#Sans needs a hug
yellowlillymarmar · 1 year
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I'm sad. Therefore, Sans is sad. I needed to remind myself I could draw. And I wanted to do a cuddle pic. So here. I cheated. I used a reference image. Oh well. The boys are much easier to draw when I don't have to draw their faces.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
I like the idea that Cross realised Killer was touchstarved (he didn't have the words for it but he noticed how much Killer would settle down from it) and started giving him very small basic affection. Pat on the back, hand on the shoulder, maybe a quick friendly hug, all things he probably learned through royal guard training and thinks of as normal friend/coworker stuff.
But as they both got more comfortable in the routine of it, Killer started instigating touches and he was not shy about it (like not just leaning into Cross's side during movie night, he looks like he's trying to get into Cross's jacket with him)
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And that this more intense affection made Cross realise he might also be just a little bit touchstarved
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seirindono · 3 months
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The Missing Scarf VIII - part 59
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flowerakatsuka · 3 months
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feeling mushy about them today....
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signanothername · 3 months
rgrydherb srry for spam likes :”)
it’s just the your blog is like my literal haven for actual mean girl Nm instead of the more mellow fanon version TvT, and Geuh your Hc’s and style are so cool istg I am literally pounding the floor and Kirby inhaling it frfr-
keep up the good work soldier your doing us a godly favor with your angst <33
You’re ok I’m fine with spams hcchch
I absolutely adore mean girl Nightmare so i’m glad to see so many people loving him the way i do eeeee
Contrary to popular belief, I like to think Nightmare has those rare, very tiny instances of sympathy/kindness, which he then proceeds to completely squash in favor of being a certified asshole (cause 999 black apples have a stronger effect than the lack of one black apple)
There are so many things wrong with him someone needs to study him under a microscope
it’s really like
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mikimakiboo · 7 months
Nightmare, in the middle of a fight, already barely holding it together:
Dream: damn you sure do look awful today
Nightmare: *tearing up instently*
Dream: oh sh¡t-
Nightmare: *now crying in the middle of the battlefield*
Dream: *panicking* oh my god what did I do-
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Cross seems very serious, does he ever let up sometimes? Are there any moments of him being more bubbly?
Ps, can I get a hug from horror? I feel like he’d give the best bear hug EVER!!!
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Cross: I'm not serious. I'm numb. My universe's friends and family are dead. I don't know how to contact my old friend(s). Everything I ever knew is gone and it's been an absolute wreck trying to adjust to the new norm. Cross: …and now I can't even make a short walk, or shower, or stand for long- leaping and running is out of the question, something I used to be able to do like second nature. My whole right side hurts, and it randomly gets worse for no reasons. Cross: I can't even look at art supplies without flinching and feeling- bad? Like I'm- I don't know. It's stupid and frustrating. Cross: It was bad before, but it only used to be paint brushes and paints. Now it's paper and crayons and pencils and anything that can be used to draw. Cross: …i can't even get off this stupid floor. my leg hurts too much Cross: (..i don't want to go back to bandages everywhere, but it hurts.)
(Cross laughing a bit [amused] here)
(Cross being in a neutral mood [getting a gift] here)
(Cross in a happy/joking mood here)
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anime-to-the-t · 3 months
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trunklewunjle · 7 months
I did some twists and turns to the Dreamtale I included in the server me an my friends rp in, and I’ve been kinda hyper fixated so I did a little thing
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I don’t like perspective but im going to have to eventually learn, soul shattering I will never be the same once i dominate it
Yea the fucking tree told him to shoot night because everyone is so mean to him so I just yknow she might as well also be mean to a fucking seven year old who knew no better 
Dreamtale (Dream and Nightmare) Belong to Jokublog
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skeleton-mischief · 6 months
Dream Sans
How could he have known? How could a child understand the sins of selfishness? Well, he's now older, and Dream is tired of it all
Headcanons below, please note some things aren't canon to the actual story because I straight up just changed it for my own idea of the AU
- Official height 5'7
- He/They
- Positive nihilist
- The embodiment and King of Positivity. A God if you will
- strict when it comes to the safety of others
- Naturally warm to the touch, he doesn't get hot or cold easily if at all
- Has a staff that turns into a bow & arrow or even a harp
- He dreams of other versions of himself, but can never find them. He wonders if they're even real
- Cries loudly, sniffles and whimpers. He can't stop crying once it starts and he tries to hide his face
- open-minded, carefully optimistic, intelligent, serious, kind, well mannered, loyal, cleaner, creative, assertive, pacifist, honest, patient, charismatic, trustworthy, cheerful, and reflective
- self reflective, he reflects on things about the world and about others
- He holds an air of maturity different than others, due to their time in the multiverse
- He does not get close to others, not often anyways
- He used to follow fate, but grew to revolt against it and even "make his own reality"
- Has a yellow powder that can put others to sleep if they're exhausted already or deprived of it. If they're actually well rested, it soothed
- He can read people very easily, often picking up on body language and details that not even the monster or human is aware of
- He loves any nicknames given to him, he treasures them. However, no one is allowed to call him Sunny
- He feels every emotion others have but can only influence happiness by giving it to others
- He has synesthesia, able to see emotions and even smell them
- He loves the color yellow and so he aims for yellow outfits, but his favorite color is actually blue and purple. It reminds him of Nightmare
- The back of his cloak looks like a scarf in some sense, but it can magically form into wings
- His favorite flowers are sunflowers, poppy flowers, and lilies of the valley. These flowers actually are symbolic of the past for him, and now he can be seen near marigolds. I suggest looking at flower language
- He is always reminded of his brother when the color purple appears, so he sometimes collects jewelry with splashes of it
- He encourages rest for others but he himself struggles to sleep and even resents it to some extent due to his bad dreams. He always has nightmares, never dreams. It's always the same scene, but it changes from time to time. It always ends with seeing his brother change due to the corruption
- He is capable of going into other people's dreams and altering them to something more positive. However, he cannot do this for himself and he is always forgotten inside those dreams
- He doesn't lie unless necessary, since he hates lying in general
- His hobbies are playing the harp and writing poetry
- His favorite snack is bananas or apple pie
- He can't stand being near statues and gets uncomfortable since he has to constantly remind himself that they're not actually sentient in any way. He used to be one after all
- He doesn't understand slang very well since his form of speaking is very formal
- He has a pet owl, but he has to summon it first. It happens to be that of a golden color, as it appears to be that of a magic species
- They have a love for architecture, often fangirling over large and elegant architecture
- He is a bit of a germaphobe, but not to an extreme extent
- Very touch oriented, he learns best through touch and sensations. You won't see him without his gloves, however, unless he's healing
- He doesn't tolerate hatred towards others, as it reminds him of how he failed his brother while he was bullied and terrorized by the village of his past
- He is wonderful with children and loves to be around them when possible, he tends to gravitate towards lonely children in order to comfort them
- He is the best at giving advice, as he has to learn the hard way by being alone for so long
- His relationship with Ink is complex as both were childish when they first met, but that doesn't mean that they grew apart. They don't hate each other or even dislike each other, but when they talk it's usually heavy conversations and rarely a friendly visit
- Surprisingly, he sometimes drinks, it's when he's beyond stressed and he has to drink a lot or use magical beverages to get intoxicated
- He's a workaholic, often pushing himself to his limits since it's all he knows
- He hates small talk since why bother when there's more to talk about, but can manage
- He loves making gifts for others and has excellent memory
- He is practically a Disney Princess when it comes to animals, they just gravitate towards him and hes excellent with them
- Can be up stupid early and trains frequently
- Is the best at acrobatics and flexibility
- Deeply emphatic
- Multilingual, he can speak every language
- He's secretly insecure about his aura, worried that people only like him because of it
- He is nostalgic for apples as it reminds him of his mother, but he doesn't really comment on it since it's not quite a trigger, but it's a sensitive topic since he can freeze up if he thinks too long about his past
- He has claustrophobia and a fear of being helpless, the idea that he can't move or do anything is triggering from when he was going through the incident and was a statue
- Sexless, they mainly just like masc or gender neutral pronouns
- Hates smoking, the smell brings them back
- He barely learned how to read and write as a child, so now that he's the God/Guardian of Positivity, he still struggles. He didn't get the chance to grow those skills, so his handwriting is shaky
- Fire in general is a trigger, he never saw so much in his life when Nightmare was Corrupted. He gets nervous near flames, and the scent makes him lightheaded into a panic
- He is a healer, something he learned after he awoke from the stone. However, he has to wear gloves or else it can overflow into things such as plant life. He couldn't heal the mother tree though, he already tried
- His mentality didn't change when a statue, but his body did. He had to stay in his destroyed world and his mind was altered. He has since then grown, but his mental state is in constant distress because he feels like a child in some ways. He didn't know what he was doing when thrown into the world, but since then he's becoming more and more jaded
- On the aroace spectrum, he doesn't have any sexual attraction but it's possible for a romantic sensation to form
- His magic smells like something akin to green scents such as dew grass, while his magic tastes like sweet citrus such as a flavor of lemon
- He often had a freeze response due to being in the statue, frozen and unable to stop himself as he felt helpless to react. It would only worsen with his own self deprecating nature. It took awhile to improve
- He noticed that Ink only cares about the AU rather than the souls inside, more attentive to the issues there rather than the overall improvement of AU conditions
- He can heal himself pretty well along with others as long as the injury is on a scale of 1-3. 4-5 on the injury level is more challenging. It takes more time and magic, this means that he can actually pass out due to excessive healing
- He follows more of a duty as a guardian rather for himself and finds it his job to fix these AU's. For awhile he just tried to make everyone happy, even forcefully, but as time grew he was able to see how this isn't good. He's better at understanding the flaws of constant positivity
- He's not used to receiving physical affection since he usually is the giver. If he was hugged he'd actually just feel like the sound of Lego bricks falling apart
- He has hallucinations sometimes, especially after waking up, of his bones turning back to stone sometimes. He ends up trying to chip away at his bone in order to remove that stone, panicking and ending up becoming worse. As a result, he covers up a lot and it's why he wears so many layers
- Before the Corruption, he lived with a world lacking technology. So, he only had drawings (if they weren't destroyed) or other natural crafts to remember Nightmare's face. He has kept one drawing that Nighty drew of the two happy safe in his inventory, often pulling it out and reflecting on those memories. He's desperate to return to when he and Nighty were happy, but he knows that's impossible and he feels selfish for it
- He wasn't actually aware of his brother being abused, and in fact he was abused as well. He was constantly pleasing others, pressured, and manipulated by the village because he was seen as something "other." He was scared for his brother, often seeing him in distress. He always offered physical comfort, and in fact he doesn't even resent his brother for what he did. Nighty was just hurt, and he understands that. Still, he feels like he failed him and feels awful for it. He doesn't know that Nighty doesn't actually truly blame him
- He knows ASL and actually had to relearn how to speak properly, he has a bit of an accent and a rasp in his voice as a result
- Finds Ink weird, especially since he doesn't know that they're soulless
- Never learned how to cook, but hes great for natural gatherings and identifying poisonous plants, berries, etc
- the arrows of positivity can kill due to the excessive amounts, its something he only uses with Nightmare as a result
- Excessive negativity can hurt him because of his soul literally turning into a positive apple
- Because his soul is something else in some sense, he actually can't get his soul grabbed by anyone, including Error. Error is one of the only select few that knows this, since he can always tell if someone doesn't quite have a "soul"
- One of the only things that can hurt him is Nightmare's negativity, and he in turn is one of the only things that can hurt Nightmare
- He can make someone "too" happy if he wished, causing them to smile so hard they're sore and laugh to the point of becoming lightheaded and out of breath. He doesn't do it often, but he's capable of it and it's one reason he doesn't feel even close to being intimidated by others. He's actually rather dangerous when he chooses to be, he just decides to enact mercy
- After eons of having his own happiness taken away by him and dealing with negativity more intensely than he did as a child, he slowly didn't realize that he was becoming something else and the only reason he hasn't fallen down is because he ate the last golden apple
- He thought Nightmare died when he lost himself to the corrupt apples, and when he came to, he was stuck in his world mourning the death of everyone. The villagers, the only family he had. He tried to talk to the mother tree even when she was chopped, only to cry when no response was given.
- He was only able to leave his world when Ink found him, but there actually would be a single incident before that where he was found by Nightmare who thought he was the stone that was on the ground and crumbled. It didn't end well
- He hates silence. He hates it because when he crumbled from being a statue, he has never heard such silence ever in his life
Closing Notes: heourgh. Don't look at me, these two have made me genuinely cry before. Don't acknowledge me, don't even know I exist. I love them, always have
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - Breakfast
Okay! So. I know this isn't the one you guys were probably expecting.
and because this whole drabble serie is loosely hanging together with just my pure power of will I am adding it! :D
First Drabble here (with special thanks to @spotaus for the original prompt which sparked this all) Prev drabble here Next Drabble
As always we have no beta and zero editing, just me and my fast typing and dyslectic ass trying her best.
Also... Enjoy Crop's thoughts :D
Crop hangs up the phone as he sighs next to the chicken coop. The chickens are still mostly asleep as the sun hasn't risen but with his new guests Crop figured it was best to get his chores out of the way early.
And collect a few fresh eggs.
He slowly moves through the coop to carefully grab the eggs from his very sweet chickens. They always work with him and he is very lucky with all these ladies.
As he goes over his mental list as he collects the eggs. He made sure to call his brother to both warn him and to ask him to get extra supplies. He is going to call the local doctor after breakfast.
Either way, his brother knows they have quests and the most basic of explanations. He is bringing more food and general things for them to use and will tell people in town today as he does their shopping.
Crop just... needs to make sure they are comfortable.
Crop chuckles as he holds the basket with eggs in one arm as he pulls out his phone and finds the picture he took this morning.
So he may have sneaked a look at his guests before he went to do his work. He just wanted to be sure they were comfortable and not bothered by anything. He remembered how souldeep tired all of them had looked and how tense most of them had been. He just wanted to be sure that they were actually comfortable resting.
What he foudn as one pile of skeletons all locked together and sound asleep. Little Nightmare in the middle being held close and protectively by Killer. Dust pretty much plastered to the two of them on Nightmare's other side. Cross had layed on Killer's side, squeezed right between Killer and the wall. Horror had been laying by Dust's side. All of them completely out as the open window let in the fresh summer air.
Crop had silently snapped a picture before leaving again. Oh! That is what he should do! He quickly texts Papyrus to also buy a picture frame and to print the picture for it. After which Crop send the picture and Papyrus replied with a message that he will get it done.
Crop figures they will want to make the attic a bit more theirs.
Crop knows they won't stay forever. He knew that when Horror first visited and he knew that when he and Dust visited together. It is just... the farm gets lonely and it is nice to have friendly faces around!
He walks down the dirt path back towards his farmhouse. It looks peaceful and Crop prays this really is what they needed. Even if it is just for a little while. He makes sure to try and be quiet as he enters the house again but the door still creeks.
Crop waits for a moment but hears nothing from upstairs and closes the door again. He goes to the kitchen and thinks it over as he prepares coffee for himself. As it brews he looks around the kitchen.
What to make. What to make.
Maybe omelettes? those are usually a good go. Eggs themselves are an amazing source of protein and together with some fresh vegatables...
Crop nods and starts taking out the right ingredients. He takes out a few extra eggs as he has quite a few mouths to feed today and he gets to work on cutting up vegatables. Crop is just considering turning on the radio just to get the silence to be less pressing when he sees a shadow out of the corner of his socket.
He turns and freezes. Because that is a very tiny six year old staring at him. Crop manages to keep in the coo as he takes in the sight of Nightmare in an oversized t-shirt.
Crop smiles "Sorry if i woke you."
Nightmare tilts his skull a tiny bit before answering, his voice is soft spoken but it is clear as a bell, "You didn't wake me." his mouth and teeth pitch a little bit up "I am what Killer calls 'one of those cursed morning people'. Usually I get up with Cross and Horror but both were tired."
Crop nods as he turns back to continue his chopping "I see. Well. YOu will be happy to note I am also a monring person." he finishes chopping up a few onions before moving over to the peppers "I am sitll working on breakfast. Do you have any preferences for your breakfast."
A light hum that sounds a bit closer before he answers "Not really. Is it okay if I sit here?"
Crop wants to just lay his face on his counter because he is so wellmannered it is so cute! Crop remains strong however and shoots him a grin, silently noting that Ngihtmare had somehow moved himself into a chair without making a single sound.
Crop nods "of course. Happy to have you keep me company." he takes a sip of his coffee before turning back to Nightmare with a frown "Do you want anything to drink? I have some orange juice."
Nightmare tilts his skull and nods "orange juice is fine..." he does eye the coffee wishfully.
Crop looks at his own mug before grinning "Are you allowed coffee or will that get your four friends all mad at me?"
Ngihtmare blinks before looking a bit happier "It should be fine. It never harmed me before."
Crop nods and grabs another mug, one with little goats on it, and fills it with some coffee. He turns to Nightmare "How do you take it?"
Ngihtmare smiles a bit more sheepish "Lots of milk and sugar..."
Crop chuckles and nods as he prepares it "Much like my brother than. Says if he doesn't add those things it just tastes like regret." he finishes the mug and puts it by Nightmare's arm. Nightmare watches him for a moment longer before taking it and taking a sip.
Crop grins and goes back to preparing the omelettes and just knowing that someone is nearby makes the silence much more bareable.
"Don't I bother you?"
Crop pauses for a moment before snorting "If you being in the kitchen with me while i cooked bothered me i would have requested you go to the living room. It is fine Ngihtmare."
a small sigh before he speaks again "No. I mean me in general."
Crop blinks and looks over "Why would it?"
Nightmare frowns at him before shrugging as he looks back to his coffee.
The silence returns but Nightmare doesn't ask anymore questions. aparently the ltitle thing that Crop said was enough. Crop hopes that he didn't leave a bad first impression.
Crop starts with cooking the first egg and vegetable mixture.
He watches it before he can't help it anymore "Nightmare... I was wondering something... and it is fine to not answer..."
Nightmare hums and waits.
Crop frowns but speaks "Doesn't it bother you to be here?"
Nightmare is silent for a bit longer before humming questioningly.
Crop keeps looking at the eggs "It is just... you don't know me... or any of this place... doesn't it bother you to be here?"
Nightmare is silent for a while before answering "I don't have to be worried. I am not alone."
Crop stops and turns to Nightmare "Huh?"
Ngihtmare looks at him and continues to speak "They won't let anything happen to me. I don't have to worry." he speaks with such a certainty.
and Crop can't help but be curious "really?" he leans on the table "I don't mean this in anyway negatively or to make you doubt yourself... it is just... they left right? Horror said as much, and immediantly said he regretted it!" it feels important to reinforce that! "and well... he showed me... the book of dreamtale...."
Nightmare doesn't blink at the comment of being left alone but he does look bothered with the dreamtale comment. he looks at the coffee with a frown "oh...."
Crop frowns "It is just... how... how are you still able to trust people after that?" he chuckles and rubs his neck "I know that i would have a hard time being willling to trust others if all those things happened to me..."
Horror frowns as he looks at his mug before shrugging.
Crop nods and chuckles "right... sorry... that is a very personal and loaded questions..." he quickly turns back to the safe area which is preparing breakfast.
The silence continues before Nightmare speaks just barely above a whisper "they came back..." more silence before even softer "no one ever did that... that is how i knew they were different...."
Crop feels his soul just break at that... how terrified this poor babybones would ahve been. had still been.
crop froces his voice to speak. He needs to make sure that the young child knows he was heard and understood "I see. that would make them much more trustworthy."
a soft hum of acknowledgement.
Crop can't help but wonder why Nightmare would tell him. Is it just that... Ngihtmare now as a six year old just doesn't have the same mental view on things? That he doesn't see the same boundries for topics as he saw before? Or... is it because there is someone acutlaly listening to him? Crop doesn't know and he doesn't dare to ask. He doesn't want to question his motives and make him question them.
Crop nods and thinks for a moment before speaking again "So... other subject... do you still have to do the whole god of negativity job still? Because that just seems rude and illegal... Do gods have a rule against child labor?" Crop desperately tries to find another subject and figures this would work.
A light giggle and Crop can't help but stare because nightmare giggling to hismelf is adorable. Ngihtmare shakes his skull lightly "No... I don't think I sitll got that job..." he looks thoughtful "Maybe this is part of being fired? I am not sure..." he then shoots him a look, a small eye brow raised and he looks very sassy and smug "Also, I am not a god of negativity, or well I never was."
Crop blinks and tilts his skull "you weren't?"
Ngihtmare shakes his skull "I was a god of balance. I just decided to also be the guardian of negativity. It fit with the powers i had gained and it was needed."
Crop finishes another omelette as he asks "Why negativity? If you had the choice why not pick positivity?"
Nightmare blinks at him with wide sockets before he speaks "Because positivity doesn't need a guardian but negativity does." he rolls his sockets nad mutters softly "don't get why dream did what he did...."
Crop frowns "What do you mean? Why does negativity need a guardian but positivity not?"
Ngihtmare tilts hsi skull and looks amused "Because everyone wants to be happy. Everyone chases the positive things in life... wlel not everyone but most people." he traces the mug "negativity gets pushed aside for positivity... but negativity is needed... i mean... you can't exactly just be happy about the death of someone you care about. you need negativity, that is how you can grieve and move forwards. Anger is needed when you are hurt or see injustice..." he looks down "people will try to chase positivity. but if you just feel positivity.... well... you can't appreciate the good without being aware of the bad."
Crop blinks and speaks "You can't have light without shadows... you cna't have day without night..."
Ngihtmare looks up and nods "So i decided to guard the negativity, helps a lot with mental health and progressing trauma." and he shrugs before snorting "not that it matters anymore. I am not that anymore."
Crop chuckles "how are you so sure about that?" Ngihtmare shrugs again and crop figures that is a question he won't answer for him.
Crop tilts his skull "Was there a favourite feeling for you? Like as god of emotions and stuff? Something you enjoyed to feel form others?" it sounded weird to ask but Nightmare acutally looks thoughtful.
Nightmare nods to himself "I think amazement... it is just... nice... i like how those work and felt for others."
Crop nods and thinks for a moment "I think my favorite is contentment." is that an emotions? Maybe.
Nightmare tilts hsi skull but ends up nodding "Because it is a bit more humble but still what you need?"
Crop blinks but nods "kinda."
Nightmar elooks smug to have figured it out before turning back to his mug "eggs are burning."
Crop blinks before cursing and turning back to safe the food. He manges to do it and pants as it lays a bit darker than it should be on the plate.
Crop freezes and looks over his shoulder "don't tlel them i cursed in front of you please."
Nightmare hums "I won't. Not that it matters as they do it too sometimes. would make them hypocrits."
Crop laughs as he nods-
A smash from upstairs and a panicked voice calls out for nightmare. Nightmare looks unsurprised as he continues to drink his coffee.
Crop raises his voice slightly "he is in the kitchen! We are making breakfast."
Silence before rushed steps and crop laughs as he turns back to the stoof.
It is amazing to have more people in the house again.
First Drabble here Prev drabble here Next Drabble
hihihihihi i like crop. he is so curious and down to earth :3 He is just a sweet guy! :D
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Dream: You know, people treat me like a god.
Blue: How?
Dream: They ignore my existence unless they need something.
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oxytoxic-skeletonin · 2 months
WHEW just breezed out this little drabble on a whim! For the record, that's the title, not my sincere thoughts on him. (He is an asshole but we all love him)
Sans the Skeleton is an Asshole
Undertale (Set in my Depths in Despair MV, but I made it vague enough it could be on it's own) Ship - Sans x Reader, mentions of Sans x Toriel Content Warning - Alcohol being used to cope, self-deprecation, trauma from being stuck in a time loop.
Sans the skeleton is an asshole. Sans Serif the skeleton, is in fact, the biggest and most ungrateful asshole. Something wonderful, someone wonderful came around. A new blossom of light and kindness in the monotony that has been the RESET phenomena. And that someone wonderful became something so dear to him. That someone wonderful fell in love with the world around them, fell in love with monster kind.
But most importantly? That someone wonderful fell in love with his brother. The light of his life, the one person that no matter what, kept him going. Such a wonderful thing should be celebrated, cherished, protected no matter what.
So why couldn’t he shake that ache in his SOUL? That ache that had him getting the harder stuff from Grillby’s, much to the bartender’s confusion. Normally he’d try not to deviate too hard from the usual, but… Whatever took the edge off.
Sans should be thankful, after all. Someone else was around who finally not just understood, but appreciated and truly loved his baby brother. Everything he hoped for in a partner for Papyrus was right there; sweet, kind, gentle, loyal, funny, puzzle-loving, smarter than she’d give herself credit for, and really cute. Downright adorable when she was frustrated.
It turned out everything he hoped for in a partner for his little brother was, well… Everything he once hoped for in a partner for himself. 
He’d had that before. Had it many times. So many times that he couldn’t feasibly count them. Toriel was one hell of an amazing woman, and stars, did she make his SOUL light up the first hundred times around.
He swore that he’d love her a thousand times over. And to his credit, he did. But each introduction, each time having to pretend he didn’t know her, pretend he hadn’t been best friends with her, pretend he hadn’t put a ring on her, hadn’t had-… … It felt like it left an ache in his SOUL. One that just hurt more and more, the more he kept trying to make it work. It was better that Toriel and he stayed friends. After all, she wanted kids with a partner, and he couldn’t commit to that. Sans loved her too much to put her through how broken he was any more. He swore he wasn’t going to leave her wondering why he would shy away from letting her know too much about him.
He wasn’t going to leave her begging to know why he’d wake up screaming in the night. Wouldn’t ask him who Celeste was, or who Cambria and Corbel were.
That was his burden to bear, no one else’s. 
It was better that way. No more commitments that would be reversed, no more promises that he knew he couldn’t keep, no more “I love you”s that he’d pour out his SOUL into and leave the other monster confused by the depths of it. It was going better.
It was going better. After the countless loops, he figured he’d healed from that ache, learned his lesson, to not get too attached.
And here he was.
Feeling his SOUL sing melodies for someone who was already happily taken.
All because there was some glimmer of hope, from the fact they could remember, that just maybe…
… No, better off that they don’t know. Better off they never know. He knew how he was in a relationship, he knew how hard he was to deal with.
That kind and gentle SOUL didn’t deserve to go through that.
Sans felt for sure, that he definitely didn’t deserve to feel their warmth, their kindness, their love.
And swallowed down that pain with another drink.
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createbellatheartist · 5 months
sad man
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Cable belongs to me
cheer him up!!
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burrowedinsocks · 1 year
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what if he got out?
i've posted so much dust content forgive me... i'll branch out <3
dust from Ask-Dusttale
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iatetheglue · 7 months
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This is my part of the art trade with @petthebunfluff !! I drew their little cutie, Ti!! (Yes the cat paw shoes were a need /hj)
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