#Seagram Series
dailyrothko · 6 days
Hi! I'm a painting student and I'm really interested in understanding if Rothko worked in series or just individual paintings that have some traits in common? I know he had the dark paintings series (and his Chapel), but what about his more colourful ones? Are the numbered titles indicative of that or not? Thank you so much for your time! 🌟
The chapel, the Seagram Murals and the Harvard Murals are all a series.
What are called the Black Form paintings of 1964 are thought to have been a series but it was not said explicitly by Rothko as far as I know. Since those paintings look alike to a certain extent and because of the time they were painted I think the assumption might be right. The numbers go up to 6, but number 3 is missing and there is one number repeated.
It's said that UNESCO pursued the idea of pairing late Rothko black and gray works with Giacometti sculptures, as they did at the paris show this year but we don't know if that would have happened or if he would have created new works for it.
And that's it, no other series, the numbers don't mean anything we know about, he just didn't want to use titles because it would lead the viewer to have an impression of what the painting was about, which was very against Rothko's philosophy.
Many of my scans here should be updated to better ones, as I try to do regularly but sometimes time interferes or, more likely, I have not obtained a scan i consider definitive or even an improvement. Sometimes the scans are good color-wise but were made in the time of lower resolution screens and suffer by being dated.
I am working on these issues, ongoing, however, I do have these series all up if you'd like to be more familiar. Tumblr was really messing up reblogs for years retagging everything, so just a note that the original post is the one that gets updated
The Seagram Murals and studies for them (Rothko always did a lot more than he needed) are here
The Black Form Paintings (many different scans) are here (this tag is a bit of a mess right now)
Rothko chapel and related works here
Harvard Murals here
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textsfromcybertron · 8 months
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(813): My life is a random series of events connected only by bottles of Seagram’s 7
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virgo-moons · 2 years
Like all art, the strength of Rothko’s work relies on an emotional engagement with the viewer. When I went to the Sistine Chapel with a friend who had no interest in art, he said: “Those paintings on the ceiling weren’t so great. They looked like pretty cartoons.” You could easily pass through a room of Rothko’s pieces and see a series of pretentious colourful rectangles, but Rothko was doing something else. As Michelangelo said: a man paints with his brain, not with his hands. Rothko wanted to reduce the perceptible world to its most basic foundations. Under the mesmeric depth of his thick yet diaphanous colours, the viewer can sense the flow of existence which courses through us all. He wanted to move viewers to a kind of inner illumination, and  when I sit in front of the Seagram Murals in the Tate Modern, my sight entirely taken up by the huge yawning squares, my mind easily turns to thoughts of mortality and immortality, of beguiling complexity and soothing simplicity, of both music and silence.
— Harry Cluff, Rothko’s abstract expressionism owed a lot to the Bible and the Renaissance
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eternal--returned · 3 months
Shortly after returning, Rothko accepted a new commission for a series of murals for the Holyoke Center, designed by Josep Lluis Sert, at Harvard University. Thoughts of Europe again filled his mind as he began work on the paintings in the spring of 1962, having moved to a new studio on First Avenue. Seen as a whole, the five monumental panels—a triptych and two related canvases—read almost like a colonnade from classical architecture, their lines somewhat more focused than those in the Seagram murals. The works were first displayed at the Guggenheim Museum in the spring of 1963, before being installed at Harvard in January 1964. Just a few months later Rothko received a visit at his studio from the collector and philanthropist Dominique de Menil, who proposed a commission of a series of paintings for a proposed chapel in Houston. The dream that Rothko had had in Cornwall, a dream fueled by visits to countless chapels and cathedrals across Europe over the years, was now in sight. He moved to a new, larger studio in the autumn of that year, and set about building temporary walls with the same dimensions as those at the proposed chapel. He would spend the entire year of 1965 working exclusively on the paintings, a project that he considered to be the most important of his career.
Jasper Sharp ֍ "Looking for the Fabulous: An Account of Mark Rothko's Voyages to Europe." Toward Clarity (2019)
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Mark Rothko ֍ Rothko Chapel
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alexeiadrae · 2 years
Blaster Volume 1 Q&A with Hajime Kanzaka Sept 1992
I’m always thirsty for more Slayers information. I’d noticed a lot of references to the old Blaster interviews and wondered if there was a place to find them and I hit paydirt as they are in Japanese here. Thanks to modern technology like Google Translate and DeepL I have been able to translate them and there are some interesting nuggets that I’ve been sharing with friends and it serves as the original source for a lot of background information. I’ve been busy and it took me a long time to clean them up so this is my Christmas Break project, so enjoy!
Sadly though, I have found references to Blaster interview questions on QP’s old site and Tokitama that were not on this page, and I suspect that they had the full interview in print issues that I do not have access to (and am weighing whether or not I want to see about buying), therefore these interviews are incomplete. There’s still a lot of good material, granted, there’s also cultural references that are beyond me and may not have translated well. 
TAMIKI: Next, this is the question that was asked the most. Tell me more about your sister in your hometown. What is the name of ......?
KANZAKA: I can't give you her name because it's a common name in many novels these days (laughs).
TAMIKI: "Common in novels" means ......
KANZAKA: Like a certain Vulgar series.
TAMIKI: So I get it. It's Luna. So, is her sister ever mentioned in your works?
KANZAKA: In case you are wondering, Lina's sister is a character like "my wife" in "Detective Columbo," so there is no possibility that she will appear at this point.
TAMIKI: What kind of punishment does Lina's sister give?
KANZAKA: I didn't write this in the novel because I thought it would be more interesting to do it in the manga, but before ......, there was a story about being dropped into a well.
Lina can use "levitation," so when she was trying to come up with it, her sister was waiting for her with a tub of water, and hyu~......Got it!
That's how I feel, "Well, that looks painful."
DUST: That's scary!
TAMIKI: When I hear that kind of thing, it is even more disappointing that my sister from my hometown doesn't come out.
KANZAKA: Well, if she did, Dilgear-kun would be able to come out with us.
TAMIKI: What? What is the relationship between Lina's sister and Dilgear?
KANZAKA: As we saw in the first "Prince of the White Magic City," Lina's sister enjoys feeding stray dogs and cats.
After Dilgear was killed by a blow in "The Ghosts of Sairaag," he wandered around for a while, and when he fell down, my sister in my hometown found him and kept him, giving him the name "Spot" (laughs).
TAMIKI: That means, conversely, that Dilgear will not appear again, either.
By the way, is Nunsa going to make a reappearance?
KANZAKA: Nunsa is another character that I would like to bring back, but it's hard to make him appear.
DUST: He's like a zakko now~.
KANZAKA: That character, too, actually has a bit of a backstory. ...... I don't know what to do with it. Okay, I'll tell you.
TAMIKI: - "What is Fake Raymia's real name?"
 ...... Have you decided on this one too?
KANZAKA: Yes, I have.
TAMIKI: Eh, next question is ......
KANZAKA: Oh, it took me a second (laughs).
DUST: How do you decide on the name?
TAMIKI: In the interview with Dramaga, you said that most of it was ad-libbed. ......
KANZAKA: In some cases, we make the name "falchion".
For example, there is a sword called "falchion," which has become "Halciform," and "Georgia" (coffee) has become "Gio Gaia" by forced reading.
Seigram is a variant of Seagram.
TAMIKI: "How do you distinguish between black magic and spirit magic?"
KANZAKA: Black magic borrows the power of the demon tribe in some form. Spirit magic interferes with the power of earth, water, fire, wind, and spirit to draw out effects.
 White magic is actually a type of spirit magic that belongs to the spiritual realm, and strictly speaking, white magic does not exist.
 However, it is commonly used by monks and other people, so it is called so.
TAMIKI: I wonder what kind of world the astral side is. I wonder what kind of world the Astral Side is.
KANZAKA: (laughs)
DUST: I don't know any Yapoors. What is that?
TAMIKI: That's good because it's popular with the teacher.
DUST: I don't think the general readers would understand.
TAMIKI: It's an interdimensional person who appears in Ultraman Ace.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
moo i turned 21 last week do u have any fun funky (preferably sweet/sour) alcohol related recs? u wrote open tab i have a feeling u have Knowledge ™️
turns out i hate wine and twisted tea so far. smirnoff ice screwdrivers are kinda bearable. that is all i know
happy late birthday! i'm happy you were born!
well, first off, please drink responsibly! it's really fun to get drunk and all but make sure you're taking care of your body. always drink in moderation and be sure to drink lots of water! Open Tab is very much fiction and it's inadvisable to drink as much as they do 👍 it's okay to get drunk every once in a while, even to the point of barfing, hey go for it, but DON'T make a habit out of it. people love to downplay the seriousness of alcoholism but it is very much not good and can really fuck with your body if you don't get your consumption under control
okay now that i've done my responsible big brother PSA...
there's a lot of different types of wine, so if you've just tried one or two, don't give up! my preferred wines are cabernet sauvignon or riesling, but neither of them are especially sweet (maybe riesling). cabernet sauvignon is a red that's really full bodied, kinda black cherry-ish, while riesling is more acidic, think more green apple-ish. Both of them very much taste like Wine though so if you're looking for something that's more fruity and smooth like juice, i'd recommend a zinfandel or moscato. Sangria is also a fruitier choice 👌
for wine coolers, you can't really go wrong. Jack Daniels has several flavors in their country cocktails and every one i've tried has been pretty good. even their black jack cola, and i'm not the biggest fan of jack and coke. I'd recommend their peach one though.
Smirnoff Ice is okay but i prefer Seagrams or Mikes Hard Lemonade. Flavors I like from Seagrams are their Jamaican Me Happy, Bahama Mama, and Calypso Colada. For Mikes Hard Lemonade (or Harder if you want something higher in alcohol content), I like their mango, strawberry, and cranberry.
there's also Steel Reserve. all their flavors are pretty good but my two fave are pineapple and orange soda
if you wanna dip your toes in beer, maybe give hard ciders or apple ales a try? i used to drink Redds apple ale, specifically the Wicked apple ale, which were good but more on the sour side. Some pumpkin ciders/ales are also really good but i haven't drunk them enough to be able to recommend specific brands. i had one this past fall season that was DELICIOUS but can't remember what it was 🤔
if you're looking for some liquor, there are quite a few that are pretty sweet or sour to drink just on their own. Disaronno is SUPER tasty, sweet like candy, but it can be a bit pricey. Though it's amaretto so there's probably cheaper alternatives... i never tried them.... because i really like the Disaronno bottles... they're classy and cool.... Schnapps are a good bet for taste. I'm partial to peppermint schnapps because the crisp, cool taste disguises the sting of the alcohol whereas other flavors might not so much. Then there's the creamy stuff that's great for mixing in coffee or hot chocolate like Kahlua, Godiva liqueur, rumchata, baileys, etc.
Flavored vodka can give you sweet or sour, depending on the flavor. personally, i'm not big into it, but i liked it a lot when i first started drinking. You WILL taste the alcohol though, so if you're pretty averse to that, then you might not enjoy vodka.
if you like coconut then coconut rum is 👍
Then there's the 99 series, if you're looking for something strong. I've drunk enough 99 Bananas to fill a boat. (don't follow my example, drink responsibly, too much alcohol consumption is bad for your health okay be safe)
honestly, a good way to figure out what types of liquor you like is to buy those little mini bottles at the liquor store. just pick out a bunch of them and have a little taste testing party. you never know what you'll like! and if you don't like it, hey, at least you didn't buy a whole bottle, right?
for cocktails that you might order at a bar/restaurant, here's a few simple, classic recs for sour and sweet:
Sour: margarita, daiquiri (classic or strawberry are both good), mojito, whiskey sour, lemon drop
Sweet: white russian, sex on the beach, cosmo, mudslide, grasshopper, mai tai
well, that's all i got. everyone experiences alcohol differently, so don't worry if you don't enjoy it as much as you think you should. you don't have to like it. you don't have to drink it. don't let anybody pressure you into drinking anything you don't want to drink or MORE than you want to drink. you can have fun without it! only ugly losers with tiny smooth brains pressure people into drinking when they don't want to 😤
Stay safe, drink responsibly, have fun, don't forget to eat and stay hydrated (with water)(not more alcohol)
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zooterchet · 6 months
Combat Objectives Claimed (Plus Series)
German Trade Federation: Adderral taken off the shelves for children that fight back against a bully. "Knightfall", "Azrael".
Capcom Games: Seizure of childhood made illegal, through successful Quake performance. "Dragonball", "Goku".
Hanseatic League: Refusal of statistics to college based on anti-Semitism, refused; as Soros rules. "Grand Theft Auto", "Tommy Vercetti".
United Kingdom: College doctrines of state and fact, as rationing during war effort, revealed as betrayal by Vatican sperm thieves. "The Departed", "Detective Costigan".
Israeli Mossad: Red Cross theft of organs, semen, bodily function, and literary rights to marriage outside of arranged, shown as scheme to defraud public for military marriages. "Burn Notice", "Michael Westen".
Russian Federalists: The Yeltsin schools program, through the Holocaust History Museum and John Hancock; the National Football League, the dealing of weapons to gym coaches, to induce school shootings by genius students found homophobic and placed on autism medication, for Down's Syndrome. "John Wick", "Seagram's Extra Smooth Vodka".
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kbox-in-the-box · 10 months
The Private Eyes of Apex City
Austin Kingsley and Mitzi Klingfeld aren't the only grownup gumshoes looking into mysteries and criminal misdeeds in Apex City.
Reid Warne knows how to navigate a forensic scene, managing to tread carefully even though the treads he's leaving are the tracks of his wheelchair, while one of his fellow licensed private investigators, wisecracking tough guy Bruno Hudson, constitutes one half of Nighthawks Investigations (whose name was inspired by the "Nightshade Investigates..." comic strip, distributed by Kingsley Features Syndicate), and which was bankrolled by former Glamourpuss Magazine cover girl Cybele Seagrams.
To preserve the statements they solicit from witnesses and other sources, Bruno and Cybele have a habit of recording their cases live via compact video, which can lead to snarky running commentary as they play to the camera.
Even more media-savvy, but vastly less given to snappy or sexually suggestive patter, is Richard Corinthian, who acquired the title of "The Auspex Inspector" from his six-season syndicated TV series, "The Wandering Auspex Inspects..." (likewise inspired by "Nightshade Investigates..."), which ran from the late 1970s through the early 1980s.
Richard claims to be psychic, to assist in law enforcement investigations, by playing up his supposed Romani "fortune-teller" heritage, and yet, while almost all of his ostensibly uncanny abilities can be chalked up to keen observational insights and skilled stagecraft, his Romani heritage is more genuine than he lets on (his birth name was "Roman Corinthian," which he correctly estimated would be a touch too "ethnic" to appeal to more mainstream audiences), while his insights include flashes of what would seem to be psychic visions.
Not that "The Auspex Inspector" is above commercial shilling, since the success of Time-Life Books' "The Enchanted World" and "Mysteries of the Unknown" series led Enigma Media to begin publishing "Myths & Mysteries of the Otherworldly" in 1987, for which Richard Corinthian serves as the line's suitably spooky, brooding spokesman ("From fairy-tale fables to paranormal phenomena... If it's out there, it's in here").
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discoverdurhamnc · 2 years
Things to Do in Durham this Weekend (Mar 2-5)
Check out our full Durham events calendar.
If you'd like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event owners to see if events change due to weather. Have a great weekend!
March Featured Event: Hayti Heritage Film Festival
Hayti Heritage Film Festival at the Hayti Heritage Center
A journey of African diasporadic film and content, with particular emphasis on the South.
More than 25 films and work shops from March 6-11.
All access pass - $75 | Day passes Mon-Wed - $15 | Day passes Thu-Sat - $20
Multi-Day Events
Jagged Little Pill at DPAC
Joy, love, heartache, strength, wisdom, catharsis, LIFE — everything we’ve been waiting to see in a Broadway show — is here in the exhilarating, fearless new musical based on Alanis Morissette’s world-changing music.
Thu, Mar 2 at 7:30 p.m.
Fri, Mar 3 at 8:00 p.m.
Sat, Mar 4 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Sun, Mar 5 at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
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Switchyard Theatre Company presents: "Present Laughter" at PSI Theatre at the Durham Arts Council
Garry Essendine, world renowned actor, is preparing for a theatrical tour to Africa to distract himself from impending middle age.  But in the weeks before the tour is to begin, he is beset by a series of fans and admirers – an unhinged young playwright, a besotted society starlet, and his manager’s wife who is determined to seduce him –  who are determined to take his spotlight.
Thu, Mar 2 at 7:30 p.m.
Fri, Mar 3 at 7:30 p.m.
Sat, Mar 4 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sun, Mar 5 at 2:00 p.m.
Adults - $25 | Seniors (65+) - $20 | Students - $10
"Red" by John Logan at Durham Bottling Co.
There comes a moment when you must choose to stand your ground, take the next step, throw in the towel, or pass the torch. Under the critical eye of his young assistant, iconic abstract painter Mark Rothko wrestles with the process of creating his now-famous Seagrams murals. Join us for this powerfully intimate exploration of integrity, mortality, and artistic legacy.
Sat, Mar 4 at 7:30 p.m. | Sun, Mar 5 at 2:30 p.m.
2023 Oscar Shorts at The Carolina Theatre
With all three categories offered — Animated, Live Action and Documentary — this is your annual chance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)!
Thu, Mar 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Sat, Mar 4 at 11:40 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4:10 p.m., and 7:10 p.m.
Sun, Mar 5 at 2:00 p.m.
Live Music at Blue Note Grill
Thur, Mar 2 at 7:00 p.m. - Eliza Neals / Jason Damico
Fri, Mar 3 at 6:00 p.m. - The Duke Street Dogs
Fri, Mar 3 at 9:15 p.m. - Mysti Mayhem Trio
Sat, Mar 4 at 7:30 p.m. - SouLe & the Superband
Events at Arcana
Thu, Mar 2 - Ann Arader and Tarot with Rene
Fri, Mar 3 - Daniel DeLorenzo and Tarot with Emily
Sat, Mar 4 - Bardo Bloom and Tarot with Kathleen
Sun, Mar 5 - Slow Teeth w/ Megabitch and Tarot with Emily
Improv Comedy at Mettlesome
Fri, Mar 3 at 9:00 p.m. | Hush Hush - Improv inspired by anonymous secrets from the audience.
Sat, Mar 4 at 9:00 p.m. | House Party - A mix of short-form (similar to Who's Line is it Anyway?) and long-form inspired by an audience interview.
All shows $8
Thursday, Mar 2
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
Enjoy fresh vibes on the patio with DJ Deckades. Bring your own vinyl to share or just listen to what the DJ is spinning.
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Free admission
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Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
Show up and climb at TRC Durham, then head over to Hi-Wire for some brews. Don't worry if it's your first time or haven't bouldered before; everyone's welcome.
Your first visit to the gym with the Meetup includes free admission and gear rental, and subsequent visits with the meetup are $15 and include harness rental (outside of meetups, day pass rates of $19 apply and do not include rentals).
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Film Screening: "Law and Order" at the Rubenstein Arts Center Film Theater
In the wake of the riots of 1968, Frederick Wiseman trains his quiet, unobtrusive cameras on the Kansas City police department throughout their everyday routines as they work. The film surveys the wide range of work the police are asked to perform: enforcing the law, maintaining order, and providing general social services. The incidents shown illustrate how training, community expectations, socio-economic status of the subject, the threat of violence, and discretion affect police behavior.
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Free admission
Live Music in the Taproom at The Glass Jug Beer Lab - Downtown Durham
Glass Jug offers local live music EVERY Thursday in their Downtown Durham taproom.
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Free admission
Trivia Night w/Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
Join Clouds Durham for Big Slow Tom's Trivia Night, every Thursday. Win some prizes, drink some beer, and show your smarts.
Enjoy $4 select draft and $5 rotating bartender's choice all night.
7:30 p.m.
Free admission
Beaty Kitty x Mr Jennings Maximum Bounce Tour at The Fruit
“Beat Kitty is a Brooklyn bass producer & artist with a penchant for taking crowds on epics journeys through all the flavors and feels of bass music. This full spectrum selectress has been known to melt brains and literally light fires on dancefloors.” - Worst Behavior Recs
Mr Jennings provides spicy bass music for cool cats.
8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m.
Friday, Mar 3
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
Every Friday morning at 10 am, Counter Culture Coffee opens their Training Centers to coffee lovers who want to learn more about Counter Culture Coffee’s high-quality, sustainably sourced menu.
10 a.m.
Free, but donations accepted
Nikki Glaser: The Good Girl Tour at The Carolina Theatre
Nikki Glaser is one of the funniest female voices in comedy today. For over a decade at clubs and theaters across the country, and as the host of three hit podcasts, she has been honing her shockingly-honest, no-holds barred style of comedy.
7:00 p.m.
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Live Music at Sharp 9 Gallery
Ryan Hanseler Trio with Gabrielle Cavassa
8 p.m.
GRL PWR 2 at Motorco Music Hall
A dance party dedicated to the women of alternative music.
8:30 p.m.
$20 at the door, $15 advance
Open Mic Stand-Up Comedy at Durty Bull Brewing Company
This weekly event takes place indoors in the Barrel Room, with seating available for nearly 100 people. There's no better way to unwind after a long week than a night of laughter with Ashley & Ebony. Interested in performing? Please contact Ashley and Ebony.
8 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Free admission
Mamis & The Papis and Party Illegal Present: Moodboard at Rubies on Five Points
Prepare for the First Friday party of your dreams, with DJs from Mamis & the Papis and Party Illegal crews plus special guests.
Doors at 9:00 p.m. | Show at 10 p.m.
Saturday, Mar 4
parkrun Durham at Southern Boundaries Park
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer, or spectate. It's up to you!
8:00 a.m.
Free admission
Moving Units: a Record Fair at Shadowbox Studio
A baker’s dozen or so local folks selling records, CDs, and related. Come dig through the crates of local music obsessives.
11:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Free admission
Art-n-Soul Market at Mystic Farm & Distillery
Come shop handmade in this special setting. Mystic Farm & Distillery in Durham offers a unique place to gather and enjoy local spirits. The Art-n-Soul Market brings local artisans, food trucks, and live music out to the farm for bourbon tastings, craft cocktails, food trucks, and distinctive gifts. Dogs welcome.
12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Free admission
Doggie Photos with the Easter Bunny at Hi-Wire Brewing
Photos with the Easter bunny. Open to all dogs and families.
12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
$5 donation,
Outrageous: A Burlesque and Variety Show for Abortion Rights at The Pinhook
This may be the debut production of GiGi & Alvara – but they’ve been at it for awhile now.  Come hang and watch these seasoned burlesque and otherwise performers and have a great time benefiting the Carolina Abortion Fund!
7:00 p.m.
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Jay Renee at Beyú Caffè
A Durham, NC, Jay Renee graduated from NCCU with a degree in Music Education, with a concentration in voice. Upon graduation, she quickly became a “go-to” choice wherever a strong, passionate female voice is needed.
Attendance requires a $20 minimum food and/or beverage minimum purchase per ticket.
Shows at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
$12 standing | $25 seated
Felipe Esparza: Big Foo Tour at The Carolina Theatre
From being raised in the projects in a family of nine living in the most gang‐infested neighborhood in the country to winning NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” to selling out live comedy shows all over the country and being able to act in TV shows and movies, Felipe’s life has been anything but boring.
8:00 p.m.
Sunday, Mar 5
Durham Community Day at Museum of Life and Science
Durham County residents get in free with current proof of residence. All adults must have Durham residency to get in free; each adult can bring up to five children. Guests without current proof of residency will need to pay for tickets at check-in.
10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Al Strong Presents Jazz Brunch Sundays at Alley Twenty Six
Al Strong, the Grammy-nominated jazz trumpeter, composer and recording artist, will bring a rotating lineup of musicians to perform during Sunday brunch at Durham's Alley Twenty Six.
Brunch is served from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Music will be from 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Public Tour at Duke University Chapel
Learn about the history, architecture, and life of Duke Chapel in this tour. The tour begins at 12:15 p.m., or immediately following the conclusion of the Sunday morning service, and lasts approximately 45 minutes. No reservation is required but if you plan to bring a large group please contact [email protected]. Meet the docent on the front steps of the Chapel.
12:15 p.m.
Free admission
Crape Myrtle Festival Drag Brunch at Clouds Brewing
The Crape Myrtle Festival Mission: To encourage and promote the development of services for persons living with HIV, additionally, to raise money to provide financial assistance, outreach and education to realized needs within the local LGBTQ+ community.
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
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Fruit Flea Market at The Fruit
Come one come all to the Fruit Flea Market. Here you will find everything your grungy little heart desires. Come support Durham’s creative community by buying and selling awesome clothes, a/v stuff, art materials, tchotchkes, vintage goods and much more!
12:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.
$5 entry fee | $20 vendor fee
Winter Seafood Jubilee at Durham Central Park
Locals Seafood is bringing its ninth annual Winter Seafood Jubilee to Durham Central Park. The event will celebrate NC seafood by serving North Carolina oysters, catfish, shrimp, and more.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free admission
Trivia at Navigator Beverage Co.
Hosted by the Triangle’s Trivia team, Hammered Trivia, gather your team and post up to compete for prizes and enjoy an afternoon of great drinks, great friends, and great games.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Free admission
Comedy and Music Open Mic at Moon Dog Meadery
Presented with ComedyDurham. Sign ups begin at 6:30 p.m.
Comedy, music, poetry, any artistic performance you'd like to share are welcome.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Free admission
Running Art Exhibits
Beverly McIver’s PASSAGE: Paintings 1983-2022 at Craven Allen Gallery
Beverly McIver is among North Carolina’s most noted artists, with work in major public and private collections. Following McIver through the most pivotal moments in her life, the exhibition reflects the passage of time and its effects on Beverly as an artist, a sister, a daughter, and a friend.
Mon–Fri from 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Sat from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Runs through Mar 4
Free admission
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Selections from the Archive: Bill Seaman Print Retrospective at the Rubenstein Arts Center At Duke University
A print retrospective of the work of media artist, researcher, and Duke faculty member Bill Seaman.
Runs through Mar 12
Mon-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. | Sat-Sun from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Free admission
Corrientes Latinas / Latin Currents at The Durham Arts Council
Corrientes Latinas / Latin Currents, highlights the work of artists belonging to the Inter-Latin American Artist Collective (ILAAC), a group of professional artists working in the Triangle Area: Cornelio Campos, Luis MacKinney, Lety Álvarez, Pepe Caudillo, José Manuel Cruz, Antonio Alanís and Peter Marín.
Runs through Mar 10
Mon-Sat from 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. | Sun from 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Free admission
Art Exhibition: 'Marc Chagall and the Bible' at Duke Chapel
In partnership with Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts (DITA), the Chapel is presenting an exhibition of prints of works by the distinguished, modernist artist Marc Chagall. Curated by the art collector Sandra Bowden, the exhibition, Marc Chagall and the Bible, features etchings and lithographs with biblical themes.
The Chapel is open daily from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. but is sometimes closed to the public for private ceremonies
Runs through March 30
No tickets or reservations required.
The Textile Art of Debbie Secan in the Great Hall of the Golden Belt Campus
Debbie Secan fell in love with weaving as a teenager and has worked with woven structures ever since, in the textile industry and as a fine artist. The materials in her work are repurposed for environmental reasons and to exploit the breadth of resources we discard.
Runs through Mar 31
Mon-Sat from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Sun from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free admission
The Art of Nicholas Edward at the Building 2 Gallery at Golden Belt Campus
Derrick Nicholas is the artist behind Nicholas Edward. Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, he moved to Raleigh in 1995 and has been a Triangle resident ever since. A North Carolina A&T University class of 2008 graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design, art has been Nicholas’ passion since the age of 6. He loves to express and create through various mediums including pencil, digital, and paint, and finds that each provides a unique and therapeutic satisfaction.
Runs through Mar 31
Mon-Sat from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Sun from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free admission
The Mind’s Eye: Gallery Members Exhibition at 5 Points Gallery
5 Points Gallery celebrates cleverness in the Year of the Rabbit with their new exhibit called “The Mind’s Eye”.
Runs through Apr 15
Free admission
Beyond the Surface: Collage, Mixed Media and Textile Works from the Collection at the Nasher
This exhibition includes approximately 40 works, primarily from the Nasher Museum’s collection. With a focus on collage, mixed media and textile works, Beyond the Surface explores how artists bring together disparate materials and ideas to create artworks that engage with all audiences.
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through May 14
Free admission
Patrimonio | Heritage at John Hope Franklin Center Gallery
A series of drawing interventions on “Llanchama” (Amazonian tree bark) by Peruvian/American artist Renzo Ortega.
Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Runs through May 18
Free admission
Exhibits at 21c Museum Hotel
Whitney Stanley: We Just Be in the Vault Gallery
This We Believe in the Main Gallery
Runs through May 2023
Open 24 hours
Free admission
Spirit in the Land at the Nasher
Spirit in the Land is a contemporary art exhibition that examines today’s urgent ecological concerns from a cultural perspective, demonstrating how intricately our identities and natural environments are intertwined. Through their artwork, 30 artists show us how rooted in the earth our most cherished cultural traditions are, how our relationship to land and water shapes us as individuals and communities
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through Jul 9
Free admission
Art of Peru at the Nasher
This gallery features ceramics, textiles, metalwork and carvings produced by ancient cultures across what is known as present-day Peru.
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through Dec 2
Free admission
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somethin-or-other · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @1dragon-mustard1
(Tag people you want to get to know better)
fave color: Love me a midnight blue, but red + black is a God tier combined
currently reading: the Transformers IDW comics (first continuity, on phase 2, in the middle of a MTMTE issue rn)
last song: Unknown - Frontline Assembly
sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy 💯💯💯💯💯
fav alcoholic drink: can't go wrong with a basic ass Truly or Seagrams
traditional or modern: Modern for art, but I like Gothic architecture
favorite writer: I guess Mike Mignola
favorite dessert: I'm a simple man give me cookies and cream ice cream I'll be happy
fav rapper: been listening to a lot of Brockhampton lately bc of recent events, and I like Kevin Abstract's vision, but Dom McLennon's skill and flow is so good
favorite soccer/hockey/tennis player: idk
colors of my bedroom: Red
favorite politician: fuck those guys
loyalty or lust: loyalty
pizza or pasta: pasta is a much more versatile food, can do a lot more with it
vegan/veggie: nah I get a spicy chicken sandwich at most establishments
favorite time period: Love the 90s but i think we tend to take for granted the time we live in
love or hate: love
last series watched: i think it was probably Transformers Energon... don't watch that it's not great I've just seen everything else
classical or rock: Rock, I don't listen to a lot of classical music but I do appreciate film scores
fairy or dragons: False dichotomy, I need them both
GOT or LOTR: so I've only read The Hobbit and the first Game of Thrones novel, but both of those were forever ago so I don't feel right in making a decision
I'm not gonna tag anyone else if you are interested in participating just do it
0 notes
judyconda · 2 years
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Gothic Architecture Poem by gershon hepner Like Gothic architecture, I take great delight in flouting servile regulations that infringe the rule which says that only what is straight is right, because redundancies make all good people cringe. Although between two points the shortest distance is a line uncurved and straight, my preference is to take a tangent leading to a curl that says gee-whiz, and, like St. Pancras Station, is not a mistake. The color of our words, like stones, should not repeat a pattern that’s determined by the servile laws of man while fearing that excesses may deplete the empty spaces of our minds with fatal flaws. Nicolai Ouroussoff writes about the new hotel tower next to MoMa designed by Jean Nouvel (“Next to MoMa, A Tower Will reach for the Stars, ” NYT, November 15,2007) : Cass Gilbert’s Woolworth Building, William Van Alen’s Chrysler Building, Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram Building. If New Yorkers once saw their skyline as the great citadel of capitalism, who could blame them? We had the best toys of all. But for the last few decades or so, that honor has shifted to places like Singapore, Beijing and Dubai, while Manhattan settled for the predictable. Perhaps that’s about to change. A new 75-story tower designed by the architect Jean Nouvel for a site next to the Museum of Modern Art in Midtown promises to be the most exhilarating addition to the skyline in a generation. Its faceted exterior, tapering to a series of crystalline peaks, suggests an atavistic preoccupation with celestial heights. It brings to mind John Ruskin’s praise for the irrationality of Gothic architecture: “It not only dared, but delighted in, the infringement of every servile principle. : #fairytaletuesday #fairytaleflash #poetic #poetry #poet #poetryofinstagram #poets #myths #darkacademia #darkaesthetic #darkacademiaaesthetic #goth #gothic #gothiccemetery #gothcemetery #Spiritique #mindfulness #Spiritual #Spirituality #mystical #mystique #mystic #mysticisim #renaissance #renaissanceart #folk #folklore #folkspirits #folkmystic #fantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CjSNSJxuQqH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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larryland · 4 years
REVIEW: "Red" at Oldcastle Theatre Company
REVIEW: “Red” at Oldcastle Theatre Company
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SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, October 20, 1958
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
girls just wanna have fun
part iii- paper planes
“i fly like paper get high like planes”
wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: cussing, violence, underage drinking, police busting a party, reader and peter fleeing from said party, both of them crushing but not making moves
a/n: ok the plot is finally planned out a bit more so maybe these will start having an actual direction lol. enjoy luvs 🤍also, opinions on multiverse of madness? pls discuss
taglist: @faiirybread @softasha @edgycatx @happy-nico @local-mr-frog @minimarkive @softyutae
series masterlist
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As much as you enjoyed alone time, parties truly were some of your favorite things. As you lead Peter through the throngs of people, you exchange brief words with many. Most of them know you, even from the other schools.
You politely ignore one sophomore boy asking for your number and turn to Peter.
“Do you care if I drink? I’ll probably just make one of those Long Island Ice Teas.”
Peter shakes his head. “No, that’s fine. I might try something, too.”
“Ooh, that’ll be fun,” you clap, practically shouting over the booming bass. “If you’re uncomfortable at any time, just tell me and we’ll dip.”
When you fail at attempting to peer over the ocean of people, you shout to the crowd. “Hey! Where are the drinks?” A few people point you in the right direction, and you come to a table.
Grabbing tequila, vodka, rum, gin, and triple sec, you mix them together, before pouring in some soda. Lemon slices are nowhere to be found, but you make do.
You’re aware that most everyone else is chugging beers, but you’ve always preferred mixing your drinks. It was fun and typically created much better options than a nasty Bud Light.
“Do you want anything?” you ask Peter. His eyes are wide, scanning the countless bottles.
“I honestly have no idea where to start.”
“Well,” you begin. “Might start with something that isn’t mixed. How about a Seagram? They have a lot of flavors and a low alcohol content.” He takes a blue drink, struggling with the bottle opener. With a laugh, you pop off the cap, clinking your glass with his bottle.
“To your first party,” you joke, sipping your drink. He cautiously raises the bottle to his lips, taking a swig. At first, he winces, but he soon takes another.
You both spend a few moments at the drink table, eyeing the crowd. There’s only a few of your friends. You spot some of the football team nursing frozen cocktails in bags. Then, you see the DJ. Flash Thompson.
You nudge Peter, pointing out Flash to him. He groans.
“I knew he DJs a lot of parties, but goddamn. He’s really getting into it,” you comment, watching him sway to the music. Peter laughs, snapping a picture.
You listen as the song changes, an idea forming as you decide to make a move. “Wanna dance?” you ask him. He nods. “Yeah, sure.” You down what you can of the rest of your drink before dropping the glass in the kitchen sink. Peter dumps the drink and tosses the bottle in the trash.
The buzz is slowly forming, and you feel like your world is slightly tilted as you take his hand and pull him into the throng. As various students twirl and twist around you, Peter looks around confused.
“Soooo… How do I dance? Is there, like, a theme? Or…?” With a giggle, you spin him in a circle, swaying to the music.
“It’s a party, Peter. Just dance. Unless it’s, like, the robot or something ridiculous.” Your gaze wanders to a very drunk cheerleader doing that very dance move as her friends try to pull her away.
“Noted.” He spins you and your hair bounces around you, all light and airy. As it turns out, Peter Parker is unfairly good at dancing. He even playfully dips you. You suspect the drink is making him more bold.
The music taste is surprisingly good, considering who the DJ is. A mix of popular songs along with some classics with boosted bass shaking the house.
After a while, he pauses. “Um, where’s the bathroom?” You point him down a hallway and go to get a snack.
Peter slips inside the bathroom and locks the door, running the sink and splashing his face with icy water. Something about dancing with you is enchanting. The way you would check on him, matching his energy as you danced together.
“Hey! Are you done in there?” someone asks, banging on the door.
“Yep!” he shouts back. He dries his hands and steps out as the person shoves him aside. Apparently they really need to piss, he thinks to himself. As he passes a few very drunk teens on his way back to the ocean of dancing people, he looks for you.
When Peter can’t find you after five minutes, his heart begins to sink. His words become stuck in his throat as he instantly sobers up. Of course you wouldn’t stick around. Who would want to?
As he spirals further into self-deprecation, he stands still in the middle of this big-ass living room. Didn’t you mention that there was a pool?
He trudges outside, dipping his hand in the water. It is a really nice pool. One that would be on that TV show. It has rock formations, waterfalls, even a hidden grotto. And it’s heated.
Peter can’t believe he entertained the idea that you might like him back. Was it all a ruse? Did you ever-
“Peter! Oh my god, I couldn’t find you.” You come rushing over, sitting next to him. He stares at you in shock.
“You didn’t…” he trails off, averting his eyes. He feels slightly guilty that he even presumed you would act that way.
“Leave you?” you scoff, shaking your head. “Now, what kind of friend would I be if I ditched you at your first party?” You hold up a paper bowl, filled with various fruits. “I wanted a snack.”
You offer him the bowl, and he grabs a strawberry. A few students splash around the pool in a drunken game of chicken. You pause to cheer on a friend, laughing as she shoves the opposing teen backwards.
“I feel like I don’t know much about you, Peter Parker,” you say, words slightly slurring. “And I think that, as your friend, I should. Anything you wanna tell me? Something you’ve always wanted to say but no one ever asked?”
“Um… Yeah.” Peter takes another piece of fruit, this time a cube of watermelon. “I live with my aunt, my parents and uncle died a while back.” You nod. He appreciates that you don’t try and do the whole “Aww, I’m so sorry for your loss” bit. Sure, he’s grateful that people care, but it gets real tiring real quickly. Sometimes all someone needs is a willing ear.
“My best friends are Ned and MJ. I’m on saxophone in marching band. Uhh… my favorite subjects are physics and technology, my dream college is MIT, my biggest fear is losing my family and friends, and I hate writing papers.” The words come easy. The combination of alcohol and, well, you, has each sentence spilling from his mouth. You soak up each one. “What about you?”
“Me?” You think for a moment, and Peter takes the time to notice how the lit-up pool sends rippling reflections sprawling across your face, highlighting your glittery eyeshadow. It hits every angle just right, emphasizing the curves and edges of your cheeks, nose, eyes, and neck.
You look ethereal, to put it simply.
“I technically live with my parents, but they’re never home. I lied to the team,” you confess. “They’re only home, like, twice a month each.”
“I have a lot of friends, but not really any best-best friends. We’re all super busy, but we’re there for each other when we need to be. I still love to figure skate and do gymnastics, my dream school is Columbia, my biggest fear is being left and forgotten, and I hate grape-flavored anything.”
Peter nods. “I don’t like grape-flavored anything either.”
You smile. “Grapes are okay though,” you say, plucking one from the bowl.
He nods. “Oh, yeah. It’s just artificial grape.”
“Then we have something in common.”
You sit in silence for a while, enjoying the commotion from the house and the laughter from the pool. And then you hear a crash from inside. Whirling around, you spot exactly what you knew would happen. A fight. Between two Baxter kids, from the look of it.
“Holy shit, should we do something?” Peter asks.
“No,” you whisper, watching as the shorter one grabs a glass coaster, whirling it at his opponent. The other grabs a log from the basket near the fireplace. It’s a gas fireplace, and the logs inside were fake, but you guessed that the homeowners just wanted the logs for looks.
He swings, missing and stumbling onto the couch. People are beginning to cheer, forming a messy circle around the two brawling guys. It doesn’t look too bad until one smashes a lamp on the other one’s head.
“Shit,” you gasp, flinching. Peter is tense, raising a hand in front of you as if to block the violence from reaching you. You take the hand, tugging him up. One of the boys is bleeding. You can practically hear the time in juvie and ludicrously high bail. “We gotta go, we gotta go,” you hiss, running away from the pool. Going through the house and out of the front door is too risky: people have already called 911.
You scan the expansive backyard, stopping as you spot a low spot on the fence.
“There,” you say, pointing. “We jump the fence, run to my apartment, and lay low until someone posts an all-clear. Then we can get you home.” He nods, and you both take off, sprinting at the fence. You jump first, clambering madly onto the top of the brick wall.
Sirens wail from a distance. You spit expletives as Peter jumps up effortlessly, oddly nimble for someone who claims to be clumsy. You write it off as adrenaline.
“Come on,” you whisper, running along the sidewalk and ducking between houses when you spot police cars. Once they pass, you stumble out, alcohol still lingering in your system. Peter follows, staring at you bug-eyed. His expression is priceless.
You burst into laughter, cradling your sides as they ache from the running. He joins, and you’re both aware that you look hella stupid. Laughing in the middle of the sidewalk, not a care in the world.
When you manage to calm down, you both begin the journey back to your apartment, glancing over your shoulder for police cars every now and then. You make it to the building safely, slipping through the brightly lit hallways. Two sets of footsteps click on the tile floors, and you eventually make it to your apartment.
Sliding in your key and twisting it, you shove the door open. “Welcome to my hideaway,” you say, flourishing a hand as Peter steps inside. He barely got a good look at it when you both met up, but now, he’s realizing how damn expensive everything looks. Your fridge has a digital screen, for fuck’s sake.
But you don’t seem to notice how out of place he looks. Instead, you only notice his mild discomfort.
“Is this alright?” you ask, kicking off your heels before heading to your room. Peter follows, nodding as he notices the lack of family pictures. The walls are decorated with minimalist art, abstract and only contributing to the clean aesthetic of the apartment.
You let him into your room, throwing your heels into a corner. The first thing that strikes him is how different your room is to the rest of the house. Your bed is messy, countless photos are plastered on the walls, and both LED and Christmas lights line the ceiling, creating a galaxy of light.
Peter watches you stumble into the bathroom with a change of clothes, not even bothering to close the door. He averts his eyes, searching for anything to stare at besides you flinging off your top.
His eyes land on a few college pamphlets on your organized desk, each with post-it notes describing pros and cons of each college. When he checks the Columbia pamphlet, he sees you’ve written barely any cons. You also have a pamphlet from MIT, with no notes.
“Peter? Can you check out my window? I think I hear sirens,” you request from the bathroom. He obliges, peeking past your curtain to spot several police cars and an ambulance driving down the crowded street. Your phone lights up with various texts from friends saying that the police are gone.
“The police are done. We can head over to your apartment if you want,” you offer. Not that you want him to leave. Even in your drunken state you have enough sense to know better than that.
Honestly, Peter really wants to stay. You emerge from the bathroom in sweats and a crop top, makeup scrubbed off and hair tied up. Yeah. He really wants to stay.
But May would kill him, so you both end up trekking down the street, exchanging jokes and stories from school. You’re in the middle of one particularly good one as you both approach Peter’s apartment.
“We literally shoved twelve people in a tiny hotel bathroom, and my friend Becca had to answer the door and make something up on the spot to get the landlord off our asses,” you say, waving your hands as you regale Peter with a story of a party gone wrong.
He thinks he could listen to you talk all day. But sadly, the night is coming to a close.
As you climb the stairs and knock at his apartment, May opens the door. You wave, doing your best to disguise your drunkenness. You’ve had a lot of practice, after all.
“Hi, you must be (Y/N),” she says.
“That’s me.” You rock on your feet, unsure of what to do.
“Well, I hope Peter behaved,” she jokes.
You laugh, nodding. “He did great. We actually left the party early. Some kids from a neighboring school got a bit too jumped-up on testosterone.”
May jokingly rolls her eyes, nodding in understanding. “Boys, am I right?”
You laugh, nodding as well. “Well, I’ll see you Monday, Peter. Tonight was really fun.”
“It was,” he agrees, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Are you sure you’ll be alright getting home? It’s dark, and I just don’t want you…” he trails off, but you wave a hand.
“I’ll be fine. Besides, isn’t there that superhero? Spider-Man?”
You’ve never brought up Peter’s secret identity. Honestly, he was kind of hoping you didn’t know about him. In hindsight, that was naive. Most of the world and all of New York City knew about him. But they don’t know it’s him him.
So he nods, throws in some lame quip that he’ll kick himself for later, and bids you farewell. By the time you’re down the stairs and almost a block away, Peter has managed to run to his room, change into his suit, and swing away, all after promising May that, no, you aren’t dating, and yes, he’ll fill her in on everything in the morning.
He feels stalker-ish as he passes above you, watching as you stroll under streetlights, waving at some partygoers. He trails you all the way back to your apartment, watching from a distance to make sure you’re safely inside.
“This is so fucking creepy,” he mutters to himself. “What kind of stalker film is this?” Content with your safety, he swings away, ready for another long night of saving the city.
Or, more accurately, stopping petty bar fights. Same thing.
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rubyvroom · 3 years
video essay masterpost
I’ve seen one of these floating around but it wasn’t very good. So I took a stab at it. What is a video essay, does it have to be a talking head, when is it actually a documentary or an educational video or just a funny cartoon? Are they all gonna be about films? IDK don’t @ me, I did my best. Only one video per channel, tried to hit a lot of subject matter. Enjoy. 
Born Sexy Yesterday || Pop Culture Detective Bo Burnham vs. Jeff Bezos || CJ the X In Defense of Nicolas Cage || In Praise of Shadows Tiger King: The Problem with True Crime || Broey Dachenel The Ideology of Apocalypse || Jack Saint Incels || Contrapoints   Night of the Living Dead - Horrors of Copyright || kaptainkristian Mark Rothko’s Seagram Murals || Great Art Explained The Ugly, Dangerous, and Inefficient Stroads Found All Over the US and Canada || Not Just Bikes Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy || Every Frame a Painting The Anatomy of Stan Culture || Intelexual Media Auteur Theory vs. Michael Bay || Lindsay Ellis Zack Snyder Series: We’re Already Dead || Maggie Mae Fish The Trouble with Tumbleweed || CGP Grey  History of the Entire World, I Guess || Bill Wurtz Dropping the Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki || Shaun Was Every German Soldier Evil? || Three Arrows The Story of the Best Meme EVER: “Never Going to Give You Up” || Alfomedia The Sound of 80s Movies || The Discarded Image The Great Silence || Lemino The Film that Changed South Korea || Accented Cinema Coronavirus and America’s Death Cult || Carlos Maza Disney’s Fastpass: A Complicated History || Defunctland The Kimba vs. Simba Controversy || Allie Kat Bohemian Rhapsody’s Terrible Editing: A Breakdown || Thomas Flight Fallout New Vegas is Genius, and Here’s Why || HBomberguy How Bloodborne Transforms The Myth || SolePorpoise The Problem with Modern Monsters || Nerdstalgic The Market of Humiliating Black Women || Tee Noir How Pollution is Changing Indian Cinema ||  Jyotishwar Singh Before Bauhaus: How Goth Became Goth || Trash Theory Burial’s Untrue: The Making of a Masterpiece || Resident Advisor Trump, QAnon and The Return of Magic || Kirby Ferguson WTF Happened to Movie Posters? || GoodBadFlicks The Reign of the Slim-Thick Influencer || Khadija Mbowe The Most Disturbing Painting || Nerdwriter Here’s Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More DIfficult to Understand || SlashFilm Top Gun Needs More Gay || Ranasmo The Satoshi Kon Problem || SteveM Saul Bass : Style Is Substance || The Royal Ocean Film Society The Garfield Iceberg ||  Izzzyzzz The Death of Laugh Tracks || Drew Gooden Idiocracy, and why Misanthropy is for Dummies || Patricia Taxxon I Can’t Stop Watching Contagion || Folding Ideas
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shurisneakers · 3 years
do the trivia night thing with team dumbass on the same side ari PLeASE
note: pre dating era
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Catch up with the rest of the series here!
“Alright, everyone.” Tony gathers his cards. “You know the rules.”
The chatter dies down, everyone turning their attention to the host.
“Questions from anywhere, two in a team, you and your partner alternate in answering so everyone gets an equal chance. Two rounds and you’re competing for more cash even though you already freeload off of me.”
“And I’ll do it again, no questions asked.” Clint raises a toast. There are a few snickers around the couch.
“Joining us today since no one wants to be paired with the lean, mean brooding machine over there-" Tony shamelessly points out your partner- "we got Y/N.”
“Heyo.” You hold your glass up to match Clint.
“Don’t fraternise with the other team,” Bucky murmurs, arms crossed over his chest as he leans back. “They’re just trynna figure out our weakness.”
“We already know your fuckin’ weakness,” Sam chortles. “It’s you.”
Bucky flips him the middle finger.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bruce leans a little closer, voice lowered. “Do you- uh- do you know why no one wanted to be paired with Bucky?”
“Could give you plenty of reasons Bruce.” You eye your partner. “Startin’ with how he’s always dressed like he’s going to a funeral.”
“Oh, so not the real reason?”
Your eyebrows knit together. “Why?”
Wanda nudges him with a small shake of her head and he shuffles away with an apologetic look. If his strategy was to get into your head, it was probably already working.
You turn to the guy sitting next to you. “Bucky, why does no one like you?”
“Thanks,” he says dryly.
“Round one!” Tony shouts and Vision hits play on the sound effect. The speakers blast a gameshow theme through the room.
“Question one," he announces, "what is the romanized Arabic word for ‘moon’?”
Buzzer noises sound rapidly, some too close to even tell a difference.
“Sam,” Vision points out amidst the chaos. There was a reason the supercomputer was a moderator.
“Correct.” Tony shuffles his cards around. “Next question. From which country does Gouda cheese originate?“
Your palm slams against the button before the question even finishes.
“Y/N,” Vision calls out.
“Correct. That’s a point to Wilson and Rogers, and Barnes and Y/N.” Tony looks up to where Vision changes the number on the scoreboard. “Okay, what were the four main characters' names in the "Golden Girls" TV series that ran from 1985-1992?“
One of the buzzes is a second quicker than the others.
“Wanda, go.”
“Sophia, Rose, Blanche and Dorothy.”
“One point to Banner and Maximoff.” Tony points a finger at them. “Alright here’s an easy one. Who created Sherloc-”
You hit the buzzer. Everyone lets out groans and complaints about how that should be grounds for disqualification. Tony doesn't listen, because Tony is a little shit.
“Barnes, you’re up.”
You look at him. He had to know the answer, everyone did.
“Meryl Streep.”
“What?” Your jaw drops. “Did you just say Meryl Streep wrote Sherlock Holmes?”
He shrugs, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
You quickly look at Bruce who just smiles nervously.
This motherfucker.
“Zero points. Next question, Hendrick’s, Larios, and Seagram’s are some of the best-selling brands of which spirit?”
“Barton and Romanoff get a point.”
“Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Priz- yes, Y/N, we hear you. You don’t have to hit it over and over again.”
“Marie Curie.”
“Alright, points won. What is the slang name for New York City, used by locals?”
“Attaboy Rogers." He was really playing into the hosting gig. "Name the best-selling book series of the 21st century.”
You hit the buzzer, shooting Bucky a look in warning.
He innocuously takes a sip of his beer.
“The Devil Wears Prada.”
You bolt up. “You fucking-”
“No points. Moving on,” Tony interrupts.
You glare daggers at Bucky. He just stares straight forward, a dumb smile on his face.
“And that’s round four, folks.” Half of Tony’s cue cards lay scattered on the floor. Clint had gotten up a while ago, leaving Nat to fend for the both of them while he returned thirty minutes later with a large pint of ice cream from the grocery store.
Bruce had just about given up, knowing most of the answers but not quick enough to hit the buzzer once Wanda's magic is ruled out on the basis of 'external assistance'.
“The two teams to make it in are Wilson and Rogers-” Tony looks at the scoreboard Vision maintains "-and by the grace of God and a miracle from Jesus himself, Barnes and Y/N.”
“Fuck yes," you exclaim, clapping your hands together.
Bucky is less than enthusiastic.
Every single one of his answers pertained to Meryl Streep and Meryl Streep only.
Once he said the most famous graffiti artist from Bristol was Joanna Kramer, you threatened to throw him out the damn window.
He proceeded to then repeat his answer when asked who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Still, you made it in. It had more to do with Clint just fucking off mid-game, but no one was really keeping track.
“Okay, for ten points, how many time zones are there in Russia?”
“Eleven,” Steve says instantly.
Vision writes their scores on the board. You painstakingly look at how far behind you are.
“You gotta get this one right if you wanna get back in the game, Barnes.” Tony casts a glance at him.
Bucky just presses his lips into a straight line.
“What team won the first NBA game?”
“For the love of God.” You hold your face in your hands.
“New York Knicks.”
Your eyes snap to his. “Holy shit.”
“Fucking finally.” Tony throws the card out a little higher than the others. “That leads us to our tiebreaker."
All your anger is dissolved when you look at him excitedly. “If we win this, I’m gonna take you out someplace real nice, Buck.”
“’s a waste of your money, I’m not coming.”
“We’ll deal with that later.” You wave it off. “Finally get to see you in something other than black.”
“You fuckin’ wish.” Still, he leans back with a smile on his face.
“Alright, final question. Anyone can answer. If you get this wrong, the other team wins by default,” Tony says loudly.
There’s a tense silence that drags on longer than it should. You’re at the edge of your seat, finger poised on the buzzer.
“Which film did Al Pacino win his first Oscar for?”
Bucky slams his drink down. Everyone turns to him.
He clears his throat.
A pin-drop silence follows.
All eyes are on him.
"Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again."
"I'm gonna fucking kill you,” you screech, launching a pillow at him.
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