw. It bounces off his chest and lands in his teacup. “You’re not white!”
Doom looks at his tea. The blue eye in the tea looks back. “About time someone noticed,” he deadpans, extracting the orb by its optic nerve and setting it on a napkin.
The chair bucks like a bronco and Victor spills out. Stephen catches him with magic, hangs him in the air. The cup breaks into a thousand pieces and the king’s disappointed frown makes Strange want to throttle him. “Who was in the Doombot?”
“A nuclear engineer working on the CMNS reactor.” Doom sounds bored. “He tweeted about the parasite-induced euphoria I experienced. Called it an episode. Implications of weakness are illegal. Justice -- and the parasites -- were served. Two birds with one stone.”
“You killed a man for a tweet.”
“Whatever creature you encountered in the garden slew him, not I.”
Stephen drops him, relishing Victor’s grunt as a shard of teacup cuts his foot. It’s a slimy pleasure, and his face contracts. “Bastard. There isn’t an ounce of goodness in you.”
The king pulls the porcelain out of his flesh and points the bloodied end of it. “I have my ways just as you have yours. Until you grasp this concept, we shall always be at odds.”
“Be at odds? I saved your life!”
Doom brushes back his hair. Black stitches stretch from one ear across his head to the other. “You scarred me.”
They’re on thin ice. Strange dials back his fury, fists clenched. Monstrous tyrant or not, Victor is recovering from brain surgery. “You had a worm in your head.”
Tossing the shard aside, Doom sinks back in the chair in a position Stephen calls the regal slouch. “The sentence for weakness implications is community service. The engineer served his community. The sentence for injury to the royal person is death.” A scowl darkens his face. “I have half a mind to not let you leave this room alive.”
The sorcerer shuts his eyes.
“However.” Doom thinks, picking his words. “The extraneous circumstances surrounding the crime cannot be ignored. A different punishment is called for. It shall be made at a later time.” He draws a holographic display before him. A tigress pants in her den, lozenges squirming at her belly. “Three cubs were born at the Latverian Zoo this morning.” He looks at Stephen. “I find myself preoccupied with some wildlife conservation of my own.”
The sigh comes from the bottom of his heart. One day Victor will come out and thank him. Today is not that day. It will have to do. Strange rubs his eyes. “May I make a suggestion?”
“Exile. A break. Another two months, or two years, or two hundred years. I’m not picky. I just don’t want to see you for a while.”
Doom looks back at the panel. “Your suggestion carries weight. So be it. Begone.”
That’s that. Another story concluded. Feeling empty, feeling light, Stephen turns to go.
Fuck, so close. The sorcerer looks over his shoulder. “What?”
“When next we sojourn, for Doom knows we shall--” Victor’s lip turns up, the smallest hint of a smirk. “--I shall pick our destination.”
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