hey i saw ur tags on that scootsaboot post, i def feel ur frustrations. wanted to say that i have all ur fics open in background tabs waiting to have the energy to read them. ive only read one but i really loved it, i left a comment on it
Hi!! I've defiantly seen you before from you being one of the only people to interact with my fics on tumblr lol Thank you ;-; I really appreciate it I'm glad you enjoyed my fic tho~ It makes me happy to be able to share the dumb little ideas and stories that have been eating my brain and it's really nice to see people actually enjoying them
I do really need to catch up on replying to comments on Ao3 tho, I've just been very sidetracked with trying to work on more writing lol
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heartman · 2 years
How is The Guinevere Deception? I’m always looking for more books to read. (I also find it kind of funny that we’re both reading Kiersten White books.)
Ok so this has been sitting in my inbox for a while and I didn't want to answer without having finished the book so I finally finished it after almost half a year and so here's my Good Reads review because I don't feel like repeating myself so there might be some spoilers:
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So overall it wasn't good, it wasn't bad. It was mostly okay with some really cool ideas that could have been done a little better or different in my opinion.
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entertainment · 1 year
We met the owlbear. Which other animal combo would you be?
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bettathanyou · 9 months
I'm really new to the fandom (I got in it because I am absolutely in love with this wet-cat of a man, Cedric) but I already have the head canon that Cedric thinks he's (romantically) unlovable. It just doesn't compute in his brain that someone could have such feelings about him. Sure, he can be liked and admired but never loved. (Probably due to his traumas)
Can you write a little thing about Y/N being not very subtle about their feelings but Cedric just doesn't get it. Sofia tries to even be a little match-maker!
Sofia: I think Y/N has a crush on you! :D Cedric: You should know better than to lie.
Take A Hint: Y/N x Cedric The Sorcerer, Having A Crush!
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Your voice carried through the breeze of the garden, the trees rustling softly alongside your hair being tousled by the wind. It was another fair weather, perfectly sunny day in Enchancia; right now, though, all you cared about was centered on the sorcerer in plum stained robes.
He was grumbling to himself, oblivious to your approach.
You called out louder, your pace subconsciously picking up as you approached Cedric. Upon your second greeting, the man visibly flinched, clearly snapped out of whatever daze he was in before.
Cedric quickly turned his head towards you standing there, his mahogany irises lighting up in recognition and warmth. The man's lanky body was still half bent over the lavender bush in front of him, with silvery grey bangs hung slightly in his eyes.
You beam Cedric a giddy smile, feeling your heart race by just seeing those caramel eyes fixed on you. What made your stomach flip, though, was seeing the sweet and shy smile creep along the sorcerer's cheeks to return your own smile.
In a last minute decision, you decide to be bold; because, well- you tried being subtle for weeks about your feelings! You had hoped for all the small touches, winks from catching eye contact, and compliments that the sorcerer would've noticed by now.
However, Cedric wasn't getting it; you were going to go mad at this rate, if this slow burn got any damn slower.
Your fingers gently brush a lock of thick, silky silver out of Cedric's eye. You see the man freeze from contact, clearly not expecting such close proximity. Cedric swallows, hard, holding his breath and hoping you couldn't hear his heart slamming against his chest.
His eyes stay fixed on you, as you adjust his bangs without a word- and you certainly weren't complaining. Cedric's eyes were already a lovely light brown color on their own, but in the bright summer sun they shined like pools of molten gold, the kind any noble or king would envy.
He was beautiful, and the glow in your cheeks damned you to how much you liked him.
As you pull your hand away, your fingertips brush against his cheek. It was like a match being struck against the grain, setting Cedric's skin ablaze with a red hue.
You giggle slightly, biting your tongue trying not to embarrass him further.
"... Your bangs are starting to get longer, Cedric." You commented with a smirk, unabashedly checking him out.
"It's- Uh, well- I..." The sorcerer fumbles with his words, then his hands with a nervous tick.
"I like it, you know."
I like you, too. You thought to yourself, the words almost tumbling out of your throat alongside it.
Cedric laughs awkwardly, clearly unsure how else to take your compliment other than a small, "Thank you, dear."
You cock your head to the side, a Cheshire grin spreading across your face.
Cedric raises his brows in equal parts surprise and distress, as if he didn't even know what came out of his mouth. He scrambles to say something, but you don't give him the opportunity to apologize or try to take back what he said.
"I think I like that, too~"
You confess with a soft chuckle, breaking eye contact as your own bashfulness begins to catch up to you. You rub your arm a little self consciously, to soothe your nerves before glancing back at the sorcerer.
Cedric inwardly flinches from your eyes catching his own again. He didn't understand why you were so nice, and friendly, and happy to be around someone like him, but. It felt... Good- and nerve-wracking.
Definitely nerve-wracking.
It was like your presence alone made every nerve ending in his body be set on fire, and he wasn't exactly sure why. But the stinging glow of his cheeks, raised body temperature, and sudden loss for words due to a curious kind of brain fog that only happens around you...
Cedric shakes his head, blinking quickly to regain his focus. He didn't know how long he was staring for, and frankly the sorcerer didn't want to think about it. He stutters out a response, clearing his throat.
"Well, if you're al-alright with t-that, I can address you as s-uch." The sorcerer speaks in a neutral tone, but with a slight raise to his voice as if he was asking for permission.
You bite your tongue to barely conceal a squeal of happiness.
"That's fine..." You drawled out, but then quickly added, "Can call you dear, too?"
Cedric glances away, tugging on his muted yellow ochre tie. His initial response was to ask "why?" , because he wasn't sure why you would use such a term of endearment, for someone like himself.
But then, he also knew if he asked you why, then he would have to answer your following question, which is usually,
"well, why not?"
"...I suppose that's only fair; alright then."
Cedric nods, straightening up and smoothing down the front of his robe. He clears his throat again, taking in a deep breath.
"So, what did you need from me... D-dear?" Cedric chuckles nervously to himself, suddenly feeling very aware of everything and especially you, staring at him and making his heart race uncontrollably.
You huff in amusement, lips curled into a small smile.
"I just wanted to spend my break in the garden, really. Then, I saw you! So I wanted to say hi and chat- if you're not too busy...?"
You glanced over to the lavender bush Cedric was studying before you interrupted. It seemed like nothing was picked just yet, and suddenly you feel nervous about distracting Cedric from his work. You know the tight schedule he can have, over the course of getting to know him between his running around doing things for Roland or the royal children.
You go to open your mouth to apologize, but before a word can leave your lips Cedric is already speaking.
"No...! No, not at all, (y/n). I-I mean, yes, I am busy, but I meant-..." Cedric scratches the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly as he trails off.
Your heart flutters, whether it's from his smile or your own anxiety, you weren't sure.
"...Yes, my dear?" You offer with a smile, rocking on your heels for emphasis.
Cedric chuckles softly at that, his shoulders relaxing as he laughs. You can only smile wider in return, a loss for words at how every mannerism of his makes you come undone at the seams.
"I will always have time for you, (y/n)."
Cedric speaks with a soft, but confident voice, nodding to you. You blink, not expecting such a drastic shift of attitude from the sorcerer.
"Ri-right...!" You replied, voice shaking slightly. Now, it seems it was your turn to be flustered beyond coherent thought.
You both continue to chit chat about things happening currently in the castle, as well as get to listen to Cedric explain what he's using the lavender he's harvesting for; unsurprisingly, it's for a potion.
To be honest, you couldn't really focus on what he was saying entirely, because of Cedric's tendency to (cutely) ramble about magic things. But you didn't care in the slightest; the shimmer in his eyes as he speaks with passion about things he loves, is all that you need to see.
Afterwards, you sadly tell Cedric you have to get back to work, but then ask really quick if you can stop by his workshop later to see the potion he's making in action. He agrees, almost too quickly, which leaves you with a smile that lasts all day.
"I'll see you then, dear!" You call out, waving your hand in goodbye.
Cedric waves back, not realizing the smile on his own face.
"Mr. Cedric!" Sofia barks out excitedly, already running over to the tall man.
Cedric yells in surprise, nearly jumping out of his skin from the sudden appearance of his apprentice and friend.
"Princess...! Merlin's mushrooms, child, you scared me half to death!" Cedric chided her with a huff, pushing back his bangs.
"Sorry...!" The young girl peeks up from her auburn curls, flashing Cedric an apologetic smile.
After a beat, Cedric relents, sighing in resignation.
"It's quite alright. Did you get everything on the list I gave you?"
"Yup! All accounted for!"
Sofia displays her basket of herbs and flowers proudly with a bright, cheery smile.
Cedric hums in approval, quickly looking over everything to make sure it's correct.
After a moment, he nods, patting Sofia's head in praise.
"Excellent work, my dear."
Sofia chuckled warmly. "Thanks, Mr. Cedric."
As they brought in the ingredients for the potion, Sofia eyed the man with a mischievous smile.
"So... You're gonna show (y/n) the potion too, right Mr. Cedric?"
Cedric paused for a moment, looking down at the girl. She wore a smile he knew all too well meant trouble, and he didn't like it.
"You know better than to eavesdrop, Princess."
"I wasn't...! I mean, not really! I just couldn't help but overhear while picking the flowers!"
Sofia grabbed a daffodil for emphasis, holding it up to the sorcerer like it was indisputable evidence.
Cedric scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully as he waved her off.
"Yes, yes, I understand what you mean, Sofia."
As they continue down the hall, about to turn the corner into Cedric's tower staircase, Sofia speaks again.
"You know, Mr. Cedric, (y/n) seems to really like you. Do you think... She might..." The girl wanders off, biting her lip and smiling.
"She might what?" Cedric prompts her with a concerned tone, his hands turning clammy as the silence fills the space around them.
"...You know! likes, likes you?" Sofia giggles, eyeing Cedric with another smile.
Cedric huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose. The idea makes his cheeks flare a bright red at the thought, even if the idea was absurd to begin with. After all, it's you. You're too beautiful, too kind, too interesting, too- too you, to even consider a bumbler like himself.
"It's rude to gossip, Sofia. You ought to know better." Cedric scowled, giving the girl a pointed look with a raised brow.
"I'm just saying...!" Sofia replied in a sing song voice, shrugging.
Now-," Cedric turns to her, pulling out his wand. With a flick of the wrist, the basket disappeared, teleported back to the cluttered table of his workshop beyond the door.
"As much as I appreciate your hard work today, I'm afraid I have to do the rest alone." Cedric speaks with a firmer, but still kind tone.
"Well... Alright! I hope everything goes well with your potion, Mr. Cedric!" Sofia waves in goodbye, and the sorcerer smiles and gives her a wave in return. Her purple and pink shirts swish as she turns to bounce down the steps, hearing the familiar creak of Cedric's door about to shut.
Sofia glances back, smiling brightly.
"I hope things go well with you-know-who, too!"
Cedric's heart stops, and he flings the door open to scold the child again. Yet, the only thing on his steps now was empty space, and the echo of Sofia's giddy laugh as she stomps down the staircase.
"...Don't run, Sofia! You're going to fall one of these days!" Cedric yells with the impatient yet caring attitude that Sofia knows and loves.
Though Cedric sighs wearily, he shuts his door with a broad smile on his face, his heart aching in that unfamiliar but welcome way that means he's thinking of you.
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rewritingcanon · 26 days
bitches could have the whitest names on the planet and bitches will still headcanon them as asian (its me im bitches)
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marvellegends · 2 years
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Sophia Di Martino as Sylvie Laufeydottir LOKI | S01E05 (2021)
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baldandgay · 8 months
It's very unfair that I can't have other party members romance each other In my main game where my Tav is in a romance with Karlach I should legally be allowed to have Gale and Astarion and Shadowheart and Lae'zel romance each other like why? let me do it damn it
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echosong971 · 11 months
Helloooo dear artist ~ I just came to say that your art is just WOW (especially the way you draw P p.s. God, I almost died from one of your posts. It's just …ahhhhhhhh 😳😩 )
Not sure if it's okay to make a request, but man, I'd love to see Sophia in your style (I'm serious, man, your style is just gorgeous!!!)
In any case, thanks for the cool arts on Lies of p✨
AH thank you! ^v^ I’m glad that I’m doing our favorite puppet boy justice ;)
Here’s that drawing of Sophia for you <3
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strawberryblondebutch · 3 months
Could we get a grapevine story of Ken Klee?
Oh man. Many of them are not my story to tell, but I can give you the highlights.
So, Klee was brought in as a replacement for Katey Stone, who went on to emotionally abuse her Harvard players for years (paywalled article). He was told at the time of his hiring that USA Hockey had a policy of dismissing coaches once their relationship with the team fractures. He ended up being ousted after two years and three gold medals.
Central to his coaching ethos, meanwhile, is that he was only there to coach "players who want to get better," which in practice meant that he decided for you if there was any room for improvement. Players at the top of their game? Yeah, you're good to go. Do what you want. Players he decided had hit their ceiling and it didn't impress him? Well, that's that. Go get garbage time. This take, I should add, is especially heinous when you look at the 2015 roster. Only four players over the age of 25, and none over 30. Your peak as a player is 27-30. Everyone on that team had room for improvement.
The other thing he did with great frequency was remind players that "someone is always coming to take your job," which maybe would have rung true had he not created a country club atmosphere where his favorite pets could do no wrong.
Now, I'll say this much: if I'm handed the roster he was given in 2015, I've got prime Meghan Duggan and near-prime Knight, Decker, and Coyne. Yeah, I'm giving them all big minutes. But that's something you discuss up front with your players in the locker room. I'm not saying he was running an Abby Lee Miller pyramid every week, but... you knew if you were on the in or out.
So, uh. I'm not exactly surprised to hear that some players got to do whatever they wanted and others were told to shut up and let the stars do their thing.
(FWIW regarding player retirements - I do know Soph personally and I've talked with her a little. She said there were "a few factors" that went into her retirement. Being away from Luke for half a year was hard on her, and she's been working outside of hockey for a few years now, because she didn't expect to be able to just exist as a full-time player. I can't speak to Brittyn at all, as I do not know her.)
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fahbev · 1 year
Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object
(That title kinda sucks and is subject to change) If you saw my last post, you can skip ahead. It’ll be pretty obvious where the new stuff starts.
If you aren’t familiar with the “humans are space orcs” genre, I highly recommend searching up #humans are space orcs. I wanted to focus on the implications of being a “space orc”, and the kind of complex it would give someone long term. I also wanted to explore how it would affect different characters differently; so here I present two case studies;
A hippo and a moose walk into a bar. Metaphorically.
The human Sofia sits at the bar. The seats within six feet of her are all empty. She guzzles her fifth citrus drink - apparently most species are affected by it similarly to alcohol, and some weaker species would be dead by the fifth drink. Sofia remains unaffected. She could drink 30 and be unaffected. All her drinks combined are about half as potent as an orange slice. It doesn’t even taste good. She slams her empty goblet on the table, all for show. The conversations nearby hush even further, and the fearful whispers start up again. Good. She should be feared.
The door opens. In comes a gust of wind, and a hulking figure. No one in the bar is talking now.
Sofia slowly turns to face the door. She sizes up the newcomer. They’re big, not twice Sofia’s height, but a few feet shy. Not that it matters, when she’s wrestled creatures the size of bears before. The armor plating though, it sported a recognizable pattern. The forelimbs too, that were an odd combination of insectoid legs and tentacles, were a dead giveaway. This was a rragletatch. One of the most feared species in the multiverse, from one of the deadliest worlds known to the galactic community. They’re as rare as humans too. She smirks. Finally, a worthy opponent.
Some chatter starts up again as the rragletatch begins to walk up to the bar, pretending to ignore Sofia. It was still eerily quite, considering this was a bar, and people were drunk. A few gasps and screams echo when Sofia abruptly stands up, knocking over her stool. Her smirk widens into a grin. She stalks confidently up to the rragletatch stranger, and stands close enough that they can’t ignore her. Several people began filing out of the building, while others chose to stay. “So.” The alien greets her.
“You’re one of those infamous rragletatchen I hear of, no? The ones who are supposedly suuuuper scary?”
“Yes, I am rragletatchen. You’re human, right?”
“Damn right.”
“well then.”
A long pause. Practically the whole bar was listening in anticipation.
“Fight me.” Sofia’s expression didn’t waver. On Earth, she never could have looked so intimidating while staring so far up at someone.
“No.” what? “Oh? You scared? I thought you were supposed to be tough or something.” The stranger didn’t look scared, but they must be. Why else would they not want to fight?
“I’m not scared.”
“Then square up bitch. See who’s stronger. Finally put it to the test.”
The whispers now were not of fear, but of confusion.
“I will not engage in needless violence,” the rragletatch continued, “contrary to the stereotype of my kind, I will not harm others if at all avoidable. Attack me if you will, I refuse to fight you.” The rragletatch stood still in a wide, but open stance, as if preparing to be hit. Sofia felt a flash of guilt. Something about attacking an opponent who refused to fight back felt wrong.
“You don’t want to see? Find out who the real champion is?” Sofia pushed aside her feelings and stared up. Unafraid, taunting as ever.
“No. My parents, grand parents and great grandparents before me have embraced a sacred philosophy of pacifism. It saddens me that my kind is known only for cuttthroat violence, only because of our home and biology. I refuse to hurt you. Do you truly wish to hurt me?”
Sofia was a bit shocked to say the least. When she realized her jaw was open and her head cocked, she quickly schooled her expression. That question though... she thought she did. But usually she just liked to brawl. Scare people. Assert dominance. When faced with an unwilling opponent who would not be scared of her... she realized she did not wish to cause harm. She never liked hurting people, that was never the fun of it.
“No.” Sofia sighed. She slouched from her offensive stance and backed over to her seat. “Come, sit with me.” It was phrased like a command, but really it was an offer. Everyone knew Sofia would have a hard time forcing this stranger to do anything. The rragletatch followed reluctantly. Sofia picked up her stool and plopped herself haphazardly on it. The stranger sat more eloquently on one of the many seats next to her.
“I’m Sofia.”
People moved their seats even farther from the Death-Worlders, or as some call them, orcs. Suddenly, Yal-sre relaxed their whole body.
“Wow.” Yal-sre almost whispered
“What?” Yal-sre made a sound that, in aliens with exoskeletons, tended to equate to a soft laugh.
“To be completely honest, I thought you were going to kill me.”
Sofia barked a laugh.
“hey! I’ve never met a human before! I didn’t want to judge based on reputation due to my own, but you came on pretty aggressively!”
“Yeah, I’m the apex predator ‘round these parts, and I plan to keep it that way. Still though, I ain’t gonna fight you if you don’t wanna.”
“That’s a relief.”
Neither knew what to say next, and suddenly the nearby silence was so loud. Fortunately, a few conversations began to pick back up now that they were talking peacefully.
“What’s your planet like?” Sofia asked.
“My planet, Challrk, is beautiful. It has vast plains of purple vshink, glowing with bioluminescent insects. Sure, they bite. Sure, I’ve been stung, bitten, chased and harassed by many a critter, but Challrk is a truly incredible place. It has high mountains that stretch beyond the atmosphere, and colors some planets can’t imagine. Our sky is orange and pink, if you can believe that. What’s Earth like?”
“Earth. It’s a rough and tumble place, you can’t survive there without being Hardy. I’ve been chased by swarms of wasps and stung repeatedly more than once. I stepped on a bee and couldn’t walk properly for days. I’ve been stung by jellyfish, and went back into the bay knowing they were there with no protection. Unafraid. Earth is rough, our fauna is often hostile and transmits thousands of deadly ailments, much of our flora is poison. Our weather conditions alone could wipe out an entire species instantly. Earth is extreme.”
“i’m sure that’s true, but that’s what you’ve been told. By people who have never been there. People who are scared because they couldn’t survive there. But what is it actually like? What do you remember?”
“I- I remember the heavy storms. I remember punching a goose and having to go to the hospital. I remember- I remember the blue skies. Fluffy white clouds, flocks of songbirds. I remember walking barefoot because I loved the green grass under my feet, not because I was trying to face danger. I remember a loving family, playing with friends. Warmth and love. I remember going in the bay because I loved the feeling of swimming and playing in the water, not because I wanted to be tougher than the jellyfish. Earth is- Earth is a BEAUTIFUL place and it makes me ANGRY” Sofia slammed both her fists on the table, “that all it’s known for is being dangerous.” A few satisfying screams and gasps rang off in response. Sofia looked over at Yal-sre. When they didn’t say anything, “I can’t read your face or body language. Can you give me a description?” This was actually a normal question to ask, in places where species were mixed.
“Uh, understanding, I’ve been there. Pleased that we’re getting somewhere. Uhhhhh, still kinda scared of you though. Sorry,” Yal-sre answered. Sofia gaped for a second, before she gave another rough laugh, knowing she probably sounded unhinged to the alien. “Ah!” Yal-sre yelped, “What- what are yours?” Sofia laughed harder. “laugher can mean many things, in most cases it means ‘amused’. Right now, I am laughing at you, meaning I’m being rude because I find your fear amusing. If there was any non-human who wouldn’t be scared of me, I thought it would be the damn rragletatch. You guys are supposed to be tough shit, but you’re pathetic.”
Yal-sre paused. “Well, yeah. Some of us are tougher than others.”
“Hm, yeah I guess it’s kinda the same with humans. That makes sense. Obviously if you put a fearless human who’s tougher shit than most together with the most timid rragletatch, of course you’d be scared.”
“I’m not the most timid! I’m normal! I’ll bet most humans would be scared of me too, after hearing how “dangerous” we are for so long.”
“Maybe. Humans are tough, but I’ll admit they’re not all like me.” Yal-sre did an odd motion with their... shoulder?
“Translation? I don’t speak shoulder,” Sofia attempted to mimic the motion.
“Understanding, but now amused. Anyway, does it bother you?”
“Does what?” “The fact that everyone is afraid of you? ... even me?”
“I like being feared.”
“Do you?” Sofia took a long sip of her drink - which probably made it look like she was drowning her sorrows - to avoid answering the question. When she was done, she placed the goblet face down on the bar to signal to the bartender that she was ready for a refill. The metal was dented... she had put it down too forcefully.
“Oops.” Though it had been an accident, her voice held no remorse.
“And yes. I do like being feared.”
“If you say so. I can’t speak to human psychology. Say, did you drink that entire thing?”
“Yup. I had four others too.” “Really? You don’t seem drunk at all.”
“It’s just citrus. Doesn’t affect me. Back home we give much more concentrated juice to our young children, it tastes way better too.”
“Oh, I get it. On Challrk we give concentrated fentanyl to our kids.” Sofia gave Yal-sre a look, even knowing it might not translate across body languages. Yal-sre seemed to get it though; “Yeah, yeah, I know. But it doesn’t affect us! It’s the same as your citrus drinks, fentanyl occurs naturally in the blood of prey animals, and their blood is very nutritious and tasty to young rragletatchen.”
“yeah, that makes enough sense.” Sofia drummed her fingers on the table, “Isn’t it weird? All aliens have biology differences, nothing seems crazy anymore because everyone is so crazy to each other. But when it’s us, suddenly it’s just more proof of how hardened and tough we are. Being immune to citrus or fentanyl doesn’t make us any scarier. Not really.”
“It’s because our planets are no-fly zones. And- I guess there’s a bunch of reasons. Just because we can be dangerous doesn’t mean we’re aggressive though.”
“Speak for yourself.”
“Okay- actually, in a minute I will, but first- I can tell that you want to seem tough. I’m sure you’re plenty tough to back it up, but I just want to assure you that you don’t have to pretend. People will think you’re tough and scary no matter what you do. For better or worse.”  “Body language: unimpressed.”
“Okay I’ll- I’ll stop now. ‘Speak for myself’, as you said.”
“You’d better.”
A small, shy noise from behind the counter. Both “space orcs” turned to look. The bartender’s ears were flattened.
“Excuse me, Mx. is that another refill?” The bartender cautiously reached out to flip Sofia’s goblet back over.
 “... get me a kids’ drink this time, surprise me. This shit tastes like garbage anyway.”
The bartender looked surprised. Sophia was surprised herself, that she was able to read them.
“Right away Mx. And for you... oh- I-” the bartender took two steps back upon recognizing Yal-sre.  “Right, I forgot why I was here. It definitely wasn’t for a drink.” Yal-sre stood up, seeming much more intimidating than when Sophia had approached them.
“Oh.” The bartender backed away farther, making themself smaller as well, “Is there anything else I can get you?”
“Actually, Aolli, I think there is. If you come with me out back, there are some answers I’d like to order.”
The bartender - scratch that - Aolli gulped, and dipped their head. Sophia was again impressed by the very Earthly body language. “Coming right up, Sir.”
Pt 2: https://www.tumblr.com/bahfev/715216491195269120/unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object-pt2?source=share
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darkspellmaster · 2 months
SOFIA THE FIRST AND CLOVER (her rabbit friend).
Sofia is a kind girl ofc, but mess with her and she has a whole ass protection squad that NOT ONLY consists of her family, but other characters.
Elizabeth, not only has her OWN family, but she also got Ciel and his servants to back her up.
Not to mention now in the fanfic, SHE GOT A GOOD CHUNK Of RSA too, no one messes with the princess.
Also the whole…princess thing, isn’t helping.
You’re telling me Elizabeth just full on randomly had some sort of god strength to pull out a sword, AND NOW SHE’S CONSIDERED A PRINCESS IN RSA???
If that ain’t a “and I became a princess overnight” reference, then I don’t know what is.
My stupid conclusion:
Elizabeth 🤝 Sofia the first
and also
Perrie 🤝 Clover
The damn rabbits 🎀
You know the funny thing is when I started this story I had not seen Sophia so I had no idea that Sophia had a bunny.
LOL, honestly any connection is really coincidence in this case, sans a few characters I might use for background character.
But yes! Perrie and Clover and Sophia and Elizabeth would totally get along and have lots of dress up days, tea parties and do other fun things together.
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taylorvaughnsaidso · 10 months
Ash fans being able to justify and explain away everything- y'all are funny! This didn't appear to be a marriage in crisis LESS than a year ago when Ashlyn was lovingly paying tribute to her wife and family in her retirement speech. It didn't look 'toxic' as they mutually agreed to adopt a second child. It didn't seem in trouble all late winter and spring as they regularly posted about each other and their family. But then out of nowhere, BOOM, it's suddenly awful and Ashlyn needs to get the f out of it? Nah...the math isn't mathing. And I guess those ride or die AH fans just have to defend her sorry ass no matter what the circumstances. The separation was *really* new and fresh, and it's very likely that Ali either hoped or expected them to try and work it out. Ash had other plans. So yeah, what she did with SB IS cheating, and it's not really defendable in any way shape or form. But you can keep on trying. Real ones know
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can we talk about how ava got all flustered over meeting Sophia's dad like as if she was meeting her girlfriend's father lmao 🤣
YES PLEASE we can always talk about Ava x Sophia. Ava was so adorable and was so excited and had so many questions😭 As soon as everything was over and had calmed down a bit, I just know they had an interrogation style conversation with her asking nonstop questions about Sophia’s childhood
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bettathanyou · 10 months
Cedric The Sorcerer Masterlist!!✨🔮🪄
It's been looooong overdue, y'all. Let's not waste any more time, shall we?
The masterlist will be organized from the most recent fics to my oldest! (so forgive the horrid formatting/dips in writing quality towards the bottom ^^;)
Edit: hey y'all! Gonna be coding fics/headcanons with sensitive content in red! All trigger Warnings will be listed on the post itself! Take care friends <33
Edit two: hey again! I will be coding all headcanon posts in green!
Edit Three: Wow, so many edits! All sexual/NSFW five will be coded in purple!
🔮Checkmate: Roland and Cedric (platonic) play chess together, a short drabble.
🔮 Take a Hint: (Oblivious) Cedric x Y/N Reader fic, who has a crush!
🔮The Aftermath of Being A Hero- Cedric X Reader fic, taking place after the events of @shychick-52's fic on AO3 called "The Master Wand." Taking care of Cedric and his injuries trope!
🔮AuDHD Cedric Headcanon/Analysis List, With Autistic S/O- my headcanons of audhd Cedric behaviors as well as him witn an autistic s/o!
🔮The Choices That Make Us: Part One, Part Two, Final Part- A collection of short drabbles that delve into the darker parts of Cedric's psyche, with him contemplating whether his life is worth living.
🔮Come To My Senses- Cedric x Reader Hurt/Comfort
🔮An Absurd Idea, Isn't It?- Cedric x Fem!Reader talk about having children
🔮Show Me How To Live With You (Part 1; pt 2 discontinued) - Cedric x Dragon!Shapeshifter Reader
🔮Raspberry Tea And You- Cedric x AFAB!Reader with period cramps
🔮Nightmares And Late Night Talks- Cedric x Reader who has a nightmare
🔮Dance With Me- Cedric x Reader Attend The Wassalia ball together
🔮Cedric Means, "Loved"- Cedric x Reader Meeting His Parents (for the first time, actually wholesome I promise lol)
🔮Old Books, A New Face- Cedric x Shy Librarian Reader
🔮Cedric, The Doctor- Cedric x Reader Who Gets Injured
🔮An Old Friend, A New Lover- Cedric x Sorceress Reader From Another Kingdom
🔮Babysitter Blues, Part 1 Part 2 Part 3- Cedric x Reader who babysits Calista, but things get... complicated, once calista turns herself into a baby by accident.
🔮Cedric The Sorcerer Relationship Headcanons (old list) (includes nsfw)
🔮THE FIRST FIC IVE EVER WROTE (do yourself a favor and don't read this- its bad and the font is hard to read. but I also can't stop you from reading it anyways LOL, but you can't say I didn't warn you.)
🔮Cedric General Headcanons (old list)
🔮Cedric x Siren Reader Headcanons!
🔮Child Cedric After "The Incident"- Headcanon/what if post
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boiling-potato · 9 months
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I'm a Birl
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