#She knows how much I hate painting my nails and jokingly asked me how long they were going to last
justawishaway · 2 years
I had no idea that acrylic nails could make me so dysphoric that I'd spend a half hour prying them off just to make it stop.
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 2 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640893672076001280/class-1-a-relationship-headcanons
Part 1 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mezou Shouji
Best hugs ever
I mean what else is he gonna do with all those arms? Fight villains?
Y/n is the only one who can call him by his first name
Shouji is super tall and y/n just calls him “Mezou McTallMan”
He has like 5 million IQ and plays chess with y/n and they just sit their feelin stupid cause they keep losing
Shouji and Tokoyami are best friends and then when him and y/n get together all three of them are best friends and it’s adorable
Y/n never really cared about the mask but was like “hey you don’t need to take it off if you don’t wanna”
And it melted Shouji’s heart that they were fine with it
Thier hair is always ruffled because of how much he messes with it
They just don’t bother anymore
He doesn’t like getting to much attention so for events they have little at home/ in the dorm party’s with just a few other kids
He 100% takes advantage of how scary he can look
If someone is trying to get at y/n he will look at them with the most haunting glare in the world
(*cough* Mineta *cough* *cough*)
Kyouka Jirou
Rockin out to rock but also crappy 2000’s pop music at three am
Jirou will just be sitting beside y/n as they mess with her lobes
Y/n is as much as a crackhead as the rest of the Bakusquad so they all get along great
Bakugo has almost stabbed both of them for kissing in public and being affectionate in public
Coming back to the dorms all sweaty from going to a concert and jumping around for four hours straight
Has the hardest time trying to teach y/n how to play everything because it hurt their ~delicate fingers~
Leaning on each other’s backs and listening to music sharing ear buds 😫
Getting records and hanging them on each other’s walls and painting them if they don’t like the songs 💜
She has a ton of vintage art/ band hoodies and they just share them at some point because they keep stealing them from each other
Going to the arcade with Denki and Kirishima and whoever else wants to come
Y/n always says Jirou has a “out shine the stars smile” and she becomes a blushing mess every time
She’s not very good at comforting :(
She tries tho
She’s great honestly
Hanta Sero
He asks y/n if he annoys them and y/n legit feels so bad like “I love u so much don’t you dare think that>:(“
He likes saving up for dates and going to fancy restaurants and stuff but he’s fine with small inexpensive dates
They’ve gone to sixflags at least ten times and they have definitely broke a whole ride from messing around with his tape
That couple where even before they were dating they were dating
Jokingly kissing each others hand/ cheeks, cuddling up to each other, always asking if the other was going somewhere too, that kinda stuff
Hammock cuddles
I think you understand
Prank war in the whole dorm and y/n and Sero are the kings (or queens) (or non-binary royalty) of it
Bakugo has declared war on them multiple times but never goes on it because of how hard they go
Everyone has said it, you know it
Spider man kisses
He has almost passes out from the blood rushing to his head before
if Mineta walks up to y/n from behind he will tape him up and they can’t have a normal conversation without Sero glaring at him
So many inside jokes
Once y/n put his hair in a bun or something and he was like :0 “oh my god there’s a world without hair in ur face”
Sometimes either of them will sneak in the others dorm in the morning before they wake up and put sunglass on them or draw on their face
“This reminds me of u” insert simp meme
This boy will make sure y/n is always holding his werid long lanky hands
They teach Todoroki what “Yeet” means and now they all use it all the time unironically
Fumikage Tokoyami
👏head 👏scratchys 👏
Y/n has to get him a nightlight so Dark Shadow doesn’t go wild in the middle of the night
Huge edge lord y/n is his only soft spot
Watch dumb vampire movies
They binged all the Twilight movies in one night and everyone makes fun of them for kinda unironiclly liking it
I know Halloween is only really a american thing but they 100% have Halloween party’s at the dorms
They’d set up the whole thing
Y/n gets him black nail polish and skull rings and edgy everything
He has a box that takes up like half his closet of just gifts from y/n
He doesn’t do gifts as much as just spending time with y/n
He does love the gifts tho
Give each other plenty of space
Just say “hey I wanna be alone for a bit” and he’ll be gone in a second
He’s always the little spoons cause he’s scared of peaking their eyes out accidentally
They didn’t keep the relationship a secret they just aren’t very physically affectionate to each other
So one day Shouji is like “oh are you crushing on y/n? Like you are really nice to them and they give you stuff”
And he sits there like “dude we’ve been together for months how do you not know”
And then they are like maybe we should announce it just to make sure? So they do that and the whole class is in shock that they were together for so long and no one noticed
Jokingly calls Tokoyami “Emo Peacock” 
You can’t tell me they try to do the Waltz as a joke but get really into it and do it whenever they hear any music now
Jirou could literally be playing hard core rock or heavy metal and they’ll be doing the waltz to it
Dark Shadow low key feels like a third wheel sometimes but then y/n give him a tight hug and he feels appreciated
Shouto Todoroki
Feeding the simps
So ya know that thing in the notes app where you can share notes? Yeah they share one of those where they list things they hate about Endeavor and after a month they are already on a thousand
Just sit in the same room
Could be doing anything not even envolving the other but it’s nice just to have the other there
Protecting the girls from Mineta together ❤️👏👏
at first it honestly just seemed like they were really good friends because they kept it a secret (mostly cause if it got out to the public Endeavor would find out and probably try to break them up)
Even in private they would just kiss the others cheek or forehead and hold hands and that’s the only difference
He talks to his mother about y/n a lot and she is so excited to meet y/n
She has really high expectations just because of how good they sound but does take in that Shouto is literally in love with them, he’s gonna have slight rose tinted glasses
Yeah their just as good as Todoroki made them out to be
When he told y/n about his childhood (endeavor, his mom, his scar, Dabi…) y/n cried because they felt so bad and cuddled him all day trying to help any way they could
They totally made him go to therapy 😌
Has a written down list of thing they said they like so he can get them one if they feel down
He has literally bought them a cat when they were feeling really down and y/n had to explain that he can’t just go and buy a cat when their feeling bad
They keep it tho don’t worry
He’ll turn off the air conditioning when he wants y/n’s affection
They’ll just come running at him and tackle him so he can warm them up/ cool them down
Expect goodnight texts
Make custom memes about how bad of a parent Endearvor is
Legit the start of Todoroki crushing on them overhearing them tell a friend that they don’t think Endearvor is a good hero/ deserves to be number 1
Once asked All Might to adopt Todoroki (I mean he thought about it for a second before Aizawa told him no)
Todoroki let’s y/n cook stuff on his left side
Deku will just wake up in the morning smelling eggs and think someone’s cooking but find y/n cracking eggs onto Todoroki’s left side
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cclementinee · 3 years
post-argument (booboo stewart)
“Fine! You know what, Booboo? You can take your stupid easel, your stupid canvas and fuck off!” You scream at your boyfriend, pushing him towards the door of your apartment. 
“Fine, you fucking psycho! All I wanted was some peace and quiet anyways!” He yells back, making you wince. Booboo never yelled at you, no matter how mad he was. He packs all of his supplies up quickly, which you’re thankful for so he doesn’t see the tears streaming silently down your face, and leaves. With a slam of the door, you’re alone. You sink down to the floor, sniffling as your cat saunters over, rubbing her body against you, almost like she knew what happened. One of your hands reaches down to pet her, the other wipes a stray tear from your cheek. You hated fighting with Booboo and he knew that, which is why his yelling and storming out both surprised and upset you even more. Was that the final straw? Did he not love you- want you- anymore? 
You sit, wallowing in your self pity for about an hour before you hear your phone ringing, you get up but miss it just before your hand grabs your phone. Your screensaver lights up with a notification from the man who’s smiling face was staring back at you. You call him back, he picks up on the first ring, “Y/N?” He asks, sounding hoarse, as if he’s also been crying for the last hour too. He asks you to come down to his studio and you agree, thinking it was a good sign that he didn’t want to break up, throwing on a sweatshirt and grabbing your keys. He hangs up without saying I love you and your heart drops. You can’t think of anything else the entire drive to his studio. This was it, this was his breaking point.
The sound of Elvis’ velvety voice flowing through the hallway of your boyfriend’s art studio was literal music to your ears. This was a good sign. You open the door to the room he was in quietly, being sure not to disturb him; you loved watching him paint. When you walked in, his back was facing you, he was wearing a mustard yellow hoodie and beige sweatpants, no shoes and his long dark brown hair was up in a bun. You tip-toed over to the small burgundy couch in the corner of the room, sitting down and pulling your legs up to your chest, watching him work. A few minutes pass before he turns to dip his brush in a new color, your presence making him jump. You give him a smile and stand, walking towards him. “Is this where you dump me?” you ask, looking down at your hands, fiddling with the gold ring embezzled with a small moon, he made it for you for your 2nd anniversary and you’ve never taken it off. He looks at you in confusion, “No baby, no. No no.” he says, pulling you into a hug when he sees your bottom lip start to tremble. You collapse in his arms, “You yelled at me.” you say softly, looking up at him with a pout on your lips. He shakes his head, running his thumb over your bottom lip, pushing it back in place, something he’s always done when you pouted at him. 
“I know, and I regretted it the second I did it. I love you, I always love hearing you talk about every little thing that crosses your mind. And I am so sorry if I ever made it seem like I don’t.” he mumbles into your hair, squeezing you close a few times before releasing you. “I thought you hated me.” You say, crossing your arms over your chest, sniffling.
“I could never hate you.” he says, and he reaches for you. “Hey baby.” Booboo says in a low voice, still a little scratchy from crying. He really was so beautiful. “What are you thinking about, pretty girl?” he asks, kissing your nose and pulling you into a hug. 
“About how much I love you.” you say quietly, looking up at him and he gives you a toothy grin, leaning in and giving you a peck on the lips, “What about you, Boo?” you ask, running your hands from his shoulders, over his chest before wrapping your arms around his middle. 
“About my girl, always.” he says into your hair, kissing the top of your head and sighing in content. You hum, nuzzling your face into his chest as his hands slip under your sweater, grazing over your hips and rubbing up your back. You stop as you feel a squishy substance touch your nose, “There’s fresh paint on this sweatshirt.” you mumble, pulling away and he starts laughing at your paint covered face. “It’s not funny!” you say, pushing him away jokingly and laughing too. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N. Now we can shower together.” he says, waggling his eyebrows at you, still laughing and reaching for you again. You let him pull you close and look up at him, batting your eyelashes and puckering your lips. He leans down and closes the space between you, wasting no time and wiping his tongue over your bottom lip, you open your mouth and let his tongue massage yours as his hands trail from your hips to your backside, squeezing your ass and pulling you closer, if that was even possible. He starts to walk you backwards towards the couch, sitting down and pulling you down to straddle his lap. His hands ghost over your hips, up your sides and he separates your lips only to pull off your sweatshirt, grinning when he sees you were bare underneath it. His lips go to your neck, leaving hot, wet kisses down to your chest before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and then pulling away, kneading it with his thumb whilst blowing cool air on it. You bite your lip, sighing softly as you reach to take his sweatshirt off as well. He pulls it off, throwing it behind him and pulls you back in for another kiss, biting on your bottom lip as one of his hands dives below the waistband of your leggings, your breath hitches in your throat as his fingers brush against you. He looks up at you through his thick lashes, “You like that, baby?” he asks, one of his fingers circling your clit as he continues kissing down your neck. You nod, unable to get a word out before he inserts two fingers inside you without any warning. You moan out his name as he pumps them in and out. “That’s right, baby, who’s making you feel this good?” he breathes before capturing your lips in another kiss, swallowing every one of your moans selfishly. 
You break away, chest heaving, “Please fuck me.” you beg and before you could utter another sound, he flips your body so you’re underneath him. His hands work to get the rest of your clothes before he kicks off his sweats, he kisses you again and pumps himself in his hand a few times before sliding his tip between your soaked folds, teasing you before pushing in and bottoming out inside you. You both let out a moan before he starts a steady pace, one hand beside your head and the other on your hip. Your hands find their way to his shoulders, gripping onto them tightly, nails digging in. One trails a line of fire up to his bun, letting his hair out and he smiles, “Gonna pull on it baby?” he asks rhetorically, he already knew the answer but you decide to show him by wrapping your fist around his hair in a makeshift ponytail and pulling, earning a low grunt from your boyfriend. Then you get an idea.
“Baby, baby, wait…” You start, whimpering softly in his ear as he starts hitting your spot with every thrust. “I want you to fuck me from behind and pull my hair.” you say, smiling shyly up at him. He all but has a conniption as he pulls out, helping you turn and get on all fours. He slowly slides back in, hands on your waist as he does. One of them gently glides up your body, tracing a line to the nape of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair and he pulls your head back, his lips pressing back into your neck, “Call me daddy, baby.” he moans, setting the pace again, hitting every inch of you with every thrust.
“D-Daddy, please, holy shit-” you moan, a hand reaching behind you and tangling itself in his hair, he moans out as his thrusts start to get sloppy, and one of his hand cups one of your breasts, squeezing gently as he pushes you both to your orgasms. “Daddy, yes, fuck- I’m there!” you scream out, legs shaking as he pushed in deeper, if that was even possible. Within minutes you were cumming together, falling into a tangled heap on the small sofa. As you both caught your breath, he wrapped you in his arms, snuggling up to you. “I love you, Boo.” you breathe out, barely above a whisper, nuzzling your head into his neck.
“I love you.” He replies, kissing your forehead, “I promise I’ll never yell at you again.” He whispers, twirling a piece of your hair around one of his fingers. His lips ghosted over your fingers as he held your hand up to his mouth, kissing each finger gently, his lips pausing over your ring. “Do you remember when I gave this to you?” he asked, smiling down at you.
You nod, smiling back at him, “Of course I do, B. It was our 2 year anniversary, every plan we had made fell through but you were determined to give me this.” you say, laughing and he kisses you gently, deepening the kiss only after pulling you on top of him, his hands on your waist. You decided that spending every post-argument in his arms was exactly what you wanted to do for the rest of your life, and unbeknownst to you, so did he. 
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silvanable · 4 years
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Hi!! I hope you don’t mind me requesting! ^^ I’m using the submission box because my ask is super long >< But anyways, I was wondering if you could write IkeVamp headcanons for this scenario:
So basically, Reader has this ex best friend who betrayed her by becoming friends with her bully, and the IkeVamp suitors are already aware of this and Reader’s ill feelings towards Ex Bestie. So, a few months later, Reader and the suitors are at a ball/party hanging out and out of nowhere, Ex Bestie just swoops in pretending like nothing happened, and just decides to get on Reader’s good side again by telling her that she looks really pretty tonight. But Reader, having none of her ex bestie’s BS, comes up with a badass comeback by saying, “Thanks! Can’t say the same about you though,” with a face of pure contempt before walking away like a Queen.
I was wondering, how would the Ikevamp suitors react to this? If all of them is too much, I would like it if you wrote for Napoleon, Vincent, Theo, Arthur, and Dazai!
Sorry for the long read! ^^’ Thank you so much! 🥰
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aaaahhh! it’s so nice to see you back in my inbox again, darling! and this time with an ikevamp request~
i absolutely love the idea! as someone who has struggled with friendships and ended up on the sour end of it, this is something i not only understand but can get behind.
i’m always down for a badass reader putting her best, savage, sassy foot forward.
can i saw how overly happy being able to use british slang on arthur’s part made me? i was too giddy, but every time he says something like that in game i just lose it.
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arthur always knew his s/o was one sassy, snarky little thing but he had never expected her to leave no survivors.
he had known about her past relationships, one in particular, that had ended rather bitterly and left her just as bitter about it.
it was something that he grasps quickly and noted how especially hurt his s/o was because of it.
he knew how hard it was to open up to someone and be so fragile, hoping against the worst they would not break you, and yet his s/o’s best friend had done that.
He had never seen her ex-best friend before, so when a young dame saunters up to his beloved he can only assume they know each other.
it was easy for him to catch the tension in his s/o body though, the moment she turned to see who had called out to her.
Still, she forces and smile and greets the other woman with a familiar name.
it strikes arthur then. he knows exactly who this is now, an old acquaintance of his s/o.
he was ready to step in immediately, to pull you from the uncomfortable situation but just as he placed a hand on her shoulder it happened—
“it’s been so long! look at you, you are absolutely stunning tonight!” her ex-friend greeted.
“aw, thanks! can’t say the same about you though,” his s/o shot back, the semblance of a sneer before she turned on her heel.
arthur hardly had a moment to react as she grabbed his hand and walked off, a growing smirk on his beloved’s lips.
“by jove, love,” is about all he can get out as he looks between her and the other woman who grows smaller as he’s dragged through the crowd.
it’s not often that arthur is taken by surprise, especially because he is very keen to things, but for once his little darling has managed to surprise him.
and as he’s being dragged away, his hand in hers, laughter starts to bubble out of him.
it’s only then when his s/o stops to look back at him curiously and ask what has gotten into him.
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the two of them had decided to take a date to enjoy the festival and fun that was being offered in the streets of paris this evening.
dazai had been enjoying his time, with his s/o, as they wandered between vendors and marveled at spectacles on display.
then suddenly his s/o was tugging gently on his sleeve, requesting that they take a break somewhere out and away from the crowds.
dazai was not one to refuse but it seemed something had startled his s/o and before he had the chance to ask, another voice cut him off.
a masculine voice calls out his s/o name and she goes stiff as the owner appears from the crowd.
he seemed to pay no mind to dazai, who happened to be standing right there, as his s/o clung to his arm.
“i haven’t seen you in so long, but it’s good to see you!” the newcomer greeted, “looks like you got especially dolled up for the festival too, huh? you look great.”
dazai is normally pretty laid back and some would dare say air-headed but he realized what was going on now and who this was. his s/o ex best friend.
he was ready to shoo this man away, especially because he could feel his s/o’s nails digging into his arm through his kimono sleeve.
but before he had the chance, she let go, stepping up to face the man before them.
she suddenly wore a disarming smile as as she greeted the man, “yeah i’m out on a date. and thanks!— but hate to say i can’t say the same about you though.”
the unbridled look of contempt that crossed her face and the flash of anger in her eyes was dangerous.
but dazai only found it that much more amusing as he watched his feisty s/o turn with a small ‘hmph’, taking his hand, and saunter away.
the entire display only brought a smile to dazai’s lips as the two strolled down the street.
“that’s my toshiko-san,” he laughed.
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napoleon is a gentleman and especially so when it comes to his s/o.
so when she opens up to him about a troubling friendship in her past, where her closest confidant betrayed her, it was simple to say that he did feel some anger.
but he assured her that he would never do the same, he was here to protect her after all.
then came the night of a pleasant little party. as being apart of comte’s house had earned her an invitation to a party by some esteemed nobles.
obviously she would not go alone and brought napoleon with her.
the evening start out nice and things were pleasant, though throughout it all napoleon had noticed how uneasy his s/o seemed.
the cause of her uneasy was only made apparent when an unfamiliar woman approached them both.
she greeted his s/o by name, “i haven’t seen you in forever! and that dress? you look fantastic.”
there was a pause as the other woman smiled at his s/o, who looked rather pensive, daresay even angry.
but whatever flicker of hatred napoleon had seen melted away quick as she smiled and said the woman’s name.
it clicked from there as napoleon’s jade eyes fixed on the woman carefully.
while he would never dare strike against a woman, he knew the history between her and his s/o, and such cruelty should not be met with kindness.
“i know, it’s been so long. and thanks! wish i could say the same about you though,” sudden her smile took on a sharp edge.
napoleon heard his name called and his attention focused on his s/o as she grabbed his hand.
“nice seeing you though,” her words were laced with venom as she pulled him away.
he was stunned into silence as he followed after his s/o, the event replaying in his mind.
he knew that she was a formidable woman, but she had such a sweet and kind heart that… to see such a lioness rear up had surprised him.
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when theo and his s/o had grown close, she had eventually opened up to him about a betrayal in her past.
theo, at the time, had jokingly asked if that meant she had wanted revenge because her once-best friend had done her wrong.
at the time, she seemed like she had wanted to say yes, to be able to rub her friend’s face in the dirt for causing her so much pain.
but she said no, that she would not stoop so low to be just like him.
it only made theo adore her more because of that.
today was the day of an art venue, one theo had put together himself, and of course with the help of his s/o.
it was rather grand, many people had come to see paintings were on display and to meet the artists who created them.
and for the duration of the evening, things had gone smoothly, until his s/o had come up to him, standing unusually close to his side.
when he had tried to ask her about it, she simply brushed it off as nothing and that she wanted to be around him.
it continued on like that until an unfamiliar voice called out her name.
theo swore in that moment she looked like a scared little hare, ready to bolt at any given moment.
then from the crowd of viewers a man had stepped, waving her over with a smile as he greeted her.
“i can’t believe it’s you. i thought i saw you earlier but i thought i was mistaken. i didn’t know you would be here.”
theo was ready to step in between his s/o and this stranger immediately, as he was but a stranger.
besides, his s/o seemed scared and theo was protective of her.
she grabbed his arm and stopped him, instead stepping between him and the stranger as she said a name.
that’s when theo realized this was no stranger but it was someone worse.
“i helped put this venue together,” she responded simply, unbelievably sweet too.
“that’s amazing, i never knew you were into art. you look great by the way, you’ve gotten prettier!”
theo could tell know that the smile she wore was fake, forced on her lips and was a sign of something lethal.
“oh, i got into it. aww thanks! shame i can’t say the same about you though,” she shot back, tongue firing like a weapon.
and oh, if looks could kill. the absolutely look of contempt on her face as she gazed at her once-friend… theo wondered if she had picked that up from him.
“if you’ll excuse us, we have work to do,” and with that, she turned, grabbed theo’s hand, and pulled them away.
“hondje—” but she cut him off with a shush, holding her head high for a moment more before a giddy laugh escaped her lips.
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vincent is the person who strives to see the best in everyone. after all, he considered an angel for a reason.
he had accompanied his s/o and comte to a grand ball being held in town, only because his s/o had seemed so excited and begged him to go.
the number of people and a party in itself was not quite vincent’s usual element but he enjoyed it nonetheless. 
and his s/o other seemed to be having a grand time too, so he was happy.
but as the night progressed he noticed that his s/o began to enjoy the party less and stayed closer to his side, seemingly almost skittish.
when he would ask, she would smile and say it was nothing, just that she wanted to be with him.
then she got a bit more insistent, holding on to his arm and then abruptly tugged, trying to pull him away.
before she could, a feminine voice called out her name, and his s/o seemed to freeze in place.
“i thought it was you!” the woman greeted as she approached the two, “how have you been? it’s been so long.”
vincent greeted the woman and she returned it rather warmly, she seemed nice, yet his s/o seemed on edge.
“i’ve been doing great actually,” she sounded all too quiet as she replied, too unlike herself, and vincent noticed immediately with a murmur of this woman’s name.
he recalled how his s/o had mentioned before, she had been hurt by someone close to her by befriending someone else who had hurt her too.
he assured her that there was no worry with him, that he would never do anything to hurt her.
but meeting the woman who was once friends with his s/o was surprising, he had imagined her unbelievably cruel, yet she seemed so friendly.
“that’s good to hear! i love your dress by the way, you look so pretty tonight,” the woman complimented.
all the while vincent was watching his s/o’s expression, which had softened and showed none of her earlier uneasy.
“thanks! someone got me this dress—” she had smoothed her hands over it before looking back up to the other other woman, “can’t say the same about you though.”
it seemed both the woman and vincent gawked at his s/o.
she paid no minds the the stares though, promptly taking vincent’s hand and lead him away.
he was quiet, processing what he had just witnessed.
it should have have been a surprise, because she was such a strong and capable person, but it still came as one.
vincent was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his s/o laugh.
“are you okay? you look a little shocked.” she said sweetly, with a true softness as she reached out to his face.
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lupinsx · 4 years
First Impressions
Request: Hiii, would you write a Draco x reader where she's an american transferred student, and she has visible tattoos (like neck or legs) and is kinda nerdy but sexy and confident, and Draco just loses it bc it's so new and he doesn't know what the hell to do and how to act?? thank youuuu :)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: When the new girl Y/N arrives at Hogwarts, Draco finds it hard to nail the first or second impression. Perhaps another do-over is all he needs.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Brief kissing scene, that's all.
a/n — Hello lovely readers! My inbox is open for requests, and you can msg me if you want to be part of a tag list I'll be making. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!
You raised your eyebrow for a moment, unable to grasp the importance of such a decision. You were sitting in front of the entire school, legs crossed and arms resting gracefully on the chair handles. Your position showed off the various minimalistic tattoos scattered across your legs and arms, gaining multiple curious glances from the students.
Gryffindor? you thought, Why that?
Nevertheless, you were met with a roaring cheer from the red and gold table clad with an extroverted aura. You stepped off your chair and strode towards them, taking your seat near the middle.
Upon your arrival, a particular red-headed boy sitting on your right spoke first, in a manner far too blunt than you are used to.
"You know, something tells me you're too pretty to be a first-year," the boy spoke, chin on his palm as he faced you. You rolled your eyes playfully at the cheesy tone of his words.
"You're right, I'm a fifth year. I just transferred from Ilvermorny."
"Ilvermorny! So you're an American, huh?" he said with a wide grin before sticking out his hand to shake. "My name is George. George Weasley. Your tattoos look wicked."
Shaking it back, you replied with a jokingly sarcastic tone. "Thank you. And I'm Bond. James Bond."
There was a brief moment of silence on his part where he just stared in confusion before he suddenly burst into juvenile chuckles. The sound tugged on the corners of your lips.
"I'm kidding, it's Y/N L/N," you finally admitted with a small smile. After your introductions, a boy appearing nearly identical popped up from beside him, extending his arm over George's chest.
"I'm Fred Weasley. Welcome to Hogwarts!" he exclaimed, patting your back harshly then going back to his food. You chuckled at their playful nature before you went back to your own plate.
After eating for quite some time and enjoying conversations with your new peers, you decided to take a quick break from the crowd. Assuring the prefects you'll find your way to the common room, you left the Great Hall to explore the vast castle.
Walking down the empty corridor, you finally had time to be in your own head. You thought about how different the houses are in Hogwarts compared to your old school.
"What is Gryffindor even for?" you spoke to yourself with a slight chuckle. However, you were quick to realize you weren't alone in the hall when a voice behind you replies.
"I believe it's for the dimwitted—correct me if I'm wrong."
Hastily turning on your heel, you were met with the sight of a tall, platinum-haired boy in a dark green detailed robe. He wore a condescending smirk on his face as he approached you with long strides, not before taking a quick glance at your lower leg which he thought to be unnoticed.
You smirked in response, crossing your arms over your chest. You could tell he was in Slytherin. Though you didn't know much about what the houses stand for, you made sure to at least learn their names and colours.
"Really? I've been told it was the Slytherins who were rather dull themselves," you said, mimicking a confused expression. You then pointed to the crest on his robes with a look of interest. "Oh, what an interesting symbol! What house is that?"
The blond boy seemed visibly displeased by your jibe. He knew you were well aware of his Slytherin status by the taunting grin widening on your lips.
As he opened his mouth to retort, you immediately cut him off with a mocking pat on his shoulder. Leaning closer, just enough to gain a flustered expression from the boy, you said, "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to head to the common room before somebody thinks I'm missing. See you later?"
"Psh, how about not later," he faltered, earning a bemused glance from you.
Was that supposed to be an insult?
With a small laugh, you turned on your feet and walked down the hallway, heading wherever your eyes take you in hopes of finding the common room.
Though he went from being snobbish to odd within mere minutes, you found the blond boy to be very interesting, and more so peculiar. Perhaps we'll meet again.
"Really Draco? How about not later?" Draco groaned to himself, tugging on his roots in frustration.
He was now sitting on his bed, the morning after the "incident." The thought of the interaction left him with such a terrible sense of embarrassment, he wanted to obliviate himself immediately.
Laying down on his back, he sighed, staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed beneath his head. Draco hated to admit it, but he found you very attractive. The sheer confidence radiating with every movement you take, word you utter, and look you give—it was damn near intoxicating.
How could he possibly mess up the first impression that badly?
Draco turned to lay on his stomach. With his head buried deep into his pillow, he let out a frustrated yell.
"Don't worry Draco, I'll probably never speak to her again," he tried to reassure himself. "And if I do, it'll be long forgotten."
Yeah, it'll be long forgotten.
With those words in mind, Draco got up from his bed in preparation for the day ahead. Besides, it was the first day of classes, and he was excited to see his schedule for the year.
After a seemingly endless breakfast, he finally was able to satisfy that curiosity. Gripping the sheet of parchment impatiently, Draco was unamused with the first class on the list. History of Magic—infamous for being a total drag.
With a scowl painted on his expression, he made his way towards the classroom, promptly stopping in his tracks at the sight of a particular student sitting inside.
It's that Gryffindor girl!
Draco's eyes widened as he felt the blood rush to his cheeks. You haven't noticed his slight stare, so he immediately made a beeline to his seat, making sure not to glance up from it.
It was then when you realized his presence in the room and turned back to face him. A smirk spread across your lips before you directed your attention back to the teacher.
A mere smirk and Draco already found himself blushing like a schoolgirl.
Just as anyone would expect, the lesson had been terribly soporific. If it wasn't for the sight of you absorbing the information excitedly, jotting down comprehensive notes as you listen with a glimmer in your eyes, Draco would have definitely been asleep.
It was unnatural. Why were you this interested? He found himself somewhat nervous to ask, so he instead fell back on his usual defence mechanism—uncalled-for remarks.
"Nerd," he muttered to you in between coughs, a condescending grin widening on his lips. You rolled your eyes in response, continuing to put your supplies back into your bag.
It was the end of the lesson when Draco approached you, class nearly empty with Professor Binns absentmindedly marking essays at his desk. You were internally raving about the lesson on goblin rebellions he just delivered when the blond boy just interrupted your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, but since when was fascination seen as a bad thing?"
"It is when it's Binn's lecture causing it," he retorted with a mocking tone. "You truly are something different."
With a fake smile plastered on your face, you whipped your hair to the side and replied, "Thanks, I know. But if you want my attention, you're going to have to try a little harder."
Your remark brought another flustered expression onto Draco's face, reminding you of your first encounter with him. His eyes dilated, cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and his lips parted and closed with an inability to respond. He then averted his gaze from your eyes, and instead opted to stare at the ground until he regains composure.
"I don't want your attention," Draco mumbled under his breath, barely coherent if it wasn't for the proximity of you two.
"Really? Then why did you wait behind as the rest of the class leaves just to start a conversation?"
"I- uh- I gotta go," he suddenly spluttered, striding towards the door before you could even respond. The sound of a light slam broke you out of your brief trance while watching his retreating figure. With a small shrug, you finished packing and left the classroom, ready to head to your next class.
Yep, very peculiar indeed.
The next week, you found yourself nearly settled into the unfamiliar setting. Without further assistance, you were able to navigate to your classrooms and get used to remembering odd passwords for the dormitory. Hogwarts was finally beginning to feel like a home, or at least, as close as Ilvermorny was to being one.
After a particularly tiresome day of classes, you refused to allow your evening to end on that note. Making sure the rest of your classmates were asleep, you quietly made your way out of the Gryffindor common room, ignoring how far beyond curfew it currently was.
You enjoyed the thrill. You loved having to tiptoe around the corridors, knowing at any second a teacher could pop up. The risk factor was exhilarating, and you craved that release amongst a day of being studious. You needed that release.
With light steps bouncing on each tap, you made your way towards the Great Hall, intending to exit the castle.
However, you were quick to realize that life had other plans.
Just before your fingers grazed the handle of the door, a tap on your shoulder sent electrical shocks through your veins, awaking every nerve in your body with a severe jolt. Whipping your head to the side, you were mildly relieved to see the familiar face of a peer rather than adult ready to admonish.
"Oh," you muttered with a light sigh, "it's just you."
"Just? I'm insulted," said Draco with a joking pout, dramatically clutching his heart. You rolled your eyes in response, preparing to walk away before you were stopped almost immediately.
Your eyes narrowed at his hand tightly enclosed around your wrist, but he didn't let go upon catching your gaze. Instead, with a light tug, he dragged you along the opposite hall, leaving you confused by the action.
"Uh, where are you taking me?"
You were met with silence in response as he strode in front of you, squeezing your wrist to make sure you couldn't yank your arm back. A loud groan emitted from your lips, very clearly expressing defiance as you continued to struggle in your efforts to break free. All plans to roam around the lake were ruined, much to your distaste.
However, curiosity overcame your annoyance when the two of you began climbing up a long staircase. You have yet to explore this area of the castle, leaving you filled with wonder at the seemingly endless amount of floors this takes you to. I'll have to come back here later on my own, you thought to yourself with excitement.
With one final step, Draco abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing you to bump into his back and break your trance. As a mild blush painted your cheeks upon the contact, you followed him into the dark hallway, quickly reaching a wide doorway.
"I wanted to show you something," Draco said in an airy tone, nearly whispering amidst the quiet corridor. Then, without missing a beat, he swung the door open, revealing a spacious room.
It was mesmerizing, to put it lightly. Telescopes lined the corners of the room, which seemingly had no roof—although you were sure it was just enchanted to appear so. Looking up, you were met with the sight of the night sky, filled with scattered stars shining in their full glory. You couldn't hold back the smile widening on your face.
While you found yourself distracted, taking in the beauty of the room, Draco was held in an equal trance. He kept his gaze on your awestruck countenance, a grin threatening to tug on his lips as your eyes lit up in fascination.
"The view is beautiful," you mumbled under your breath, eyes fixed on the celestial bodies visible through the ceiling. Without redirecting his stare, he responded.
"Yeah, I agree."
It was then when you looked back at Draco, offering a gentle smile as you sit on the floor. He then followed, placing himself next to you before laying down on his back.
"So, why'd you bring me here?"
With a light shrug, Draco spoke, gaze fixed on the sky. "We never had a proper introduction. Or a good first impression either."
"Okay then, let's just restart," you started, a small giggle escaping your lips. "I'm Y/N L/N, it's nice to meet you."
Sticking out your hand for him to shake, he sat up, hesitantly shaking it back before keeping his palm lingering in your grasp. He waited a moment before completely pulling away.
"Draco Malfoy. It's nice to meet you too, I guess."
Following the long overdue introductions, there was a comfortable silence sweeping over the air. A sort of quietness without tension or awkwardness; just them taking in the moment. Enjoying how beautiful the stars look, how bright the moon is, and how red their cheeks are. It's almost laughable how the two teenagers of such levels of boldness act like schoolgirls under each other’s presence.
Eventually, Draco broke the silence with a small murmur. "I really like your tattoos."
"Oh, uh, thank you," you replied, instinctively trailing your finger across your wrist. It was often something you covered back in Ilvermorny, knowing people would've had something to say about it. Being met with positive responses here in Hogwarts felt very unfamiliar to you.
"What does that one mean?" Upon asking the question, Draco reached for the words decorating your wrist, his hand briefly touching your fingers which laid near it. As you quickly retract it and attempt to fight back another blush, you smiled softly at the remembrance.
"Ad maiora," you spoke under your breath. "It means towards greater things. It's my motto for life."
Leaving his finger brushed over the spelling, he stared at you with a slight twinkle in his eyes. "That's admirable."
"Thank you."
"How about this tattoo?"
He moved his fingers to the smaller design laid on your collarbone. It was a delicate touch; only briefly felt as he skimmed the inked skin, yet enough to invoke a swarm of butterflies in your stomach.
"It looked nice, that's all," you said, recalling the moment you chose the flower design. "Not all of my tattoos have profound meanings."
Despite the lack of depth in this particular design, you still cherished it greatly. It was decided upon a spontaneous act when you wanted to do something brazen for once in your life. Though, the tattoo fails to convey the feelings prior to its creation; rather, its simplistic nature gives it a sweet and dainty feel.
"I like it. It looks nice on your skin," he complimented, keeping his hand on the crook of your neck as his thumb brushes over the flower.
The position can easily be interpreted differently out of context. You were both sitting upright, facing each other in close proximity. Draco had his hand on your neck, and both of you were staring into the other's eyes. All that was left to complete the atmosphere was a kiss. The mere connection of lips. And you both were thinking the same thing too.
"Y/N?" Draco murmured, lowering his gaze to your lips. "Would it be alright if I-"
Without missing a beat, you cut him off, leaning the extra distance to join your lips together.
It was surprising to him. He never expected you to agree, let alone understand beforehand and kiss him yourself. Meanwhile, you simply went in accordance with your awfully forward personality. Thinking before doing was not a very familiar process for you.
After getting over the initial shock, Draco settled into the kiss, his eyes closing as he moved closer to you. Everything about the moment seemed ethereal. The stars gleaming above your heads, creating a beautiful glow surrounding you two. The way his platinum hair felt as you ran your fingers through it, and how perfectly his hands fit on the curve of your waist and side of your neck. How your lips seemed to connect like puzzle pieces, almost as if it belonged there as you two shared this passionate feeling. You were reluctant to let go, and he didn't intend to either.
Until the sound of harsh rapping on the door forced you two apart.
"Hello? I heard kids in here," the raspy voice of Mr. Filch spoke. Draco immediately turned to you, putting a finger to his lips with a playful expression. You nodded and squeezed your mouth shut in an attempt to repress a chuckle.
After waiting a moment for the notorious caretaker to walk away, you and Draco finally released the laughter that was building inside. Your bodies shook with mirth at the recollection of the tense atmosphere present seconds ago, when detention seemed far too probable.
As the laughter died down, you looked at Draco with a wide grin. He has a smile on his face to match as he leaned in for one final peck, before pulling away with red-stained cheeks.
You sat there speechless, unable to respond with the thoughts running through your head. All you knew was that you loved this feeling, and wouldn't be entirely opposed if he asked again. Noticing your flustered expression, Draco brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as his trademark cocky smirk stretched across his face.
"How's that for a first impression?"
a/n — This took a while to make! I hope you all enjoyed it, it made me squeal so much while writing. Please like, comment, and reblog to show support! Thanks for reading 💞
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
Hellooo! recently I’ve been listening to ‘London boy’ of Taylor swift heheh and I was wondering if you could do smth based on it with benny?💗 :D
Darling, I Fancy You [Request]
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Note: This song is so soft and first I was like "Okay, fine" but now after listening it while I was writing I'm practically humming it all the time! It's so so good! Thank you for this request nonnie! 💕💕💕
You swore that you would never fall in love with an Englishmen. And yet, you were falling deep.
One of the perks of being a model was traveling. A lot of traveling. And meeting people for photoshoots, just like the one and infamous Tigerlily Taylor – with whom you immediately clicked. And partying with Tigerlily was one of the best things that had happened to your American ass when you were in London – along with the time you had spent in your hotel room painting your nails with her, or staying at her house and watching movies as her dad, the one and only drummer in a rock 'n roll band, was asking you what you were watching. So obviously, when you had a shooting in London you had called Tiger, because Tiger was always up to some fun.
You had to spend five days in London for the shooting, which meant that you had a lot of time to meet with your friend and enjoy yourselves while drinking and strolling in the city, especially in Camden market. You loved Camden. The place grew on you as soon as you stepped out the tube dragged by Tiger the first time you came to London after your common shooting. And Camden quickly became your favorite place in the world, especially with your friend.
You were walking, hand in hand with Tiger, showing her again this giant shoe on the frontage of the shoe shop when somebody called your friend's name. You thought it was a fan, but you almost dropped your jaw on the floor when you saw who just touched Tiger's shoulder. You would recognize these green pearly eyes everywhere and anywhere in the world.
Ben – fucking – Hardy.
“Tigerlily,” he repeated as your friend smiled at him before giving him a warm hug. “I haven't seen you for...”
“Ages? Years? Yeah, I know I grew up a lot since the last time,” she joked making him roll his eyes in amusement.
“I'm not that old,” he protested with a gorgeous smile on his face.
“You played my dad, I have the right to think that you're old,” she replied nonchalantly before pointing at you. “Ben, this is y/n, a friend of mine, and y/n this is Ben, he played my dad in a lame biopic about an average rock 'n roll band. Nothing really huge.”
“No Oscar, nothing,” Ben added before holding his hand and you took it, trying to not tremble. “Nice to meet you, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you too,” you replied, trying your best to hide the redness of your cheeks.
“What a London boy is doing here, in Camden, you're not a bit too fancy for this place,” she teased him with a little grin.
“I'm meeting my friends on the other side of the bridge, in a pub or something,” he quickly said. “And I suppose you're going to the market, right?”
“Exactly,” Tigerlily said before grabbing you by the shoulders, “this girl over there comes right from America for Camden – and work but work isn't important at all – and of course to see me.”
“You're so humble, Tiger,” you whispered before Ben escaped a little cute laugh.
“She always was, as far as I can remember. Oh,” he continued, “my friend told me about a gig in a pub tonight, we were thinking about going there. So if you're interested...”
“Y/n loves to party,” Tiger replied for you and you felt yourself combust under Ben's gaze.
“Tiger loves to party, I'm just there to follow the fun,” you corrected as casually as possible.
“Great! I'm sending you the info via Instagram then, and...” So he uses his Instagram more than everyone believes he does, you thought. “See you tonight, I suppose.”
Tiger waved him goodbye, and awkwardly, you did the same. You were absolutely screwed, and Tiger knew it and had a blast doing this to you.
“So, now we're looking for a fancy, fancy dress for you,” she stated resting her chin on your shoulder.
“I hate you Tiger, I hate you so so much.”
“You'll love me tonight, or someone else, who knows, who knows,” she remarked jokingly and you rested your head against hers.
Tiger made you wear this long old-rose silk dress that you loved to wear during summer, she had spent the whole afternoon in your hotel room, making you try on different outfits for tonight – after you stopped by her house to pick up her favorite bob along with a pair of colorful sweatpants and a matching jacket – and you only agreed for this one. She told you that you looked drop dead gorgeous, and that a certain someone would love to see you like this – you missed her with your t-shirt and you were very sad about it.
The gig was in a small pub, and it was a cover band playing songs during the whole evening apparently. You entered the bar, Tigerlily by your side looking for Ben and his friend near the bar, but you found them first. Well, you found Ben and heard his cute laugh from afar – but you couldn't tell Tigerlily, she would tease you forever for that. And in fact, Ben noticed you first and waved to call you right before the band began to play – you were sure that he had recognized Tiger and was waving to her. The presentations were rather quick with his friend who was a really nice guy, he had a contagious smile and a great sense of humor.
You ordered a beer, probably your favorite English beverage along with tea, and listened to the three of them chat as in the background some nice music was played by the band. You smiled from time to time, focused on Ben's eyes and words.
“How do you find London, y/n,” Ben asked you and you had to stop yourself from telling him that you liked him more than London because, let's be honest, that would have been very creepy of you.
“It's really nice, it's always a pleasure to come to London because it's such a welcoming city...”
“And because she loves me,” Tiger interrupted you and you rolled your eyes.
“I was about to say that I'm only friends with you because of your father and how much I admire him, but if you like to think that I love you, you do you,” you teased her and from Ben's lips escaped the purest laugh. Oh God. You took a sip from your beer, feeling your cheeks becoming hotter and hotter by the minute.
“That's true, Roger Taylor is a very inspiring man,” he finally said after a moment.
“He's an adorable man, really,” you added.
“Hey, drummer's fans, I think we should go and dance before you'll start talking about my dad forever and try to make me say things I swore I wouldn't.”
“What,” you said with Ben, in unison before she grabbed you by the hand and slightly tilted her head towards the dancefloor. Ben and his friend followed you, leaving their empty pints on the bar.
The four of you landed on the dancefloor, right in front of the band. You put your hands in the air, dancing by Tiger's side, to the tune of an old rock song; Ben and his friend stood rightin front of you, closing the small dancing circle you formed. He moved with caution, as if he was self-conscious and a bit uneasy, his friend gave him a warm smile and Ben seemed to feel better. Then, he locked eyes with you. You felt some kind of tension, as you smiled to him, feeling suddenly even hotter than you were before. You could drown in his pearly green eyes.
An adrenaline rush made you move a bit closer to him, still dancing as you were with Tiger with a gorgeous smile on your face, making him smile too. You took him by the hand, dancing delicately with him – driven by a kind of madness you never had – and he first looked at you with surprise, but accepted your hand to make you twirl a few times in the crowd as you laughed a bit. For a moment, you forgot who you were, and who he was. You were having fun with a beautiful man, and you didn't care that you had had a crush on him before, because right here and right now you were living one of the best moments of your life.
“You know, I love a London boy...”
You looked at him, as he laughed while dancing sloppily, still a bit shy with a cute grin. You saw how beautiful he was under these reddish lights of the pub, radiating in the middle of the crowd.
“He loves my American smile...”
Tiger put her hands on your waist, dancing right behind you, her head on your shoulder. She saw this sparkle in Ben's eye, a sparkle she never saw before. And from what his friend told her, while the two of you were dancing, it looked good. He took Ben's hand and began to dance with him for a while, as you slowdanced with Tiger between the flashing lights.
“Darling I fancy you...”
You couldn't take your eyes off him, and he constantly tried to catch your gaze while dancing with his friend – a gaze you always had on him. And after a few more minutes – and a small talk with his friend, a mere whisper into his ear – he came up to Tiger and you.
“Y/n, do you want a beer or something?” He asked you, and you nodded before leaving your friend on the dancefloor.
“So I guess all the rumors are true...”
Both of you were falling deep.
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vanessaxyvonne · 3 years
Page 58 & Heartbreaks || V + NV
When: April 27th, 2021
Where: Nearby Cafe in Downtown Santa Monica
Warnings: none.
Featuring: @niklausvondra
Nessa was still reeling after running into Nick at La Playa, maybe it was some sort of trippy high or maybe she was drunk. It had to have been fake, right? She sighed, taking a seat at the cafe with her boba tea as she buried herself into her book, basking in the silence until she heard the little bell that someone had walked in which caught her attention, and there he was, walking in...and her heart, sunk.
Niklaus still couldn’t gather his mind around how long it has been since he strolled around Santa Monica. Ever since his parents shipped me out of country to visit his grandparents, he’s been struggling with his own demons and while that his father decided to use his journal of poems to publish without his permission to get more money into their bank. He ran a hand through his messy curls and entered the shop, looking around until he saw her again, the feeling in his gut dropping, he knew that if he turned around and right back out that would be a dick move or would it be the best choice? Without a second thought he raised his hand in a small wave.
Their eyes met. He saw her, he waved, she knows he waved, she quickly glanced, there's only one person around and they're asleep. Carefully, Nessa offered a half smile and waved back at him, after all it'd be impolite to if she didn't. Maybe he'd leave...maybe he'd stay. She wasn't banking on him staying to talk to her, after all. She could feel her heart hammering against her chest as her gaze went back to the chapter she was on, but she couldn't focus as her eyes kept glancing over to him.
Niklaus chewed on his thumb nail and walked towards the counter, ordering himself a London fog and mentioned that he would be sitting over by where she was sitting. Ever since that incident and him running after Nicole, he knew that hurt her. Hell he hated the fact he let his sister words effect him to agreeing to cut ties off with Vanessa. He strolled up to where she was sitting and chuckled, “fancy seeing you here.”
Nessa took a sip of her tea and tried focusing once more on the pages, her mind was a fog, trying to push the last time she had seen him. The blank stare they both shared before he left...she truly thought it would be the last time she'd see him until a few days ago...until now. At the sound of his voice, her head slowly rose, her eyes meeting his, "Quite fancy," She responded with a light-hearted laugh. "I reckon you're looking for inspiration, yeah?"
”Inspiration?” His deep voice rang out, in a questioning manner before laughing, “I’m just grabbing myself a cup of tea, wake myself up of at least attempt to wake up before going to Nikki’s to help with packages.” If his sister knew he was standing here with Vanessa, she would probably be fuming. Yet he couldn’t stop himself from keeping conversations, his heart ached, yearning but now they were two different people. Strangers.
Nessa's eyes slightly widened at Niklaus' voice. It was so deep...the last time she had seen him, there was still that hint of boyishness left in it. God, she missed him--and she hated it. "Ah, that's right, she's got the flower shop that people have been raving about," She added with a genuine smile. As much as Nicole equally broke her heart like Niklaus...she was genuinely happy for both of them. They achieved their dreams, or so she hoped. It was hard, how the person she once loved, was now a stranger. "You've got a lot more tattoos now."
”Yeah, she’s pretty proud of the outcome. Ranting and raving about it nonstop, it’s quite tiring to hear,” nick shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, “I did...pretty soon I’m just going to be a walking doodle book, my fathers words not mine, cleaver though, who knew the old man had it in him to make jokes. “I saw that you’re making it big in the fashion world, that’s wonderful to see you making your name known.”
“That’s great!—You know aside the constant ranting and raving. Just so you know the first few years of starting up will be like that,” Nessa warned with a chuckle. She could imagine Nick being driven up the wall. She inspected his tattoos for a while before her eyes met his again, her nose going up in a scrunch as she laughed once more, this time, it was much more, her. “Well in that case you should pitch to your dad about getting washable markers or watercolors to paint yourself, you’d look like a doodle book then, yeah?” At the mention of her making it big, it tugged slightly at her heartstrings, he had always believed in her. “Yeah,” her smile softened. “Thank you. It took a bit, but they couldn’t say no to the world’s prettiest girl, could they?” She teased. Her eyes fell back to his tattoos again, inspecting the newer ones until her eyes fell on the anchor and she purposely pointed it out, “I really like this one.”
Nick couldn’t help but to laugh, the thought of telling his dad that is amusing, he knew his mom would find it hilarious but his dad would just simply glare at him. “And even if they did say no, they’re clearly blind.” He said softly, his eyes not wavering from hers until the barista brought his tea, breaking eye contact with Vanessa and flash a smile in thanks to the barista, turning back to Vanessa. The mention of his tattoo, he looked down and chuckled, “ah yes...let me tell you, the pain of getting it was terrible but I think it turned out good.”
And there came that laugh...that laugh that Nessa missed so much, just the thought of it made her heart skip a beat as much as she tried fighting it off, it caused that same curious smile of hers to appear on her face. At his compliment she shook her head with a smile, "You've got me there. Luckily, the odds were in my favor." The way he held each other's gazes practically mirrored every moment they had together in the past. When his gaze drifted over to the barista, she smiled politely at them and closed her book, setting it off to the side to allow more room between them. "I can't even imagine," She said with a curious look. "It's amazing!--Which, I should also say too for the record I got my first one a few months ago. I figured you'd be proud."
Niklaus had several tattoos covering his body, most of them were impulses and the others held smaller meanings, most of all he knew that it bothered his parents which was why he got them. "If it's a basic tattoo...I wouldn't be so proud." he jokingly stated, giving her a hard time when in reality, he would be proud, he was proud of whatever she does and maybe that was his downfall. Nick still wanted to know if she craved him as much as he craved her, wanting to reach out to caress her lips and even kiss them, clearing his throat at those thoughts and placing a fake smile upon his features. "I'm glad you're chasing after your dreams. I did tell you that you could make it."
Nessa tried studying some of his other tattoos without making it too obvious that she was staring. When she knew him, his arms were still bare for the most part, but now here he was, all tatted later...and looking incredible. "Well for your information it's a song lyric that goes across my ribcage," She playfully stuck her tongue out at him before chuckling. There was still this lingering ache that Nessa felt, the urge to run her fingers across the ink across his skin, the urge to run into his arms again. She instead opted to take another sip of her tea to calm her thoughts, and gave a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, you did. I just..." wished you were there to celebrate it with me..., she thought to herself. She trailed off and shook her head. "It just took a bit of time, lots of patience, but, it was well worth it.
Niklaus nodded his head in understanding, he wondered if life would’ve turned out different if they were honest with Nicole, maybe they would’ve lasted longer. But at least, things were bittersweet and he couldn’t take anything back. “Sounds accurate, life has a way of turning out different.” He took a seat and settled in, bringing his cup of tea to his lips and slowly taking a sip. “How long has it been.”
It was at that moment Nessa wished she had talked to Nicole after everything had gone down. She should've fought harder rather than shy away, heartbroken. At least...to an extent, there wasn't too much bad blood between them. "It certainly does. Sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it turns the ugly into beauty," She smiled. At his question, she nearly froze but took a sip of her own tea to think. "Eight years," She whispered.
Nick hummed under his breath, “Seems longer,” he replied back softly, setting the cup down on the table, his long fingers tapping against the mug and looked up at her. “I think you should try and mend things with Nicole, like you said it’s been eight years—I know for a fact she misses you,” I miss you those thoughts dwelling in his head.
"Seems much longer," Nessa nodded in agreement. She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and looked up at him for a moment. "Yeah," She sighed softly. "Eight years is long overdue. I mean we all have had mistakes we've made and all, we were young and dumb, after all," She chuckled lightly. "I miss her...and you," She admitted.
Nick chuckled lightly, he knew his twin sister and knew that she was still stubborn and probably need to have a talk with her about learning to forgive and move on. “Right...” he tried not to overthink her words, letting it get the best of him, “but I’m sure you two will have time since we officially moved back, not going to lie, I missed Santa Monica.”
Nessa's smile dropped slightly at Nick's reaction. She had to make it known that she missed him somehow. She missed both her best friend and him...and it was hard. "Yeah...whenever she's free I could always pop by her shop or we could go out for a cuppa," She offered with a smile. "Just...Santa Monica?" She asked curiously.
Nick pressed his lips together and nodded his head, not wanting to cross that line again. He was already hurt in the past and he knew his choice over her probably hurt him as well. “Yes, just Santa Monica.” His voice rang out in a dull tone, lifting his cup back up to take a drink.
And there it was, that reassuring moment of heartbreak. She exchanged a half-hearted smile and took a sip of her tea and dragged her book back in front of her. It wasn't just any book...it was poetry. "Well, you best get on your way so you don't miss out on the new sights and sounds of the city."
Nick’s eyes drifted down to look at the book, the sharp inhale as he quickly pulled himself together and practice the self restrain, tapping down on the table and stood up. “Yes, sight seeing...very American. I’ll see you around Ness, and I suggest reading page 58.”
Nessa tried not to make eye contact with him for a moment to gather herself, her thoughts, trying to push down every bit of heartbreak. Finally she took a breath, her gaze was emotionless, "I'm sure you'd need it," She suggested. Before he walked off, she breathed out, "Did I really...mean nothing to you, Niklaus?" She asked.
He paused, his voice stuck in his throat and looked out the window before glancing over at Vanessa again, giving her a small smile. “I have to get going, after all, it’s a gorgeous day.” Nick avoided the subject and resist the urge to reach out to squeeze her shoulder, taking a step before adding, “page 58.”
Nessa furrowed her brow when he completely avoided the subject which revved her up. Sometimes, Nick was infuriating like that, but she sighed and smiled a rather...poster-like smile. "Right..you're right." Looking back at her book, she was just two pages from page 58 and she huffed, flipping to the two pages until her heart dropped. For a moment she stayed quiet until she said, "And in the end I will seek you out amongst the stars. The space dust of me will whisper I love you into the infinity of the universe."
Nick walked out with his cup in hand and left the cafe, smiling as he felt the sun warm him up, something he hasn’t felt in a long while. He started walking towards his sisters and glanced over his shoulder to look at her one last time and out of sight.
Nessa looked up to stop him to see that he had left and she sighed, closing her book and shutting her eyes. This was just another test. He'd always run from her...it was like trying to holding water, always slipping through the cracks of your fingers. 
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Catherine, Heathcliff, and Shangri-la
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: mentions of death, smoking, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: Though she plans to spend her birthday alone, Ella ends up passing time on the late August evening with Jess, eating old pie and playing cards.
She looked like a dream in her sundress. Late August light bathed the crowds at the summer festival, and Ella practically glimmered when Jess spotted her from across the square. It made him feel like an idiot thinking the way he was, but she had an effect on him which he’d previously only read about in books. He wasn’t sure exactly when the tipping point had been, when he’d truly fallen in love with her, passed the point of no return. But he had. And he was. He loved a girl who didn’t believe in love, who wasn’t into dating, who didn’t feel the same. It had never been so complicated before, and he’d never been so completely screwed. There were moments, times when his heart nearly burst from the hope. When she laughed at one of his wiseass remarks, or ran her fingertips over the notes he’d left in the margins of her poetry books, or let her eyes linger on him for just a second too long. But each time, she would brush it off, act like nothing had happened. And he’d be forced to wonder if he’d imagined the electricity passing between them.
Slowly, over the course of the summer, he was beginning to come to terms with it. Maybe they could just be friends, coworkers. Maybe all he needed was to make out with Shane until his lips were swollen and his mind was blank and his memory would be wiped clean of all the times Ella had made him feel deeper than he ever had before. Besides, he had never fallen in love before, had never uttered the three fateful words in all his seventeen years. A small part of him believed he could snap out of it easily.
He took his eyes back from her form, concentrating on the girl in front of him. The girl who wanted him and nothing more. Who meant nothing but ease and pleasure. Sliding his hands down in her back pockets, Jess closed his eyes and placed kisses down Shane’s neck, the bark of the tree they leaned on rough against his back.
.   .   .
“She’s back with a vengeance!” Ella exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Rory in a gleeful embrace.
They stood together near a flower stand, the fragrant display adding sweetness to the air. Despite the barber shop quartet droning on in the background, Ella felt her spirits lift at the sight of Rory Gilmore, her confidant missing in action over the summer at an internship in Washington. In the back of her mind, Ella couldn’t help reminding herself that soon, she would have to deal with the constant separation. Rory would be off at Harvard, Lane would be touring with her band (hopefully), and Ella would be stuck. As she always had been. She’d have to fill Rory in on how the college applications were going later.
Rory laughed happily, pulling away from Ella and holding her at an arm’s length. “Yes, and with all the hot DC gossip.”
“I’m intrigued,” Ella said, raising an eyebrow.
From behind them, Lorelai beamed, her own face painted with joy, her daughter back in town. Ella loved that about summer. It had a special kind of magic no other season could manage, positivity radiating from everyone, dampened only by the occasional rainy day.
“Alright, let’s go find Lane, and we are in for a movie night of epic proportions!” Lorelai announced, strolling around the square with the two teens in tow.
Before they departed completely, however, Rory followed Ella’s distracted gaze to the old oak where Jess stood, eating his girlfriend’s face.
“Oh, God!” Rory exclaimed, scrunching up her face in disgust.
Ella blushed, Rory having noticed her staring. She hadn’t meant to. But seeing the two of them together, considering the many fights with Shane the summer had brought, gave her a feeling of irritated uneasiness. Like a car crash she couldn’t look away from. Morbid interest feeding morbid interest in a vicious, voyeuristic cycle.
Tilting her head to the scene in question, Lorelai scoffed. “Guess he’s got his ‘What I Did This Summer’ essay all planned out.”
“I know,” Ella groaned. “America’s youth really does have such admirable modesty.”
Snorting a laugh, Rory shot a knowing look at her mother. “Have they been at that a lot?”
Ella nodded, speeding up in her stride a little to get out of view of the display. “Yep. It’s now part of the Early Bird Special at the diner. Dinner and a show.”
Lorelai faked a gag. “I told you. The kid gives off major Sid Vicious vibes.”
“Looks like he’s found his Nancy,” Rory added.
“And he’s been so weird at work lately. He barely talks to me, just sits on his little stool. Reading, brooding, scaring off small children. Maybe I pissed him off. I don’t know,” Ella said. She fiddled with the chain of her necklace.
“Um….Ella?” Rory began, bringing a hand to the blonde girl’s shoulder. “Do you not realize you’re the Catherine to his Heathcliff?”
Ella scoffed, laughing breathily. “What?”
“He’s totally into you!” Lorelai exclaimed.
Raising a brow, Ella rolled her eyes and kept walking. She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. “Very funny.”
“Every time he looks at you…” Lorelai said, feigning a swoony look. “It’s sickening.”
“Yeah, right. I bet it’s Rory he’s into,” Ella argued, shrugging them off once more.
“Oh really?” Rory asked skeptically. “Then why does he make those notes in your margins? In the poetry books he said he hated when he first got here?”
“It’s mutually assured destruction,” Ella explained. “If he stops taking a chance on poetry, I’ll stop taking a chance on the beats. The arguments would ensue, the diner would descend into chaos. In an effort to avoid certain death during our shifts together, we compromise.”
“Ah, the key to a strong relationship’s foundation,” Lorelai retorted.
Snorting a laugh, Ella shook her head. Without the flowers and the serenity of solitude, the less desirable aspects of the festival began to wear on Ella’s psyche. The barber shop quartet spun around and around in her head, making her dizzy, and the sun beat down on them. Stray strands of hair, fallen from her bun, began to stick to her damp forehead.
Suddenly, an idea occurred to Ella. “Rory, my dear?”
“Yes?” Rory answered with suspicion.
“You know how you always give me presents on my birthday even though I tell you not to?” Ella asked.
“I’m aware of the annual birthday commiseration,” Rory said, nodding.
“Well, I’d like to request, as a birthday present for your favorite waitress, a moratorium on the Jess talk until I am seventeen years and one day old,” Ella suggested, fluttering her eyelashes jokingly.
Sighing, Rory linked her arm with Ella’s. “Alright, but only because you asked so very nicely.”
“Good to have you back, Thelma,” Ella smiled fondly, pulling her friend a little closer.
“Same to you, Louise.”
Lorelai chuckled and shook her head, watching as the girls ascended the steps to Lane’s door.
.   .   .
Mercifully, Ella had made it through the day with minimal birthday wishes and no attempts at gift-giving. Lorelai and Rory had teased her about a surprise party, but she knew they wouldn’t truly dare. Instead of going home, where she knew she’d have to brave Fiona’s pathetic attempts at celebration, she wandered around town aimlessly. It made her feel guilty to snap at the woman so much, but she just couldn’t help herself. Watching Fiona, only twelve years her senior, traipsing around in her house, humming the Dixie Chicks songs she knew her mother would’ve hated. Before she could apply any rational thought to the decision, she found her way to the bridge. The greenish-black water sparkled in glowing moonlight. Crickets sung and cicadas buzzed, a low summer tune. She hung her booted feet over the edge, the black cotton of her dress pooling around her knees. Rifling through her shoulder bag to the side, she found a copy of The Grapes of Wrath. A perfect book to sustain her gloomy mood. She laid back against the wooden planks of the pier, holding the novel above her face, blocking out the view of the clear night. The humidity had dissipated, and a cool breeze blew past her.
A few peaceful moments had passed before she heard footfalls thumping heavily, vibrating beneath her back. She sighed as the noise got closer, letting the book fall to her chest and rolling her eyes.
“Stealing my spot, huh?” Jess spoke up as he approached, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
“Sorry, didn’t realize you’d bought the property.”
Though Ella still hadn’t looked over at him, she heard him sit down next to her. She could smell the subtle mixture of hair gel and pine.
“By all means, sit down,” she snapped, sitting up again, placing her scrap of construction paper back in the book to save her place. She stuffed it back in her bag to the left. Fiddling with the end of the loose braid which hung over her shoulder, she sighed again.
Jess scoffed. “Jeez, Daria. Don’t pull your punches.”
“Bite me, Jess,” she replied flatly, staring out across the water. In the light, she knew she would’ve been able to watch schools of tiny grey fish whizzing by. As a child, she’d imagined small mermaids living in a crystalline village beneath the surface of the dull silt and sand.
“Feelin’ pithy tonight?” he drawled, an eyebrow raised.
“You could say that.”
He only nodded, leaning back on his palms. Silence stood between the two of them, heavy in the nighttime air. Ella almost put her nails to her mouth, then thought better of it. When Jess still didn’t speak, she huffed out a big breath and finally tossed him a glance.
“Don’t you have someone to verbally abuse at the diner or a girlfriend’s face to suck or something?” she asked.
Jess shot her a look. Before he could even respond, Ella spoke again.
“As long as you’re here, could you loan me a cigarette?” she asked, a shameful blush coloring her cheeks. As much as the request embarrassed her, she couldn’t stand the way her skin was crawling.
“What?” Jess blurted out, eyes wide. “What happened to the periodic surgeon general’s warnings?”
She sighed, dropping her gaze to her lap and clearing her throat. “I’ve gotta keep you on your toes, don’t I?”
Though slightly flabbergasted, Jess’s eyes shone fondly, remembering the carriage ride they’d taken at the Bracebridge dinner so many months ago. After a moment, he produced a crumpled packet and a lighter from his pocket and handed them to her.
“Thank you,” she muttered, placing a cigarette between her lips. It surprised her that he actually obliged, considering how stand-offish he’d been at work lately. The lighter struck on the first try, the small orange flame flickering warmly in the darkness. And Jess could tell immediately it was far from the first time she’d smoked. She handed the supplies back to him.
He took a cigarette of his own and lit it up.
“Don’t tell Luke,” she said, voice slightly husky as she exhaled the first puff of smoke. Her words came out in dim blue clouds.
“I wouldn’t dare,” he replied, tapping ash into the lake and watching it burn out. “Your secret is safe, Stevens.”
“Thanks. I’ll consider it a birthday present,” she grumbled, feeling the familiar burn of smoke in her chest. She knew she would regret the decision in the morning.
“It’s your birthday?”
“Happy birthday,” he said reflexively, eyebrows raised.
Scoffing bitterly, Ella flicked ash off her cigarette with her thumb. “Thanks, Mariano.”
“Is that why you’re gonna bite my head off at the next wrong move?”
She laughed humorlessly. “Yeah, birthdays aren’t my thing.”
“Huh. And I guess that’s why no one said anything at work?”
Ella nodded. “Yeah, after a few crying customers last year, Luke ordered the diner a birthday-free zone.”
“Wise of him.”
“It was.”
Regarding her in the moonlight, Jess sighed. “Any particular reason for the birthday allergy?”
Swallowing harshly, Ella brought her free hand to her necklace and a smirk formed on her face. “It’s just...my mom was a big birthday person. Without her here, it just all feels a little artificial. It’s weird. The anniversary of the day she died never hits me as hard as Mother’s Day, or today.”
He nodded, solemn as she continued.
“I try to spend as little time at home as I can. And Rory and Lorelai always try to get me to do something,” she said, pausing to inhale deeply and blow out a stream of smoke. “But I am nothing if not pertinacious.”
“Nice. Ten-cent word.”
“Thanks. Used it in the crossword this morning. I’d say it’s at least twenty cents,” she said, scoffing in mock offense.
Jess chuckled. “Alright, I’ll cave for the birthday girl.”
“How kind of you.”
Crushing the smoldering butt of her cigarette on the weathered bridge wood, Ella exhaled out her nose and crossed one leg over the other.  She smoothed her hands over her dress. Somewhere, a loon cried. Jess sat quietly beside her, the last of his cigarette glowing as he inhaled. When he put it out, he stood up and made to leave. Ella didn’t say a word, didn’t even look at him. After a second of thought, he held a hesitant hand out to her.
“Let’s go back to the diner,” he proposed with finality. “We can eat the leftover pie. There will be no birthday talk whatsoever. I promise.”
Looking at his hand, Ella thought of the book in her bag. The hours she could spend alone with nothing but Steinbeck to entertain her. But then, she felt a sudden rush of courage at the thought of Luke’s. Free of people, with pastries under the glass domes on the counters and stale pies in the back fridge. And Jess. She heaved a sigh, then slung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed his hand.
.   .   .
“No way,” Jess said, shaking his head doubtfully as he took another bite of the pie.
Ella smiled, nodding. “I swear. I was named the worst dancer out of all the little girls ever taught at Miss Patty’s by the Gazette. I was responsible for the domino incident of 1992 which caused two sprained ankles and one broken arm. Suffice it to say, the arm was mine.”
“Jesus,” Jess laughed, his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, I’m Patrick Swayze’s worst nightmare.”
Jess rolled his eyes and threw his head back with a dramatic groan. “I’ll never understand your fixation with those cheesy eighties movies.”
“You bite your tongue, heathen,” she said lightly, digging another bite from the cold apple pie in the tin between them.
“Well, at least we can agree on Steinbeck,” he shrugged through a laugh.
She nodded and sighed tiredly, brought a hand to her necklace.
The diner shone brightly against the otherwise dark landscape of Main Street. Ella could hear Luke snoring from all the way upstairs, but it was almost comforting if not amusing. With the leftover pie between them, she and Jess sat alone amongst chairs stacked on tables and cutlery put away. It smelled vaguely of disinfectant, but the pine was still there, making her heart feel just a touch less broken. Maybe being alone wasn’t the best way to pass one of the hardest days of her year.
“I’m surprised she still even lets you step foot in the studio, leaving that much carnage in your wake,” Jess said, smirking at the way the tension slowly released from her shoulders.
Snorting a laugh, Ella took another bite of the pie. She could tell it was made from her recipe, heavy on the cinnamon. “Well, the years have improved my coordination a little bit.”
“But have they?” he teased.
“Shut up,” she retorted, good nature in her voice.
A comfortable pause filled the air. Jess’s eyes caught her thin fingers still rolling the silver chain of her necklace. She blew up a long breath and straightened up, putting her fork back down in the tin, the half-pie almost all the way gone.
Nodding, Jess swallowed dryly and bit at his lip. “Why do you wear that necklace every day?”
Eyes widening, Ella couldn’t help but feel taken aback by the question. She let out a self-conscious scoff and her hand immediately dropped away from her collar. The small silver charm, a key, glinted in the yellow diner light.
“My grandmother gave it to me,” she explained, her tone even though she avoided his eyes. “It’s the key to the jewelry box she had when she was little. The box got lost, but the key stayed. She was a singer. Friends with Miss Patty. Pretty fucking cool.”
Jess smiled a tiny smile. “Sounds like it.”
“Yeah,” she replied, the word a sigh. Then, after a beat, she regained her direct nature and looked him in the eye. “Okay, since we’re asking questions tonight: why the hell are there bongos on the shelf above your desk?”
Jess laughed, but his cheeks reddened a touch. “Those were there when I moved in. Scout’s Honor.”
She rolled her eyes. “You are the last person in the world they would ever let into the Scouts.”
“Wow, that one hurt.”
Ella smiled. “Then what’s Luke doing with those bongos?”
“Preparing for a Matthew McConaughey,” Jess shot back knowingly.
“Ugh, that image is gonna be burned in my mind forever,” she groaned, nose scrunching up in disgust.
“You’re welcome.”
“Fuck you,” she said, grinning.
“Right back at ya.”
Suddenly, a loud snore came from the floor above them.
“Speaking of,” Ella grumbled, only in mock irritation.
“Like you don’t snore.”
“Only when I’m drunk,” she said, then looked up at him, accusatory. “But you. Oh my god, it was all night long. Really, the two of you put together could probably break some sonic records.”
Instead of retorting, Jess retrieved his weathered deck of cards from one of his jean pockets. He raised his eyebrows as a challenge and began shuffling. “Just for that last comment, you’re about to be massacred at Rummy.”
.   .   .
A knot of anxiety sat in her stomach, but work was helping her keep it at bay. It was the last Saturday of summer, Monday the start of senior year. But the waves of butterflies fluttering around in her chest weren’t ones of nervousness, more only of dread. The constant drudgery of school work, the monotony of the day. She liked summer for more reasons than the mood and the weather. Free time to read, to draw, to paint. And she much preferred painting the full greenery over the desolate landscapes of a Connecticut winter. The fact she hadn’t seen Jess since the night before, when she left the diner satisfied with herself for winning three hands in a row, was doing nothing to calm her either. After cleaning up from the breakfast rush, Ella was mindlessly reorganizing the mugs on the cubby shelf to the left of the counter by color and size.
“Alright, this is ridiculous,” Luke admonished, walking up behind her.
She scoffed. “It’s not my fault these mugs haven’t been reorganized since Reagan was president.”
“Because they were the last ones you hadn’t got your hands on. You’re starting to sound like Taylor.”
Instantly, she turned and narrowed her eyes at him. “The next time you say that to me I’m turning in my apron and never looking back!”
Luke scoffed in disbelief at her dramatics. “Just take your break, Ella.”
“You think I’m bluffing,” she warned, untying her apron and leaving it on the hook near the kitchen window, “but I’m dead serious.”
“I’m quaking in my boots,” Luke replied flatly, gathering some receipts from the side of the cash register.
“I bet,” she shot back, rounding the corner and going to dig through her bag, hanging by the front door. “Is Jess here? I’ve got a book for him.”
“Upstairs,” Luke said shortly.
Retracting her hand from the shoulder bag, with a worn collection of Dorothy Parker, she rolled her eyes. She tucked her hair behind her ears and prepared to disappear behind the checkered curtain on the way to the stairs.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re a master conversationalist?” she asked.
“Shaddup,” he groaned, waving an annoyed hand at her in the direction of the apartment.
Ella snickered, then bounded up the stairs, the soles of her old converse a little slippery on the creaking wood. She heard the TV droning on from inside, daytime Saturday shows. Only a couple short knocks sounded on the door before she let herself in, as she had so many times before when fetching random items during her shifts.
“Hey, Jess-” she began, turning to the left, Jess’s room.
Cut off by a sudden flash of noise, she watched Jess stuff a blue mesh vest quickly into the top drawer of his dresser. Eyes wide with surprise, he faced her with a scowl, brows scrunched up.
“Ever hear of knocking, Daria?” he snapped.
Processing the scene before her, Ella blinked a couple times and bit the inside of her cheek. “Sorry. Guess I was too quiet.”
“Apparently.” He crossed his arms over his Punk Planet t-shirt and looked at her expectantly. “You need something?”
Ella cleared her throat, looking down at the book in her hands. “Yeah, I had that Dorothy Parker I was telling you about last night and…” she paused, glancing at his dresser. “I’m sorry, Jess, but I simply can’t ignore this. Was that a Walmart vest?”
“You heard me.”
He straightened up, defensively. “No.”
“You heard me,” he shot back.
Pursing her lips, she nodded, unconvinced. She stepped a little closer to him, one hand on the hip of her skirt. “So, what was it?”
“A shirt.”
“A shirt with a Walmart logo on it?” she asked, her voice gaining a teasing lilt.
Jess scoffed. “I think you need glasses.”
A momentary staring contest ensued, and she watched him squirm under her hazel gaze. “Do you work at Walmart, Jess?”
Sighing through his nose, Jess glared at her. Then, he ran a hand through his hair and side-stepped Ella, making his way to the kitchen. “Fine. Yes. You happy?”
Instantly, a smile spread wide on her face. “Oh, so very happy.”
“Glad to hear it,” he growled, avoiding eye contact as he popped open a can of soda. He sat down at the kitchen table, facing the I Dream of Jeannie rerun.
Biting back her giggles, Ella came over to take the rickety kitchen chair next to him. Clearing her throat, she put the book in her hand on the table between then. She smoothed her slightly wrinkled Patti Smith t-shirt and tried to appear nonchalant, a smirk ever-present on her lips. Jess sipped his soda, eyes dark and moody, embarrassment underneath a thin layer of irritation. Nearly five minutes passed on the oven clock in the small kitchen, both of them watching Barbara Eden’s foibles in silence. Ella bit a little at her nails, but only to mask her amused expression.
“So...all this time...Shangri-la was Walmart?” she asked.
Jess sighed, rolling his eyes. “Eleanor-”
“You work at Walmart,” she repeated, chuckling a little.
“Whatever. You smoke,” he countered.
“Like, twice a year,” she said defensively. “When did you even start that job?”
Bowing his head slightly, Jess finally dropped the act a bit. “June. When you were in New Britain.”
She sighed, nodding, then brought a hand to his arm. “I’m really proud of you. I mean, you can’t waste all your people skills at the diner.”
Jess shook her off and rolled his eyes again. “Shut up. I move stock around on a fork-lift in the back.”
“Okay, tough guy.”
“And don’t tell Luke,” he said, finally looking her in the eye.
She shrugged. “Fine, I won’t. Cross my heart.”
“Thank you,” he snapped.
“You’re very welcome,” she replied, still grinning. “Seriously, though, it’s not that lame. Trust me. I think it’s cool. You have your own thing going, y’know?”
Jess scoffed in doubt but said nothing more.
Clearing her throat, Ella shifted her eyes down to her lap for a second, the tone of her voice changing. “But enough about your double-life, Mr. Bond. I just wanted to bring you that book. And also thank you for last night.”
Jess raised a brow, eyes on the TV screen. “For what?”
“I don’t know. If you hadn’t come along, my plan was to read Steinbeck at the lake, then sneak home and listen to Nirvana through my headphones,” she explained. “But instead I got to eat old pie and kick your ass at cards.”
“Such a sore winner,” he muttered, cracking a little smirk.
She laughed quietly, her fingers finding their way to her necklace. “And sorry if I was...I don’t usually talk about my mom. Not exactly a crowd-pleasing topic. Just on Mother’s Day and my birthday, I...You didn’t have to listen.”
“Don’t worry. I don’t do things I don’t wanna do,” he said, casting her a momentary glance, a small, lopsided smile on his face. It was more genuine than she was prepared for, and she had to look away as her cheeks heated up.
Rising from the table, she made to leave, hoping not to overstay her welcome. “Anyway, thanks. It was the best birthday I’ve had in awhile.”
Running a hand over his mouth, Jess blew out a breath and faced her fully again. “Anytime, Stevens.”
He looked as though he were about to say something more, but she could practically see him swallow it down. Instead, he got up from his seat and switched off the TV. Going over to his side of the apartment, she watched him grab a CD from the top of a small stack on his dresser. She couldn’t quite read the cover, but could see it was filled with shades of black and red.
“How long do you have left on your break?”
Ella looked down at her watch then back up at him. “Still have about twenty minutes.”
He nodded, gesturing to the CD. “I get fifteen percent off at the store, so I picked this up the other day. Just came out. It made me think of you. I thought you might wanna listen?”
“Oh,” she said dumbly, surprised. She nodded. “Yeah, yeah, sure. As long as it’s not jazz.”
“It’s not,” Jess assured her, chuckling.
As he opened his closet and brought out the small stereo, she took a few steps closer, arms crossed. She couldn’t help the fluttering in her chest or the way her cheeks flushed with heat. In all the time she’d known Jess, she couldn’t remember ever feeling quite so anxious around him. Quite so antsy. She almost couldn’t explain the feeling, but it wasn’t one she minded.
“I would’ve shown you last night if I knew it was your birthday,” he mentioned as he pressed play.
As the music started, he suddenly didn’t know what to do with himself. Sit on the bed? On his desk chair? Instead, he leaned on the desktop itself, hands stuffed in his pockets. He regretted the decision already, showing her the music. He’d meant to do it at some point, during one of their friendly book exchanges. But then the air between them had become charged again, and she was about to walk away from the moment. He wanted it to last just a little longer, time with the one person in Stars Hollow he actually enjoyed being with. Even if she didn’t feel quite the same as him, even if she never would.
Ella felt the slight vibrations of the music in the soles of her soles as she stepped closer to the stereo, picking up the CD case from his dresser. She turned it over in her hands. Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol. It surprised her she hadn’t heard of them before; Lane usually kept her in the know about such things. They must have been very young, very new. But she liked it, the echoing guitars and the drums. Judging from the back cover, the song to which they now listened was simply called “Untitled.”
“They’re good,” she said, putting the case back down. “Different. I like it.”
Jess shrugged. “Figured you would. What with all that sad shit you listen to. The other songs are a little more lively. They’re no Fleetwood Mac, but…”
Walking closer still, she stopped when she was only a couple feet in front of him. Her heart beat with the music, and she swallowed dryly. Something was clicking in her head.
He looked up, and his brown eyes locked with hers. “Yeah?”
Before she could rethink it, before she could talk herself out of it, before she could silence her heart with her head, she brought a hand to the back of his neck and kissed him. His shock was sudden but brief. Almost immediately, he wound his arms around her waist. And he was kissing back, sweetly, gently at first, then deeper. She was flush against him, smiling into it. The music beat quietly around them, and his grip was warm, and his lips felt exactly right. Ella wanted it to never end, for the moment to last forever, alive, and never cross over and turn to mere memory.
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Raw nerves ch 7
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Pennywise x Beverly
summery: 7 years after pennywise tricked those kids into thinking they won, he unintentionally explodes a gas pipe. he wakes days later to discover hes being treated by Beverly. too weak to even walk he is forced to live under her roof. questioning her reasons for keeping him and why none of the other losers have come to end him. without knowing, the two join a path to heal each other.
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language and gore
previous chap: Raw nerves ch 6
next chap:  Raw nerves ch 8
~ch:7 Life of the party~
Shaking her head. “just amazed to see everything labeled as paid.” pausing to stare at the newspaper. Clearing her remaining tears away.
In large bold letters the heading read: MAYORS COMPUTER EXPOSED EXTREME ABUSE
the article underneath going into detail how mayor tom rogan left his laptop open while he was answering questions for his upcoming campaign. News men passing by discovering a open computer file filled with extreme sexual abuse of his power. Hidden cameras in his bedroom filming multiple girls being brought in. showing tom giving threats of blackmail if they didn't have sex with him.
Tom was tracked down by police in his limo after leaving the diner he owned. After Tom shoved his driver out of the limo there was a short car chase. The limo slipping off the road to crash in a river. Police rushed down only to discover Tom had fled on foot and is now on the run from police. His whereabouts are unknown and he is to be assumed dangerous and to not be approached.
At the bottom of it all was contact information for victims to call a report in or to give a tip of a sighting.
she asked the clown standing nearby. “were there any videos of me?”
“there were, but they won't ever see the light of day. Unless you want to get involved.”
“i don't. I never want to deal with tom again.” crumpling the newspaper with Tom's mayor photo on it. “what happens now? What about the diner and the house?” she questioned.
“the house is fully yours. He won't be able to prove otherwise. The diner is not set yet, it'll be open a little longer, unless you want that to be yours too.”
“mm, I did like the diner as long as Tom wasn't around. I'd hate to see it close down and becoming just another empty building rotting away in Derry.” picking up the end pages of the newspaper to look at the wanted section. “this town can't afford to lose any more businesses.”
“i can give you whatever you'd like. You don't have to search the wanted ads.”
“i know that, but I want to. Before the whole tom mess I wanted to get into fashion. If I am going to do that I don't want to be flung straight to the top. It's funner to actually build for it. Earn your way there where you can relax in knowing it's all yours and wasn't just a gift of sorts.” looking over the paper. “i wanted to make something that would last. Something to build up for myself without working in somebody's shadow the entire time I am “on top”. i don't know exactly where to start though. I am really tired of secretary work, but I hardly know the industry.”
“i can get you into fashion college courses. Would you like to start there?”
“yeah, that sounds like a good way to hop in.” smiling as she set down the papers. Getting up to go change into work clothes. Allowing pen to tag along to work as long as he stayed out of trouble. Entering the office she discovered he redecorated it for her. Nice and clean with a new desk plaque shining her bright golden name off. All of toms things thrown into the dumpster out back.
Smiling over all the new furniture to breathing in the fresh smell of paint floating around the room. “never knew this office could be so nice. Feels like I can do stuff in here now.”
“not have to worry about bumping something that could get you screamed at later.”
“definitely that.” sitting down into the office chair.
“What will miss owner's first task be?” halfly joking around.
“major upgrades that toms been badly neglecting. We only have one stove barely working. And an oven on its last legs. The whole diner needs new carpeting and better upholstery that's not held by duct tape.” sighing at thinking of all that needed replacing. “fixing things here was like pulling teeth when talking to tom about it. Never could push either for fear of pissing him off.” sitting back up to search on the desks computer. “how do people know I own the diner now? Have I “always” had it?”
“You and Tom were co-owners, but he had the bigger share. Up until now with his arrest upcoming. All the shares belong to you now. Don't worry about any money accounts, they won't empty.” he informed.
“good, I'll need all I can get.” beginning her search for new kitchen supplies outward into business re-decorators. Spending almost her whole work day in the office. only stopping for a small lunch break to snag a meal in the kitchen. Returning back to the desk to eat a light salad that came with a side of beef stew. Letting pen claim the soup as long as he drank it away from the computer.
she was happy to leave at a reasonable time since forever when the work day finished. Satisfied that she got so much done today without being harassed by tom. Closing up the place before walking back with pen to drive them home.
“what did you get done on that computer?” he asked.
“ordered new stoves, ovens, kitchen cookware sets. Ordered all new booths, chairs with tables with a appointment to set them all up. Trash all the old junk. Painters and carpet replacers were also appointed. The outside signs will be repaired. Won't have a possible lawsuit anymore from the giant letters hanging on by a single nail.
Got in touch with the more local farmers and butchers. Tom always wanted the more expensive stuff out of town. Even though it was junk and mostly rotten when it got here. This will be a great helper to keep other businesses afloat in this small town.”
“you really like helping others don't cha?” he chuckled.
laughing back. “Pfft, you of all people should know that.”
“if you do get high in the fashion industry. What will you do then? Still have the diner or sell it away?”
“mm, don't know. I don't think I'd be able to give it much attention then. I'd still like to help people somehow. Maybe help fund small businesses to get back on their feet? Lead some rally for a new cause?” she shrugged. “i don't know.” parking the truck up into her driveway. “can't believe I am making it home at six. Tom always forced me to stick around way past eight. I have so much free time, what am I even gonna do? Can't start dinner yet.” heading inside.
The clown not too far with an idea. “i know how to pass the time.” hugging her from behind to kiss along her neck.
“hungry already?” she giggled.
“just a round of fun this time.” scooping her up into his arms to carry her into the bedroom. Kissing her the entire way before setting her down on the bed.
Her needing him to pause for a moment. “let me put these away.” she chuckled in putting away her name tag and car keys. Barely closing the drawer when she was pulled back over for more attention. Covered by kisses and licks around her neck to down her chest.
Clothes popped open to reach more bare skin for him to enjoy. Moving down to slip more clothing off her. Licking up her inner thighs for the final sweet tasting. Licking lovingly at her entrance to slip his tongue in. licking deeper each time for a far better tasting of her soft walls. Her lengthy moans bringing him up from between her legs.
Covering her with himself as he wedged his hips between hers. Hearing her let out a lovely hum against the steady grinding he was working into. Letting her hands travel up to pull away his clothes. The silk falling away with little resistance against her pulls. Hands rubbing across his muscled body to wrap over his shoulders. Distracted by the deep tonguing kiss pushing her back into the bed. Gasping at his girth squirming in to fill her for the fabulous friction.
Relaxing back to enjoy his firm thrusts pushing her further down into the bedding. Hands grasping along his arms and shoulders out of need to place her hands somewhere. Making it easier for her he flipped her over. Wrapping his arms around her waist to grip her hips to aim himself deeper. Picking up his pace to keep going. Burying his face into her neck to breath her scent in. driving him wild in breeding his female without any more competition.
His hot breath building moisture over the back of her neck. Licking the spot he gently bit into. Lessening any red marks he may have left. Cautious about how strong his bites were in not wanting to hurt her. Each time he did he got another heated scent of excitement from her. Losing himself as he shoved deeper off his inner instinct screaming him to while he could. His rod coiling up on itself to lock within her ready to release its load.
Swelling as the two reached their peaks. A thick warmth filling Beverly's core while she lay limp under him panting for air. Picking most of her into his arms he flipped them over. Giving her better breathing space as she laid on top of him.
“comfortable?” he teased.
“soon as I catch my breath” she smiled through her panting. “getting home early is going to be much more exciting from now on.” kissing him.
Returning the kiss. “I'll be happy to keep that way.”
“i am sure you will.” jokingly shoving him. “Time to start dinner for me. I bet you're too full to hunt anything.” moving to get up to redress.
“wait don't – ow!” cut off by her accidentally yanking on his knot still swelled in her.
“shit, sorry! You okay?” attempting a gentler try at removing him. Slipping him out by hand doing no good. “Are you stuck?” she asked.
“Yes, we’re knotted for a while.”
“How long is a while?”
“15 minutes.”
“15?! shit, looks like I am waiting for dinner.”
“could order pizza.” he laughed.
laughing along. “pfft, I ain't answering the door like this.”
“Ah, I can help you cook. Need only a bit of maneuvering.” rising them both onto their feet.
“this feels sooo weird.” shivering at all the shifting she was feeling from him. Grabbing the blanket off the bed to wrap them up. Along with a shirt to fully cover herself. Helped down to the kitchen to make a meal in one small cooking area to not move so much. Settling on relaxing on the couch to eat instead of at the dinner table.
“So what are the new mayor's plans for the town?” he asked from nowhere.
“what? We have a new mayor already?”
“yes, you.”
“Yes, why not? You want to change things for people. It's the best position in the meantime before you really get into the fashion business.”
“ … yeah.” she agreed on a bite of food.
“most of Derrys bad state was to keep my hunting secured. Don't really need it anymore. Tomorrow morning you get recognized into office. And your first political party later in the night.”
“ugh, political parties are the one thing I am not looking forward to.” taking another bite of food.
“I can think of a way to make them exciting.”
“You always have an exciting plan Mr. clown.” feeding him a small bit of steak. “So what is your idea? Or is a simple guess all I need to figure it out?”
“some of both. I am sure you can guess, but I do want to make it into a challenge.”
“oooh.” already turning interested in what he planned for the party. Dinner passing by they both headed for bed. Beverly taking time to carefully pick an outfit for tomorrow morning.
The next morning she made herself look nice and clean for the presentation. Driving down to the town square before the official announcement would start. The clown by her side going unnoticed by the crowd gathering to congratulate her. Talking with various groups and how they were doing. Gaining an idea of where she should start on changes. Called up to the stage to be announced her new position. Small interviews of how she feels and what she may plan. Then it was the start of a small celebratory party with catered meals served. When the fun was over she headed back to help at the diner.
Getting started on removing furniture for the appointed painters and carpet replaces. Chucking the broken down kitchen appliance to clean out the place thoroughly. Readying for a new appliance set to be moved in. by closing time the kitchen looked brand new. The rest of the diner needed only for the new furniture to arrive the next day. The Ticket system no longer relies on just a pen and paper drop off. Now all automatic on a portable menu the servers carried table to table.
“today's really been busy, but so satisfying. Are you finding it fun?” asking the clown as she closed up the refreshed diner.
“all that meat at the party sure was. My main course will be at the political party though.” he teased.
“sure it will be.” she teased back. Hopping into the truck for a temporary rest at home before the party. Refreshing herself in the shower and into another nice outfit. “You gonna tell me your exciting plan now?”
“nope, later into the party.” he grinned.
“better not do something weird.” gesturing him to follow back to the truck.
“oooof course not.” hopping into the passenger seat.
During the party he didn't say anything. Letting her speak with a bunch of people first for small interviews. It was when she was standing around looking bored did he then step in. “ready for the exciting challenge?” speaking behind her as she stood around with a small glass of wine.
“mm, your big challenge?” asking with interest.
“yeees.” he nodded.
“finally figured one out?” she joked. “what is it?”
“Your goal is to stay in the party as long as possible.”
“i am going to be honest and say that's not very exciting.”
“my goal is to grab you at some point and knot you. I knot you I win.” smiling at the bright red blush Beverly turned.
“how am I supposed to win? Suffer through the party until it ends?”
“yes. Do you accept?
“yes. … but we are definitely not having some invisible sex in the middle of a crowd. Got it?! You'll have to get me in some closet first or something!”
“All the more challenging for me. Catch you soon.” he left with a wink.
Hiding himself around the large town house hosting the political party. Watching Beverly pull the smart move of talking more between crowds. Avoiding any closets or pantry's he may try to snag her into. He'd have to get creative on this particular hunt. Gazing over the various rooms for a trap he could set up. Figuring something out, although when he sprung it he'd have to check with her. Slipping away to the shadows to stalk over to his lunging position.
Watching Beverly travel about the room. Chuckling as she looked over her shoulder now and again to try spotting him. He waited and waited for his moment. For her to wrongly step a bit too close to the table of snacks and drinks. Making her mistake when she reached to grab some water after her wine glass. Surprised when she was yanked under the clothed over table. Entirely unnoticed by anyone else in the room thanks to the clown.
“gotcha!” he gloated while Beverly was left stunned in his arms.
“you grabbed me under the snack table?!”
“yes, can I have my prize here? Nobody can see with the table cloth touching the ground.”
“ugh! … yeah, but be careful.” pushing on his face teasingly. “You haven't won anything yet either.”
when he got the go ahead he was quick to get her clothes off. Slipping his upper ware off to comfortably lay her on. Providing some soft fabric to lay against rather than hard flooring. Kissing and licking over her chest to gentle licks up to her neck. Grinding into her hips for her to feel his squirming length. Slipping some moans from her he needed to cover her mouth. Not wanting too much noise sounding from under the table. Keeping one hand over her mouth while his other removed her lower clothing.
Shifting himself for firmer friction between her legs to excite himself faster. Taking a hold of one of her legs to hike over his hip when he thrusted in. shallow thrusts turning deeper each time to reach his winning goal. Drool building within his mouth over the filling pleasure he was receiving. Holding back on rutting hard and deep becoming a slow losing battle. His instincts took over to knot her deep for a large breeding amount of cum.
His length twisting up for its final faze. A sudden grip at his base releasing the load way to early. Half of it spilled out onto the floor in a puddle. Realizing after that Beverly had grabbed his base to firmly squeeze a release from him early. His knot going limp in exhaustion after such a surprise. Beverly took her chance while he was stunned to slyly slip away with her clothes. Rejoining the party wearing a smirk on her face for the rest of it.
He huffed. “I'll let her have this one.” laying there satisfied either way. Relaxing in hiding up to the party's end. Meeting back with Beverly out in the truck to head home. “like the challenge?” he asked on the drive back.
“mhmm, especially since I won.”
“beginners luck.” the two chuckled. “that trick won't work the next time.”
“bring it on clown.” She happily challenged for the next party.
Parking the truck in the driveway to head inside. Beverly needed another shower after those events coating her a little. He clothes keeping it hidden during the remaining party. Pennywise laying in waiting for her like he had before. Not letting her get in bed before he pulled her down against him. Arms tangling around her to hold her close in a warm embrace. A peaceful rest coming on to them, but not lasting through the night.
Pennywise woke to a strange scent. Rising up in bed on alert to what it was. Waking Beverly from her sleep at his stiff movements jostling her in his arms.
“what Is it?” speaking through her sleepiness.
“there is a strange male outside.” growling aggressively over the intrusion.
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heywritersblock · 5 years
space: g.d
concept: we all know gray is a clingy little koala bear but i also feel like he’d think a girl who values her independence is super hot. (spoiler alert: it’s not always plain sailing though)
~3000 words
warnings: angry grayson likes bad language and i apparently like a lot of dialogue
“hey! hey, y/n! are you awake?” he whispers, not quite as quietly as he’s trying for. following a little nudge to your side from where you’re laying next to him, your eyes flicker open and gradually meet his after you’ve tried to snuggle further into his side to avoid been woken up. “y/n? hey,” he repeats, nudging you lightly again. accepting you’re not getting any more sleep just now, you nod and grumble, “what’s up baby?” “oh, cool – you’re awake. do you wanna get breakfast together?” “what? now? gray, it’s –“ you hesitate to check his phone that you know is charging at the side of his bed. “it’s 2:17. is everything ok baby?” he snuggles down, tugging the sheets up to cover both of your shoulders and he rests his head right next to yours. “yeah, just couldn’t sleep. was thinkin’ about plans for tomorrow is all,” he answers, eyes tracking over your face adoringly. a contented smile grows on your face and you bring up your hand to peek out of the covers to rub at his cheek. he closes his eyes with a smile. “can’t tomorrow, bub. i’ve got a meeting first thing, then lunch and time with the girls. how about dinner at my place?” “my popular business queen. killin’ it!” he sleepily giggles, soothed by your hand still stroking at this cheek. “tha’s me,” you smile in reply. “i’ll text you when i leave the girls and you can come over. pasta sound good?” “with you? the best,” he slurs, almost sound asleep now. “pasta it is then, now get some rest,” you instruct, smoothing your hand over his hair and then down under the covers again. “hey, y’n?” he murmurs just as you’re about to slip back to sleep. “yeah?” “there’s that cereal in the pantry that you like – make sure you eat before you go. can’t be a business queen on an empty stomach,” he whispers, then immediately falls to sleep.
“can you see me now?” a black screen asks you for the fifth time in the same minute. “it’s the signal baby, let me just move over by the window. how about now?” you ask. grayson’s grinning face finally appears on the facetime screen as you tilt your phone just so. “heyyy! there’s my baby!” you grin upon seeing his face. “there she is,” he replies, his smile growing wider at hearing your joy to see him. “how are you?” he asks. “good, gray! the weather is freakin’ awesome here! how’re you?” “doin’ good, baby. even better now! question – why does it feel like you’ve been on your business trip for seven years now?” he asks, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes as you loudly laugh. “oh yeah, three days; seven years. pretty similar! I’ll be back before you know it, baby – only another two days before we can hibernate in my room,” you smile. “ugh, that sounds like paradise right now! everything’s so boring without you here atht he minute. E won’t get off this new game he’s just got and i need company!” he whines. “aw poor baby! go out and have fun yourself! there’s so much to do in LA,” you remind him. “i know, i know! i’m fun and smart and i enjoy my own company,” he mocks you. “hey! don’t be mean – it’s true! you’re literally the least boring person, don’t hold yourself back. could you go skating or for a run on the beach? hell, go spray paint some public property! but do it by yourself and freaking have fun!” you say. he laughs deeply with a fond look in his eyes, nodding as he says, “ok my little cheerleader; we’re not all as comfortable with our own company as you are,” he reminds you. it’s your turn to laugh now. “is it really that weird i like being alone? i mean obviously i love spending time with you but damn, sometimes i just need my own space, y’know?” “nah, it’s not weird – it’s admirable! i blame ethan being stuck to my side all the freakin’ time for me not knowing how to function alone,” he jokes. “definitely his fault,” you jokingly agree. “how dare he be your identical twin?!” “right?! anyway baby, tell me about your trip and how you absolutely don’t miss me at all,” he grins.
you’re hanging out at the boys’ house for the afternoon sharing the couch with grayson; he’s at one end reading a book and you’re at the other scrolling through your phone. your legs are intertwined at the centre and you’re tickling his leg that’s closest to you with your nails, just to be touching him.
ethan bursts through the kitchen into the living room and announces, “one of the guys we go to the skate park with’s throwing a party tonight at the beach – are you guys down?” “yeah, dude – i’m down!” gray replies as ethan fist bumps him. two pairs of identical eyes turn to look at you and ethan asks, “y/n? are you down?” raising his eyebrows to match his question. “uhhh, no – sorry,” you reply, tilting your mouth up to the side in silent apology. “oh, ok. no worries! have you got other plans?” ethan asks genuinely, taking a seat on a chair at the side. “um, no, not really,” you state honestly, tucking your legs in as gray starts to shuffle up from his laying down position. “if you’ve got no plans you should come, y/n! it’s only J from the skate park and he’s super chill. it’d be fun and you’d be totally welcome,” ethan encourages. ��nah, it’s ok, really. thanks for the invite though, E,” you smile, which he returns quickly. you’ve just gone back to scrolling through your phone when you hear gray clear his throat. you look up and he’s looking at you intently, book long forgotten shoved on the couch next to him. “why don’t you wanna come, y/n? is everything ok?” he asks as ethan looks between the two of you. “i- well- i just don’t want to, really. just want a quiet night, y’know?” you explain, shrugging your shoulders to show this really isn’t as big of a deal as gray’s trying to make it. “ok, well i’ll stay here too and we can do something together,” he offers, his intense stare not faltering. he’s challenging you. “gray, honestly – go to the party and have fun. i’ll stay at my house and have just as much fun, then when we get dinner tomorrow you can tell me all about it. chill out about it,” you say as his gaze becomes heated. “are you serious right now?” he asks, voice louder than it should be with so little distance between you. you lock your phone and sit up to meet his gaze. if he’s trying to cause an argument then you’re not going to back down. you raise your eyebrow and without blinking, you retort, “are you?” with a short, insincere laugh. “no – really. you’re choosing to go home and spend time on your own doing whatever it is that you find so much fun rather than go out with your boyfriend? you’re honestly telling me that you don’t see why that pisses me off?” he asks, voice growing louder and more disbelieving. never one to back down, you swing your legs down onto the floor and reply, “i’m honestly telling you that it pisses me off that you think i have to be with you every second of the day to be a good girlfriend. is that what you want to hear?” you see ethan silently stand up, slowly and awkwardly backing out of the room as he senses this conversation is quickly turning into a fight. “why is it so weird that i want to spend time with you?” he asks, stood up now with his hands messing up his hair. you know this is a sore spot for him; your rare fights are always over this very topic. “why is it so weird that i like my personal space? i’m not like you! i haven’t spent every waking moment attached to someone and it makes me feel like i’m suffocating if i don’t get that time every now and then. you know this, grayson!” you stand up – always ready to match him. “oh? oh? so i suffocate you. fuckin’ awesome, y/n. just what i wanted to hear, for fucks sake,” he mutters that last part almost inaudibly. he’s really pissed now and you can see it in the way his chest heaves and his jaw moves. that fact he’s getting so worked up over this issue again pisses you off even more. “don’t start with this, gray – we literally have this same fight every couple of months. you signed up to this! it’s not something you can change about me, why is that so hard for you to understand?” “we have the same fight because it’s still just as fucking infuriating, y/n!” he yells, gesticulating his hands in front of him. “no man wants to hear that his girlfriend would rather spend time at home doing fucking laundry rather than spending time with him! it makes me feel like i’ve got nothing left to give you!” you stand stock still. “what do you mean?” you ask, taken aback by how he’s phrased the last part of that sentence. “i mean you’re you – you know what you like and what you don’t, you know who you are and you don’t change that for anyone. sometimes i feel like i add nothing to your life. sometimes i feel like i hold you back when i just wanna cuddle with you or spend time with you around here or at yours. i feel guilty that maybe you’d rather be spending time on your own doing whatever it is that yo do but i’m keeping you here with me. it fucking sucks.” “you honestly think that?” you ask, emotion welling up in your chest and showing slightly in your quiet voice and the way your forehead is pinched. “you went on a business trip for five fucking days and literally told me over the phone about how great of a time you were having and how much you didn’t miss me!” he laughs with no humour. his arms are raised back in the air and his hair is beyond messed up now. “grayson, how can i miss you when we’re never fucking apart?” he hates – no, he despises your response. he lets out that loud laugh that you hate  because it means he’s about to walk away from you. “ok, cool. well have your fucking space now then, yeah?” he spits as he turns and walks out, grabbing his car keys and slamming the front door as he goes. you take in a few deep breaths, trying your best not to lose it in the middle of the twins’ living room and you take a seat on the couch again, placing your head in your hands and leaning your elbows on your knees. “wow, that didn’t sound good…” you hear coming from the kitchen. ethan takes one look at your face as you look up at him and winces at how unhelpful what he’s just said was. he trudges over to sit beside you on the couch and asks, “wanna talk about it?” “not really,” you respond. “c’mon. tell uncle ethan all about that nasty fight,” he jokes, trying to make you smile. sarcastically and in your peppiest voice you say, “well uncle E, i’m so glad you asked! your dick of a brother is pissed at me because i don’t want to spend my every waking moment with him for the rest of eternity! he hates the fact i know my own mind and he wishes i was totally different and didn’t have my own personality at all! if only i was an eighteenth century character from a romantic novel who’s only goal in life was to please their love!” you hiss, shoving your head back into your hands. ethan winces again, then replies. “ok, so you said a couple of interesting things there. i’m just gonna gloss over the bitchy tone and the bit about the book that i didn’t quite the reference of and i’m just gonna focus on this bit – you think gray hates that you’re strong minded?” “obviously so,” you mumble. “oh, y/n. you couldn’t be more wrong,” he laughs to himself. you raise your eyes that were trained to the floor up to meet ethan’s face and wait for him to continue. “in the long, long list of things that i have to hear grayson talk about how much he loves about you - and believe me, it’s freaking long - you being your own person? that’s pretty much at the top.” you raise your eyebrows in question, showing that you’re very much listening and ethan needs to keep on talking. “seriously – ‘god, E, she’s so independent. she knows exactly what she wants and she doesn’t need anyone to help her get it – it’s so freakin’ hot... she couldn’t make plans with me because she’s already made plans with her friends – why does that make me want her even more?’ oh yeah - the amount of times i’ve heard about it, i can honestly tell you, he doesn’t hate it. stop telling yourself he does. he does, however, love you a lot and sometimes, he doesn’t want to feel like he’s competing someone else for your love.” you can feel him thinking at the side of you before he quickly adds, “that other person is you, by the way. just in case you didn’t get that.” in dramatic ethan style, he stands up without warning and leaves you to contemplate exactly what he’s said. you sit there for the next forty five minutes, mulling over ethan’s wise words as the front door opens and then closes in a much calmer way than you last heard it. his keys are tossed into the bowl by the door and a couple of footsteps later, grayson appears in the entryway. he looks surprised to see you, his mouth dropping open into a small ‘o’ shape. you smile sadly at him, full of emotion that the last hour or so has caused you. “you’re still here?” he questions. “yeah. sorry if you wanted me to go,” you reply, suddenly unsure if you should be there at all. should you have left? after all, this is what your argument was about to start with. quickly, he shakes his head, upset that you would even think he didn’t want you there. “no, no. i’m glad you stayed,” he says quietly, followed by an unsure, “why did you stay?” you smile at his surprise, then reply a simple, “had a little chat with E. he’s very wise, y’know.” a gentle laugh and a whispered, “oh god,” escapes grayson’s mouth and, with his nervous hands still in his pockets, he makes his way over to you. you’re more hurt than you thought you would be when he sits in the chair rather than next to you on the couch. he can tell, and he explains softly so as to not cause another fight, “don’t want to suffocate you.” he casts his eyes down sadly as tears flood your eyes. he hates seeing you upset but this has upset him too. you take a deep breath to try and steady your emotions but your voice still wobbles as you say, “gray. i’m sorry if i ever made you feel like you’re not my number one priority. i’m sorry if i made you feel second best or if i made you feel like i was happier when i was away from you. the truth is, you make me feel so safe and secure that i like that i can go and do my own thing and then come right back home to you. i’m so in love with you that when we’re apart, i think about how right it will feel when we come back together. i know it will be so fucking worth it that i enjoy the moment i’m living in right then. i’m sorry that you think i don’t miss you but i simply don’t let myself think about it. instead, i look forward to kissing you again when we’re reunited and the butterflies i feel when i know its only a couple of hours til i see you again. i know you think it’s fucking weird that i like my space, but that’s me. i wish i could change that for you but i can’t and i hope that that’s something you can accept about me,” you state honestly. gray’s looking directly at you now, face mirroring yours; full of emotion. he’s nodding slowly, like it’s suddenly making a bit more sense to him. “i can’t say i’ll ever understand it, y/n, but that’s part of what makes me love you just that little extra. it drives me fucking insane that you’d rather spend time without me sometimes but i can’t say that i hate it. the thought that my girl is so self confident that she doesn’t need me? fuck, that’s as hot as it is infuriating.” he smiles. “i’d never thought about it like that before, though - what you just said. never though about how great it is when we reunite,” he mumbles, then slowly moves closer to you by sitting on the couch. he slides over until his knee is touching yours. you’re both feeling a little too vulnerable to really look at each other in your eyes at first but when he taps your knee with his index finger twice, you sniff and look up. “i’m sorry i keep getting angry about the same thing. i just get a little insecure at times. i love you and i’m sorry for making you sad and for making you feel like you wish you could change. please forgive me,” he whispers. you lean in and rest your forehead against his gently. his eyes close and he lets out a breath he’s been holding, tension releasing from his shoulders. he leans in slowly, and presses a tender kiss to your lips. you lift your hand to his jaw and keep him there, pressing kiss after kiss to his lips and not wanting to let him go. the kisses get deeper and more desperate as you both let out the emotion that you’d been holding in. a voice from the hallway makes you both jump and pulls you away from your private little world with giggles coming from swollen lips and relief pulsing through your bodies that you’d manage to solve your argument. “cool! you’ve made up. so, are we on for the beach or no?” ethan asks, leaping behind the wall next to him as gray picks up a cushion and violently throws it in his brother’s direction. the two of you spend the next couple of hours cuddled together in gray’s bed after making sure that you both knew just how forgiven the other person was. you’re just about to drop to sleep when gray’s hand brushes over your forehead gently and he whispers, “hey, y/n? it’s 11:30 - do you want me to take you home?” he presses a kiss into your hair as he waits for your response. he desperately tries to hide his elated grin as you shuffle sleepily closer to him, wrap your arms just that bit tighter around his waist and rest your head right in the crook of his neck. “wanna stay right here,” you whisper as you drift off to sleep.
inspired by NASA - queen ari you can say "i love you" through the phone tonight really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight i'm just sayin', baby i can’t really miss you if i’m with you
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? Yeah. What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall and winter. Do you have pop-tarts in your house right now? Nope. Is anyone’s birthday coming up? My dad’s is next month. Who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? Yikes. No one. Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? No.
Do you remember who you liked in grade eight? My best guy friend at the time, Kyle. When was the last time you burned any part of your body? I don’t recall. What are the last three songs you listened to? Diamonds by Megan the Stallion ft. Normani Going Bad by Meek Mill ft. Drake Yummy by Justin Bieber. Have you ever overflown a bathtub? No. Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? No. I stopped doing that a few years ago. Have you ever called somebody dollface? Yeah, I used to say that sometimes jokingly. If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on? Food. Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? No! What do you do in awkward situations? Act awkward and make it even more awkward haha. Are you up later than you should be? I’m always up this late.  What are you most excited about right now? Nothing. Does/did either of your parents serve in the military? Nope. Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? No. How long was the longest survey you ever took? I’ve done most of the 5,000 questions survey. Do you like sour candy? No. I don’t enjoy the sour sensation and it irritates my mouth. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? I don’t plan on ever getting married. Do you have Verizon? Yes. What do you do to stay awake when you’re tired? Try to do something like this. Are all nighters something you have grown used to? Yeah. I usually go to bed around 5ish, sometimes not even until like 6. That’s pretty much morning. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? I never wear sunglasses. I also don’t drive. Do you wear your shoes around the house? No. Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? Nope. Even in the summer when I complain about being hot and miserable, I still take hot showers. I’m weird. What clothes are you most comfortable in? Leggings and oversized tees. Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? For the most part. What has changed most about you in the past year? Nothing in a good way. Are you good at painting nails? No. If it’s late at night and you’re hungry, what do you reach for? Nothing, I just wait until later. Smoothies or slushies? I haven’t had either one in years. Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? Nopeee. Be honest, have you ever used Wikipedia for school work? I’ve gotten info and ideas, but I fact checked reliable sources. What word should you really probably remove from your vocabulary? Hmm. Can you multitask well? Depends on what I’m doing. What’s your opinion on good grammar: important or not? Important to me. Will you eat something if it falls on the ground? Nopeee. The second it touches the ground, it’s germ food. Do you rip out the page if you make a mistake writing, or cross it out? I cross it out if using a pen. Or use white-out if I have it. Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? Blah, nooo. Do you see the value in education? Absolutely. Elaborate on a way you have volunteered? I’ve volunteered at homeless shelters, an animal shelter, a nursing home, the hospital, and for events with the club I was in in college. Do you use a full length mirror daily? No. Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? I can’t. What type of TV shows do you like best? Dramas. Any TV shows you sit down weekly to watch? Yeah, a few. Do you care much for the music on the radio? I haven’t listened to the radio in so long. Does anybody know about your sex life other than your partners? I don’t have a sex life. Even if you don’t like politics, do you still have opinions on the issues? Of course. Mac or PC? Mac. Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? Yeah. Mostly just coffee. Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? I’m so bad about that. :X Are you prone to illness? I have health issues, but I don’t get colds and things like that often. I feel sick a lot for other reasons. What does most of your money go toward? Food and clothes. Do you ever actually make your bed? It stays made. I sleep on top of the blankets and just use a throw blanket. Do you make an effort to eat healthy? No. :X How are things between the person you like/love/are with? I’m single and I don’t like anyone in that way. Where did you sleep last night? My bed. When was the last time something bothered you? There’s always something. I bet you miss someone, huh? Yep. Does anyone hate you for no reason? I’m sure they have a good reason. The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? I don’t recall. That was so long ago. What did you have for breakfast? Nothing, yet.  What year do/did you graduate? I graduated college back in 2015. What kind of booze did you last take shots of? Probably tequila. How long until your next birthday? 5 months. What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? I don’t have anything in particular.  Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Mhm. If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? I would have loved to have seen Linkin Park when Chester was still alive. :( If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? As tempting as the money is, I honestly think I’d go with changing a regret. If I could change a health related one, it would make a big difference with something I’m dealing with now. It would be very beneficial.  I bet you kissed someone last night, right? Nope. Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? Like 4 years ago. Are you taller than your mom? No. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? No and that’s fine. I moved on years ago. Have you ever been around someone who was high? Yeah, a few people. I’ve been high myself. Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? At night. Think back to June. Were you in a relationship? Nope. I’ve been single for several years now. It’s been 4 years since I’ve even talked to anyone in that way. What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving? Uh, I’d have a lot of questions if my mom told me that. If she’s moving, so are we (my dad, brother, doggo, and I). You’re locked in a room with the person you last kissed, problems? No, it’d just be super awkward. It’s been so long since we’ve seen or even talked to each other, so. What’s so special about what you’re wearing? Nothing. Does anyone think you are a bitch? Probably. Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? No. Could you handle living with a male roommate? That’d only happen if it were a boyfriend. What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? I’d like to be up by then already, but we’ll see. Are you ticklish? Just my neck. Are you easily scared by horror movies? Not anymore. I love scary movies, though. Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? We just don’t talk anymore.  Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Not romantic feelings. What do you miss the most about your past? I miss when I wasn’t dealing with certain issues. I miss when I was in college only cause I was actually doing something with my life and I had goals and motivation back then. I really miss my childhood. Are any of your friends taller than you? Ha, most people are taller than me except for small children. When is the next time you will kiss someone? I have no idea. It’s hard for me to imagine ever finding someone again, honestly. Was this past weekend a good one? I didn’t feel well. Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yeah. Plan on getting drunk or high tonight? No. In the past week, have you cried hysterically? Not hysterically. Are you satisfied with your life as of now? No. Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? Nope. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No. Have you ever been rude to someone without even realizing it? Probably :/ Are your nails painted? No. I haven’t painted my nails in years. Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody?

 Like I said, it’s really hard for me to imagine ever finding someone. Are you on birth control? No. Has a guy/girl sat on your bed before? Yeah. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No. How bad are heartbreaks? They’re horrible to say the very least. They’re, well, heartbreaking. Have you ever kissed anyone with the name starting with an R? No. Last time you were really happy? I felt happiness during my Disneyland trip. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I’ve gone almost 10 years now and I have no desire to drink. I don’t miss it at all. Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? Yes. Connection between you and the last person who messaged you? I think my aunt last messaged me on Facebook. Do you tend to fall for players? No. I fell for guys who didn’t fall for me. Why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex? It didn’t work out and we moved on. Where is your biological father right now? He’s in bed asleep in the next room. Who’s the last person that you felt was stalking you? I’ve never felt that way, thankfully. Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater? My mom and brother. I’m actually going later today with my mom. Who else is in the room with you? Just me. How is your hair right now? It’s up in a bun. Have you ever asked a boy for advice? Yeah, I used to ask my guy friends for advice about guys. When you say you don’t care, do you mean it? For the most part, no. Did you say “f—” today? Not so far. I probably won’t. I rarely drop an f bomb. How late did you stay up last night? I think around 430AM. Could you go a month without cursing? Yeah. I don’t curse a lot. Do you have a job? If so where? Nope. Do you usually have weird dreams? All my dreams are weird. What color is your hair? I dye it red. What was the last thing you drank? Starbucks Doubleshot. Water with ice or no ice? No ice. I’m not an ice fan.  Are you wrapped in a blanket? No. Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? No. Have you spoken to your mother today? Not yet. It’s 4:30 in the morning, I haven’t talked to anyone so far. Father? ^^^
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 16
Thank you so much for reading and loving Derek and Juliet as much as @veroinnumera and I do. We still have a lot more to post and even more to still write! Please let us know what you think :D
What if he meets some gorgeous police officer on a case? What if he gets bored of dating a librarian? What if he realizes he’s way out of your league?
The thoughts bounced around Juliet’s head with the force of a ten pound bowling ball. They were painful and heavy and becoming too much. There was no way she was getting any sleep tonight. Checking the time on her phone, she paused a second to stare at the background. It was a picture of Derek reading to the little ones, the day he’d come to help out. She’d taken under the guise of needing photos for the library’s website...but it had been so fucking adorable she had to hold onto it. Maybe...Before some terrible thought could follow, Juliet dialed his number. If she felt like shit she was allowed to share it with the man she loved. It was okay to be vulnerable. It was still terrifying though.
Thank god they’d wrapped everything up. It had been over a week and he was more than ready to go home. Derek had missed her. Everytime a text came in from a member of the team regarding the case, her picture would flash and remind him of home. He loved his job, but now that he had someone in his life that he loved just as much, it was hard being away all the time, especially on these long cases.
When the phone rang in his pocket, he hoped it was her, smiling when her name popped up. “Juliet? The case is closed. We’ll be coming home tomorrow. How are you? I’ve missed you.”
The sound of his voice put a smile on her face. “That’s great! And I’m fine. No. I’m not fine, that was a lie. Sorry. I’m still working on this open communication thing. And now I’m rambling...long story short my brain is treating me like crap, so I thought I should call you.”
Derek hated the fact that her brain did what it did to her, but he sighed happily knowing she’d called him before the thoughts had spiraled out of control - hopefully. “I’m glad you called,” he said softly, leaning back against the wall. “Your brain is an asshole and I can promise you that none of what it’s saying is true. I love you and I miss you.”
“So you haven’t met a very sexy police officer? Who for some reason my brain suggests looks like a Victoria Secret model and has a British accent, because that accent is insanely attractive?”
“Absolutely not,” Derek replied firmly but softly, putting on his best British accent as he continued. “I haven’t met any sexy police officers and even if I had, I wouldn’t pursue anything because I have a sexy librarian at home waiting for me.”
Juliet snickered on the other side of the line. Calling had been hard originally, but it was for the best. If she hadn’t called, she wouldn’t have been able to hear his absolutely horrible British accent. “Is that it? Your accent?”
“Accents aren’t my thing!” He replied mock defensively. “I’m a kid from Chicago!”
She laughed softly. “Alright. But it’s okay because you have other things, Derek Morgan.”
“And what are they?” Derek asked, half jokingly half extremely curious.
“I’m not telling you! You’re head is big enough already!” Juliet exclaimed through giggles.
“If you don’t tell me I’ll start speaking in a British accent again.” He warned teasingly.
“Okay! Okay! Fine! You win just please don’t speak in a British accent!” She pleaded.
Juliet tried to stop the blushing even though there was no one there to see it. Knowing Derek, he could hear her face flushing through the phone. “Well, as Penelope has said, you’re built like a Greek God. I have imagined many dirty things since you left. On top of that, you’re intelligent and strong and funny and kind, so basically I have the whole package.” Yea, and you-Shut up, brain!
She had to stop it in its tracks. “You going to sleep? How early are you getting up tomorrow to get back on the jet?”
Derek felt his head swell up a bit, but got himself back to earth quickly. “Seven AM. I’ll need a lot of coffee. Talk to you tomorrow on the way home?”
“Yes, and Derek? I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Somehow she didn’t think that was possible, but she wasn’t about to fight him on that either.
“Actually, the cement industry is worth roughly $9.9 billion. Due to the inherently transportable nature it thrives in almost any geography, which is part of the reason there are cement mills in 34 of the 50 states. But, that’s actually pretty ironic because we still import about 10% of our cement!” Reid exclaimed, leaning back in his seat. “Morgan? Morgan are you listening to me?” He asked frowning slightly at the agent across from him who was just staring at his phone and smiling.
Derek’s head snapped up. “Sorry, Pretty Boy. I’m just excited to get home.”
“Juliet?” Reid asked, already knowing the answer. “What’s she saying that’s got you so happy? Or is it just going home?”
It could be. But it wasn’t. Juliet had decided to “come out of her shell” a bit and text him exactly what she wanted to be doing to him at the moment. Of course he was on the jet and couldn’t do anything about it. If she had done this last night? He definitely would’ve taken the situation into his own hands so to speak. “Not just going home. But I’m not giving away the details.”
Reid took a few seconds to get the gist of what Morgan was talking about, but then his eyes went wide. It was called sexting, wasn’t it? “Oh, OH! O-Okay forget I asked.”
Emily wandered over from grabbing coffee. “You’d better not screw this up Morgan, or I may just ask her out myself.”
“C’mon Prentiss! Don’t be like that.” Derek groaned.
“Like what? She’s hot and intelligent and I’m not blind.” Emily teased. “But seriously, you better not screw this up.”
JJ popped up from her seat and turned to him. “I second Emily. I mean, I have Will and I am happily taken, but she’s gorgeous and funny and smart, so don’t mess up.”
“How would I mess it up?”
Everyone within earshot (which was everyone but Hotch), turned to give him the side-eye. “Okay, so I have a bit of a reputation! This is different!”
Rossi snickered, remembering the looks well. Granted he had three ex-wives, but he remembered that lighter than air feeling of being in love. “We can see that. Any plans for when you get back?”
Derek shrugged. He hadn’t really thought about it; he was just excited to get back. “Well, she does,” Emily laughed.
“What?” Derek asked.
“JJ, Penelope and I are stealing her for a girls’ night.” He was about to put up a fight when Emily cut him off. “Deal with it!”
“Just don’t make a move on my girl.”
“Well, there’s gel nails and then there’s acrylic nails. You can do those however you want - crazy colors, French tips even. You would look great with French tips. Actually you would look great with any nails because look at you, and you could go short or long, and then-”
“Oh god, Penelope stop,” Juliet laughed. “Too many options. Also, can I call you babygirl too because I’m kind of jealous that Morgan has a babygirl and I don’t?”
Garcia curtsied, her smile wide. “Absolutely. I’m the residential babygirl. When was the last time you had your nails done?”
“Ummm...does me dipping my hand into a can of paint when I was five count?”
“What?! You’ve never had them done?”
Juliet shook her head feeling like a deer in the headlights. “N-no? I mean I guess I just never really got the point?”
Penelope clutched at her chest as if experiencing pains before pulling Juliet into her arms and patting her on the back. “Oh my sweet sweet child. It’s okay, babygirl is here now. You’re safe.”
Unable to help herself Juliet burst out laughing, voice muffled by Penelope’s sweater. Unfortunately it sounded like she was crying. “Oh my god Juliet, are you okay?” Garcia asked full of distress.
All Juliet could do was nod she was laughing too hard.
JJ and Emily shared a look as if to say young people these days despite the fact they were all roughly the same age. “Okay, okay c’mon. Let’s get this show on the road.” Emily pressed gesturing to take their seats.
After much deliberation and a little convincing on Penelope’s part, Juliet decided to go with slightly longer than normal for her nails in a light turquoise color she was really drawn to. “Mmm, this feels nice,” she said in a daze as the technician was finishing up with a hand massage. “I could get used to this.”
Emily was in the same position, practically falling asleep on the hand that had already dried. “I shouldn’t get used to this or I’ll sleep all the time.”
“And the problem with that?” Juliet asked.
The french manicure looked great on JJ, as it always did. Penelope of course went with the hottest of hot pinks with a little jewel on each thumb and Emily went with one of those striking reds you associate with a seductress who could just as easily kill you as kiss you. “What should we do now?”
Juliet looked toward Penelope, the resident queen of all things pampering. “Facials. We’ll practically fall asleep in the chairs.”
“Is that really a good idea?” JJ laughed.
But none of them seemed to care. They were relaxed, talked all the girl talk (including the BAU ladies wondering what Derek was like in bed) and nearly fell asleep as they’d all been afraid of doing, but it was a great day that Juliet hoped to be repeating more than once.
They parted ways and she called an Uber. The only option available was Uber Pool which Juliet wasn’t a huge fan of. Making small talk with strangers was among her worst nightmares. But it would be a short ride and she didn’t want to bother Derek to pick her up. The app said she was looking for a girl named Kerry with short blonde hair, green eyes, and a 2010 Toyota Camry.
A few moments later a car matching the description pulled up at the top of the block. The windows were blacked out. Weird...but people are entitled to their privacy. She shrugged it off and walked over opening the backseat door. The girl looking back at her through the driver’s mirror looked like the picture but she seemed...anxious. “Hi Kerry, I’m Juliet.” She smiled, extending a hand.
And that was when everything went to hell. The left side backseat door thudded shut as another figure entered the car, immediately stabbing a needle into her extended arm. As everything went hazy Juliet only had a split second to look up and see the one thing in the world that had ever truly terrified her.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121@jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @spxcxrrxid @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj
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ilivesoilove0123 · 6 years
I wrote a thing tell me how it is
Part 1
I often look at my life and wonder where it all went wrong. Was it when my first boyfriend started to abuse me? Or was it before? Have I always been this much of a loser?
I’m pretty sure the answer to that is yes. Yes I have always been a loser. But that never stopped this loser from having a small crush on a guy in high school. No it’s not this cliché girl crushes on the most popular guy in school thing. He had a decent amount of friends from what I saw. He wasn’t popular, not by a long shot. But neither was I.
He was pretty cute, though. Very cute if I was being honest. He had this sort of boy next door thing going on. That, coupled with his taste in music and sense of humor had me hooked girlfriend, let me tell you. He had that awful Bieber haircut before it was even a thing, like most of the boys did back then. Except his hair was brown, and he had the most amazing brown eyes. I’m swooning just thinking about him.
But alas, that’s all it was, a crush. No matter how much I wished and fantasized and hoped and prayed, he never looked my way. And I had come to terms with that and I was content just admiring from afar. I mean, why would someone like him be interested in someone like me anyway? I wasn’t pretty, or very smart. I hated waking up in the mornings and I would rather read than actually pay attention in school. I hated most of my classmates and had very few friends. On top of that I had very low self-esteem. My hair was always a mess and my skin was splotchy. Why would anyone like me? Hell, I barely even liked myself.
When high school ended and everyone went their separate ways and I put my crush on the back burner. It wasn’t like I’d ever see him again. We never really crossed that many paths in high school, why would it change now? I found someone new and started going out with them. And before I knew it, 2 years had gone by before I thought of him again.
At first it was more of a, “I wonder what happened to him?” thing. But then I really got to thinking and trying to find out about him and where he’s at in life. So, I did some research.
And found nothing, NOTHING! It was like he had disappeared off the face of the planet. It was so frustrating.
And then I put him and my small I swear crush back to the back burner and tried to focus on the relationship I was actually in. And what a great relationship it was. At first anyway, but the then things went south. He started getting abusive.
It began with just mental abuse. A “you’re so stupid why don’t you ever pay attention?” here and then a “I wish I never met you.” there. Sprinkle it with a little, “sometimes I think about killing you.” and you have my man at the time. Wonderful guy, huh?
I know what you’re thinking-because it’s something I’ve often wondered myself, “why didn’t you just leave him?” And you’re right. I should have left him, he was horrible. But remember the low self-esteem thing I talked about earlier? Yeah it did this wonderful thing to me and made me think that he was the best I was going to get. A-a-and it wasn’t so bad. He had his good moments too. He could be so sweet when he wanted to be.
Until he started to get worse.
And he started to get worse around the time we had a child together. A wonderful, beautiful baby boy that I was just so in love with. He was the best baby in the world and I’m totally being biased but I don’t care.
One day when I came home from work shortly after being released from maternity leave he was drunk and the baby was asleep. I didn’t think anything bad at first. He was being so sweet and I just couldn’t say no to him. But my baby wasn’t making any noise at all and that was unusual because he was always making some sort of noise and he never slept through the night.
Turns out that my baby had died that day. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was the diagnosis. I had no proof but in my heart I just knew that he killed my baby. And yet still I had decided to stay with him.
Foolish, I know. But you see, he had started to physically abuse me right after the baby was born. And as long as it was just me he was abusing I thought I could handle it.
But then my baby died and I became depressed. I thought that I deserved it. That, because I didn’t get out before he did something to my baby that it was my fault. Of course, deep down I knew that wasn’t all true. But all of that abuse did that to me.
It’s funny though. In the end it wasn’t me that got out, it was him. It had turned out that for the last year and a half of our relationship he had been seeing some young, fresh in college girl. And one day he just… didn’t come home. Didn’t contact me after that either.
In the beginning I was devastated. I was attached to the man. He was my first boyfriend for gods sake. I had been convinced that he was the one.
God how stupid I was.
One good thing that came out of our relationship was he encouraged me to become a nurse’s assistant at a nursing home. And I was actually good at it. I loved that place, I still do in fact.
It’s at this place that, five years after I had given up my search for something, anything about the guy I had a very small I swear to god crush on I thought of him again. It had been spur of the moment at first. The other girls on my team were talking about their celebrity crushes. And that made me think back to a time when I was just a naïve little loser with a crush on a cute guy. Then I thought, “I wonder how life is going for him. I hope he’s happy.”
Life works in mysterious ways. It kicks you down time and time again but then it gives you some hope. Hope for what, you never know. But they always say things happen for a reason. They say God puts people in your path for a purpose. I wonder about this a lot. What was the point of putting this awful man in my path? I’m afraid I’ll never know the answer. I’m more afraid of the reason why I don’t want to know.
I don’t know if it was God or fate or coincidence that put this next person in my life. But I’ll forever be grateful.
A week or so after my reminiscent episode we got a new resident. In a nursing home you’re bound to get residents coming in and out. Some stay forever and some leave forever. It’s part of life. You tell yourself you’re not going to get attached but it’s a lie. Spending that much time with someone day in and day out means you’re bound to get attached. And boy did I get attached.
You see, the resident was a sweet little thing. She told stories about her younger years and how she went about raising four boys all on her own. She was a remarkable woman. She loved to make jokes and always told me about her grandson and kept dropping hints about him. It started off innocently enough. “My grandson is about your age.” She told me on her first day with us after I had introduced myself and told her how old I was. “ In fact, you two probably went to school together!” she added with a smile.
I just smiled back and said, “We might have.” I hadn’t wanted to let her down that I in fact hated most of the boys at my school. I had hoped it would end there. And it probably would have if I hadn’t opened my mouth about being so very, very single.
Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t think I was ready for another relationship just yet. It had only been a year since my ex disappeared and I was still dealing with the traumatic stress it caused me. Plus, I was depressed and had very bad anxiety when it came to talking to people who might have a romantic interest in me. But sometimes it would get to me. Especially when I was the only one out of my coworkers that was single. I felt lonely sometimes. And the loneliness would get to me from time to time.
One of those times was when I was taking care of that sweet lady.
“You know, my grandson,” she began after I had gotten done telling her that I did in fact not have a child and that I was single. “he’s single too.” She said with a wink. “And he’s quite the looker. When he comes to visit when you’re not here all the girls just fawn all over him.”
I could believe that. The girls I worked with fawned over a lot of the relatives that came in for the residents. It had become a thing we constantly joked about with each other. Like, “Hey Tricia, your future husband just walked in.” said with a sly little wink right before a residents son walks by on his way to see his mom.
And I had actually asked the girls that were here on one of the days he had come to see his grandma. Well, they were the ones that brought up the fact that they had, once again, gotten the chance to see and talk to him while I was away. “Your man came by yesterday Breanne.” One of the girls had said to me as soon as I walked in one day. All of the other girls snickered at her sentence.
They could be so juvenile some times. But I guess I liked them. Who am I kidding? I loved those girls. Even if they teased me about my residents mysterious grandson.
I had just sighed. “He’s not my man Trish.” I said to her as I put my stuff away. “I’ve never even met the guy. Besides, is he even as cute as she keeps saying?” I asked with an immediate response of, “heck yeah!” from all of the girls. So that had answered my question.
And on this particular day-the day I had asked my coworkers about the grandson-was one of the days where I was feeling especially down. It was actually supposed to have been my anniversary. So I was feeling really sad because it made me realize, yet again, how alone I was.
Maybe that’s why, instead is just saying okay, I jokingly replied to her with, “Maybe you should put in a good word for me grandma.” She preferred if I called her grandma. When I asked her why she had said that she never had any granddaughters and left it at that. I didn’t question why it was just me she let call her that, we just had a special bond.
She just smiled in return and changed the subject The next day, I was painting her nails-because she saw mine the day before and just had to have me do them for her when she found out I has done them myself. Surprisingly she hadn’t brought up her mystery grandson yet. Not that I was complaining. It gets tiring hearing about someone everyday when you’re still so lonely.
“I haven’t had my nails done in so long dearie.” She said as she watched me carefully paint her thumb. “This means so much to me dear, you don’t even realize.” That sentence made me pause and put the tiny nail polish brush back in its container.
It’s easy to take stuff for granted. Like something as simple as getting your nails painted. This was one of the reasons I love doing what I do. After having gone through so much myself and experienced the things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, coming in here every day always makes me appreciate the little things in life. Even if I don’t have anyone to share them with.
That’s why I think I was so down that day and the one before it. I had all of these things to appreciate but no one to appreciate them with.
I grabbed the hand that didn’t have nail polish on it in both of my hands and looked into her face. Her eyes had always looked so familiar to me. But on this day when I looked at her, I could almost, for a split second, picture him sitting here in front of me.
But that was impossible. I was never going to see him again. I needed to forget about him.
So I mentally shook myself, smiled at her, and said, “I’m glad I could help grandma.” After that I went back to work on her nails.
“My grandson is coming to the family dinner dear.” She vocalized when I was getting her ready for bed after her nails had dried. “You should come.”
Each year the nursing home would have a big family dinner for the residents and their families and the employees and their families. It was a wonderful affair that got rave reviews every year. But it was also chaotic. I had been unlucky enough to have to work during that time every year since I started, until that year. I was so happy and didn’t plan on coming at all. Well, unless my nursing home grandma told me to I guess.
But still, I was reluctant. “I don’t know grandma.” I replied after taking her socks off for her. “I kind of had other plans that day.” she frowned at me. “Why are you so intent on me meeting your grandson anyway?” I quickly continued before she could comment about how she knew for a fact that I didn’t actually have any plans that day.
She had a twinkle in her eyes when she replied vaguely with, “Let’s just call it grandma’s intuition. Besides,” she continued as she put her hand on my cheek. “I just want my two favorite people in the world to meet.” I smiled at this as she patted my cheek. “Now,” she said as she took her hand off of my cheek. “these dentures aren’t going to brush themselves and grannies tired, chop chop.” She clapped as I sighed and continued to get her ready for bed.
After a lot of pleading from both “grandma” and my coworkers on her behalf I decided to attend. I had dressed my best and actually put makeup on because I just knew that “grandma” would throw a fit if I didn’t look my best.
Surprisingly, for once, I wasn’t nervous that day. I usually have really bad anxiety when I have to attend functions. I’ve learned it stems from my first boyfriend and how he would get mad at the smallest things I did. Gosh how I hate that man.
It was weird being on the other side of the dinner. Usually I’m running around trying to stay out of the way of the ones whose families actually came while trying to make sure those that didn’t have anyone there get their meal as well.
These sort of things are bittersweet for people working at nursing homes. While it fills our heart with joy to see those whose family care about them and come whenever they can, it saddens us to see those who only have the workers. It always breaks my heart when a resident asks where their family is. I never have the heart to tell them I’ve never seen or heard of them coming in the time I’ve worked there. And the family dinners are no exception for me.
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official-negan-blog · 7 years
Class Dismissed
Fanfic Request: Can I make a request for Negan as a history teacher and there is a super smart and really shy student named Sammy who has had a secret crush on Negan for a while and she hasn't finished her project in class so she decides she would force herself to stay after class with Negan to finish up. She talks to herself quietly and Negan heard her/figures out about her crush on him. Sammy has medium dirty blonde hair in a messy ponytail and tomboy kinda cloths. Smut please
Warnings: Smut, swearing, sex, student/teacher relationship
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“And don’t forget, class, your projects are due on Friday! Make sure to hand me a hardcopy of your papers and email me your powerpoints!”
You hated presentations, and pretty much anything that required public speaking. It certainly wasn’t helping that your hot history professor, Negan, would be sitting there watching you; you had a huge crush on him but were too shy to speak to him. It secretly broke your heart to see all the popular girls in class openly flirt with him. 
Today was going to be different though. Although you dreaded this project, it gave you an excuse to stay after class to finish it up. You overheard the girls you sat next to talk about how they hadn’t even started the project yet. You were very studious and you secretly looked down on them, especially because they were always so passive aggressive and backhanded with you. 
Everyone packed up their things and headed out the door. The only people that lagged were you and those group of girls, who unfortunately got to Negan before you could.
“Will you do my project for me, Negan?” you hear one of the girls ask him jokingly.
“That would defeat the purpose of the project then! You wouldn’t learn anything new!”, he says with a laugh. 
They all laugh as you walk up behind them, waiting your turn in line.
“I bet you already finished your project, Sammy! I only ever see you when I walk past the library, even on the weekends! I bet even Professor Negan has more fun than that!”
The girls all laugh loudly together as you turn a bright shade of red, completely mortified as the girls and Negan look at you.
“Um, I’m not done with it just yet. I should be finished by tonight” you stay as you readjust your ponytail and tuck stray dirty blonde hairs behind your ear. You stare down at your black converse sneakers, the ones you wore everyday. The other girls wore high heels, and you felt shoes alone was enough show the difference between you and those girls. 
By now your heart is racing as it sinks in that you’re actually going to have to talk to Negan. You had no idea how to start the conversation. You just wanted help with the bibliography because you weren’t sure about the format. 
The girls resume talking to Negan about things that didn’t even matter at the moment -- they were asking him what he was doing this upcoming weekend, what his hobbies were, if he had a girlfriend... All the noise just faded into the background as you focused on your own thoughts.
“Don’t embarrass yourself in front of Negan. Don’t embarrass yourself in front of Negan...” you repeat to yourself quietly. Talking to yourself generally calmed you down when you were nervous. This time was no different. 
Negan was only half-listening to the girls in front of him, clearly bored by their endless dribble about what parties they planned on attending during the upcoming weekend. He leaned back in his chair and pulled his glasses off, lightly nibbling at the end of them. He looked past them, towards you. Little did you realize that you were muttering slightly louder than you thought and he was completely within earshot. 
The girls finally finished what they wanted to say, leaving the classroom and waving goodbye to him. As soon as they exited the room, he turns towards you with a smirk, look a hell of a lot less bored now.
“So, you’re worried you’re gonna embarrass yourself in front of me, sweetheart?”
Your eyes widen in horrified embarrassment, unsure of what to say to him.
“Oh! Um, I-i-it’s not what you think...” you say nervously.
“Oh, Darlin’, you don’t need to lie to me! I see how you look at me in class with those big eyes and how clearly nervous you are right now just by talking to me and I sure as fuck know you’re not this nervous when talking to other people.” 
You bite your lip and stare at the ground, trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this situation, overwhelmed with the fear that he was going to berate you for looking at him inappropriately.
“Sammy, sweetheart? Come here.”
He pats the desk in front of him, signaling you to sit there. 
“Really?” you asked, wondering if you heard him correctly. He was asking you to sit directly in front of him, not an inch away from his legs. It was very forward but it caused heat to pool between your legs. He gestures reassuringly to the desk so you hesitantly take a seat on his desk.
“You know, doll, I’ve been eyeing you for a very long time. You are by far the most beautiful woman in this class. In all my classes, actually. As your professor, I’m crossing an ethical line here, but I always knew that you probably felt the same way based on how you looked at me.”
“Oh, wow... that's so nice of you to say, Negan. I never thought I was anything special, really, especially compared to those other girls who were just in here.”
“Are you kidding me? You have gorgeous eyes, delicious curves, perfect lips, and beautiful hair.”
He reaches up and tugs at your hair tie.
“May I?”, he asks.
You nod and he pulls your hair tie out and places it on his desk. He gently readjusts your hair around your face, causing your breath to shake.
“Do you want me, baby girl? Do you want me right now, on this desk?”
Normally you’d want to wait until you were in a bedroom, but you were too turned on to care. You nod your head, biting your lip. He stands up and walks briskly to the door, closing it, almost slamming it shut, before he saunters over to you, sizing you up like a predator does for its next meal. 
He pulls your legs apart and forces his torso in between them, gently guiding your legs to wrap around his hips. He immediately presses his lips against yours and pushes his tongue into your mouth. And you loved every bit of it.You reach up and run your fingers through his hair as he thrusts his hips against you, letting you feel the growing hardness in his pants. He immediately moves to your neck, sucking a large hickey right over your jugular. 
There was no way you were going to be able to hide this with your hair, and it was too warm out for a scarf. Yet again, you didn’t even care. You knew that over the next several days, you’d be wearing it with pride. 
Eagerly, you pull off his jacket and begin to unbutton his shirt, clumsily fumbling with each button the more you tried to rush. He chucked darkly.
“Eager, are we?” he asked with a smirk.
He reached down and helped you undo the remaining button. You pull his shirt down his arms and he finally pulls the remaining fabric off his wrists, the shirt draping over his chair.
He returns the favor by unbuttoning your faded ripped blue jeans gently lifting you up with his strong arm as he pulls your jeans and underwear down from your waist. 
He suddenly kneels down, eye-level with your pussy, inhaling sharply.
“Mmm, look at this pretty pink pussy all dripping wet just for me.”
He runs the tip of his index finger from your clit to your entrance and back up.
You let out a struggled moan and tighten your grip on the edge of his desk as you buck your hips, trying to get more sensation from his fingers.
“You love when I touch you like that, doll?”
“Yes, Negan! So much!” you cry out, your legs already beginning to shake.
He suddenly punches his index finger into your entrance and curls it inside of you. Your eyes roll back and you lean back on your elbows to support yourself. 
“Such a tight little cunt. I can’t fuckin’ wait to get my dick inside you.”
With that, he begins unbuckling his belt, the sound of the clanking metal making you even wetter. He quickly pulls down his kakis and boxers, running his hand over his member, being sure to spread his pre-cum along the shaft. 
“Is this what you fucking want, baby doll? Is this what you imagine when you look at me during class -- me plowing into you with my big fat cock in your tight little pussy?”
His dirty talk erases all your inhibitions, and you let out a whimper and begin begging him.
“Please Negan, I want your big cock inside of me. I’ll do anything for it. I work so hard in your class. I promise I’m a good girl.”
“Well, shit, doll! I can’t say no to that!”
He immediately plunges into you, causing you to let out a groan of pleasure and relief as he finally satisfies your aching cunt.
“Fuck, this pussy is tight!”
He buries his face in the crevice of your neck, nipping at your earlobe and neck, giving you even more hickeys along the way. You dig your nails into his back and run them across his skin, leaving behind a trail of red lines. 
“Fuck”, he growls in both pleasure and pain. 
Soon, your walls begin to grow tighter around him and he knows you’re close to your orgasm.
“Cum for me, baby doll. Cum all over my fuckin’ cock!” he growls, immediately moving his thumb to stimulate your clit. 
Almost immediately you fell over the edge, your body twitching in every direction as you lose control, completely at his mercy. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum in this pussy”, he growls. 
“I want you to cum inside of me, Negan. Please fill me with your cum!”
With that, he releases inside of you, painting your walls white with his load. He thrusts a few more times before he pulls out, catching his breath. 
He stays with his face buried in your neck for a moment before he moves to hand you tissues to clean yourself up. You sheepishly wipe him off of you and throw it in the nearby trash before redressing as he did the same.
Despite being dressed again, you both look rather disheveled, with messy hair, flushed cheeks, and his misbuttoned shirt. 
“So”, he says, “about that project. What did you need help with, doll?”
You manage to explain what you didn’t understand in an eloquent way, pulling out your laptop from your bag and allowing him to help you with the final bibliography. The two of you finished in 30 minutes and packed up your things.
“So will I get to see you again, Doll? Outside of the classroom?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of me outside the classroom”, you say with a smile, completely glowing.
“Great! Friday night work? After class?”
You smile confidently. 
The two of you exit the classroom together, not a care in the world about your post-sex afterglow mixed with a disheveled look. The two of you turn the corner to exit when you run into the same group of girls in your class, who still hadn’t even left the building yet.
The three of them looked at the two of you, gazing from head to toe at both of your appearances, fully aware of what probably happened.
“What happened to you two?” on of them asks quizzically. 
Negan covers for you.
“I was just helping her finish her project. World War I history is very long and complicated, you know.”
You giggle and smirk as the girls stare back in disbelief, fully aware that it wasn’t only a history lesson that you received from him.
The two of you walk past them and exit the building with smiles. 
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soccermomsteve · 7 years
So Dirty (Tony Stark x Reader)
Plot: Reader and Tony babysit together
A/N: Enjoy!!!! I got punched in the lip today yaaaaaay! Also, I know the secretary is Pepper but that doesn’t work here, so she’s new to us...
Kids ages are like 12-13, 9-10, and 5 and yes totally based off kids I actually know
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“Tony, they get here in like 10 minutes, if anything dangerous or important is out, I suggest you put it away.” You instructed, looking at the clock that neared 11.
“They? Who is this they you speak of?” Tony questioned.
“Your secretaries’ kids... you said you’d babysit.” You answered.
““I did? When was this?”
“Like a month ago when she asked for the day off so she and her husband could go out on a date.” You explained.
“A date? All day? She must have asked me when I was busy and unaware of my surroundings.” Tony shrugged.
“Whatever you say honey.” You smiled.
You helped Tony hide the expensive decorations and lock almost all the doors on the floor.
The elevator dinged, signalling the arrival of the children.
“Here we are, can you all say hi to Mr. Stark and (Y/N)?” Olivia, Tony’s receptionist, smiled at the 3 kids with her.
“Hi.” They all waved in unison.
“Ok, well the oldest is Sarah, then it’s Matthew, and my little one Abby, they already had breakfast, but they might be hungry soon. They have no allergies that we’re aware of, they like movies and TV, Sarah is a little mouthy, and Abby will need a nap around 2 or 3. If you need anything you have my number... I think that’s it. You kids be good, I don’t want to hear any complaints, got it?” Olivia explained.
They all nodded, hugging her good bye and making their way to the couch.
“We got this, have fun.” You smiled.
As soon as the doors closed, you turned to the kids, “So what do you guys like to do? We have TV, we have movies, we have crafts, we can make desserts, I have nail polish.”
“I have coloring stuff,” Tony added.
“Mr. Stark, I’d like to see your art.” Sarah requested.
“Well ok then, follow me.” Tony chuckled awkwardly.
“That leaves us, do you guys want the TV on?” You asked.
“Sure, I’m assuming you have all the channels since you’re totally loaded, but I’ll let you know if I need help. I’m kind of a tech genius.” Matthew shrugged.
“That’s so cool! Abby, what do you want to do?” You asked.
“Can you paint my nails?” She asked shyly.
“Of course, let’s go pick a color.” You smiled, taking her hand and leading her to your collection of nail polish.
“This is all I have here, most of my art is at my home in Malibu.” Tony explained, leading Sarah to the room which contained the most art.
“Hm... cubism and surrealism, can’t say I’m surprised, I guess it suits you.” Sarah said almost distastefully.
“Oh! And you’re a huge art connoisseur? Let me guess, you like Van Gogh and Starry Night is your favorite?” Tony jokingly asked.
“Maybe not Van Gogh, but pointillism, post-impressionism, realism, and impressionism are my favorites, looks like you have some Monet here, your coolness went up.” She replied.
“How do you know all this?” Tony asked incredulously.
“I go to an art based school, I don’t like to brag but... I am a prodigy.” She smiled, popping her imaginary collar. 
(It was getting super long, sorry)
“You know, I’d love to see some of your art sometime, maybe you can come by with some of your best pieces or your mom can show me.” Tony suggested.
“Mr. Stark! That would be totally amazing! This is the best day ever! Oh my gosh! I’m tweeting this!” She excitedly exclaimed. 
“This is such a pretty color, do you want sparkles too?” You asked Abby.
“Ooooh, yes!” She smiled excitedly. 
“Yes! Home run! 7 to 1 baby yeah!” Matthew exclaimed.
“Wait a minute buddy, I’m not a huge sports guy but this is New York, you can’t watch west coast baseball here.” Tony said.
“Giants are the best, they have the best players, the best pitcher, and the nicest stadium. It’s like the only stadium that isn’t owned by another company.” Matthew explained.
“No! Even I know that Giants aren’t the best, Dodgers dude.” Tony replied.
“I need my mom to come pick me up.” Matthew fake gagged.
You laughed adding the last layer to Abby’s nails, “There we go! All done, now let them dry for a little while.” 
Soon, you were all on the couch watching a family friendly movie, and then a stomach rumbled. 
“That was me, I’m so hungry.” Matthew laughed.
“Ok good, I was getting hungry too. I have stuff for pizzas or we could order takeout.” You replied.
“Pizza!” The kids cheered.
You all went to the kitchen as you gathered the ingredients. 
“Do you have white sauce? And chicken?” Sarah asked.
“Sure, let me check.” You answered, looking in the fridge for any leftovers. “You are in luck, here you go.”
The kids and yourselves began making your pizzas.
“(Y/N), the little one is eating sauce with her hands. Oh my gosh, so much saliva. She’s touching the cheese, oh my, so gross.” Tony whispered into your ear.
“Ok, calm down. Abby do you need help?” You asked.
“Oh yeah.” She smiled, sauce surrounding her smile.
As you all waited for the pizza to bake, Tony pulled out some video game, probably Bucky’s and let the kids play.
After you all finished eating, of course Tony stared at Abby in horror as she ate, you all started another movie and Abby fell asleep on Tony’s lap.
“Do you have dessert?” Matthew asked, around 4.
“Dude, are you always hungry? We just ate.” Sarah replied.
“That was 3 hours ago.” Matthew corrected.
“We can bake cookies and decorate them after.” You chuckled.
“Make me a cookie, I can’t move.” Tony whispered.
“I love cookies, but I’ll need a snack while the cookies bake.” Matthew nodded.
So to the kitchen again, this time for cookies, but with chips and strawberries for the wait. 
The decorating was messy, which Tony hated. There was almost every color imaginable on the counter tops, on the appliances, yet so little on the cookies. 
The familiar ding of the elevator came around 9, Olivia came to collect her children and thank you guys. 
The kids each hugged you individually for what seemed a long time, waving sadly, and requesting that Olivia and her husband go on a date the next night.
“I miss them.” Tony stated later that night, too tired to stay in the lab that night.
“I thought you hated kids.” You laughed.
“Oh no, I have Peter, he’s basically mine.” Tony replied.
“Tony, do you want kids? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” You asked.
“Yeah, so?”
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shawnximagine-blog · 7 years
Kid In Love (Part 1)
A/N: This is inspired by Jenny Han’s To All The Boy’s I’ve Loved Before series. I’m so in love with it and I always picture Shawn as Peter Kavinsky. 
‘Ynah, c’mon we’re getting late!!!!’ My 8-year-old little sister, Kina shouted.
‘Coming!!!’ I shouted back while trying fixing my hair. I’m wearing my favorite pink culotte pants and black top with my favorite pair of white shoes. I ran downstairs knowing Kina will not stop shouting until I’m not there. One thing about my little sister is that she doesn’t want to get late to school. She hates it so much.
‘What took you so long? You’re so annoying, we’re always late because of you!’ Kina said who’s so annoyed.
‘Alright, girls. Stop bickering already, Kina, your sister is already here so stop being so annoyed now just hop in the car.’ My dad said. It’s been 5 years since my mom died from a plane crash. So it’s just me, my older sister Clarisse, my dad and Kina. It’s hard for all of us since we’re so close to my mom. Also, to my dad who’s a surgeon. It’s hard for him to be a mother, father, and surgeon at the same time to his three girls with different personalities. There’s no day we didn’t miss our mom. But we all know that she’s watching us and doesn’t want to see us sad. That’s why we’re all staying strong for each other.
We drop off Kina first because she doesn’t want to get late at her first day of school and she wanted to make new friends that’s why she wanted to go to school early.
‘Are you excited for the first day of school?’ My dad asked while looking at the road. 
‘Yeah.’ I said.
‘Well, you don’t sound like excited.’ My dad joked.
‘I mean, Clarisse isn’t there anymore I’m not used to it.’ I said. My sister, Clarisse went to college now in NYU. I’m used to have her with me we’re like twins, my mom used to dressed us with the same dress. Almost everyone thought we’re twins, except at school because everybody knew her, she’s this popular kid while on the other side, I’m this girl who loves to bake, who doesn’t have her first kiss, and has one friend.
‘Well, Dani’s there she’s your best friend right? And you’re already Senior, have fun!’ My dad said while he glanced at me and looked at the road again.
‘yeah.’ I answered.
‘And make some friends, Ynah. You’re awesome I’m sure these millennials will like you.’ My dad said trying to lift up my spirit.
‘Alright here you go!’ My dad said after a few moments. ‘Call me if you need a ride home, alright? And don’t pick up Kina, Bianca’s giving her a ride.’ My dad informed me.
‘Okay. Bye. Love you!’ I waved and went inside to find Dani, my best friend since Grade 7.
‘HEEEYYYYY.’ Dani shouted and ran to me. We hugged so tight since we haven’t seen each other the whole summer because Dani went to London while me I’m helping my sister Clarisse to unpack her things at NYU.
‘I missed you!’ I said and she pulled me away from our tight hug.
‘Me too! How’s my favorite Asian?’ She asked.
‘Great! I cannot wait to go home!’ I jokingly said and she just rolled her eyes.
‘Girl, trust me. Me too!’ She said. ‘Your boy looks so hot btw!’
‘Who?’ I asked while getting my biology book in my locker.
‘C’mon! Don’t act like you don’t know, your crush since Grade 8. The one and only Shawn Mendes! The Troy Bolton of this school!’ She said and I laughed.
‘Well, I guess he doesn’t want me to be his Gabriella huh?’ I said when I saw Shawn with Hanna.
‘You’re prettier than her!’ She said while looking at the two.
‘I agree with you!’ I said. ‘Let’s go, I don’t want to be late to Ms. Lopez. Clarisse told me she’s kind of strict!’ I said and me and Dani run into our first subject like we always do.
School went by so fast, thankfully. Shawn was my classmate in literature and until now he’s driving me crazy. I like him since Grade 8 and up until now I’m still into him. He’s a varsity player, he sings as well and he knows how to make all the girls swoon. We used to be friends when we were Grade 8 but when he started dating Hanna he became distant. I just don’t know why. But I don’t care anymore. I still like him, but I don’t care about his relationship with Hanna anymore.
‘Hey, Song!’ I heard someone called me, a familiar voice. My heart beats so fast, when I turned around I saw, Shawn.
‘Oh, hi!’ He and Dani were the only ones who calls me Song, my mom’s family name since she’s Korean and we’re half Korean. It’s the first time again he called me Song after such a long time.
‘How are you?’ He asked. ‘Can I?’
I just looked at him confused.
‘Can I walk with you?’ He asked.
‘You’re already walking with me.’ I said. He just smiled.
‘You didn’t answer my question!’ He said.
‘Mendes, you’re already walking with me.’ I said.
‘No, I mean how are you?’
‘Oh, great!’ I said and smiled. ‘Where’s Hanna?’ I asked.
‘with her new man.’ He told me and pointed Hanna with one of Shawn’s friends, Michael. I feel bad for him, he doesn’t deserve it.
‘I just saw you two earlier.’ I said.
‘She just broke up with me.’ He said.
‘Where’s Matt, Ian, and Brian?’ I asked.
‘Mr. Arthur still talking to them about something so I’m alone and I saw you and why not talk to my old friend right?’ He said. ‘Oh, where’s Dani?’
‘She went home already since her last class went by so fast.’ I said.
‘So you want a ride home?’ He asked.
‘Nope, no need. I’m just gonna walk.’
‘No I insist, let’s pick up Kina as well.’ He said.
It’s nice that even if we haven’t talked for years now he still remember all the little details about my life, how I used to pick up Kina every after school, how I used to walk with Dani and he’s still calling me Song because he thought that it’s cute because he likes to sing.
‘Alright then.’ We went straight to his new car, kind of fancy for this child.
The car ride home was kind of awkward. It was so silent until he broke the silence.
‘So how’s Clarisse and Kina?’ He asked.
'Well, Cla’s in NYU while Kina, Kina’s still the same. The sassy and the friendly one.’ I said and giggle.
‘Oh yeah where did she go?’
‘You guys are a family of smart people.’ Shawn said. ‘Well, I missed Kina’s sassy attitude!’
I just smiled. ‘What about Aaliyah? How is she?’
‘Great. She’s having fun at high school.’
‘Well, that sounds great!’
‘What if we go grab some food first?’ Shawn asked me.
‘Yeah, sure! Kina will be home late since she’s going to her classmate’s house.’ I said.
‘Alright then.’
We went to this pancake house near my house. I love their pancake with bacon inside while Shawn ordered a blueberry pancake.
‘Where do you plan to go in college?’ Shawn asked.
‘To be honest, I haven’t decided about it yet I mean as of now but maybe when it hits me that I’m already senior maybe I’ll be cramming to send applications.’ I said while feeling my pancakes.
‘Me too, I haven’t decided about it yet although I plan on going to Toronto University.’ Shawn said who’s sipping his mango shake.
‘That sounds great. I actually want to go to NYU as well but I don’t know.’ I said.
‘Well, you’re smart, Song for sure you’ll get whatever school you wanted.’ Shawn said and smiled at me. I smiled back, I miss his smile though. He’s still so sweet and genuine.
We talk for like 3 hours until I got a text messages from Dani who’s at home with my little sister. That’s when I told Shawn that we needed to go he drop me off and I asked him if he wanted to go inside but he refused since his mom is making some pasta.
‘Hey there!’ Dani greeted me who’s sitting at the sofa while Kina’s painting her nails.
‘Where have you been?’ Kina asked me who’s so busy painting Dani’s nails. ‘What color do you like? Pink or sky blue?’ Kina asked Dani.
‘Sky Blue I’m not like your sister who’s so basic.’ Dani said and looked at me. I just rolled my eyes and sat next to them.
‘I know who owns that car.’ Dani said. I just looked at her.
‘Don’t give me that look, Song! I know you, that’s Shawn?’
‘So what’s up with him now?’
‘Nothing, we just went to grab some pancakes.’ I said and opened my phone because Shawn texted me. And I can’t help I smile so wide that both Dani and Kina are looking at me and judging me.
‘Okay, earlier we saw that guy with Hanna and now he wants you to be his Gabriella Montez?’ Dani asked.
‘We’re friends remember?’ I asked.
‘Yeah. But you guys didn’t asked me to go with you since I’m also your friend remember?’ Dani said and rolled her eyes.
‘Okay, I don’t want to hear you both anymore and I’m done with your nails, I’m out!’ Kina said and went straight to her room.
‘I like your sister’s attitude!’ Dani said.
‘Yeah right!’
‘So what’s up with Mendes now? Isn’t he with Hanna?’
‘They broke up!’ I said.
‘with who?’
‘Michael.’ I said.
‘Well, I’m not shocked.’ She said like its normal to see someone break up with her boyfriend and get another one so quickly. But for Hanna that’s normal.
‘Well I’m here to tell you that I’m inviting you to Malibu this weekend since my parents are going to Hawaii and they’re sending me to Malibu over the weekend.’ Dani said while looking at her nails. ‘Ask Mendes to come with us, I’ll ask my boyfriend to come with me so that you won’t feel left out.’ 
‘I’m not sure if I should go ask him.’ I said. I don’t want him to feel that I’m so into him even though I am really into him.
‘Well, we’re all friends so that’s no big deal!’ Dani said. ‘And, we’re just going to be there to have some fun, I mean me and my guy.’
‘Ew. Whatever.’
‘Hey, that’s not what I meant. You have a dirty mind!’
‘Well, I have to go now, I’ll see you tomorrow at school!’ Dani said. ‘Oh, and let’s grab some coffee tomorrow!’ She added.
‘Yeah. Bye!’ I said and hugged her before she walks out the door.
Today has been a great day, being with Shawn again, being able to talk to him again like nothing’s changed. It’s nice. I feel like we’re back to normal. I missed him so much, and I want our friendship to work out this time. And I hope that this time our friendship will not be ruin by someone else. 
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