#Sexism CW
probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
So! I was going through the Champions RPG Villain sourcebooks to compare descriptions of male and female villains.
In case you are wondering, slight over half of female villains had some variant of "attractive" in their appearance section, while only around 1/6th of male ones did. But you know, comics are weird about women and so are games based on them, this was ten years ago, more at eleven.
No, the reason I bring it up is because while there were twelve male villains whose appearance section explicitly called them unattractive, there was only one canonically unattractive female villain.
Here she is:
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And you can tell the person writing these descriptions has never been on tumblr, right?
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dathen · 3 months
Another day, another “why didn’t Victor just make a woman with missing body parts to gift as a custom-made wife-slave to his other creation :// worst human being in history!!”
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mayasaura · 2 years
One thing that really stuck me about gender in Nona was the sexism in the teacher's perception of Pyrrha. She sees two young women living with someone she perceives as being male, and on learning they're not related, her immediate assumption is that Pyrrha is taking sexual advantage of them. How incredibly unfair that assumption is to Pyrrha, to assume this about her and to continue assuming this despite how clearly Nona adores her. What it implies about the broader setting that this was apparently a somewhat reasonable assumption to make, and that there are battered women's shelters for her to try to gently direct Camilla to. How starkly it throws into relief that this assumption has never once been made in the series before.
That's what really hit about the scene. This was the first time a perceived-male character had been assumed to be a sexual threat. It was the first time being a woman or a girl had carried an assumption of victimhood. I had already noticed that the Nine Houses seemed to lack any kind of gender-based hierarchy, and didn't show any signs of misogynistic gender roles, but it really struck me again in that moment how freeing it had been. To have had two whole books from the perspective of teenage girls with no concept of sexual violence. To have had a whole setting where those assumptions just didn't exist, and would never have occurred to anyone.
And I think that's one thing that really holds me back from agreeing that 'Nine Houses' = Bad and 'Not Nine Houses' = Good. The societies outside the Nine Houses are still the legacy of the billionaires who left the Earth to die. They're still capitalistic, they have plastic bags clogging their bays, and after ten thousand years, they still haven't been able to put down the misogyny juice. I don't think it was a mistake that this information about the setting was communicated the way it was, using this assumption about Pyrrha. The delivery cuts way too deliberately to the putrid heart of gender bias; where misogyny, misandry, and transphobia are all just different angles on the same damn thing. A total milf perfectly playing the part of loving and beloved father, but still assumed by observers to be a sexual predator. That's not a culture I want to champion.
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edgebug · 10 months
people who don't want trans women in womens' video game or chess tournaments really are saying from the bottom of their hearts "trans or cis, doesn't matter to me 😤 I hate ALL women 🤗" and tbh thats progressive... equality win!¹
¹ This post is a joke.
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How far must one reach to say that Steph was wrong to beat up her ABUSIVE father because he was being beaten for 10 minutes and was defenseless boo fucking hoo the man did far worse to Steph I'm sure the asshole can handle getting his ass beat for 10 fucking minutes
Just say you hate women and fuck off
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
Just saw something where someone said I was “The inventor of sexism” PLEASE DO NOT?? That was EARTH’S PROBLEM. I didn’t invent that shit! I said things I shouldn’t have yeah, but the FUCKKKK.. that title icks the fuck out of me. I absolutely despise it. This is why I try to avoid people who hate me. They ALWAYS get shit wrong. I wasn’t the best person, but NEVER have me for that title. Please. It makes me feel more filthy than I already am. -Adam (Hazbin Hotel) also side note, I have thought of a new tag for me, besides having none. That tag is #💛🕯️💫🌳
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Why does this dead Prince look so much like Taylor Swift?
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The dead prince is me, the picture is one of my "I'm a woman and this is what I look like" posts
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fatexbound · 5 months
Considering how badly Naoto was treated in Inaba, I think the same can be said for Haru, although it's not touched on a lot because she's introduced so late into the game. Most corporations are male-oriented in Japan, so having a woman take over is a first.
They all had their doubts at first, but no one dared speak up when Okumura was alive because he actually have some amount of faith in her running the company. We won't talk about Sugimura being an obvious piece of shit who definitely needed to get his ass kicked.
A restraining order is always a good start.
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rocketpunchblam · 5 months
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this fucking image of crane what is his issue, ban him from talking, he’s talking about poison ivy btw
from the batman of arkham
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intimate-mirror · 1 year
The following questionnaire has been cribbed from https://ccsi.org/CCSI/media/pdfs/Day1_WhomToLeaveBehind_Activity.pdf.
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
Look guys, my first hate mail. This is how I know I am getting popular.
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also, I am blurring most of it because I don't feel like exposing any of ya to it. (and this is a note to hater, this first and last reaction. Unless I decide to mock you)
ugh, tumbler rapports are broken... one time I really to need this website to work
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huh, or maybe it did go thought?
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 months
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I know she's reacting like this because of his last-timeline murder of Mihui (and because he touched her fucking hair without her permission wtf) but I would react exactly this way to anyone who dared insult Rina in front of me.
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((Still feeling salty so!
Gonna say this, if you hate Lilith for leaving Adam and Lucifer, guess what, you're misogynistic as fuck.
Oh how dare a woman refuse to stay with a man who has no respect for her body autonomy nor a man who grew to stand against everything she stands for!
Clearly she should have stayed to teach them better and do all the emotional labor for them, yet she valued herself more than she felt responsible for their emotional growth, the cunt!
Eat my god damn ass-))
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fictionkinfessions · 25 days
Right. Soz. Long post incoming.
Actually you know what I've got another canon squicks thing I wanna talk about. It really really weirds me out when people try to find every possible reason to excuse my behaviour/make it out like I'm just misunderstood or something like that. Like I guess it's not technically wrong because technically I guess I am ""misunderstood"" but using that to try and make me out to be less of a horrible person just makes me kinda... ehhhh.
Like, I wasn't even that good of a father. Like, I see all this art and fic about me and my soft spot for Noodle and of course I loved her so much and I still do - that's my kid, y'know - she also wasn't really safe from my mood swings and general rudeness and difficulty to... be around. I mean, if El Manana is any indication. Sure I did eons better than my own dad but the bar wasn't set particularly high.
Also people who act like I'm not sexist in-source make me raise an eyebrow. I know in Phase 4 I said that "treat objects like women, not women like objects" thing but I feel like it flew over a LOT of people's heads that that's kind of just... still thinly veiled sexism... I don't know, it's a little ironic in a way because when I see people give into the crazy shit I put out like "I'm a feminist now! (Gravely objectifying statement about women)" and react like "he's really a feminist now! character development!" it's just... no, you're just... falling for my lies again.
The same applies when people think I'm misunderstood or whatever. I am evil. I am a terrible person at least in-source. A criminal. An abuser. Blah blah blah. Thinking it's a front and that I've got some softness underneath is honestly just falling for my manipulation again but I mean, I guess it isn't technically WRONG, because there are people I could be less crazy around and things I genuinely had sensitivities to... I don't know, I feel like people just jump the gun and want to make me a good guy or at least like "chaotic neutral" because it's safer than acknowledging my monstrousness.
Whatever. Had to let that out sometime. Niccals out, cheers, hydrate or diedrate. #⛓️🥃
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what is it about jerry seinfeld that you find sexually attractive?
1. He's a self-aware comic/satirist. There's a lot of self-awareness in jokes about, like, men being sexually interested in one another
2. He's not very attractive, but as an artist who tries to get out of his art style of just doing what looks good, he gives a sense of purpose and a feeling of trying really hard even if he doesn't quite succeed
3. He has the most relatable/accessible celebrity persona, unlike the many celebrities who are like "I'm like you except so much worse" or "I'm like you except that the things that I do are way funnier than you'll ever do." His jokes are not all about social class or money or politics or weird sexual fetishes or "I'm rich and powerful but still feel unfulfilled so I'm telling stories about my own life." He's just like you
4. He often seems like a weird mix of sincere and satirical, as if his "ironic" persona is really very, very sincere. People who are sincere enough to say something like "I find all these things about Jerry attractive" or whatever feel kind of like a contradiction. They can't possibly be as sincere as they sound.
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fandom-geek · 1 year
so i was recommended blindsight by peter watts the other day as an interesting example of vampires in hard scifi, which is certainly accurate but...
oh god. it's exhausting to read. not because of the question of whether consciousness is detrimental to intelligence - the guy's a biologist and i can see where he's coming from, as much as i disagree.
warning below the cut for ableism, blatant mis-citation to justify ableism beliefs, eugenics, and some seemingly-pov limited sexism
and maybe i should give him some slack because this was written in 2006, but seriously. guess the explanation behind vampires in this very very hard scifi settings? they're "autistic savants" who are also "sociopaths".
it's not entirely clear if the author understood, at the time of writing, how being autistic differs to being a "sociopath". which also isn't a real diagnosis, btw - antisocial personality disorder is, but it's far different from the pop culture perception of "sociopath" that defines this book. for context, i'm autistic and i find his view of autistic people very distant to reality and entirely based on pop culture stereotypes too.
there's also a complete dismissal of dissociative identity disorder as outright "unscientific", complete with some very biased citations. this person has done a very good summary of the issue.
also, the whole book is underlined by eugenics. the one "baseline human" who appears is considered disabled by the protagonist, and clearly pitied upon. everyone else gets the disabilities engineered out of them before birth - even though that's not how a lot of disabilities, like autism, even work. this is also set in the mid-21st century, so i've got a lot of questions about how they even managed to apparently eradicate disability.
aside from the issues surrounding disability and eugenics, the views on gender are... weird. you're deeply immersed in the protagonist's perspectives and he's clearly meant to be fucked up (bad childhood with a memory of his father strangling his mother, who had drugged the protag to love her more after half his brain was destroyed to get rid of his epilepsy, his mother in general struggled with his father constantly being absent on other worlds).
the protagonist explicitly views women as a burden who try to restrict men for reproductive success - presumably inspired by our biologist author (i mean that without judgement) - and doesn't disagree when his girlfriend asks if he sees sex as mutual rape. despite being written in 2006 and being set 50 years later, the only references to queerness so far are in homophobic insults.
i'm debating whether or not to finish the book but, as i understand, it's later made clear that the protagonist isn't the objective figure he pretends to be (thanks to his "autistic-like" behaviour due to the whole missing half his brain) and his pov is deeply affected by his own biases. so that's good, i guess, although that only really affects the narrative sexism as opposed to the virulent ableism or implicit and uninterrogated eugenics.
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