#Saiyuki x you
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Prompt { Nice } : 5. “I made you some hot cocoa.”
Character: Genjo Sanzo
Fandom: Saiyuki
A/n: Sanzo, I love this asshole
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Genjo Sanzo hated a lot of things, annoying people, the cold, when he ran out of cigarettes. Honestly the list could go on an on. But if their was one thing that he actually seems to enjoy were things made by you.
He loved it when you would cook him his favorite meal { though he would never admit it}, the monk just enjoyed being selfish you in general. You had this innocents to you, you were someone he could trust, someone that he could finally love. So when the weather got cold, here you were with a bright smile on your face.
Though the man didn’t get a chance to even ask you what you were holding as you thrusted the mug in his face. “I made you some hot cocoa.”
Rolling your eyes you placed the mug down in front of him. “Because it’s cold and you’re sitting in this freezing room alone, but if you don’t want it I guess I’ll just give it too Gojyo.”
Reaching for the mug you couldn’t help but smirk watching the man snatch it away before you could get a chance to grab it.
Humming you stepped closer then placed a kiss to his head sitting down comfortable next to Sanzo. Biting back a yawn you got yourself comfortable, falling asleep.
Glancing down at your sleeping form, Sanzo let out a small scoff then sighed shaking his head taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Though he would never admit it to anyone else he did love you and was grateful for the hot chocolate and everything else you’d do for him.
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detectivesparrow · 7 months
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Title: Bounded by Resolve
Paring: Sanzo Party x reader (Saiyuki)
Word Count: 2.1k.
TW: gn!reader, platonic?, reader gets hurt, comfort, Sanzo crew gets worried
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Sweat beads on your brow as you watch, your heart hammering in your chest with a rhythm that matches the drumbeat of fear pulsing through your veins. The scent of sweat and fear hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest floor to create an atmosphere thick with tension.
The demon's approach is relentless, its movements sinuous and predatory as it slithers closer to the Sanzo party. The dense forest around you seems to pulse with a sinister energy, the eerie backdrop only adding to the sense of impending confrontation.
Suddenly, a low growl breaks the tranquility, shattering the eerie stillness of the forest. It's the harbinger of the approaching danger, a warning sign that sets your nerves alight with a fierce urgency.
With a swift and fluid motion, you step forward, your movements propelled by a sense of fierce determination that burns within you like wildfire.
Your comrades, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of danger, instinctively draw their weapons, their faces etched with a mixture of determination and resolve. The glint of steel in their hands reflects the fierce determination burning within their souls.
Sanzo, with his signature aloof demeanor, grips his gun with a steely resolve, his gaze piercing through the shadows with a clarity that belies the chaos of the moment. His lips curl into a grim line, a silent vow etched upon his features as he prepares to face whatever darkness lurks ahead.
Hakkai's calm facade masks the storm of emotions roiling beneath the surface, his hands steady as he readies his chi with practiced precision. His eyes betray a hint of concern, but beneath the worry lies a steadfast determination to stand firm against the encroaching threat.
Gojyo's easygoing demeanor gives way to a fierce intensity as he brandishes his favorite weapon, the gleaming blade of his shakujo flashing in the dappled sunlight. His stance is one of unwavering readiness, every muscle coiled like a spring as he prepares to unleash his fury upon any who dare to threaten his comrades.
Goku, ever the embodiment of boundless energy and enthusiasm, grips his extendable staff with a fierce determination, his eyes blazing with an inner fire that refuses to be extinguished. His muscles tense with anticipation, his entire being a testament to the unwavering loyalty he holds for his companions.
Demons emerge from the shadows like a nightmare-given form, its grotesque features twisted into a snarl of malevolence. Their eyes narrow as they size you up, their predatory gaze flickering with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine.
With every strike exchanged, the forest seems to hold its breath, the sounds of battle echoing amidst the ancient trees like a primal chorus. The clash of metal against flesh reverberates through the air, a symphony of violence and chaos that echoes through the ancient trees. Each strike is a dance of life and death, a testament to your skill and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
With a guttural snarl, it lunges forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Pain explodes across your side as you take the hit, a sharp gasp escaping your lips despite your best efforts to suppress it.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, heightening your senses to a razor-sharp edge. Every movement of your adversaries is cataloged with meticulous precision, their intentions laid bare before you like an open book.
As you stumble backward, the forest spins around you, disorienting and chaotic. The world tilts dangerously, threatening to swallow you whole as you struggle to regain your footing on unsteady ground. Every movement is an uphill battle against the relentless onslaught of pain that courses through your body, a symphony of agony that threatens to drown out all other sensations.
But you refuse to succumb to the overwhelming tide of pain. With a fierce determination burning bright within you, you push through the agony. The very fiber of your being screams in protest, but you steel yourself against the onslaught, drawing upon reservoirs of strength you never knew you possessed.
The world starts to blur around you, the sounds of battle fading into the background as you focus all of your energy on the task at hand. Each breath comes ragged and labored, every movement an act of defiance against the pain that threatens to consume you.
With each blow you deliver, you chip away at the demon's defenses, inching closer and closer to victory with every strike.
And as the battle rages on around you, you find yourself drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that binds you to your comrades. Their faces flash before your eyes, a reminder of the stakes at hand and the importance of your mission.
The battle rages on around you, a chaotic symphony of clashing weapons and anguished cries. Your vision swims as you struggle to keep pace with the frenetic pace of the fight, each movement sending waves of agony radiating through your wounded side. But still, you press on, driven by a single-minded resolve to protect those you hold dear.
A wave of exhaustion washes over you, threatening to drag you into unconsciousness. You cling to consciousness by sheer force of will.
As the last of the demons falls, a deafening silence descends upon the forest, broken only by the ragged gasps of your companions and the steady rhythm of your own labored breathing.
Your limbs feel as heavy as lead, each movement a Herculean effort that sends shooting pains lancing through your battered body.
Your muscles ache with a deep-seated weariness, every fiber screaming in protest with each faltering step you take. It's as if your bones are made of molten iron, dragging you down with each labored breath, each heartbeat a thunderous drumbeat in your ears.
Your vision swims in and out of focus, the world around you reduced to a hazy blur of muted colors and indistinct shapes. Each footfall sends shockwaves of agony radiating through your weary frame, threatening to send you sprawling to the forest floor in a heap of exhaustion and pain.
But still, you cling to consciousness. Every ounce of your being is focused on the single-minded task of following the Sanzo party back onto the road.
"Aw man, that was it?" Goku chimes out. "Man, I'm starving!"
"Shut up, you stupid monkey!" Gojyo shouts.
"Hey, that was a big fight!"
"Now, now, the next town is about a drive's breakfast" Hakai chides.
"All right! Let's go!" Goku says as he jumps in the backseat.
You move carefully with them, to avoid the injury being seen. Sanzo takes a small glance back at your unusual slowness, but chalks it up as exhaustion.
With every passing moment, your condition worsens, the relentless march of time eroding the fragile facade of strength you've meticulously maintained. The blood-soaked fabric of your shirt clings to your skin like a macabre second skin, a grim reminder of the toll exacted by the fierce battle you've waged.
Each movement sends jolts of agony coursing through your weary frame. Your vision narrows to a pinprick, the darkness at the edges creeping ever closer with each labored heartbeat.
The world blurs into a hazy blur of pain and exhaustion as you struggle to remain upright. Each breath comes out softly, ragged and labored, with the darkness at the edges of your vision creeping ever closer.
It's Gojyo who notices first, his sharp eyes catching the telltale signs of your distress. With a curse, he breaks away from the group, rushing to your side with a sense of urgency that belies his usual carefree demeanor.
"Hakkai, we've got a problem," he calls out urgently, his voice cutting through the atmosphere like a knife.
Hakkai's brow furrows in concern as he glances over his shoulder, his hands steady on the wheel as he maneuvers the vehicle through the dense forest. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice a calm anchor amidst the rising tide of panic.
Gojyo's expression is grim as he gestures towards you, his movements urgent and decisive. "It's y/n. They're hurt bad," he says, his words clipped and to the point as he assesses the extent of your injuries.
Panic sets in among your comrades as they realize the severity of your condition, their frantic attempts to rouse you echoing in the recesses of your fading consciousness. Through the haze, you hear their voices, a jumble of worry and fear that cuts through the fog of pain enveloping your mind.
"Hey, come on! Wake up!" Goku pleads, his voice cracking with emotion as he searches desperately for any sign of consciousness.
Sanzo's jaw tightens with concern as he watches the scene unfold, his normally stoic facade betraying a hint of unease. "We need to get them help. Now," he declares, his tone holding no argument, directing Hakkai to pick up the pace.
Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, you struggle to make sense of the chaos around you. The voices of your comrades blend together in a cacophony of worry and fear, their urgent pleas a lifeline in the darkness that threatens to consume you whole.
As you faded out, succumbing to the pain, the group discuss their next action.
"Damn it. Why didn't they say anything?" Sanzo grumbles, huffing out a smoke.
"Hakai, hurry!" Goku shouts. "It looks really bad!"
"I'm trying, Goku. I can only go so fast!" Hakai replies, going as fast as he can, as he glances at you through the rearview mirror.
Gojyo remains silent, his hands putting pressure on your wounds. His expression laced with concern.
"This damn idiot" he curses. "When you wake up, I'll kill you."
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Time loses all meaning as you drift in and out of consciousness, the world reduced to a series of fragmented impressions and fleeting moments of clarity.
As consciousness gradually returns, you find yourself enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and safety, the soft embrace of a bed cradling your weary body.
The gentle rustle of fabric and the faint scent of herbs mingle in the air, offering a soothing balm to your senses as you struggle to piece together the fragments of memory that cling to the recesses of your mind.
It's only when you finally awaken to the warmth of a bed and the gentle touch of bandages around your waist that you realize you've been saved from the brink of death.
Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you find yourself greeted by the familiar faces of your companions, their expressions a swirling mix of relief and concern.
As you shuffle yourself upright, the group quickly comes over.
Sanzo's gruff voice pierces through the haze, his words laced with a grudging sense of worry that he can't quite conceal.
"You're lucky you didn't bleed out before we found you," he mutters, his gaze flickering between irritation and genuine concern. "Next time, try not to be so reckless."
Hakkai's gentle touch brushes against your forehead, his hands deftly adjusting the bandages that encircle your waist. "You gave us quite a scare," he says softly.
Gojyo's worried expression speaks volumes, his usually jovial demeanor tempered by the gravity of the situation. "Damn it, don't you ever scare us like that again," he grumbles, his words tinged with a vulnerability rarely shown.
Goku's infectious grin is a welcome sight. "I knew you'd pull through!" he exclaims, his voice brimming with unbridled enthusiasm.
As the atmosphere lightens with shared relief, Goku's bright grin widens even further, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, now that you're awake, can we eat?" he interjects, his stomach audibly growling in agreement.
A chorus of chuckles ripples through the room at Goku's typically straightforward request. Sanzo rolls his eyes in mock exasperation, but there's a hint of fondness in his gaze as he nods in agreement. "Fine, fine," he concedes, his gruff tone softening just a fraction. "But make it quick."
Hakkai smiles warmly, already rising to his feet to prepare a meal for the weary travelers. "Of course, Goku. I'll grab something simple yet satisfying," he assures, his soothing voice a calming presence amidst the lingering tension.
Gojyo's grin mirrors Goku's as he claps you on the shoulder, his touch gentle despite the underlying strength in his grip. "Sounds good to me. Can't have you starving after all that heroics," he quips, his tone light yet sincere.
As the aroma of food begins to fill the room, a sense of warmth and camaraderie settles over the Sanzo party like a comforting blanket. And as you gather around the makeshift table, sharing stories and laughter amidst mouthfuls of food, you're reminded once again of the unbreakable bond that binds you together, even in the face of life's greatest challenges.
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saiyuki ova amv
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hello how are you,
You said you follow a lot of series. What other series are you into? What series of manga do you have? And which series are you willing to experiment with?
I follow too many fandoms to count, from video games to books, manga, movies, and stuff in between to count them all. My newest series I've gotten into it Delicious in Dungeon, it's funny and well written, but I'm still new to that.
As far as the manga series I have:
-Record of Ragnarok
-My Hero Academia
-My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
-One Punch Man
-Komi Can't Communicate
-Tokyo Revengers
-Monster Musume
-Ancient Magus' Bride
-Let's Buy the Land and Cultivate it in Another World
-Hunting in Another World with my Elf Wife
-Flying Witch
-That Time I got Reincarnated into a Slime
-Demon Slayer
-XXX Holic
-XXX Holic Rei
-Cardcaptor Sakura
-Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
-I've been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
-I was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1500 Years and the Demon King Made me a Minister
-A Centaur's Life
-Machimaho: I Messed up and MAde the Wrong Person into a Magical Girl
-The Alchemist who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life
-Spy X Family
-Plus Sized Elf
-Plus Sized Elf Second Helping
-The Titan's Bride
-I'm not a Succubus
-Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary
-Sailor Moon
-Ah My Goddess
-Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu
-You Like Me, not my Daughter?
-My Room is a Dungeon Rest Stop
-Me and My Brothers
-Ouran High School Host Club
-My Love Story
-Honey So Sweet
-Magic Knights Rayearth
-Thigh High
-Wish (by Clamp)
-Eyeshield 21
-Who Says Warriors can't be Babes?
-Giant Spider and Me
-I Married my Best Friend to Shut my Parents Up
-Manly Appetites
-Our Dining Table
-Saki the Succubus
-Saber Marionette J
-Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland
-Satan's Secretary
-Shirahime-Syo (by Clamp)
-My Girlfriend is a T-Rex
-Cyborg 009
-Saiyuki Reloaded
-Love Hina
-Negima?! Neo
-Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a Starter Town
-No Need for Tenchi
-Sorcerer Hunters
-3x3 Eyes
-Street Fighter II
-Sakura Ganbaru!
-Street Fighter Alpha
-Street Fighter III Ryu Final
-High School of the Dead
-My Dress Up Darling
-The Way of the Househusband
-The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today
-Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
-Beauty and the Feast
-My Senpai is Annoying
-A Man and his Cat
-In the Land of Leadale
-Drugstore in Another World
-Farming Life in Another World
-Savior's Book Cafe Story in Another World
-Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More
-I'm a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I live as an Elf Girl's Pet
-Wood Woof Story I told you to Turn me into a Pampered Pooch, not Fenrir!
-Cutie and the Beast
-Ms. Kozumi Loves Ramen Noodles
-If It's for my Daughter, I'd even Defeat a Demon Lord
-Reborn as a Polar Bear: The Legend of how I became a Forest Guardian
-Restaurant to Another World
-So I'm a Spider, So What?
-Kaiju Girl Caramelize
-She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man
-Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
-I Shall Survive Using Potions
-Reincarnated as a Sword
This one took me a while lol, but I have been collecting my series for over 20 years now so I guess that's understandable.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
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I’m not going to watch this video, because it will probably get my blood pressure rising. Could this title just be clickbait or ragebait? Possibly, but based on the comments I saw, probably not.
I bet it is filled with:
1. An inaccurate definition of what queerbait actually is.
2. A lack of understanding of past anime that have queerbaited (Getbackers, Saiyuki, Princess Princess, etc.) and a lack of anime that have existed in more nuanced and subtle queer spaces (Nabari no Ou - written by an actual x-gender, asexual mangaka, Tiger & Bunny, Samurai Flamenco (from my understanding), and possibly the anime series called Pet (I only watched like the first 3 episodes or so of this one). 
3. A straight or gay reading without a single glance at more nuanced queer interpretation of the pair (aka an aspec or queerplatonic reading).
Based on the comments (and the tagged sections of the video), it seems that there was a mention of how the female characters were treated in the series, but I wonder if there was any analysis on how which female characters were treated in what ways, how those female characters engaged within Japanese society, and what messages the series might be saying about Japanese society as a whole, and about the world of men (the hitman business Rei and Kazuki were apart of) vs. the world of women (the childcare business Rei and Kazuki enter into). 
Working three jobs now, I don’t have the time or energy to watch this video right now, but if anyone else does, please let me know if this is an accurate interpretation or not. I’ll update the post if need be. 
But, this is such a stale and broken take on the series and it saddens me that basically one of the only videos I’ve seen on this series, going actually in-depth on it, from someone with a decently sized platform is going with such a bland and honestly straight up wrong take (the series isn’t queerbait, since it was never ever promoted or advertised in a way to make you ship Kazuki and Rei). A show having queer subtext or a queer reading to it =/= queerbait, which is a specific marketing based term.
I feel like an interpretation like this one is missing out on the whole point of the series, as well as on various other messages and themes it is trying to tell. And if this is just a ragebait or clickbait style title, then that’s frustrating too, because it instantly turns me off from actually watching this video and what it might have to say and tell about Buddy Daddies as a series.
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xxxhoekage · 2 months
Hey Ms. Bonnie, can you share a list of your favorite anime series please?
Full Metal Panic
One Punch Man
Death Parade
Mob Psycho 100
Assassination Classroom
Demon Slayer
The Great Pretender
Michiko & Hatchin
Death Note
Hunter x Hunter
YuYu Hakusho
Kaguya sama: Love is War
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Sailor Moon
No. 6
Spice and wolf
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
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A quick guide to Holotempus HQ, the Holostars EN Brotubers of Hololive Production
Take note that I wrote this before Vanguard’s debut so its only about HQ
What can they offer as a group? 
Guild Lore - They are the strongest and more enticing to the viewers when they are complete together. In the lore, their adventure guild reside in a digital world called “Utopia”. Most of their viewers like their concept because of “Nostalgia” they give off similar to playing online RPG with friends during school days or typical adventure shounen anime consist of 4 male main characters back then. (Saiyuki, Hunter x Hunter) Its hard to tell if they are a hero guild or villain guild but Yagoo the CEO mentioned he want a group of bad boys concept for Holostars before Holotempus debut. This 4 belonged in Headquarters (HQ) while the new guys is called Vanguard (VG). HQ is is located in Elysium, Utopia and VG is in Xenokuni.
Comedy Skits - They are great actors for comedy skits and skilled in improvisation. Ideas for skits is usually Magni’s strength but Vesper, Axel and Altare can bounce well with others too. (Judge Magni, Psychic Therapy, Wheel of Fortune, TTRPG DND, Rock)
4 Players Gameplay - They love playing adventure games to explore together while having a chat about most random things and competitive FPS games that test their teamwork. They used to play together daily or weekly during their earlier days after debut but now they are busy for their solo content. (Raft, Zomboid, Left 4 Dead, Apex, Deep Rock Galactic)
Great conversationalists - Their conversation was natural and flow so well that gives the vibe as if you’re listening to a real group of friends. Vesper has interview series where he ask questions to get to know them, Magni’s unarchived off-collab Karaoke and Axel’s izakaya stream(with Vesper & Magni) are the best example of that. 
Camaraderie - They are surprisingly really close as a group. They support each other and love hanging out together. They are probably the first batch of Holopro vtubers where its a must to do “Raid”(Raiding is a new Youtube function where you can send your viewers to other streamers before you end your stream.) each other and if they can, its very rare for them to overlap each other solo stream. In Pre-Debut, they actually divided each other stream schedule based on Dayparting like Magni covers the Prime Time and Vesper covers the Morning time so their fans can catch up at least one of them depend on what time they are available. If you check their Tier Membership, they also have same prices. They confirmed they discussed it together. Another story is they all want a heart pose for Holopro fest poster but got rejected by the management. 
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1. Regis Altare (Blue)  “The masses chose not to act. So I’ll take a stand in their stead.” Lore: The founder of adventurer Guild Tempus. The first hero adventurer in Elysium. He’s straightforward and popular among peers.  Guild Position: Leader, the mediator and representative of the group. Fighting Style: DPS swordsman/warrior/shooter/mage, All rounder As Streamer: The most strict when it comes to his chat rules and a reformed toxic gamer. He’s their best gamer so its easy for him to familiarize himself with new games he consume. He’s usually a chill streamer but he also has demon king persona where he unleash his toxic side and can be scary when he’s angry. He’s still young but he’s trying his best as Tempus leader. As Gamer: Mainstream games, FPS (Apex, Valorant), MMORPG (FF14, Monster Hunter), Horror games (Phasmophobia, Mortuary Assistant), Action games(Cyberpunk 2077), VR games(Cooking simulator, Fishing) - His strength is FPS but he want to try different type of games too like Roguelike games.  Specialty: Plays Guitar & Cello (Trying to learn Songwriting), ASMR (Comfy/Light Romantic Boyfriend Experience), EN Karaoke (Sad boy songs), Love Challenging himself by putting punishment as consequence in his stream (Home Sweet Home, CSGO with Vesper)
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2. Magni Dezmond (Purple) “Alchemists have the wonderful ability to grant people’s wishes!” Lore: The self-proclaimed alchemist with a business mindset who sells potion (Copium). He has a darkness within him and willing to do anything to uncover truths. Guild Position: Public Relations, the collab focus guy Fighting Style: DPS and support mage As Streamer: Their explicitly unhinged overconfident competitive toxic gamer but very good at executing his creative ideas. He’s good at multitasking and producing creative output quickly. He’s talented but also very skilled from working hard. Notorious for his cursed stream where he make abomination creatures like Magmo. He might be blunt and sharp with his words but he has a soft side and actually a textbook tsundere. He’s also good at socializing and interacting with different types of people. He’s Altare’s right hand man and genuinely love supporting each Tempus members as long as he can.  As Gamer: Childhood chill games with Iconic characters (Sonic, Super Mario, Spongebob Squarepants), Competitive shooter games (Overwatch, Apex, Fortnite), Open world adventure games (Subnautica, Minecraft, Animal Crossing) - He refuse to play MMORPG because he might destroy his life for it and he’s not good with Horror games like Axel. Specialty: DJ with Loop station (Can play guitar, electronic keyboard), Art Stream (Commission Open), Comedy skit stream (Weremag, Judge Magni), Collab stream (Off-Collab Karaoke with Holotempus members), Roleplay and Creative Storytelling (Alchemist Prologue Lore in his membership)
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3. Axel Syrios (Orange) “Doctors resolve the root cause of a problem, right? Well, I destroy it. So I am a doctor.” Lore: The gladiator and owns a combat arena. He’s a blockhead who joined the guild out of whim. He love eating. Guild Position: Former Treasurer, Human Resources  Fighting Style: Tank, DPS Brawler, Bard As Streamer: The luckiest member with spicy mouth and has street smart wisdom who appreciate Ecchi na Neesan from a distance. Notorious for killing his vods so I suggest to watch him live instead. Probably the most normal among the 4 of them. A very hilarious optimistic guy that must be protected at all cost. He’s unfiltered and usually curse a lot but he actually means well and very friendly. His fans find his head empty moment funny and cute. His strength is producing Cover songs and organizing Collab songs.  As Gamer: Visual Novel (DDLC, Your Turn to Die), JRPG (Zelda, Nier Replicant, Final Fantasy), Shooting games (Hitman, Apex) - He’s a big fan of Final Fantasy but sadly he can’t play it on stream bc he can’t get the perms. He don’t like Horror games. Specialty: Bilingual (JP & EN), Cover songs, Collab songs project (Bad End Night, Yatta), JP Karaoke, ASMR (The funny Kusogaki type ASMR), Sharp at figuring out things based on his observation/Perceptive (Weremag, DDLC), Love giving life advises (Love Consultation, Just Chatting)
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4. Vesper Noir (Black) “It’s his childish nature that allows him to speak so freely about his dreams. He might even actually let everyone around him dream.” Lore: The resident scholar of grand library. Rational most of the time but can be harsh in his criticism. Don’t like sunlight because of spending too much time in his research. He can’t neither confirm nor deny the vampire allegations. Guild Position: Academic Advisor, Support  Fighting Style: Swordsman (Rapier), Control Effects and Healer-type Mage, All rounder? (Spear user, Berserker?)  As Streamer: The crazy grandpa/uncle-like comfy storyteller with strong viewers engagement. An average guy who’s full of contradictions. Flawed and can be toxic gamer when he’s excited. He will say the most unhinged surprising things you will not expected. Extremely introverted with social anxiety so he’s more comfortable in doing solo stream. He's trying to be an endurance streamer but usually busy because of his off-stream workload.  As Gamer: Turn-based strategy roguelike games (Hitman, FTL, Dicey Dungeon, Solasta), Click-based MMORPG (Diablo II, World of Warcraft), Exploration (Outer Wilds, Zomboid), Building games (Minecraft, Factorio) - Bad at multiplayer competitive games (Pummel & Mario Party) and hand-eye coordination games like FPS.  Specialty: Just Chatting streams (Holotempus King of Zatsudan), Learning (JP Study stream & Membership art stream), Experienced TTRPG Dungeon Master (DND), ASMR (Comfy Soft Speaking Storytelling and Sound focus without whispering or romantic sexual content), Review stream (Bike, PC build, Tea, Dad Jokes, Art), Finishing a game in one sitting (Soma, River City Girls, Fall Out New Vegas)
If you’re a fan of classic anime(weeb): Vesper, Axel If you’re a normie and familiar with mainstream anime: Altare, Magni  If you like ASMR: Altare(most experienced), Axel, Vesper(still learning) If you like music: Altare(EN sad boy songs), Axel(JP songs), Magni(DJ) If you want a chill stream as background: Vesper, Altare If you want to be entertain and laugh: Axel, Magni If you’re into FPS gameplay: Altare, Magni, Axel If you’re young(early 20s and down): Altare, Axel If you’re older(late 20s and up): Magni, Vesper If you’re fine with dark humor and flawed individuals: Magni, Vesper If you only want positive vibe: Altare, Axel If you want to be ignored or be scolded(but they actually like you): Magni, Vesper, Axel? If you want affectionate treatment: Axel, Altare If you want wise average guys vibe: Axel, Vesper If you want smarter chill vibe: Magni, Altare
Shiny & Spicy (Altare & Axel) - the youngest pair, chuunibyou duo, the responsible child and the kusogaki. Among the members, Axel is the only member that can’t be control by Altare(Minecraft). Maybe bc Axel is the type who do whatever he want but Axel respect Altare as their leader. In return, Altare see Axel as his rival in singing. They might be kusogaki at times but they can also be the responsible independent children. They are very close friends and both entered a competitive Apex tourney together.
Kintama Bros (Axel & Magni) - hilariously chaotic combined, both of them have spicy mouth. The smart and dumb. The positive guy and the negative guy? Basically Naruto and Sasuke. Older and younger brother? bc Magni mentioned Axel felt like a younger brother to him.
Father & Son (Axel & Vesper) - just cute platonic relationship between Nowa Oji and his kusogaki son Axel. Vesper wish Axel will not experience the bad things he experienced as adult and be happy. Axel’s anime taste is heavily influenced by his parents so he can relate strongly with Vesper despite their age gap. As for Axel, he like trying out Vesper’s style in streaming such as doing frequent Just Chatting stream and playing the same games bc “Like father, like son”.(Hitman, Needy Girl Overdose)
Amugni/DezPerados/MagNoir? (Vesper & Magni) - they don’t really have official name yet. The flawed and oldest pair. Hubris and dumb together. They are the Max Intelligence duo they said. Nerd?? Meme lords and love media references. The villain/betrayer and his accomplice dynamic? Despite how careful Magni is interacting with Vesper in public, they are actually very close and Vesper appreciate how considerate Magni is as friend. They really like each other as friends. 
Prison Break/Almond/Amodo? (Altare & Magni) - started with Way Out stream. Lately, they look like a shipping pair and not a duo. Fans said Almond is their ship name but Altare used that a lot to refer to their duo so I’m not sure if he’s only selling their pair as ship or duo. Openly flirts with each other. Altare usually played the bad guy in their dynamic. In their off-collab, Magni was asking for help and implied he’s Altare’s hostage. Altare also love teasing Magni while Magni played the tsundere role in the dynamic. Magni viewed Altare like a younger brother that he found stupid and someone he should look after.
Short & Tall? (Altare & Vesper) - don’t have official name again. They are oshi of each other. In the lore, they studied in the same mage academy together with Magni but reunited when Altare is looking for guild members(Debut Manga). Their names are inspired from Star-crossed Lovers of Tanabata Festival (Altair & Vega). Their dynamic during stream is more like the responsible child and flawed father or the leader and his henchman something like that?? They like praising each other.
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Month of Saiyuki (day 12)
What is another series (TV, Manga, etc.) that the Saiyuki characters could fit in?
Ultimately I image them in a videogame series rather than TV series or manga. I picture them in Undertale scenario XD it is nice to see them trying to interact with monsters without killing them. I think they will immediately realize monsters are not dangerous. Plus I have this image for months of Sanzo trying not to shoot Temmie after she said to pet this cute human XD (in the game once you reach Temmie Village, one of them wants to pet you because he/she/they think Frisk is a cute human).
here the scene in my silly mind:
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Saiyuki Reload Blast © Kazuya Minekura, Platinum Vision, 2017-present
Undertale © Toby Fox, Temmie Chang, 2015-present
Art by me
Sanzo pose was taken from the scene where he and others participate in a tournament with hilarious results XD. Temmie's face was inspired by Temmie's tarot card sold on Fangamer, as Major Arcana X.
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bunnimew · 9 months
We were tagged by @9haharharley1 and @overmooneleven who could not have foreseen what a production this was going to turn into 😂 Thank you!!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
*Gets out the record player* There's required listening while scrolling this list...
Now that the mood has been appropriately set, here we go!
Warm Bodies 10 Edit9It'sYourBoyJackFrostAightSo High Seas Hijinks pt 2 Android Pitch Neon Ideas Von Kaiser Mix Tape If you don't dance, no romance Jack Frost and the Quest for the Stanley Cup Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide YA Novel Merman/Nature Elf Baby It's Cold Inside Everything but the fresher sink Halloween bodyswap Saiyuki Fantasy AU Coffee and Fruit Snacks Untitled Document Blackice ABOlive Garden Concerned Neighbor AU Obsolete Force Monsters Donut Saga 2022 RotG Bingo RotG Bingo 2021 Free Day Light Magic Soulmate AU Sleight of Hand Android AU Wing fic space vampire arranged marriage fake ppl scifi book pogo kylux AU Hope Week 2022 Let's Play AU Clydeland Ghost roommate Omega hux Techwear AU Original magic apocalypse Holiday kylux Pink hair hux Goose steals the staff Quarantine Kylux twitfic college au ST/Kylux Omega hux sequel cyborg hux Fuck this I'm outtie hux Loud AF kylux Loud AF blackice Every floor is Loud AF Loud AF Zag and Than Angel/Demon AU Gymnast hux Parkour hux 5 times hux blows kylo A/B/O Hades Kylux A/B/Olive Garden Disney Princess Hux Hutt slave Mitaka Femlux Afterlife Bloom Halloween2020 sen aid + sen kid kylux Trivia and Other Flirtations Gertrude Pink hair Jack + Hux Teacher/Teacher Merge ST and EU frank/strange Bingo Fancy Dinner Matchmaker Cape Selection AU Senate Takeover Manny Moonbear's Pizzaria Guardians in Black Party fancy pitch Jasper/Lapis Suzalulu week 2016 horror ideas Untitled Terminator Game Terminator Ideas Frank/Strange coffee shop au Ideas for erotic stabbing Suzalulu week 2017 Zell birthday Gratuitous sleepytime Lulu the professional hand model au Peter has two dads au RotG Coffee shop AU Veelamate AU Sorceress Jack Guardian of the D Blanket Scenario i think Saiyuki bang 10k Clover AU Wizards unite AU X/1999/RotG [Redacted] Pitch's New Groove PoGo AU spacerace magic repo RotGRepo! Colormate AU Overqualified Merlin Caffeine and High Fructose Corn Syrup O2: Teammates Spideypool Bingo 2019 B1: Personal Trainer Spideypool Bingo 2019 Spideypool fairy AU Tie fix Soulmate tattoo AU 3 5 10 AU idea Silent Hill AU O1: Met at the Dog Park Spideypool Bingo 2019 ff8 werewolf au Buffate 2 Kink series Dance All Night Let Me and Your Body Talk Pounded in the Butt by the Physical Manifestation of the Fear That I Will Never be Good Enough While He Tells me I am Good Enough Also He's British  Silent Hill AU Bathtime Evening Horror Husbands Fic art 1 Morning cuddle Fic art 2 Spinel Jack Cover art Croptops Spiderman kiss Gargoyles
We literally do not know as many people as we have WIPs. I'd have to pull out the yearbook and start tagging people from high school and we're not going to do that. But we do have to tag @seekerseekingsomething for reasons they will understand and @askmyname @quillienvii @pheasantmadness for Other Unsaid Reasons ❤
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hello, hello, my lovelies! Since I've gotten zero bites for asks for my other non-KHR/K fandoms, I'm going to host a little special event before my box reopens (after I finish writing fic and have posts done for all my fandoms) and I have another big event! So, this is how it's going to work!
I have exactly 42 fandoms, if I'm counting right. Below you'll find all 42 fandoms listed. Under those fandoms, you'll find a list of 42 AU's. I'll accept 1 request per fandom and one request per AU. For example, if someone requests KHR and mermaids, for example, I'll cross out both KHR and Mermaids and neither the fandom nor the AU can be requested for anymore. It's first come, first serve and I'll do my best to keep the lists up-to-date with requests. This event will close when all prompts and fandoms are taken. You can just request a fandom or you can request a specific character or group of characters from the fandom and you can request a reader insert character as well. YOU CANNOT REQUEST SCENARIO OR HEADCANONS OR HOW EXACTLY THE PROMPT WILL BE WRITTEN OR INTERPRETED, UNLESS STATED. That will be left up to the admin and what ideas I have, honestly. Any questions, feel free to inbox me! Without further ado!
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detectivesparrow · 5 months
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Title: In Good Hands
Paring: Sanzo Party x reader (Saiyuki), Genjo Sanzo x reader, Cho Hakki x reader, Son Goku x reader, Sha Gojyo x reader
Word Count: 2.1k.
TW: gn!reader, you compare your hands to the boys', reader has smaller hands, Goku is aged up, everyone is 18+, fluff, Gojyo's is a little suggestive tho
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Genjo Sanzo
The Sanzo party's journey had led them to a small, secluded inn nestled amidst the rolling hills, where they sought respite from the trials of the road. As they settled into their rooms for the night, you found yourself drawn to the subtle intricacies of their hands – hands that had wielded weapons, offered prayers, and reached out in moments of both solace and strife. 
The same pair of hands that saved you many times. The ones who, although bloodied and rugged, comfort in times of need.
Sanzo's hands, elegant and refined, bore the scars of a life steeped in battle. 
As he meticulously cleaned his gun, you couldn't help but notice the way his fingers moved with a precision honed by years of practice, each movement deliberate and calculated. 
The way they eased into the crevasses of the gun. 
The way he meticulously cleaned his gun, each movement a testament to the years of skill and experience that defined him.
Sanzo, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle shift in your demeanor and raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry. "Something on your mind?" he asked, his voice cutting through the quiet of the night like a blade.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to articulate the swirling thoughts that danced through your mind. "It's nothing," you replied with a small smile, attempting to brush off your admiration as a mere passing curiosity, "just admiring your hands."
Sanzo just scoffed with a slight blush, looking to the side. With a flick of his wrist, he closed his gun and turned his full attention to you, his piercing gaze boring into your soul with unwavering intensity. "Don't lie to me," he said, his voice softer than you had expected. "I can tell when something's bothering you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, the weight of his scrutiny heavy upon your shoulders. With a deep breath, you summoned the courage to speak your truth. "It's just… I couldn't help but notice the size difference between our hands," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sanzo's expression softened at your confession, a flicker of understanding passing through his eyes. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he reached out to take your hand in his own, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
"It's true," he murmured, his thumb tracing gentle circles against the back of your hand. "Your hands are smaller than mine."
As Sanzo's thumb continued its soothing motion against the back of your hand, a quiet intimacy settled between you, the warmth of his touch melting away the lingering tension in the air.
You met his gaze, finding a depth of understanding in his eyes that took your breath away. "But despite the size difference," you began, your voice soft but resolute, "your hands have always been there for me when I needed them most. They've been my anchor in moments of chaos, my guiding light through the darkness."
Sanzo's expression softened further, a hint of vulnerability flickering across his features. "And yours have been my salvation," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "In a world consumed by violence and chaos, your touch has brought me peace."
A silent understanding passed between you, unspoken words weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and unspoken emotions. At that moment, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm and acceptance.
With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Sanzo broke the spell, his lips quirking up into a small, almost imperceptible smile. "Come on," he said, his voice tinged with warmth. "Let's get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."
As you followed him to your bed, a sense of contentment settled over you like a comforting blanket. Hand in hand, his warmth settles in with yours as you both settle in for the night. As you doze off, you faintly register his fingers lightly tracing over your knuckles, holding you tightly.
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Cho Hakkai
The soft glow of the lantern cast gentle shadows across the room as Hakkai sat at the small table, his hands deftly preparing dinner with practiced ease. 
The aroma of spices filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of cooking rice.
You watched him work, mesmerized by the fluidity of his movements and the quiet confidence that seemed to radiate from him like a gentle aura.
Each chop of the knife, each stir of the pot, was performed with a precision that spoke volumes of his culinary expertise.
As he reached for a spice jar on the shelf, you couldn't help but notice the size of his hands – hands that had tended to wounds, prepared meals, and offered comfort in times of need. 
They were strong yet gentle, capable of both great strength and delicate precision, and you found yourself drawn to the contrast between their robustness and your own smaller hands.
As you sat there, lost in thought, the sound of Hakkai's approach eluded your senses until he was standing right beside you. His presence was a comforting one, radiating a sense of tranquility that filled the otherwise silent room. 
"Is something on your mind?" he asked softly, his voice a soothing melody that washed over you like a gentle breeze.
You shook your head, offering him a small smile. "Just thinking," you replied, your gaze drifting to his hands once more. "Yours are so much bigger than mine."
Hakkai glanced down at his own hands as if seeing them for the first time. He chuckled softly, a warm glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I suppose they are," he mused, his fingers tracing patterns in the air as if measuring the space between them.
There was a thoughtful pause before he spoke again, his voice soft and introspective. "It's funny, isn't it? How something as simple as the size of our hands can reveal so much about us," he remarked, his gaze meeting yours with a depth of understanding that took you by surprise.
You nodded in agreement, a sense of warmth blossoming in your chest at the connection you shared. "Yeah," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's like they're a reflection of who we are – our strengths, our weaknesses, our hopes, and our fears."
Hakkai smiled, a tender expression softening the lines of his face as he reached out to gently take your hand in his own. His touch was warm and reassuring, a silent reassurance of the bond that existed between you. "No matter the size of our hands, what matters is how we use them," he said quietly, his voice a gentle reassurance in the quiet of the room.
As you both sat together, surrounded by the peaceful ambiance of the quiet room, you felt a sense of comfort wash over you.
Your hands intertwined, fingers laced together.
It was as if time had stood still, and all that mattered in the world was the two of you, sitting there, enjoying each other's company, and being content in each other's presence.
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Son Goku
The Sanzo party had set up camp for the night, the crackling fire casting flickering shadows across the clearing. 
As the group settled in for the evening, you found yourself sitting beside Goku, the comforting heat of the fire enveloping you both as you enjoyed a simple meal of meat buns.
The aroma of cooked dough and savory filling filled the air, mingling with the smoky scent of the campfire.
Goku seemed to sense your gaze and turned to look at you, his eyes bright with curiosity. "What's up?" he asked, a lopsided grin spreading across his face, "are you full?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should voice the observation or question his grab for food. 
But before you could respond, Goku reached out and gently took your hand in his own, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the strength you knew lay within his grasp.
As his fingers intertwined with yours, you couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast in size between your hands. He engulfed yours, his thumb brushing against the back of your hand in a gesture that was both comforting and intimate.
"Goku, your hands..." you began, trailing off as you struggled to find the right words.
Goku glanced down at your hands, a look of realization dawning on his face as he took in the size difference. "Oh yeah, I guess my hands are kinda big, huh?" he chuckled sheepishly, his cheeks flushing slightly.
You nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, they are," you agreed, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight of your hands intertwined with Goku's.
For a moment, there was silence between you, the crackling of the fire the only sound filling the air. But then Goku spoke again, his voice soft and filled with a warmth that melted away any lingering awkwardness.
"But you know," he said, his gaze meeting yours with a sincerity that took your breath away, "your hands might be smaller, but they're just as strong as mine. Maybe even stronger."
You blinked in surprise at his heartfelt words, feeling a rush of warmth flood your cheeks as a wave of emotion washed over you. "Thank you, Goku," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, your heart fluttering in your chest at the tenderness in his eyes.
Goku's smile softened, his gaze locking with yours in a moment that felt suspended in time.
The flickering firelight danced in his eyes, reflecting the depth of his feelings as he held your gaze with unwavering intensity.
"Anytime," he replied, his voice a soft murmur that sent shivers down your spine.
As he spoke, his grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly, the subtle gesture sending a thrill of electricity coursing through your veins. 
It was as if in that fleeting moment, the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you and the unspoken promise of a connection that transcended words.
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Sha Gojyo
The air in the cramped inn room was thick with tension, the dim light casting long shadows across the worn wooden floor. 
As you sat across from Gojyo at the small table, a silence hung heavy between you, broken only by the soft murmur of voices drifting in from the bustling street outside.
Gojyo's crimson eyes flickered with a mixture of frustration and concern as he watched you fumble with the cards in your hand, your fingers struggling to maintain a firm grip on the slick surface. 
With a sigh, he reached out to gently take the cards from your grasp, his touch surprisingly gentle against your skin.
"Here, let me help you with that," he murmured, his voice low and soothing as he deftly shuffled the deck with practiced ease. As he worked, you couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between his long, slender fingers and your own smaller, more delicate ones.
As Gojyo's fingers brushed against yours, a jolt of electricity shot through you, igniting a warmth that spread from your fingertips to the depths of your soul. His touch was electrifying yet tender, a paradox that left you breathless and longing for more.
"Thanks, Gojyo," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, your heart pounding in your chest as you met his gaze. 
There was an intensity in his crimson eyes, a depth of emotion that mirrored your own, and for a moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you in the quiet intimacy of the inn room.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of Gojyo's lips as he returned your gaze, his fingers stilling against the cards as he held your hand in his own. "Anytime," he replied, his voice a gentle caress that sent shivers down your spine.
"Well, since we are holding hands, we can't exactly play cards anymore. Can we?" you say cheekily, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Guess not," Gojyo chuckled, his gaze softening as he squeezed your hand gently. "But I think I've found something much better to do." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "How about we find another way to pass the time?" he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Whenever I think about Transformers' holoforms, I can't help but imagine a scenario where they bump into someone also disguising as a human. Like other extraterrestrials who have alternate ways to hide their true nature and magic folk such as yokai who use a glamour spell.
Out of everyone bot in the cast, I see Optimus Prime being the most likely victim to such shenanigans. Even the somber iteration as a practical demigod can't avoid getting dragged into something whacky. Plus boss bot might not really notice it sooner like Soundwave. He'd also have issues adjusting since this would happen to someone like Bumblebee or Bulkhead, not him.
It's hard to expect the unexpected when you aren't the universe's favorite target for otherworldly insanity. Funnily enough, I got a few ideas how this would happen and a few OCs to provide such examples. Those will be for a different post since I want to go over some shared headcanons from a conversation with @cf8wrk4u-us about the thing.
It involves around glamour and Cybertronian scans. For those who don't know, glamour is a type of magical shapeshifting. It's usually used to hide one's true appearance so they can blend in with others like humans. Although some use glamour for more predatory means since human flesh is often on the table.
Huge example being Journey To The West as various yaoguai (Chinese Spirits/Demons) disguise themselves as people in distress or wandering folk to eat the Tang Monk Tripitaka. (It doesn't work on everyone in the group since the Monkey King Sun Wukong can see through such illusions with his magical all seeing eyes or "Eyes of Truth".)
To the normal eye and physical touch, no one would think the person running a bakery is actually a demon or their office coworker being a dragon. Some glamour spells allow the individual to use their physical strength and even powers while some restrictions. Fewer can conceal their true size since some mythological beings are much bigger.
If I have to give an example, the closet would be Saiyuki Journey West's iteration of Sun Wukong. The trickster god's true form here being a giant Great Ape probably around 20 ft in size. The Monkey King is capable of disguising himself as a human although some features are notable like his monkey ears.
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Now normal technology can't see through such a facade. Cybertronians are a bit different. If they do a scan such as heat or X-Ray on a glamour disguised individual there's gonna be...errors. Some would be blurry, some too bright and even things out of place like missing bones to extra limbs. Basically a scrambled mess that is guarantee to make your eyes' sore.
Every scan will be different with each retake so it's never the same. Medical oriented bots such as Ratchet or Seekers like Starscream have a better time at seeing through some of the glamour. Since Energon is Primus' life blood, whose a god, it felt natural that a Cybertronian can see through a magical disguise since the substance would have some magic properties.
What do you guys think? I can see all sorts of shenanigans occurring when two disguised parties bump into each other. Can't forget the worldbuilding either!
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baronvonriktenstein · 4 months
Let's bring back fun ask culture one ask at a time! 😁 ❤️
The last popular ship you drew/wrote/thought about is fighting the last rare pair you drew/wrote/thought about! 😱
Who's winning?! 💪
(I say ship but if you feel more comfortable to do your last popular character vs last rare character instead that would be cool as well! 😁 Also feel free to ignore this ask completely! Please don't feel any pressure to answer ♥ )
Sending good vibes frienddddd! 🎇
uwu thank you 💚💚
I dunno, i dunno. I gotta backtrack a bit, because I've been so focused on OCs for such a long time lol
I guess thought about as I was scrolling through drawings were. . .
Gonou/Hakkai x Kanan from Saiyuki vs
Shikamaru x Hinata from Naruto
Well Shika and Hina are very skilled ninja,
Kanan doesn't seem to have any strong fighting abilities, but Gonou/Hakkai is a mass murderer turned demon so like
uh oh
It's difficult for me lol
I lean toward him but like yeah Narutoverse ninja abilities like their jutsus and stuff to add an edge to them
Incidentally, I also drew Henry Townshend & Cynthia Velasquez from Silent Hill 4 recently and it's super easy for me to say they'd lose in a fight.
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geraniumplant · 5 months
❝ In the language of flowers, red means courage & determination ❞ ~
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ꕤ 𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ⎯⎯ an  independent,  private, semi-selective 𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖-𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 featuring 𝑉𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑒 from 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑛 & other muses. Please read the rules & disclaimer before interacting. Blog written by 𝑊𝑂𝐿𝐹.
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• Est 2022. • Mobile based. • Low / sporadic activity. • Banner Credit X. • Current go-to muses: Vash & Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun), Genjo Sanzo (Saiyuki), Tseng & Rufus Shinra (FF7), D (VHD).
❝ What if I run away to Mars? Would you find me in the stars? Would you miss me in the end if I ran out of oxygen ❞ ~
𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔: 𝐈. muse list. 𝐈𝐈. law. 𝐈𝐈𝐈. wishlist. 𝐈𝐕. cosplay. 𝐕. promo.
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cosmicgardencreative · 11 months
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DTIYS of an illustration by Kazuya Minekura. Needed a subject that I wanted to experiment with workflow and brushes. Plus, meditating over old fandom is so therapeutic.
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TL;DR: Life is short. Just go ahead and write your story and draw your art. If you want to do something with your art, know that it won't be easy but it's possible as long as you keep learning, make good connections, and don't stop.
(Reflection of current art journey under read more)
This is of one of my favorite illustrations by Kazuya Minekura. If there's one big, major influence in my art journey, it's the creator of Gensomaden Saiyuki. I was maybe in 5th grade when I discovered the manga, which coincided with me seeing the anime on cable. A retelling of a Chinese folktale with a Japanese perspective: this was so appealing to me from harmonizing different cultures into one story, to beautiful men getting mixed with supernatural horror. This may as well have been my queer awakening then.
There was so much to be introspective about while drawing this… like how 6th grade me couldn't comprehend why people treated gay/queer as different from straight, my love for Asian folklore and mythology, and this burning desire to draw anything and everything. It only seemed appropriate that I'd gravitate towards Minekura as an art idol. And despite people's criticism for it, this is a foundation that I have no regrets in.
I remembered how much I wanted to emulate Minekura when I was younger. It's such a striking style! Unfortunately, my art journey has seen a lot of stop-and-go to the point I couldn't comprehend the progress made. There have been times where I just resented my art because I felt directionless with my creativity. Thanks to Ismaire and some art friends, though, I'm actually happy lately to see how much my "art style" evolved to where it is today.
While I was finishing up the rendering, I couldn't help wondering how Ms. Minekura had been doing since I last read Saiyuki Reload Vol. 4. Was she even still around? What about her other works, like Wild Adapter? I knew that she had a blog, but whenever I took a look at it in the past, the updates were sporadic then that it may as well have been a dead blog.
Then, after one more bout of curiosity, I came across her twitter/X profile.
It was both relieving and energizing to see so many works that I didn't know she had drawn then! I was so happy to see she seems to be thriving with her works, but I was surprised to see that she was still contending with many health problems. I had to pause in my scrolling through her profile at one point. How she could sound so positive and cheerful while she's dealing with Cushing's syndrome now? Last I heard anything major, she was about to undergo surgery for a tumor on her jaw -- and I only found out about that update through an online fan news years back o-o;;
I can't assume too much about Minekura's personal life, but with what she was willing to share with her fans online, I have a more nuanced respect for her as an adult creator.
It's so reassuring to see a creator like Minekura continue growing her creativity. I only hope to aspire to her level of good attitude despite IRL hurdles, while having the means to share such a prolific world for everyone else to enjoy.
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
Worldbuilding: A Matter of Timing
One problem we have with handling history in our heads is how it’s taught. I grant you, there is so much history out there, we have to find ways to divide it up or we couldn’t learn any of it.
The problem is, most people don’t teach you anything about how to put it back together.
Too often history is only taught as “this sequence of events happened, and these people ruled, in this particular region”. We almost never get a book, or a course, that takes the time to pull back and say, “while X was happening over here, Y was happening in this completely different place. And here are some reasons they may be connected....”
I write, so here’s a literary example. The Chinese writer Wu Cheng’en wrote (and/or compiled from various preexisting tales) and published the Journey to the West in 1592, in the late Ming Dynasty.
If you’re an anime or manga fan, you may be more familiar with that as the basis for Dragonball Z or Saiyuki. I have a particular fondness for Saiyuki, with a cranky, gun-toting Sanzo and all that insane crew. I like to think if Wu Cheng’en had the chance to take in that modern version, he’d crack a smile.
The same year, 1592, is when Shakespeare’s Richard III was first performed on stage. No, not at the Globe Theater, it’d be built seven years later. Like Journey to the West, it was based on preexisting stories; histories, other plays, and who knows what else. Also like that story, it’s been adapted into other versions... even manga, as of Requiem of the Rose King.
Also in 1592: The plague hit Malta. John Davis discovered the Falklands. Galileo invented the thermometer. And the Japanese invaded Korea, leading to a massive game of whack-a-mole as the Japanese won on land (most of the time) and the Korean navy laid various smackdowns on the sea (most of the time). It got ugly.
All of this was happening at once.
In the case of the two stories, there’s actually a reason they both were created about then. In both Ming China and England at the time, there was an explosion in printing, and an eager literate or semi-literate audience for entertainment. Also the harvests hadn’t exactly been the best (this was the Little Ice Age, if not as bad as it’d get later), there were wars going on nearby or on people’s doorsteps, and people really, really wanted distractions.
Those two stories are definitely distracting.
Think about this when you’re building your world’s history. Things are going to happen all over the place. If they’re far enough apart in time and space, they may not be related-
But maybe, even half a world apart, they are. Think about it!
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