#Samuel little
screamingeyepress · 2 months
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It’s Serial Killer Month! So, have some fun and join in our bracket-style voting to see who is that maddest of the mad! https://www.screamingeyepress.com/genre/serial-killers/march-madness/
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writtenbykiki · 4 months
Book Review: Behold the Monster
The book is "Behold the Monster: Confronting America's Most Prolific Serial Killer" by Jillian Lauren. The book is about a journalist and her relationship with serial killer Samuel Little. She opens the book with her past. An event so similar to what Little put his victims through that she feels a connection. Now, I am not a reviewer. But my thoughts are that this is written by someone close to many marginalization's, not part of them. My problem stems from the writing as though she understands them. It became clear in the chapter about the death of the one trans victim. While I can appreciate the chapters that are written from the point of view of the victims as an attempt to further humanize those less dead victims, it misses the mark. Those chapters try too hard to understand poverty, or addiction, or trans-ness. In short it was a book written by a white person for a very specific subset of white women. I rate this a 2 and a half out of 5.
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Freakish Friday
5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, I hope you are feeling well and life has been good to you this past week. Our tale this evening came to me by word of mouth from a passing Jester ..no one else in the Kingdom was brave enough to tell a fire breather, such as myself the news of an absolutely evil monster who roamed far and wide murdering poor maidens. A stain upon mankind. This is…
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sledgehammersurgery · 2 years
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Prince George's County Jane Doe (1972)
Serial killer Samuel Little confessed to her murder.
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margarethx · 3 months
I like that a big part of the Sambucky relationship is often just Sam giving Bucky full permission to be a little fucked up. Not in the sense that he recognizes his mental problems, but also because he sometimes just shrugs and allows Bucky's worst instincts to take over. (Which is mostly a fandom thing, but a small part of canon too, since Sam went with Bucky's plan to free Zemo with very little push-back, for example..)
It gave me the idea for a story where after Hydra everyone around Bucky wants him to move on from his traumas and heal, but Sam gives him the space to also be furious and unhinged about that. Like... all the other people would say: "what they did to you was awful, but the best revenge is to live a happy life <3". And Sam's like... "no, the best revenge is to wake them up with a gun to the temple in the middle of the night and to burn down their home, actually. here's a lighter, are you free this weekend, handsome?".
I don't mean to say that other people don't understand Bucky's anger, but they believe it'd be healthier for him to deal with the pain only by finding hobbies, adopting a pet, eating nice food etc. Whereas Sam offers all those things with an extra dose of pure vengeance. One night he takes Bucky out to a nice restaurant. The next night he stands aside as Bucky beats the shit out of some doctor, who experimented on him in 1989 and then helps him cover it up.
This dynamic would probably work better in a AU with no powers where they're regular people and where Bucky's been kidnapped or integrated into a cult that ruined his life. But it could apply to the canon too, in some ways.
I just like the the idea of all the well-meaning people in Bucky life trying to put as big of a distance between him and his abusers as possible... While Sam - who everyone sees as a rational almost-pacifist with a lot of empathy - helps his boyfriend hunt these abusers for sport.
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theygotlost · 11 months
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family iconograph at koom valley ♥
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sscarletvenus · 1 month
the four horsemen of lookism :
sacrificial little lamb most likely to be slaughtered
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the curse of godhood
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unrequited psychosexual obsession
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elliottjpg · 1 year
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⚔✊All the little angels, rise up, rise up...
This is a redraw of a very old piece, because Vimes deserves better than 2019-me's art skills.
That is not to say I look down on the original, I still love it, and it was one of my best drawings at the time. This redraw is a tribute to the Treacle Mine Road Revolution, to Pratchett's writing, to its impact on my life, to little-me, and to the passage of time.
Rise up!
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larsnicklas · 2 months
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"you touch either 9 or 19 and the other one's gonna come flying in." + bonus: matthew cannot and will not stop yapping...
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bhaalergate · 16 days
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I have strong feelings about this.
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22ratonthestreet · 6 months
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shout out to blonde dogs in the watch
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pratchettquotes · 6 months
But trolls and dwarfs had been fighting for centuries. Ending that sort of thing took more than a handshake. It was just a symbol.
On the other hand...the world wasn't moved by heroes or villains or even by policemen. It might as well be moved by symbols. All he knew was that you couldn't hope to try for the big stuff, like world peace and happiness, but you might just about be able to achieve some tiny deed that'd make the world, in a small way, a better place.
Like shooting someone.
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
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yhroa · 5 months
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zagreuses-art · 7 months
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The fine Rank and File (or at least the rank) of the Ankh Morpork city watch! I've been figuring out my designs for them, and I wanted to put them in a lineup to see how they look beside one another. makes you realize how ridiculous the height difference between some of them is
[ID: three digital drawings of the Watch members, against a police lineup background with height marks and an ankh morpork city watch watermark and logo. The featured members are in order of height: Detritus, Dorfl, Carrot, Angua. then Reg Shoe, Visit, Colon, and Vimes. finally, Nobby, Cheery, Buggy Swires and Wee Mad Arthur. they are all wearing variations on the watch uniform of brass colored armor, chainmaille, leather boots or sandals, and a skirt of studded leather straps. end ID]
more detailed description of the designs under the cut
First drawing: standing at over 8 feet is Dorfl. He is a grey-green troll with a very muscled top heavy build, patches of moss on his skin, and angular features. He is wearing oversized armor with pauldrons, one with sergeant's stripes painted on it, and scale mail underneath. the Piece Maker (a siege weapon crossbow) is strapped to his back. second, standing at 7 foot 4 inches is Dorfl, a reddish Golem made out of patchwork clay, with a overall gingerbread man look, and glowing red eyes. he is only wearing a breastplate, and he has his sergeant's stripes painted on his arm. Third at 6 foot 6 inches is Carrot. He is a redheaded white human, with a sturdy build, round face, and a cheerful smile. he has a captains pip pin in the collar of his shirt and his armor is visibly shinier than all the other's. fourth at 6 foot 2 inches is Angua. she is a white human with lots of very light blonde hair and slightly pointed ears. Her armor has straps at the shoulder rather than being one piece, and she is wearing her badge on a collar. (end of first drawing)
Second drawing: first, standing at 6 ish feet is Reg Shoe. He is a green zombie with a hunched posture and several missing chunks and lines of stitching visible, most noticeably the right half of his mouth has no lips, exposing his teeth. he wearing a tattered and patched flow-y white shirt under his armor, which is also the strap style, and there is a red ribbon in his long-ish dirty blonde hair. second at 5 foot 9 inches is constable Visit. He is a brown skinned human, with slicked back 80's business guy hair and a slightly strained smile. He is wearing a very crisp white shirt under his armor as well as khaki pants and a Omnian turtle necklace. he is clutching a bundle of pamphlets. Third at 5 foot 6 inches is Colon. He is a white human with a heavy-set build, a mustache, and a large bald spot. his armor has sculpted muscles in it and he is wearing sandals. Fourth at barely 5 foot 4 inches is Vimes. He is a white human with messy greying brown hair, and a five o-clock shadow, he looks a bit like house era Hugh Laurie. along with his armor he is wearing a red cloak and a sword. (end of second drawing)
Third Drawing: First, standing at 4 foot nothing, is Nobby Nobbs. he is a white-ish human with vitiligo spots, several suspiciously red or green patches of skin, and very scruffy black hair and a five o-clock shadow. he is smoking a cigarette and has several dog ends behind his ear. he has managed to tarnish his armor. second, at 3 foot 4 inches is Cheery. She is a white dwarf with a stocky build, blonde hair and a blond, braided beard. she has some burns on her arms, ears, and forehead, and is missing her eyebrows. she has a full lentgh leather skirt rather than pants. third, at 7 inches is Buggy Swires. he is a brown skinned Gnome, with grey hair and pointed ears. he is not wearing armor, but instead a rain cloak. next to him is his pigeon, which carries his badge and is a foot tall. Finally, at 4 inches, is Wee Mad Arthur. he is a blue nac mac feegle with red hair. he is in a watch uniform with a kilt, and is carrying his badge like a shield on his back, unlike the others he has a dynamic aggressive stance, rather than standing straight up. (end of third picture)
background of all drawings: a lineup height marker background, with the initials AM (ankh) CW and the city seal in the top right corner. the city seal is two hippos on a shield, with a tower between them. they are in shades of copper or bronze, as is the overall color palate of the drawings. (end of ID)
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klinefelterrible · 1 month
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Basing on an enormous feedback of likes and reblogs that I am gathering at this post I decided to try drawing another version of Vimes among dragons. Once again I am forced to apologise for my colouring
You can find links to all dragons here
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