#Shattered Dreams
badsciencejokes · 8 months
Did anyone go to a school where every 15 minutes over the intercom it would play a car crash sound & the grim reaper would walk into your classroom & take out a student & they'd hang out in a secret room for the rest of the day & not go home, or was your school sane?
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icy-watch · 4 months
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Kai is probably the only 1 who can sense where Cinder's going to be.
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luciferslilith7 · 4 months
"The thing is... I'm scared to live, but brave to die."
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analexthatexists · 4 months
My Nightmare & Shattered Headcanons
You know how everyone makes Nightmare this regal, royal fancy pants who lives in a castle and dresses like a king?
Yeah no that is NOT Nightmare to me.
It WAS at some point, I’ll admit, but after rewatching Underverse and seeing @soaked-ghost’s take of him, I’ve realized that “Hey, I don’t think this really fits him, does it now?” But I also wanted to make my own take of the guy, so…
In my eyes, Nightmare’s just… a dude. He wanders around with Killer across the Multiverse, sometimes making bases and staying longer in some AUs just to get all of the negativity and power out of it. He’s not fancy, he’s not presenting, and he isn’t elegant. He’s just a dude tryna make lives miserable with his knife-obsessed slave friend. Like, think about it. Why would Nightmare have this big, menacing castle and want to be known by all?
I feel like he’d work better as an unexplainable urban legend that people tell each other. A ghost story that actually exists. A boogie man.
People would go out in the woods, wanting to prove that these legends are true or false, finding campfires that weren’t originally there, footprints that seem to shift in shape and appearance, and a strange tar-like substance coating the snow. When they continue deeper into the forest, they’ll begin seeing things. Hearing the calls of loved ones begging for them to come to them. Embrace them. Trust him. One by one, they disappear into the darkness, devoured by the night and never being heard from again.
Additional headcanon: Nightmare can intimidate the voices of other people! This came from Underverse 0.6 when he shapeshifted into Cross’ friends and shared their text dialog sounds. Plus, he can shapeshift already, and wouldn’t you be terrified if you heard your loved ones calling your name in the dead of a deep forest or somewhere they definitely shouldn’t be coming from? Yeah, I thought so.
…But wait! What does Shattered Dream have to do with all of this? Well, isn’t it obvious? SLAP ALL OF THAT ROYAL NONSENSE ONTO HIM RATHER THAN NIGHTMARE!!!!!
It fits Shattered SO MUCH BETTER than Nightmare, especially seeing his struggles with power and control. He’d WANT to be known for his infamy and power. He’d WANT to hear his name chanted across the Multiverse. He’d WANT to rub it in Nightmare’s face and call him a filthy dirtbag 100%. GIVE THIS. CHARACTERIZATION. TO HIM.
Man…now I kind of want to draw these ideas. They sound really fun. In fact, I want to see YOUR takes o my these headcanons if you want to draw them! Have fun with it if you decide to do so!
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So episode 2 is cloud Kingdom, so that‘s probably the scene from the trailer. Maybe the ninja manage to flee with Euphrasia and that‘s how she joins the team later on. What information Ras is after i don‘t know, but probably something related to the forbidden five. Maybe he also needs some sort of spell, which he has the “material components“ (gong and mallet of shattering) but not the actual incantation of the spell for.
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leefire85 · 4 months
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Female human shattered dream 😘
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“Sweet dreams are made of this.„
First day of Shattered September !!!
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Shattered, Ephalties + the month challenge belongs to - @galacii-gallery !!
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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derpperp · 2 years
Ayo!!!???? New Shattered Dreams art???? Holy crap?????????
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I think Dream isn’t ok guys. Also, OMG OFFICIAL OSN SHATTERED DREAMS DAWN DESIGN 😲????? So yes I know he basically wearing the same thing as his normal clothes just no vest and arm bands. bUt!! His CAPE is ON HIS hIP!! And he clearly hasn’t been taking good care of it aHA lol. If only Dream had his trusty crown back man, the look would be complete. Anyhow, new chapter coming out soon! It sure is an INKling of a CERTAIN SOMEONE’S backstory. Hehe. @calcium-cat I hope you like my art block breaker lol (aka Dawn)
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calmmyfears · 4 months
I've been so angry at myself these past weeks for avoiding the inevitable. Now I see that I've actually been going through stages of grief. And I would never be so cruel towards a friend so why do I treat myself this way? Being unable to work due to disability without the prospect of getting better, yet wanting to work so badly that you feel like you might explode, causes such deep hurt that you can't run away from. I know what to do and I know I can't wait any longer, but it is tearing me apart.
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Shattered Dreams pt 2
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You sat on a weathered stone by the edge of a vast, churning sea, your gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The passage of time had etched lines of experience onto your face, and the one-vibrant emeralds that held your vision had faded into a gaze tinged with memories. 
Three centuries had slipped by since you left the castle and the life you once knew. The world around you had transformed, and yet your heart remained trapped in the throes of a love that have never been requited. The pain had not waned; instead, it had woven itself into the fabric of your existence, a constant reminder of what could have been.
The castle that once stood as a symbol of your shattered dreams now existed only as a distant memory, a shadow of a past life. The corridors that echoed with joyous laughter now only whispered the echoes of time. You had severed the ties that bound you to that place, seeking solace in solitude, away from the celebrations and happiness that were never truly yours. 
Rumours had reached your ears over the years, whispers that Loki and his wife were not the soulmates they seemed to be. The world was vast, and fate often played tricks. But the scars of the past ran too deep, and your heart had learned to guard itself against the possibilities of further heartbreak. 
One evening, as the sun cast its final golden hues across the waves, a familiar figure approached. Loki, his once-youthful features now touched by the years, stood before you. The glint of recognition in his eyes was mirrored in your own, though the emotions behind it were complex. 
"Y'n," he spoke softly, his voice carrying the weight of time. "I never thought I'd find you here after all these years."
You regarded him with a mix of wariness and nostalgia. "Time has a way of leading us to unexpected places."
Loki took a tentative step closer, his gaze earnest. "I need you to know something. My- my marriage, it wasn't what it seemed. She wasn't my soulmate. I had been blinded by something else, something that clouded my judgement."
A surge of emotions rolled within you--anger, longing, and a kernel of hope that you had long buried. "And what does that change, Loki? The past cannot be rewritten."
He sighed, his eyes tracing the expanse of the sea as if searching for answers, "I understand if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me, but I had to tell you the truth. I've spent these years haunted by the choices I made, haunted by your absence."
Your voice remained steady, though your heart stirred with conflicting emotions. "Your choices led us here. I've learned to live with the weight of what could never be. Maybe you should as well."
Loki reached out, his hand hesitating in the space between you. "Is there no chance for redemption? No way to mend the fragments of a shattered bond?"
You met his gaze, and for a moment, the memories of stolen glances and secret smiles flickered through your mind. "Three hundred years cannot erase the pain, Loki. But perhaps, in acknowledging your mistakes, you've offered a semblance of closure." 
Tears welled in his eyes, and he lowered his hand, the weight of his actions evident in his bowed shoulders. "I never wanted to be the cause of your suffering. I only wish..."
"I know," you interrupted softly, your voice touched by a hint of compassion. "We each bear our burdens. The heartache you see before you is the sum of choices made by both of us."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Loki turned to leave. His figure grew smaller against the fading light, a silhouette of a man burdened by his own history. 
Alone once more, you turned your gaze back to the sea, the waves a constant reminder of the passage of time. The pain remained, but perhaps now, it could begin to transform into something else--a bittersweet reminder of a love that had once consumed you, and the strength you had found to carry on. 
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A/N Hello! It's been a while! I was reading back on some of my oneshots and got inspired to write a part 2 of the Shattered Dreams.
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee @fall-myriad @dryyoursaltyoceantears @avahiddlestonstan
please let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglists <3
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Author Ask Game
I was tagged by @sam-glade earlier in the month, you can find their post here. Thanks for the tag, Sam!
I'm going to tag @pleasestaywithmedarling and leave an Open Tag for anyone else interested!
I'll answer this for Shattered Dreams
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
I don't know what the main lesson is. I didn't write it with a lesson in mind :')
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
I used 30+ years of reading fantasy and playing fantasy games as inspiration lol. Like, really. I pickpocketed ideas from all over the place.
My little dragons? Inspired by the fire lizards in Anne McCaffrey's Pern books. Magic system is a combo of actual magic and mind/healing magic. Mind magic inspired by Anne McCaffrey's Talent Series and Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar. Brandon Sanderson's laws of magic + rpg magic and skill leveling played a huge role while establishing my magic system. There's more, I'm sure, but I'll leave it there.
As for my races, (fae, seraph, human, ifrit, jinn, undine, aicaya), I pulled the elemental ones from various mythologies, even if I don't follow the mythology in world. My fae are largely inspired by Sarah Maas, but I incorporated a bit of shapeshifting references along with a tad of traditional fairy mythology. Not much though. The humans are based off a european background, the fae a loosely hispanic background, and the seraph a very loose arabic/indian background.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
My MC, Alaia, just wants to be accepted. Freedom from prejudice and unreasonable expectations would be nice too. Basically, she's an outcast and her (/my) goal is for her to find her place and her chosen family.
I am not here to teach a lesson or inspire or help someone grow. If those things happen along the way, I love that. But I just want to tell a story. Her story.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
I am in the middle of a major editing/revision pass. So far I've added 3 new chapters and consolidated one. The original draft has 49 chapters, though.
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Shattered Dreams is original content that I hope to self-publish, if I can work up the nerve. (and finish editing XD)
When and why did you start writing?
I started writing in 2020, because if my friend could do it, so could I. It was a lot harder than I thought, and more satisfying than I thought, and just. I'm so glad I started writing at long last. It's very literally changed my life.
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
Oh gosh, I have no idea. Everyone is so different... on that note--No advice is one size fits all. Cherry pick that shit. Or ignore it all and you do you!
Writeblrs, writeblrs... shout outs to: @i-can-even-burn-salad, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, sam tagged me but @sam-glade lol, @outpost51, @winterandwords, @kaiusvnoir, and there's more but i'm running out of nerve to tag people 😂😅
Blank questions below:
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When and why did you start writing?
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
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icy-watch · 4 months
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Stop beating up kids. That's illegal
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SHATTERED DREAM BY @galacii-gallery
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analexthatexists · 4 months
They blink upon Hex’s arrival, tilting their head.
“You’re odd, aren’t you?” they said, more so rhetorically than an actual question. “Do you even know where I’m supposed to go? You met me a few hours ago, asked me for my name, then put me in this cage. What information does that give you?”
They’re… not the happiest? But yes, they would like to go home after their questions are answered.
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I wanted to make a secondary panel with Hex and Vou unblurred, but Photoshop refused to let me undo any further. Specifically comes after this post
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Link to the new episodes, not sure if it´s region-locked though
thank you to @nyaskitten for informing me that they are already on there
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