#Shawn mendes one shots
rowdyslove · 1 year
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔. | jack hughes
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jack has not moved a single inch of his body for an entire hour straight, and neither have you. the only difference here was that you were peacefully asleep on his chest while he tried his best to not wake you from your soft slumber.
he could have sworn it had just started with him explaining the events of his previous game that took place earlier that night. the complete details of his explanation he couldn’t quite recall exactly, but jack did remember so vividly how you would nod and hum in approval to show that you were still intently listening to the conversing. you were as comfortable as one could be as you slid into his bed. you immediately scooted yourself closer towards his side, where you threw one leg over his and wrapped a loose arm around his torso.
jack wasn’t surprised with your actions. you two have been dating now for way too long for his heart to thump and race at every little move you made, much unlike the ways it used to be when he was still pursuing you with every amount of affection he could think of.
but there was always something about the way you and him have gotten so used to things being like this—this kind of closeness, this kind of intimacy, this kind of comfort where you could wrap your arms around him at any given time.
and he would just accept it all with a smile and lean himself against you comfortably, instead of feeling stuck in place and hesitant to the idea of your bodies being this close.
he enjoyed it though. the fact that the two of you have reached this strong point in your relationship. the thought never failed to make his chest swell up with utter pride and adoration.
he hadn’t even realised that you fell asleep until you had stopped responding to him. and then it was just silence. it was a kind of steady silence in the room that felt all too familiar, mixing itself with the turning of the ceiling fan and the occasional loud snores heard from his brothers just across the hall.
and even though he could tell that you were asleep from the slow nudging of your cheek up against his shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed up close against his side, he still glanced down at you from time to time anyways to make sure. it was simply just another excuse to steal looks of you as well. he could hear your faint breaths, coming in and out as his chest heaved along; the more he focused on you, the more his breathing started to match up with yours, like he was dependant on your breathing to help his own. and your body felt as light as a feather over his, warm and subtle within his protective hold. he could tell you were safe, and he felt safe having you with him in this moment.
looking at the space around him in his room to the lovely curves of your figure—it was all something that jack could recognise as home to him.
what had initially started as a fond feeling slowly turned into one of exhaustion as the clock ticked with time. an hour passed slowly with him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand draped over your back to keep you close. but god, was his body ever starting to feel sore from not moving an inch for this long.
he glanced down at you once again after finally mustering up the courage to give your body a light shove, all in hopes to gently wake you up from your slumber. but he suddenly paused, his eyes rounding in soft lust at the sight of your small pouty lips that had unknowingly displayed themselves to him.
your head had readjusted itself from pressing against his chest to facing more upwards, in a way that jack could see a perfect view of your facial features for as long as he looked down at you. it caught him slightly off-guard. he was not expecting to see your lips so up-close like this, faintly agape but just enough for him to feel your warm breath fan over his skin.
and then it felt like he was relearning this kind of closeness all over again. he felt hypersensitive as his mind was once again introduced to the close proximity of your bodies, but seeing it in a more alluring way than before. your leg moving closer towards his lower abdomen, your hips stuck to his own, your chest pressed deeper into his chest, and your lips now brushing past the sharp skin of his jaw whenever you stirred.
jack could feel the shape of your body, just faintly, but it was enough to be the death of him. he wanted more than just the faint feel of you. he wanted all of your touch.
your eyes groggily began to open when you felt the sensation of lips softly grazing across your lips. it was clear to you that it was jack claiming the spot of your lips with his, so you were quick to shut your eyes again and respond to his slow movements. unlike the rough ways he acted when he was on the ice during a game, with you he was always very careful, and that was a trait of his that you always adored. his hand gingerly threaded its way through your hair and brushing back the strands by your ear, his body shifting to pin your back to the mattress causing your hands to raise and grip his arms for support.
the kiss was sweet and sensual; you could trace every part of his plump lips with your own, completely mesmerized by the way he pushed himself so perfectly against your frame. air built its way into your lungs as you steadily huffed through your nose, feeling as if jack was stealing all of your oxygen little by little both through your mouth and through the way his hands skillfully slid across your sensitive skin.
a whisper of a whine left your lips when he gently wedged his knee between your legs, your grip on his arms tightening. and your actions just riled him up in even more ways than one, a smirk slowly creeping its way onto his face. in response to your soft noises, jack decided to make a change in position, pulling away to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed. the air from your lungs was quickly pulled away again as he grabbed you by your hips and swiftly pulled you onto his lap with such little effort. bringing his hands up, they didn’t once leave your body as he trailed them up your sides until they met your soft cheeks, and he was quick to pull you back into him.
you held your breath, your hands flying up to his wrists and you weakly held onto him. any strength or willpower you had in you, left your entire body the second jack’s pillow soft lips pressed themselves upon yours in a harsh, bruising kiss. your lips worked together in rough harmony, sighs and whimpers leaving you all in one when jack caught your bottom lip between his lip before pulling away.
his hands slowly left your cheeks, the only warmth you felt being the heat that radiated off of his body. you looked at him with such admiration as he touched you with such gentleness, how soft he was with you despite the feverish kiss you two had just shared.
when his hand dropped down to fiddle with the hem of his oversized t-shirt that covered your frame, you furthered the space between your face and his. you could see much more clearly now, and although jack still held a tight lipped smirk across his face, his eyes were lightly hooded with a kind of tender shyness.
“care to tell why you woke me up?” you asked with a grin, letting your arms wrap over his shoulders and your fingers card through the long tufts of hair on the back of his neck. your cheeks definitely had a deep red blush spread across them, but you doubted that jack could see it through the dim lighting that engulfed the room.
“i just felt like kissing you,” he replied honestly, bringing his hand up to remove some strands of your hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ears, his gaze still weighing strong and heavy on you. his voice was low and raspy, tiredness starting to become evident in him.
jack’s lips would always be the death of you. like a poison that you would keep choosing over and over, you would always let him drown you in them whenever he wanted to without ever having to ask.
“you know, you were sleeping on me for a whole hour,” he exclaimed. “i could barely move, my body started getting sore.”
“it’s looks like you’re moving just fine now.” you hummed.
jack licked over his lower lip, his hands now moving up so his fingers could find the soft skin of your stomach under his shirt. “i can still move pretty well.” he uttered out in a seductive tone of voice.
a light knocking rummaged within your ribcage at his lustful words. you couldn’t help but grin, the corners of your lips turning up as his suggestive idea popped into your mind. jack already had his hands on your hips, keeping you still on his lap. you brought your torso forward, getting closer to him than before while also nudging your hips closer to rest on his lower abdomen. you could feel him so vividly underneath you and his breath hitched.
“you’re such a tease j,” you whispered, your eyes hooded and gazing right into his, lips tauntingly brushing past his igniting the burning heat between you both even more.
“i can change that.” he mumbled, licking his lower lip briefly afterwards.
jack slipped his hand further up underneath the fabric of your shirt, touching every bit of your torso. his fingertips grazed and burned your flesh with every touch, sending shivers running all down your spine. a breathy chuckle left his lips as he felt your back straighten up in a small arch, the husk in his voice pushing your sanity over the edge to nothing. he was looking into your eyes so deeply, but the intensity of his gaze could have been felt from a mile away.
“is this okay love?” he asked in a hushed voice, his palms grabbing a firm hold onto your waist.
you brought your lips to his for one kiss, then another, until jack finally leaned himself forward to take in the moment. your hands rested on the bare base of his neck, gliding between his jaw and his shoulders. your mind focused itself on the sweet desparastion that was evident through his kiss, paired along with the familiar possessiveness he always held for you.
when you pulled away from him, he could see your eyes sparkle with a slight bit of submission for him, and when he furrowed his brows in question to you one more time, you gave him a quick nod and a gentle smile.
in that moment, jack knew that every night he could spend with you like this, he would never want to waste a single minute of it. everything about this moment felt right, falling more and more in love with you by the second.
yet, the one thing he could ever wish for in life, was that if this lifetime with you was all just a dream, he would never want to wake up.
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cashmeremars · 1 year
𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞... 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 || 𝐬.𝐦
pairing: shawn mendes x reader
summary: shawn stumbles upon a coffee shop while on tour and becomes infatuated with the waitress
word count: 1.7k+
a/n: this has been in my drafts for so long... but i promise you’re in for a surprise... 
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The heat of Amsterdam was relentless as Shawn continued to roam the unfamiliar streets of the city. Crossing bridges and tripping over loose rubble, Shawn sighed as his eyes scanned the stores lining the streets, hoping to find a place to settle down before heading back to his tour bus. He watched as a bicycle rider rode past him before slowing down and stopping at what seemed to be a cafe. He adjusted his jacket before reaching for his phone and checking the time. He had around 2 hours before he was expected to be back on the tour bus. Shawn smiled to himself as he followed the path the bicycle rider had just taken to get to the cafe down the street. 
As Shawn approached the front door of the cafe, he snapped a quick picture of the shop name just in case he needed to send his location to his manager. A mellow bell rang throughout the cafe as he pushed the door open. The smell of cinnamon and warm coffee danced through the air as he inhaled. The cafe was quaint, with landscape paintings lining the walls. Jazz music whispered under the sound of clanking dishes. 
Shawn sighed as he sat himself down at a booth nearest to the corner of the cafe, to ensure that no potential fans could spot him. The cafe was quite empty, as it was 2 pm on a weekday. A stained menu on the side of the table caught his eye. He reached over with a sigh, grabbing the corners of the menu to avoid touching the brown stains. A frown etched itself on his forehead as he flipped through the menu, the words splattering the page were close enough to English to follow along, but not enough to fully comprehend. Dutch, Shawn whispered to himself. He was in Amsterdam after all.
Shawn dropped the menu, opting to fiddle with the slightly tattered fabric of the booth, watching silhouettes walk past the cafe window. He closed his eyes, bopping his head along to the music flooding the cafe. 
“Are you new here?” A voice intruded Shawn’s entrancement.
“Uh, yeah,” Shawn spoke. He felt his breath constrict as he made eye contact with you. He’d truly never seen anyone as beautiful. “How could you tell?” Shawn spoke with a soft smile. He felt his heartbeat begin to pick up. 
“I’ve never seen you around here before, and you also looked a little clueless,” You point out with a laugh. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. I’m just here on tour. I’m a singer,” Shawn explains. 
“That’s cool,” you reply, raising your eyebrows. 
“Yeah. Grammy-nominated,” Shawn stammered. You nod, and his face flushed as he acknowledged his failed attempt at boasting. 
“Right,” you smile before pulling out a notepad and pen from your waist apron, “So, what would you like to order?” you say after a beat of silence. 
“Right. Right, of course.” Shawn stammered, “I don’t really know what’s good here, and I can’t really read the menu,” He says, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Ahh. I’m assuming you want me to tell you?” you question. 
“If that’s what you want, then sure. Tell me what’s good here.” Shawn spoke as he leaned forward on the table, leaning his head on his hand. He watched as you twirled the pen between your fingers. You were mesmerizing to him. You had an aura that was carefree yet so captivating. 
“What do you like?” you ask, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Something sweet,” Shawn spoke, “like you,” he continued with a speck of confidence.
“Oh. I see.” You hesitate to laugh. 
“Sorry, was that a bit much?” He asked as his confidence crumbled. 
“Yeah, it was a little cheesy,” You reply, tapping the notepad with your pen. 
“Right.” Shawn’s could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. 
“You still want something sweet?” You asked. He perked up as he sensed remnants of a flirty subtext.  “On the menu, I mean.” You clarify, now just as flustered as Shawn was just a moment ago. 
“Yeah for sure. Maybe a brownie?” he fumbled with the menu once more, hoping that he’d ordered something that was an actual option. 
“Anything else?” You ask keeping your eyes on the notepad as you scribble Shawn’s order. 
“A cup of coffee,” Shawn took a deep breath in, “And your number?” he exhaled, squinting slightly to gauge your reaction. Your pen halts as your eyes pan to his. 
“Uh, coming right up.” You tilt your head before making your way back to the counter.  
Shawn sighed deeply once you were out of sight. He hadn’t realized that he wasn’t breathing properly until you’d left, leaving him to stew in his own embarrassment. He’d never behaved so awkwardly in his life, and yet you didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. He could’ve chalked it up to your food service hospitality, but he sensed a glint of something unfamiliar in your eyes. She was charmed, he thought to himself.  
“Your order, sir.” You carefully place the coffee in front of Shawn before positioning the brownie a bit off to the side. The smell of fresh cocoa from the brownie melted his senses as he eyed the careful foam art floating on top of his coffee. He’d definitely have to visit again. 
“Shawn,” he said, “Mendes. Shawn Mendes.” He continued, placing his hand on his chest briefly. He watched her carefully in hopes that she’d recognized his name. 
“Already skipping the formalities?” You say as you wipe your hands on your apron. 
“Sure are.” He replies, “You don’t have a name tag?” He asked, eyeing the spot on your shirt where your name tag should be. 
“Yeah,” You took a quick look down at your uniform and shrugged, “It keeps me mysterious,” You continued. 
“Mysterious. That’s cool.” Shawn nods once, pursing his lips.  
“Very,” you reply, glancing around the cafe briefly. 
“Do I get to know your name?” Shawn said as you began to walk away. 
“But then what would happen to the mystery?” You quipped before disappearing behind the counter once again. 
The soft music tangled with the saccharine aroma of the coffee. He closed his eyes, as he revelled in the serene atmosphere of the empty cafe. There were no fans to bombard him, and no cameras to observe him. Nobody to perform for, or to pretend for. Just him, a cup of coffee, a brownie, and a girl who made his heart spring. 
Shawn scrolled through his phone as he gradually made his way through the honeyed meal. He watched his DMs flood full of Instagram models and influencers, but none of them compared to the waitress whose name he didn’t even know. 
“Here’s your bill, Shawn.” You lay the piece of paper in front of Shawn’s empty cup, and crumb-filled plate. 
“Thank you.” He looks up with a smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes, “So, when can I get your number?” He asks. 
“It’ll be a surprise.” you shrug.
“So, are you always working here?” Shawn asks as you’re about to walk away once again. 
“I work on weekends if that’s what you’re asking” you reply, “Is there a reason why you need to know, Shawn?” you asked.
“Well, I’m only here this week for my concert, so-”
“You’re gonna try to woo me over during the short period of time you’re here?” You squint your eyes at him.
“Precisely,” He quipped.
“Well, you’re very persistent, Shawn.”
“I usually am.” Shawn knew that wasn’t true. Truthfully, he was always nervous whenever he had to speak to a girl he was fond of. He was already quite introverted as is, and speaking to you made him feel like he had frogs in his throat. 
“Charming. Well, we’ll see how your quest goes,” you laugh.
“When do you get off work?” he asked.
“Later tonight,” you said. 
“Then, I’ll be waiting right here.” Shawn folds his hands together, placing them on the table.
“Of course, you will, Prince Charming,” you raise your eyebrows in amusement as you lean over to collect the empty cup and plate.
“Does that make you my Cinderella?” he asked.
“I see the wooing has begun. Too bad I have to get back to my shift,” you turn, leaving him with the bill. 
Shawn grabbed his wallet from his back pocket, paying for the bill before texting his manager that he might be back a little later than expected.
“Excuse me? Are you Shawn?” A man with bulky glasses and a thick accent approached the table with a stone-cold expression. 
“Yes, I am.” Shawn’s back straightened instinctively as he felt himself start to tense.
“Well, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” He gestures to the door and sends a single nod of his head in Shawn’s direction. 
“Pardon?” Shawn locks his phone, placing it on the table. 
“Well, it seems that your excessive flirting with one of our employees has made her quite uncomfortable, to say the least,” The man explains. Shawn looks down and notices the similarities between the man uniform and the waitress’s uniform. He also notices the name tag sitting neatly on the man’s black shirt. 
“What?” Shawn’s eyebrows furrow together. He was hoping that he’d misheard due to the man’s accent.
“You asked for her number, what days she worked, what time she gets off, and then said that you would stay until she was done working. I mean, that’s a bit much don’t you think, sir?” The man folded his arms as his face remained stoic. 
“I was just trying to-” Shawn hesitates to explain. He knew that he was awkward and nervous at times, but he didn’t expect that he could misread a situation so incorrectly. 
“It doesn’t matter what you were trying to do. It very clearly did not work,” The man said. His gaze bores into Shawn’s. The longer the man stared, the more Shawn felt his own composure falter. “Will you be leaving?” The man asked. Shawn snaps out of his fear-induced trance, scrambling for his phone as he shoves his wallet into his back pocket.
“Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’ll get going. Tell her I’m sorry about all of that.” Shawn’s hands flail wildly as he tries to explain while struggling to get out of his seat. 
“Thank you for visiting our coffee shop. You probably shouldn’t come back.” The man pats Shawn’s back as he escorts him out of the cafe. 
“Yeah, uh… yeah, thank you for the experience,” He mumbled. 
Shawn left the shop with a belly full of coffee, a half-eaten brownie, and the urge to throw it all up.
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fic recs
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
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Liked by arianagrande, aaliyahmendes, arielwinter, and 1,231,665 others
yourinstagram new releases at midnight💋
View all 98,174 comments
florencepugh isn’t it illegal to be so beautiful?
⤷ ynfan1 queen flo said the quiet part out loud
glamzilla girl you are glowing!!!!!
yourbestie love youuuu 💞
darcyrosebyrnes blinded by a glorious light from the heavens
⤷ ynfan2 y/n is our angel
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Liked by shawnfan1, shawnfan2, shawnfan3, and 341,792 others
shawnmendesupdates shawn spotted at an LA airport today, presumably waiting for a flight.
View all 71,682 comments
shawnfan1 he looks so smol just sitting there waiting
shawny/nstan it jars me to realize that he knows what a phone is
⤷ shawnfan2 it’s the 21st century though
niallhoran hope he’s not too hungover
⤷ shawnfan3 give me the details, all the details, and nothing but the details.
shawnfan4 I wish he was coming home to me 🥲
⤷ shawnmendesupdates don’t we all?? 😭
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Liked by meredithduxbury, karenmendes, dualipa, and 1,341,256 others
yourinstagram make sure to fill up your carts before we’re sold out! 💋
view all 100,411 comments
bellahadid i love this girl and all of her releasesssss
⤷ ynfan3 join the club :’)
sahardahi everything about everything is a yes from me
lennonstella I’m in love with that lip shade!!
⤷ ynfan4 it’s called rosebud. it’s a lip and cheek tint and it’s transfer-proof. perfect for kissing her model pop star boyfriend 👀
shawnmendes my girl.
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Liked by karenmendes, shawny/nstan, ynfan5, and 624,589 others
shawnmendes home at last.
view all 19,284 comments
zendaya they are so wholesome 🥹
harrystyles I feel single…
⤷ ynfan6 let’s be single together in the wake of their romance
yourbestie i thought we decided that you’d be the maid for me and my man, but cute picture I guess
karenmendes so immeasurably proud to call you both mine
⤷shawnfan5 here’s one proud mama
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marie-swriting · 2 years
EN Masterlist
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Stranger Things Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Teen Wolf
❤️I Wanted It To Mean Something - Kira Yukimura
❤️My Little Girl - Stiles Stilinski
❤️Trust You - Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
❤️Never Again - Stefan Salvatore
❤️The Shoulder You Cry On - Katherine Pierce
❤️Lose This With You - Katherine Pierce
❤️Falling - Katherine Pierce
💚Yeah, I Understand - Dean Winchester
💙A Part Of The Family - Dean Winchester
💚I'll Never Leave You - Dean Winchester
❤️I Still Miss You - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️The Only One For You - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Choice - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️I Really Care About You - Anthony Bridgerton
Criminal Minds
❤️New Milestone - Emily Prentiss
❤️After All These Years - Emily Prentiss
❤️Baking Therapy - Emily Prentiss
❤️Everything Will Be Okay - Emily Prentiss [1/2]
❤️Everything Will Be Okay | Let's Go Home - Emily Prentiss [2/2]
❤️For The Very First Time - Emily Prentiss
❤️Beautiful - Derek Morgan (⚠️Please check the trigger warnings before reading!)
The Maze Runner
💜We're Gonna Get Outta Here - Thomas
The Internship
❤️Last Time - Stuart Twombly
❤️More Than A Friendship - Shawn Mendes
❤️The Memories Of Our Relationship - Shawn Mendes
❤️Close To Me - Dove Cameron
❤️And It Lasted - Dylan O'Brien
Drabble Masterlist
Album One Shot Masterlist
FR Masterlist
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i wonder what it's like to be loved by you.
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Opening Act-Shawn Mendes
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A/n: What happens when you get to perform with one of your favorite singers that inspired you to write. Come find out!
Disclaimer: I have one song in here for like a couple lines and they do not belong to me. They belong to the most talented and beautiful Alessia Cara.
I was on the tour bus kind of trying not to have an anxiety attack. This was my first time ever performing in front of thousands of people. I was also so scared that I'm going to embarrass myself in front of Shawn.
I was in the middle of trying to calm my breathing when someone knocked on the tour bus. I did my best to say...
" Come...in."
They opened the door and it was Andrew, Shawn's manager. I smiled at him, which he returned.
" All right, we need to start heading to the stage." He glanced up when I didn't respond. He looked concerned.
" Are you okay Y/n?"
I just smiled and nodded. He didn't look convinced, but he let it slide. Before he left he asked...
" Can you meet me outside the bus in, five."
I nodded. When he walked out, I got up to fix my make up and change into some bell bottoms, a black cropped shirt and then some plain white high tops. I then took one last breath and grabbed everything I was going to need.
Shawn's POV
I was hanging around the back area of the stage when I saw Y/n and Andrew walking in to start preparing to sing. I saw Andrew tell her something before walking to get someone. I could tell she was nervous and I really wanted to help her, but one of the stage managers pulled her away.
Your POV
Right when I walked into the building Andrew told me...
" I'm going to get one of the managers for you."
I nodded my head and took some deep breaths. Before I could take another one, the stage manager came over to me and said...
" Y/n, it's time, you're about to be on in five."
Before I could get a word out she pulled me gently into the right direction.
I was now trying my best to warm up my voice but I couldn't seem to focus on anything. I tried to look for someone to help, but everyone seemed really busy. That was until I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little, but then turned to find Shawn. He looked at me with so much concern. I could feel my face getting red.
" Are you feeling okay?"
I took a deep breath before speaking. " Sorry, just super nervous."
He nodded his head like he understood me. " It's totally normal to feel nervous. I can help he take some deep breaths if you want?" he asked
I looked at him with so much hope. He kind of let out a chuckle.
Shawn's POV
I pointed to her hands, and she looked confused so I asked...
" Can I hold your hands?"
She smiled and nodded. So I gently took a hold of her hands in my slightly bigger ones and told her...
" Okay, close your eyes and take one breath inane, then slowly breathe out, throw your mouth."
We both breathed in and then slowly breathed out. We did that one more time until she was called on to the stage. I saw her take a shaky breath, before I let her go from my hold I said...
" Hey, you will do great. I believe in you."
She smiled and said..." Thank you."
I nodded with a small smile, while watching our hands slowly pull apart. I watched her then walk away to the stage and I just stood there wanting to listen to her voice
Your POV
I was having a blast on stage when I was coming down to my last song of the night.
" Is everyone having fun tonight!" I shouted
Everyone screamed. I had a huge smile on my face. " Well I only have one more song before I head off, so let's get started. Um, I was inspired to write this song when I got dragged to a party and didn't really want to be there."
" I'm sorry if I seem uninterested, Or I'm not listenin' or I'm indifferent, Truly I ain't got no business here, But since my friends are here, I just came to kick it." I sang
" Sing!" I shouted
I was mouthing the words while smiling at the fans. " I can hardly hear over this music I don't listen to and I don't wanna get with you, so tell my friends that I'll be over here."
Shawn's POV
I was standing there jamming with her. I forgot how good she sounded live. When she started singing the second verse the smile on my face would not leave.
Your POV
" So, pardon my manners, I hope you'll understand that I'll be there, Not there in the kitchen, with the girl who's always gossiping about her friends."
" Thank you so much for having me, guys. I loved spending time with all of you tonight. All right, who's ready to jam out with Shawn!" I shouted
They all screamed so I smiled and waved good-bye to everyone. I ran off the stage and immediately hugged Shawn.
" Ahh! Sorry, but that was so much fun." I said
Shawn's POV
I smiled and hugged her back. " I'm so glad you had fun. You were amazing out there."
She pulled away from me and told me. " Good luck out there Shawn."
I smiled and thanked her while watching her go get some water. I then started getting ready to head on the stage.
Third Person POV
Y/n was near the table that had water and some snacks when she heard Shawn's voice. She smiled and ran to watch from the side of the stage. Shawn saw Y/n out of the corner of his eye watching him and it made his smile even wider if that was possible.
I didn't know how to end this one, so I hope it's a good ending. I was going to post a Halloween imagine but I forgot so if I post a Halloween one soon, that's why and I apologize for that. Okay see you guys in my next one!!
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wolfmoonmusic · 2 years
Alright people. I'm in a Valentine's Day mood. If anyone has any requests, please, please, send 'em in. Here's how you do it:
Choose a character :
The list can be found here
Angst/Fluff (I can't bring myself to write pure angst yet)
Platonic or daughter/sister!reader
Send in a dialogue, or a scenario you'd like me to write about
That's basically it!
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sunrizef1 · 3 months
Lost in Japan
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: None, cursing
Authors Note: I was almost done with a max fic and this song overtook my mind until I finished this. Also trust, I will be using bear as a nickname for Oscar in every fic from now on.
Summary: Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes
Word Count: 5.1k (this was supposed to be short)
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Oscar was bored. Lando was off celebrating a successful weekend somewhere out in the city of Shanghai while Oscar was sat alone in his hotel room waiting for the flight McLaren has organized to get him back to England. He hadn’t won. He hadn’t even gotten a podium. So there wasn’t much for him to be exactly thrilled about. So instead, he was just scrolling through his phone, checking various social media apps before he finally landed on Instagram.
He clicked on the first Instagram story at the top of his page, which happened to be Lando’s. He ignored the pictures of him celebrating at some party, tapping through the various shots of him getting more and more inebriated. He was with Max and Charles at the party so Oscar wasn’t too concerned. He clicks through a few more people stories before landing on a specific one that makes him slow down.
Oscar stares at his phone screen, eyes glazing over your Instagram story. He’s clicking through passively, pausing as he gets to one of you at dinner the night before. He lets it play out but quickly clicks back when he notices the Tokyo, Japan tag that you’ve placed near the top of the screen.
As Oscar stares at the picture, trying to take in every detail, he’s struck by an idea. He clicks out of the app, opens up his messages and navigates to your contact, already standing up from his hotel room bed to grab his already packed suitcase.
It didn’t look like he’d be using that plane ticket back to England after all. He clicks the call button under your name, holding the phone between his shoulder and his cheek as he grabs his things, exiting the room after he slides his backpack on.
The phone rings for a bit too long, making Oscar slightly worried that you wouldn’t pick up but it does eventually connect and Oscar is met with the sound of your voice filtering through the phone speaker. The door shuts with a soft click behind the Aussie as he steps into the hallway.
“Hello, Oscar,” you hum through the phone. Oscar can practically hear the smirk on your lips even through the low quality iPhone speaker.
Oscar huffs a laugh at your tone, dragging his suitcase behind him as he walks down the hall, “Hi, y/n.”
"What can I do for you?” you ask and Oscar can hear shuffling from your end of the call. As the words leave your lips, he reaches the elevator, tapping the button on the wall to call it to his floor.
“Do you have plans tonight?” Oscar reaches the point quickly, trapping the phone back between his shoulder and ear as the elevator opens and he steps in, tapping the lobby button.
You pause for a second, proccessing the question and contemplating your answer, “Besides falling asleep in a few hours? Nope.”
Oscar hums, pulling the phone into his hands and typing impatiently into google as you speak. He finds the soonest, and nicest, flight to Japan he could, purchasing the ticket without a second thought.
Oscar freezes for a moment, looking up from the ticket he'd just bought to narrow his eyes at the elevator door, “I saw you're in Japan-”
“Oh, so you're stalking me now?” Oscar rolls his eyes as you laugh through your question, painting the image of your grinning face in the Aussies mind.
“Shut up, no, anyway-,” Oscar sighs, dragging his suitcase out of the elevator as it reaches the lobby, “Im in Shanghai, I thought I'd fly over to see you.”
Your silence on the other end of the line is deafening. Oscar even checks to make sure the call is still connected due to how quiet you were. Taking your lack of response as a bad sign, Oscar starts to ramble, hoping to do a bit of damage control, “Just because I'm only a couple hundred miles away and the race is over and I'm bored. Its just been so long since we were so close, especially during the season and I miss y-”
“When does your flight leave?”
Oscar, who’d frozen on the sidewalk outside the hotel, unfreezes to gesture for a taxi. It was only a five-minute drive to the airport from the place Mclaren had been staying so he hoped this wouldn't take too long. He mutes for a moment to tell the driver to take him to the airport. The driver nods, pulling away from the curb.
“Uhhhh-” Oscar navigates through his phone to check his flight details as he sits back in his seat, “Half an hour?”
“Ooh, you better hurry then,” You hum, a playful tone laced through your words, “Dont want to miss it.”
Oscar laughs happily, just glad to hear you joking along. He does find some reality in your words though, doing the math to see if he even had enough time to make his flight. He was honestly running on hopes and prayers at this point.
“What made you suddenly so inclined to fly to Japan on a random Sunday?” Your voice pulls Oscar out of his thoughts and he pauses, smiling abashedly as the answer comes to his head.
“Just can't get you off my mind.”
Oscar can’t see you. But if he could, he'd see a warm smile carved onto your face due to the warmth his statement had caused.
“I don't know Osc, I'm actually pretty tired. Might just head to bed,” Oscar rolls his eyes as you try and stifle your giggle.
“Do I need to convince you to stay awake, then?”
You huff a laugh, humming in affirmation, “I’d love to hear it.”
“Well,” Oscar starts, racking his mind for some suggestions of what to say to get you to agree to this, “You don't miss me?”
“I never said that,” You reply quickly. Oscar raises an eyebrow, head falling back against the seat as he trys not to groan.
“So you do miss me?”
You hum quietly, the sound almost too low for Oscar to hear it through the phone, “Maybe a little bit.”
The Aussie chuckles, “I thought so.”
“Can you blame me? It's been a while. I miss my favourite koala bear,” Oscar gets the sense that the words were meant to come out teasing but he can't help but notice how genuine they sound. He laughs nonetheless.
He's about to respond when the cab comes to a sudden stop and he looks out the window to see the airport in front of him.
“Shit, I'm here.”
Oscar swings his backpack onto his shoulders, rifling through a pocket to find enough cash to hand to the driver, not really considering an exact amount and, instead, just asking the driver if that was enough. When the driver tries to hand change back, Oscar leans away, grasping the door handle to swing the door open to get out. He grabs his suitcase as well, leaning down to shout back into the car.
“Keep the change, thanks mate!” Oscar shuts the door, dragging his suitcase behind him as the cab drives away.
“Such a gentleman, I take it you're at the airport now?” you tease him, a genuine questioning tilt laced in your words.
Oscar nods before remembering you can't see him, “Yeah, just got out of the car.”
Oscar rushes through the large door, holding it open for an older woman to walk through before he steps in past her. He glances around the room, trying to find airport security so he could get to his gate.
“You gonna make your flight?” you seem to be finding a lot of amusement in his frantic rushing.
Oscar huffs, pinning his phone between his cheek and shoulder to check his watch. He still had about twenty-five minutes to get to his plane.
“Twenty minutes,” he responds, walking quickly down the hall when he spots a sign directing him that way.
“Ooh! Ah, I have faith in you. If you're anywhere near as fast as you are on the track I'm sure you'll be fine.”
Oscars eyes trail over the hall, locking onto the security gates and causing him to walk a little quicker, “You watch the race today?”
You don't respond for a few minutes but when you do, your voice is a lot more calm than it had been a few moments before, “Mhm. You did good Os.”
Oscar lets out a sigh, shaking his head as a grin fights its way into his lips, “Thanks, I'm glad you think so.”
Oscar steps into the security line, grateful for the fact that there are only a few people in front of him. He ignores the weird glance the old lady in front of him sends his way as he rushes to a stop behind her, replying with a tight smile.
“Its not just me, Osc,” you reply, sensing his disdain for the days race through the phone, “Everyone thinks you did well.”
Oscar hums, stepping up a few steps as a couple of people pass through, leaving just the old lady in front of him. As he reaches the bag scanners, he pins his phone on his shoulder again to lift his bag up onto the conveyor belt, tossing his bag down beside it.
“One second,” Oscar responds, muting his phone to drop it into a bowl along with his airpods, sending them through along with his bags.
After he's put all his things on the belt, he steps away, walking through the metal detector when the agent signals for him to go.
It takes a few moments for the agents to check his bags but when they come through he pulls the suitcase off and sets it beside him, turning back to slide his backpack over his shoulders. He slides his AirPods into his hoodie pocket and picks up his phone, unmuting the call before walking away, his suitcase in tow.
“Im back,” Oscar clicks away from the call for a few seconds to check his flight details before putting the phone back to his ear.
“Did I just get sent through a security scanner?” you sound amused and Oscar can practically see your smirk just from the tone of your voice.
“Didnt want to hang up,” he grumbles, searching the signs above him for his gate, walking quickly when he spots it. A clock on the wall indicates that he's still got 15 minutes to get to his flight. He thinks about it for a few moments, quickly realizing that it was 15 minutes until scheduled takeoff and boarding would actually end in five minutes.
“Im honored-”
“Fuck!” Oscar cuts you off, too busy now sprinting down the airport corridor to think about that fact, “Shit! I'm gonna miss it!”
You don't respond for a few seconds but you eventually do, a loud laugh echoing from your throat as you take in his situation.
“Oh my god, are you late for boarding? Osc!” you laugh, the image of the driver sprinting down the hall engrained in your head.
He doesn't reply, the phone now down near his hip as he runs to his gate. The run feels like an hour but, in reality, was only actually a few minutes, the clocks on the walls ticking down as if mocking the Aussies poor planning.
He finds some kind of respite, though, as he finally gets to the gate, slowing down as he steps up to the gate agent. The lady seems surprised to see him run up but she doesn't turn away, instead glancing him up and down with a concerned look before responding.
“Hi! Do you have your ticket?” the woman is surprisingly kind about the question, especially considering she had been preparing to leave as he'd rocked up.
Oscar nods, still trying to catch his breath. He pulls his phone open to navigate to the ticket, facing the QR code forward for the agent to scan. She does so before nodding politely and leading him down the path toward the plane.
Oscar lets out a sight of relief and lifts the phone back up to his face, “I made it.”
Your laugh has calmed down but you snort at his almost war-torn sounding voice, his strife obvious due to his lack of breath, “Congrats, man.”
He gets lead onto the plane, thanking the woman who'd brought him and smiling at the flight attendants as he walks a few steps past them. He finds his seat, dropping his phone onto it to lift his phone and stow it away in the overhead bin. He grabs his phone and sits down, relaxing into the seat after setting his backpack on the ground.
“I’ll be in Japan in a few hours,” He says, running hand over his face, “See you there, yeah?”
You hum, “See you there, bear.”
Oscar ignores the nickname, pretending it didn't make him smile, “Im gonna hang up now, promise you won't be asleep when I land?”
You laugh, “I promise, Oscar. I'll even go get a red bull for some extra energ-”
“Yeah, nope. Goodbye.” Oscar interrupts before you can endorse the rival team.
“Bye koala bear,” you respond and the phone clicks softly as you hang up. Oscar sets the phone down to pull his airpods out of his pocket, connecting them in order to watch some movie for the flight.
The flights only a few hours long but it feels a lot longer than that to Oscar. It's a haze of random Netflix shows and bagged pretzels, the monotony of the flight boring Oscar out of his mind.
He's relieved when the plane touches down, his proximity to the front of the plane allowing him to stand up and grab his things fairly quickly. Its about 9 pm local time, the sky outside not shedding any light through the plane windows.
Oscar walks out into the airport, grateful to be off the cramped plane and finally move his legs again. He stops at one of the few shops still open to buy an overpriced bottle of water, pausing as he spots a bag of those haribo peach rings you like so much. He doesn't think much as he grabs the bag, throwing it onto the counter beside his bottle and offering the cashier a polite smile.
After paying, he grabs the bottle and the bag, grasping them in the same hand as he pulls his suitcase along with the other one.
He strolls through the airport, trying to rid himself of the fatigue from the race and the plane ride. The only thing keeping him from falling asleep was the thought of seeing you again.
Speaking of you, Oscar doesn't realize he has no idea where you were staying or where you were until he's stepped out of the airport doors, standing on the sidewalk with his suitcase sat next to him. He tries to recall if you'd told him anything about your Japan trip or even if he'd seen anything on your story but he comes up empty.
He clicks on your contact, pressing the phone to his ear as the call rings. He frowns as you decline, confused as to why you'd hang up.
He's just about to walk back inside to wait when a car horn honks, causing Oscar to look up in front of him.
His eyes widen as they lock onto an orange Mclaren 570s Coupe, the car shining beautifully under the street lights. As he stands and admires the car ahead of him, the window closest to him rolls down and he sees your head duck down to lock eyes with him.
“You getting in?”
He laughs incredulously, opening the passenger side door and carefully sliding his suitcase into the small storage space behind the seats.
He sets his backpack on the floor below him, flopping back into the sear and sliding his seatbelt on. He sets his water down and tosses the bag of peach rings into your lap, “Nice car.”
“Thanks,” you reply brightly, eyes widening as you observe the bag of candy before moving it into your hoodie pocket, “Thought id go all out with the rental for the few days I'm here.”
Oscar hums, glancing around the nice car, coincidentally a Papaya McLaren. He refused the urge to ask you if you'd been thinking of him when you'd picked the vehicle.
After you make sure his seatbelts on, you pull away from the airport terminal and navigate onto the main road, pressing play on your playlist to let music filter quietly through the speakers.
The car glides smoothly down the streets of Tokyo, bright lights reflecting off the sides of your face. Oscar looks your way, completely aware that your attention was locked on the road, giving him the free pass to admire you.
Your eyes dart around the road in front of you, neon lights reflected in your irises. Your teeth dig at your lower lip, chewing lightly as turn the car. You’ve got one hand on the wheel, the other one moving around between the center console and the fraying edge of your shorts. You're wearing a quadrant hoodie and Oscar can't tell if its his or if you both just owned the same hoodie. The fit didn't help, he knew you bought your hoodies oversized anyway.
You glance over as you come to a stop at a red light, grinning when you see his eyes on you.
“What?” You ask, laughing slightly as you lean back from the wheel, splitting your attention between the road and Oscars face.
Oscar shakes his head with a small smile, his own attention turning out the window as you drive through the green light.
“Have you eaten?”
Oscar shakes his head, “Nah.”
You nod, taking the next turn to pull into a parking lot, stopping the car after you find a spot. You step out and Oscar takes this as his cue to get out as well, shutting the car door gently behind him.
When Oscar gets around the car, he finds you leaning against the edge, your feet crossed as you wait for him. He steps to your side and you push off the car, the familiar beep of it locking ringing out as you walk away.
As you both walk toward the restaurant, you step into Oscar's side and he’s quick to swing an arm over your shoulder. You wrap an arm around his torso, reaching the other up to tangle your fingers with his.
He's only slightly disappointed when you have to drop his hand in order to open the door. But you keep your hand against his ribs and he keeps his arm around your shoulders, not ready to let you go yet.
The second his feet pass the threshold of the building, he's hit with some of the most delicious scents he'd smelled in his life. This late at night there isn't much action apart from a few stragglers who Oscar assumes had just gotten off work and needed a bite to eat.
An older man swings around the corner from the kitchen, faint food stains gracing his otherwise white apron. He has a huge grin on his face and it only increases when he sees you. He pushes his glasses up on his nose, wiping off the steam that had accumulated on the lenses.
“Ah! You're back again!” The man calls out to the pair of you. Although his words do make Oscar assume the man was mostly talking to you, “And you brought your boyfriend!”
You don't correct the man and after seeing the grin on your face, Oscar doesn't either.
“Yeah, he just got in from Shanghai. Haven't had dinner yet.”
“Go, go,” the man smiles, pointing toward the dining room, “Sit where you want, ill get to you in a second.”
The man waves you both toward the tables and you step out of Oscar’s grasp. He doesn't have to be disappointed for long as you wrap your hand in his to lead him through the restaurant, stopping at a booth before sliding in. Oscar slides in the seat opposite of you, his legs knocking against yours under the table.
Quickly, the man, who Oscar now assumes is the owner, comes over to the table, setting down two glasses of water and a pair of menus in front of the both of you.
“You know what you want?” The man grins as he gestures toward you, seemingly familiar to you. Oscar takes a sip of his water, letting the coop liquid run down his throat.
You nod happily, “Yeah, I think so.”
The man pulls out a small notebook to write down whatever you say and you continue by saying a few different dishes, the only one Oscar having had before being sushi. He doesn't say anything, knowing that you knew more about this place and the menu than he did.
After you're done ordering, the man walks away and strolls into the kitchen, handing the order to the woman behind the counter before placing a small kiss on her cheek.
Oscar looks back to you, a small smile on his face after seeing the couple who seemed to be running the restaurant themselves, “You’ve been here before, then?”
You nod, leaning over to take a sip from your glass, “Yeah, came here yesterday for lunch.”
Oscar hums, glancing out of the booth to look around the room. Paintings and neon signs decorate the walls and what seems to be photographs taken in the restaurant all line the wall by the entrance. Oscar can vaguely see that the photos of are different people posing, all with happy looks on their faces. He huffs a breathy laugh when he sees one of you with your friends.
The time spent waiting for your food is filled with casual conversation, Oscar asking a lot of questions about how your Tokyo trip had been so far.
You don't ask about the race. There's some kind of unspoken understanding that Oscar had run to Japan to get away from racing for once. Here, with you, Oscar wasn't Mclaren racing driver, Oscar Piastri, he was just Oscar. Or “Bear”, as you called him. A nickname that you seemed unable to let go of. Oscar pretended to be annoyed every time you said it but he couldn't deny the smile that formed every time he heard the Australia-themed moniker.
“Bear?” There it is. Oscar looks up with a raised eyebrow, deducing that you'd asked a question he hadn't answered.
“I asked if you're staying with me tonight.”
Oscar snorts before smirking, shaking his head as he locks eyes with you, “Yeah, wouldn't dream of being anywhere else.”
You blush, looking down toward the table, past meals having left vague food stains on the wood.
Before you can respond, the man returns, plates and bowls balancing in his hands. You look up politely, smiling as the man starts to place the food on the table, “Thank you so much.”
The man grins as he places down the last plate, “Of course. Enjoy.”
He walks away and you turn toward Oscar who stares vaguely at the food in front of him, “Dig in.”
You make a move for your chopsticks, looking over the food before taking a bite of whatever is immediately in front of you. Oscar glances around, not sure where to start.
Noticing his hesitancy, you pick up a piece of what you'd been eating and bring it up toward his lips, pulling back after Oscar bites into it.
“What is this?” Oscar asks as he chews, covering his mouth as he speaks. Whatever it is, it's pretty good, having a light and slightly sweet flavour. Its also a bit more rubbery than chicken, but its pretty good nonetheless.
You swallow your own bite, having scooped up some rice along with it, “Unagi. Grilled eel.”
The only indication of Oscar's surprise is his widened eyes but after a few seconds, he reaches over to take another bite, humming as he chews on the eel. You smile, moving on to grab some kind of skewer.
You slowly move through the foods, explaining each one to Oscar as he tries them.
They're all good but Oscar's favourite is the yakitori, the skewers of grilled chicken. By the time you've finished the food on the table, Oscar is about ready to pass out.
So you pay as soon as you can, Oscar grumbling about his inability to pay for the meal, lacking the proper currency. He does Venmo you when you put your phone down, though.
The owner makes playful conversation with you, thanking you for coming around and telling you you're welcome back anytime. Oscar just stands with his head on top of yours, trying not to fall asleep.
You're about to leave when the man calls you back and you turn around to see him holding a camera in his hands, “For the wall? Need to remember the happy couple.”
You laugh, glancing around to see the many many photos of various friend groups on the wall behind you, turning back around with a soft look as you nod. You lean into Oscar who wraps an arm around you, tilting his head toward you. You tangle your hand with the one on your shoulder, holding up a peace sign with your other one.
The familiar click of a camera sounds and the man smiles warmly, waving you both out the door, “Have a great time! Thank you for coming!”
You wave goodbye, stepping out of the restaurant and pulling out your keys to unlock the car. Oscar untangles from you to walk to the passenger's side and step in. You drop in as well, setting your phone down in the centre console. Oscar is staring out the window when he feels something drop in his lap and he glances down to see the bag of peach rings he'd bought you.
“Can you open that?” You ask, starting the car and putting it in reverse. You glance over your shoulder as you pull backward, one arm behind Oscars seat and the other on the wheel.
Oscar, at risk of getting caught staring, turns his attention to the candy, ripping the edge and grabbing a few pieces to throw in his mouth.
Once you've got onto the main road, you hold out a hand and Oscar drops a couple pieces which you proceed to eat.
The drive is quiet, the both of you feeling the exhaustion of the day catch up to you. You eventually pull up to the hotel, stopping the car and stepping out. Not before grabbing more candy from Oscar, though.
Oscar leans over to grab his suitcase, stepping out of the car and sliding his backpack on. He grabs his water bottle from the airport, stuffing it into the bottle compartment on the side of the bag. He looks up and starts walking, stepping by your side as you enter the hotel. You stroll through the lobby, leading both of you to the elevator.
As the elevator starts moving up, you both lean against the wall, letting the quiet music be the only sound beside a couple yawns.
The elevator dings as it passes each floor. Oscar watches as you dig your key card out of your pocket, running your fingers along the edge absently.
The doors slide open, leading you to walk out, Oscar in tow. You drift down the hall, humming along to whatever song was playing in your head. Oscar vaguely recognizes it as Taylor Swift.
When you reach your room, you scan your card and push the door open, holding it to let Oscar pass through.
He does, pushing his suitcase next to the far side of the bed. He can hear you setting your things down, the familiar clink of keys on glass ringing out in the otherwise quiet room.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom,” he says lowly, sliding past you and into the attached bathroom. He can hear you hum in affirmation just before he shuts the door.
When he emerges, you're sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off your shoes before tossing them on the floor. You’ve taken off your hoodie (or Oscars) and its not lain over the chair across the room.
You glance up, smiling as you see the Aussie walk out, “Hi.”
Oscar huffs amusedly, sliding off his own shoes as he walks toward you, “Hi.”
You hum, looking up as he walks closer to you before leaning slightly to angle his face toward yours. You both pause for a few moments, waiting to see who'd break the stand-off first.
It ends up being you, as you pull his face down towards yours, your kiss almost searing. The kiss feels like it lasts a lifetime and Oscar almost wishes it could. He does pull away, though, just to move you away from the edge of the bed, smiling when he hears your laugh ring out after he's practically tossed you onto the mattress.
He moves up as well and before he can even get his bearings, you're pulling him back down again, hands in his hair and your lips on his.
The next morning, Oscars awoken by the sound of your quiet laugh. He rolls over with a tired groan, wrapping his other arm around your torso.
“What are you laughing at?” he grumbles, tiredness clear in his voice.
You turn to face him, looking impossibly beautiful for having just woken up. You hold your phone toward him and Oscar glances down at the screen before looking back up at your face with a questioning glance.
“Lando sent me a video this morning,” you start, closing your phone and tossing it aside to grasp his tired face between your hands, “Its quite funny.”
“What was it?” Oscar mumbles, leaning to press a small kiss on your forehead.
You lean back, looking him in the eyes and seemingly trying to hide your smirk, “It's a video of his teammate sprinting through the Shanghai airport.”
Oscar groans, trying to ignore your warm laugh, “Fuck.”
He's not really mad, not when the video was the source of your happiness right now.
There were a lot worse sights to wake up to than your happy face beside him.
Tags: @casperlikej @evie-119
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pbnbucks · 1 month
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word count : 807
warnings : smut, reasonably emotional
summary : paige’s graduation party leaves you emotional and horny for your childhood best friend who commonly teases you
request : “Can you please do a Paige x y/n one shot for prompt number 8/9 in the smut prompts? llysm your work is so good!!!”
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your hands clapped together along with others when paige walked out into the back yard coming back from her graduation seeing the large tables filled in her yard along with the grills that are steaming with burgers and hotdogs as she hugs each one of her family members saving you for last pulling you in for a hug as she pulls away you place a lingering kiss on her cheek
“looking this good just for me mama?” your best friend teases you as her jokes never fail to put a smile on your lips
“well i had to since you want to leave me in minnesota so you can go to Connecticut to be with all your fangirls” you laugh messing with her as she fakes a pout “you know your the only one i got eyes for” she takes her graduation cap off as it leaves her hair all frizzy as you run your fingers through her hair fixing her hair,
once your finished you take a step back eyeing her frame and her curves making her blush at your focus on her “We're in public, you know?” she retorts trying to seem flattering “oh shut up playboy”
your helping her mom when the blonde comes back behind you asking you to help pick out a outfit as she wanted to take you for a walk downtown tonight.
you follow behind her up the long slim stairs walking into her room carefully shutting the door behind you.
her familiar room that was once cleaned was now filled with card board boxes that was packed with clothes and gear for her college years as your eyes lingered on the frames filled with pictures of memories over the years that where now stuffed into the boxes as well.
your facial expressions didn’t slip past paige with her giving you a worried look “what did i do mama? how can i fix it?” she sits on the edge of her bed as she pulls you in to sit on her lap as your head lays on her shoulder as you sulk in your feelings
“your leaving me p” you coo as the blonde was now going to be hours away since you decided to go to the university of minnesota and she decided to take her dreams to the university of Connecticut.
her thumb come down to your chin moving it for you to look up at her “im always going to be there for you, i promise” she whispers as her words send the shivers down your spine “i love you paige”
your softened tone must of flipped a switch in her because now her face inched closer to yours leaving barely an inch before you moved into her embrace as your lips fought for dominance as your body inches closer to her.
you bit her lip softly making a moan escape from her lips as she flips your back on to the bed hovering over you as the necklace you gifted her now dangled over your face as the heart shaped diamond shined over the dark room.
“you should know im not going to let you be in charge mama” she tries to convince you but you know one day she will let you top as her kisses linger from your neck to your lower stomach as she looks up for consent as you give her a quick nod for her to hurry up.
her tongue licks a long stripe between your dripping folds as your legs slightly squirm from the pleasure feeling making her smirk in pride while she continues to lap at your cunt while her tongue teasingly slips in your hole often not failing her teasingly playful manner.
her finger slips into your core slowly adding another one as moans begin to slip out from the feeling “Quiet. We don't wanna get caught now, do we?” she reminds you as some of her family are sitting inside away from the heat.
her attack on your clit never faulted as your lower stomach began to burn making you wince at the close feeling of pleasure as your hand is placed on her head.
“your worth the long wait princess” she coos as her moans send a vibration through your core as you feel the knot begin to collapse
“paige, need to cum” you force out as you can already feeling it break as she speeds up her movements as your liquids come crashing on your tongue as your head pushes in to the pillow you once rested innocently on muffling your moans. she licks up every last bit of cum she can as she pulls herself up over you
“so you wanna tell me how good i am or just keep staring at me?” her playfulness returns as she gives you a quick peck “paige” you whine as her spark comes back.
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lololololchips · 28 days
can you do the jeno instagram thing you did with mark, hyuck and jaem? it was the cutest thing ever PLSSSS
someone finally asked for my boyfriend🙈🙈🙈
enjoyyyyy hehehe!
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Lee Jeno || in which jeno does his own take of a trend…
synopsis: in which jeno does his own take of a trend that shows how he tried to confess to his crush over various instagram stories
Jasmine by DPR LIVE
Compass by The Neighborhood
If I Can’t Have You by Shawn Mendes
the perfect pair by beabadoobee
Die With A Smile by Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars
genre:smau, one shot au, friends to lovers, non!idol, fluff
warnings: fem pronouns, cussing, jeno being delulu #twin, and just fluff😞
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250 notes · View notes
nhlclover · 5 months
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word count: 1.84k
summary: after will sees you at a party, he can't get you out of his head despite not knowing your name
warnings: one curse word, descriptions of reader having auburn hair
notes: based on 'i don't even know your name' by shawn mendes. after he came out with noah kahan in toronto, i've been listening to shawn's old albums non-stop.
The music thumped from inside the house, slightly muted to Will and the other patrons in the backyard. The warm glow of string lights overhead illuminated the scene, casting a soft, inviting ambiance over the backyard. Will lined up the shot, raising his arm and tossing the ping pong ball towards the cups at the other end of the table. The ball bounced off the rim of a red solo cup and onto the grass below.
“You are so bad at this, man.” Ryan groaned.
“Fuck off dude.” Will retorted.
Will didn’t want to be at this party if he was being honest. He had a paper to finish and a project to work on. If it wasn’t for Gabe practically guilt-tripping him into coming, Will would be sitting comfortably in their dorm and, if he was being honest with himself, he would probably be playing video games instead of doing his homework.
Gabe and the rest of the guys knew he didn’t want to be there so they goaded him into playing beer pong, hoping that by the end of the first round, they’d have convinced him to stay. However, now nearing the end of the game, Will was anticipating the moment he got to leave. Standing in the backyard, amongst the smokers and those watching their game of pong, Will truly wanted to leave.
“Will, you’re up,” Jacob said, pulling Will from his brief daze. He looked down at the table, noticing that Ryan had gotten them one cup away from a win, which would allow Will to go home.
Will lined up the shot, taking this one more seriously than any past shot. He steadied his hand, aiming for the sole plastic cup at the back of the table. Out of the corner of his eye, Will spotted the sliding door open. His eyes flicked over to the entrance, stopping on your figure as you emerged into the dimly lit backyard. The soft glow of string lights illuminated your silhouette as you stepped onto the back porch, casting a gentle halo around you.
Will's hand paused in mid-air, the ping-pong ball balanced precariously on his fingertips. Gabe, Ryan, and Jacob groaned in frustration.
"What's wrong with you, Will? Take the shot!" Ryan groaned.
Will blinked, tearing his eyes away from the allure of the girl on the porch. “Sorry…just thought I saw something.”
The boys followed Will’s unwavering gaze to the porch, immediately spotting what had captured his attention. “That’ll make him want to stay.” Jacob said under his breath.
“Go talk to her.” Gabe said.
Ryan shook his head, clamping a hand on Will's shoulder. “No, no. Don’t try and get out of this right before Smitty and I are about to win.” Ryan said. “Finish the game first, then he can go flirt.”
“You’re robbing him of a chance at love.” Gabe challenged. Sure, he wasn’t thrilled about being on the verge of losing in beer pong to Ryan who he knew would be bragging the whole night due to his ever-competitive spirit. However, he also really wanted to witness his friend attempt to chat up a girl.
“He can go talk to her after we win!” Ryan said.
Will cast another glance back at you on the porch, watching the shadows dance across your face, highlighting the curve of your cheekbones and the delicate arc of your smile. You seemed to be in deep conversation with a few other girls, giving Will peace of mind that he could quickly make the shot and then go talk to the pretty girl who had completely hijacked his attention.
However, with said attention now split, when Will took his shot he completely airmailed it. The game continued, Will casting occasional glances at you, relief washing over him when you remained on the porch. His turn came once again, this time putting his complete focus on the shot. With a flick of his wrist, Will sent the ball through the air, landing in the cup before Gabe or Jacob could attempt to interfere. Ryan pulled Will in, jumping with the blond nestled under his arm. When Ryan was done with his over-the-top celebrating, Will shoved him off.
“Can I go now?” He asks his friends.
Ryan rolls his eyes, while Gabe and Jacob wave him off, encouraging their friend to talk to the girl who had captured his attention. However, when Will turned to look at you, his eyes came up empty. You had disappeared from where Will had last seen you. He scanned the rest of the backyard in hopes that you had ventured further, however, Will’s heart sank as that was also futile.
He moved inside, searching the kitchen, then the living room for your presence. Or even the presence of your friends who could potentially tell him where you were. Despite his efforts, he found no one. Not you, not your friends. Will returned to the backyard, a sense of defeat washing over him. Will found his friends in another round of beer pong, this time with a girl having taken his spot as Ryan’s teammate.
Will stood next to the table, watching as Ryan guided the girl's arm, aiding her in making a shot. “She’s gone.” Will told them, voice tinged with disappointment.
Gabe exchanged a sympathetic look with Jacob before coming over and patting Will on the back. "Sorry, man,” Gabe said, sympathetically. “Maybe you’ll see her around?”
Will could only shrug, feeling as though he wasn’t going to. Regret gnawed at him, as well as a slight sense of resentment towards Ryan, as he couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve been if he had seized the moment when he had the chance.
Weeks passed since the party and Will was genuinely considering checking himself into a psych ward over you. Ever since the first glimpse, you’d woven yourself into the fabric of Will’s thoughts. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to shake you from his mind. Will was genuinely baffled at the way you’d become a constant presence in his mind. He’d always prided himself on being a fairly level-headed and rational guy, especially on the ice. However, he now found himself fixated on a girl he had only seen briefly.
He didn’t even know your name.
Will felt as though he had to find you, had to unravel the mystery of who you were and why you had such a powerful hold over him. There’d been several times when Will thought he’d seen you. Where he caught a glimpse of auburn locks and nearly ran up to them thinking it was you. But it never was.
During an away game in Maine, he thought he saw you. He spotted a cascade of auburn hair amidst the crowd and nearly completely abandoned the play at hand to get another glimpse. When Will brought it up to his linemates during the intermission, they could only laugh at his suggestion, reminding him of the miles between them and the sheer impossibility of you being there.
Will tried his best to push the idea of you from his mind, trying to force himself to move on and forget about the girl whom he’d decidedly conjured up in his mind. Will fully focused his mind on hockey and schoolwork, which is how he found himself in the library for the first time. He wandered the rows of tables, trying to find a relatively empty spot that he could settle into and work on his assignments.
Will’s eye briefly caught a glimpse of auburn hair but didn’t pay much mind to it. Every other time he’d believed he’d seen you, it turned out to be a doppelganger. But upon a second glance, he couldn’t believe it. He blinked, almost convinced that his bogged-down mind had conjured up the image of you. But as he took a closer look, Will realized it was indeed you—your hair cascading down her shoulders, the exact smile he’d seen on your face that night was back on your lips as you talked with your friends.
Will’s heart race quickened in his chest, the sound loud in his ears. As Will contemplates approaching you, a sudden realization washes over him that he hasn’t thought about what he’d say to you. In his mind, Will envisioned countless scenarios where your paths intersected, where your eyes met, and conversation flowed effortlessly. But in none of these dreams did he consider the stark reality of the moment where he would admit his feelings without the safety net of prepared words. Will grapples with the scenario, knowing that every second of hesitation is a missed opportunity. He can’t wait like he did last time.
Will finds his feet carrying himself in your direction before he knows it. Every last ounce of courage was summoned as he approached you. Will stops at the end of your table, yours as well as your friends' attentions turning to the blond.
"Um, hi," he started, his voice betraying the nervousness he felt. Your eyes, however, were soft as you waited for the blond to continue. "I couldn't help but notice… you seem familiar. Have we met before?"
That was a lie, obviously. Will knew they’d never interacted. But it was his sole attempt at making his presence seem natural. Your lips quirked into a small smile, and he felt a surge of relief at her response. "I don't think so," you replied, your voice soft and melodic. "I'm y/n."
Will’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of your name, a name he had longed to know since the moment he first saw you. "I'm Will," he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Will," you said, returning his smile. There was something about the way you said his name that sent a shiver down his spine.
Emboldened by your friendly demeanour, he decided to take a leap of faith. "Would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime? Maybe we could… catch up on all the times we haven't met before," he added with a sheepish grin, hoping his attempt at humour would lighten the mood.
Your smile widened, and a playful glint danced in your eyes, appreciating the boldness of the boy who’d approached you. "I'd like that, Will," you said. "How about tomorrow afternoon?"
"That sounds perfect," he said, unable to contain the grin that spread across his face.
As you exchanged contact information, Will couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. Will said goodbye to you, as well as your friends that he’d, in all honesty, had forgotten were there. As Will walked away from your table, his heart felt like it was doing cartwheels in his chest. He couldn't believe what just happened — finally mustering the courage to approach you, and to his amazement, you were even more captivating up close. Will walked off, exhilaration coursing through his veins. So much so that he left the library and forgone his pending assignments, excited that he now knew your name.
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dear-ao3 · 9 months
saphs song prompt challenge
ring in the new year with me and a silly challenge. any fandom, any genre. only rule is that you must use the song to inspire the fic. multi chap, one shot all are welcome. do as many or as little as you want, on time or not! doesnt matter to me. most fall into the angst/hurt comfort genre because that's what i write best but i threw in some other more happy ones
theres a collection link on ao3 for them here
all of these songs are some of my favorites to write to/about and i wanted to share :)
on each day of the month ill post some of my favorite lines/a bit of analysis of each song if anyone needs a bit of inspiration. happy writing everyone
the songs:
jan 1: quite miss home by james arthur
jan 2: lonely eyes by lauv
jan 3: dear reader by taylor swift
jan 4: my friends toyota by asiris
jan 5: montana by mikey ferrari
jan 6: girl on the internet by knox
jan 7: 3 am by matchbox 20
jan 8: jet pack blues by fall out boy
jan 9: love u like that by lauv
jan 10: line without a hook by ricky montgomery
jan 11: who says you can't go home by bon jovi
jan 12: just to hear you say that you love me by faith hill
jan 13: honest by the chainsmokers
jan 14: two by sleeping at last
jan 15: i hate your friends by alex cole
jan 16: safe inside by james arthur
jan 17: all i want by kodaline
jan 18: almost lover by a fine frenzy
jan 19: stick season by noah kahan
jan 20: if i could fly by one direction
jan 21: what am i by why don't we
jan 22: falling slowly from once
jan 23: the night we met by lord huron
jan 24: roaring 20s by panic! at the disco
jan 25: wonder by shawn mendes
jan 26: best years by 5 seconds of summer
jan 27: one way ticket by one ok rock
jan 28: falling by harry styles
jan 29: give me love by ed sheeran
jan 30: illicit affairs by taylor swift
jan 31: shallow by lady gaga and bradley cooper
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eroselless · 8 months
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❦ elle or ellie. twenty-three. she/her. colombian.
❦ currently obsessed with some dudes that drive fast cars. 
I write a lot of +18 content, minors dni 
❦ info about requesting:
my request are currently open. however, it might take me a bit to get some time since i can get a little busy with schoolwork for uni.
feel free to request anything for F1, HOTD, Harry Potter, or any other tags you see floating around my page!
❦ I do not post on any other platforms. If you see my work plagiarized anywhere else, please let me know!
❦ I've been going through a bit of a dry spell so my masterlist might look a little sparse. all my writing is linked below!
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[aegon targaryen]
[carlos sainz]
[lando norris]
[charles leclerc]
PATO - charles leclerc x reader , carlos sainz x reader SOMEBODY ELSE -lando norris x reader
cs55 cl16
If you want to support my writing you can buy me a coffee over on Ko-Fi
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Discontinued works
Sebastian Stan
Hopelessly Devoted [one] [two]
Bucky Barnes
Red Swan [prologue] [one]
Ethan Dolan
Life saver [one shot]
In the center of the ring [one shot]
Grayson Dolan
"I love you, please don't leave me..." [blurb]
Linger [one shot]
The floor is lava [one shot]
Shawn Mendes
Señorita [one]
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Sniffles & Snuggles
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wc~about 700
a/n: i remastered one of my old writings that was painfully rushed.
“Baby,” Shawn whispered as he climbed into bed beside you. “I’m home.”
Your foggy head was convinced that it was a dream until you felt the mattress dip beside you as Shawn joined atop the covers. He was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants for maximal comfort while traveling, doubling as pajamas when he finally returned home.
Your eyes fluttered open and you rolled over, melting into the embrace you hadn’t felt for weeks. The sound of his heartbeat filled your ears, and the warmth of his body encapsulated you. It was half past two when he got home, too early to be morning and too late to be night.
Your morning was spent completing light tasks like folding laundry and straightening up the bedroom to occupy your mind. Around lunchtime, the dull ache in the back of your head and throat became too much to ignore. Your bed and a fuzzy blanket had been your best friends for the remainder of the day as your symptoms progressed into an undesirable discomfort. There was an irritating tickle in the back of your throat, and your breath felt muggy and aggravating against your upper lip. The only thing to make you feel better was to read old texts from Shawn until you finally fell into a fitful sleep.
“Are you feeling alright, baby? You’re hot to the touch.”
“Hmm?” you hummed, instinctively leaning into his cold hand when it came to rest on your forehead.
“Are you sick, honey?” he asked again, his brows knitting in concern as he felt the heat radiating from your body.
“Maybe,” you whimpered, avoiding his soft, compassionate gaze.
“I wish I would have checked in on you,” Shawn admitted sheepishly. “It was selfish of me not to. And it was stupid of you not to tell me you didn’t feel good.”
“You were on an airplane,” you reasoned. “Besides. I’m fine.”
“It’s sad that you were here alone, feeling sick, with just TikTok and that humidifier to keep you company,” Shawn explained, beckoning to the steaming device on your nightstand.
You shrugged rather than wasting energy on a witty comeback. The more you spoke, the heavier your head felt, and the heavier your head felt, the closer you were to bursting into tears. You squeezed your eyes shut against the harsh glow of Shawn’s phone, which was being used as a nightlight.
“I have Tylenol in my backpack if that would help,” he suggested, turning the bottle over in his hand to study the label. “It will help with your temperature and headache.”
You croaked out a small no, rubbing your closed eyes with your fists to make them stop watering. “I don’t have a temperature.”
Setting the medicine bottle to the side, Shawn laid down with a hand on each of your sides, squeezing you gently as he laid down on top of you with his chin on your chest. Your watery eyes were met by Shawn’s adoring honey-brown eyes and a rosy-lipped smile that made you realize just how much you had missed him.
“I’m glad I’m home to help you feel better,” he mused softly, reaching up to feel your forehead again. By moving his arm, he recreated a path for his flashlight to reach your eyes once more.
You squeezed your eyes shut against the blinding light and Shawn nuzzled his nose against your cheek. “Don’t fall asleep on me, honey,” he urged.
“‘M not,” you mumbled, batting your eyes repeatedly against the irritated tears that welled up inside them.
“So flirtatious,” he joked. “You and your pretty eyelashes. Baby, I’m already yours. Forever and always.” A soft chuckle escaped from deep within him, filling the room and warming your heart.
“I missed you, Shawnie.” You couldn’t help but return the sunny smile he cast you before giving you a gentle peck on the lips and lying back down on top of you.
“I bet I missed you more,” he teased, his eyes glimmering mischievously. “All of you.”
“You mean my pussy,” you laughed out loud, fighting back a wave of sniffles. “You missed all of me, especially sex.”
“There’s the smile I missed!” Shawn beamed, squeezing your cheeks as you continued smiling. “I knew that would cheer you up.”
Your smile faded as you let out a few painful coughs, and Shawn took on a more serious tone. “Have you had anything to drink recently?” He passed you the water bottle that rested on the edge of your nightstand. “This is completely full.”
“I was too tired to drink it,” you explained before taking a few tiny sips, grimacing as your throat burned.
“Three more sips.” Shawn helped you sit up and rubbed your back as you drank the water. His touch gave rise to goosebumps on your hot skin. He took you into his lap as he untucked a corner of the comforter which you had neglected when you laid down earlier in the day.
“We’re getting under the covers now,” he whispered into the top of your head as he set you down on the cool sheets. “Sleep as late as you can, okay?”
You nodded sleepily, relishing his touch as you drifted off to sleep. The melody of a lullaby drifted to your ears as Shawn hummed softly.
taglist: @monikamendes @fishingirl12 @chocochipcookie305 @sonder444 @butlerbliss
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marie-swriting · 2 years
The Memories Of Our Relationship - Shawn Mendes
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Superache Masterlist
Summary : You finally start moving on from your relationship with Shawn, but he decided to come at your place in the middle of the night.
Warnings : angst, sad ending, Shawn is drunk, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word Count : 1.7k
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
Song inspiration : Memories by Conan Gray
The sound of your doorbell drags you out of bed. You blink your eyes quickly before rubbing them and looking at the time on your phone. You’re wondering who could be at your place at two in the morning. You sigh, annoyed before getting out of your room and walking to the door. You look through the peephole and see Shawn, a sad expression on his face and his hair wet from the rain. You hadn’t seen each other for the past two months, since your breakup. You have no idea why he’s here. You hesitate before opening to him, concerned you’re making a mistake. After debating with yourself mentally, you decide to give him a chance. After all, he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t have a good reason. As soon as you open the door, Shawn stumbles into your apartment. You roll your eyes and close behind him, already reconsidering your decision.
“What are you doing here ?” You ask him while he stays in the middle of your living room.
“I want to talk to you.” He announces before taking his wet coat off and putting it on the coat rack.
“It’s two AM, Shawn.”
“I know but I need to.” Shawn insists and you realise his voice is a bit different.
“Are you drunk ?”
“No, I just drank one glass.” He denies, but you know him.
“Look, just say what you wanna tell me quickly, I have to wake up tomorrow. I mean, in five hours.”
“I… I want us to get back together.”
When you hear his sentence, the fatigue officially leaves your body. You raise your eyebrows and you hope you misheard. You rub your temples, closing your eyes for a second. When you open them again, you can see the seriousness on his face.
“You’re the one who wanted to break up.” You retort before playing with your butterfly pendant hanging down your neck.
“I know, and I regret it.”
“It’s a bit too late now.”
He doesn’t listen to you and starts walking in your living room, looking around. His eyes are full of nostalgia while he reminisces about your relationship. You look at him from afar, not knowing what to do. His inebriated state doesn’t help you to make him aware of the situation. At one point, he stops and takes an object on your living room table. Even if you don’t see it, you know what he took. You trot toward him and remove the book from his hands.
“You still have our photo album ?” He asks with a stupid smile on his face. “I thought you’d have thrown it away by now.”
“Tonight is the first time I looked at it since our breakup, actually.”
“So you admit it, you miss what we had as well.”
“I never said that.” You affirm gripping on the book a bit harder.
“So why did you take it out after all this time ?”
“I don’t really know. I… I suppose I wanted to see if I could look at the pictures without breaking down.”, you explain and before he can smile, you quickly add, “which I can.”
Shawn doesn’t say anything, not convinced by your answer. He starts strolling around again before going to your kitchen. He pours himself a glass of water. He drinks it in one gulp, then he puts it in the dishwasher. You join him again, more and more annoyed by his behaviour. You wish he’d finally leave you alone, especially because you need to rest. You cross your arms over your chest before taking a determined tone.
“Why are you here, Shawn ?”
“I told you, I want us to get back together. I shouldn’t have let you go. I was an idiot.”
“You wanted it because of the distance and your job it was too complicated.”
“But you, you didn’t want it.” He retorts and you look away for a second. “You wanted to find a solution to make things work. And I was so sure I was right I didn’t listen to your arguments, like a moron. I should have. I don’t want to lose you. Without you, I’m nothing. Please, let me fix my stupid mistake.” He begs, trying to take your hand.
“Shawn, stop it.”, your order as you take a step back, “I’m finally moving on, I don’t need to hear you say that.”
“But deep down, you still love me.”
“Of course.”, you state as if it was obvious, “You’ll always have a special place in my heart, but it doesn’t mean we should be together again.”
“Why not ?”
“Love is not always enough. It didn’t work once, a second time wouldn’t be any better. Trust me, I haven’t stopped thinking about it for the last two months. I’ve imagined every scenario and there’s no happy ending for us. If you hadn’t broken up with me, we would have done it later. We were already falling out of love so our relationship was going to have an end, at some point.”
“We could stay friends ? I still want to be a part of your life.” He proposes with an ounce of hope and you’re trying not to give in.
“We can’t. It wouldn’t be a good thing, because we’d prevent each other from moving on with someone else. It’s better if we don’t talk anymore.” You tell him, your hands playing with your necklace.
“Y/N, please.”
“Oh my God, listen to me for once in your life !”, you lose your temper running your hand on your face, “I don’t want to. I was fine with the memories of our relationship. Of course when you left me, I was devastated and mad at you. I even thought I’d always have memories of you where I’d hate you, but then I realised you were right from the beginning. I have good memories of you, of us and you’re currently ruining everything. So stop it. You were perfect when you were just in my memories. I didn’t need to see you tonight, especially if you were gonna say that. I’ll always have affection for you, but it is over.”
Shawn simply nods with teary eyes while you breath heavily. You know you just broke his heart, but you need to protect yours. You had to be straight with him. You don’t like being the cause of his pain, but you don’t have any other choice. He doesn’t answer you, understanding it’s a lost cause. He leaves the room while you’re getting a grip on yourself. You breathe many times before finding back Shawn in your living room, asleep on your couch. Frustrated, you sigh, but decide to not wake him up. His drunkenness won’t allow you to make him get out of your house easily anyway and you don’t want him to drive and be the reason for an accident. 
You leave him a glass of water and some medicine before taking a blanket. As you put it on him, Shawn opens his eyes for a moment. He looks at you as you’re leaning in above him and his eyes find your necklace, making him smile foolishly.
“You’re still wearing it.”
You don’t have the time to open your mouth because he falls back asleep right away. You look at him one last time and go back to your bedroom. You roll over in your bed for a bit as you think back at your discussion with Shawn. You wipe some tears on your cheek before finally being able to fall back asleep.
When your alarm goes off three hours later, you’re mad at Shawn for cutting your sleep short. You struggle to get out of bed, but you force yourself to get dressed for work. When you’re ready, you go to your living room after taking a box that has been lying in your closet around the past two months. You put it next to the couch and shake Shawn. He needs a minute to surface. When he sees you, he can’t help but have a smile on his face. For him, he’s back to the beginning of your relationship, where everything was well, where you were happy together. But your neutral expression brings him back to reality. He sits down before taking the glass of water and the medicine he just saw. When he’s done, he stands up in front of you. You point at the box before speaking.
“These are your stuff. I think there is a coat, books and CDs. I wasn’t able to give them back to you before”, you inform and he stays silent, “you can take them back.” You insist.
“You weren’t joking when you were saying you wanted our relationship to stay only memories.” Shawn says laughing to hide his pain.
“If I want to move on, I don’t have any other choice. Oh, there’s that, too.” You say, removing your necklace.
“No, Y/N, you can keep it. It belongs to you and you only.”
“I know, but I feel like as long as I’ll have it, I won’t be able to grieve our love story and I don’t want to throw it away, so take it.” You clarify, handing the jewel.
“If it’s what you want.” He murmurs, taking it.
Shawn looks at the necklace, admiring the silver butterfly. Your attempt at your first kiss had been interrupted by the appearance of the insect with beautiful blue wings. You had laughed before being able to finally kiss. The butterfly had quickly become your symbol. You love this necklace. You always touch it whenever you’re feeling a negative emotion. But you can’t keep wearing it.
Shawn puts it in the box carefully. He takes the box before walking to the door. You open it for him and he starts leaving, his head down. You’re about to close the door when he turns around one last time.
“I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have come. You’re right.”, he admits before taking a deep breath, “You’ll also always have a special place in my heart. I love you.”
You wish you could say it back, but the words stay stuck in your throat because it’s not the thing to say. Deep down, you know it. So you smile at him sadly before  closing the door symbolising the end of the chapter of the story with Shawn.
Superache Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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mischiefmaker615 · 3 months
Musical Mischief One Shots♥
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♥This is a masterlist where all my Loki One Shots based off/inspired by SONGS will be posted :D if you have a song you want a one shot written/inspired by, just DM and i can see what i can do ♥
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande+
Die For You by The Weekend Jackie and Wilson by Hozier
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs Bang Bang by K'NAAN
Control by Halsey Please Please Please By Sabrina Carpenter
The Boy is Mine by Ariana Grande Ghost by Confetti
Masochist by Ellise Underwater by MIKA
Moonlight by *Phantom of the Opera* Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy
Just the Two of Us by Bill Withers Sailor Song by Gigi Perez
If You Think I'm Pretty by Artemas Señorita by Shawn Mendes
For You by HIM Love is Gone by Dylan Matthew and SLANDER
Rule #34 by Fish in a Birdcage If You Love Me by Brenda Lee
Tennessee Orange by Megan Moroney Tonight from Don (2006)
Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell
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Gif Skits
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