#STP headcanons
chaoticgoodthief · 4 months
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beartitled · 2 months
so how the long quiet would look like as female? so voice of the heroine?
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Women ✨👭
This design was kinda challenging for some reason 💥
It’s probably bc I headcanon protagonist to be genderless (he’s the bird creature he needs no gender 😈)
But I believe he’s male by the canon (at least always referred to as him in game, so I assume so)
I didn’t want female Long Quiet to look like this meme 😭
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*sobs* why is genderbend characters are so troubling to design 💥
I think it’s quite interesting topic to research/explore (and also fun)
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salty-an-disco · 27 days
Contrarian is that kid who was forced to go to church all their childhood and as soon as they hit adulthood and gained more freedom, refused to step foot on there again and now has a knee-jerk disgusted/fearful reaction to anything that reminds them of church
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My interpretation of the voice of the hero
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urcasualtkofan · 2 months
maybe hunted and broken could be friends
hunted senses his depressed vibes and thinks he needs fixing or is injured and tries to help
they can hide under furniture together
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Fuck it
*Trans mans your Prisoner*
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tai-janai · 7 months
alright since im here . here are my ideas for what is going on in the long quiet
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there he is, in his god form and his killable form
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the will is a force they have that sometimes they fight over. they can pull and fight for more will, but the newer voices have more access to get more of it. the narrator can only take control of LQ in the first chapter because there are no voices to fight for the will. Hero can access it but doesn't immediately, the first chapter is initially entirely up to LQ/the player, and if the narrator interferes
in the moment of clarity, no voice takes the will because they've all given up, so there are no options; only what LQ does. in the Razor, the cheated tries to make as many options as possible, but realizes that is not the solution. he cuts the will and leaves it in the hands of LQ.
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for the mirrors; this is whats going on there. they keep breaking off into "shards of glass." when the route ends, they are fused back together, which is why all the voices are afraid of it; they are made whole into LQ. for the Moment of Clarity, the voices don't have a say, and LQ would see himself as he is, in full clarity, with his will at his own hands.
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pink-november · 3 months
How about The Damsel for the ask game?
ask game link
Whew! Sorry for replying late I hath been fighting a battle /silly But anyway one Damsel coming up!!!
First impression
Now this might sound weird but I saw Damsel first when someone close to me was watching a playthrough of the game and for some reason my eyes became intrigued by this girl covered in hands and speaking in a very ethereal voice. Of course, I didn't know back then that this was Shifty talking through Damsel and I was in fact slightly spoiled lmao
Impression now
Adorable and scary. Her chapter is very disturbing and it's terrifying to realize this after replaying the game several times. It's so easy to say that her chapter is the most simple and straightforward one out of everyone and I think it's so genius how eerie her chapter becomes once you realize that you had hollowed her out to nothing more than a caricature.
Favorite moment
This is subject to change though because I can't wait for her Pristine Cut update. Finally, more Damsel.
Idea for a story
A fic where Tower and Damsel somehow meets seems to be interesting to me. You have the most radiant Vessel, elevated to divinity, and the idealized Vessel, shaped to perfection. How will they react in each other's presence? What sort of perspective will come out through this unorthodox meeting?
Unpopular opinion
She is not just a damsel. Well, technically she is but at this point, I want more people to see how deeply unsettling her chapter is beneath all the romance and pink hue.
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
She and Prisoner are twins! Or atleast besties! I do think in a normal AU, they'd be great buddies and would support each other in whatever they do. Of course, the parallels between the two of them adds to the charm of them being close.
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minotaur-asterion · 10 months
Raaah. Some of the voices and the sounds they make when they’re happy
Hero purrs! And they purr loud… there’s no engine running nearby, it’s just them. But they also sometimes just do squeaky vocal stims when they’re excited. Unironically says “yippee”
Opportunist does that low chuckle-hum thing and he likes to nuzzle into someone’s body while he does it. If he can’t he just looks very pleased with himself while doing it- the cat that ate the canary, if you will
Broken purrs, but theirs is raspy and, well, broken
Stubborn chuffs- and for those who don’t know, chuffing is sort of the equivalent to purring for big cats who roar, since their vocal cord aren’t made to be able to purr
Skeptic also chuffs, less volume and a little more drawn-out but still a chuff
Hunted purrs, very rarely… with the right people
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slaythebirdman · 10 months
how do the two of you kiss when the protagonist/hero/slayer/long quiet has a beak?
💛I immediately jumped on this one because I have STRONG feelings about our local bird boy and his touch-starved-ness. Hope you enjoy~!
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How to Kiss a Bird Man
-Very carefully. -Jokes aside, kissing a beaked creature, no matter how determined, isn't exactly a straightforward task... But quitting is for losers, and he deserves kisses. -Quiet hasn't had much in the way of non-hostile physical touch in quite awhile, with his only positive non-princess company being voices in his head.
So that task is yours. -The presence of a beak is only a limiter if you believe kisses have to be lips on lips. There are SO many creative ways to kiss, and he wants them all. -First thought that comes to mind is just kissing along the top of his beak like you would kiss the tip of someone's nose. That level of face-to-face closeness is super sweet and intimate. -Kisses to the cheek and forhead too: thin, soft feathers make it very easy for him to feel it, and there's always something tender about a forehead kiss.
But the face isn't the only place that needs attention. -He has a neck and shoulders covered in down feathers, ready for you to bury your nose in and snuggle into. -And of course we have the most sensitive part of any bird-esque creature... the wings. -If you manage to sneak up behind him and plant smooches on his wings, you're going to end up with a very surprised, very flustered birdie. -Or you could always take it a step further: getting him to lay down on his stomach while plant touches and kisses all along his wings. That's a sure fire way to rile him up and get him needy and flustered. -All kisses, like any touch really, is good, and he's sure to be receptive to most any positive physical touch you're willing to share.
So, what about Him? How does He kiss you? -It is a little hard with the beak, but little gentle soft pecks to cheeks or shoulders or even the neck. Very gentle, very slow, just touching his beak to you. -He never suprises you with these because he's definitely worried that he'll startle you and you'll accidentally bump yourself on it. He really doesn't want you to get hurt because he tried to kiss you, especially since good touch is so new to him. -But he's found a middle ground touch he's very happy with: gently headbutting you every chance he gets. -Little bumps on the arms, shoulders, back, just whenever he can. Never with much force, just tiny little reminders that he sees you and loves you and wants your attention. -His favorite version of this is when he gets the chance to rest his forehead against yours. It's just so sweet and intimate, and he dosn't have to worry about hurting you. -Please let this bird boy show you how much he cares for you.
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stp-imagines · 13 days
Welcome to stp-imagines! This is a new blog that focuses on headcanons and imagines (one-shots) for the video game Slay the Princess. A copy of the rules is below the cut for those who are mobile-bound, and for any Path to Nowhere fans, check out my other blog, @ptn-imagines!
Be patient. I am a single person struggling with chronic fatigue. I will try to get to requests as quickly as possible, but some wait time should be expected, particularly with imagines.
Be kind. Again, I am a single person, and my perspectives and interpretations of the characters may be different to yours. Be respectful when interacting with this blog, please.
No bigotry allowed. I will not tolerate any form of discrimination on this blog, whether it be LGBTQ+phobia, racism, ableism, religious discrimination, or anything along these lines.
Specify if a request is a headcanon or imagine. Headcanons are bulletpointed lists of, well, headcanons. Imagines are full one-shots. I will write the same request as both headcanons and an imagine, but not in the same ask.
Be specific. This greatly increases the likelihood you’ll get a satisfactory response. In particular, if it isn’t specified, I will assume the “reader” in each scenario is the Long Quiet.
I will write for fan-made Princesses, but again, being specific gives a higher likelihood of getting what you want. If you can’t fit all the information into an ask, you may send a DM with any addendums.
Please request no more than three characters in any given request.
I will write scenarios for the Long Quiet, the Narrator, and the Voices, not just the Princesses. Ask if uncertain. This includes romantic scenarios (such as Skeptic x Hero content, for an example).
I will write NSFW content. Please only request this if you’re 18+.
I will not write romantic or sexual content involving the Den (the Beast is fair game. She passes the Harkness Test).
I will not write content that includes p*dophilia, r*pe, in*est, or abuse. “X helping the reader to escape an abusive situation” and similar requests is alright, though I reserve the right to decline any.
Please do not use characters from other media as a basis for your request. If you want a Voice/Reader/etc. who acts like, say, Dante from Devil May Cry, you will have to describe the desired personality traits the long way (so for Dante: a flamboyant, larger-than-life personality which they use to cover up how much they deeply care).
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salty-an-disco · 16 days
speaking of Cold having impulsive thoughts and not intrusive ones– as he is in the construct, I don't think Cold ever had any intrusive thoughts, since he genuinely considers every thought that enters his head as interesting enough to try it out at least once
But I do think in an 'out of the construct' scenario, he'd develop intrusive thoughts. And because they're very similar to the impulsive thoughts he already had ("what if I stabbed this person on the heart?" except the thought actually perturbs him now instead of seeming mildly interesting), he'd struggle with seperating them from his actual wants, just adding to his self-image of being an irredeemable and terrible person that everyone is right to be afraid of.
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imnotokayhru · 7 days
Anyone else have head-canons about the voices from slay the princess?
Like, The Contrarian is bisexual, ofc he is
The mf is called The Contrarian you think he’s NOT gonna be somewhat queer? No. Cuz, contrary to popular belief, he likes dudes!
The Cold is gay, but by default hates everyone, even himself (His voice is hot tho-)
The Smitten is probably a little queer, but nobody wants to gaf about him (He’s like the annoying younger sibling)
The Cheated is homophobic probably or REALLY in denial
The Skeptic and Stubborn are best friends
The Paranoid is terrified of taking chances on anything, but if it aids in survival, he’s dammed if he doesn’t sure as hell try
The Hunted def got some intrusive thoughts
The Broken and The Paranoid talk about how depressed they are with each other like the best buds they are
The Hero very low-key hates being the one to make decisions, but as soon as The Contrarian is there, it feels kind of like he’s being relieved of it just a bit bc he makes outright ridiculous statements, catching The Narrator really off guard
And then The Narrator is tired, just trying to keep up with everything happening around him
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amazingmsme · 2 months
Piggybacking on the ask from the other anon, are you okay with tickle related asks about the voices?
ABSOLUTELY! The voices & narrator are actually my favorite characters because they’re all voiced by none other than Jon Sims himself voice kink go brr & their interactions are really fun & introspective, but then again, so is the whole game
I definitely have some thoughts on voice of the hero & cold, & voice of the hunted is literally so lee coded
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dobodleaday · 2 months
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07.24.24 Big Hater and the Littlest Hater
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The Shifting Mound is an abrosexual pangender entity and uses all pronouns though favours they/them
They are married to The Long Quiet who is a pansexual agender creature and uses he/it/they pronouns
They’re both DID systems.
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I don’t usually explain my headcanons but this explanation is a headcanon in of itself so here I go! When the Narrator split them, The Shifting Mound took all the gender and being everything and anything, they’re all the genders, while the Long Quiet has no gender at all. The Long Quiet loves The Shifting Mound in all their multitudes, regardless of what gender they are, which is ever changing and shifting just like them, straight, gay, bi, ace, they’re all and none of those things, containing each in their multitudes.
And then the DID part should be pretty obvious lol
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