#Sengoku x reader
Determination (Platonic)
Part 1 Part 3 Shanks beast pirates
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea
Please give some suggestions of others y/n has met on their journey in the comments. I wanna see who else people want them to befriend/meet
I plan to later on do an entire thing for marineford. Be prepared for that and more stuff about y/n’s devil fruit
Once again this is non linear. Partially cause it’s easier that way and cause y/n has lived so long that their memories are kinda jumbled/they don’t really perceive time anymore (I kinda focused on that in this)
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At some point in your eternal journey you began to write down your adventures into a small notebook
It’s leather bound with bright lettering on the front
A custom clasp in the shape of a star to keep the soft yellowed pages tight together
Sometimes you read it when out at sea with nothing to do but letting the wind guide your way to place of new and old
Before tucking it away into the pocket of Roger’s coat
Old ink of a dark navy blue stands out on the paper
Stark against the light yellow
With your feet dipped in the salty water of the place you called paradise you pull it out once more
Content in relaying over memories and people you’d once met
Let’s see who we have in store for today
Waking up on Marineford of all places after dying was certainly not on your list of islands you wanted to visit
An island dyed white and blue with golden accents sprinkled throughout the crowds of marines that walk through the area
The headquarters sat at the very top, loud and proud on the crescent moon shaped island
Honestly you very much contemplated just jumping into the sea to end up somewhere else
But as you stood at the very edge of the bay , leaning a bit forwards as the sapphire blue waves crash against the old stone walls
A hand grasps your shoulder
Turning around your met with the sight of a marine you had vaguely remembered Garp talking about
Sengoku, the Buddha
Your eyes trail upwards past his face to the pelican sat atop his marine hat
It stares down at you as does the marine who looks at you with concern
Especially since he sees no fear in your eyes along with contemplation
You had seriously thought about jumping into the sea all Willy nilly
It wasn’t even accounting the fact you may have a devil fruit
He quite literally drags you into the base, you don’t really complain since he gives you crackers
Similar ones to Garps favourites though a different brand
He sits you down, trying to get as much information out of you
It…isn’t successful
Your just chilling in his office, eating, looking around and giving the vaguest answers ever
Like he asks you about the island your from and you respond “a summer island a long ways from here. A place where fruit is plentiful and the corrupt hands of society do not touch” or some shit
He’s too stressed to deal with that type of shit so he doesn’t push further
Garp has been in his ass as of late along with the fact he’s worried about Rosinante
So his solution is to for now allow you to work as a delivery person for letters and documents
You actually quite enjoy it
Meanwhile this poor man is stressing over the fact that there is seemingly zero leads to any parents?
He’s just gotten somewhat unclear reports about a child on a raft drifting from island to island
Someone who reportedly has a track record of befriending the most unlikely of people
His migraines are getting worse at this point
You come to like the somewhat stern marine, oftentimes talking to him once done delivering letters and such around base
Most conversations are on ethics, morality and life
It’s odd but the way you talk about it seems as if your a weathered person who had seen more than the eye can see
Something in him leads him to feel as if your older than you looked
And then you somehow end up doing the most child-like thing and that feeling momentarily goes away
It’s weird and conflicting
But something he comes to get used to
In a lot of ways you remind him of his adoptive son
You have his smile and kindness that you extend to others even if they had sneered at you in the halls
The energy to complete a job no matter how big or small
A pension for somehow ending up in some sort of danger, though now it’s not from having two left feet
It’s from a lack of spacial awareness and not having any care for your safety
You’d think after such a long time seemingly on your own there would be some sort of fight or flight instinct
But from what he could observe there was absolutely none
It leaves him scared
He grew to care for you
See you as someone he’d take in within a heartbeat
But despite that and the offers he gives you of a home with fresh meals and someone who would care for you
You decline every time
Your tired from going to place to place yet you decline all offers of a stable life
A child should want some sort of stability, yet you throw that to the wind
He supposes that your burning determination and self sufficiency are good factors but a child your age shouldn’t have that
You should be carefree and going on a whim
But instead as he looks in your eyes he sees the tired visage of someone who had long lost their innocence to the world despite the laid back nature you show
It’s sad, it leaves him sometimes awake wondering what exactly you had been through
Maybe it was marines, it would explain your apprehension at first around him
Hair standing on end despite the lax facade you put up
Eyes looking at him with caution like a frightened and cornered cat. Calculating how to best go about the situation
The way in which you discuss with him about justice and what it meant
He digs more and finds scraps of nothing
Meanwhile as all that happened you were blissfully unaware of his spiral of worries
Just focusing on your job as you memorized the headquarters and marine procedures
You had nothing else to do plus it could come in handy
Along with that you befriend some of the few decent marines
One of which you spend quite a lot of time with despite Sengoku complaining about the smoke smell that hangs off your uniform…and the second hand smoking risk
Not like it can kill you quick so you don’t really care
You listen in on a lot of juicy marine rumours
There is quite a surprising amount of it
Despite your comfortable happiness here it’s merely an afterthought
You know you can’t stay here long
It feels as if it betrays Roger and the many other pirates you had found yourself in the company of
You desire freedom and marines are in direct opposition of that
But with this experience you find growth in your views
Marines weren’t all bad. They served the purpose of keeping order, something naturally needed in the world
But they are overstepping, wanting entire control when there needs to be a balance of both order and chaos to keep things in line
Plus you met a few that you’d otherwise consider good people in a system they thought would do good
You can’t fault them for that, not when so many sought out with good intentions
Secretly you prepare your leave, your boat already having washed up in the bay a few week back
Your not sure why but it always seemed to show up where you were
Maybe another aspect of your devil fruit? You don’t know it’s full capabilities but don’t question it
You’d rather let life do what it does best and put things in order if the stars align
At this point your prepared to leave but hold out for a bit longer for Sengoku’s sake
But then you delivered to him a letter whilst he was having a meeting with a fellow marine
Even before you enter the room you can recognize Garp’s boisterous laughter
Despite his now more apparent age from time he’s still eccentric and buzzing with excitement
As you enter the room you keep your head down and caps brim tilted as to shadow your face
Sengoku notices this but doesn’t voice it aloud as Garp laughs about something
He barely gets a image of you before your out the office
Heading to the small room designated as your own as you write a letter saying goodbye
You can’t stay, can’t risk it
Sengoku arrives a couple hours later completely exhausted from Garps usual rambling
He’s not sure how someone can go from business to about his grandsons
He has your dinner in hand, apparently you never showed up at the mess hall
His voice and knocks are responded with silence
Worry gnaws away at him, the feeling of something being wrong apparent more than ever
the door creaks open and your not there
What he’s met with is an open window with sheets cascading down the wall and a note
He runs to the pier despite knowing your not there
It’s there he takes time to actually read the note
A thank you but an explanation about how you must leave. Head off towards yet another adventure in the grand world you called home
Tears cascade down his cheeks as he reads it
They do not get better when it tells him that you would always remember his kindness
And that he taught you something valuable to viewing the world
Heading back to his office he thinks back to his son once more
Something finally coming to mind
He swears he remembers Rosinante mentioning someone similar to you as a childhood friend
The only person him and his brother had as children
He shoo’s off that thought though
They were dead
His son watched that firsthand
But because of that he knows that Rosinante would want to know of you
He takes the picture he took of you in the delivery uniform and placed it in a letter
He’d have his son look into perhaps finding you
Or at least extending a helping hand if he hand found you adrift at sea
He’d stash away the reminders of your stay lest he get an earful from Garp
Speaking of which, the idiot hero of the people seemed more alert for some reason. Just saying he was on the look out for an old friend…odd
Kid pirates
They find your ship as your drifting at sea
You were fishing at the time, passing the time plus trying to get some potential food
And then you see this giant ship pull up near yours
Your not really scared though a bit surprised cause you recognized that Jolly Roger
You’d heard a lot about this crew, but you didn’t know who was the captain
Seems like your question will be answered
Staring down from the side of the ship is someone with fiery red hot hair and someone wearing a mask with an equally wild mane of golden locks
For some reason though the red head looks familiar
Extremely…ohhhh you knew him
Oh shit you knew him when he was a kid
And now he’s grown up (you’d hadn’t even realized it’s been that long) and your still as young as you were back then
With no possible explanation to write you off as a different person
Before you can do anything your lifted out from your ship via a metal bracelet on your arm made of wire and screw
Curtesy of Kid all those years ago who stares at you with a mixture of confusion, shock and anger
His crew is watching with batted breath wondering what he’ll do
“I’m guessing you want an explanation”
“No shit”
“Captain let’s take this someplace private”
With that the two take you to his workshop, a place similar to the one he had growing up
Yet it’s now not just a shack
Around the room there’s metal scraps and almost completed projects scattered around
It smells of iron, rust, determination, stubbornness and oil
All of which you’d come to associate with the red haired captain you now sit across from
And of killer who you now recognized despite the mask
You don’t have much of a choice to tell the truth
Especially since you know for a fact both would be able to tell if your lying
Kid is angry, perhaps not at you but for the circumstances of your life
It’s no wonder that even as children you were a bit odd
Staring off into space as you’d say some weird cryptic shit
But it also explains the sadness as well
The few times he caught you silently mourning something or someone in the dead of night
His anger fades though and becomes something else when you mention you didn’t know the years had flown by and he was grown up now
It scares him
You hadn’t realized the large passage of time from when you left that one night to now
When you admit that your even a bit shaken and confused but shrug it off
That really fucking terrified him especially when you begin to recount some of what you’d done in that time
For so long he and Killer assumed you died but perhaps you had something worse than that
You’d lived through so much
Through bloodshed and war
Through loss and grief
Countless deaths of not only the people you’d formed a connection with but yourself
Pain was now a meer concept to you
He sees how strong you are (and he heavily respects that) but at the same time how close you are to the breaking point
When Kid cares for someone it’s akin to molten steel
It’s burning brightly and protectively forming a hard barrier towards it and danger
There are a few people he’d ever stick his neck out for to protect (that being his crew and Killer)
And one of them is you, the only other person in his childhood that ever stood through thick and thin with him
By god will he ever admit it through words but with actions
And his actions are subtle as hell to those who don’t know him
On deck as his crew are rowdy he makes sure to keep out and eye for you, especially considering how your prime bumping into material for being so short
Luckily for him though your usually on someone’s shoulders or being playfully tossed around
Despite how clashing the rest of the crew’s personalities are from your own you fit in. Your calmness allowing you to go with the flow of their escapades
It’s not really surprising to him, but there are a few of the crew who comment about it
There were a lot of ways to describe you but he thought the best was the eye of the storm
A peace and calm within the swirling winds of danger and chaos
Bringing a calm breeze and momentary warmth
It’s easy for him to notice but his men are more content
Happy as you indulge in games with them or give a break from the hecticality of life at sea
This is of course all good and nice but Kid is somewhat huffy when you spend too much time with them
When this happens killer usually gives you a signal so you go spend time before kid ends up destroying something
One of his favourite pastimes with you is having you help with his tinkering
Sitting in a small chair made of metal and scrap as he works diligently
During these times he doesn’t talk, just listens as you tell stories or stay silent with him
It’s therapeutic in some way
Especially since the only background noise is the clanking of metal
Sometimes you ask about his devil fruit power and he shows off
Making you oh and ah about the versatility of what he can do
It makes something in him swell with pride especially since you look at him with awe
Just as he did as a kid when you told stories of pirates
During the late nights in which his crew are asleep you both talk
He digs deeper into your stories and gets madder and madder when more and more of your life is exposed
Most of your responses when hearing the truth is pity but his is anger
A weird but validating reaction that makes your long died out anger ignite a little
He lets you punch, scratch and scream to let it all out. Encouraging you to do so
Sometimes you swear you can see a brightly shining star in him. His determination for something that burns like a furnace used to heat up metal to bend to his whim
Killer is much like kid in the fact that he’s worried about and cares but he goes about it a much different way
He’s the only voice of reason on this ship
And he’s honestly glad to have someone else who’s level headed
As much as he loves his captain and crew it can kinda get annoying sometimes when he’s the only responsible person
Your at least not jumping to set the ship on fire every 3 minutes unlike some people
Hearing your situation now makes a lot of sense when thinking back to when he and Kid where young
There were a lot of inconsistencies and things that didn’t make sense
But now they do on the fact you were a seemingly immortal traveler
It makes him upset like Kid though
Your situation wasn’t fair
Your life wasn’t the dream your once made it out to be
Sure there are moments of happiness dispersed through the cold harsh waters but it took you dying in horrible ways to get there
You didn’t see that but you felt it’s affects
The occasional times he’d have you help cooking and then you’d blank out
Be stuck in your mind till he snaps you out of it and you explained how you were once eaten
It’s terrifyingly eye opening to how the world treats someone like you
A kind and calm soul who only wants freedom amongst the waves
Yet though they are sometimes treated with kindness there is also cruelty
Like Kid it leaves him angry
Upset on how you let yourself be treated in such a way along with brushing it off
Not only that but it’s also concerning
How you endure the worst things he could imagine yet it seems to be an afterthought
Until he finds you in the middle of the night staring out at the darkness with a certain look in your eye
There’s not much he nor Kid can do but he promises himself he’d try
Try for your sake to actually value yourself
Killer on the ship is the cook amung other duties as well, but cooking is his favourite
He has you help out as a second pair of hands
To be honest he doesn’t trust anyone else on the ship to cook without accidentally (or purposefully) poisoning someone so he usually does it alone
It’s the only time of peace on this madhouse that he calls of home
And it’s nice he gets to share it with someone
He assigns small tasks for you to do on the account your still a kid (despite how much you protest and say your literally older than him)
Cutting vegetables, grabbing ingredients, taste testing and stirring are your main priorities
But occasionally he has you help with other things as long as he can keep a close eye on you
He knows for a fact if you hurt yourself you wouldn’t tell him and brush it off
And by god he doesn’t need you to die of something stupid just cause you didn’t care to tell him
Unlike Kid he’s not afraid to verbally give affection
It’s just in private moments that he prefers it
Soft thank you’s and moments in which he admits he had missed having you around
The logical side of him knows he and Kid can’t convince you to stay but the emotional side tries anyways
Showing you how happy you could be if you stayed here
How the crew saw you as their own
How much safer you’d be rather than just drifting from place to place
It’s a loosing battle but one he tries anyways cause he cares
And he knows Kid cares despite the fact he tries to deny it
Cause Killer knows Kid
Seen how the red haired captain had been more motivated as of late
How much happier he is
The fact that when you bring up leaving the red haired captain locks himself in his workshop for the night to try and distract himself
He wishes you’d see how much you affected people, affected them
Cause despite what you thought of yourself your able to do the impossible
You leave a real impact on those you’d met even if it was for a short time
The crew sometimes pester him for answers on how he and Kid already knew you but he doesn’t budge
That’s a private matter that only you could disclose if you so wanted to
But for now he just says you were friends beforehand which gets some confusion
Speaking of the crew, he watches as you interact with them
Quickly somehow worming your way into their hearts as you did his
Watches as you play poker and they teach you how to cheat at the game or sing shanties while they drink
He may or may not have gave a few a good knock on the head for letting you take a few sips
(Kid hides the fact he gave you some as well)
He carry’s you off to bed and sneaks you some sweats he snagged at a port
Even allows you to brush and braid his hair in private
Kid once walked in and laughed his ass off about killer going soft
And then the two had a playful fight
Meanwhile you sat there laughing
It was like old times
As always you eventually leave but not before the crew throws a large party in your honour (and partially to drink the feelings away)
Before you set off again kid gifts you a bracelet made by him and a small piece of paper
To always find them if you needed their help
You smile and set off, not knowing how the crew stares with ignorant hope you’d turn around
Your not sure how but somehow you ended up in a desert with absolutely no idea of what island this was
Naturally you decided to lay in the sand and wait to die so you’d wake up somewhere else
But a few hours into that a shadow obscures the harsh sun that had been glaring at you for hours
A man, black slicked hair and elegant clothes with a golden hook for a hand
Beside him is another man, what you assumed to be a bodyguard of sorts
“Hi what desert is this?. I’d like to know where exactly I am before I die”
Yeah they definitely didn’t expect that for an answer
But with what you said you seemed to intrigue the hooked man
“Alabasta. What are you doing out here in the first place alone kid?”
“Woke up here. Was waiting to die”
Admittedly crocodile was just gonna save you as to make his imagine of being the hero of this country even better but now you’ve really got him interested
Even Daz was somewhat surprised and intrigued by your comment and lax attitude towards death (even your own)
So as he takes you back to the city, taking in the fame that came with it, he decides to “look after you” until your parents come to claim you
As any kind Samaritan would do
Your calling bullshit on that but amuse his words anyways
At his casino he talks to you as he does paperwork and take mysterious calls you leave the room for
While your curious you respect his privacy which he seems to appreciate
Crocodile is a peculiar man
Someone of specific interests and a golden viper-like tongue that leads to fools eating out the palm of his hand
You can see that though, quite easily actually
Eyes looking past the hand he holds out to the hook he hides behind his back and goons just behind the corner
He honestly applauds that you see it
In his words your “a smart kid.” Which you assume is something he doesn’t say often
Much like an oasis in the scathing sands of the desert
Your conversations with him are much more personable rather than focusing on his clearly defined goals and plans
That isn’t your business to divulge in, but his character is up to your judgment
He’s obviously not a good person but half of the people you’d called friends were criminals and killers alike
Sure some had morals but there’s still a stated fact that they had taken lives in pursuit of their goals
Roger included
You’d be a hypocrite to think otherwise
Talks often involve subjects of death and the goal of freedom
And what freedom meant in this world that was quickly having it taken away
Crocodile is tinged by death much like the lingering smell of his cigars
It follows him like a plague, like sand stuck to your clothes after getting wet
Yet despite that it’s a clearly interesting topic to him especially since you disregard your own safety
He’d seen it in the desert and at his casino where you nearly got shot by an angry patron
You don’t care about your own death
But when it comes to others it’s a different story
It’s interesting to him
Why were you so selfless in the fact you’d carelessly throw your life away for someone else’s
In this world it’s one only won by the selfish
He’s a prime example of that
At his core he knows he’s selfish, his goal is an example of that fact
Yet despite how foolish it is to not be selfish…with you it’s admirable
You don’t have some sunny and innocent view on the matter. You know it’s a loosing game yet you pursue it anyways
Perhaps it’s more foolish in that way but you don’t care
Not when you have the freedom to choose and make those choices anyways
Freedom matters to you more than words can describe and he relates
It is freedom that let him make the course of his own destiny
Changing who he once was to the person he is now
Now comfortable in his own skin and confident in his abilities and identity
Perhaps it’s cause you had your freedom taken away at some point but you relate in some way
Not having the choice in a matter and suffering due to it
He doesn’t go into full detail on the matter but you have a knowing look in your eye and a semblance of deep respect because of it
It makes a part of him feel light and airy
Despite all the clearly scummy aspects of himself that are as clear as day to your eyes….you respect him
Some still deeply insecure part of him curls up at that and wants to cry
You respected him
That’s something he’d always wanted
It’s not motivated by fear and greed but true respect for the hardships he’d been through to get here
Worry curls up in his gut, swirling and violent like the sands storms he creates
Shit, he’s attached
What’s worse is that you’d wormed your way into the others hearts as well
Even Daz has to admit you grew on him
Your a lot like a cancerous sore. Growing and spreading to a new part of the body
Yet he can’t will himself to cut you off
And neither does his inner circle
It complicates things but at this point he accepts it after a brief moment of reflection and thought
He hadn’t thought of trying to find your parents and had the posters taken down
Now fully intending to keep you as his own
He doesn’t ask you on the matter, just slowly begins the process
Decorating your room to your preference
….which was very hard considering you didn’t have one and settled for the bare minimum most of the time
Yeah it’s a bit of a challenge especially since your beginning to catch on real quick
It’s kinda easy to tell when someone goes from “I’m keeping you around for entertainment” to “I’m keeping you around as my kid now”
While you appreciate the offer and effort you don’t particularly like your freedom being impeded upon
“You know that’s hypocritical right?”
“Yes but when have pirates ever been people of their word?”
“Touché…but I’m still not happy about this”
As this happens he begins to dig deeper to who you are
Intent on figuring out if you had parents and if he could perhaps…get “custody” to put it broadly
But that becomes a challenge when there’s seemingly nothing about you except for vague whispers across the sea
A legend
A story
A song
It’s old, going back to the days of Roger and references to before that as well
A tale of a star that never really died
It’s forgotten to many but to a few it still lives on
And he has the vaguest idea from the description in the song that it’s you
But for awhile it’s a mere speculation
Until you end up dying in front of him from a deal gone wrong
Despite the fact you knew the bullet would pass through his body you instinctually throw yourself in front of him
The bullet piercing your chest
A deafening silence filling the moment between him and his inner circle of baroque works
And then chaos
Their swiftly dealt with, the perpetrator personally having their body liquids drained within mere moments
And then he’s at your side as Bentham does their best to stop the bleeding
Despite the fact your bleeding with a piece of led stuck in your chest your unfazed
Shrugging it off as “pain is a concept to me at this point”
It makes him angry, sad and determined all at the same time
Angry at the fact you must’ve experienced so much pain that something like this is nothing to you
Sadness that you’ve went through this before
And determination to stop it from happening again. To have the ability to protect you
“Let it be known that when you come back I’ll be looking for you”
“So you know?”
“Had some connections…found an old story but you just confirmed it”
You giggle lightly at that, not even wincing as you cough up some blood with your laughter
They all watch as your eyes fade of their light and then after that your body breaks into sparkling dust
Crocodile is a selfish man, one driven by ambition and greed
It’s funny you think he’d let go someone he considered to be a diamond in the rubble
One that shone as bright as a star in the sky
He extinguishes his cigar under his boot, grasping the small bits of starlight in his hand before it slips through his fingers like sand
He chuckles, how ironic
In the world populated by the greedy he intends to be king
And a king guards his treasure especially something that is as priceless as you are in this world
“Watch out kid. You’ve gotten me attached and there’s no undoing that now”
Boa Hancock
For a brief time you had spent a couple months or so as a celestial dragon’s slave
It was by complete accident that you were kidnapped and subsequently sold
But in that time you’d come to learn more of the politics of the world
Specifically the inequality of rules for nobles from the world government
You don’t spend much time as a slave but it’s torturous
Permanently scaring your mind with the pain of being branded as property
Seen as an object that can be broken
In your time there though you remember 3 girls
That time is a blur in your mind but you remember giving your limited food to them
The group being taken aback by the kindness as you explained you’d be fine
It went on like that for awhile
You never got their names but you gave them yours
They were sisters, the one with black hair being the oldest of the trio
It was a friendship made out of desperation
Of knowing that none of you were alone
The eldest of the group is one day forced to kill you for the pleasure of the sick bastard who had branded you all
She’s sobbing
He’ll kill her sisters if she doesn’t
You tell her it’s ok, that she must do what she can to survive and keep them alive
That death didn’t scare you
Her devil fruit turns you to stone within an instant but not from romantic love
It’s from the love of a friend
Of someone who’d cared for her and her sisters enough to give up your own for them
For her to keep them safe
The statue crumbles and she’s left sobbing
Gold floats from the grey dust that scatters around her
She thinks back to some of your last words
She had to be strong for her sisters
Make sure they get out of here lest your sacrifice be in vain
She’d be strong so she can protect
Just as you protected her and them from a violent fate
Even through the scar isn’t there anymore you scratch at your back
Remembering the pain of that seal
You can’t remember who the symbol belongs to anymore
Other than then being some type of royal
The cycle begins again
You met him during your brief time at marineford
One of the only Marines whom you found to actually be good
Not just seeing things as simply black and white good and bad
Sure, he had a job to do and accomplish but he at least had a sense of morally grey justice
A well weighted scale so one side is not preferred over the other
It’s because of him that the smell of lingering smoke now leaves a sense of comfort to you
Admitting this to him makes the rather gruff man go completely red
Much like the lot end of those cigars that he loves so much
Despite how own duties he’d help you deliver things at the base
Having his smoke help carry letters across the island within minutes as to give you a small break
Speaking of which, he basically forces you to have mandatory breaks from work
Oftentimes literally dragging you off to go get something to eat
You have the feeling he has a soft spot for kids but vehemently denies that fact
(The way he buys you ice cream and lets you sit on his shoulder says otherwise but ok)
Another thing supports this fact is that he grows quite concerned at your complete disregard for your safety
The man has a panic attack every time you make an odd comment about “do you think I’d die from this height or shatter my legs” and “could you theoretically give people cancer or kill them via smoke blockage in the lungs?”
You can’t convince him that you had a happy childhood before this
Sengoku not being able to find your parents makes this thought worse
You didn’t know him for very long but you hope to one day run into home again
Charlotte LinLin
Somehow you ended up at an orphanage after someone found you asleep and adrift at sea
It most cases this would’ve been a blessing
To you it was an annoyance as they left you at a place for the abandoned and mourning
A reminder of where you might have ended up if you haven’t ate your fruit
Hadn’t taken the reigns of fate in your hands and steered it towards the endless blue sea
Immediately you want to leave the moment you can, especially since you get off vibes from “mother caramel”
That woman is up to something real bad
You can feel it deep in your bones
But you end up staying when you meet a peculiar girl
She’s young but not little, she towers over you like a giant
Puffy pink hair kept in two buns and freckles cheeks paired with a large toothy smile
She’s an interesting character, so like always you end up staying
Her name is Linlin, someone with monstrous power yet is innocent to a frightening degree
She has a kind heart yet doesn’t realize her strength
Something you try to help her with
Linlin is ecstatic to have you as a friend especially since you don’t seem out off by her size
You stay by her side, more specifically on her shoulder and tell her stories that make her eyes widen in curiosity
Telling stories of other races, showing her that the other children who aren’t human aren’t needing to be fixed like she initially thought
Their all perfect
She’s still a little confused but she gets the gist of it
Another thing she doesn’t get is discrimination and thinks it’s stupid
She expresses a dream of a place where everyone can live in peace
It’s a beautiful dream but one that is far fetched, yet you can’t help but tell her to go for it
Because there’s no harm in trying
Mother Caramel seemingly assigns you as Linlin’s impulse control
Seemingly since your the only one who can actually make her listen when she’s blind from rage
As much as you don’t like the old woman, she’s got a point
Linlin is a hurricane if made angry and you’re the key into keeping it at peace
She seems to note that to herself for some greater reason
In the end you didn’t know Linlin for very long but she seemed to hold you in such a high regard she deemed you her “bestest friend!”
It’s nice
But like all things they come to and end
But surprisingly it’s by her own hand
At her 6th birthday everyone had come together to make her sweets knowing she loved anything sugary
She was in tears, grin so wide you thought it was big as the red line
She ate and ate
Until there was no cake left
But like in those blind rages she didn’t see
She didn’t see there was nothing left
Didn’t notice what she now began to eat was the rest of the children sitting nearby
Mother caramel
And finally you
Eventually she woke up, finding herself alone and confused
Glitter flowing up into the sky
Years later you hear about some island meant to be a utopia for all people
It reminds you of that little pink haired girl
But that can’t be, you heard the pirate behind it was a maniac
That couldn’t be the innocent girl you met and became friends with
…how did you die that time again?
All the deaths have merged together or you can’t remember which death went where
For all you know the one where you got eaten was that one
But that can’t be
From what you remember Linlin was kind if not naive
She couldn’t
The cycle begins again
For awhile you stayed at an island that specialized in baked goods
And that served as a calling for the famous pirate known as “big mom” and her children
The island was not yet under their…”protection” but was being negotiated with as of when you visited
And on that island you found yourself at a bakery buying sweets to your hearts content
Specifically donuts
The one where we’re apparently particularly good
And honestly it’s been awhile since you’d treated yourself to a good meal
Soooo you splurged a bit and bought them all
And that leads to an odd meeting when you run into the giant of a man with a pink tattoo and fur lined scarf covering the bottom half of his face
The chefs cower as they tell him that their all out of the sweet treat
Despite the evident frown he doesn’t look as if he’s about to trash the place like the chefs are making it seem
He simply seems disappointed and a bit sour
Despite how everyone is clearly afraid of him you poke his arm making him look at you
“We can share if you’d like. I don’t mind”
From the mortified looks of everyone in the room it’s evident everyone is half expecting him to flat out obliterate you on the spot
But much to their surprise he seem to think it over
“If you see me eating I’ll kill you”
“Aight, that’s fine with me. We can eat back to back, then I won’t see you”
The bakery is left silent as you leave with the pirate
They prey your alright
Just as your promised you eat back to back. He creates a small house of mochi as you put down the donut box and you both eat
It’s peaceful and nice
He half expects for you to turn around but you don’t
You don’t even seem to consider it as you happily eat and engage in small conversations
It’s odd being asked such mundane things like “how was your day?” And “what do you do for a living?”
Let alone by someone who isn’t currently shaking in fear
….it’s nice
You let him have the last donut much to his surprise
He enjoyed this much more than he thought he would
So he comes up with an ultimatum
“I’ll be too busy to buy them before they sell out…would you be willing to buy them and then we do what we did today?”
“Sounds fun to me.”
He leaves with a warm feeling in his chest
Not even his siblings treated him in such a relaxed manner…it was refreshing
The next day ticks by and he finds himself awaiting for the meeting to be over
He stops himself from tapping his foot but his irritation occasionally seeps out
It goes to help speed up conversation though and then he’s free
Like the day prior you both meet at the same place
He insists on paying you back but you refuse
It’s confusing but he doesn’t make a comment about it
In the grande scheme if things this is such a small thing but it begins to mean the world to him
He’s only intended to stay here for a week yet he dreads that final day
So much so that he finishes business early
When you go to the shop you find that their already sold out much to your displeasure
You go to tell the sweet toothed man you befriended and find him already with the confectionery
You eat back to back once more for the last time
Enjoying the donuts that bring him momentary relaxation and relief from the pressure to be the prefect son
The perfect big brother
It’s nice
And for once he feels as if he was his true self around someone
You hear him cry but don’t turn around out of respect for him
Instead you just offer him more food and gently pat his arm
A small “thank you” falls from his mouth and you smile
You thank him in return for the pleasant company
He wonders if this is what is mother experienced when having her “bestest friend” all those years ago
The one story that him and all his siblings had heard growing up
About someone much like yourself
He leaves the island with a smile beneath his scarf and a noticeable better mood
His siblings ponder about what happened but he doesn’t speak a work of it
This was a treasure he’d like to keep to himself
For some reason his mother has a knowing look
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Btw wanted to thank you all for liking this so far. I was honestly kinda scared to actually post for one piece but I’m glad people are enjoying my content for it. I recently got into the show and wanted to write about it cause I love it so much.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
I loved your headcanons of the Strawhats with a shy s/o!! Are you able to do headcanons of the admirals with a shy s/o? I enjoy how you write them!
Marine Admirals with a Shy!S/O
I LOVE HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REQUESTING THE ADMIRALS! THEY MAKE MY HEART SOOOOAAAARR ! ~ Anyhow please enjoy, I’m SO happy this series makes you happy, I’m thrilled to be making something you like <3 Thank you for being here!
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• I feel Akainu would get frustrated sometimes, especially if you have problems with people walking over you or being slow taking time with a response
• He doesn’t have a problem being assertive, he screams confidence and has no problem getting what he wants (demands). So if you’re a shy person that needs someone to be a mouth piece he’s more than willing to be in control and help you
• He would definitely teach you how to be more assertive and bold, though he’s not patient he still wants to you to do things on your own despite his preference for being in control
• He wouldn’t order for you, or make calls, he simply wants you to learn to do it on your own, and his methods are that of a birds. Push it out of a nest and hope it flies, if not, oh well :( however, if he’s not in a terrible mood he’ll order his food first, and want you to mimic his body language and mannerisms in order to get better
• If you find yourself becoming frustrated or scared he will tell you to simply take a moment to prepare yourself, I imagine he would watch you write out a script and tell you if it’s good or not, and he’d monitor how you deliver it
• If you need comfort after messing up he’ll simply give you a pat on the shoulder with a “practice more, it gets easier when you do. “
• Id give him a 6/10 just because I don’t imagine him being the best with someone shy, but at the same time with his controlling nature he manages
Kizaru | Borsalino
• God help you, this man will tease you non stop
• “ ooohh can you repeat that my love ? I didn’t heaaar youu ~ “
• In all seriousness, he simply fawns over how shy you are, and finds it endearing. He’s always pinching your cheeks and rubbing your head, you’re simply adorable to him
• He would do anything for you, including ordering for you and making calls on your behalf, yknow how you always have your mom go with you to doctors appointments? Kizaru is now your mom, and will gladly hold your hand while you get a shot but that’s a story for another imagine- don’t expect him to not tease you though
• 10/10, he’d take great care of someone shy !
Aokiji | Kuzan
• He’s definitely drawn to you. Whether it be your quiet nature, or your bashful exterior around others, you’ve gained his attention
• You’re both quiet around each other, over time you’ve learned to communicate with just looks alone, it’s quite humorous
• Aokiji is lazy. Like, this is a known fact, do NOT expect him to make phone calls or even order, because he can’t even get his own work done on time -
• He supports from afar, so if you need reassurance, the most you’d get is a pat on the back and a “ you’ve got this baby “ * insert eye roll here*
• He won’t tolerate people walking over you though and at that point WILL urge you to say something
• Aokiji does his best to show you that he’s supportive, the problem is, he didn’t fear people in a way that you do, so he doesn’t particularly understand why you do better in some situations then others-
• Definitely voices how proud he is of you though, he always praises you <3
• id give him a 7/10 with a shy partner
Fujitora | Issho
• The absolute sweetest of all the admirals, he already loves when you hold his arm when you walk, so if you feel nervous, link arms with him, guide him, he’ll gladly follow and make you feel so safe
• Is ALWAYS patient with you and memorizes your orders, if you want him to order first or for both of you he’ll gladly do so with no complaints. While you order he’ll have his hand rubbing up and down your back or simply on your back to show his support <3
• He always sticks up for you and reassures you that being shy/quiet is perfectly fine, but letting people walk over you because of your failure to voice your opinions or requests is not, he lets you know that what you have to say is important, just like anyone else
• He, like Kizaru, finds you simply adorable and cannot resist squishing your face and kissing you when you’ve done something successful, he’s so over the moon and beyond proud of you !
• 10/10 with a shy partner <3<3<3
• Sengoku would do pretty good with a shy S/O, I think he would love having someone to definitely balance him out personality wise
• Garp brings out his goofy/childish side, and you bring out his calm and collected side
• your quiet/shy nature makes him feel like he has to provide and stick up for you, it gives him a protective feeling over you, he’d be a mouth piece if needed but he doesn’t want to undermine you
• Much like Akainu, he likes to be in charge, so ordering the food or making calls is definitely up his alley much to your relief, though if you want to try he’d be more than happy to help you !
• his goat is your emotional support animal
• In all seriousness though Sengoku can be very supportive and loving, he never lets anyone talk over you and definitely lightens your mood with jokes if you’re feeling nervous or overwhelmed
• I’d give him a 9/10 with a shy S/O
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
I was having a lil chit chat with Sengoku on character Ai and HE KILLED ME.
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I didn't even do anything either I told him to stop yelling at me cause it was rude and he said I was showing insubordination so I called him a bitch and he MURDRD ME in COLD FUCKING BLOOD.... IN HIS OFFICE.
Was tryna get railed got killed..
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glitch-karma · 1 year
~Horimiya masterlist~
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Kyouko Hori:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Izumi Miyamura✰:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Tooru Ishikawa:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Shuu Iura✰✰:
-Giving Valentine's chocolate to Shuu
-Academic rivals to lovers with Shuu
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Kakeru Sengoku✰✰:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Sakura Kouno:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Akane Yanagi✰:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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Kouichi Shindou✰:
Nothing here yet! Request~
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 2 months
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luxthestrange · 3 months
OP Incorrect quotes#43 Dont separate-
Now If Garp and Sengoku did a play date with Kid Dragon!Y/n & Kid Corazon...this is how I see this happening-
Kid!Y/n*Hugging Corazon,crying shaking head* I wanna keep him!
Garp: You can’t keep him-
Kid!Y/n: Why?!
Garp: Because he’s already got a family-
Kid!Y/n: But I wanna keep him!
Garp*Worried look as he tells Sengoku to help separate you from Corazon* No, you’ve gotta let him go-
Kid!Y/n*Tearing up, Hugging Corazon further into my chest not letting Garp touch him*-but I wanna keep him!?
Kid!Cora*Blinking as he blushes hard*U-um...
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sasuke-naruto · 6 months
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So I just came back from my country and yeah its August 23rd here soooo HAPPY BDAY TO MY POOKIE BEAR GYOMEI HIMEJIMA
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bakersgrief · 2 months
A/n: I know I promised a history lesson, but I hated the first draft and scrapped it. My sources ended up being from Edo period Japan anyway, so. Eh. Whatever! Hope you like <3
WARNINGS: Pegging, a bit of spanking, gn reader, top reader
Kenshin was skeptical when they first brought it up.
"But... why would you want to do those kinds of things with me?"
He shook his head.
"Surely it would bring you no pleasure."
His lover huffed in amusement.
"It's not like that, exactly." They thought for a moment, thinking of the best way to explain it.
"I get my pleasure from your pleasure."
They moved closer to him, putting a hand on his arm. Kenshin seemed dubious.
"Surely you feel the same way, right?" They asked.
"...You aren't wrong," Kenshin still looked skeptical. "But isn't it my job to pleasure you? Not the other way around."
They nearly buried their face in his shoulder to hide their exasperation. Of course he would be worried about something like that at a time like this.
Deciding to use their trump card, Kenshin's lover gave him their best puppy dog eyes and pouted.
Kenshin nearly melted.
"...If it is truly your wish, I will not deny you. Even if I would rather spend our time together seeing you in the throes of ecstasy rather than myself."
His lover had to hide their blush at that. This time they really did bury their face in his shoulder, wrapping their arms around his muscular chest.
A few days later (with some help from Shingen, because of course he knew where to find these kinds things) Kenshin and his dearly beloved found themselves in their shared room, preparing themselves for a new experience as a couple.
Kenshin could barely pull himself away from their passionate kisses, nearly pinning his love under him and proceeding with their usual frenzied lovemaking.
However, his lover managed to push him off of them and stood up, carefully winding the straps of the necessary implement around their waist, hips, and thighs.
Kenshin watched, mesmerized. He could never grow tired of the sight of the moonlight on their bare skin. The way the shadows caressed their curves.
In moments like these he was no longer The God of War, but a mere man worshipping a diety, his diety, a diety of love and beauty. Kenshin knelt at their feet, cupping their backside as he reverently kissed their hips and waist.
His lover chuckled above him, petting his hair.
"I'm going to need you to lie on your stomach for me. Okay?" They asked.
Kenshin did as he was instructed, laying his head on his crossed arms and frowning at the feeling of his naked body splayed out in such a manner. It was... different. A vulnerable position. However, it was only Them seeing him like this. His moon and stars. So he forced himself to relax in order to please the person he loved most.
They kissed the back of his shoulders reassuringly, trailing their slender fingers down the planes of his back and spine. It earned a pleased sigh from the man.
"This will be the best position, I think." They murmured.
Kenshin nodded, starting to get impatient. He was already hard from their kissing and petting- of course he was. How could he not be aroused after even a simple kiss from his reason for existence?
Said reason knelt behind him, between his legs, spreading his muscular ass and reaching down to rub his taint.
"Hmmm. Mmm, haaaaa..."
Kenshin sighed at the sensation. His lover continued rubbing him, eventually moving their fingers to rub at his tight hole.
His body slowly relaxed, becoming more and more pliable under their sensual caresses until they pulled away to apply oil to their digits. They rubbed some along his entrance before very slowly pushing a fingertip inside.
Kenshin's breath hitched. He opened his eyes to watch his darling, who just so happened to be watching him for a reaction at the same time. The two smiled softly at each other before Kenshin's lover pushed their finger all the way in, causing Kenshin to bury his face in his arms to hide the embarrassing noise he had let out at the sensation.
"Shhh. Don't tense up, my love. Relax." They whispered.
Kenshin's breathing grew heavy, but he did his best to let all the expectant tension ease out of him.
After a few thrusts another finger joined the first, stretching him out. Kenshin buried his face deeper in his arms, unconsciously wiggling his hips a bit.
"MmmmmMMM! Ahhhh..." Kenshin gasped as a third finger joined, feeling his muscles contract as his body adjusted to the intrusion. Being stretched like this was new, indeed. But his heart was racing and his impatience for the promised pleasure grew.
The God of War had never been a patient man to begin with, after all.
"Are you quite ready yet?" He mumbled over his shoulder.
His lover laughed their adorable, charming laugh, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.
"Are you ready, my love?" They asked.
"Of course I am ready." Was his reply.
Leaning back, Kenshin's partner oiled their fake cock liberally, letting out a pleased hum upon seeing him watching them with half lidded eyes.
Firmly grasping his asscheeks, they spread them open and pushed the head of the toy against his opening, using a hand to guide it in.
"Hng, hrg!" Kenshin grunted. It was thicker and longer than their fingers, stretching him out even more. And there was a ridge near the tip of the toy that was scraping his insides in a way that had him shuddering.
Behind him, Kenshin's lover leaned over him, pressing hot kisses to the back of his neck. As they bottomed out, their kisses turned into biting and sucking.
"Ahh, haa... haa..."
"Mmm, haaa... hnn..."
Their heated moans and gasps intermingled in the steamy air of their bedroom.
Kenshin's love chuckled lowly in his ear.
"Ahhh, I wish I had you on your back right now."
Kenshin moaned loudly in surprise at the first harsh thrust. He could feel his lover trembling in excitement as they pressed themselves against his back.
"I wanna watch your cock bounce and twitch while I fuck you, my love."
"HNN!" Kenshin gasped and panted. Was this the prostate? The sweet spot inside a man they had mentioned?
"I wish I had you folded in half-"
"So I could see your pretty face-"
"And watch you cum-"
"All over-"
"When you-"
Kenshin was whimpering into his arms now as he was being pounded from behind. He knew his lover could get rough but this- all of it- was so new, and different, and overwhelming-
Kenshin shuddered in ecstasy as every thrust felt as if it knocked the breath out of his body.
"Hm, mm! Ahh, ahh, haa..."
Fuck. Was he drooling? Probably. Everything was just so delicious.
Kenshin felt his stomach tighten, his cock twitch. Was he going to cum? So soon?
Having the sensitive spot inside him abused in such a way had him careening toward an orgasm. Kenshin toppled over the edge, mewling and squirming in an utterly undignified way as the futon beneath him was painted white.
"Haa... haha... was that good, my dear? Did you like that?"
Kenshin whimpered. They were, they were still- fuck- going-!
"Hnnn, guh, uhn-" Kenshin's words failed him. His brain felt as if it had melted into a puddle of mush as his lover kept their merciless pace.
Behind him, his lover was sucking and biting his shoulders as if to claim him as their own. He already was.
"Sounds like you liked it, my love. You make, haa, such pretty noises like this. How about- since you like it so much- haa, I- fuck- milk you for all you're worth, huh?"
Slap! Slap! Slap!
The sound of hips slapping against Kenshin's ass rang throughout the room as he mumbled incoherently in response.
"I'm so lucky." They whispered.
"So lucky I get to see you like this, my dear. I don't think, haa, I'm going to be done any time soon. Just, uhnn, hang on for me, my love. All right?"
Slap! Slap! Slap!
Taglist: @shadowylakes @floydsteeth @sh0jun @rou-luxe @mxrmaid-poet @anonymousnamedhera @kanatashinkaifr @rookkunt
@oda-princess this was your request right :3
Kenshin: @cherrykasugayama
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moniheartsluffy · 3 months
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characters featured: crocodaddy, warlords, marines.
genre: fluff
notes: father!crocodile x daughter!reader, PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP, black!coded reader, crocodaddy and his baby girl🥹
grammar warning!! not rlly proofread…this been sitting in the drafts for a hot minute…
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• mans love him some of his daughter.
• safe to say his world now revolves around you. he never thought he would want kids but when you popped out….oh he was bringing you everywhere.
• he thought the lady (your mother) was bullshittin when she said she was pregnant. he’s experienced many women trying to trap him before, so he just brushed it off wit a “yea ok”
• oh but when he saw that baby bumpppp. his whole mood changed. he started filling out paperwork to get full custody all ready😭 and ofc he won bc…it’s him. (pls. just work wimme here)
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6yr old you waking up in an overly decent sized room due to the sun coming through your curtains and your TALL ASS father coming into the room. you’re trying to rub the sleep from your eyes as you sit up to look at him while he motions to pick you up.
“morning princess.” he says while placing a light kiss to your cheek. in response to his actions you simply place your head on his shoulder and allow yourself to be whisked away.
“still sleepy, hmm?” he says placing another kiss to the top of your head and watches as you nod, confirming his accusation.
now its a lot of things that crocodile has people do for him like his dirty work…but when it comes to you he allows them to do your hair, pick out outfits, feed you, etc. but he adores the simple things like getting you out of bed, tucking you in at night and other simple things that falls in between. other than that he leaves it to the maids he’s hired.
he takes you everywhere..and i mean everywhere. he has a meeting? he’s putting you in the cutest business outfit ever. the warlords are called together? he already got snacks and toys packed for you. anywhere this man is going he’s taking you and he doesn’t care about repercussions.
with that being said…a warlord meeting was called.
so..everyone walking in and taking their respective seats, meanwhile crocodile walking in with you in his arms and he’s late.
now we all know boa isn’t fond of men so as soon as crocodile puts you on the ground she’s swiping you away..immediately. she thinks he’s corrupting your mind or sum. but you cannot tell me boa would not love you. she’s turning you into the best feminist ever. (gotta start em off young!!) she even though about taking you to the kuja island… and never bringing you back. after a while, her and your dad start arguing so you go speak to some of the other warlords.
mihawk was just minding his business and wishing he had stayed home. you stumble over with a pack of fruit snacks, holding them out for him to take them. “you looked upset so here!” your tiny voice chirps up at him. he couldn’t bring himself to reject your offer, especially when you looked up at him with a determination to make him ‘feel better’. so he simply raised his eyebrow at you and took them while giving you this thanks and a smile that wasn’t too noticeable, but you saw it.
now…it’s two men in this entire room that you simply can’t express enough emotion for. doflamingo and gecko moria. now to be frank, you didn’t despise doffy like you did the other one but you weren’t exactly fond of him either. it’s like you tolerated him. he was kind to you but something about him just seemed off.
nevertheless your feet carried you to where doflamingo sat on a windowsill waiting for this excuse of a meeting to start. “hi doffy.” the pureness in your voice snapping him out of whatever unhinged things he was thinking about. “hello there little one. you look so adorable in your f/c dress.” he replied in a mellow tone. you muttered a small “thank you” before asking him about the whereabouts of kuma, at the last meeting he asked you what your favorite flower was and you finally had an answer for him but much to your dismay the blonde haired man had no idea. (not like he cares but hey)
ultimately choosing to ignore the presence of the other being in the room you swiftly made your way over to jinbe and had a short conversation with him regarding the sunflower drawing that adorned your dress, the fishman states how much he loved the design. after that ended you made your way back with your father and the warlord meeting began shortly after.
warlord meetings were always a pain but having you there always made it seem a little bit better for everyone—even the marines thought you were adorable although, they never showed it..except for garp. he’s a grandpa, ofc he’s gonna act like one towards a child. so every time the meeting truly starts garp takes you away and you two walk around the marineford gardens. he also takes you to sengoku’s office so you can see his goat and eat snacks while he annoys sengoku.
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narutouzumaki-25 · 6 months
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Naruto Uzumaki 💛
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dododrawsstuff · 5 months
I'm opening commissions
I want to open commissions to see if I can earn some money to spend on my hobbies, mainly Ikevil, Ikepri and blessings on Genshin/ HSR lol
So I appreciate if anyone want to commission me. If you can't, a reblog would be greatly appreciated. (also, if the prices are too expensive, let me know and we can talk prices too ^-^)
My requests are also open if you have an idea you'd like me to draw but can't commission me ^-^
The info is bellow the cut. Thank you so much!
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The payment is through PayPal. Send me a message if you're interested ^^
Edit: for more information regarding some stuff I am comfortable with, search the tag "commission info"
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mariposa666haruka · 1 year
Most of the times I am like:
To MCs in most games.
And then I remember.... Not everyone hates their family.... There actually are people...that cannot live a day without seeing their parents.....sorry that's just hard to fully believe for me.
I'd rather stay in an unknown world without any place to call home and people who might disrespect me at the beginning.... If it means to never see these two again. This thing about MCs is what bothers me the most in the games.
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whatever-fanfics · 9 months
Has anybody ever thought about when MC and their respective suitor started getting intimate, and MC's brain goes straight to "wait-do you have a condom?" and they're just like "....wut???" Like you went from 21st century to the 16th or 19th century, so you have to stop them and explain to them the uses of condoms and what it's for. Like:
MC: Wait!
Nobunaga: ?
MC: *automatically* did you bring a condom?
Nobunaga: ?????
MC: Wait!
Leonardo: ?
MC: *automatically* Do you have a condom?
Leonardo: .....a wut?
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cottoncandy-cult · 6 months
I used a wheel to determine which guys I'd write for~
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"So…Why do you have a stranger's kid?…" (Y/n)'s lover stared blankly at her; a singular eyebrow quirked as he watched how she cradled a sleeping child to her chest. "One of my friends amongst the seamstresses is having to babysit her nephew because her sister is ill, since I've already finished all my commissions I offered to watch him for her." She giggled, gently brushing her fingers over the child's chubby cheeks. Her lover seemed skeptical about toting a kid around the castle, but because of how much fun she seemed to be having he had been willing to just let it happen.
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The large male chuckled from where he sat next to (Y/n), sipping his tea as he watched his lover settle the baby in her lap so that he was sitting up with his back against her torso. She was currently entertaining the baby with a puppet his aunt had brought from home for him, she was so focused on the giggling baby that she hadn't noticed Shingen's loving stare. At first, he wasn't sure about having an infant in the castle, but (Y/n) had handled every moment like a champ. Even the infant's cries hadn't been enough to frazzle her, instead she went about soothing him with a smile. The scene was enough to make him think, he had been with (Y/n) for some time now and since they were officially married the next logical step was a family. It wasn't something he had put much thought into previously, but seeing his wife playing with and taking care of this baby was enough to have him confronting himself over his own thoughts and feelings of the future. Shingen didn't come out of these thoughts until (Y/n) moved to sit beside him, the little baby giggling happily as its tiny hand grabbed hold of his sleeve. With a warm smile and large gentle hands, Shingen lifted the baby up to his level. "Not even 3 years old and you're a lady killer, what are you parents gonna do with you?" The baby giggled loudly as Shingen gently bounced him up and down, (Y/n) taking the moment of freedom to snag a skewer of mochi and begin digging into her own snack. "He really is adorable; his parents must have amazing genetics." (Y/n) giggled, watching her husband play with the baby boy was she ate her snack. She couldn't help but focus on her lover's grinning face, she took a good hard look at his features as she did her best to imagine him as a baby. She'd be lying if she claimed to have never thought about having a family with him, many early mornings were spent getting ready together and wondering how things would change when they had a child of their own. She couldn't help but gaze at the love of her life, wondering what he had looked like as a baby. Given how big Shingen was, she was confident he was the chubbiest of babies. A thought that made her cheeks flush as she smiled, the thought of having a chubby baby just made her happy.
Of course, Shingen had similar thoughts, especially when they walked through the Castel town and the children would recognize his goddess. The way they get so excited, wanting nothing more than to play and talk with the woman he loved. Sometimes he found himself daydreaming, wondering when the day would come that he'd be looking up from his desk to find his dear wife nurse the fruit of their labors. He's already worked out a few designs for some baby furniture, wanting to make it himself so he knew it was made right. He and his wife had discussed the baby furniture of the future before, the things she described gave him a lot of inspiration. "He's quite small, I was almost afraid to hold him at first." Shingen chuckled, resting the little boy on his leg and gently bouncing him. The large man couldn't help but chuckle as the little boy squealed happily, tiny hands gripping Shingen's sleeves as he bounced comfortably. "i know, it's been so long since I last babysat. When I first saw him, I was almost surprised he wasn't smaller, I forget sometimes they aren't as small as dolls." She giggled, reaching over to gently brush her hand against the thin layer of hair on the little boy's head affectionately. "Perhaps it's my height, but all babies seem absolutely tiny to me." Shingen chuckled, watching her give the boy some affection as she ate. "Probably, you are bigger than most other grown men so I can only imagine how little he must look to you." She giggled, putting down her skewer as she moved closer to Shingen and leaned into his side. She wrapped her arms around one of his, her head resting on his shoulder as she closed her eyes with a soft smile. Shingen could only chuckle, the little boy leaning back against his chest as he seemed to finally tucker himself out. "Now that's a good idea…" Shingen's low voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke softly, gently shifting the little boy to rest in his arm. "Since you finished your snack, why not come here and join me for a nap. The weather is wonderful." Shingen opened his arm, leaning back against the wall as his dear wife smiled at him and shook her head in mock-shame. "I suppose a nap won't hurt." She moved closer to him, slipping under his arm now and snuggled into him as she rested her head on his chest. Shingen had the boy cradled on his lap, leaning against his torso comfortably. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to sleep, Shingen had stayed awake a bit longer though. He wanted to enjoy the sight of holding his lover like this, looking down on the boy and that was how he KNEW it was about damn time he spoke to his wife about starting their family.
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Kanetsugu stood speaking before a crowd of other vassals, it was a pretty standard meeting so why were these men staring at the man of the house? Because sat on his hip as he spoke was a 3-year-old girl, she was awake but quite content with the gentle bouncing and the sound of Kanetsugu's voice. His wife had to run into town to buy some stuff, so he had offered to watch the little girl since he had nothing to do after this meeting was over with. The little girl had been absolutely smitten with Kanetsugu, lighting up every time she saw him in a way similar to how his wife seemed to brighten whenever he'd come home at the end of the day. It made Kanetsugu chuckle whenever he saw it, this little girl reminded him of both his wife and his younger siblings. He took great part in raising his siblings, he remembered when they were all little like this and those memories were quite dear to him. At the end of the meeting Kanetsugu made his way to the kitchen, paying no mind to the odd stares he got and the whispers that followed him down the hall. He wanted to get the little girl a snack, so he planned to fix her some peaches since they were soft and easy to eat. On his way there he noticed his lover on her way down the hall. She was coming from the direction of their room, meaning she had dropped off her shopping. The young woman's face lit up; he couldn't help but give a slight smile at how she rushed up to him with her own wide grin. "I take it the meeting is over? Thanks for watching her while I ran into town." (y/n) smiled, reaching out to playfully poke the little girl's side and listen to her giggle. They exchanged the little girl, who had smuggled into (Y/n)'s chest. No doubt the woman was a bit more comfortable to lay on, for obvious reasons. "I was on my way to the kitchen to get her a snack, so it's perfect timing on your part. It'll be easier than cutting a peach one handed." He gently took her hand, since getting married, he had begun doing this any time they were together. She was his wife, something he was proud of and more than willing to display. "Food sounds good, lunch should be coming round soon. So hopefully she'll be done eating before then and we can eat without too much trouble." (Y/n) smiled up at Kanetsugu, the little girl resting on her arm and curled against her chest. She was sucking on her thumb, content with the steady sway of the woman's walk cycle.
"Maybe if we're lucky we can put her down for a nap after her snack, she hasn't had one today yet so it's about that time anyways." Kanetsugu lead his lover to the kitchen, his free hand running through his own hair as he found his gaze wandering away from the sky as he took in the sight of his lover with her friend's baby. It was such a domestic sight, something that made an odd feeling stir in him. He had never actually thought about it in depth, he knew he wanted a family, but he had never put a whole lot of thought into it. But confronted with the glimpse before him, it was like something was stirring awake. He no longer just wanted a family with her, he needed one. The thought of having evidence of their love made his heart speed up, a sort of primal shift growing inside of him at the thought of her having his child. It wasn't just animalistic desire though; his protective instinct was starting to twitch awake. To have a family with his wife, that would truly be his peace. It was like a new goal came into focus; one he couldn't wait to discuss with her later once the little girl had gone home with her mother for the night. So, for now he had to settle for gently squeezing her hand, giving her a fond gaze as he watched her talk about her experience at the market. When her gaze suddenly caught his, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Leaving her flustered as he released her hand and stepped through the threshold and into the kitchen. She stood at the doorway, watching him with curiosity as she failed to fight the love-struck smile that crossed her face when watching the man, she loved prepare food for the little girl in their care.
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Motonari watched his wife with a grumpy pout, on her lap was a 4-year-old that had proven to be the bane of this man's existence. This little boy would not accept anyone but her, and God forbid Motonari be allowed to hug or touch his wife. The boy didn't throw a hissy fit, oh no, worse yet the little boy would hold his palm out to Motonari with a firm but docile "No." With the most expressionless stare Motonari has seen in his life, he hadn't been able to so much as hug his wife with this little boy around. The kid refused to be held by anyone else, he was always giving Motonari such a blank faced stare and it never failed to make the man laugh out of mild frustration. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. He was competing with a kid for his wife, and it wasn't even his kid. At the end of the day, this kid goes home with someone else, so there is NO competition. Each time Motonari reminded himself of this, rolling his eyes at the jealous side that was near desperate to hold her hand. Though there was some odd part of him that was satisfied with watching his wife interact with this little boy, even when he was fussy, she was calm as can be when handling him. Plus, there was the pride he took in having a wife so loved by so many people, she was the prize jewel out of all his treasures. Currently the two were waiting for the little boy's aunt, (Y/n)'s friend, to come and pick up the little boy for the night. The sun was an hour or two from setting, and he was doing his best to be patient as he had a staring contest with the little boy. At least until the child reached out to him, making a grabby motion that had (Y/n) lighting up. "Aw, he wants you to hold him!" She was excited, moving closer to Motonari, who for just a moment was panicking, he did not have a plan for this particular option. So he had let his wife lead him into holding the little boy on his lap, the boy sat with his back to Motonari's chest. His little head was leaned back on Motonari's collarbone, he still had one hand holding onto (Y/n)'s finger so she had to sit against Motonari's side. Seizing his chance, he slid his free arm around her waist as his other was draped over the boy's stomach to keep him steady.
"I guess you respecting his boundaries earned his trust, that's so sweet." She smiled brightly, nuzzling Motonari's shoulder in a way that never ceased to make him melt inside. This was a situation he had never imagined in his life, the male having never actually thought about having kids of his own. Sure, he knew kids existed, but he never thought about HIS kids existing. This whole situation felt so surreal, looking down at his lover and this child no longer felt real. All of a sudden it felt dreamlike, as if he was discovering something for the first time. A wide array of emotions overwhelmed him, from a strange anxiety to what could only be described as an intense contentment. He had come a long way from the person he was when he and his wife first met, but even still to have such a large discovery out of nowhere was almost startling. He hadn't felt like this since he first realized he truly loved his wife; it was a feeling that could be described with the word emotion. It was so much at once, and yet he felt calm in an odd way. His face was flaming, silently staring at his lover as he processed everything. Of course she had noticed his stare, she had trying speaking to him, but he never responded and now she was simply flustered by the look he was giving her. It was almost innocent, the flustered look mixed with confusion and surprise. Leaning forward she placed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, suddenly bursting the bubble he had previously been absorbed in. It took every ounce of self-control in him not to jump, he had already embarrassed himself enough today. The hand that had been around her waist came up, pulling her close and tucking her head into the crook of his neck as he tried to hide his flustered state. These new realizations had him feeling energized in an odd way, he simply had to have her close right now. He knew the look on his face was probably quite out of character for him, and he was embarrassed to admit how little control he actually had over his current behavior. He wanted to hide his emotional state, and what better way to do that then basking in the affection and the touch of his wife that he had wanted all day. Once the boy was returned, he planned to spend the rest of the day and night with his wife in their room. He wanted only her presence, only her voice and scent. Only her.
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(Y/n) currently sat at a banquet between her boss Nobunaga and her lover Masamune, across from her was Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi. Meanwhile in her lap was a 1-one-year old little girl, the niece of a friend that was taking care of her sister until the woman's husband got home from work. Because of that (Y/n) had brought the baby to the banquet, it was fairly late, and the baby was full from where (Y/n) had taken the baby home long enough to eat and give the mom a chance to see her. The little girl had been quite content after eating, and so now she was happily babbling away at Keiji while Masamune fed his wife a bit of rice. "I shouldn't be surprised you volunteered for such a task; you always do manage to find the most amusing situations." Mitsuhide chuckled from across the woman, drinking some sake and letting a servant refill it. "She was a little fussy at first, but once she got comfortable with us it got a bit easier. Her aunt should be back to get her soon. She's just waiting for the woman's husband to come home to take care of his wife." Masamune chuckled, sitting close to his lover's side as he'd raise bites for her to take and fed her her meal before he had even touched his. He had spent most the day doing paperwork, which left (Y/n) to bear the brunt of the child's care. He wanted to give her a small break and help out now that he wasn't busy, plus he had been wanting to give her some love all day. She was just too cute, playing with and fawning over the baby girl currently in her arms. Looking at the little girl he could admit she was cute, but he just knew their baby would be even cuter. If he had a little girl that looked just like his wife, he'd be over the moon. In truth he wanted a larger family, something he and his lover had discussed many times. They want quite a few children; they hadn't really been trying for kids as of late but also hadn't been avoiding it either. But today made him feel it was time, seeing the way she cared for the little girl, even when she screamed and cried, had reaffirmed in him that they could do this, and it was about time to take the first steps officially.
Once his wife had finished her food he had set the chopsticks down, using one hand to hold one of her own as the other brought his cup of tea up to his lips so he could take a sip. "It seems so natural; I was worried you'd struggle with her when I first saw you in the halls this morning. But you seem to have everything under control." Hideyoshi smiled, taking a bite of some roasted vegetables while observing the baby girl in his friend's lap. Despite all the noise she almost seemed ready to fall asleep, the group laughing at how her tiny head bobbed before she finally gave up and completely rested across the woman's lap as her haori functioned as a makeshift cover. "I won't lie it was hard to be calm sometimes, but I eventually found a good rhythm for cycling through what she wanted or needed until I could find what I needed. Then it just kinda got easier to tell what she was wanting, plus after visiting her mom to drink her fill she's been quite content and a lot less fussy." (Y/n) giggled, gently rubbing the baby's stomach with her free hand. She watched the baby sleep with a fond gaze, her mind wandering to places that her observant friends could easily predict. For Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi; it was the same look Masamune got any time they noticed him watching her interact with the little girl. Oh yes, they knew it was only a matter of time before they had children running about the castle whenever the pair would come to visit from Aoba. "Well, at least you'll have practice for when you and Lord Masamune have a child. It'll be quite the sight to see." Mitsunari spoke openly with a fond smile on his face, and as flustered as it made her, (Y/n) couldn't fight the smile she felt forming on her face. She'd be lying if she said taking care of the little girl made her wonder how things would be when they DID have their own child, she'd love to have a little boy that looked just like her husband. Though she had known for a while she wants more than one child, as aware as she is of what childbirth is like in this era she wouldn't miss the chance to have the family she desires with the man she loves. "You guys will be the first we tell when I fall pregnant, I promise Mitsunari." She giggled some, at least until she felt Masamune's arm wrap around her waist. "It'll be more than that, we'll be staying here during your pregnancy that way I can be sure of your safety. Plus, Ieyasu will be a boon to have on standby." The blonde let out an indignant snort but said nothing back. The fussy blonde being surprisingly quiet about Masamune's desire to have him care for Hime in such a state, and none of the other warlords seemed bothered at the idea of a pregnant woman waddling around the castle. Something that both embarrassed (Y/n) and made her feel overjoyed, as she knew she had everyone's support when it came time for this new step in her life.
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Everyone stared intently at the trio during a war council, sitting in his usual place was Kenshin. And as per usual, he was the one making a scene. In his lap sat his wife, odd but not entirely unexpected. And then on her lap was a little boy, a 4-year-old she had volunteered to watch during the day for her friend who was caring for an ill family member. The group had been stuck at the hip since the little boy's arrival, though at first Kenshin had been a little jealous and that had been why he was being more openly affectionate than usual. But it was less than 2 hours before his reasoning shifted, some part of him deeply enjoyed watching his wife happily interact with the child. He had thought about having a family with her for many years, even before they had married. Though he had yet to put his desires into words, he didn't want to pressure her and had originally decided he'd just wait for her to approach him when she was ready. But now, while Kanetsugu went over his report for his recent observation mission, Kenshin wanted nothing more than a way to bring up his desires without pressuring his love. Starting a family was a big deal after all, he didn't want her to force herself into something she isn't ready for just to try and please him. Kenshin was staring off into the distance, his chin resting on the top of his lover's head while the little boy in her lap played with a stuffed animal. His vassals watched, absolutely astonished. Even Shingen was quite intrigued with his friend's behavior, meanwhile Kanetsugu could feel his eye twitching as he figured out long ago his Lord was barely listening, and they'd probably have to talk about this again later. Of course (Y/n) wasn't dumb, she could tell what everyone was thinking, and she did kind of feel bad for Kanetsugu. Before Kanetsugu left for his mission Kenshin had the Fearsome God of war, when he returned however he was Kenshin Lord of the bunnies. Sure, he still went to war, but he had changed in many ways. Kanetsugu could recognize the good, but he often found himself surprised at how (Y/n) brought out a childlike behavior in Kenshin.
Sometimes it made Kanetsugu want to laugh, but when his Lord is just blank face no thought staring at him in the middle of a war council, he wanted to throw something. Not that he actually would. He tried to soothe himself by observing his Lord's situation while he spoke, knowing that at least Shingen, Yukimura and Sasuke were listening. From the outside, you'd almost think they were a family. A thought that did calm the white-haired male's irritation, his Lord seemed so content. Kenshin was always quite happy when he had (Y/n) in his lap, but the addition of the child seemed to bring something out of the male. Kanetsugu didn't miss how his lord had gently pulled his wife closer, the blonde man's hand occasionally coming up to pet the little boy on the head absent mindedly. It only further reassured Kanetsugu's expectation that this is likely going to be the future, he wasn't quite sure how he was gonna handle this, but he was sure it was going to involve late night drinks with a recap of the war council. By the time Kanetsugu had come to this conclusion he had finished his explanation of the survey he had been sent on, and as he stepped back to return to his previous seat Kenshin seemed to realize that everything was over. On the outside Kenshin seemed somewhat normal, but Kanetsugu could see the slight surprise in his lord's features upon realizing he had missed the entire council. "I see, I do have a few questions, but we can discuss those later. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed?" Kenshin gazed around the room, wanting to make sure there wasn't anything left to discuss before he dismissed the meeting. When it was concluded that there was nothing else to talk about, Kenshin released everyone to go back to their daily duties. "It's almost time for lunch Kenshin, did you want to go out to eat? The weather has been nice the past few days." (Y/n) smiled, leaning back so that she rested against his chest. Her head leaned back against his shoulder, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek with a warm smile. After the door had been closed and everyone left, she let the little boy up so that he could explore the room a bit. Where the two adults sat, they could see every corner of the room and could easily monitor him. "Sure, we can make a date of it. The little one won't notice, and we can stop by a tea house for dessert after if you want." Though Kenshin didn't really like sweets, he still enjoyed the tea house atmosphere while he watched her enjoy her desserts. "You know me too well." She giggled, pressing another kiss to his cheek as they spent a few quiet moments in each other's arms. Watching over the little boy in front of them, both having only the thought of discussing family with each other at the end of the night.
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 3 months
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Uchiha Sharingan 🔴
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