#She’s The Man well I’m trans what more do u want from me
vvrgo · 2 years
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Tagged by @deadshoppingmalls for my top 9 films?! Bad idea! My brain doesn’t work at the best of times okay uhhh this took me 20 minutes.
Tag urselves and experience the pain of trying to find NINE movies you love.
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doberbutts · 6 months
hey so feel free to delete this if its inappropriate/not the right time to share it
i’m a trans woman and (obviously) i can’t get pregnant, but i did get sexually assaulted by some guys trying to show was one of them. and also having an m marker has caused issues with trying to access resources and shit.
idk this isnt the same thing and all but my point is that im standing with u as some random trans woman with vaguely parallel experiences and im sorry to hear its somehow even worse & more likely for some of yall.
I wanr to preface this with a disclaimer, to get things out of the way first.
I am not trying to say that trans women do not experience devastating sexual assaults. They do. Quite often. Though to me, even once is too often. Rape and sexual assault are terrible, awful things. It's horrible that anyone has been made to go through this.
Nor am I trying to say that your M marker doesn't get in the way of things. When it comes to the domestic violence you experience, or the homelessness rates, or a determination of what prison you go to (esp since y'all are more likely to be wrongfully accused and arrested), or the various aspects of your own reproducive healthcare, your agab and gender marker is absolutely used as a weapon against you.
The question was asked for a unique example. Unfortunately, the conversation around reproductive rights is much different for me than it is for you. But it's also much different for me than for cis women and cis men as well. Those without a functional uterus cannot get pregnant. Those who cannot get pregnant are not forcibly married off to be raped until pregnant as a means of detransition and correction. This misogyny we share with cis women.
However an added aspect of that is that if this happens after we've changed our legal documents, an additional layer of transphobia occurs when insurances and doctors see our M or X markers and deny us care out of hand. Now we are stuck with a pregnancy we don't want and constant reminder of what happened to us, or a huge medical bill with devastating financial consequences.
And that's just for those who got out safety- for those who rely on shelters, again the choice becomes detransition for safety at a woman's shelter, or struggle in silence as a man. That, we share with you, though for different reasons.
A unique interection of transphobia and misogyny specifically experienced by trans men was asked for. That is what I provided. Much like how in Crenshaw's essays one could not provide a complete understanding of "because woman" or "because black" because neither would show the full picture of "because black woman", it is not possible to describe this fully as "because trans " or "because man" because the complete "because trans man" must be provided.
I am of the opinion that there is very little "unique" about oppression- mostly that the various points of intersection change its face. In other words, I think trans men share a lot with trans women, and I don't think that's a bad thing. I also think that doesn't disclude something from earning its own name or having its own place to be talked about.
I have hesitated to post those statistics because they can so easily be twisted to say "trans women don't experience these things" or "trans men have it worse". But, a look at the graphs say the first isn't true, it just happens at a statistically less rate. The second, well, I personally don't think it's useful to quantify who has it worse. I once was in that mindset, apologizing to my mentor (an older trans woman) for complaining about my problems because obviously she had it so much worse.
She told me she doesn't like to think about it like that. For her, she would rather be raped than killed. For me, I would rather be killed than raped. Who has it "worse" depends entirely on perspective. Murder and rape are both terrible crimes to be a victim of. Rather than weighing this violence in a scale, more effort should be put into stopping it from happening in the first place. I think she was very wise. I'm lucky to have known her.
I'm sorry that happened to you. I would like to reach across the table and take your hand, to walk forward into the future together. I think we are stronger when united in this world that hates us. You are my sister. We may fight like siblings, but you're still family.
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covfefeaddict · 1 year
You’re a man.
commission for @snekdoodl​ !! thank u my son !!
find my commissions HERE !!
trans alec hardy getting outed or outing himself to ellie
" OI! "
Ellie may be a small woman, but what she lacks in size, she certainly makes up for in volume - and she has turned the dial up significantly, having caused Alec to duck his head a fraction at the assault on his ears. Easing back against the frame of the counter, the detective leans his weight into his palms, the cool spans of the countertop a stark contrast to the sweat slicking the flesh there, and currently beading along his brow.
The woman that Ellie had her sights on now had made the tremendous mistake of insulting Alec in a variation of ways with one simple sentence - and in some ways that Ellie hadn't even remotely considered. 'Oh, but don't you want a real man in charge, El?' had been the tipping point, and Ellie's icy stare was shortly followed by closed distance and invading personal bubbles. When Ellie had a point to make, she was not afraid to get up in one's face. It's one thing that Alec appreciated about her most, even if it could lead them into some trouble.
" I am absolutely itching for a reason to get you suspended. Say one more word, no, you even look - no, you even breathe near DI Hardy again without it being a very simple 'Yes, Sir.' to whatever he's asked of you, I will throw you out of my precinct so quickly your head will spin. " A pause, a heavy breath. " Do I make myself clear? "
" Miller. "
She doesn't even look at Alec, merely lifting a finger toward him to shut him up non-verbally. He acquiesces, heaving a great sigh - although a small smirk does play at the corner of his mouth. He does love watching Miller give a good bollocksing. The anxiety that has bubbled in his chest, however, is not settling well within the space between ribcage and thrashing heart.
" Do. I. Make. Myself... Clear? I should not have to repeat myself. "
The woman flits her gaze between Alec and Ellie briefly, sucking in a sharp breath before offering a small nod.
" Good. Now get the Hell out of my sight. "
It's only later when Ellie is pacing Alec's office like a wild, caged animal, that Alec finally leans back in his office seat, hands folded against his stomach lazily. He has often been able to play it off as though not much bothers him when he isn't getting rightfully tiffed about this or that, but this situation has him on edge a bit. " Sit down, Miller. You're making me dizzy. "
" The audacity. " She growls instead, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "A real man, what's that even mean? What does she want you to do, drop your trousers in the middle of the office for all to bare witness? I mean - "
He offers a breathy chuckle at this. " Miller. "
" - the nerve of some people! The absolute - "
" Miller. "
" - stupidity of - "
" Miller, I'm transgender. "
Silence befalls the room. Ellie's quick-paced steps halted as she mulls over this sudden information she's been given. " What? "
Alec lifts a hand, waving it in nonchalance as if to say, 'It is what it is.'. The woman across from him, on the other hand, is none-too convinced as she tilts her head to stare at him. Alec stares right back, but flicks his gaze elsewhere a moment after - he's not been able to hold eye contact long unless his intent is to intimidate. " I'm - "
" No, I heard what you said. " Another pause. " Why would that make you any less a real man? "
" No. I, I'm, I mean yes, but - "
" Alec. " Ellie approaches, side-stepping around his desk so she can lean a hand on the stained wood and study him carefully. " Your scraggly scruff and twelve-hour deodorant degradation certainly look and smell like a man. "
A puff of an irritated exhale; a roll of his eyes. " Thanks, Miller. "
" My point is, Sir, that it doesn't matter. You present yourself as a man, you call yourself a man... You're a man. You are and always have been a man. This doesn't change anything. "
Alec has to consider this. He has heard many a time that he is a man now, but never that he is simply a man and that is all he has been and all he is. A thick swallow forces down the lump in his throat, and he stares up at the woman quietly. He doesn't need to speak. She knows him well enough by now, he assumes, to pick out the unspoken appreciation in his gaze.
In Ellie's other hand, forgotten, is a container of chips that she had been picking away at earlier while pacing. With a small smile, she shoves the container in front of him. He glares at the food for a moment, parting his lips and sucking in a breath to complain about not being able to eat it... but her confirmation, support, and unconditional friendship have him taking this white flag in the form of salty chips and malt vinegar. -------------------------------------------------------------------- find my commissions HERE !!
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pantherxdrawz · 1 year
Hey want some random AA hcs?
They’re romantic/sexual orientation and gender flavored
*Dumps these at your feet*
Also if I don’t include anyone specific I didn’t forget them I just don’t have one for that specific character yet
-Phoenix is Bi. He is the Bisexual king of this universe and everyone will know it-(I mean it’s a really popular hc anyways) Phoenix is also a trans man
-Edgeworth is DemiAroAce and ✨Gay✨ (Basically Edgeworth is like “I don’t need bitches.” *sees someone he’s grown rather close to as a partner or friend And they’re a man* “…On second thought-“) Edgeworth is also a trans man, it actually started when he was a child like he didn’t know yet he just liked suits and when he was old enough to understand he was like “…yeah I was an egg.”
-Franziska is also gay, but in the girl way
-Mia is Bi, and she’s a trans queen cause I said so
-Godot/Diego is genderfluid and pan, he also uses all the pronouns and is on the hunt for more. N o t e v e n y o u r n e o s a r e s a f e
-Von Karma is secretly Bi with a stronger guy attraction, but he pretends he’s not by hating on romance, no it’s not in a homophobic way but in a “NO ROMANCE FOR ANYONE ITS A WASTE OF TIME-“ way, and he can’t deal with a crush to save his life-
-Lang is Omni, and also a trans man, and if anyone complains about him wearing his shirt like that, or if he takes it off and someone complains, he’ll respond with the “hey I paid a lot of money to be shirtless/wear my shirt like this” joke, although I can also see his top surgery scars blending in well with his other scars cause he does have a crap ton (in my hcs anyways)
-Apollo: Gay Trans king. That’s it everyone go home.
-Klavier is Bi, he didn’t discover it until Apollo came along though, basically he was going around like “okay men are cute too I’ll admit not just the girls, but I’m still straight!” Than he actually fell in love with one he finally realized “…fuck I’m not straight am I” He is also trans, but is he a trans man or a trans woman, the answer is neither it’s a secret third option (Nonbinary and uses All pronouns)
-Kristoph is AroAce, I feel like this one’s kinda a hot take but, yeah to me he’s completely aromatic and asexual, no “Demi” about (insert the “Ace” attorney jokes let’s go let’s go)
it he’s not like completely completely against trying ether one but overall he’s like “Nope not interested keep your love story bullshit away from me.” Mixed with “I don’t need bitches. They disappoint me, *disco pose*” But yet he’s not aware he’s Aroace, he just thinks it’s normal, (in my AA swap au he realizes and embraces it a bit though)
as for gender, is he cis? is he trans? Nobody knows (secretly a trans man pretending to be a cis man, only Klavier knows this)
-Blackquill is unknown, by anyone, not even him himself, he’s definitely not straight though. Actually if he tells you he’s straight he says it like a joke and/or is trying not to laugh when doing so, also trans. You’ll never know in what way though
Taka however is the bird version of the homophobic dog
-Larry is straight and cis, which is canon anyways, I may ship some gay ships with him (like with lang-) but I overall see him as straight like in canon, Plus its fucking hilarious to picture him as the only straight and cis man in all of Japanifornia/hj
Edit: There’s one for Bobby now
-Bobby is transmasc, he gives me the vibes, Transbright real. (Also if all the detectives (+Lang cause he also technically is) met I feel like he and Lang would both get along and be very supportive of each other, like:
Bobby: Great news! I finally got my top surgery! It went great!
Lang: That’s amazing! Great for you! My bottom surgery is next week.
Bobby: That’s great! Best of luck! I can’t believe we’re both detectives and trans men!
Ema in the background: I’m a communist (no not really I just wanted to complete the joke)
Fulbright also gives me gay vibes
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autogynocrat · 8 months
What kind of thoughts did u have when u first started questioning gender? I am wondering if I’m a chaser because I’m a repressor.
well it was kinda a very gradual thing where i had this dysphoria that only got worse every year, tho i didn't realize it was dysphoria until i talked to trans friends about it at around 26. this is very long so brace yourself and it doesn't cover my earliest trans thoughts from childhood, just my dysphoria era
i always had these depressive episodes about my facial hair growing in where i was so depressed i couldn't get out of bed, and I'd end up with a bloody face from how hard i would try to shave bc no matter how close the shave it never felt like enough, i could still feel it. and the male body odor. the haunting smell of my own body. thee size of my shoulders and jaw in the mirror. it was this general malaise about myself
but! it was also this promise. to myself. that if anything ever happened to my testicles that would require their removal i would just pull the trigger on getting hrt. i always figured "im not trans but if i had no balls I'd need to take some hormones to stay healthy, and I'd rather have estrogen. i won't have to worry about my infertility if i have no balls so i won't have any reason not to transition". people had told me to consider going on hormones before but at first i said i didn't want to because i wanted kids one day. later on other people kept telling me i was an egg and i am an obstinate person so i repressed harder to spite the people calling me an egg. my biggest mistake imo.
fast forward to my worst episode. so every year people would tell me that i can't be a femboy forever that eventually its not gonna be cute anymore, I'll look like the 50 year old sissy fetishists who gross everyone out.
every year i had a right winger redpill "friend" who told me i was a year closer to hitting the wall and i needed to give up the femboy shit and take testosterone and become a gymrat, that I'll get a girlfriend if i did that, that I'll be happy.
i did not want to become like that. but i also felt like it was true that "twinkdeath" was approaching. what could i do? my body was masculinized more every year. i tried for maybe 6 months to convince myself "well maybe i can age gracefully become a handsome man" but i would break down when i imagined living the rest of my life as a man.
i just couldn't do it. the thought drove me into the worst episode of my life. and around the same time i saw links on twitter for how to buy estrogen from overseas pharmacies. so i talk to my trans friend about my gender problem. she went through something similar and was happier after trans. so i bite the bullet. i would rather grow old as a trans woman than a cis man. i dont think i cold handle being a cis man long enough to grow old.
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fluxweeed · 1 year
10 first lines
share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics / wips
hi @teeteringpileofunusednotebooks and @nv-md! tysm for the tag + i’m sorry i’m so late!! mari – i’m ridic excited for your stupid number of WIPs – also i feel like you’ve started writing at least? two more? since you posted your version? i’m laughing, but with love. ali – your lines are all so perfect and make me miss ur writing so much! nv-md binge incoming!!! 
the last time i did this was exactly 10 published fics ago, so this is actually perfect timing! last time i also completely ignored the rules and talked in-depth about each line, and u kno what? tumblr is about the only place i feel comfortable being stupidly self-indulgent, so here we are again lmao 🙈
in reverse chronological order:
1. For Lack of Wanting (8.4k, E, unrequited drarry)
I was obsessed with him, you know.
(this line and also the entire first section is so tell-y but tbh i purposefully didn’t care. i just wanted to write some fucked-up unrequited roleplay sex, you know? sometimes you have to forget about writing good and just treat urself)
2. Still the pine-woods scent the moon (15.5k, E, remus/harry)
It seems like a reasonable idea, at first.
(so this fic actually started off as a sirius/harry after i went on a huge @lqtraintracks bender one weekend [and if u haven’t already, stop what ur doing and go inhale all 19 lqt sirius/harry fics immediately]. then i realised there was nothing i could really add to a sirius/harry fic that hadn’t been done already - but i came across this art and it lodged itself into my brain forever. it’s just the vibes, u know?? how soft remus looks but also the way he’s looking right at the camera?? that man is in CONTROL. so anyway then obv i needed to find a way to get him into grimmauld place so he could walk in on draco fucking harry in the arse. thus: first line.)
3. Ferrety Little Mouths and How to Snog with Them (5k, T/M, soft drarry kissing)
“And she lost her shit, can you believe it?”
(can’t rly take credit for this one; this whole section with draco talking about his ex is almost word-for-word a convo i had with a friend about their ex and their friend who was weird about it. not quite sure the phrase “she lost her shit” was used, but that was def the vibe.)
4. Two to Lie and One to Listen (85k, E, drarry fake relationship [sort of])
She’d got another letter from the Ministry that morning. It was from the Muggle Liaison Office this time. 
(god, this fic. in the very first draft, hermione was the legit villain: the sort of friend who is well-meaning and loudly supportive, but is lowkey bigoted and doesn’t think that queer relationships are as meaningful as straight ones. then before the first big rewrite i started thinking more about her motivations and had the idea of making her trans – both to give her a non-bigot reason for agreeing to help draco hide his sexuality and not tell harry about it [it’s all about the trauma, folks!!], but also as a nice little fuck-you to jkr. so then she needed more of her own storyline, bc it felt like a bit of a cop-out to be like “hey this character is trans i swear! anyway let’s mostly ignore her and have her get in the way of the main pairing” [which, honestly, is still sort of the vibe of the fic], so she got her big Let’s Change The World Campaign.
the first version of this prologue was from draco POV; the second version was hermione POV but she was sooo mean and angry; this one is the third attempt. i wanted to show her desperate attempts at making any kind of change, anywhere at all, so it’s a bit more plausible that when she runs into draco malfoy, she’s like “ok yeah sure let’s pretend to be boyfriendgirlfriend!” lol. also does it bother anyone else that there are three different tenses in this one line? everything about this fic makes me sick lmfao)
5. Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) (10k, T, epistolary author!harry/publishing-grunt!draco)
(can’t remember whose idea it was to start with a cv? it seems like the sort of lazy backstory shortcut i would do, lmao, unless it was actually @lastontheboat​’s idea, in which case it was a genius move to introduce draco’s work struggle and set the tone for his journey thru the rest of the fic)
6. An Auror Error (1k, T, stupid drarry auror fic written in tongue-twisters)
Harry shivered under Malfoy’s stern glare.
(1. wanted it to be left a bit ambiguous what harry’s actually feeling here [reality: he’s shivering bc he thinks draco is sexy when he glares, but also he could be scared bc he’s being interrogated?] 2. playing around a little bit with the s/sh sounds. easing into the nonsense to come.)
7. Eight o’clock, tomorrow evening (11.5k, E, drarry legilimency sex)
It was seven fifty-five, and Draco’s stomach churned.
(listen, i thought i was doing something with the title being a line from the end of The Four Doors, which this fic is a lil sequel to. this first line was (a) tying that together even more and also (b) establishing the POV switch from harry POV in 4D)
8. The Taste of Țuică (15k, E, ron/harry/draco)
Mum always says my problem is that I care too much. I think that’s nonsense, honestly—one of those meaningless things mums say to make you feel better about overreacting to stupid shit. But I can’t deny that I care about my friends. I mean, really care about them. You know?
(i’m including the whole first line here instead of just the sentence bc i was trying to do sooo much here, lmao. first, i wanted to really ground this fic in ron POV, and the weasleys are so very Family [u know??], so i wanted to get that in asap. i also wanted to get in ron’s maybe-demisexuality in there – i love love LOVE getting characters to explicitly state something about themselves while also simultaneously not realising it at all [seriously i do this all the time, promptly forget about this if ever u plan to read one of my fics bc it will be all u can see now haha] and this absolutely an example of that. poor old ron is going “hey i love my friends soooo much, i love hermione, and also i love harry, i just love them both SO MUCH. wait why tf did i kiss harry that one time???” what a chump.)
9. Belatedly Consummated (4k, E, drarry post-arranged marriage fuck)
The problem is: Harry can’t stop touching Draco.
(idk man i just really liked the thought of these two idiots having to cohabit and try to remain platonic while they get a magical boner every time they touch each other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this one also gave me a chance to do another thing i rly like to do, which is take the first line and make it the last line, except the last line is somehow Resolved. last lines are fuckin HARD, i use this trick all the time, pls also forget this one before reading any of my fics, ty)
10. Show them the night that they dreamed about before (6.5k, E, percy/harry/draco)
Draco’s first thought is, Huh, Potter’s here again.
His second thought is, What is he doing, bent over the desk like that?
His third thought is, Oh. Weasley is fucking him.
(i think this was the first thing i wrote for this fic and i lowkey still love it. i think it’s maybe a bit confusing? clunky? i feel like one of my beta’s didn’t like it? but it makes me laugh and also i enjoy the mental image of percy going to town on harry and draco standing there experiencing a whole-ass face journey while otherwise completely motionless, so.)
1. 10k/15kish written, E, silly drarry vagina fic
As soon as Harry wakes up, he knows that Something is Not Right.
(i feel like this might stay the same in the final version? this wip is about 5 years old lmao but i’ve been playing with this beginning section a bit recently. have made it 100% sillier and imo it’s improved it so much. still not sure i’ll ever finish it.)
2. 27k/50kish written, M, drarry polyjuice clubfic
In general, Harry is grateful for Hermione’s efforts to keep him alive.
(i strongly suspect i’m going to rewrite this entire first scene once i actually finish the fic and realise there are secret themes that currently elude me. atm it works as a way of getting them to where they need to be [on a brisk morning walk!] and also as a joke later on in the fic, but there’s nothing else really going on with it.)
god i’m so sorry for hijacking a simple tag game to talk about myself at such obnoxious length ;_; hope it encourages more writers to talk about their processes tho, i need more fic writing meta content now galla’s bonus podfic episodes are offline. tag me if u do this / come across this pls!!! love u ❤️
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mlmxreader · 2 years
The Protector | Frank Castle x trans!m!reader
Anonymous asked: ok so i’m gonna request a fic - feel free to get around to it whenever, ik you’ve just gotten a new job (congrats on that btw!!) so literally do this whenever. and def dont start it now because it’s very early in the morning and we all need our sleep.
can i request a frank castle x trans male reader fic that goes w the prompt “you’re mine, no one else is allowed to fucking touch you”? frank sorta shows up at his house at the ass crack of dawn, and he lets the reader tends to his wounds (ofc frank can do that for himself, but a) he’s missing being taken care of if ygwim and b) he wants to check if the reader is safe and ok but has no idea how to do it). could you keep it sfw please tho? like idm swearing ofc but yk what i mean. thank u!!<3
summary: Frank shows up unannounced and hurt at a ridiculous time, but he's lucky that you're willing to put up with that.
tws: injury and wounding, swearing
Oh, Frank was buggered as he hung onto the doorframe and waited for you to answer, doubting that you would; it was hardly dawn yet, the sun only just starting to get up onto its throne, and the chilly wind that whispered so softly made him growl and hang his head, agitated wounds never did like the cold. But then he perked up a little, knowing the song so damn well and fucking grinning when he heard it as the door opened.
'Treat Me Like the Dog I Am', Mötley Crüe. You said nothing as you dragged Frank's sorry ass inside and made him sit down at your kitchen table; he didn't want to talk, not really, but Billy Russo had told him that you were next. He didn't want to go anywhere else even though he had plenty of friends who were qualified for this sort of thing; he didn't like the thought of you being safe. Not when you had come so far in your transition that he was floored by how proud of you he felt. Not when you had always been the most handsome man in his life. Not when you were the only one who could make him blush and grin with little more than a smile; he hadn't done that in so long, before he met you, there had only one person who could do such a thing. Maybe she sent you Frank's way. Maybe not. He wasn't really into that sort of thing; religion was never really his scene.
Still, right now, there were two things on his mind; the first was getting those damn wounds patched. He could do it himself, he had done it before a thousand and one times, but he missed having someone take care of him; the doctors and nurses that he had alliances with could have done it, but Frank felt like he needed to be here with you. He felt like he had to stay, just to keep you safe and sound, just to guard you and shield you.
As you sat down with him, you tore open a packet of plasters and antiseptic wipes, sighing heavily as you chewed at the inside of your lip; sure, Frank had been there for you more times than you could count. He taught you how to present yourself in the way that you felt most comfortable when you asked, he supported you with everything - from your transition and how you saw fit to do so, all the way through to telling you which haircuts would suit you best and even through to the little things like giving you words of reassurance and softness when you needed them - without hesitation, he was there in a heartbeat if you ever needed him. Like when he had brought over battenburg cake at three o'clock in the morning because you wanted some; you weren't sure how he had gotten it when all the shops were closed, but you didn't question it. But it was more than that.
Frank meant a lot to you, a Hell of a lot, and even though you often worried about him, you knew that you had no right to; your feelings for him would never be returned, you had no right to worry when he was the Punisher and you were little more than just some guy who fancied him. You never had any right to worry, but when he clenched his jaw and growled at the sting of the antiseptic, you swallowed thickly and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Frank, but it's gonna hurt like a bitch."
"I'm fine," he replied, "as long as I got you, (y/n), I'm fine."
'Far from the Fame' by Sabaton started to play, and Frank actually relaxed a little when you started to hum along to it, even daring to smile when you sang the chorus to yourself.
"As the war rages on, you are our guide, far, far from the fame, far, far away from the fame but we still remember your name, Karel Janoušek, we mourn the day that you died so be our guide, Czechoslovakia’s pride..."
Frank really missed moments like this, moments when he could actually relax just because he was around you, and he could hear you quietly sing along to the songs you loved so much; he didn't even pay attention to how you patched him up, lost in the sound of your voice and the gentle grace of your fingertips. He licked his lips, and just as he was about to speak, you beat him to it.
"You're all done," you told him, patting his shoulder. "Just don't go getting stabbed and shot and God knows what else again."
He nodded, stealing a look at you and swallowing thickly. "Y'know, I always did like hearing you sing."
You scoffed as you raised a brow, shaking your head. "Of course you do... you want a coffee?"
"Yeah, please," he agreed, watching you walk away as you went about putting the medical equipment away. He heard the rush of the boiling tap and he heard the clink of the spoon against the mug, and before he could thank you properly, you set a cup of coffee in front of him.
"You might as well stay for a while," you told him. "Y'know, so I can keep an eye on you."
Frank hummed, tracing the rim of the mug with his finger as he did his best not to look at you. "Yeah, course... I might as well anyway, someone's gotta protect you."
"I don't need protecting," you muttered. "But if it makes you feel better... sure. You can even sleep in my bed tonight."
"Sounds good," he dared to crack a smile. So broken and jaded and hardly even a smile, but to you, it meant everything. "Besides, if I don't protect you... how can I make sure the only guy I wanna be with is safe?"
You furrowed your brows. "The fuck do you mean?"
"I mean..." he ran a hand down his face and grumbled. "I've been thinking, (y/n), and if you... look, I'm never gonna be a perfect boyfriend, maybe not even a fucking good one, but... if you want me, you can have me."
You nodded slowly, swallowing thickly. "I can have you?"
"If you want me," Frank said quietly. "Otherwise I won't say shit about it again."
"I do," you admitted, daring to grin. "Fuck, Frank, why didn't you say earlier? I mean... shit. I'll tell you later."
"No one's ever gonna get you, though," he growled. "No one. You're mine, no one else is allowed to fucking touch you, and I'll make sure of it."
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
(Feel free to delete this ask if u want) so Im afab I’m kinda confused about my gender. I don’t feel like a woman, or man, or anything else. Every time I consider any gender terms they all seem fine. And I’ve heard the term gender apathetic but I’m not sure it applies to me. My gender just feels sort of like a gray blob. Its not really anything in particular. I also don’t want to misidentify as genderqueer because I already hate having to keep my sexuality in the closet and it would be so much easier to just see my self as cis. I’m afraid to even use anything other than she/her online because I don’t want to get too used to them and accidentally do something I might regret irl.
It's nice to meet you, Lenore, and I think I can understand parts of your experience. I will say that genderqueer isn't something you can really identify with wrong. It's not exclusive to people who aren't cis; cis people can be genderqueer. Anyone can! There's so much that falls under the umbrella, any relationship outside of the gender norms (being trans, being agender, being cis and relating to some experiences of other genders, dressing in ways that defy gender norms, and so much more!) can be genderqueer if that's what you call it.
That being said, it's also 100% okay for you to not identify with the label or to have no label to identify with. You don't have to explore your gender if you don't want to. If you're not in a place where it's easy or safe, or if you plain don't feel like it, that's okay. Exploring yourself can be a whole process sometimes, and it's not required.
If you do want to look into it more, you can take it slow. You can just dip your toes in, and at any point you can back out. That's the great part about it: it's on your own terms!
I can share some of my own experiences with gender and how it works for me as well, because what you're describing sounds similar to my feelings. I'm not a woman, not a man, I'm not nonbinary, I'm not agender. I'm not anything! Any of those words applied to me feels the same because none of them are me. My favorite response to questions about my gender are that it's N/A to me
I've tried for a while to figure out how to explain it and the closest I've gotten is this: it's like asking how tall water is. Height isn't a concept that applies to water. Sure, you can put water in a glass and measure how tall that is, but that's not really how water works. You can only get a height because you put it into something else that shaped it first, you didn't actually measure the height of the water because that doesn't exist. And yeah, water can have depth, but that's the water conforming to its container, not the water itself. Because water doesn't have a height.
That's what gender is like for me. Sure, I can come up with an answer, but any answer will be formed by something else and won't actually apply to gender itself. Because it doesn't exist for me. It's not missing, it's not empty, it just doesn't apply.
And there's no one right way to proceed from there! I often think that if I'd never thought about gender at all, I would've been perfectly fine living out the rest of my life as a woman. It's not like it's bad! It would've been simple to not think about, so if that's the route you want to take that is completely okay.
You can also pick up and put on as many or as little labels as you like. You don't need to go searching for them if you don't want to. If gender apathetic doesn't feel right, then don't use it! If you want to give it a try, then use it! I think it's important to remember that the only labels that are yours are the ones you choose. If some label technically fits, that doesn't mean you need to use it. Technically, I don't identify with my gender assigned at birth. I could call myself trans using that reasoning (being trans is more complicated than that, but for this example I'm using a simple definition), but I don't want to, so I don't!
I don't want to ramble forever, but my main point here is that it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to; there are no requirements. Being confused about gender doesn't mean you have to explore it; it's just an option. You don't have to change labels, or to have any at all in the first place. If pronoun changes are too scary right now, you don't need to do that. If it's something you want, then you can work up to it on your own terms.
And whatever you decide now, you can change your mind later. If you don't want to explore your gender, but decide in ten years you'd like to, that's perfectly fine! If you start to explore and decide you don't want to anymore, you can stop. It's all on your terms.
I don't know if any of this will be of any help, but if you ever want to talk about it or have questions, I'm here! Whatever it may be, I'm open and more than happy to do what I can. I hope you're doing well <3
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lostandfem · 2 years
how did u detach yourself from tra and discovered radical feminism?
It’s a long story but I’ll try to condense it as much as possible. (there’s a TL;DR at the end)
It started from within tra circles. There were always things that felt off to me about it, despite being knee-deep and a full supporter of many of its aspects. Any doubts I had I was taught to bury because it must be an internalized phobia (internalized transphobia, etc). But I kept seeing patterns of trans women doing horrible things in the news. I thought surely it must just be bad apples, right? Every group has those. But the deeper I got into the trans community, the more the trans women I was around started showing me how… weird things were. Predatory things, and coming out with points of view that I was not going to agree with.
For example, things about “plurality” often came from them, and I was very close to that community for a time. But after a while I realized how ableist a lot of their talking points were (anti-recovery, anti-therapy, making therapists and doctors seem like a huge conspiracy and general fearmongering around medical help, implying theyre better and more free-minded than people with DID because their condition was “natural” to name a few).
Kink at pride was another revealing topic, and it got more predatory as I explored deeper. Topics on porn distanced me as well. Polyamoury as well. I once tried to inform a trans woman privately that one of her tweets was offensive to intersex people, just because sometimes people say things they don’t know was offensive and I wanted to help. She berated me for not validating her feelings n shit. I’ll spare the details on those for this ask.
What was once a home for people who felt detached from their lives as their sex was turning into a place that I felt even more alienated from if I wasn’t into what I’m going to call “hardcore sexuality”. They isolate you as a transmasc, too, because trans spaces are only really about trans women. The fun spaces are all about them, the serious discussion spaces are all about them. If you try to talk about yourself as a transmasc, you’re shut down for being tr*nsmisogynistic or a “privileged man”, even if the discussion could be on an open topic like “trans issues”. You’re accused of talking over people or shutting others down despite you yourself constantly feeling shut down and talked over. It’s kinda gaslighting tbh. It’s easy to feel like you have no reason to be upset because you’re the real villain. But what kept me from falling deeper into that rabbithole was knowing I wasn’t more privileged for them because I was female. Maybe they were victims of their own horrible oppressions, but I knew I was a victim of mine, too. There was no way someone born male had the exact same privileges as someone born female, because oppression isnt based on how you look outwardly.
From there I was just tired of typical trans spaces. I frequented places just for binary trans men and felt a lil better in spaces for transmeds, but it still felt off. Even spaces for discussing transandrophobia felt like it was missing the point a lil. I started this account to anonymously explore the opinions I knew tras outlawed. Transmeds, truscum, radfems, etc. Radfems’ opinions kept catching my eye. They were the ones that recognized the female aspect of me and all the stuff that came with, despite IDing as a trans man. Most didn’t care if a trans man was following them. Some openly welcomed it. Things felt so much more grounded in reality with them.
so TL;DR ig I wasn’t the one that detached. Like it wasn’t a conscious choice, I just kept being pushed farther and farther to the outskirts unless I accepted truths I wasn’t willing to accept. Radfem stuff made way more sense and required a lot less mental gymnastics, even if some of them were hard to process after being with the tras for so long. the key is avoiding accepting anything just because it was said, or you were told it was a bad opinion, but letting yourself sit with it and form your own opinions on it first
(certain terms are censored because i just dont want this post to come up in those specific searches)
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So what does being centrist/right leaning mean to you then? i know people who self describe like that who range all around… “hmm if u think about it fascism could work…” “abortion is bad because it makes women act whorish which is bad because… um. I don’t get any and think the no sex until marriage line will help me lock down a bang maid” “gay is bad because it’s caused by parasites” “xyz race is inferior let’s look at the stats” ……..and then I know people who say that over like…. Disagreeing with the trans stuff (despite leftists also disagreeing) and being against “Stalinist communism” and “government regulations” and while I usually find these people myopic and contradictory plus conveniently ignoring all the other ways to approach actual free associations of community mutual support, they aren’t… the other shit.
Thank you for clarifying your tone, as it’s hard to understand which angle people are coming at in digital conversations.
Tbh, you said a lot and I’m still trying to make sense of it all, it might also be because I’m tired, so my brain isn’t functioning at its peak. I want to do more readings on different forms of government (Marxism, Stalinism, Fascism, etc), as I honestly don’t know the philosophy and structures of each. I also want to read more philosophical feminism from de Beauvoir, Friedan, Dworkin, etc.
Just like with everyone, we all agree with different things and I really don’t want to get into the details on everything left/right that I am for/against, as it’s too much to list. If you have a specific example, I can tell you where I currently stand.
I can focus on the radfem/trans stuff since you focused on that in another ask.
Yeah I often times forget radfem is left. A lot of right-leaning influencers I tune into always dismiss any feminist narrative as unnecessary. I feel like the trans exclusionary part is sort of right because the left is very trans-inclusive. This is probably where you see some contradictions in what I’ve posted. That’s because, like with anyone, no one is fully this or that. I cherry pick from the left/right on what I feel is correct or what makes the best sense to me, with respect to my own morals and values.
Another contradiction is that I believe some men are actually trans women and that they aren’t faking it, like most trans women (or trans non-binary) people seem today. The difficult part is self-identification. I am more likely to believe a man is a trans woman from a few years ago compared to now, since everyone and their child is coming out as trans or non-binary.
Let’s say I know a trans woman and I get to know them. If they appear genuine in how they ‘feel female’ (I also have issues with that statement) then I feel more inclined to believe them. I would still want separate safe spaces for women and trans women though. I agree with the statement that trans women are not women. No amount of surgery, HRT, or ways of dress can make them a real woman. I feel they are a type of woman, since I want to believe they feel they were born the wrong sex. I have a feeling that my thoughts on this will change, as I’m starting to question, and look more into whether it’s actually possible to be ‘trapped’ in the wrong body. I agree that a trans woman doesn’t get fully treated or seen as a woman. The only instances, which falls in line with you saying “not in all areas of life”, where they would is if they pass so well people don’t know they’re trans. But yeah, as soon as someone knows they are biologically male, they won’t be treated as a real woman. I believe most people are faking when they say they treat trans women and women the same way. Sure they can easily adjust to call them she/her and maybe do ‘girl talk’, but there’s still those underlying feelings that they are different and were raised male. I still have ways to go on figuring I it where I stand. I still have more learning to to and more listening as well. I hope this helps you understand my take on my little random blog. I appreciate the ask and know that I will do research in time. I am slow to doing stuff that is genuinely good for my personal growth, as I go with the flow of what I’m in the mood to do and what I’m able to focus on.
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9tzuyu · 3 years
closest to me
prompt: coming out to natasha as nonbinary
note: totally meant to write this months ago, but whateverrrr. and yes, i am aware that not all nb people use they/them, this was just my own little work :p.
warnings: being scared to come out to ur sexy redhead russian of a gf :[
i’d tag but i also don’t want to somehow trigger someone :[
thank u moli for proofreading i love u to the moon and back.
. . .
you’d come out to two of your close friends, ones you knew wouldn’t judge you. they’d taken it just as expected, but that was no surprise when you’d known them your entire life. your shared opinions and thoughts were what brought you together in the first place. 
your friends immediately began using your correct pronouns, and you’d never felt more right in your life. it was refreshing to hear yourself being referred by they/them rather than she/her. their constant support made you feel normal again. after so much struggling, things were finally being put into place.
but there was one person, one very important person whom you hadn’t come out to yet, and that was your girlfriend.
the thought of having the conversation alone with her was terrifying. granted, you knew she’d never be anything but supportive, but all the what if’s came flooding through with each attempt you made. 
your fingers trembled as you fiddled with the silver chain around your neck, a nervous habit you’d seemed to form over the years of wearing it. 
god you wanted to tell her so bad.
but as you stood in the kitchen, natasha’s hands around your waist, you began to panic all over again. the familiar fear of judgment wrapped around your throat. 
you didn’t know natasha the majority of your life like you did with friends, so you weren’t really sure what her exact opinions on different pronouns were. sure, she was part of the lgbt community, and of course she was supportive of trans people, but it still made you wonder how she’d feel about pronouns that weren’t he/him or she/her. 
“what’s on your mind, baby? i can practically hear the gears turning in your head.” 
you sighed. natasha always knew when you were lying, so you couldn’t make something up off the top of your head. she wouldn’t force you to talk either though. she’d give a push, but nothing more until you were certain you were ready — or in some cases, when she knew it was becoming too much to bear on your own. 
“just dumb stuff. i’ll get over it soon.” 
natasha nodded against your back, containing her concern for now. “you know i’m here.” she whispered, taking one of your hands away from your necklace.
“want to go downtown? we can look at some of the new shops that just opened up” 
you smiled, “sure.”
for the next few weeks, you weren’t seeming to find any relief though, and natasha picked up on it. she tried her best to make things easier for you, but none of it seemed to work. 
time and time again you reassured her that nothing was wrong, that things would clear up on their own, but another month down the road and natasha could still sense that something was eating away at you.
it’d gotten a little more obvious now. you didn’t go out as much with her when she was with her friends. the constant referral to you as something, or someone, you weren’t was a steady reminder of how outcast you’d originally felt when coming to terms with who you are. 
“she/her” felt like a slap in the face every time you heard it. the words were exhausting, damn near agonizing to hear. but day after day you tried to suck it up out of fear of being rejected by one of the very special people you loved most. 
it wasn’t until one sunday night when natasha came home to you crying in your shared bed when she’d finally had enough. her worry was through the roof and seeing you struggle so much pained her. 
she dropped her keys on the nightstand and crawled into bed behind you, securing her arms tightly around your figure. 
“talk to me. whatever it is, i want to hear about it.”
but that only made you cry harder. you couldn’t help but feel more alienated than you already felt. why were you crying over such a stupid little thing? you could already hear the false words slip from natasha’s lips.
“hey, baby. shh, shh, you’re okay.”
you turned your body to face natasha, teary eyes looking into hers. “you might hate me, or think i’m weird, or a freak, or that i’m just confused.” 
your girlfriend gently combed through your hair with her nails. “i could never think those things about you. please tell me what this is about because i have no idea and i just want to help.”
her steady hand movement rubbing your arm while the other twirled your hand between her fingertips eventually brought you to a more reasonable state. 
“you know how trans people typically go by their opposing pronouns?”
“well... i don’t- i just- god this is so frustrating!” you frowned, unconsciously grasping at the chain around your neck.
“are you trying to tell me you’re trans?”
“no, no, it’s not that. well, i don’t think so, depends on who you talk to. some people like me consider themselves to be classified under the trans umbrella, but not everyone.” 
natasha hummed once more while tracing small shapes against your skin. 
“what do you think of nonbinary people? like, you know, those who don’t use she/her or he/him?” 
she shrugged, and your heart sank for a brief second before she spoke. “i don’t have a problem with it. why?”
“i don’t like being referred to as she/her. my pronouns are they/them. i’m not a man and i’m not a woman... will that ever bother you?”
a smile broke out across the redhead’s face. “doesn’t bother me one single bit. i love you for you, y/n. not for who you think you’re supposed to be.” 
relief was all you could feel. as cliche as it sounded, the weight of the world felt like it had been lifted from your shoulders. you didn’t have to worry anymore, not while natasha was around.
“is this what’s been bothering you for so long?”
you reached over and grabbed a loose red strand, it was your turn to play with her hair. “yeah. i knew you wouldn’t judge, but-”
“what if.” she confirmed and you nodded. 
“does anyone else know?”
“just my two friends i grew up with.”
“no one else?” you shook your head, looping a red curl around your finger. “nope.”
“is that why you stopped hanging out with me, tony, clint and the rest of them? because everyone referred to you as she and her?”
“yeah, felt like a punch in the stomach every time i heard it. made me feel weird, not normal i guess.” you mumbled, almost embarrassed by the confession.
natasha placed a long kiss on the top of your head, rubbing your back for extra support. “they would never judge you, i’d cut them off in a heartbeat if they did. if it helps any, i can ask how they feel about it? poke around some and let you know what they say? then when they don’t have a problem with it, which they won’t, you can come out when you’re ready, yeah?”
you nodded again, although it was slightly hesitant. “sounds good.”
“forgive me if i mess up a couple of times. i’ll try not to make a big deal out of it and just correct myself.” another kiss was delivered to your head.
“oh! last question. promise.��
“when im around other people and you’re not with me do you want me to use they/them? i don’t want to out you when you’re not ready.”
“i swear you’re perfect,” you giggled. “but you can use they/them both when im with you and when i’m not. just try to keep it casual? please?”
“anything for you, sweetheart.”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing and I wanted to know if you could do one where the reader is trans masc and their dad is aizawa And no of 1a knows (except aizawa) until someone who went to school with them starts bullying them, and publicly outs them. And so aizawa makes a really big deal, and accidentally mentions that the reader is his kid, But everyone in 1a supports them and are more shocked when they find out their dad is aizawa. Thank you!!!! I know it's weird I just want validation tbh (´-﹏-`;)
Hi hi hi !! I wasn’t sure if this ask requested male pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘trans masc’) or GN pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘they’ across the request) feel free to educate me on that!! But for now, I used Male Pronouns!
Platonic! Aizawas trans male kid gets outed
⚠️warnings - mentions of outing, deadnaming, me antagonizing shindo bc haha I needed a bad guy-
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Loading off the bus, (Y/n) stretched his arms and let out a huff. He rubbed at his eyes, and activated his quirk slightly to see if it still worked. It wasn’t like it was going to go away, but it became habit to see if he could still do it after a long time or not. A useless habit, you could say.
Though, it was important he still had his quirk, since today was the day he was going to take the Provincial Licensing Exam. Along with his classmates.
(Y/n) strolled around the area, being sure not to stray too far away from his own class and bus. There seemed to be many schools here. Most of them, upperclassmen. (Y/n) swallowed the lump in his throat and stalked up to Kirishima to calm his nerves.
Kirishima spotted him, giving him a curt slap on the back. (Y/n) coughed, adjusting his hero costumes chest area.
“Yo! Aren’t you excited for this thing? Whaddya think we’re gonna do?”
(Y/n) let out a timid laugh, his voice noticeably deep, but almost borderline androgynous. Like he was trying to force it to go lower than it naturally was. An ear perked up from somewhere behind (Y/n). “Yeah, I’m getting kinda pumped u-“
“Well-I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
That sickeningly sweet voice made (Y/n) scrunch up his nose. He didn’t turn around. Nevertheless, the voice kept going. “Eh, well, that’s a lie. Your face was practically plastered everywhere on tv.”
“Tell me-how’s it feel to go to the famous UA, Sayaka-chan?”
(Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, still facing Kirishima as he looked between the two, confused.
“Uh-I think you got the wrong guy, dude. This dudes well...a dude.”
“Mm?” The boy was taken aback, before smirking and leaning next to (Y/n’s) ear. He said, rather loudly, “You didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
“Shut up, Shindo.” (Y/n) voice was quiet. It wasn’t as deep as it was ‘normally’, but it sounded very much less strained. Kirishima seemed to catch on, though he said nothing, out of respect. Though, Shindo did the exact opposite.
“Don’t be so rude, Yaka-chan! I’m just saying hi to my old friend!” Shindo turned to Kirishima, as the UA students started noticing their little show. That-and a scruffy man, who was now completely ignoring what Ms Joke was saying to turn his ears on hyperfocus. “Don’t mind her. I guess she’s on her period today or something.”
“Ne-what’s happing here? Do you know (Y/n)-kun or something?” Mina said. (Y/n) cringed at hearing his name. He knew Shindo was going to say it. Don’t say it. Don’t-
“(Y/n)? That’s the name Sayaka-chan goes by these days?”
His seemingly friendly smile made (Y/n) want to puke. Mina titled her head. “Sayaka? You probably have the wrong person. This is (Y/n).”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), his dirty, smug glare being hidden behind a innocent, confused smile. “You really didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
Shindo took a deep breath in. (Y/n) pursed his lips. “Don’t fucking-“
“Sayaka here,” Shindo slung an arm around the boy. “She’s a crossdresser. She’s ‘trans’. Isn’t that great?”
(Y/n) noticeably stiffened, biting his lip harshly and keeping his eyes pointed harshly at the ground like it was the only way to keep tears from flowing. He clenched his knuckles in embarrassment.
Before (Y/n), Mina, or Kirishima could say something, a hunched over, dark figure placed a hand on Shindo’s shoulder. His nice boy smile dropped. Aizawa, uncharacteristically, looked like he was seething.
“Shindo. Kid. Get away from my son. Before I find your teacher.”
Kirishimas eyes widened while Mina gasped. Son? Shindo bit back a snarl. He smiled irritably and put his sweet tone back on. “What? I’m just talking to Sayaka-chan-“
“His name is (Y/n). If you really want to be a hero, I suggest not being a nuisance to my son or any of my students.” Aizawa grumbled.
Shindo scoffed. “I’m sorry I offended you, mr...scruffy man. I’m not sure which son you’re talking about, though. Don’t you have a daughter-?”
Aizawa reached for his capture weapon, eyes glaring a Ruby red. Shindou was about to lurch forward when Ms Joke stepped in between the two. She huffed, turning to Shindo first.
“Shindo-kun, should you be changing into your hero costume about now? Go do that! The class already went ahead without you!”
Shindo gasped, his persona back on like a mask. “Oh! That’s right! I’m sorry Miss! See you guys! Do your best!”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), in a low whisper. “See you, Sayaka.” And timpered off. Ms Joke turned to Aizawa.
“And you!” She put her arms on her hips. “Just because your kid’s being teased a bit doesn’t mean you have to reach for your weapon!”
Aizawa seemingly let go of his scarf he’d been clutching for a while now. His hair flopped down and framed his face once more. “He wasn’t teasing. He’s been bullying my son since his 2nd year of middle school.”
(Y/n) was awkwardly standing behind Aizawa. Since they had no intention of bringing him in personally to the conversation, he shoved his hands into his pockets. It was then he noticed the majority of 1A staring at him.
He paled. Flashbacks of Shindo publicly outing him whipped by his mind, along with the way he hid his disgusted glare when he came out as trans initially in his 2nd year of middle school. It was his third year and (y/n’s) second year, Shindo being one of (y/n’s) closest friends until he became a ‘crossdresser’.
Were his new UA classmates going to to treat him the same? Would all the girls and boys be hesitant to undress themselves with him nearby, because he’s a “lesbian/girl perving on the guys”? Was he going to have to mend all of these relationships from the start again? A bottomless pit dug into his stomach. He didn’t want that.
Stagnant air filled the atmosphere as everyone stared at (y/n). Already thinking of excuses, explanations, anything, he opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re Aizawa’s son?!” Kaminari yelled, pointing a finger at (y/n). (Y/n) blinked, letting out a confused “eh?”
Mina popped in, flailing her arms in the air like Iida, but less stiff. “Dude! That’s so cool! You think you can tell him to round my 48 into a 90 from last weeks quiz?!”
Slowly but surely, his classmates started crowding around him, all talking at once. There were “Ohh-I can see the resemblance now!”s and “dude how are you still alive?!”s. Everyone seemed to forget what Shindo was talking about.
(Y/n) stood silent. “You guys...aren’t going to mention it?”
Most everyone stopped talking. Sero stepped forward. “Does it really matter? Your still our classmate, man. Plus, Aizawas your fuckin’ dad.”
Murmurs of agreement mused out from the surrounding crowd of UA students. (Y/n) smiled, attempting to answer every question about him or Aizawa as possible.
Ms Joke whistled from far away. Aizawa sleepily lolled his head towards her away from watching his son carefully, seeing if any students acted rudely in anyway.
“So your class didn’t know he was...y’know.”
“Mm.” Aizawa hummed. “Though, they seem to be more interested in him being my son than him not being ‘born a son’. M’glad that they’re bothering him instead of me. But knowing them, they’ll probably ask me some things after the exam.”
“I’m not meaning this in any mean way, but,” Ms Joke was oddly serious. “How are you so fine with this...change? It’s not like I’m saying it’s wrong, no, but you accepted it rather quickly and his transition happened pretty much overnight.”
“Does it really matter if he’s a boy or a girl or not? He’s still a pain in the ass. You don’t need a specific gender to be a problem child. As long as he’s keeping up with hero training and classes, I don’t really care.”
Aizawas eyes betrayed his words. They were dry, as usual, but they observed his students every move, every word they throw at his kid like he was stalking his prey. Like he was subtly saying “Say one misgendering thing, and I’ll expel you.”
In the end, Aizawa was a big softie. His child was happy, and that was fine by him. And, he’s less to deal with when he’s happy. His words, not mine. Ms Joke sighed, knowing her answer, and faced forward.
“Go out with me!”
“Go to hell.”
I’m sorry for assigning a ‘dead name’ in this fic; and I’m sorry if this fic was actually a they/them one!! Sincerest apologies :(
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violentinblack · 3 years
my god, what a ride.
- Martín. Just. Martín. We finally see him in that bank, in that plan, finally shining through the cage of Palermo he's been so long in, finally not afraid and gaining back the fraction of his control and love he had for his masterpiece. This is him. That smart planner, a capable commander, a man so well-versed in the plan he can make it work with whatever he has, the smartass who cheers his teammates with sarcastic names and eccentric speeches. The loyalty he has for the plan and all people involved, finally showing, finally in character. This is Martín being who he is, in his familiar terrain, gaining back the grounds that were taken from him since he saw Sergio again, and I can't be happier seeing him like that. He was amazing, and I have only hopes that he will be even more of a leader in the second part of the season.
- Tokio. I would never have said I cry over Tokio, but I did, because these five episodes have been the best of her character we've ever seen in the show so far. All her humanity, her emotion, her connections and her development and her beautiful little quotes that are very hard to forget about, and in the end, she goes out with a smile, victorious despite all the odds because that's so entirely her-to fight and fight and fight until you either win, or die, or both. The biggest and most beautiful surprise this season for me.
- Denver! I miss his smiling, goofy self from the first season, I do- but the way he's matured and developed from a simple hothead to a voice of reason and a complex, traumatized young man who has lost so much in these heists and is about to lose even more, it was wonderful to see. I'm so happy we will see him in December.
- The handling of Stockholm's character and trauma is a disappointment, and a big one. I was so happy to see her stand her ground and shoot Arturo like she should have at the start, but the process of her getting traumatized from it, from unrealistic flashbacks to getting nearly overdosed on morphine is, well, disrespectfully made. I dislike their handling of her. She deserved to have her great moment too.
- Helsinki, also. Nobody can tell me that he, a soldier himself, would not have put up a decent fight against Gandia-like hellspawns, and did marvelously so, if they didn't opt for incapacitating him again. They keep pushing Helsinki to the side, under the rug, back on the shelf, and I am definitely not a fan of it.
- Neither am I a fan of Sergio and Raquel's "romantic" little planning of things without telling a single teammate what any of them are supposed to be doing in case either gets captured. She is an attempt at a leader, that much is true, but I am very much not a fan of her leadership and I'm glad it was not utilized or pushed too much.
- Alicia, wow. Morbid, funny, eccentric, wicked, and just a little sweet. I love her and her baby daughter, the season was so much fun with her in there. I don't know what will happen to her, but I do have to admit they're handling this entire "Alicia joins them" concept way better than I imagined they would.
- Manila was a star! I love her so much, her crush on Denver, her backstory, her openly and proudly talking about her experience as a trans woman with a strict father. I love her father's development, also, I love them both very much.
-Bogotá's "punch a fascist homophobe" thing was very deserved but also quite off-place and out of character, if I'm being honest, and I get it that Netflix wants to up the inclusivity by using their woke game exclamations but can we do it in a little more convincing way please
- I feel sorry for Rio, that last scene was indeed very emotional
- Arturo die challenge
- I do not want to acknowledge or comment on neither the entire Berlin son thing, nor whatever the fuck they did to Andrés this season. Only calling Greek and Romans "art"? Creepy and obnoxious talks about whether or not his son is into his wife? Not a single slimmer of him, his love, his emotions, anything? Ew. Pathetic. Gross. The heist was well-filmed though.
- Whoever bitched Tatiana up gotta stop because she's just annoying
- Marsella. That's it. Him.
- Nairobi I miss you so much I hope you and your gf have all parties up there wherever tf u are
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reginaofdoctorwho · 3 years
if anyone wants to recommend musicals to me I would fucking adore that. Until then, here are some suggestions:
Love in Hate Nation-- LET��S GO LESBIANS! 1960s sapphic love story taking place in a girls’ reformatory. Also, trans girl played by trans actress!!! Some of the amazing songs are “I Hope” and “Oh Well”. Susannah Son wants to be a singer, her performative activist boyfriend is gross and also wants her to marry him so he’ll have better options politically. Sheila Nail is so fucking cool and I love everyone in this. My brain cuts out about this I’m so sorry babes. There is not a cast recording but there IS an original cast bootleg on youtube.
Holy Musical B@man!-- If you liked the goofiness of 1960s Batman and Robin, but think “man, these guys should’ve been able to swear! And also should have had a candy themed villain!” this is the musical for you. Also if you’ve heard of the very queer Harry Potter musical that JK herself tried to sue over, it’s made by the same group <3. As usual with Team Starkid, whole thing is up for free on youtube by the creators.
Firebringer-- Speaking of the same group... Cave people sapphics who I think are bi or pan. I love them and they’re all so dumb. Also, if you’ve seen the “I don’t really wanna do the work today” vine, that comes from this. I do not remember any of the second half other than one of them taking the ring the other is proposing with... to propose. And the “*blows kiss*” “fuck no, Zazz” “duly noted”. Kind of like a shitpost musical. Once again, free by creators. Actually, check out any of their musicals.
The Prom-- In Indiana, Emma just wants to take her girlfriend to the prom, and in response, the PTA cancels it. With some help from some broadway actors looking for good publicity, they manage to pull it off. So, to summarize, teen lesbian gets gay uncle who knows what she’s going through!! This musical makes me cry every goddamn time. There is a movie now, and I’m very happy about that because *high profile gay rep on netflix*, but I personally did not like the direction they took with it. They put a weird amount of emphasis on biological rather than found family in the movie, and were a little too forgiving when it came to trauma from family for being gay. Also, they took away Emma being butch. This was sadly (loosely) based on a recent true story from I think 2012. Also, was the first gay kiss in the Macy’s parade. You know those movie musicals the straight girls in theater like? The music is similar, but gayer, and for some reason that makes me so fuckng happy. I think it’s because non-queer people have had musicals for so long, and those normally have a 60s vibe, and the music in this does too and it feels more classic?? Sapphic promposal song (het at the beginning). “Unruly Heart” and the end of Act 1 will break you. Please ignore the bad wigs.
Spies Are Forever-- GAY SPIES GAY SPIES GAY SPIES!! Curt Mega (played by... Curt Mega) lost his partner Owen during a mission. Now, he’s just trying to get back into spying like Owen would want. I fucking weep every time. Also, a song about comphet (at 6:36)!! And here is a video essay on how it relates to the Lavender Scare. I want you all to know that everyone also headcanons the femme fatale spy in it as either a lesbian or aroace, which uh, makes sense. Also high quality videos put up by creators. They had Jewish people making fun of Nazis while writing this, but “Not so Bad” is... kinda bad. “Torture Tango” has so much goddamn sexual tension and becomes devastating.
Hadestown--  If you know the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, it’s like that, except capitalism part 1. Orpheus is a poor musician, Eurydice dies, just like the myth. Except, the Great Depression post-apocalyptic setting that works better than it probably should. There are actually 3 soundtracks: the concept album, off-Broadway, and Broadway. I personally don’t like the concept album purely based on vibe. Off-Broadway has an absolutely gorgeous sounding Orpheus, and if you’ve heard of the disaster that was Spiderman: Turn Out the Dark, then you’ve heard of surprisingly amazing Broadway Orpheus Reeve Carney. The Fates are gorgeous and I’ve decided they’re queer. Tony’s performance link here. Explores relationships, with Hades and Persephone’s aging relationship mirrored by Orpheus and Eurydice’s relatively new one. Anyway, unionize.
Jasper in Deadland-- If you know the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, it’s like that, except capitalism part 2. Jasper is a teen who’s best friend Agnes is pretty much the one good thing left in his life. His mom left, he got kicked off the swim team (he’s manic pixie dream boy in this, especially for swimming), and Agnes dies at the beginning trying to show Jasper that she’s brave and he should be too. So, he bravely ventures into Deadland to find her, meeting Gretchen the tour guide along the way. He also finds out that since he’s still living, he can bring memories back to the dead. Songs like “Stroke by Stroke” (he’s uh, definitely a teen, guys) and “Living Dead” (I shared a prinxiety animatic of that on here a while ago).They blend Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Christian, and whatever Dante’s Inferno counts as together to create Deadland. Story’s kinda hard to follow from the soundtrack, so if u wanna learn how it all ties together message me.
Death Note Musical-- Okay babes, here’s where it gets tough. It was written originally in English, and there is a spectacular English concept album, but the only productions have been in South Korea, Japan, and I think Taiwan. Listen to it anyways, find a bootleg of it with english subtitles. It has so much gay tension and also a truly ethereal character who seems to be a lesbian who is also either demisexual or demiromantic. If any of y’all saw the anime like me, it kind of cuts out the arc after episode 26. I personally thought it was actually a better story for it.
Alice by Heart-- Okay, this one makes me fucking cry every goddamn time. In WW2, these poor goddamn kids are all alone in the Tube System (is that what y’all call it? genuinely asking here) with none of their parents but still some grownups. Alice’s best friend Alfred is dying of tuberculosis, and to try to have one last thing together they start reading Alice in Wonderland, only for Nurse Hart to rip it apart to try to separate healthy Alice from dying-from-TB Alfred. It doesn’t work, and Alice proclaims she “knows it all by heart”, She tries to linger in the story with Alfred to have more time with him, he keeps trying to move it along because he’s dying and wants to finish it one last time. Themes are growing up and grief I guess.
Last I checked, there is a bootleg for all of these on youtube. Have fun!
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
Daniel LaRusso: A Queer Feminine Fairytale Analysis Part 1 of 3
Disclaimers and trigger warnings: 
1. These fairytales are European, although there’s often overlap in themes globally. I know European fairytales better, which is essentially the reason I’m not going to branch out too far. I opted to also stick to Western movies so as not to narrow things down, but also in particular “waves hand towards all of Ghibli” amongst many others. There’s a reason the guys in Ghibli are so gender.
2. TW for discussions of rape culture and rape fantasies
Part 2
Part 3
1. Introduction
I recently wrote a little thing, which was about Daniel as a fairytale protagonist – specifically one that goes through some of the kinds of transformations that are often associated with female protagonists of fairytales.
I used quotes from Red Riding Hood, Labyrinth, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Dracula, which, as an aside – the overlap between fairytales, horror, and fantasy and the ways each of those genres delve into very deep, basic questions of humanity and the world is something that will always make me feral. I will be generally sticking with fairytales though. Also I am very excited about some of those Labyrinth concepts going around!
I’m going to use “feminine” and “masculine” in both gendered (as in relating specifically to people) and non-gendered (as in relating to codes) ways throughout this, depending on context.
To be binary for a moment, because sample-sizes of other genders are low, women are usually able to fall into either feminine or masculine arcs, although sometimes the masculine-coded woman can become a “not like the other girls” stereotype and the feminine-coded woman a shallow cliché – in both cases they’re also under more scrutiny and judgement, so it’s always worth asking “is this character not working for me because of the writing or because I have ingrained biases? (Both?)”
Men don’t often get feminine-coded arcs. Because. Probably a mix of biases and bigotry. But there are some that seem to have slipped beneath the shuttered fence of “Sufficient Narrative Testosterone,” and Daniel LaRusso is one of them.
2. Some Dude Comparisons (Men Doing Manly Action-Hero Things like being trans symbolism and loving your girlfriend… seriously those things are hella manly, I wish we saw more of that onscreen…)
a. Neo
Much like Neo The Matrix, whose journey is filled with transgender subtext and specifically and repeatedly references Alice In Wonderland, Daniel doesn’t go through quite the kind of hero's journey usually associated with Yer Standard Male Hero, especially the type found in the 80s/90s.
Neo is my favourite comparison, because of the purposefulness of his journey as a trans narrative and the use of Alice. But I’m sure there are other non-traditional male heroes out there (but are they trans tho? Please tell me, I want trans action heroes).
Neo “passes” as a socially acceptable man, but online goes by a different name - the name he prefers to be known by - feels like there’s something inherently wrong about the world around him and his body’s place in that society, and then gets taken down the rabbit hole (with his consent, although without really “knowing” what he’s consenting to) to discover that it’s the world that’s wrong - not him. And by accessing this truth he can literally make his body do and become whatever he wants it to.
Yay. (The message of the Matrix is actually that trans people can fly).
Neo is – kind of like Daniel – a strange character for Very Cis Straight Guys to imprint on. He spends most of the first movie unsure about what’s going on, out of his depth, and often getting beaten up. He is compared to Alice several times and at the end he dies. He loses. He has to be woken up with true love’s kiss, in a fun little Sleeping Beauty/Snow White twist. Yes, after that he can fly, but before that he’s getting dead-named and hate-crimed by The Most Obvious Stand-In For Normativity, Agent Smith, and being carried by people far more physically capable than he is (people who also fall outside of normative existence).
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Trinity and Neo in The Matrix. The fact that a lot of the time neither of them is gendered is something. Literally brought to life by true love’s kiss.
I’m not about to argue that Daniel LaRusso is purposefully written along these same thought processes, so much as the luck of the way he was written, cast, directed, acted, and costumed all came together in the right way. And this is even more obvious when compared to That Other Underdog Fite Movie That Was By The Same Director as Karate Kid.
b. Rocky
The interesting thing about Rocky is that he is (despite being a male action icon) also not written as a Traditionally Masculine person. Large portions of Rocky – and subsequent Rocky films – are his fear and insecurity about fighting vs his inability to apply his skills to another piece of work and wanting to do right by his girlfriend (and future wife), Adrian. The fighting is most often pushed onto him against his will.
Much like in Karate Kid there is barely any fighting in Rocky I. Most of it is dedicated to how much Rocky loves Adrian and the two of them getting together. The fight is – again like in Karate Kid – a necessary violence, rather than a glorified one (within the plot, obviously watching any movie like this is also partly about the badassness of some element of the violence – whether stamina or the crane kick, it’s all about not backing down against a more powerful opponent).
Rocky is played by Sylvester Stallone. He’s tough, he’s already a fighter (albeit in the movie not a great one yet), he’s taking the fight for cash – so although he’s also soft-spoken and sweet, you’re aware of the fact that he’s got those traits that’d make a male audience go “Hell Yeah, A Man,” or whatever it is a male audience does watching movies like that… cis straight men imprinting on oiled muscle men sure is a strange phenomenon, why do you wanna watch a boxing match? So you can watch toned guys groaning and grappling with each other? Because you want to feel like A Man by allowing yourself to touch the skin of other men?
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Apollo and Rocky in Rocky III. This sequence also includes prolonged shots of their crotches as they run. Sylvester Stallone directed this. This was intentional. Bros.
Daniel LaRusso is not built like that. But that doesn’t really have to matter. Being smallish and probably more likely to be described as “pretty” than handsome, and not having a toxic masculine bone in his body does not a feminine archetype make. It just makes a compelling (and pretty) underdog. 
c. Daniel
So where does the main difference really lie? Between Rocky and Daniel? Well, Rocky has the plot in his hands – Daniel, largely, does not. Rocky is acting. Daniel is reacting or being pushed into situations by others. Just like our boy Neo. Just like Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Snow White – just like some of the women in some contemporary(ish) fairytale films like Buttercup (Princess Bride), Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), or Sarah (Labyrinth).
This isn’t a necessary negative about stories about girls and women, so much as looking at what it is girls and women in fairytales have/don’t have, what they want, and how they’re going to get it. It’s about power (lack of), sexuality (repressed, then liberated), men, and crossing some taboo lines. It’s also about queerness.
3. The Karate Kid Part One: Leaving Home
Daniel LaRusso is a poor, skinny, shortish kid (played by a skinny, shortish twenty-two-year old) who doesn’t fit in after having been taken away from the home he was familiar with against his will. Not every male protagonist in a fairytale leaves of his own will, and not every female protagonist leaves under duress – Red Riding Hood, for example, seems perfectly happy to enter the forest. However generally a hero is “striking out to make his fortune,” and generally a heroine is fleeing or making a bargain or being married off or waiting for help to arrive. She is often stuck (and even Red Riding Hood requires saving at some point).
Daniel then encounters a beautiful, lovely girl on the beach, puts on a red hoodie (red is significant), is beaten up by a large, attractive bully, loses what little clout he may have had with his new friends, and generally has a mostly miserable time until he befriends and is saved by Mr Miyagi. To do a little Cinderella comparison: Miyagi is the fairy godmother who pushes Daniel to go to the ball in disguise as well, and that disguise falls to pieces as he’s running away.
Then Daniel asks for help, Miyagi gets him enrolled in a Karate Tournament, and starts teaching him. Daniel wins the tournament and gets the girl, the end.
While Daniel has chutzpah and is a wonderful character, none of the big events are initiated by him, except for the initial going to the forest/beach (and within all of these events Daniel absolutely makes choices – I’m not saying he’s passive): Lucille takes them to California, Miyagi pushes him to go to the dance, Miyagi again decides to enroll him in the tournament and trains him, and only because Kreese doesn’t allow for any other option, Ali is the one who more often than not approaches Daniel, and even their first encounter is pushed by Daniel’s friends.
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Daniel really is at a dance/ball in disguise and receives a flower from a girl who recognises him through said disguise, it’s unbearable! It’s adorable! I get it Ali, I fucking get it!
Daniel’s main journey within this – apart from not getting killed by karate thugs (love u Johnny <3) and kissing Ali – is to learn from Miyagi. He’s not necessarily a full-on feminine fairytale archetype at this point, although there are fun things to pull out of it, mainly in the context of later films and Cobra Kai: the subtext of karate and how that builds throughout all the stories, the red clothes, the themes of obsession, his being targeted by boys whose masculinity is more than a little bit toxic and based on shame… more on all that coming up.
He doesn’t technically get a home until they build him a room at Miyagi’s place, but he definitely leaves the woods at the end of this one, trophy lifted in the air after being handed to him by a tearful Johnny and all.
And then they made a sequel.
4. The Karate Kid Part Two: Not Out Of The Woods Yet
Daniel’s won the competition, Kreese chokes out Johnny for daring to lose and cry, more life-lessons are given (for man without forgiveness in heart…) and Daniel and Ali break-up off-screen, confirming that TKK1 was not really about the girl after all, which, despite Daniel and Kumiko having wonderful chemistry, is also an ongoing theme. Daniel enters the screen in The Most Baby-Blue Outfit seen since Tiana’s dress in Princess and the Frog? Or that dress in Enchanted? Maybe Cinderella’s (technically silver, but later depicted as blue)? 
(Sidenote: At everyone who says Sam ought to wear a callback to that suit,  you are correct and sexy).
Surprise, Miyagi’s building him a room.
Double-surprise, Miyagi needs to go to Okinawa.
Triple surprise, Daniel reveals he’s going with him, because he’s his son dammit.
The Karate Kid Part Two is maybe the least Daniel-LaRusso-Feminine-Fairytale-Protagonist of the three, because it’s not really his movie. Daniel runs around with Kumiko (aka the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen), continues to be The Best Non-Toxic Boy a middle-aged Okinawan karate master could ask for, lands himself another Built Karate Rival (twice is just a coincidence, right? Right?), and eventually doesn’t die while wearing red again – twice: When Chozen almost strangles him to death at the Miyagi dojo and then during the final fight. The Saving Of The Girl (both the little girl in the storm and Kumiko) actually puts him in a more traditional masculine space than the previous movie did, even if the main theme of the film is about compassion and kindness and by the end, once more the boy whose masculinity is built on rockhard abs and matchsticks is on his knees. Daniel just has that power over big boys. It’s called kick/punch them in the face hard enough that they see stars.
There’s an aside to be made here about how much Daniel really is an observer in other peoples stories in this, although he is the factor that sends both Chozen and Kumiko into completely different directions in life (Chozen and Kumiko main characters when?) Anyway he comes out of it presumably okay, despite being almost killed. Maybe a few therapy sessions and he’ll get over it. Too bad Terry Silver is lurking around the corner…
5. The Karate Kid Part Three: The Big Bad Wolf
Alright people have written Words about the third movie. It’s fascinating. It’s odd. It’s eye-straining. It’s like olives – you’re either fully onboard the madness or it’s too off-putting for you (or you’re like. Eh, don’t see what all the fuss is about either way...). It’s basically a non-consensual secret BDSM relationship between a guy in his thirties (played by a Very Tall twenty-seven year old Thomas Ian Griffith) and a 17/18 year old (played by a shorter twenty-eight year old Ralph Macchio).
Also recently we got more information on Mr. Griffith’s input on the uh… vibes of the film. Apparently it wasn’t just The Sweetness of Ralph Macchio’s face, the screenplay (whatever that amounted to in the first place – release the script!), the soundtrack, the direction to not tone it down under any circumstances, the fact that Macchio categorically refused to play a romance between himself and an actress who was sixteen, no: it was also TIG coming up with fun ways to torture Daniel’s character and suggesting these to the director. Clearly everyone has fun hurting Mr Macchio (including Mr Macchio).
The point is that aaallll of that amounts to that Intense Homoerotic Dubiously-Consented-To D/s subtext that haunts the movie and gives a lot of fun stuff to play with. It’s also a film that – if we’re analysing Daniel along feminine-coded fairytale lines recontextualises his role in this universe.
The Fairytale goes topsy-turvy. Through the looking glass. Enter Big Bad Wolf stage right. Karate is a metaphor for Daniel’s bisexual awakening. 
“Oh, when will an attractive man touch me in ways that aren’t about hurting me?” he asks after two movies of being hurt by boys with rippling muscles. “Why do men continue to notice me only to hit me? Do you think wearing red is making me too noticeable? Anyway, Mr Silver looked really good in his gi today.” 
Daniel’s diary must be a trip.
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Found Family
Summary: “hi! I hope u r having a great day!💛 I was the one who request the ron x trans male reader and I have to say that I loved it! it was beautiful! if u are ok with it can I request one about how the weasley family would react about the reader first vacations after the transition? fluff please? a george x trans male reader pleaseI love ur fics! thanks for reading!” (request) 
Pairing: George Weasley x Trans Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name 
Word Count: 1812
(A/N): Took a while to get this done, but I really like it and it was very sweet.
“Oh my god, they’re gonna hate me. My hair is too shaggy, it got too shaggy, didn’t it? My face, oh no. I look nothing like I did. My voice, my face, me.” (Y/N) moved uncomfortably running his hands through his hair every second he could. He felt as nervous as he did at the beginning of the year.
“It’s gonna be fine, love. They already love you, I promise they’ll just love you harder, knowing them.” George Weasley, his beloved boyfriend, grabbed his hands holding them gently in his hands with a sweet smile on his face.
“No butts, but mine, my dear.” George replied pointing at the beautifully round mother who came running toward them, one hand carrying a bag of lunch for the car ride home and the other ready to pinch any one of her kid’s faces.
“Here goes nothing.” (Y/N) sucked in a long breath and exhaled with a huge smile on his face. He was happy to see his basically second mother, but more nervous by the seconds that passed.
“Oh my boys! It’s been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful faces” She kissed each of the kids except (Y/N). The anxiety really started to build up when she turned around to face the twins not even acknowledging his presence. He was starting to spiral fast, quickly grabbing Geogre’s hand for support.
“Fred. George. I didn’t get many complaints. Good job.” She said sterningly, a cautious finger pointed at them as she looked around for someone, oh no, (Y/N) thought. She didn’t get the 20 letters he’d sent or maybe she’d make him stop dating George. No way this was gonna work.
“Thanks, mum” The twins sighed with a slight smirk on both their faces, even with the instant hurricane (Y/N) was pulled in, he wondered what they were planning.
“Well who’s this?” Molly asked, turning to (Y/N). His nerves hit an all time high and his heart stopped for a moment.
“It’s-uh-“ He stuttered out, of course she didn’t know who he was. He was so different, he felt like running away at this point.
“I’m just messing with you, deary! We missed you so much (Y/N)” She laughed giving him a huge hug and a pat on the back. He laughed nervously and steadied himself again. Her “pats” were devilishly strong.
“I missed you too, Mrs Weasley” (Y/N) said self-consciously, he wasn’t usually so formal with her. He’d known her for years now, but it felt like he was presenting a completely new version of himself.
“Don’t be so formal, my dear. Molly will do just fine, now boys and Ginny. We have a long trip and a lot of food to eat” She was smiling wide as she helped (Y/N) pull his trunk up from the ground.
The car ride was long and tiring as usual as he watched London pass and the country come into view. He was especially nervous about tonight’s big dinner. George squeezed his hand and smiled as they both looked on to the unfolding countryside.
“It’s gonna be great. Dad is gonna get drunk and we’re gonna laugh. Just like old times” He tried to cheer his boyfriend up, but it weighed on his heart more.
“Just like old times.” A phrase he didn’t particularly enjoy in his life right now.
Arthur Weasley loved winter, especially when he was downing glass after glass of fire whiskey as he tried to make jokes and fork at his meal. He stood up suddenly and everyone knew what was coming-
“A toast! I would like to make a toast” He shouted a little too loudly as he brought his glass up to the air.
“Oh no. Dad’s drunk toast.” Fred huffed out nudging George’s who was too busy dazzling (Y/N) for the 10th time that day.
“Oh Merlin.” He whispered back and mentally buckled up for the ride.
“To this wonderful family, a wonderful evening and most importantly to this lovely gentleman for coming!” Arthur pointed not so subtly at (Y/N), a deep crimson starting to appear on his face.
“Cheers!” The twins chanted in unison, egging their father on. Trying to length the speech as much as they could for entertainment of course.
“And might I add! To my lovely wife and her big beautiful bosom-“ Mr. Weasley was about to go on about his beautiful wife’s beautiful bosom, but was thankfully interrupted by Molly spitting out her drink as he was pulled back into his seat.
“Ham. Her big beautiful ham, always the best cooking in this house of course.” He added from his seat raising his glass once more, everyone raising their own glasses to toast Molly’s “ham”.
“This family” George whispered into (Y/N)’s ear causing him to giggle as he was clinking glasses with the room full of people.
He sighed in bed as he rolled over to look at George who was actually reading for once, but he suspected it was for prank research. He kissed forehead lightly and grabbed his night robe.
“I’m going to get some water”
“Cool, love you”
“Love you too, idiot” He sighed and walked down the rickety stairs of the burrow finding him and George were probably the only ones awake at this hour. He didn’t really need a glass of water, just a quiet moment alone as he watched the snow fall from the kitchen window.
In his silent moment he must’ve lost track of everything in existence because he barely heard Molly coming down the stairs and sitting in the chair besides him.
“Hello, dear. Can’t sleep?” She spoke up making him jump.
“Let me make you some hot chocolate” She pushed herself up from the chair and pulled out a pot and ingredients.
“That’s oka-“ He tried to answer, but it wasn’t really a choice. He didn’t really mind. It was just about 2am and he didn’t want to cause her any troubles.
“Nonsense, we’re having hot chocolate” As she filled a pot with some milk, cocoa and sugar. He liked that she didn’t really use magic when cooking, it reminded him of home. Finishing their drink she placed two mugs on the table and sat beside him once again, staring into the window with him.
He sipped on his warm drink a little awkwardly, he wanted to ask what was plaguing his mind. He just never knew when was the right time, he took another sip and sighed.
“Um- Mrs- I mean Molly. You don’t think it’s weird?” He asked quickly before his courage faded.
“What is, deary?” Molly said absentmindedly, looking at him a little puzzled. He darted his eyes back and forth before looking down at himself and she then understood.
“Oh. Not at all, dear. I’ve known many young wizards such as yourself, very upright young men” She smiled warmly at him, his eyes widened a bit in hope and excitement.
“Really?” He said, a question no one really needed to answer. He knew the answer now.
“Of course. I’ve been around, my dear. Meet a lot of people” She put her hand on his and he choked up a bit.
“So you-“
“Yes, dear. Family is family. I would accept you in any form and way no matter what. You’re a Weasley and I’m proud of you” She knew what he needed, she had. He looked at her with so much love in his heart as his eyes started to well up.
She immediately put their mugs down and embraced him tightly as he silently sobbed into her clothing.
“Oh my, dear. It’s okay, you always have a place at this table” She hushed him as she rubbed circles around his back.
“Thank you, Molly” He said, looking up at her and she just smiled sweetly.
“You don’t need to thank me. It’s what a mother does, I have your back and every one of my children’s back.”
“Of course you do” He laughed a little and really let his thoughts ease up as he embraced him.
“Now, finish that hot chocolate and get to bed. I bet George is very worried about you right now” She said snuffing a bit as she stroked his hair as he continued to cry a bit. He gained composure and nodded into her.
“Yeah” He said, muffled by her nightgown.
“You’re a fine young man, my dear. George is lucky to have you, you keep those hooligans in check and most importantly. You love him and he loves you very much” He looked up at her pulling away from the hug, he swore he could see a few tear drops threatening to fall.
He took one last sip of the now room temperature drink and hugged Molly again, she gave him a kiss on forehead and sent him on his way.
He climbed up the stairs, his anxieties in the back of his mind as he rode his new found rush of happiness all the way back to George’s room.
“You smell like hot chocolate- oh no. Did mum talk to you? I hope she didn’t say anything weird, that woman is mad” George said as (Y/N) entered his room, but when he looked up from his copy of “Inconvenience Creation”, he saw the happiest smile on his boyfriend’s face. His heart felt warm and full, he was glad it went well.
“No actually. She said she was proud of me” (Y/N) smiled as he sat on the side of the bed, staring into space.
“Woah. She never says that to me, it’s worse than I thought. She’s replacing me with a better son” He teased and pulled his boyfriend into the bed with him, putting his book down. He breathed in his scent, his mum’s hot chocolate.
“Must’ve been some talk” He yawned and hugged his waist.
“Just don’t replace me anytime soon” He teased further earning a scoff and an eye roll.
“Shut up, asshole.” (Y/N) hit his arm and held his face up, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“I told you they would still love you.” He smirked at him reaching up to give him a soft kiss on the lips, but yawned mid kiss making (Y/N) laugh.
“I shouldn't have expected any different” (Y/N) pushed his hair out of face with a huge smile on his lips as he pulled the duvet over them.
“Damn right.” Geogre replied tiredly.
“I love you” He planted another kiss on his forehead, hugging him tight as he rubbed his boyfriend’s hand on his chest softly.
“Mhm. Me too” He snuggled his face into (Y/N)’s neck, he just stroked George’s hair until he heard soft snores coming from his boyfriend. He sighed happy and exhausted as he slowly fell asleep himself.
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