#Serious Business
prokopetz · 3 months
The problem with folks arguing on the Internet about whether it's "realistic" to use a scythe as a weapon is that they're almost never actually talking about scythes; they're talking about some sort of fictitious vaguely-scythe-inspired polearm, and there's no point having an argument about that, because obviously a weapon can be used as a weapon. Let's bring real scythes into the picture – I want to see the hypothetical combat stance for one of these:
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osierrasoulo · 7 months
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Serious LU boys redraw!
Belongs to @linkeduniverse
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akilah12902 · 2 months
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And for those who may not be able to make a phone call:
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ununnilium · 3 months
Serious business time! \o/ Please blacklist "#serious business" if you don't want to see these posts from me!
Just a reminder that nobody is exempt from transmisogyny. Obviously, anyone who's transfeminine is affected by it whether they identify as A Woman or not, but a cis man who's getting mocked for being Too Feminine is also being affected by the hatred for those who were assigned male at birth and don't meet the social standard. And that doesn't mean he can't perpetuate transmisogyny, and a trans woman being a trans woman doesn't mean she can't perpetuate transmisogyny either. It turns out that the world doesn't divide neatly into oppressed and oppressor, which is a shame, because that'd make things way easier, right?
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diver5ion · 1 year
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tylostoma · 2 months
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6xjssx2 · 1 month
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saranilssonbooks · 1 month
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My better judgement keeping my immidiate instinct from writing essay length comments on half the Moby-Dick posts I see on the internet.
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heavenlyraindrops · 5 months
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What is the point of this
What is the point of attacking authors for the stuff that they wrote for assholes like you, for free? To read? People who leave comments like this on people’s work need to back the fuck up and get a life.
normally I’d just block and ignore but my friends have been getting comments like this too after simply politely asking for elaboration on other use’s incomprehensible comments. So I’d like to make a statement.
stop treating fic authors terribly for no reason. They’re not your writing machines or slaves for entertainment. They are people with lives and owe you absolutely nothing.
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underthecitysky · 11 months
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puddeneen · 7 months
free advice for anyone thinking about adapting the last airbender in any medium at any point in the future: if your vision does not feature the sky as a whole character in and of itself, you have failed right out of the gate - not only as an adaptation, but in Getting The Point, and the scope and the scale of the tragedy (and the hope) that drives this story, and its main character
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 4 months
Super Mario Maker existing for less than ten years and then getting shut down is kind of messed up, actually.
Like. All this creativity, millions of man-hours of work going into making all those Mario levels. People pouring their heart and soul into it, doing all kinds of fun things with the creative medium. But Super Mario Maker was (past tense!) a live service game tied to a single company's game console, a closed system that you can't even touch except through those channels, so once the owners of the service decided that they were done, they just shut it down. Poof, all gone. Limited time only, instantly destroyed. Everything you've ever made exists solely at the discretion of The Corporation.™ Now Mario Maker 2 is out, to continue the cycle; you're supposed to just forget the old and buy the new, forget the old and buy the new! No backwards-compatibility or transferring data, just get rid of it all. It's a perfect microcosm of creativity under capitalism. Mario Maker 2 has a "my workers are lazy, I blame the unions" joke from the Toad who gives you missions.
"oh it's not reasonable for Nintendo to support it forever" Fuck what's "reasonable for the The Corporation™". Fuck the entire idea that it's "reasonable" to destroy other people's creations just because you want to stop working on the software they used to create it. This should've been the kind of thing where people are still using the software itself, still uploading levels to myriad fansites, decades after the fact. People are still making Super Mario World romhacks to this day, and Super Mario world came out in 1990! People are still making levels and games for the original Doom, using systems which are open-source both de facto and in actuality! I should be able to say in 2040, "hey I wonder if those Mario Maker levels I played/made twenty years ago still hold up" and just do it. But Nintendo wouldn't have had complete monetary control over any of that, so players and makers who've used Super Mario Maker 1 can just go fuck themselves.
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seriousbusinesspod · 1 month
A day late but 2 hours long, Serious Business is back with our first Gigapause episode, covering Tumblr's favorite show, Supernatural.
Ari guides us through this exploration of their high school fandom.
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mormonmew · 1 month
So my older brother shared this with my family's group chat:
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It's a relatively recent update based on the date at the bottom being this year. Honestly reading through this just... Makes me sad.
People that have transitioned can't be assigned to be teachers, when I imagine so many of them have just as much insight on the gospel as any cisgender teacher in the church. Trans people can't fully participate in overnight mixed-gender activities and can only go to activities that match their assigned sex at birth, even if they would feel more at home among those whose gender matches the one they transitioned/want to transition to. And that's just the beginning of where they can still be part of the church but not fully part of it.
Maybe some bishops will receive spiritual guidance that will make things different for the trans people in their wards than what this outlines. But I imagine that will be the minority of situations...
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t-a-c · 3 months
sick of bottling this up so coming from the perspective of someone who lives outside the US but has several friends of various marginalized status inside the country, the past several months and the coming months have been stress and madness inducing it's like I have to worry about a potential timer counting down on the safety and wellness of people dear and important to me, and being completely uncertain on if that timer is going to go off and there are ways to stop the countdown or slow it down, but people are making lengthy justifications on why it's immoral to push that button or why you should make the button more appealing rather than scold them to touch it and a lot of us want to dismiss them as 'psyops' or 'bots' but I think that's just trying to shield ourselves from the reality of the situation: too many of these posts are by people why are so lost in the sauce they think sacrificing the lives of Americans is going to somehow save a child in Gaza because. uh. something and I am going to make my stance plain and obvious here: unless you are willing to draw a weapon on ICE or DHS and pull the trigger, I do not give a single solitary fuck about how "both sides are bad" or "the imperial core" or whatever excuse you have. My stake in US politics is making sure people who I care about are not directly targeted by the state for their skin color or their orientation or gender identity, and if you are not going to make that happen by voting, then get in the fucking trenches.
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ununnilium · 7 months
I don't think you should train yourself to try and recognize neural network-generated art by tiny artifacts. I think that actually sounds like a fantastic way to breed paranoia and false positives, sending mass hate to artists that look "too AI".
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