#Servants are annoying Sebastian like always
spoiledbrat217 · 2 years
Dadbastian! Not sebaciel!
After book of murder the other servants are worried because Sebastian had woken them up in the middle of the night and that brought up the question:
‘When does he sleep?’
The answer: Never
But Sebastian doesn’t want them to know that, the other servants begin refusing to fall asleep before Sebastian, so Sebastian responds by locking himself in his room until the others fall asleep.
This is a nuisance to both Sebastian and Ciel as Sebastian isn’t able to answer Ciel’s call during this time.
This issue gets brought up one day as Ciel has a nightmare. He calls for Sebastian just so he doesn’t have to be alone, but his cries are ignored. He then decides to just go to Sebastian himself. He gets out of bed, walks down all those stairs and soon makes it to the door.
He knocks… no answer.
He knocks again… still no answer.
He says Sebastian’s name and the bedroom door is opened. Ciel could see a candle light on Sebastian’s desk which also has a book on it. Sebastian had been reading.
And after a small conversation about why Sebastian didn’t answer, He let Ciel in the room. Sebastian sits on the desk chair and Ciel climbed onto Sebastian’s perfectly made bed, sitting on the edge, letting his legs dangle of the side.
After a small conversation Ciel concludes he doesn’t want to be left alone, he stays with Sebastian till he falls asleep, and Sebastian ends up laying Ciel in his bed. Pulling the blankets over him and then going back to reading (it’s a good book 👀)
I don’t know why, but I’ve been loving the idea of Ciel falling asleep in Sebastian’s room, it’s cute. It’s like a mini sleepover! Except one doesn’t sleep XD
Also I want to do something for Christmas with my blog but I have no idea, if you have any ideas or suggestions, that would be really appreciated. ♥️
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
hi. may i request headcanons of ciel, sebastian and grell reacting to the fem reader being an umbra witch (like bayonetta)?
(this request was kind of hard, but I really enjoyed writing it!!! Apologies for any mistakes in the request, I'm not familiar with Umbra witches)
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Ciel, Sebastian, Grell X Umbra witch! S/O
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Ciel PhantomHive
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❈ Ciel learned about you being a witch when he started dating you, now he was sure you'd help and he was right, you'd help Sebastian and the other servants around!
❈ Ciel knew you were magical, but just not how magical and strong you were. You and him would have like shooting practice, Sebastian mostly had you both do that, you were surprisingly very experienced with guns, okay that a was an understatement you were astronomical...
❈ Until he found out you were a Umbra witch which kill angels, demons as well....Sebastian was definitely worried if you were here to break his contract, but you told him you weren't and he was normal again, he is quite interested at what you do as a Umbra Witch.
❈ Ciel once saw your shadow when he was sleeping and instead of your own, the shadow was of a very huge and horrendous demon, he asked you about it but you dismissed saying, it was nothing and that the late night shines could have something to do that and Ciel believed that until he learnt about your abilities.
❈ Ciel and Sebastian take you on most of their cases, like during the Jack the Ripper, you fought with Grell very easily using your four guns, two in your hands and other two on your heels that you fire using your telekinetic powers. And Grell got enamoured with you, she enjoyed annoying you and Sebastian...
❈ And when you were fighting with Angela, you let out a huge demoness from your hair, for the first time not only Ciel but Sebastian was frightened a bit and Sebastian in his true demon form and you with your infernal demoness paired up together to kill Angela.
❈ After the fight, Ciel and Sebastian learned about you as a Umbra Witch. You were now more comfortable to dress up to your style more around them, which showed your rank in your clan. Sebastian also learned how you use your hair to create your clothing using magic and how you carry four guns at all time..He is proud of you, a bit...
❈ Ciel learned how Umbra Witches gain power, you told him and Sebastian how you make a pact with a Infernal demoness to sponsor you and allow you to improve you. And you showed him an example by sparring with Sebastian summoning the demoness's fists and feet for attacking the butler. And this is how Ciel learned how your shadow is portrayed by a demon's silhouette.
❈ Ciel started reading books about Umbra witches and learnt about them from you as well, he learned how Umbra witches were witches who are powerful practitioners of a form of magic known as Dark Arts, revolving around the usage of Spirit Energy, an evocation of beings from Inferno, and optionally forming contracted with specific Contracted Demons to perform special techniques.
❈ Ciel also learnt how other than your sponsor demon, you summon more demons from Inferno by using different mediums like using your hair or chanting a spell...Sebastian is kinda jealous at how strong you are and always wants to fight you now...
❈ Ciel notices how you always go missing sometimes and later on learnt how Umbra Witches travel from the normal world to the Purgatorio dimension, which allows them to travel without being by normal humans in the human world and how you can fight beings that are usually invisible to humans, but visible to creatures such as angels. And this is the only reason why Sebastian knows where you even when you aren't anywhere in the manor...
❈ You would help servants around as well, once Mey-rin and you were washing dishes while you were talking with Ciel and she accidently dropped one of the most expensive and prettiest china tea-cup, and you grabbed it with your super fast reflexes, it was around 4 feet above the ground that's how fast you were...Now Ciel did scold Mey-rin a bit, but he is always curious about these perks of yours...
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Sebastian Michaelis
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❈ Sebastian knew about you being a strong witch from the beginning, he felt an extremely strong aura from you and he could feel demons stronger than him around you, which made him worry if someone was having an eye on his lover...
❈ Sebastian had often see you in formal, body-fitting outfits and always thought you looked pretty and amazing in them, though he was curious as to why you were in such formal clothing, until you told him it's to show your rank in your clan, the he understood and would often keep your outfits clean and fresh..
❈ He asked you about it and you explained how you were an Umbra witch, he remember meeting one of them and learning about them, he knew you kill angels and some demons as well, but he didn't know how and so he was curious about everything you do..
❈ Sebastian had always noticed your shadow not being you but of a huge demon and he figured it's because of your power which had something to do with demons, cause he always felt demons around you even when there weren't any... or he always thought it was his real form behind you but he noticed it looked different than his demon form.
❈ During the luxury liner Campania, while Elizabeth was fighting with the undead, you were fighting with Undertaker and Rian Stoker, Sebastian was keeping an eye on you because demon things and he saw you letting out a HUGE ASS DEMONESS from your hair which literal killed all the people in one sec and since grim reapers probably can't harm them, another plus point of being a umbra witch!!!
❈ You would often tell him how you all needed a infernal demoness to sponsor you and how you could summon their feet and fists to attack something, protect something and basically control them and he got really excited and so you both spend the next three to five hours sparing and him being defeated with stars in his eyes..
❈ If he is allowed to touch one of the four guns, he is going to use it and decorate it according to your aesthetic of your outfit, subtly, of-course, which shows your rank in the clan, you weren't nervous to dress like you wanted around him, he also has gun practices with you and Ciel at times for entertainment..
❈ He learnt about you being able to travel from normal world to Purgatorio world without being detected by humans and so he would also ask if you if you okay with it to also to teleport him with you as well, cause he's clingy like that.. :>
❈ Sebastian is a demon who is naturally a dark creature cap which commit sins all the time, and so it was natural that he chose someone as you to be his significant other, an Umbra witch who are practitioner of dark arts, involving around spirits energy, demons and being able to perform special techniques due to being sponsored by a demoness...
❈ Your super fast reflexes also help you find what tricks sebastian has up his sleeve at times, maybe the tricks he's about to play, maybe the pranks, maybe a hit, or maybe a kiss, depends in all honesty...
❈ Overall you both are a generally dark, cute and demonic couple who'd people are tad bit creeped out and scared off...
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Grell Sutcliffe
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❈ You met her during the Jack the Ripper case and she was more than happy when Ciel asked you and Sebastian to teach him to be a good butler, she is more than obsessed with you than him tho, curiosity probably!
❈ When she saw you, she did feel the aura of a demon, but not those types like Sebastian, but different, more feminine, maybe more smokey, she doesn't know how to describe it and neither do I! So, she was a bit vary around in the beginning of you both dating, then she became normal afterwards when you explained the different demons....
❈ She noticed your shadow too, she's not that dumb, she is always confused as to why there is a demon in your shadow when you're a human, unless you're a demon? But no, you explained to her that it's because as a umbra witch, that you have a infernal demoness sponsor you, and that's the reason your shadow is a demon instead of a human!
❈ During the book of atlantic, she saw you fight the undead as you let out a demon form your hair and summoned the infernal demoness's fists and feet to attack them in less time as the ship was sinking, she definitely found it very hot! And of-course she clinged to you after the fight..
❈ She wants to learn everything even though her work stops her from spending her whole day with you and learning about your life as a umbra witch no worries she'll learn about you in any way she deems fit!
❈ Oh and she's either in love with your outfit or finds it a bit intimidating, she'll try to match with you as you explain how your outfits show your rank in the clan and she nods as she learns more and she glams up your outfits just a BIT so that your outfits look better but at the same time, your outfit stays the same shows your rank in your clan!!
❈ You know how she has that chin saw, if you give her one of your four guns, she will give her chainsaw but please be careful with it as it is basically her baby, and it is very important to her...
❈ She is very much in love with the witch aesthetic and so it may seem fitting that she is dating you, an umbra witch, a practitioner of dark arts, spirits energy, demons and other things, she also started reading about Umbra witch, which is a tad bit hard considering there isn't much literature talking about your guys presence in the past, she does learnt that you can kill angels and on occasion demons, so there's that!
❈ she wouldn't be able to find you often and when she asked Ciel, he said he never saw you around, unless she talked with Bassy about it! Then she learnt that you can travel from human world to Purgatorio world without being detected by humans and so due to her curiosity, she would ask you to take her with you!!
❈ So there's that, a grim reaper with an Umbra witch, both desperately in love with each other and being simps for each other's aesthetic... <3
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sebadztian · 4 months
Another episode, another live reaction time...
Well, I can see why Diedrich is so annoyed... But I love seeing their interaction! I hope that someday, we'll get to see that chapter of them cooking together being animated. Now, that is going to be so much fun!
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Like father like son...
I can see where Ciel gets that look from... Ciel will grow up to be like his father, obnoxious, arrogant, and very sly... But he's probably going to be worse since he's raised by a demon...
Makes me wonder, why did Vincent get a Borzoi as a dog? He should've gotten a German Shepherd. Then he'd have TWO German dogs.
Aaah! They cut the 'You're ruining the mood, Dee!' part!! 😡
Edward is asking the important question...
Hello, Phantomfam!! Long time no see!!
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The battle of the shotas, Ciel vs Harcourt...
The pie sequence actually confused me. So, they have an original beef pie, then Seb swapped that out. But they ate the chicken pie prepared by Agni? So how did they get sick from that?
Anyway, it's always good to see Sebastian the butler 😁
Forget it, Ciel. Harcourt is the ultimate shota! And Druitt is very creepy... (I'm not going to put Harcourt's image since it will be flagged as NSFW for sure - and might get me banned).
I love Tanaka!!
Cheslock is so cool!!
But I think Edward is cooler for having been able to do Cheslock's signature move. Edward, you're not mediocre... I agree with Greenhill. You're a genius. Please be kinder to yourself...
The Head Master!! Oooh...!
Sebas is so cool!!
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So far, the game is exciting! They mostly stay true to the manga, although I wished that they had included the sequence with the servants and Bard's pie.
I didn't remember the game being this fast-paced though. I guess, being animated really has changed the pace of the cricket game.
We're still in episode 6 and the season is slotted to have 12 episodes...
So far, each episode covers 2-3 chapters of the manga and there are 3 more chapters left of the cricket game.
If we're done with cricket by episode 8, then we're getting the boat parade in episode 9. The midnight tea party will take place in episode 10, and I think that would take 2 episodes. And if the leak is true, then we'll get the Phantomfam going to London together for the last (12th) episode! Seems about right.
I'm still salty that they've left out the Easter episode, so I really hope they'll include the shopping trip chapter!!
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questionablemorally · 3 months
More Sebard hcs!
Sebastian has to drag Bard kicking and screaming into the shower. I’m sorry but I cannot see Bard as a man of outstanding personal hygiene, he was freshly pulled out of war to be a servant. To help with this process, Seb sometimes promises to join him if he just gets in the goddamn shower (or bath)
Sometimes when Seb’s had a rough day (or just had to put up with the servants’ issues more than usual), Bard makes him something. He can’t make a lot, but he can make a few very basic things like a bacon sandwich, or a salad, or cookies. He presents it to Seb proudly, and Sebastian can’t help but smile at the chef. Whether or not Bard knows that Seb doesn’t need to eat human food… up to you (‘Well done, I’m sure this is delicious.’ - S)
Bard can also make one more thing that seems far harder than what he can make usually - some kind of cake (I like the idea of lemon meringue pie, but it could be anything, really). His wife used to make it for him and his son all the time, and he picked up the recipe after a while. He’s useless at anything else, though
Sebastian is a cat person, obviously, and Bard is more of a dog person. Though he can’t help but appreciate the softer side of Seb that he gets to see when the butler sits down with his cats and lets them clamber over him
I like the idea that Sebastian purrs slightly when Bard holds his face. Like if they’re laying together and Bard holds the side of his head, he’ll smile and purr (cat Seb things)
Sometimes, when Bardroy sees Sebastian in the kitchen, he’ll watch intently from afar. He likes to observe him a lot, but if Seb turns around he’d duck round the corner or pretend to be doing chores or something. Sebastian knows he watches, so tries to make whatever he’s doing interesting and flashy
Sebastian reads a lot, normally during the evenings/night so that he can have better knowledge of the world and to educate his young master, but occasionally he simply enjoys reading a novel. When he’s really invested in one, he doesn’t get a lot of time to read it as he’s pulled away so often for his duties. When Bard notices he’s really into a book, he tries to keep everything running as smoothly as possible so that Seb can have a bit longer to read
Sebastian helps Bard shave. And by ‘helps’, he basically sits on him and does it himself, because Bard is hopeless when it comes to shaving (‘be still, I am almost done.’ / ‘how can you expect me to sit still when you’re on me? You’re crushing me!’)
Bardroy is actually quite strong, so he can pick basically everyone in the manor up (army training y’know). Sebastian isn’t exactly used to being picked up, so when Bard picks him up like he weighs nothing (which, to be fair, he probably doesn’t weigh a lot), he doesn’t know how to react
Whenever Sebastian acts careless for his wellbeing (because it’s doesn’t matter, really), Bard is the one who gets annoyed with him. Like, for example, when he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to get a drink and encounters Seb - still very much awake, he lectures him and makes him go to bed
Seb doesn’t need to sleep (as we know), and so he usually spends his time walking around the manor, making sure there’s no intruders, petting the cats outside etc. Occasionally, when Bard stays in his room for the night, he’ll just stay by his side until dawn… and sometimes, an even rarer occurrence, he’ll sleep alongside the chef
I really enjoy making these lol (you can tell, I post them basically daily)
Again, I’m always taking requests for ships to do hcs of, and if you want a few nsfw ones then lmk <3
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ryuichirou · 1 year
any sebaciel headcanons so far?
Anon! I hope you’re still waiting, because it took me a long time…as always lol
For some reason it was a bit difficult for me to write this one, mostly because a lot of headcanons/thoughts that I had were actually just… random pieces of canon trivia that Toboso herself mentioned at some point lol like the fact that Ciel’s cheeks are just like cat’s soft paws for Sebastian and stuff.
But still, I managed to write something. I hope it’s a fun read…
Despite them seemingly keeping their master-servant sense distance whenever they’re around others, there are some people that catch the tension between them. They don’t even tend to talk to each other when Ciel is having guests around, but when a person knows, they know. For example, Lau catches these things quite easily, even though he forgets about it the moment he steps out of the room.
Speaking of Lau… the real reason why Sebastian didn’t get rid of that tiny dress that Lau brought for Ciel is that he really wouldn’t mind seeing his young master wearing it; he believed there would still be a nice opportunity for it. Which is actually a big deal, because Sebastian seems to be quite picky when it comes to things that Ciel wears, so he would’ve gotten rid of it immediately if it didn’t fit his own taste.
Sebastian absolutely adores roleplay: his entire butler shtick is essentially just a very long roleplay session. So, whenever he gets to put on a new identity/any type of disguise for a mission, he gets pretty excited; it’s always one of his favourite parts of any mission. So the fact that Ciel is pretty good at roleplaying too and catches his cues quite easily and plays along so well is also something that he really likes about him. Sebastian has seen and served so many people, but this is the first time he actually got himself a decent playmate, who is quite good at playing the role of sweet and innocent child while also being quite a cruel calculating boy.
And although Sebastian always minds his distance while performing his butler duties (not to ruin the aesthetic and all), he could allow himself more freedom when playing other roles. So there could be some situations in which Ciel would look at Sebastian in a “how dare you” way, with Sebastian smiling, because “well it’s more believable that way, isn’t it?”. He knows that Ciel will have to play along.
Both of them are aware that there is this vague line that they could cross if they wanted to at any moment. It would be weird to call it a “romantic” line because none of them have any romantic feelings toward each other: Sebastian is incapable of feeling it; Ciel would choke himself before admitting to having any emotional dependence on Sebastian. Because he knows that the moment he’ll start even considering anything, the demon wins. Even though, when it comes to their contract, it’s not like it changes anything….
Sebastian really enjoys the fact that Ciel is conflicted about it though. He likes playing with him, teasing him and hinting at things way more than if Ciel would act openly affectionate with him. In fact, it would be quite bothersome and even annoying to Sebastian. So this “will they won’t they” that seemingly exists between them only fuels the situation to spiral further without giving it any resolution.
Although it’s not impossible for them to cross this line, but it’ll only happen if Sebastian decides that it would be amusing and would fuel Ciel’s further decent into darkness. He wouldn’t do anything too openly, but the teasing and the talking and the touching and overall situation would lead to Ciel being so frustrated that he would end up deciding that he actually wants to cross this line. What difference does it make? He’s going to get eaten by Sebastian at some point anyway…
Sebastian teases Ciel a lot, especially if the two are together. He especially likes to take everything that Ciels says literally, because he knows that Ciel actually hates that he stops when he’s being told to stop. And the best thing is – Ciel can’t even complain about it or be mad, because Sebastian is being respectful and caring and obeys his orders. As if he’s not doing it just to piss Ciel off.
Ironically, Ciel doesn’t get triggered by Sebastian’s touch. Maybe it’s due to the overall feel of his hands being so different to what Ciel experienced years ago, maybe it’s because it’s Sebastian who isn’t even human, but the sensations he gets are overwhelmingly pleasant. Almost scarily pleasant, like the opposite side of the spectrum.
They would have at least one talk about how often Sebastian gets to touch his masters like this. It’s not like Ciel is interested or that he cares about anything at all regarding Sebastian, but for some reason he would still ask. And Sebastian would honestly answer that this actually happens quite often, although not every single time. He would also add that he hopes that this doesn’t sour his young master’s mood or make him jealous, with a smile so wide and wicked, that Ciel would  instantly regret asking him.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 1 year
How Black Butler characters would react to seeing a spider on their wall
(Yay! My first Black Butler post!)
I don't recommend reading if you're arachnophobic, especially the undertaker one 😭
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He wouldn't admit it but he'd be a bit scared
He'd instantly call Sebastian to come and get it
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He'd usually have to deal with one when Ciel sees one in his room
Just gives it a wack
Sometimes grabs it with his hands and just squashes it with his fists
Is very calm while doing so
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Would trip over in shock
Literally throws everything around her at it (and due to her having her glasses on she always misses)
She never thinks to take her glasses off for some reason
Eventually she has to get Sebastian or one of the other servants to fetch it
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Thinks spiders are really cute
He'd never harm one at all! (At least not on purpose)
He'd either let it stay on the wall or catch it and put it back outside
He gets really upset when one of the other servants finds a spider and squashes it
He loves collecting all bugs (including spiders) in the garden and playing with them, there have been a few incidents where he's accidentally squashed one and he's felt horrible about it
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Begins yelling uncontrollably
He then pulls out a blow torch and starts firing at the spider while continuing to yell uncontrollably
Sebastian gets really pissed at him for that because 1. He always makes annoying yelling noises 2. He always destroys the wall with fire
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Very similar to Baldroy
Starts screaming uncontrollably about how disgusting spiders are
Then pulls out her death scythe and cuts the spider into tiny pieces
Usually makes a huge hole in the wall
And it usually happens on reaper property and gets in trouble with William and the council
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Is very frightened but a lot more chill than Grell
Mutters "oh my days, oh my days" under his breathe
Tries crushing it with an object rather than his own hands because he has an irrational fear of it crawling on him, crawling up to his ear, crawling inside and taking control of his brain
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Acts like a normal person and just squishes it without issue
Doesn't have a fear of spiders but they sure do annoy him
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He'd play with it
He'd just grab it with his bare hands, bring it to his desk and watch it squirm around
He thinks spiders are funny, their long legs are just funny to him
Since the funeral parlor is dusty like all the time and full of cobwebs he finds so many, at least twice a day
Once a full nest of spider eggs was hanging out under his desk and he didn't notice until they hatched and began crawling all over him
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Black Butler Preference ~ When You're Sick
Black Butler Masterlist
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Since Sebastian is serving a human master, you know he knows everything about sick humans and just what to do about every little sickness that exists. He'll be kind to you and most likely not tease you. He'll still follow Ciel's orders, but he'll get things done faster if he knows that you'll help with something or may need some extra tea in your cup. Also if you're closer he may listen to your requests and let you rest your head on his chest while you struggle to sleep.
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You best bet that Ciel will do literally everything he can to bring you back into good health if you're sick. There are two reasons for this. 1. He really doesn't need himself or the servants to get sick as they are all busy almost all the time and it would be quite annoying and an inconvenience. 2. He hates seeing you sick and trying to deny it. He'll have Sebastian bring you a cup of lighter teas such as lemon and ginger, florals, or mint every three hours to help you with either a sore throat, headache, or a cold. He makes sure that all your bed sheets and clothes are being washed very often and while you are sick, he does spend some extra time with you to keep your spirits up.
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Grell is unlikely to make you tea or food while you're sick, but she'll do her best to make you feel happy and get your mind off of your health. She's likely bought some flowers and calmed herself down around you, but she'll always ask over and over again if there is anything she can do for you in this state. While Grell doesn't like to work much if you're a reaper or a working human she'll do her best to help you at your job or just do it all for you.
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This demon doesn't really care too much about a human's health, but if you're decently close with him or if Alois orders it, he'll spend a good amount of time getting things ready for you and bringing you things to make you feel better. You may find yourself in a bath that he secretly prepared just for you with a nice cup of coffee on the side.
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Will doesn't do too much to help you while you're sick, but even his little gestures make you feel so much better. He'll likely spend some time with you working as he can't just stop his work for a little cold or a sore throat. William will on occasion make you some nice warm or cooler food depending on what kind of sickness you have. He'll act as though he's not doing anything out of love or care, but really, he does hope you feel better and does little things to get you closer to becoming better.
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e-steamedtea · 8 months
Mild spoilers for the manga up to this point and I'm too lazy to deeply proof read.
Ciel Phantomhive is all I can think about so here's my thoughts
He's 13. He's a 13 year old kid surrounded by death and dispare. It honestly haunts me how young he is. Like I have siblings that age so when people go on about how anyone he is, what would you expect? This a kid that's pretending to be an adult. He lost his family at 10; he kidnapped, violated, and enslaved at 10; he watched his brother die in front of him at 10; and all people can say is that he's annoying. He's traumatized and a teenager. I'm surprised he's still going.
I cannot stop thinking about how lonely he must be. He's right hand is a demon. His servants are all people who have lost something or had nothing. No one there is capable of having normal conversations or social behavior (besides maybe Tanaka). I don't think he could ever just be 13 and it's kinda upsetting.
Everytime I read about someone close to him dying and the way he just moves on? I know he sad but dang does it hit hard. He doesn't know how to grieve and probably no one will ever teach him how.
He's really alone. Everyone tries, but no one is ever allowed close enough. I think he does it out a fear or as a defense mechanism. It's so much harder to feel loss if there's no one close in the first place. Thinking about Agni and Soma and how it ended and how he was like "This is why I told you not to get involved with me". So he knows he's bad news. Then there's the fact he's pretending to be his twin.
So he surrounded by people who love him because they think he's someone else. He also knows he's the "spare." Which fueled his decision.
He also definitely has self depreciating tendencies as show in the manga. When he has his break downs, we get a peak of just how terrible his mental state is. Sebastian doesn't help either so this man is really going in no actual support system.
His life is on a counter. Once the contract he has with Sebastian is fulfilled, that's it. Even if somehow he doesn't die, what would that do for him? Does he even have a will to live outside this? No matter what happens there will be no real happy ending for our Ciel Phantomhive. His story will always be a tragedy.
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inneedofsupervision · 17 days
Prince Soma's Remedy for Boredom
This is a Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler Tickle Fanfic
Summary: Ciel is exhausted after a tiring mission and just want to spend his evening quietly but a certain Indian prince and his boredom just wouldn't let him do as he pleased. Will Ciel get the chance to relax? Probably not.
Lee! Ciel / Ler! Soma
Masterlist (Theres more of this)
"Play with me."
"But I am bored"
"We already played chess for a few hours and the answer is still no. And now go, you're disturbing me."
"You're no fun Ciel."
The young earl took a deep breath, trying to control the boiling anger that took place in him.
He, Sebastian and his other servant's had just arrived in London, after finishing a mission which the Queen of England had personally laid in the hand of her loyal Watchdog and the young earl didn't want to admit it but he was really exhausted. They had headed to the London Residence of the Phantomhives and Ciel had already planned to spend the evening in peace, maybe snacking something sweet and go to sleep early but the second he had put a step into his mansion his plans got thrown over the table, because a certain prince had to follow every of his steps and demanded attention all the time. Soma had somehow managed it to get the younger boy into playing chess with him but after dinner he just wanted to be left alone and relax.
"Cieeel" whined Soma while robbing closer to the boy.
"We played chess for two hours, what does he still want from me?" thought the young earl lightly angered, while turning a page in the hard-covered book that easily contained over five-hundred pages and looked way too big for his thin arms to hold up. He hoped that Soma would be bored soon when he got ignored but it seemed that the prince had a lot of patience and it annoyed the earl to no end.
"Let's play cards"
"For the last time – No."
Ciel turned around so he was laying with his back to the taller teen, who was now sitting on the other side of the large four-poster-bed and tried to concentrate on his book.
"Cieeeel" whined the prince while pouting at the rejection but the younger teen just went on with ignoring him.
"It's not nice to ignore your guest Ciel. I'm a prince, it's a punishable act to ignore a prince."
Still, no reaction from the boy.
Soma couldn't believe how stubborn Ciel could be. He just wanted to spend time with him and do something fun but Ciel had to act like a spoilsport all the time. It wasn't fair that, when he had the chance to see the young earl, the other simply ignored him like he wasn't even there.
Soma thought a few minutes what he could do or say to get the boy's attention when he suddenly got an idea. It had always worked on him when he was younger and upset or not in the mood for playing but when Agni did it to him it always had cheered him up and get him to play with his favorite servant and the prince was sure that it just had to also work on the normally so stoic child in front of him.
"Hey Ciel. I want to ask you something." said the prince while watching the younger's back.
"Hmm", came the muffled response and the rustling from another page which was turned could be heard.
"Say... are you ticklish?"
Soma watched with amusement how Ciels body stiffed at the question. It seems that he had guessed right.
"No, I'm not", answered the earl slowly and tried to appear calm and collected while his mind worked overtime. If Soma would find out, that he in fact was very ticklish than he could forget his peaceful evening.
"Are you sure?", asked the grinning prince, already knowing by Ciels earlier reaction that the younger boy was clearly lying.
"Yes, I am sure and if you would excuse me now, I want to read this book."
"Nah, I think I will just test my theory." Soma while grinning mischievously and then pounced on the younger boy.
"Wait, what? What do you think you're doi-AH! G-get off!." The young earl couldn't do anything when a large body fell on top of him and pressed him into the soft mattress.
Before he could register what was happening, warm hands had already found their way to his sides and started kneading them.
Ciels lips started twitching upwards and he slapped his hand over his mouth as fast as he could, trying to block the giggles that were threatened to spill from his lips. Soma grin grew wider when he saw how the younger boy tried to contain his laughter, which he had trouble holding in, now even more motivated to make the normally so stoic earl laugh.
"Oh come on Ciel. I want to hear your laughter and not you try to hold it in." said Soma, while working his way upwards in direction of the boys ribs. Ciels trashing increased the higher the tickling hands wandered and he had struggles not to lose his composure and break down into a pile of laughter in giggles right here, which didn't remained hidden to the prince eyes.
"What's wrong Ciel? Does this tickle?", teased Soma, sure that Ciel will be more than pissed for that comment later, but that fact didn't really bothered him right now. The young earl could barely hold his arms up anymore, face getting redder with every moment and he squirmed retorted. Soma suddenly dug his hands into the young boys armpits who completely lost it at that point.
"Ahahaha S-sohohmaha", squeaked the boy when his arms shot down, in order to protect the sensitive spot under them but it was already too late. The prince grinned wickedly and wiggled his fingers furiously under the earls arms which let him squeak again and trash wildly, all the while laughing his head of.
"So you actually can laugh." said the prince with faked surprise in his voice. "Ohof c-couhuhrse, I cahahan laugh, yohohu idiohohot."
"It isn't nice to call your friends, idiots.", fake-scolded Soma.
"Wehehe aren't friehends." pressed Ciel out between his laughing fit.
"You sure have a bad mouth, Ciel. I think I have to punish you for being so mean to me." With that the purple haired teen clawed at the boys belly and vibrated his hands over it. The laughter turned into bright giggles and Soma couldn't believe his eyes, let alone his ears.
The earl of Phantomhive honest to god giggled and it sounded like one of the cutest things that the twenty sixth prince of Bengal had ever heard.
Soma was now even more motivated to make the young earl produce more of those angelic sounds and planned to find ever ticklish spot on the younger boys body, just to hear more of these cute laughter and giggles.
"So it seems like your upper body is definitely ticklish but what's with the rest?" While he was saying that, the dark skinned teen turned around to squeeze Ciels thighs and the spot right above his knee but he hadn't expect that the boy would buck so violently at that, still laughing and trashing and Soma who got caught by surprise fell over and down from the large bed.
Ciel took a few deep breaths trying to calm down a bit and then used the chance and quickly crawled over the bed, jumped down to the ground and sprinted to the door. Soma who had recovered rather fast, stood up and looked around, searching for his prey, just to see how the door fell back in its lock. He grinned and also start running, not wanting this game to end so soon.
Ciel was running down the corridor in direction main hall as fast as his short and skinny legs could carry him, noticing how his breath speed up rather fast. This was one of the time where the young earl coursed his weak body and how fast he could run out of breath.
He took the stairs and sprinted them down, carefully watching his step, so he wouldn't fell and made his way in the direction of the kitchens. When he had walked around the corner and stood in the corridor which led him to the kitchen, the pantry and also to the bedrooms which were used by the servant's he asked himself why he had out of all things run there.
He headed down the corridor, not running anymore, in order to give his body the chance to clam down a bit and stopped when he suddenly heard voices.
They came from the open door which belonged to one of the two kitchens and Ciel knew that he couldn't walk past it without anyone in the kitchen noticing him. So he just head to the door and looked in.
Mey-Rin and Finnian were sitting at a table, talking to Bard who also sit there but on the other side and he seemed to polish some kind of handgun. Agni and Sebastian stood at the sink and washed the crockery, the taller man washing it and the raven head drying it and put it to the right cupboards. The newest member of the Phantomhive servants, the ex-contortionist and former circus performer Snake stood a bit aside and whispered to one of his snakes which had made them-self comfortable on the boys shoulders.
Finnian was the first who noticed the presence of their master.
"Young Master what are you doing here?"
Now every one in the room stopped in the middle of what they were doing and looked visible surprised, at the boy who stood in the door, body bend forward with his hands on his knees, panting hard.
"Young Master, why are you so out of breath? Did you run?", asked Sebastian curious, noticing the lightly reddened cheeks and the fast panting of his master.
Ciel couldn't resent his servants and Agni that they wondered what was going on. When he had made his way down here he had seen himself in one of the mirrors that stood in the main hall and he had to admit that he looked a bit funny. His normally so perfect fitting clothes were creased, not to mention that he didn't even wore any shoes, - he didn't have the time to get them on, due his sudden escape -, his hair was tousled, his cheeks colored in a light shade of red and his breath was still rapid which could lead to the conclusion that he in fact has had rushed all the way down here.
Ciel opened his mouth in order to answer but then closed it promptly again, the faint shade of red on his cheeks deepening when a blush spread over his features as realized that he couldn't answer this simple question without embarrassing himself. He really didn't want to tell his servants and the Indian butler that he was running away from a certain stupid prince because he threatened to tickle him.
He wouldn't tell anybody about this.
It was just too embarrassing.
Sebastian raised and eyebrow, at his masters strange behavior but decided to stay silent about it.
"Cieeeeel. Where are yooou? You know I gonna get you."
The young earls eye grew wide when he hears the voice of his persecutor echoing trough the corridor. He was close on his heals. Ciel searched furiously for an escape route in his head when he heard the voice once again calling for him.
Ciel cursed under his breath. Somas voice sounded now even closer than before.
Sebastian again raised an eyebrow, but this time at his masters swearing,- as a demon he had a devilish good hearing-, and shook his head at the boys antics. It didn't befit a person which carried such high grades in the London society to use such words and even more if it comes from a child. Agni also seemed to have caught it, because right after the words had leaved the boys lips, he let a tea cup slip trough his from water and soap slippery hands. He was shocked that such an innocent looking child knew such vulgar words and if Sebastian and his good reflexes hadn't been there, then the expensive tea cup would have shattered into a thousand little pieces.
"Found you!"
The earls head shot up like a deer's who saw a predator as he heard these dangerous words and his eyes searched furiously for the source of the voice, which let shivers run down his spine and made his heart beat faster in fear.
And then he found it.
There, on the other end of the corridor stood Prince Soma Asman Kadar and grinned at him and Ciel knew from the look in his eyes that he couldn't escape.
But Ciel wasn't someone who gave up so easily. The moment where Soma started to move, he turned around and run for his life. He could hear the prince laugh behind him and the sounds of faster becoming steps echoed trough the corridor.
Ciel could feel his heart beat like crazy in his chest and the blood roaring in his ears as he sprinted down the hall.
The steps behind him got closer and closer.
Ciel had managed to nearly sprint around the corner when he suddenly felt how strong arms wrapping around his waist and he was hoisted up from the ground.
"Caught you!" laughed Soma happily and turned the boy around in his hold so he could heave him over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?! Let me down!" yelled the captured boy and struggled in the prince strong hold.
"Well, I still haven't found all your ticklish spots yet, little Ciel." answered the prince, his smile clearly visible in his voice. Soma carried the earl back to the room where he and Ciel had been earlier,- when he had walked with Ciel thrown over his shoulder, past the open kitchen door, the looks he had got were more than funny, - and threw the still struggling boy on the bed. Before Ciel could crawl away, hands gripped his ankles and he got pulled back. Soma grinned at the squirming teen and put his feet in a headlock. Then he started to tease the boy.
"I bet you are ticklish on your feet Ciel. What would you say? Does this tickle?" While he said that, he slowly dragged a single finger along the boys sole.
Ciel squeaked and quickly put his hands over his mouth, his foot twitching in Somas hold and his whole body flinched when the prince repeated the whole process another time.
"Ah Ciel, I thought we had the hole "put-hand-over-your-mouth-story" already behind us." whined the older boy with faked complain in his voice.
"Yohuhu are s-suhuch a duhuhmbahass!" yelled Ciel angrily but the anger in his voice got drowned by the giggles that followed when Soma lightly scratched with his short fingernails over the boys socked soles.
"You're so mean to me all the time Ciel." fake whined the prince and then let his fingers scribble furiously all over the boys feet. Ciels giggled turned into bright loud laughter and he twisted and turned in Soma hold like a fish on land.
"AHAHA S-Soma! Nohoho not thehehre!" screamed the earl trough the wave of laughter that spilled from his mouth. He had quit with trying to hold it in and was now freely laughing, giggling and shrieking in mirth when Soma found a more sensitive spot after another. When the young earl squealed as the prince tickled right under his toes, Soma also started to laugh. It was just too funny and adorable to see the young earl like this.
When Ciels voice started to get hoarse from all the laughing, the prince stopped with his tickling. He knew that Ciel had lit under asthma when he was younger and he couldn't take too much because of his weak lungs and Soma didn't want to risk that something happened to the boy because he was to ruthless with him.
Ciel panted hard after the attack had suddenly stopped and he rolled on his back so he could look at the prince who sat on the edge of the bed.
"I hope you had your fun." deadpan the younger boy and focused his eyes on the ceiling while he tried to get his breath under control.
"I had lots of fun!" said Soma happily and Ciel looked back at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face, not believing how someone could be such an idiot who didn't even understand when someone was being sarcastic.
The boy sighed and rolled his eyes, when suddenly a yawn escaped his mouth.
"When did I even got this tired?" he asked himself inwardly and soon felt how his eyelids started to get heavier. Before he knew what was happening his eyes had already closed and he had fallen asleep.
Soma turned around to look at the boy when he saw that Ciel was deep asleep. Soma smiled at the relaxed expression on the boys face. He looked more like a child when he was asleep. The prince carefully hoisted the now silent earl in his arms, tugged at the blanket and laid the child back on the bed. Then he carefully covered him so his little friend wouldn't get cold and smiled at the sleeping silhouette in front of him.
When he looked at Ciels sleeping face, he noticed that he also was pretty tired. "Ciel won't mind it too much if I sleep here right?" he asked himself and just slipped under the covers himself. It only needed a few moments till the Indian prince also fell into a deep slumber, snuggled close to the smaller body which laid beside him.
Sebastian knocked gently on the door to the room where his master would spend the night.
"Young master?" he asked. When he didn't get an answer he waited a few moments and then opened the door quietly. As he entered the room, he was more than a bit surprised at what he found there. On his masters bed were laying two bodies, the larger one on his side, facing a smaller one who laid on his back. The taller person had an arm thrown over the smaller body and pressed it closer to its chest.
Sebastian lit a candelabra, - as a demon he could see in the dark but it was a habit which he had got, after starting to work for the Young Master, - and looked a bit closer at the two bodies.
There on the masters bed were laying prince Soma and the Young Master himself, cuddling while they were both deep asleep. To say that the demon of a butler was surprised at that sight was an understatement.
After Sebastian had won his composure back he bowed one time in the direction of the bed, his hand seeded over the place where his heart should be and he whispered;
"Good night Young master, good night prince Soma."
Then he turned around and walked, without making any noise back to the door. "I can't wait for the next morning." thought the demon with a devious smile plastered on his fave as he walked out of the bed-chamber and quietly closed the door behind himself.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hey, I hope you are doing okay! Reading TGSTLTH is honestly a religion for me now, it is an amazing story.
I particularly like your interpretation of Sebastian being a social outcast in hell, it really fits the canon. In the Jack the Ripper Arc, where Will and Sebastian first encounter each other, Will asks "Why would a beast like yourself want to dress up as a butler?" Or something among the lines of that. And it goes to show how out of character Sebastian is among his kind.
That being said, I have this theory that demons do not usually take an active role in their contracts, they are usually sitting on the sidelines using magic to solve problems and whatnot. I only think this because of the Reapers and Angela's reaction to Sebastian's role in his and Ciels contract. Every other supernatural being seems to not understand why Sebastian is demeaning himself by presenting himself as a human butler and serving Ciel directly. From what you've said about demons, they quickly fulfill their master's wish and don't spend time pretending to be a human, especially not in a lowly position as a butler.
I was wondering what you think on this subject, is Sebastian one of the only demons to serve their masters as a human? Did Sebastian ever have such an active role before, where he changed his form for his master?
Thx ❤️ xoxo
Hi! Thank you so much for your wonderful, encouraging words!
I always felt that Sebastian has a contradictory status in Hell. On the one hand, he's obviously strong, and demons like Claude and Hannah seem to respect him (in a twisted way). He holds himself with a lot of pride and dignity, he's confident and self-assured. But on the other hand, he's so greedy for praise. He basks in it, he loves attention, and he genuinely enjoys the concept of being admired. This, plus the comments everyone else makes got me thinking that Sebastian is a weirdo who doesn't feel like he belongs in his world, with his fellow demons. He might have their respect but not their true admiration and regard, so he compensates for it by showing off in front of humans, most of whom are more authentically responsive to it. That's one of the reasons why earning Ciel's regard is so important to him: Ciel is extremely hard to please now, but when it happens, his stiff acknowledgement means the world. Sebastian lives for it now, even if he's not fully aware of the extent of it yet.
And yes, I also think that other demons seek to end their contracts as soon as possible. They prey on humans who make easy wishes, fulfil them through magic and then eat them, often in one day. Sebastian is different as he enjoys a challenge. Like he himself said, he got tired of mindless eating. In BoA, he thinks how annoying it might be to serve Ciel but how he can wait even if it takes a lifetime because it should pass quickly enough for him. Granted, he doesn't look all that eager, but it shows that he was willing to spend a lot of time cultivating a perfect soul for a meal. This amazes all other supernatural creatures who come in contact with him. The fact that Sebastian not only serves Ciel long-term but is clearly going above and beyond the contract is even more confusing to demons.
I imagine Sebastian had a few lengthy contracts before, but I don't think they lasted for more than a couple of years, and they signified only extremely interesting cases. We know how easily Sebastian gets bored - he tried to eat Ciel just months into their contract, so I doubt the situation was different with others. I'll probably flesh this all out in future chapters.
And yes, I'm sure other demons choose contracts that don't require them to actually be servants. Like, making someone rich, accompanying someone somewhere, getting them stuff, etc.
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storytowrite · 1 year
Love Untold (OT8 x F! Reader)
Chapter 4
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Paring: Han x reader Genre: fluff, angst Warnings: swearing, mention of sex, violence, panic attacks, mention of blood Word Count: 3,117 Masterlist
Due to the work of your parents, you are forcet to constantly move. However, this time moving houses let to interesting and unusual events. You met 8 handsome boys at school and somehow you managed to move in with them. How will your fate go?
You couldn't concentrate at all. You sat spellbound with your eyes glued to a small piece of paper. Your smile never left your face. You quickly save Changbin's number in your phone, adding a little heart next to his name.
When the bell rang, a teacher entered the room, which you didn't notice, you were too immersed in dreams about Changbin.
You were snapped out of your trance by a man who took the note from your hands in one quick move.
" What the fuck!?" You raised your voice aggressively as you stood up from your desk and turned to face the person who had taken the small message from you.
As soon as you saw the person standing in front of you, your eyes widened.
You suddenly took your breath away and your ears turned red. You quickly apologized and put your head down, staring at the floor.
"Why don't you share with the class what interests you so much Miss Y/n" The teacher said in a stern voice, looking at the piece of paper.
You didn't want to say anything, why give another reason to laugh at you. You lowered your head and nodded slightly in denial. 
The teacher just sighed and you heard the horrible sound of paper ripping. Your head shot up, eyes wide open towards the sound. You couldn't believe that the teacher was destroying your message from Changbin.
You picked up the scraps of paper that were now flying to the ground, then sat down at your desk. Your eyes glazed over as you tried to put the torn pieces back together.
You heard soft whispers filling the classroom, you knew they were talking about you, but you didn't care. For others, it was just a piece of paper, but for you, it was the only sign that someone was actually interested in you unselfishly.
The rest of the lesson you were in the room with your body but your brain wandered towards the boy you met earlier. You felt a great need to hug him. You felt a bit like a ten-year-old who sighs for her favorite idols and gets excited about their every move.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the faint sound of your phone. At first you didn't pay attention to who was trying to contact you, you thought it was probably Sebastian or one of your parents.
You didn't have a good relationship with your mom or dad. They were always busy and closed upon their business world. Everything was more important than you, after all, the money had to match. They tried to make up for their absence with expensive gifts, pets, and new servants. That's how you met Sebastian. Even though you adored him, he was the only one who wanted to know about you, listened to you when you needed to talk, and even remembered all the important dates for you, he still was no substitute for the love you should have received from your parents. You were angry at your parents for never being there for you and for those terrible moves that were against your will.
When you heard the notification sound once again, you picked up your phone annoyed and checked who was calling you. The name "Hannie" appeared on the screen, you excitedly gripped the phone tighter and quickly read the message.
Han is a boy you met on Tinder about 2 years ago. At one of your ex-schools, you made a bet with a friend who could get more guys on Tinder. Of course you've met a lot of guys, but the first message they ever sent you was "Do you want to fuck?" Until Jisung showed up. He was obviously interested in you, and not in a sexual way. It started with him texting you every once in a while about some stupid stuff, then you started texting every day. You both opened up to each other, you knew his every secret and he knew every one of yours. Unfortunately, about half a year ago things started to get complicated. You felt like you were starting to have feelings for him, even though you'd never met him. Unless we count staring at his photos on the app.
A month ago your contact broke off. You didn't have time to reply or you were out of reach. Of course, because of those stupid moves. You missed him like hell, but you couldn't bring yourself to text him after so long. So a message from him was salvation for you. Your heart beat faster again, a smile painted on your face, you held your breath as you read the short message.
Hannie: Hey cutie, I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long, but I've been really busy with school. Tell me quickly what happened to you?
You were all excited, you started tapping your feet under the table, smiling stupidly.
Y/N: Hey Hannie. I missed you, you know? Everything is fine with me, although the new school seems so different to me. Everything is so nice and modern here, but some of the teachers look like they broke free from the army, especially the PE guy.
As usual, you made up your mind, after all, you had such a good time talking to him. Without putting the phone down, you waited with great hope for an answer. You felt like if someone were to take your pulse right now, it would be like you'd run a marathon. After a while, those longed-for three dots appeared. You made puppy eyes and smiled wider.
Hannie: I missed you too, sunshine. Hah I know something about that, I have a terrible PE teacher too. What school did your parents send you to this time? Maybe you'll finally be a little closer to me and I'll be able to see you? I wish I could finally see your beautiful face.
You felt like a wave of heat, go through your body, that directed all its power into your cheeks. You missed such lovely messages, you missed Han in general.
Y/N: This time my wonderful parents decided that we were changing the country because they got bored of the US and I came to South Korea. This time my mother wanted to go back to her country, do business here. As for my school, it's probably some XYZ, but I don't remember, I didn't pay attention.
After writing the message, Han did not reply for a long time. The lesson ended, and without taking your eyes off the screen that seemed to be stuck, you packed up and left the classroom. Still not looking up, you made your way to the parking lot as your classes for today are over.
After a few steps through the long, emptying corridor, you noticed the long-awaited 3 dots. You stared at your phone harder as if it was about to disappear.
Hannie: Y/N you won't believe...I go to the same school as you. We have to meet. Are you still in school?
You couldn't believe what you just saw. Your Hannie with you at school. Your best friend here. After all this time, you will finally be able to see him. You were excited, your body tensed with happiness. You quickly started clicking on the letters, trying to make meaningful sentences out of them.
You suddenly hit something and fell to the ground. Your phone flew out of your hands and flew away from you, landing under the cabinets. Confused, you cursed under your nose. You scratched your head and brushed your hair away from your face.
When you looked up, you couldn't believe what you saw. Your eyes widened as if you had seen a ghost.
In front of you stood none other than Han Jisung, your best friend and boy you have a big crush on.
The boy was also obviously surprised. Your reactions were very similar to each other. Jisung's eyes stared at you in surprise and disbelief. You didn't take your eyes off each other for a moment.
You both wondered if the person in front of you was real or just a figment of your imagination.
Han finally snapped out of it and smiled widely at you. It was the best and most sincere smile you've ever seen in your entire life.
"Y/N!" he shouted with happiness, hugged you and lifted you up, spinning with you in his hands.
You felt like you were in a fairy tale and you just met your prince charming. A feeling of joy filled your whole body, and all your sorrows faded into oblivion. All that mattered now was Jisung.
Your eyes glazed over from the droplets of water forming in them. You snuggled closer to him, wrapping your legs around his waist and burying your head into the crook of his neck. You wished this moment would never end.
Finally, Jisung stopped spinning and placed you gently on the ground, making sure you didn't fall over. He pulled away from you, but you still didn't break eye contact and the smile on your faces only grew bigger.
“Y/N is it really you? I can't believe I met you here." He said, examining every inch of your body with his eyes.
"Yes, it's me. Wow, Hannie, after all this time, I finally got to see you in real life. Maybe this move wasn't so bad." You were as excited as a little child, you couldn't stop the little jumps of happiness. This brought a sweet puppy smile to the boy's face.
“Do you have time now? Can we go to a coffee shop? I have so much to tell you." He asked with hope in his eyes. Hoping you'll go with him and spend more time together.
Without thinking for a moment, you agreed and went to the coffee shop together. Han ordered your favorite drink for you, which you told him about during one of your long phone conversations. Your heart warmed as he placed it in front of you. You were surprised that he still remembered such details of your life. It made you realize that you still had feelings for him, but you didn't know what feelings.
You talked, laughed and joked all the time. After all, you had to make up for lost time without each other. You didn't know how long it had been since you sat down at the coffee shop, but you didn't care, right now you were the happiest person.
You had a wonderful conversation, you had a lot in common and you would have talked longer if it wasn't for someone calling Han. The boy apologized to you and quickly answered the call.
“I'm sorry Y/n, but I have to go now. It was great talking to you and we definitely need to do it again. Best as soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow? I will call you. See you later, baby." He said in one breath, not letting you get a word in.
He kissed you on the cheek and stormed out of the cafe, leaving you in shock.
Baby, that word stuck in your head. You lightly brushed your cheek with your fingers where Jisung's lips had been a moment ago. You didn't expect a guy to have such soft lips. You couldn't believe what just happened.
What was so important that Han left so soon? What was all this supposed to mean? You tried to answer these questions in your head, but your head seemed to be as empty as a black hole. Only after a while, when the waiter approaches you, you come back to earth.
You quickly got up and made your way to the parking lot. Halfway through, you realized you didn't have your phone with you. You panicked as you tried to remember where you left it. You ran to the coffee shop but it wasn't there so you went back to school, searched the corridors.
The phone was under one of the cabinets in the corridor where you bumped into Jisung. You checked if the glass is not broken and then you saw 12 missed calls from Sebastian and 10 from parents. You started to panic, you knew you fucked up. Your body was in a cold sweat.
You quickly dialed Sebastian's number and quickly made your way to the parking lot. Your heart pounded wildly in fear as each beep was followed by silence.
“Hello Miss Y/n, where are you? Everyone has been worried about Miss for 2 hours and trying to find Miss. Your parents are furious, please come to school as soon as possible, I will take you home." When you had no more hope, the voice of the butler spoke. He was calm, but you sensed a note of concern and consternation.
You sprinted to the indicated place, you don't think you've ever run so fast and a moment later you were there. Sebastian was already waiting for you and you got into the car.
While driving, you kept moving your legs nervously, you were afraid of what was about to happen. Usually you didn't give a shit what your parents told you or told you to do, but lately they've become very aggressive, especially your father.
All because one of their shareholders died in an accident and his company refuses to cooperate with your parents.
When you arrived at the house, you were afraid to get out of the car, but you knew that a confrontation with your father would be inevitable. You took 3 deep breaths and headed home. Of course, your parents were waiting for you there, they were obviously pissed off.
You stood in front of them without saying a word and with your head down, waiting for the fuck.
"Where have you been? Everyone was looking for you. What's the use of a phone if you can't be reached? Ungrateful daughter!” Your father yelled at you, slapping you with his hand. 
You bit your lip hard trying to hold back the tears that formed in your eyes. The father was aggressive, but he'd never raised a hand on you before.
“Sorry, I was hanging out with a friend in a coffee shop and I didn't have my phone with me. It won't happen again.” You stuttered quietly, trying not to show that you were scared.
You looked up slightly to see your father's reaction. He didn't seem happy with that excuse, in fact he was even angrier. With the corner of your eye, you saw your mother, who was standing with her arms folded, and Sebastian, who was fighting with himself not to come over and help you.
“I wish I didn't have a daughter like you. I have only problems with you! It would have been better if you hadn't been born." He grunted, turned on his heel and left the room. Behind him, like a faithful dog, your mother followed.
His words hit you harder than his fists. You bit your lip harder until you tasted the metallic taste of blood. Your body rebelled against you and tears streamed down your cheeks. You didn't want to stay there any longer, so you ran to your room.
You locked yourself in it and fell into despair. You couldn't even control the tears that flooded your eyes. You were a total mess, hoping your father just said it emotionally, but the more you thought about it, the less you believed it.
You grabbed your phone and texted Han without thinking.
Y/N: Hannie, save me, I'm scared
Then things got really bad. Your breathing sped up a lot. Tears began to roll down to your throat, choking you. You panicked. A trickle of blood from your lip began to run down your neck. It really wasn't good. All you knew was that if you didn't calm down soon, you'd pass out.
The whole world began to spin slowly, you felt disoriented, your consciousness was slowly turning off. When you heard the phone ring. You looked at the screen… It was Han. You answered the call and Jisung's worried face appeared on the screen.
Barely keeping your balance, trying at all costs to take the breath you needed so much, you looked at the boy.
“God, Y/n what's going on!” He asked, obviously worried. You didn't have to tell him to know you were having a panic attack. You've been through it together many times. “Hey, hey, hey sweetie, do you remember what we do in this situation? Look at me and take deep breaths. I am by your side and I will always be by your side.” You did everything he asked you to and slowly began to calm down. “That's right sunshine, you're doing great. Let's breathe together, deep breaths." You managed to control your breathing even though your heart was still pounding.
You wiped the tears from your cheeks, but you still felt unsure. Although just seeing Han appearing by your side whenever you needed him calmed you down a bit.
“Fuck Y/n you're bleeding. Someone hit you? It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you in the coffee shop like that." The boy was terrified, approaching the camera to look closer.
"No no no. It's not your fault. I did it myself, but it's nothing. Take it easy.” You gently lifted the corner of your mouth and wiped away the blood that was dripping down your face.
Suddenly you heard knocking on the door. You panicked again, without any warning you hung up and turned off your phone. You thought it was your parents, even though they probably wouldn't knock.
“Miss Y/n, I know this isn't the best time to talk, but I brought Miss hot chocolate with whipped cream. I will put it under the door and if Miss wants it, can take it.” You heard Sebastian's voice from outside the door and you felt a little relieved.
You waited a moment and slowly opened the door, making sure your parents weren't anywhere around. You quickly took the chocolate and closed the room again. You took a sip of it and felt the heat flowing through your body.
Sebastian knew you well. He always brought you hot chocolate when you were feeling a little bit down, so now you associated it with care and comfort. After you drank the whole thing, you felt like you were back in kindergarten and didn't have any worries.
The emotions that had been tormenting you all day turned into fatigue. Without changing into your pajamas, you laid down in bed and drifted off into dreamland.
<- Part 3 | Part 5 ->
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purpleandstarlight · 11 months
Dadbastianweek 2023 - Day four: Different Kids
Sebastian sighed, finally alone in his own room in the servant quarters, feeling more rested than he ever had in the past couple of years, and yet also somewhat more annoyed.
It was quite the troublesome situation the one he found himself in - having his own Young Master stuck in bed, paralysed by fear in a way that even the demon, who was with him more often than anyone else during the day, never got to see, and ending up serving a different kid- but if he wasn't able to adapt to this type of situation, what kind of butler would he be?
It was an all around different experience - as one should expect. While his former master was cold and prideful, even at a young age, the other one was kind and wild.
Where the head of the Phantomhive household would have given him an annoyed grimace or -at most- a roll of his one visible eye for any of his inhumanly perfect acts of showmanship, the young witch praised even his less impressive tricks, and lit up like a child on Christmas.
The demon couldn't say this was unwelcomed, as he was proud of his own skills, and the usual lack of response from the one he was supposed to serve was quite annoying, if amusing, however, he still had his share of problems, even with the gentler master of the two.
While, for all the problems he'd always given him, even as a ten years old his usual Young Master had at least the good sense of being polite during his meals (thanks to a mix of being brought up as a noble who's expected to have decent manners, being too prideful to act like a starving beast, and generally being too low-energy to bother) the green witch was quite...unlady-like. And while he could at least prod her a bit, he wasn't allowed to be as strict as he would have liked. First off, because she was a Lady, and while demons didn't quite care about being rude to a different gender as humans were (or cared about their own gender in general), his persona as 'Sebastian, the perfect butler' cared quite a bit.
Second of all, he simply couldn't.
While his former charge knew of his demonic nature and either didn't care about being roughed up by him during their past lessons or couldn't do much of anything about it, the whole village would have been even more against them if he made the Young Lady cry, and they would have lost their only ally there. The Phantomhive Earl would have also been extremely upset at it because -for someone who said he didn't care about anyone- he really cared about innocent people's well being, especially of those who aided him or showed him honest affection. Although, the demon mused, he would have taken an angry Master over the current spineless and pathetic one he currently had any day.
The lack of teasing had also been...boring. Worsening the Phantomhive's household head's already constantly sour mood had become a favorite hobby of his, and although usually childish or annoying, some of his Young Master's biting remarks were quite entertaining.
However, for already explained reasons, that bit was out of the table when it came to the Green Witch.
He had almost hoped in stirring some drama when his newly appointed charge had questioned his former Lord's past, wich -Thanks to the condition set by the young Phantomhive himself, wich made it so he couldn't lie- would have given him the perfect excuse to spill everything about their contract to a moral human being.
The result could have been extremely entertaining.
Mayhaps the lady would have tried to defend the slightly older kid, and the demon would have had to kill her, wich would have alerted the villagers and brought them to their death as well. Maybe the chaos would have made his Young Master angry enough to snap out of the pitiful state he was in, or if not, the demon could have at least let out some steam. He was getting restless...Honestly, he hadn't been so bored in years.
But no. The Young Lady had shown some courtesy that his lord would have certainly appreciated, but him, at that moment? Not so much.
It was somewhat amusing, at least, to see the lady's former butler squirm when the little girl thoughtlessly said things like "You're so much better than Wolfram at this!" or "You should be more like him, Wolfram". They were said without trace of real malice - but the man was clearly bothered to be seemingly thrown away by the child he saw as his own family.
He found from past contracts that human jealousy could be the foundation for the most entertaining tragedies, but his own household never gave space to such emotions. His young master did show preference in his servants, but only in the way that Sebastian was the one he disliked the most, and treated accordingly. And even if the demon appeared to be the best butler in all of England, Tanaka was too respectable of a man to feel jealousy for a fellow co-worker, or even act on it, and the rest of the servants were just too naive to feel any sort of anger or sadness because of Sebastian's skills in the first place.
(With a start, he realized he somewhat preferred his original experience with the Phantomhives, but quickly shook his head. It was probably because he found it easier to work with people who didn't throw a tantrum over him simply trying to do his job.)
The amount of annoyance displayed by the German man couldn't be enough to get his mind off the situation at hand, though.
Bard, usually way too enthusiastic when it came to cooking, passed the whole time zoning out. Mey Rin had been caught crying by the demon more than once, though she tried her best to keep it hidden. Tanaka was even quieter than normal, and Snake's usually serious expression looked even more grim.
Finny was with the young master most of the day, but when he came back, his expressions was uncharacteristically grim with worry.
They all looked like they were mourning someone - wich was not only ridiculous (the child was only throwing a temper tantrum after all) but also...not as entertaining as he thought it would be.
He'd always been bothered by those idiots' chaotic streak, but as they wandered around, looking like ghosts...Sebastian didn't like it. It felt ever worse to think about what they'd look like when the child would actually be dead.
When they were most annoying, the butler liked to think about seeing them one last time when they discovered their former Master's corpse, face full of mourning. Even entertained the thought of giving away his identity, just to make spice it all up that much more, before officially disappearing from their lives.
This should have been a nice taste of that, so why was he feeling so...weird, all of a sudden?
How annoying.
Shaking his head, the demon set up to continue his research.
That child had better recover soon.
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blue-sterling0357 · 2 years
Hello, may I request some headcanons of Ciel with a chill S/O that went threw similar abuse he did when they were young??
(Not like they were in an occult, maybe they were in a bad orphanage or a bad catholic school)
(I kinda like the idea of a catholic school, so let's go with that....Do keep in mind, that this is no way romanticizing trauma, abuse or harassment, it's just for entertainment purposes, also trigger warning)
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Chill S/O who went through similar trauma
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⌘ Oh poor you, you’ve also been through a lot of trauma…Haven’t you? Hmm Ciel was quite surprised about the similar trauma you’ve been through….
⌘He’s curious… Why are you so nonchalant about it? It’s not normal for someone to act like nothing is wrong with them after they’ve been through horrible trauma, is it?
⌘If you ever want to tell him about your trauma from the catholic school, how they treated you and how it comes back to you time to time, he’s there for you to listen, but he can never hear any type of abuse happening to you.
⌘If you escaped and the catholic school is still there, all the members who tortured, abused and harassed you or even tried to do so, are tortured for over a long time period, by Sebastian.
⌘All your abusers are going to feel the same amount of pain they caused you, if they are even alive that is.
⌘You both kinda do bond over the fact that you both went through similar trauma, it’s one of your fucked up humor. Sebastian is deeply concerned for you both, but he does like how you tried escaping your punishments.
⌘If you have any type of trigger, it’s probably going to be removed, especially if it’s going to annoy Sebastian to no end, Ciel likes the upset emotion on his face, he thinks it’s hilarious and it is, but Sebastian is probably going to get Ciel back for this, the thing is still not coming back into the manor because Sebby also likes you like a little sister or his child.
⌘If you ever wanna vent about something, he would always be there for you, no matter the time, except when at 3:26 in the morning, please don’t, during that time, you can vent to Sebastian, but not him as Sebastian will yell at him the next morning if he is caught dozing off.
⌘He will be extremely patient with you, never yelling, hitting or being harsh with you, he’s afraid that you will be scared of him and break your relationship which holds so close to his heart.
⌘Similar to him, you probably also have a few nightmares here and there which truly frighten you, so you aren’t able to sleep on those nights, he will lay with you until you calm down and fall asleep again.
⌘Oh yeah! Did I mention, he only allows you to sleep with him in his room, and you aren’t allowed to have your own room? Yeah… he wants to be there with you 24/7; if you have nightmares, if you can’t sleep due to paranoia, etc.
⌘Also if you ever cry due to your trauma, he is also going to crying tears with you, as you both have similar trauma, he feels as though you were also in the occult with him and he saw you being tortured by those bastards.
⌘Also due to this feeling he has, if anything ever happens to you, he definitely has a panic attack as he thinks you’re going faint right there or something, due to his feeling of you being there with him in the occult and you died, it could be something minor as fuck like a paper cut or a tiny hit on a table where you let out a tiny “ow..” even though it didn’t hurt……
⌘Also,  if you’re crying, he is definitely going to ball-dance with you to calm you down, even though he is bad, he tries extremely hard during those times for you, so you don’t get hurt, and imma be honest he does very well during those times.
⌘Mostly he’s happy, you’re pretty normal, unlike all his servants who are crazy and problematic for him.
⌘He loves you, so much that it physically hurts him sometimes because he forgets to breathe upon the thought of you and as Seb says “My grace, you simply take his breath away~” and you’re like “Uhm..Sebastian, he’s chocking due to asthma as well and nowww….he fainted….”
⌘He loves you, so so so so so so much!!!!
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deevotee · 2 years
im still in the school arc reading wise so i dont know everything abt the servants back stories yet, but i cant stop thinking about bard starting work at the manor and just living with this expectation that one day he will watch all of them die too
maybe the feeling slowly starts to go away with time, it may only be a couple years but he watches sebastian and mey rin take down enemies with ease, an old man still in his prime who couldnt be taken down by even a burning house, and two kids who were both the last ones standing of their own pasts, and he starts to think "maybe itll be okay this time"
and THEN the murder arc happens. he comes face to face with his superman, the very best fighter they have, meeting his end. just every hope that had blossomed in his chest being torn out all at once, but thats his life and he keeps moving forward so he can take care of the rest of them. i always imagined that in the time it took for them to set up sebastians funeral that bard had a breakdown the first moment he was alone and not expected to do anything
even when sebastian is 'back alive' i imagine the dread cant go away, nawing at him again and making him see all of the phantom-fam's dead faces in his dreams. him waking up in the middle of the night and going to check on sebastian, who's usually awake and then has to deal with a worried bard nagging at him to sleep and refuses to leave until he does. he'll stay just a touch too long once he thinks sebastian is asleep, staring at him face and his chest to ensure he's breathing and there with him before going to sleep in his own bed
and then the campania arc happens :) where sebastian and ciel miraculously survive a sinking ship but sebastian is ACTUALLY wounded for realsies so he probably looked like shit when they got back to the manor on top of ciel being sick af from asthma. in my heart of hearts bard became the full on commander of the manor for like a week, having mey-rin and tanaka take care of ciel while he forced sebastian to let bard take care of him. sebastian figures out just how annoying someone who cares for him can really be, but he was ordered to rest so he cant even really fight him on it
i could go on and on tbh but ill stop the rambling here i just think about these two a lot lately and esp bard, the poor dude has to be hanging on by a thread
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
hey so who are your favourite characters in black butler? like a top ten or something
heyyyy thanks for asking! sure, always nice to cover the basics. ofc this will probably not be surprising to anyone who's heard me rant for a while now, but I'll explain it anyway.
top 3 first:
1. Ciel: an atrocious guy with very little social personality, and one of the best written protagonists I've personally read. I'm just really into digging through this guy's brain, and when he isn't destroying people he's doing things that end up being funny.
2. Sebastian: another well written protagonist, despite the fact that we know absolutely nothing about him other than the fact that his personality is "cats, I'm better than everyone, except for agni maybe". I remember in my first year in the fandom a friend and I had a like 2 hour long text conversation about how much we hated and loved Sebastian. terrible guy, couldn't have the series without him, leaves a lot to think about.
3. Grelle: she's just as if not more atrocious than the last 2 cause she made these awful decisions herself, but that doesn't stop me from respecting her work ethic and just thinking she's awesome in general. and aside from how cool she looks, I think her inner thoughts and relationships with her coworkers is so curious, there is a lot to explore here. compelling character for me.
and following:
4. Elizabeth: she's one of the purest characters out there and she is so complex. a good amount of people hate her or just find her annoying for whatever reason, but I think the trend here is that the more flawed the character is the better. she's trying so hard to please everyone. probably one of the most relatable characters in her own way.
5. Soma: the source of joy in my life, God I wish he was my friend. he and Agni are basically equal in my ranking, I think they're just the kid mentor duo, but unfortunately only one of them has the chance to keep developing... ;;;^;;;
6. Agni: "agni" was good every day of his life until the end. the only thing he did wrong was out of loyalty for Soma, Sebastian should be jealous of him cause he is all the butler that Sebastian will never be. plus he just cries sometimes and I respect that.
7. Ronald: this is such a fun guy, and yet I am capable of having long conversations about him and everything that he could have possibly been through, it has been done. his workplace dynamic is perfect. everyone needs a Ron.
8. Finny: another pure being, he's such an interesting and honestly rare character, I don't often see other people like him in media, so obviously he's interesting. he's one of the only characters in kuro who have deep trauma and yet doesn't act negatively on it, either because he's unable to comprehend it at length or because his love and positivity for all things is just stronger. also he's Ciel's big bro fr.
9. Meyrin: she's awesome, Hollywood and feminists alike wish they were able to write a strong female character like her😏 she's freakishly powerful and one of the most feminine people out there, and she deserves that after what she's been through. I will never stop supporting her, she's everyone's big sis and she's adorable.
10. Bard: proud dad to all the servants, he's the wacky beer uncle that we all wish we had. he's conservative but just give him some time cause he does care about people and what makes them happy.
hope this satisfies you and doesn't completely contradict your own list of favorites! have a good day
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adhd-mess · 2 years
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—it’s just being alone with you
Ciel and Sebastian have a quiet routine. Ciel does his work in peaceful silence and Sebastian tidies up his study.
read on ao3
Once again Ciel was hard at work. It was only menial work—it was stuff Ciel had done a thousand times before—thankfully because of that it did not require every second of his attention. He’d never admit that of course, would not want his servants—or fiancé—to get the idea it was okay to bother him.
He enjoyed the silence that draped over his study like the eye of a storm; calm now but you know what lays ahead so you relish the calm moments preparing for the worst.
The only noises were the occasional crackling of the twigs from the lit hearth, the pen on paper, and his demon tidying up his study.
Somehow they always seemed to cross paths during these few and far between moments that even though ephemeral they seemed to stretch on for days. If he could he would bottle these moments for when he needed them.
Perhaps it was the feeling of leisure, or maybe even comfortability between them and of it all that made him want to savor these peaceful times and keep them for himself. These days they were too fleeting for his liking which made the want to bottle them strengthen.
He hadn’t realized his hand had stalled. Not only that but his gaze had lifted from his work to his demon who was dusting one of his many oak wood bookshelves. The one in particular he was cleaning was to his left and closest bookshelf to him.
He watched him dust with languid—yet precise—strokes effectively clearing the dust that had accumulated on the shelves. With a flick his wrist the dust was gone. He marveled at that. Ciel had never been an adept cleaner.
His demon seemed to be focused on what he was doing, his crimson eyes slightly glowing and his brows furrowed in concentration. Somehow every strand of his hair stayed perfectly in place. His raven hair tinged with a firelight glow.
It was a comfortable and rare silence between the two. No need for words to fill the gap between them; only tranquil silence.
Without sparing Ciel a look, Sebastian spoke, “is there something you require, young master? You have been staring at me for quite some time now.” The pen fell from his loose grip and he blinked a few times. This was not the first time this had happened during one of their stolen moments. Why would he acknowledge it now?
Ciel cleared his throat and struggled to find a response. Although caught off guard he still felt in a trance. The eye had not left yet.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose, let out a fake annoyed sigh, then glanced with faux irritation at his cup of Earl gray. “I was hoping you would catch the hint but that seems to be another thing your kind is not skilled at.”
Sebastian turned to him in a swift motion and bowed. “I apologize, young master, for overlooking your cue. It seems I am still learning the non verbal language your kind prefers over words.” Although hidden from his toppling hair Ciel could barely make out the smile playing on Sebastian’s lips. “What ever may I do for you?” He rose back to his full height, the smile gone from his face making Ciel wonder if he had made it up entirely.
Scoffing, Ciel nodded towards his teacup. “A nice steaming cup of Earl gray.” Sebastian nodded, then he collected Ciel’s teacup.
He watched the demon turn to leave his tailcoat swishing behind him. A weird feeling unfurled in his stomach as Sebastian neared the door. He feared that once his demon retrieved the tea he would not come back and the calm of the eye would pass and life would resume. Ciel was not ready for this moment to end. Not yet at least. “Then you may come back and continue cleaning.” He said but his voice was quiet and not even he could hide the emotion lying within his words.
His demon whirled around to face him, his face flawless and unreadable as usual. Although his head was tilted ever so slightly and his eyes narrowed almost imperceptible to the untrained eye. His hands
were in front of him, his palms facing the ceiling with the teacup sitting on his palms. The image of perfection.
Ciel felt bare in front of his unrelenting gaze, as if his demon could see every thought that swirled in his brain. He straightened at that and shuffled the papers in front of him.
The demon quirked a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Is that what you truly want, young master?” Sebastian took a step closer, his eyes aglow now and his pupils thinned to crescent moons. Ciel swallowed thickly.
There were many things Ciel wanted but none he could voice. Especially the one that sat at the forefront of his mind. Instead he decided on saying, “I wish to stay in the eye a little bit longer. I am not yet ready to face the storm that awaits me.” Understanding skittered across Sebastian’s face as a gentle smile found his lips and he dipped his head.
“Yes, my lord.” He paused, a light sparkling in his crimson eyes. “I will remain here until the eye passes us by and when it does we may weather the storm. Together.” He sat down the teacup beside Ciel’s desk and then added, “your teacup was nearly full.”
“It did not taste up to my standards.” His demon chuckled. “Well I hope it’ll do then. But I will do better next time.”
Ciel rolled his eyes and said, “you better.”
After that they resumed their routine of working together in silence.
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