#Sabine x Oc
heavisintheditch · 6 months
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paigeswiftsea · 3 months
Sabine & Blaire Mood Boards
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fixations-101 · 4 months
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driderwife · 5 months
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Voss and Sabine for @redcapmcnasty 💗
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twstnettle · 4 months
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Gift from the amazing artist @glidiaxoxo featuring Leona and my OC Sabine! Just look at that beautiful hair ah!
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vaehbae · 1 year
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(My art! Please credit if you repost) Rebel teases Sabine... - (Small Fanfic/description of what going on rn. I don't mind any errors..) Also, my insert OC will be mentioned so don't cringe. lol -------------
After what seems like days, Ahsoka, Sabine, Huyang, and Rebel successfully rescued Ezra Bridger. They worked together as a team and broke away from Trawn and the empires after Baylan betrayed Sabine. She told him she would be reunited but that didn't mean they both wouldn't be captured! Rebel helped sniff out their location once they landed on the new planet and broke them out.
A long battle was carried out after the escape and that was when Sabine realized Ezra was in pretty bad shape as they boarded the ship. The raven-haired man passed out cold once his adrenaline went down and he was then immediately rushed into medical attention. Huyang advised Ahsoka and Sabine to wait outside while he treated Bridger. This sent Sabine into a spiral of worry and frustration, she shouldn't have ever trusted Baylan and kept it together! She just wanted to see Ezra so bad but not like this! She watched outside as the droid began to strip away his clothes and check at the wounds scattered across his torso; other than a few bruises and cuts he seemed fine.
"Are Mandalorian women this bold when seeing a man with his shirt off?" Rebel's voice spoke out with a teasing grin across her face.
Sabine felt her face ball up into flush and embarrassment as she realized she had been staring! "Cut it off." She huffed out a whisper as his elbow knocked back into the hybrid's chest. Rebel's tail wagged behind her as she saw a Sabine's frown slightly curve into a grin for a moment just before it lowered back down into a harsh scowl.
Rebel just laughed and snickered like a child as she noticed the faint strokes of red painted across the Mandolorian's face. She looked up at Ahsoka who seemed to be hiding a chuckle before she suddenly stopped. They all looked up towards the door of the med-bay with worry lingering around in the air.
--------------- (Comment below on what you think is going to happen next episode!)
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Sorry (not really) for all the Hans and Sabine stuff I've reblogged and am about to reblog. The urge to pic up my story has fully kicked down my door and wrapped me in a choke hold. I've been on hiatus since January but I feel like this is the one 🤞
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kanerallels · 1 year
Finally, I have a fic worth posting for @jacensyndullaweek! (although I do have one thing that I'm gonna end up posting late that I want to share)
Prompt: Culture/Heritage
Rating: G
Read here on AO3!!
1. Sabine
“Are you sure Ezra’s gonna be okay with this?” Jacen frowned at Sabine as they headed into the cockpit of the New Dawn.
“Rule number one of art as a Mandalorian,” Sabine said. “Never ask. Just do. Unless it’s Hera’s room. Then you ask. Besides, the Dawn needs a little brightening up. No ship should be entirely gray.”
The boy wavered for another second, then grinned. “Okay, cool! Where are we starting?”
“That’s more like it.” Sabine paused, turning in a circle. “That wall,” she said, pointing. “You start there, and I’ll start on the other side.”
“What should I paint?” Jacen asked as she passed him the box full of small finger paint cans she’d bought just for this— it was a good place to start for a beginner.
Pulling out her paint guns, Sabine said, “Whatever you want. If you don’t know, start with a feeling. Or something you know. Just don’t hesitate. When you’re doing graffiti, you need to be confident. Got it?”
Jacen nodded, his eight-year-old face screwed up into a serious expression as he pulled out green and blue paint. “I got it.”
“Good. Let’s get started.”
2. Zeb
“Okay,” Hera said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Zeb recognized this expression— she’d worn it about a thousand times while lecturing him and Ezra back in the day. “Run it past me one more time. How in the name of the Force did you break your arm, Jacen?”
Wincing, Zeb said, “It was an accident, I swear.”
“It was!” Jacen agreed earnestly, struggling to push himself upright in the hospital bed and wincing slightly. Hera pressed her lips into a straight line— never a good sign.
���Why don’t you start from the beginning?” Kanan offered from next to Hera. His expression was serene, and he brushed a gentle palm against Hera’s arm, which seemed to calm her a little bit.
“Right,” Zeb said. “So, I was talking to the kid about some of the old sports they had back on Lasan.”
“And there was this one where the greatest warriors would jump from rock spire to rock spire, show off their climbing skills,” Jacen said, his eyes gleaming. “So I asked Uncle Zeb to show me—”
“—and he asked to try it out—”
“—and I fell,” Jacen concluded.
Throwing her hands in the air, Hera said, “And you didn’t even think about the fact that Jacen could get hurt doing that?”
“Well, Lasat cubs usually didn’t,” Zeb offered. “I guess I forgot that humans have more fragile bones. No offense.”
Kanan let out a choking noise that Zeb immediately knew was a snort of laughter, and hastily disguised it as a cough. Hera shot him a sideways glare, but her expression softened a few seconds later as she sighed.
“Thank you for trying to teach Jacen, but you do need to be careful. Next time, maybe start with something a little easier? Or make sure Kanan or Ezra are there to catch him?”
“Absolutely,” Zeb agreed. 
As Hera turned to talk to the approaching doctor, Jacen leaned towards Zeb. “Can we try it again when my arm gets better?” he whispered.
“Only if you get better at not falling,” Zeb whispered back. “I don’t want your parents to skin me alive.”
3. Kanan
“Hey, Dad?”
Kanan lifted his head, pulled out of his meditation trance by his son’s voice. Tracking him to the doorway to his and Hera’s room, he waved for him to come in as he said, “What’s going on, kiddo?”
He heard Jacen move into the room and drop down into a similar posture in front of him. “I’m doing this school project— we’re doing family trees,” he explained. “And I need your help.”
Kanan chuckled. “With this family, I’m not surprised. Where’d you get tripped up? Miss an aunt or uncle?”
“Nah,” Jacen said, his matching grin clear in his voice. “Grandparents, actually. I got Grandpa Cham and Grandma Eleni on Mom’s side, but I don’t really know any on your side.”
Nodding thoughtfully, Kanan said, “Well, you and I are in the same boat there, actually. I never knew my biological parents.”
“Okay— so should I just leave it blank?”
Kanan frowned, stroking his beard. “You could,” he said slowly, turning the question over in his mind. It might have been easier just to leave it that way. But the point of these family trees— he assumed— were that the kids didn’t forget where and who they’d come from. The people who’d shaped their lives before those lives had even really begun. “Let me show you something,” he told Jacen, getting to his feet.
He knew the layout of the room well by this time, and it was a matter of ease to step over to the shelf nearby and pull down one of the holodisks stacked there. Turning it on, he let it rest in his palm and held it out to Jacen. “What do you see?”
“Um, two people— a man and a woman. Looks like they’re posing for a picture,” Jacen said. “The woman has braids, and she’s laughing. The guy’s more serious, but he’s smiling a little. He’s taller and bald, looks like he has darker skin than the woman.” He paused, then said, “They’re both wearing Jedi robes. Are these—”
“The woman is my master, Depa Billaba,” Kanan said, turning off the holodisk. “And the man is her master, Mace Windu. A friend recovered this holo for me a year or two ago. It’s the only thing I have left of them.” Reaching out, he pressed it into Jacen’s hand. “They are as close to family as I ever had.”
Jacen was silent for a moment, and Kanan waited, knowing his son was thinking. “Thanks for showing me, Dad,” he finally said.
“Any time, kiddo.”
4. Ezra
“Why are we going here again?”
Ezra glanced at Jacen, who was bouncing on his heels with impatience. “I thought you said we were going to do Jedi stuff,” the fifteen year old pointed out.
“We are going to,” Ezra said truthfully. “We’re just making a stop first.” Looking both ways, he started across the street, keeping one eye on Jacen as he followed him. The kid had finally outgrown his habit of forgetting to look before he leapt— mostly. At the very least, he looked both ways before he crossed the street now.
He was still willing to throw himself headfirst into situations, though, not unlike both of his parents. That included Jedi training, and Ezra knew that he should be just as excited as Jacen was for this.
And he was, really. He was just also pretty sure Kanan had chosen wrong, and that his old master should be training Jacen himself. 
But that wasn’t the point. Right now wasn’t actually about that. Right now was about visiting somewhere he hadn’t been since he’d gotten back from the Unknown Regions, and showing Jacen a new piece of Lothal.
Turning a corner, he spotted the old warehouse. Even just the outside looked different than it had in the years during the war— no guards, and the door was wide open.
He looked at Jacen. “Did your mom and dad ever tell you about this place?” When the boy shook his head, Ezra explained, “During the war, this was where the main black market congregated, particularly around Life Day. I used to come here all the time— mainly when I was by myself, but I came with Kanan and the others a couple times.”
Starting towards the entrance, he continued, “But Lothal doesn’t really need a black market any more— so now it’s just a regular one. One of Lothal’s hidden treasures. I thought you should see it.”
They stopped at the entrance together, and Ezra took in the familiar sights. He recognized some faces— the elderly owner of the stall selling woven blankets, the Gotal who pretended not to notice when he’d stolen a few kebabs every now and then— and noticed others missing. 
The war had changed everything, but they were putting it back together, slowly but surely.
He looked at Jacen, who was taking in the place with wide eyes. “So. Lunch, then training?”
“Sounds good,” the boy said with a grin.
5. Hera
“And you’re sure you’re ready for this?” Hera checked as she, Kanan, and Jacen headed towards the small building awaiting them.
Her son gave her a grin. “Mom, we’ve talked about this like twenty times now. I’m seventeen— I’m ready. You got your tattoos way younger than this.”
Wincing at the memory of the needle’s sting, Hera said, “I know. That’s why I’m checking. I don’t want you to do it just because someone said you couldn’t, like I did. It was terrifying—”
“And you were like eight,” Jacen pointed out. “Of course that would be terrifying. But trust me— I want to do this. I already got Dad’s looks, and I want to honor your side, too.”
Kanan, who’d been silent thus far, spoke up. “He’s right, Hera. Besides, he’s almost eighteen. Even if you put your foot down, he’d only be delaying it for a couple months.”
Letting out a sigh, Hera said, “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
“Nope!” Jacen said cheerfully. “Besides, you let Dad get the tattoos.”
“Your father is a full grown man,” Hera said. “And incredibly stubborn, I might add.”
Kanan let out a snort. “I think we all know who the stubborn one is in this relationship, Captain Hera.”
Grabbing the door handle, Jacen said, “Yeah, I know better than to get involved in this argument. Come on— Ivri’s already inside!”
Hera followed his nod to where Jacen’s friend, the half-Mirialan boy with a perpetual smile, was waiting for them next to the Twi’leki tattoo artist. “Alright,” she said reluctantly.
“Go ahead, Jacen,” Kanan told him, catching hold of Hera's arm. “Your mom and I will catch up with you in a minute. Don’t choose anything obscene or too embarrassing while we’re gone, okay?”
Grinning, Jacen said, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
As he ducked inside, the door swinging shut behind him, Kanan lifted an eyebrow at Hera. “What are the odds of him listening to that?”
“Well he has your genes, so about fifty-fifty.”
“Harsh.” Kanan paused, then said, “You okay about this?”
Unable to hold back a wry smile, Hera said, “You know me well, love. But… yeah, I am. Mostly. It’s just…” she looked through the window where Jacen and his friend were chatting with the Twi’lek. “Our little boy is growing up,” she said with a sigh. “It’s strange.”
“You’re telling me,” Kanan said with a sigh. “At least he’s less likely to shoot himself into the Unknown Regions than the last one is.”
Hera snorted with amusement. “He’d better be, or we’ll be having words.”
“I believe it.” Offering her his arm, Kanan said, “Shall we?”
Taking a deep breath, Hera looped her arm around his. “Okay. Let’s do this.” She let him lead her into the tattoo parlor, trying not to think about just how much her son was growing up.
We’re proud of him, though, she thought with a twinge. And he’s still our son. 
+1. Trill
(set a few weeks before the last chapter of Disproving The Love At First Sight Theory)
Jacen sensed it as soon as Trill woke up. Generally speaking, he wasn’t terribly skilled at sensing living beings— not the way his dad or sister were, and definitely not the way Ezra was. His master was one with the living Force in a way Jacen never had been.
But this didn’t seem to be true for Trill, for whatever reason. Jacen could always sense it when she woke up, and could track her pretty easily throughout the ship. It was like he was attuned to her, more than he was to anyone else.
Sometimes he wondered why that was, but since he was currently living in close quarters with not only her, but also the galaxy’s nosiest Kalleran, he decided not to spend too much time on it.
It was about ten minutes after she woke up that she made her way into the New Dawn’s kitchen. Stifling a yawn, she said, “Morning— what’s that smell?”
“Good morning,” Jacen said cheerfully. “Remember that mysterious package I… picked up on Cantonica yesterday?”
Trill arched an eyebrow at him. “You mean the one that you stole from the hotel and smuggled out under your poncho?”
“That’s the one,” Jacen said. “But the people there are corrupt and tried to kill us like four times, so it doesn’t count. Anyways— behold! Our new waffle maker!”
He flourished a hand at the maker, which stood on the counter, emanating the delicious smell of cooking waffles. Trill frowned at it, then directed the expression at Jacen. “You stole a waffle maker?”
“You’re focusing on the wrong thing here,” Jacen told her. “Remember, they tried to kill us. But also, yeah. Now we can have waffles for breakfast!”
Settling at the table, Trill swept her loose hair out of her eyes, and Jacen tried to pretend like his gaze hadn’t followed the movement, and lingered for just a moment. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s so important about waffles?”
The iron beeped, and Jacen turned towards it. Rolling up his sleeves, he flipped it open and started to remove the waffle with a fork, responding to Trill’s question as he did.
“It’s a family tradition. My dad makes the best waffles in the galaxy— Uncle Zeb makes the second best, tied with me. We always used to eat them whenever my mom would get back from a dangerous mission, or before Ezra and I would leave, or any special occasion like that.” Maneuvering the waffle onto a plate, he slid it towards Trill. “And I guess… I wanted to share that with you. If you’re interested.”
She looked surprised, in that way she always did whenever Jacen said something like this. It was the kind of surprise that made him think maybe, just maybe… she’d stick around. 
For a minute, Trill held his gaze, then offered him a smile. “I— I am. Thank you.”
Don’t read into it, Jacen ordered himself, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at her smile. Aloud, he said, “Good. Cause I have a feeling Kasmir’s gonna be here soon, and he’ll be hungry. So you’d better get started on that waffle.”
“Will do,” Trill said, hopping up to grab a fork. Turning back to his work, Jacen felt himself grinning. Starting out a day with waffles and Trill? It really couldn’t get much better than that.
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bluechissbrain · 11 months
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If only Thias knew how to talk to her...
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Oh, I know how a Star Wars Prompt with both 5 and 24, from the kissing Prompt list. With Ezra Bridger, Sabine, Anakin, Hunter, and Rey. Where they're undercover with the Reader, who is their crush.
And one time when they were almost caught talking about their plans by the enemy, they pretend to make out. And while they did get a little out of hand. It kept their cover from being blown.
Afterwards when they're alone, they end up confessing to the reader in the heat of the moment.
Cute idea! Even better if it leads to a confession 👀
Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips
Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
Rey - at first she tenses up when you kiss her, but you both stay that way until the Clones pass by your hiding place. It feels…nice, to her, to be wanted this way. Every fiber of her resolve starts to shirk away when you run your fingers through her hair. She wants to feel like this every day.
Later when you’ve confessed to each other, it’s more of a relief to Rey that you reciprocate her feelings
Ezra - oh this boy!! It may be the most dangerous situation he’s faced in a while, but your idea of a distraction has him red in the face. Soft, sweet and warm, kissing you is the best feeling in the galaxy!
It’s almost as best when you finally confess to each other, knowing that you’re genuine and it wasn’t just a ploy
Sabine - she had a weapon ready as footsteps approached you both, but was not expecting you to grasp as her face. A muffled “mfph!” almost gives you two away before you’re in the clear
Sure Sabine is flustered by your actions, but once things have calmed down she is genuinely touched by your feelings for her. Cue a “it’s about time” from Kanan
Anakin - the droids patrolling for Dooku were closing in, but it seemed you both had the same impulse in what to do. Grabbing onto each other, you kiss as if your lives depend on it.
When you pull back, the Jedi has the smuggest grin on his face followed by a “what took you so long?”
Hunter - it came as a surprise when you were both hiding in a cramped space from a bounty hunter and company, but one slight move had you both caught together. You definitely don’t mind his lips on yours, and you swear you could see him melt into it a bit
Afterwards, it’s a bit of an awkward confession (mostly on Hunter’s end), but he’s reassured when you take his hands into yours
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heavisintheditch · 6 months
Can love blossom even on the battlefield(arena)?
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. . . it is possible?
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paigeswiftsea · 2 months
so i did end up making blaire (my oc) in the sims, and also tried to make sabine and played with them for like five minutes. here are some screenshots
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heres my oc blaire
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heres my attempt at sabine (bad)
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they were flirting immediately lolol
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fixations-101 · 6 months
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alex went on that mini rant about zapping Sabine and it just spoke to me
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yandere-collections · 2 years
First Time Meeting Angela Scenario (Bookworm!Reader)
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Man, this is such bullshit, Angela thought. She glanced around the library trying to figure out where she could even begin to look.
“I don’t even need this class, it’s just some stupid gen ed credit,” she muttered to herself. She glanced around to make sure no one  “English Lit is such bullshit.”
She scowled down at her phone, trying her best to search the library’s online catalog for a suitable pair of books for her class project. Yep. It was only the first week of classes and already her professor assigned the entire class a semester long project worth over half her grade. You know, the kind of assignment almost everyone puts off doing until they have to make a mad scramble the week(end) before, or maybe even the night before for the true unlucky procrastinators. But Angela figured she would be responsible for the first week of classes when everything was easy and she would at least find the two books she could at least try to read.
What proved even more annoying was that she didn’t even get to choose her own genre. Instead, the professor had passed around a hat with scraps of paper in it that all had a different kind of book written on it. So too bad if you decided to skip the first day or join class later in the week. At least she got “dystopia”, something she at least sort of recognized (she had at least seen The Hunger Games movies). Some unlucky guy had gotten “western boddice rippers”. The assignment was to compare one classic (read: old) novel of the genre and one contemporary. She didn’t know why they couldn’t just pick their own genres so they could at least get books they actually wanted to read. 
But then, the professor just had to throw another spanner in the works. Not only did they assign a project, it was a presentation. A group presentation. So she had to coordinate with the other students who also drew dystopia from the hat and then they would also have to compare your two books with their books. And yeah, if you think eight books is a lot to fit into a class presentation, you would be right. Each student would have to give a mini presentation halfway through the semester in a video submitted online about their two books to the professor and their group members.
She glared at the group chat her three classmates had made. One of them, Xavier, already claimed two books, both of which Angela didn’t recognize either of the titles or the authors. She sighed and glanced up at the entry way, contemplating whether or not she should just leave. She was only in the lobby anyhow, it’s not like very many people had seen her yet. The only other person in view was you, who had just entered. You stopped at the display in the middle of the room, browsing through the librarian’s choices of the week.
You ultimately left without taking one off the podium and walked over to the drop off bin. She noticed the large tote bag by your side with a rectangular imprint. You pull out a stack of books, depositing them one by one in the slot. She subtly counted five books and two dvds. Walking past her, you made brief eye contact, both of you scanning the other. Cute, was her first thought. Deep down she had always had a little bit of a thing for nerdy types.
You walked past and Angela had to catch her breath. 1, 2, 3,4, she counted just like when she did breathing exercises before a game. She waited a few more beats and then turned the corner to follow you. She crept through the stacks behind you, staying just out of your line of sight. You seemed to care more about the book instead of your surroundings. Your fingers stroked to book spines, causing Angela to shiver as she imagined her spine in their place. Sure, maybe not her proudest moment but she couldn’t help herself. Besides, the way you moved with such confidence was so enticing; you were clearly comfortable in this place, your domain. She wondered whether your demeanor would transfer over outside the library or if you needed someone (her) to take control.
But she was getting ahead of herself. First she needed to approach you, get you talking. She waited until you ended up at the back corner, unoccupied and dimly lit. She cleared her throat behind you, waiting for you to face her. You turned, taking a step back at her closeness your back hitting the shelf behind you and clutched your stack of books to your chest. She was quite a tall woman, over six feet at least (she’s 6’3”/190 cm). 
“Can I… help you?” 
Her smile remained frozen on her face, hiding the fact her heart was beating over time. What was she doing? Swallowing her nerves was tough but she needed help. And if she got said help from a cutie like you, all the better. Now all she needed was to be able to talk to you and not look like a complete idiot.
“I hope so. You read a lot, yeah?” 
Your brow furrowed. “...Yes? I come here fairly regularly.”
“Good! Good. Well, I… don’t.” She cringed as you raised an eyebrow at her. “And I kind of need some help finding books for a class project.” She hoped she wasn’t imagining you looking more relaxed at that. Maybe she could make a connection with you over this.
“And you want me to help?”
Her eyes lit up. “Really? Hell yeah, let’s go!”
Your lips turned up at her enthusiasm, giving an awkward yet still genuine smile. You beckoned her to follow and lead her back into a private corner of the library. It contained a cozy little reading nook tucked away behind a wall out of sight from the other patrons. There were a few oversized leather chairs and couches, each with a side table with its own lamp and two large coffee tables. The best part was that it was entirely empty, giving you two complete privacy. You lead her to one of the couches
She made sure to sit next to you on the couch, close enough for you to smell her perfume. Slinging an arm across behind your shoulders, close enough that leaning back would cause you two to touch. You didn’t seem to notice, chatting about the books you recommended.
“Of course, if you’re looking for classic dystopia then I highly recommend 1984. It’s one of my favorites. The themes of conformity and surveillance which are later reinforced through the ending is heartbreaking after everything Winston goes through. But you could also read Brave New World. It has some similar themes like government control.”
She flashed a smile at you, glad to have an opening. “Oh yeah, someone in my group already said they were going to read that.”
“So you can’t choose that one then… And you said you’ve read Hunger Games? That’s a good choice.”
“Does watching the movie count?” she laughed.
You breathed out a chuckle, stopping her heart once again. “I mean, it’s basically the same story but I don’t know if your professor would let you get away with that.”
It took a second for her brain to restart. Never mind hookups, never mind dating, she was going to become your wife. So precious, she would do anything keep you by her side.
“So,” she said, slapping her knee and standing up. “1984 and Hunger Games. You wanna help a girl out?”
“Sure. They’re fairly common books so they should at least have a copy available. Otherwise, you can put them on hold or go somewhere else. Let’s go look them up on the catalog.”
You lead her to the pair of computers by the checkout desk. Angela trailed behind you, making sure to use that time to drink in your appearance, appreciative of the view. You leaned over, typing into the search bar. She left you too it and pulled out her phone, shooting a text off to her group members about her choices while you located the books for her. You seemed to understand what the numbers assigned to each went and walked off, not even checking to see if she was following. Within five minutes, she had both in hand and you showed her how to use her school ID to check them out, checking yours out at the same time.
She walked you to the entrance, blushing as she tried to steel herself once more for the question she had to ask you.
“Could I get your number? We could talk more about books if you wanted. I’ll probably need some help understanding them anyways.” 
You tilted your head at her, eyes soft. “I think you’d be fine. But sure, why not?”
“Great! Let’s trade phones!”
You each put your number into the other’s phone. After, she watched you walk away, phone clutched to her chest as if the warmth from your fingers would transfer over from the device. First step completed. Now that she had your number she was on her way to making you fall in love. Next was to find a way to see you more often without relying on chance. She looked forward to the long night of stalking your socials ahead of her.
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vaehbae · 1 year
Rebel go wake Sabine and Ezra
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(My Art! Please credit if reposted) Ahsoka: Hey, while you are up can you wake Ezra and Sabine and tell them we are exiting hyperspace?' Rebel: uh... Yeah. Sure? Rebel: Hey sabin- .... Rebel unfortunately witnessed some unspeakable things after looking up from the clothes on the floor of Sabine's cabin... (This is all jokes guys! Allll jokes)
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Alone No Longer Ch.9 - Stand By Your Man
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A young woman seated beside the set of double doors snapped to attention when Sabine approached. She stepped around her tiny workstation and raised her arms in an attempt to block her path.
"I'm sorry Madam, but Sir Hellsing is in a very important meeting right now. You will have to wait until-"
Sabine narrowed her eyes and lengthened her stride. She was all too familiar with the timid set of the secretary's shoulders. Women like her passed through the cabaret a dime a dozen, but they never lasted long. They were weak. Easily broken, like Lydie… like Inge.
Her smile stretched to reveal her fangs as she pushed past the startled secretary.
"Out of the way, la petite fille. What I have to say to your boss will not take long." (little girl)
Sabine slammed open the double doors with enough force to send them crashing against the opposite side of the wall.
Arthur Hellsing glared at her from behind his oversized desk.
Seated before him were two middle-aged men that Sabine didn't recognize. The one on the left was slightly overweight with brown hair parted to the side. His lip quivered below a thick mustache as his eyes nervously bounced between the other two men. The slim blonde on the right gave her a quick once over before scoffing and turned back to Sir Hellsing.
"Honestly, Arthur. It's the middle of the day!"
Sir Hellsing grinned as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his ankle over his knee.
"Give me some credit Hugh. She's not one of mine."
Sabine knew what type of company Arthur kept at all hours of the night. She had even formed a mutually beneficial comradery with a few of the women. Once they understood that she had no interest in the man or his money.
With her fanged smile firmly in place, Sabine marched across the checkered tiles to stand in the center of the room. She planned to reason with Arthur and bargain for Hans' safety, but when she opened her mouth to speak, she knew there was no hiding the outrage in her voice.
"You keep him chained and muzzled in the basement like an ANIMAL!"
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