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Did You Know: If Superman flew to the Sun from Earth at the speed of light—186,000 miles (300,000 km) per second—it would take him more than eight minutes to get there because the Sun is about 93 million miles (150 million km) away. Credit: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory.
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viejospellejos · 3 months
Así se ve la velocidad de la luz a cámara lenta:
La rapidez a través de un medio que no sea el "vacío" depende de su permitividad eléctrica, de su permeabilidad magnética, y otras características electromagnéticas.
En medios materiales, esta velocidad es inferior a c (velocidad de la luz en el vacío) y queda codificada en el índice de refracción.
En modificaciones del vacío más sutiles, como espacios curvos, efecto Casimir, poblaciones térmicas o presencia de campos externos, la velocidad de la luz depende de la densidad de energía de ese vacío.
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humanoidhistory · 3 months
Simulating the speed of light in The Ultimate Machine, 1971.
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sspacegodd · 7 months
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yourfavisestonian · 10 months
the speed of light
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The speed of light is a proud Estonian!
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atangledfate · 1 month
Continued from here [x]
She snorted softly listening to the Tenrec rant about how scary she was! Really was that her thing? Being intimidating? Well she did have that in spades, but after looking a black hole in the eye and fighting to Zombots and Zeti she wasn't so easily scared. She also wasn't stupid either. In terms of raw physical skills she could guess Surge would absolutely stomp her face into the ground. She didn't know much about her though, outside of the rumors that she and Sonic went toe to toe. Jet could take on Sonic she was sure, but he was a far stronger fighter then she was, and storm was to.
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" Fair points, I'll concede on the grounds that everyone has a style... if that's what you like more power to you..."
She didn't think it was wise to continue to argue about style, but damn if she felt like Surge could do better for herself.
" Wouldn't have taken you for the Hero type... not with the shit i've heard people say. You made a real impact with your little brawl against the blue boy scout..."
She sighed as Surge Challenged her to a fight, it was to be expected. Honestly if she wasn't so cute, she'd have blown her off already. But this girls ego was as big as Jet's! and she knew how to manipulate that!
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" A Fight? Here? in middle of Restoration HQ? no thanks i don't need Amy or that new Director breathing down my neck. As fun as that would be... I have a pretty good thing going with those losers. I don't need it ruined... i like the easy rings..."
She put on a displeased face and a decent counter argument as to why they shouldn't fight and level the place. But her plan was still far from enacted---she was so many steps ahead of surge!
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" ... But hey how about this--- We Babylon's settle all of our disputes and arguments in tests of speed and skill. We Race... I've heard your fast so i'm curious ... how my latest gear stacks up to your lightning speed! "
She had a feeling Surge wasn't about to turn down a challenge like that.
" A Race ... you and me... Loser buys dinner for the winner... "
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bigrobotbee · 1 year
How to see dinosaurs:
1.) Travel 66 million light years away from Earth.
2.) Look at Earth through a telescope.
3.) Dinosaurs.
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How fast would it take to get around in space?
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Feynman: When we were talking about the atoms, one of the troubles that people have with the atoms is that they're so tiny, and it's so hard to imagine the scale.
The size of the atoms are in size - compared to an apple, it's the same scale as an apple is to the size of the Earth. And that's a kind of a hard thing to take, and you have to go through all these things all the time, and people find these numbers inconceivable. And I do too.
The only thing you do is you just change your scale. I mean, you're just thinking of small balls, but you don't try to think of exactly how small they are too often! Or you'd get kind of a bit nutty, alright?
But in astronomy, you have the same thing in reverse because the distances to these stars is so enormous, you see. You know that light goes so fast that it only takes a few seconds to go to the moon and back, or it goes around the Earth seven-and-a-half times in a second. And goes for a year, two years, three years before it gets to the nearest other star that there is to us.
But all of our stars are... the stars that are nearby in a great galaxy, a big mass of stars, which is called a galaxy, a group, well this, our galaxy is... what is it? Something like a hundred thousand light years, a hundred thousand years.
And then there's another patch of stars. It takes a million years for the light to get here, going at this enormous rate.
And you just go crazy trying to make too "real" that distance, you have to do everything in proportion. It's easy - you say the galaxies are little patches of stars and they're ten times as far apart as they are big.
So that's an easy picture, you know - he gets it. But you just go to a different scale, that's easier. You know, once in a while you try to come back to... Earth scale to discuss the galaxies but it's kind of hard.
The number of stars that we see at night is about - only about 5,000. But the number of stars in our galaxy, the telescopes have shown when you improve the instrument... Oh! We look at a galaxy. We look at the stars. All the light that we see, the little tiny and influent spreads from the star over this enormous distance of what? Three light years, for the nearest star. On, on, on! This light from the stars spreading, the wavefronts are getting wider and wider, weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker out into all of space, and finally the tiny fraction of it comes in one square, eighth of an inch, tiny little black hole and does something to me, so I know it's there.
Well, to know a little bit more about it, I'd rather gather a little more of this little, this tiny fraction of this front of light, and so I make a big telescope, which is a kind of funnel that the light that comes over this big area - 200 inches across - is very carefully organised, so it's all concentrated back so it can go through a... pupil. Actually, it's better to photograph it, or nowadays they use photo cells, they're a better instrument.
But anyway, the idea of the telescope is to focus the light from a bigger area into a smaller area so that we can see things that are weaker, less light, and in that way we find there's a very large number of stars in the galaxy.
There's so many that if you tried to name them, one a second, naming all the stars in our galaxy, I don't mean all the stars in the universe, just this galaxy here, it takes 3,000 years.
And yet, that's not a very big number. Because if those stars were to drop one dollar bill on the Earth during a year, each star dropping one dollar bill, they might take care of the deficit which is suggested for the budget of the United States.
So you see what kind of numbers we have to deal with!
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butlerm · 11 months
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Faster & Faster!
Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/796OyOETBXs
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going-to-superhell · 1 year
Haha don’t mind me I’m just thinking about-
The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second so we are technically seeing everything how it was in the past but because of how fast light travels it’s practically unnoticeable but it’s slower the further you look into space with a telescope, we see the moon how it was 1.3 seconds ago, the sun as it was 8.3 minutes ago and the closest star how it was 4 years ago. The closest galaxy is 2.5 million years ago and we can look so far that we can see the universe as it was forming 4 billion years after it began to technically humans CAN time travel, in this essay I will-
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mirkokosmos · 2 years
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My casual walk is roughly 486 millionth of the speed of the light, or about Mach 0.0018. My regular speedwalk would truly shatter such rates, perhaps even faster than a hundred millionth of the speed of light. If not, a full sprint surely will.
Without even counting the lack of air resistance or the increasingly high ratio of the sun's gravity to the earth's, I could travel one au in roughly 240 billion seconds, or about 66.67 million hours, or 7.6 thousand years. Suddenly the 497-second Universe Record seems much more impressive...
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planetaryalphabet · 10 months
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Here’s an explanation of what the “Observable Universe” means.
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ About Tachyons “ // Physicsgene
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no7er · 24 days
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Faster Than Light Digital artwork by me, 2022
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