shuutingstar · 6 months
Welcome to your obligated dose of incorrect quotes!
Aiden: oh complain, complain! You know, when life gives you lemons—
Ashlyn: can you suggest me a book that made you cry?
Ben, typing on his notes app: general mathematics 6th edition.
Taylor: how do you tell someone their mouth stinks without being rude?
Aiden: I’m bored, let’s drink mouthwash.
Tyler: what do you have planned for the future?
Ashlyn: lunch.
Tyler: I meant long term.
Ashlyn: dinner.
Aiden: which is correct, seven and five IS thirteen or seven and five ARE thirteen?
Logan: neither, because it’s twelve.
Tyler: in your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Ashlyn, turning to Aiden: how tall are you?
Aiden: if Ben and I were drowning, who’d you save?
Ashlyn: you two can’t swim?
Aiden: it’s a hypothetical question, Ash! Who would you save?
Ashlyn: my time and effort.
Taylor: you have to apologise, Tyler!
Tyler: fine.
Tyler: ‘unfuck you’ or whatever.
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beyourownanchor6 · 5 months
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‘fuck it if i can't have him.
fuck it if i can't have us.’
down bad—taylor swift
tagging squad below, just lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
tags: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @loveyourownsmiilee @monsterrae1 @bi-buckrights @swiftiebuckleyhan @honestlydarkprincess @queerbuckleys @spotsandsocks @justsmilestuffhappens @bibuckbuckley @djdangerlove @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @jacksadventuresinwriting @stanningsky @wh0re-behavi0r @ronordmann @spaceprincessem @transbuck @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @betty-boom @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @underwaterninja13 @pirrusstuff @nmcggg @theotherbuckley @louis-tenn @the-gayest-wug @buckley-diaz-rules @muppetbuddie @gamer-kai @blorbodiaz @saybiwithme @trashbaget @steadfastsaturnsrings @bibuckbuckgoose @wikiangela @hobbitnarwhal @shortsighted-owl @pirrusstuff @goldencherrymooon @kinardbuckley @daffi-990 @greenfairrryy @mattsire
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luighseach · 10 months
After Billy survives the Starcourt battle, something in him changes. He is no longer afraid of anybody or anything. His fear had left him to put up a front all his life, but now the fear is gone. 
Once he is discharged from the hospital, he walks out from there with confidence. All the scars that he now has, show that he is strong, that he fought against something horrible and terrifying and he survived. All his life, he had lived with a monster right next to him, a monster he couldn’t fight, but now he had fought an even bigger one, and he came on top. His scars are something to be proud of, and he decides he will show them off. 
With Max trailing after him, he struts inside Cherry Lane like he owns the place. He had decided, on the many nights that he spent lying down on a hospital bed, that he is not going to put out with any of Neil’s shit any more. Billy is stronger than him, Billy is better than him. 
The first time Neil starts to yell, getting all up in Billy’s face, Billy smirks and pushes him against the wall hard, Neil’s head hitting the wall with a thump. Before his surprise and shock are gone, Billy tells him that from now on, Billy is the man of the house, that if Neil even thinks about lifting a finger to him, or Max, or Susan, he will have to deal with Billy. He tells him that he is nothing, that he is a sad excuse for a man, and that he deserves no respect. 
Neil, Susan, and Max are speechless, though Max is looking at him proudly. Billy focuses on the slight fear in Neil’s eyes and he laughs at him, telling him he is pathetic.
For a week, Neil tries to take the power back, but Billy always puts him back in his place, humiliating him and making him feel all those awful feelings that he has made Billy feel for years. 
After that week, one day, Susan wakes up and finds that all of Neil’s things are gone. They are finally free from his presence. Billy is finally free. 
Billy swaggers around town, with his shirts always open, proudly showing off his scars. All the ladies that at first looked at him with pity, or that averted their eyes, not wanting to see the scars, now want to get near him and touch him. They bat their eyelashes and tell him how strong and brave he is. He flirts back, but he doesn’t let them touch him. No, only one person is allowed to touch all of him. 
Despite how happy he is now, and how good life is, he still dreams of going back to California, and he and his pretty boy are already saving money to make that trip. 
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cillixn · 7 months
Bradley Cooper should’ve won.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
The sap is gone, btw
Crosshair never learnt how to care. How to dote, when to stay, when to leave. He never learnt how to share those kind words that always filtered through his mind when he was with his brothers.
No, all Crosshair ever learnt was angry fists and raised voices. Snapping to be quicker, stronger, better. How was he to protect them if they weren't keeping up? He needed them to be at their best.
He can remember the first time he made a brother cry.
He hadn't meant to, not really. He just wanted to- to warn them. Warn them that he wasn't a miracle worker, that their mistakes weren't always fixable. Even if he hadn't technically made a mistake.
He can remember the volume of his voice, feel the shaking as he yelled, cursed, spat because his brother just wasn't listening. He wasn't paying attention.
Crosshair can remember the initial, almighty sob that left his tallest brother the day he didn't stop yelling. He can remember the stifled shock as the bravest, strongest person he knew burst into big, blubbering tears right in front of him.
He can remember watching Wrecker crumble in front of him over a few half-thought through insults. A few jabs that he grew to resent more than anything. He hated it.
He hated that he didn't stop, more.
Crosshair can remember the build up. The insults, the throwaway comments, the cold shoulders that snowballed into some great gusto of tears that he had walked in on.
He was just making sure they weren't falling behind. He didn't want them to fall behind, risk losing everything over something that could be fixed. Crosshair could fix them.
Crosshair can remember walking in on this particular meltdown, but what stuck with him more than anything was the choked out words of his smallest brother, bundled up in the eldest's arms.
Something Crosshair always wanted to learn how to do.
"Why doesn't he like me?" The youngest had asked, hot tears rolling down his face as he cried into the eldest. "I don't understand- I'm doing everything you said. What am I doing wrong?"
"Shh, I know," There it was- the smooth, soothing voice of the more comforting presence, the better sibling. The one they all turned to. "It's not your fault, little one. You're doing everything you can, he just–"
Crosshair can remember Hunter looking to him, then. Staring at him, brows furrowed like he was disgusted. Like he was wronged, confused, as he held their weeping brother.
Crosshair can remember the stare, and he hated what he saw.
"–it's not your fault." Hunter had repeated, tracing soft, slow circles into the back of the youngest's back. "Crosshair is just... you know how he is."
Crosshair can remember storming out before he could hear the response.
He can remember, so vividly, being the last person anyone turned to for comfort. He can remember watching them hesitate, watching them veer away. It hurt. He didn't bother chasing them.
If they didn't want him, they wouldn't have him. Simple as.
Part of Crosshair always remembers turning away his youngest brother, in all his adoration and affection directed towards him, until there was nothing left but a blank, cautious expression upon immediate distress.
Tech stopped reaching out for him. Stopped looking to him for approval after every little thing. He began to turn to Hunter, and Crosshair turned sour.
It wasn't as if he wasn't taking care of them. Crosshair did everything in the same of his squad- of his brothers. But because he didn't layer them with unnecessary praise and affection, he was secluded? How was that fair?
Crosshair can remember the first time he was sought out in a long time, after bitter years of harsh words wore them down. He can remember it well.
Remember the youngest, his only vod'ika, unsure of where to look after Wrecker's grave injury. His eye wasn't salvagable. They didn't know what to do.
Hunter was so, so angry.
Crosshair can remember the youngest finding him, hours into the night, goggles filled to the brim with tears, and without a word, settling beside him to work away on something insignificant.
He can remember stopped short, hearing the sniffing and hitching of his brother, and for once, saying nothing.
Crosshair can remember snapping, shoving his brother off of him with a huff and standing. Demanding he hurry along and find something of use to do.
Crosshair won't ever forget the heartbreak on his youngest brother's face, the devastation in the stoop of his shoulders as he gathered his things.
He remembers being left alone with a short apology for bothering him. Crosshair isn't bothered again.
He remembers the pang of guilt, and feels it everyday, looking to the shattered goggles on the table. A reminder of the guilt.
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otrtbs · 1 year
“you can just take guns to music concerts in the united states” some of these bitches need to never speak again and i’m so serious about that.
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lengthofropes · 3 months
I have this gifset in my drafts for like… weeeks?? And still don’t know if I should post it 😬
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tboybuck · 2 years
I am always always thinking about different scenarios where Eddie could have gotten mixed up in The Mess (tm), and I just think that season 2 would have been great for that tw: reference to kidnapping and child murder
Hawkins has always been a weird fuckin’ place, even before the Byers kid went missing last year. Eddie’s never really been able to put his finger on what it is, but he sees it on the periphery of everything Hawkins touches. It’s not something you can see if you look at it head on, like a migraine aura or one of those floaty things you get in your eyes sometimes.
A couple of days after Halloween, though, Eddie plummets headfirst into the weird that makes the town of Hawkins churn.
He’s skipping school, because O’Donnell has it out for him, swear to god, and he’s flying up a back road on the outskirts of town when the weird comes striding out of the woods to his right. 
It’s a fucking kid, and he’s driving too fucking fast to be able to stop in time but he slams hard on the brakes of his van anyway. The back fishtails and the brakes screech and the air smells like burning rubber, but he comes to a halt, and he didn’t feel the sickening thump-thump that he’s been bracing for. His heart is in his fucking throat, his head pounding, hands sweating, and he is trembling from head to toe.
Eddie launches himself out of the driver’s seat. The kid - the girl, middle school aged, curly hair that falls just to her ears, flannel and jeans - is standing there with her hand out toward the van. She’s posed like a comic book superhero, feet planted, shoulders back, and… her nose is bleeding. The van’s grille is dented like… Eddie can’t even bring himself to think about it. It’s like she stopped the fuckin’ thing with her mind ro some shit.
He definitely needs to cool it on the weed.
Eddie scrambles for something to say, but all he can come up with is a choked out, “Holy shit, kid.”
And that’s how he ends up with ‘Jane’ in the passenger seat of his van. That’s not her real name. Eddie’s not sure how he knows it but he knows it. She says she’s going to see her mother, and Eddie’s not good with silence so he tries to ask her questions, make conversation. She does what she can, but her grasp of language isn’t… great, and Eddie finds himself trying to fill in the blanks and coming up short.
He thinks she must be a runaway who's finally grown tired of not being home. She’s clean, though, and she looks fed, but she looks like she doesn’t sleep all that much, and Eddie wonders what it was about her home life that made her run in the first place. And the further and further they get outside of Hawkins, the more he wonders how she ended up in his little town anyway.
“Hey, kid, uh,” Eddie begins, unsure how to even say what he’s thinking. “You’re not, like, a kidnapping victim or anything, are you? You didn’t escape from, like…” At the word escape, Jane draws in an anxious breath. 
Eddie hears about it in the news sometimes, about kids that are snatched and murdered and the awful, awful things people do to them. He remembers Adam Walsh in eighty one.
“Kid, are you safe?”
“I am safe,” says the girl, but she doesn’t seem so sure.
When they pull up in front of the little house, the last name Ives painted in swooping curls on the mailbox, Eddie puts the van in park and shuts it off.
“I should probably, uh, talk to an adult,” he says. “This is very weird, Jane, and I just want to make sure, uh…”
He doesn’t know what he wants to make sure. Make sure he’s not dropping this kid off into a death trap? Make sure there’s an actual human person behind the door of this house, and that that person isn’t some weirdo who wants to hurt the kid he almost ran over with his van? If she’s just a runaway, though, pulling up at home alongside an eighteen year old boy with long hair that smells like weed will just get the cops called on him.
“No,” Jane says when Eddie unbuckles his seatbelt. “It is okay. You do not have to come with me. Thank you for the ride.”
It might be the most she’s said at one time, the whole way over here. The urgency in her voice just makes Eddie even more anxious to leave her. 
“I really, really should. There’s some sketchy people out there, okay? I just need to make sure this is someplace safe for you.”
Why the fuck does he even care? She’s just some weird kid that he almost hit with his van on the outskirts of his very weird town. He might as well just drop her here and go, get the hell out of dodge and away from whatever brand of weird he’s just stumbled his way into.
But if he sees this kid’s face on the news in two days, Eddie will never fucking forgive himself.
“Wait here, then,” Jane says. “And once I go inside, you can go. This is a safe place. My mother is inside. Please.”
“Fine. Fine. Go ahead, then.”
She goes. She’s walking slow up to the house, like she’s nervous too, and it makes Eddie all the more uneasy about letting her walk away.
She knocks (at her own house?) and then there’s a woman behind the door. There’s no recognition in the woman’s expression, and she closes the door in Jane’s face again. And just as Eddie is about to get out of the van and go up there, Jane puts her arm out toward the door, just like she’d done with his van, and the door swings inward.
What. The fuck. 
He must be hallucinating. Right? The woman who answered the door before must have just opened it back up again. Right? Because that’s not possible. Magic isn’t real. This is real life. …Right?
Eddie sits there, trying to make sense of what he’s just seen, but he convinces himself he must have just been seeing things wrong. It must have been someone inside the house opening the door for Jane.
And if that's not the case? If this kid has magic fucking powers, if she can stop Eddie's van and open up the front door of a house she is clearly not welcome in, why shouldn't he want to fucking hightail it in the other direction? He's no hero. This isn't a Hellfire campaign. Maybe Jane isn't the one that's in danger, here. Maybe Jane is the dangerous one.
Eddie goes, but after about five minutes his paranoia and worry for this little kid gets the better of him, and he turns around.
He’s just gonna drive past, just circle the block to see if everything looks okay. One more time won’t hurt. Maybe he got a fucked up bag of weed, making him more paranoid than usual, but Hawkins is a weird goddamn place, and this doesn’t seem like your usual run of the mill kind of weird. It feels a little dark, a little sinister. 
That girl had a bloody nose when Eddie got out of his van. The grille did not look like that this morning when he left the trailer. (Did it?) The way she talks, the body language, the way she really stood there and faced down Eddie’s van with her hand out like she knew she would be able to stop it. It’s weird. And if nothing else, now Eddie’s a little bit fucking curious, okay? 
So he circles the block where the Ives house sits, and as he drives past, the fucking lights in the front room are flickering.
So he sits. And he waits. And it’s dark outside by the time the front door swings open again and fucking Jane comes striding out clutching a wad of cash in her fist. What the fuck. She spots Eddie and glares at him, but then she wrenches open the passenger side door and gets in.
“Drive,” she says, and Eddie does. “We’re going to Chicago.”
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prince-of-red-lions · 11 months
i find it so funny when other kids with braces be like “uggghh i can’t eat that bcz of my braces” and I’m like REALLY? FR? my diet hasn’t change one bit since I’ve gotten braces. hard candy? yessir. chips? wtf why do some ppl think they can’t have chips WHAT. popcorn? scrumdilicious. caramel? now, caramel is a bit trickier- yes, it can be a bit hard and wouldn’t recommend if you don’t know what ur doing- but I’m eating caramel rn. i wouldn’t suggest SUPER sticky caramel tho, as it’s always a pain to get out. same with popcorn. if you eat popcorn, always floss the stuff out when ur done. not only is it annoying have it stuck in ur braces but it definitely can damage them!! just please for the love of the earth don’t eat the kernels on purpose. why would you do that. please don’t.
now I’m not saying some of these don’t have their dangers- im just saying for me i haven’t had any problems with them, and don’t be stupid abt it. ofc im no orthodontist so feel free to correct me, im open to it! I’m just saying in my personal experience I’ve never had any trouble with that stuff :/ then again, it’s different for everybody! it’s mainly just things likes candy or popcorn that some people think their gonna die if they eat with braces and I kinda stand there like 🧍
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hawnks · 6 months
I beg for Alastor’s thoughts 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Ok well first of all he is so far removed from his own non-destructive desires that I do believe if he wants you in any way shape or form, the first place his mind will go is eating you. He’s interested in someone who can’t offer him power or sadistic entertainment?? He must be hungry, obv.
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shuutingstar · 6 months
I’ve been watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine recently and I had the idea of a detective/cop au with the sbg cast because it’d be funny.
Under the cut cuz I made it too long.
Basically, what I’m working with here is that Ashlyn’s either the sergeant or captain of the squad. I haven’t completely decided yet but I’m fine with either. Anyhow, Aiden’s kinda like Jake in B99 where he’s really smart and can solve a case no problem but has a tendency to joke around and not follow the rules entirely. He’s also really stubborn. I was thinking Tyler and Aiden could have the rivalry/bet that Amy and Jake had going on in s1 ‘cause it’d be funny to see them try and beat the other in most cases solved.
For Logan I was thinking he’d be the best on-field (cuz yk he’s good with a gun) and best shooter the precinct has. Taylor would be good at getting info from perps and she’d be an amazing “good cop” while Ashlyn would play “bad cop” or they could switch. I don’t think it matters. Ben would be real intimidating but he’s just a big softie. He’s like the nicest cop at the precinct and enjoys being a secondary rather than a primary (like he doesn’t want to take the lead role on cases a lotta the time cuz yk he can’t talk) but he’s still a very valuable person to the squad.
For whatever plot this au has I think it’d be cool to have it interlink with the phantoms and the phantom dimension in some way. Like maybe there are a series of murders where the killer maims/disfigures the victims’ bodies and the squad have to solve it, but it’s a difficult case because there are people trying to cover up the murders — like maybe the Cranes (or whatever their organisation is called) or something. Also, they could give the serial killer a name like “the phantom or smth” or you can still add the phantom dimension into the au if you want to but at its core this au is just about shits and giggles.
Like I want to see Aiden arrive at work and drink his third tea of the day — cuz he’s a tea guy — and I wanna see Ben sit at his desk and prolong his paper work because listening to music is so much better. I want to see Logan have tons of flowers at his desk because his grandparents were so happy he’d finally gotten the job he had worked for; Taylor fixing the printers everyday because Logan got kind of mad when the printer stops working. (He took a hammer and smashed it.) I wanna see Tyler come to work with more than one lunch bag because he decided to make the others lunch. I WANT TO SEE FLUFF. If you get what I mean.
I’d also like to clarify that im not trying to undermine anyone’s intelligence/skills in any way. They’re all skilled and perceptive and great detectives they just show it differently. Like Ben get intel by silently reading you whereas Tyler tries a more aggressive approach which contrasts with Taylor’s calculated questions and answers and Ashlyn’s perceptiveness to body language. Logan’s all about finding the facts first and building off of there, so he’s kind of in between everything when solving a case but the clue board is his go-to and Aiden just kinda fuck’s around and finds out.
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goinggoats · 9 months
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築地市場 Tsukiji Fish Market Tsukiji Fish Market is a great place to enjoy your breakfast. Tsukuji Fish Market is famous for its seafood but somehow Tamagoyaki(Japanese egg omelet) is one of the popular dishes there. Recently the market has moved from Tsukiji area to a new place and developed a new style. The hard working fishermen and male market vendors or clerks working there are so hot, with chiseled facial features and toned, muscular bodies, that will ignite your sexual fantasies. They are so muscular that they seem to be straight men, but, actually, some are gay - that, doesn’t matter whenever you started fueling your erotic desire.
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bobohu4eva · 6 months
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biancathecrossbow · 1 year
Sorry did I just hear someone say that e3 ends with raucous house orgy excluding nandermo
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capswarmedals · 6 months
I hope you know your fic has caused me the most godawful brainrot, currently writing a uni essay worth 100% of my grade, and one guy I'm citing is called Higgins, and whenever I see him in the footnotes I think. i mean this with upmost affection, best kind of brainrot
OH MY GOD HEJALEOAH i am happy and i am also very sorry for the odd association I have created between Lt. Higgins and Higgins. ALSO IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING IT!!! good luck on your essay as well!!
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antigonies · 2 years
no but the way i am sick as a dog right now and did not want to kiss my partner so i wouldn’t get him sick, but he held me super tight and kissed me hard and then laughed and said “Worth it!”... anyways, he did get the flu, and i’m very in love
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