aristia-pjoheadcanons · 8 months
hi✨adore your thoughts and headcanons to the moon and back with how detailed and in character they are. dark!percy has always been incredibly alluring and fascinating, so I was wondering about your presentation/analysis of him. if you're comfortable (if not, it's totally okay and just ignore it!), could you write percy and child of any "dark" like hades, or hecate, nyx (or whoever) god, who understands how scary and tough it can be when you and your powers are so destructive, and they help him to kinda adjust to this side of him and understand that he isn't a bad person for that (cause this guy already has a lot of self hatred). maybe kinda chaotic dumbass enemies to lovers? sfw or nswf - whatever works for you. sorry for this ramble! just so many thoughts about him...
hope you have a good time of a day🤟
DARK!Percy headcanons
authors note: Can I just say, I've been WAITING for a question like this. More Dark Percy headcanons everyone!! plss!!
warnings: mentions of abuse & neglect, suicidal and intrusive thoughts, impulsive thoughts, mentions of eating disorder, chaotic family life, Gabe Ugliano...
okay, this is a mixture of headcanons of his CHILDHOOD but also an ANALYSIS of DARK PERCY.
cigarette burns from Gabe. Not just because Gabe did it, some of Gabes older friends (a long time ago, before the lightning theaf book) told Percy to come closer and burnt it into his forearm. Gabes eyes turned into shock but then he poked a tongue in his cheek and scoffed in laughter, giving Percy a judgemental look - *its a classic look, the type of look you give someone when you're looking down on them.
Percy would be so angry at Gabe, sometimes he would snap and tell him to shut up because Gabe would watch TV late in the night and fall asleep with the TV on until morning. At some point, Percy opened the door and screamed on the top of his lungs to shut the fuck up, slamming the door, sleep deprived and exhausted, locking the bedroom door bc he was scared Gabe would do something - and sobbed loudly. He was just a kid, but he already learnt how to fight. Sally tried to give reassurance but Percy wouldnt open the door. The incident was deemed "nightmares" on Percy's part, and Sally let him sleep in her bed.
Sally and Gabe never shared a bed. Gabe snores, sometimes even has nightmares, other time she would bother Sally about a new babyboy they could have, as if Percy wasn't good enough to be his son.
One time Sally asked Percy if he ever wanted siblings. the truth is, yes, but with Gabe Ugliano? no way. fuck no. He said no in a really moody and almost bitchy way, and walked out of the house and went to school.
Percy had the habit of keeping his shoulders scrunched up when he slept. He still does, but he doesn't understand why his body tenses up when he sleeps - Gabe isn't there anymore.
He also had the habit of lowering his head, shoulders and hunching when he walked - but once he met Annabeth over the summer he kept his back more straight - and never hanged his head when he walked. He noticed and felt more relief.
When people asked what he was doing for the summer, weight was lifted off his shoulders when he said SUMMER CAMP - finally he had something to do during summer! Every kid in school went somewhere nice, now even Percy does. He felt like he could finally share a bit of the same intrests as everyone else. He could actually tell people about his summer.
You know when the teacher forces everyone to tell a little bit about their summer - now finally percy could say confidendtly he did somethign fun instead of making something up.
struggles with anger, but understand it got so bad he broke his own first laptop 3.5months of having it - he broke the screen in half with his bare hands. He regretted it so much and hid it but his Sally found out.
Regrettfully, this made Percy believe he would always ruin/sabotage things for himself, and that he doesn't deserve nice things. Letting his mother buy his clothes, never aksing for new clothes... whats the point?
Besides, Gabe was stingy with his money. Gabe even refused to buy shampoo which is stupid cause its cheap asf - but Gabe wanted the feeling of control.
the dynamic of the family and house changed. The living room was Gabes, not Sally and Percy's spot. Gabe even took Percy's side of the couch and his spot at the dining table. Percy stubbornly refused to move, but Gabe is scary and big for his size so he did it to be civil for his mother. He felt like he lost something that day.
When Gabe was out late, Percy would lock the door and put the chain on. Gabe would unlock the door and try to get inside, but the chain stopped him. Gabed huffed in frustration and Sally had to get up and open the door - which burned Percys heart because he realized that nothing could keep Gabe out.
Percy would generally be a very bitter person to be around, people would shy away from him and sometimes stop talking when he tried to join in.
self image, self-confidence and self respect was low. But actually scratch that, his self respect was high. he put boundaries down pretty fast with other people because he knew everything that gabe did was no, and everything that sally did was yes. but at some point he disliked Sallys touch just slightly bit, because he knew Gabe had held her hand earlier.
he would talk to sally for hours on the couch, but as soon as the door clicked opened he walked to his room and closed the door. He didnt want to be near gabe. but then gabe started to trash his room, and percy was basically forced to sit in the living room.
he felt like he was playing "family" or pretending everything was okay, as if Gabe wasn't neglectful, but he felt sick.
At some point Percy's anxiety and stress because to normalized within himself that he nowadays cant tell what anxiety even is - and he would sometimes even say hes never had anxiety, because its basically been with him from such a young age, he cant tell the difference.
pretending to be "family" was even worse walking around the mall with sally and gabe. gabe was just this big giant slob of goo that would follow everywhere, and gabe would even huff and puff shamelessly if they were taking too long. gabe even got angry if sally found something nice for herself, he was possesive.
started taking only an apple with him to lunch, 1. he thought he was fat. 2. gabe wouldnt buy anything he liked and they had to stick with the basics. 3.his lunch was embarrassing even though everyone ate cafeteria food.
he got so happy the first time he could bring something "normal" to eat or if he got money to buy lunch, his reason being that he could finally "blend in" insteading standing out as a "freak".
he has a burn mark on the backside of his ankle, near his achillies, burn himself bc of Gabe.
hates it if someone traces the cigarette scars on his arm, even hates it if Annabeth does it - he still struggles with his self image and probably wont like that part of himself until he grows old and gray.
one time he vented to someone about his childhood and they stopped talking to him. never spoke ever since, was afraid that someone would use it against him. hasn't even told his mom or sally half of the things Gabe said or did to him/behind his back.
one time gabe pissed on the clothes percy was wearing but blaimed it on percy. ofc his mother believed percy but it was still shameful for percy.
in second book of sea of monsters, a kid asked if percy let his mother buy his clothes - actually stopped letting his mother buy clothes for him after that.
he would naturally adopt people that were outcasts and be a friend - because people were rarely there for him when he needed it.
needs validation, but couldnt get it from school. his friends would praise him but he could barely accept those compliments because at the end of the day he was still a loser too.
his mother would be his studdy buddy, and tried to help percy with homework - but still found everything hard.
gabe got angry with percy would "dirtying everything" but Gabes the only reason why his mom has to clean daily.
Dark Percy would definitely develop from a young age, but it became a lot more present behind the scene of the books.
he desires comofort, safety and a space where he can be himself without having to walk on his toes around the place.
Honestly, NSFW
He suppresses his moans because he was used to being quiet when he was around Gabe.
He has jacked off quietly, watched any videos quietly, no sound and even with headphones get sscared that someone might hear.
One time he stayed up late bc of whatever reasons and his stepfather Gabe yelled "GO TO BED", the next morning Gabe complained about how loud Percy was when Percy was away at school (this was early middle school, school wasnt that far away). And his mother Sally defended him and said she believes that Percy goes to bed when he should/when she tells him to, this made Percy feel bad so he went to bed on time every since, or at least tried too. If he ever stayed up, he learn how to breathe quietly too.
The feeling of shame for touching yourself, feeling pleasure, and arousal was strongly in him from a certain age - Gabe's influence for even trying to be HAPPY or LAUGHING with his mother made him feel shame for any good feeling sexual or not.
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And sorry I just had a lot of ideas but this is last one. Anyone you want with psychologist reader. Basically they go to him as parient on theraphy and share secrets and traumas with him which basically causes to get close with them
With a psychologist reader
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Angel Dust
Angel was having a bad week. Oh fuck it, he was having a bad fucking year. But he couldnt say that shit else he get a nice new shiner from dear Daddy Val.
He kept having breakdowns. Freaking out or having panic attacks when he needed to keep his shit together.
It got so bad, he actually couldn't preform, and no amount of beatings or drugs were helping anymore.
So, wanting to protect his investment, Valentino would bring him to you. You being a well known psychotherapist, helping numerous celebrities better themselves, completely turning themselves around after seeing you.
At least for a while.
So, he dumped Angel at your door, the Overlord trying to get you to essentially brainwash him to further obey him, planning to use you to keep him under control.
Of course, you shut that shit down immediately.
You told him bluntly you'd do what's necessary to help your patient, and that was Angel.
Val didn't say much, telling you simply he could find someone else, to which you told him good luck, knowing full well itd be impossible to find a therapist of your calibre who wouldnt milk him for every penny they could if thry could do their job at all, effectively calling his bluff.
You said all this in front of the Spider, the man feeling... well, it felt nice to have someone taking him seriously. Not like Val that treated him like a train dog.
Now, your first few sessions were just tredding ground, getting to know the Spider and gaining some familiarity with him. You may have stood up to Val but you'd had enough clients to know he wouldn't just open up.
So, the first few appointments you just spoke, spending time with him, asking genuine questions about him.
Not his Angel Dust persona.
Youd ask about his likes and dislikes.
You know, favourite music, the food he likes, his thoughts on the current events in Hell.
And while it would certainly take time, slowly chipping away at his mask, he'd begin opening up to you.
Of course, Valentino, the massive Cock-Head! Kept putting you back, the man being his usual abusive self. And after each of these incidents, the spider would pull in on himself, making your job even more difficult.
So, you confronted the man, telling him as much, as every smack he gave the arachnid put you back weeks! And despite his domineering personality, he'd back down, agreeing to stop the abuse.
'For now.' The moth pimp added, raising your blood pressure.
Youd make progress on the man's issues, slowly directing and fixing the many traumas and problems the man endured, the Spider visible getting better, cutting back on most of the shit he took in.
At least around you.
It'd be during one of your sessions, you having the Spider just ramble, saying whatever came to mind, letting him get anything he'd like off his chest.
And as he rambled he'd end up on a tangent on how much he hated working for Valentino and how miserable he was working for him.
It was your first major breakthrough, and well, the one you needed to finally get through.
You seized the situation, breaking him down to the bare Demonic soul, the man confessing every insecurity, spilling his heart out to you.
But then came the issue. Because put simply, Valentino was the Issue. But Angel couldn't just leave Val, that's not how the game worked.
So, you did the only thing you could.
Call in a favour.
Now, you'd helped a Looooooot of people.
Powerful people.
The Noble demon kinda powerful people.
So getting someone to help... remove Valentino from the equation wasn't that difficult.
Once he was free of that man's influence Angel really shined through.
He became more confident. More self assured.
He reduced his alcohol and narcotic consumption to a tenth of when he was with Val.
Honestly he was a whole new Angel, and you were happy to see it.
But, well, this is Angel. And even without the pressure or need to hyper sexualise himself, he'd still flirt with you.
And it'd actually be the day you finally cleared him, believing him to finally be well enough to be discharged from your service, that the spider would ask you out.
And since he was no longer your client, you said yes, the two of you going out to a quant little restaurant together.
It was a... charmingly simple night.
Neither of you said much. The usually chatty spider calm and docile as you ate, the both of you feeling everything that needed to be said... had been said.
Youd go home that night. The spiders hand in your own, as you went back to your place.
Nothing would happen between you that nigh. You were still seeing how a relationshipwould go, trying the waters as it were, so you didnt want to force anything.
Angel for his part, and for the first time, well... ever, felt safe. Understood.
And well, cared about.
The spider genuinely happy to be with you.
Youd always been fascinated my how the mind works.
Specifically, how it handled trauma.
It fascinated you how the mind bent and melted, handling or rejecting trauma.
And if there was any group in Hell with issue, it was the Nobility.
Now, it took you a while to find a noble that was willing to pay you to help them, most nobility just expecting things presented to them on a silver platter.
But once you did get your foot in the door, helping a man with some deep seeded inferiority issues. Helping him become the egomaniac he was supposed to be.
And when it got out you could help them with their many, many, MANY issues, and do so descreetly. By God, they flocked to you.
A barrage of daddy issues, child abuse, neglect, regulat abuse and trauma the likes you hadn't thought possible.
And you got good, and rich, helping people with their issues. Learning an abundance on how personality was shaped by abuse. Picking up the patterns and soding that was left with different traumas.
Youd gotten yourself set up, each patient a virtual case study.
And it'd be as you sat in your office, looking over a patient's file, when there was a knock at the door.
Popping the files away, you called them in, coming face to face with an owl demon.
We was unexpectedly timid upon entry, walking around the subject as he asked you if you could help someone with... their issues.
That someone was clearly him.
But you could tell he was trying to be discreet, not like he was the first one, so you played along.
And after assuring him you could help him, explaining you provided a safe, descreet and judgement free service tailored for each client, that he'd agree.
The first few sessions were slow, the two of you just making generic, borderline formal chit chat, Stolas venting to you about his day or something that was erking him.
But after a few sessions, you began making progress, treading new ground. He began opening up to you about his issues. And there were quite a few.
A father that didn't give a shit about him past his utility to the Goetia family. An abusive wife he was betrothed to before he was even hatched simply to produce an heir.
And a completely dead marriage.
Dead implies it was alive at some point. And based on what he had to say about it, it sounded like his spouse was beating the corpse of said "marriage".
So yeah, other than a daughter, he didn't really have anything worth living for. Which, ya know... isn't a good thing.
It took a long time really figuring out what ailed his mind.
There were many sessions that ended up with him in tears, you ending up hugging him, comforting him each time as he sobbed into your shirt.
And while you did your best to remain professional, there were more than a few occasions when you'd stare into each other's eyes for just a little too long. Followed by you awkwardly looking away, clearing your throat.
It took many session, time, care and a small fortune in fees, but you ended with the most logical conclusion.
He needed to divorce his bitch of a wife.
Stolas knew it.
You knew it.
But knowing it, and doing it were very different thing.
Of course, normally that'd be his problem.
But, well, you liked Stolas. Youd done the major no-no of running a practicr and and had gotten attached to him. So you called in some favours to ensure it'd go smoothly.
Of course you kept it all behind the scenes, setting things up so Stolas could escape with a minimal amount of drama.
And so, with a little encouraging from you, as a friend, not his therapist. He'd do it.
He'd tell her they were done and he was sick of her.
Of course the fallout was... not that bad. At least compared to our timeline, especially since Stolas had measures prepared before he did it.
He arrived the next day, you asking him how he felt, Stolas telling you he felt... Free.
Things would be difficult, but for the first time, he felt free.
You'd talk some more, monitoring his progress and development, ensuring he didn't fall back on any of his inhealthy coping mechanisms. And once the time had run out, he'd ask if there were anymore sessions.
Youd smile, telling him, well, no.
He'd resolved his problem, and well, he was done. No more sessions really needed.
To which Stolas would ask if that means if he were no longer your patient.
You confirming it, telling him you were no longer doctor and patient.
Hed nod, before leaning over, grabbing you by the collar just to slam his mouth into yours, the man forcefully kissing you.
The kiss lasted several moments before he pulled back, the man stuffing a note into your pocket, telling you.
"I'll be picking you up at 7. Dress sharp."
And then he'd leave.
Leaving you bewildered and, well, slightly aroused. Sat there thinking one thing.
"Well... what am I gonna wear?"
Val wasn't weak.
He didn't need help, or to rely on anyone.
He earned everything he had through cunning and brutality, and would be damned if he needed some shitty head doctor to 'fix' his 'condition.'
But every day, he was filled with the killer of empires.
And doubt led to fear.
And fear led to the dark side.
Was he making the right move? Should he have killed that last guy? Was there a better way of doing that?
It was getting on his nerve and he was sick of it!
So, he found the best, most discreet, psychologist money could buy.
And that's how he found himself walking into your office.
He of course was his ever domineering self, trying to tell you how this would work.
To which you'd listen until he was finished, and once you were sure he'd finished his rant, you tell him simply how it would actually be.
Youd work through at his pace, but doing what you'd say and when. In that room Valentino held no power, but you also held no wish to control him.
You were his patient, and so, you would do your job.
You would help him.
Things went slow at first, Valentino still demanding to be in control, and so you'd have to slowly ease him into it.
You were firm, but not confrontational, letting him feel in control, while trying to figure out just why he needed to feel in control.
Though it was pretty clear, he was an overlord. He had to be in control else he'd loose... everything.
But really, he was just running on survival mode 24/7, and simply put, the mind couldn't handle being on edge every second of every day.
It took a long, long time to get that through to him, but really, it was a simple answer.
He'd reverted back into a Darwinian philosophy. And while many can like relatively normal lives with such a philosophy, he'd actually conditioned himself to abide by such rules, to the point his body physically reacted to every change in his environment. The man constantly stressed and unable to sleep, the drugs only able to keep things on the level for so long.
It'd take a long time to get to this conclusion, and an even longer to start unwinding it.
A lot of explaining and reconditioning, slowly unwinding the trauma he had to endured and inflicted on himself, sure enough, over time, he'd start relaxing.
He was still on edge, but he was slowly learning to take breaks, usually somewhere safe where he could be alone.
The man starting to understand, and rework himself into a more level headed existence.
It was strange for the man.
He'd spent hours rambling at you, answering hundreds of stupid questions, working through a shit load of nitty gritty bullshit he'd never think about.
But, sure enough, one day you asked him a question, and well, he answered.
He gave a genuine, true blue answer. And he could answer without spending 30 minutes figuring out if it was a trick, nor did he give some vague answer to hide the truth.
It felt weird, being honest with someone, and, well, it felt good.
He could be real with someone. No lies No tough guy persona. No alpha bullshit.
Just him.
And well, he couldn't deny, having a connection like that was... amazing.
And so, well naturally, he found himself growing affection for you. The first person he could be real with.
He'd initially disguise his feeling as simply working through any other issue he might have had, the man paying you top dollar to spend even more time with you.
But eventually he'd get sick of making up reasons to be around you.
So he was honest.
Again, a rare act on his part.
But he went all out, telling you he wanted you. He wanted the commitment, a genuine relationship, not just him using his partner for his own gain like every other connection he had.
Youd be hesitant, but after an especially genuine moment with him, you'd agree to a date.
A REAL date. With the real him.
And yeah, everything inside him told him to go all out, utilising his usual power and prestige.
But not this night.
That night you just had a simple dinner, followed the both of you sharing a bottle of wine, bonding on the couch.
And no, you didn't fall into his arms like averyone else did.
And,he loved that.
With you he was honest and genuine, and well, he loved that he could be that way, the two of you having a bond he could never have with anybody else in Hell.
And yeah he had to hide that bond from most anybody else, when in private he still got to enjoy it, the man having something to fight for more than just a never ending thurst for power.
Honestly, she'd first seen you as a gag.
She'd gotten a coupon for a free session in some magazine Blitz had snatched from Stolas.
And after she'd stormed out of the office with said magazine, the girl reading through it, finding your coupon.
So, ripping it out, she figured it was a good way to waste an hour, tormenting some stuffy head quack.
And so, finding your office, she'd strut in, showing the coupon. And since you had nothing better to do, you'd agree to see her.
At first you'd play along with what she was clearly expecting, asking the usual questions.
And yeah, Loona fucked around, acting like a little shit.
But after a while you'd get into some real shit. Asking about her home life, and those directly around her.
She'd whine and complain, giving a biased retelling, events through from her perspective.
But you could see through it, asking her harder and harder questions, the girl eventually snapping at you.
Only for you to snap back.
You told her her feelings were real and valid, but she needed to accept that she wasn't always the victim and sometimes problems were her own fault.
Loona, as whenever she was challenged with something she didn't like and couldn't kick the shit out of.
She bolted.
Despite dropping you, she couldn't get over the damn harsh truth bombs you'd dropped on her.
So, convincing Blitz to get more of the magazines, she'd cut out the coupons, taking them to you to talk.
She'd confront you, and while initially hostile, the two of you would actually have some meaningful dialogue, Loona having to face some harsh truths. But you also helped her face some problems with others, particularly her relationship with her father.
She'd keep scaving magazines off of Blitz, the two of you chatting almost every day, you providing some much needed outlet for many, many confusing emotions for the teen.
And it'd be after bumping into each other at a coffee shop that you'd actually chat.
Not just dig up loonas many issue, but just talking, like two normal people.
She was a surprisingly chill young lady when not having to think about her many flaws and problems. But you were just happy to chat, it being rare you got to speak with someone outside the office. And we'll, Loona certainly lived an interesting life.
The girl would use a dozen more coupons, spending most days in your office, you often scheduling appointments in accordance, each session steadily getting through her swamp off issues.
But you'd also meet up at that coffee shop, the two of you bonding outside the sessions, chatting away like regular people.
And honestly, the two of you getting increasingly close, and look, you were a professional, but after a particularly fiery session, the two of you going at each other, that you'd, well, youd kiss.
The strange development between the two of you seemingly finally coming to ahead.
And it'd be a Hell of a kiss, the two of you becoming ravenous, things quickly getting out of hand. And undressed.
After that things would be... awkward. Very awkward.
But, after some discussion you'd decide to keep your sessions and whatever was happening between you aside, Loona admittedly feeling like the sessions were working.
And now that you were technically seeing each other on the side, she'd finally have someone she could build a healthy relationship with.
Of course you had to be careful she didn't become too emotionally relient on you, not wanting her to develope unhealthy reliance on you, while also being a caring S/O for the girl, using your expertise to help develop healthier outlets for her anger and frustration.
The two of you would take things slow and steady, you and Loona developing a meaningful relationship, one the both of you would adore, coming to truly love each other.
Though you'd gotten the Silent treatment more then once when you brought up an issue she had during an argument.
Hey everybody.
I haven't forgotten about you I swear, just been doing my own life, trying to get my house together. But I remember and still love you guys.
I'll try and post more than I have, but no promises.
Love y'all!
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elliereject · 1 year
stupid bitch .2
* after learning about the feelings you’d harboured for her for so long, ellie was even more confused than before. however, after spending time away from you and even more time thinking, she realizes that fuck she feels the same way, if not stronger. she only hopes that you still feel the same way and she’ll be able to finally call you hers.
* angst at the beginning if you squint, ellie’s in denial and stupid, ellie lowkey being head over heels in love with you and everything you do, kissing, oral!reader receiving, scissoring, overstim, meanish!ellie, lots of mush
* hello! sorry it took a while for this part to come out, i wanted to make sure the ending was as dramatic as the first part with a satisfying end. i promise im not ignoring you guys i do see all of your sweet messages and requests to tag and i thank you all so much for interacting with me and enjoying what i write bc i enjoy writing it! unfortunately i cant respond 1on1 because this is not my primary account and tumblr hasn’t changed it so that alternate accounts can do all the things main ones do
ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ anyways i dont want to make this too long so im gonna wrap it up but again, thank you so much for the kind words it’s motivating me to continue writing and before i shut up i was just wondering if anybody would be interested in a ballerina!reader x ellie slowburn cuz it’s currently floating around in my drafts and i just wanna make sure it wouldnt flop also lol take a shot every time i use the word jade.
*wc - 4k (bonus at the end)
part .1 here
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“Stop fucking laughing Jesse, it’s not funny” Ellie frowned.
Jesse let out one last obnoxious guffaw before handing the joint back to Ellie, who was laying back on her beanbag, so he could wipe a stray tear from his eye.
“You’re right.” He said, suddenly serious. “It’s fucking hilarious.” He snorted, kicking his legs up and gasping for air.
Dina elbowed him hard from her seat next to him on Ellie’s old green couch, “She’s right, Jesse shut up.”
After that movie night-turned-love confession, Ellie had utterly broken down. The lines between her friendship with you had blurred so much she couldn’t see it clearly if she had fucking glasses on.
Her kiss with you had sent her down a whirlwind path of confusion and guilt. She had no idea where she stood with you and it’d been over a month and a half since she’s spoken to you.
After that night, Ellie ended things with Cat. She couldn’t handle being in a relationship especially when she wasn’t even sure she liked the girl she was dating anymore plus the fact you were in love with her. Cat had gotten mad, screaming matches were had and insults were thrown; but it was when she started coming for you, calling you a slut and a homewrecker and saying that she always knew you were trying to steal Ellie from her that she gave her 5 seconds to get the fuck out before she did something she regretted.
Cat had left with a scoff, taking Ellie’s favourite green sweater with her. After doing lots and lots of thinking, Ellie called up Dina for an emergency smoke sesh and to get some advice on what the fuck was going on since she somehow always knew what to do. Only she hadn’t known Jesse would be there and the headache he was inducing almost made her throw him out the door and she 100% would’ve if Dina wasn’t there.
“Thanks, Dee.”
“Of course, only I just have one question.” Ellie had just finished explaining what had happened between the two of you in the last couple months, hence the reason Jesse was about to pull a muscle from laughing so hard.
“Why the fuck did you stay with Cat for so long?”
Ellie groaned, taking a long puff of the joint before passing it to Dina so she could explain.
“I don’t fucking know she made me feel..good? And bad..but good. I know this is going to sound crazy but being with someone who was as fucked up as me felt…safe, like I wasn’t alone.”
“But she cheated on you like..a hundred times,” Jesse spoke up, finally recovering from his fit of laughter. Dina shot him a look.
“I know but, after she did, she’d be so apologetic and loving and I guess I got used to it and liked the amount of love and attention she was giving me so... I stayed and forgave her, again and again. Pretty fucked up, huh?” Ellie laughed dryly.
“Oh no, honey. Even the best of us fall victim to love-bombing.” Dina said, a comforting smile on her face.
“Yeah that’s sad and everything but what about ★, you treated her like shit.” Jesse said, a hint of sourness in his voice.
“I know—fuck! I know. Cat got in my head and kept telling me that she liked me and I didn’t want to believe it because she’s my best friend for fucks sake! But in those months I was dating Cat I found myself comparing the two of them more and more and I got scared because there was no way I should’ve been in love with her so like an idiot, I pushed her away and Cat pulled me in.” Ellie sighed, the retelling of the past couple of months making her cringe at how stupid she’s been.
She paused, grabbing the joint from Dina to take another drawl. “Then that night after we kissed I realized that fuck, I was in love with her and I kinda hated dating Cat…who also took my favourite hoodie.” Ellie said with a huff.
“Damn..you lesbians and your love triangles.” Jesse said, shaking his head.
“Shut up man, I know you and Dina have your own crazy shit going on.” Ellie rolled her eyes.
“Yes.” Jesse said, getting up to pluck the almost finished joint from her hand, “We do, but we settle it internally.”
Dina nodded, “Anyways, are you and ★…” She trailed off, unsure how to finish her sentence.
“I don’t fucking know, I needed some time to think and I wanted to give her some space but it’s been weeks and I’m fucking terrified she’s never gonna speak to me again.”
Jesse shook his head, “You guys have been friends for years, just give her a little more time, she’ll come around.”
“But what if she doesn’t?” Ellie said, leaning forward to hang her head in her hands. “I miss her so fucking much you guys.”
“You need a distraction,” Dina said suddenly, clapping her hands together.
“I agree.” Jesse nodded his head, putting out the joint on the light blue ashtray sitting on the coffee table. “I’m hungry as hell, go buy us some pizza.”
“Fuck you, I’m not your butler.” Ellie rolled her eyes, again.
“Come on, you know you’re hungry too.” Dina said in a sing-songy voice.
“I’m not.” She was.
“Just go, I’ll Venmo you.” Jesse groaned.
Ellie sighed but got up anyways, grabbing her coat from the back of her seat and walking up to her door.
“Fine, but you guys better not just be trying to get me out so you can fuck, again.”
“We would never,” Dina said reassuringly.
“That’s exactly what we’re doing.” Jesse shrugged, earning another jab in the side from Dina.
Ellie rolled her eyes for what seemed like the millionth time tonight as she left her dorm. As much as they annoyed her, Ellie was grateful to have Dina (and Jesse) there to help her through whatever the hell was going on.
Her walk to the diner was a long one as she purposely took a different route to get there. She’d hate to admit it but the couple was right, she had needed a distraction and the freezing winds against her flushed skin helped along with the high from her earlier joint helping to calm her rapid thoughts and allowing her a minute to breathe.
However, when she pushed open the door to Sal’s—her favourite diner— it was like every ounce of stress that had just dissipated came flooding back x10.
“Ellie,” The girl said, giving her a tight smile from her seat on one of the old stools near the counter.
“Cat..” Ellie sighed.
When the two of them were still together, they’d spent countless date nights here sharing milkshakes and sneaking kisses in the bathroom. She’d even considered branding it “their spot” but thank god she didn’t because she probably never would’ve come back again.
“What are you doing here?” Ellie asked.
“What..just because we broke up means that I can’t come here anymore?” Cat laughed dryly, and swirl red her straw around her chocolate milkshake.
“No, I didn’t mean—“
“Kidding, I know what you meant.” Cat patted the stool next to her, “So how are you and ★? You two should be in the honeymoon stage by now, right?”
Ellie shuffled up to the counter, ordering a pepperoni and cheese pizza to go before sitting down gingerly next to Cat.
“Actually, we haven’t talked since that night.”
“You’re fucking with me,” Cat said, mouth agape.
Ellie shook her head, “Dead serious.”
Cat made a noise, something between a scoff and a laugh before turning to look at Ellie.
“You haven’t even tried reaching out to her? You fucking broke up with me because of her—“
“Among other reasons.”
She rolled her eyes, “And you haven’t even talked to her yet?”
“I’m giving her space.”
She shook her head, muttering an “I don’t fucking get you, Williams.” before returning to her milkshake.
By then, Ellie’s order was ready and she took the boxes, brushing past her ex after mumbling, “Yeah, I know.”
Ellie’s walk back to her dorm started slow, she tried collecting her thoughts, tried to organize and arrange them in a way she could understand but she couldn’t focus. Cat’s words wrung in her ears, the only thing she could pick apart from the tornado was you, you you you you.
Fucking you.
Your gorgeous eyes that always seemed to find hers and when they did fuck it was like the world stopped, and your laugh oh my god your laugh, it’d been so long since she heard your laugh and how she craved it. Don't even get her started on how you always knew exactly what to say to her when she was feeling down, and how you tasted..like everything she’d ever wished and more, and how after that night she ached to taste you again, to feel you; how just being near you immediately skyrocketed her mood. She wasn’t herself without you and she was the best version of herself when she was.
Could you be addicted to someone? She didn’t think so, but somehow with you, it seemed like you could. Ellie wasn’t sure when she’d started running, but as she felt sweat perspire on her brow and her breathing come in as quick laboured breaths all she knew is that she needed to see you.
She made it back to her dorm, fumbling to open her door while balancing the pizzas in her hand. When she finally threw open the door she ignored the sight of Jesse laying his head on Dina’s lap and plopped the boxes on the coffee table.
“I’m going to go see her.” She huffed, already making her way to the door to start running to your dorm.
“What happened to space?” Jesse called out.
“Fuck space!” She yelled back, ditching the elevator and opting for the stairs. Later, she’d have given you the entire fucking solar system if you wanted, but right now? She needed to see you be close to you, hold you, kiss you.
She pumped her legs harder, silently wishing she had done track for longer than 3 months back in middle school. Her chest burned and her neck and back were slick with sweat but she was almost there. She didn’t know what the fuck she was going to say to you but she’d figure something out.
When she finally reached your building, she brushed past the residence hall director who’d seen her hundreds of times before and decided on the elevator this time to organize her thoughts a little before seeing you.
Her nerves started to catch up to her as she watched the numbers above the metal door change, was she ready to see you? What if you didn’t want to see her? What if you just straight up refused to talk to her?
Before she could chicken out, the elevator had reached your floor. She walked down the hall to your door and took three deep breaths before knocking. She heard a little shuffling from behind your door and a small gasp before you opened it, peeking your head out.
“Ellie..” You breathed.
“★. Please, I need to talk to you.”
Your eyes flashed to the floor, avoiding her pleading gaze. “Is Cat okay with you being here?”
“We broke up.”
“What?” You questioned, letting the door swing open and allowing her to take in your full form. You were wearing fuzzy pyjama pants with cute characters patterned on them and a thick oversized sweatshirt. The whites of your eyes were slightly red and the bags beneath them were prominent. She could tell you had been crying and it made her heart lurch, she wanted to pull you into her chest, breathe you in and never let go.
“Yeah, it— can I come in?” She asked.
“Uhm..” You bit your lip, probably thinking whether or not you should let her into your dorm, let her back into your life.
“Please. I promise I’ll make it quick.” She practically begged, lowering her head so she could lock her jade eyes on yours.
You nodded, moving back so she could step inside. You led her to the small couch in the living room as if she hadn’t been there thousands of times before. You sat silently across from her, eyes filled with worry and a tiny gleam of hope and she felt the urge to pull you into her chest bloom throughout her. Of course, she planned on doing that later, but as of right now, she had to set things straight.
“Let me just start off by saying, I’m sorry. ★ I’m so fucking sorry for how I treated you when I was dating Cat.” You tried and failed to ignore the way her voice cracked, pain and genuinity adorned her features.
“We were both terrible for each other but my fucked up brain thought it made sense that I was with her. That she was what I deserved…” She looked up from fidgeting hands to meet your eyes, she couldn’t read your face so she continued.
“I’d been feeling..” She paused, looking up to gather her thoughts. She never really was good with her words, but she needed you to know how much you meant to her, how much love she held for you in her heart. “Shit...I’d been feeling different when it came to you...like I swear to fucking god you’re made of sunlight and sweetness or something cause my heart swells whenever I think of you, and when you’re not with me I feel so…!” She groaned and you giggled, so soft that if her ears weren’t trained to hear and take in every sound you made she would’ve missed it, and her heart softened and swelled and spun and sputtered.
“I pushed you away because I was scared of those feelings, but that night, after we kissed. I realized that... I love you, ★. And I completely understand if you never want to see me again, God knows I don’t deserve you but—“
“Stop.” You said, suddenly standing up to walk over to her.
Her jade eyes searched yours desperately, for any sign of what you were thinking, how you were feeling if you were fighting the same urge as her to pull her into your arms and kiss her like the world was ending tomorrow.
“Stop saying that,” She looked at you, confusion flooded her features.
Your soft hands found her rough ones and the warmth that flooded from you to her made her lightheaded, how the hell was it possible to love someone this much?
“Ellie, words can’t describe how much I cared for you,”
‘cared’ She physically felt her heart rip.
“and I need you to know you deserve everything good in life.”
“Does that include you?” She said with a weak smile.
You looked to the side, dropping her hands. “You..hurt me.”
Ellie shot up faster than she’d ever moved in her life, her hands coming up to cup the sides of your face, “And I want to rip my fucking heart out every time I remember, but I need you in my life, lovebug.”
Your eyes finally met hers and you could practically hear the “whoosh” from your resolve flying out of your body. You’d never seen a shade of green so beautiful, so passionate, so desperate.
This time, it was your eyes flicking to her lips and you didn’t even have a second to pull back before her lips were on yours. This kiss had the same amount of wanting as your last one, but it was softer, slower. Like if she went too fast you’d disappear from her hands and she couldn’t lose you again.
She pulled away only to place strawberry kisses along your neck and collarbone, eliciting that same sweet sound she had heard from you only a few weeks prior and she knew she needed to have you.
Your hands tugged gently at her top and she shrugged off her coat, lips still connected to your neck. Her hands dipped beneath your sweater to trace soft squiggles against your stomach with her short nails.
She released her hold on your neck and spun you around so that you were sitting on your couch and she was towering over you.
She watched as your chest rose and fell rapidly, how your eyes met hers, glossed over in a way she’s never seen before, your soft slips glistening and slightly swollen. She’d never been more turned on in her life.
She knelt, her veiny hands hooking onto the top of your pants and underwear before she looked back up at you,
“Is it okay if I take these off?”
You nodded fervently and bit your lip as she slid them off, ever so slowly. She had waited too long to do this, you’d better believe she was going to savour each moment.
You felt the cold air hit your cunt and her mossy eyes immediately snapped to it, she looked as if she was in a trance. She’d been staring for so long you would’ve gotten self-conscious if not had she said,
“So fucking pretty.”
Heat rose to your cheeks and your eyes focused on the wall to the side of you but you scrunched them closed when you felt her lick a stripe up your folds.
You’d heard from a friend of a friend who was friends with Cat that Ellie gave insane head. And of course, anger and jealousy and bitterness swirled through you at the thought of her performing such acts on another person, so for your own well-being you denied and refused to believe it.
And fuck were you eating your words. Her tongue swirled expertly around your cunt and your eyes were practically rolling to the back of your head, and the borderline pornographic sounds you were making were like fucking music to her ears.
“Fuck so good, Ellie.”
She’d never admit it but she was a sucker for praise so with the words that fell from your beautiful mouth she made sure to speed up her movements, your legs were shaking at this point and somehow your hand had found its way into her auburn locs, tugging softly which resulted in soft grunts from her that reverberated through your body and cause a feeling like no other.
That familiar feeling began welling up inside, a knot that grew tighter, and tighter, and tighter until snap. Your thighs trembled violently and your throat felt hoarse from how much you were screaming, despite your climax, Ellie was still between your legs and the sensation was becoming a bit too much.
You tried to close your close but a veiny hand gripped your thigh, forcing you open once again. You peered down into her jade eyes, her pupils were blown so wide that they looked almost entirely black and a slight shiver ran through your body, a good shiver. They were demanding and bordering hungry.
Before you knew it her mouth was back in you, sucking and lapping up everything you would give her. It’s when her tongue slipped into you that you started to feel fucking delirious. Sobs and moans of her name tumbled out of you as your hold on her hair tightened and you were nearly riding her face.
“Ellie..fuck, please so close, ‘s close ‘s—“
Your eyebrows knitted together and a silent moan escaped you as you gushed on her face and she finally pulled away from you, giving both of you a chance to catch your breath.
“Holy shit.” She breathed out, wiping the bottom of her freckled face with the back of her hand. That hungry look at disappeared and the familiar love drunk one had replaced it.
“I should be saying that.” You said airily.
She smiled, “You taste really fucking good, y’know that?”
You shook your head bashfully and she stood up, her knees aching from kneeling so long and sat next to you before pulling you in for a short but deep kiss, allowing you to taste yourself on her tongue.
“Now you do.”
You smiled and it melted her soul just a teensy bit, but she could get sappy about it later. Right now? She needed to fuck you so good you’d laugh whenever you thought about your past lovers in comparison to her.
“Can you lay down for me, bug?” She asked, so sweetly you almost forgot she basically sent you to heaven just a few minutes prior.
She stood up to remove her shirt and briefs and allow you to remove your shirt and get comfortable on the couch. She slid between your legs, hoisting one of them over her shoulder as she aligned her hips with yours.
“Tell me if it‘s too much, alright?”
You nodded and she lowered herself onto you, her lean thighs keeping her upright as she agonizingly slowly rocked against you. You whined at her pace and she tutted.
“Come on, pretty, use your words.” She said, smirking lazily down at you.
“Need you to go faster.” You begged.
She nodded, speeding up her pace and drawing out a high-pitched whimper from you. Her eyes were practically fixed on your chest as she watched them bounce and sway with each movement. One of her hands came down to toy with your nipple while the other one held your leg steady so she could grind relentlessly against your clit.
The movements had started unsteady but as the two of you found a rhythm that was pleasurable to both of you, even Ellie couldn’t hold back the raspy moans and groans, not to mention her finger on your nipple which made your already sopping cunt gush even more, giving her the ability to glide across you back and forth.
Your hips bucked against her avidly and her eyes rolled back into her head as chants of your name fell from her lips over and over again.
“So good ★, feel ‘s good.” She rasped.
You froze beneath her as your third orgasm of the night slammed through you and your body practically went limp. Ellie followed soon after, the sight of you fucked out was better than anything her imagination could’ve stirred up and she couldn’t help but wonder how your face would look with her strap buried between you, as well as how it was a more beautiful sight than she’d ever seen with Cat or any other girl she’d been with and that was what had her reeling over the edge, creaming all over your cunt as she tremored vigorously. She collapsed onto top of you, her tattooed arm keeping her up right so she didn’t crush you as she placed open mouth kisses along your jaw, drinking in the soft giggled you gave in return.
Finally, she peeled away from you, allowing herself to catch her breath before trudging to your tiny kitchen to grab a damp rag and a glass of water, she came back and held the glass to your lips encouraging you to drink it all before setting the empty cup on the table to wipe your legs down gently.
You jumped slightly when the rag grazed your puffy clit and she mumbled out a “Sorry, bug.” before grabbing your wrist and placing a sweet kiss on it.
“So,” you sighed tiredly, “are we..”
She chuckled, “Are we…what?”
She frowned and shook her head, “Oh..no.”
Your heart fell right into the deepest darkest depths of your soul. Was this just a one-time thing? Had all the things she said earlier not been true? Were you—
“I don’t have a ring yet, but I’m sure nobody would care if I start calling you my wife already.”
You rolled your eyes, shoving her softly to which she laughed.
“You have seriously got to work on your timing.”
“I know, I know…but it’s charming right?”
“Fuck you.”
“You just did.”
You let out an exasperated groan but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face at the sound of her laughter and her hands snaking around you to pull you into her.
And in that moment, regardless of her past with Cat and others, her past with you, the hurtful things said and less than admirable actions she’d done, she knew that you were in fact, the perfect one for her.
bonus! (^з^)-☆
“I’m telling you, these are the best milkshakes in the state.” Ellie boasted.
Jesse shook his head, “No, ★ this summer I am taking you to The Cinnamon Angel back in Seattle, Ellie doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.”
Ellie scoffed, using the arm currently wrapped around your shoulder to point an accusing finger at him, “Dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The Cinnamon Angel can’t even…“
Ellie’s voice drowned out when Dina rolled her eyes from across you and leaned across the booth to chat with you over Ellie’s and Jesse’s bickering.
“This isn’t what I was expecting when I suggested a double date.” She sighed sarcastically.
You giggled, “I had a feeling it was going to be like this.”
The four of you were squeezed into a tiny booth at the back of Ellie’s favourite diner, bickering bonding over salty fries and frothy milkshakes. You hadn’t talked much to Dina despite her being your girlfriend's close friend and your close friend's girlfriend, which you regret because she was so sweet and funny.
Ellie threw her arms back with a huff, officially exasperated with Jesse, “Dina, I really don’t know how you put up with this guy, let alone date him.”
“Eh, he’s not all bad.” She smirked, nudging him with her shoulder.
You laughed but it was quick to die out when your eyes trailed over to the entrance after the familiar sound of bells signaled someone walking in.
Dark eyes fell on yours and you were met with a grim expression, Ellie followed where you were looking and the arm that was around your shoulder tightened slightly.
The raven head trekked over to your booth, greeting both you and Ellie with a tight smile.
“You two are so cute together!” She said flatly.
You grinned, ignoring the sarcasm that laced her voice “Thank you!”
“Definitely cuter than you and Ellie ever were,” Jesse mumbled into his milkshake and Dina turned her head, trying and failing to hide her laugh.
Cat rolled her eyes before pretending to drop something and bending to pick up nothing so she could whisper, “You two aren’t going to last, you’re not even her type.”
Anger bloomed through you, seriously, what the hell was this girl's damage? Before she could walk away you stuck your foot out causing her to stumble and turn around to face you, glaring daggers. Ellie must’ve heard what she’d said though, because one of her long fingers pulled the neck of your shirt back just a sliver, revealing the prominent mark she had made just a few nights prior.
Ellie’s jade eyes bored into her damn, if looks could kill.
You smiled sweetly and leaned into Ellie’s arm.“I beg to differ.”
Cat’s face reddened embarrassingly quickly and you could practically see the steam shooting out of her ears, she turned around hastily and stomped out of the diner and you’d hoped she could hear the boisterous laughter that bubbled out of each of you after the door had closed.
tagz (^з^)-☆
@blvebanisters @cassharass @pick-me-up-im-scared @skylerwhitwyo @lil-elliesgf @elsmissingfingers @herdelreydear @koremis @gold-dustwomxn @whenlostinthedarkness
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nyoomfruits · 1 year
hi ☺️ first of all thank you so much for all the great fics you write! and thank you for Glitch, I absolutely love that it's so cute and soft but also giggle-worthy and laugh out loud FUN <3
I have somewhat of a weird/stupid question (and I don't know why my brain has fixated on this but humor me if you'd like, so I can picture every scene you write as it should be) : what does max usually wear to go to the office? like, is he a jeans + sweater/hoodie everyday kind of guy? does he choose khakis and a shirt? a suit, maybe??
(I'm also very curious about who's on the grid in this universe but maybe you'll tell us more in the next chapters 👀 can't wait to see how the story develops!)
first of all !!! thank you ;-; i'm glad you like it so far <3
SECOND OF ALL thats not a weird question at all thats a FANTASTIC question and i actually have a lot of Thoughts(tm) about it which i am VERY glad to share (coincidentally i did hold like a lil mini rant about max's clothing in glitch to eby a few days ago lmao)
the short answer is jeans + hoodie/t-shirt
THE LONG ANSWER is below a read more because this 1) got completely away from me and 2) actually contains spoilers for chapter three
so there's a line in the second paragraph of the first chapter that actually references the sweater ("He sniffs the sweater he’s wearing, pulls a face, and then gets off the couch and heads into the bedroom to find a clean one.") later in that same chapter it's referenced how he doesn't know much about fashion, and it's kind of implied he doesn't really care either
which gets confirmed in the opening scene of chapter three, which is literally max getting ready for his date, wearing like jeans and a t-shirt and daniel going "ABSOLUTELY NOT" and rooting through his closet for something nicer for him to wear lmao
Max stares down at his clothes. He’s wearing a pair of his nicest jeans, and a gray t-shirt one of his hook ups once told him makes his arms look really nice. “What’s wrong with this?” He asks, confused.
Daniel stops throwing clothing on the bed and sends Max a look. “Max. Maxy. Maxerino,” Daniel says, ignoring Max’s grumble of ‘I told you to stop calling me that’. “You’re going on a date with Charles Leclerc. And you’re wearing jeans and a t-shirt.”
“So?” Max asks, shrugging a little. “He’s still just a guy. What, do you want me to wear a suit just because he’s sort of famous? That’s ridiculous.”
also this snippet that i didn't want to deny you that happens much later and PERFECTLY describes max's fashion forward clothing style:
“Hi,” Charles says. “Sorry. Should’ve maybe started with that. You just look uh. Really hot.”
Max glances down at his t-shirt. It has the Excel logo on it, with ‘freak in the sheets’ written underneath. His sweatpants, he realizes to his great annoyance, have a hole in them. When he glances back up to Charles, he’s blushing.
“Shut up, apparently I’m into that whole rumpled nerd look, sue me.” Charles grouses, and Max laughs, leaning up to kiss him ever so softly.
never stated in the fic but that t-shirt was ABSOLUTELY a joke gift from either daniel or lando and max very much wears it unironically like this dude does just Not Care lmao
but yeah i hope that sort of answers the question?? max is very shrug emoji about his clothing in general, opting for comfort above all, so i'd say he wears a hoodie + jeans like 99% of the time unless he has something he knows he HAS to dress up for, like an official company thing
ALSO for the grid question: daniel, lando and max are the only non drivers in this universe and it takes place in the 2023 season so daniel wouldnt be on the grid anyway. idk who takes lando's seat but you do find out who takes max's seat and if you know me it's like. really not that hard to guess [side eyes my icon]. but that's really just a throw away mention and a fun little easter egg for me and eby. you won't really see much of the other drivers since it's mostly from max's pov :)
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libunityfan69 · 2 years
why auscap.. whys he australian… i need to know this lore.. it keeps me up at night
glad u asked because im so insane but everyone* i talk to just accepts auscap without question and it hnngngh
so for a little backstory it started in september last year** when i went away with a family friend who had also watched centricide and i asked "wouldnt it be funny if ancap centricide was australian" and there wasnt a single thought behind our eyes when we unaimoiusly agreed yes that would be funny and que the next 2 or so months of being the most annoying headcanoner ever but hey it was fun.
at the same time i was in 9th grade english class in australia and our topic was poetry analysis of silly bogans pre/during the gold rush and the more we analysed the more i was like "hey this shits kinda like ancap centricide" because idk if you have ever been in an australian english/history class but theres a lot of talk about the "[white] australian identity" mainly around when brits began moving here outside of sendign their convicts and during ww1. and the australian identity is mostly centred around being somewhat anti authoritarian and while not technically based in capitalism it was about rich british people getting a taste of the bush and not shutting up ever
because of [white] australias history being in the convicts sent over from england theres an intrinsic sense of anti authoritarianism that was albiet a lot more common in the 19th and 20th centuries but i digress its still relevant idc because it was used in these little bushmen shit where they would idolise this life living outside the government at the time
so the poem that we used for the exam at the end of year 9 english unit 4, while i dont rember the name of the poem nor the writer, i do remember what it was about and what it was about was this guy writing for 6 fucking pages about the bush and how it was so cool and literally made for him he loves it so much and at the back of the pages there was a little biography of the author and you find out that this fucking guy hadnt stepped foot in australia before turning thirty, hes some rich fucking english bloke who came over for the gold rush and left almost immediatly after. the poem we were analysing came from a guy who had never even seen the bush !!! and idk i think thats pretty ancap core
and for a last round of background info from september-november 2021 i actually dmed jreg back n forth about it and ended up getting jrem to confirm auscap as real, and it was real for a whole month before the gender tier list stream on twitch where i asked and jre said that ideologies cant have nationalities um !!! thats not what u told me in dms !!!! also i didnt have any socials at the time that interacted with the centricide fandom apart from my discord so if u were in the authunity server i am NOT sorry for being so annoying about it
tl:dr white australian history is anarcho capitalist also i thought it would be funny
*everyone excludes ps, the owner of the athunity server, who hated auscap so much he banned the use of the word "australia" in the server, fuck you ps-and nankeen and riley, my australian buddies who actually inquired on auscaps existence yall r real ones (i havent talked to nankeen in 8 months)
**i say september because TECHNICALLY the headcanon + first dm to jreg happened in late spetember but i celebrate the anniversary on the 8th of october because that was when my sister edited the image of ancap and made auscap into something tangeble
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Something you missed.
????? are you talking about their reblog?? their tags??? i literally reblogged their commentary about the translation about the scene what are you trying to say here??? i read all the tags on everything i post i definitely read what they said, and trust me, i am NOT the ' people focusing too much on the 'drinking age' thing and sort of. missing the point.' literally the only reason i started bringing drinking age up was because people WOULDNT STOP FOCUSING ON IT
like im sorry if i seem to be getting really irritated about this but it wasnt even supposed to be about kintoki's comment in the first place, he was just a more recent example of someone saying that sort of thing! im well aware kintoki is the kind of person who would get involved if he thought someone needed help regardless of their age, and if i'd known this would have brought the pedants out in full force i wouldve...idk compiled a post of every example of someone calling the mc a child? not made the post??
i legitimately dont know what you were trying to tell me with this. i saw this post. i reblogged this post. i'm definitely not mad at lapithae and i appreciate that they added context to kintoki's scene (SINCE I THOUGHT I HAD MADE IT CLEAR IN THE OG POST I KNEW KINTOKI WOULD GET INVOLVED REGARDLESS OF AGE BUT IT SEEMS READING IS DIFFICULT FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE THIS WEEK) but what do you hope to gain with this?
'haha op doesnt know that japan can't depict minors drinking so thats why ritsuka is a minor forever' i did in fact know this. literally why make them a minor in the first place if its such an issue. they literally had a scene last month where they offer van gogh absinthe and then give her the child trait. 'haha op is fixating too much on alcohol when the specific scene is-' the specific scene was just one picked to support a joke post. i couldve used another one. the only reason i started talking about alcohol was because other people wouldn't shut up about it and it had nothing to do with the scene in question but because i had about 10000 people nagging me about how ritsuka is a minor, and thus can't drink, and so they have to note it, when we all know damn well most people from most older cultures wouldnt have given a shit about modern drinking laws and frankly even drank more beer than actual water even as children. please give it a rest
i dont understand what you're trying to say
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mojaves · 2 years
1, 6, 40, 45 for jason and marcus too :)<3
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
the important thing to know here is that jason Does Not Sleep. he doesn't really need it. that doesn't mean he can't sleep though. he still gets tired, he just chooses not to sleep. the time between getting in bed and falling asleep is always Much Too Long, and gives him way too much time to think about everything that's happened, process his feelings and so on. which is something he wants to avoid at all costs, so he's constantly keeping himself busy. he never felt safe enough to sleep either, because truly anything could happen to him at this point, so he's always on high alert, just in case.
when the two of them first met, jason still didn't sleep. it felt even les necessary because he not only has to defend himself, but a whole entire human man too. and even though they had just met, if anything happened to marcus, he'd hate himself for it because it's something that could be 'preventable' to him. he always takes it on himself to protect anyone he's with no matter what, and he CAN'T fail at any point ever. can't let his guard down for even a second.
and when they start hooking up (but aren’t Officially Together) he starts kind of drifting off occasionally - not even bc he’s tired but because he’s letting his guard down. listen usually when he hooks up with people it’s Him doing all the work. so he wouldn’t let marcus absolutely rail him unless he trusted him to some degree. yes this is an important part of this answer thank you. IM THREE PARAGRAPHS IN AND I STILL HAVENT FULLY ANSWERED IT YET WHFHUSF OK CARRYING ON.
so basically. the more time he spends with marcus, the easier it is for him to just. fall asleep. and sometimes he even sleeps through the whole night!!! he doesnt even realise until he wakes up and he Panics for a second but then he realises that theyre both STILL alive and safe and nothing bad happened. and the more that happens, the more he realises he doesnt have to be on edge 24/7 and it makes me insane. and because he’s not used to sleeping anymore, it always takes him FOREVER to wake up.
marcus can fall asleep at any time anywhere if he’s tired enough he doesnt care. if he wants to go beddy byes he WILL and no one can stop him. no matter how uncomfortable he is, he will be gone within minutes. he falls asleep so fast. he’ll fall asleep mid-conversation.
they never fall asleep hugging but they ALWAYS wake up tangled together somehow which i think is very sweet. but bc jason is so Strong and Large, marcus always gets stuck whdsgkjh poor guy. he doesnt care though <3 he loves the affection
6. Any tasks that are always left to one person?
marcus always does the cooking, because jason would either give them both food poisoning, burn the food, burn the house down, or all three all at once. he simply cannot be trusted. and as much as marcus hates it, jason is always the one who drives. ONLY because marcus can’t drive, if he could, jason would have his driving privileges revoked. he’s very insane on the roads and goes Very Fast at every given opportunity like he’s in a car chase. the man needs to learn how to calm down
40. Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
im still working on a lot of things w/ their relationship and where the story’s going bc it’s definitely nowhere near finished in my mind so i don’t really have an answer for this yet dghfjgjh but if i Had to say something, it’d probably be when they first met. because that was a very bizarre situation - marcus, lou, + morgan hutning for a ghost only to walk in on jason torturing some guy. great way to make a first impression! they both think about it a lot
45. Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
they’ve got a very solid relationship so there’s not much they’ve hurt each other over or regretted at this point - other than maybe not getting together sooner, not saying anything etc etc. like they BURIED those feelings so deep to the point they were bursting at the seams. two very smart boys <3
more than anything else in life they just want to make it out alive, together - well, as alive as jason can be because that is certainly still a Problem. also still kind of undecided as to whether marcus ‘dies’ near the end of the story too. ive got a lot of thoughts on THAT like so many i think i’ll explode. i shan’t go into that rn i will be insufferable sorry.
another thing is going on holiday somewhere nice and quiet, getting away from everything for a bit. they deserve to relax and feel SAFE and just be normal guys for a few days. and by GOD they will get it. trust me
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hornime · 4 years
watch and learn | iwaizumi hajime x f!reader x team japan
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
warnings: 18+, timeskip!everyone, BIG MANGA SPOILERS BASICALLY, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgasm denial
w/c: 3.1k
a/n: now i don’t know if iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer learned about female orgasms when he was studying sports science at irvine BUT he def knows how to show a girl a good time which is reason enough for me to write this. also, i read this article to prep for this piece and it was super enlightening, so i do recommend giving it a read if you’re interested!
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in the middle of his morning run, iwaizumi slowed momentarily to check the repetitive buzzing of this phone, curious as to who was messaging him this early. when he’d left the apartment, you were sleeping, and you had the tendency to still be sleeping by the time he returned, so who else could it be?
he unlocked his phone, quickly finding the source of the notifications: the team japan group chat.
[06:43 AM] miya: hey @iwaizumi—you know stuff abt the human body right?
[06:43 AM] miya: cus like you studied it in college and shit??
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. i spent four years in america to earn my degree, came back home to support my country’s olympic team, and dealt with the biggest idiots of volleyball, only to get treated like this?
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: yes, miya. i took many courses on the human body. in fact that’s the purpose of my job. to know the human body. because i am a fucking athletic trainer.
[06:44 AM] miya: okay okay i get it. dumb question
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: why? is something up? you need help or anything?
[06:44 AM] miya: uhhh kinda
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata i’m not fucking asking this
[06:44 AM] bokuto: bro just do it
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata @hinata @hinata 
iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. what the hell are they going on about?
[06:45 AM] iwaizumi: so am i needed or...
[06:45 AM] hinata: YES
[06:45 AM] hinata: we had a question
[06:46 AM] sakusa: by “we” he means him, miya, and bokuto
[06:46 AM] suna: yeah don’t bring us into this
[06:46 AM] hinata: don’t listen to them! both suna and sakusa wanna know too
[06:46 AM] iwaizumi: okay. what’s up
[06:47 AM] hinata: we wanted to know how to make a girl cum
he chuckled in disbelief.
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: you’re telling me that you guys are in your mid-20s, literal olympic athletes, and you don’t know how to make a girl cum
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: have you never done it before??
[06:47 AM] miya: NO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ME TOO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: i think
he laughed out loud, briefly startling another runner on the sidewalk.
[06:48 AM] iwaizumi: you guys are unbelievable
[06:48 AM] hinata: i mean she says she finished but idk what i did to make that happen
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ^^
[06:48 AM] hinata: so like i wanna know how to actually do it
[06:48 AM] suna: actually im kinda interested in this too
[06:48 AM] aran: i pray for your future girlfriends. this is painful to see. im out
[06:48 AM] kageyama: i’m with aran on this one. you guys are dumb
[06:48 AM] hinata: shut up. you suck.
[06:48 AM] miya: cmon iwaizumi, help a guy out
[06:48 AM] sakusa: it wouldnt hurt for you to give us some pointers at least
iwaizumi sighed.
[06:49 AM] iwaizumi: @miya @hinata @bokuto @suna @sakusa meet in the locker room after practice. ill give you guys a lesson in the art of pleasing a woman
to teach effectively, he needed a volunteer, though he was sure you wouldn’t need much convincing. you’d always loved the attention, and the biceps, of the pro athletes. he spun on his heel and jogged home.
you woke up to the sound of your apartment door opening, your boyfriend creeping inside, forehead damp with sweat.
“hey,” you said quietly, making your way towards him.
“hey, baby. sorry for waking you up, i was trying to be quiet.”
you giggled sleepily. “s’okay, haji. you spoil me too much anyway, always letting me sleep in for hours while you’re off doing god knows what.”
at that, his eyes crinkled in amusement, and as you tried to step into a hug, he shuffled back. “woah there, baby. i gotta shower, ‘m all gross from my run. and then,” he gave you a peculiar look that you couldn’t quite place, “i got a proposition for you.”
after his shower, he waltzed out of the bathroom, steam wafting out from behind the door. his tanned body made you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be barely an hour after the sun’s risen, and you reached out to massage the tension in his shoulders. “so, what’s your proposition?”
“well,” he hesitated. “it’s a bit... unconventional. the team asked me to show them how to make a girl cum,” he took in your intrigued expression. “and it’d be a lot easier to explain if i had someone to do a live demonstration with. so,” his eyes flicked up to you. “that’s where you’d come in.”
“a... live demonstration? like you’re gonna make me cum in front of them?”
“yeah, essentially.” he gave you a devilish grin. “you want that, baby? wanna show those boys how a real man treats a gorgeous woman like you?”
you rubbed your thighs at his words. “yeah,” you purred. “i do. wanna show them how good you are to me.”
and that’s how you found yourself nestled between iwaizumi’s muscled thighs, back pressed against his chest, completely naked, with five of japan’s best volleyball players staring at your body in awe.
practically an expert in his field, iwaizumi knew the human body inside and out. this had many benefits; of course it allowed him to catapult up the ranks and work with the country’s best athletes to keep them at the top of their game, but it also had a unique side effect: an overwhelming vault of knowledge on how to make a woman feel good anywhere. 
you’d seen the proof firsthand; he knew exactly where to push, prod, stroke, and tease to have you cumming in seconds, over and over, as many times as you wanted. he was amazing, and you were well-aware just how lucky you were to have such a talented man in the sheets.
“oi,” iwaizumi snapped his fingers, drawing each of the players’ eyes away from your glistening cunt. “pay attention. i know more than anybody that she’s hot as fuck, but you gotta listen to what i’m saying or else there’s no point to this.”
he lightly pressed his lips against your collarbone, slowly tracing them against your jaw, the contact making you squirm. “if you wanna make a girl cum, first thing you gotta do is make her comfortable. if she’s worried about how she looks or sounds or smells she’s gonna be too stressed to let go.” he moved his hands to grope your tits, his calloused fingers brushing over your hardening nipples. “so reassure her, tell her how irresistible she is, how pretty her moans are, how tasty her pussy is. shit like that. the sexier she feels the better it’ll be.”
he leaned into you, whispering into your ear. “feeling good, baby? we can stop whenever.”
you nodded weakly, afraid to open your mouth, barely holding in your whines as his palms worked wonders on your chest and stomach, sending shocks of heat wherever they touched. 
you craned your neck up to observe the men before you. atsumu was flushed red, wringing his hands as if he was worried they’d do something embarrassing if he didn’t keep them occupied. hinata was bouncing his leg up and down, wiping his palms on his shorts as he took in the plushness of your thighs. bokuto was basically drooling, greedily tracing your soft curves with his eyes. suna maintained his indifferent expression, but the reddening tips of his ears showed that he was a lot more hot and bothered than he let on. sakusa stood quietly to the side, leaning against the wall, mask tucked under his chin as if he’d just realized how much the temperature had gone up in the room.
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
"make sure to try different things; there’s multiple ways to make a woman cum. only like a quarter of women experience orgasms just from penetration,” someone made a sound of shock. “yes, the number is that small, bokuto.” 
his fingertip slowly trailed past your belly button, dipping into the mess between your thighs, causing you to slightly arch your back into the solid chest supporting you. “foreplay with the clit is your best bet; even stupid fucks like you probably wouldn’t screw it up too bad.”
hinata opened his mouth to speak, but iwaizumi anticipated his question and continued.
“i know you’re wondering where the clit is. it’s around here, under this hood of skin,” he slid his digit between your labia. “s’not gonna come with a label so you gotta explore a little bit. i know where hers is like the back of my hand, but for you guys, with your girls, you’re gonna have to move your fingers around. slowly. and pay attention to her expressions.” he began to rub in a circular motion around your clit, causing you to make small whimpers of pleasure and shift your hips to meet his movements. 
“if she clenches up or twitches when you feel a certain spot, like this,” your legs flexed as he increased the pressure, “that’s the clit. be kind, it’s not a volleyball. be gentle n’ make small circles, whether it’s with your fingers or your tongue.” 
he thought for a second. “speaking of which, oral’s important. very important. most women cum when they’ve been eaten out, so use your mouths for something more useful than just dirty talk. suck on the clit, maybe tongue-fuck her a ‘lil, but your main focus should always be the clit.”
he removed his hands from your sopping pussy, and you made a pathetic noise of frustration. “’m sorry, baby,” he muttered seductively in your ear. “don’t wanna have you finishing too early. lesson’s barely started.”
he turned his attention back to your audience, his lustful tone being replaced by a more instructional one. “there’s other places that’ll help a woman orgasm, too: her nipples, her neck, her ears—”
“her ears?” sakusa questioned. he blushed profusely as everyone turned to look at him, surprised that he’d opened his mouth. “what? we were all thinking it.”
“s’a valid question,” iwaizumi said. “yeah, you can lick ‘em if they’re sensitive. hers are.” as if to prove his statement, he licked a stripe on the shell of you ear, making you wiggle helplessly at the stimulation. “‘n leave kisses everywhere else. feels good for them just like it does for us.” he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and forcing your movements to stop as he traced patterns with his tongue all around your neck.
“something you should know about an orgasm is that it’s something called a positive feedback loop.” he looked up and was met with five blank stares. shouldn’t have expected anything from these dumb jocks, he lamented. “basically that means that, once you start releasing sexual tension, things will feel better and better until you climax.”
“oh!” atsumu chirped. “like how my sets get better and better throughout a game.”
“no, not really,” he quipped. “your sets suck throughout.” atsumu frowned at that.
iwaizumi exhaled exasperatedly. “the general idea is that the body gets more and more sensitive, muscle contractions become more and more frequent, and touches feel more and more stimulating until you cum. all right?”
they all made noises of understanding except for bokuto and hinata, whose eyes had glazed over at the first mention of an academic term. whatever, iwaizumi thought. they’ll get it through example.
"don’t worry about it too much if you don’t get it, that’s just an orgasm on paper. in practice, though, this is the crucial step: listen to her. she knows what feels good. never forget that you’re just an idiot with a cock.” he took a breath, gathering his thoughts before proceeding with his lecture.
“if she tells you to slow down, you slow down. if she tells you to go harder, you go harder. if she tells you to keep doing what you’re doing, you...”
“keep doing what you’re doing”, they all chimed in at staggered times.
“that’s right. don’t go faster or else you’ll mess up the rhythm and she won’t cum. and you wanna make her cum, don’t you?”
they nodded simultaneously.
“so if you keep up the tempo and force that feels good to her, you’ll be fine. questions?”
suna spoke up. “what about,” he choked on the word. “penetration?”
hinata hummed in agreement and bokuto jumped in. “yeah, what if i wanna make her cum on my cock?”
iwaizumi made a weird face. “that’s some pretty advanced stuff, but i guess i can go over it. when you try it, though, you have to be patient. with both of your bodies. s’not rocket science but s’not always easy. also it depends on the woman but sometimes she physically won’t be able to finish from penetration alone. just make sure you’re communicating.”
his swirled two fingers over your hole before shoving them in, your wetness making it easy for him to thrust in and out as your entrance stretched to accommodate him. “f—fuck!” your eyes flew open at the intrusion and you body lurched forward, but you were held back by his strong forearm. “ohmygod, oh my g—ah! feels s’good haji, s’good!”
“i know, baby, i know. you’re taking it so well.” he turned his attention back to the men, each of who were gulping heavily. if that didn’t signal to you that they were evidently affected by your moans, the way they shifted in their workout shorts did.
“boys, focus.” he curled his fingertips, brushing at the spongy spot at the top of your walls, ripping a pleasured wail from your throat and causing tears to prick at your eyelashes. “when you’re fingering her, you’ll feel an area inside that’s a bit soft and squishy. that’s the g-spot.”
you trembled in his arms as he mercilessly struck the same place over and over again with his fingers. “when you’re fucking her, try to keep the pressure building there, but it’ll be harder to make her finish since you can’t see what you’re doing.”
your breath hitched as iwaizumi’s incessant movements brought your body tantalizingly close to your release. he suddenly stopped and you almost sobbed in disappointment, until he plunged his fingers impossibly deeper.
a guttural scream of ecstasy came from within you, and your eyes rolled back as he began playing with another part of you, your body putty in his hands. “hngh, haji, ah! so good, s’good...” you threw your hands back around his neck, nails digging into the skin as you desperately tried to keep yourself grounded. your soft moans filled the air.
“stop clenching,” he hissed. “can barely move my hand.” you tried to relax but failed miserably as the tips of his fingers grazed your cervix. 
“holy fuck,” suna muttered. “you’re a god.”
“she sounds so pretty,” atsumu said in amazement.
“i wanna make a girl feel good like that, too!” bokuto sulked.
“you can do it, bokuto!” hinata hit him on the arm. “just listen to iwaizumi. clearly he knows what he’s talking about.” 
their eyes refocused on your figure, writhing in pleasure, prompting white hot waves of arousal to pool in their stomachs. 
“yeah,” sakusa said. “clearly.”
“stop talking,” iwaizumi ordered. “and listen. beyond the g-spot is the cervix, which is basically the end of the vagina. if you’re long enough,” he briefly scanned each of their faces, “which i’m sure you are, you’ll be able to reach it if you bottom out.”
“haji—hajime, please.” the stimulation was coming absolutely unbearable, and you could tell he was sadistically holding you at the edge, refusing to give you the satisfaction of finishing. “lemme cum, please. please lemme cum, please, please, i can’t—i can’t take it ‘nymore!”
“what was that? you can’t take it anymore? gonna cum?” you helplessly bobbed your head up and down, hoping that he’d give you permission. “well,” he growled, “we can’t have that happening, can we?”
he abruptly halted his thrusts, pulling his fingers out of you with an embarrassing squelch and popping them into his mouth. pearly tears rolled down your cheeks as you grieved the loss of contact and relief.
your viewers looked on in horror, feeling immense sympathy for you; you just looked so dejected from being denied yet another orgasm.
“why didn’t you—why didn’t you let her cum?” bokuto asked.
“why do you think?” iwaizumi snapped. “don’t want you guys to see her when she does. that’s for me, and only me.”
“oh, okay,” he responded, disgruntlement clear in his voice.
iwaizumi’s glare could cut glass, it was so sharp. the possessiveness that had enveloped his mind made him hyperfocus on just one thought: being alone with you. “so, any other questions? if not, we’re done here.”
you pouted at that, not wanting the demonstration to be over. “but haji,” you mumbled into his collarbone. “i di’nt get to cum. and i wanna.” you looked up at him, eyes wide with want. “please make me cum.”
iwaizumi sent a harsh glance to the players that nonverbally communicated his message loud and clear: get out. they shuffled awkwardly out of the locker room due to the hardness between their legs that they would most definitely need to deal with soon.
your boyfriend turned his attention back to you. “’m sorry, i know i had to deny you a bunch of times. i just really hated the idea of anyone but me seeing the cute way you look when you cum.”
you made a small noise of acknowledgement and a little whisper of it’s okay, haji. he looked down, sensing the way your poor, desperate cunt was pulsing around nothing, the erotic sight injecting him with the pure need to ravage you.
he shifted his head to kiss you passionately. “why don’t i make it up to you?” he breathed between your parted lips before picking you up by the backs of your thighs, forcing you to lock your ankles around his waist. 
he delicately situated you onto one of the recovery beds at the back of the room, before murmuring something that made your pussy throb in anticipation: “i’ll make you cum whichever way you want, however many times you want, all right? all you gotta do is lay back and take it.”
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff
"miss y/n, this is getting horrible, you have been failed at my class so many times, your grades isnt doing better, now all i can do is to suggest you by getting a tutor" professor slughorn sighed handing y/n her last test disappointedly.
"im sorry professor, i promise i will try harder and get better" y/n took her paper and going back to her seat.
"im sure you're a great student, you just need some help. uhm- mr. malfoy? do you mind tutoring your classmate here, miss y/n? its only you who is the bestest in my class" the professor asked to one of the best students, the famous draco malfoy, y/n gulped and waiting nervously for his answer. she had this little crush on him since they always had classes together and she's in the same house as him, but they were not exactly 'close'.
"oh i dont mind, professor. its my pleasure" draco answers politely, taking a look at y/n making the girl look down and blush, a smile appeared to his face. little did she know, he has a big crush on the lovely girl who seemed clueless about all the hints he gave her almost everyday.
professor slughorn just nodded and dismissed the class, everyone packed their things and left, y/n look at draco who's already staring at her with a genuine smile plastered in his face, motioning her to follow him. she feels like her heart jumped out of the place, she follows him behind as draco walking them to his room.
as they arrived in draco's room, y/n admires the design, it was elegant and neat. typical rich slytherins room.
"it looks nice" y/n said opening the conversation.
"thanks, put my hardest work to make it look the best. here, take a seat beside me" draco patting the side of his couch, there's a small table in front of the couch.
y/n took a seat beside him, and placing her books to the table, the tension was so awkward that she wished she was a talkative person.
draco started the lesson, y/n learned faster from the way draco explained it than in the class, but she would be lying if she said she hasnt lost her focuses a few times to studying draco's face, he's just so beautiful. she thinks he didnt noticed, but he did, he just keep it to himself.
after hours studying, y/n feels like her head will going to explode in a minute, she decided to take a break.
"god can we take a break, draco? this is so stressing, why cant i just be smart like you, dont get me wrong you're a great tutor but im just too dumb" y/n protested, massaging her head and rubbing her face in frustration.
"oh y/n dont say that! we can take a break of course, but to make you feel better, i promise you, you're doing so great now, you've improved a lot, im so proud of you" draco said cheering her up, his hand goes to tucked her hair behind her ear reassuring her.
y/n look up to draco, giving him a sweet shy smile and her cheeks turns red as draco keeps complimented her, before they know it they were leaning into each other and their lips met, the kisses were soft and lovely, draco cupped her cheeks caressing it gently while y/n wrapped her arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer tugging at his hair deepening the kisses making both of them let out a small moans.
as the kisses turn into a full makeout and got heated, draco lays her down gently on the couch placing soft wet kisses on her neck, sucking on it, marking her causing her to let out a soft moan, he placed one of his hand on her thigh rubbing small circles until his hand got higher, he pulled away.
"do you wanna take this further, love? we can stop now if you dont want to" draco asked and y/n shakes her head no and put his hand back to her inner thigh.
"no draco please keep going i want you, i need this" draco groans and he continues rubbing her clit from her panties feeling the wetness that already make a spot on her panties, soft whines escaped her lips as draco keep teasing her clit, he pushes her panties aside and insert one finger inside her making y/n let out a constant squeal and she covered her mouth quickly, her eyes rolled back at the pleasure.
y/n's moans were muffled by her hand, draco cant help but getting harder by looking at her expression, he still cant believe he finally got the girl he always adored like this, he added another fingers into her cunt, curling them inside her making the girl squirmed under his touch.
"dont cover your mouth, let me hear your beautiful voice, show me how good i make you feel, love" draco said as he takes her hand off of her mouth and intertwining their hands instead with his free hand while his fingers still working their way in and out of her tight hole getting faster each time, he stares at her in awe, how gorgeous she looks right now, mouth hung open, eyes rolled back in pleasure and all because of him, he feels butterflies filling his stomach.
"yes- yes draco, oh god.. you make me feel so good" draco go down to her pussy, pulling off her panties, putting her thighs on his shoulder and positioning his face in front of her glistening cunt and started to eat her out making y/n a moaning mess, he let out a moan too at the taste of her, getting addicted to it, he can even eat her out for all day if she let him.
"do you like the way my tongue plays with your pretty pussy, love? mhmm you taste so fucking delicious baby" draco keeps sucking on her clit, its like he was making out with it, his tongue going in and out of her hole his fingers going with the same pace as his tongue.
"ah- yes draco i love it, oh- please im so close" y/n keep moaning uncontrollably while her hand grasping tightly onto his hair.
"yes baby, let it out, cum on my tongue, let me taste you, darling" draco wants nothing more than to pleasure her right now, making this moment unforgettable for both of them, and within seconds y/n screams his name and cumming hard on his mouth, laying breathlessly still steadying her breath after her intense orgasm.
draco pulled away and y/n blushing madly looking at his face, his mouth covered in her juices, he smiles proudly at her, sucking his fingers clean, and hovered over her, reconnecting their lips, y/n hummed at the taste of herself on his tongue. draco started to unbuttoned her shirt, taking her bra off too and throw them to somewhere, he hungrily kissing her breasts, playing with her nipples causing y/n to get wetter while her hands working on his belt and taking his pants off, his erected dick slapped up to his lower stomach, she took it in her tiny hand and stroking it massaging the tip, making him groans.
"god.. you're so beautiful y/n.." y/n mumbles a quick 'thankyou' at the compliment getting impatient, wanting nothing more than to be taken by the blonde guy.
"draco, please, i need you so bad" she cant take it anymore, she wanted to feel him, wrapping him inside her tightly, she whimpers at the feel of his hard dick rested on her thigh.
"your wish is my command, princess" draco lining up his dick on her cunt, rubbing his tip up and down on her clit lubricate it before slowly pushing in, they both moaning each other names out loud at the sensation, both of their heads thrown back and eyes screwed shut in pleasure, y/n wrapped her legs on his waist pulling him deeper, draco paused a moment as he was fully inside her, letting her adjust to his size.
"you can move draco, god you're so big" y/n dug her nails onto his back as he slowly made a move, pulling out until its just his tip inside and slamming it back again, making y/n bites her bottom lip.
draco started to pick up his pace, pushing her legs to her chest making more access as he continues to thrust in and out deeper and faster inside her, he put his hands next to the side of her face to support his weight, y/n runs her hands on his chest, scratching it, her breasts bouncing up and down under him.
"merlin, you're so tight baby feels so good, fuck- how can someone feels this good-" draco said as he kissed her lips, his lips trembling against hers, he bites softly on her bottom lip to hold his scream as he feels her walls clenching around him, squeezing him tighter.
"oh my god- draco, right there, holy-" y/n cant even finishes her words as she screams louder when draco keeps hitting her spot, going deeper and faster each time, bringing her to her high.
"baby, are you close?" y/n nodded at his question, cant even answer him as she was too focused as the coil started to tighten in her stomach.
"good baby, cause i cant hold it much longer, now cum love, cum for me" draco rubbed a circle on her clit, his thrusts getting sloppier, y/n screamed his name out loud seeing the stars as she finally hit her orgasm, harder than the first one and draco cant help at the feeling of her walls clenching really hard around him after her high, he spilled his thick cum inside her, painting her walls white non stop, making both of them groans, his vision going blurry, he collapsed on top of y/n, burying his face on her hair, running out of breath, their bodies started to shake.
"fuck y/n that was amazing, you are too good for me, love" draco kiss her lips again as he finished, he pulls out gently, but before he can stand up he falls to her side, both of them laughs.
"look at what you did to me, y/n" draco laughed as he slowly standing up to get the towel and clean her up.
"if this is how the tutoring ends, i wouldnt mind doing it again" y/n said, smirking to him confidently as draco helped her up to his bed, giving her a cheeky grin.
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cleverhideoutchild · 3 years
cries @ your mammon fic, can i make a request if your requests are open? each of the bros react to mc having to get a surgery done (like for the heart) and theyre demons so this is an unfamiliar subject to them since they wouldnt ever need any surgery. So mc is extra fragile for the next 2 weeks or so when they need to recover, the hospital is full of machines the bros know nothing about either (like seeing mc's x-rays and being confused) medical treatment has changed a lot since the last time
My very first request! Sorry if this isn't up to your expectations or if it's OOC. I'm still learning! I'm re-doing the banner btw, so no banner for now.
Prompts list
Fandom : Obey Me!
Type : HeadCanons
Pairings : Various x MC
Genre : Fluff, and a bit of comedy
Includes : Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Warning : Surgeries, hospital
Summary : You're going into a surgery in a few hours to get an open heart surgery, and the demon bros are a bit nervous and confused cause they're not familiar with human surgeries. After the surgery, they stay by your side until you are fully recovered.
Most likely to be the most calmest among the bros.
He made sure you are prepared both mentally and physically for this surgery.
He made sure you're on empty stomach before surgery so it will go smoothly.
You're nervous? He's gonna let down his pride and hold your hands until it is time for the surgery.
When the time has come, he will give you a reassuring smile to calm you down.
During the whole surgery, he wait outside the room; constantly pacing back and forth the hallway.
After it's done, the doctor call him to the office to explain the succession of the surgery while the nurses move you into a room.
When the doctor showed him an x-ray of your body, he's a little confused but kept calm nonetheless he's a little confused, but he got the spirit.
After listening about what to do and not to do while you recover, he then excuse himself to go see you.
By the time he got there, you were already awake; tubes and monitors on and around you.
He slowly and calmly approaches you.
When he's finally by your side, he put a hand on top of yours and gave you a soft smile. I mean the softest smile ever.
"See, I told you. You can do it." he then kisses your forehead gently like hanshjahzjBa it's cute ugh.
For the whole duration of the recovery, he stay by your side; comforting you, feeding you when you can't, giving you light kisses, and bringing you flowers.
Even after you're fully recovered, Lucifer still kept an eye on you just incase something happened to you.
More under the cut cause I was enjoying myself
"You're going into a- WHAT?!"
Please calm him down, he's really nervous for your surgery. If you can, please shut his mouth as well.
He almost got kicked out due to how loud he is. Please reassure him that you will be fine throughout the whole surgery.
Will make sure you're prepared for it.
Tried to steal a picture from the waiting room, but that didn't go as plan. Keep an eye on him please.
He's not the best at words but he tried. A for effort.
While the surgery is going, he waited impatiently outside the room; constantly reminding himself that you're strong and you'll able to get through this.
When it was done, the doctor call him in. They then showed him an X-ray of you and tells him about the successful surgery.
"So this is the X-ray results, thankfully it's not hard to replace the heart due to the structure of the bones."
"Wait, that's MC's bones? How can you do that? Did you went inside their body and then take a photo of it?"
Yeah, he's a little confused.
After everything was explained to him, he quickly went to check on you. He got lost a few times while trying to find your room.
By the time he got there, you were still unconscious. So, he approaches you quietly.
He sat on a chair beside your bed and held you hand, just casually admiring you peaceful face. Sometimes he wonder how he got so lucky to have you.
Overall, you can just see the admiration on his face like agahsnsksnzhaj he loves you so much and is very happy you decided to choose him, and he's very grateful of you but he's too stubborn to admit that to your face.
When you wake up, he quickly let go of your hand and pretends to look out the window.
During your whole recovery, he stayed by your side and make sure you're comfortable. He brings your favorite flowers from time to time as well. He's not the best at actions either, but he tried.
Uh oh.
Crowded hospital? Weird computer stuff? People are gonna cut you open and replace your heart? Oh no.
When I say he's way more panicked than Mammon, he really is. Please calm him down before he breaks something.
He's not familiar with the whole surgery thing so he's really nervous for you.
Tries to give you encouraging words, but ended up stuttering instead. Please tell him that you'll be fine, he needs reassurance.
Also while you're at it, make sure you explain to him that with you getting a new heart doesn't mean you won't love him anymore.
He constantly asked you if people can play games on those monitors, you told him no.
When you finally went into the surgery room, his anxiety level reached sky level. Sweet! New achievement! I mean- ahem.
This demon right here can't help but panicked a little bit while waiting for the surgery to be done.
When it's done, the doctor called him to the office for a brief explanation.
If you thought he can't get any more nervous then Oh boy, you're very wrong.
During the whole explanation he just sat silently on the chair and frequently nods his head. When he saw the X-ray, he got even more confused.
After the short yet awkward explanation, Leviathan quickly went to your room.
When he arrives, you were already awake, and so he quickly stand by your side. Please tell him you still loves him, he needs it.
During the whole recovery, he stayed by your side and played games with you. So with that being said, you're not bored at all.
The second calmest.
He read a bunch books about surgery, so he's not too nervous unlike the others.
He held your hand while you both wait, occasionally reminding you that it'll be fine.
When it's time, he gives you a hug and the softest smile he can muster.
While he wait, he can't help but pace back and forth in the hallway. He was worried, don't blame him. :(
When the surgery is done, he was called to the office for you guessed it, explanation again. At this point I'm getting tired
He already read about this stuff, so he's not too confused about it.
After the doctor was done, he excuse himself to go see you.
When he went inside you room, you weren't awake yet, and so he stayed by your side while reading a book and holding your hand.
When you're awake, he asks you how're doing. Even though he knows it's a stupid question considering you just finish getting a surgery done.
During your recovery, he's usually seen sitting beside your bed; reading you a book or telling a story about Mammon's stupidness.
He tries to bring you a cat once, but he failed. Sweet, 3 more to go
When you tells him you're gonna get a surgery, he freaks out cause he thought you were gonna get plastic surgery.
He kept telling you that you don't need any plastic surgery cause you're beautiful the way you are. You just kinda have to shut him up and then explain it to him.
Once he understood the situation, he is more than willingly to come with you.
When you both arrived, he was a little confused due to the amount of monitors and stuff in that hospital. But he's not complaining about the amount of shiny surface there is.
He can see his beautiful face from many angles and he's very happy about it.
Before the surgery starts, he gives you a tight hug and make sure to tell you that everything will be going as smoothly as his skin, I mean- what.
During the whole operation, he waits patiently outside while looking at the passing nurses and doctors.
After that you know the drill, he was called into the office, the doctor explain stuff to him, yada-yada-yada, you get my point
When the doctor shows him your X-ray, he was absolutely confused. The doctor have to explain it to him.
After that he went to your room to check on you.
During the recovery, he frequently checks on your well being. Actually, scratch that, he rarely leaves your side.
When he does leave, he will come back with a ton of fresh and juicy gossips.
He almost choked when you said you were going into a surgery in a few hours. Poor baby was frightened.
He made sure you are ready for the surgery by asking a lot of questions. Answer then honestly please, he needs to know.
Will hold your hand while waiting and occasionally giving you words of encouragement.
Will try his best to prevent himself from giving you any food before the surgery.
Before you were taken away to the surgery room, he gives you a little peck on the lips. For good luck he says. (。・ω・。)
While the operation is going, he quickly went out to buy some food cause your boy is H U N G R Y :(
When he comes back, the operation was finished with a successful note.
And you know the rest, yada-yada-yada
When the doctor shows him your X-ray, he was confused.
"Wait, but how?"
After that you know the rest, he went to your room, your awake, yada-yada-yada
Your whole recovery process is basically just Beel pampering you with love and affection.
He also makes sure to gives you food that won't upset both your stomach and heart.
Finally, the last one! I- ahem He was chill about your surgery. But we know he's silently panicking inside
He lazily puts a hand on your waist while you both walked down the hallway, making sure you're comfortable until the surgery.
While you both waited, he gives you sleepy hugs and reassuring words.
When it was time for the operation, he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before smiling at you.
While the surgery was going, he decided to take a little nap on the hospital bench.
You know the drill at this point, I'm too lazy to type it again cause it's night time and I have classes tommorow
When the doctor shows him your X-ray, he couldn't care less honestly. He just wanted to see you.
Your 2 weeks of recovery is just full of you and Belphie taking naps together and maybe planning to prank Lucifer with Satan once you've fully recovered.
And it's done! Sorry that the Belphie one is too short. I am very tired, I wanna go to sleep. Bye bye. Also, ignore any mistakes or misspellings please, it's almost midnight here.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Pt. 10
a/n: based on this post uwu
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okay so
the way this is set up is basically seijoh simping for you
also they have their own separate gc just for them bc they dont want you to see them just simping for you
even tho oiks ltr does that everyday
but hes not ready for that conversation
there was a few times that you were kinda curious as to what was in the chat
but they would click off and they would blush before diverting you to a different conversation
this might sound hella weird and creepy
idk bout yall but i think its cute that they take random pictures of you doing the sinplest things
this all started bc of one picture
from baby aki-kun
so basically you stayed behind with kunimi during monday to just study and you sat in front of him while sharing his desk
babie took a pic of you just studying and he sent it to the gc with no context
its a known fact that seijoh doesnt practice during mondays so they were all doing something out of school
but they were all missing you so seeing you with kunimi fueled jealousy in everyone
even kyo
oikawa blew up in the chat and was keyboard smashing
the others were just teasing him like hes lucky youre with him
but behind the screen, they were blushing and red and envious and AAAAA
thus spurred on some sort of competition
like they would send the chat pictures of you like 'hA TAKE THAT SHES WITH ME'
unbeknowst to you, these boys have folders of just cute candid pics of you
oikawas insta is filled of you and his snap is full of you in his story and his tiktok is full of screaming simp rants about you
the tiktok comments are all like, 
random ones like him doing a day in my life type of vids and you appearing and everyone can just see the small blush on his face and the bashful yet happy smile on his lips
its really adorable
but the real ones know that shes been appearing in his insta since day 1
thats practically your account now 
its more of a fan account for you and a lot of people from aoba johsai follow that account since you dont have an official one yet so they all simp for you there
the pictures were all from everyone like the boyz group chat was a haven for your candids
you did think it was strange that the boys would constantly ask to take pictures with you and everyone was just trying to get a pic to have aesthetic couple pics w you
and they would put it as their wallpaper or lockscreen
oooo i mentioned this in the post too that iwa and you went to the gym and you guys took a mirror pic
after, you didnt really like the gym bc its just hard yanno?
iwa went back and while he was setting up his weights and equipments, his gym buddy noticed his phone light up causing your picture to show up
'oh? is that your girlfriend, iwaizumi?'
duh he doesnt have a girlfriend so he was like 🤨 until he saw his phone
the lockscreen was blaringly bright and your 'couple pic' was showing with the notifications
totally not oikawa blowing up their group chat bc he was with you
ofc babie hajime got all flustered and he blushed before shaking his head
he mumbled and his buddy laughed before clapping his back
'well, you obviously like her so do somethinf about it before someone does'
dont you think he doesnt know that?
also with mattsun!
this mans works in a cute cafe that this old granny owns and this thought has been living in my head rent free
and he was working during the weekend at the cafe
there were other people there but granny loves him bc hes been working there sibce he was like 15 and she took care of him a lot
he was like a grandson
so while he was serving, this granny was manning the cashier and checking people out
issei's phone was there on the table behind the counter and it started glowing at the indication of the messages being received
'have a nice day-oh!'
she noticed it right there and she saw the picture on his lockscreen
you were probably being carried by him due to your levelness with his height and you were kissing his cheek while issei smiled brightly
that was a picture you both took during an outing at the mall and the sunset behind you was just perfect to take a picture in
poor granny was like 'oop dont look at the messages' so she turned it over to not go to his privacy
there again you were
it was a polaroid of you two and he was backhugging you at school
hint? 👀
she knew issei was a very handsome young man so there shouldnt have been a surprise that he would be dating someone
can we name this granny?
granny inko lol
okay so granny inko saw issei coming over to rest the serving board thing and she beckoned him over
mattsun nodded and leaned over the counter to see what she wanted only to be greeted with a flick to the forehead
‘oW what was that for?’
he whined while holding the spot
granny inko tutted disapprovingly before crossing her arms
‘youve been working all week this week when you could’ve taken time off to spend it with your pretty lady. is this how men are nowadays? didn’t i teach you right to treat women properly?’
duh baby mattsun was confused like O_O
his dumb question made her grab the phone and place it on the counter in front of him
‘your girlfriend, child. women need attention constantly and as much as you want that money, is it worth losing that smile full of happiness?’
okay stop it granny im getting emotional
more like disagreeing bc that wouldnt put food on the table BUT ANYWAYS
baby issei was surprisingly embarassed and scratched his neck
‘um,, baa-chan,,,,, she’s not my girlfriend’
he flustered and gave her an awkward smile
granny inko shot him a confused look and tapped the phone
‘well, she looks like she is. and if not, better hurry your move, boy. girls that make men happy like that only comes as rare as a good scratch ticket’
i do not encourage gambling so please save your money kids
you know what
these boys do that just to actually feel like it
okay thats confusing so imma explain it in greater detail
whenever someone mistakes you as their girlfriend, it makes them feel like you are for that split second and its just an addicting feeling
its like what if you were their girlfriend?
i mean, youre already the whole team’s girlfriend but theyre greedy brats and just want you for themselves
kyo def has a selfie of you both with the doggie filter but it was actually you who took it while he was just staring at you in the background
that was his lockscreen for like the rest of his high school career
he was actually in a fight and during it, his phone fell off to the ground and conveniently oikawa messaged causing it to light up
one of the thugs had their hands gripping kyo’s collar and was pushing him against the wall while the others were surrounding them
they saw the phone flash and kyo cursed at the terrible timing and he made a mental note on killing oikawa later
a guy picked it up and he smirked, seeing the pretty smile of a pretty girl
‘heh? whats this?’
kyotani pushed the guy who was holding him but other two surged towards him and held him tighter
their leader snatched the device and chuckled
‘oh. its that bitch from his school. what is it’
he snaps his fingers as he tries to remember before stopping
‘aha! l/n y/n!’
kyo growled
‘shut up!’
the guy grinned at him and tapped the phone against kyo’s chin
‘oh yea. i heard shes a cutie. most people here know her, kid. now we know shes connected to you and guess what. you cross us again, she’ll take your place as you are right now. orrrr, we can,,, use her as our pet. thats how she is in your team, right? so let us have a turn. maybe we can send you a pic, hm?’
yea no that wasnt happening
kyotani easily beat those people up after because even just saying that unleashes power he didnt know he had
��bastard. youre lucky this is just a warning. you touch her and i will kill you’
he landed one last kick on the guy’s face before taking the phone and leaving
now he has to figure out how to hide the bruises
you fussed later and he didnt tell you the reason instead just saying they said something that made him angry
you were a person he didnt want to disappoint and he knows how much it hurts you to see him in that state
that was one of the things he hated but loved at the same time
you were such an empath that you would treat him and wince as if you were the one feeling the pain instead of him
and it made him feel special
you were one of the few things he holds close and he would be damned if anything happened to you because of him
the group chat was actually just blowing up with more screaming and the third years yelling at each other with the first years just casually reading the texts
they were used to the arguments within the team and you would remain so naive with the whole thing
kunimi is the type to keep silent and he didnt really care about anyone getting angry if you were spending time with him
but he does get annoyed if you were with kindaichi because you three were a package lol
like when kindaichi and you were at the arcade, this kid walked all the way there just because he didnt want kindaichi to hog you to himself
duh you thought this was adorable and endearing bc they wanted to hang out w you
no LUV theyre greedy brats who gets jealous over yOU
so like i mentioned before that you and makki would walk over to the bakery and you guys would buy food there and such
and its also canon in here that makki only shares his food with you and no one else lol
because when you eat the puffs, you put one in each cheek and it makes you look so adorable like a squirrel
sorry but squirrels are so cute like AAAAA
makki takes so many pictures of you and a lot are surprise shots where your eyes would be wide with cheeks full of food
aaaaa so cute
like you and makki sat down on a bench in the park across the bakery and you excitedly dug in to your own treat
makki chuckled at your excitement but he placed his hand on you arm to stop you
‘y/n-chan. say aaa’
you lit up and let him put the puff in your mouth and thought he was done but was surprised when there were two
you happily chewed it and went back to looking at your treats
but makki interrupted you again by calling you out
the nickname made your eyes widen with red painting your cheeks and the shutter of the camera made you realize what he did
you whined and he laughed
makki had a lovestruck smile on his face and he wiped the bit of creme on the corner of your lip
‘gotta take care of my princess~’
but we gotta give love to the second years :’)
ive mentioned that watari is the only person to ever go into your house right?
well, he comes over to cook and such so you guys spend time making food for the team 
watari takes this opportunity to take pictures of you cooking and the group chat cries bc its so domestic and they all start having the same thoughts
they really said seijoh braincells
it was like seeing a glimpse of a possible future for them
you, wearing an apron, cooking on the stove with your hair thrown in whatever with baggy clothes
thats like you someday being their wife and waking up one morning to see you there cooking in the kitchen
oikawa swears he had a dream that night because of that picture and he continuously thanks watari for YEARS because of that picture
okay are you curious about the dream?
oikawa woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room 
he felt his bones crack when he stretched and his hand extended out to a side that was still quite warm
somebody must be sleeping next to him
then he stood up, catching his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed
why would there be a mirror there hmmmm????
he noticed he had a bigger build and his hair was longer
then came the itch of the facial hair that he swore wasnt there a minute ago
this guy even checked out his butt and to his surprise, wow
obviously he was confused and a part of him thought this was the future
tooru walked to the door to go into the hallway and concluded, yep, this was not his house
then he heard music being played somewhere and a mixture of voices coming from a room
sounded like a woman and children
he stops at the top of the stairs, suddenly hit of the thought that this voice was so familiar
tooru walked downstairs and stopped when down the hallway in front of the steps led to the kitchen where the voices seemed to lead to
‘mama! mama! mama! toast! i wan toast!’
‘in a bit, darling. just let me finish flipping the pancake’
the song was lo-fi with the volume being turned low enough to hear the voices fine
tooru wandered down the hallway and he stopped, finally seeing the owners of those voices
there was a handsome little boy sitting on the chair by the island and his brown hair was a mess of wild curls
there was a woman with h/c hair swaying to the tune and a beautiful little girl curled up in her arms while sitting on her hip
oikawa spoke out and caught everyone’s attention
‘papa’s awake!’
‘hello tooru’
tooru froze
that was you
he knows it’s you
he whispered and you looked back at him from the pan
‘yes? if youre looking for coffee, we ran out apparently’
that was not what he was talking about
he hastily walked over to the boy and he blinked rapidly
‘you look like me’
he mumbled and the child grinned
‘eung! papa  and yozo look the same! mama and nana say so!’
feeling like all the attention was on him, the little girl whined and her hands made grabby motions to him
‘pa pa’
she whined and tooru just felt something in him that screamed to hold the kid
you shushed the little girl
‘dont worry, looney loon. papa’s right there’
tooru stayed frozen at his spot and you raised an eyebrow at him
‘tooru? luna wants you’
that snapped him out of his trance and he held the little girl in his arms where she smiled at him and then he felt tears welling up in his eyes
then he woke up
okay sorry that was a long dream
so this dragged on for so long already okay
this was only meant to be small but aaaaa i couldnt help itt!!!!
but anyways!
the boys are just simps for you and theyre creeps that take pictures of you and they think about you all the time pls accept their love
also a mild continuation of the dream:
oikawa was holding luna and she was happily laying there when another figure emerged from the hallway
he asked, surprised
what was he doing here?
iwa heard his name and grunted before going to a beeline for you
you smiled at him and he leaned in to give you a kiss to which oikawa froze in
iwa noticed his best friend holding his daughter and luna saw her father there
she shrieked and tooru blanched
‘uh, what?’
iwa extended his hands out to hold the girl but tooru held her tightly and leaned back
haji narrowed his eyes
‘um, give me my daughter, oikawa’
he grumbled and tooru shook his head
‘no! shes my daughter!’
you blinked
‘your god daughter, yes. but she’s half of your best friend, tooru’
half of his-
god? daughter?
‘so that means-’
‘piece it together, oikawa. did ya get brain damage or something? babe, call the doctor’
oikawa screamed
a/n: lol look WHO ROSE FROM THE GRAVEEEEEEE :) anyways. i really want to deeply apologize to everyone for taking an unexpected break and i shouldve told you guys and im really sorry :( everythings just chaotic lmao and im just like taking a breath for a second uwu and im so AMAZED at how many people still follow me even tho ive been gone for so long like bls yall are real ones :’) i love you all and the req box is still closed at this time as i need to finish the ones i have first soo thankyou for reading thiss and hopefully ill update soonerr!!! :)))
also not me completely messing up my kuws and missing 8 and 9 in my masterlist and having a mindblowing realization that i have 10 keeping up with seijoh fics
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Sunday Morning Chores
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Summary: Tom live streams his sunday morning routine with Y/N. Much cuteness has been captured.
A/N: Another short one. I do have a long Christmas story coming up soon so...stay tuned.
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“Babe?” Y/N calls out to her boyfriend who was still asleep curled up in the cool white sheets.
“Hmm.” Tom let out a groan still not opening his eyes.
“Cmon babe, we have chores. Gotta get the groceries.” Y/N coos at the sleepy boy, pushing his hair back and kissing the top of his forehead. Though still very tired, he lets up a goofy grin as he enjoys the way Y/N’s fingers thread through his hair.
“Mmm, later. Come back to bed and lets cuddle first.” He replies in his deep morning voice. Tom’s hands reach out to grab his girlfriend and pull her close to him, hoping she would give in. All he wanted was to spend time with his girl in bed, was that too much to ask?
“No no no no! I know what youre doing.” She laughs. “Youll pull me back in, cuddle, and the next thing you know it’s 7pm and we’ll have no food for the whole week.”
“Get it Monday or ask Harry.” Tom suggests, still holding her and inhaling that cocoa butter scent he loved so much. He took a deep breath in and let out a sigh, giving Y/N the exact motivation he needed.
“Im out of the cocoa butter lotion.” She states. Tom’s eyes widen and he scrambles out of bed, eliciting a fit of giggles from the both of them.
“Well we cant have that can we?” Tom chuckles, “Cmon now, we’ve got to go before they run out of the lotion.”
“Oh my god! You care more about me not having lotion than about the food the three of us well have to eat this week?!”
“Can’t have my girl suffering from dry skin.” He winks at her, as he pulls a shirt on. “Now lets go!!!”
Soon enough they were out the door, and headed to Whole Foods. Y/N was behind the wheel, holding the wheel with her right hand and Tom’s hand snugglily placed on her thigh. It was quiet for a few moments until Tom decided to do an insta live. For some reason, he wanted the world to see how adorable his girlfriend was driving. He lifted the phone up and pressed the live button.
“Are you doing a live right now?”
“Yeah, wanna show the world how cute we are when we go grocery shopping.” He smirked.
“Cute?” She playfully scoffs. “All you do is grab all the snacks we dont need or eat and ask Darling can we have this? Or Darling what’s this?”
“Yeah, but do you see your face when I ask? You always do that little nose scrunch when you think hard about it. Absolutely love it.” He says kissing her cheek.
Unbenknowst to them, they both forgot they were on instagram live for a second as the comments all started rolling about how cute their interaction was. Tom yawned heavily as he continued to read the comments, a smile never leaving his face. He answers simple questions from fans, and stops at Harry’s name.
Please dont forget the milk and make sure its not expired, you divs.
Tom reads it out loud laughing hysterically. “Darling, Harry says dont forget the nonexpired milk.”
Y/N shakes her head laughing as well as they walk up to the store. “Harry I swear it wasnt my fault. Tom placed it in the cart and didnt check the date.”
“Im sorry, I got distracted.”
“By what?”
“Your smile.” He compliments as he grabs the cart from you and rolls it. “My girl should be focused on the getting the stuff Ill push it for you.”
Hes trying to multi-task as he has one hand steering the cart and the other lifting the phone up to his face as he continues to stream his day. “Yeah, so Y/N made me get up early to go grocery shopping with her if anyone didnt know.” He laughs. “But I dont mind because I love doing stuff with her especially if it involves food.”
Y/N finds the box of rigatoni all the way at the top of the shelf and curses to herself. “Honey.”, she calls out sweetly.
“Hmm, yes darling.”
She pouts her lips as she points to the item she needs. “I cant reach.” She giggles. “Can you please get it for me?”
“Of course. How many?”
“Mmm maybe 2 just incase. You and Harry eat a lot.” She chuckles.
“Yeah cause your food is sooo good. Cant get enough..just like you.” Tom slides in as he steals a kiss from her.
“Are you always this cheesy on Sunday Mornings?”
“Only when Im with you.” He winks as he goes back to his phone reading all the comments for a little bit more until he bids his fans farewell. “All right guys, Im gonna sign off now. Have to make sure I add unneccessary things in our cart that we dont need but want, so I’ll see you around. Bye!” With that he shuts the live and comes behind Y/N, wrapping his arms around her waist, as she stands in front of the freezer looking at which ice cream to buy. Sure Sunday Morning chores are never fun, but with Y/N by his side, he wouldnt mind doing this everyday with her.
“Dont forget the cocoa butter lotion!” He whispers in her ear.
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Cuddling With Them While They Game PT 2
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a/n: kasjsdhakdjs pls- when i got this req i sqealed srsly i love it ty for this :p
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, crack???
Warnings: none :)
i made a part one with bakugou, kirishima, and todoroki!
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he doesnt usually play games but when he does he tries his best and its so cute🥺
feel like he has game rage, but its like him trying to smile through the pain and act like he isnt mad💀
so imagine: you walking in his dorm room, expecting him to be studying or working on his technique, but instead you find him on the floor in front of his bed, a blanket covering his head as he presses the buttons ruthelessly while he whispers little curses at himself starting to get mad
you closing the door got his attention, so he invited you to sit next to him, so you do
at first it was a little awkward bc he wasnt sharing the blanket (you cant convince me he isnt a blanket hog you cant) and his eyes were glued to the tv screen like he forgot you were there
you started to get tired, your head drooping on his shoulder- his body goes absolutely stiff- like- midoryia.exe has stopped working youre gonna have to wait for him to windows 8 reboot
once he finally looks at you and youre like this close to falling asleep he turns your body away rq to move the blanket off his shoulder so your head can rest on his actual shoulder and the blanket is around you too
he usually doesnt have his mic on at all, and if it is he usually doesnt talk unless hes going along w a joke? iykwim?
i feel like he plays games like call of duty and halo (he loves animal crossing and sucks at among us) but he doesnt like when he sees them actually die? like the gore and stuff? idk he just gives those vibes yk? i feel like hed feel really bad kaskjdshad hed get over it tho
i cant really see him play minecraft, tho, i mean unless youre playing w him, i dont think he would play it by himself unless he was like building a fucking castle for you or sum-
but ya you start to go to his room more when he games to hang out and every. single. time. you. fall. asleep. he isnt complaining tho he loves your sleeping face :p
when you sleep on him he usually wrapss an arm around you and when he can presses little butterfly kisses on the top of your head and takes his hand to rub your arm up and down oml kdajsd pls-
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he plays both computer and console i just think he plays he console a bit more?
ok this is a lil soft and maybe a bit ooc but i like if you were to come in while hes playing games you would sit down between his legs, your back to his chest while he plays
he would either rest his head on whatever is behind him or he would rest it on your shoulder (if youre more on the taller side)
and okokok i feel like if you were curious ab how the game works he would def let you play for him for a sec, he would guide yu on what the buttons do and what your tasks are yk? (again w the soft shi im sorry kasjhsdfjf *cri*)
he would keep an arm around your waist while letting you play or he would rub your thigh (maybe both kasdjshd) while he watches you play
if you get a lil frustrated he would totally tease you ab it then tell you how to do it right oml
if you get tired he would take the controller from you and let you sit back on him chest, resting on him while he games
he might turn the volume down a lil, but i also think he doesnt care that much LMFAO
i feel like he would rub your side a lil its almost tickly but hes a lil more firm than that yk?
he would keep his curses at a minimum although he doesnt have that much game rage at all bc again, he doesnt care, but ppl are stupid so he might get frustrated sometimes
once you fall asleep and hes been playing for a while he might just leave the game hes in and carry you to bed and get in with you
i dont think hes much of a cuddler at all but a little bit of contact is ok w him
but then you start to shift and scoot towards him in your sleep
until you are either completely ontop of him or your head is in the crook of his neck and hes just sitting there like 😐😤😒
but he warms up to it bc he wuvs you (read: hes fucking whipped)
ao he lazily puts an arm around you and bears it for a couple more hours
but when yall wake up he finds himself literally clinging to you KASDJHSALKDJ
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he. plays. computer. end of conversation
he got the wasd game iykwim😩 (ill shut the door on my way out)
he absolutely loves it when you come to sit on his lap while he just- he loves it sm
he plays all types of games (except overwatch. you will not catch this man playing overwatch pls-)
i feel like you wouldnt run into him playing games he would always play them once youre with him in the room
he wants you to be w him while he games, he wants you to watch him or just be there
youd be laying on his bed, hust doing whatever, scrolling on your phone while you hear him set up
you love to cuddle him- i just KNOW hes amazing at it
so when you hear him clicking away and see him sit down you stand up and walk to him
he doesnt even have t look at you before he opens himself up to you to sit on his lap
you watch him play (and his hands kasjlsdh) and sometimes you ask him questions ab it- hed be happy to walk you through it and explain
if you wanna play he'll let you play, teaching you everything ab the character and shit
he is the most patient person on earth i KNOW
he doesnt get game rage
he is literally so stoic- so calm i swear
he doesnt use his mic like at all
teasing to the max th- its cute tho he isnt being a meanie
loves playing among us and animal crossing (he def plays)
yall usually go to your island bc he likes it more kasdslahd
and when hes the imposter? hes like fucking corpse i swear
if youre sleep he's literally a perfect pillow, plus the sound of him breathing while he rubs your back is-
momo.exe has stopped working
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he uses the mic constantly and is kinda loud- but you dont hate it
he laughs a lot, and gets some game rage but its pretty controlle, he just gets butthurt sometimes :/
when you walk into his room he is getting so into it like he doesnt even notice even notice you come in
he only notices your presence when when you put your hand on his shoulder- he literally jumps
when he plays console he's on his bed, just laying there chillin so when you walk in and say hi he is sooo happy youre there w him omg
he just loves you presence
i imagine you climbing into bed w him and he continues to play his game although he loves it when you touch him (not to sound sexual at all he genuienly loves your touch)
and you up to his side- he wraps an arm around you, telling you how he missed you how mych he loves you (ksadksjhaksd)
when you fall asleep he turns the volume down and probably tones down his voice, although sometimes he jolts bc of some kind of mess up
but he manages to keep you asleep on him until he gets tired too- turning everything off and just wrapping you in arms (he'd prolly end up on your chest ngl)
on the computer when he plays you hesitate o cuddle ONLY bc od how much he moves, like you arent gonna be there comfortable for a while but eventually he calms down
he just gets nervous- his heart starts to beat rapidly and his leg bounces (same kaskh) espECIALLY when you straddle him oml he BREAKS
but he eventually calms down so its more comfy
when you fall asleep he will constantly press kisses on your head omggg
so soft kasdjhksajf pls-
i feel like he plays longer when hes on the computer so he would prlly still be on there when you wake up- looking absolutely dead insode aksjdshadl but you convince him to go to bed, bribing him with a 'i'll go too'
hes literally whipped for you :)
hope yall enjoyed a part 2-
taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @zerohawks @hitosushi @katsuhera (sry my tags are being weird)
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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ʷᵒʳᵈˢ: ².²ᵏ
ᵖᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍ: ᶜʰⁱˡᵈᵉ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵗᵃᵍˢ: ʰᵘʳᵗ/ᶜᵒᵐᶠᵒʳᵗ, ˢˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ, ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ⁱⁿˢᵉʳᵗ, ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᵃˡʳᵉᵃᵈʸ
Its late in the night, far too late for your liking. The moon is glistening in the sky with it's stars, providing a small sheen of light in your dark room, passing through the curtains. It's not unusual for Tartaglia to get home late considering his occupation, but you never got used to the worry pooling in ur gut each hour that passes without him by your side.
What if he's gotten incredibly hurt and you're not there to help? What if one day he doesn't return home? Nontheless you always prepare extra dinner and make the bed, even on nights he doesn't return. You never had the idea of coming home to loving arms and warm dinner as a kid, so it felt as if it's your duty to make sure Tartaglia never suffers that feeling.
The feeling of a stab in the chest as you enter the dark house, eerily silent. You'd always pad your way to the kitchen silently and snag a sandwich before going to bed in your room. Your living situation had never been inherently bad, but the people you lived with, the people any other person would've called their parents, seemed to make everything unbearable.
That is why when you turned 18 you moved out to Liyue harbor, and your close friend Zhongli was there every step of the way. You had run into him once during a trip at the age of 16, and you had kept contact through letters ever since.
The man, at the time, told you he was 23, but he never really seemed to age. You brushed it off, probably overthinking it. That is the same person that introduced you to Childe, it was quite a sudden occurence, but you'll be forever grateful.
You needed a place to stay and your friend told you that his friend wouldnt mind a roommate, and that he was rarely found home anyways. You took up the offer, not knowing that your roommate would be one of the fatui harbingers.
You were off to a rocky start, the man refusing to talk to you the very few times he was at the appartment. Later though, he seemed to warm up to you, ever so slowly.
You don't remember how your relationship ever came to be, it's not like you've ever explicitly put a label to it. There was just a moment where you felt as if everything changed. What you had wasn't just merely a romantic relationship, it was more than that. To provide each other comfort and love like no one else had ever done before. Unconditional love that didnt seem to falter, even during the moments where you parted ways.
You smile to yourself, remeniscing the days you barely talked, and the days you spent helping him when he was wounded. There was one particular night he just crashed into your bed in the middle of the night, even though he usually only used the couch.
He had clung to you as if you were his only lifeline, sleeping soundlessly as you laid in shock. The shock died down after a few seconds though, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Not long after you fell asleep too, and since that night Tartaglia had never slept on the couch ever again.
You check th clock. 4:37 Am, way too late to be up, but it's not like you'd sleep regardless. You'd probably get an ear full from Zhongli during your scheduled lunch the next day, but that, folks, is something for future you to deal with.
Suddenly you heard the turning of keys in a lock, and a door opening and slamming shut. That can only be one person. Then you heard a crash coming from the living room, making you shoot up. You slipped on your slippers as you quickly shuffled your way across the room and out into the living room.
You flicked on the light and were met by Tartaglia, slumped against the back of the couch. His bow was discarded to the side and he was breathing heavily. Sluggishly, his eyes opened to meet yours, his gaze seemed distant, almost empty.
You snapped out of your trance, rushing to pull his arm over your shoulder. You managed to drag him across the living room, over to the bathroom, settling him down on the closed lid of the toilet. You held up your hands, as if to say 'wait here'. You didn't dare break the silence that hung over you, scared that you'd set him off or something.
He didn't seem to protest, so you left to go get the med kit from the kitchen, and a clean rag to clean off the blood splattered across his skin. Was it his? That was a question that, regardless if you could guess the answer, would be left unanswered. As always.
He met your eyes when you returned, seeking for some contact. He knew how much you hated blood. The stickyness, the sickening smell and the thought of what must have happened that involved getting covered in blood. You always helped him regardless, and he thanked you dearly for that. After a long day he simply could not do it himself.
It makes him feel helpless, but you're always right by his side to make him feel better. You wet the rag, cleaning off his calloused hands. His face too had some traces of blood, but those were easily wiped away as well.
After some emergency stitches and a bandage around his bicep you motioned for him to stand up, letting him know that the treatment was done. He was still quite weak, but not as much as before.
"Thanks," he croaked, the first words you shared in 2 days. His voice sounded devoid of any confidence. He seemed very fragile, but you didn't comment it.
"No worries," You send him a reassuring smile, helping him get up and over to the bedroom. You see him visibly relax once he's in bed, snuggling into the sheets. He immediately rolls over towards you when he feels the matress dip, wrapping his arms around your waist.
His face is buried in between your shoulder blades, and it's nearly impossible for you to turn over and look at him. He only does that when he's in a bad mood, and you stop putting in effort to try and face him.
"Bad day?" He hums, the vibrations thrumming against your back. He seems tense, but you're careful not to trigger him too much. The last thing you want is to stress him out even more, knowing he has a lot on his plate already.
After a while, when you've started nodding away assuming he fell asleep you suddenly feel movement behind you. You open your eyes as you hear a small sniffle. It's almost as if you could hear your hart shatter from beneath your ribs. He probably thought you were asleep too.
His arms had relaxed, allowing you to turn around easily. His ocean blue eyes met yours, big with surprise, even though they seemed almost grey-ish in the faint moonlight. All you could do is smile at him as you opened his arms, for him to rely on you.
And that's exactly what he did. qHe fell into your chest, sniffling and crying freely as you drew patterns on his back, your other hand running through his hair. You could almost feel his clogged nose by the way he was having trouble breathing. After a bit his sobbing eased down to mere sniffles as you handed him a handkerchief to blow out his nose.
He used to have a lot of trouble with that, relying on people. Upon meeting him he imediately sparked you as the type of person that didnt bother anyone with his personal feelings, bottling them up for only him to experience. You could see how it physically and mentally ate away at him
That's why one day you faced him, and opened your arms. He had quirked up a brow, confused at what you were insinuating. "Rely on me." You said, and he chuckled, assuming it was a joke.
When you didn't move he realised you weren't kidding. Eventually you wrapped your arms around him, the man tense in your grip. "You don't seem to want to bug anyone else with your problems, so you can rely on me instead,"
You had no idea ho much those words had meant to him, they stuck by him like gum under a shoe. It felt good, he admitted, to have someone to rely on.
"I'm so sorry," He croaks, and he sounds nearly as small as he did in the bathroom half an hour ago, his eyes red with tears. Seeing him like that made your chest clench in pain, knowing the pain the world has caused him.
"There's nothing for you to apologise for," he seems to be taken aback by your comment, maybe even... offended?
"N-no way, i'm clearly a burden to you and a waste of yo-" you shut him up by pressing a kiss to his lips, making his eyes widen.
"You have nothing to apologize for because i am here for you, willingly. I promised to help you with whatever you're going through didn't i," He nods in defeat, leaning back into you. The way he cuddles up to you almost seems domestic, forgetting the fact that he kills people for a living.
"You need to take a break sweetie, otherwise you'll just keep eating yourself up," You stroke a lock of hair out of his face that nearly seemed glued by the stickyness of his tears. He furrows his brows, creating deep creases in between them.
"You know i can't, there's way too much for me to do," He looks up at you, as if he's offended you brought it up in the first place. You press your thumb in between his brows, easing up the crease and stopping him from furrowing.
"We both know it isn't a crime to take a week off, considering you've never used your days off," He tries to butt in, but you shush him before he can start. "And before you start about 'your duties', there's enough harbingers at the fatui, it's not like they can't send Scaramouche to deal with your business for a bit,"
He frowns again, but you resume in stroking his hair. "Besides, if they don't allow you to take off, which i highly doubt, they'll have me to deal with," You smirk. His eyes crinkle up as he musters a small smile. You're not the most intimidating person on the planet, but it's the sentiment that matters.
"What would i even do in that week though," he huffs, fiddling with the back of your shirt as he seems deep in thought.
"Well i had just the idea," you chuckle as he looks at you in disbelief. His eyes are still a bleary red, but you can tell he's a lot less tense than earlier. "And that is..." He continues, his tone ever so curious.
"Say, how long has it been since you've been back home," he visibly tenses up, not meeting your eyes. You know its a sensetive topic, but it'd really do him good to go back home to see his family.
"I dont know, nearly two years," his voice is merely above a whisper, bless the fact that the room is so silent you'd be able to hear a pin drop. You adjust your position so that he's laying against you more comfortably, going back to stroking through his hair.
"Well i thought we could book it to shnezhynaiya for a week or two, spend some time with your family," He lays still against you, as if he'd break if he moved. "After all, they've only heard about me through letters," you chuckle.
You hold him a little tighter, leaning into the warmth. "Wouldn't you like that?" You say in his ear, just above a whisper. That seems to break him, the realisation dawning on him that he'd get to see his family again.  Tears run down his face once again, only this time they're not caused by distress. He nods as he buries his face back into your shoulder.
You stroke his back as you continue talking about your trip, soothing him. Later, when he's stopped crying, he talks along. He tells you about his parents, about how his mother used to be there for him through everything. About how he used to go ice fishing with his father in the winters, and proudly mention he caught a very big fish once.
He also tells you about his siblings, about how he cares for every single one of them very dearly. He also tells you about the spots he wants to visit with you he used to hang out at.
He tells you all about it, and for the first time in a while you see him smile. Really, genuinely smile. The kind of smile where his eyes crinkle up and he bares his teeth. It's an incredibly endearing sight, and u make a mental note to never forget it.
Suddenly he yawns. "You must be exhausted," you chuckle as you both adjust your positions, ready to fall asleep. He only hums as he keeps his eyes shut, pulling up his blanket. His breathing evens out as he falls asleep.
You smile as you look at his resting face, snuggling closer to him as you think; god, how did i get this lucky
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lovelyshawnn · 4 years
Sick Little Games
George Weasley x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader
Y/N and Draco were known as the ultimate slytherin duo. When she catches him in the act of infidelity, she makes it a goal to hurt him back as much as he hurt her. What starts as nothing but a sick little game, turns into something more with another red headed boy.
“what would malfoy think if he knew i was fucking his girl right now?” george grunted in my ear, hips thrusting into mine while my back was pressed against the prefect bathroom’s cold stone wall. my legs were wrapped around his waist, sultry moans tumbling out of my mouth as he fucked me senseless. his words only intensified the pleasure as i gripped on to his biceps for support. he could feel my wet pussy clenching around his throbbing cock, signfying that i was close to coming.
“what would your little boyfriend think if he knew how well you take my cum?” i let out a whimper as his thick cock hit my gspot, making my vision go completely white. “fuck y/n,” he grunted as his pace quickened. i let out a string of curse words, toes curling in pleasure as he rubbed my clit with his long slender fingers as we reached our orgasms together.
his movements slowed and eventually halted, cock still balls deep in me as he placed loving kisses all over my face. he slowly released me from his hold, planting my feet back on the ground before completely removing himself from me. with our chests still heaving, we transitioned from standing by the bathroom’s windows, to the warm bubbly bath. this was common thing for us, so naturally we were able to establish a routine. sneaking out of the dorms late at night to see each other, satisfying our thirsts for each other before taking a dip in the bath to relax and cleanse ourselves of our sins.
george’s hands worked its way down my neck and shoulders, rubbing out any knots while he gave me little pecks on my forehead. i smiled my first genuine smile of the day. i was constantly dragging myself throughout the day, in and out of my classes, plastering a fake smile until the clock struck a certain time at night where i would meet up with george. “so why are you still with that git anyways?”
i rolled my eyes at his choice of words. i considered not even replying at all, but one glance at his concentrated face with that accusational eyebrow raise, and i knew this was something he wasnt going to drop again.
“he loves me,” i sighed, shrugging my shoulders.
“he loves you? is that why you caught him fucking pansy parkinson in the forbidden section of the library?” georges hostile tone rang in my ears.
it was supposed to be our date night. draco knew how stressed i had been with all our recent exams, and how much i needed a break. my sweet, loving boyfriend of almost 2 years proposed we have a date night full of snuggles and snacks to relieve my stress. after getting dolled up and waiting in our slytherin common room for over an hour, i came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to show up.
the silly thing was, i really tried to make excuses for him. blaise had strolled past on his way up to his dorm and asked why i was sitting there all alone. “just waiting on draco,” id say passively, in which he’d give me a pitiful smile before heading up. i thought, maybe he just got caught up on some of his prefect duties. or maybe he took a nap and overslept. or maybe he even got detention for the day, but he would never forget about me, right? surely he couldn’t forget about his own plans that he made.
i’d grown tired of sitting there all alone, letting my thoughts eat me alive. so i grabbed my book bag and decided to head to the library to get a head start on some homework. walking deeper and deeper into the dark library, thats when i heard it. the faint gasps and moans coming from a high pitched female voice. “ugh,” i thought, “who wouldn’t even have the decency to go to a private spot?”
i rounded the corner, my eyes almost bulging out of my skull as i took in the sight in front of me. a bright platinum head of hair stuffed into the crook of pansy parkinsons neck, as he fucked her on one of the library desks with her skirt hitched all the way up. they had been so into it that they didnt even see me. what gave it away was some stupid lamp falling over as i rushed out of the library, tears in my eyes. athough they stopped at the sound indicating someone was there, they never knew it was me.
my vision was blurry, tears streaming faster down my cheeks as i ran away. i wasnt sure where i was going, but i knew i had to be as far away as possible from that complete and utter asshole. from the second i saw him til now, a million feelings coursed through my body. i was devastated, devastated that the man i loved for 2 whole years had been lying to my face. how long was he unloyal for? was this the first time? these unanswered questions made me transition from grief to rage. i was infuriated that he took me as some kind of fool who would never find out about his cheating ways. i had been so caught up in my emotions that i didnt notice where i was going, smacking face first into a very toned chest.
“Woah! Y/N? You alright there, love?” George’s voice was impossible not to recognize. “Oh, I-I’m sorry,” I gasped before turning around to leave. His warm hand clasped around my wrist softly, tugging me back as one of his hands lifted my chin up so that he could inspect my face, and most importantly my blood shot eyes.
“You’re crying,” his voice was a lot softer than i’ve ever heard it before. with him being a gryffindor and me being a slytherin, i was used to the rude remarks he’d yell at us in the hallways. him and his lovely twin have always made my life here at hogwarts a living hell. as of recently, he went from constant bullying to the exact opposite. he was always throwing complements my way as loud and obnoxious as possible. and i knew he did it just to get a rise out of his most hated slytherin of all, draco. draco was always a possesive boyfriend, not wanting any guys to look at me. but having a weasley complement me out of everyone else would’ve drove him absolutely mad.
however, what started out as an excuse to piss off draco, had turned into something else. george couldn’t help but notice how my eyes were a lot browner than he remembered, a certain twinkle in them whenever i got excited talking to my housemates about something. he quickly found himself feeling jealous as malfoy walked through the halls with his arm around my shoulder.
of course, i was oblivious to all of this, which would’ve explained his soft tone. “I’m fine,” I sniffled, wiping my tears off with the sleeve of my sweater and avoiding direct eye contact. “Come with me,” he wasted no time, dragging me down the corridor before i could mutter a response. he led me to the prefect bathroom, opening the doors for me as i took in the beautiful mosaics.
“how did you even get the password?” i asked suspiciously to the troublesome boy.
he shrugged, “turned percy’s hair blue and wouldnt change it back until he’d tell me,”
i let out a snort, which i was quick to cover with a cough. only he could make me genuinely laugh after figuring out the man i had loved so deeply, didnt love me back enough to keep his dick in his pants. i turned away from his gaze, but he saw it. he took pride in being able to cause that gorgeous smile, but he was nice enough to not tease me about it tonight. he’d definitely bring it up another day, though.
“so, whats wrong?” he asked, arms crossed as he leaned against one of the porcelain sinks. i let out a sigh, debating on whether i should tell him at all. he was supposed to be our rival, afterall.
“draco cheated,” i stated. georges face softened, all traces of humor dissipating into thin air. “i’m sorry y/n,” he started, “that bloke doesn’t know what he’s got.”
for the first time that night, i looked up at him and saw the look he had in his eyes. the lingering gaze around my figure, the softness in his facial features, the way his eyes bored into mine with a sense of longing.
that was when a lightbulb when off in my head. ill admit that im not proud of what my next thought was, and it was definitely one of the most slytherin things i have ever done, but it was worth it. i wanted to hurt draco. i wanted him to feel as bad as i did, and i wanted revenge.
i strode over to his leaning frame, making it a point to swing my hips in the process. my lips formed a pout as i spoke to him in a low voice. “if he doesn’t know what hes got,” i trailed my fingers from his shoulders down to his chest, “who will?”
my lips got incredibly closer to the shell of his ear. “you?” i asked, cupping his buldge with my hand. he let out a barely audible whimper, eyes staring back at me like a deer in headlights.
i left a gentle kiss on his neck, “tell me if you want me to stop.” george shut his eyes for a split second, contemplating his morals. he weighed his options and outcomes. on one hand, he’d be able to piss off that spoiled brat malfoy, which would give him enough satisfaction to last him the rest of his life. on the other hand, he’d finally get to know what the taste of his crush’s lips were like. it was a win win situation. fuck it, he thought before closing the gap between us, lips moving in sync as the kiss became increasingly passionate. his hands roamed all over my body as i ran my fingers through his hair.
it was an amazing night, full of multiple orgasms that left me struggling to walk properly. george was certainly thicker than malfoy. the day after was when the feelings of sadness, regret, and confusion came sinking in. as soon as i woke up and left my dorm, there he was. in his perfect green uniform that perfectly matched his perfect porcelain skin. dracos head was held high, not a care in the world as it was obvious he completely forgot about our date night and had no idea i caught him and pansy red handed.
i walked past him, not even batting an eye in his direction as i made my way to the great hall. “y/n!” he called out, quickly catching up to me, “whats wrong?”
i rolled my eyes, “you forgot our date.” his eyes immediately widened as he realized his mistake, cheeks blushing like a tomato as he recalled where he was instead of the date. “darling, please forgive me. i’m so sorry, i just got caught up in my studi-“
i halted my steps, not wanting to listen to his bullshit excuse, “i forgive you.” he looked at me with bewilderment, “y-you forgive me?”
“of course,” i gave him the most convincingly sweet smile, “its not a big deal at all!”
his shoulders relaxed in relief at my words. oh, what a stupid boy. what a stupid, stupid boy. the only reason i was “forgiving him” was because i was going to hurt him back, a lot worse. he held my hand in his as we continued our stroll to the great hall, him lifting my hand up to plant a kiss on my knuckles.
right when he had done that, i locked eyes with a familiar red head from across the corridor. he smirked as he watched me, noticing the way my steps were slightly different than normal. it was the same shit eating smile he wore last night as he made me reach my 3rd orgasm, face buried between my legs and licking up my juices as if his life depended on it. i bit my lip as the flashback played in my head, instantly making me feel lightheaded again.
draco and i took our usual spots at the slytherin table, everything seemingly normal until the owls arrived. a letter had been dropped into my lap.
unravelling the parchment, there was a faint message scribbled across in black ink. “same time and place tonight?”
there was no name or any indication of identity, but i knew exactly who it was. luckily from where i was sitting at the table, i had a clear view of george. as i looked up from the letter, i instantly made eye contact with him, him giving me a sly wink before regurning to eat his mashed potatoes. he didnt need an answer, he knew id come back after the night we had togegher.
“whos that letter from?” a voice snapped me out of my haze. i jumped slightly before tucking the letter safely into my robe, “oh, it was just mum.”
“whatd she say?” draco questioned, slightly suspicious as he recognized me hiding the letter.
“she asked how you were, shes having dinner with your parents this weekend,” i said while gulping down my goblet of juice. draco seemed convinced at that answer, dropping his suspicions rather quickly, “oh thats right, mother was telling me about that.”
it was ironic, really. we were seen as the picture perfect duo. the slytherin prince with none other than his slytherin princess. we had the world in our hands, both coming from wealthy pureblood families. even our parents were over the moon at the news of our relationship blossoming, instantly talking about our plans for marriage in the future. but were we willing to throw that all away for these sick little games?
hi guys i know i usually write shawn fics but ive been into hp recently and wanted to give it a try! if u guys rlly like this one, id love to make a part 2 n finish the series (: pls lmk and give feedback! 🤍
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slafkovskys · 4 years
no but listen... i've been listening to some of those nsfw asmr things bcs i refuse to go out and hook up in the age of miss rona.... and i just wanna say i wouldnt know how to act if beech said some of the shit i hear on these mfs videos bro oh my god 😔 oh, to have beecher's hand on my throat as he tells me to shut the fuck up
combined with mr. johnny beecher put your hand around my throat challenge (boys: this goes for beech and beech ONLY)
a little bit nsfw below the cut :)
you could hear him, all of them, as they walked through the door. multiple sets of footsteps heading off in different directions for the night, some very likely getting ready to leave again for the night. you pull the comforter tighter around your body as heavy footsteps ascend the steps and come to a stop in front of johnny’s bedroom door.
you take a deep breath as the knob twists and johnny slips inside. he’s about to close it behind him before keaton stops him, “hey beech?”
“yeah?” he responds, his eyes briefly catching yours as he turns around. he pokes his head out of the door but his body shields you from view. “what’s up?”
“cam and i are going skeeps, you in?” your body tensed at the thought of him leaving you here, in his bed, unclothed, alone and waiting. you knew that he wouldn’t, but the thought still made your chest tighten.
“nah, i’m going to have an early night. thanks though,” they do some kind of handshake before the door finally closes. he doesn’t acknowledge you at first, peeling off his beanie and coat before putting them on his desk. he cleans out his pockets and sheds his blazer before he finally, finally shows you some attention. he’s quiet as he leans over you, trailing his thumb along your bottom lip. you open your mouth on instinct but he’s quick to make a noise of disagreement, “didn’t ask you to do that, did i?”
you shake your head, “‘m sorry.”
“you’re impatient,” he notes as he tugs on his comforter. “are you-”
he leaves the question open. tentatively, you reach for his hand and guide it under the covers, dragging it down to where you were wanting him most. his hand drops as he chuckles, running his fingers through your wetness, “definitely impatient. you didn’t touch yourself?”
“you didn’t tell me that i could,” you respond easily.
“my good girl,” his voice is raspy, like when he’s tired.
before you can blink, he’s ripping the comforter off of your body and turning you over. you easily bend to his will, letting him put you however he wanted. his fingertips run gently over the marks that he had left not three days before, “is this all right, doll?”
“yeah, i’m fine. this is fine,” you say, breath hitching as his hand makes sharp contact with your behind. “johnny,” you whisper.
he, of course, had his moments where he would take his time with you. stretch you out, maybe open you up with his mouth, make you wait for him, but it wasn’t that kind of night. no, he doesn’t take his time getting you ready for him and you don’t mind really. you had been waiting long enough, in your opinion.
you hear the jingle of his belt and before you know it, he’s sinking into you in one quick motion. it’s a broken noise that leaves your mouth, full of a lot of emotions as johnny bottoms out.
you gasp as johnny’s hand wraps around your hair and tugs you back so that your bare back is pressed against his still buttoned dress shirt. his hand wraps around your throat easily and you swallow, clenching around him.
he chuckles, “volume, baby. i’m going to tell you one time and one time only, shut the fuck up. those noises aren’t for them, they’re for me.”
“yes, johnny,” you whisper, eyes flirting shut as he shifts.
“that’s my good girl.”
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